Package: 0ad
Description-md5: d943033bedada21853d2ae54a2578a7b
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real
0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre,
de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo
de guerra/economía baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores
revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose
nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e
incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un
motor de xogos flexíbel e potente construído especialmente.
Package: 0ad-data
Description-md5: 26581e685027d5ae84824362a4ba59ee
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real (ficheiros de datos)
0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre,
de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo
de guerra/economía baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores
revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose
nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e
incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un
motor de xogos flexíbel e potente construído especialmente.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos principais empregados por 0 A.D.
Package: 0ad-data-common
Description-md5: 8d014b839c4c4e9b6f82c7512d7e3496
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real (ficheiros de datos comúns)
0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre,
de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo
de guerra/economía baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores
revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose
nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e
incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un
motor de xogos flexíbel e potente construído especialmente.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos (configuración e ferramentas)
empregados por 0 A.D.
Package: 0ad-dbg
Description-md5: a858b67397d1d84d8b4cac9d0deae0d7
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real (depuración)
0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre,
de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo
de guerra/economía baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores
revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose
nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e
incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un
motor de xogos flexíbel e potente construído especialmente.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: 0xffff
Description-md5: 28486c6e2bae4d32ccc65d340cf9dab8
Description-gl: Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
The ‘Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher’ aka 0xFFFF utility implements a
free userspace handler for the NOLO bootloader and extended features for
flashing, dumping and getting information for the Nokia Internet Tablets.
Thus it's a free alternative to Nokia's closed source flashing utility
called flasher.
Na actualidade admite os Nokia 770, N800, N810, N810w e o N900.
Package: 2ping
Description-md5: 2543c220a763445976d1348c5b593743
Description-gl: Utilidade ping para determinar a perda de paquetes direccionais
2ping é unha utilidade de ping bi-direccional. Emprega pings triplos
(semellante a TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) e unha comparación de estado «despois
dos feitos» entre un ouvinte de 2ping e un cliente de 2ping para
determinal en que dirección se produce a perda de paquetes.
Package: 2vcard
Description-md5: f6f2cb6577ba2821b51ca843d147b3e1
Description-gl: Script en perl para converter unha axenda ao formato de ficheiro VCARD
2vcard é un pequeno script en perl que se pode empregar para converter o
popular formato de ficheiro vcard. Na actualidade, 2vcard só pode
converter cadernos de enderezos e ficheiros de alcumes dos formatos
seguintes: abook,eudora,juno,ldif,mutt, mh e pine.
O formato VCARD emprégao, por exemplo, o gnomecard, que é utilizado polo
cliente de correo balsa.
Package: 3270-common
Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os emuladores de IBM 3270 e pr3287
3270-common contén ficheiros aos que se fai referencia noutros paquetes de
Package: 389-admin
Description-md5: 54d5378a9195f30f9bb174c93052507a
Description-gl: Servidor de Administración de Directorios 389
389 Directory Administration Server is an HTTP agent that provides
management features for 389 Directory Server. It provides some management
web apps that can be used through a web browser. It provides the
authentication, access control, and CGI utilities used by the console.
Package: 389-admin-console
Description-md5: 6fc9f5f9d05ea8efb3640929f515e9ad
Description-gl: Consola de xestión do servidor de administración 389
Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o
servidor de administración 389.
Package: 389-console
Description-md5: 187e28968b69fb6bd134903810624c7c
Description-gl: Consola de Xestión 389
Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o
Servidor de Administración 389 e o Servidor de Directorios 389.
Package: 389-ds
Description-md5: 6393279e8985eb34d0a155484424ebd5
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - metapaquete
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
Este é un metapaquete que depende do servidor de LDAPv3, o daemon de HTTP
empregado para a administración do sistema e a consola gráfica empregados
para a administración do servidor e os usuarios/grupos.
Package: 389-ds-base
Description-md5: 9c56eb26e44476f95f66b09921fcbf22
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorio 389 - servidor
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
As súas funcionalidades principais inclúen:
* replicación multi-master cuádrupla;
* grande escalabilidade;
* documentación ampla;
* Sincronización de usuarios e grupos de Active Directory;
* autenticación e transporte seguros;
* compatibilidade con LDAPv3;
* consola gráfica para a xestión;
* actualización pola rede e con desconexión cero dos
esquemas, configuración e Información de Control de Acceso nas árbores.
Package: 389-ds-base-dbg
Description-md5: 4c2ac0b43bf41a1d10df8ab0201b84f8
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - símbolos de depuración do servidor
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
Este paquete fornece información de depuración separada do Servidor de
Directorios 389. Resulta útil principalmente para permitir trazados
inversos e análise de envorcados mellores após padecer problemas coas
bibliotecas. GDB atopa esta información de depuración automaticamente.
Package: 389-ds-base-dev
Description-md5: 630be364e8b8b2a8f60ee17e872a2550
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas
centrais do Servidor de Directorios 389, útil para desenvolver engadidos
sen ter que instalar o servidor en si.
Package: 389-ds-base-libs
Description-md5: d2ef365214ac1295f734f49594c9b579
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - bibliotecas
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas centrais do Servidor de Directorios
Package: 389-ds-base-libs-dbg
Description-md5: a6da4f1ada5c9f9d5900310e2cf392c4
Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas
Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de
Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de
usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade.
Este paquete fornece información de depuración separada para as
bibliotecas do Servidor de Directorios 389. Resulta útil principalmente
para permitir trazados inversos e análise de envorcados mellores após
padecer problemas coas bibliotecas. GDB atopa esta información de
depuración automaticamente.
Package: 389-ds-console
Description-md5: 0527ad21ea160a6b8069819e1bcbea2d
Description-gl: Consola de xestión do Servidor de Directorios 389
A Java based remote management console used for managing 389 Directory
Package: 389-ds-console-doc
Description-md5: cf1d4c741f1bc2c83d166c286805280f
Description-gl: Consola de xestión do Servidor de Directorios 389 -- documentación
A Java based remote management console used for managing 389 Directory
This package includes the html documentation for 389-ds-console.
Package: 3dchess
Description-md5: 12d01b96d7645ee302ebc29cde999e92
Description-gl: Xoga ao xadrez en tres taboleiros!
There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are
the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible
directions in which to move. Provides a challenging enough game to all but
the most highly skilled players.
Package: 4store
Description-md5: bd19d7433c49c8266d9772c0651d88a4
Description-gl: RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon
4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data.
4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It
does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL
queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and
efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist.
Este paquete contén o daemon da base de datos e as utilidades
Package: 6tunnel
Description-md5: 48c79c738bde16847fbc9577329a56f0
Description-gl: Proxy de TCP para aplicativos non IPv6
6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only
applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6
addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host.
Pódese empregar, por exemplo, cun proxy de IRC compatíbel con IPv6.
Package: 7kaa
Description-md5: 37b0a07b664e6e2e6b3370a23d7a49cb
Description-gl: Sete Reinos Antigos Adversarios: xogo de estratexia en tempo real
Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a unique blend of Real-
Time Strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage.
O xogo permite que os xogadores compitan contra até outros seis reinos,
permitíndolles conquistar os opoñentes derrotándoos na guerra (con tropas
ou máquinas), capturando os seus edificios con espías ou ofrecéndolles
diñeiro aos opoñentes polo seu reino.
In 2009, Enlight Software released the game under the GPL license. 7kfans
project is updating the game and provides a community for fans. A free
Seven Kingdoms will help continue the legacy.
Package: 7kaa-data
Description-md5: 1a73c20d523b558c525029d969f4827f
Description-gl: Sete Reinos: Antigos Adversarios - datos do xogo
Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a unique blend of Real-
Time Strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: 7kaa-dbg
Description-md5: 94b511da766e562a77d9789e2b8640a7
Description-gl: Sete Reinos: Antigos Adversarios - depuración
Seven Kingdoms, designed by Trevor Chan, brings a unique blend of Real-
Time Strategy with the addition of trade, diplomacy, and espionage.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: 9menu
Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8
Description-gl: Creates X menus from the shell
Este é un programa sinxelo que permite crear menús de X desde a consola,
nos que cada elemento do menú executa unha orde. 9menu está dirixido a ser
usado por 9wm, mais pode ser utilizado con calquera outro xestor de
Package: 9wm
Description-md5: 41ad7a3fb8957b989a3bd02e7e167200
Description-gl: emulación do xestor de xanelas de Plan9, 8½
9wm é un xestor de xanelas de X que pretende emular o xestor de xanelas de
Plan 9 8-1/2 o mellor posíbel e coas limitacións impostas polas X.
Fornece unha interface do usuario sinxela mais cómoda, sen decoracións ou
barras de título fachendosas. Ou iconas. E é premer e escribir.
Package: a2jmidid
Description-md5: a182a4ee1593f675a64da0a57440bb9a
Description-gl: Daemon para expor MIDI de ALSA herdado nos sistemas con MIDI de JACK
O obxectivo principal deste proxecto é facilitar o uso de aplicativos
herdados, non preparados para JACK, nun sistema activado con MIDI para
JACK. a2jmidi é un daemon que incorpora pontes automáticas. Por cada porto
secuenciador de ALSA obtense un porto de MIDI de JACK. Se un porto
secuenciador de ALSA serve tanto para a entrada como para a saída,
obtéñense dous portos de MIDI de JACK, un de entrada e un de saída.
Package: a2ps
Description-md5: 9457a92267bd7683dddba1c4198139e2
Description-gl: a2ps de GNU - Convertedor de «calquera cousa para PostScript» e impresión xeitosa
O a2ps de GNU converte ficheiros a PostScript para imprimilos ou velos.
Emprega un formato lindo por omisión, normalmente dúas páxinas en cada
páxina física, con bordos arrodeando as páxinas, cabeceiras con
información útil (número da páxina, data de impresión, nome do ficheiro ou
a cabeceira que se indique), numeración de liñas, substitución de
símbolos, así como impresión xeitosa para un número grande de linguaxes de
Historicamente, o a2ps comezou como convertedor de texto a PostScript
mais, grazas a delegacións potentes, é capaz de permitir ver calquera tipo
de ficheiro, isto é, pode tamén tratar páxinas de manual, ficheiros dvi,
Entre as funcionalidades máis notábeis de a2ps están:
- diversas codificacións (todas as latinas e outras),
- diversos tipos de letra (descarga automática de tipos de letra),
- diversos recursos,
- diversas interfaces de impresión,
- diversos estilos de saída,
- diversas linguaxes de programación,
- diversos aplicativos de axuda,
- e diversas linguas faladas.
Package: a56
Description-md5: e2a5c0e79ee0be60f379e6e2377bc1b4
Description-gl: Ensamblador para o Motorola DSP56001
a56 é un ensamblador para a familia de microcontroladores DSP56001 da
É capaz de compilar o firmware empregado no controlador dsp56k.c de Linux.
Pódese atopar exemplo de código DSP para efectos musicais como coros,
flange e reverberación en (por
desgraza, o copyright impide a súa distribución).
Package: a7xpg
Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645
Description-gl: xogo de acción de persecucións
The goal of the game is to collect all the gold bullions found in each
level and avoid crashing into any of the enemies. As you progress through
the levels you will encounter harder enemies, and you can gain a short
period of invincibility if you gather gold at high speeds.
A7Xpg is another gem among many by Kenta Cho.
Package: abcde
Description-md5: 22395b74cb7f2e1177d8d13885cab659
Description-gl: A Better CD Encoder
Programa de interface para cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3 e o
codificador de Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex e/ou MPP/MP+(Musepack)
preferido (por omisión, oggenc). Toma un CD completo e converte cada pista
nos formatos indicados e a seguir engade comentarios ou etiquetas ID3 a
cada ficheiro, todo cunha única orde.
Con abcde é posíbel codificar varios formatos cunha única orde, empregando
para iso unha única operación de lectura de CD. Tamén permite ler e
codificar mentres se está sen conexión á Internet e consultar
posteriormente un servidor de CDDB para etiquetar os ficheiros.
Package: abcm2ps
Description-md5: 1ec2feb0d7d2ab5950a0c11c9fa7fd45
Description-gl: Traduce ficheiros de descrición de música ABC a PostScript (ou SVG)
Esta é a portaxe a Debian do programa abcm2ps de Jean-François Mointe. O
programa traduce melodías escritas no formato ABC a PostScript, que pode
ser visto co Ghostview e outros, ou imprimido nunha impresora PostScript
ou mediante Ghostscript. Admite varias extensións semi-padrón do padrón
ABC, como varias voces e pentagramas e pode tamén producir saída en SVG.
Este programa é un derivado moi mellorado do abc2ps de Michael Methfessel,
que non se distribúe máis como parte de Debian. En particular, contén un
monte de extensión para axudar no deseño visual da música clásica.
Package: abcmidi
Description-md5: d868667f8ba17e847a433bf18197f092
Description-gl: convertedor do formato ABC a MIDI e viceversa
Este paquete contén os programas «abc2midi» e «mi2abc», que converten do
formato de notación musical abc ao formato MIDI padrón e viceversa. Poden
xerar acompañamento de acordes de guitarra do ficheiro abc, así como
inserir diversos acontecementos de MIDI; a tradución de MIDI a abc tenta
calcular os compases, os tresillos e as alteracións por si mesmo.
O paquete tamén contén «abc2abc» (un programa para imprimir
bonito/transportar abc), «mftext» (un programa que envorca un ficheiro
MIDI como texto) e «midicopy» ( un programa que extrae as pistas, canles
ou intervalos temporais que se indiquen dun ficheiro MIDI).
Os programas deste paquete están baseados na distribución «midifilelib»,
dispoñíbel en
Package: abcmidi-yaps
Description-md5: 0ecae421794c0caf3e810de0ec1d8a48
Description-gl: outro convertedor de ABC a PostScript
Este programa traduce melodías escritas no formato ABC a PostScript, que
pode ser visto na pantalla ou imprimido. É esencialmente (aínda que non
exclusivamente) unha alternativa ao abc2ps que está baseado no código para
PostScript do abc2ps xunto co analizador de ABC do paquete abcmidi.
A quen lle interese este tipo de software debería mirar tamén o paquete
abcm2ps, que contén un programa semellante que ten un mundo de
funcionalidades adicionais.
Package: abi-compliance-checker
Description-md5: 540b577fa010ac3ef038ebd7b829f7bd
Description-gl: ferramenta para comparar a compatibilidade con ABI de versións de bibliotecas compartidas en C/C++
abi-compliance-checker pode ser usado para axudar a reducir a posibilidade
de que un aplicativo falle cando as bibliotecas compartidas contra as que
está ligado teñan cambiado. As sinaturas e as definicións dos tipos de
datos de dúas versións separadas dunha biblioteca compáranse examinando os
ficheiros de obxectos compartidos (.so) mesmos e analizando os ficheiros
de cabeceiras (.h) fornecidos polas dúas versións da biblioteca e as súas
Os desenvolvedores de bibliotecas compartidas que pretendan atinxir
compatibilidade binaria entre as diferentes versións poden tamén usar esta
ferramenta para detectar se se introduciron cambios accidentais nas
interfaces binarias dos aplicativos (ABI).
O comprobador tamén se pode empregar para avaliar a compatibilidade
binaria entre diferentes distribucións de Linux.
Package: abicheck
Description-md5: a38281f070a37064c10336aabb05a83f
Description-gl: ferramenta de comprobación da compatibilidade binaria
ABIcheck is a tool for checking an application's compliance with a
library's defined Application Binary Interface (ABI). It relies on ABI
definition information contained in the library. Example definitions are
given for GNOME and glibc.
Package: abinit
Description-md5: e3898ff8b5a96b352423b6eee4f46d6e
Description-gl: Un paquete para o cálculo de estruturas electrónicas
ABINIT é un paquete cuxo programa principal permite atopar a enerxía
total, a densidade de carga e a estrutura electrónica de sistemas
compostos de electróns e núcleos (moléculas e sólidos periódicos) dentro
da Teoría do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) empregando pseudo-potencias e
unha base de onda plana.
ABINIT inclúe tamén opcións para optimizar a xeometría segundo as forzas e
tensións ou realizar unha simulación de dinámica molecular empregando
estas forzas ou xeral matrices dinámicas, cargas efectivas de Born e
tensores dieléctricos. Pódense calcular os estados de excitación dentro da
Teoría do Funcional da Densidade (para moléculas) ou da Teoría da
Perturbación dos Moitos Corpos (aproximación de GW). Alén do código de
ABINIT, pódense atopar diferentes programas de utilidades.
Este paquete contén todos os programas necesarios para realizar os
cálculos. Para a documentación e as probas, instale o paquete abinit.doc.
Package: abinit-doc
Description-md5: a1aa525712ef24d4fa901ba0b777f5a8
Description-gl: Un paquete para o cálculo de estruturas electrónicas
ABINIT é un paquete cuxo programa principal permite atopar a enerxía
total, a densidade de carga e a estrutura electrónica de sistemas
compostos de electróns e núcleos (moléculas e sólidos periódicos) dentro
da Teoría do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) empregando pseudo-potencias e
unha base de onda plana.
ABINIT inclúe tamén opcións para optimizar a xeometría segundo as forzas e
tensións ou realizar unha simulación de dinámica molecular empregando
estas forzas ou xeral matrices dinámicas, cargas efectivas de Born e
tensores dieléctricos. Pódense calcular os estados de excitación dentro da
Teoría do Funcional da Densidade (para moléculas) ou da Teoría da
Perturbación dos Moitos Corpos (aproximación de GW). Alén do código de
ABINIT, pódense atopar diferentes programas de utilidades.
Este paquete contén documentación e probas.
Package: abiword
Description-md5: ce3726e526f8ea76d20e3def9d407546
Description-gl: Procesador de texto eficiente e funcional con colaboración
AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete inclúe moitos dos complementos dispoñíbeis de importación e
exportación que lle permiten a Abiword interactuar con formatos como ODT,
WordPerfect e outros. Tamén inclúe ferramentas complementarias que
permiten a colaboración en liña con usuarios de Abiword en Linux e Windows
(usando TCP ou Jabber/XMMP), tradución web, axuda de dicionarios, e máis.
Os engadidos adicionais que requiren cantidades significativas de software
adicional para funcionar atópanse nos paquetes abiword-plugin-*.
Package: abiword-common
Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273
Description-gl: Procesador de texto eficiente, completo e para traballo en equipo -- ficheiros comúns
AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que se empregan en todas as
arquitecturas sen modificación.
Package: abiword-dbg
Description-md5: ed01e833aa92f61b62223baad88d7c89
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do procesador de textos abiword
AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete inclúe moitos dos complementos dispoñíbeis de importación e
exportación que lle permiten a Abiword interactuar con formatos como ODT,
WordPerfect e outros. Tamén inclúe ferramentas complementarias que
permiten a colaboración en liña con usuarios de Abiword en Linux e Windows
(usando TCP ou Jabber/XMMP), tradución web, axuda de dicionarios, e máis.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuracións precisos para depurar o
Package: abiword-plugin-grammar
Description-md5: 6accdf3d3fd880aac171af895fb8f340
Description-gl: engadido de comprobación gramatical para AbiWord
AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete contén o sistema de comprobación gramatical en liña para os
documentos do AbiWord.
Package: abiword-plugin-mathview
Description-md5: 2578fc33b80827c954fcc8789a8fd422
Description-gl: engadido editor de ecuacións para AbiWord
AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
with a variety of plugins.
Este paquete contén un sistema de edición de ecuacións para os documentos
do AbiWord.
Package: abntex
Description-md5: f24f06318565f68622fece1a9de7960d
Description-gl: Clase para LaTeX para escribir documentos na norma da ABNT
AbnTeX é unha clase para escribir documentos no padrón da ABNT. A
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas é responsábel dos procedementos
nacionais de normalización e certificación. O paquete inclúe tamén
compatibilidade con BibTex coas normas da ABNT.
Package: abook
Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6
Description-gl: aplicativo de caderno de enderezos para ncurses baseado en texto
abook é un aplicativo de caderno de enderezos para ncurses baseado en
texto. Fornece moitos campos diferentes de información do usuario. abook
foi deseñado para ser usado co mutt, mais pódese utilizar
Package: abootimg
Description-md5: 44be41a806690df16e9af0e9fe965a7a
Description-gl: Ferramenta para ler/escribir/actualizar imaxes de arranque de android
Os dispositivos con Android empregan un formato de particións especial
para arrancar calquera sistema operativo nos dispositivos. Estas imaxes de
arranque conteñen unha imaxe do kernel, un disco ram, opcionalmente un
cargador da segunda etapa e unha liña de ordes que se lle pasa ao kernel
no momento de arrancar. O mkbootimg orixinal de Android só pode crear
estas imaxes mais abootimg pode tamén extraelas e modificalas. Poder
manipular as imaxes de arranque de Androi é necesario para poder traer
outros sistemas operativos aos dispositivos con Android.
Package: abr2gbr
Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2
Description-gl: Converte os pinceis do PhotoShop para O GIMP
abr2gbr é unha ferramenta para converter os ficheiros de pinceis ABR do
PhotoShop da Adobe e JBR do Paint Shop Pro da Corel ao formato GBR do
Package: abraca
Description-md5: 30918cdf54987a6e647b0f16f5511db7
Description-gl: Cliente gráfico sinxelo e potente para XMMS2
O Abraca é un cliente para o reprodutor de música XMMS2. Foi deseñado
pensado en coleccións, o que fai que xestionar a música sexa moi doado.
Está escrito en Vala e emprega GTK+.
Package: abtransfers
Description-md5: 927d5bc16c80288d06812f4a5b6fbcb6
Description-gl: aplicativo sinxelo de banca na rede para transferencias de diñeiro pola rede
AB-Transfers é un aplicativo para a transferencia de diñeiro de calquera
tipo pola rede. En contraste con KMyMoney ou Gnucash, non se pretende que
se use como aplicativo contábel completo, senón como acompañante destes
para realizar transferencias de diñeiro que estes non realizan.
Package: abuse-lib
Description-md5: 309afb5f08de75195fd67c4371b9b31c
Description-gl: niveis e gráficos para o Abuse
O Abuse é un xogo de acción e disparos con desprazamento lateral da Crack
dot Com.
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do Abuse. Para
máis información, vexa o paquete abuse.
Os efectos sonoros do Abuse non están incluídos por problemas de
Package: accessodf
Description-md5: 76fcc7bc4bb45d4440b4b08dedefac51
Description-gl: Extensión do LibreOffice para comprobar a accesibilidade dos documentos en ODF
AccessODF is an extension that can be used in Writer and in LibreOffice Writer. It enables authors to find and repair accessibility issues in their documents, i.e. issues that make their documents difficult or even impossible to read for people with disabilities. This includes issues such as:
* insufficient colour contrast between text and background,
* missing text alternatives for images and other objects (such text
alternatives are necessary for blind users and other users of
text-to-speech software),
* missing language identification for the document and for language changes
inside the document (language information is needed for conversion into
Braille and synthetic speech),
* the use of proper Heading styles instead of big bold text to identify
headings (this enables document navigation based on headings),
* the use of proper tables instead of visually mimicking tables by using tabs
or spaces,
* the compatibility of images with DAISY, the de-facto standard for digital
talking books.
For each accessibility issue, AccessODF provides a description and repair suggestions.
Package: account-plugin-fitbit
Description-md5: d3f63e0f8383d7825572c68f4c45fa33
Description-gl: Permita que Ubuntu acceda aos datos de FitBit
This plugin allows the user to authenticate to their FitBit account, which
allows the user to gain Accomplishments based on their FitBit data.
Package: account-plugin-gadugadu
Description-md5: 35e935b583131e14af354f5674c348c2
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para GaduGadu
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-groupwise
Description-md5: 2d57233de4347853be0261fc6788e3ef
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para Groupwise
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-icq
Description-md5: ccab7eafa91277c7453c9c75140495a6
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para ICQ
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-irc
Description-md5: ef687a7a2989558bf0d805b8198bbf4b
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para IRC
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-mxit
Description-md5: 8120478a92f36f635b524dc1713d2c38
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para Mxit
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-myspace
Description-md5: 081f9aa5d205e77e96426cacb331580a
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para MySpace
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-sametime
Description-md5: 271e1c4f46866a130e0b3c0e9ce391ca
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para Sametime
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-sip
Description-md5: 5219a7712e6bb2e840966b3b0b07c941
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para SIP
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-ubuntuone
Description-md5: e30ef3f396617e35d5c353b95d2518bf
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - engadido de configuración de contas
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes the accounts plug-in for Ubuntu System Settings.
Package: account-plugin-yahoojp
Description-md5: 1ecd1bf9e21c0366f391db33ef3fc1f3
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para Yahoo Japan
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: account-plugin-zephyr
Description-md5: 07bc2f990b37a5388ae41136e651e860
Description-gl: Engadido de contas de mensaxería para Zephyr
Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers
and inter-application communication over many different protocols,
including: AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook,
Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ.
This package contains UOA account plugins for the Empathy IM application.
Package: ace-netsvcs
Description-md5: a0f85c6269f694a60515cd03bb0a69c6
Description-gl: ACE network service implementations
ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed
system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization.
Este paquete contén programas controladores e ficheiros de configuración
de exemplo para ligar os distintos servizos da rede ACE, tanto estática
como dinamicamente, e formar programas de servidor completos.
Package: ace-of-penguins
Description-md5: d82a08d5d97db2f18fe09492f4031054
Description-gl: xogos de solitario con temas de pingüíns
O As dos Pingüíns é un conxunto de xogos de solitario inspirados nos que
hai dispoñíbeis para MS Windows, pero con moitas melloras.
O paquete consiste nos xogos Canfield, Freecell, Golf, Mastermind, Merlin,
Minesweeper, Pegged, Solitaire, Spider, Taipei (cun editor de niveis), and
NOTA: Se padece problemas coa tecla de axuda F1, asegúrese de ter
instalado o paquete xfonts-100dpi.
Package: acedb-other
Description-md5: 97be9ea18a9e2fcbdb88ae5f65465990
Description-gl: obtención do ADN de secuencias de proteínas
Este paquete recolle todos os pequenos aplicativos que acedb recolle no
destino «outros» do seu ficheiro Makefile.
efetch: probabelmente unha abreviatura de «entry fetch» (obter entradas),
recolle información de secuencias de bases de datos de ADN e proteínas
Package: acedb-other-dotter
Description-md5: ec2a62a2eb69a0c367d649f17a8ccf56
Description-gl: visualización da semellanza das secuencias
For the analysis of biological sequences, a general principle is to
corresponding regions between related proteins, RNA or DNA.
Dotter mostra graficamente a semellanza dunha secuencia de ADN ou dunha
proteína consigo mesma ou con outra secuencia.
Package: aces3
Description-md5: 72e50bf3784ea75f68ec4b2159518043
Description-gl: Conceptos avanzados de estrutura electrónica III
ACESIII é un programa de cálculo de estruturas electrónicas centrado nos
métodos de correlación. É o sucesor en paralelo de ACESII e emprega a
Linguaxe de Ensamblado de Super-Instrucións (SIAL) como infraestrutura de
paralelización. As súas funcionalidades inclúen:
Energies, analytic gradients and analytic hessians for the following methods:
* Restricted/unrestricted spin or restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock (HF)
* Second-order Moeller-Plesset pertubation theory (MP2)
Energies and analytic gradients for the following methods:
* Coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD)
Additionally, it can compute energies for the following methods:
* Coupled cluster singles and doubles with pertubative triples (CCSD(T))
* Quadratic configuration-interaction singles and doubles (QCISD)
Excited states can be calculated by the following methods:
* Qadratic configuration interaction singles and doubles
* Coupled cluster equation-of-motion (EOM-CC)
It also includes an internal coordinate geometry optimizer. If analytic
gradients are not available, numerical gradients via finite differences
are used.
Package: acetoneiso
Description-md5: e08d195f1b4e97a80c19fd915b777b7f
Description-gl: aplicativo con moitas funcionalidades para montar e xestionar imaxes de CD e DVD
AcetoneISO posibilita o uso doado de distintos tipos de imaxes de CD e DVD
nun computador como se foren gravados en CD reais. Pódese empregar este
aplicativo para montar e xestionar imaxes de CD e DVD. Os formatos de
imaxes de disco admitidos son ISO, BIN, NRG, MDF e IMG.
Package: acfax
Description-md5: 483ca623e2e18e8a1a0bc71e40c335dd
Description-gl: Reciba faxes empregando a placa de radio e son
acfax permite recibir faxes empregando a placa de son. Normalmente
poderíase usar para descodificar faxes enviados de radio HF ou desde
Package: acheck-rules
Description-md5: 0a4c57c2dd1295b49c48ee4853b41822
Description-gl: Regras básicas do acheck
Este paquete fornece as regras básicas que comproba o script acheck.
Package: acheck-rules-fr
Description-md5: d7beecddcf60682dbee1ba1649193481
Description-gl: Regras do francés para acheck
Este paquete fornece as regras do francés que comproba o script acheck.
Vexa os paquetes acheck-rules para a páxina do manual.
Package: achilles
Description-md5: 98c4b0ebb5d22ed4131fdbe0005e1bc2
Description-gl: Un simulador de vida artificial e evolución
Achilles is an artificial life and evolution simulator that uses Hebbian
neural networks and OpenGL/SDL to simulate life in a simplified
environment. It is based on Larry Yaeger's PolyWorld.
Package: ack
Description-md5: e0bd2fe10affba7afb2a75ed707de52e
Description-gl: Convertedor de código kanji
O ACK é un corrector/convertedor de kanji moi versátil. O ACK pode
realizar conversións recíprocas entre EUC xaponés, Shift-JIS e JIS de 7
bits. Tamén admite JIS Kata-kana(SJIS Han-kaku Kana). O código kanji
pódese detectar automaticamente mesmo se o fluxo de entrada contén
caracteres kata-kana. Alén disto, o ACK pode usarse como corrector de
código kanji cunha proporción de deteccións moi alta.
Package: ack-grep
Description-md5: b5124c962eb5fec8a0a9840261e265f2
Description-gl: programa tipo grep específico para árbores de fontes grandes
Ack foi deseñado como substituto do 99% dos usos de grep. ack é
intelixente sobre os ficheiros que busca. Recoñece determinados tipos de
ficheiro baseándose tanto na extensión do ficheiro como, nalgúns casos, o
seu contido.
Ack ignora os ficheiros de seguranza e os ficheiros que haxa nos
directorios CVS e .svn. Tamén salienta as coincidencias para axudar a ver
onde se atopa esa coincidencia. Ack empregar as expresións regulares de
Package: acl2
Description-md5: 11f9e97229e3c77927e661525096d127
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: binario principal
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén o binario base de ACL2.
Package: acl2-books
Description-md5: b254130a33041ec03320e5001226eff7
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: bibliotecas compiladas
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén numerosas bibliotecas pre-compiladas e pre-
certificadas para usar ao demostrar teoremas con ACL2. Quen pretenda un
uso serio debería instalar este paquete.
Package: acl2-books-certs
Description-md5: 6db199e882f251b453acf7d17c15ece3
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: certificados das bibliotecas
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este ficheiro contén os rexistros de certificación das diversas
bibliotecas pre-compiladas fornecidas no paquete ACL2-books. ACL2
esencialmente require que todos os libros incluídos estean certificados
antes de usalos.
Package: acl2-books-source
Description-md5: 08e659cca46334f8267d3b949c74e9c4
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: fontes das bibliotecas
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte de lisp das bibliotecas compiladas
fornecidas no paquete ACL2-books.
Package: acl2-doc
Description-md5: 5c7f73fe4a8d5c6db72b616db6a620bc
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: documentación
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén a documentación do ACL2.
Package: acl2-emacs
Description-md5: 785e47d860f1b215d53efbb4f2bef1fc
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: interface para emacs
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén unha interface en emacs para ACL2.
Package: acl2-infix
Description-md5: 81a2aa4af877764973901ab7dc79e3c8
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: interface de infixos
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén utilidades e bibliotecas para acceder a ACL2 a través
dunha notación de infixos semellante á usada en moitas linguaxes de
programación diferentes do lisp.
Package: acl2-infix-source
Description-md5: 6e56cc8795675ff4708abb07184b4eef
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: fontes dos infixos
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte da interface de infixos de ACL2.
Package: acl2-source
Description-md5: 24b72fcd3b9c9afee8776f2d281499a4
Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: ficheiros fonte
ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os
sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as
propiedades deses modelos.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte de lisp do binario principal de
Description-md5: 4bbb46e50189644a386705a8a40eebf2
Description-gl: Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep
This little application displays the time of the day (analog).
Páxina web:
Package: acm
Description-md5: cff82563ac0dadbfa1dd07d2a9bbf3e4
Description-gl: Simulador clásico de combate aéreo para varios xogadores
Unha simulación de combate aéreo para varios xogadores. Os xogadores
entran en combate aire-aire entre si empregando mísiles e canóns térmicos.
Main features include:
* Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom.
* Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation.
* Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load.
* Standard atmosphere.
* Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip
indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator.
* Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF.
* Head-up display (HUD) and inertial reference system.
* Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR
radial, follow ILS glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination.
* Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military.
* Two sceneries provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with
hundreds of runways and radio stations.
Package: aconnectgui
Description-md5: 5eaa182434a2f6f63283b1b178443c4f
Description-gl: xestor gráfico de conexións do secuenciador de ALSA
aconnectgui é unha utilidade gráfica para conectar e desconectar dous
portos existente nun sistema secuenciador de ALSA. Os portos co permiso de
subscrición arbitrario, como crean aseqview, poden ser conectados a
calquera porto (MIDI) de dispositivo.
aconnectgui is a frontend for aconnect, written directly on top of the
aconnect source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple
of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same
functionality, but with a graphical user interface.
Páxina web:
Package: acorn-fdisk
Description-md5: 9bb94a8ada79548177ccfe57ec6f8b3c
Description-gl: editor de particións para as máquinas Acorn/RISC OS
Acorn-fdisk permite editar as particións de disco das máquinas Acorn.
Comprende varios dos formatos de táboas de particións empregados no RISC
OS, incluídos Filecore, ICS-IDE, EESOX e Powertec.
Package: acpi
Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae
Description-gl: mostra información sobre os dispositivos con ACPI
Tenta replicar a funcionalidade da «antiga» orde apm nos sistemas con
ACPI, incluída a información sobre a batería e térmica. Non recoñece a
suspensión de ACPI, só mostra información sobre os dispositivos con ACPI.
Package: acpitool
Description-md5: 8bfbe99c5e1bf2100b04aac2628220b1
Description-gl: cliente de ACPI para a liña de ordes
AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application,
intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience
are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like
battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode).
The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set
ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and
IBM Thinkpad laptops.
Package: acpitool-dbg
Description-md5: 01184a49d86853dcbfdd8540375870cf
Description-gl: cliente de ACPI para a liña de ordes (depuración)
AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application,
intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience
are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like
battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode).
The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set
ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and
IBM Thinkpad laptops.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: actionaz
Description-md5: 3db2a229291db2bdf088a02f19eef365
Description-gl: Emule a actividade humana mediante unha interface gráfica potente e JavaScript
Actionaz é un aplicativo que permite executar moitas accións no
computador, como emular clics do rato, o premer teclas, mostrar caixas con
mensaxes, editar ficheiros de texto, etc. As tarefas poden ser creadas
empregando un simple editor ou a linguaxe de programación EcmaScript
(JavaScript) para unha personalización maior. Actionaz é multiplataforma.
Package: active-documentviewer
Description-md5: 47b232b2f02d63c381d5276bcbade857
Description-gl: Visor universal de documentos para Plasma Active
Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document
features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files.
Este paquete fornece o aplicativo para Plasma Active.
Package: activemq
Description-md5: 791aecb1e510067b381f69430a1de7af
Description-gl: Java message broker - server
Apache ActiveMQ is a message broker built around Java Message Service
(JMS) API : allow sending messages between two or more clients in a
loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous way.
This message broker supports :
* JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional
and XA messaging
* Spring Framework, CXF and Axis integration
* pluggable transport protocols such as in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast,
JGroups and JXTA
* persistence using JDBC along with journaling
* OpenWire (cross language wire protocol) and
Stomp (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol) protocols
Este paquete contén unha instalación de servidor de ActiveMQ.
Description-md5: df40089a66dd2639dd54e76a2a0206d5
Description-gl: Documentación de ActiViz.NET
ActiViz fornece unha potente interface para o Visualization Toolkit (VTK),
un sistema de software orientado a obxectos que abrangue miles de
algoritmos que transforman os datos en ambientes interactivos en 3D.
Este paquete contén documentación exhaustiva en HTML para todas as clases
documentadas de ActiViz.Net en C#.
Description-md5: 73109c6c900f9acada2ee4e8e512706c
Description-gl: Exemplos de ActiViz.NET
ActiViz fornece unha potente interface para o Visualization Toolkit (VTK),
un sistema de software orientado a obxectos que abrangue miles de
algoritmos que transforman os datos en ambientes interactivos en 3D. The
Visualization Toolkit (VTK) é unha biblioteca de alto nivel orientada a
obxectos que permite escribir facilmente programas en C++ e scripts en
Tcl, Python Java que fan visualización en 3D.
Este paquete contén exemplos das fontes de ActiViz.NET.
Package: adacgi1
Description-md5: a1997593754fb7533c09e85e86cdd284
Description-gl: Interface de CGI para Ada
Esta é a interface de David A. Wheeler para Ada 95 da «Interface común de
pasarelas» (CGI). Facilita a creación de programas en Ada que poidan ser
invocados por servidores de HTTP que empreguen a interface normal de CGI.
Package: adacontrol
Description-md5: a3caeeaf8c65d154ffa6c820887aa6c2
Description-gl: Controlador de regras de Ada
AdaControl comproba que o software de Ada cumpre os requisitos dun bon
número de regras con parámetros. Non se pretende que substitúa as
comprobacións realizadas polo compilador, senón que busque violacións
específicas das regras de boas prácticas ou que comprobe que algunhas
regras se obedezan en todo o proxecto. Este paquete contén tamén as
utilidades seguintes:
* pfni: Print Full Name Image -expande calquera identificador a un nome
completamente cualificado * ptree: Imprime unha representación gráfica
dunha árbore ASIS coa fonte correspondente
Package: adanaxisgpl
Description-md5: 6132efbc8fc44ad13f97e10f7d8e676b
Description-gl: Xogo de acción en catro dimensións espaciais
Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where
the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension
to space this game provides an environment with movement in four
directions and six planes of rotation. Initially the game explains the 4D
control system via a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of
gameplay with numerous enemy, ally, weapon and mission types. Features
include simulated 4D texturing, mouse and joystick control, and original
music. Screenshots, movies and further information are available at
Hardware-accelerated 3D is recommended, ideally with support for OpenGL
Shading Language.
Package: adanaxisgpl-data
Description-md5: cf079fb4119672f175f51c8f3cb512d0
Description-gl: Xogo de acción en catro dimensións espaciais
Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where
the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension
to space this game provides an environment with movement in four
directions and six planes of rotation. Initially the game explains the 4D
control system via a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of
gameplay with numerous enemy, ally, weapon and mission types. Features
include simulated 4D texturing, mouse and joystick control, and original
music. Screenshots, movies and further information are available at
Hardware-accelerated 3D is recommended, ideally with support for OpenGL
Shading Language.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura
(gráficos e tipos de letra)
Package: adcli
Description-md5: 3f005076e7a98a598f65545cbab3b448
Description-gl: Ferramenta para realizar accións sobre un dominio de Active Directory
This tool allows the administrator to join the local machine to an Active
Directory (AD) domain. It's taking care of creating the computer account
on the domain and adjusting the kerberos (keytab) configuration.
Tamén permite que o administrador do dominio xestione os usuarios ou os
grupos e as contas dos computadores dos dominios de Active Directory (AD).
Package: add-apt-key
Description-md5: 2e36413f0fc02b5e59911952d05f29ec
Description-gl: Ferramenta da liña de ordes para engadir chaves GPG ao chaveiro de APT
A orde add-apt-key fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda que
engade unha chave GPG nova ao chaveiro de APT.
Quen se incline máis polos gráficos preferirá o paquete gui-apt-key.
Package: address-book-service
Description-md5: 5e42f163ce0cbb80cc74a09215f25e0d
Description-gl: Servizo de contacto de Ubuntu
A contact aggregator service, that exports all contact information through
Package: addresses-goodies-for-gnustep
Description-md5: 2bf16a9188fa9fdd2eb7e5023deca43d
Description-gl: Personal Address Manager for GNUstep (Goodies)
Este paquete contén un par de cousas que poderían ser útiles:
unha ferramenta para fusionar o caderno de enderezos de GNUMail coa base de datos Addresses.
adserver Un servidor de rede de Addresses autónomo.
adtool Unha ferramenta da liña de ordes para a manipulación de bases de
datos de enderezos.
Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03
Description-gl: Xestor de enderezos persoais para GNUstep
Este paquete constitúe un xestor de enderezos persoais para o sistema de
software GNUstep. Permite arquivar información persoal completa, organizar
os contactos en grupos, integrarse con outro software, como clientes de
correo e compartir a información dos enderezos con outros usuarios
mediante a rede.
Package: adplay
Description-md5: da9dc58f2a9e34222cefd017872c19cf
Description-gl: console-based OPL2 audio player
AdPlay is AdPlug's console-based frontend. AdPlug is a free, universal
OPL2 audio playback library. AdPlay/UNIX supports the full range of
AdPlug's file format playback features. Despite this, at the moment, only
emulated OPL2 output is supported by AdPlay, but this on a wide range of
output devices.
Páxina web:
Package: adplug-utils
Description-md5: 33daa2052c67f06329277d2f24c46fd1
Description-gl: free AdLib sound library (utils)
AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player
library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays
sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster
(Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of
an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for
Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais.
Package: aeskulap
Description-md5: c2ac231b4aa1fc34ad6b0ade8acf175b
Description-gl: visualizador de imaxes médicas DICOM e cliente de rede
Aeskulap is able to load a series of special images stored in the DICOM
format for review. Additionally it is able to query and fetch DICOM images
from archive nodes (also called PACS) over the network. Aeskulap tries to
achieve a full open source replacement for commercially available DICOM
Package: afflib-dbg
Description-md5: 12456f1c26097201d46337afd19b4159
Description-gl: support for Advanced Forensics format (debug)
libafflib is a library for reading and writing the Advanced Forensics
format (AFF), an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and
related forensic metadata.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: afflib-tools
Description-md5: 2e4c5210d731b274e4e070f1f55c4329
Description-gl: support for Advanced Forensics format (utilities)
libafflib is a library for reading and writing the Advanced Forensics
format (AFF), an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and
related forensic metadata.
Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais.
Package: afnix-doc
Description-md5: 94e8f76cac01cc81fb148a361eb7998b
Description-gl: Compiler and run-time for the AFNIX programming language (documentation)
AFNIX is a multi-threaded functional programming language with dynamic
symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm. The language
features a state of the art runtime engine. The distribution is available
with several clients and a rich set of modules that are designed to be
platform independent.
Este paquete contén a documentación do AFNIX.
Package: aide-dynamic
Description-md5: 3c085f51d721d7dcb93bb05d2c714096
Description-gl: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - dynamic binary
AIDE é un sistema de detección e intrusións que detecta cambios nos
ficheiros do sistema local. Crea unha base de datos a partir das regras
das expresións regulares que atopa no ficheiro de configuración. Unha vez
que se inicializa a base de datos pode verificar a integridade dos
ficheiros. Ten varios algoritmos resumo (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval,
etc.) que emprega ao verificar a integridade do ficheiro. Pódenselle
engadir máis algoritmos con relativa facilidade. Todos os atributos
normais dos ficheiros pódense comprobar por se hai inconsistencias.
This package contains a dynamically linked binary and should only be used
in exeptional circumstances. To avoid exposure to trojaned libraries, it
is advised to use one of the statically linked binaries.
Package: aide-xen
Description-md5: c100d4da9f2f66ebd26e35d911fddc82
Description-gl: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary for XEN
AIDE é un sistema de detección e intrusións que detecta cambios nos
ficheiros do sistema local. Crea unha base de datos a partir das regras
das expresións regulares que atopa no ficheiro de configuración. Unha vez
que se inicializa a base de datos pode verificar a integridade dos
ficheiros. Ten varios algoritmos resumo (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval,
etc.) que emprega ao verificar a integridade do ficheiro. Pódenselle
engadir máis algoritmos con relativa facilidade. Todos os atributos
normais dos ficheiros pódense comprobar por se hai inconsistencias.
This package contains the statically linked binary for XEN-enabled systems
and should be used in Dom0 and DomU.
Package: airport-utils
Description-md5: 7d4f6f55009c97657fa4f38b7a9d48fc
Description-gl: configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort base stations
Este paquete contén diversas utilidades para xestioanr as estacións base
AirPort da Apple.
Be aware that Apple released several versions of the AirPort base station;
the original AirPort ("Graphite") was a rebranded Lucent RG-1000 base
station, doing 802.11a/b. The AirPort Extreme ("Snow") is an Apple-built
802.11a/b/g base station.
For the original Apple AirPort and the Lucent RG-1000 base stations only:
- airport-config: base station configurator
- airport-linkmon: wireless link monitor, gives information on the wireless
link quality between the base station and the associated hosts
For the Apple AirPort Extreme base stations only:
- airport2-config: base station configurator
- airport2-portinspector: port maps monitor
- airport2-ipinspector: WAN interface monitoring utility
For all:
- airport-modem: modem control utility, displays modem state, starts/stops
modem connections, displays the approximate connection time (Extreme only)
- airport-hostmon: wireless hosts monitor, lists wireless hosts connected
to the base station (see airport2-portinspector for the Snow)
Package: ajaxterm
Description-md5: 9e098aee9d80e3cf59e245095e6a70ea
Description-gl: Consola baseada en web escrita en Python
Ajaxterm é un terminal baseado no web escrito en Python e con algo de
javascript AJAX para o lado do cliente. Pode empregar practicamente
calquera navegador web e traballa mesmo a través de devasas.
Package: akonadi-dbg
Description-md5: 58dd297f5d7987fa1880da046427f822
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para o servizo de almacenamento Akonadi PIM
Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
(PIM) storage service. It provides a common framework for applications to
store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración para investigar problemas
co servizo de almacenamento de Akonadi PIM.
Package: akonadi-facebook
Description-md5: 5b082a70ead0ce48017d039a8c9d2e3a
Description-gl: Facebook resource for Akonadi -- transitional package
This Akonadi module imports calendar information from Facebook for use in
Este é un paquete transitorio para kdepim-runtime e pode ser retirado con
seguranza despois da instalación.
Package: akonadi-server
Description-md5: 80144a9a021e5f971cbb61777684d38e
Description-gl: Servizo de almacenamento PIM do Akonadi
Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
(PIM) storage service. It provides a common framework for applications to
store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
Este paquete contén o servidor de almacenamento de PIM do Akonadi e
programas asociados.
Package: akonadiconsole
Description-md5: f58f659e9446f536b455173966eae2e5
Description-gl: consola de xestión e depuración do Akonadi
Akonadi Console is a useful utility that can be used to explore or manage
Akonadi. Since this utility exposes Akonadi internals, it is very useful
for debugging but may also prove handy in other cases.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: akregator
Description-md5: 685ce24f3633b431b73038bd0f234211
Description-gl: RSS/Atom feed aggregator
Akregator is a news feed reader. It enables you to follow news sites,
blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually
check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both
easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news sources
conveniently. It comes with Konqueror integration for adding news feeds
and with an internal browser for easy news reading.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: alacarte
Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b
Description-gl: ferramenta doada de edición dos menús do GNOME
Alacarte é un editor de menús doado de utilizar para o GNOME que pode
engadir e modificar entradas novas e menús. Funciona coa especificación de
menús de e debería funcionar en calquera ambiente de
escritorio que empregue esta especificación.
Package: alevt
Description-md5: 4acf956ba2bb55de48f0ad00b1637cc2
Description-gl: X11 Teletext/Videotext browser
AleVT is an X11 program for browsing and searching Teletext/Videotext
pages received by a compatible decoder (at the moment, bttv).
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Multiple windows
* Page cache
* Regular expression searching
* Built-in manual
Additional command line utilities can
* receive the time from Teletext/Videotext
* capture pages and write them to disk
Teletext/Videotext is used by TV channels to transmit textual information
pages (it's transmitted via non-visible scan lines).
Package: aliki
Description-md5: aa700150ac855fc2eef498cd2e5dcd35
Description-gl: Ferramenta de medición para respostas de Impulse
Measure Impulse Responses using a sine sweep and deconvolution. For more
complete introduction to this method, see
Package: aliki-dbg
Description-md5: 7b50c5a3978b98ba2b15950ee0ebb1b6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do aliki
Measure Impulse Responses using a sine sweep and deconvolution. For more
complete introduction to this method, see
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: alpine-dbg
Description-md5: 2baca85b27c5856fb76ea255777c7ede
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do cliente de correo baseado en texto
Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name
derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE.
It features a full suite of support for mail protocols like IMAP and SMTP
and security protocols like TLS. It uses curses for its interface.
This build stores the debugging symbols to the alpine package.
Package: alsamixergui
Description-md5: ca23b8a234a90d840e92820b52269ef0
Description-gl: graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
alsamixergui is an FLTK based mixer program for use with the ALSA
soundcard drivers. It supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices.
alsamixergui is a frontend for alsamixer, written directly on top of the
alsamixer source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple
of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same
functionality, but with a graphical user interface.
Páxina web:
Package: alsaplayer-common
Description-md5: 10c33251251d682b719947cff7ab6853
Description-gl: Reprodutor de PCM deseñado para ALSA (ficheiros comúns)
Alsaplayer is a PCM player designed specifically for use with ALSA, but
works great with OSS or EsounD. It's heavily threaded which cuts down on
skipping, offers optional and even simultaneous visual scopes, plays mp3,
mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs, and lots more.
This package contains the main alsaplayer program, and needs one interface
plugin and one output plugin. By default, GTK+ interface and alsa output
will be installed.
Package: alsoft-conf
Description-md5: 9da7d2f7278e7a7adb7b0d6c4cfe6efe
Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración OpenAL-Soft
An easy to use tool to configure OpenAL-Soft.
Package: altos
Description-md5: cf094d7ad02e2efa2e580e53cf661eb0
Description-gl: Altus Metrum firmware and utilities
Firmware and utilities needed to support high power model rocketry
products from Altus Metrum, including TeleMetrum, TeleMini, and
Consulte para máis información.
Package: amarok
Description-md5: 8cb0abbd7a36a44af04429c5df99b014
Description-gl: easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform
O Amarok é un reproductor de música potente con unha interfaz intuitiva.
Reproduce a música que vostede queira e permítelle descubrir nova música
de xeito máis doado que nunca e parece que é bo facendoo! Amarok está
baseado na potente plataforma Qt4 / KDE4 e intégrase de xeito atractivo no
escritorio KDE.
Empregouse moito traballo en integrar o Amarok 2 con varios servizos Web:
- Ampache
- Jamendo Service
- Librivox
- MP3tunes
- Magnatune
- OPML Podcast Directory
Amarok vén con moitas características, incluíndo (pero sen seren as únicas):
- Scripts - mellore a súa relación co Amarok con scripts desenvolvidos pola comunidade.
- Listas de reprodución dinámicas - cree listas que se actualicen automaticamente.
- Vista contextual - personalice a interface coa vista contextual fornecida por Plasma.
- Dosificador de emerxentes - Amarok simplifica as accións de arrastrar e soltar con un sistema de menús revolucionario.
- Traducións a moitos idiomas
- Xestión de coleccións - organizar a súa colección de música nunca
foi tan doado como coas facilidades de etiquetado, renomeado e ordenamento de Amarok.
- Importación de base de datos - importe coleccións de Amarok 1.4 ou desde iTunes.
- Servizos que admiten scripts - integre outros servizos web en Amarok.
Package: amarok-common
Description-md5: 7edb06ad8d166860bb6c8a6ff4667004
Description-gl: ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para Amarok
Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios independentes da arquitectura
para que Amarok funcione axeitadamente. Así, a menos que teña o paquete da
mesma versión do «amarok» instalada, dificilmente vai considerar útil este
Package: amarok-dbg
Description-md5: 11a8ecdda53370b64ba5912cbe25c09a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Amarok
Este paquete proporciona símbolos de depuración para todos os paquetes
binarios construídos dende o paquete fonte de amarok. É moi recomendábel
ter este paquete instalado antes de informar de calquera fallo de Amarok
aos desenvolvedores de Amarok ou de Debian.
Package: amarok-doc
Description-md5: b4eb7b0dab4bb7bf23c9243f8c1ee81b
Description-gl: Documentación do Amarok (Manual)
This package contains Amarok user documentation. It can be opened from the
application menu Help -> Amarok Handbook.
Package: amarok-utils
Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9
Description-gl: utilidades para o reprodutor de multimedia Amarok
Este paquete contén as utilidades de liña de ordes usadas normalmente
Amarok, pero tamén pode ser útil en sistemas sen o Amarok instalado. Foron
deseñadas para seren lixeiras, xa que non dependen das bibliotecas de KDE.
Actualmente, o paquete contén as utilidades seguintes:
- amarokcolleciontscanner - examina os ficheiros de audio, recolle información das
etiquetas dos ficheiros e imprímea no formato estruturado XML.
-amarok_afttagger - un programa auxiliar que escribe/elimina as etiquetas personalizadas
nos/dos ficheiros de medios requiridos para o «Seguimento de ficheiros de Amarok» incorporado.
Package: amavisd-milter-dbg
Description-md5: 5ccd4c6f360e771d825a2121691f4be2
Description-gl: amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs - debugging symbols
This package provides a milter for amavisd-new that works with Sendmail or
Postfix, using the AM.PDP protocol.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do amavisd-milter.
Package: amavisd-new-postfix
Description-md5: 773545be8d857a68c40886e6112d0450
Description-gl: part of Ubuntu mail stack provided by Ubuntu server team
AMaViSd-new é un script que crea unha interface para un axente de
transporte de correo («MTA») con cero ou máis escáneres de virus e
spamassassin (opcional).
Admite todos os escáneres comúns de virus (máis de 20 antivirus
diferentes), permitindo a comunicación directa co daemon para os antivirus
ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, f-proft e Sophoros.
AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode
(ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP
filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail
milter through this package.
This package contains configuration files for amavis and alters postfix
configuration to utilize amavisd-new.
Package: amor
Description-md5: 88f7762a90b857ac37f2c3394ffe49db
Description-gl: desktop companion
AMOR, un divertido desperdicio de recursos (Amusing Misuse Of Resources),
amosa un carácter animado deambulando por la pantalla, facendo bromas e
dando toques ocasionalmente.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: amor-dbg
Description-md5: 91f756dbe8eeacf308defd256187e810
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdetoys
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdetoys. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Package: amsynth
Description-md5: d4b490921ea66cb8c54e8e4cfb3bbf35
Description-gl: software de sintetización de dous osciladores
amSynth features:
* two analogue-style audio oscillators, featuring:
o sine wave
o saw/triangle wave with adjustable shape
o square/pulse wave with adjustable pulsewidth
o noise generation
o "random" wave (noise with sample & hold)
o oscillator sync
o of course, detune and range control
* mixer section with ring modulation
* analogue-style low-pass filter
o 24dB/octave curve
o dedicated ADSR envelope
o cutoff and resonance control
o keyboard pitch tracking
* amplifier with dedicated ADSR envelope
* modulation LFO
o up to 58Hz modulation
o routable to all sections (pitch, filter, amplifier)
* Effects
o High quality stereo reverb (freeverb)
o Distortion/crunch
* Easy navigation and manipulation of presets
* Stand-alone OSS or ALSA Midi/Audio client
Package: amule-common
Description-md5: aa97dc31848cd80e35cd00e92da4b1fa
Description-gl: ficheiros comúns do resto dos paquetes do aMule
This package contains localization files, webserver templates and GUI
skins for aMule. You probably don't want to install this package alone,
but amule, amule-daemon or amule-utils-gui instead.
Package: amule-dbg
Description-md5: e86af298b3dee001e19725dde7ef918e
Description-gl: client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule (debug symbols)
aMule is a peer-to-peer file sharing application, designed to connect to
the eDonkey and Kad networks.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do amule.
Package: anagramarama
Description-md5: 7df0ae841f315cd1c4853a2482a2ce3d
Description-gl: Un rápido xogo crebacabezas que consiste en crear anagramas usando SDL
Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words
as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance
to the next level.
Package: anagramarama-data
Description-md5: 4e700f84969c3edec5e88de9643118c3
Description-gl: fast paced anagram puzzle game using SDL (data files)
Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words
as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance
to the next level.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do anagramarama.
Package: animals
Description-md5: f30d1c2cac6eb8923ffa7c171b0f6951
Description-gl: Traditional AI animal guessing engine using a binary tree DB
Pensas nun animal e este paquete tenta adiviñalo... cando se equivoca,
ensínaslle sobre o animal.
To be more flexible and help educational aspect this game does not contain
an initial database. This also allows it to be used for non animals like
guessing of tools or locations.
Package: animals-dbg
Description-md5: 5099e02b0dd201c7d25d72a8a17dcb7f
Description-gl: Traditional AI animal guessing engine (debugging symbols)
Pensas nun animal e este paquete tenta adiviñalo... cando se equivoca,
ensínaslle sobre o animal.
To be more flexible and help educational aspect this game does not contain
an initial database. This also allows it to be used for non animals like
guessing of tools or locations.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do paquete animals.
Package: ant1.7
Description-md5: 5ceb3b9317ae6734ab188db300acaade
Description-gl: Ferramenta de xeración semellante a make, baseada en Java
Ferramenta de construción independente do sistema (isto é, non baseada na
consola) que emprega ficheiros XML como "Makefiles". Este paquete contén
os scripts e as bibliotecas das tarefas centrais.
Package: ant1.7-gcj
Description-md5: 5ceb3b9317ae6734ab188db300acaade
Description-gl: Ferramenta de xeración semellante a make, baseada en Java
Ferramenta de construción independente do sistema (isto é, non baseada na
consola) que emprega ficheiros XML como "Makefiles". Este paquete contén
os scripts e as bibliotecas das tarefas centrais.
Package: ant1.7-optional
Description-md5: ccdbce1086b391c7aabff03d95a69d02
Description-gl: Ferramenta de construción baseada en Java - bibliotecas opcionais
Ferramenta de construción independente do sistema (isto é, non baseada na
consola) que emprega ficheiros XML como «Makefiles». Este paquete contén
as bibliotecas de tarefas opcionais.
Package: ant1.7-optional-gcj
Description-md5: 57a585c539546126acd9aa0e320f0d4d
Description-gl: Ferramenta de construción tipo make baseada en Java - Documentación e manual da API
Unha ferramenta de construción independente do sistema (ou sexa, non
baseada na consola) que emprega ficheiros en XML como «makefiles». Este
paquete contén o manual de ant, así como a documentación da API Javadoc.
Package: antlr3
Description-md5: 21a2d2105df695e242797a7829b2c9b5
Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a
language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,
compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or
Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers].
A conversión de linguaxes de programación converteuse nunha tarefa común.
Aínda que os compiladores e as ferramentas das linguaxes de programación
tradicionais (como C ou Java) aínda se estean a construír, o seu número
redúcese a prol dos centos de mini-linguaxes para as que se están a
desenvolver recoñecedores e conversores. Os programadores constrúen
conversores para formatos de bases de datos, ficheiros de datos gráficos
(p.ex., PostStript, AutoCAD), ficheiros de procesamento de textos (p.ex.,
HTML, SGML). ANTLR está deseñado para axudarlle en todas as tarefas de
Package: anyremote-doc
Description-md5: cdacc18f88285652bc5584438ed60656
Description-gl: Documentación de anyremote
With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled
via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi
communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or
IR remote controllers.
This package contains the HTML documentation offline.
Package: aoetools
Description-md5: 0c70f1fa0450835b34f95ca5686cf07a
Description-gl: Ferramentas para axudar na utilización de ATA sobre Ethernet
Os aoetools son programas que axudan na utilización de ATA sobre Ethernet.
Estas ferramentas están deseñadas para traballar co controlador «aoe» para
kernels Linux 2.6; de feito, esta versión recomenda a versión 2.6.14 ou
posterior, pois ambas admiten até 16 slots por enderezo shelf.
Os sistemas que se executan o kernel Linux 2.4 non precisan e non deberían
instalar o aoetools. O controlador «aoe» para o kernel 2.4 é auto-
Este paquete inclúe varias ferramentas:
* aoecfg - manipular as cadeas de configuración de AoE
* aoe-discover - activar a descuberta de ATA por dispositivos Ethernet
* aoe-flush - eliminar os dispositivos inactivos do controlador aoe
* aoe-interfaces - restrinxir as interfaces de rede empregadas por AoE
* aoe-mkdevs - crear ficheiros de dispositivo de carácter e de bloque
* aoe-mkshelf - crear ficheiros de dispositivo de bloque para un enderezo de shelf
* aoeping - comunicación simple en userland cos dispositivos AoE
* aoe-revalidate - revalidar o tamaño do disco dun dispositivo AoE
* aoe-stat - imprimir a información de estado dos dispositivos AoE
* aoe-version - imprimir información da versión do software relacionado con AoE
* coraid-update - enviar e actualizar un ficheiro a un dispositivo Coraid
Package: aoeui
Description-md5: fb7797c4400e86e466b63ed20e0056c5
Description-gl: editor de texto lixeiro, non entremetido e optimizado para Dvorak
A very small and efficient display editor built upon a philosophy of
making interaction with UNIX text manipulation commands easy, rather than
duplicating their features. Its command set is optimized for the Dvorak
and QWERTY keyboard layouts.
Also includes asdfg, aoeui's QWERTY variant.
Package: ap-utils
Description-md5: e7c3191e2ce01e12305e29d8aa39358b
Description-gl: Access Point SNMP Utils for Linux
Un conxunto de utilidades para administrar remotamente diversos puntos de acceso sen fíos (PA) mediante SNMP:
* ap-auth - actualizar a listaxe de autenticación
* ap-config - configurar interactivamente ou obter estatísticas de
dispositivos que admitan MIB-II, IEEE 802.11 MIB ou NWN DOT11EXT MIB
e a maioría dos PA baseados no chipset Atmel
* ap-gl - configurar interactivamente ou obter estatísticas de
puntos de acceso baseados en Atmel Prism
* ap-mrtg - obter estatísticas dun PA no formato MRTG
* ap-rrd - obter estatísticas dun PA no formato RRDttol
* ap-tftp - actualizar o firmware dun PA mediante TFTP
* ap-trapd - recibir, analizar e rexistrar mensaxes de trap dun PA
Os puntos de acceso admitidos inclúen Global Sun ProWave GL2411AP, Compex
WavePort WP11, Linksys WAP11, SMC MC2655W, Netgear ME102, Edimax WLAN
Access Point, D-Link DWL 900AP e Eumitcom WA3001A. Tamén deberían
funcionar outros baseados nas placas de Atmel chipsets ou que admitan MIB-
Package: apache2-suexec
Description-md5: 2e2e5d833453263c27eb6bc5c3598903
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para apache2-suexec-pristine
This is a transitional package for apache2-suexec-pristine, and can be
safely removed after the installation is complete.
Package: apcalc-common
Description-md5: 5a2e1d34b094540a0f38364774249fc2
Description-gl: Calculadora de precisión arbitraria (ficheiros comúns)
Calc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic system that uses a C-like
language. Calc is useful as a calculator, an algorithm prototyper and as a
mathematical research tool. More importantly, calc provides one with a
machine independent means of computation. Calc comes with a rich set of
builtin mathematical and programmatic functions.
This package contains architecture independent files required by the main
package `apcalc'.
Package: apcupsd-doc
Description-md5: 1228fcbdeeb1d4a793e9f026680a7f88
Description-gl: APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples)
apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most
BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM),
and Matrix series.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: apertium-es-gl
Description-md5: 7c647ff4399bbd33447ebc036e502f4a
Description-gl: Datos lingüísticos de Apertium para traducir entre o español e o galego
This is a linguistic package for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine
translation system. The package can be used to translate between Spanish
and Galician, both Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula.
To use this package you will need to install both lttoolbox, the lexical-
processing tools, and apertium, the tagger and transfer engine.
Package: apertium-pt-gl
Description-md5: c28acbde6658e0ff4c4583dbebb7785b
Description-gl: Datos lingüísticos de Apertium para traducir entre o portugués e o galego
This is a linguistic package for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine
translation system. The package can be used to translate between
Portuguese and Galician, both Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula.
To use this package you will need to install both lttoolbox, the lexical-
processing tools, and apertium, the tagger and transfer engine.
Package: apmd
Description-md5: 101bf0154b06ad4d7eee1e65235e7658
Description-gl: Utilidades para Xestión Avanzada da Enerxía (APM)
Nos portátiles, a Xestión Avanzada da Enerxía (APM) permite o acceso á
información do estado da batería e pódelle axudar a conservar a enerxía da
batería - dependendo do seu portátil e da implementación de APM. O
programa apmd tamén lle permite executar programas arbitrarios cando se
producen as accións APM (por exemplo, pode expulsar os dispositivos PCMCI
ao suspender ou cambiar os tempos de espera dos discos cando conecte a
Este paquete contén apmd(8), un daemon para rexistrar e actuar sobre as
accións APM, así como apm(1) un cliente que imprime a información de
/proc/apm nun formato lexíbel.
apmd recibe notificación dos acontecementos APM por parte do controlador
de APM do kernel.
Dado que os kernels do Debian lenny non se compilan máis contando con APM,
precísase de compilar un kernel que admita apm se se quixer usar este
paquete. Precísase arrancar o kernel coa opción «apm=on» se se quixer
activar o controlador.
Na maioría dos casos, os usuarios poden desexar saber que existen esquemas
de xestión da enerxía máis recentes, como ACPI.
Package: apoo
Description-md5: d0d29ba5ab9cb2a85607d33f28da42f4
Description-gl: An Assembly course aid
Unha máquina virtual (unha CPU) creada con propósitos docentes. Todos os
programas están escritos en Python e son moi doados de estender para
incorporar pseudo-instrucións tipo assembly. Fornécese unha interface
baseada en gtk2 para axudar coa depuración ou simplemente o exame da
execución dos programas. Outro programa permite que un titor cree
exercicios e escriba regras para cualificar automaticamente as solucións
do alumnado.
Package: apper
Description-md5: 304716341a90e89257031372b96cb4fa
Description-gl: KDE package management tool using PackageKit
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides a KDE package manager based on PackageKit, as well
as package management support for the KDE desktop. It implements the
PackageKit session API for KDE, which allows applications to easily
install additional software (e.g. extensions), uninstall files and perform
simple software status queries.
Package: apper-data
Description-md5: 1a003ab8523a23a88af28d58382f4b4d
Description-gl: KDE package management tool using PackageKit (data files)
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides data files for Apper, the KDE package manager based
on PackageKit.
Package: apper-dbg
Description-md5: 4f11774d7df51aa58e739b63574eea33
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Apper
O Apper é unha interface gráfica de xestión de paquetes baseada na
infraestrutura PackageKit, así como unha implementación da interface do
instalador de sesións PackageKit.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Apper. Cando o Apper
falla, na maioría dos casos este paquete faise necesario para obter un
trazado inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten
padecido un fallo do Apper sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente
reproducir o problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso
Package: apport-kde
Description-md5: c8fd570a74a013e8fc3c502dd64152ce
Description-gl: Interface KDE para o sistema de informe de fallos apport
apport recolle de forma automática certos datos de procesos que finalizan
de xeito non agardado, e crea un informe do problema en /var/crash/.
Utiliza o axudante de envorcado fornecido polo núcleo de Ubuntu.
Este paquete fornece unha interface para KDE para examinar e manexar
informes de fallos.
Package: apport-noui
Description-md5: 679b8a64ce43a788744dbacfc594051c
Description-gl: tools for automatically reporting Apport crash reports
apport recolle de forma automática certos datos de procesos que finalizan
de xeito non agardado, e crea un informe do problema en /var/crash/.
Utiliza o axudante de envorcado fornecido polo núcleo de Ubuntu.
This package provides an upstart job for automatically reporting new
Apport crash reports when enabled.
Package: apt-dater-dbg
Description-md5: 3e0bc0616dbb1a250840c798289b8840
Description-gl: terminal-based remote package update manager (dbg symbols)
apt-dater provides an easy to use ncurses frontend for managing package
updates on a large number of remote hosts using SSH. It supports Debian-
based managed hosts as well as OpenSUSE and CentOS based systems.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete apt-dater.
Package: aptitude-doc-cs
Description-md5: 932ff8810da50569ec3e41432b684d97
Description-gl: Czech manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the Czech version of the aptitude user's manual in
HTML format.
Package: aptitude-doc-es
Description-md5: 932df7cf457fc2f3fe2e8dc860b84561
Description-gl: Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the Spanish version of the aptitude user's manual in
HTML format.
Package: aptitude-doc-fi
Description-md5: 8df27fc79564fcd48eebaddf0a7acda5
Description-gl: Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the Finnish version of the aptitude user's manual in
HTML format.
Package: aptitude-doc-fr
Description-md5: ae91626aed826890c80dbdf82abd2bce
Description-gl: French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the French version of the aptitude user's manual in
HTML format.
Package: aptitude-doc-it
Description-md5: 1c8949b4fe5988a83d1ba2b7cbb3c4a8
Description-gl: Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the Italian version of the aptitude user's manual in
HTML format.
Package: aptitude-doc-ja
Description-md5: 4cfad5a009b39ce6a8f9399bd0bd89fd
Description-gl: Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager
aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que
inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha
maneira flexíbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do
usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian
da maioría dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt-
This package contains the Japanese version of the aptitude user's manual
in HTML format.
Package: apturl-kde
Description-md5: a4b4a26c612de7e3e69da6a468094181
Description-gl: instale paquetes usando o protocolo apt - interface KDE
AptUrl é un sinxelo aplicativo gráfico que toma un URL (que segue o
protocolo apt) como unha opción de liña de ordes, analízaa e leva a fin as
operacións que o URL describe (isto é. pregunta ao usuario se desexa que
os paquetes indicados se instalen e se a resposta é positiva faino por
This package contains the KDE frontend.
Package: apvlv
Description-md5: 4c924a5cb9457b9cbbc4177536ca9799
Description-gl: Visor de PDF de comportamento semellante ao Vim
apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim) is a small and fast PDF viewer, that
uses poppler for rendering. Its interface aims to users who like vim
behaviour. For example opening a PDF file can be done with ':o filename'.
apvlv can also work with tabs, so you can open multiple files at the same
time in one program.
Package: apwal
Description-md5: b34bd32b1a2855e8adeffa44cd8f98b8
Description-gl: icon-based floating application launcher with transparency
Apwal is a simple icon-based application launcher. It consists of two
components: the application launcher itself, and the configuration editor.
Upon startup, Apwal displays icons at the mouse pointer location. Left
clicking on the icons launches applications, and right-clicking opens
Apwal Editor.
Apwal Editor is an easy to use graphical interface to configure Apwal. An
icon selector displays icons available on your filesystem. Several filters
are available to ease the search (by extension, by size, by name, etc.).
Páxina web:
Package: aqualung
Description-md5: ee611f00067175bca6eb14e232891e69
Description-gl: gapless Gtk-based audio player
Aqualung is a music player for the GNU/Linux operating system. It plays
audio files from your filesystem and has the feature of inserting no gaps
between adjacent tracks. It also supports high quality sample rate
conversion between the file and the output device, when necessary.
Admítense practicamente todos os formatos baseados en mostras sen
comprimir (p.ex. WAV, AIFF, AU, etc.). Tamén se admiten os ficheiros
codificados cos formatos de son FLAC (o código de son sen perdas libre),
Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, MPEG Audio (incluído o infame formato MP3) e MOD
(MOD, S3M, XM, IT, etc.), Musepack.
The program can play the music through OSS, ALSA or using the JACK Audio
Connection Kit.
Aqualung supports the LADSPA 1.1 plugin standard. You can use any suitable
plugin to enhance the music you are listening to.
Package: aranym
Description-md5: 83eb6a8171294d3549df9c6a3d08cfd3
Description-gl: Atari Running on Any Machine
Máquina virtual para executar o sistema operativo e aplicativos Atari
Package: arduino
Description-md5: 60f8f72e8783c6b5a72254120b680cdb
Description-gl: AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
Arduino é unha plataforma de prototipos electrónicos de código aberto
baseada en hardware e software flexíbel e doado de empregar. Está
destinado a artistas, deseñadores, para o lecer e para calquera a quen lle
interese crear obxectos ou ambientes interactivos.
Este paquete instala o ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado que permite
escribir programas, comprobar o código, compilar e enviar ao taboleiro de
desenvolvemento Arduino. Tamén se instalan bibliotecas e código de
Package: arduino-mk
Description-md5: 1c4b5b2d695e9a08f840110f4b0fe014
Description-gl: Program your Arduino from the command line
Arduino é unha plataforma de prototipos electrónicos de código aberto
baseada en hardware e software flexíbel e doado de empregar. Está
destinado a artistas, deseñadores, para o lecer e para calquera a quen lle
interese crear obxectos ou ambientes interactivos.
This package will install a Makefile to allow for CLI programming of the
Arduino platform.
Package: argyll-dbg
Description-md5: b86833d17be66ab52f3fb2771718faf9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do argyll
Argyll is an experimental, open source, ICC compatible color management
system. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, CMYK
printers, film recorders and calibration and profiling of displays.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas argyll,
libicc e libimdi
Package: ario-common
Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe
Description-gl: Cliente en GTK+ para o Daemon reprodutor de música (MPD) (ficheiros comúns)
Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The
interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario
aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server
detection and curl to download remote files (like cover arts and lyrics).
Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/ submission or
multimedia keys support.
This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files.
Package: ark
Description-md5: 2826617260d5fe4c63c9795973445730
Description-gl: archive utility
Ark manages various archive formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and
zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract,
create, and modify archives.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: ark-dbg
Description-md5: 418da27ee77f5bc87d306cc5ccf4630f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ark
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en ark.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: arkose
Description-md5: c25d28f30ab02dc99604b7305f7714c4
Description-gl: Desktop application sandboxing - core
arkose is a tool which lets you easily create containers with copy-on-
write support using the namespace capabilities of recent Linux kernels.
Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes.
Package: armagetronad-common
Description-md5: 26712ad4d21fc16655c9354d08cbcb45
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns dos paquetes de Armagetron Avanzado
Armagetron Advanced is a 3D game based on the light cycle racing in the
80s- era movie "Tron".
You have to control a light cycle that can only turn in steps of 90
degrees, leaves a solid wall behind and can not be stopped. The aim is to
survive the longest of all players by not crashing into any walls.
This package contains the common configuration files and documentation
shared between the armagetronad and armagetronad-dedicated packages.
Package: arora
Description-md5: d4bb160d3b16ade0fc86695bd216445d
Description-gl: sinxelo navegador web multiplataforma
sinxelo navegador web baseado en WebKit utilizando ferramentas Qt.
Orixinalmente baseado no navegador de demostración de Qt para amosar as
posibilidades de Qt WebKit. Arora é un navegador moi básico que admite
historial e marcadores.
Package: arptables
Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66
Description-gl: ARP table administration
Arptables emprégase para configurar, manter e inspeccionar as táboas de
regras ARP no kernel Linux. É análogo a iptables mais funciona na capa ARP
en troques de na capa IP.
Package: array-info
Description-md5: f2d396bd6af6218ede45163328bbcd33
Description-gl: command line tool reporting RAID status for several RAID types
Array-info is a command line tool to retrieve informations and logical
drives status from several RAID controllers (currently HP Compaq IDA and
CISS, and MD Software RAID).
It displays informations about the firmware version, Rom revision, number
of physical and logical drives on the controller, as well as the fault
tolerance, size, number of physical disks and status for each logical
Páxina web:
Package: asc
Description-md5: ac145838afe035aea358ef9cc14ce97a
Description-gl: xogo de estratexia por quendas
Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of
Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or
Package: asc-data
Description-md5: 198e5f6642106857ef0eb2951805316f
Description-gl: data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game
Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of
BattleIsle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo ASC.
Package: asclock-themes
Description-md5: def29687338f3b5a590534994af92079
Description-gl: Theme files for ASclock, a clock applet
Este paquete fornece varios temas para os diversos paquetes de ASclock,
entre eles o tema clásico, que imita o aplicativo ASclock orixinal.
Package: ash
Description-md5: dfaa90778ec9574851d009730b4a705a
Description-gl: paquete de compatibilidade para dash
Este paquete permite actualizar ash para o seu substituto, dash. Inclúe a
ligazón simbólica /bin/ash. Pódese eliminar cando non se utilice máis
Package: asis-doc
Description-md5: 409a02eed8b03f1c7100ef4fabe29bbb
Description-gl: Documentación da Especificación da interface semántica Ada (ASIS)
ASIS (Ada Semantic Interface Specification) lets you develop applications
to walk through the sources of your Ada programs and examine the semantic
Este paquete contén a documentación nos formatos HTML, info, PDF e texto
Package: asis-programs
Description-md5: 70df90626932e90d0957576a5c5336ad
Description-gl: Programas de exemplo da Especificación da interface semántica Ada (ASIS)
ASIS (Ada Semantic Interface Specification) lets you develop applications
to walk through the sources of your Ada programs and examine the semantic
* asistant is an interactive command-line tool to explore the ASIS parse tree
of a program.
* gnatcheck verifies the conformance of source text to coding conventions
* gnatelim finds out unused subprograms and eliminates them.
* gnatmetric calculates metrics such as code complexity.
* gnatpp is a pretty-printer which reformats Ada source text according to
a default or user-specified style guide.
* gnatstub generates an empty but compilable body for a given specification.
* gnatsync analyzes multitasking programs to find possible race conditions.
Package: asmail
Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0
Description-gl: Monitor de correo para AfterStep
asmail is a small mail monitor similar to xbiff. It follows the AfterStep
window manager's look and feel and is ideally suited to be run within
AfterStep's Wharf module.
Package: asmixer
Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9
Description-gl: Mesturador de son para AfterStep
asmixer is a small audio mixer. It follows the look and feel of the
AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within
AfterStep's Wharf module.
Package: aspell-af
Description-md5: 4ed0b4dd12c937050b3d211e20bb8d92
Description-gl: O dicionario de africaans para aspell
Este é o dicionario de africaans para utilizar co aspell.
Package: aspell-am
Description-md5: 40587b2617800dcc78d180023cc116b5
Description-gl: O dicionario de amárico para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir o soporte
da lingua amárica ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-ar
Description-md5: 2bd33021f309828e666070f978404831
Description-gl: Dicionario de árabe para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir o soporte
da lingua árabe ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-ar-large
Description-md5: ee8e97096037339acc08e89c04436387
Description-gl: Dicionario grande de árabe para aspell
Este é o dicionario grande de árabe para Aspell de Google. A lista de
palabras orixinal utilizada para este paquete foi xerada empregando The
Buckwalter Arabic Morphological Analyzer Version 1.0.
Este paquete é enorme, polo que é de esperar que diminúa o desempeño con
Package: aspell-bg
Description-md5: 421625eda579191ec44af1516cfec9ee
Description-gl: Dicionario de búlgaro para aspell
This package contains all the required files to add support for Bulgarian
language to the GNU Aspell spell checker.
It contains both Bulgarian-only dictionary and a mixed Bulgarian + English
one useful for checking the spelling of mixed texts.
Package: aspell-bn
Description-md5: 1e4e0b453f2c93adf0ee9bbe7b02e7d8
Description-gl: Dicionario de bengalí (bn) para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua bengalí (bn) ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Esta lista desenvólvea o Grupo Ankur.
Package: aspell-br
Description-md5: b0b59038d683fe6c03cf9ef9f00dd734
Description-gl: Dicionario de bretón para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua bretoa ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-ca
Description-md5: ac1a5e69d940eb04be1942837e419d62
Description-gl: Dicionario de catalán para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua catalá ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Creouno Joan Moratinos empregando datos de diferentes fontes.
Package: aspell-cs
Description-md5: 166da7b47282ee84e409efcc75c2432c
Description-gl: Dicionario de checo para o Aspell de GNU
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua checa ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-cy
Description-md5: f5491df5b6bdbf6208c16170e49a9c23
Description-gl: Welsh dictionary for GNU Aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua galesa ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-da
Description-md5: 134cdf52e5c12b0ea5eb000429f9c460
Description-gl: The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - aspell
The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) is a free spell-checking
dictionary for Danish published by Skaane Sjaelland Linux User Group
(SSLUG). One thing which makes this dictionary different from most other
dictionaries is that it basically is the result of a vote among the proof-
readers. The editorial group has _not_ proof-read all the words in the
dictionary, but guides the proof-readers and keeps track of the overall
status of the dictionary.
Este é o dicionario de dinamarqués para empregar con aspell para verificar
e correxir a ortografía nos textos en dinamarqués.
Package: aspell-de
Description-md5: 39cd0f073bca936d349803a5e5b99a9d
Description-gl: Dicionario de alemán para aspell
Este paquete contén dicionarios de alemán para o corrector ortográfico
Os dicionarios incluídos son: de_DE (de/deutsch/alemán), de_CH (suízo), e
de_AT, todos os cais empregan a nova ortografía do alemán de 1996 (neue
The old (1901) spelling is provided by aspell-de-alt.
Package: aspell-de-alt
Description-md5: cbb9c1ad22430038b88220afc99e7cda
Description-gl: Dicionario de alemán para aspell (ortografía antiga)
Este paquete contén dicionarios de alemán para o corrector ortográfico
Os dicionarios incluídos son de-alt (deutsch-alt/alemán antigo) e de_CH-
alt, todos os cais empregan a ortografía do alemán de 1901) (alte
A nova ortografía (1996) fornécea aspell-de.
Package: aspell-el
Description-md5: 586966efae08561adecfd3c4604e76ff
Description-gl: Dicionario de grego para o Aspell de GNU
This package contains all the required files to add support for the Greek
language to the GNU Aspell spell checker.
Package: aspell-eo
Description-md5: 3441555c663e9cb3488c113f3af8d64f
Description-gl: Dicionario de esperanto para aspell
This is the Esperanto dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. The
dictionary is based on the words from Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, with
additional country/language names.
Package: aspell-es
Description-md5: ac589503bea8a7693ebcd302926ec681
Description-gl: Dicionario de español para aspell
This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. It is
based on ispell dictionary put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus
Package: aspell-et
Description-md5: 00e1d25fe3a31d30deb39bbd67432f22
Description-gl: Dicionario de estonio para Aspell
This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker
currently supported by GNOME applications.
The wordlists are based on work by the Institute of the Estonian Language,
and subsequently improved by Jaak Pruulmann who also created the affix
Package: aspell-eu-es
Description-md5: 08eabed1ac748acf1f8ba31fd9b5ef23
Description-gl: Dicionario de éuscaro (basco) para aspell
This is the Basque (Euskera) dictionary for use with the aspell
Note that the myspell2/aspell part was not updated by upstream since
version 3.
Package: aspell-fa
Description-md5: 75445f9ba1ce13724d31533267e2375d
Description-gl: Dicionario de persa para o Aspell de GNU
This package contains all the required files to add support for Persian
(Farsi) language to GNU Aspell spell checker.
Package: aspell-fr
Description-md5: c6a3a421f5b63d0c12f61f861b02487d
Description-gl: Dicionario de francés para aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua francesa ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-ga
Description-md5: ddcbef698c81fe6fdf42a88a134e9675
Description-gl: Dicionario de irlandés (gaélico) para o Aspell de GNU
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua búlgara ao corrector ortográfico aspell.
Package: aspell-gl-minimos
Description-md5: 422cd6c3d72065c0ccaafeebe70c6495
Description-gl: Dicionario de galego para aspell (mínimos)
Este é un dicionario de galego para aspell que emprega a normativa de
«mínimos», compilada por André Ventas e Ramon Flores.
Existen cando menos tres normativas ortográficas para o galego: ILG
(oficial), reintegracionista e mínimos. O ILG emprega unha normativa
ortográfica máis semellante á do español; os reintegracionistas inclínanse
polo portugués. A ortografía de mínimos tenta atopar un termo medio.
Package: aspell-gu
Description-md5: 23ad19e394cd58bc5c07e6a1a0dffd61
Description-gl: Dicionario de guxaratí (gu) para o aspell de GNu
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua guxaratí (gu) ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU.
Package: aspell-sl
Description-md5: 114a71d664925b0cf1fe7b6cab38a72f
Description-gl: The Slovenian dictionary for GNU Aspell
This package contains all the required files to add support for Slovenian
language to the GNU Aspell spell checker.
Páxina web:
Package: aspell-tl
Description-md5: e8c70d01b6565adc2f5f98cc690515be
Description-gl: Tagalog dictionary for GNU Aspell
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros precisos para engadir axuda co
tagalo ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU.
Package: aspell-tn
Description-md5: 1e9535e1dd2b1c962e4ffbfb5e6f3b01
Description-gl: O dicionario de tswana para aspell
Este é o dicionario de tswana para utilizar co aspell.
Package: aspell-ts
Description-md5: b65ddd359017b1412a4f89a73811bc95
Description-gl: O dicionario de tsonga para aspell
Este é o dicionario de tsonga para utilizar co aspell.
Package: aspell-uk
Description-md5: eb69186d8a83bbf88f1ee5f22a559f1e
Description-gl: Dicionario de ucraíno para o Aspell de GNU
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte
para a lingua ucraína ao corrector ortográfico Aspell.
Package: aspell-uz
Description-md5: 39cdd3aef113964a2228b9212dfea21e
Description-gl: O dicionario de usbeco para o Aspell de GNU
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir asistencia
para o idioma usbeco para o corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU.
Package: aspell-xh
Description-md5: 7731670fc8d1b2c940c1226ab6d4b50f
Description-gl: O dicionario de xhosa para aspell
Este é o dicionario de xhosa para utilizar co aspell.
Package: aspell-zu
Description-md5: faa076f420f66274f9b408661ffb627d
Description-gl: O dicionario de zulú para aspell
Este é o dicionario de zulú para utilizar co aspell.
Package: asterisk-config
Description-md5: 2cb5cf9d50dc35d1fa4013844a24f49b
Description-gl: Configuration files for Asterisk
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de configuración por omisión do
Package: asterisk-dbg
Description-md5: 8cb9143535b9b33336c22b307623242b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Asterisk
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración empregados para depurar
Asterisk. Os símbolos de depuración empréganse para o trazado da execución
e o análise dos envorcados.
Package: asterisk-dev
Description-md5: 29fb2eb8b22e0952fe45710ff2b553d1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Asterisk
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
This package contains the include files used if you wish to compile a
package which requires Asterisk's source file headers.
Package: asterisk-doc
Description-md5: 1f6039c0b5b8c50e4338426f68ddc318
Description-gl: Source code documentation for Asterisk
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
Este paquete contén a documentación para configurar un sistema con
Package: asterisk-prompt-es-co
Description-md5: 3095e51b896e8461a287418051c4c0ce
Description-gl: Colombian Spanish voice prompts for Asterisk
These are Colombian Spanish voice prompts for the Asterisk PBX, courtesy
of Avatar Ltda., Colombia.
You need this package if you intend to run Asterisk and wish to support
Spanish-speaking callers.
Páxina web:
Package: astyle
Description-md5: 144ae49c88d0cc229c77c70fcfa4b46f
Description-gl: Source code indenter for C++/C/Java/C# source code
Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for
the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages.
Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes.
Package: asylum
Description-md5: 2c18fbb5c2b2f3dab7ac3e0cd5772dc1
Description-gl: Xogo de disparos surrealista
Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental
instability you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and shut
down the malfunctioning brain cells. Guide Sigmund through the Ego, Psyche
and Id zones - each one 300 times the size of the screen - to locate the
eight renegade neurons, entering them one by one to find and trigger their
self-destruct system.
This is a port of Digital Psychosis' 1994 game for the Acorn Archimedes.
Package: atomix
Description-md5: 855f8eac25c9eeab5e70e051ceb71fe8
Description-gl: puzzle game for building molecules out of separate atoms
Atomix é un xogo educativo deseñado para GNOME no que hai que construír
moléculas, que van desde as inorgánicas simples a algunhas orgánicas
extremadamente complexas, a partir de átomos separados.
The first levels can be rather easy, but added complexity always comes
with the next level, so that several minutes (or much longer than that)
can be spent on each single level.
Package: ats-lang-anairiats-doc
Description-md5: 31d44fdab4fb0808cc78a00ca88fc852
Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de ATS Anairiats
ATS is a programming language with a highly expressive type system rooted
in the framework Applied Type System. In particular, both dependent types
and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS
(ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++
and supports a variety of programming paradigms.
In addition, ATS contains a component ATS/LF that supports a form of
(interactive) theorem proving, where proofs are constructed as total
functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programming style that
combines programming with theorem proving. Furthermore, this component may
be used as a logical framework to encode various deduction systems and
their (meta-)properties.
This package contains some documentation for the language.
Package: attal
Description-md5: 57aa54b7fd62b2d9c7e7f6b589c306d9
Description-gl: xogo de estratexia por quendas
Attal is an turn-based strategy game that can be played alone (against AI)
or against other through a network.
You control Lords with armies and you have to fight against opponents and
achieve quests.
Package: audacious-dbg
Description-md5: 1de0a16fc7c2543cd00c6091ab477bc8
Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia Audacious (símbolos de depuración)
Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and
many codecs.
In the default install, the following codecs are supported:
* MP3
* Ogg Vorbis / Theora
* AAC and AAC+
* Windows Media (WMA)
Additionally, Audacious is extendable through plugins, and contains other
useful features like LIRC support. Support for many more codecs can also
be added through plugins.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. Instáleo antes de informar
de calquera fallo porque fai que a saída do trazado inverso sexa máis
Package: audacious-plugins-dbg
Description-md5: 6526e01642197e947596d1d51178a910
Description-gl: Audacious-Plugins debug symbols
Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports winamp skins and
many codecs.
In the default install, the following codecs are supported:
* MP3
* Ogg Vorbis
* AAC and AAC+
* Windows Media (WMA)
* Many module formats and much more!
Additionally, Audacious is extendable through plugins, and contains other
useful features like LIRC support.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da colección de engadidos do
Audacious. Instáleo antes de informar de calquera fallo porque facilita o
proceso de análise.
Package: audacity
Description-md5: f3049c5343ef448931624eb10a0c6627
Description-gl: fast, cross-platform audio editor
O Audacity é un editor de son con varias pistas para Linux/Unix, MacOS e
Windows. Está deseñado para gravar, reproducir e editar son dixital
facilmente. O Audacity conta con efectos dixitais e ferramentas de análise
do espectro. A edición é moi rápida e permite desfacer/refacer ilimitados.
Os formatos de ficheiros que admite inclúen Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MP3, WAV,
Package: audacity-data
Description-md5: 33567c6e9f3ccd4163a600c05ed3f802
Description-gl: fast, cross-platform audio editor (data)
O Audacity é un editor de son con varias pistas para Linux/Unix, MacOS e
Windows. Está deseñado para gravar, reproducir e editar son dixital
facilmente. O Audacity conta con efectos dixitais e ferramentas de análise
do espectro. A edición é moi rápida e permite desfacer/refacer ilimitados.
This package contains the architecture-independent data files.
Package: audacity-dbg
Description-md5: 5a5d4ccb58c105e0182a4cbf9e91d832
Description-gl: fast, cross-platform audio editor (debug)
O Audacity é un editor de son con varias pistas para Linux/Unix, MacOS e
Windows. Está deseñado para gravar, reproducir e editar son dixital
facilmente. O Audacity conta con efectos dixitais e ferramentas de análise
do espectro. A edición é moi rápida e permite desfacer/refacer ilimitados.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: audiocd-kio
Description-md5: 37fa4a56aabd1659f9bdb895c572f7eb
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kio-audiocd
This transitional package allows one to migrate to kio-audiocd.
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación.
Package: audiolink
Description-md5: 2a94d1d1145ab5f94abae966f59aeb97
Description-gl: makes managing and searching for music easier
AudioLink is a tool that makes searching for music on your local storage
media easier and faster. Your searches can include a variety of criteria,
like male artists, female artists, band, genre, etc.
It works with MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files and creates a MySQL database in
which it stores the information about the music files. It creates symbolic
links to the actual music files based on the search results. You can
search for multiple fields, like artist, band, composer, lyricist, etc.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: aufs-tools-dbg
Description-md5: ee0a16225832cdf95b7ea9c47b215ffa
Description-gl: Tools to manage aufs filesystems (debug)
The aufs driver provides a unification file system for the Linux kernel.
It allows one to virtually merge the contents of several directories
and/or stack them, so that apparent file changes in the aufs end in file
changes in only one of the source directories.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das utilidades necesarias
para configurar os contedores de aufs ao voo.
Package: aumix
Description-md5: 3c87dee05b75dd9a7896d59da2819aa7
Description-gl: Programa de control de mesturador de son simple baseado en texto
aumix is a small, easy-to-use program to control the mixer of your sound
card. It runs in text mode using the ncurses library, or from the command
line (non-interactively). It can read default settings from a file, and it
can also automatically save and restore the mixer settings at shutdown and
A wrapper script xaumix is provided that finds and invokes xterm or a
replacement. This is primarily for creating the best sized terminal
window. If you want a true graphical interface, install aumix-gtk instead.
That has the same functionality as this one in addition to offering a nice
Package: autoconf2.59
Description-md5: 10ebda51cac38f72fa38461f25a84819
Description-gl: constructor automático de scripts de configuración (versión obsoleta)
Esta versión obsoleta requirese para construir os paquetes GCC (>= 4.3.3),
newlib e probablemente outras ferramentas de cadeas.
Package: autofs-hesiod
Description-md5: caf58cc4e5f7f3998e052ab3860d2108
Description-gl: Hesiod map support for autofs
Autofs controla o funcionamento dos daemon automount. Os daemon automount
montan sistemas de ficheiros automaticamente cando se utilizan e
desmóntaos pasado un período de inactividade. Isto faise seguindo un
conxunto de mapas preconfigurados.
The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style
automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module
(builtin or separate) is required.
This is the Hesiod module of the autofs.
Package: autofs-ldap
Description-md5: 986dad815486127857fb80647532fa9c
Description-gl: LDAP map support for autofs
Autofs controla o funcionamento dos daemon automount. Os daemon automount
montan sistemas de ficheiros automaticamente cando se utilizan e
desmóntaos pasado un período de inactividade. Isto faise seguindo un
conxunto de mapas preconfigurados.
The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style
automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module
(builtin or separate) is required.
This is the LDAP module of the autofs.
Package: autokey-gtk
Description-md5: 5b4eada1c1f5004003f28c2b91584130
Description-gl: desktop automation utility - GTK+ version
AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the
automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and
hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for
novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility
and power of the Python language.
Este paquete conten a interface GTK+
Package: automake1.7
Description-md5: 1a90aa1de36fd74fa2994089a1079802
Description-gl: Ferramenta para xerar Makefiles que respecten os estándares de GNU
Automake é unha ferramenta para xerar automaticamente ficheiros
«» a partir de ficheiros chamados «».
O obxectivo de Automake é eliminar a carga de mantemento do Makefile das
costas do mantedor individual de GNU (e poñela nas costas do mantedor de
«» é basicamente unha serie de definicións de macros para
«make» (con regras ocasionais). Os «» xerados respectan os
estándars de Makefile de GNU.
Automake 1.7 non funciona ben en certas situacións nas que Automake 1.4 e
1.5 si o fan, polo que foi renomeado para que a versión anterior siga a
estar dispoñible.
Package: automake1.9-doc
Description-md5: 16f7c6a70ae85327f4522569aa2e0cc9
Description-gl: Ferramenta para xerar Makefiles que respecten os estándares de GNU
Automake é unha ferramenta para xerar automaticamente ficheiros
«» a partir de ficheiros chamados «».
O obxectivo de Automake é eliminar a carga de mantemento do Makefile das
costas do mantedor individual de GNU (e poñela nas costas do mantedor de
«» é basicamente unha serie de definicións de macros para
«make» (con regras ocasionais). Os «» xerados respectan os
estándars de Makefile de GNU.
Automake 1.9 non funciona en moitas situacións nas que Automake 1.4, e
1.6, 1.7 e 1.8 si o facían, polo que se lle cambiou o nome para que a
versión anterior pode seguir estando dispoñíbel.
Package: automysqlbackup
Description-md5: 9c8e4fa606e583f71f74faee893365ac
Description-gl: copias de seguranza diarias, semanais e mensuais da base de datos de MySQL
automysqlbackup creates backup every day, week and month for all of your
MySQL database, to a configured folder. There's nothing to do but to
install this package, and you'll rest assured that you have a way to go
back in the history of your database.
This package may be unsafe if untrusted users may create databases and if
no check on the syntax of the name of them is performed.
Package: autotrace
Description-md5: 69db748e2ac00ca339dfeb7713e5c78b
Description-gl: bitmap to vector graphics converter
O AutoTrace é un programa para converter mapas de bits en gráficos
vectoriais. O propósito do proxecto AutoTrace é o desenvolvemento dun
aplicativo de disposición libre semellante ao CorelTrace ou ao Adobe
Streamline. Nalgúns aspectos xa é mellor. Creado orixinalmente como
engadido do GIMP, o AutoTrace é agora un programa autónomo.
Package: avogadro
Description-md5: f18c3f1991d48f1decf97743ceaac81f
Description-gl: Molecular Graphics and Modelling System
Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at
molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular
orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular
Features include:
* Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization
* Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches
* Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces
* Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra
* Support for crystallographic unit cells
* Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry
* Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting
Os ficheiros de formato que pode ler o Avogrado inclúen PDB, XYZ, CML,
CIF, Molden, así como saída de Gaussian, GAMESS e MOLPRO.
Package: avogadro-data
Description-md5: 87a8cbfbc7d903fdedd30614e85caeed
Description-gl: Sistema de gráficos e modelado moleculares (ficheiros de datos)
Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at
molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular
orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular
This package contains data files like molecular builder fragments or
OpenGL shaders.
Package: axel-dbg
Description-md5: 65bf2afb78c1dd38b045520621a3839a
Description-gl: light download accelerator - debugging symbols
Axel tries to accelerate the downloading process by using multiple
connections for one file. It can also use multiple mirrors for one
download. Axel tries to be as light as possible (25-30k in binary form),
so it might be useful as a wget clone on byte-critical systems.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do axel.
Package: azureus
Description-md5: 7a683c02b369eda370bb04e3a2af5967
Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file distribution tool.
Azureus offers multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on
torrents and files), start/stop seeding options and instant access to
numerous pieces of information about your torrents. Azureus now features
an embedded tracker easily set up and ready to use.
Package: b5i2iso
Description-md5: 062c3ee4713572a7da5e61c125acfb2e
Description-gl: BlindWrite image to ISO image file converter
B5I2ISO is a very simple utility to convert a BlindWrite BIN image to the
standard ISO-9660 format. BlindWrite image can have different extensions
like .b5i or .bwi
Páxina web:
Package: bacula-doc
Description-md5: aa74f6e41dce21375a71c65cc5ca4d28
Description-gl: Documentación de Bacula
This package provides the documentation for Bacula, a backup program that
permits you to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data
across a network of computers of different kinds.
Package: balazar3
Description-md5: 83a70b765599ff53f5a21b2e0b62d34c
Description-gl: dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support
Balazar III is a dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support. As you
explore the dungeon, you'll gain magical objects, experience and powers,
but also... curses ! Balazar III is based on the (French) comics "Le guide
Balazar du mauvais sorcier" (Balazar's guide to bad sorcerers).
The game comes in two versions (which are network-compatible):
- 3D version destined to computer gamers. The 3D version is
graphically more beautiful, as it takes avantages of the nice
cellshading algorithms of the Soya 3D engine.
- 2D version, currently supporting 640x480 and 800x480 resolutions.
It has been designed mainly for hand-held devices (Sharp Zaurus,
Nokia N810, Openmoko Freerunner, Asus EEE PC, and the like),
although it can be used on computer too. This version has been
highly optimized so as it can be run in 640x480 on a Zaurus C1000
(416 MHz ARM processor without graphics accelerators).
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende da versión 3D.
Package: ballz-dbg
Description-md5: 69c8b960408162872c9860ae821f1bac
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ballz
The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a
ball which is genetically modifed by the British secret service. Your
mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ballz.
Package: balsa-dbg
Description-md5: d1837f1e1efd492933ed2ed913c92026
Description-gl: Cliente de correo electrónico para GNOME - símbolos de depuración
Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME
desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers as well as the mbox,
maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the
use of a local MTA such as Sendmail.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do balsa.
Package: banshee
Description-md5: f8a1dbfc7d127f1f51c0c8990de6e6e4
Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia
O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o
escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca,
crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a
música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar
ficheiros de vídeo e gravar seleccións nun CD.
Package: banshee-community-extensions
Description-md5: ad56fa13791f6d15688beae830c417ae
Description-gl: set of community contributed extensions for Banshee
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende das versións actuais de todas as
extensións incluídas no paquete de Extensións da Comunidade de Banshee.
Package: banshee-dbg
Description-md5: c41dd44b59bfdcddd94aacb4771f284a
Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia (símbolos de depuración)
O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o
escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca,
crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a
música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar
ficheiros de vídeo e gravar seleccións nun CD.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Banshee.
Package: banshee-extension-soundmenu
Description-md5: c0b5595b4295498911c5925d4c8f76fb
Description-gl: Media Management and Playback application - sound menu extension
O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o
escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca,
crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a
música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar
ficheiros de vídeo e gravar seleccións nun CD.
This package contains Banshee's support for the Sound Menu
Package: banshee-meego
Description-md5: 31331100fbd849fbf0234c42fedc7c4e
Description-gl: Media Management and Playback application - MeeGo extension
O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o
escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca,
crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a
música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar
ficheiros de vídeo e gravar seleccións nun CD.
This package contains Banshee's MeeGo interface, optimised for running on
small devices.
Package: barcode-dbg
Description-md5: 6b0d0b607fb343a181c917b03cedaf94
Description-gl: Utility and library for barcode generation (debug)
GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging
standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output
is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: bash-static
Description-md5: ae0b688f32951bcf52b5c025ab588a4c
Description-gl: GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version)
Bash é un intérprete de ordes compatíbel con sh que executa ordes lidas da
entrada estándar ou dun ficheiro. Tamén incorpora características moi
útiles doutros intérpretes de ordes, como os terminais Korn e C (ksh e
Statically linked.
Package: basic256
Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c
Description-gl: Ambiente de programación educativa BASIC para cativos
BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young
children the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control
structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how
program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets
them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-
follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun
Package: batctl-dbg
Description-md5: 5b2084a621b79d52e95663688812331b
Description-gl: B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool (debug files)
batctl serves as configuration utility, monitoring and debugging
application. It allows one to modify the module parameters, reading the
logfiles and tables, decapsulate embedded packets on the fly, traceroute
to and ping mac addresses, generate sequence number graphs for the Layer 2
Mesh B.A.T.M.A.N.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: batmand-dbg
Description-md5: 3b17947f6ec9a12a39c01ec4e482e3ee
Description-gl: better approach to mobile adhoc networking (debug files)
B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a new
routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: bbtime
Description-md5: 85674d75ef96fc3a430344f2e5f0a161
Description-gl: Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers
bbtime is a blackbox tool to display the system time in your blackbox
slit. It can also display other times as an offset of your local time in a
Note that you don't actually need blackbox or fluxbox for this program to
work, but it won't look as good in other window managers.
Páxina web:
Package: beast-doc
Description-md5: 42dc1e43798c86a3e71a2e1986cb0cc5
Description-gl: Documentación de BEAST/BSE
BEAST/BSE is a plugin-based graphical system where you can link objects to
each other and generate sound.
This package provides the documentation files.
Package: berusky-data
Description-md5: 63ae184aa47aebcf8498a358c8db26ca
Description-gl: Data files for Berusky
Berusky is a free logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An
old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items
such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to
five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player. In order to
leave each level (there's about 120 levels in the game) it is necessary to
own five keys and also to have a free way to the exit.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do Berusky.
Package: between
Description-md5: ecd1cb4c9190070f372c8a3a41630510
Description-gl: Xogo sobre conciencia e illamento
Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer.
You know exactly what you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right
there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming, too, and the
difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in
and out: real characters and dream characters, all woven into the same
script. Finally, they fade completely, and you're alone in the expanse
with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole
that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction
languishes, though the expanse seems indifferent.
One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have
conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of
leaves. Not distant planets' erosion networks as viewed through
telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but lack the
signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non-
procedural: indecipherable transmissions bubbling up through static, faded
messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints on cave walls.
Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of
unknown magnitude, but stale evidence is still evidence.
Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is an "other".
Package: bibletime-data
Description-md5: 66d4524bd19e1f8f0687b64aa63ee91e
Description-gl: Documentación e datos de bibletime, unha ferramenta de estudo bíblico
BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool.
This package contains the help, online documentation and data files which
BibleTime uses.
Package: billard-gl-data
Description-md5: 04a8a619424696f5628b5509e845adc4
Description-gl: 3D billiards game - data files
Play a game of 8-ball or 9-ball, either in training mode or against a
friend. For beginners, the game features a tutorial, introducing them to
the user-interface and controls. Help is also available for those who do
not know the rules for an 8-ball or 9-ball game.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do billard-gl.
Package: bino
Description-md5: 76af5881592020bff7cc4a63e1174838
Description-gl: Reprodutor de vídeo 3D
Bino is a video player with support for a wide variety of stereoscopic
video layouts and formats.
Bino can display monoscopic videos, as well as videos with the left and
right view stored either in separate streams or displayed side by side. It
can output these videos for several types of anaglyph glasses or 3D
Package: bino-dbg
Description-md5: e98eaa03de7bca5f7d9caf59eb4f8dc8
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do reprodutor de vídeo bino 3D
Bino is a video player with support for a wide variety of stereoscopic
video layouts and formats.
Bino can display monoscopic videos, as well as videos with the left and
right view stored either in separate streams or displayed side by side. It
can output these videos for several types of anaglyph glasses or 3D
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: binwalk
Description-md5: b262a848e58eaf5fc94bc36f406b01a2
Description-gl: tool for searching binary images for embedded files and executable code
Binwalk is a tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files
and executable code. Specifically, it is designed for identifying files
and code embedded inside of firmware images. Binwalk uses the libmagic
library, so it is compatible with magic signatures created for the Unix
file utility.
Binwalk inclúe tamén un ficheiro de sinatura máxima personalizada que
contén sinaturas melloradas para ficheiros que se atopan frecuentemente
nas imaxes de firmware como os ficheiros comprimidos/arquivados,
cabeceiras de firmware, kernels Linux, cargadores de arranque, sistemas de
ficheiros, etc.
Package: black-box
Description-md5: ea9112a1fa8eb96d10de942d62f29526
Description-gl: Busque os cristais
There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the
box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to guess
where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots.
Package: bleachbit
Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea
Description-gl: delete unnecessary files from the system
BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary
files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.
Xestiona a limpeza de Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox,
Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer,
rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat e máis.
Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of
images), vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without
deleting data), and securely shreds arbitrary files.
Package: blender-dbg
Description-md5: 515f87549f094f0803da1a2f220277bf
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do Blender
O Blender é unha suite integrada en 3d para o modelado, animación,
renderizado, post-produción, creación interactiva e reprodución (xogos).
This package contains debug symbols to produce useful backtraces.
Package: blinken
Description-md5: 15b854d36619b85d1beb335cd5aaf853
Description-gl: KDE version of the Simon electronic memory game
O Blinken está baseado nun xogo electrónico creado en 1978 que lles pide
aos xogadores que lembren secuencias de lonxitude crecente. Na face do
dispositivo hai catro botóns de cores distintas, cada unha co seu son
distintivo. Estes botóns acéndese ao chou, creando así a secuencia que o
xogador ten que lembrar. Se o xogador lembra correctamente a secuencia de
luces na orde correcta, avanza ao seguinte nivel, no que se presenta unha
secuencia idéntica cun paso adicional.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: blktap-dev
Description-md5: 9ff62a3f553ad3f22398c33f6ad89bcd
Description-gl: Xen API blktap shared library (development files)
The Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) is an open source enterprise-ready server
virtualization and cloud computing platform, delivering the Xen Hypervisor
with support for a range of guest operating systems. This package is part
of it. It implements the userland part of the blktap driver.
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) is a file format standard which maps logical hard
disk contents to a physical disk image format, which can then be more
efficiently stored in a variety of different storage types, such as file
systems or logical volumes.
VHDs are container files storing block metadata alongside a virtual disk's
contents, in a single disk image. The metadata enables advanced storage
backend capabilities, such as thin provisioning, disk image snapshotting,
and coalescing of differencing disks.
Libvhd is a library to access VHD format metadata. It provides disk image
initialization, inspection and manipulation to both VHD user utilities and
the VHD disk driver in Blktap.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: blobandconquer-data
Description-md5: 78c939728fba01b4dd43bcf25d790170
Description-gl: 3D platform shooting game -- data files
Blob Wars episode II: Blob and Conquer is the sequel to Blob Wars: Metal
Blob Solid.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do blobandconquer.
Package: blocks-of-the-undead
Description-md5: 48cb545405dc0c724321f8c0fada589e
Description-gl: Un clon do Tetris Attack con matices arrepiantes
Blocks of the Undead is a puzzle game. You have to remove all the blocks
on the field by swapping these around.
Package: blogilo
Description-md5: ae813549c2fd931e8cb3619a096f8913
Description-gl: graphical blogging client
Blogilo is a Free/Open Source Blogging client, focused on simplicity and
usability. Currently featured:
* A full featured WYSIWYG editor and an HTML editor.
* Previewing your post with your blog style, like when you are visiting it at
your blog.
* Support for Blogger1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (Wordpress supports all of
these) and Google GData (used on blogs) APIs.
* Support for creating/modifying/deleting posts.
* Support for creating drafts and scheduled posts.
* Support for uploading media files to your blog (only on supported APIs e.g.
MetaWeblog and MovableType).
* Support for fetching your recent blog entries.
* Support for adding images to post from your system. It will upload them on
Submitting post to blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and
* Support for saving local entries before publishing.
* Saving your writing copy to prevent data loss, at configurable intervals.
* Internal auto spell checker. (KDE spell checker used so most of languages
are supported.)
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: blt-demo
Description-md5: 93101f8142571329c996f82222decd80
Description-gl: graphics extension library for Tcl/Tk - demos and examples
BTL é unha biblioteca con prácticas extensións para a linguaxe Tcl e a
popular ferramenta gráfica Tk. Engade os tipos de datos vector e árbore,
execución en segundo plano e algunhas ferramentas de depuración para Tcl e
fornece varios trebellos novos para Tk, incluíndo gráficos, gráficas en
barra, árbores, separadores, «splines» e hiperligazóns, así como un novo
xestor de xeometría, compatibilidade para arrastrar e soltar, e moito
This package contains demos and samples showing the power and versatility
of BLT.
Package: bluedevil
Description-md5: c6ec1bf024a5119d3bd9fa4a8a899625
Description-gl: KDE Bluetooth stack
O BlueDevil é un conxunto de compoñentes que integran Bluetooth en KDE. Contén:
* Un Módulo de Control de KDE (KCM) para configurar todas as opcións relacionadas con Bluetooth.
* Integración co sistema de entrada/saída de KDE (KIO), o que permite
descubrir e explorar os dispositivos con Bluetooth co navegador de ficheiros que se desexe.
* Un asistente para emparellar os dispositivos e conectarse directamente aos servizos que ofrezan,
como son a e entrada (rato, teclado, Wiimote) e o son (cascos, teléfonos).
* Un aplicativo para a bandexa do sistema desde o que se poden realizar todas as accións do BlueDevil
(desconectar dispositivos, enviar ficheiros, configurar, etc.).
* Un daemon que escoita as solicitudes entrantes para, por exemplo, recibir ficheiros
ou introducir o PIN que se solicite.
Package: bluefish-data
Description-md5: 9f8710f5ad66db67b34a17f53f54d111
Description-gl: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor (data)
Bluefish is a GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer. Its
features include nice wizards for startup, tables and frames; a fully
featured image insert dialog; thumbnail creation and automatically linking
of the thumbnail with the original image; and configurable HTML syntax
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura.
Package: bluefish-dbg
Description-md5: 8aa662526fa2462fe4ff1cb78e5c9991
Description-gl: Editor avanzado de HTML en Gtk+ (símbolos de depuración)
Bluefish is a GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer. Its
features include nice wizards for startup, tables and frames; a fully
featured image insert dialog; thumbnail creation and automatically linking
of the thumbnail with the original image; and configurable HTML syntax
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. Recoméndase instalalo se se
padece un fallo.
Package: bluez-audio
Description-md5: 6ef88753dc2a3bf4dc73772736476091
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This is a transitional package to assist with moving people to the BlueZ
4.x stack.
Package: bluez-utils
Description-md5: 6ef88753dc2a3bf4dc73772736476091
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This is a transitional package to assist with moving people to the BlueZ
4.x stack.
Package: bogofilter
Description-md5: 968ec277af1658df73a6620e1ea6c7f7
Description-gl: fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as
liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam».
Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha
análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos
de IP gárdanse como características de recoñecemento, no canto de de
rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores
da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras.
Package: bogofilter-bdb
Description-md5: e83a0090bafdc792b6c35c6bc88649e4
Description-gl: fast Bayesian spam filter (Berkeley DB)
Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as
liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam».
Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha
análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos
de IP gárdanse como características de recoñecemento, no canto de de
rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores
da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras.
Este paquete fornece o motor da base de datos bdb.
Package: bogofilter-common
Description-md5: 2e806a17661e5d96bbb0a0121098a1e3
Description-gl: rápido filtro bayesiano de correo lixo (ficheiros comúns)
Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as
liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam».
Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha
análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos
de IP gárdanse como características de recoñecemento, no canto de de
rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores
da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras.
Este paquete fornece ficheiros comúns para todos os motores de bases de
Package: bogofilter-sqlite
Description-md5: 6eb04a1cda23db8196381fcabb2bc183
Description-gl: rápido filtro bayesiano de correo lixo (sqlite)
Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as
liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam».
Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha
análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos
de IP gárdanse como características de recoñecemento, no canto de de
rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores
da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras.
Este paquete fornece o motor da base de datos sqlite.
Package: boinc-dbg
Description-md5: 3e9b28636550c34ee92c3ca7bf7d88a1
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos binarios de BOINC
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a
software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer
This package contains unstripped versions of all binaries included in the
BOINC packages. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names
in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps.
Package: bomber
Description-md5: f7eb190e86fa42fdcccfd1f7656447b4
Description-gl: arcade spaceship game
O Bomber é un xogo no que se voa unha nave espacial e se tenta bombardear
os edificios que ten embaixo. Cada pasada que fai a nave achégase mais ao
chan. Se non destruíches un edificio que estivese no seu teu camiño, a túa
nave turrará con el.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: bomberclone
Description-md5: 5d7bacb049c8b9522938c9e5c1fe423e
Description-gl: clon libre do Bomberman
BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. The rules
of the game are simple: run through a level and bomb other players. It
features powerups that give you more strength, make you walk faster
through the level, or let you drop more bombs.
BomberClone can be played in multi-player mode via IPv4 or IPv6 networks
or in single-player mode against the local AI.
Package: bootchart
Description-md5: 11a29fdbf49a2e95dc09dd3531b75021
Description-gl: auditoría da secuencia de arranque
bootchart permite auditar a secuencia de arranque do computador e xerar
unha gráfica vistosa dos procesos executados, incluído canto levaron e
canta CPU e E/S empregaron.
A auditoría realízaa unha ferramenta que se executa na initramfs, ou antes
na secuencia de arranque, e grava as estatísticas do sistema segundo vai
arrancando o sistema.
Tarballs of this data are left in /var/log/bootchart; from these either
PNG or SVG will be generated if pybootchartgui is installed.
Package: botan1.10-dbg
Description-md5: 71ca7ddd626bb2c26a35c8e1831ebf61
Description-gl: multiplatform crypto library (debug)
Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common
cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and
X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported,
including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: bouncy
Description-md5: 25da351b0bb3ad7f4e652314f340ca09
Description-gl: coma as sabedeiras verduras do xardín - xogo para cativos
You play Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit. You're in a garden with yummy veggies
and a farmer who's not keen on you eating them. You can hide (and move
around) under the ground.
Bouncy was written so it could be enjoyed by the author's daughter, who
was about to turn 3, and by older gamers. Hence it's not a violent game
and "easy" is really, really easy, and "hard" is challenging.
Package: bovo
Description-md5: b441d750dee643b64630cf13767fc54f
Description-gl: gomoku (five in line) board game
Bovo é un xogo no que dous xogadores por quendas fan marcas nun taboleiro.
O gañador é aquel que completa de primeiro unha liña de cinco marcas.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: brltty-espeak
Description-md5: 12128acd3d15ad48324d1b92f13bb467
Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - espeak driver
BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de
Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guía ao
dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a
revisión da pantalla.
This package contains an optional speech driver for the espeak speech
synthesis engine.
Package: brltty-flite
Description-md5: 2e07054b3b97962c487b79ded37eb57b
Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - Flite speech driver
BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de
Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guía ao
dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a
revisión da pantalla.
This package contains an optional speech driver for the Festival Lite
speech synthesis engine.
Package: brltty-speechd
Description-md5: b90b3fdef13512fbc1fa9b477812709a
Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - Speech Dispatcher driver
BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de
Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guía ao
dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a
revisión da pantalla.
This package contains an optional speech driver for the speech-dispatcher
speech synthesis server.
Package: brltty-x11
Description-md5: 165dfdb500771a7199b62f4b4d5f8106
Description-gl: Access software for a blind person using a braille display - X11 drivers
BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de
Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guía ao
dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a
revisión da pantalla.
This package contains optional drivers which require X11 or GNOME.
Package: browser-plugin-libreoffice
Description-md5: fc64e6104d8c362185bde76b74653065
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugin
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains a Mozilla/Netscape compatible plugin which can
handle all old OOo and OpenDocument documents.
Package: browser-plugin-packagekit
Description-md5: c469ffc6294e86f966d4e7fb2d010020
Description-gl: Plugin to install missing plugins using PackageKit
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides a browser plugin.
Package: browser-plugin-vlc
Description-md5: 1dfbd075b62a574a99794b2eb520c80e
Description-gl: engadido de multimedia para navegadores web baseado no VLC
This plugin adds support for MPEG, MPEG2, DVD, DivX, Ogg/Vorbis and many
more formats to any Gecko-based web browser (Firefox, Galeon, etc.). The
decoding process is done by VLC and the output window is embedded in a
webpage or directly in the browser window. There is also support for
fullscreen display and javascript control.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: brp-pacu-dbg
Description-md5: 4e394cbf0bd3caa9ac1253b310acb752
Description-gl: audio analysis tool (debug)
Brp-pacu compares the output of the system to the input of the system and
allows you to use this data to perform final equalization by matching the
results with actual DSP/EQ.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: bsh-src
Description-md5: b7ff08ed9f7163110b2eba3e8aec8d91
Description-gl: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (source code)
BeanShell é un pequeno intérprete de fonte de Java, gratuíto, incrustábel,
con características de linguaxe de ordes obxecto, escrito en Java.
BeanShell executa declaracións e expresións estándar de Java, ademais das
obvias ordes e sintaxe de programación. BeanShell admite obxectos
programados como métodos simples de peche, semellantes aos de Perl e
JavaScript (tm).
BeanShell pode usarse de xeito interactivo para experimentación e
depuración en Java ou como un motor simple de ordes para aplicativos. En
resumo: BeanShell é un intérprete dinámico de Java, con algunhas funcións
This package contains the bsh source code.
Package: btanks
Description-md5: 0919858a4f942da456dacca4bacaea9e
Description-gl: Xogo de tanques arcade en dúas dimensións con capacidades multixogador e modo de pantalla dividida
Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of
three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using the whole arsenal of
weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and
dynamic, it has several network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.
Package: bumblebee-dbg
Description-md5: cac12564541ee6da368b5071b9baab89
Description-gl: NVIDIA Optimus support - debugging symbols
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do bumblebee.
Package: bup-doc
Description-md5: 5ad42acda759474a6eb6718235c7e8f0
Description-gl: highly efficient file backup system based on git (documentation)
bup is a backup tool which stores the backups in a system based around the
packfile format from git.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: burn
Description-md5: 270398a268581cb005a1e8054b91189f
Description-gl: command-line tool for writing optical media
«burn» é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para crear discos de son a
partir de ficheiros MP3, Ogg Vorbis ou WAV, para crear copias de seguranza
de ficheiros, para crear discos a partir de imaxes ISO-9660 e para copiar
discos ao voo. Realiza calquera destas funcións cunha única orde, sen
requirir a creación preparatoria do sistema de ficheiros, etc.
The program can compute if there is necessary free space for temporary
files (images and audio files), warn if size is bigger than disc capacity,
and manage multisession discs.
Package: burp-dbg
Description-md5: eb3c74cac82d3a973a4fb5964082660a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Burp
Burp is a client/server backup system that saves space and network usage
by using librsync, and uses the Volume Snapshot Service when backing up
Windows clients.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do burp.
Package: busybox
Description-md5: b7707908219c331294f3f9e8d926a9dc
Description-gl: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems
O BusyBox combina versións minúsculas de moitas utilidades frecuentes de
UNIX nun único executábel pequeno. Fornece substitucións minimalistas da
maioría das utilidades frecuentes que se atoparían normalmente nus sistema
de escritorio (p.ex., ls, cp, mv, mount, tar, etc.). As utilidades de
BusyBox xeralmente teñen menos opcións que as súas curmás completas de
GNU; porén, as opcións que se inclúen fornecen a funcionalidade agardada
compórtanse de maneira moi parecida aos seus equivalentes de GNU.
This package installs the BusyBox binary but does not install symlinks for
any of the supported utilities. Some of the utilities can be used in the
system by installing the busybox-syslogd, busybox-udhcpc or busybox-udhcpd
Package: byacc
Description-md5: 94bbb158e9e82e9efe062f345f2e95e3
Description-gl: Xerador de analizadores sintácticos LALR de dominio público Berkeley Yacc
Este paquete fornece unha utilidade xeradora de intérpretes que le unha
especificación gramática dun ficheiro e xera un intérprete LR(1) para el.
O intérprete consiste nun grupo de táboas de interpretación LALR(1) e unha
rutina controladora escrita en linguaxe de programación C. Ten unha
licenza de dominio público que inclúe o C xerado.
Package: bygfoot
Description-md5: 4c42594f66e3703e2fcb8fa596676795
Description-gl: xogo de xestión de fútbol
Bygfoot allows you to manage a team by training the players, buying and
selling them, contracting loans, maintaining the stadium, etc. You can be
promoted or relegated, even become a champion if you're a skillful
manager. You can customise Bygfoot by writing your own country definition
files or by creating your own team definition files.
Package: bygfoot-data
Description-md5: eb69b6e9a7f7440bf4c445b10d10a86b
Description-gl: datos do xogo de xestión de fútbol
Contain files necessary to work with bygfoot:
images,hints,commentaries,players names,strategies. You can customise
Bygfoot by writing your own country definition files or by creating your
own team definition files.
Package: bzflag-client
Description-md5: a0bec377a4308fb604120244d4d7b720
Description-gl: Cliente de BZFlag
BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows
users to play against each other in a network environment. There are five
teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue tanks are black).
Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or
destroying a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even
other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates and they do not have a team
There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. In
capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and each team
with at least one player has a team flag. The object is to capture an
enemy team's flag by bringing it to your team's base. This destroys every
player on the captured team, subtracts one from that team's score, and
adds one to your team's score. In free-for-all, there are no team flags or
team bases. The object is simply to get as high a score as possible.
This package installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag
Package: bzflag-data
Description-md5: 6dafac45c03293fffa5d504235cd5705
Description-gl: Ficheiro de datos de BZFlag
BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows
users to play against each other in a network environment. There are five
teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue tanks are black).
Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or
destroying a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even
other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates and they do not have a team
There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. In
capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and each team
with at least one player has a team flag. The object is to capture an
enemy team's flag by bringing it to your team's base. This destroys every
player on the captured team, subtracts one from that team's score, and
adds one to your team's score. In free-for-all, there are no team flags or
team bases. The object is simply to get as high a score as possible.
This package installs the data files needed by the BZFlag client.
Package: bzflag-server
Description-md5: e997be0b7b303bc9f485ab78477a541b
Description-gl: bzfs - servidor do xogo BZFlag
bzfs is the server for BZFlag, and it must be running to play. It can be run on any system on the network (including a player's system or one without graphics). You need to install this package if you wish to:
- play by yourself
- play amongst a small group of people on a private network
- provide a server so that anyone on the Internet may play with you
Package: bzr-explorer
Description-md5: 4df0a1fdcc73516ac172bf944c596c52
Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para traballar con Bazaar
Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application providing an easy-to-use
interface to the Bazaar version control system. It is designed to be
simple enough for casual users of version control, yet powerful enough for
experts to be productive.
It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features,
launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the
Package: c-cpp-reference
Description-md5: 4c62d0e81134f37bb23091b8d7601beb
Description-gl: C and C++ programming reference
Unha referencia para C e C++ creada fundamentalmente para ser usada co
KDevelop. Dado que está no formato HTML tamén se pode usar sen o KDevelop
no navegador que se queira.
Package: cain
Description-md5: 32f2ef4bc55ab0f7152227e3bc872b75
Description-gl: Simulacións de reaccións químicas
Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical
reactions. It can spawn multiple simulation processes to utilize multi-
core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML
models can be imported and exported. The models and methods can be read
from input files or edited within the program.
The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie's direct method.
* Gillespie's first reaction method.
* Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method.
* Tau-leaping.
* Hybrid direct/tau-leaping.
* ODE integration.
This package provides the architecture independent files for cain
Package: cain-examples
Description-md5: e69321d6c21485fe068b16c9a2025f12
Description-gl: Simulacións de reaccións químicas
Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical
reactions. It can spawn multiple simulation processes to utilize multi-
core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML
models can be imported and exported. The models and methods can be read
from input files or edited within the program.
The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie's direct method.
* Gillespie's first reaction method.
* Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method.
* Tau-leaping.
* Hybrid direct/tau-leaping.
* ODE integration.
This package provides the cain examples
Package: cain-solvers
Description-md5: 385b4d76358d3e52b847210ade7b2487
Description-gl: Simulacións de reaccións químicas
Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical
reactions. It can spawn multiple simulation processes to utilize multi-
core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output
(populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML
models can be imported and exported. The models and methods can be read
from input files or edited within the program.
The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers:
* Gillespie's direct method.
* Gillespie's first reaction method.
* Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method.
* Tau-leaping.
* Hybrid direct/tau-leaping.
* ODE integration.
This package provides the solver libraries
Package: cairo-clock
Description-md5: dffe1cb26fae0a26156536d3ba7911a5
Description-gl: Analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
É un reloxo análogo que mostra a hora do sistema. Tíralle todo o partido
ás novas funcionalidades visuais ofrecidas por Xorg 7.0 en combinación cun
xestor con composición (p.ex. como xcompmgr ou compiz), GTK+ 2.10.0, cairo
1.2.0, libglade 2.6.0 e librsvg 2.14.0 para producir unha imaxe da hora
con píxeles xeitosos.
Package: cairo-dock
Description-md5: 4c707269e06a6ed8eddfb58f5dc4dd1b
Description-gl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage)
Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop,
able to replace advantageously your system panel!
It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily
customized at your convenience.
It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU.
Some screenshots are available : Development
Este metapaquete fornece os compoñentes necesarios para executar o Cairo-
Dock. Fornece o núcleo do Cairo-Dock, un conxunto de engadidos normais e
os ficheiros precisos para integrar o Cairo-Dock co ambiente de traballo .
Package: cairo-dock-core
Description-md5: 15c0d399e24571ee984dfc4a14c0ab99
Description-gl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (core package)
Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop,
able to replace advantageously your system panel!
It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily
customized at your convenience.
It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU.
Some screenshots are available : Development
Este paquete é o núcleo do proxecto Cairo-Dock.
Package: cairo-dock-data
Description-md5: 98b1a6b7d0b471603fb58dce904f6dad
Description-gl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (common files)
Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop,
able to replace advantageously your system panel!
It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily
customized at your convenience.
It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU.
Some screenshots are available : Development
Este paquete contén as iconas e temas por omisión de Cairo-Dock.
Package: cairo-dock-plug-ins-data
Description-md5: 040d929b7f76770cdc4cdb0c8522da27
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns de cairo-dock-plug-ins
Cairo-Dock-plug-ins is a set of plug-ins for Cairo-Dock. It provides some
new functionnalities like controling music players or note-taking, a clock
or a desktop switcher but also some views, dialogs and desklets skins,
This package contains all images, locales and configuration files for
Package: calgebra
Description-md5: f633c876fc554c8174971ad982b20486
Description-gl: console interface for KAlgebra
KAlgebra is an algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing
and MathML markup language. This package contains the non graphical
console interface for KAlgebra.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: calibre
Description-md5: d2fa17779dda310ae0888e4e718f5ba6
Description-gl: e-book converter and library management
O Calibre pretende ser unha solución completa de biblioteca electrónica.
Inclúe xestión de biblioteca, conversión entre formatos, conversión de
fontes de novas a libro electrónico, así como funcionalidades de
sincronización co lector de libros.
O Calibre é fundamentalmente un programa de catálogo de libros
electrónicos. Xestiona coleccións de libros electrónicos. Está deseñado
arredor do concepto do libro lóxico, isto é unha única entrada na base de
datos pode corresponder a libros en varios formatos. Tamén acepta a
conversión dunha ducia de formatos diferentes de libro electrónico a LRF e
EPUB. Pódese acceder facilmente a unha interface gráfica para o software
de conversión simplemente premendo o botón «Converter libros
Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ,
O Calibre ten un deseño de controladores de dispositivos modular que fai
que engadir o recoñecemento dun dispositivo lector diferente sexa doado.
Nesta altura, admite os SONY PRS 500/505/700 e o iPhone (co software
lector stanza). A sincronización permite actualizar os metadatos do
dispositivo a partir dos metadatos da biblioteca e a creación de
coleccións no dispositivo baseadas nas etiquetas definidas na vista de
biblioteca. Se se dispón de máis de un formato dun libro, calibre escolle
automaticamente o mellor formato ao envialo ao dispositivo.
O Calibre pode obter automaticamente novas de moitos sitios webs e fontes
de RSS, formatalas nun libro electrónico e envialas a un dispositivo
conectado. Permite xerar libros LRF/EPUB. Os libros electrónicos inclúen
as versións *completas* dos artigos, non só os resumos.
O Calibre tamén conta cun visor de libros incorporado que pode mostrar a
maioría dos formatos de libros electrónicos.
Package: calibre-bin
Description-md5: 7cdeb75ac5751b72c9a6ac650d2fde30
Description-gl: e-book converter and library management
O Calibre pretende ser unha solución completa de biblioteca electrónica.
Inclúe xestión de biblioteca, conversión entre formatos, conversión de
fontes de novas a libro electrónico, así como funcionalidades de
sincronización co lector de libros.
O Calibre é fundamentalmente un programa de catálogo de libros
electrónicos. Xestiona coleccións de libros electrónicos. Está deseñado
arredor do concepto do libro lóxico, isto é unha única entrada na base de
datos pode corresponder a libros en varios formatos. Tamén acepta a
conversión dunha ducia de formatos diferentes de libro electrónico a LRF e
EPUB. Pódese acceder facilmente a unha interface gráfica para o software
de conversión simplemente premendo o botón «Converter libros
Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ,
O Calibre ten un deseño de controladores de dispositivos modular que fai
que engadir o recoñecemento dun dispositivo lector diferente sexa doado.
Nesta altura, admite os SONY PRS 500/505/700 e o iPhone (co software
lector stanza). A sincronización permite actualizar os metadatos do
dispositivo a partir dos metadatos da biblioteca e a creación de
coleccións no dispositivo baseadas nas etiquetas definidas na vista de
biblioteca. Se se dispón de máis de un formato dun libro, calibre escolle
automaticamente o mellor formato ao envialo ao dispositivo.
O Calibre pode obter automaticamente novas de moitos sitios webs e fontes
de RSS, formatalas nun libro electrónico e envialas a un dispositivo
conectado. Permite xerar libros LRF/EPUB. Os libros electrónicos inclúen
as versións *completas* dos artigos, non só os resumos.
O Calibre tamén conta cun visor de libros incorporado que pode mostrar a
maioría dos formatos de libros electrónicos.
This package contains the compiled architecture dependent plugins.
Package: calligra
Description-md5: 5b2385e3ba6a90ac8a81e5c2cbf9a89e
Description-gl: extensive productivity and creative suite
O Calligra Suite é un conxunto de aplicativos escritos para axudar a
realizar o seu traballo. Inclúe aplicativos de ofimática, como un
procesador de texto, unha folla de cálculo, un programa de presentacións,
un aplicativo de base de datos, etc., así como ferramentas de imaxes
raster e vectoriais.
This metapackage provides all the components of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligra-dbg
Description-md5: 3eba8789e792e2fd76bbd27265c6b719
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Calligra
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co Calligra. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligra-l10n-bs
Description-md5: b6bc16301290064ac457da186ef6b529
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en bosnio (bs) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao catalán de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-ca
Description-md5: 81d21480991179dfc7e634283f813ff4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en catalán (ca) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao catalán de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-cs
Description-md5: b48d270a65f9f2e157506fe86d350079
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en checo (cs) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao catalán de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-da
Description-md5: 790582baa18548b6b76aa759f91e8d1f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en dinamarqués (da) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao dinamarqués de todos os aplicativos
da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-de
Description-md5: dfab3940671750f8fa83102bc933681c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en alemán (de) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao alemán de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-el
Description-md5: a6ea1e609716a9880c2429dc1042799e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en grego (el) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao grego de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-es
Description-md5: 54e2ad609d925d30b699a3d8cadd84dc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en español (es) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao español de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-et
Description-md5: 199b181e16dcbc07389fe3ece1d6abc7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en estoniano (et) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao estoniano de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-fi
Description-md5: 5142a754b05352cfa63f31d6fa475b28
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en finlandés(fi) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao finlandés de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-fr
Description-md5: 171d7aaa2c542dd5361d686beed4b568
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en francés (fr) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao francés de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-gl
Description-md5: dc5a23cc9855c425da07b215cf08b0df
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en galego (gl) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao francés de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-hu
Description-md5: 2c0e7b1bfe1895ffe33b0b16270f10c8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en húngaro (hu) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao húngaro de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-it
Description-md5: 494b9aa3c3ec0823c9e7ad95468b84aa
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en italiano (it) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao italiano de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-kk
Description-md5: fda72a968ec0c4ad92d67199798d87e7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en cazaxo (kk) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao cazaxo de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-nb
Description-md5: 9bb59370a31fa04eaeda9badc5248b11
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en noruegués bookmal (nb) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao noruegués bookmal de todos os
aplicativos da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-nds
Description-md5: 20d59dfe875401a6541a5583c980c66a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en baixo saxón (nds) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao baixo saxón de todos os aplicativos
da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-nl
Description-md5: 5fe3bb1c2856725ce44bc1324b8deab9
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en holandés (nl) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao holandés de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-pl
Description-md5: b372a22c3200eba9ab43026edc8df913
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en polaco (pl) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao polaco de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-pt
Description-md5: 8775d12eab7ab93efb67a81851667b98
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en portugués (pt) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao portugués de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-ptbr
Description-md5: d1663ab944baafcacebe2bf4791e75fe
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en portugués do Brasil (pt_BR) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao portugués do Brasil de todos os
aplicativos da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-ru
Description-md5: 6de61efe4060254e283d68cab9ebf752
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en ruso (ru) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao ruso de todos os aplicativos da suite
de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-sk
Description-md5: bc20302d1c1b17146f65df696f83378c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en eslovaco (sk) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao eslovaco de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-sl
Description-md5: 51f528a40e7e5c3b5f000511aa4787ac
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en esloveno (sl) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao esloveno de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-sv
Description-md5: 5daa6db301cf26aa80f28e4a0d591c09
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en sueco (sv) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao sueco de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-tr
Description-md5: c10fd2f9869d8a890d64ea17a59073d3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en turco (tr) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao turco de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-uk
Description-md5: da51ab0090bc05f4fd7a22b71c7b6e95
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en ucraíno (gl) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao ucraíno de todos os aplicativos da
suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-zhcn
Description-md5: 6378f9f66ce8143389b07c093539b1de
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en chinés simplificado (zh_CN) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén a tradución ao chinés simplificado de todos os
aplicativos da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-l10n-zhtw
Description-md5: 36e8ad24056edc4bbbb9b07d3bef0079
Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización en chinés tradicional (zh_TW) para o Calligra
Este paquete contén as traducións ao chinés tradicional de todos os
aplicativos da suite de ofimática Calligra.
Package: calligra-libs
Description-md5: bd711fec00d4e12eb191529df959aaf2
Description-gl: Bibliotecas e binarios comúns da suite Calligra
Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e binarios compartidos entre os
diversos compoñentes do Calligra.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligra-reports-map-element
Description-md5: b663e5d4cf63c45907824082c0ffa604
Description-gl: map element for Calligra Reports
O Calligra Suite é un conxunto de aplicativos escritos para axudar a
realizar o seu traballo. Inclúe aplicativos de ofimática, como un
procesador de texto, unha folla de cálculo, un programa de presentacións,
un aplicativo de base de datos, etc., así como ferramentas de imaxes
raster e vectoriais.
This package provides a map element for Calligra Reports, based on the
Marble library.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligra-reports-web-element
Description-md5: 64e5316ad4266d7500c9f9e24a092d05
Description-gl: Elementos web do Calligra Reports
O Calligra Suite é un conxunto de aplicativos escritos para axudar a
realizar o seu traballo. Inclúe aplicativos de ofimática, como un
procesador de texto, unha folla de cálculo, un programa de presentacións,
un aplicativo de base de datos, etc., así como ferramentas de imaxes
raster e vectoriais.
Este paquete fornece un elemento web para o Calligra Reports, baseado no
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligraactive
Description-md5: 0016fbbd625b9b973b24375fe095c155
Description-gl: Versión de QML do Calligra
O Calligra Active é un visor de documentos para Plasma Active.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligraauthor
Description-md5: 3c131d595eb28ee77e471cefe88837fa
Description-gl: Ferramenta de autor do Calligra Suite
A specialized tool for serious writers, like novelists or textbook
writers, aiming to become what Krita is for painters. The application will
support a writer in the process of creating an eBook from concept to
publication. Calligra Author will provide interactive content elements
like multimedia, 2D and 3D animations, embedded web content and support
for javascript scripting.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligraflow
Description-md5: 9c8e2e9129e5a0717a12c76bb43c7b67
Description-gl: Programa de diagramas de fluxos para o Calligra Suite
Flow offers basic flowcharting abilities, but with a twist. Objects are
scriptable, and a backend plugin system offers the ability to make objects
do just about anything.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: calligraflow-data
Description-md5: 2ab948af7f1c5f00dec162f5a9b4e57b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do programa de diagramas de fluxos Flow
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do
Flow, o programa de diagramas de fluxo que se inclúe coa suite Calligra.
See the calligraflow package for further information.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: camlidl-doc
Description-md5: ef0b34636d525d208f66b7a8ba679705
Description-gl: documentación de CamlIDL nos formatos PS, PDF e HTML
CamlIDL generates stub code for interfacing Caml with C from an IDL
description of the C functions. Thus, CamlIDL automates the most tedious
task in interfacing C libraries with Caml programs.
It can also be used to interface Caml programs with other languages, as
long as those languages have a well-defined C interface.
This package contains the CamlIDL documentation in PostScript, PDF and
HTML formats.
Package: camlp4-extra
Description-md5: d377a10ed9436db7781a246d523c4af3
Description-gl: Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml - extras
Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on
the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system
and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML.
CamlP4 é un preprocesador con formateo para Objective Caml. Ofrece
ferramentas para sintaxe (Analizadores de fluxo e gramáticas) e a
capacidade de modificar a sintaxe concreta da linguaxe (Citas, extensións
This package contains pre-linked executables and libraries for pre-
processing and pretty-printing OCaml sources out of the box for various
common needs.
Package: cantor
Description-md5: 435f060671ff8f2d4b20f9735127f577
Description-gl: interface for mathematical applications
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages):
* KAlgebra (cantor-backend-kalgebra)
* Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima)
* R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r)
* Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage)
* Octave (cantor-backend-octave)
* Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab)
* Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate)
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-kalgebra
Description-md5: ca52268a9571ace4dbca050324199816
Description-gl: KAlgebra backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using KAlgebra
( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-maxima
Description-md5: 34cae6fe95166c53abd5cf711fb42ef1
Description-gl: Maxima backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the Maxima Computer Algebra
System ( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-octave
Description-md5: 79fe4966524f637e2d4e8f99fb8d297f
Description-gl: Octave backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the GNU Octave language for
numerical computations ( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-python
Description-md5: 3cf7164742af53bb69390d95310a9dde
Description-gl: Python backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the Python programming
language in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-qalculate
Description-md5: af02d5fa524b6e6ca206730c820261a8
Description-gl: Qalculate! backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the Qalculate! calculator
( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-r
Description-md5: 74d444374dd30b2304fde01aa9564c0d
Description-gl: R backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the R Project for Statistical
Computing ( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-sage
Description-md5: 677914172ef910acfe0cc44fd68dbcb4
Description-gl: Sage backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the Sage Mathematics Software
( in Cantor.
Please note that sagemath is not available in Debian, so you need to
manually install it for this package to work.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-backend-scilab
Description-md5: 19e2d8fa15951e184d59203e329d18a4
Description-gl: Scilab backend for Cantor
Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite
mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It
provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your
worksheets with others.
This package provides the backend for using the Scilab scientific software
package for numerical computations ( in Cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cantor-dbg
Description-md5: 0caf730cc817e02dff53dc08585e2086
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do cantor
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en cantor.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: cauchy-dev
Description-md5: 642d9e5331f6aa220658fb1742d73e15
Description-gl: library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++
library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ (with Eigen) and
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: cbflib-doc
Description-md5: b812fdfc937951e1a03fd864a6a21385
Description-gl: documentation for CBFlib
CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for
accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting
CIF (imgCIF) files.
Este paquete contén a documentación de CBFlib.
Package: ccd2iso
Description-md5: 9f44a8176345ae93024124f395406026
Description-gl: Converter from CloneCD disc image format to standard ISO
This converts CD backup files created using the non-free CloneCD program
to a format understood by most Free Software CD writing programs.
Páxina web:
Package: cclive
Description-md5: 586468b7a6745cb9baa21e5d898cd818
Description-gl: lightweight command line video extraction tool
cclive is a lightweight command line video extraction tool for Youtube and
other similar video websites. It is a rewrite of the clive software in C++
with lower system footprint and fewer dependencies.
cclive é fundamentalmente unha «ferramenta de descarga de vídeo» mais
tamén pode ser empregada xunto cun software reprodutor de vídeo como
«mplayer» para ver vídeos en retransmisión en troques do reprodutor de
flash da Adobe.
Package: cdcd-dbg
Description-md5: 99cde580e3070f580b2513d117db475b
Description-gl: command line or console based CD player (debug)
cdcd works in two ways, accepting commands directly off the command line
or in a query mode similar to other UNIX programs. To pass a command to
cdcd, simply run cdcd with the command as the argument (e.g. cdcd play).
This is great for using cron and cdcd together to make a CD alarm clock.
Or you can run cdcd without arguments and you will be given the cdcd
command prompt.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: cdi2iso
Description-md5: e4681972048a873ac8bacb2d586154e5
Description-gl: DiscJuggler image to ISO image file converter
cdi2iso is a very simple utility to convert DiscJuggler image to the
standard ISO-9660 format.
Páxina web:
Package: cdparanoia
Description-md5: e822cba0a77b7c13282c31b92c5e9561
Description-gl: Ferramenta de extracción de son para mostrear CD
An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs. Unlike similar programs such as
cdda2wav, cdparanoia goes to great lengths to try to extract the audio
information without any artifacts such as jitter.
Package: cdrdao
Description-md5: 27c1ea6fa8a4913e9dd3ddfb6c692c21
Description-gl: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode
cdrdao grava CD-R de son ou de datos no modo disco de vez (DAO) baseándose
nunha descrición textual do contido do CD.
Ao gravar en modo «disk-at-once» escríbese o disco completo, isto é,
inícianse e péchanse unha ou máis pistas nun só paso. O xeito no que se
usa comunmente «track-at-once» (TAO) escribe cada pista independentemente,
o que require de ligazóns entre bloques de dúas pistas. Probablemente deba
usar este se pretende copiar un CD con varias pistas, como a maioría dos
CD de son.
cdrdao tamén pode xestionar o formato comunmente empregado bin/cue para
os VCDs ou discos con datos de subcanle.
Se o que quer é simplemente gravar un CD de datos normais, probabelmente
wodim lle sexa mellor.
Package: cdrskin
Description-md5: b788b9f76cc8b2ac4c17018054ac37a2
Description-gl: ferramenta para escribir en CD/DVD/BD desde a liña de ordes
cdrskin strives to be a second source for the services traditionally
provided by cdrecord. Currently it does CD-R and CD-RW this way.
Overwritable media DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, and BD-RE are handled
differently than with cdrecord-ProDVD in order to offer TAO-like single
track recording. Sequential DVD-R[W], DVD+R, DVD+R DL are handled like
CD-R[W] with TAO and multi-session. Additionally cdrskin offers cdrecord-
ProDVD-like mode DAO with DVD-R[W].
This is a burner only application. If you want a burner and image
manipulation application, please install xorriso package.
Package: cecilia
Description-md5: b08cdcb1d0367921f3fd6627573f4370
Description-gl: Ambiente de síntese de son e procesamento de sinais de son
Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound
processing package CSound. Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly
graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control CSound instruments.
It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in
reference. It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new
opcode in an interactive and intuitive way.
Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming
Cecilia was designed by and for musicians and sound designers. All the
traditional sound processing devices are included such as EQs, compressors
and delays adapted for the most simple applications and the wildest
imaginable sonic contortions.
Package: celestia
Description-md5: 78a66b90f7212c67593df5af3f1e5a09
Description-gl: real-time visual space simulation
Celestia é un programa libre de astronomía en 3D. Baseado no Catálogo
Hipparcos, permite que os usuarios mostren obxectos que van desde os
satélites artificiais a galaxias enteiras en tres dimensións empregando
OpenGL. Ao contrario da maioría do software de planetarios, o usuario ten
a liberdade de viaxar polo Universo.
Este é un paquete sen máis que escolle ao menos unha interface para o
Package: celestia-common
Description-md5: cf94db829e3d5a0c325f6bfbbd4edb06
Description-gl: ficheiros de datos para Celestia, unha simulación espacial visual en tempo real
Celestia é un programa libre de astronomía en 3D. Baseado no Catálogo
Hipparcos, permite que os usuarios mostren obxectos que van desde os
satélites artificiais a galaxias enteiras en tres dimensións empregando
OpenGL. Ao contrario da maioría do software de planetarios, o usuario ten
a liberdade de viaxar polo Universo.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do Celestia.
Package: celestia-glut
Description-md5: b2da7a2953f378cd64e14571f7f37e63
Description-gl: real-time visual space simulation (GLUT frontend)
Celestia é un programa libre de astronomía en 3D. Baseado no Catálogo
Hipparcos, permite que os usuarios mostren obxectos que van desde os
satélites artificiais a galaxias enteiras en tres dimensións empregando
OpenGL. Ao contrario da maioría do software de planetarios, o usuario ten
a liberdade de viaxar polo Universo.
Este paquete contén unha interface mínima para o Celestia. Existe un
paquete separado que fornece unha interface que se integra con GNOME.
Package: celestia-gnome
Description-md5: 6bdf63b021d6ded9f54ba752c3084ba6
Description-gl: real-time visual space simulation (GNOME frontend)
Celestia é un programa libre de astronomía en 3D. Baseado no Catálogo
Hipparcos, permite que os usuarios mostren obxectos que van desde os
satélites artificiais a galaxias enteiras en tres dimensións empregando
OpenGL. Ao contrario da maioría do software de planetarios, o usuario ten
a liberdade de viaxar polo Universo.
Este paquete contén a interface en GTK+ do Celestia e intégrase con GNOME.
Package: cellwriter
Description-md5: 8e8ed407f93fe036cf7ba99236e0abc1
Description-gl: grid-entry handwriting input panel
O CellWriter é un panel de entrada de escrita natural á man con forma de
grella. Segundo se van escribindo caracteres nas celas vaise recoñecendo o
que se escribe a nivel de caracteres. Ao premer «Intro» no panel, o que se
escribiu envíase ao aplicativo que tiver o foco tal e como se se escribise
no teclado.
* Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition
* Correcting preprocessor algorithms account for digitizer noise,
differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes
* Unicode support enables you to write in your native language
Package: ceph-fs-common-dbg
Description-md5: aa04d5e291a121b5512a5c379fed4f57
Description-gl: debugging symbols for ceph-fs-common
Ceph is a distributed network file system designed to provide excellent
performance, reliability, and scalability. This is a collection of common
tools, including the mount utility, that allows one to mount the Ceph file
system with the kernel client.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ceph-fs-common.
Package: ceph-mds
Description-md5: d37d51a4735a093f21799c80f707168f
Description-gl: metadata server for the ceph distributed file system
Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide
excellent performance, reliability, and scalability.
Este paquete contén o daemon do servidor de metadatos, que se usa para
crear un sistema de ficheiros distribuído por riba do clúster de
almacenamento de ceph.
Package: ceph-mds-dbg
Description-md5: 4bccb890723e465eee1809af0c5a17ed
Description-gl: debugging symbols for ceph-mds
Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide
excellent performance, reliability, and scalability.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ceph-mds.
Package: ceph-test-dbg
Description-md5: f259d035b703a6bc6b0df049d2c7f1ca
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ceph-test
Ceph is a distributed storage system designed to provide excellent
performance, reliability, and scalability.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ceph-test.
Package: cervisia
Description-md5: 24aa55ccfc4c9ef6342e9d331b63080e
Description-gl: graphical CVS client
Cervisia é unha interface gráfica do cliente do sistema de control con
versións CVS.
Alén das operacións básicas e avanzadas de CVS, fornece unha interface
gráfica cómoda para ver, modificar e manipular os ficheiros dun
repositorio CVS ou dun directorio de traballo. Inclúe ferramentas
deseñadas para facilitar o uso de CVS, como un explorador de rexistros, un
solucionador de conflitos e un editor de rexistro de cambios que comproba
os formatos incorrectos.
This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module.
Package: cervisia-dbg
Description-md5: e8b7aa91d0dcf7d6a171a8f02fd9a40d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo Software Development Kit de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de desenvolvemento de
software do KDE 4.
Package: cfengine2-dbg
Description-md5: e44bd6e94f195cf7390e59f8ff477214
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do cfengine2
The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to
create a single central file which will define how every host on a network
should be configured.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do cfengine2.
Package: cfengine3-dbg
Description-md5: 59dbc8979a3f94dab6c95ca89282b370
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do cfengine3
The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to
create a single central file which will define how every host on a network
should be configured.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do cfengine3.
Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d
Description-gl: Mapa de caracteres para GNUstep
This is a character map. It is developed using the GNUstep development
environment ( and is meant to contribute to GNUstep's
promise towards a desktop environment.
Charmap offers font selection, allowing one to easily see all the glyphs
which a particular font offers.
Package: checkbox-urwid
Description-md5: 04fb9dedcf4a590cdf3d8a74d7f293cc
Description-gl: Urwid interface for checkbox
Este proxecto fornece unha interface extensíbel para probar o sistema. Os
resultados pódense enviar despois a Launchpad.
This package provides a command line interface (urwid version) for
answering tests.
Package: checkstyle-doc
Description-md5: bab49bc473fefc35dcd1bbd91b098568
Description-gl: Documentación de Checkstyle
Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that
adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java
code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it
ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard.
Checkstyle is highly configurable and can be made to support almost any
coding standard. An example configuration file is supplied supporting the
Sun Code Conventions.
This package contains the Javadoc files and some examples to illustrate
how use the Checkstyle tool.
Package: childsplay
Description-md5: 533ca128a3e56e3c9a4bdc02cc6fc64e
Description-gl: Suite de xogos educativos para cativos
Childsplay fornece actividades memorísticas divertidas de xogar e que ao
mesmo tempo permiten aprender sons, imaxes, letras e números, así como
actividades que adestran os cativos no uso do rato e o teclado e
actividades que son xogo puro, como puzzles, pong, pacman e billar.
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-bg
Description-md5: 2aeba071d1857da6dde21e6c9041ab94
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en búlgaro para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ca
Description-md5: 1ab15e0b611c3fffec3c89984cc67abe
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en catalán para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-de
Description-md5: 4af86cd5b3bad3a9417cc548c15a29ad
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en alemán para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-el
Description-md5: fa4938661f8827b08deb34d6ed00a09e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en grego para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-en-gb
Description-md5: b18b2ca9aafe4244d1e5ff30e525a48a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en inglés británico para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-es
Description-md5: 0e41215da4b79ba001b4b25f8bf37ec4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en español para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr
Description-md5: 9c16d25ac653c2afb929e42893b74dc2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en francés para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it
Description-md5: d6802d2cf52d34f215b4c2c29743fc5a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en italiano para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nb
Description-md5: ef602570215efe48e5220bd01145ec34
Description-gl: Bokmål sound files for childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl
Description-md5: 30deed121695da4744503b9d94739aa9
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en holandés para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt
Description-md5: 0b90eda40af66f0629539bce92a79f12
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ro
Description-md5: c8645ea4267128aa6f352037bd16f778
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en romanés para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru
Description-md5: e19388782cb89cc5690b73a4f11c6fa6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en ruso para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sl
Description-md5: 305c5970d7692d3fe58730bc6d7e0c2a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esloveno para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv
Description-md5: c411913397d961190b4f06c9c501f21e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en sueco para o childsplay
Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay
Package: chinese-calendar
Description-md5: 9f3b64cd36c883cd066a5e67ac6b58d9
Description-gl: Calendario lunar chinés
This indicator is used to show a Chinese lunar calendar which is tailored
for Chinese users. The calendar can show festivals and the 24 solar terms,
year and month is also selectable.
This calendar is a default application in the UbuntuKylin flavour.
Package: choqok
Description-md5: bbc96ef6f2db31b2a8b47c49ee309e26
Description-gl: Cliente de microblogging para KDE
O Choqok é un cliente de micro-blogging rápido, eficiente e sinxelo para
KDE. Actualmente admite os servizos de e
Other notable features include:
* Support for user + friends time-lines.
* Support for @Reply time-lines.
* Support for sending and receiving direct messages.
* integration.
* The ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously.
* Support for search APIs for all services.
* KWallet integration.
* Support for automatic shortening urls with more than 30 characters.
* Support for configuring status lists appearance.
Package: chromium-browser
Description-md5: f899058e5c597ae295f6ef23b467dade
Description-gl: Navegador Chromium
O Chromium é un proxecto de navegador de código aberto que pretende
construír unha maneira máis segura, rápida e estábel para que todos os
usuarios da Internet gocen da Rede.
O Chromium serve como base do Google Chrome, que é o Chromium con
identidade nova (nome e logotipo) con moi poucos engadidos, como
seguimento de uso e sistema de actualizacións automático.
Este paquete contén o navegador Chromium
Package: chromium-browser-dbg
Description-md5: 15b3c7e55558d7ef27690042e85c8e5c
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de chromium-browser
Símbolos de depuración do navegador Chromium
Package: chromium-browser-l10n
Description-md5: c2e096d2a6fe078996f4990644767741
Description-gl: paquetes de idioma de chromium-browser
O Chromium é un proxecto de navegador de código aberto que pretende
construír unha maneira máis segura, rápida e estábel para que todos os
usuarios da Internet gocen da Rede.
This package contains language packages for 65 languages: am, ar, ast, bg,
bn, bs, ca, ca@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-GB, eo, es-419, es, et,
eu, fa, fil, fi, fr, gl, gu, he, hi, hr, hu, hy, ia, id, it, ja, ka, kn,
ko, ku, kw, lt, lv, ml, mr, ms, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sl,
sr, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tr, ug, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW
Package: chromium-chromedriver
Description-md5: 2e6e3c36fa55c5630ac7d648c44010d7
Description-gl: WebDriver driver for the Chromium Browser
Chromedriver serves as a bridge between Chromium Browser and Selenium
Consulte para máis
Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg
Description-md5: e9d73e814a08298b16cf36187c847fde
Description-gl: Códecs libres de ffmpeg para o navegador Chromium
O Chromium é un proxecto de navegador de código aberto que pretende
construír unha maneira máis segura, rápida e estábel para que todos os
usuarios da Internet gocen da Rede.
This package contains the multi-threaded ffmpeg codecs needed for the
HTML5 and tags. Only the free ogg, vorbis and theora
codecs are included. See chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra for additional
Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-dbg
Description-md5: 7e8e74f91e0842ff27996a795a82b3de
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de chromium-codecs-ffmpeg
Debug symbols for the free ffmpeg-mt codecs
Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
Description-md5: ab978b950781d7f6c3bc7c16294da8fe
Description-gl: Códecs extra de ffmpeg para o navegador Chromium
O Chromium é un proxecto de navegador de código aberto que pretende
construír unha maneira máis segura, rápida e estábel para que todos os
usuarios da Internet gocen da Rede.
This package contains the multi-threaded ffmpeg codecs needed for the
HTML5 and tags. In addition to the patent-free ogg, vorbis
and theora codecs, aac/ac3/mpeg4audio/h264/mov/mp3 are also included. See
chromium-codecs-ffmpeg if you prefer only the patent-free codecs
Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-dbg
Description-md5: 3002fac13fe9f771bfdcb0702c4ccc6c
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
Debug symbols for the extra ffmpeg-mt codecs
Package: cia-clients
Description-md5: 8c41f44e46b45952c764f59dbf8f28a0
Description-gl: clients scripts for CIA commit notification on IRC
CIA is a system for tracking open-source projects in real-time. People all
over the world are constantly collaborating and creating software,
creating a constant flow of new code and new ideas. CIA provides an easy
way for people to observe this flow. Commit messages will be posted in
#commits on, and CIA bots can be asked to join other IRC
networks and channels for individual projects.
This collection include CIA client scripts for:
* Arch (tla)
* Bazaar (bzr)
* BitKeeper (bk)
* Darcs
* Git
* Subversion (svn)
(the svnmailer package also includes CIA support)
* Mercurial (Hg)
Consulte para máis información sobre o sistema CIA.
Package: cimg-doc
Description-md5: 0eb6ff63cab3c330fa17dcf7a2d9b24e
Description-gl: documentation of cimg-dev imaging library
The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions
to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It
consists only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your
program source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for
loading/saving, resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines,
faces, ellipses, ...), etc.
Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to
4-dimension wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued
pixels), with template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of
libraries : you can compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for
exotic libraries and complex dependencies.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: cinnamon-dbg
Description-md5: 0a4713544c33cd53ec65fca63b3025ed
Description-gl: Escritorio innovador e cómodo (Símbolos de depuración)
Cinnamon is a desktop environment which provides advanced innovative
features and a traditional user experience.
The desktop layout is similar to GNOME 2. The underlying technology is
forked from gnome-shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home
and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: citadel-dbg
Description-md5: ab0aa8b4af69a9d2ea594717a9a97d33
Description-gl: Servidor de traballo en grupo completo e cheo de funcionalidades - símbolos de depuración
Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform.
* Email, calendaring/scheduling, address books
* Bulletin boards, mailing list server, instant messaging
* Multiple domain support
* An intuitive, attractive AJAX-style web interface
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do servidor Citadel.
Package: cjk-latex
Description-md5: 70e2c15cd497b533ad733dc52be29256
Description-gl: Instala todos os paquetes de CJK de LaTeX
This is a dummy package that allows you to smoothly upgrade from the old
cjk-latex to the current latex-cjk-common packages. After the installation
of the latex-cjk-common packages, you can safely delete this package.
Package: clang-3.3-doc
Description-md5: bf7ce4e670da476ae4cb783dde3e396a
Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) - Documentation
Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the
LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC).
Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998 and 2001 standards and also
provides a partial support of C++1y.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: clang-3.5-doc
Description-md5: bf7ce4e670da476ae4cb783dde3e396a
Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) - Documentation
Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the
LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC).
Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998 and 2001 standards and also
provides a partial support of C++1y.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: clementine
Description-md5: 9b07f6234a00c4bc6cfe4e1f36bacf27
Description-gl: modern music player and library organizer
O Clementine é un reprodutor de música multiplataforma que se centra nunha
interface rápida e doada de utilizar para buscar e reproducir música.
Resumo das funcionalidades incluídas:
- Buscar e reproducir a biblioteca de música local.
- Escoitar radio da Internet de, SomaFM e Magnatune.
- Listas de reprodución en lapelas, importación e exportación de M3U, XSPF, PLS e ASX.
- Visualizacións con projectM.
- Transcodificación de música a MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC ou AAC
- Edición de etiquetas de ficheiros MP3 e OGG, organización da música.
- Descarga de carátulas de álbums que falten desde
- Notificacións nativas dos escritorios empregando libnotify.
- Admite MPRIS ou control remoto empregando a liña de ordes.
- Control remoto empregando un Wii Remote, MPRIS ou a liña de ordes.
- Copia de música ao iPod, iPhone, reprodutor de MTP ou almacenamento USB.
- Xestor de filas.
It is largely a port of Amarok 1.4, with some features rewritten to take
advantage of Qt4.
Package: clisp-dev
Description-md5: 3de55100ab2db3e64610d2304e6108a1
Description-gl: GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (development files)
This is the link kit of clisp, it can be used to add external modules
(written for example in C) to the implementation. The module can define
new variables, symbols and functions for use in clisp. Examples include
database interfaces or widget libraries. Normal users do not need this.
Consulte tamén
ANSI Common Lisp is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.
GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible of Karlsruhe
University and Michael Stoll of Munich University, both in Germany. It
mostly supports the Lisp described in the ANSI Common Lisp standard. It
runs on most Unix workstations (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX, BeOS, NeXTstep, IRIX, AIX and others) and on other
systems (Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98/ME) and needs only 4 MB of RAM.
Package: clonezilla
Description-md5: f9c2e3ff6ca4a7aff674192c45254b5b
Description-gl: bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives
O Clonezilla é un sistema de clonación de código aberto con unicasting e
O Clonezilla, baseado en drbl, partclone e udpcast, permite crear copias
de seguranza e recuperar ao nivel máis baixo. Este paquete fornece
Clonezilla SE (edición de servidor), que é para a instalación en masa:
pode clonar moitos (máis de 40!) computadores simultaneamente.
O Clonezilla grava e restaura só os bloques usados dos discos duros. Isto
incrementa a eficiencia da clonación. Na aula C de NCHC, Clonezill SE foi
usado para clonar corenta e un computadores simultaneamente. Levou arredor
de dez minutos clonar unha imaxe de 5,6 GBytes en corenta e un
computadores mediante multicasting.
Package: cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf
Description-md5: 1a41b583d318bc06bd63e44e8b7af400
Description-gl: write a network interface file in /run for BOOTIF
Este paquete fornece un módulo de initramfs que escribe un ficheiro
sinxelo formatado con interfaces de rede para executar as entradas
de/run/network/interfaces con calquera dispositivo que fose configurado
durante initramfs.
Package: clzip-dbg
Description-md5: 571821d4cfc283c561cb99f7df974072
Description-gl: C, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than
bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data
Clzip is a C language version of lzip using the lzip file format; the
files produced by clzip are fully compatible with lzip.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: cmake-curses-gui
Description-md5: 9b41ab000523f38307827365d113b808
Description-gl: curses based user interface for CMake (ccmake)
O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software
empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma
e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo
nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira.
This package provides the CMake curses interface. Project configuration
settings may be specified interactively through this GUI. Brief
instructions are provided at the bottom of the terminal when the program
is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "ccmake".
Package: cmake-qt-gui
Description-md5: e7f236208090ca9ced1afba0e49246e6
Description-gl: Qt4 based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui)
O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software
empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma
e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo
nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira.
This package provides the CMake Qt4 based GUI. Project configuration
settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided
at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main
executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
Package: code-saturne-data
Description-md5: 5c55d0048b6e1a03e1bbb43c0d295dc5
Description-gl: General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - data
The basic capabilities of Code_Saturne enable the handling of either
incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and
turbulence. Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as
radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...),
magneto-hydrodynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange
approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g.
Mercure_Saturne for atmospheric environment).
It runs in parallel with MPI on distributed memory machines. Developed
since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located Finite Volume approach
that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral,
prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure
(unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes,
Este paquete contén os datos.
Package: code-saturne-doc
Description-md5: c4958adf62437b0de0c7d54b02ed1120
Description-gl: General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - Documentation
The basic capabilities of Code_Saturne enable the handling of either
incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and
turbulence. Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as
radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...),
magneto-hydrodynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange
approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g.
Mercure_Saturne for atmospheric environment).
It runs in parallel with MPI on distributed memory machines. Developed
since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located Finite Volume approach
that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral,
prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure
(unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes,
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: codeblocks-dbg
Description-md5: 7e7792ba1de0b06b34ce92145123d1dd
Description-gl: Code::Blocks debugging libraries
Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are:
* Compiler frontend to many free compilers
* Debugger frontend for GDB
* Source formatter (based on AStyle)
* Wizard to create new C++ classes
* Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress)
* Default MIME handler
* Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins
* To-do list
* Extensible wizard based on scripts
* Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete «codeblocks».
Package: coinor-csdp
Description-md5: 3387a519cd4050842068fed81a363f44
Description-gl: A software package for semidefinite programming
CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector
variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl,
Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory
multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the
constraint matrices.
CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén os binarios.
Package: coinor-csdp-doc
Description-md5: 36afd71b06e40a59e9be520d4e184445
Description-gl: A software package for semidefinite programming
CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector
variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl,
Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory
multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the
constraint matrices.
CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libcbc-doc
Description-md5: a22c6bbfa2107d5edcf0af71cb0aaaa1
Description-gl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (documentation)
Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming
solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand-
alone executable.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libcbc3
Description-md5: b4d3283ed0e3235b24f8eec60fa098c1
Description-gl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (shared libraries)
Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming
solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand-
alone executable.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: coinor-libcgl-doc
Description-md5: c1e354598b97d885dbef1b041fb452e2
Description-gl: COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (documentation)
The Cut Generation Library (Cgl) is an open collection of cutting plane
implementations ("cut generators") for use in teaching, research, and
Cgl is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure
for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that
make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libclp-doc
Description-md5: 1763fbe2774afd0d49a6231c7e49b1e3
Description-gl: Coin-or linear programming solver (documentation)
Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming
solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable
library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available. It
is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical
optimization problems.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libcoinutils-doc
Description-md5: 0de112f4a03d87846ec053ad52fb38d1
Description-gl: Coin-or collection of utility classes (documentation)
CoinUtils (Coin-or Utilities) is a collection of classes and functions
that are generally useful to more than one COIN-OR project. These include
classes for vectors, matrices, mps file reading, and functions for
floating-point comparisons.
The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR, or
simply COIN) project is an initiative to spur the development of open
source software for the operations research community.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: coinor-libdylp-doc
Description-md5: c5f68e9abdd9f6366b1558e5c7cd3c34
Description-gl: Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm
DyLp is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical
optimization problems. To this end, it is using a full implementation of
the so called dynamic simplex algorithm for linear programming.
DyLP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research) and integrates well in the COIN
Open Solver Interface (OSI), OsiDylp, which takes advantage of
capabilities provided by COIN (e.g., enhanced input/output and constraint
system preprocessing) and is recommended if you're working in a C++
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libflopc++-doc
Description-md5: da5c102d869aa54f4fba749641473996
Description-gl: Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
An open source algebraic modelling language implemented as a C++ class
library. Using FLOPC++, linear optimization models can be specified in a
declarative style, similar to algebraic modelling languages such as GAMS
and AMPL, within a C++ program. As a result the traditional strengths of
algebraic modelling languages are preserved, while embedding linear
optimization models in software applications is facilitated.
Coinor-flopc++ is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libipopt-doc
Description-md5: ace0722ec70c25cead2c4fcc86a4a74d
Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer - documentation
Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous
optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL,
GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with
interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method,
together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the
larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations
The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the
available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: coinor-libipopt1
Description-md5: b22cc6665e1345d36a3c5f15fa8b6fb8
Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer, for large-scale nonlinear optimization
Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous
optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL,
GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with
interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method,
together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the
larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations
The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the
available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian).
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: coinor-libipopt1-dbg
Description-md5: 80f963768d87ff823fbdb833d6440d67
Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer - debugging symbols
Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous
optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL,
GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with
interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method,
together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the
larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations
The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the
available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: coinor-libosi-doc
Description-md5: 11323afa3409aef6b962bf9c822e83fb
Description-gl: COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (documentation)
Osi (Open Solver Interface) provides an abstract C++ base class to a
generic linear programming (LP) solver, along with derived classes for
specific solvers. Many applications may be able to use the Osi to insulate
themselves from a specific LP solver.
Osi is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure
for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libsymphony-doc
Description-md5: dea6a1d402e1265962f70187d6595346
Description-gl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (documentation)
SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP)
solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing
customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities,
including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm
start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity
SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coinor-libsymphony3
Description-md5: 366d6d4a97ad87929e56360898d68ee9
Description-gl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (shared libraries)
SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP)
solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing
customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities,
including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm
start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity
SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational
Infrastructure for Operations Research).
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: coinor-libvol-doc
Description-md5: e4eec0b9e57c9df52df463313efccaf9
Description-gl: Coin-or linear programming solver
Vol (Volume Algorithm) is a linear programming solver based on the
subgradient method.
Vol is part of COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations
Research) project which is an initiative to spur the development of open-
source software in operational research - mathematical optimization
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: coldfire
Description-md5: 0a4d0086de32c5948258ddf1898c3400
Description-gl: Freescale Coldfire 5206 emulator
Coldfire is a Freescale Coldfire 5206 Emulator. It currently features all
but 5 assembly instructions, a full dBug with extra functionality, both
serial ports, the parallel port, interrupts (through telnet sessions),
full exception handling, timers and timer interrupts, and full tracing
Páxina web: URL:
Package: colibri
Description-md5: 32e618f0ddc3b92dfd6d6ac4582c114d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-notification-colibri
Este é un paquete transitorio para kde-notification-colibri para
asegurarse de que as anovacións funcionan correctamente. Pódese
desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: collectd-dbg
Description-md5: a45e8b46ecec1490f78401e414f11ddc
Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatísticas e vixilancia (símbolos de depuración)
collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically
and provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of
ways. Since the daemon doesn't need to startup every time it wants to
update the values it's very fast and easy on the system. Also, the
statistics are very fine grained since the files are updated every 10
seconds by default.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: collectd-dev
Description-md5: f3446ffaf6495cfe6eeded886300ad69
Description-gl: statistics collection and monitoring daemon (development files)
collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically
and provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of
ways. Since the daemon doesn't need to startup every time it wants to
update the values it's very fast and easy on the system. Also, the
statistics are very fine grained since the files are updated every 10
seconds by default.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para que
poida crear os seus propios engadidos.
Package: colobot-dbg
Description-md5: d224d4638a01be7b439a1f0672ad69d0
Description-gl: educational programming strategy game - debug symbols
Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach
programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a
journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features
3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language,
CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: colorcode
Description-md5: b647012bcf3aafb6ff2c178fd5bdeb9b
Description-gl: clon avanzado do xogo de ruptura de código MasterMind
ColorCode is an advanced MasterMind code-breaking game clone. The program
accepts setting the number of slots (from 2 to 5), the number of colors
(from 2 to 10) and setting if colors might be repeated in the secret code
(doubles allowed or not). The game has 5 built-in levels, from level 1
(beginner: 2 slots and 2 colors, with doubles allowed) to level 5 (hard: 5
slots and 10 colors, with doubles allowed). ColorCode can make guesses in
place of the user.
Package: colord-kde
Description-md5: 2afd12acdec1704c7326033f23cb2b0d
Description-gl: Xestión da cor para KDE
A System Settings module to do color management for monitors, printers,
webcams and other devices.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: compiz-fusion-bcop
Description-md5: ede0f1d49b46a0ae0e1cd0acb32f959f
Description-gl: Compiz Fusion option code generator
Compiz Fusion é o resultado da reunificación do proxecto Beryl e a
comunidade do xestor de xanelas Compiz. Pretende fornecer un ambiente de
xanelas doado e divertido de utilizar que permita empregar o hardware de
gráficos para fornecer efectos impresionantes, velocidades sorprendentes e
utilidade sen rival.
This tool is used to generate code for use with compiz-fusion plugins.
Package: compiz-plugins
Description-md5: 5f988b4273a894361f576aa14d53e19b
Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - plugins
Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do
escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesíbel para os
usuarios con necesidades especiais.
This package contains the plugins that come with compiz but not officially
Package: compiz-plugins-extra
Description-md5: 881dd7ae5d144e48dc92946d884ecd75
Description-gl: transitional dummy package.
Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após a anovación.
Package: compiz-plugins-main
Description-md5: 881dd7ae5d144e48dc92946d884ecd75
Description-gl: transitional dummy package.
Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após a anovación.
Package: compiz-plugins-main-default
Description-md5: 881dd7ae5d144e48dc92946d884ecd75
Description-gl: transitional dummy package.
Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após a anovación.
Package: compizconfig-backend-gconf
Description-md5: 881dd7ae5d144e48dc92946d884ecd75
Description-gl: transitional dummy package.
Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após a anovación.
Package: compizconfig-backend-kconfig
Description-md5: 708a2e39645d483da8a4179f8a000802
Description-gl: KConfig Settings library for plugins - OpenCompositing Project
O Proxecto OpenCompositing trae efectos visuais de escritorio en 3D que
mellorar a usabilidade do Sistema de Xanelas X e fornecen maior
produtividade mediante engadidos e temas achegados pola comunidade, que
así crea unha experiencia de escritorio rica.
Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de configuracións de KConfig (KDE)
para libcompizconfig.
Package: compizconfig-settings-manager
Description-md5: 675304338d841d1ad811fa71af2f89f7
Description-gl: Xestor de opcións de configuración de Compiz
The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve
usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity.
Este paquete contén o xestor de configuración compizconfig.
Package: composite
Description-md5: 3195bc1de2e9d352297b894d92a3c16e
Description-gl: Secuenciado de rendemento en directo.
Composite is a software application/system for real-time, in-performance
sequencing, sampling, and looping. It has a strong emphasis on the needs
of live performance improvisation. It is built around the Tritium audio
engine, which also includes LV2 plugins.
This package contains the Composite Sampler Plugin (LV2) and the main GUI
Package: composite-dbg
Description-md5: 85d57b890588bb991421666b3821dc73
Description-gl: Live performance sequencer (debugging symbols)
Composite is a software application/system for real-time, in-performance
sequencing, sampling, and looping. It has a strong emphasis on the needs
of live performance improvisation. It is built around the Tritium audio
engine, which also includes LV2 plugins.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: concavity-dbg
Description-md5: 881cd6bf782a31542b26aad13ac242fc
Description-gl: predictor of protein ligand binding sites (debug)
ConCavity predicts protein ligand binding sites by combining evolutionary
sequence conservation and 3D structure.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: condor-dbg
Description-md5: c75baba090542a6783220a92d10a4641
Description-gl: distributed workload management system - debugging symbols
Like other full-featured batch systems, Condor provides a job queueing
mechanism, scheduling policy, priority scheme, resource monitoring, and
resource management. Users submit their serial or parallel jobs to Condor;
Condor places them into a queue. It chooses when and where to run the jobs
based upon a policy, carefully monitors their progress, and ultimately
informs the user upon completion.
Unlike more traditional batch queueing systems, Condor can also
effectively harness wasted CPU power from otherwise idle desktop
workstations. Condor does not require a shared file system across machines
- if no shared file system is available, Condor can transfer the job's
data files on behalf of the user.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do Condor.
Package: confclerk
Description-md5: 52a7a34b36dd57b4112392978aa3e3ec
Description-gl: Aplicativo de planificación de conferencias sen conexión
ConfClerk is an application written in Qt, which makes conference
schedules available offline. It displays the conference schedule from
various views, support searches on various items (speaker, speech topic,
location, etc.) and enables you to select favorite events and create your
own schedule.
At the moment ConfClerk is able to import schedules in XML format created
by the PentaBarf conference management system (or frab) used by e.g.
FOSDEM, DebConf, FrOSCon, Grazer LinuxTage, and the CCC congresses.
ConfClerk is targeted at mobile devices but works on any system running
Package: conky-cli-dbg
Description-md5: fdbab2f126c0c1a75fb2173dd7e2d0f0
Description-gl: highly configurable system monitor (basic version - debug)
Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything, either on
your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects,
as well as the ability to execute external programs or scripts (either
external or through built-in lua support).
This is a basic package that can be useful in servers or piped with dzen2.
It includes the following support:
MPD, MOC, math, apcupsd, ncurses and I/O stats.
Este paquete contén só os símbolos de depuración.
Package: conky-std-dbg
Description-md5: ccf575fcc70980eaf7b17497ab11afcc
Description-gl: highly configurable system monitor (default version - debug)
Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything, either on
your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects,
as well as the ability to execute external programs or scripts (either
external or through built-in lua support).
This package should be a good compromise for most users that do not need
special features. It includes the following support:
X11, XDamage, XDBE, Xft, MPD, MOC, math, hddtemp, portmon, RSS, Weather,
wireless, Imlib2, ALSA mixer, apcupsd, I/O stats, argb, Lua and the cairo
and imlib2 lua bindings, Audacious, and XMMS2.
Este paquete contén só os símbolos de depuración.
Package: connman-dev
Description-md5: d3e7149c93ad4faed7d4c4dd05012e40
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de connman
The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing
Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating
system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few
resources as possible, so it can be easily integrated in other Moblin-
based embedded systems. It is fully modular system that can be extended
through plug-ins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies.
Also, configuration methods like DHCP and domain name resolving are
implemented using plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption
and modification for various use cases.
This package contains headers, pkg-config support mainly useful for
developing connman plugins.
Package: context-modules
Description-md5: 23cb7e3f9f34444c17fdd8712debe6f8
Description-gl: additional ConTeXt modules
ConTeXt is a document-production system based, like LaTeX, on the TeX
typesetting system. Whereas LaTeX insulates the writer from typographical
details, ConTeXt takes a complementary approach by providing structured
interfaces for handling typography, including extensive support for
colors, backgrounds, hyperlinks, presentations, figure-text integration,
and conditional compilation. It gives the user extensive control over
formatting while making it easy to create new layouts and styles without
learning the TeX macro language. ConTeXt's unified design averts the
package clashes that can happen with LaTeX.
Este paquete inclúe os módulos de ConTeXt adicionais seguintes: account,
algorithmic, bnf, chromato, construction-plan, degrade, filter, fixme,
french, fullpage, games, letter, lettrine, lilypond, mathsets, rst, ruby,
simplefonts, simpleslides, typearea, typescripts, vim.
Package: cook-doc
Description-md5: a72f0413f6fcac1dc15237e13b8d687d
Description-gl: Documentación de cook
Cook is a very powerful and very easy to use replacement for make. Through
the use of Cook's powerful description language, and its many built in
functions, sophisticated build can be easily accomplished.
Cook supports file fingerprints to speed build times, and also supports
parallel builds over a network without requiring contorted build rules.
Package: couchdb
Description-md5: 1b6eb97313845dd78206353be83b556a
Description-gl: RESTful document oriented database - system-wide instance
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-
oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other
features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional
conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a
table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view
definition language.
O CouchDB está escrito en Erlang, mais pode accederse a el desde calquera
ambiente que forneza os medios para realizar solicitudes de HTTP. Existen
unha chea de bibliotecas de cliente de terceiras partes que o fan aínda
máis doada para unha morea de linguaxes de programación e de ambientes.
This package adds the Upstart job and other items needed for a system-wide
CouchDB instance that is started at boot.
Package: couchdb-bin
Description-md5: cd45a724e35aa588946134c5c37c31df
Description-gl: RESTful document oriented database
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-
oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other
features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional
conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a
table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view
definition language.
O CouchDB está escrito en Erlang, mais pode accederse a el desde calquera
ambiente que forneza os medios para realizar solicitudes de HTTP. Existen
unha chea de bibliotecas de cliente de terceiras partes que o fan aínda
máis doada para unha morea de linguaxes de programación e de ambientes.
Package: couchdb-common
Description-md5: fe2ea505141673dd11abf0101eb7dfa0
Description-gl: RESTful document oriented database - common data
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-
oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other
features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional
conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a
table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view
definition language.
O CouchDB está escrito en Erlang, mais pode accederse a el desde calquera
ambiente que forneza os medios para realizar solicitudes de HTTP. Existen
unha chea de bibliotecas de cliente de terceiras partes que o fan aínda
máis doada para unha morea de linguaxes de programación e de ambientes.
Package: covered-doc
Description-md5: 33a78d25d4b98a5abc59af174252bf4d
Description-gl: Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation
Covered is a Verilog code coverage utility that reads in a Verilog design
and a generated VCD/LXT dumpfile from that design and generates a coverage
file that can be merged with other coverage files or used to create a
coverage report. Covered also contains the GUI coverage report utility
that reads in a coverage file to allow interactive coverage discovery.
Areas of coverage measured by Covered are: line, toggle, memory,
combinational logic, FSM state/state-transition and assertion coverage.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: cowbell
Description-md5: 599c3915320aa6289c40e5b5a8de889a
Description-gl: Un editor de etiquetas de ficheiros musicais doado de usar
Cowbell is an elegant music organizer intended to make keeping your
collection tidy both fun and easy. It allows viewing and editing of the
tags, guessing of tag information with the help of Amazon Web Services and
has an easy-to-use interface.
Package: cpan-listchanges
Description-md5: 5af5afc20f23c4d43b9cb0f44f21885b
Description-gl: ferramenta de notificación do historial de cambios dos paquetes
cpan-listchanges is a command-line application that compares the Changes
file between arbitrary versions of a package. It is similar to apt-
listchanges, and by default, it compares the currently installed version
with the latest one available on CPAN.
Package: cpp-4.4
Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
Package: cpp-4.4-doc
Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf
Description-gl: Documentacion do preprocesador de C de GNU (cpp)
Documentación do preprocesador de C de GNU no formato info.
Package: cpp-4.6
Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
Package: cpp-4.6-doc
Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf
Description-gl: Documentacion do preprocesador de C de GNU (cpp)
Documentación do preprocesador de C de GNU no formato info.
Package: cpp-4.7-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture.
Package: cpp-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi
Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture.
Package: cpp-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture.
Package: cpp-4.7-powerpc-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture.
Package: cpp-4.8-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture.
Package: cpp-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture.
Package: cpp-4.8-powerpc-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c
Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU
Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de
C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si.
Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o
preprocesador mais non o compilador.
This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture.
Package: cpp-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 6e957852a7f6cac226d33fd7f7b31252
Description-gl: The GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for arm64 architecture
O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado
automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas
antes da compilación en si.
This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for arm64
This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
arm64 architecture.
Package: cpp-arm-linux-gnueabi
Description-md5: a3d3ef858e5792d5213307a2627f9485
Description-gl: The GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for armel architecture
O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado
automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas
antes da compilación en si.
This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for armel
This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
armel architecture.
Package: cpp-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: c20358ba520d7c2baa5f430290659867
Description-gl: The GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for armhf architecture
O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado
automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas
antes da compilación en si.
This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for armhf
This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
armhf architecture.
Package: cpp-powerpc-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 89245abafedbc05f3c9d982699229ef4
Description-gl: The GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for powerpc architecture
O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado
automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas
antes da compilación en si.
This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for powerpc
This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
powerpc architecture.
Package: cqrlog
Description-md5: d88567ef28324876e330068a2c28bbb4
Description-gl: Programa de rexistro avanzado para operadores de radio aficionados
CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL embedded database.
Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of
140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, HamQTH/QRZ callbook
(XML access), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a
most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables
developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW
& SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance.
Package: create-resources
Description-md5: 494dca8c96bd1d41c84637d6b1f96d06
Description-gl: shared resources for use by creative applications
O Proxecto Create fornece recursos compartidos para seren usados por
aplicacións de creación como Blender, CinePaint, O GIMP, Inkscape e
The package includes brushes, color swatches files, gradients, etc. , so
that the user doesn't need to install all of these resources separately
for each and every application that can read such data.
Package: cron-apt
Description-md5: 2e64c2fc7f0c5ac0fd844be065a8a152
Description-gl: automatic update of packages using apt-get
Contén unha ferramenta que é executada por unha tarefa de cron en
intervalos regulares. Por omisión, simplemente actualiza a lista de
paquetes e descarga os paquetes novos sen os instalar. Pódeselle ordenar
que execute calquera cousa que se poida facer co apt-get (or aptitude).
It can optionally send mail to the system administrator on errors, log to
syslog or a separate log file.
Observe that this tool may be a security risk, so you should not set it to
do more than necessary. Automatic upgrade of all packages is NOT
recommended unless you are in full control of the package repository.
Package: crossfire-doc
Description-md5: e81f11213bc753254df688aa69f327b2
Description-gl: Documentación de Crossfire
This is the document package for crossfire. It has information for both
the server and the client.
Package: crrcsim-doc
Description-md5: 38787f5030df86b47a22705ad52b5643
Description-gl: Documentación do paquete crrcsim
Is a model-airplane flight simulation program. Using it, you can learn how
to fly model aircraft, test new aircraft designs, and improve your skills
by practicing on your computer.
This package provides the documentation for the crrcsim.
Package: crtmpserver-apps
Description-md5: 96f1f41489cb04d359a55fb0ebd36d1c
Description-gl: base applications for the crtmpserver platform
crtmpserver is a high performance streaming server able to stream (live or recorded) in the following technologies:
- To and from Flash (RTMP,RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE)
- To and from embedded devices: iPhone, Android
- From surveillance cameras
- IP-TV using MPEG-TS and RTSP/RTCP/RTP protocols
Este paquete contén un conxunto de aplicativos básicos que fornecen as
funcionalidades máis frecuentemente usadas, como VOC, retransmisión ao
vivo e o paso por proxy dos fluxos rtmp/rtsp/mpeg-.ts
Package: crtools-dbg
Description-md5: 7eba323f5c1e94583e594c2397b5f12d
Description-gl: checkpoint and restore in userspace (debug)
crtools contains the utilities to checkpoint and restore processes in
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: csmash-demosong
Description-md5: d68fbcbb4b947eccdf13a8336524428e
Description-gl: Demo song for CannonSmash
This is the demo song for CannonSmash. If csmash detects the presence of
this song during its startup, it will present you a demonstration of the
game with a nice musical background.
Composed by Hideaki Tanabe
Páxina web:
Package: ctsim
Description-md5: 995cbd5291954c3060930315b4577e07
Description-gl: Computed tomography simulator
CTSim provides an interactive computed tomography simulator. Computed
tomography is the technique of estimating the interior of an object by
measuring x-ray absorption through that object.
CTSim ten tanto ferramentas para a liña de ordes como unha interface
gráfica de usuario. CTSim ten modos de trazo moi educativos para ver a
simulación da colección de datos, así como a reconstrución.
Package: ctsim-doc
Description-md5: 9861e51a61e9826c2b3afe2bbf500c61
Description-gl: Documentación do paquete ctsim
This package provides HTML and PDF documentation files for the ctsim
package. CTSim is a graphical computed tomography simulator. This
documentation file is included in a separate package so it will not have
to be include in the binary ctsim package for every architecture.
Package: cube2font-dbg
Description-md5: cc8b6f9057edb568f012c6a81dd2517e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do cube2font
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da ferramenta de creación de
mapas de bits cube2font.
Package: cultivation
Description-md5: b5bf789eb4acb1d6e14e59f5fe154210
Description-gl: xogo sobre interaccións dentro dunha comunidade de xardinaría
Cultivation is a game about a community of gardeners growing food for
themselves in a shared space.
Cultivation is quite different from most other games. It is a social
simulation, and the primary form of conflict is over land and plant
resources. There is no shooting, but there are plenty of angry looks. It
is also an evolution simulation. Within the world of Cultivation, you can
explore a virtually infinite spectrum of different plant and gardener
Package: cutter-testing-framework
Description-md5: 3bd7d35020d00a08cd44b706cca4cb57
Description-gl: Cutter testing framework suite (meta-package)
Cutter is a xUnit family Unit Testing Framework for C and C++.
Este paquete é un metapaquete e obtén a suite enteira da infraestrutura de
probas Cutter.
Package: cvm
Description-md5: 6e242e0074fb68d878a6d1a5059657c1
Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules
CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database
using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of
credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those
credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through
environment variables.
Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable
authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d,
and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework
places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does,
and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod
Consulte para máis información.
Package: cvm-mysql
Description-md5: b19da2aba9378469365a5501c829b6eb
Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (MySQL)
CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database
using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of
credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those
credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through
environment variables.
Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable
authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d,
and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework
places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does,
and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod
Consulte para máis información.
Package: cvm-pgsql
Description-md5: 0b759f5b06ac61a0cde6553fa6dd62c0
Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (PostgreSQL)
CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database
using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of
credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those
credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through
environment variables.
Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable
authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d,
and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework
places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does,
and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod
Consulte para máis información.
Package: cvs-syncmail
Description-md5: 5bb07e3f5ac35ba02fa80e29c9b629fd
Description-gl: Notification program for CVS checkins
syncmail is a CVS notification tool which can provide a diff for every
change to a CVS repository, mailed to specified email addresses. This tool
is useful for large communities to monitor activity, and is used for
Python and many other active projects.
Páxina web:
Package: cvstrac
Description-md5: 03923c31422bab74412e0672bcfe38ce
Description-gl: Low-ceremony bug tracker for medium-sized projects under CVS
CVSTrac implements a low-ceremony Web-based bug and patch-set tracking
system for use with CVS. Features include automatic changelog generation,
repository change history browsing, user-defined bug database queries,
Wiki pages, and Web-based administration of the CVSROOT/passwd file.
CVSTrac is a stand-alone C program that operates either as CGI or as its
own Web server.
Autor: D. Richard Hipp Sitio web:
Package: daemonfs
Description-md5: be9d61bb7d31a8009cd36655e7b8733d
Description-gl: monitorización de software en tempo real
DaemonFS is a simple and good looking application that can monitor your
files and folders in real time. This tool lets you track modifications to
your files. Every time a file gets modified, a notification launched from
the tray icon appears. This software may be used for reverse engineering,
hard disk usage tracking, software analysis and more.
Package: daisy-player-dbg
Description-md5: 08bfe2f5dc5f7dda62661983605e1dde
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de daisy-player
Daisy-player is a command-line player for talking books based on the
Digital Accessible Information System protocol. It is comparable in
functionality, features, and ease of use with commercial players, and has
a simple user interface appropriate for Braille terminals.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do daisy-player.
Package: dansguardian
Description-md5: e49d916232fc830dd2aaeb359bd27098
Description-gl: Web content filtering
DansGuardian filters the content of pages based on many methods including
phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. It does not purely
filter based on a banned list of sites.
It provides real-time virus scanning capabilities for content access.
DansGuardian foi deseñado para ser completamente flexíbel e permite
adaptar o filtrado ás súas necesidades exactas. Pode ser tan draconiano
como pouco obstrucionista como se desexe. As opcións predeterminadas están
dirixidas ao que podería desexar unha escola de primaria, mais o
DansGuardian permítelle controlar o que desexe bloquear.
DansGuardian requires squid or another similar caching proxy server on
your local network.
Package: dar-docs
Description-md5: b5d4791c3676c92ae8c96df2ca147b31
Description-gl: Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices,
compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote
operations, including with ssh.
Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo.
Package: darkstat
Description-md5: e9b7531a9de659a7aa562b3efdd154ef
Description-gl: analizador do tráfico de rede
It is a packet sniffer which runs as a background process and serves its statistics to a web browser:
- input and output IP traffic by machines, ports and protocols,
- last minute, hourly, daily and monthly global input and output graphics.
It is known to be smaller (in terms of memory footprint) and stabler than
Package: darktable-dbg
Description-md5: 60fe6fddddd12dfadffb8e9d0bfe2491
Description-gl: virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
Darktable manages your digital negatives in a database and lets you view
them through a zoomable lighttable. it also enables you to develop raw
images and enhance them.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración
Package: dav-text
Description-md5: 699e1cfcc9d635c9efa323cbb717e8b1
Description-gl: A minimalist ncurses-based text editor
Dav (Dav Ain't Vi) is meant to provide a stable text editor that is
efficient in both memory and processor usage. It is simple to use, making
it ideal for novice users. It is licensed under the GPL and is still in
Features include:
* Memory and cpu efficiency
* Small filesize and footprint
* Freely licensed under the GPL
* Useful feature set
* Intuitive and easy to use
Páxina web
Package: davix-dev
Description-md5: ba79efcf7d121f8cb37b10928c017bc8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de davix
Development files for davix. Davix is a toolkit designed for file
operations with http based protocols (WebDav, Amazon S3, ...).
Package: dawgdic-tools
Description-md5: 43f2dc9f814187639b74db6ebdb5fb1a
Description-gl: command line tools for DAWG dictionaries
dawgdic is a library for building and accessing dictionaries implemented
with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs).
Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes.
Package: db4.7-util
Description-md5: 1caf1579c4eefb62f5c8f872ae447929
Description-gl: Berkeley v4.7 Database Utilities
Este paquete fornece diferentes ferramentas para manipular bases de datos no formato de base de datos Berkeley v4.7 e inclúe:
- db4.7_archive: escribir os nomes das rutas aos ficheiros de rexistro que non se utilicen máis.
- db4.7_checkpoint: proceso daemon para vixiar o rexistro da base de datos e
crear puntos de comprobación periodicamente.
- db4.7_deadlock: atravesar a rexión de bloqueo do ambiente da base de datos e
interromper as peticións de bloqueo cando se detecte un bloqueo.
- db4.7_load: carga (e crea) unha base de datos a partir da entrada normal.
- db4.7_dump: ler un ficheiro de base de datos e escribilo nun formato comprendido
por db4.{2..8}_load.
- db4.7_printlog: envorcar ficheiros de rexistro nun formato lexíbel por humanos.
- db4.7_stat: mostrar estatísticas para os ambientes de Berkeley DB.
- db4.7_upgrade: anova a versión dos ficheiros e as bases de datos que conteñan.
- db4.7_verify: comprobar a estrutura dos ficheiros e as súas bases de datos.
Package: db4.8-util
Description-md5: 83b3b6fe39f8b210b8554a655bf6b5b6
Description-gl: Berkeley v4.8 Database Utilities
Este paquete fornece diferentes ferramentas para manipular bases de datos no formato de base de datos Berkeley v4.8 e inclúe:
- db4.8_archive: escribir os nomes das rutas aos ficheiros de rexistro que non se utilicen máis.
- db4.8_checkpoint: proceso daemon para vixiar o rexistro da base de datos e
crear puntos de comprobación periodicamente.
- db4.8_deadlock: atravesar a rexión de bloqueo do ambiente da base de datos e
interromper as peticións de bloqueo cando se detecte un bloqueo.
- db4.8_load: carga (e crea) unha base de datos a partir da entrada normal.
- db4.8_dump: ler un ficheiro de base de datos e escribilo nun formato comprendido
por db4.{2..8}_load.
- db4.8_printlog: envorcar ficheiros de rexistro nun formato lexíbel por humanos.
- db4.8_stat: mostrar estatísticas para os ambientes de Berkeley DB.
- db4.8_upgrade: anova a versión dos ficheiros e as bases de datos que conteñan.
- db4.8_verify: comprobar a estrutura dos ficheiros e as súas bases de datos.
Package: db5.1-util
Description-md5: efc373711f970fc5af4a6a391cbe0ced
Description-gl: Berkeley v5.1 Database Utilities
Este paquete fornece diferentes ferramentas para manipular bases de datos no formato de base de datos Berkeley v5.1 e inclúe:
- db5.1_archive: escribir os nomes das rutas aos ficheiros de rexistro que non se utilicen máis.
- db5.1_checkpoint: proceso daemon para vixiar o rexistro da base de datos e
crear puntos de comprobación periodicamente.
- db5.1_deadlock: atravesar a rexión de bloqueo do ambiente da base de datos e
interromper as peticións de bloqueo cando se detecte un bloqueo.
- db5.1_load: carga (e crea) unha base de datos a partir da entrada normal.
- db5.1_dump: ler un ficheiro de base de datos e escribilo nun formato comprendido
por db4.{2..8}_load.
- db5.1_printlog: envorcar ficheiros de rexistro nun formato lexíbel por humanos.
- db5.1_stat: mostrar estatísticas para os ambientes de Berkeley DB.
- db5.1_upgrade: anova a versión dos ficheiros e as bases de datos que conteñan.
- db5.1_verify: comprobar a estrutura dos ficheiros e as súas bases de datos.
Package: db6.0-doc
Description-md5: df58b4cec6bc0a758cc891c45328a77c
Description-gl: Documentación da Base de Datos Berkeley v6.0 [html]
Este paquete contén contén documentación no formato HTML de todas as API
(C, C++, C#, STL, Java, Tcl) e utilidades fornecidas pola versión 6.0 da
Berkeley DB.
Package: db6.0-util
Description-md5: ba304da97e598b99364d8a4b2b35dda5
Description-gl: Berkeley v6.0 Database Utilities
Este paquete fornece diferentes ferramentas para manipular bases de datos no formato de base de datos Berkeley v6.0 e inclúe:
- db6.0_archive: escribir os nomes das rutas aos ficheiros de rexistro que non se utilicen máis.
- db6.0_checkpoint: proceso daemon para vixiar o rexistro da base de datos e
crear puntos de comprobación periodicamente.
- db6.0_deadlock: atravesar a rexión de bloqueo do ambiente da base de datos e
interromper as peticións de bloqueo cando se detecte un bloqueo.
- db6.0_load: carga (e crea) unha base de datos a partir da entrada normal.
- db6.0_dump: ler un ficheiro de base de datos e escribilo nun formato comprendido
por db4.{2..8}_load.
- db6.0_printlog: envorcar ficheiros de rexistro nun formato lexíbel por humanos.
- db6.0_stat: mostrar estatísticas para os ambientes de Berkeley DB.
- db6.0_upgrade: anova a versión dos ficheiros e as bases de datos que conteñan.
- db6.0_verify: comprobar a estrutura dos ficheiros e as súas bases de datos.
Package: dbar
Description-md5: 98b956d9ac40f06911e31773af032a5b
Description-gl: general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar
dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks or you can define these
marks dynamically at runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in
this case the value specified at runtime will have a higher priority.
You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a
negative min value and positive max value.
- Simple interface, perfect to use within your scripts
- Trivial to intergrate with dzen
Package: dconf-editor
Description-md5: 2d2a4e93f7b0a51d1af2f8e15153b3ef
Description-gl: simple configuration storage system - utilities
DConf is a low-level key/value database designed for storing desktop
environment settings.
Este paquete contén un editor gráfico.
Package: debconf-kde-dbg
Description-md5: ca2f127c20b2cb16a3cf49266dbbfc39
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de Debconf para KDE
Debconf KDE is a GUI library for including Debconf frontends in Qt-based
applications. Debconf is a configuration management system for Debian
packages, which is used to ask questions when they are installed. This
library is written in C++ and used by Apper and Muon to embed Debconf
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Debconf KDE. Cando o
Debconf KDE falla, na maioría dos casos este paquete faise necesario para
obter un trazado inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se
ten padecido un fallo do Debconf KDE. sen ter este paquete instalado,
instáleo, tente reproducir o problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo
trazado inverso anexo.
Package: debconf-kde-helper
Description-md5: 3a4ff114eecf9feaf76f8d75f57d810b
Description-gl: Ferramenta de interface gráfica de Debconf para KDE
Debconf KDE is a GUI library for including Debconf frontends in Qt-based
applications. Debconf is a configuration management system for Debian
packages, which is used to ask questions when they are installed. This
library is written in C++ and used by Apper and Muon to embed Debconf
This package contains a small standalone tool to display a KDE Debconf
dialog without linking against the Debconf KDE library.
Package: debdelta-doc
Description-md5: 333fa783d1208537a95f365e214f3f43
Description-gl: diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages
debdelta is a program suite designed to compute changes between Debian
packages. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff"
program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes
between Debian packages.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc
Description-md5: b0a51691786644fb9747b126e546bf1a
Description-gl: Documentación de DebianDoc-SGML
This package contains the documentation for DebianDoc-SGML in HTML, and
plain ASCII format.
Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br
Description-md5: e1d4ec62da02ce5328c3154539596fb5
Description-gl: Documentación de DebianDoc-SGML en portugués do Brasil
This package contains the documentation for DebianDoc-SGML translated in
Brazilian Portuguese in HTML and plain ASCII format.
Package: denemo
Description-md5: 96518c5cd3e45bbcf103f7059723f22f
Description-gl: Interface gráfica en gtk+ para o Lilypond de GNU
GNU Denemo is a GUI musical score editor written in C/gtk+. It is intended
primarily as a front end to GNU Lilypond, but is adaptable to other
computer-music-related purposes as well.
Package: detox
Description-md5: 143a41e62d11200f5ca7da6cea06e1bb
Description-gl: utility to replace problematic characters in filenames
Detox is a utility designed to clean up filenames. It replaces difficult
to work with characters, such as spaces, with standard equivalents. It
will also clean up filenames with UTF-8 or Latin-1 (or CP-1252) characters
in them.
* Removal or replacement of upper ASCII Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) characters
* Removal or replacement of UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters.
* Removal or replacement of spaces and other potentially tricky characters
* Trimming of excessive "_" and "-"s
* Directory recursion, dry runs, verbose listings
It is designed with safety in mind. It won't overwrite a file that already
exists, and it doesn't touch special files if not requested.
Package: dfo
Description-md5: c26e4c924189a95dca03f431b99eef83
Description-gl: Organizador de Flickr de escritorio para GNOME
DFO allows online/offline mode management of your photos. With DFO you can
manage your existing photos and sets, create new sets, edit tags,
descriptions, and permissions, contribute to group pools, and so on.
Basically performing most of the tasks that Flickr's online management
tool Organizer does.
Some of the features include:
- Add/Delete/Edit comments. Text search comments and their author names.
- Post photos to blogs.
- Easy Drag-n-drop photos from nautilus for uploading.
- Image preview in file chooser dialog, shown when uploading photos.
- Edit title, description, privacy and tags of photos set for uploading.
- Allow reverting of edits done to photo.
Package: dh-make-drupal
Description-md5: c7d271491c76a1b4806a48af14d28161
Description-gl: Cree paquetes de Debian ćon módulos e temas de Drupal
O propósito deste programa é xerar paquetes de Debian por calquera
proxecto de Drupal (isto é, módulos ou temas).
Dado que os desenvolvedores do Drupal publican o seu traballo a través do
sitio web principal de Drupal (, este programa obtén a
información das últimas versións dispoñíbeis (para a edición correcta de
Drupal e co nivel de estabilidade que se indique) e prepara un paquete de
Debian a partir delas.
Package: dia
Description-md5: 018aa331acc6ffa4e440b38dd58114c1
Description-gl: Editor de diagramas
Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de
estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación,
diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para
postscript e moitos outros formatos.
Package: dia-common
Description-md5: bbb11577c5244be9856fd90a5b6e3f67
Description-gl: Diagram editor (common files)
Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de
estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación,
diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para
postscript e moitos outros formatos.
This package contains hardware independent files common to dia and dia-
Package: dia-gnome
Description-md5: d851c36f8063bea8cc7806b333849c27
Description-gl: Diagram editor (GNOME version)
Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de
estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación,
diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para
postscript e moitos outros formatos.
This package contains the GNOME version of Dia.
Package: dia-libs
Description-md5: 772b702327f64d0602c56d5123d35473
Description-gl: Diagram editor (library files)
Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de
estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación,
diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para
postscript e moitos outros formatos.
This package contains library files common to dia and dia-gnome
Package: dia-shapes
Description-md5: 10960edd6a5445dd6bc9111b65df7a0c
Description-gl: Editor de diagramas
Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de
estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación,
diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para
postscript e moitos outros formatos.
This package provides extra shapes for Dia. Included shapes are
- Automata
- Building site
- Central data processing
- CH-1 notation
- Chemistry lab
- Circuit 2
- Digital
- Electric 2
- Electrical
- Electronic
- Gradient
- Living Systems Theory
- Optics
- Racks
- Renewable Energy
- Scenegraph
- Value Stream Mapping
Package: dicompyler
Description-md5: 032e60ad2b614f25d7fcd5004defca43
Description-gl: Plataforma de investigación para radioterapia
Dicompyler is an extensible, fully open source radiation therapy research
platform based on the DICOM standard. It also functions as a cross-
platform DICOM RT viewer.
* Import CT Images, DICOM RT structure set, RT dose and RT plan files
* Extensible plugin system with included plugins:
- 2D image viewer with dose and structure overlay
- Dose volume histogram viewer with the ability to analyze DVH parameters
- DICOM data tree viewer
- Patient anonymizer
Package: diction
Description-md5: f553fe24a1a473a59ad69fe5677adc5c
Description-gl: Utilities to help with style and diction (English and German)
This is a free implementation of two Unix commands, style and diction.
They may help you improve your writing. English and German rules are
Páxina web:
Package: diffuse
Description-md5: 1c33e882865d2f8f6b3fb1c9c30b5bf5
Description-gl: ferramenta gráfica para combinar e comparar ficheiros de texto
Diffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse
is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and gives
users the ability to manually adjust line-matching and directly edit
files. Diffuse can also retrieve revisions of files from bazaar, CVS,
darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, Subversion and GNU Revision Control
System (RCS) repositories for comparison and merging.
Package: digikam
Description-md5: 407b6731628654ba18b259adb132de1f
Description-gl: aplicativo de xestión de fotos dixitais para KDE
Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar,
organizar, mellorar, buscar e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o
It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for
easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections, dates,
geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital
asset management (DAM) software including powerful image editing
Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar que se conecta coas
cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografías directamente para os álbums do
digiKam. Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca
gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou
lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo.
O digiKam incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para
a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar para ver as fotografías, comentalas e
puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia de edición
pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de
engadidos de imaxe de KDE (vexa o manual)
Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades de
nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluídos todos os
engadidos dispoñíbeis, admite a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw,
a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC.
New Features of the KDE4 version:
Runs on any platform that supports Qt4 and KDE4
Supports XMP metadata
Reads, writes and converts into DNG format
New RAW processing tool, gamma-correction in 16 bits
Preview of video and audio files
Database file is independent of photo libraries, enabling remote paths,
multiple roots and offline archives
Improved database with many more metadata that can be searched
Marble integration, geographical filtering with the mouse on the map
New search finds duplicates and similar images
Help menu lists all RAW formats and digiKam component versions
DNG, RWL, NEF and PEF RAW file can be metadata edited
Usability improvements for netbooks
Non-modal image editor
Thumbnail bar in preview mode
Live search boxes in both sidebars and main window
New camera interface, capture tool, scanner interface
New plugin based on lensfun for automatic lens error corrections
digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc.
The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions.
Package: digikam-data
Description-md5: 38a69ea9596c5db123f17fd23e868ee5
Description-gl: datos do digiKam independentes da arquitectura
Conten unha grande cantidade de datos independentes da arquitectura que se
publican co digiKam.
It has been placed in an architecture all file to reduce space on the
archives, rather than one copy for each architecture.
Package: digikam-dbg
Description-md5: c4eb674d1bc6c2e86b1c6c9248155274
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do digiKam
Os símbolos de depuración asociados con digiKam e showFoto. Son empregados
automaticamente por GDB para depurar problemas relacionados co digiKam.
This package should be installed if you wish to obtain a backtrace with
Package: digikam-doc
Description-md5: 51d1c1ff121a90aa503b1387c299e0e0
Description-gl: manual do digiKam
digiKam is an easy to use and powerful digital photo management
This package contains the handbooks for digiKam and kipi-plugins.
Package: dino
Description-md5: 53acbd224019bf5b8d3dfa3801b9b4bd
Description-gl: Editor de piano MIDI e motor de secuencias
Dino is a pattern-based sequencer which allows users to write small
patterns of MIDI events and repeat and arrange them to create a whole
song. Each track has its own patterns, so it is possible for example to
play the same drum pattern over and over again while different lead synth
patterns and basslines are playing.
Package: diodon
Description-md5: c04bca10fd73c6b377d5bf1083174f1d
Description-gl: Xestor do portarretallos en GTK+
Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala which
"aims to be the best integrated clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity
Diodon features include Ubuntu indicator, clipboard sync (primary
selection and Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V clipboard) and an option to set the
clipboard size.
Package: dita-ot-doc
Description-md5: 8291eb75e2abe4e36edaded6b90c7f2d
Description-gl: DITA Open Toolkit (documentation)
DITA Open Toolkit, or DITA-OT for short, is an independent, open source
implementation of the OASIS owned and developed Darwin Information Typing
Architecture (DITA) standard XML data model for authoring and publishing.
Este paquete contén a documentación do dita-ot.
Package: djbdns
Description-md5: 9e91d7c5d26966cf5361c52def1679db
Description-gl: a collection of Domain Name System tools
This package includes software for all the fundamental DNS operations:
DNS cache: finding addresses of Internet hosts. When a browser wants to
contact, it first asks a DNS cache, such as djbdns's
dnscache, to find the IP address of Internet service
providers run dnscache to find IP addresses requested by their customers.
If you're running a home computer or a workstation, you can run your own
dnscache to speed up your web browsing.
DNS server: publishing addresses of Internet hosts. The IP address of is published by HotWired's DNS servers. djbdns includes
a general-purpose DNS server, tinydns; network administrators run tinydns
to publish the IP addresses of their computers. djbdns also includes
special-purpose servers for publishing DNS walls and RBLs.
DNS client: talking to a DNS cache. djbdns includes a DNS client C
library and several command-line DNS client utilities. Programmers use
these tools to send requests to DNS caches.
djbdns also includes several DNS debugging tools, notably dnstrace, which
administrators use to diagnose misconfigured remote servers.
Package: djvusmooth
Description-md5: 4f1c6be351689f7b0e3c932ad5223015
Description-gl: editor gráfico para DjVu
djvusmooth is a graphical editor for DjVu files, which allows one to:
* edit document metadata,
* edit document outline (bookmarks),
* correct occasional errors in the hidden text layer.
Package: dleyna-renderer-dbg
Description-md5: 6e98e903e88caac3cefa741dc204dfd1
Description-gl: DBus service to interact with DLNA Digital Media Renderers (debug files)
dleyna-renderer is a DBus user session service that allows clients to
discover and manipulate DLNA Digital Media Renderers (DMR).
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality
into their applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: dleyna-server-dbg
Description-md5: 01bd5bb91080e2cc5f56b0898404665d
Description-gl: DBus service to interact with DLNA Digital Media Servers (debug files)
dleyna-server is a DBus user session service that allows clients to
discover and manipulate DLNA Digital Media servers (DMS).
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality
into their applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: dmtcp-dbg
Description-md5: a951bac80dd4530113056cafac0df106
Description-gl: Debug package for dmtcp
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) is a tool to transparently
checkpointing the state of an arbitrary group of programs including multi-
threaded and distributed computations. It operates directly on the user
binary executable, with no Linux kernel modules or other kernel mods.
Among the applications supported by DMTCP are OpenMPI, MATLAB, Python,
Perl, and many programming languages and shell scripting languages. DMTCP
also supports GNU screen sessions, including vim/cscope and emacs. With
the use of TightVNC, it can also checkpoint and restart X-Window
applications, as long as they do not use extensions (e.g.: no OpenGL, no
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do DMTCP.
Package: dnshistory
Description-md5: 36aa6bedd0a8000dbab6a4809168eb8d
Description-gl: Tradución e almacenamento de enderezos de IP a partir de ficheiros de rexistro
Provide a means for storing a history of DNS/Name changes for the IP
Addresses extracted from web log files. The major target being that
multiple analyses of older log files do not require re-lookups of IP
Address to FQDNs, and additionally maintain the accuracy of the lookup as
it was then and not as it is now.
Package: docbook-defguide
Description-md5: d4fbaddeabb45685606eb737e90b92bd
Description-gl: DocBook: Guía Definitiva - Versión en HTML
The official reference manual for the DocBook 4.x SGML and XML DTD, by
Norman Walsh, Leonard Muellner, and Bob Stayton. This version is an
evolution of the book of the same name published by O'Reilly (which
documented DocBook 3.1).
This is a work in progress, which attempts to fully document DocBook 4.5,
but may be inconsistent in some places.
Package: docbook-ebnf
Description-md5: d3afb56384eeff6ec924355f92b1016d
Description-gl: EBNF module for the XML version of the DocBook DTD
DocBook is a general-purpose and modular SGML and XML Document-Type
Definition. This is a module that adds elements for the markup of EBNF
grammar rules to DocBook.
Está completamente documentado en «DocBook - Guía Definitiva», dispoñíbel
no paquete docbook-defguide.
Package: docbook-xsl-doc-html
Description-md5: 920d09e79d9992d5da5cb6d4916b555e
Description-gl: follas de estilo para procesar ficheiros DocBook XML (documentación en HTML)
As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para
procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados.
Este paquete contén a documentación das follas de estilo DocBook XSL e
explicacións dos parámetros que se poden empregar no formato HTML.
Package: docbook-xsl-doc-pdf
Description-md5: 6ba889b7885a819dc6117815fc1045a3
Description-gl: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (PDF documentation)
As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para
procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados.
This package contains the documentation for the DocBook XSL stylesheets
and explanations for the parameters you can use in PDF format.
Package: docbook-xsl-doc-text
Description-md5: c70dc5e3d88f55fd882117cddb631d17
Description-gl: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (ASCII documentation)
As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para
procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados.
This package contains the documentation for the DocBook XSL stylesheets
and explanations for the parameters you can use in simple ASCII text
Package: docker
Description-md5: 032a37ba6228c22cbca1c0b960030eaa
Description-gl: System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications
Docker é un aplicativo de doca (aplicativo de doca de WindowMaker) que
funciona como bandexa de escritorio para calquera ambiente de escritorio e
permite ter unha bandexa do sistema sen ter que executar o panel de
KDE/GNOME. O Docker foi deseñado para funcionar con Openbox 2 pero debería
funcionar correctamente con calquera xestor de xanelas.
Package: docky
Description-md5: b98d7694f6de32bd91011848c09699f9
Description-gl: Elegant, powerful, clean dock
A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and
managing windows easier and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the
GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach to configuration and
usage. It just works.
Docky fornece un iniciador de aplicacións, xestión do aplicativo en
execución e varios «docklets», que inclúen un monitor da CPU, información
meteorolóxica e un reloxo. É semellante a outras docas, como AWN e cairo-
Os aplicativos pódense integrar con Docky para engadir elementos extra aos
seus menús de contexto ou modificar as súas iconas para mostrar máis
información. este paquete inclúe axudantes de integración para moitos
aplicativos, incluídos Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy e Zeitgeist.
Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.
Package: doctest
Description-md5: 404f6e768fb995bf2ee3802142a923b2
Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples; executable
The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled
after doctest for Python ().
Documentation is at .
Este paquete contén o executábel do doctest.
Package: doctorj
Description-md5: a427de1915db4341d9235b1ee2067596
Description-gl: A tool to analyze Java code
doctorj analyzes Java code, performing documentation verification,
statistics generation and syntax analysis.
Páxina web:
Package: dolfin-doc
Description-md5: 6d80f35b15cb807f29f485694db24fae
Description-gl: Documentación e programas de demostración de DOLFIN
DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the
automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE
(Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial
differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and
intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of
variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and
support for general families of finite elements.
This package contains documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN.
Package: dolphin
Description-md5: 5ae0dceacc2e64b4057c4d7f3ace9af9
Description-gl: xestor de ficheiros
Dolphin é o xestor de ficheiros predefinido dos Espazos de traballo de
Plasma de KDE, que pretende ser potente e doado de utilizar.
Features include:
Customisable sidebars
"Breadcrumb" navigation
View properties remembered for each folder
Split views
Network transparency
Undo/redo functionality
Ratings, comments, and tags
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: dolphin-plugins-bazaar
Description-md5: 651a4c8b3132b3528dd0f9deacb012da
Description-gl: Dolphin Plugin for Bazaar VCS
Un engadido que engade a funcionalidade de control de versións a Dolphin,
o xestor de ficheiros de KDE.
Package: doodle-dbg
Description-md5: f5d2ed10bca794fc6d25fa39f9e5cfe5
Description-gl: Desktop Search Engine (debug)
It searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta-data.
It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a
suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It
is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3
tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate
libextractor plugins. It also supports using FAM to keep the database up-
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: doublecmd-common
Description-md5: 59f70242aad4fd16d42bd84cdb38c85c
Description-gl: xestor de ficheiros con paneis xemelgos (tipo Commander)
Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two
panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some
new ideas.
Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0
package from non-free.
This package contains common files.
Package: dovecot-common
Description-md5: af438df4e34c67abfeb6948b5b680581
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para dovecot
Este é un paquete transitorio para o dovecot e pode ser desinstalado con
seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: dozzaqueux
Description-md5: c4f3b12f5734277fdc89af50432906de
Description-gl: Simulador de mesturas químicas
just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette,
dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the mixed volume, and many more.
Package: dpkg-ruby
Description-md5: 59bb5c89af162dacf9dd5abbad1dab4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-debian
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-debian. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: dpsyco-sudo
Description-md5: 0822e3fd98f6f12667cf4599d9eac350
Description-gl: Automatice a administración dos privilexios de sudo
This package contains a tool to automatically give some users sudo
WARNING! This tool will automatically administrate all sudo permissions so
if you do not have a admin package installed that give users sudo
privileges they will no longer be able to use sudo. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Package: dracut
Description-md5: 0b4d71fc3def88d7bcb5cd0c68569ac1
Description-gl: Unha infraestrutura de initramfs nova
Unlike existing initramfs's, this is an attempt at having as little as
possible hard-coded into the initramfs as possible. The initramfs has
(basically) one purpose in life -- getting the rootfs mounted so that we
can transition to the real rootfs. This is all driven off of device
availability. Therefore, instead of scripts hard-coded to do various
things, we depend on udev to create device nodes for us and then when we
have the rootfs's device node, we mount and carry on. Having the root on
MD, LVM2, LUKS is supported as well as NFS, iSCSI, NBD and FCOE with
Package: dracut-network
Description-md5: 0cbfa21afc90b20cf67e74dca8888261
Description-gl: Unha infraestrutura de initramfs nova
Unlike existing initramfs's, this is an attempt at having as little as
possible hard-coded into the initramfs as possible. The initramfs has
(basically) one purpose in life -- getting the rootfs mounted so that we
can transition to the real rootfs. This is all driven off of device
availability. Therefore, instead of scripts hard-coded to do various
things, we depend on udev to create device nodes for us and then when we
have the rootfs's device node, we mount and carry on. Having the root on
MD, LVM2, LUKS is supported as well as NFS, iSCSI, NBD and FCOE with
Package: dradio
Description-md5: f32782bd8bec367207323c1e73bf55a3
Description-gl: danmarks Radio netradio, podcast, and TV player
Dradio é unha interface baseada no terminal para MPlayer que recolle as
canles/podcasts dispoñíbeis para velos con comodidade.
Package: dragonplayer
Description-md5: d10eadc3b04b3fb22f80e721527a2853
Description-gl: simple video player
Un reprodutor de vídeo cunha filosofía diferente: unha interface sinxela e
- Plays DVDs, VCDs, all video formats supported by the Phonon backend in use.
- Bundled with a simple web-page KPart.
- Starts quickly.
Esta é a versión para o KDE 4 do reprodutor de vídeo Codeine.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: dragonplayer-dbg
Description-md5: f4c75eb47fb35bbcd82d3a188e2a1836
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do dragonplayer
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con dragonplayer.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: drawmap
Description-md5: c6a1ac211c9f357a8ff7445f0ef2d1af
Description-gl: draws customized maps, using raw USGS data files
Drawmap reads data in the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Line
Graph (DLG), and Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) formats. Can
also work with SDTS, NAD-83, WGS-84, GTOPO30 data.
Using the data in these files, drawmap can produce various kinds of
customized maps, including shaded relief maps (with or without roads,
streams, place names, and so on) and topographic maps (again, with or
without additional features).
Outputs sun raster format, portable gray map, or pov format files.
Páxina web:
Package: drgeo
Description-md5: 8aaa8cff1ba946387519bbb97fb9f5fc
Description-gl: interactive geometry software
Este é o software de xeometría interactiva de Gtk. Permite crear figuras
xeométricas e manipulalas interactivamente en relación coas súas
constricións xeométricas. Pódese utilizar nun medio docente con estudantes
de primaria ou de secundaria.
Dr. Geo comes with a complete set of tools arranged in different
* points
* lines
* geometric transformations
* numeric function
* macro-construction
* DGS object - Dr. Geo Guile Script
* DSF - Dr Geo Scheme Figure, it is interactive figure defined in
a file and evaluated with the embedded Scheme interpretor, awesome!
* Export facilities in the LaTeX and EPS formats
Several figures and macro-constructions examples are available in the
/usr/share/drgeo/examples folder.
More information about Dr. Geo can be found at its web site
Installing the drgeo-doc package is also encouraged to get more of Dr.
Package: driconf
Description-md5: c01634a4efeedaf1bc716a3c8bd87134
Description-gl: DRI configuration applet
Driconf is a configuration applet for the Direct Rendering Infrastructure
(DRI). It allows customizing performance and visual quality settings of
OpenGL drivers on a per-driver, per-screen and/or per-application level.
Driconf is implemented in Python. It uses the GTK+ toolkit bindings and
the xdriinfo program (from the xdriinfo or xbase-clients package) to
retrieve configuration information from OpenGL drivers.
Páxina web:
Package: driftnet
Description-md5: af3a10ab850a6594ef182a9ac5e6e31d
Description-gl: Captura e visualiza imaxes a partir do tráfico de rede
Inspired by EtherPEG, Driftnet is a program which listens to network
traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes. It is
interesting to run it on a host which sees a lot of web traffic.
(Obviously, this is an invasion of privacy of a fairly blatant sort. Also,
if you are possessed of Victorian sensibilities, and share an unswitched
network with others who are not, you should probably not use it.)
Package: drizzle-dbg
Description-md5: a2c603ecdce40d04ff666c3205fb03c2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Drizzle
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net
applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern
multi-cpu/core architecture. The code is originally derived from MySQL.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: drizzle-dev-doc
Description-md5: d3e72ca5c3999529201248cf96c92f4a
Description-gl: Documentación da API de drizzle
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net
applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern
multi-cpu/core architecture. The code is originally derived from MySQL.
This package includes the doxygen documentation for drizzle's API.
Package: drizzle-doc
Description-md5: 7d4a10986865210d883c9421e8e7390b
Description-gl: Documentación de Drizzle
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net
applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern
multi-cpu/core architecture. The code is originally derived from MySQL.
This package includes the manual for drizzle and its plugins and also the
libdrizzle API reference.
Package: drobo-utils
Description-md5: f51bc87f2f3136932c46489203253f11
Description-gl: manage data robotics storage units (drobos)
This package provides a command line interface for managing a Drobo, as
well as a graphical dashboard interface. These tools allow you to setup a
new Drobo, and monitor the status of connected Drobos.
Para activar a interface gráfica, asegúrese de instalar o paquete python-
qt4 suxerido, así como gparted.
Data Robotics storage units ("Drobos") are external hard drive enclosures
that connect to your PC via USB or Firewire and provide RAID-like
features. Drobos provide automatic data redundancy, hotswappable drive
bays, and the size of the RAID can be easily expanded. Different sized
hard drives can be mixed on the same Drobo. See for more
Package: dropbear
Description-md5: 99555c4eb2711e0accb8489f642b4d37
Description-gl: lightweight SSH2 server and client
dropbear is a SSH 2 server and client designed to be small enough to be
used in small memory environments, while still being functional and secure
enough for general use.
It implements most required features of the SSH 2 protocol, and other
features such as X11 and authentication agent forwarding.
Package: drupal7
Description-md5: dd7e5186ca307310e24c18e49f63e5d9
Description-gl: fully-featured content management framework
O Drupal é unha plataforma de sitios web dinámicos que permite que un
individuo ou unha comunidade de usuarios publiquen, xestionen e organicen
contidos diversos. O Drupal integra moitas funcionalidades populares dos
sistemas de xestión de contido, blogues web, ferramentas de colaboración e
software de comunidades baseadas na discusión nun paquete doado de
Este paquete contén a versión 7 do Drupal
Package: drupal7-mod-libraries
Description-md5: aac28b5c90a89fd04ad945e9fbcd3f9f
Description-gl: Módulos de bibliotecas para Drupal 7
O denominador común de todos os módulos/perfís/temas do Drupal que se
integran con bibliotecas externas.
Package: drush
Description-md5: f214a99cd80e8cf3e51fdbd339226c0e
Description-gl: Consola de liña de ordes e interface de scripts de Unix para o Drupal
drush é unha consola da liña de ordes e unha interface de scripts de Unix
para o Drupal, unha verdadeira navalla suíza deseñada para facilitar a
vida dos usuarios avanzados de Drupal que empregan moito tempo traballando
na consola.
Drush core ships with lots of useful commands for interacting with code
like modules/themes/profiles. Similarly, it runs update.php, executes sql
queries and DB migrations, and misc utilities like run cron or clear
Package: dsdp
Description-md5: f23b1ccc0454351abde108cef0799570
Description-gl: Software for Semidefinite Programming
The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior-
point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual
solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has
relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows
feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate
certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual-
scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and
worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data.
Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large
problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular
applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities
(LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite
relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems.
Este paquete contén os binarios.
Package: dsdp-doc
Description-md5: 26082894d8d34e85cfb5511f23cc16cd
Description-gl: Software for Semidefinite Programming
The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior-
point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual
solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has
relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows
feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate
certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual-
scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and
worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data.
Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large
problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular
applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities
(LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite
relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: dspam-dbg
Description-md5: d0183dbdbf6f32a74bad299e57eb8a4e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do dspam
DSPAM is a dedicated statistical filter with minimal resources. It includes many new algorithms to fight against spam including:
* Concept Identification
* Message Inoculation
* Advanced de-obfuscation techniques
* Bayesian Noise Reduction
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración do paquete dspam.
Package: dspam-doc
Description-md5: d2dd1874472d3b8ec784f01bd2368fc9
Description-gl: Documentación do filtro anti-spam DSPAM
DSPAM is a dedicated statistical filter with minimal resources. It includes many new algorithms to fight against spam including:
* Concept Identification
* Message Inoculation
* Advanced de-obfuscation techniques
* Bayesian Noise Reduction
Este paquete contén a documentación do DSPAM.
Package: dssp-dbg
Description-md5: 67ed06a8bdcb257a9e8c5667cf6508f0
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do dssp
DSSP is an application to assign the secondary structure of a protein
based on its three dimensional (3D) structure.
This version (2) of DSSP is a rewrite that produces the same output as the
original DSSP, but deals better with exceptions in PDB files and is much
This package provides the detached debug symbols for dssp.
Package: dsyslog-dbg
Description-md5: 26e0b7b68e156455a13942b7cbe854b9
Description-gl: advanced modular syslog daemon - debug
dsyslog is an advanced, modular syslog daemon which allows for infinite
expandability, scalability and customization through advanced rulesets,
rewrite filters, and output sinks. The default configuration is comparable
to the syslogd configuration provided by sysklogd.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: durep
Description-md5: 60cbd463e68601698ba54732976e3106
Description-gl: Cree informes de uso de discos
durep is a perl script used for disk usage reports. It can generate text
output with bar graphs to allow easy comparisons of disk usage between
directories. It can also generate web pages which can be navigated through
the directory structure. This allows easy visual monitoring of disk usage.
Package: dvblast
Description-md5: 3dfb83d4f9116578511b84bc2a09590e
Description-gl: Simple and powerful dvb-streaming application
DVBlast is a simple and powerful streaming application based on the linux-
dvb API. It opens a DVB device, tunes it, places PID filters, configures a
CAM module, and demultiplexes the packets to several RTP outputs.
DVBlast is designed to be the core of a custom IRD or CID, based on a PC
with Linux-supported DVB cards.
DVBlast non realiza ningún tipo de procesamento sobre os fluxos
elementais, como transcodificar, reasignación de PID ou remultiplexado.
Non envía fluxos a partir de ficheiros simples, só desde dispositivos DVB.
Se desexa estas funcionalidades, pase ao VLC.
Package: dvdisaster-doc
Description-md5: 559fd90a21ef8c80b77c726fc625617a
Description-gl: data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media (documentation)
dvdisaster provides a margin of safety against data loss on CD and DVD
media caused by scratches or aging media. It creates error correction data
which is used to recover unreadable sectors if the disc becomes damaged at
a later time.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: dvdrip-utils
Description-md5: 07a1fc675b3a5246a94261011b9be9e2
Description-gl: perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg (tools)
dvd::rip é un programa de extracción de DVD con todas as funcionalidades
escrito en Perl. Fornece unha interface gráfica doada de utilizar mais
chea de funcionalidades para controlar case todos os aspectos do proceso
de extracción e transcodificación. Emprega a estendida navalla suíza do
procesamento de vídeo transcode e moitas outras ferramentas de código
This package contains the following tools, needed by dvdrip:
* dvdrip-progress
* dvdrip-splitpipe
Package: e17-dbg
Description-md5: b5ad20e26e14132fa96ccef7c4681720
Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas Enlightenment DR17 - símbolos de depuración
Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features
include: a fully animated background, nice drop shadows around windows,
backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: easyh10
Description-md5: b0a7eff3c0dd7f79987d08aa33b73515
Description-gl: Utility to manage the iRiver H10 music player
Easyh10 is a command-line utility to generate a media database and
playlist for an iRiver H10 digital audio player. Actually transferring
the music files must be done manually.
Páxina web:
Package: easymp3gain-dbg
Description-md5: e5c192410885c6567b7a481616f4391a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do easyMp3Gain
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de easyMp3Gain, unha
interface gráfica sinxela para MP3Gain, VorbisGain e AACGain which que
permite modificar o volume dos ficheiros de son en MP3, Ogg Vorbis e MP4.
Most people will not need this package.
Package: easymp3gain-qt
Description-md5: ae03ce5c86917c1bf47143dad3d25904
Description-gl: Qt-GUI for MP3Gain, VorbisGain and AACGain
A simple GUI frontend for MP3Gain, VorbisGain and AACGain, which allows
modifying the loudness of MP3, Ogg Vorbis and MP4 audio files.
Este paquete contén a versión para Qt4
Package: easystroke
Description-md5: 601e7fba11193f5755e7c4ba033f87a1
Description-gl: gesture recognition program
O Easystroke é un aplicativo de recoñecemento de xestos para X11. Pretende
ser moi configurábel ao tempo que fornece unha interface de usuario
intuitiva. Foi deseñado pensando nun tablet PC, mais tamén funciona ben
cun rato.
Package: ebook-speaker-dbg
Description-md5: 1a4efdf43914066df0696ec9c68dd8dc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ebook-speaker
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ebook-speaker.
Ebook-speaker provides a command-line e-reader that reads out electronic
books using speech synthesis. It has a simple user interface appropriate
for Braille terminals.
Package: ebumeter-doc
Description-md5: 57dfd07787abf6f1b60d5d4d70335db7
Description-gl: Loudness measurement EBU-R128 - documentation
These tools help controlling loudness of audio material aimed primarily
for broadcasting, but they can be useful in other situation.
ebumeter and ebur128 allow users to measure Momentary (400 ms), Short term
(3s) and Integrated Loudness (from start to stop). They can be used on
audio files and signals through JACK.
Este paquete contén documentación en HTML
Package: ecere-sdk
Description-md5: 69a623821ff184ebdbed9bf9f55eb2fe
Description-gl: Ecere cross-platform SDK
Este paquete é un metapaquete que fornece o SDK multiplataforma completo
Ecere (ecere-dev, ecere-samples, ecere-extras, libeda0, libedasqlite0).
Package: eclipse-cdt-valgrind
Description-md5: 34304652fda8c9cce700b0b0fad0e8ee
Description-gl: Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT
The Linux Tools Project Valgrind plugin aims to provide simple and
effective profiling for the C/C++ Development Tools.
Integration of these tools from Valgrind suite is provided:
* Memcheck *
Memcheck is a tool that detects memory management problems. It is
Valgrind's most popular tool and seemingly the most mature. Memcheck's
output is rather straight forward - it is a series of errors along with
stack trace information.
The Valgrind View presents this output using a TreeViewer with the errors
as top-level elements.
The stack trace is presented underneath the error and when a frame is
double-clicked an editor will open and go to the line in question.
Markers represent memcheck errors inside the editor and are linked to the
Problems View.
Includes an editor for Valgrind suppressions files featuring syntax
highlighting, folding and code completion.
* Massif *
Massif is a heap profiling tool. It takes several "snapshots" during
execution of your program detailing the various heap allocations
throughout. It's output for each snapshot primarily consists the time of
the snapshot, how many bytes were allocated that can be used, and how much
extra was allocated than was asked. The unit of time can be configured to
be instructions, milliseconds or bytes. At specified intervals, "detailed"
snapshots are produced. These detailed snapshots contain a tree of heap
allocations that comprise that snapshot. Unlike Memcheck, Massif does not
yet support XML output. Massif's output is complex and as such requires
creative ways of displaying it. Valgrind includes the ms_print program
that is used to display Massif's output in a visually appealing manner.
ms_print was used as a template for how to display this output.
The default view of the output is with a TableViewer. Snapshots are
displayed as tabular data, just as ms_print does.
For detailed snapshots, an icon indicates the snapshot can be double-
clicked and the View will display a TreeViewer of the detailed snapshots'
heap allocation trees.
ms_print also provides a bar chart of bytes allocated throughout
execution. In perhaps a more appropriate style, there is an option to
display a detailed line chart of this data.
* Cachegrind *
Cachegrind performs cache and branching profiling. A Cachegrind profile
run measures the number of cache misses and branch mispredictions
performed by an application. The results of a Cachegrind profile run are
displayed in the Valgrind view. These results show Cachegrind's
cache/branch data in different levels of granularity.
Double-clicking on any file, function, or line will open the corresponding
source file and place the cursor on the appropriate location (if the
source can be resolved).
Integration with the CDT's parsed code model provides a user interface
that resembles what you see in the Outline view.
Package: edubuntu-artwork
Description-md5: ce0d4bffb6df1950f1151d239c638fb4
Description-gl: Temas e gráficos de Edubuntu
Temas e gráficos de Edubuntu que inclúen un tema de GDM, o tema Plymouth,
fondos de pantalla e ademais a páxina principal de Edubuntu para o
Package: edubuntu-desktop
Description-md5: 1e6f07efbd02792d089ac26cf69a936b
Description-gl: escritorio educativo para Ubuntu
Este paquete depende do conxunto completo de paquetes que contan co apoio de Edubuntu Fornece un escritorio educativo por riba de Ubuntu. Inclúe:
* Imaxes e documentación de Edubuntu
* Paquete de aplicativos para preescolar
* Paquete de aplicativos para primaria
* Paquete de aplicativos para secundaria
* Paquete de aplicativos para educación superior
* Aplicativos diversos útiles en situacións educativas
É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do
sistema de escritorio.
Package: edubuntu-docs
Description-md5: b0594b4f4462e16faf2c22d94ea2406d
Description-gl: The Ubuntu Documentation Project - Edubuntu Documentation
Este paquete contén a documentación oficial específica de Edubuntu,
mantida polo Equipo de Documentación de Ubuntu. Inclúe o Manual de
Edubuntu, Acerca de Edubuntu e a Guía de Defensa da Escola.
The guides can be viewed using Yelp, the GNOME help browser.
Package: edubuntu-fonts
Description-md5: e39abb7802d3ba89780a7b143544d12f
Description-gl: Additional fonts included on a default Edubuntu system
Este metapaquete instala unha escolla de paquetes que contén tipos de
letra que poden ser útiles para a educación ou a maquetación.
Package: edubuntu-server-client
Description-md5: 3b1a71652e7d9672410195572f463ba2
Description-gl: Edubuntu server (client scripts)
This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server.
O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e
empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios.
This package contains what's needed to join an Edubuntu server domain.
Package: edubuntu-server-container
Description-md5: e05e45b0a7d0481a7b57642b614d21e7
Description-gl: Edubuntu server (common dependencies and scripts for containers)
This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server.
O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e
empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios.
This package contains what's needed in an Edubuntu server container.
Package: edubuntu-server-host
Description-md5: b817378bd746d9623abc3bb27ac2e235
Description-gl: Edubuntu server (host dependencies and scripts)
This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server.
O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e
empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios.
This package contains what's needed to install a physical host.
Package: edubuntu-server-manager
Description-md5: dcbbe07b414a8f75a93cde0afc022c35
Description-gl: Servidor de Edubuntu (interface web)
This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server.
O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e
empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios.
This package contains the Edubuntu Server management web interface.
Package: einstein
Description-md5: b328253d1207c4bcb1cdf16a8c8a89d3
Description-gl: Xogo crebacabezas inspirado no crebacabezas de Einstein
This puzzle is a remake of old DOS game Sherlock which was inspired by
Albert Einstein's puzzle. The game goal is to open all cards in square of
6x6 cards. For this, a number of hints describing relations between card
positions are given. Use them to find the correct layout.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-daemon-dbg
Description-md5: d6e0fdf62d99a80879e52fc2a262ac7d
Description-gl: EiskaltDC++ daemon (debug symbols)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do daemon do EiskaltDC++ Qt.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-gtk-data
Description-md5: cc43df4c525426d4a4231c845309f9bd
Description-gl: data files for EiskaltDC++ Gtk
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do EiskaltDC++ Gtk.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-gtk-dbg
Description-md5: e4ac67de40f4c1d74f7b32247e55c4f9
Description-gl: EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk (debug symbols)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do EiskaltDC++ Gtk.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-gtk3-dbg
Description-md5: 416d0f7c96d80d0be75f7e7156da9940
Description-gl: EiskaltDC++ GUI on Gtk3 (debug symbols)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do EiskaltDC++ Gtk3.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-qt-data
Description-md5: 35654177b6417230aac8efbf64ceb85c
Description-gl: data files for EiskaltDC++ Qt
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do EiskaltDC++ Qt.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: eiskaltdcpp-qt-dbg
Description-md5: f88d8699f77c8952a2bdf91c6288472d
Description-gl: EiskaltDC++ GUI on Qt (debug symbols)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do EiskaltDC++ Qt.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: ekg2-dbg
Description-md5: 88388b4e253a52cf5048a597f926866d
Description-gl: Mensaxería instantánea e cliente de IRC para sistemas UNIX - símbolos de depuración
EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The
program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols,
currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS.
Also a generic filesystem-based communication mechanism called "xmsg" is
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do código executábel.
Package: ekiga-dbg
Description-md5: d6d748db0814542785b31a8a95a3a172
Description-gl: H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client - debug symbols
H.323 and SIP compatible videoconferencing and VoIP/IP-Telephony
application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users
with H.323 hardware or software (such as Microsoft Netmeeting) as well as
SIP endpoints.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Ekiga.
Package: electric
Description-md5: a6c312c9e8daf2c1686037aa441a7057
Description-gl: sistema de CAD para electricidade
Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many
forms of circuit design, including custom IC layout (ASICs), schematic
drawing, hardware description language specifications, and electro-
mechanical hybrid layout.
Package: elinks-doc
Description-md5: 51de3db0ddd45c8875ca36ea5debfd21
Description-gl: advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation
ELinks is a feature-rich program for browsing the web in text mode. It is
like enhanced Lynx and Links. The most noteworthy features of ELinks are:
* Lots of protocols (local files, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 etc.)
* Internationalized domain names
* Persistent cookies, HTTP authentication and proxy authentication
* Tabbed browsing, good looking menus and dialogs, and key-binding manager
* History browsing and typeahead searches
* Forms history and completion, and history in commonly used input dialogs
* CSS support and support for browser scripting (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.)
* Tables and frames rendering, and configurable color support
* Compressed and background (non-blocking) downloads, and download resuming
Este paquete contén a documentación e manuais para ELinks.
Package: elki
Description-md5: baee419010bf7fdcd65114d906db7385
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento de algoritmos de extracción de datos
ELKI: "Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-
Structures" is a development framework for data mining algorithms written
in Java. It includes a large variety of popular data mining algorithms,
distance functions and index structures.
Its focus is particularly on clustering and outlier detection methods, in
contrast to many other data mining toolkits that focus on classification.
Additionally, it includes support for index structures to improve
algorithm performance such as R*-Tree and M-Tree.
The modular architecture is meant to allow adding custom components such
as distance functions or algorithms, while being able to reuse the other
parts for evaluation.
This package also includes the source code, since this software is meant
for the rapid development of such algorithms, not so much for end users.
Package: elmer-dbg
Description-md5: fb0de0901d253202c2a99c700d489159
Description-gl: finite element multiphysics suite - debugging symbols
The Elmer multiphysics simulation package includes physical models of
fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat transfer, and
acoustics, among others. These are described by partial differential
equations which Elmer solves by the Finite Element Method (FEM).
Elmer uses METIS (or its free counterpart Scotch) for mesh partitioning,
and (P)ARPACK, UMFPACK, BLAS/LAPACK, and hypre to solve the sparse linear
systems resulting from FEM discretization. It includes pre- and post-
processors, and several examples illustrating simulation of various
physical phenomena.
Elmer's lead institution is CSC in collaboration with Finnish
universities, research institutes, and industry.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración dos binarios do paquete
Package: emacs23
Description-md5: ee0232d77159703583785286c421c9da
Description-gl: O editor GNU Emacs (con interface de usuario en GTK+)
GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package
contains a version of Emacs with a GTK+ user interface.
Package: emacs23-common-non-dfsg
Description-md5: 90f02678a2f64c3944119e0e8745cae4
Description-gl: GNU Emacs shared, architecture independent, non-DFSG items
O Emacs de GNU é o editor de texto extensíbel e auto-documentado. Este
paquete contén a infraestrutura independente da arquitectura que non
obedece as Directrices de Software Libre de Debian. En particular, inclúe
algunhas das páxinas info do Emacs de GNU, que están cubertas baixo a GFDL
e especifican seccións invariábeis. Consulte máis información.
Package: emacs23-lucid
Description-md5: cf662c98cc6de78f321297fe8c2334a6
Description-gl: The GNU Emacs editor
O Emacs de GNU é o editor de textos extensíbel e auto-documentado. Este
paquete contén unha versión do Emacs compilada cunha interface de usuario
de Lucid.
Package: emacs24-lucid
Description-md5: b116375e971b0429eb4d3f871d49d985
Description-gl: GNU Emacs editor
O Emacs de GNU é o editor de textos extensíbel e auto-documentado. Este
paquete contén unha versión do Emacs compilada cunha interface de usuario
de Lucid.
Package: emscripten-doc
Description-md5: f0e422567662ce47b8f128b7deffb4da
Description-gl: LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
Emscripten is an LLVM to JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode, also
called LLVM IR (which can be generated from C/C++ using Clang, or any
other language that can be converted into LLVM bitcode) and compiles that
into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript
can run).
Using Emscripten, you can
* Compile C and C++ code into JavaScript and run that on the web
* Run code in languages like Python as well, by compiling CPython from C
to JavaScript and interpreting code in that on the web
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: enblend
Description-md5: 60a4b912f87ffb96d7ec9562509d24a1
Description-gl: image blending tool
Enblend is a tool for compositing images. Given a set of images that
overlap in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that
the seam between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to
see. It can, for example, be used to blend a panorama composed of several
It uses a Burt & Adelson multi-resolution spline. This technique tries to
make the seams between the input images invisible. The basic idea is that
image features should be blended across a transition zone proportional in
size to the spatial frequency of the features. For example, objects like
trees and windowpanes have rapid changes in color. By blending these
features in a narrow zone, you will not be able to see the seam because
the eye already expects to see color changes at the edge of these
features. Clouds and sky are the opposite. These features have to be
blended across a wide transition zone because any sudden change in color
will be immediately noticeable.
O Enblend non aliña as imaxes. Empregue unha ferramenta como Hugin ou
PanoTools para facelo. Os ficheiros TIFF producidos por estes programas
son exactamente o que o Enblend está deseñado para utilizar.
Package: enemylines3
Description-md5: 3f86388edd34120053c8d3db1125a29e
Description-gl: Xogo de disparos semiabstracto en 3D e primeira persoa
single-player game. You have to shoot evil robots before they get too
close, you can use your jetpack to escape. The robos can't jump but they
tear down walls.
Package: enemylines7
Description-md5: 57c1a8388ebb5fe231edfc91e98731aa
Description-gl: Xogo de disparos en 3D e primeira persoa
Enemy Lines 7 is a single-player game. You have to shoot down enemy
bombers threatening your city in a three-dimensional environment.
Enemy bombers are approaching Glysen, your capital. The situation is
without hope. But with the new experimental mech you can at least try to
take as many of them with you as possible.
Package: enfuse
Description-md5: 01773ba70e320855287a42501d2d11f5
Description-gl: image exposure blending tool
Enfuse blends differently exposed images of the same scene into a nice
output image, without producing intermediate HDR images that are then
tonemapped to a viewable image. This simplified process often works much
better and quicker than the currently known tonemapping algorithms.
The exposure blending is done using the Mertens-Kautz-Van Reeth exposure
fusion algorithm. The basic idea is that pixels in the input images are
weighted according to qualities such as proper exposure, good contrast,
and high saturation. These weights determine how much a given pixel will
contribute to the final image.
O Enfuse non aliña as imaxes. Empregue unha ferramenta como Hugin ou
PanoTools para facelo. Os ficheiros TIFF producidos por estes programas
son exactamente o que o Enfuse está deseñado para utilizar.
Package: enigma-data
Description-md5: d485f1c5e342972301b2584fc4548698
Description-gl: Data files for the game enigma
Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll on
the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and
some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept.
In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of Oxyd
stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by the fact
that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected by
unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot of
dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do (niveis, gráficos, sons).
Package: enscript
Description-md5: 04fb071b96ab1b2f0ba75bea589ddc4b
Description-gl: Converte texto para Postscript, HTML ou RTF con destaque da sintaxe
GNU Enscript takes ASCII files (often source code) and converts them to
PostScript, HTML or RTF. It can store generated output to a file or send
it directly to the printer.
It is often used for its syntax highlighting, as it comes with rules for a
wide range of programming languages. New rules can be added using an awk-
like stateful scripting language.
Package: entangle-dbg
Description-md5: 5a9eb5a1a6583dbfae61272fd932595d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do entangle
Entangle provides a graphical interface for "tethered shooting", aka
taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do entangle.
Package: epigrass-doc
Description-md5: 9fb9dd737bddeee1c17e46974982833b
Description-gl: Documentation for EpiGrass, a network epidemiology tool
Epigrass is a software for visualizing, analyzing and simulating of
epidemic processes on geo-referenced networks.
EpiGrass can interact with the GRASS GIS from which it can obtain maps and
other geo-referenced information. However, EpiGrass does not require an
installation of the GRASS GIS for most of its features.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: epiphany-browser-dbg
Description-md5: 0b16f92610acdcb62798bb0ef0048ae0
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do navegador web de GNOME
Epiphany is a simple yet powerful GNOME web browser targeted at non-
technical users. Its principles are simplicity and standards compliance.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: epiphany-browser-dev
Description-md5: d98508d786c7b08f9acf4f994e0c4fdd
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento do navegador web de GNOME
Epiphany is a simple yet powerful GNOME web browser targeted at non-
technical users. Its principles are simplicity and standards compliance.
This package is required to develop extensions for Epiphany/WebKitGTK+.
Package: eric
Description-md5: adad922d8b31726258d7769cdfacaeb3
Description-gl: completo ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para Python
eric is a full featured Python IDE written in PyQt using the QScintilla editor widget. Some highlights
* Any number of editors with configurable syntax highlighting, code
folding, auto indenting and brace highlighting.
* Integrated Project Management facility to organize your projects. The
project browser shows all source files, all forms and all translations
each on its own tab. The source browser has built in class browsing
* Integrated and full featured debuggers for Python and Ruby.
* Interactive shells for Python and Ruby.
* An explorer window for walking through your directory structure with
built in class browsing capabilities for Python files.
* Variable windows that display local and global variables in the
current scope while debugging a program.
* An integrated interface to the Python Module "unittest".
* An integrated help viewer to display HTML help files. Alternatively
you can choose to use Qt-Assistant to view help files.
* Display of the UI in different languages.
* The capability to start Qt-Designer and Qt-Linguist from within eric4.
* The ability to compile Qt-Designer forms, to produce Qt-Linguist files
and release them from within the IDE.
Package: erlang-manpages
Description-md5: cdc7cc48bad4a582e48a14f54e037734
Description-gl: Erlang/OTP manual pages
Documentación da linguaxe de programación Erlang no formato «man». Esta
documentación pode ser lida empregando a orde «erl -man mod», na que «mod»
é o nome do módulo sobre o que se quere a documentación.
This package contains all Erlang/OTP manual pages from sections other than
1. They document Erlang/OTP modules, config files and applications.
Package: erubis
Description-md5: cfd6e04c35e4da043727de6b062d69e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-erubis
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-erubis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: erubis-doc
Description-md5: cfd6e04c35e4da043727de6b062d69e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-erubis
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-erubis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: escputil
Description-md5: a84d4b8c7361eb8365a95150358419f2
Description-gl: maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers
escputil is a utility to clean and align the heads of Epson Stylus
printers. It can also check the current ink levels in the printer.
Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un
conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de
impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes
controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo
nivel que os controladores privativos distribuídos polos fabricantes en
moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes.
Gutenprint coñecíase anteriormente como Gimp-Print.
Package: esperanza
Description-md5: 2bc0ed94f2d4d8538691061f7803bade
Description-gl: Cliente XMMS2 que pretende ser tan completo e fácil de usar como sexa posible
Esperanza is a XMMS2 client written with C++ / Qt4 and aims to be cross-
platform goodness for everyone. It has a simple interface with a single
playlist and let you search the media lib or add files from other sources
easily. It also presents album art.
Package: eterm
Description-md5: 32ac0d46ea64df4dd82d41c7ed7b886d
Description-gl: Emulador de Terminal Enlightened
A terminal emulator in the spirit of xterm or rxvt, eterm uses an
Enlightenment style config file, as well as themes. The Imlib2 graphics
engine is used to render images. This version supports background images,
pixmapped scrollbars, pseudo-transparency, and POSIX threads.
Package: etherape
Description-md5: 4dd46dd38c9e87a20d132cba1725b4c8
Description-gl: monitor gráfico de rede
EtherApe is a graphical network monitor modeled after etherman. it
displays network activity graphically, showing active hosts as circles of
varying size, and traffic among them as lines of varying width.
It features link layer, ip and TCP modes, color-color coded protocols
display, Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, ISDN, PPP and SLIP devices. It can
filter traffic to be shown, and can read traffic from a file as well as
live from the network.
Package: etw
Description-md5: 95603e847377d32fc5a84171132df014
Description-gl: Xogo de fútbol tipo arcade
Eat The Whistle is an arcade soccer game similar to famous Amiga titles
such as Kick Off or Sensible Soccer. It features several game modes where
you can play either as the whole team or as a single player, and you can
also manage teams that take part in cups and leagues. There is even an
arcade mode with powerups and bonuses, like in the game SpeedBall 2.
Eat The Whistle features 30 different field types and numerous sound
effects. The game is viewed from the side and can be controlled with
either a joystick or the keyboard.
Most in-game settings are configurable, such as the pitch, weather and
game daytime, which will impact on the gameplay. There is a replay mode
that lets you load and save best moments, a game tactics editor, and teams
from the game Sensible World of Soccer can be directly imported.
Package: evince-hwp-dbg
Description-md5: a98430abaf90785de3a689f16da00ad5
Description-gl: Evince backend for HWP document format - debugging symbols
This is the document backend for Hangul Word Processor format backend for
Evince document viewer.
Note that rendering is still in early stage. Complex texts, tables, images
might be not shown or be displayed incorrectly.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. A maioría das persoas non
necesitan este paquete.
Package: evolution-mapi-dbg
Description-md5: 34805bf3eeb050a1d8076a70c79ae777
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do fornecedor de MAPI para o Evolution
The Evolution MAPI provider adds support for Microsoft Exchange, including
Exchange 2007, to the Evolution groupware suite, using the proprietary
MAPI protocol.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para axudar a depurar
problemas do fornecedor de MAPI.
Package: exempi
Description-md5: e4a2622036610d98f6a26321be774b28
Description-gl: command line tool to manipulate XMP metadata
Exempi é unha biblioteca para analizar metadatos de XMP tal e como os
define a especificación.
XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) facilitates embedding metadata in files
using a subset of RDF. Most notably XMP supports embedding metadata in PDF
and many image formats, though it is designed to support nearly any file
This package provides a command line tool to manipulate XMP metadata.
Package: exim4-doc-info
Description-md5: 806fd3db3ac409e2f761067beba9e4c7
Description-gl: documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in info format
Contains specification and filtering documentation in info format.
Os paquetes de exim4 para Debian teñen a súa propia páxina web, http
:// Tamén hai unha lista de preguntas
frecuentes. Pódese atopar información de maneira local sobre como se
configuran os paquetes para Debian en
/usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz. Este ficheiro tamén ten
información sobre a maneira na que se constrúen os paquetes binarios para
Debian. Existe unha lista de correo centrada en Debian, pkg- Aquí faga preguntas específicas sobre
Debian e escriba na lista de correo dos usuarios de exim do proxecto
orixinal se ten a certeza de que a súa pregunta non é específica de
Debian. Pode atopar a páxina web de subscricións en
exim is a drop-in replacement for sendmail/mailq/rsmtp.
Package: exiv2
Description-md5: c8fa9746ce0a293f6daef57fe4efa73a
Description-gl: ferramenta para manipulación de metadados EXIF/ IPTC
Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to manage image
metadata. It provides fast and easy read and write access to the Exif,
IPTC and XMP metadata of images in various formats
Exiv2 command line utility to:
* print Exif, IPTC and XMP image metadata in different formats:
- Exif summary info, interpreted values, or the plain data for each tag
* set, add and delete Exif, IPTC and XMP image metadata from command line
modify commands or command scripts
* adjust the Exif timestamp (that's how it all started...)
* rename Exif image files according to the Exif timestamp
* extract, insert and delete Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata and JPEG comments
* extract previews from RAW images and thumbnails from the Exif metadata
* insert and delete the thumbnail image embedded in the Exif metadata
* print, set and delete the JPEG comment of JPEG images
* fix the Exif ISO setting of picture taken with Canon and Nikon cameras
Package: exo-utils-dbg
Description-md5: c34e78aa0408a109e3542cadb9ccce01
Description-gl: debugging informations for exo-utils
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das utilidades incluídas en exo-utils:
- exo-csource
- exo-open
- exo-desktop-item-edit
Package: expeyes
Description-md5: 60b03d5c802b544bf801a225e4b4d4b8
Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos científicos
This package provides high level interfaces for making science experiments
with an ExpEYES box.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator
Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing
science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and
engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and
analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with
0.025% resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is
based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python
programming language. The hardware design is also open.
Package: expeyes-clib
Description-md5: ad31d432a6830f0f94796a1f656a342e
Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos científicos
This package provides interfaces written in C language for making science
experiments with an ExpEYES box.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator
Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing
science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and
engineering by exploration. This package provides approximately the same
features than the package expeyes, but its sources are in C language.
Package: expeyes-firmware-dev
Description-md5: 60b03d5c802b544bf801a225e4b4d4b8
Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos científicos
This package provides high level interfaces for making science experiments
with an ExpEYES box.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator
Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing
science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and
engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and
analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with
0.025% resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is
based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python
programming language. The hardware design is also open.
Package: extra-xdg-menus
Description-md5: 08853b7c619b8508bad17359c8e17cff
Description-gl: Categorías de menú extra para os aplicativos en GNOME e KDE
This package installs various optional extra desktop menus for grouping
applications on GNOME, KDE and other XDG menu-spec compliant desktop
environments. The extra menus may be enabled or disbled on a system or
per-user basis with the supplied scripts, exmenen and exmendis.
Package: extrema-doc
Description-md5: 28794b5a1fa04361c07e9f1630cbdaac
Description-gl: Documentación de extrema
This package contains additional documentation in PDF format for the
extrema software package.
Package: extremetuxracer-dbg
Description-md5: f1d3f4cb5695d3cfbb7e03660fc71a04
Description-gl: Xogo de carreiras en 3D con Tux, o pingüín de Linux (símbolos de depuración)
Extreme Tux Racer, or etracer as it is called for short, is a simple
OpenGL racing game featuring Tux, the Linux mascot. The goal of the game
is to slide down a snow- and ice-covered mountain as quickly as possible,
avoiding the trees and rocks that will slow you down.
Collect herrings and other goodies while sliding down the hill, but avoid
fish bones.
This game is based on the GPL version of the famous game TuxRacer.
You must have working 3D acceleration or this game will run quite slowly.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do extremetuxracer.
Package: extremetuxracer-gimp-dev
Description-md5: ed1a5ed91024a8453f41d9c909feadf2
Description-gl: plugins for GIMP for easy development of etracer courses
The courses of Extreme Tux Racer, or etracer as it is called for short,
are quite easy to create. They consist of three graphic files and one
Este paquete contén algúns scripts e paletas de cores que facilitan a
creación de ficheiros gráficos de campos de etracer co GIMP.
Details on how to create courses can be found at
Package: f-spot
Description-md5: c20d6e4c255460fc37290887e1b4652c
Description-gl: aplicativo de xestión de fotos persoais
F-Spot is a full-featured personal photo management application for the
GNOME desktop. It simplifies digital photography by providing intuitive
tools to help you share, touch-up, find and organize your images. It
allows for importing of your existing photo collections, tagging photos
with identifiers, as well as doing simple edits of photos (e.g. rotating).
Package: f2fs-tools-dbg
Description-md5: b623ed10477ba00b5ae84cb208fd6850
Description-gl: Tools for Flash-Friendly File System (debug)
F2FS is a new filesystem for Linux aimed at NAND flash memory-based
storage devices, such as SSD, eMMC, and SD cards. It is based on Log-
structured File System (LFS).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: faad2-dbg
Description-md5: 2c62dd20dcfdf90986b582b408570165
Description-gl: Decodificador de son avanzado freeware - símbolos de depuración
FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly
decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de todos os paquetes de
Package: fai-doc
Description-md5: 702a63c0a6648b16120a1ef62c708336
Description-gl: Documentación de FAI
FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux
systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual
machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large
infrastructures and clusters.
This is the documentation for FAI in various formats.
Package: fakeroot-ng
Description-md5: 7eafa938299f0f29f51b702690fd5b0e
Description-gl: Fornece un ambiente root falso
This is a clean reimplementation of the fakeroot command. Just like it,
anything run within the fake root command will assume it is running as
root. Unlike it, fakeroot-ng is not based on LD_PRELOAD but on ptrace.
The practical upshot of this is that the technology supports intercepting
the "open" system call. In particular, this allows simulating the "chroot"
command reliably.
Another important difference is that fakeroot-ng can fool applications
that do not perform system calls through glibc, such as statically linked
executables and programs written in some non-C languages (like the latest
Sun JDK).
Package: falconpl-curl
Description-md5: 6583f4193fc3535a6275aee9c92eea90
Description-gl: Curl bindings for Falcon P.L
Falcon is a small, fast and powerful embeddable programming language.
Este paquete fornece un módulo nativo de Curl para Falcon P.L. que fornece
asociacións para a famosa biblioteca libcurl.
Package: falconpl-dbg
Description-md5: 902e82eb5772807e79eab7b9a5e6f476
Description-gl: Falcon P.L. - símbolos de depuración
Falcon is a small, fast and powerful embeddable programming language.
This is the set of command line tools that can be used to run stand-alone
scripts and applications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete falconpl.
Package: falconpl-sdl
Description-md5: e827680c26b80fbd9830bef3ffabcb33
Description-gl: Falcon SDL wrapper module
SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portábel de
baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vídeo, a saída de son, o rato e o teclado.
This Falcon module provides SDL bindings for Falcon.
Package: fatattr-dbg
Description-md5: 05c8f4e90a3173910c0bc7ad577d6436
Description-gl: Utility to control attributes on a FAT filesystem (debug)
FAT filesystems contain several attributes which do not map cleanly onto
Unix attributes; this utility allow these to be controlled directly by
unprivileged users on any mounted FAT partition.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: fatrat-dev
Description-md5: 5edd36e6e639f26459f2bdf1b2dc814f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de fatrat
FatRat is a feature rich download manager written in C++ and built on top
of Qt4 library. It supports a lot of download and file exchange protocols
and is continuously extended. It also includes a plugin system.
This package contains FatRat source header files used to compile a plugin
or to develop your own one.
Package: fatresize
Description-md5: a5f451bc76450c0ab935c4eeafe6f8a6
Description-gl: FAT16/FAT32 filesystem resizer
Fatresize is a command line tool for non-destructive resizing of
FAT16/FAT32 partitions.
Baséase na biblioteca Parted de GNU. O propósito principal do proxecto é
que se use co engadido para FAT EVMS.
Package: faustworks
Description-md5: 5cd965ee48a66b180d64e9a2be1a7c31
Description-gl: IDE para a linguaxe de programación en dsp Faust
FaustWorks is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Faust
dsp programming language. It relies on scripts to generate binaries for
various audio targets. These scripts are located in
Package: fbreader
Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c
Description-gl: lector de libros electrónicos (e-books)
FBReader is an e-book reader.
Main features:
* supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,
palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed
mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader
* reads directly from tar, zip, gzip, bzip2 archives (you can have
several books in one archive)
* supports a structured view of your e-book collection
* automatically determines encodings
* automatically generates a table of contents
* keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all open books
between runs
* automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included)
* searching and downloading books from and
* partial CSS support for epub files
Package: fbterm
Description-md5: b2993ab54dda095ac9f9d49ef5187b61
Description-gl: A fast framebuffer based terminal emulator for Linux
FbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for Linux with frame buffer device.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* case tan rápido como o terminal do kernel Linux mentres que o desprazamento acelerado
está activado no dispositivo de framebuffer
* escóllese o tipo de letra con fontconfig e o texto debúxase con freetype2, igual que nos aplicativos con interfaces gráficas en Qt/Gtk+
* pódense crear/destruír dinamicamente até dez xanelas que se executan inicialmente na consola predeterminada
* grávase o historial de cada xanela
* detéctase automaticamente o locale e convértese a codificación de texto, permitindo
scripts de largo duplo, como o chinés, o xaponés, etc.
* altérnase entre codificación de texto adicional configurábel con atallos inmediatos
* pódese copiar/pegar o texto escollido entre as xanelas co rato mentres o
servidor de gpm estea en execución
Package: fcitx-dbg
Description-md5: 09a11a4484d200983fa09e5ccb70d6c4
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de método de entrada flexíbel - símbolos de depuración
Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides
an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications
using a variety of mapping systems.
It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical
configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is
highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt4 IM Modules,
support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-
friendly API.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do Fcitx enteiro.
Package: fcitx-libs-qt5-dbg
Description-md5: b4d74af753481e90a765a050d9d8ac42
Description-gl: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Debugging symbols for libfcitx-qt5
Fcitx is the Free Chinese Input Toy of X, which was initially designed for
Chinese users, and used XIM protocol. Now it has already evolved into a
highly modularized, feature rich input method framework for Unix-like
platforms supporting a considerable amount of frontends, backends and
It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical
configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is
highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules,
support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-
friendly API.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do fcitx-libs-qt5.
Package: febootstrap
Description-md5: 09e1f5b625ea02166504c4274f248589
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para tratar cos cambios de nome dos paquetes.
The febootstrap tool was renamed to supermin.
Package: festival-doc
Description-md5: ccbc8b6990f0e89a73c2cab5ebd81530
Description-gl: Documentación de Festival
This package contains the pre-built HTML and Postscript versions of the
documentation for Festival.
Note that the info document for festival is included in the main festival
Package: fet
Description-md5: 4cc23da729c75bf57af8c3c80314fce8
Description-gl: xerador de horarios
O FET é un programa para xerar automaticamente o horario dunha escola,
instituto ou universidade.
Package: ffado-dbus-server
Description-md5: c97651a8d42693959e021d8283d395a2
Description-gl: FFADO D-Bus server
FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire
The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
provides an API for streaming clients.
This package holds the D-Bus server that exposes the mixer and control
interfaces through D-Bus.
Package: ffado-mixer-qt4
Description-md5: fc8ed34ba640a2f91cb697e27ecb2fa1
Description-gl: FFADO D-Bus mixer applets (QT4)
FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire
The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
provides an API for streaming clients.
This package holds the mixer and control applications that communicate
with ffado-dbus-server. (Qt4 version)
Package: ffado-tools
Description-md5: dcaf35942541c9b5da1355b4c8de7def
Description-gl: FFADO debugging and firmware tools
FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire
The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
provides an API for streaming clients.
Este paquete contén as ferramentas seguintes para a actualización, localización de problemas e depuración do firmware:
* ffado-test-streaming
* ffado-diag
* ffado-test-isoxmit
* ffado-test-isorecv
* ffado-bridgeco-downloader
* ffado-test
* ffado-fireworks-downloader
Package: ffdiaporama
Description-md5: 0b84a12d1f037ef534da80d0a35d6ca9
Description-gl: Creador de películas a partir de fotos e fragmentos de vídeo
ffDiaporama is an application for creating video sequences consisting of
* titles, fixed or animated.
* images or photos, fixed or animated.
* movie clips
* music
Package: ffmpeg
Description-md5: 5ff27b47c3b68cc2af2a245c108535a8
Description-gl: Reprodutor de multimedia, servidor, codificador e transcodificador (paquete transitorio)
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
Este paquete contén o programa ffmpeg obsoleto. Este paquete serve tamén
como paquete transitorio a libav-tools. Recoméndase empregar avconv do
paquete libav-tools no canto de ffmpeg.
Package: ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg
Description-md5: 2d61ca653370d3e69428ad5a843c8ce6
Description-gl: debugging informations for ffmpegthumbnailer
FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by
file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer
uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported
videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ffmpegthumbnailer.
Package: ffmpegthumbs
Description-md5: d10a9a3ae792f8e16e85968fe0168029
Description-gl: video thumbnail generator using ffmpeg
FFMpegThumbs é un xerador de miniaturas de vídeo para os xestores de
ficheiros de KDE como Dolphin e Konqueror. Permite que estes mostren
imaxes de previsualización dos ficheiros de vídeo usando FFMpeg.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: ffrenzy
Description-md5: 7c28a5511551fd2259a72e7a4eca7875
Description-gl: Xogo de plataforma multiusuario con ananos que pelexan con/pola comida
Feeding Frenzy! is a distributed network game for two to eight players.
One instance needs to act as server for syncing player names and the
During the game dwarfs need to collect food as fast as possible to bring
it back to their mushrooms to live. When a dwarfs leaves his home without
providing it with food for too long, (s)he dies from hunger. The collected
food can also be thrown at other dwarfs, making them unconscious when hit.
When a power-up is picked up, thrown food will have special powers!
Package: filezilla
Description-md5: 782ac3b3cf186729c1138dc7616d26df
Description-gl: Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client
O FileZilla é un cliente de FTP con funcionalidades completas e unha
interface gráfica doada de utilizar.
Está escrito en C++ e emprega a biblioteca wxWidgets.
O FileZilla inclúe as funcionalidades seguintes: * Admite FTP, FTP por SSL/TLS (FTPS) e o Protocolo de transferencia de ficheiros SSH (SFTP)
* Admite IPv6
* Dispoñíbel en máis de 40 idiomas
* Permite retomar e transferir ficheiros grandes >4GB
* Xestor do sitio e fila de transferencia doados de utilizar
* Marcadores
* Admite arrastrar e soltar
* Límites de velocidade
* Filtros para os nomes dos ficheiros
* Comparación entre directorios
* Asistente de configuración da rede
* Edición remota de ficheiros
* «Manter viva» (Keep-alive)
* Admite HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 e FTP Proxy * Rexistro nun ficheiro
* Visualización sincronizada de directorios
* Busca de ficheiros remotos
* Interface con lapelas para se conectar a varios servidores
Package: filezilla-common
Description-md5: 0ff9bf0c61cc77f908f4504f7162ba44
Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para filezilla
O FileZilla é un cliente de FTP con funcionalidades completas e unha
interface gráfica doada de utilizar.
Está escrito en C++ e emprega a biblioteca wxWidgets.
Vexa a descrición do paquete filezilla para a lista completa de
This package contains architecture independent files such as images and
Package: fillets-ng
Description-md5: 7d96ef4f6e14249937bac0c8629464bd
Description-gl: xogo crebacabezas ao estilo de Sokoban no que un peixe enxeñoso tenta salvar o mundo
Fish Fillets is strictly a puzzle game. The goal in every of the seventy
levels is always the same: find a safe way out. The fish utter witty
remarks about their surroundings, the various inhabitants of their
underwater realm quarrel among themselves or comment on the efforts of
your fish. The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music.
Package: firebird2.5-doc
Description-md5: 29b3a4273032669f55d1f49d77fc047d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación da versión 2.5 da base de datos firebird
Various documents for firebird 2.5. These include the list of enhancements
from previous versions, description of ISQL enhancements and various API
or SQL functions that might be of interest for advanced users and
This package does not include the release notes, the quick start guide and
the upgrade guide, which are distributed only as PDF files upstream, with
no accompanying sources, and therefore cannot be included in Debian.
Package: firefox-mozsymbols
Description-md5: 1398643ad4fb0f820933502f6bba9816
Description-gl: Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla - Breakpad symbols
Firefox ofrece seguranza e exploración web fácil. Unha interface de
usuario familiar, funcionalidades de seguranza melloradas incluíndo
protección contra a suplantación de identidade en liña e unha busca
integrada que permite obter o maior rendemento da web.
This package contains the Firefox symbols in a format expected by
Mozilla's Breakpad. Eventually this package should go away and the symbol
upload be implemented in soyuz (or other builders that build this package)
Package: firefox-testsuite
Description-md5: 1c5406dea364e8840846b9dacd3c8955
Description-gl: Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla - testsuite
Firefox ofrece seguranza e exploración web fácil. Unha interface de
usuario familiar, funcionalidades de seguranza melloradas incluíndo
protección contra a suplantación de identidade en liña e unha busca
integrada que permite obter o maior rendemento da web.
This package contains the Firefox testsuite
Package: firmware-tools
Description-md5: e67eba966ab5f56576003410c54436ac
Description-gl: Scripts and tools to manage firmware and BIOS updates
The firmware-tools project provides tools to inventory hardware and a
plugin architecture so that different OEM vendors can provide different
inventory components. It is intended to tie to the package system to
enable seamless installation of updated firmware via your package manager,
as well as provide a framework for BIOS and firmware updates.
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado.
Package: fish-dbg
Description-md5: e41590f0fae56990fcf934850cce0eca
Description-gl: Consola interactiva amigábel (símbolos de depuración)
Fish is a shell geared towards interactive use. Its features are focused
on user friendliness and discoverability. The language syntax is simple
but incompatible with other shell languages.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para gdb do paquete fish.
Package: fitscheck
Description-md5: 38e4c9e6228ed0d59b4b21f22db378b2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para pyfits-utils
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a data format most used in
astronomy. PyFITS is a Python module for reading, writing, and
manipulating FITS files. The module uses Python's object-oriented features
to provide quick, easy, and efficient access to FITS files. The use of
Python's array syntax enables immediate access to any FITS extension,
header cards, or data items.
This is a dummy transitional package for pyfits-utils and can be safely
removed after the installation is complete.
Package: flare-data
Description-md5: 817e5a246c965badc7044003e4d1021c
Description-gl: single-player 2D action role-playing game, data files
Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple game engine built
to handle a very specific kind of game: single-player 2D action RPGs.
Flare is not a reimplementation of an existing game or engine. It is a
tribute to and exploration of the action RPG genre.
Rather than building a very abstract, robust game engine, the goal of this
project is to build several real games and harvest an engine from the
common, reusable code. The first game, in progress, is a fantasy dungeon
Flare uses simple file formats (INI style config files) for most of the
game data, allowing anyone to easily modify game contents. Open formats
are preferred (png, ogg). The game code is C++.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: fldiff
Description-md5: 90282d3f1010ab20c505d4a781926339
Description-gl: Un programa gráfico para diff
Fldiff is a graphical diff program that shows the differences between two
files/directories, or a file/directory and a CVS or Subversion repository.
It is inspired by xdiff (Motif-based) and xxdiff (Qt-based), whose choice
of GUI toolkit has hampered their portability to many of the systems.
Fldiff uses the Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) and has been tested on AIX,
IRIX, Linux, MacOS X, and Solaris, and should also run on Windows.
Package: fldigi-dbg
Description-md5: 121297544b96516f316a011149f54b1a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do fldigi
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do fldigi.
Package: flickrfs
Description-md5: 7649d4826f310b17e4b6f389e9672672
Description-gl: virtual filesystem for flickr online photosharing service
Flickrfs is a virtual filesystem which mounts on your machine like any
other partition. Once mounted it retrieves information about your photos
hosted on your flickr account, and shows them as files. You can easily
copy photos from your local machine to this mount and it will
automatically upload them to your flickr account. Similarly you can copy
the files from your mount to the local machine and it will download your
images from flickr.
Flickrfs emprega FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario»), que é
unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten
un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux.
All the files in the mount have an associated meta file, which provides
access to title, description, tags and license information. Modifiying any
of these fields and saving the meta file will cause them to be updated on
the server also.
Flickrfs also includes a syncing mechanism. This allows for automatic
synchronisation of changes done online directly to your local mountpoint.
Package: flow-tools-dev
Description-md5: 8a631e30cc1ecc17668f7dabf7273c84
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de flow-tools
Flow-tools is library and a collection of programs used to collect, send,
process, and generate reports from NetFlow data. The tools can be used
together on a single server or distributed to multiple servers for large
deployments. The flow-tools library provides an API for development of
custom applications for NetFlow export versions 1,5,6 and the 14 currently
defined version 8 subversions. A Perl and Python interface have been
contributed and are included in the package.
This package contains the flow-tools libraries and headers.
Package: flwm-dbg
Description-md5: 69cd7d6fe5c8f1a2acd4cf50c6e2e2e4
Description-gl: Fast Light Window Manager (debugging symbols)
Flwm is an attempt to combine the best ideas from several window managers.
The primary influence and code base is from wm2 by Chris Cannam. Primary
features copied from wm2 are:
- Does not look like Windoze.
- Nifty sideways title bars.
- No icons. You deiconify by picking off a pop-up menu.
This means no space is wasted by icons.
- Really small and fast code.
It is enhanced by the author's own further nutty ideas:
- Does not use shape extension, more standard resize handles.
- Occupies as little screen space as possible. The border and titles
are as thin as you could possibly make them. And maximized
windows waste only 15 pixels horizontally and zero (count'em)
pixels vertically!
- Independent maximize buttons for width & height, close button.
- Understands Motif, KDE, and GNOME window manager hints.
- Multiple desktops, controlled from the same menu as the icons.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do flwm.
Package: fmit
Description-md5: faa664036ee0cacd5c2dcb45c7bc3aca
Description-gl: Afinador musical de instrumentos libre
fmit is a graphical utility for tuning your musical instruments, with
error and volume history and advanced features like waveform shape,
harmonics ratio (formants), and microtonal tuning.
fmit uses Qt for its GUI and ALSA (where available) or JACK as its sound
input library.
Package: fmtools
Description-md5: 3945b2edaf178e891adfbdadb19a9ec6
Description-gl: Sintonizador de radio FM
Command-line utility for adjusting the frequency and volume and muting and
unmuting FM radio cards.
Package: fontforge-doc
Description-md5: 85b15ba1cc5105c1b1d8d76212056741
Description-gl: Documentación de FontForge
FontForge allows you to create or edit outline and bitmap fonts. It is
also a font format converter and can convert among PostScript (ASCII &
binary Type 1, some Type 3s, some Type 0s), TrueType, and OpenType
(Type2), CID-keyed, SVG, CFF and multiple-master fonts.
This package contains the documentation in HTML format.
Package: fonts-linex
Description-md5: c07237165d1b3e329fe0e0e6f5032830
Description-gl: Tipos de letra axeitados para usos educativos e institucionais
These fonts include hand writing simulation typographies, ancient Greek and Roman typographies, the institutional fonts for use by the regional government of Extremadura and some other elegant fonts. This is the list of the included fonts:
* Abecedario: Small children handwritten simulation
* Elegante: Elegant handwritten simulation font
* BABEL Unicode: specifically designed to type Latin, Ancient greek,
Hebrew, Sanskrit, Runic, Ogham and Old English
* Alfa-Beta: Ancient Greek typography
* Emerita Latina: Roman typography
* API PHONÉTIQUE: Designed to phonetically transcript French texts
* IPA PHONETICS: Designed to phonetically transcript English texts
* Ellenike: Classical Greek encoding
* Jara: Institutional font used by the regional government of Extremadura
* Quercus: Institutional font used by the regional government of Extremadura
These fonts have been developed, donated and GPL licensed by Juan José
Marcos for their use in the gnuLinEx project.
Package: fonts-rufscript
Description-md5: 2c82f5451d2e10f0874dfbd90e6bb7d7
Description-gl: handwriting-based font for Latin characters
Rufscript é un tipo de letra Unicode baseado en letra manuscrita que
contén os caracteres do Latin básico e está creado empregando
exclusivamente ferramentas tipo FOSS (Fontforge - Inkscape- GIMP).
Package: fonts-yozvox-yozfont-edu
Description-md5: 190c84c958d07ae8641158fb8bc980bb
Description-gl: Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (educational cana)
YOzFont is Handwriting Japanese font that standards to "JIS X 0213:2004"
and contains the 10000 or more characters (includes hiragana, katakana and
This is "meiryo compatible" - similar to Microsoft Meiryo font,
proportional (without Japanese character) and Wide line pitch
Inclúe «YOzFontE (kana educativo) / YOzFontE Bold»
Package: foomatic-db
Description-md5: d5f3469f229aa19246b75b0de1f76a10
Description-gl: OpenPrinting printer support - database
Foomatic é un sistema de impresión deseñado para facilitar a configuración
de impresoras habituais para usalas con Debian (e outros sistemas
operativos). Fornece a «cola de pegar» entre unha fila de impresión (como
CUPS ou lpr) e a impresora en si, pois lle indica ao computador como
procesar os ficheiros enviados á impresora.
Este paquete contén a base de datos de impresoras distribuída por
OpenPrinting para os controladores máis comúns. Probabelmente sexa
necesario foomatic-db-engine para que este paquete sexa útil.
Package: foomatic-db-gutenprint
Description-md5: b33190913931b273a782c75726a4314d
Description-gl: OpenPrinting printer support - database for Gutenprint printer drivers
Foomatic é un sistema de impresión deseñado para facilitar a configuración
de impresoras habituais para usalas con Debian (e outros sistemas
operativos). Fornece a «cola de pegar» entre unha fila de impresión (como
CUPS ou lpr) e a impresora en si, pois lle indica ao computador como
procesar os ficheiros enviados á impresora.
This package includes support for printers using the Gutenprint printer
driver suite.
Sitio web:
Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un
conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de
impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes
controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo
nivel que os controladores privativos distribuídos polos fabricantes en
moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes.
Gutenprint coñecíase anteriormente como Gimp-Print.
Package: fotoxx
Description-md5: 8dfd82003baa16ee8cdbcc8520242ddc
Description-gl: Editor de fotos dixitais doado de empregar
Fotoxx is a program for improving digital photos. It allows you to
navigate through large image directories using a window of thumbnail
images, create HDR (high dynamic range) images by combining bright and
dark images to improve details visible in both bright and dark areas,
create panoramas by joining overlapped images, adjust brightness and color
intensity independently for different underlying brightness levels, reduce
fog or haze by removing "whiteness" and intensifying colors, rotate an
image (level a tilted image or turn 90 degrees), remove red-eyes from
electronic flash photos, sharpen, resize, or crop images, reduce noise in
low-light photos, change color depth, and stretch an image by dragging the
Package: foxtrotgps-dbg
Description-md5: db18cc63ac64624b9b3a5b9c32d0f6e9
Description-gl: debug symbols for foxtrotgps
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de foxtrotgps.
Package: fp-units-net
Description-md5: c0cbe4cce5252033a0619131316d8893
Description-gl: Free Pascal - networking units dependency package
The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both
Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It
provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many
platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform-
independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi
extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries.
Este paquete de dependencias depende sempre da última versión dispoñíbel
do paquete que conteña unidades de Free Pascal para crear ferramentas de
rede: D-Bus, httpd-1.3, httpd-2.0, httpd-2.2, ldap, libasync, libcurl,
netdb, openssl e pcap.
Package: fp-units-net-2.6.2
Description-md5: 817164b48d34728d272d528595974deb
Description-gl: Free Pascal - networking units
The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both
Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It
provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many
platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform-
independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi
extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries.
Este paquete contén unidades de Free Pascal para crear ferramentas de
rede: D-Bus, httpd-1.3, httpd-2.0, httpd-2.2, ldap, libasync, libcurl,
netdb, openssl e pcap.
Package: frama-c
Description-md5: b6384f679a89283045abe11c16915e4b
Description-gl: Framework para analizar o código fonte de programas escritos en C
Frama-C is a framework dedicated to the analysis of the source code of
software written in C.
Frama-C gathers several static analysis techniques in a single
collaborative framework. The collaborative approach of Frama-C allows
static analyzers to build upon the results already computed by other
analyzers in the framework. Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides
sophisticated tools, such as a slicer and dependency analysis.
It can be used to:
* Validate the source code formally
* Look for potential runtime errors
* Audit or review it
* Reverse engineer it to understand its structure
* Generate formal documentation
This package provides the graphical user interface of Frama-c and depends
on frama-c-base.
Package: fraqtive-dbg
Description-md5: dc09184e3626b53a95d16df8a52993a7
Description-gl: Debuxa fractais de Mandelbrot e Julia (símbolos de depuración)
Fraqtive is a program for drawing Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. It uses a
very fast algorithm and generates high quality, smooth images. It is fully
interactive, allowing for real-time mouse navigation and dynamic
generation of the Julia fractal preview. OpenGL-rendered 3D view of the
fractals is also supported.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de fraqtive.
Package: freebirth
Description-md5: dc8af4318513edeb863db784c20d0cbd
Description-gl: Sintetizador de baixos/reprodutor de mostras/secuenciador
Freebirth is a free software bass synthesizer / step sequencer / sample
player similar to Rebirth. The bass synthesizer resembles a 303 but also
has other capabilities such as
- Three oscillators (saw, sin, sqr)
- Phase offsets for each oscillator
- Separate filter and amplitude envelopes
- Separate tuning for each oscillator
- Two effects busses (reverb and delay).
Package: freedink
Description-md5: 8e42c6c76852b77b0194646d3add38a2
Description-gl: adventure and role-playing game
Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made
by RTsoft. Besides twisted humour, it includes the actual game editor,
allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules
or D-Mods for short.
GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs
the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under
multiple platforms.
Este paquete é un metapaquete para instalar o xogo, os seus datos e unha
interface para xestionar as opcións do xogo e os D-Mods.
Package: freedink-dfarc-dbg
Description-md5: b9e10ff7b6c1d46de48ddc983ed8f494
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do dfarc
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its
numerous Dink Modules (or D-Mods).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do dfarc.
Package: freedink-engine-dbg
Description-md5: 0d1a19554b6cda57791f6213cc14432a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do freedink
Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made
by RTsoft. Besides twisted humour, it includes the actual game editor,
allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules
or D-Mods for short.
GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs
the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under
multiple platforms.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de freedink.
Package: freefem-doc
Description-md5: 0bfc8cfb6077a6b924c7e737142f677e
Description-gl: documentación do FreeFEM (html e pdf)
FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The
underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been
successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool.
Package: freegish
Description-md5: f6ba7a17aa957705c9191dee86ccdd45
Description-gl: Un xogo tipo arcade baseado na física
Freegish is a 2D platform game, where the player maneuvers character of a
ball of tar. Character may become sticky, slick, heavy and can jump.
The game contains only first five levels of the single player campaign and
few multiplayer levels for mini games like sumo or football.
Freegish is based on open sourced code of the famous game called Gish with
added free art assets.
Package: freegish-dbg
Description-md5: 6f6c5c78676db65c017af5ca29055563
Description-gl: arcade game (debbugging symbols)
Freegish is a 2D platform game, where the player maneuvers character of a
ball of tar. Character may become sticky, slick, heavy and can jump.
The game contains only first five levels of the single player campaign and
few multiplayer levels for mini games like sumo or football.
Freegish is based on open sourced code of the famous game called Gish with
added free art assets.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: freemedforms-i18n
Description-md5: 1443d22ca9d36ca380bdc6829ec8ddbb
Description-gl: Traducións do proxecto FreeMedForms
The FreeMedForms project provides a set of medical applications to help
health professionals in their day-to-day practice. It is developed by an
international community of medical doctors and computer specialists.
This package contains the translations of the project.
Package: freemind-doc
Description-md5: ef4a9c77661c6dff6e73e8b4d8c952e1
Description-gl: Documentación de FreeMind
Este paquete contén, dunha parte, a documentación de FreeMind á que accede
co menú «Axuda -> Documentación» e, doutra, a referencia do teclado de
FreeMind, tanto en PDF (accesíbel co menú «Axuda -> Documentación das
teclas en PDF») ou no formato OpenDocument (editábel).
Package: freeplane
Description-md5: b04d10785beb95550531656465c4c240
Description-gl: Java program for working with Mind Maps
Freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports
thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school
and at home. The core of the software is tools for mind mapping (also
known as concept mapping or information mapping) and using mapped
Occupying the middle ground between an editor and a diagramming tool,
Freeplane allows the user to add content as quickly and naturally as they
would in a text editor, yet producing structured content that can be
manipulated as easily as a diagram.
Features include ordering ideas in nodes and freely positionable nodes,
connecting nodes, automatic/conditional styles, scripting, add-ons, LaTeX,
search/filtering, different export features, printing, password protection
of nodes/maps and more.
Consulte para
unha lista completa dos aplicativos e as súas funcionalidades.
Package: freesci-doc
Description-md5: 034d937711d008b5fe96b186e76ae328
Description-gl: Documentación de FreeSCI
This is the documentation for FreeSCI, a portable interpreter for SCI
games, such as the Space Quest series. It also contains a book describing
the SCI (versions 0, 1 and 2) to the extent known to the general public.
Package: freespacenotifier
Description-md5: b575d51f8cf1ee318ad68645f12df46a
Description-gl: free space notification module for KDE
This module notifies the user when /home or one of the other directories
which you can configure it to monitor are running out of space.
More technically, this package provides a module for kded, the KDE Daemon.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: freetuxtv
Description-md5: d2586fbddab94055f32d4a0f6907972d
Description-gl: Internet television and radio player
FreetuxTV é un reprodutor de vídeo baseado en LibVLC que permite ver e
gravar TV no PC. Pode acceder a unha enorme base de datos (en continuo
crecemento) de canles gratuítas de WebTV/WebRadio/WebCam en máis de vinte
idiomas. Tamén pode reproducir fluxos de televisión do fornecedor de
acceso ao servizo de televisión se ofrece este servizo. Alén disto, tamén
é posíbel programar facilmente a gravación de cada canle con formatos de
transcodificación diferentes.
O paquete vlc fornece todos os códecs de multimedia requiridos por
Package: frescobaldi
Description-md5: 8d32d3e26e1131420f03a62dfbcc431c
Description-gl: Qt4 LilyPond sheet music editor
Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor, with the following features:
* Enter LilyPond scores, then build and preview them with a mouseclick
* Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and automatic completion
* Point-and-click support: click on notes or on error messages to jump to the
corresponding position in the LilyPond file
* Midi player to proof-listen LilyPond-generated MIDI files
* Powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a music score
* Snippet Manager to store and apply text snippets, templates or scripts
* Use multiple versions of LilyPond, automatically selects the correct version
* Built-in LilyPond documentation browser and built-in Frescobaldi User Guide
* Translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian,
Spanish, Galician, Turkish and Polish
Frescobaldi also includes the following music functions:
* Transpose music
* Change music from relative to absolute and vice versa
* Change the language used for note names
* Change the rhythm (double, halve, add/remove dots, copy, paste) etc
* Hyphenate lyrics using word-processor hyphenation dictionaries
* Add spanners, dynamics, articulation easily using the Quick Insert panel
* Update LilyPond syntax using convert-ly, with display of differences
In order to use lyric hyphenation, please install your languages'
appropriate hyphenation packages, e.g. hyphen-fr for French, hyphen-ca for
Catalan, etc.
Frescobaldi é o sucesor en Qt4 de LilyKDE, un engadido de Kate para KDE3.
Package: fritzing
Description-md5: 7f056a3679631d4272496446763b4bd9
Description-gl: Software de deseño electrónico doado de empregar
Fritzing is an open source project designed to help one transition from a
prototype to a finished project. Aimed at users who want to produce or
document circuits and experiments, one starts by building a physical
prototype, then recreating it with Fritzing’s graphical editor. From there
one can generate a schematic, PCB artwork, and PCB production files.
Package: fritzing-data
Description-md5: e785ce98bf5abb0260ab40b4807583ac
Description-gl: Software de deseño electrónico doado de empregar (ficheiros de datos)
Fritzing is an open source project designed to help one transition from a
prototype to a finished project. Aimed at users who want to produce or
document circuits and experiments, one starts by building a physical
prototype, then recreating it with Fritzing’s graphical editor. From there
one can generate a schematic, PCB artwork, and PCB production files.
This package contains the architecture independent data files for
Package: fso-gsmd-dbg
Description-md5: ca8275b032c77219e80d8716d2f8c118
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do daemon de GSM de
fsogsmd implements the GSM API. It takes care of all
GSM related functions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de fso-gsmd, fso-gsmd-
openmoko, fso-gsmd-ezx e fso-gsmd-htc.
Package: fso-usaged-dbg
Description-md5: 8e988b646b88eb9eff673ed58b24fcf9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar co daemon de uso de
fsousaged implements the Usage API. It automatically
controls system resources like GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, Display or CPU.
Some platforms (e.g. the Openmoko Freerunner) have custom lowlevel
plugins, which are available in optional packages.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: fspanel
Description-md5: 9d148223930c6152ef758987e1a40ed4
Description-gl: minimalist panel for X
Un panel para X que enumera todas as xanelas, o que fai consumindo espazo
de disco, memoria e pantalla mínimos. Funciona baixo calquera xestor de
xanelas compatíbel con GNOME (p.ex. E, Sawfish, WindowMaker, IceWM,
Oroborus) e admite as mini-iconas de KDE (o KWM_WIN_ICON atom).
Package: fte-docs
Description-md5: c8c0c33cb72f13a474fa501c86c7cf6c
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos do editor FTE
FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart
indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many
more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable
menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression
search and replace; folding; background compiler execution.
This package contains HTML documentation and sample configuration files.
Package: ftpcopy
Description-md5: 7f78a2ffdc239606cdd279aa1eeef977
Description-gl: FTP clients collection
ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories
(recursively) from an FTP server. It was written to mirror FTP sites
which support the EPLF directory listing format, but it also supports the
traditional listing format (/bin/ls).
ftpls is an FTP client which generates directory listings, either in plain
text or HTML.
The tools only support passive mode FTP. There is no plan to support
active mode.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: ftplib-dev
Description-md5: d84ab7eac50b75d619595b72584b5bd9
Description-gl: Library of callable ftp routines (development)
Ftplib facilítalles aos programadores en C a transferencia de ficheiros
nos seus programas. Este paquete é necesario para compilar e ligar
programas que empreguen ftplib. Inclúe unha utilidade de exemplo para a
liña de ordes para transferir ficheiros mediante ftp (RFC959).
Package: funnelweb-doc
Description-md5: c84dde5247e713cf143cab9d2b2df035
Description-gl: Documentación de funnelweb
This package includes the HTML manuals for the funnelweb litterate-
programming system. These are the Tutorial Manual, the Reference Manual,
and the Developer Manual.
Package: fusion-icon
Description-md5: f32feb8da90f758c7eb27455651bff60
Description-gl: icona da bandexa para iniciar e xestionar Compiz Fusion
The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve
the usability and eye candy of the X Window System and provide increased
Este paquete contén unha icona da bandexa que permite activar, desactivar
e reiniciar Compiz facilmente, así como cambiar o xestor de xanelas ou o
decorador de xanelas que se estean a executar.
Package: fwbuilder
Description-md5: 73dde9e92370efbba3953188b1d6e1e9
Description-gl: Ferramenta con interface gráfica para a administración de devasas
Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy
compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall
policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which
represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls,
networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database
of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop
This is the GUI part of fwbuilder
Package: fwbuilder-dbg
Description-md5: 0920fb585f0ce1b9cb4dabe394583291
Description-gl: Ferramenta con interface gráfica para a administración de devasas (símbolos de depuración)
Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy
compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall
policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which
represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls,
networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database
of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de fwbuilder.
Package: fwlogwatch
Description-md5: 9fb0eca840377b5b84c214320b65b9ff
Description-gl: Firewall log analyzer
fwlogwatch produce resumos dos informes de rexistro de ipchains,
netfilter/iptables, ipfilter, Cisco IOS e Cisco PIX en formato texto e
HTML e ten unha morea de opcións para atopar e mostrar padróns relevantes
dos intentos de conexión. Cos datos atopados pode tamén xerar informes de
incidencias personalizados a partir dun modelo e envialos aos contactos de
control dos sitios desde os que se ofende ou a centros de coordinación de
CERT. Por último, tamén se pode executar como daemon e informar das
anomalías ou iniciar contramedidas.
Package: g3dviewer-dbg
Description-md5: cb932c4fa79437afbc4a471986cb8a9a
Description-gl: g3dviewer debug symbols package
G3DViewer is a 3D file viewer for GTK+ supporting a variety of file types
by using the LibG3D plugin facility. Models can be inspected and rendered
using OpenGL. Rendering modes includes wireframe rendering, shadows,
isometric view, specular lightning, and textures.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: gadmin-bind-dbg
Description-md5: ff4ec6787b27accbb8103239dba45c1c
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 (debug)
gadmin-bind is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for ISC BIND. It handles
multiple domains and can switch from master to slave domain in three
clicks. It can change the domain name for entire domains and subdomains,
including domain resources such as MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, and NS.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gadmin-openvpn-client-dbg
Description-md5: 8760077f08c69c2fbcf38c938d2ca779
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for client)
gadmin-openvpn-client is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool
for the OpenVPN client.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gadmin-openvpn-server-dbg
Description-md5: eb6cc0285eb977f4327e3b999ea7fa71
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for server)
gadmin-openvpn-server is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool
for the OpenVPN server.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gadmin-proftpd-dbg
Description-md5: f0408eb08d99c7f31cc867486ffdaea0
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd debug package
gadmin-proftpd is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the
Proftpd standalone server.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gadmin-rsync-dbg
Description-md5: 3dfa569436e5b58b8522c8802dc135d6
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for rsync (debug)
gadmin-rsync is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the rsync server.
- Multiple backup sets that can be scheduled to run at specific times via
- Each of these backup sets can contain multiple remote or local data
- Backup sets that are started via cron schedules will generate log files
for each of the data backups in the backup sets.
- The backup logfiles will have the same names as the individual backup sets.
- Individual backup sets can be run manually and the progress can be viewed
in the progress tab.
- Remote backups are fully automatic, differential and encrypted.
- Keys are created for each host, uploaded and then installed on the remote
hosts using a combination of ssh-keygen/scp and ssh.
- Makes remote synchronizations scheduleable.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gadmin-samba-dbg
Description-md5: 0a0d180ce22af29be4fd8652e96577cd
Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for samba (debug)
gadmin-samba is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the SAMBA file and print
server. It features multiple local and remote user and group imports, on
the fly share creation and user handling, including randomization of
usernames and passwords. PDF printing to shared/private directories or
email. It also features three levels of domain management strategies.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gaim-extendedprefs
Description-md5: 6abc10f93b42aedd12e14c11b2cc5c66
Description-gl: plugin for the instant messenger pidgin (transitional package)
The Pidgin Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that
have been commonly called for in the past from Pidgin that are either
already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin.
Páxina web:
This is a transitional dummy package to ensure clean upgrades from old
releases. It can be safely removed after upgrade.
Package: gaim-hotkeys
Description-md5: 0dcdd7f1c1dab673c63a35d79fac4137
Description-gl: Atallos de teclado globais configurábeis para pidgin
gaim-hotkeys is a dummy package that eases the transition to pidgin and
depends on pidgin-hotkeys. It can be removed safely.
Package: gaim-themes
Description-md5: ebcc4c993b090790c26130e4fc4e2206
Description-gl: Transitional dummy package
This is a dummy package to ease transition from previous versions of gaim-
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza.
Package: gaim-thinklight
Description-md5: a854b8f95a2561e949fb832937eeea45
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para pidgin-thinklight
This is a transitional dummy package, to make sure that users have a
seamless upgrade from the gaim-thinklight to the new pidgin-blinklight
package. It can safely be removed afterwards.
Package: galculator
Description-md5: 992ad4b83e818cdeb37f04be8222edfa
Description-gl: Calculadora científica
galculator is a scientific calculator. It supports different number bases
(DEC/HEX/OCT/BIN) and angles bases (DEG/RAD/GRAD) and features a wide
range of mathematical (basic arithmetic operations, trigonometric
functions, etc) and other useful functions (memory, etc) at the moment.
galculator can be used in algebraic mode as well as in Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN).
Package: gambas3
Description-md5: c8e3a1bdc12bd2ea6115bcc9c7eef7aa
Description-gl: Complete visual development environment for Gambas
Gambas é un ambiente de desenvolvemento libre baseado no intérprete de
Basic con extensións para obxectos, como Visual Basic(tm) (mais NON é un
clon!). Con Gambas pódese designar rapidamente a interface gráfica dun
programa, acceder a bases de datos en MySQL ou PostgreSQL, pilotar
aplicativos para KDE con DCOP, traducir un programa a varios idioma, etc.
This package doesn't include anything: it is a metapackage to install the
IDE and all the available gambas components...
Package: gamera-gui
Description-md5: d2c009e878d30cf558e101e163329dba
Description-gl: Interface de usuario para o marco de traballo Gamera
The Gamera framework is a Python library for building custom applications
for document analysis and recognition.
This package contains GUI for Gamera.
Package: gamgi-doc
Description-md5: 7306539af0a6e662a1d46a7d5d8dcde6
Description-gl: General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (documentation)
The General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (GAMGI) provides a
graphical interface to build, view and analyze atomic structures.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: gamine-data
Description-md5: 4546cef32c0cfa4e4296bab63a71ef0d
Description-gl: data files for gamine game
gamine is a game for young children.
Este paquete contén datas de son e niveis para o xogo.
You need the gamine package to use these data files.
Package: gammaray-dbg
Description-md5: da9b87511b72efcec1b46cef734e3ece
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gammaray
GammaRay is a tool for examining the internals of a Qt application and to
some extent also manipulate it. GammaRay uses injection methods to hook
into an application at runtime and provide access to a wide variety of
interesting information. It provides easy ways of navigating through the
complex internal structures you find in some Qt frameworks, such as
QGraphicsView, model/view, QTextDocument, state machines and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do gammaray.
Package: garden-of-coloured-lights
Description-md5: 5698ce47c850dd7d36932427d8952b3b
Description-gl: Disparador vertical abstracto con elementos musicais
The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies,
in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has added a simple background tune,
that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.
Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics,
that even though are kept quite simple, are also carefully taken care of.
Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and
every level is different, even though all of them share a common theme.
Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon.
There are a few pre-designed schemes to play with, or you can create your
own combination of weapons.
Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel's entry for the SHMUP-DEV
Competition 2k7 Round 2.
Package: gauche-dev
Description-md5: 550e79b47a8b1a9603517de1ec8d8cbf
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Gauche
Gauche is a Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script
interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write
small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in
system interface, native multilingual support are some of the author's
This package contains development files of Gauche.
Package: gaupol
Description-md5: 178d2969e595fd8c0275d685d0cb7b80
Description-gl: subtitle editor for text-based subtitle files
Text-based subtitles are commonly used with DivX video. Gaupol supports
multiple subtitle file formats and provides means of text corrections and
time manipulations. Gaupol's user interface is designed with attention to
batch processing of multiple documents and convenient translating.
Os formatos admitidos son:
* Advanced Sub Station Alpha (.ssa)
* MicroDVD (.sub)
* MPL2 (.txt)
* MPsub (.sub)
* SubRip (.srt)
* Sub Station Alpha (.ssa)
* SubViewer2 (.sub)
* TMPlayer (.txt)
VobSubs (image-based subtitles used in DVDs) are NOT supported.
Package: gawk-doc
Description-md5: a0ccd75275de725a7e5b09acd72e2ce2
Description-gl: Documentación do awk de GNU
`awk' is a program that you can use to select particular records in a file
and perform operations upon them.
Gawk is the GNU Project's implementation of the AWK programming language.
This package contains edition 4 of `GAWK: Effective AWK Programming: A
User's Guide for GNU Awk' and edition 1.3 of `TCP/IP Internetworking With
Package: gbgoffice
Description-md5: d064da4ffe6aaca5f43f436b263b2806
Description-gl: bgoffice dictionary frontend (GTK2)
bgoffice é un proxecto que ten como obxectivo crear un ambiente de
escritorio completo traducido e localizado para os usuarios búlgaros.
This package contains gbgoffice - a GTK2 program for working with all
dictionaries, contained in bgoffice. It has clean interface, features
GNOME notification area integration and clipboard monitoring. All features
are customizable.
Para a versión para Qt/KDE do programa, vexa kbedic.
Package: gbonds
Description-md5: 5284173d2e5c53d3bf8d64a6fb8297d5
Description-gl: U.S. savings bond inventory program for GNOME
GBonds is a savings bond inventory program for the GNOME desktop
environment. It allows you to track the current redemption value and
performance of your U.S. Savings Bonds and keep a valuable record of the
bonds you own. GBonds is similar in functionality to Savings Bond Wizard
from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
* Tracks savings notes and series E, EE, and I savings bonds.
* Uses U.S. Treasury Department redemption files without modification.
* Imports inventories created with Savings Bond Wizard.
* Tracks current value of both individual bonds and an entire inventory.
Package: gbrainy
Description-md5: b662f07324ca462d98512dea3a76495c
Description-gl: brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained
gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical
capabilities with many sorts of different exercises of different
difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes:
kids whose parents want them to develop their capabilities, adults that
want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people
that might need to do some memory exercises, etc.
Fornece os tipos de xogos seguintes:
* Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and
thinking skills.
* Mental Calculation: games based on arithmetical operations designed
to prove your mental calculation skills.
* Memory Trainers: games designed to challenge your short term
* Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.
Package: gcalctool
Description-md5: dbc10003c4af122e37262c2f285d164c
Description-gl: gnome-calculator is a powerful graphical calculator for GNOME (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
calculator. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gcc-4.4-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.4-doc
Description-md5: bf320d6d806b62ff03b567626d36b1fb
Description-gl: Documentación dos compiladores de de GNU (gcc, gobjc, g++)
Documentación dos compiladores de GNU no formato info.
Package: gcc-4.6-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.6-doc
Description-md5: bf320d6d806b62ff03b567626d36b1fb
Description-gl: Documentación dos compiladores de de GNU (gcc, gobjc, g++)
Documentación dos compiladores de GNU no formato info.
Package: gcc-4.6-plugin-dev
Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155
Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU.
This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is
only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run
Package: gcc-4.7-aarch64-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.7-powerpc-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.8-aarch64-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcc-4.8-powerpc-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base)
This package contains files common to all languages and libraries
contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcj-4.6-base
Description-md5: da9cd2e34f135de49f3564752054c5db
Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base de gcj)
This package contains files common to all java related packages built from
the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
Package: gcj-4.6-jdk
Description-md5: e6d4e99df2f71c8219c2cddb4a0826ec
Description-gl: Ferramentas de desenvolvemento gcj e classpath para Java(TM)
GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both
Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class
files. Other java development tools from classpath are included in this
O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns
simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-SDK para o
conxunto de ferramentas GCJ.
Package: gcj-4.6-jre
Description-md5: f98a26d8b001ba52c19b2ec09d3ec8c5
Description-gl: Ambiente de tempo de execución de Java que emprega GIJ/classpath
GIJ is a Java bytecode interpreter, not limited to interpreting bytecode.
It includes a class loader which can dynamically load shared objects, so
it is possible to give it the name of a class which has been compiled and
put into a shared library on the class path.
O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns
simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-RTE para o
conxunto de ferramentas GIJ/GCJ.
Package: gcj-4.6-source
Description-md5: 4c55da0bb9881014d9bba36bde1b8806
Description-gl: GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans
Estes son os ficheiros fonte en java empaquetados nun ficheiro zip para
seren empregados en ambientes de desenvolvemento como eclipse e netbeans.
Package: gcolor2
Description-md5: 8f098f6163a6c83dd4a997afcce8ce95
Description-gl: Selector de cor sinxelo feito con GTK2
O Gcolor2 é un simple selector de cores en GTK2 que fornece unha maneira
rápida e doada de atopar cores para o que for no que se estea a traballar.
As cores pódense gravar e eliminar.
Package: gcom
Description-md5: e0904494174d371cf653d9f2366a4e96
Description-gl: datacard control tool - transitional package
Este é un metapaquete transitorio de gcom a comgt porque houbo un cambio
de nome por razóns de marcas comerciais. Pode ser desinstalado con
Package: gcompris
Description-md5: 8f676e9406eceba481a9be694b161eb2
Description-gl: Xogos educativos para cativos
Unha gran colección de xogos educativos para rapaciños, deseñados para
teren unha interface unificada que integre máis xogos educativos.
Os xogos orientados ás linguas conteñen vocabulario, sons e voces para
moitas linguas diferentes; escolla os paquetes gcompris-sound para a súa.
Currently available boards include:
* learning how to use a mouse and keyboard
* learning simple arithmetic
* learning how to read an analog clock
* recognize letters after hearing their names
* reading practice
* small games (memory games, jigsaw puzzles, ...)
* etc.
It is designed so that it is easy to implement new boards.
Hai moitos taboleiros que só están dispoñíbeis se están instalados outros
paquetes; vexa a lista de suxestións para máis detalles.
Package: gcompris-data
Description-md5: f43bc71f6d45c576ad1633dede75735c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
This package contains the definitions of these standard boards, along with
associated images.
Algúns taboleiros empregan sons. Para eles hai que instalar o paquete
gcompris-sound para as linguas que se pretenda empregar.
Package: gcompris-dbg
Description-md5: 7094aeaf157c0bc1874ba52a2d4de67c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do GCompris
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do GCompris.
Package: gcompris-sound-af
Description-md5: e5dfcfd322c9a7cc687eaf891b104082
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en afrikaans para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-ar
Description-md5: 4dd336ad374d6cc9382ae93f72100a80
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en árabe (Tunicia) para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-ast
Description-md5: 1edfb785d5d659f58c7c81042c808dbc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en asturiano para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-bg
Description-md5: f94eb2f26a7019ba3657f82c848ecb52
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en búlgaro para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-br
Description-md5: 630016bb1c2cf0d50c85ae4364b733d4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en bretón para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-cs
Description-md5: 3798b1e7e588d21675dba1634c609264
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en checo para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-da
Description-md5: cb024516de3b50b1776bef7f308986fe
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en dinamarqués para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-de
Description-md5: 5681945c5607a6453e5bd6f02e328c02
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en alemán para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-el
Description-md5: 9357a041e9ca23700ddcab8b558b0213
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en grego para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-en
Description-md5: 4ab43a77bd47a8ab82d4128e9b1bf46f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en inglés para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-eo
Description-md5: 06852ee00d2b3f9141b2cb503579cc1e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esperanto para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-es
Description-md5: 1fbc7527a7d0dc64bffef8cda408a621
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en español para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-eu
Description-md5: 3feb810129bb4b75e054982b0fece207
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en éuscaro para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-fi
Description-md5: 2e48659fa7270bd6864911e6496fa37b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en finlandés para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-fr
Description-md5: 78deffc8b2e3073aa7a36a2c53a6d6c2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en francés para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-gd
Description-md5: e205f03761be553c2d4540b8cf124845
Description-gl: Gaelic sound files for GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-he
Description-md5: b9f5afad591aad5da1f1aa7a33354488
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en hebreo para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-hi
Description-md5: 23c5aecab356987c9c881d6300019502
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en hindi (India) para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-hu
Description-md5: 89806671882b6c9834610a5dca000fae
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en húngaro para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-id
Description-md5: ead6c19e476f0e768205a8499b94888f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en indonesio para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-it
Description-md5: 3f605a62e18e075ba505aee7de85cb7e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en italiano para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-lt
Description-md5: 23bfd836ed9b17a896958d25a2405a65
Description-gl: Lithuanian sound files for GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-mr
Description-md5: 471057d560c36b3c10cafbad0dc1fd85
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en marathi (India) para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-nb
Description-md5: 603a52d5484ba2f030ba7d4322bf23e1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en noruegués (bokmal) para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-nl
Description-md5: a70bbdc803494f963835b06b06e0c843
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en holandés para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-nn
Description-md5: 17f81698918b789601140b47ea7cece6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en noruegués (nynorsk) para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-pa
Description-md5: 5fdf36925016cf1ae095036da0e6e0e4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en punxabí para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-pt
Description-md5: 7df8670724f6b97a4991166fb3c1915f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-ptbr
Description-md5: 7df8670724f6b97a4991166fb3c1915f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-ru
Description-md5: 2dc86063f291d7f3621d35ecb68233d8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en ruso para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-sk
Description-md5: 927e3b839aa34b6defe4cf1b1bfbdb4d
Description-gl: Slovak sound files for GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-sl
Description-md5: 67d31e95790c841c1066b734b10cb6de
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esloveno para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-so
Description-md5: e06ec65be62a8c344579886c9022118a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en somalí para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-sr
Description-md5: fe524d7628561a0cad86ce88838b6fa0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en serbio para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-sv
Description-md5: 0a501d88ec1e6194f4eac962ad35d047
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en sueco para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-th
Description-md5: 42c069435b8854d1f001aab57cc8c0bf
Description-gl: Thai sound files for GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-tr
Description-md5: 4f25a7d859ffdd145fa002c11bad34d8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en turco para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-ur
Description-md5: b73b69b6fc1625a3c51621e5be9bb685
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en urdo para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcompris-sound-zhcn
Description-md5: 8e21acb7d6e531febd79648eccca3a9a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en chinés para o GCompris
GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos.
These are sounds used in some boards.
Package: gcstar
Description-md5: d9e93d0e865d62067c8d57402faae20b
Description-gl: Xestione as coleccións de películas, xogos, libros, música e o demais
GCstar is an application for managing your collections. It supports many
types of collections, including movies, books, games, comics, stamps,
coins, and many more. You can even create your own collection type for
whatever unique thing it is that you collect.
Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the
internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who
you've lent it to. You may also search and filter your collection by many
GCstar is the successor GCfilms and is compatible to its databases. As
GCfilms isn't developed any more GCstars replaces GCfilms.
Package: gdeskcal
Description-md5: 3a3d679b1abfa9d685d472ff150bd089
Description-gl: A desktop calendar featuring transparency with smooth alpha-blending
gDeskCal is a cute little eye-candy calendar for your desktop. It features
transparency with smooth alpha-blending and its appearance can be changed
completely by using skins.
Autor: Martin Grimme Páxina web:
Package: gdnsd-dbg
Description-md5: 76d3fbef3a326a94c278ef0226be0eb7
Description-gl: authoritative domain name server (debugging symbols)
gdnsd is an Authoritative-only DNS server. The initial g stands for
Geographic, as gdnsd offers a plugin system for geographic (or other sorts
of) balancing, redirection, and service-state-conscious failover.
gdnsd has a strong focus on high performance, low latency service. It does
not offer any form of caching or recursive service, and does not support
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do gdnsd.
Package: geany
Description-md5: aa1d12968850dd51e074624cc3783871
Description-gl: fast and lightweight IDE
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro. Foi
desenvolvido para fornecer un IDE pequeno e rápido con poucas dependencias
doutros paquetes. Só emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK2 e, por tanto,
só se precisan as bibliotecas de execución de GTK2 para podelo executar.
As características básicas do Geany son:
- realce da sintaxe
- completado do código
- completado automático de construtos como if, for e while, XML e HTML
- suxestións para as chamadas
- división visual das liñas
- recoñece moitos tipos de ficheiros, como C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal
- lista de símbolos
- emulación dun terminal incorporada
Package: geany-common
Description-md5: b028a1c94ed477dc63b5bfad38bfa1ce
Description-gl: fast and lightweight IDE -- common files
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro. Foi
desenvolvido para fornecer un IDE pequeno e rápido con poucas dependencias
doutros paquetes. Só emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK2 e, por tanto,
só se precisan as bibliotecas de execución de GTK2 para podelo executar.
As características básicas do Geany son:
- realce da sintaxe
- completado do código
- completado automático de construtos como if, for e while, XML e HTML
- suxestións para as chamadas
- división visual das liñas
- recoñece moitos tipos de ficheiros, como C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal
- lista de símbolos
- emulación dun terminal incorporada
This package contains arch independent files.
Package: geany-plugin-addons
Description-md5: 95d8beaf2d95a689e3184f6ab187a39e
Description-gl: Engadidos diversos para o Geany
This plugin adds various small addons to Geany which aren't worth an individual plugin, but might still be useful for people.
* DocList: This addon places a new item in the toolbar and when clicked
offers a menu listing all open files plus the 'Close All' and 'Close Other
Documents' menu items. This can be useful to quickly access open files and
switch to them.
* OpenURI: Adds 'Open URI' and 'Copy URI' menu items to the editor menu when
the word under the cursor looks like a URI. 'Open URI' uses the browser
command configured in Geany to open it.
* Tasks: The tasks plugin goes through a file being edited and picks out
lines with "TODO" or "FIXME" in them. It collects the text after those words
and putsthem in a new "Tasks" tab in the message window. Clicking on a task
in thattab takes you to the line in the file where the task was defined.
* Systray: Adds a status icon to the notification area (systray) and
providesa simple popup menu with some basic actions. It can also be used
to quickly show and hide the Geany main window.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-codenav
Description-md5: 6b0da2015ec2feb22215e285bf09b66f
Description-gl: Engadido de navegación do código para o Geany
Este engadido engade algunhas facilidades para navegar polo código empregando Geany, o que posibilita:
* Alternar entre a cabeceira e a implementación
* Ir a un ficheiro escribindo o seu nome
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-commander
Description-md5: eaa0e0da896c001d0c9a8e4143a79deb
Description-gl: Engadido de panel de ordes para o Geany
Este engadido engade un panel de ordes ao Geany para acceder rapidamente a
calquera acción.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-debugger
Description-md5: 2053a567008dfdfea4fb659f7ae440e6
Description-gl: Engadido de depuración para o Geany
* Panel de depuración
* Estabelecemento do destino, variábeis de ambiente e argumentos da liña de ordes
* Puntos de quebra
* Vixilancia, automáticos
* Terminal de depuración
* Xanela de mensaxes de depuración
* Suxestións de variábeis durante a depuración
* Gardado dos datos da sesión de depuración no proxecto do Geany (pódese alterar na configuración)
* Modos de panel simple e duplo
* Teclas de acceso rápido
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-devhelp
Description-md5: 3c8c522be1013888dacbedc17c857d65
Description-gl: Engadido DevHelp para Geany
Este engadido incorpora a funcionalidade de navegador e busca da
documentación da API directamente na interface de usuario do Geany.
Devhelp is an API documentation browser mainly aimed at GNOME-related
libraries, although there are Devhelp books for a wide range of library
APIs. Check your package manager and/or Google and you should have no
trouble finding books that can be viewed with Devhelp.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+.
Package: geany-plugin-doc
Description-md5: ed02b5e16b093a00133da998f5b78a97
Description-gl: Engadido de documentación do Geany
Geanydoc é un engadido para o IDE Geany dirixido a ser empregado para
buscar documentación da API en diferentes fontes. Permite a execución das
ordes que se indiquen na palabra actual na posición do cursor ou mediante
un diálogo para obter esta documentación. Esta documentación preséntase no
buffer do Geany como unha lapela chamada *DOC*, ou tamén pode presentarse
nun programa externo.
Após instalar este paquete hai que activar o engadido «Doc» e a seguir
configurar un atallo de teclado para el no diálogo de preferencias do
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+.
Package: geany-plugin-extrasel
Description-md5: ce60499bae36ea8f6e33bdda608b6029
Description-gl: Engadido Selección Extra para Geany
The Extra Selection plugin adds the following functions to Geany:-
* Go to matching brace and select (select to matching brace)
* Go to line and select (select to line)
* Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left/Right/Home/End key - same as Ctrl+Shift, but for
rectangular selection.
* Column mode - while active, all (Ctrl)-Shift-Arrow keys do rectangle
selection instead of stream.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-gendoc
Description-md5: 94de8df62993353138871351153d3578
Description-gl: documentation generation plugin for Geany
GeanyGenDoc is a plugin for Geany which provides support for automatically
generating documentation based on comments in the source code.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-geniuspaste
Description-md5: 2c872c9e0e9407146214a73b8b920c66
Description-gl: GeniusPaste plugin for Geany
This plugin allows the user to paste the code from Geany into five different pastebins. At the moment it supports this services:
GeniusPaste detects automatically the syntax of the code and paste it with
syntax highlighting enabled. It can also display the pasted code opening a
new browser tab.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-gproject
Description-md5: 5fab26856997dc1465eb21fd7a81d5dc
Description-gl: gproject plugin for Geany
GProject is an extension of Geany's project management displaying a tree
of files belonging to the project in the sidebar. In addition, it enables
quick swapping between header and source files, searching project files by
name and more.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-insertnum
Description-md5: 1909ae858e8e868c264aa2f4ed64627d
Description-gl: number inserting plugin for Geany
This plugin for Geany replaces a (possibly zero-width) rectangular
selection with integer numbers, using start/step/base etc. specified by
the user. For practical reasons, the number of lines is limited to 500000.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-latex
Description-md5: 100ff1ff400ba321d88badad9dc75cef
Description-gl: improved LaTeX support plugin for Geany
GeanyLaTeX is a plugin for the Geany IDE to improve work with LaTeX. Features include:
* Wizard for creating a new LaTeX-document
* Frontend for easy input of \ref{} and \label{}
* Easy adding of special characters and environments through plugin menu entry
* Support for adding new items to BibTeX database
* Toolbar with commonly used format options
* Bulk replacement and input replacement of special characters
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-lipsum
Description-md5: 47bd32f7e2d6cb5514f97bee3b545cf8
Description-gl: Lorem Ipsum generator plugin for Geany
GeanyLipsum is a plugin for Geany which implements a Lorem Ipsum generator
to insert placeholder text into your document.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-lua
Description-md5: ad635f7b27849a73abdcfc5fdddf9dbb
Description-gl: Lua scripting plugin for Geany
GeanyLua is a plugin which provides a Lua scripting interface for the
Geany IDE.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-macro
Description-md5: 55b1d9a3a3fd46ef6f1aea0557975a62
Description-gl: macro plugin for Geany
Geanymacro is a plugin to provide user defined macros for Geany. This
plugin allows you to record and use your own macros. Macros are sequences
of actions that can then be repeated with a single key combination. So if
you had dozens of lines where you wanted to delete the last 2 characters,
you could simple start recording, press End, Backspace, Backspace, down
line and then stop recording. Then simply trigger the macro and it would
automatically edit the line and move to the next.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-markdown
Description-md5: 92a094e1fedbd82e0aaa30bdb67af717
Description-gl: markdown plugin for Geany
This plugin provides a real-time preview of rendered Markdown in Geany.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-miniscript
Description-md5: e16560327251771f28c6f6b924fb8ba9
Description-gl: Geany Mini-Script filter plugin
This plugin is a tool to apply a script filter on:
- the text selection,
- the current document,
- all documents of the current session.
The filter type can be:
- Unix shell script,
- perl script,
- python script,
- sed commands,
- awk script.
The output can be:
- the selection of the current document,
- all the current document,
- or a new document.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-multiterm
Description-md5: 3eda11a5b1786e11e7cf727aa65e2d18
Description-gl: multiterm plugin for Geany
MultiTerm is similar to Geany's built-in VTE terminal except that it
supports multiple terminals in tabs and supports different shells in each
of the terminal tabs.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks
Description-md5: 90d7c11515a598ba8d6f9536fac57048
Description-gl: numbered bookmarks plugin for Geany
Geanynumberedbookmarks is a plugin to provide users with 10 numbered
bookmarks (in addition to the usual bookkmarks). Normaly if you had more
than one bookmark, you would have to cycle through them until you reached
the one you wanted. With this plugin you can go straight to the bookmark
that you want with a single key combination.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-pg
Description-md5: ec2bfa67797fdf4ab6a7bbf552d17306
Description-gl: pg plugin for Geany
GeanyPG is a plugin for Geany that allows the user to encrypt, decrypt and
verify signatures with GnuPG.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-prettyprinter
Description-md5: c31ba25f6bee6788d34429a7f8a4039f
Description-gl: XML pretty printer for Geany
This plugin gives Geany XML pretty-printing functionality, allowing it to
beautify and enhance the readability of XML files.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-prj
Description-md5: 3a8fa0c6882602994f2aa3e91e832fbf
Description-gl: alternative project manager for Geany
GeanyPrj is a plugin for Geany that provides an alternative method for
managing projects in Geany, which moves away from Geany's default project
management style, which is session-based, instead implementing a system
which automatically opens a project when oen of its files are opened.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+.
Package: geany-plugin-scope
Description-md5: fd35f47b4aab48097a4b8f16eea9459e
Description-gl: graphical GDB front-end for Geany
Scope is a graphical GDB front-end with the normal functions you would expect (stepping, breakpoints, etc.), and a few notable features:
* The comminication between Scope and gdb is asynchronous.
* You can enter any gdb command, at any time.
* All gdb I/O (along with some other messages) is displayed in a
terminal-like "Debug Console". Whenever you find the GUI lacking,
simply switch to that console and work directly with gdb.
* 7-bit/Locale/UTF-8 support for values.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+.
Package: geany-plugin-sendmail
Description-md5: 3574b1e38a01ba9a40884a7dc33d15a1
Description-gl: mailer plugin for Geany
GeanySendMail is a plugin to send a document as attachment using the
preferred mail client from inside Geany. It is similar to the envelope
symbol of most office tools and requires a mail client that is supporting
remote calls.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-shiftcolumn
Description-md5: 3a4926a898f3d7bbd1bfa06f78c451fb
Description-gl: text column shifting plugin for Geany
ShiftColumn is a plugin which allows text to be shifted horizontally in
the Geany IDE.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-spellcheck
Description-md5: 53d2dc921440db7405aafc40529fe94b
Description-gl: spellcheck plugin for Geany
Spellcheck is a plugin which checks the content of the current document
in Geany with the spell check library Enchant. This plugin allows the
whole document, or only a selection to be checked for spelling mistakes.
Misspelt words are highlighted with a red squiggly underline, and wrong
words are printed in Geany's messages window along with available
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-tableconvert
Description-md5: 862e227156accd13f94143301d892014
Description-gl: table convert plugin for Geany
Tableconvert is a plugin which helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a tables. Currently the plugin supports:
* LaTeX
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-treebrowser
Description-md5: 01b37f1d864a44fa1a800649c0a75d12
Description-gl: tree browser plugin for Geany
This plugin adds a tree browser to Geany, allowing the user to browse
files using a tree view of the directory being browsed.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-updatechecker
Description-md5: 37b8994011f31812671b272b6c22b896
Description-gl: update checker plugin for Geany
This plugin adds an update checker plugin to Geany, allowing users to
check whether there is a more recent version of Geany available.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-vc
Description-md5: 5deed53a61c1c7be3d1da6d6d15f6479
Description-gl: VCS plugin for Geany
GeanyVC is a plugin for Geany that provides a uniform way of accessing the different version-control systems inside the Geany IDE. Only a small subset of vc operations are implemented, which are:
* diff
* log
* status
* revert
* commit
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-webhelper
Description-md5: 14bf6a99c7f5fd901d7c119f099ff6cd
Description-gl: web helper plugin for Geany
This plugin provides some web development facilities such as web page
preview and some debugging tools (web inspector) for Geany.
Its prominent features include:-
* A basic web view, which provides a display of any web page (using WebKit)
* Automatic reloading of web view upon document saving
* A web inspector/debugging tool for the web view's content (including a
Javascript console, a viewer and editor of processed HTML and CSS, a network
usage analysis tool and many more, thanks to WebKit)
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: geany-plugin-xmlsnippets
Description-md5: 6fa9e233ed59b6513856a160496e3ceb
Description-gl: XMLSnippets plugin for Geany
This plugin extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany. It
automatically inserts a matching snippet after you type an opening tag.
O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que
emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+.
Package: gecko-mediaplayer
Description-md5: e4afcad5ce0ec51a55249c92f46cce1c
Description-gl: Multimedia plug-in for Gecko browsers
Gecko Media Player é un engadido para navegadores web que emprega o
MPlayer de GNOME e Mplayer para reproducir multimedia nun navegador.
Emprega a API de NS4 e é, polo tanto, compatíbel con todos os navegadores
derivados de NS4: Iceweasel, Firefox, Iceape, Epiphany, Galeon,
Midbrowser, Xulrunner, así como Konqueror, Opera e Google Chromium.
É o substituto moderno de mplayerplug-in (do mesmo autor).
Package: gecrit
Description-md5: 099c0a5c01ec63d53e24ee7e01ac6819
Description-gl: IDE de Python sinxela e doada de empregar
gEcrit is a Python IDE, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Some of its features include:
* Editor geared towards Python, supporting indentation, code folding,
syntax highlighting/checking, auto-completion, and bad brace checking
* Integrated Python shell
* Source tree browser
* Autosaving
* Multiple tabs
* Printing
* Spell-checking
* Word searching/replacement
* integration
Package: geda-doc
Description-md5: 9a5b033ad403813013a18522d0c1b2ac
Description-gl: GPL EDA -- Electronics design software (documentation)
The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite
and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used
for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping,
and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free
software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture,
attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into
over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed
circuit board (PCB) layout.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: gedit-valatoys-plugin-dbg
Description-md5: 55ff0f075ff5a5b74f911a99869f24a4
Description-gl: Xogos en Vala para gEdit - símbolos de depuración
Vala Toys for gEdit is an experimental collection of plugins that extends
the gEdit editor to make it a better developer editor.
Vtg tries to make less compromises as possible so, for now, its scope is
narrowed only to support the Vala programming language.
Vtg is written in Vala itself and it is currently composed of just one
plugin with four modules and it adds to gEdit:
* Bracket completion
* Symbol completion
* Project Manager
* Project build / execute
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración
Package: geeqie-dbg
Description-md5: 9dbd075e8d35591e7337691de8748597
Description-gl: debug symbols for Geeqie
Geeqie is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of
your graphics files. It includes thumbnail view, zoom, filtering features
and external editor support.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gelemental
Description-md5: 468fd0349dc4ca2dab37e28198d6a2b0
Description-gl: Periodic Table viewer
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal.
Package: gelemental-dbg
Description-md5: 35ad3b6416a055a553729ddac3c44812
Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica dos elementos (símbolos de depuración do aplicativo principal)
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do aplicativo principal.
Package: gems
Description-md5: a22577f4162e2017a9d9b77484b0f49d
Description-gl: Shows a console session in several terminals
The gems system is a client/server application that allows one to show a
single console session in different computers or terminals in real time.
It can also be used to transmit any other kind of data to more than one
computer at the same time, via a network connection.
Foi deseñado como ferramenta educativa para profesorado que ten que
mostrar nunha aula de informática como realizar certas tarefas coa
consola. Empregando o sistema gems, cada estudante pode observar no seu
propio terminal todo o que fai o profesor.
Package: geneatd
Description-md5: 979b3aaf57ca3288c7e2cda9a8ff027a
Description-gl: Xogo de defensas de torre multi-pulsación
GeneaTD is a multi-touch tower defense game for two to four players. The
goal is to earn points by increasing the number of creatures that reach
your opponent's home base, whilst your opponent defends his area.
Package: genius
Description-md5: 91ce686a0384efccfc97b0de617f8732
Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (CLI frontend)
Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns
aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora
como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi
intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as
This package contains a command line interface for genius.
Package: genius-common
Description-md5: 048c5e28eb3e6c47d14e560941043f7d
Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (common files)
Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns
aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora
como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi
intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as
This package contains common files for genius.
Package: genius-dev
Description-md5: b52728361e93cbe046ff1882db840b5b
Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (development files)
Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns
aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora
como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi
intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as
This package contains development files needed for developing and building
Package: gentoo
Description-md5: 9ad3e891b5d22b3d284de9f8f8926b5b
Description-gl: xestor de ficheiros X de dous paneis con interface gráfica totalmente configurábel
gentoo is a two-pane file manager for the X Window System. gentoo lets the
user do (almost) all of the configuration and customizing from within the
program itself. If you still prefer to hand-edit configuration files,
they're fairly easy to work with since they are written in an XML format.
gentoo features a fairly complex and powerful file identification system,
coupled to an object-oriented style system, which together give you a lot
of control over how files of different types are displayed and acted upon.
Additionally, over a hundred pixmap images are available for use in file
type descriptions.
gentoo was written from scratch in ANSI C, and it utilizes the GTK+
toolkit for its interface.
Package: geoclue-gpsd
Description-md5: 9527161eb62755470cd95a6b88331d13
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (GPS)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. The location
information comes from a GPS receiver through gpsd.
Package: geoclue-gsmloc
Description-md5: af270d72de23f8299a8abaf6e303f73a
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (GSM)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. The location
information comes from a GSM (cellular) device through the ofono stack and
Package: geoclue-gypsy
Description-md5: 7db0a6c1a7273e89de5beb11c4b73df6
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (GYPSY)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. The location
information comes from a GPS receiver through gypsy.
Package: geoclue-hostip
Description-md5: fb4710da2eb4efb01c61492f16e1aaf2
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (hostip)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. It uses the IP
geolocation database (
Package: geoclue-localnet
Description-md5: 3c3f2f42a2170efc78e43844d6e0721a
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (local network)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. The location
information comes from a configuration file containing information about
the current network.
Package: geoclue-manual
Description-md5: e7c4613ccd4e14ea40ac3232b313cad6
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (manual)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. It works by
letting the user specify the location.
Package: geoclue-nominatim
Description-md5: e0ede1619dbc75a060a6723045eb53f6
Description-gl: Geocoding and reverse-geocoding server for GeoClue (Nominatim)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a geocoding and reverse-geocoding backend for
GeoClue. It uses the Nominatim (OpenStreetMap) API.
Package: geoclue-plazes
Description-md5: 5c5e5b5663b29333cee8658eb0098560
Description-gl: Position server for GeoClue (Plazes)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. It uses the router/access point location database (
Package: geoclue-skyhook
Description-md5: 3f4ba996071dbe1927828e44fa0085c3
Description-gl: Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Skyhook)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a map and geocoding backend for GeoClue. It uses
Skyhook provider.
Package: geoclue-yahoo
Description-md5: cfa6ae1a2f0c10873ee819f3fd9ba1d4
Description-gl: Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Yahoo)
GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de
información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C.
This package provides a map and geocoding backend for GeoClue. It uses the
Yahoo map API.
Package: geogebra
Description-md5: 4052b3c2eb5b3b676ccc0050e499fd3b
Description-gl: Software de matemáticas dinámicas para a educación
O GeoGebra é un programa de xeometría dinámica Pódense crear construcións
con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, así como
funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense
introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas.
Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, así como para
moitas ferramentas baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, círculo osculador,...).
Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou
como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web.
Package: geogebra-gnome
Description-md5: 019e1eead091a2430cabce888355afb9
Description-gl: Capa de integración de GNOME para o GeoGebra
O GeoGebra é un sistema de xeometría dinámica. Pódense crear construcións
con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, así como
funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense
introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas.
Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, así como para
moitas ferramentas elementais baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, círculo
Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou
como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web.
Este paquete contén o creador de miniaturas de GNOME para o formato de
ficheiro do GeoGebra.
Package: geogebra-kde
Description-md5: 473659a81dec71ad9c7cae88bcc8339b
Description-gl: Capa de integración de KDE para o GeoGebra
O GeoGebra é un sistema de xeometría dinámica. Pódense crear construcións
con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, así como
funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense
introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas.
Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, así como para
moitas ferramentas elementais baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, círculo
Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou
como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web.
Este paquete contén o creador de miniaturas de KDE para o formato de
ficheiro do GeoGebra.
Package: geomview
Description-md5: 5aad241dc92af9959f86b1427a4df0c9
Description-gl: programa de visualización xeométrica interactiva
O Geomview é software de xeometría interactiva que é especialmente
axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación. En concreto,
geomview pode mostrar cousas como espazo hiperbólico e esférico, así como
espazo euclídeo.
Geomview allows multiple independently controllable objects and cameras.
It provides interactive control for motion, appearances (including
lighting, shading, and materials), picking on an object, edge or vertex
level, snapshots in SGI image file or Renderman RIB format, and adding or
deleting objects is provided through direct mouse manipulation, control
panels, and keyboard shortcuts. External programs can drive desired
aspects of the viewer (such as continually loading changing geometry or
controlling the motion of certain objects) while allowing interactive
control of everything else.
Package: geotranz
Description-md5: a75e334e6a2c7982ca00ad5257331237
Description-gl: Tradutor de coordenadas xeográficas
GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows
you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of
coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five
different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes,
and over two hundred different datums, are supported.
The user interface of GEOTRANZ is similar to that of a calculator, but can
also be used to efficiently convert large numbers of coordinates contained
in text files.
GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research
and Development Center.
This package contains the geotranz java graphical interface.
Package: gerbv
Description-md5: fb703c5298624d6a4bc564bd28c45e22
Description-gl: Visualizador de ficheiros Gerber para deseño de PCB
gerbv is a utility for viewing Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files,
and CSV pick-and-place files. Gerber files are used for communicating
printed circuit board (PCB) designs to PCB manufacturers.
Package: get-iplayer
Description-md5: a2bb6c56842aa8d20d70869999764a54
Description-gl: download/stream available BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes
get_iplayer lists, searches and records BBC iPlayer TV/Radio, BBC Podcast
programmes. Other third-party plugins may be available.
get_iplayer ten tres modos: gravación dun programa completo para a súa
posterior reprodución, retransmisión dun programa directamente a un
aplicativo de reprodución, como mplayer, e como gravador de vídeo persoal
(PVR), subscribíndose a termos de busca e gravando programas
automaticamente. Tamén pode retransmitir ou gravar ao vídeo a saída de
iPlayer da BBC.
Package: gfal2-doc
Description-md5: 3310a2e3e6fad528a5698e1b345bb0ff
Description-gl: Documentación de gfal2
Documentation, doxygen and examples of gfal2.
Package: gfire
Description-md5: 1d46a9ef2d5be7bd8a1bb5953e8a9ac4
Description-gl: xfire plugin for pidgin
Gfire é un engadido de código aberto para o cliente de mensaxaría
instantánea Pidgin que permite ligar coa rede Xfire. Admite listas de
amizades, incluídos estados de xogo e servidor, conversas en grupo e
Xfire is a network that allows gamers to talk to each other while playing
a game. It keeps track of games you open and synchronizes your status
online, and allows you to join friends' games with a few clicks of the
Package: gfortran-4.4-doc
Description-md5: 3ba181bab9182333a149c120027698c9
Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU (gfortran)
Documentación do compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU no formato info.
Package: gfortran-4.6-doc
Description-md5: 17a01a9ada93e104865a01e6615e2401
Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU (gfortran)
Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU no formato info.
Package: ggobi
Description-md5: afaca479a05f0b9b7ce8cdd16085dea3
Description-gl: Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
GGobi is an open source visualization program for exploring high-
dimensional data. It provides highly dynamic and interactive graphics such
as tours, as well as familiar graphics such as the scatterplot, barchart
and parallel coordinates plots. Plots are interactive and linked with
brushing and identification.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: ghc-testsuite
Description-md5: b7756f75b30d95a775cceb46e863294a
Description-gl: GHC testsuite results
Este paquete é simplemente un contedor para os resultados da suite de
probas GHC. Normalmente non ten sentido instalar este paquete.
Package: giblib1-dbg
Description-md5: 04b4b64616e2277110ee0f104f62de14
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do giblib1
giblib is a library of handy stuff. Contains an imlib2 wrapper to avoid
the context stuff, doubly-linked lists and font styles.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do giblib1.
Package: gigolo-dbg
Description-md5: 8b12402e70f2b6d19c890ffb237436d0
Description-gl: frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs (debug)
Gigolo is a frontend to easily manage connections to remote filesystems
using GIO/GVfs. It allows you to quickly connect/mount a remote filesystem
and manage bookmarks of such.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gimp-data-extras
Description-md5: 843bce2ed9d3db45ea012d80c60d07e9
Description-gl: Un conxunto extra de pinceis, paletas e gradacións para O GIMP
Este paquete contén pinceis, paletas e gradacións extra para o goce
artístico co GIMP.
Package: gimp-dcraw
Description-md5: 9433ff9c39876008e4c48588e730e2e2
Description-gl: Engadido do GIMP para cargar fotos dixitais RAW
Este é un engadido para O GIMP que emprega dcraw para cargar os ficheiros
de formato RAW empregados por determinadas cámaras dixitais (consulte
dcraw para ver os modelos admitidos). É do mesmo autor que o dcraw mesmo.
Package: gimp-dds
Description-md5: b872bebee511c1543081dbb8239d3490
Description-gl: Engadido de DDS (DirectDraw Surface) para O GIMP
gimp-dds is a plugin for GIMP that lets you manipulate Microsoft
DirectDraw surfaces. These kind of files are widely used in 3D games for
textures and the like.
Package: gimp-dimage-color
Description-md5: 9c7f856ca3fbf7cf8f4bdf85ef90595a
Description-gl: Engadido do GIMP para converter as imaxes DiMAGE de Minolta ao espazo de cores sRGB
This plugin converts images produced by some Minolta DiMAGE digital
cameras (DiMAGE 5/7 and S304 at least) into sRGB colour space. These
cameras produces images in a custom colour space so that pictures look
"washed out" when viewed on a monitor without conversion.
This package enables Linux users to do the same conversions as they can
with the Minolta DiMAGE Viewer Utility.
Package: gimp-flegita
Description-md5: f71c3dccfb30c59c0aa7cac076bd4c0c
Description-gl: Scanner plugin for the GNU image manipulation program
Gnome Scan is an infrastructure that brings scanning features to the GNOME
desktop, using the Sane library.
Este paquete contén un engadido para traer as funcionalidades de escaneado
ao Gimp, o programa de manipulación de imaxes de GNU.
Package: gimp-gap
Description-md5: 219de1d5020be9e5c9f8c5636cad3c69
Description-gl: paquete de animación para O GIMP
O Paquete de animación do GIMP (GAP) é unha colección de engadidos para
estender o GIMP coa capacidade de editar e crear animacións e películas
como secuencias de fotogramas. Engade un menú Vídeo ás xanelas de imaxes
do GIMP.
Package: gimp-gluas
Description-md5: f5ad479233aa48f2620aa457710c6eed
Description-gl: Engadido de ambiente de Lua para O GIMP
Gluas is a GIMP plug-in providing an environment for testing algorithms
for image processing, using the Lua interpreter. The environment contains
a simple editor for entering the algorithms.
Package: gimp-gmic
Description-md5: 8b208fa23bef640155b429d4dd2f2c1b
Description-gl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - GIMP Plugin
G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing,
providing several different user interfaces to
convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar
signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images.
Este paquete contén o engadido do GIMP.
Package: gimp-gutenprint
Description-md5: 86cd87bea6547c9da804d9b56bb0344f
Description-gl: engadido de impresión para o GIMP
Este paquete inclúe o engadido de impresión Gutenprint para o GIMP.
Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un
conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de
impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes
controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo
nivel que os controladores privativos distribuídos polos fabricantes en
moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes.
Gutenprint coñecíase anteriormente como Gimp-Print.
Package: gimp-lensfun
Description-md5: 5b12ad4ef6f1ec51d38d3279f6b75a84
Description-gl: Engadido do Gimp para corrixir as distorsión das lentes empregando a biblioteca lensfun
GimpLensfun emprega a biblioteca lensfun para corrixir as distorsións das
lentes das cámaras e lentes máis frecuentes.
Package: gimp-normalmap
Description-md5: 282812254defb82ad24c95efdae300fc
Description-gl: Normal map plugin for GIMP
Este é un engadido para a versión 2.0+ do GIMP. Permite converter imaxes a
mapas normais en RGB para usalos en aplicativos de iluminación píxel a
píxel. O obxectivo é clonar completamente o engadido de photoshop de
NVIDIA e incluír algunhas funcionalidades novas.
Package: gimp-resynthesizer
Description-md5: 527ca6e17705abce0224db0c476bfdba
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para gimp-plugin-registry
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar a transición a gimp-plugin-
registry, que agora contén o engadido resynthesizer.
Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco.
Package: gimp-texturize
Description-md5: 8d66ce28ebd62a69c523d4e74c34f067
Description-gl: generates large textures from a small sample
Gimp-texturize é un engadido para O GIMP, un famoso editor e manipulador
de imaxes.
A few images are designed to be copy-pasted one next to another and still
look natural, but the result is usually periodic and very monotonous. The
Texturize plugin allows you to have a realistic pseudo-periodicity.
Package: gimp-ufraw
Description-md5: c804275e9c5358d93bd4a239126719ae
Description-gl: importador do gimp de imaxes de cámara raw
Esta é unha ferramenta gráfica para importar ao Gimp datos en crú desde
cámaras dixitais de gama alta.
The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is a utility for converting and
manipulating raw images from digital cameras. It can be used as a stand-
alone tool or as a Gimp plug-in, and images can be batch processed using
the command-line interface. UFRaw reads most existing raw formats using
Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw, and it supports basic color
management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles.
Package: gir1.2-emerillon-0.2
Description-md5: 16b79f0b7d6e8ba2b05d441178acf80e
Description-gl: map viewer for the GNOME desktop (GObject introspection)
Emerillon is a map viewer. Aiming at simple user interface, Emerillon is a
powerful, extensible application. It features OpenStreetMap based maps.
Use it to browse maps, search the map for places, placemark places for
later quick access and more!
Emerillon takes its name from one of the three vessels commanded by
Jacques Cartier for his trip to New France in 1535.
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: gir1.2-entangle-0.1
Description-md5: 8475005c3da71913c0727cf03691ee45
Description-gl: GObject introspection data for entangle
Entangle provides a graphical interface for "tethered shooting", aka
taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: gir1.2-fcitx-1.0
Description-md5: 81c861fe695031dc250177db067b4d03
Description-gl: Flexible Input Method Framework - GObject introspection
Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides
an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications
using a variety of mapping systems.
It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical
configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is
highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt4 IM Modules,
support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-
friendly API.
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-0.10
Description-md5: cd78602ec16c712c9777ec03922d359e
Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the gst-rtsp-server library
This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP server
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate
dynamic bindings.
Package: gir1.2-nemo-3.0
Description-md5: 0df909345f89d50638d2d7163955a232
Description-gl: libraries for nemo components - gir bindings
Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows to
browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with
them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon
desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: gir1.2-sugarext-1.0
Description-md5: f84a0a556dcb0f446a96b1ea2f183113
Description-gl: GTK3-based Sugar toolkit - GObject introspection
Sugar is a desktop environment. It is conceived as a platform upon which
children learn with Sugar Activities. The platform provides mechanisms for
collaboration, reflection, and exploration. Sugar Activities cover a broad
range of applications: browsing, drawing, composing, writing, programming,
The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant
applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence
and the datastore.
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: gir1.2-v-sim-1.0
Description-md5: b88785f37cb67c6dabe2c223cc211dfe
Description-gl: Visualize atomic structures (gir bindings)
V_Sim visualizes atomic structures such as crystals, grain boundaries,
molecules and so on (either in binary format, or in plain text format).
Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o
formato GIRepository para xerar bindings dinámicos.
Package: git-all
Description-md5: 7eb276543374432338c2d9bf7a76e9b6
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (all subpackages)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This is a dummy package which brings in all subpackages.
Package: git-arch
Description-md5: 228a5ccc8b541f4821e39c60c53376ca
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (arch interoperability)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides tools for importing development history from arch
Package: git-cvs
Description-md5: 5c201c3115375a8b8f735f8e7775526c
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (cvs interoperability)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides the git cvsimport, cvsexportcommit, and cvsserver
tools, which allow Git to read from and write to CVS repositories and
offer access over CVS protocol to Git repositories.
The git cvsimport tool can incrementally import from a repository that is
being actively developed and only requires remote access over CVS
protocol. Unfortunately, in many situations the import leads to incorrect
results. For reliable, one-shot imports, cvs2git from the cvs2svn package
or parsecvs may be a better fit.
Package: git-daemon-run
Description-md5: e181d02892d738489747c38ccd881379
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git
repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git
repositories through the network. This package provides a runit service
for running git-daemon permanently.
Package: git-daemon-sysvinit
Description-md5: d679396fc2d1a05eda4cec19266a77ef
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git
repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git
repositories through the network. This package provides a sysvinit
service for running git-daemon permanently.
Package: git-el
Description-md5: aa1e199f804671c670cc9ac058725654
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (emacs support)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides two modules for integration with Emacs:
* git.el:
Status manager that displays the state of all the files of the
project and provides easy access to the most frequently used git
commands. The user interface is intended to be similar to the
pcl-cvs mode. It can be started with `M-x git-status'.
* git-blame.el:
Emacs implementation of incremental "git blame". When you turn it
on while viewing a file, the editor buffer will be updated by
setting the background of individual lines to a color that reflects
which commit it comes from.
This package does not contain the VC-mode backend for git. That is part of
standard Emacs distributions, starting with version 22.2.
For a more polished Emacs interface for Git, see the magit package.
Package: git-email
Description-md5: 5e0c38a8609078b06fbbe0e8e9e432b4
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (email add-on)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides the git-send-email program for sending series of
patch emails.
Package: git-gui
Description-md5: 9917713e774499f1d531dfee454c1641
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides the git graphical user interface.
If aspell is installed, it can check the spelling of commit messages as
the user types.
Package: git-mediawiki
Description-md5: 173197a318c0ea5433b9872ec419a653
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (MediaWiki interoperability)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides the mediawiki remote helper, which allows Git to
read from and write to a wiki such as Wikipedia as though it were a remote
Git repository, and a 'git mw' command that can show a preview of how wiki
markup will be rendered before pushing.
Package: git-svn
Description-md5: fe9279673cf6573640700aabf410ef25
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package provides tools for interoperating with Subversion
repositories, and importing SVN development history.
Package: gitg
Description-md5: c1ee196f3ae343517446c3cde4ed71ec
Description-gl: visor de repositorios Git
gitg is a fast git repository browser. It currently features:
* Loading large repositories very fast
* Show/browse repository history
* Show highlighted revision diff
* Browse file tree of a revision and export by drag and drop
* Search in the revision history on subject, author or hash
* Switch between history view of branches easily
* Commit view providing per hunk stage/unstage and commit
Package: gitweb
Description-md5: 2140d89702ec1cd621b41c71a95a910a
Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface)
Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar
proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos
de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux.
Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools.
Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full
revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a
central server.
This package configures a web interface for browsing git repositories.
If apache2 is installed, the web interface is automatically made available
at http://localhost/gitweb. Other servers that support CGI or mod_perl
are supported through manual configuration.
If libcgi-fast-perl is installed, gitweb can also be run over FastCGI (and
served by nginx, for example).
Package: giws-doc
Description-md5: 1d2320a96d2c91acaa4aa184d20ac5db
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos do paquete GIWS
Giws is basically doing the same stuff as SWIG but the opposite. Calling
Java from C/C++ can be tricky: JNI calls are complicated especially when
dealing with non primivite types or arrays, performance issues must be
kept in mind all the time, the code can be redundant (checking exceptions,
checking returns of operations...). Giws hides this complexity through a
C++ class which wraps the Java class.
This package contains the examples and the documentation.
Package: gkamus-dbg
Description-md5: 9c7678fc977263e2980092497c38d1a0
Description-gl: gkamus Indonesian English dictionary - debug symbols
Indonesian English dictionary that contains 23000 words and definitions,
similar to gidic or Linguist.
It allows users to add more words/definitions or to edit words/definitions
that exist in database.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gkermit
Description-md5: 87078cd7155254171352b000e9fb35fb
Description-gl: Un paquete de comunicacións en serie e en rede
G-Kermit is a GPL'd kermit package. It offers medium-independent terminal
session and file transfer. The non-free package ckermit adds connection
establishment, character-set translation and scripting features.
Package: gkrellm-mldonkey
Description-md5: 31f9851babc776a4d21fb9fd956aa7c4
Description-gl: mldonkey plugin for gkrellm2
gkrellm-mldonkey is a plugin that shows the current download/upload rates
of mldonkey.
It also shows the current maximum upload/downlad rate
(max_hard_download_rate and max_hard_upload_rate options in mldonkey), and
permit you to change them on the fly by left-clicking on the krells. You
can also use the mouse wheel to change the values.
Páxina web:
Package: gkrellm-radio
Description-md5: cae0f1b8336b7afc34003d21e1f0a2b3
Description-gl: Sintonizador de radio FM para o GKrellM
A gkrellm plugin to control radio tuners on linux. It allows you to define
and jump between a number of radio stations. With a mouse wheel you can
dial tune to any frequency.
Package: gkrellm-snmp
Description-md5: 503ba8e9087fd4ec360024cc7d6cf3d0
Description-gl: engadido de snmp para o GKrellM
Este engadido permite vixiar os valores das máquinas con snmp co GKrellM.
Con este engadido pódese obter información sobre o uso da rede, o consumo
da CPU, o espazo do disco usado, etc. de calquera hóspede que teña snmp
activado. Os datos móstranse na pila do gkrellm.
Package: gksu
Description-md5: e06e156dadb6ab2b80bcfa4204e8f7ef
Description-gl: Interface gráfica para su
O gksu é unha interface gráfica de /bin/su. Permite facer entradas ao
sistema por consola e manter o ambiente cando actúa como unha interface de
su. É útil para elementos do menú ou outros programas gráficos que
necesitan pedirlle ao usuario un contrasinal para executar programas como
outro usuario.
Package: glchess
Description-md5: 3efb70c48f018301bdc1edcdd328972b
Description-gl: chess game with 3D graphics for GNOME (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
chess. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: glew-utils
Description-md5: 15c5e8926747f3fed8892dfd11b341af
Description-gl: OpenGL Extension Wrangler - utilities
Para máis información sobre GLEW consulte a descrición do paquete libglew-
This package contains the utilities which can be used to query the
supported OpenGL extensions.
Package: glines
Description-md5: ecd714d518b4e712912b62e8bc756625
Description-gl: make color lines of five or more length (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a five-or-
more. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: globs
Description-md5: b4b89c63700fcc01e2942d1add2adcc2
Description-gl: Suite de presentacións Open GL
GL O.B.S. is based around a PyGTK interface that launches OpenGL programs
feeding them with a common CLI options set which will affect their
behavior, then receives back their statistical output.
It aims to provide a 3D benchmarking utility to the Linux users.
Package: glogic
Description-md5: 8d2344a432c3e7d1a8e14a301502ca20
Description-gl: graphical logic circuit simulator
gLogic é un simulador gráfico de circuitos lóxicos educativo desenvolvido
con Python e GTK+ Este programa simula circuítos lóxicos que conteñan
compoñentes básicos (p.ex. NON, E, OU) e moitos compoñentes avanzados,
como flip-flop.
Package: glom-doc
Description-md5: 04b916792c9ae452db1100b45df63e84
Description-gl: database designer and user interface - documentation
With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between
them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the
data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields.
It's as easy as it should be. The design is loosely based on FileMaker
Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data.
Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database
applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of
repetitive, unmaintainable code.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: glusterfs-dbg
Description-md5: c35548646f769f6641c01a8e6021217f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do GlusterFS
GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-
bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP
interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is one
of the most sophisticated file system in terms of features and
extensibility. It borrows a powerful concept called Translators from GNU
Hurd kernel. Much of the code in GlusterFS is in userspace and easily
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gmail-notify
Description-md5: 92e0f52b8162ab8573a33dd300a75681
Description-gl: Informa da chegada de novas mensaxes de correo electrónico no Gmail
Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by
Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and simple way
to check for new mail messages.
Package: gmerlin-avdecoder-dbg
Description-md5: e073a6da3f85d36774e1e820e813c582
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Gmerlin_avdecoder
Gmerlin_avdecoder is a general purpose media decoding library. It was
written as a support library for gmerlin, but it can also be used by other
applications. You don't even need gmerlin installed, only gavl.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do libgmerlin-avdec1.
Package: gmerlin-dbg
Description-md5: 04bc8b91230da2e41b1d095259350ae3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gmerlin
Gmerlin is a multiformat media player with tree-like virtual directory
structure, where you can save your files, webstreams or whatever. It
handles even large media collections gracefully. Hardware devices appear
also in the tree so you can open Audio-CDs, (S)VCDs, DVDs and DVB-
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do gmerlin.
Package: gmlive
Description-md5: 05a4a1e26996699bdd4736a9bc3d78fa
Description-gl: Interface de vídeo ao vivo para mplayer
gmlive é unha interface para mplayer deseñada para reproducir vídeo ao
vivo. Fornece unha interface do usuario sinxela para reproducir vídeo e
pode reproducir varios fluxos de vídeo ao vivo, incluídos PPStream e
PPLive cando a biblioteca non libre do fornecedor do servizo estea
Package: gmountiso
Description-md5: 9a8ea6a98b0a4afc142073f81e0edde6
Description-gl: This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images
Gmount-iso is a small tool written using PyGTK and Glade. It allows you to
easily mount your cd images. This is a frontend to the 'mount -o loop -t
iso9660 foo.iso /mountpoint' command
Páxina web:
Package: gmp-ecm
Description-md5: d4cafa2169933ff652b13a36db219059
Description-gl: Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for
integer factorization.
The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's
prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This
goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a
53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The
new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by
contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing
computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record
was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a
prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM.
Consulte para máis
información sobre ecmnet.
Package: gmpc-dbg
Description-md5: fe47ed6a71bd3ccbae80a6d901f39bcd
Description-gl: Cliente de reprodución de música de Gnome - símbolos de depuración
A GNOME/GTK2.2 client for Music Player Daemon, it began life as traymp, a simple tray notification client and has grown into much more. Current features include:
* Support for loading/saving playlists
* File Browser
* Browser based on ID3 information
* Search
* Current playlist viewer with search
* ID3 Information
* Cover art (via plugins)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gmult
Description-md5: e10630ec1a6168ad7775672e7509834c
Description-gl: pescude que letras son que números
Multiplication Puzzle is a simple GTK+ 2 game that emulates the
multiplication game found in Emacs. Basically, a multiplication problem
is shown with all digits replaced by letters. Your job is to guess which
letter represents which number.
Package: gnac
Description-md5: 11e29a7cee73eaa4b6461118d73a2011
Description-gl: Convertedor de son para GNOME
Gnac is an easy to use audio conversion program for the GNOME desktop. It
is designed to be powerful but simple! It provides easy audio files
conversion between all GStreamer supported audio formats.
Package: gnash-common-opengl
Description-md5: 276d7ea928767a8d0bf7df886f61a771
Description-gl: dummy package for gnash-common-opengl removal
This package is a transitional package for gnash-common-opengl removal.
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando gnash-common estea instalado.
Package: gnash-opengl
Description-md5: 00a3e4e59ed7c19cac8b3974a6a9500f
Description-gl: dummy package for gnash-opengl removal
This package is a transitional package for gnash-opengl removal.
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando Gnash estea instalado.
Package: gnat-doc
Description-md5: 11f06f1497d666214909a3d093173041
Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Ada de GNU
GNAT is a full-featured Ada 2005 compiler. A quote from says: "Easily reused and maintained, readable and
user friendly, Ada code facilitates such massive software projects as the
Space Station and the Paris Metro. It has proven to be extraordinarily
robust in decades' worth of daily field tests under the most rigorous
conditions in which millions of lives have been at stake." Ada is the
language for real-world, mission-critical programming.
At the same time, Ada's radical type safety helps novice programmers avoid
many common mistakes and deliver their software on time (see
This is an empty package that depends on the documentation package for the
default Ada compiler for Debian, which is part of the GNU Compiler
Package: gnat-gps-dbg
Description-md5: 874a651703b59cefbc81c803fa8946c1
Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para C e Ada (símbolos de depuración)
GNAT Programming Studio is a complete integrated development environment
that gives access to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly.
This package contains the detached debugging symbols for debugging GPS.
Package: gnect
Description-md5: ef89a8d00aec089563d2b5296e47826b
Description-gl: four-in-a-row game for GNOME (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a four-
in-a-row. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gnibbles
Description-md5: c853914f6370d56c751d5d40b730b840
Description-gl: snake game, up to four players (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
nibbles. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gnobots2
Description-md5: d36132e6f6a39192f3c53e1ddcb61665
Description-gl: improved old BSD robots game (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
robots. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gnome-alsamixer
Description-md5: f489456a402044ee811fce62adcc2401
Description-gl: Mesturador de son ALSA para GNOME
A "volume control" application. You can use it to adjust the volume of
different sound sources of your sound card.
It has a nice graphical user interface and a lot of features:
- access to all of your computers sound cards and audio sources
- possibility to give them custom names
- only display the mixer controls you need
- access to all the extra features some sound cards offer, like
3d enhancement, microphone gain boost...
- and more
This application uses the ALSA sound API, you cannot use it if you use the
(older) OSS drivers for your sound card(s). In return, it gives you access
to all the functionality ALSA provides with the "alsamixer" program, found
in the "alsa-utils" package.
Package: gnome-commander
Description-md5: 5f78484c536c8371c962cfd4ed1ea8fb
Description-gl: nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop
O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente
para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis»
na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton.
Package: gnome-commander-data
Description-md5: 1847ee028828952d1ace39f9a9228ac6
Description-gl: Data files for GNOME Commander
O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente
para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis»
na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton.
This package contains the data files for gnome-commander.
Package: gnome-commander-dbg
Description-md5: 4788f61648f7459fc05b8e65b529c4f8
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gnome-commander
O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente
para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis»
na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de gnome-commander.
Package: gnome-dbg
Description-md5: 5579b93a22a3b6100067df2c0ef8340a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ambiente de escritorio GNOME
This meta-package brings all debugging symbols for the platform libraries
of the GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop.
They contain debugging information for these libraries, which can help
providing useful traces in bug reports.
Package: gnome-desktop-data
Description-md5: f6c57a107fc34b08c86a3317dbd2e185
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns dos aplicativos de escritorio de GNOME
This package includes some files that are shared between several GNOME
apps (Pixmaps, .desktop files and internationalization files).
Package: gnome-devel-docs
Description-md5: 1124765014bad1829a5ff59dd23e8741
Description-gl: GNOME developer documentation
Documentación para desenvolver para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. Contén:
* Vista xeral da plataforma
* Guía de accesibilidade
* Guía de integración
* Guía de optimización
* Directrices da Interface Humana
* Demostracións dos desenvolvedores de GNOME
Package: gnome-genius
Description-md5: 8bf922bff8d2e81c38e98a6d2febb123
Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (Gnome frontend)
Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns
aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora
como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi
intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as
This package contains a Gnome frontend for genius.
Package: gnome-hwp-support-dbg
Description-md5: 76a58adb359c5d75b32dc19fbb271696
Description-gl: HWP document integration for GNOME desktop - debugging symbols
This is a collection of softwares for integrating HWP documents in GNOME
desktop. It includes:
- thumbnailer which generates thumbnails of HWP documents.
- Nautilus properties page for HWP documents.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. A maioría das persoas non
necesitan este paquete.
Package: gnome-icon-theme-full
Description-md5: 56f11bd9f2379f1c6d0184e53417015a
Description-gl: Tema de iconas do escritorio de GNOME
This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop.
The icons are used in the panel menu, and in nautilus and other
applications, to represent the different applications, files, directories,
and devices.
Package: gnome-icon-theme-gartoon
Description-md5: edde681c3d0aba0d178ba7f38f5186e8
Description-gl: Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
This GTK+ theme provides an animated scalable group of icons to be used by
GTK+ 2.x applications like GNOME 2.
Páxina web:
Package: gnome-media-player
Description-md5: 89a676c36a68f13437677c1bc2efc152
Description-gl: Un sinxelo reprodutor multimedia para GNOME
This media player supports the vlc, xine and GStreamer engines for playing
media. Since some file formats play well only on a certain engine, this
media player was made with 3 engines, so that the user can select the
required engine required for playing a particular file type. It also has
an engine auto select mode, in which the player automatically selects the
best engine for the particular type of file being played.
O Reprodutor multimedia de GNOME:
* ten unha interface en GNOME/GTK
* pasa a pantalla completa co duplo clic
* pode empregar a roda do rato
* emprega libvlc, xine-lib ou libgstreamer
* ten unha lista de reprodución que vai en bucle
* fai pausa co botón central do rato
* pode desentrelazar (non está dispoñíbel no motor de libgstreamer)
Package: gnome-media-profiles
Description-md5: 6a57d0ee042ceb98d67546b146402cb5
Description-gl: GNOME Media Profiles library
Biblioteca que contén código para xestionar perfís de multimedia.
This package includes binaries and documentation
Package: gnome-mplayer
Description-md5: 1e1637269356ab9ede23204857b86a41
Description-gl: Interface para o MPlayer en GTK+
The power of MPlayer combined with a friendly interface for your desktop.
You can play all your multimedia (audio, video, CD, DVDs, and VCDs,
streams etc. with full DVD and MKV chapter support), organize, sort and
create playlists, take screenshots while playing videos, be notified about
media changes, retrieve cover art and more. Gnome-MPlayer fully supports
subtitles giving the ability to specify preferred audio and subtitle
Pódese empregar o reprodutor para reproducir os recursos multimedia dos
sitios web no navegador usándoo co Gecko Mediaplayer e é o substituto
moderno de mplayerplug-in (do mesmo autor).
Package: gnome-mplayer-dbg
Description-md5: 35b1132141084ecf0c5df6236723f03f
Description-gl: Interface en GTK+ para o MPlayer (símbolos de depuración)
The power of MPlayer combined with a friendly interface for your desktop.
You can play all your multimedia (audio, video, CD, DVDs, and VCDs,
streams etc. with full DVD and MKV chapter support), organize, sort and
create playlists, take screenshots while playing videos, be notified about
media changes, retrieve cover art and more. Gnome-MPlayer fully supports
subtitles giving the ability to specify preferred audio and subtitle
Pódese empregar o reprodutor para reproducir os recursos multimedia dos
sitios web no navegador usándoo co Gecko Mediaplayer e é o substituto
moderno de mplayerplug-in (do mesmo autor).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gnome-mud
Description-md5: 5b6bde977c47683d04178eaa74440aac
Description-gl: O cliente GNOME para MUD
GNOME-Mud is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) client for X. It supports aliases,
triggers, multiple connections, command queuing, IPv6 servers and
implements more advanced MUD protocols like MSP or ZMP. It includes a
plugin interface, which can be used to add your own features (for example,
a graphical health monitor). It uses the GTK+ toolkit, but it can be used
with any window manager.
Package: gnome-nettool
Description-md5: 70ef0cad85618a46c304e6c36022b8a5
Description-gl: network information tool for GNOME
Ferramentas de Rede de GNOME é unha ferramenta de información sobre a rede que fornece interfaces de usuarios para as ferramentas de rede da liña de ordes máis frecuentes, incluídas:
* ifconfig
* ping
* netstat
* traceroute
* port scanning
* DNS lookup
* finger
* whois
Package: gnome-network-admin
Description-md5: c04753896b3dc42309b56ee7105a981f
Description-gl: GNOME Network Administration Tool
The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make
easy the job that means the computer administration on an UNIX or Linux
system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the
system administrators.
Este paquete fornece network-admin, un programa para indicar de que
maneira se conecta o sistema aos demais computadores e á Internet.
Package: gnome-packagekit
Description-md5: cfc93402196eaa84df41cae9f1ab8d17
Description-gl: Graphical distribution neutral software manager
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package contains a GTK+ based application for software installation
and removal, as well as an application to view system updates based on
Package: gnome-packagekit-data
Description-md5: b21a151c7fe58ef7b2995807684d57ab
Description-gl: Data files for graphical distribution neutral software management tools
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package contains architecture-independent files for all GNOME-
PackageKit modules.
Package: gnome-packagekit-session
Description-md5: 5e940d8fb24fdbe15d922c6f0b842de1
Description-gl: Provides PackageKit session API to install software
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package contains a GTK+ GUI for PackageKit transactions, a simple
repository editor and PackageKit configuration tool and a viewer for
software installation history. It implements the PackageKit session API
for GNOME, which allows applications to easily install additional software
(e.g. extensions), uninstall files and perform simple software status
Package: gnome-packagekit-tools
Description-md5: e41a85ba6680fcccc175b5cec2723280
Description-gl: Additional GNOME UI for software management
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package contains several small GUI helper tools for sofware
management, which are able to install mime-types or package catalogs. It
also contains an utility to generate service packs for offline package
Package: gnome-session-fallback
Description-md5: a9b7b1151c7ebe84c570efc963677946
Description-gl: GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback (transitional package)
The GNOME Session Manager is in charge of starting the core components of
the GNOME desktop, and applications that should be launched at login time.
It also features a way to save and restore currently running applications.
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
session-flashback. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gnome-shell-dbg
Description-md5: b569065225588da93318fcf464206f90
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do GNOME Shell
The GNOME Shell redefines user interactions with the GNOME desktop. In
particular, it offers new paradigms for launching applications, accessing
documents, and organizing open windows in GNOME. Later, it will introduce
a new applets eco-system and offer new solutions for other desktop
features, such as notifications and contacts management. The GNOME Shell
is intended to replace functions handled by the GNOME Panel and by the
window manager in previous versions of GNOME. The GNOME Shell has rich
visual effects enabled by new graphical technologies.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: gnome-subtitles
Description-md5: 11be981b3b343e7c1df5cd3c0f83662f
Description-gl: Subtitle editor for the GNOME Desktop environment
Gnome Subtitles is a subtitle editor for the GNOME desktop.
It supports the most common text-based subtitle formats, video previewing,
timings synchronization and subtitle translation.
Algúns dos formatos de subtítulos admitidos son: Advanced Sub Station
Alpha, FAB Subtitler, MicroDVD, MPlayer 1/2, MPSub, SubRip, SubViewer 1/2.
Package: gnome-themes-ubuntu
Description-md5: 06da189636bc9b242321bf53ea6ab258
Description-gl: Temas da comunidade de Ubuntu
This package contains a few nice contributed themes for the GNOME desktop:
* Dust
* Dust Sand
* New Wave
Package: gnome-xcf-thumbnailer
Description-md5: fa4d63ff2a8782588bb2e7ded58fe08b
Description-gl: Creador de miniaturas dos ficheiros XCF do GIMP para GNOME.
Un creador de miniaturas dos ficheiros XCF do GIMP para GNOME.
Package: gnotravex
Description-md5: f2ab2d188e1c6ed42c7b27690b06f8db
Description-gl: put tiles on a board and match their edges (transitional package)
Esta é unha versión en solitario (un xogador) do Mahjongg, o xogo clásico
de pezas orientais.
Package: gnotski
Description-md5: 4236eb3824881c662ebe9e95c86ad41a
Description-gl: Klotski puzzle game for GNOME (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a gnome-
klotski. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: gnu-fdisk
Description-md5: 5016468914d9ff5262341fd0c98d119b
Description-gl: Substituto do fdisk de Linux baseado en libparted
GNU fdisk is a replacement to the old Linux fdisk. It provides the same features as the original fdisk provides plus some interesting ones like:
* partition resizing
* creating filesystem on newly created partitions
* partition integrity checking
* copying/moving partition
GNU fdisk also intends to be a valid replacement for mac-fdisk and FreeBSD
Package: gnubik
Description-md5: 787b927d925a51b7b3d850aac2b4cdd6
Description-gl: Xogo do cubo de Rubik en 3D
GNUbik is an interactive, graphical, single player puzzle. This free
program renders an image of a cube, like that invented by Erno Rubik. You
have to manipulate the cube using the mouse. When each face shows only one
colour, the game is solved.
It uses Gtk+ and/or X11 and Mesa / OpenGL.
Package: gnucash
Description-md5: fa2e405424f41b8ff614fae4e74e6af4
Description-gl: personal and small-business financial-accounting software
O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos
negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter
balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes,
fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada
en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquía de contas, contas de gastos
(categorías) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX.
Package: gnucash-common
Description-md5: 8951a93a2ca048368bbf6f1eea45ac8c
Description-gl: common files for the financial-accounting software Gnucash
O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos
negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter
balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes,
fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada
en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquía de contas, contas de gastos
(categorías) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX.
Este paquete contén as partes independentes da arquitectura do Gnucash.
Non se debe instalar directamente senón automaticamente a partir das
dependencias do paquete Gnucash.
Package: gnucash-dbg
Description-md5: 8f4c6fcbcc682c752513f04ddca2483b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do software de contabilidade Gnucash
O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos
negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter
balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes,
fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada
en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquía de contas, contas de gastos
(categorías) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuracións precisos para depurar o
Package: gnucash-docs
Description-md5: 5b341ef5e1c91e84f5354b870a19a8fb
Description-gl: Documentación do gnucash, un programa de xestión das finanzas persoais
GnuCash provides accounting functions suitable for use by small businesses
and individuals. It can track finances in multiple accounts, keeping
running and reconciled balances. There is support for customer, vendor and
employee processing. It has an X based graphical user interface, double
entry, a hierarchy of accounts, expense accounts (categories), and can
import Quicken QIF files and OFX files.
This package contains the GnuCash Help Manual and the GnuCash Tutorial and
Concepts Guide.
The Help Manual is a quick reference of how to accomplish specific tasks
and how to use the features in GnuCash. The Tutorial and Concepts Guide is
an in depth guide to the concepts behind using GnuCash with a tutorial to
show how to put those concepts into practice.
These documents are available in HTML, PDF and DocBook formats (the latter
is intended to be viewed with the GNOME Help browser).
Translations in German, Italian and Japanese are also included in this
package (for Japanese, only the HTML guide is available).
Package: gnuift-doc
Description-md5: 81ec3c361efa92eeff9cbb6728c4d818
Description-gl: Documentación de gnuift
This package includes gift-guide, configuring-and-hacking-the-gift and the
doxygen reference tree. The application is contained in the gnuift
The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval
System (CBIRS). It enables you to do Query By Example on images, giving
you the opportunity to improve query results by relevance feedback. For
processing your queries the program relies entirely on the content of the
images, freeing you from the need to annotate all images before querying
the collection.
The GIFT comes with a tool which lets you index whole directory trees
containing images in one go. You then can use the GIFT server and its
client, to browse your own image collections.
The GIFT is an open framework. The developers explicitly have taken into
account the possibility of adding new ways of querying to the framework.
The communication protocol for client-server communication, MRML, is XML
based and fully documented ( This aims at promoting
code reuse among researchers and application developers.
To avoid a name clash with the "gift" package (a fasttrack filesharing
client), these packages have been named "gnuift" (also to stress that
gnuift is a GNU project).
Description-md5: b02b0fa90b84bd5f9108283971f9716c
Description-gl: Cliente de correo para o GNUstep
GNUMail is a clone of NeXT/Apple's application. It uses the
GNUstep development framework (or Apple Cocoa, which is based on the
OpenStep specification provided by NeXT, Inc.).
Description-md5: d500297dff2d7a5dadcdf06172b41efa
Description-gl: Cliente de correo para GNUstep (símbolos de depuración)
GNUMail is a clone of NeXT/Apple's application. It uses the
GNUstep development framework (or Apple Cocoa, which is based on the
OpenStep specification provided by NeXT, Inc.).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gnunet
Description-md5: 1bee687d33e15cc494379b242a61eb3a
Description-gl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta)
GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de gnunet-client, gnunet-server
e gnunet-tools.
Package: gnunet-common
Description-md5: 0594b9cbfad2a1bf07ba46a80edfd6c6
Description-gl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (common)
GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns.
Package: gnunet-dbg
Description-md5: d2b0baefef11470cb462fbf30fc25a91
Description-gl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (debug)
GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gnunet-dev
Description-md5: c69f9c2c45346ee59dba492f90106fb5
Description-gl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (development)
GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: gnunet-gtk-dbg
Description-md5: 2440fdd946018640dd0e45dd2690c34a
Description-gl: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client debug)
GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do cliente gráfico
empregando as ferramentas de GTK+.
Package: gnupg-pkcs11-scd-dbg
Description-md5: 291297f27deb455a014038cc5dc33273
Description-gl: GnuPG smart-card daemon with PKCS#11 support (debug)
gnupg-pkcs11-scd is a drop-in replacement for the smart-card daemon (scd)
shipped with GnuPG. The daemon interfaces to smart-cards by using RSA
Security Inc. PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gnuspool-doc
Description-md5: 8521f77de57839d44089706884da25d7
Description-gl: Documentación de GNUspool
PDF documentation for GNUspool
Package: gnustep-back-dbg
Description-md5: 6e966b6564b572031fcffbd4e5b78d2c
Description-gl: Infraestrutura da interface gráfica de GNUstep - símbolos de depuración
It is a backend component for the GNUstep GUI Library. The implementation
of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts. The first part is the
front-end component which is independent of platform and display system.
This front-end is combined with a back-end component which handles all of
the display system dependent such as specific calls to the X Window
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da infraestrutura da
interface gráfica de GNUstep.
Package: gnustep-make-doc
Description-md5: 8e0843cc428597c571ee9e3b2c7f2802
Description-gl: Documentación de GNUstep-make
This package contains text, HTML and PDF documentation for the GNUstep-
make package.
Package: gobby-0.4-dbg
Description-md5: e9390b2258a52884c56b1a43eea693fe
Description-gl: Editor de textos colaborativo - símbolos de depuración
Gobby is an editor which allows one to edit text documents and source
files collaboratively over a network. All users could work on the file
simultaneously without the need to lock it. The parts the various users
write are highlighted in different colours and it supports syntax
highlighting of various programming and markup languages. A chat window is
also included.
Gobby is portable to both Windows and Unix-like platforms and makes use of
the Gtk+ toolkit. A dedicated server is available in the sobby package.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración do gobby, necesarios só se se pretende
Package: gobby-0.5-dbg
Description-md5: 09b78c7ab6547080740ecfae948a5f3a
Description-gl: Editor de texto colaborativo baseado en infinote - símbolos de depuración
Gobby is an editor which allows one to edit text documents and source
files collaboratively over a network. All users could work on the file
simultaneously without the need to lock it. The parts the various users
write are highlighted in different colours and it supports syntax
highlighting of various programming and markup languages.
Gobby is portable to both Windows and Unix-like platforms and makes use of
the Gtk+ toolkit. A dedicated server is available in the infinoted
Estes son os símbolos de depuración do gobby, necesarios só se se pretende
Package: gobby-infinote
Description-md5: 4de57bb72733f348a529e901f876e948
Description-gl: infinote-based collaborative text editor (current)
Gobby is an editor which allows one to edit text documents and source
files collaboratively over a network. All users could work on the file
simultaneously without the need to lock it. The parts the various users
write are highlighted in different colours and it supports syntax
highlighting of various programming and markup languages.
This package is *not* protocol-compatible to the old Gobby 0.4.
Este paquete é un metapaquete e depende da versión estábel máis actual do
cliente, de haber varias versións dispoñíbeis.
Package: gobjc++
Description-md5: db23ebaaaeb19bd162f9458eb00d25ef
Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler
This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler, which compiles Objective-C++ on
platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to
generate optimized code.
Este é un paquete de dependencias que fornece o compilador por omisión de
Objective-C++ de GNU.
Package: gogglesmm
Description-md5: df44f1c1b2bfaa569c0be0519aaee993
Description-gl: Xestor de música Goggles
Goggles Music Manager is a music collection manager and player that
automatically categorizes your music files based on genre, artist, album,
and song. It supports gapless playback and features easy tag editing.
Package: gosa-plugin-kolab
Description-md5: a2a9265b81338bf86ab7b67b66cb2d78
Description-gl: Engadido de Kolab para GOsa²
Engadido de xestión de contas de Kolab2
GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface,
designed to handle LDAP based setups.
Package: gpac-dbg
Description-md5: 7bfd08ddfce36bf59d8f0d1ea177af16
Description-gl: GPAC Project on Advanced Content - debugging symbols
GPAC stands for GPAC Project on Advanced Content (a recursive acronym). It
is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes.
The project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on
presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity).
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración para aplicativos de GPAC.
Package: gpaint
Description-md5: dbb26389c3072fce85832a5aefb72875
Description-gl: GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME
Este é gpaint (GNU Paint), un programa para pintar en pequena escala para
GNOME, o ambiente de escritorio de GNU. O gpaint non pretende competir co
GIMP, é simplemente un paquete de debuxo sinxelo baseado no xpaint
seguindo as ideas principais do «Paintbrush» dun sistema operativo non
libre popular.
Currently gpaint has the following features:
* Drawing tools such as ovals, freehand, polygon and text, with
fill or shadow for polygons and closed freehand shapes.
* Cut and paste by selecting irregular regions or polygons.
* Preliminary print support using gnome-print.
* Modern, ease-to-use user interface with tool and color palettes.
* Multiple-image editing in a single instance of the program.
* All the image processing features present in xpaint.
Package: gperf-ace
Description-md5: 671a8c45c2c5bed49ebe0d85f0178985
Description-gl: ACE perfect hash function generator (transitional package)
This package is a transitional package to ace-gperf.
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación.
Package: gphoto2
Description-md5: b5092ba42b0d2029f7515679711e606a
Description-gl: The gphoto2 digital camera command-line client
A biblioteca gphoto2 pode ser utilizada por aplicativos para acceder a
diversos modelos de cámaras dixitais mediante protocolos estándar, como o
de almacenamento en masa en USB e o PTP ou protocolos específicos dos
This package provide the gphoto2 command-line frontend.
Package: gpicview-dbg
Description-md5: 243a8d76aba44fb43898861b0a92b34b
Description-gl: lightweight image viewer (debug)
GPicView is a lightweight GTK+ 2.x based image viewer.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gpixpod
Description-md5: 812979466db3897a6b2a503d271da590
Description-gl: Organice as fotos no seu iPod, libremente!
GPixPod is a new PyGTK application to organize photos and photo albums on
recent photo-capable Apple iPod models, developed by Flavio Gargiulo,
It is at the moment the free, open source and cross-platform alternative
to iTunes for uploading photos on your iPod. Its approach to modify
manually the elements in the Photo Database of your iPod could be also
more useful than the syncing-only method of iTunes.
For the GNU/Linux user, it is the perfect complement of GtkPod and similar
programs (such as Rhythmbox, Banshee) which organize music and videos. In
fact, managing photos was the only feature of my iPod that I was not able
to use from my GNU/Linux box: thus I decided to write my own application,
following the great documentation about the formats of the files on the
iPod found on the portal.
Nothing could have been done without the great effort in documenting done
on that wiki. Special thanks go to Henryk Plotz, for its original concept
Package: gplcver
Description-md5: 5cd7e3e4b6737740e3284d654b0289b6
Description-gl: Verilog simulator
Cver is a full 1995 IEEE P1364 standard Verilog simulator. It also
implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features. All three PLI
interfaces (tf_, acc_, and vpi_) are implemented as defined in the IEEE
2001 P1364 LRM.
Páxina web:
Package: gprolog-doc
Description-md5: 0987ffd624d0dfc2c8ac144690bef732
Description-gl: documentation for the GNU Prolog compiler
GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite
domains (FD) developed at INRIA by Daniel Diaz.
Este paquete contén a documentación (tanto en PDF como en HTML) do Prolog
de GNU.
Package: gprompter-dbg
Description-md5: 767b5d20b293a5a902d5b86b6b95e65d
Description-gl: Editor de texto intelixente e preditivo en GTK+ (símbolos de depuración)
gprompter is a cross-platform predictive text editor, based on presage,
the intelligent predictive text entry platform.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do gprompter.
Package: gpsd-dbg
Description-md5: 041f80b15ed62343d04f254237bed350
Description-gl: Sistema Global de Posicionamento - símbolos de depuración
The gpsd service daemon can monitor one or more GPS devices connected to a
host computer, making all data on the location and movements of the
sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947.
This package contains the detached debug symbols for gpsd, gpsd-clients,
python-gps, and libgps20.
Package: gpsdrive
Description-md5: 1ac561401a495224c04e1f96f22d81cf
Description-gl: Car navigation system
Sistema de navegación baseado en mapas que mostra a posición actual
fornecida por un receptor de GPS nun mapa ampliábel. Os mapas poden ser
descargados desde diferentes fornecedores de mapas ou creados ao voo
empregando o conxunto de datos de OpenStreetMap.
Route planning, optionally with spoken directions, is supported through
Package: gpsdrive-data
Description-md5: 9159d881c21816bcd6fac2d79097e964
Description-gl: Car navigation system
Sistema de navegación baseado en mapas que mostra a posición actual
fornecida por un receptor de GPS nun mapa ampliábel. Os mapas poden ser
descargados desde diferentes fornecedores de mapas ou creados ao voo
empregando o conxunto de datos de OpenStreetMap.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: gpsim-doc
Description-md5: 31cda71c219866a610e3ebede4b401cd
Description-gl: Documentación de gpsim
This package contains documentation for gpsim in postscript and pdf format
with original LyX sources.
Package: granatier
Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a
Description-gl: Clon do Bomberman
O Granatier é un clon do clásico xogo do Bomberman, inspirado no traballo
do clon Clanbomber.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: granite-demo
Description-md5: c3b85a56ff464be19150a66c4269edc4
Description-gl: extensión das bibliotecas de GTK+ (binario de demostración)
Granite is an extension of GTK+. Among other things, it provides the
commonly-used widgets such as modeswitchers, welcome screens, AppMenus,
search bars, and more found in elementary apps.
This package contains a small demo application to show Granite Widgets.
Package: grap
Description-md5: 7ff5df83b0cb0e0bb10afd968b5e3bb4
Description-gl: Programa para a formatación de gráficas
This is grap, an implementation of Kernighan and Bentley's grap language
for typesetting graphs. The grap preprocessor works with pic and troff (or
Grap is a language for describing graphical displays of data. It provides
such services as automatic scaling and labeling of axes, and for
statements, if statements, and macros to facilitate user programmability.
Grap is intended primarily for including graphs in documents prepared with
groff or TeX, and is only marginally useful for elementary tasks in data
Package: graphicsmagick-dbg
Description-md5: fcc436d75960b67f4f57213c969230ff
Description-gl: Procesamento de imaxes independente do formato - símbolos de depuración
GraphicsMagick provides libraries in several programming languages to
read, write and manipulate image files across a large number of formats,
from the widely used jpeg, tiff, bmp or xpm to special-purpose formats
such as fits or image formats found on some photo CDs. There are functions
for finegrained image processing tasks, as well as conversion routines
between the various image formats.
The GraphicsMagick library is a fork of ImageMagick and therefore offers
an interface that is similar in features, but intended to be more stable
across releases. While compatibility does not go so far that the
GraphicsMagick library serves as a drop-in replacement for ImageMagick,
conversion can usually be done with little effort.
This package contains debugging symbols for the gm executable as well as
the C, C++, and Perl bindings. Tools like gdb and ltrace make use of these
Package: gravitation
Description-md5: 2879fb298eed14a8a20fd5f640dd402b
Description-gl: Xogo sobre manía, melancolía e o proceso creativo
Gravitation is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by Jason
Rohrer. It is a followup to his previous game, "Passage". It can be
explored in approximately 8 minutes. If in doubt, please keep playing. If
you still don't understand the game, please read the game creators
statement on the website and the experiences of other people linked from
the website.
Package: gresistor
Description-md5: fb621ad1e4eecb7b986a70adb0c7d62e
Description-gl: calculadora de códigos de cores de resistencias
To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored
bands. Often refered to as color codes, these markings are indicative of
their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps
you translate resistor color codes into a readable value. All you have to
do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program.
As you enter colours you'll see that the resistor value is changing
Description-md5: f727ebce262274eec3a333134cd51f6b
Description-gl: A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
Gridlock is a collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep, including
Ataxx, Reversi, Gomoku, Connect Four, Breakthrough, Glass Bead, Hexapawn,
Quad Wrangle, Cats and Dogs and Moray Eels. You can play against another
person or computer opponents of varying difficulty, even over the network.
Sitio web:
Package: gridsite-dbg
Description-md5: ad414717a4fce10b644fb5213c48efbc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gridsite
GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and
formatting the content of the website. Over the
past years it has grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server
and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S)
protocol operations.
Este paquete, gridsite-dbg, contén os símbolos de depuración do gridsite.
Package: grilo-plugins-0.2-dbg
Description-md5: 39439f983c4c9cc03c0ee85491207496
Description-gl: Infraestrutura para descubrir e explorar recursos - Símbolos de depuración dos engadidos
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
for application developers.
More precisely, Grilo provides:
* A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
various media content providers, allowing application developers
to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
* A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
* A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
various kinds.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos engadidos do Grilo de
Package: grok-dbg
Description-md5: 2eb8128a512820850fe2e0e3a0c515c8
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do grok
This package contains the detached debugging symbols for grok.
Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other
files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into
structured data.
Package: grub-coreboot
Description-md5: e3a74b03a25816ffb7b75c5773005346
Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot version)
GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on
a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new
- Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH.
- Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT.
- Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen
os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar
actualizacións invocando update-grub.
This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with
platforms running the Coreboot firmware.
Package: grub-coreboot-bin
Description-md5: 27630a86a2bd55396b12089deb2cf0f5
Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot binaries)
GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on
a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new
- Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH.
- Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT.
- Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen
os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar
actualizacións invocando update-grub.
This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with
platforms running the Coreboot firmware. It will not automatically
install GRUB as the active boot loader, nor will it automatically update
grub.cfg on upgrade, so most people should install grub-coreboot instead.
Package: grub-ieee1275
Description-md5: 2c687718a62801e41cd0aa29811470e4
Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware version)
GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on
a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new
- Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH.
- Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT.
- Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen
os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar
actualizacións invocando update-grub.
This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with
Open Firmware implementations.
Package: grub-ieee1275-bin
Description-md5: 2aa28ecd15d342ed322b1e1858743f29
Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware binaries)
GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on
a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new
- Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH.
- Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT.
- Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen
os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar
actualizacións invocando update-grub.
This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with
Open Firmware implementations. It will not automatically install GRUB as
the active boot loader, nor will it automatically update grub.cfg on
upgrade, so most people should install grub-ieee1275 instead.
Package: gsl-bin
Description-md5: 141706d71a14bcce720df1bb160846c9
Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
A Biblioteca científica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a
análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL
en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que
permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel.
This package provides several example binaries.
Package: gsmartcontrol
Description-md5: e7025374264e10b98903583375662dd7
Description-gl: graphical user interface for smartctl
O GSmartControl é unha interface gráfica de usuario para smartctl, que é
unha ferramenta para solicitar e controlar os datos SMART (Tecnoloxía
auto-monitorizada de análise e información) das unidades de disco duro
modernas. Permite inspeccionar os datos SMART da unidade para determinar a
súa saúde, así como realizar diversas probas con ela.
* informa e realza automaticamente calquera anomalía;
* permite activar e desactivar a Recolla de datos fóra de liña automática;
* permite activar e desactivar o SMART mesmo;
* admite a configuración de opcións globais e específicas de cada unidade para smartctl;
* realiza probas de comprobación de SMART;
* mostra os identificadores das unidades, as súas capacidades e atributos e os rexistros das probas e dos erros;
* pode ler os datos de smartctl dun ficheiro gravado, interpretándoo como un dispositivo virtual de só lectura.
Package: gss-doc
Description-md5: 488f9527477590186eaba5c4524103a3
Description-gl: Documentación de GSS (excepto as páxina de manual)
The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation
of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the
Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms
This package contain the manual in HTML, PDF and Info formats, and API
reference in GTK-DOC and Devhelp formats.
Package: gstreamer0.10-buzztard
Description-md5: a6ad4494e226904c6b0959ba6b41fa9b
Description-gl: Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music
studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software
called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart
from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow
migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz-
machine reuse.
This package contains the GStreamer plugins for Buzztard.
Package: gstreamer0.10-buzztard-doc
Description-md5: c543ef20dbb5447d96afa5094a9bfacd
Description-gl: Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer (documentation)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music
studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software
called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart
from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow
migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz-
machine reuse.
This package contains documentation for plugins included in the GStreamer
Buzztard plugins package.
Package: gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs
Description-md5: 6f01f34186c2afa1bad9b382faa1cfdf
Description-gl: GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains the GStreamer plugin to read from and write to
GnomeVFS URIs. GnomeVFS is the GNOME virtual file-system.
Package: gstreamer0.10-packagekit
Description-md5: d4c358565f52f6ba77fa2cb00080142c
Description-gl: GStreamer plugin to install codecs using PackageKit
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides a plugin for the GStreamer multimedia framework to
search and to install audio and video codecs.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
Description-md5: 96aaaad9b842ce9ddb51b002cc05eca0
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg
Description-md5: 0144acc8435d5a037793c91c8b38f83c
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc
Description-md5: 51fb5c44051312c56f11b688ba0347ae
Description-gl: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains the documentation for plugins from the "bad" set.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
Description-md5: c036226562f55540aad2e51fbde63d54
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Este paquete contén engadidos do conxunto «feo», un conxunto de engadidos
de boa calidade que poderían supoñer problemas de distribución.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg
Description-md5: 47702d7e32f410e08f88c3d445b6a122
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (debug symbols)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-doc
Description-md5: 4dc4589fd84941ce672ce2ec90d43924
Description-gl: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Este paquete contén documentación para os engadidos do conxunto «feo», un
conxunto de engadidos de boa calidade que poderían supoñer problemas de
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
Description-md5: 96aaaad9b842ce9ddb51b002cc05eca0
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg
Description-md5: 0144acc8435d5a037793c91c8b38f83c
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc
Description-md5: 51fb5c44051312c56f11b688ba0347ae
Description-gl: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains the documentation for plugins from the "bad" set.
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
Description-md5: c036226562f55540aad2e51fbde63d54
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Este paquete contén engadidos do conxunto «feo», un conxunto de engadidos
de boa calidade que poderían supoñer problemas de distribución.
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dbg
Description-md5: 47702d7e32f410e08f88c3d445b6a122
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (debug symbols)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-doc
Description-md5: 4dc4589fd84941ce672ce2ec90d43924
Description-gl: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Este paquete contén documentación para os engadidos do conxunto «feo», un
conxunto de engadidos de boa calidade que poderían supoñer problemas de
Package: gtali
Description-md5: 1bfb612c1ea7330cecc862a90d0df1cd
Description-gl: sort of poker with dice and less money (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a tali.
Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Description-md5: 8735c494483018e56d6707449fd04ce3
Description-gl: Software de investigación cualitativa para GNUstep
GTAMS Analyzer is a complete coding and analysis package. It is a "port"
of TAMS Analyzer for Macintosh OS X. Note, at some point the two projects
will have identical file formats, at which point the initial G (for
GNUstep) will be dropped. GTAMS stands for GNUstep Text Analysis Markup
System, it is a convention for identifying themes in text. The software
offers a wide range of tools for applying themes to texts and identifying
patterns of themes within and between texts.
Package: gthumb-dbg
Description-md5: 4ffecc730709c70c2e375eb66b1a6543
Description-gl: Visor de imaxes e navegador - símbolos de depuración
gThumb is an advanced image viewer and browser. It has many useful
features, such as filesystem browsing, slide show, image catalogs, web
album creation, camera import, image CD burning, batch file operations and
quick image editing features like transformation and color manipulation.
It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For
camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do gThumb.
Package: gtimer
Description-md5: 9451729b892b0fb4ef66332a018f23b1
Description-gl: Temporizador de tarefas X11 baseado en GTK
A graphical program that tracks how your time is spent. Maintains a
simple list of tasks, each of which can belong to a project, and allows
you to track time in each. Multiple clocks can run simultaneously,
annotations can be added to a day's time, and reports can be generated in
either HTML or text. If GTimer detects that you're idle, you are given
the option of subtracting off the time you spent idle when you return.
Compared to other time tracking applications, GTimer is graphical without
depending on a desktop environment and aims for simplicity rather than
attempting to be a full-fledged project tracking and billing application.
Package: gtk-clearlooks-gperfection2-theme
Description-md5: cd263be973f5b805624cb8b8b7b1befc
Description-gl: gtk theme for the clearlooks engine
gperfection gtk2 theme
Páxina web:
Package: gtk2-engines-pixbuf
Description-md5: 1d295a87ba2f765041ffc92f7eb32126
Description-gl: Tema baseado en Pixbuf para GTK+ 2.x
GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects ranging
from small one-off tools to complete application suites.
Este paquete contén o motor de temas pixbuf.
Package: gtk2-engines-qtcurve
Description-md5: c6f7fc03c786e2f77773ff899ed12c53
Description-gl: Este é un conxunto de estilos de trebellos para as aplicacións baseadas en Gtk2
This package together with kde-style-qtcurve aim to provide a unified look
and feel on the desktop when using KDE and GNOME applications.
Este paquete é especialmente útil cando se instala xunto con kde-style-
Package: gtkam-dbg
Description-md5: 5aae4b168a098810908e2da50a055a48
Description-gl: GTK+ application for digital still cameras (debugging symbols)
GTKam is a graphical application based on GTK+ that allows you to transfer
pictures and movies from a digital camera.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para gdb para os paquetes
gtkam e gtkam-gimp.
Package: gtkam-gimp
Description-md5: 515b4e4facaa08a41f996a814d4e2375
Description-gl: gtkam gimp plugin to open digital camera pictures
GTKam is a graphical application based on GTK+ that allows you to transfer
pictures and movies from a digital camera.
GTKam-gimp é un engadido para O GIMP que permite abrir as imaxes dunha
cámara dixital desde o propio GIMP.
Package: gtkaml-dbg
Description-md5: 81c2e408ddc85e9046bc6a73a963f7dd
Description-gl: XML application markup language for GTK+ and Vala - debug symbols
gtkaml is a XML language that extends the Vala.Parser and aimed at
creating valid GTK+ UI classes. It features a compact XML syntax for
describing the way Gtk widgets are laid out in custom widgets.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do gtkaml.
Package: gtkguitune
Description-md5: 7a8c74dd6df23b80acbf88a1eb8f28a4
Description-gl: Afinador de guitarra e outros instrumentos
gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by
using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e. counting the number of
triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.
Package: gtkorphan
Description-md5: aa75bca1f94fe9459b7d32cf9880ce07
Description-gl: Unha ferramenta gráfica para encontrar e eliminar bibliotecas orfas
GtkOrphan is a graphical tool which scans your Debian system, looking for
orphaned libraries. It implements a GUI front-end to deborphan, but adds
the package removal capability. A detailed documentation on the program
can be found at:
Package: gtkpod-dbg
Description-md5: 0ac08656283635b02fce8a51ce86a8f5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gtkpod
gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK3. It
allows you to upload songs and playlists to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag
editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows
offline modification of the database with later synchronisation, and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de gtkpod.
Package: gtkterm
Description-md5: 565f5f84c878ef11d4a59f13aade1a1d
Description-gl: A simple GTK+ serial port terminal
gtkterm is a simple GTK+ terminal used to communicate with the serial
Its features :
* Serial port terminal window
* Serial port setup (speed, parity, bits, stopbits, flow control)
* Using the termios API
* Possible to send a file (only RAW data, no protocol)
* End of line delay while sending a file
* Special character wait before next line while sending a file
* Possible to toggle control lines manually (DTR, CTS)
* Also reads the state of control lines (RTS, CD, DSR, RI)
Autor: Julien Schmitt Páxina web: http://www
Package: gtrayicon-dbg
Description-md5: b56bb2c04fe7634ad0cd888983b4933c
Description-gl: Generic tray icon for GNOME - debug symbols
Generic tray icon for GNOME is a small utility which allows to add a icon
to the system tray that can be used to trigger customized enable/disable
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración
Package: guake
Description-md5: dea59684bb9d39df8af8a54964b9acc8
Description-gl: Terminal despregábel para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME
O Guake é un terminal despregábel para o Ambiente de Escritorio de GNOME,
polo que abonda con premer unha tecla para invocalo e premer de novo para
agochalo. O Guake admite atallos de teclado, lapelas, transparencia do
fondo, etc.
Package: guayadeque-dbg
Description-md5: 9ce9e899a4baba633ceaa2871ab5448a
Description-gl: Reprodutor lixeiro de música - símbolos de depuración
Guayadeque is a lightweight and easy-to-use music player that supports
smart playlists and huge music collections.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do guayadeque.
Package: guile-1.8-dev
Description-md5: bb7eff197cf43cf05c6e7cf3f7a8c630
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Guile 1.8
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para desenvolver con Guile 1.8.
Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming,
providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many
extension languages. Guile can be used as a standard #! style
interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other
applications via libguile.
Package: guile-1.8-doc
Description-md5: a11220164794aefadad3110baec86e42
Description-gl: Documentación de Guile 1.8
Este paquete contén toda a documentación de Guile cuberta cunha licenza
compatíbel coas Directrices do Software Libre de Debian (DFSG). Inclúe un
titorial dispoñíbel con «info guile-tut».
Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming,
providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many
extension languages. Guile can be used as a standard #! style
interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other
applications via libguile.
Package: gummi
Description-md5: 52a78290d8193e8460136d84b28b9993
Description-gl: GTK+ based LaTeX editor with live preview
Gummi é un editor de LaTeX baseado en GTK+. As funcionalidades básicas son:
- Panel de visión previa ao vivo do documento compilado,
- Integración con BibTeX,
- Axudantes para as táboas e as matrices,
- Exportación a PDF,
- Comprobación de erros,
- Realce da sintaxe,
- Corrección ortográfico,
- Estatísticas do documento,
- Configuración persistente
Package: gvrng
Description-md5: 4252cfc3b16250621b353ac17d42a031
Description-gl: Interactive, introductory programming language
O Guido van Robot Next Generation (GvRng) é un proxecto desenvolvido por
estudantes de secundaria avanzados para que o empreguen os seus
compañeiros como ferramenta de aprendizaxe e precursor dun estudo superior
de programación con Python. É unha linguaxe de programación minimalista
que fornece a sintaxe básica necesaria para axudar a que o alumnado
aprenda os conceptos de secuenciación, ponlas condicionais, bucles e
abstracción procedemental.
It's biggest strength is that it permits this learning in an environment
that combines the thrill of problem-solving with instant visual feedback.
In short, it is an interactive, introductory programming language that is
excellent for learning the basic concepts of programming, applicable in
any high-level language.
The GvRng version replaces the old GvR program that used wxPython for the
Package: gwaterfall
Description-md5: 67e6c9c5c75baab5cd094d9358de36d4
Description-gl: Visualice todos os caracteres dun tipo de letra en calquera tamaño
This program facilitates comparison of various fonts and font rendering
It displays sample lines of text in sizes from 5 to 36px simultaneously
and allows changing of font size range and increment, hinting,
autohinting, anti-aliasing, subpixel smoothing, and aspect, immediately
showing the changes on the screen. All Unicode characters are divided
into blocks of 128 characters, and user can choose block of 128 characters
to use as sample line of text.
Package: gwc-dbg
Description-md5: 2ff3043916358e98e5d01e64a4c41fd3
Description-gl: Audio file denoiser (debug)
The GNOME Wave Cleaner (gwc) is an application that helps you in getting
rid of noise and clicks in audio files. This is most commonly used when
translating your old vinyl or old tapes to a digital format, but it can be
applied to every soundfile that has a more or less constant noise level.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: gwenrename
Description-md5: 01aa97f885e8b8fe8c6bf93771cf0695
Description-gl: Ferramenta para mudar de nome en lote para KDE
O GwenRename é unha ferramenta para mudar o nome de ficheiros en lote. Foi
creado como ferramenta externa para o GwenView, o visor de imaxes para
KDE, mais tamén se pode usar desde o Konqueror. Os ficheiros aos que lles
hai que mudar o nome pásanselle como parámetros da liña de ordes e non hai
máis maneira de cargar ficheiros. O obxectivo principal é ter unha
ferramenta para mudar os nomes de ficheiros que sexa fácil e
suficientemente lixeira para o seu uso diario. Se desexa ter unha
ferramenta deste tipo pero con máis funcionalidades, podería mirar o
«KRename» de Dominik Seichter.
Package: gwenview
Description-md5: bd0ae087e915d16cc0dd13c978d49d83
Description-gl: Visor de imaxes
O Gwenview é un visor de imaxes, ideal para navegar e mostrar unha
colección de imaxes. Pode mostrar imaxes nunha vista de imaxes na pantalla
completa e facer axustes sinxelas, como rodar ou recortar as imaxes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: gwenview-dbg
Description-md5: 64b7a3be39b7516f2965a34e1a65d084
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do gwenview
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con Gwenview.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Description-md5: e0359999aaf23d9bdfc711f3e41443c6
Description-gl: Xestor GNUstep do espazo de traballo
GWorkspace is the official GNUstep workspace manager. It is a clone of
NeXT's workspace manager. GWorkspace is probably one of the most useful
and usable workspace managers available on any platform, owing to its
well-designed interface and the natural, consistent design that it
inherits from the GNUstep framework.
Package: gwyddion
Description-md5: ecfd7c534d457ec2607d250918e77c41
Description-gl: Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool
Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like
* Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),
* Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM),
* Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM),
* Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM)
and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis.
Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal e os seus módulos. Tamén contén
un creador de miniaturas para GNOME (e Xfce) que crea vistas previas de
todos os tipos de ficheiro coñecidos por Gwyddion.
Gwyddion's Python scripting interface Pygwy is also included.
Package: hama-slide-mouse-control
Description-md5: 5d8fb4550d9eb3b1a469c6a7ee6517c8
Description-gl: Control the DPI setting and thumb buttons of a Hama SLide S1 gaming mouse
This command-line program allows you to control a Hama SLide S1 mouse
connected to the USB port. You can switch between its three modes: Either
thumb button 1 and the scroll wheel select the DPI setting, or a fixed DPI
setting is used, or the two thumb buttons toggle between two DPI settings.
The colour of the mouse changes according to the current setting. This
package also aids you in configuring udev to apply your favourite settings
whenever the mouse is plugged in or the machine boots.
Páxina web:
Package: handbrake-dbg
Description-md5: b65ec7c73704f127b6f7534b224c933b
Description-gl: handbrake -- debugging symbols
HandBrake is a versatile, easy-to-use tool for converting DVDs and other
videos into H.264, XViD, or OGG formatted media. It's particularly useful
for making videos that are compatible with portable video devices such as
the Apple iPod/iPhone or Sony PSP.
This version of handbrake has been modified for inclusion in Debian. It
does neither support audio encoding to AAC via faac nor MP4 format muxing
via libmp4v2, it falls back to the MKV format instead.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración
Package: haskell-platform
Description-md5: 185afeaf940668b1d32fc68be67aec93
Description-gl: Standard Haskell libraries and tools
The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the
most important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting
point for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use.
Ao instalar este metapaquete tamén se han instalar os paquetes de Debian
que conteñen as bibliotecas e ferramentas tal e como se especifica n
Plataforma Haskell oficial, na versión dispoñíbel en Debian. Esta podería
non ser a versión especificada na plataforma. Se isto é importante para
vostede, búsqueas na páxina da Plataforma Haskell oficial.
Package: haskell-platform-doc
Description-md5: f7d9839e601437fe1bfa0cd9576a0c89
Description-gl: Standard Haskell libraries and tools; documentation
The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the
most important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting
point for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use.
Ao instalar este metapaquete hase instalar a documentación das bibliotecas
tal e como se especifica na Plataforma Haskell oficial.
Package: haskell-platform-prof
Description-md5: 3db27f1a4a918e85ef26aa232753c973
Description-gl: Standard Haskell libraries and tools; profiling libraries
The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the
most important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting
point for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use.
Ao instalar este metapaquete hanse instalar os datos de perfilado das
bibliotecas tal e como se especifica na Plataforma Haskell oficial.
Package: headerthemeeditor
Description-md5: fd8dfb0aaa92260a8f5b3154ba244187
Description-gl: Editor de temas visuais de cabeceiras Messageviewer
Header Theme Editor allows you to create and edit message/mail header
themes for the messageviewer library. These themes can then be used by
KMail for mail headers.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: heat-common
Description-md5: 6870a02e61dd51e197ab6a39a8cbf67b
Description-gl: OpenStack orchestration service - common files
Heat is a service to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications
using templates, through both an OpenStack-native ReST API and a
CloudFormation-compatible Query API.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns.
Package: hedgewars
Description-md5: 9c3ca8edc97a53189e3cb27b4118a5ca
Description-gl: Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting Hedgehogs!
Cada xogador controla un equipo de varios ourizo cachos. Durante o
transcurso do partida os xogadores alternan con un dos ourizo cachos.
Empregan calquera ferramenta ou arma da que dispoñan para atacar e matar
os ourizo cachos dos rivais para lograr gañar a partida. Os ourizo cachos
pódense mover polo terreo de varios xeitos, normalmente camiñando ou
choutando mais tamén empregando ferramentas peculiares, como a "Corda" ou
o "Paracaídas", para chegaren a zonas que, de non ser así, seríanlles
inaccesíbeis. Cada quenda ten un límite de tempo para asegurarse de que os
xogadores non reteñen a partida pensando ou movendo demasiado.
A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the
game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert
Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick,
Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the
terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on
a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog
dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or
through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the
arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with
explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or
hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on
the battlefield has ceased).
Package: hedgewars-data
Description-md5: f3d5a1825cddc6488f63ee95dab636b1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do hedgewars
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos (imaxes, sons, datos dos niveis)
do paquete hedgewars.
Package: heroes-common
Description-md5: 8145d2e53f0ef0a38c6b8539c98f6d53
Description-gl: Acumule potenciadores e evite as pegadas dos seus adversarios
Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes
many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must
maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while
avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail.
Several styles of play are available, including "get-all-the-bonuses",
deathmatch, and "squish-the-pedestrians". All game styles can be played
in both single-player and two-player (split-screen) modes.
You should install the heroes-sound-effects package if you want sound
effects, and the heroes-sound-tracks package if you want background music
in the game.
This package contains a small number of common files for heroes.
Package: heroes-sdl
Description-md5: 41fd5d31589e538275df82af3442e6b3
Description-gl: Acumule potenciadores e evite as pegadas dos seus adversarios
Heroes is similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles" games of yore, but includes
many graphical improvements and new game features. In it, you must
maneuver a small vehicle around a world and collect powerups while
avoiding obstacles, your opponents' trails, and even your own trail.
Several styles of play are available, including "get-all-the-bonuses",
deathmatch, and "squish-the-pedestrians". All game styles can be played
in both single-player and two-player (split-screen) modes.
You should install the heroes-sound-effects package if you want sound
effects, and the heroes-sound-tracks package if you want background music
in the game.
This version is linked against the SDL libraries.
Package: hesiod
Description-md5: a961e1508b081366d98b77b58c16e59d
Description-gl: Project Athena's DNS-based directory service - utilities
Hesiod é unha biblioteca de servizo de nomes que pode fornecer un servizo
xeral de nomes para diversas aplicativos. Deriva de BIND, o Daemon de
nomes de Internet de Berkely e igual a infraestrutura de DNS existente
dunha rede. Emprégana moitas redes universitarias, incluídas MIT e a
Universidade Estatal de Iowa.
This package is only useful on networks that already use Hesiod.
Package: hex-a-hop
Description-md5: e004e31a78021d7b86625c0168648edf
Description-gl: crebacabezas baseado en baldosas hexagonais
Hex-a-hop is a great puzzle game in which a girl has to break all the
green tiles in an hexagonal map without getting trapped. There is no time
limit and no real-time element.
The objective is simply to destroy all the green hexagonal tiles on each
of the 100 levels. As you progress through the game, more types of tiles
are introduced which make things more difficult and interesting.
Package: hexter
Description-md5: d53c6c3a95ff0100a35e925eb8aba8dd
Description-gl: Engadido de modelado DSSI para Yamaha DX7
hexter is a software synthesizer that models the sound generation of a
Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. It can easily load most DX7 patch bank files,
accept patch editing commands via MIDI sys-ex messages, and recreate the
sound of the DX7 with great accuracy.
Package: hfsutils-tcltk
Description-md5: 6e699622d68088f4866891ef6939bfa1
Description-gl: Tcl/Tk interfaces for reading and writing Macintosh volumes
HFS é o formato de sistema de ficheiros nativo de Macintosh.
This package contains xhfs, a Tk-based X windows interface, and hfssh, a
Tcl-based shell.
Package: hgsvn
Description-md5: 70f67d500c17d1c33f15fe738d91856f
Description-gl: Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
This set of scripts allows to work locally on Subversion-managed projects
using the Mercurial distributed version control system.
Why use Mercurial ? You can do local (disconnected) work, pull the latest
changes from the SVN server, manage private branches, submit patches to
project maintainers, etc. And of course you have fast local operations
like "hg log", "hg annotate"...
Na actualidade fornécense tres scripts: hgimportsvn, hgpullsvn e
hgimportsvn initializes an SVN checkout which is also a Mercurial
hgpullsvn pulls the latest changes from the SVN repository, and updates
the Mercurial repository accordingly. It can be run multiple times.
hgpushsvn pushes your local Mercurial commits back to the SVN repository.
Package: hhsuite-dbg
Description-md5: 94b40cf8e63668cb1c92c93820c754a5
Description-gl: sensitive protein sequence searching based on HMM-HMM alignment (debug)
HH-suite is an open-source software package for sensitive protein sequence
searching based on the pairwise alignment of hidden Markov models (HMMs).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: hime-dev
Description-md5: 4420e3af7f516b6e256d0bb347a7de44
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de HIME
HIME Input Method Editor is a input method platform, which is forked from
the famous gcin input method.
This package provides header files of HIME.
Package: hol88-doc
Description-md5: 4dedd761e4ac74cd5822cf0ab6bc3ed2
Description-gl: Documentación de hol88
The HOL System is an environment for interactive theorem proving in a
higher-order logic. Its most outstanding feature is its high degree of
programmability through the meta-language ML. The system has a wide
variety of uses from formalizing pure mathematics to verification of
industrial hardware. Academic and industrial sites world-wide are using
Package: host
Description-md5: 3c0b6923194ef2929ab26358ef75c037
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the previous
host package. It may safely be removed after installation.
Package: hplip-gui
Description-md5: 0e8b9881942aaafee62df05b01b6d0d0
Description-gl: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities (Qt-based)
O Sistema de imaxes e impresión de Linux para HP fornece compatibilidade
completa para imprimir na maioría das impresoras de chorro de tinta SFP
(periféricos de unha única función) da HP e moitas LaserJets e para
escanear, enviar faxes e para acceder a tarxetas fotográficas na maioría
das impresoras MFP (multi-función) da HP.
This package contains utilities with graphical user interface (GUI) for
HPLIP: HP Toolbox, HP Fax, ...
Note that all GUI utilities are based on the Qt GUI environment. There are
currently no equivalent utilities based on GTK+.
Package: hsqldb-utils
Description-md5: 28698765028a1a5a3a4a0f0231ef8ed4
Description-gl: Java SQL database engine (utilities)
HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten
un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de
árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor
de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como
en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe
ferramentas tales como un servidor web mínimo, ferramentas de consulta e
xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de
exemplos de demostración.
This package contains some scripts to invoke the Utilities of HSQLDB (org.hsqldb.util.*):
- hsqldb-databasemanager: DatabaseManager
- hsqldb-databasemanagerswing: DatabaseManagerSwing
- hsqldb-transfer: Transfer
- hsqldb-querytool: QueryTool
- hsqldb-sqltool: SqlTool
Package: hsx2hs
Description-md5: 005f3273c9e9a72a9330c9ed6dee24fc
Description-gl: - preprocesador
This contains the hsx2hs executable for preprocessing.
Package: html2markdown
Description-md5: 04d65db86430a5d5c3d607b5042df07c
Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for merge of html2markdown into python-html2text
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza;
vexa os paquetes html2text e python3-html2text.
Package: htp
Description-md5: 6f8823fba848ff48d535617377c179b9
Description-gl: An HTML pre-processor
htp is an HTML pre-processor. It is designed to be a flexible authoring
tool that can easily be integrated into the HTML design process.
Inclúense documentación e exemplos.
Package: hugin
Description-md5: b04a24e80b085f6f5795ae3233897099
Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - GUI tools
O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas. Esencialmente, o
Hugin é unha interface gráfica para as ferramentas Panorama. O encaixe
lógrase empregando varias fotos que se solapen e se tomen desde o mesmo
sitio e empregando puntos de control para aliñar e transformar as fotos
para que se poidan fusionar e crear así unha imaxe máis grande. O Hugin
permite a creación doada de puntos de control entre dúas imaxes,
optimizando as transformacións das imaxes e moito máis.
Este paquete inclúe as interfaces gráficas seguintes, usando as ferramentas da liña de ordes fornecidas no paquete hugin-tools:
* hugin - Creador de panoramas Hugin.
* hugin_stitch_project - Encaixe en lote Hugin.
* nona_gui - Interface gráfica para nona.
* PTBatcherGUI - Controlador en loto do proceso de encaixe.
* calibrate_lens_gui - Ferramenta de calibración de lentes
Package: hugin-data
Description-md5: 0dc76a2ce827e15a9b09fe843bb5bd44
Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - common data files
O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas.
Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de datos requiridos polos paquetes hugin
e hugin-tools.
Package: hugin-tools
Description-md5: cb851a511dd27e4232845091f1b5bed7
Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - commandline tools
O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas.
This package includes command-line tools used by hugin and other packages for image stitching and High Dynamic Range (HDR) images:
* align_image_stack - Align overlapping images for HDR creation.
* autooptimiser - Optimize image positions.
* celeste_standalone - Remove cloud-like control points.
* cpclean - Remove wrong control points.
* cpfind - Patent-free control-point detector
* deghosting_mask - Creates mask for removing ghosting in images.
* fulla - Correct lens distortion, vignetting, and
chromatic aberration.
* geocpset - Set geometric control points
* hugin_hdrmerge - Merge overlapping images.
* icpfind - Control-point detector wrapper program.
* matchpoint - Run feature detection and extraction.
* nona - Remap images. (Also does simple stitching.)
* pano_modify - Change output parameters of project file.
* pto2mk - Create a makefile for stitching.
* pto_merge - Merges two or more Hugin project files.
* pto_gen - Create pto file from list of images.
* pto_lensstack - Modify assigned lenses and stack in pto files.
* pto_var - Change image variables inside Hugin .pto project
* tca_correct - Calculate transverse chromatic aberration.
* vig_optimize - Determine the radial vignetting.
Package: human-netbook-theme
Description-md5: 2fa45786b62b3874a141fa89999d70da
Description-gl: Human Netbook theme
The default Human Netbook theme. At the moment the package contains
- the theme definitions
- metacity theme elements.
Obtén o tema de cursores, o tema de GTK+ e o tema de iconas que lle dan a
Ubuntu a aparencia Human.
Package: hv3
Description-md5: 3ff713c7d1aa6b2ba7c956da6538bb4d
Description-gl: Un navegador web lixeiro
Hv3 is a cross-platform web browser with support for modern web standards
ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript) is not supported since the corresponding
library (SEE) is installed (not available in Debian yet).
Package: hylafax-client-dbg
Description-md5: b9a4b801b7dab4378b6895e8eed9dad4
Description-gl: Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities
The HylaFAX client software communicates with a HylaFAX server via TCP/IP.
HylaFAX support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled
retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages.
Este paquete contén exclusivamente símbolos de depuración.
Package: hylafax-server-dbg
Description-md5: 655d688f764091d85072ae8d25e3c7ad
Description-gl: Debug symbols for the hylafax server
This package support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled
retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages.
The host running the server must have either a Class 1, Class 2, or a
Class 2.0 fax modem attached to one of its serial ports. End-user
applications to manage the transmission of documents via facsimile are
provided separately by the hylafax-client package.
Este paquete contén exclusivamente símbolos de depuración.
Package: hyperrogue-dbg
Description-md5: deb2f283b013aa7635a048f1d4f0a71c
Description-gl: debug data for hyperrogue
HyperRogue is a game in which the player collects treasures and fights
monsters -- rogue-like but for the fact that it is played on the
hyperbolic plane and not in euclidean space.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: i3-wm
Description-md5: 2be7e62f455351435b1e055745d3e81c
Description-gl: xestor de xanelas mellorado para mosaicos dinámicos
Key features of i3 are good documentation, reasonable defaults (changeable
in a simple configuration file) and good multi-monitor support. The user
interface is designed for power users and emphasizes keyboard usage. i3
uses XCB for asynchronous communication with X11 and aims to be fast and
Please be aware i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers.
Package: i3-wm-dbg
Description-md5: 5f4136360fbbbdabb5e650ce51c69560
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas i3
Símbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas i3. Instale isto para producir
trazados inversos antes de crear tickets novos.
Package: ibus-pinyin-db-open-phrase
Description-md5: f2148120478267e9acb3441736b76b2a
Description-gl: Pinyin engine for IBus - open-phrase database
ibus-pinyin is a IBus based IM engine for Chinese.
Para máis información sobre o método de entrada de pinyin, consulteétodo_de_pinyin
This package contains the open-phrase data files used by ibus-pinyin.
Package: ibus-qt4
Description-md5: 6ee709a5c5263ff0dee81bc6f2628f9b
Description-gl: qt-immodule para ibus (QT4)
IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux
OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user
interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.
ibus-qt4 is the QT4 client of ibus, it provide a qt-immodule for ibus.
Package: ibus-table-erbi-qs
Description-md5: 43032f8e9bd97dffd6cea8a18d2edbde
Description-gl: ibus-table input method: ErBi(QS)
This package provide one input methods: ErBi(QS)
ErBi é un método de entrada para o chinés simplificado; para máis
información, consulte
(en chinés).
Package: ibus-table-translit
Description-md5: 2408da1134e52fa77b6a63f6725fba3f
Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Translit
IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for the
Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user
interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.
This package provide one input method: Translit
Translit é un método de entrada para o ruso.
Package: icebreaker
Description-md5: d1af981f5f6b7f561d847d46e0aed32d
Description-gl: Break the iceberg
So, uh, there's a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have
been selected to catch them so they can be shipped to Finland, where they
are essential to a secret plot for world domination.
In order to trap the penguins, you'll need to break the iceberg into small
chunks. (They're afraid of water, for no apparent reason. Ah well. "The
Matrix" had more plot holes than this, and it still was a hit.) You do
this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools.
Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small
enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage to get rid of more than
that, you'll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek
Cred (a.k.a. "score").
Consulte tamén
Package: icedtea-6-plugin
Description-md5: 73779ff36047046383e1c1bd3e13a884
Description-gl: web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets
IcedTeaPlugin é un engadido para que o navegador web execute
miniaplicativos en Java e que admite LiveConnect/JavaScript. Está dirixido
ao xulrunner-1.9 e navegadores compatíbeis que admitan NPAPI.
Package: icmake-doc
Description-md5: 0a86c81f02273f004ba3e0de2258304c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de icmake
Icmake is a hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' language.
Originally, it was written to provide a useful tool for automatic program
maintenance and system administrative tasks on MS-DOS platforms.
This package provides the supplemental documentation for icmake.
Package: iconc
Description-md5: a34813963acf268d978c87854895182c
Description-gl: Compilador para Icon, unha linguaxe de programación de alto nivel
Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where
users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a
high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to
Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing
natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial
intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming
Language," by Griswold and Griswold.)
This package contains the Icon compiler. It generates programs that
generally run faster than those of the icont/iconx Icon interpreter. On
the other hand, the Icon compiler takes much longer to compile programs
and is more memory-hungry than the iconx/icont pair. As such, the compiler
is probably only useful to speed up the execution of large Icon programs
once they are fully developed and debugged.
Package: icont
Description-md5: 32a55e9c6e8ddde3e843ee6c82b54ab5
Description-gl: Intérprete para Icon, unha linguaxe de programación de alto nivel
Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where
users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a
high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to
Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing
natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial
intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming
Language," by Griswold and Griswold.)
This package contains the Icon translator, which converts Icon source code
into `ucode` that can then be executed with the help of the iconx program.
Package: iconx
Description-md5: 4afe00cd9fc1151ce65edb169ff82c7f
Description-gl: Executor para Icon, unha linguaxe de programación de alto nivel
Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where
users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a
high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to
Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing
natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial
intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming
Language," by Griswold and Griswold.)
This package contains the Icon executor, iconx, which is needed to execute
interpreted Icon programs. If you are starting from Icon source code (as
opposed to precompiled `ucode' files), you will also need the icont
package, which converts your Icon source into a program that iconx can
Package: id3tool
Description-md5: 59ab8f34983f627d23e15c7092cd9233
Description-gl: Command line editor for id3 tags
Un editor simple e completo das etiquetas ID3 dos ficheiros MP3. As
etiquetas ID3 son unha maneira de identificar os ficheiros de música en
mp3 - pódese almacenar artista, álbum, título, pista, ano e xénero nunha
etiqueta, así como un comentario de até 28 caracteres.
Highly recommended for scripting and bulk operations where you need to
edit id3 tags from scripts.
Can also be used to read id3 tags.
Páxina web:
Package: ideviceinstaller-dbg
Description-md5: 6b3cf6060aedf707fe3eb9c956af084c
Description-gl: Utility to manage installed applications on an iDevice - debug
ideviceinstaller is a tool to interact with the installation_proxy of an
iDevice allowing to install, upgrade, uninstall, archive, restore, and
enumerate installed or archived applications.
It makes use of the libimobiledevice library that allows communication
with the devices.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: iftop-dbg
Description-md5: aa99a9bc18c5037a02ea8eb8ac8005a0
Description-gl: displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface (debug)
iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens to
network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current
bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. Handy for answering the question "Why
is my Internet link so slow?".
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ifuse-dbg
Description-md5: 04fb7fb48082e06978e75e2691ba6613
Description-gl: FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices - debug package
iFuse is a FUSE filesystem driver which uses libiphone to connect to
iPhone and iPod Touch devices without needing to "jailbreak" them. iFuse
uses the native Apple AFC protocol over a normal USB cable in order to
access the device's media files.
Although iFuse is now in a working state it is still under heavy
development and should be considered experimental.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: igalician-minimos
Description-md5: a74ceec122f04d0a1035bffc4fdbe48d
Description-gl: Dicionario de galego para Ispell (mínimos)
Este é un dicionario de galego para ispell que emprega a normativa de
«mínimos», compilada por André Ventas e Ramon Flores.
Existen cando menos tres normativas ortográficas para o galego: ILG
(oficial), reintegracionista e mínimos. O ILG emprega unha normativa
ortográfica máis semellante á do español; os reintegracionistas inclínanse
polo portugués. A ortografía de mínimos tenta atopar un termo medio.
Package: ijsgutenprint
Description-md5: 3035d94c07498fd3c1fee22dd52a986d
Description-gl: inkjet server - Ghostscript driver for Gutenprint
This package contains the ijsgutenprint binary which provides Ghostscript
with a Gutenprint driver, including all printers supported by Gutenprint.
ijsgutenprint is an IJS server (driver), which communicates with
Ghostscript (an IJS client) using the IJS (InkJet Server) communications
protocol. IJS is a method for separating ghostscript drivers from
ghostscript, to allow ghostscript to be more extensible.
If you wish to print using Ghostscript and the Gutenprint drivers, install
this package. This is typical for LPRng setups. If you are using CUPS,
printer-driver-gutenprint is a better choice, but this package will still
work with the appropriate foomatic setup if you wish to make use of
Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un
conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de
impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes
controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo
nivel que os controladores privativos distribuídos polos fabricantes en
moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes.
Gutenprint coñecíase anteriormente como Gimp-Print.
Package: ijsgutenprint-ppds
Description-md5: b0fcfb47042f4f311243c55979244738
Description-gl: transitional dummy package for gutenprint printer driver
This is a transitional package to install the CUPS driver based on
Gutenprint if the now dropped ijsgutenprint-ppds package was used before.
We generally migrate CUPS users from the IJS driver to the CUPS Raster
driver now. ijsgutenprint is only continued for non- CUPS users.
Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un
conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de
impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes
controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo
nivel que os controladores privativos distribuídos polos fabricantes en
moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes.
Gutenprint coñecíase anteriormente como Gimp-Print.
Package: ilisp-doc
Description-md5: 3c531a6c8d68d925ba2745ad2053bee9
Description-gl: Documentación do paquete ILISP
This package supplies PDF and HTML documentation for the ILISP package.
ILISP is a powerful GNU Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp.
Package: im-switch
Description-md5: a9539d047a928f4545c1bb9ab637d019
Description-gl: Input method switch framework
im-switch provides the framework to configure and to switch the input
method on X Window System depending on the locale. This input method is
the essential mechanism for Japanese, Chinese and Korean (CJK) language to
enter their non-ASCII native characters.
Some input methods such as SCIM support not only one of these CJK
languages but support almost all languages simultaneously by dynamically
switching keyboard modes with GUI.
By installing this package, the most desirable input method and its
backend conversion engine are automatically configured with both XIM or
IMmodule mechanism.
Pódese personalizar máis o método de entrada coa orde «im-switch».
Package: imagej
Description-md5: 0ee518380656d8ffecd869fdd307410f
Description-gl: Image processing program inspired by NIH Image
It can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and
32-bit images. It can read many image formats including TIFF, GIF, JPEG,
BMP, DICOM, FITS and "raw". It supports "stacks", a series of images that
share a single window.
It can calculate area and pixel value statistics of user-defined
selections. It can measure distances and angles. It can create density
histograms and line profile plots. It supports standard image processing
functions such as contrast manipulation, sharpening, smoothing, edge
detection and median filtering.
Spatial calibration is available to provide real world dimensional
measurements in units such as millimeters. Density or gray scale
calibration is also available.
ImageJ está a ser desenvolvido por Wayne Rasband (, da
Oficina de Servizos de Investigación, Instituto Nacional da Saúde Mental,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Package: imagevis3d
Description-md5: 5ad7e6abe6f10d07fbcfb81a039b7d94
Description-gl: Aplicativo de renderizado de volume de escritorio para grandes datos
ImageVis3D is a volume rendering application specifically designed to
render large data. This is achieved by splitting the dataset into
multiple levels of detail (LoD), with each level itself decomposed into
multiple bricks (atomic rendering primitive). Interaction occurs at the
coarsest LoD, which can be rendered instantaneously on almost all modern
systems. After a configurable delay, ImageVis3D will successively render
finer levels of detail, until the data are visible at their native
Development of ImageVis3D is sponsored by the NIH/NCRR Center for
Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC), and the DOE Visualization And
Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET).
Package: imhangul-gtk2
Description-md5: dc48ae46d361686f1e6f38edb6e7d61d
Description-gl: Módulo de entrada de hangul (coreano) para GTK+
Imhangul is a Hangul input module for GTK+. This supports Korean Hangul
input with several types of keyboards widely used in Korea.
This package has been built for GTK+ 2.
Package: imhangul-gtk3
Description-md5: 47f86282179440ec3d5cbefe51a8d132
Description-gl: Módulo de entrada de hangul (coreano) para GTK+
Imhangul is a Hangul input module for GTK+. This supports Korean Hangul
input with several types of keyboards widely used in Korea.
This package has been built for GTK+ 3.x.
Package: imvirt
Description-md5: a092d36828dbc6634139505abbdc7d26
Description-gl: detects several virtualizations
This Perl script tries to detect if it is run in a virtualization
In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies:
VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation
Virtual PC/Virtual Server
Xen (para and non-para virtualized)
E moito máis.
Package: imvirt-helper
Description-md5: 1a1938c40f6a2430291c877ab69408f1
Description-gl: helper programs to detect several virtualizations
This package includes several helper programs from imvirt to test for
several virtualizations.
In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies:
VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation
Virtual PC/Virtual Server
Xen (para and non-para virtualized)
E moito máis.
Package: incron
Description-md5: 267a35828e3e0895895631033dec2d69
Description-gl: daemon tipo cron que xestiona eventos do sistema de ficheiros
incron is an "inotify cron" system. It works like the regular cron but is
driven by filesystem events instead of time events. This package provides
two programs, a daemon called "incrond" (analogous to crond) and a table
manipulator "incrontab" (like "crontab").
incron uses the Linux Kernel inotify syscalls.
like cron, each user can edit its own incron tables.
incron can be used to :
- notifying programs (e.g. server daemons) about changes in configuration
- guarding changes in critical files (with their eventual recovery)
- file usage monitoring, statistics
- automatic on-crash cleanup
- automatic on-change backup or versioning
- new mail notification (for maildir)
- server upload notification
- installation management (outside packaging systems)
- ... and many others
Package: indicator-application-gtk2
Description-md5: 828fe6a7cb6e0939622d3ddd11971f7b
Description-gl: Application Indicators
Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e
colocalos no panel.
Package: initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch
Description-md5: 12b771ab0234d5a2b3c27868cdd3dfac
Description-gl: tools for mounting an Ubuntu Touch rootfs
This package contains the scripts to boot an Ubuntu Touch device. It also
ships a default fstab that uses the android device paths based on
partition label. By default it will mount the android userdata partition,
then do a bind mount of the ubuntu subdir in there to become the root
En caso de fallo, o script activa unha consola de depuración de adb
Package: ink-generator
Description-md5: 61b92022afe2c78eb07932c73010d0b5
Description-gl: Extensión do Inkscape para xerar ficheiros automaticamente a partir dun modelo
ink-generator is an extension to replace text and data to automatically
generate files (like PDF, PS, JPG, etc...), based on a SVG template and a
CSV data file.
Package: inotify-hookable
Description-md5: b4d2cca9ab33dc8d56091fa8b94b30fe
Description-gl: blocking command-line interface to inotify
inotify-hookable is a program that monitor files with Linux inotify. This
program accepts options to specify the files to be monitored and the
command to run when a file has changed (based in kernel inotify)
inotify-hookable main advantage over inotifywait are:
- command to run after watch can be specified with an option
- emacs and vi backup files are ignored by default
inotify-hookable -f foo.c -c 'gcc -o foo foo.c'
Package: inspircd-dbg
Description-md5: 2e17e424305691d13ad118a76444cf46
Description-gl: IRCd modular escrito en C++ - símbolos de depuración
InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created
to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and
provide a vast number of features in a modularised form using an advanced
module API. By keeping the functionality of the main core to a minimum,
the server is very stable, fast and customizable.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: installation-report-generator
Description-md5: 318d7ebf1fe3bcd163095d9881f7dbc6
Description-gl: Recolla datos de instalación para a axuda técnica
Installation Report Generator is a small program to help users in
gathering information about system software and hardware configuration, in
order to prepare a page for the Italian wiki's Notebook section.
The generated reports can be proposed to the wiki's Editors in order to be
Package: integrit
Description-md5: 8ed7e8da857b39b17e43668958903563
Description-gl: A file integrity verification program
Integrit helps you determine whether an intruder has modified your system.
Without the use of integrit, a sysadmin wouldn't know if the programs used
for investigating the system are trojan horses or not. Integrit works by
creating a database that is a snapshot of the most essential parts of the
system. You put the database somewhere safe, and then later you can use
it to make sure that no one has made any illicit modifications to your
file system.
Integrit's key features are the small memory footprint, the design with
unattended use in mind, intuitive cascading rulesets for the paths listed
in the configuration file, the possibility of XML or human-readable
output, and simultaneous checks and updates.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: iok
Description-md5: 2b6917b6404bebe53fcc1a8032cf922e
Description-gl: Teclado hindú en pantalla
It shows onscreen keyboard for 12 Indian languages. The languages are -
Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi,
Oriya, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu.
Using drop down menu you can select any of above supported Indian
language. Drop down menu listing depends on available inscript keymaps at
location /usr/share/m17n/. You can then start directly clicking on keys
appearing in iok graphical interface. It will not only show you keyvalues
(characters) for English keys on your QWERTY keyboard from selected
inscript keymap but also allows you to send those characters to currently
active window.
Package: ipkungfu
Description-md5: d756549a1a43889ea0df5d79d5842c6d
Description-gl: iptables-based Linux firewall
ipkungfu is an advanced iptables script that can be also used by people
who have only limited knowledge of proper security and IP filtering
practices. Many advanced features are included in ipkungfu, although IPv6
support is still not included.
Sitio web:
Package: ippl-dbg
Description-md5: 17ab4c913fc14a524605ed7f6a409c3c
Description-gl: Sistemas de depuración do ippl
writes information about incoming ICMP messages, TCP connections and UDP
datagrams to syslog.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ippl.
Upstream URL:
Package: ipsvd
Description-md5: bb543d8f7b34c5d7c9627cac992dfa2c
Description-gl: Internet protocol service daemons
ipsvd is a set of Internet protocol service daemons for TCP/IP (optionally
SSLv3) and UDP/IP. A daemon waits for incoming connections on a socket;
for new connections, it conditionally runs an arbitrary program to handle
the connection. The daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined
instructions on how to handle incoming connections; based on the client's
IP address or hostname, they can run different programs, set a different
environment, deny a connection, or set a per host concurrency limit.
ipsvd can be used to run services usually run by inetd or tcpserver.
Normally the daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv from
the runit package.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: iptotal
Description-md5: 559d7b01763169c2e72b50e0c0c80a7c
Description-gl: monitor de tráfico de IP que non require de SNMP
iptotal is yet another IP traffic monitor. It listens to a network
interface in non-promiscuous mode, and measures IP bandwidth usage. After
the specified number of seconds, the average throughput is printed at
total, input and output usage.
A utilidade pódese empregar para medir o uso do largo de banda sen
precisar dun daemon de SNMP. En combinación cun script simple e rrdtool,
pódese utilizar para presentar os datos medidos en formato gráfico, p.ex.
a través dunha interface web. O paquete contén ficheiros de exemplo www +
Package: ipython
Description-md5: 2b28f078a5ca3afc48380ee4b507967d
Description-gl: intérprete interactivo de Python mellorado
IPython can be used as a replacement for the standard Python shell, or it
can be used as a complete working environment for scientific computing
(like Matlab or Mathematica) when paired with the standard Python
scientific and numerical tools. It supports dynamic object introspections,
numbered input/output prompts, a macro system, session logging, session
restoring, complete system shell access, verbose and colored traceback
reports, auto-parentheses, auto-quoting, and is embeddable in other Python
This package contains the basic terminal shell. For the qt console install
ipython-qtconsole and for the html notebook install ipython-notebook.
Package: ipython-doc
Description-md5: 7cd0d552457eeacc3c5cf652a94d3ea7
Description-gl: enhanced interactive Python shell - Documentation
IPython can be used as a replacement for the standard Python shell, or it
can be used as a complete working environment for scientific computing
(like Matlab or Mathematica) when paired with the standard Python
scientific and numerical tools. It supports dynamic object introspections,
numbered input/output prompts, a macro system, session logging, session
restoring, complete system shell access, verbose and colored traceback
reports, auto-parentheses, auto-quoting, and is embeddable in other Python
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: ipython3
Description-md5: a59865837dc42b4b4704a8cc8908835a
Description-gl: Intérprete interactivo de Python mellorado
IPython can be used as a replacement for the standard Python shell, or it
can be used as a complete working environment for scientific computing
(like Matlab or Mathematica) when paired with the standard Python
scientific and numerical tools. It supports dynamic object introspections,
numbered input/output prompts, a macro system, session logging, session
restoring, complete system shell access, verbose and colored traceback
reports, auto-parentheses, auto-quoting, and is embeddable in other Python
This package contains the Python 3 variant of ipython terminal shell. For
the qt console install ipython3-qtconsole and for the html notebook
install ipython3-notebook.
Package: ircd-ratbox-dbg
Description-md5: b473c0329a6428efd6f3c973591d51a2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ircd-ratbox
ircd-ratbox is a full featured ircd. It is the primary ircd used on
EFNet, combining the stability of an ircd required for a large production
network together with a rich set of features making it suitable for use on
smaller networks.
ircd-ratbox also has a twin services package with compatibility code in
ircd-ratbox allowing for enhanced features and better support for networks
with channel registration.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para depurar ircd-ratbox.
Package: irssi-plugin-xmpp-dbg
Description-md5: 87e3aae394ae5694dc17249cca272fdc
Description-gl: Engadido de XMPP para irssi - Símbolos de depuración
An irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network, using the XMPP protocol.
Its main features are:
- Sending and receiving messages in irssi's query windows
- A roster with contact & resource tracking (contact list)
- Contact management (add, remove, manage subscriptions)
- Tab completion of commands, JIDs and resources
- Support for multiple accounts
- Unicode support (UTF-8)
- SSL support
This package features debugging symbols for the plugin.
Package: isag
Description-md5: 10d9efc76195047a9a61b2432a52444d
Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva de gráficas de actividade do sistema para sysstat
This package provides the command isag, which graphically displays the
system activity data stored in the binary logs produced by sar (in the
package sysstat).
Package: isc-dhcp-server-ldap
Description-md5: 315981eda99e6f970143cbd2e782b05c
Description-gl: DHCP server able to use LDAP as backend
This is the server from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation
of DHCP. For more information, visit
O Protocolo de Configuración Dinámica de Hóspedes (DHCP) é un protocolo
parecido a BOOTP (de feito, dhcpd inclúe moita da funcionalidade de
bootpd). Dálles "alugueiros" de enderezos IP ás máquinas clientes e pode
axustar automaticamente a súa configuración de rede.
This is the DHCP server with LDAP patches applied to it.
Package: isync
Description-md5: 346286ab5ef04e3848fea0f0054e67b7
Description-gl: Synchronize a local maildir with a remote IMAP4 mailbox
Command line applications which synchronize a local maildir-style mailbox
with a remote IMAP4 mailbox, suitable for use in disconnected mode.
Multiple copies of the remote IMAP4 mailbox can be maintained, and all
flags and messages are synchronized.
O aplicativo mellorouse moito na versión 1.0. Esas melloras conduciron a
uns cambios na interface e a que se lle mudara o nome para mbsync. O
aplicativo isync é agora só unha envoltura para manter a compatibilidade
coas versións anteriores.
* Fast mode for fetching new mail only
* Supports imaps: (port 993) TLS/SSL connections
* Supports STARTTLS (RFC2595) for confidentiality
* Supports NAMESPACE (RFC2342)
* Supports CRAM-MD5 (RFC2095) for authentication
Package: italc-master
Description-md5: 748e0a8e41a86d25f4aade8453f525ce
Description-gl: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - master
iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students
from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a
teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them
need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide
support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them.
Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the
students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore,
actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on
or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Este paquete contén o software preciso para observar e controlar clientes
de iTALC fornecidos polo paquete italc-client.
Package: jackd
Description-md5: 43e39fc581e16852c662fc98fa2d411f
Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package)
JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios
aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son
entre eles.
This dummy package depends on the current default JACK implementation.
Package: jackd1
Description-md5: d236af7f48ea4bfa984ea4189cd1b635
Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios
aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son
entre eles.
This package contains the daemon jackd as well as some example clients.
Package: jackd1-firewire
Description-md5: c3f26cc90d191e69646780df881bf7f5
Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO backend)
JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios
aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son
entre eles.
This package contains the IEEE1394 (FireWire) backend (FFADO).
Package: jackd2
Description-md5: d236af7f48ea4bfa984ea4189cd1b635
Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios
aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son
entre eles.
This package contains the daemon jackd as well as some example clients.
Package: jackd2-firewire
Description-md5: 9dfd1fd2943e615b8306d61e7422d9a5
Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO and FreeBoB backends)
JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios
aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son
entre eles.
This package contains the IEEE1394 (FireWire) backends FFADO and FreeBoB.
Package: jackeq
Description-md5: d0e1eb78c3d2a24535ca9505c13db9d5
Description-gl: encamiña e manipula son desde/cara varias fontes
jackEQ is a tool for routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple
input/output sources. It runs in the JACK Audio Connection Kit, and uses
LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the DJ EQ swh plugin created
by Steve Harris, one of jackEQ's main authors.
jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the
treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications output. Designed
specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing
consoles which the main author has used.
jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart
as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female entity in JACKs realm. Is
jackEQ more than you can handle?
Package: jargoninformatique
Description-md5: 6a640505bfa562a62ee18e9e6b18b9e4
Description-gl: French dictionary of computer vocabulary
Front End for the French computing dictionary Jargon Informatique.
This computing dictionary contains more than 10 000 words! Its user-
friendly interface lets you easily find the words you want.
Sitio web:
Package: jargoninformatique-data
Description-md5: be73a696484e470bc3d3ddc293fb5466
Description-gl: Data files for jargoninformatique
This package contains the dictionary for Jargon Informatique, and its GUI
graphic elements.
Sitio web:
Package: javacc-doc
Description-md5: 63bd08852a4922c925edd7d1c73ffbbc
Description-gl: Documentation for the JavaCC Parser Generator
Documentación e exemplos do xerados do analizador sintáctico JavaCC.
Java Compiler-Compiler (JavaCC) is (according to sun) "the most popular
parser generator" for use with Java [tm] applications.
A parser generator is a tool that reads a grammar specification and
converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar.
In addition to the parser generator itself, JavaCC provides other standard
capabilities related to parser generation such as tree building (via a
tool called JJTree included with JavaCC), actions, debugging, etc.
Package: javamorph
Description-md5: 7d31acdf90793dc13f4c85be922c11f4
Description-gl: Java morphing film-make program for pixel picture-input
Déalle dúas imaxes de caras humanas ao programa. A seguir, marque os
lugares importantes das dúas caras en pares de puntos. O programa crea
unha serie curta de imaxes numeradas nas que a imaxe da esquerda se
transforma (morphs) na da dereita. A partir de aí é posíbel crear un vídeo
en MPEG (vexa mencoder) coa serie de imaxes. Tamén é posíbel crear un GIF
animado (vexa GIMP).
Package: jblas-doc
Description-md5: 05fa01c1356481a9e5630de56109db2b
Description-gl: fast linear algebra library for Java
jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is essentially a
light-weight wrapper around BLAS and LAPACK routines, the de-facto
industry standard for matrix computations. It uses state-of-the-art
implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making it
very fast.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: jclic
Description-md5: 996d378885b06305e751db0071de2f78
Description-gl: Ferramenta para o desenvolvemento e uso de actividades educativas multimedia
JClic está constituído por un conxunto de aplicativos informáticos
empregados para realizar diferentes tipos de actividades educativas:
puzzles, asociacións, exercicios de texto, encrucillados,...
Normalmente, as actividades non se empregan soas, senón que se empaquetan
en proxectos. Un proxecto está formado por un conxunto de actividades e
unha ou máis secuencias, que indican a orde na que as hai que presentar.
A súa comunidade ( ten desenvolvido
un sitio web con máis de 1.000 actividades dispoñíbeis en varias linguas.
Este paquete contén JClic-author para crear e modificar proxectos de
actividades, o reprodutor autónomo de JClic para xogar coas actividades e
JClic-reports, que permite a xestión dunha database para anotar o traballo
e os resultados dos alumnos.
Package: jclicmoodle
Description-md5: 25855859acc5a726ccb814d3de32a62e
Description-gl: JClic module for Moodle
Módulo de actividades do Moodle que permite empregar miniaplicativos en
JClic como tipo de recursos novo nos cursos. O módulo recolle e mostra os
resultados das actividades feitas polo alumnado.
Moodle is a free, open-source PHP web application for producing modular
internet-based courses that support a modern social constructionist
pedagogy. Available
JClic é un ambiente para a creación, implementación e avaliación de
actividades educativas desenvolvido na plataforma Java. Dispoñíbel en
Package: jed
Description-md5: 4ce3c9884bc31b74e1d9462becd1a461
Description-gl: editor for programmers (textmode version)
Jed is a small, fast (faster startup than bash) and powerful text editor.
Completamente personalizábel, con modos de emulación preparados para
Emacs, CUA (semellante a KDE/Gnome/OpenOffice), Borland-IDE, Brief e EDT.
Extensíbel na linguaxe de scripts S-Lang (cunha sintaxe semellante á de
Editing functions: folding support; rectangular cut/paste; regular
expression search/replace; incremental searches; search/replace across
multiple files; multiple windows; multiple buffers; ...
Tools: directory editor (dired); info (browse GNU info files); mail;
rmail; ispell; shell mode; ...
Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for Basic, C,
C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, NROFF, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript,
Python, SH. Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC-
TeX style editing and BibTeX)
Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package.
Package: jenkins-executable-war-doc
Description-md5: 2c9cd983dc537d6885f9dd8719f025ff
Description-gl: Documentación de jenkins-executable-war-java
Executable war wrapper for building Java war (web archives) that can be
executed in a similar fashion to Java jar files, for example:
java -jar jenkins.war
This package contains the API documentation of jenkins-executable-war.
Package: jenkins-memory-monitor-doc
Description-md5: c0575217eb695a155aaad94299b15a78
Description-gl: Documentación de jenkins-memory-monitor.
This library provides native integration for monitoring memory and swap
usage from within Java code. It is used by the Jenkins CI application to
monitor these statistics on Jenkins master and slave nodes.
This package provides the API documentation for jenkins-memory-monitor.
Package: jenkins-task-reactor-doc
Description-md5: 75ae7694dc8f611557408d43ea0d749d
Description-gl: Documentación de jenkins-task-reactor
This library provide a generic task execution and control framework which
is used extensively within the Jenkins CI toolset.
This package provides the API documentation for jenkins-task-reactor.
Package: jenkins-test-annotations-doc
Description-md5: 0cc8a0ebf9ebd26eb247b7b7912d5823
Description-gl: Documentación de jenkins-test-annotations
This library is used by the Jenkins project to track test cases with other
things such as bug or issue information through the use of Java
This package contains the API documentation of jenkins-test-annotations.
Package: jeuclid-cli
Description-md5: ffb4b721bb10551591dd9b5230edf951
Description-gl: Complete MathML rendering solution (command line tools)
JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of:
* A MathViewer application
* Command line converters from MathML to other formats
* An ant task for automated conversion
* Display components for AWT and Swing
* A component for Apache Cocoon
Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes.
Package: jfractionlab
Description-md5: e21765595efa9973f7637357fe936964
Description-gl: Programa educativo para practicar as fraccións
JFractionLab is a nice tool for math students that are learning the use
and operation of fractions.
It provides a collection of nice exercices with a numeric and visual
representation of the fractions.
JFractionLab shows the user every step of the calculation and therefore
helps him to understand them.
It gives the user an answer after each input, making impossible to have a
false answer.
Package: jftp
Description-md5: 3046c53d919f2fee80a417b9f41234f9
Description-gl: Cliente gráfico en Java para FTP, SMB, SFTP e NFS
JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP
using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS,
HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced
features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers
while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a
Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
Package: jfugue
Description-md5: 0c6725287fd37a742d24dbdc6891dd4b
Description-gl: Java API for music programming - transitional package
JFugue is a Java API for music programming that does not require the
programmer to be aware of all the complexities of MIDI. The music can be
synthetized from strings that describe its notes, chords, instruments,
etc., or can be generated in real-time in many different ways.
JFugue supports playing music in real time as well as saving it to MIDI
files or send it to MIDI devices.
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza
após de ter instaladas as súas dependencias.
Package: jigzo
Description-md5: c057f12dcc6dc1228328e6c18b252cd7
Description-gl: Crebacabezas de fotos para nenos
jigzo (formerly glpuzzle) is a jigsaw puzzle game. Choose from 12 puzzles
of increasing difficult. The difficulty ranges from 4 to 25 puzzle pieces.
This game requires a OpenGl hardware acceleration.
Package: jmeter
Description-md5: a28a94459bd61f4922252964bb5fa181
Description-gl: Load testing and performance measurement application (main application)
Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load
test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally
designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test
Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal.
Package: jmol
Description-md5: 91f50ca30034bf1702585335385fd0d4
Description-gl: Visor molecular
Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
Features include reading a variety of file types and output from quantum
chemistry programs, and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal
modes from quantum programs. It includes with features for chemicals,
crystals, materials and biomolecules. Jmol might be useful for students,
educators, and researchers in chemistry and biochemistry.
File formats read by Jmol include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, MDL Molfile,
Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, ABINIT, ACES-II, Dalton and VASP.
Package: jockey-common
Description-md5: 0428b583757bfbc2ef1deb74d5d935e9
Description-gl: user interface and desktop integration for driver management
Jockey provides a user interface for configuring third-party drivers, such
as the Nvidia and ATI fglrx and various Wireless LAN kernel modules.
Este paquete contén os datos comúns compartidos entre as interfaces.
Package: jovie
Description-md5: 6a6dcb711454fc7ba3895f205f2b7fb5
Description-gl: text-to-speech system
The Jovie text-to-speech system is a plugin based service that allows any
KDE (or non-KDE) application to speak using the D-Bus interface.
It uses the speech-dispatcher daemon for the actual speech job; kmouth is
an useful front-end for it.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: jovie-dbg
Description-md5: 49e175afa9a99d17f07890e5165198d5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do jovie
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do jovie. Úsase para poder
incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos ou para
executar o jovie en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que teñan sentido
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE
Package: jsmath-fonts
Description-md5: ede55671204017a66c7d2b9362a768b2
Description-gl: raster fonts for jsMath
Rasterized fonts saved in image files to enable viewing of jsMath pages by
a web-browser which is missing access to TeX fonts.
Páxina web:
Package: jsmath-fonts-sprite
Description-md5: 1a74bf640445cf9dc073a2f5e96fdb4e
Description-gl: raster fonts for jsMath plugin spriteImageFonts
Rasterized fonts saved in separate image files -- 1 image per font to
enable viewing of jsMath pages by a web-browser which is missing access to
TeX fonts. Sprite organization of raster fonts elivates the problem of
jsmath-fonts, which is a tremendous number of images since each character
has a separate image file. But such advantage comes at speed and
compatibility cost.
Páxina web:
Package: jstest-gtk
Description-md5: 82e50f1c5656dce61e42effc775dcfd3
Description-gl: ferramenta de configuración e proba de joystick
jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of
attached joysticks, and for each one can display which buttons and axes
are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.
Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it
a try, as the calibration lets you get rid of overlarge default deadzones
that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.
Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to
store your calibration settings and mappings and have the automatically
Package: jstest-gtk-dbg
Description-md5: 839da4f3e3d0bdf4e4777b1ee25b6079
Description-gl: joystick testing and configuration tool - debug
jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of
attached joysticks, and for each one can display which buttons and axes
are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.
Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it
a try, as the calibration lets you get rid of overlarge default deadzones
that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: jsymphonic
Description-md5: 79d18fb946e40f6b6eab086ccc6816f6
Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros para os reprodutores de MP3 da Sony
Symphonic is a file manager for Sony's flash players (such as the NW-E00x
series), where songs are stored in a proprietary format not very Unix-
This program provides functionalities similar to the proprietary Windows-
only SonicStage software given by Sony to interact with the players.
Package: juk
Description-md5: 79abb73f33494c5f81d84ee96a4badd4
Description-gl: music jukebox / music player
JuK is a powerful music player capable of managing a large music
Some of JuK's features include:
* Music collection, playlists, and smart playlists
* Tag editing support, including the ability to edit multiple files at once
* Tag-based music file organization and renaming
* CD burning support using k3b
* Album art using Google Image Search
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: junior-art
Description-md5: fcea4cbab3d9e0ed4c44f3b59cbd9329
Description-gl: Debian Jr. Art
Ferramentas para que os rapaces poidan crear debuxos. O máis sinxelo é o
tuxpaint, que está deseñado para cativos. Inclúe sons e controles doados
de usar. Para outros nenos, están o Gimp e o xpaint. Aínda que o Gimp é
máis complexo, ten como destinatarios os artistas gráficos, non é
necesariamente moito máis difícil de usar que o xpaint, máis antigo e con
menos funcións. Os rapaces que vaian comezar cun conxunto pequeno das
funcións destas ferramentas lograrán finalmente aprender moitas cousas
novas segundo vaian explorando, sexa con adultos ou con outros rapaces cos
que compartan os computadores ou por eles/as mesmos/as.
Package: junior-kde
Description-md5: e9bc8b865efe9e5019bfceb8909185ee
Description-gl: Debian Jr. para KDE
This package includes a collection of programs for children which are
built for KDE. A KDE desktop is not required in order to run these. They
are kept separate merely so that installing a Debian Jr. system won't drag
in all kinds of KDE dependencies.
Como tal, este paquete non é, de ningunha maneira, unha colección completa
de programas adecuados para rapaces de KDE. O proxecto Jr. de Debian
engadirá unha lista deste tipo no futuro e probabelmente refina o paquete
en categorías da mesma maneira que están organizados agora o resto dos
paquetes de Jr de Debian.
Package: junior-math
Description-md5: 2ce8132ee24a1ec0b660f13f2835464f
Description-gl: Debian Jr. educational math
Este paquete instala programas educativos de matemáticas axeitados para
cativos. Algúns dos paquetes empregan matemáticas que están alén das
habilidades dos rapaces (p.ex. fractais e criptografía), mais é posíbel
que usalos lles faga sentir algo da beleza das matemáticas desde esas
idades. Outros paquetes permítenlles explorar e aprender conceptos
matemáticas dun xeito entretido e interactivo. Algúns paquetes son máis
xerais e forneces actividades matemáticas só como unha parte do paquete,
p.ex. bsdgames inclúe «aritmética» ademais doutros xogos non matemáticos e
x11-apps fornece xcalc.
Package: junior-system
Description-md5: a56434e4a834669133b543d98ec3205b
Description-gl: Debian Jr. System tools
This package includes a few tools for helping children learn about and use
their system.
O Midnight Commander é máis do que un simple xestor de ficheiros. É unha
consola coa que os rapaces poden explorar e xestionar as súas contas. Pode
ser unha grande axuda para os moi novos porque aforra escribir moito (en
comparación con utilizar directamente unha consola de liña de ordes).
Tamén está empaquetado con potencia e flexibilidade que poden beneficiar
por igual a rapaces maiores e a adultos.
The 'hello' sample program can be used as an instructional aid, as an
example of how to invoke programs from the shell, specify switches, use
the man page, and so on.
Finally, lavaps not only provides a very pleasing way to visualize running
processes and the resources they use, but can also make discovering and
killing errant processes an easy thing to do for children who lack the
ability yet to easily manage "ps" and "kill" from the command line.
Package: jwchat
Description-md5: 992da6e06c138345e7911039fb232d5c
Description-gl: full featured, web-based Jabber chat client
JWChat is a full featured, web-based Jabber client. Written using AJAX
technology it relies on JavaScript and HTML at the client-side only. It
supports basic jabber instant messaging, roster management and groupchats
based on the MUC protocol
JWChat is an advanced instant messenger (IM) just like AIM, MSN Messenger,
Yahoo! Messenger or ICQ. This means you can manage your contacts,
communicate with other users in 1:1 chat sessions or join a groupchat room
for collaborative communication. Unlike other IMs you can use this with
your web browser without having to install any additional software at all.
Toda a súa configuración, marcadores e lista de contactos son almacenados
no lado do servidor. Isto significa que terá acceso ao seu cliente
personalizado desde practicamente calquera computador mentres teña acceso
á Internet.
Package: jxplorer
Description-md5: e34607c497252881e3d3fce73025b577
Description-gl: Explorador de LDAP feito con Java
JXplorer is an open source LDAP browser originally developed by Computer
Associates' eTrust Directory development lab. It is a standards compliant
general purpose LDAP browser that can be used to read and search any LDAP
directory, or any X500 directory with an LDAP interface. JXplorer is a
fully functional piece of software with advanced security integration and
support for the more difficult and obscure parts of the LDAP protocol. It
should run on any Java supporting operating system. Main features are:
* Standard LDAP operations: add/delete/copy/modify
* Complex operations: tree copy and tree delete
* Optional GUI based search filter construction
* SSL and SASL authentication
* pluggable editors/viewers
* pluggable security providers
* HTML templates/forms for data display
* Full i18n support
* LDIF file format support
* highly user configurable
* drag-n-drop browsing operation
* DSML Support
* handles complex LDAP cases:
o multi valued rdns
o binary attributes
o Certificates and Passwords
o Unicode characters
o Special characters / UTF8 in distinguished names.
* Extensible architecture with object class based Java plugins
Package: k3b
Description-md5: c76b0e46810cfd0637ba2d7954169eff
Description-gl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
Package: k3b-data
Description-md5: a2459f96b8b6a7609c11713d34f611c3
Description-gl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - data files
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
This package contains the required data files common to all architectures.
Package: k3b-dbg
Description-md5: d474bbe90d7a8b1fd5e9098036ba2c10
Description-gl: Sofisticado aplicativo de gravación de CD/DVD - símbolos de depuración
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co k3b. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: k3b-extrathemes
Description-md5: bb2e32a30a950937f14827efcaec94e4
Description-gl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - extra themes
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
Este paquete contén temas adicionais para o K3b.
Package: k3b-i18n
Description-md5: 5fb8fb0100bddccb8852d63a9309b9f4
Description-gl: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - localizations files
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
This package contains translations files.
Package: kaccessible
Description-md5: 97620e996ab1483391472ef3c1c95340
Description-gl: accessibility services for Qt applications
kaccessible implements a QAccessibleBridgePlugin to provide accessibility
services like focus tracking and a screen reader.
* kaccessibleapp: un servizo de activación de D-Bus que funciona como proxy.
* kaccessiblebridge: un engadido para Qt que é cargado pola infraestrutura QAccessible
en cada aplicativo de Qt e KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kaccessible-dbg
Description-md5: 0998d2cc7857340dfb2007051896db29
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kaccessible
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kaccessible. Úsase para
poder incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos ou
para executar o kaccessible en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que teñan
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kacpimon
Description-md5: 0ab93b52761358c59929feec6034eee9
Description-gl: Kernel ACPI Event Monitor
Os computadores modernos admiten a Interface de configuración avanzada e
enerxía (ACPI), que permite xestionar de maneira intelixente da enerxía do
sistema e obter a situación e a configuración da batería.
kacpimon is a small tool that monitors kernel ACPI and keyboard events
from multiple interfaces and reports them to the console.
Package: kaddressbook
Description-md5: 9323db52de8edfc4bb4a337389943339
Description-gl: address book and contact data manager
KAddressBook enables you to manage your contacts efficiently and
comfortably. It can load and save your contacts to many different
locations, including the local file system, LDAP servers, and SQL
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kaddressbook-mobile
Description-md5: 40af2460e0169da64cfbc697f3aa711e
Description-gl: address book and contact data manager for mobile environments
This package provides a convenient application for managing your addresses
and contacts on mobile devices. It focuses on usability with touchscreen
displays and potentially small screen sizes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kadu-dev
Description-md5: a79579e32e04f89f5fe410d4ddf24736
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar engadidos para kadu
Gadu-Gadu is a Windows instant messenger, very popular in Poland. Kadu is
a Qt4 client of Gadu-Gadu and XMPP for *nix systems.
This package provides development files needed to compile plugins for
Package: kaffeine-dbg
Description-md5: cda2e0bac70dc6d582b415351ca275b5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Kaffeine
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co Kaffeine. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: kajongg
Description-md5: fb414308a1b578b0a589e7e8fce92f1d
Description-gl: classical Mah Jongg game
This is the classical Mah Jongg for four players. If you are looking for
the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application kmahjongg.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kalarm
Description-md5: 9ab6dc514fd38fce2fd701631bd7f820
Description-gl: alarm message, command and email scheduler
KAlarm provides a graphical interface to schedule personal timed events -
pop-up alarm messages, command execution and sending emails. There is a
range of options for configuring recurring events.
A pop-up alarm can show either a simple text message, or the contents of a
text or image file. It can optionally be spoken, or play a sound file. You
can choose its appearance, and set reminders. Among KAlarm's other
facilities, you can set up templates to allow KAlarm to be used as a 'tea
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kalgebra
Description-md5: 3839e1dbb198fa22a1952a06364f0c27
Description-gl: algebraic graphing calculator
KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing
and MathML markup language.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalgebra-common
Description-md5: 05e8b587fee89b27c5fbe3cf789c85c8
Description-gl: contains files common for kalgebra and kalgebramobile
KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing
and MathML markup language and it contains files needed for both full and
mobile versions.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalgebra-dbg
Description-md5: 7eaae92de59bec39efb3b9494d0bbbf9
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do módulo de educación do KDE
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kalgebra.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalgebramobile
Description-md5: b8e44274db8c55312477e9004b0a4adf
Description-gl: algebraic graphing calculator for small touch based interfaces
KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing
and MathML markup language. This is the version for small touch based
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalzium
Description-md5: 67d773ea4e03fd7ca0c86204051e26c8
Description-gl: periodic table and chemistry tools
Kalzium is a full-featured chemistry application, including a Periodic
Table of Elements, chemical reference, chemical equation solver, and 3D
molecule viewer.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalzium-data
Description-md5: 9c6c7933ca013eda471dbd3ad78d1d8e
Description-gl: data files for Kalzium
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do
Kalzium, o aplicativo de táboa periódica do KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kalzium-dbg
Description-md5: 99d24c8bbb3471a7a29891dc8a0f6a7d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Kalzium
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en Kalzium
Package: kamailio-dbg
Description-md5: deb6872bd83014edf323f4150780af95
Description-gl: very fast and configurable SIP proxy [debug symbols]
Kamailio is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) proxy server. Written
entirely in C, Kamailio can handle thousands calls per second even on low-
budget hardware.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos binarios do Kamailio e
dos seus módulos. Só o hai que instalar se hai que depurar o Kamailio.
Package: kamera
Description-md5: 65aef3b5650e85639fcaecf31cf6c5ea
Description-gl: digital camera support for KDE applications
This package allows any KDE application to access and manipulate pictures
on a digital camera.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kamera-dbg
Description-md5: 9e007e6f71e9ab2608720e505c605a3e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kamera
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
the kamera binaries.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kamoso
Description-md5: 8211867cb78e15e620c3f85f8cd648a3
Description-gl: ferramenta para tirar fotos e vídeos coa súa cámara web
Kamoso is a utility that does the very simple actions a webcam offers,
like taking pictures or recording videos and adds some extra features that
will make the webcam usage both funnier and more useful.
Package: kanagram
Description-md5: 752f033c7bf7099d4852d3e7d35d314d
Description-gl: jumble word puzzle
KAnagram is a game where a random word is shown with its letters
scrambled. To win, the player must rearrange the letters into the correct
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE
Package: kapman
Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b
Description-gl: Clon do Pac-Man
Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the
levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you,
but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You
win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life
for each 10,000 points. When you have eaten all the pills and energizers
of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kapptemplate-dbg
Description-md5: 32be16120d744fd314dba0ef5021a879
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kapptemplate
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kapptemplate.
Package: kate
Description-md5: 16b212a84f4addb3e17b287f9e77a0f1
Description-gl: K Advanced Text Editor
Kate is a powerful text editor that can open multiple files
With a built-in terminal, syntax highlighting, and tabbed sidebar, it
performs as a lightweight but capable development environment. Kate's
many tools, plugins, and scripts make it highly customizable.
Kate's features include:
* Multiple saved sessions, each with numerous files
* Scriptable syntax highlighting, indentation, and code-folding
* Configurable templates and text snippets
* Symbol viewers for C, C++, and Python
* XML completion and validation
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kate-data
Description-md5: 1b0fffadb5f88999a1f84067f5d944b1
Description-gl: shared data files for kate
This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files
needed for kate.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kate-dbg
Description-md5: d9b12d9357751bc1e9483f33211e2905
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Kate
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en Kate.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: katomic
Description-md5: c9c644628319d8086ad12b5fc03eb370
Description-gl: atomix puzzle game
KAtomic is a puzzle game in which the player slides atoms around the board
to assemble a molecule.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kbibtex
Description-md5: ef34b0b7e75860df9deab7756f162d34
Description-gl: Editor de BibTeX para KDE
Un aplicativo para xestionar bases de datos de bibliografía no formato
BibTeX. O KBibTeX pódese empregar como programa autónomo mais tamén pode
incorporarse a outros aplicativos de KDE (p.ex. como editor de
bibliografías do Kile).
KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable
search URLs. It is also able to import complete datasets from NCBI Pubmed.
It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references
to local files.
BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using
a number of citation styles.
Package: kblackbox
Description-md5: 4de8b1d57649213f0f71702357fab729
Description-gl: Black Box puzzle game
KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on an grid of boxes, where the
player shoots rays into the grid to deduce the positions of hidden
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kblocks
Description-md5: 9e688237d7d76557776ea028205cfa20
Description-gl: Xogo de caída de bloques
KBlocks is a single player falling blocks puzzle game, a Tetris-like
replacement for KSirtet.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kbounce
Description-md5: df0e749a9563ae02a5eed508f8558420
Description-gl: Jezzball arcade game
KBounce is a game where the player builds walls to confine a number of
bouncing balls.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kbreakout
Description-md5: 0981e70bbeb150eac27aeb06843f7278
Description-gl: ball and paddle game
kbreakout is a game similar to the classics breakout and xboing, featuring
a number of added graphical enhancements and effects. You control a
paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy bricks at the
top by bouncing balls against them.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kbruch
Description-md5: 2b96a4ef0de8a316ebf8e0a2bb1fc180
Description-gl: fraction learning aid for KDE
KBruch is an aid for learning how to calculate with fractions.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kbruch-dbg
Description-md5: 772a57b8fa624ded80a4a0733550550f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kbruch
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con kbruch.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kcachegrind-dbg
Description-md5: e8b7aa91d0dcf7d6a171a8f02fd9a40d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo Software Development Kit de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de desenvolvemento de
software do KDE 4.
Package: kcalc
Description-md5: e82ed4e5e66f53562d4e898716e5e775
Description-gl: simple and scientific calculator
KCalc is a scientific calculator.
KCalc provides:
* Trigonometric functions, logic operations, and statistical calculations
* Calculation in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary bases
* Memory functions for storing results
* A comprehensive collection of mathematical constants
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: kcc
Description-md5: 9a8106f03ffc26b71a786082b01c103f
Description-gl: Kanji code filter
kcc can converts various Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP, 7bitJIS,
8bitJIS and ShiftJIS with Half-width Kana supports. kcc can detect these
encoding automatically as much as possible.
Patrocinado por Fumitoshi UKAI
Package: kcharselect
Description-md5: e506cbd8befd6637870c979fcdc9ab3a
Description-gl: special character utility
KCharSelect is a utility for finding special characters which are not
available on the keyboard. It can search for characters by Unicode
number, display characters in any font, and copy characters to the
clipboard so they can be pasted into documents.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: kchmviewer
Description-md5: 7ca16d9580fc5de3f84374e0e3bb798a
Description-gl: Visor de CHM para KDE
KchmViewer is a chm (MS HTML help file format) viewer, written in C++.
Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, it uses Trolltech Qt widget
library, and does not depend on KDE or GNOME. However, it may be compiled
with full KDE support, including KDE widgets and KIO/KHTML.
The main advantage of KchmViewer is non-English language support. Unlike
others, KchmViewer in most cases correctly detects help file encoding,
correctly shows tables of context of Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese
help files, and correctly searches in non-English help files (search for
MBCS languages - ja/ko/ch is still in progress).
Completely safe and harmless. Does not support JavaScript in any way,
optionally warns you before opening an external web page, or switching to
another help file. Shows an appropriate image for every TOC entry.
KchmViewer Has complete chm index support, including multiple index
entries, cross-links and parent/child entries in index as well as
Persistent bookmarks support. Correctly detects and shows encoding of any
valid chm file.
Package: kcm-touchpad
Description-md5: 910d98ede0498c8f9c4bc991a92bff55
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-config-touchpad
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-config-touchpad and can be
safely removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kcolorchooser
Description-md5: ca21cbab5c251321a8a39106095f6d32
Description-gl: color chooser and palette editor
KColorChooser is a color palette tool, used to mix colors and create
custom color palettes. Using the dropper, it can obtain the color of any
pixel on the screen.
Inclúese unha chea de paletas de cores frecuentes, como as cores estándar
da Web e o esquema de cores de Oxygen.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kde-base-artwork
Description-md5: d7e3782a0d635a291e5eca62ab36d60d
Description-gl: base artwork for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains artwork for a basic KDE Workspace installation.
Actualmente consiste dun tema de pantalla de inicio para KDE.
Package: kde-baseapps
Description-md5: 71634093847cc779509cf1f77c9b3282
Description-gl: base applications from the official KDE release (meta-package)
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This package provides core applications for the KDE 4 desktop.
Package: kde-baseapps-bin
Description-md5: 736ead5b70009db5c85b3448bdf8d819
Description-gl: core binaries for the KDE base applications
This package contains miscellaneous programs needed by other KDE
applications, particularly those in the KDE base module.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kde-baseapps-data
Description-md5: 678272c50dabca9a223095baa6e23ff1
Description-gl: shared data files for the KDE base applications
This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files
needed for a basic KDE 4 desktop installation.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kde-baseapps-dbg
Description-md5: 402c353c8c2ae1136238306e5d0b33c3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo de aplicativos base de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de aplicativos de base do
Package: kde-config-cddb
Description-md5: 57d2710bd3d8b5f8ee4800c30aa6a38e
Description-gl: CDDB retrieval configuration
This package contains a configuration module for tweaking CDDB retrieval
settings for applications using the libkcddb library from the KDE
Multimedia Platform.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kde-config-cron
Description-md5: d78d91dad0aad822ffaf90bde4327d02
Description-gl: program scheduler frontend
kde-config-cron is a KDE configuration module for scheduling programs to
run at specific intervals using cron, the UNIX scheduling service.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: kde-config-cron-dbg
Description-md5: 272e3ffbcca0e9c3041aec9f2cf2e082
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kcron
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdeadmin. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: kde-config-pimactivity
Description-md5: fbb5a48b2e10e4dda8d5ffa95c0500f3
Description-gl: Módulo de configuración de actividades para KDE PIM
This package contains the configuration module that allows to you
configure your Identities, Tranports and Collections for different
workspace activities.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kde-dev-utils-dbg
Description-md5: c6cff3762db9226b036fe4510addd2a6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kde-dev-utils
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kde-dev-utils.
Package: kde-full
Description-md5: 2a5a2a91383527e4dbde0d70f736a8b7
Description-gl: complete KDE Software Compilation for end users
KDE é unha plataforma de escritorio de software libre e un conxunto de
aplicativos potente, integrada e doada de empregar.
Este metapaquete inclúe todos os módulos oficiais publicados coa
Compilación de Software de KDE que non son específicas do desenvolvemento,
así como outros aplicativos de KDE que resultan útiles para os usuarios de
escritorio. Insto inclúe multimedia, rede, gráficos, educación, xogos,
ferramentas para a administración do sistema e outras imaxes e utilidades.
Package: kde-icons-mono
Description-md5: b970c8d6aa78a539fb23c6089cc1d776
Description-gl: monochromatic icons theme
A monochromatic icon theme, designed for accessibility purposes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE
Package: kde-icons-nuvola
Description-md5: ab4e9243502535f4818d8b290aae5624
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para o tema de iconas Nuvola
Transitional package for ease upgrading from Nuvola icons as shipped in
KDE 3 series.
Package: kde-l10n-ar
Description-md5: 054a1232256b546568c0aef32b70a7f6
Description-gl: Localización en árabe (ar) para o KDE
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos
principais de KDE do idioma «árabe».
Package: kde-l10n-bg
Description-md5: 2cc8d5935486eba438ef9859fa601ea1
Description-gl: Localización en búlgaro (bg) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Bulgarian".
Package: kde-l10n-bs
Description-md5: 7e531d0ab2296930bc88c669e6837cc4
Description-gl: Localización en bosnio (bs) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Bosnian".
Package: kde-l10n-ca
Description-md5: c89cb373af06097dc4b075230ce58c3a
Description-gl: Localización en catalán (ca) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Catalan".
Package: kde-l10n-ca-valencia
Description-md5: a0c6474987ea82427a8be08ebffed406
Description-gl: Localización en catalán de valencia (ca-valencia) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Catalan (Valencian)".
Package: kde-l10n-cs
Description-md5: 8bfab92583f8f2541970a29db5454be5
Description-gl: Localización en checo (cs) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Czech".
Package: kde-l10n-da
Description-md5: a4a7d33d5386014d1ca7a289ceea0e86
Description-gl: Localización en dinamarqués (da) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Danish".
Package: kde-l10n-de
Description-md5: 2bc1d8cad9cb090e1e04b3dc1b59fd48
Description-gl: Localización en alemán (de) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "German".
Package: kde-l10n-el
Description-md5: 0fd1591f18a63a28f1407ca64972508f
Description-gl: Localización en grego (el) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Greek".
Package: kde-l10n-engb
Description-md5: de24b5f66523f8b02f616f8c71bc7717
Description-gl: Localización en inglés británico (engb) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "British English".
Package: kde-l10n-et
Description-md5: 6a18930fc14cb0e74e4ca7a6022890c9
Description-gl: Localización en estoniano (et) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Estonian".
Package: kde-l10n-eu
Description-md5: 7d206c6f4df23a5ff8e3687b5fe8d734
Description-gl: Localización en éuscaro (eu) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Basque".
Package: kde-l10n-fa
Description-md5: ef44287a3c8f8cc054e1eb529cfceedf
Description-gl: Localización en farsi (fa) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Farsi".
Package: kde-l10n-fi
Description-md5: 444270a3d219456c58ce5c68e3f451a2
Description-gl: Localización en finlandés (fi) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Finnish".
Package: kde-l10n-fr
Description-md5: a726c22b6a309d7acf73a573120cf009
Description-gl: Localización en francés (fr) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "French".
Package: kde-l10n-gl
Description-md5: c994aede9c058c58bf6f72c8835e5b6b
Description-gl: Localización en galego (gl) para o KDE
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos
principais de KDE do idioma «Galego».
Package: kde-l10n-he
Description-md5: 35af83d2f14a660b10f5c90a59035d49
Description-gl: Localización en hebreo (he) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Hebrew".
Package: kde-l10n-hr
Description-md5: 6bb814f894488cab23855bf018b66ccc
Description-gl: Localización en croata (hr) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Croatian".
Package: kde-l10n-nl
Description-md5: b1fac3b547b4f97505d1718d59b9a319
Description-gl: Localización en holandés (nl) para o KDE
This package contains the translation files for all KDE core applications
for the language "Dutch".
Package: kde-l10n-pt
Description-md5: 13d8154a168787823adb10511589fd28
Description-gl: Localización en portugués (pt) para o KDE
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos
principais de KDE do idioma «portugués»
Package: kde-l10n-ptbr
Description-md5: 9e0aeab7267c8953d3cf7aa8a490cab5
Description-gl: Localización en portugués do Brasil (ptbr) para o KDE
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos
principais de KDE do idioma «portugués do Brasil»
Package: kde-plasma-desktop
Description-md5: dda525830e71382895be1bce7ba76f00
Description-gl: KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of applications
KDE é unha plataforma de escritorio de software libre e un conxunto de
aplicativos potente, integrada e doada de empregar.
This metapackage pulls in the core modules released with the KDE Software
Compilation including the basic KDE Plasma Desktop, minimal set of basic
applications (browser, file manager, text editor, system settings, panel,
etc.), important libraries and data.
Package: kde-plasma-netbook
Description-md5: 2f11ed53c75d97a81770bf82eaaf2d18
Description-gl: KDE Plasma Netbook and minimal set of applications
KDE é unha plataforma de escritorio de software libre e un conxunto de
aplicativos potente, integrada e doada de empregar.
This metapackage pulls in the core modules released with the KDE Software
Compilation including the basic KDE Plasma Netbook, minimal set of basic
applications (browser, file manager, text editor, system settings, panel,
etc.), important libraries and data.
Package: kde-runtime
Description-md5: bc084f747944595b9192627383330355
Description-gl: runtime components from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This package contains programs and data needed at runtime by KDE
Package: kde-runtime-data
Description-md5: 3e1b38980db5d8e82b96db163ceb6844
Description-gl: shared data files for the KDE base runtime module
This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files
needed to run KDE applications.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de base do KDE.
Package: kde-runtime-dbg
Description-md5: 26ca0bd9b98a429091d138dac4beadd3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo de tempo de execución base de KDE
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kde-runtime.
Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados
con kde-runtime.
Package: kde-style-bespin
Description-md5: 4c17bb79524f4b2d875113f8b30cf0cb
Description-gl: very glossy Qt4/KDE4 window decoration
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
Package: kde-style-oxygen
Description-md5: 718016946835abbaff633f4d631d80fd
Description-gl: Oxygen widget style
This package provides the Oxygen widget style. It may be used for KDE and
Qt applications.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-style-qtcurve
Description-md5: 605fbcd8508ec752e267dee8b85baa26
Description-gl: QtCurve widget style for KDE 4
This package contains the QtCurve widget style for KDE 4.
QtCurve is a set of widget styles for KDE and GTK+. It provides a
consistent look between KDE and GTK+ applications, which is easy on the
eyes and visually pleasing.
Pódese atopar o motor de temas correspondente en GTK+ no paquete gtk2
Package: kde-style-skulpture
Description-md5: 5f0d16a75ad68d85410fc40e9dd87803
Description-gl: Widget style for Qt4 and KDE 4
Skulpture é un estilo de decoración de xanelas e trebellos para Qt4 e KDE
4 que inclúe imaxes clásicas en tres dimensionais, xunto con outras
características non atopadas noutros estilos.
This package contains the Qt4 and KDE widget style of Skulpture. The
corresponding KWin window decorations are packaged separately in kwin-
Package: kde-telepathy-auth-handler-dbg
Description-md5: 60869c9cca04ae8f187cb1db5822e6cf
Description-gl: KDE Telepathy authentication handler - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do módulo de xestión da
autenticación do Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-call-ui-dbg
Description-md5: dbe6b495df2958335e5323aabf2d76a0
Description-gl: KDE Telepathy UI for audio/video calls - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do módulo da interface Call
do Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-contact-list-dbg
Description-md5: db294992bea57c0bba37ab107946e270
Description-gl: Telepathy contact list for the KDE Plasma Desktop - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da lista de contactos do
Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-debugger
Description-md5: 8c1895ba5d5117d59dfa8095b2a89f12
Description-gl: Ferramentas de depuración para o Telepathy de KDE
This package contains a GUI debugging tool which can be used to debug
issues in Telepathy.
It will show the debugging messages from the various telepathy components.
Package: kde-telepathy-filetransfer-handler-dbg
Description-md5: 5da73c64b6711b47cfbb6b2421c3b84f
Description-gl: KDE Telepathy file transfer handler - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do xestor de transferencia
de ficheiros do Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-integration-module-dbg
Description-md5: 2fee03995db48bdebf271f720c901692
Description-gl: Telepathy integration module for the KDE Workspace - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do módulo de integración do
Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-send-file-dbg
Description-md5: 19b7cd8b41f8f3fc5cf7c33baf7fbbfa
Description-gl: KDE Telepathy dolphin/konqueror integration plugin - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do engadido para enviar
ficheiros do Telepathy de KDE.
Package: kde-telepathy-text-ui-dbg
Description-md5: 4c8847b95822711874580350077f0f6f
Description-gl: Telepathy text chat UI for the KDE Plasma Desktop - debug symbols
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración da interface de conversa con
texto do Telepathy de KDE
Package: kde-thumbnailer-deb
Description-md5: fe7b630f34508b498ac0af7a4d6b95d9
Description-gl: KDE plugin to show thumbnails of Debian package files
QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around
APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs.
Un engadido para os xestores de ficheiros de KDE (Dolphin e Konqueror)
para previsualizar os paquetes de Debian (ficheiros .deb) como miniaturas.
Package: kde-window-manager
Description-md5: f20b263bb7a418f33c7802f64409b044
Description-gl: K window manager (KWin)
This package contains KWin, the KDE window manager, featuring hardware-
accelerated compositing effects.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-window-manager-active
Description-md5: c753ae1566aa55ab17c2766b53645c6a
Description-gl: K window manager (KWinActive)
This package contains KWinActive, the KDE window manager, featuring
hardware-accelerated compositing effects.
This package contains the OpenGL accelerated version.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: kde-window-manager-common
Description-md5: dd8d621653e5bfe60dffd48a23190328
Description-gl: K window manager (KWin) Common Files
This package contains KWin common files used by bother OpenGL and OpenGLES
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: kde-workspace
Description-md5: f3d3d432e8ffcf4aa271d4a5264c2f18
Description-gl: KDE Plasma Workspace components
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This package provides a basic KDE desktop installation.
Package: kde-workspace-bin
Description-md5: 7b07fe10ac3a99a0c9ac7ddcffcdc309
Description-gl: core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains miscellaneous programs needed for a basic desktop
installation. Among other standard KDE Workspace components, the package
provides startkde scripts, ksmserver (the session manager), krunner, the
default KDE screensavers and many KDE configuration modules. This package
is essential to start and use KDE Plasma Workspace.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-workspace-data
Description-md5: 4b5e4ecbbe7648b228d241215fc8c62f
Description-gl: shared data files for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains architecture-independent shared data files needed
for a basic KDE Workspace installation.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-workspace-data-extras
Description-md5: f45d5388a39be915e9f34d9889389e4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-workspace-data
This package is safe to remove
Package: kde-workspace-dbg
Description-md5: cf384158a1745e27f43720a8ea5d925c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos Espazos de traballo do Plasma de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de espazos de traballo de
base de KDE.
Package: kde-workspace-dev
Description-md5: 41322ed8add647c3fe95128962e3320c
Description-gl: development files for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains development files for building software that uses
libraries from the KDE Plasma Workspace.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins
Description-md5: 5ebaa57c206e6887c4e2b8892e636f6b
Description-gl: KDE greet libraries for authentication
This package contains libraries needed for kdm and locker authentication.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kde-zeroconf
Description-md5: b20dc98160f5661050652e288f0963a5
Description-gl: zeroconf plugins and kio slaves for KDE
Zeroconf is an implementation of IPv4 link-local addresses (RFC3927) which
can be used for ad-hoc networks. Addresses are allocated from the range semi-randomly.
Keywords: avahi, dnssd.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: kdeaccessibility
Description-md5: edcc8474c7d4fe0ea99ceb99a05a6589
Description-gl: accessibility packages from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This metapackage includes a collection of programs to make KDE more
accessible, provided with the official release of KDE.
Package: kdeartwork
Description-md5: a745371c36af17fc86218cbec5c0bcb8
Description-gl: themes, styles and other artwork from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This metapackage includes a collection of additional artwork provided with
the official release of KDE.
Package: kdeartwork-dbg
Description-md5: e2654cd3a93d0cef0a556af731f05169
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdeartwork
This package contains the debugging files associated with kdeartwork. They
will automatically be used by gdb for debugging kdeartwork-related issues.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdeartwork-emoticons
Description-md5: f0470a4f23b5bcba1d4ddb8c68952e16
Description-gl: emoticon collections for chat clients
This package contains several collections of emoticons for chat clients,
such as Kopete and Konversation.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdeartwork-style
Description-md5: 3bb65d7552c66fbaa8ec0af901cf9793
Description-gl: widget styles for applications using Qt or KDE Development Platform
Currently it provides the following themes:
* phase
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdeartwork-theme-icon
Description-md5: a7ebebab0da359f6fa5778425a0379a0
Description-gl: additional icon themes
This metapackage installs additional icon themes for KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdeartwork-theme-window
Description-md5: 4ae9283ceb119f58167c556581e53e33
Description-gl: window decoration for the K Window manager (KWin)
This package contains additional window decorations for K Window Manager
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdebase-apps
Description-md5: 37a5ecf22143d6489cef89af3c58a4da
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-baseapps
This transitional package takes care of pulling in the new kde-baseapps
package and can safely be removed after installation.
Package: kdebase-dbg
Description-md5: c878b978cce6d56676d6b70c35068cef
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-baseapps-dbg
This transitional package takes care of pulling in the new kde-baseapps-
dbg package and can safely be removed after installation.
Package: kdebase-runtime
Description-md5: 5cce2bdf5efa7b8fcba369e24bbd05dd
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para os compoñentes do tempo de execución de KDE
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This transitional package takes care of pulling in the new kde-runtime
package and can safely be removed after installation.
Package: kdebase-runtime-dbg
Description-md5: 0367ba448d4852fce6bc8c7eafbfbcae
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-runtime-dbg
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-runtime-dbg and can be safely
removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kdebase-workspace
Description-md5: e055109822cb469a62e87ae0279acb06
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-workspace
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace and can be safely
removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kdebase-workspace-bin
Description-md5: 92ef4f03071b9ae3472fc8e846b39b64
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-workspace-bin
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace-bin and can be
safely removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kdebase-workspace-dbg
Description-md5: 755315e14b453e45b8c074da88bf7eb1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-workspace-dbg
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace-dbg and can be
safely removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kdebase-workspace-dev
Description-md5: 9d0c2afe533a0f03c1477dbd14cebc2d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-workspace-dev
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace-dev and can be
safely removed after the installation is complete.
Package: kdeedu
Description-md5: 0a3dd841e273bd2df44bda7e90f9fc48
Description-gl: aplicativos educativos da edición oficial do KDE 4
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
Este metapaquete inclúe aplicativos educativos fornecidos coa edición
oficial do KDE 4.
Package: kdeedu-kvtml-data
Description-md5: b346231aeecb8f226137f916998bd3f9
Description-gl: KVTML files for KDE-Edu programs
This package contains KVTML files for several KDE-Edu applications, such
as KAnagram, KHangman, and KWordQuiz.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kdegames-card-data
Description-md5: 65704adac43b29d2c0e233997b68e54e
Description-gl: card decks for KDE games
This package contains a collection of playing card themes for KDE card
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kdegames-data
Description-md5: cce1fcb6913ad539e5e37e953cde1359
Description-gl: games from the official KDE release -- shared data files
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This package contains the architecture independent files that are used by
all games.
Package: kdegames-mahjongg-data
Description-md5: 24263f9fa6d3bd8da727df261f92612f
Description-gl: tilesets and backgrounds for Mahjongg games
This package contains a collection of tilesets and backgrounds for
KMahjongg, KShisen and Kajongg.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kdegraphics
Description-md5: 9a5e4b229bb37cb0bffc0a8c4a5291f2
Description-gl: graphics applications from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This metapackage includes graphics applications provided with the official
release of KDE.
Package: kdegraphics-libs-data
Description-md5: 9b25b751bf48dff8f13500d00b8a47e5
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ficheiros de datos de diversas bibliotecas de kdegraphics
This transitional package can be safely removed after installation.
Package: kdegraphics-mobipocket
Description-md5: dd26c48d1fce8f2f8bf82cc5f85160ac
Description-gl: mobipocket plugins for Strigi indexing and thumbnails
This package contains a plugin to read mobi files as thumbnails in KDE.
It also has a plugin for Strigi to read mobi files.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer
Description-md5: f8fa8dba8aac159bb28977010bed2679
Description-gl: graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search
These plugins allow Strigi Desktop Search to extract additional
information about several document and graphic file formats.
Strigi analyzers are included for:
* Device independent documents (DVI)
* Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) files
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kdegraphics-strigi-plugins
Description-md5: 5e42dc918bfd33c4224529700fba5e00
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para engadidos relacionados con kdegraphics
This transitional package allows one to migrate to the packages providing
thumbnailers and Strigi plugins of the KDE graphics module.
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación.
Package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers
Description-md5: fecacf09cc1907dac81fafb8d7987281
Description-gl: graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE SC
These plugins allow KDE software to create thumbnails for several advanced
graphic file formats (PS, RAW).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kdelibs5-plugins
Description-md5: 47c4a19af28fe26f79c1626027f99953
Description-gl: core plugins for KDE Applications
This package contains core plugins for KDE Applications used by KDE
Applications and KDE Development Platform libraries at runtime. This
package is needed to run most KDE Applications.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: kdelirc
Description-md5: 48669c2cd5e200f2c9d32a66e892535c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kremotecontrol
Este é un paquete transitorio fornecido para facilitar a anovación de
kdelirc ao novo kremotecrontol. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: kdemultimedia
Description-md5: 1b6f5f82798d47eb5566bec679de6584
Description-gl: multimedia applications from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This metapackage includes multimedia applications provided with the
official release of KDE.
Package: kdemultimedia-dev
Description-md5: b7acc1a65783d4be1925e98df9311bb8
Description-gl: transitional package for KDE multimedia development packages
This transitional package allows one to migrate to kio-audiocd-dev,
libkcddb-dev, and libkcompactdisc-dev.
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación.
Package: kdemultimedia-kio-plugins
Description-md5: 37fa4a56aabd1659f9bdb895c572f7eb
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kio-audiocd
This transitional package allows one to migrate to kio-audiocd.
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación.
Package: kdenetwork-filesharing
Description-md5: 91bae062c39ce012d7dd68e9bb8529a5
Description-gl: network filesharing configuration module
Este paquete fornece un panel de Configuración do sistema para configurar
a compartición de ficheiros de rede empregando NFS e Samba.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: kdenetwork-filesharing-dbg
Description-md5: 07d9ffb114831d5b2deddb0ea8e798f7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdenetwork-filesharing
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con kdenetwork-filesharing.
Package: kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers
Description-md5: 638e37c837809bf95d77bbe3d4ea044e
Description-gl: torrent plusin for strigi
This package provides a Torrent plugin for Strigi.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: kdenlive-dbg
Description-md5: 9e4860a8862368d8cded0f6f389ee2d3
Description-gl: Editor de vídeo non lineal (símbolos de depuración)
Kdenlive is a non-linear video editing suite, which supports DV, HDV and many more formats. Its main features are:
* Guides and marker for organizing timelines
* Copy and paste support for clips, effects and transitions
* Real time changes
* FireWire and Video4Linux capture
* Screen grabbing
* Exporting to any by FFMPEG supported format
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kdenlive.
Package: kdepasswd
Description-md5: b6b10b5a92d4f3a07a74004314c6828f
Description-gl: graphical password changing utility
kdepasswd allows users to change their password, user icon, and other
information. A variety of user icons are included.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kdepim-dbg
Description-md5: 6f2be90185780b5f4de3bb9580275aed
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de kdepim
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdepim. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Package: kdepim-dev
Description-md5: 903415680c613477a870cfb67f6d7139
Description-gl: Contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar os aplicativos de kdepim.
This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE PIM module. See
the 'kde' and 'kdepim' packages for more information
Package: kdepim-mobileui-data
Description-md5: 3a567723d69d784853524d4dc5738b73
Description-gl: common data files for KDE PIM mobile applications
This package contains data files which may be used by all KDE PIM mobile
applications. It provides common UI components (mostly QML) and various
icons and images used by these shared UI elements.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kdepim-runtime-dbg
Description-md5: 30ad0b2ade7fc870bbf98ae519515672
Description-gl: debugging files for Akonadi KDE runtime components
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co kdepim-runtime.
Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados
cos compoñentes de kdepim-runtime.
This package is part of the kdepim-runtime module.
Package: kdepimlibs-dbg
Description-md5: 2038de73a5edfbdf08382745c18ea167
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da
Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: kdepimlibs-kio-plugins
Description-md5: 2833d3fbc88abf2f984838a669b54f63
Description-gl: kio slaves used by KDE PIM applications
This package contains the imap4, ldap, mbox, nntp, pop3, sieve and smtp
kio slaves.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: kdepimlibs5-dev
Description-md5: 7e4a26d39047c8eee45c3e128b152cbf
Description-gl: development files for the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: kdeplasma-addons
Description-md5: fa95bfd4c42b7db181df3d3464abe5d4
Description-gl: addons for Plasma
The KDE Plasma addons module is a collection of additional Plasma data
engines, widgets and krunner plugins. It is part of the official KDE
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala todos os trebellos, motores de
datos e engadidos do krunner do módulo addons de KDE Plasma.
Package: kdeplasma-addons-dbg
Description-md5: 8be1392a924a2ff5eb62be6283d61989
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdeplasma-addons
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdeplasma-
addons. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas
relacionados co kdeplasma-addons.
Package: kdesdk-dolphin-plugins-dbg
Description-md5: e8b7aa91d0dcf7d6a171a8f02fd9a40d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo Software Development Kit de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de desenvolvemento de
software do KDE 4.
Package: kdesdk-kioslaves-dbg
Description-md5: e22b2520827588e9d6588c7f5e894e3a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdesdk-kio-plugins
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kdesdk-kio-plugins.
Package: kdesdk-strigi-analyzers-dbg
Description-md5: e8b7aa91d0dcf7d6a171a8f02fd9a40d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo Software Development Kit de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de desenvolvemento de
software do KDE 4.
Package: kdesdk-thumbnailers-dbg
Description-md5: 54a48e5a5772eea266c3c5f45933cd41
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kdesdk-thumbnailers
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kdesdk-thumbnailers.
Package: kdesudo
Description-md5: 17de09dc898e2306d68d0b67e7d9efd6
Description-gl: interface de sudo para KDE4
KdeSudo is a graphical frontend for the sudo utility, which allows users
to run programs as root (or another user) by giving their own password.
Package: kdesvn-dbg
Description-md5: c931737ed2e35d093d95f0dd73ae3b4b
Description-gl: debug symbols for kdesvn
KDESvn is a graphical client for the Subversion revision control system
Besides offering common and advanced svn operations, it features a tight
integration into KDE and can be embedded into other KDE applications like
konqueror via the KDE component technology KParts.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: kdeutils
Description-md5: 5c28b07fababef5585d7bd444bbdaaea
Description-gl: general-purpose utilities from the official KDE release
KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea
software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos
portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio
moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade
ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de títulos de software en
moitas categorías, incluíndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede,
multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de
This metapackage includes general-purpose utilities provided with the
official release of KDE.
Package: kdevelop-dbg
Description-md5: 7b899a009705780f9aef785ba36c0efd
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do KDevelop
KDevelop is an easy to use integrated development environment for KDE. It
supports a wide range of programming languages and features project
management, an advanced editor, a class browser and an integrated
The application wizard can generate fully functional projects for terminal
programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do KDevelop.
Package: kdevelop-php-dbg
Description-md5: c02aa534a61af338505fdb07e5e4bdf3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do engadido de PHP do KDevelop
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do engadido de PHP para o
KDevelop. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas
relacionados co engadido de PHP.
Package: kdevplatform-dbg
Description-md5: 9ebf8fc7f87888ecf4108ea1f249705c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da plataforma KDevelop
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdevplatform.
Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados
co kdevplatform.
This package is part of the KDevelop platform.
Package: kdewallpapers
Description-md5: 9cb46cb31e6bafe64c6bf10fdb525bf6
Description-gl: extra KDE artwork wallpapers for the KDE Plasma Workspaces
This package contains more additional wallpapers for KDE Plasma
Workspaces, in addition to the ones provided with kde-wallpapers.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kdewebdev-dbg
Description-md5: c807baaf68312ee040b5dc75409565ca
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo de desenvolvemento web de KDE
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdewebdev. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Package: kdf
Description-md5: 10fb70f114cce645324b2253bb8e9818
Description-gl: disk information utility
KDiskFree displays information about hard disks and other storage devices,
including the amount of free space available. It can also mount and
unmount storage devices and view them in the file manager.
KwikDisk is an icon for the system tray that provides convenient access to
the features of KDiskFree.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: kdiamond
Description-md5: a7a7c9895d468dee49b6d55654cc85d7
Description-gl: Xogo do Tres en Liña
KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled. It features unlimited
fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty levels with varying
number of diamond colors and board sizes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kdiff3
Description-md5: d6325c852ad77d912154a166a888930d
Description-gl: compara e fusiona dous ou tres ficheiros ou directorios
KDiff3 compares two or three input files and shows the differences line by
line and character by character. It provides an automatic merge facility
and an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge conflicts.
KDiff3 allows recursive directory comparison and merging as well.
This is the standard version of KDiff3, highly integrated into KDE. It has
got KIO support (allowing for remote access of files and direct access to
files in compressed archives) and integration into konqueror's context
menu. There's also a stripped-down version called kdiff3-qt not depending
on the KDE libraries.
Package: kdirstat
Description-md5: cd9335a828fcde20692bcefa54f4636a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para k4dirstat
This is a transitional dummy package to ease the migration from the
kdirstat to the new k4dirstat package.
Package: kdm
Description-md5: 162cb026b8b58a10982e2958a61a9dab
Description-gl: KDE Display Manager for X11
KDM manages a collection of X servers running on local or remote machines.
It allows users to easily log into their preferred desktop environment,
connect to a remote XDMCP server, or shut down the system.
KDM supports custom themes and can display a list of users with icons.
Additional user icons can be found in the 'kdepasswd' package.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kdm-theme-aperture
Description-md5: f38d001c5837a3f61f25818ae9bc691d
Description-gl: very glossy Qt4/KDE4 kdm theme - aperture variant
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
This package includes the kdm theme for Bespin - Aperture variant
Package: kdm-theme-bespin
Description-md5: e36b024e005f5fc208565352f2c038d5
Description-gl: very glossy Qt4/KDE4 kdm theme
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
This package includes the kdm theme for Bespin
Package: kdm-theme-tibanna
Description-md5: e84622cc5dc58c7d4dd70ffb490f58d9
Description-gl: very glossy Qt4/KDE4 kdm theme - tibanna variant
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
This package includes the kdm theme for Bespin - Tibanna variant
Package: kedpm
Description-md5: cf0556201991dca7b3f0da7e905b86f5
Description-gl: Administrador de contrasinais KED
Ked Password Manager helps to manage large amounts of passwords and
related information, and simplifies the tasks of searching and entering
password data.
It is Figaro Password Manager compatible and can act as a near-complete
Ked Password Manager has a command line and gtk2 based user interfaces.
Package: kedpm-gtk
Description-md5: cf0556201991dca7b3f0da7e905b86f5
Description-gl: Administrador de contrasinais KED
Ked Password Manager helps to manage large amounts of passwords and
related information, and simplifies the tasks of searching and entering
password data.
It is Figaro Password Manager compatible and can act as a near-complete
Ked Password Manager has a command line and gtk2 based user interfaces.
Package: keepass2
Description-md5: e0f163e68e620c6be9c7b15ffee31fe6
Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais
KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and
mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted
databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a
key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred
from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various
file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats,
including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files.
Package: keepass2-doc
Description-md5: 944f2f1d580a843a46c7b13e273c8aea
Description-gl: Password manager - Documentation
KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and
mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted
databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a
key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred
from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various
file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats,
including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: keepassx
Description-md5: ff70b1419a5324195726f466b43aff3a
Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais multiplataforma
KeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to
manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in
one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you
only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to
unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the
algorithms AES or Twofish.
Package: kernel-package
Description-md5: 45bea2a67b3b2cf92611d53927d2676e
Description-gl: Unha utilidade para construír paquetes de Debian relacionados co kernel Linux
This package provides the capability to create a Debian kernel image
package by just running make-kpkg kernel_image in a kernel source
directory tree. It can also package the relevant kernel headers into a
kernel-headers package. In general, this package is very useful if you
need to create a custom kernel, if, for example, the default kernel does
not support some of your hardware, or you wish a leaner, meaner kernel.
It also scripts the steps that need be taken to compile the kernel, which
is quite convenient (forgetting a crucial step once was the initial
motivation for this package). Please look at /usr/share/doc/kernel-
package/Rationale.gz for a full list of advantages of this package.
Package: keymon
Description-md5: 89b00f6003df863feebcc8a672a39e61
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para key-mon
Este é un paquete transitorio para key-mon e pode ser desinstalado con
seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: kfind
Description-md5: 0ee78bae48b8c1ff102ee187fc53d450
Description-gl: file search utility
KFind can be used to find files and directories on your system.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kfloppy
Description-md5: 0e3cddb000fedbfb30c9e1d251e0346a
Description-gl: formatador de disquetes
Kfloppy is a utility for formatting floppy disks.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: kfourinline
Description-md5: 04930c4bdd44e4bfc231be2688c1cb82
Description-gl: Connect Four game
KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a
grid, the winner being the first to place four pieces in a line.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kgamma
Description-md5: 52f51251bde2686bfd5831ef04be041d
Description-gl: monitor calibration panel for KDE
This package contains a settings panel for adjusting the brightness,
contrast, and gamma-correction of a monitor. Test patterns are shown to
help determine the settings that accurately display the full range of
Each of the red, green, and blue components can be adjusted individually,
or all three components can be adjusted together.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kgeography
Description-md5: ab96915329fb5430070bb65ac11089d2
Description-gl: geography learning aid for KDE
KGeography is an aid for learning about world geography. You can use it
to explore a map, show information about regions and features, and play
quiz games to test your geography knowledge.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kgeography-data
Description-md5: a26284dc4f2086494f9ea360b04b5078
Description-gl: data files for KGeography
This package contains architecture-independent data files for the
KGeography geography learning tool, including maps, capitals, and flags.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kget
Description-md5: 7738895dc8ec87ede010b479a0dda8c2
Description-gl: Xestor de descargas
KGet is an advanced download manager with support for Metalink and
Bittorrent. Downloads are added to the list, where they can be paused,
queued, or scheduled for later.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: kget-dbg
Description-md5: a100fe2011cc422185878058be47d461
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kget
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kget
Package: kgoldrunner
Description-md5: 33626a4b0e5279fceb3606df145ea2da
Description-gl: Lode Runner arcade game
KGoldrunner is a fast-paced platform game where the player must navigate a
maze while collecting gold nuggets and avoiding enemies. A variety of
level packs are included, as well as an editor to create new levels.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kgpg
Description-md5: c2c30394bb363998b52a8fcc2caeb33c
Description-gl: graphical front end for GNU Privacy Guard
Kgpg manages cryptographic keys for the GNU Privacy Guard, and can
encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify files. It features a simple editor for
applying cryptography to short pieces of text, and can also quickly apply
cryptography to the contents of the clipboard.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: kgpg-dbg
Description-md5: f70a7c5789345a4ff66cf1444fb677a7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kgpg
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kgpg.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: khangman
Description-md5: 883df9cd292189211b45eea83e206893
Description-gl: Hangman word puzzle
KHangMan is the well-known Hangman game, aimed towards children aged 6 and
It picks a random word which the player must reveal by guessing if it
contains certain letters. As the player guesses letters, the word is
gradually revealed, but 10 wrong guesses will end the game.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: khelpcenter4
Description-md5: c6d08255db198260eea2f79924ac9a56
Description-gl: centro de axuda
The KDE Help Center displays documentation on how to use the KDE plasma
workspaces and applications, as well as UNIX man and info pages. It can
search through documentation using the 'htdig' package.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de base do KDE.
Package: khmerconverter
Description-md5: 6560d1c40bcc5a6374e5dbb1a98f836e
Description-gl: converts between legacy Khmer encodings and Unicode
khmerconverter converts files between Unicode and the legacy Khmer
encodings based on fonts using the ASCII/ANSI range.
It currently supports plain text files, OpenDocument files (ODT) and HTML
files encoded with UTF-8 and the ABC, ABC-ZWSP, Baidok, Fk, Khek, Limon
and Truth legacy Khmer fonts.
Please install python-tk and tix to use the graphical interface (GUI).
Páxina web:
Package: kig
Description-md5: 375bb9762496a1ba9e17a22a9e97988a
Description-gl: interactive geometry tool for KDE
O Kig é un aplicativo para a construción xeométrica interactiva que
permite que os estudantes debuxen e exploren figuras matemáticas e
conceptos utilizando o computador.
O Kig admite macros e pódense escribir scripts en Python. Pode importar e
exportar ficheiros en diversos formatos, incluídos SVG, Cabri, Dr. Geo,
KGeo, KSeg e XFig.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kigo
Description-md5: b46b9d581240396c44b4b3ea053aded7
Description-gl: go game
Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a
strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese),
weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted for being rich
in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. The game is played by
two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing pieces,
now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a
grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kile
Description-md5: 1e21a143c02848058a223dd9bc6c539f
Description-gl: Ambiente de LaTeX integrado en KDE
O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para
O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros
.tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para
axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista
estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte.
A consola para TeX integra as diversas ferramentas requiridas para o
procesamento de TeX. Axuda coa compilación de LaTeX, a visualización de
documentos DVI e postscript, a xeración de bibliografías e índices e
outras tarefas frecuentes.
O Kile admite proxectos grandes que consistan en varios ficheiros máis
Package: kile-doc
Description-md5: de9b31cbff23f1b50b03d293f8b251ba
Description-gl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (documentation)
O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para
O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros
.tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para
axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista
estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte.
Este paquete contén a documentación do Kile.
Package: kile-l10n
Description-md5: ea722b15e0ad5095d0d311f0d303e14b
Description-gl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (localization)
O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para
O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros
.tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para
axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista
estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte.
Este paquete contén as traducións do Kile.
Package: killbots
Description-md5: 3ef2c99318ecfb1d9e5d3d2dfe41edb1
Description-gl: port of the classic BSD console game robots
killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. The robots are
numerous and their sole objective is to destroy you. Fortunately for you,
their creator has focused on quantity rather than quality and as a result
the robots are severely lacking in intelligence. Your superior wit and a
fancy teleportation device are your only weapons against the never-ending
stream of mindless automatons.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kimagemapeditor
Description-md5: 210b1221fa97d21968b2ec7d02114d9d
Description-gl: Editor de mapas de imaxes en HTML
KImageMapEditor is a tool that allows you to edit image maps in HTML
files. As well as providing a standalone application, KImageMapEditor
makes itself available as a KPart for embedding into larger applications.
This package is part of KDE web development module.
Package: kinfocenter
Description-md5: 1ae8d3b67c11dcbe231a7edcb65f50eb
Description-gl: system information viewer
KInfoCenter fornece unha vista xeral gráfica de diversos aspectos do
sistema, como uso da memoria, capacidade de almacenamento e dispositivos
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kio-audiocd
Description-md5: e9ab40373b04e5938ad81ef6c5496aec
Description-gl: transparent audio CD access for applications using the KDE Platform
This package includes the audiocd KIO plugin, which allows applications
using the KDE Platform to read audio from CDs and automatically convert it
into other formats.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kio-audiocd-dbg
Description-md5: 7b8a96bd2d36fdcb247cb8c87fe3c8b3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do engadido do KIO de CD de son
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas co engadido de KIO de CD.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kio-audiocd-dev
Description-md5: ae68fc564df5ac9344e9c7142ad8785c
Description-gl: development files for the audio CD KIO plugin
This package contains development files for building plugins for the audio
CD KIO plugin.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kio-ftps
Description-md5: 2ec731a24a85e251647e024a49795fc5
Description-gl: an ftps KIO slave for KDE 4
Un escravo KIO de ftps para KDE 4 baseado en rfc4217 e construído sobre as
fontes de KIO-slave de ftp. Debería funcionar coa maioría das instalacións
de servidor. Emite unha orde «AUTH TLS» após conectar e rexeita continuar
cando non hai compatibilidade. Con anterioridade a cada orde de entrada ou
saída da canle de datos («STOR», «RETR», etc.) tenta asegurar a canle de
datos mediante as ordes «PBSZ» e «PROT». Se isto falla, transfire os datos
sen cifrar. De momento non admite os certificados de ssl. Isto podería
engadirse se se pide.
Package: kio-mtp-dbg
Description-md5: 1f52aa01104715da2bc08e329e328044
Description-gl: debugging symbols for the MTP KIO plugin
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas co engadido de KIO de MTP.
Package: kipi-plugins
Description-md5: 5a8d76a5207de53d1231a35060e1da6e
Description-gl: image manipulation/handling plugins for KIPI aware programs
KIPI plugins (KDE Image Plugin Interface) is an effort to develop a common
plugin structure for digiKam, KPhotoAlbum (formerly known as KimDaBa),
Showimg and Gwenview. Its aim is to share image plugins among graphic
Engadidos actuais portados a Qt4/KDE4:
AcquireImages : acquire images using flat scanner
Calendar : create calendars
DngConverter : convert Raw Image to Digital NeGative
Facebook : import/export images to/from a remote Facebook
FlickrExport : export images to a remote Flickr based web service
GalleryExport : export images to a remote Gallery (and Gallery 2)
GPSSync : geolocalize pictures
HTMLExport : export images collections into a static XHTML page
ImageViewer : preview images using OpenGL
JpegLossLess : rotate/flip images without losing quality
MetadataEdit : edit EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata
PicasaWebExport : export images to a remote Picasa web service
PrintImage : print images in various format
RawConverter : convert Raw Image to JPEG/PNG/TIFF
RemoveRedEyes : remove red eyes on image automatically
SendImages : send images by e-mail
SimpleViewerExport : export images to Flash using SimpleViewer
SlideShow : Slide images with 2D and 3D effects using OpenGL
Smug : import/export images to/from a remote SmugMug
TimeAdjust : adjust date and time
IpodExport : export pictures to an Ipod device
BatchProcess : batch process images (convert, resize, rename, etc.)
KIOExport : export images to remote computer using network protocol
Shwup : export images to Shwup web service
ExpoBlending : create pseudo HDR image with a stack of bracketed images
PiwigoExport : export images to a remote Piwigo
DebianScreenshots : export images to Debian Screenshots web service
Kopete : export images to an instant messaging contact
YandexFotki : export images to Yandex web service
MediaWiki : export images to Mediawiki based web service
RajceExport : export images to Rajce web service
Vkontakte : export images to VKontakte web service
PhotoLayoutEditor : assemble images together
ImageShackExport : export images to ImageShack web service
ImgurExport : export images to ImgUr web service
DLNAExport : export collection on DLNA network service
Porting under progress to Qt4/KDE4:
WallPaper : set image as background on your desktop
Not yet ported to Qt4/KDE4:
CDArchiving : archive your image collections to a CD or DVD
MpegEncoder : create an MPEG slideshow with a set of images
Package: kiriki
Description-md5: 909ab174f5d87189fa9d56e23d3c13f9
Description-gl: Yahtzee dice game
Kiriki is a dice game for up to six players, where each player rolls five
dice to make combinations with the highest score.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kiten
Description-md5: adb422fc02eb8cae6c36e0b48c08fa67
Description-gl: Japanese reference and study aid for KDE
Kiten is a collection of Japanese reference tools and study aids for KDE,
including a Japanese/English dictionary, Kanji dictionary, and Kanji quiz.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kiten-dbg
Description-md5: 6bce5c83060ee90b1edd1b450c1d4004
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Kiten
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas coas bibliotecas e os binarios do Kiten.
Package: kitsune
Description-md5: 7ff38bdbd645fd0e5bea1bed85d9eca4
Description-gl: Program to solve mathematical problems
Kitsune is a software aiming at solving digit problems of a famous
television game show called "Countdown" in England and "Les chiffres et
les lettres" in France.
It allows you to solve a problem of your choice or to train yourself with
random problems. Facing a problem, Kitsune will find all the different
solutions. If the problem is not solvable, it will put up the best
Sitio web:
Package: kjots
Description-md5: a28f2a97617e027ae6e65bd89ba46557
Description-gl: note-taking utility
Kjots is a notebook utility that organizes notes using groups of pages.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kjumpingcube
Description-md5: 3d24124215f3df7b039c8e1cf3c2105d
Description-gl: simple tactical game
KJumpingcube is a simple tactical game for one or two players, played on a
grid of numbered squares. Each turn, players compete for control of the
board by capturing or adding to one square.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: klash
Description-md5: 22493df7e52c6f3d91f549bb1ab36663
Description-gl: Reprodutor de GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) - Reprodutor autónomo para KDE
GNU Gnash is a free GPL'd SWF player. It runs as a standalone application
on either the desktop or embedded devices, or may be used as a plugin for
several popular browsers. It supports playing media from a disk or
streaming over a network connection.
GNU Gnash is based on GameSWF and supports most SWF v7 features and some
SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash.
Included in the Gnash is an XML based messaging system, as specified in
the SWF specification. This lets a SWF animation communicate over a TCP/IP
socket, and parse the incoming XML message. This lets an animation be a
remote control for other devices or applications.
Klash is a free standalone SWF movie player for KDE that use AGG as the
rendering backend.
Package: klash-opengl
Description-md5: a0dae63250ff438c2a9e7620f4d346c2
Description-gl: dummy package for klash-opengl removal
This package is a transitional package for klash-opengl removal.
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando klash estea instalado.
Package: klavaro
Description-md5: 64ab31481e16002f2638d6475c04f7ba
Description-gl: Flexible touch typing tutor
O Klavaro é un simple titor que ensina a escribir correctamente nun
teclado, case independentemente do idioma e que é moi flexíbel en relación
coas disposicións de teclado novas ou descoñecidas.
As súas características máis relevantes son:
* Internacionalización
* Preparado para empregar disposicións de teclado
* Editor da disposición do teclado
* Curso básico
* Exercicios de adaptabilidade, velocidade e fluidez
* Gráficos coa evolución
Package: kleopatra
Description-md5: 1943a660987262f24ec2b2cac3fc2d8f
Description-gl: xestor de certificados
Kleopatra is a tool for managing X.509 certificates and pgp keys.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: klettres
Description-md5: 78ccf87b022629ab130806107e8090a1
Description-gl: foreign alphabet tutor for KDE
KLettres is an aid for learning how to read and pronounce the alphabet of
a foreign language.
Seven languages are currently available: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,
French, Italian and Slovak.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: klettres-data
Description-md5: de3963ca2a75ca8b88c681b5626efdf7
Description-gl: data files for KLettres foreign alphabet tutor
This package contains architecture-independent data files for KLettres,
the foreign alphabet tutor for KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: klickety
Description-md5: 76a3acd28264e1e614c740d4ee925092
Description-gl: SameGame puzzle game
Klickety is a puzzle game where the player removes groups of colored
marbles to clear the board.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: klines
Description-md5: a63b56e6f3908159d302a9513ea2e0f3
Description-gl: color lines game
KLines is a single-player game where the player removes colored balls from
the board by arranging them into lines of five or more. However, every
time the player moves a ball, three more balls are added to the board.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: klipper
Description-md5: f0c5d63aadd83c335e981ae0e3f465c7
Description-gl: Xestor do portapapeis
Klipper is a clipboard manager. It stores a history of the clipboard
contents and can automatically perform actions when certain items are
selected, such as launch a web browser when a URL is selected.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: klog
Description-md5: 9043192683cf7b5750a1fadbe93d0daa
Description-gl: Programa de rexistro para radioafeccionados de KDE
This package provides a ham radio logging program for KDE. This
application supports logging for HF and VHF operations. It supports many
features like QSL, DXCC, IOTA, WAZ and awards. KLog imports from TLF and
produces ADIF as default file format. This application also includes a DX-
Cluster client fully integrated into the main interface.
Package: kmag
Description-md5: 82b2b2330ccc170b76cf2d94b9074560
Description-gl: screen magnifier tool
KDE's screen magnifier tool.
You can use KMagnifier to magnify a part of the screen just as you would
use a lens to magnify a newspaper fine-print or a photograph. This
application is useful for a variety of people: from researchers to artists
to web-designers to people with low vision.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmag-dbg
Description-md5: ee173cb6df2b96de25d92b1df32b607b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de kmag
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kmag. Úsase para poder
incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos ou para
executar o kmag en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que teñan sentido
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmahjongg
Description-md5: 12f781dcbd48844eb36d5526820d3e10
Description-gl: mahjongg solitaire game
KMahjongg is a solitaire game where the player removes matching Mahjongg
tiles to clear the board. A variety of tile layouts are included, as well
as an editor to create new layouts.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kmail
Description-md5: de6424691ace5b563c821de50a5124f4
Description-gl: full featured graphical email client
KMail is a fully-featured email client that fits nicely into the KDE
desktop. It has features such as support for IMAP, POP3, multiple
accounts, mail filtering and sorting, PGP/GnuPG privacy, and inline
This package also contains Nepomuk EMail Feeder Akonadi Agent.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kmail-mobile
Description-md5: 9908898b65e87796e56f427d7c614be5
Description-gl: email client for mobile environments
This package provides an email client which has been specially designed
for use on mobile devices. It focuses on usability with touchscreen
displays and potentially small screen sizes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kmenuedit
Description-md5: 0848b06058241f35ec54dc1d3542b1b1
Description-gl: XDG menu editor
This package provides a menu editor which may be used to edit the KDE
Plasma workspaces menu or any other XDG menu.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: kmess
Description-md5: 24b4eb78ae64dda018dc8ca63ace5618
Description-gl: MSN messenger for KDE
Un cliente de conversas alternativo ao MSN Messenger para Linux. Permite
que os usuarios de Linux conversen coas súas amizades que empregan o MSN
Messenger en Windows ou Mac OS. A fortaleza do KMess é a súa integración
co ambiente de escritorio KDE, o seu foco nas funcionalidades específicas
do MSN Messenger e a súa interface doada de utilizar.
Package: kmines
Description-md5: f4aac15b7955ee792cb50cfd41f5349b
Description-gl: minesweeper game
KMines is a game where the player finds hidden mines without setting them
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kmix
Description-md5: c2f995bbd12865838605a7d5c1050b03
Description-gl: volume control and mixer
KMix is an audio device mixer, used to adjust volume, select recording
inputs, and set other hardware options.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kmousetool
Description-md5: ed1cb0185a00a221eacad2de20b93c54
Description-gl: mouse manipulation tool for the disabled
O KMouseTool preme o rato sempre que o cursor do rato parar brevemente.
Foi deseñado para axudar as persoas con problemas crónicos de desgaste,
para quen premer botóns magoa.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmousetool-dbg
Description-md5: 0594e496c12409b5b45c8adca32b1533
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kmousetool
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kmousetool. Úsase para
poder incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos ou
para executar o kmousetool en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que teñan
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmouth
Description-md5: 8a07ec1d4353d2840db82251413eeb71
Description-gl: type-and-say frontend for speech synthesizers
KDE's type-and-say frontend for speech synthesizers.
It includes a history of spoken sentences from which the user can select
sentences to be re-spoken.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmouth-dbg
Description-md5: 7790a609c037bdb81797bda4f880c74e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kmouth
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kmouth. Úsase para poder
incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos ou para
executar o kmouth en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que teñan sentido
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE.
Package: kmplayer
Description-md5: 01e56946ed4b5eeb6fbdd3f6170b569a
Description-gl: media player for KDE
O KMPlayer é unha interface sinxela para MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon.
Algunhas funcionalidades:
* reproducir películas en DVD/VC (desde un ficheiro ou un URL e desde unha unidade de disco)
* incorporarse dentro do konqueror (a película reprodúcese dentro do konqueror)
* incorporarse dentro de khtml (a película reprodúcese dentro dunha páxina en html)
* gravación de películas empregando mencoder (parte do paquete mplayer)
* non hai vídeo durante a gravación, mais é posíbel abrir unha xanela nova e reproducilo)
* Retransmisión, retransmisión por http, empregando ffserver/ffmpeg
* Para as fontes de televisión fai falta v4lctl (parte do paquete xawtv)
Package: kmplot
Description-md5: 89122cf790f7456ae9d01a49d14e6d04
Description-gl: Representación de funcións matemáticas para KDE
KmPlot is a powerful mathematical plotter KDE, capable of plotting
multiple functions simultaneously and combining them into new functions.
Cartesian, parametric, and differential functions are supported, as well
as functions using polar coordinates. Plots are printed with high
precision at the correct aspect ratio.
KmPlot also provides numerical and visual features such as filling and
calculating the area between the plot and the first axis, finding maxima
and minima, changing function parameters dynamically, and plotting
derivatives and integral functions.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kmymoney-dbg
Description-md5: 3769a8fd8b9dae5b966a6751c4fe6feb
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do KMymoney
KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE. It operates similar to
MS-Money and Quicken, supports different account types, categorisation of
expenses, QIF import/export, multiple currencies and initial online
banking support.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co kmymoney Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: knavalbattle
Description-md5: df5614e8bc807107ad39c94ce0897a55
Description-gl: naval battle game
A naval battle game in the style of battleships.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: knetwalk
Description-md5: 931a61d4f665efef9e18e201538ce5de
Description-gl: wire puzzle game
KNetwalk is a puzzle game where the player arranges sections of wire to
connect all the computers on the board.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: knights-dbg
Description-md5: cb56ebe29a874d115a3273415d6e4169
Description-gl: chess interface for the KDE Platform - debugging symbols
Knights aims to be the ultimate chess resource on your computer. It's
designed to be both friendly to new chess players and functional for Grand
Masters. At the moment you can play either against other human or against
the machine using an engine like gnuchess.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do krecipes.
Package: knode
Description-md5: 020bbd662698a554e7d287d285fde249
Description-gl: graphical news reader
KNode is an easy-to-use, convenient newsreader. It is intended to be
usable by inexperienced users, but also includes support for such features
as MIME attachments, article scoring, and creating and verifying GnuPG
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: knot-dbg
Description-md5: 0781925147c63041d6938a3a3e20187d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de Knot DNS
Knot DNS is a fast, authoritative only, high performance, feature full and
open source name server.
Knot DNS is developed by CZ.NIC Labs, the R&D department of .CZ registry
and hence is well suited to run anything from the root zone, the top-level
domain, to many smaller standard domain names.
This package provides the debug symbols for Knot DNS needed for properly
debugging errors in Knot DNS with gdb.
Package: knot-dnsutils
Description-md5: ec5da5ec140799142895955ceeeaeb40
Description-gl: Clientes fornecidos con Knot DNS (kdig, knslookup, knsupdate)
Knot DNS is a fast, authoritative only, high performance, feature full and
open source name server.
Knot DNS is developed by CZ.NIC Labs, the R&D department of .CZ registry
and hence is well suited to run anything from the root zone, the top-level
domain, to many smaller standard domain names.
This package delivers various client programs related to DNS that are
derived from the Knot DNS source tree.
- [k]dig - query the DNS in various ways
- [k]nsupdate - perform dynamic updates (See RFC2136)
Those clients were designed to be 1:1 compatible with BIND dnsutils, but
they provide some enhancements, which are documented in respective
WARNING: [k]nslookup is not provided as it is considered obsolete.
Package: knotes
Description-md5: 0ba6eb4d389215751d6bf7c0902c9de6
Description-gl: sticky notes application
KNotes is a program that lets you write sticky notes. The notes are saved
automatically when you exit the program, and they display when you open
the program. The program supports printing and mailing your notes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kobodeluxe
Description-md5: c70b6a71d5193cdd85e63dabdbeb5858
Description-gl: Xogo de batallas espaciais
Kobo Deluxe is a third person scrolling 2D shooter with a simple and
responsive control system - which you'll need to tackle the tons of enemy
ships that shoot at you, chase you, circle around you shooting, or even
launch other ships at you, while you're trying to destroy the labyrinth
shaped bases. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing
difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different
tactics to be dealt with successfully. It's loads of classical arcade
style fun.
Package: kobodeluxe-data
Description-md5: 15f547fdfcc2114efa8e85505de71f0d
Description-gl: Xogo de batallas espaciais -- datos compartidos
Kobo Deluxe is a third person scrolling 2D shooter. There are 50 action
packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different
combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with
successfully. It's loads of classical arcade style fun.
This package contains architecture-independent data for kobodeluxe.
Package: kolabadmin
Description-md5: f2a5c111fd348dce6fa3bd7b6c7064b8
Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración Kolab
This program is a graphical administration tool for the Kolab groupware
server. It connects directly to the LDAP database and can be run from
every system.
Package: kolf
Description-md5: ad1691e3fb92933dae4c507d210567d6
Description-gl: Xogo do golf en miniatura
O Kolf é un xogo do golf en miniatura para entre un e dez xogadores.
Inclúense varios campos, así como un editor para crear outros novos.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kollision
Description-md5: b9cf0fbc55ba66358c7e751aab29d489
Description-gl: simple ball dodging game
In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a closed space
environment filled with small red balls, which move about chaotically.
Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your blue one,
because the moment you do the game will be over. The longer you can stay
in game the higher will your score be.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kolourpaint4
Description-md5: ac26f3b7021598dc7d2e4dc8d0814b4d
Description-gl: simple image editor and drawing application
O KolourPaint é un aplicativo simple de debuxo e edición de imaxes para
KDE 4. Pretende ser doado de utilizar e fornecer un nivel de
funcionalidade orientado ao usuario medio. É ideal para tarefas comúns
como debuxar gráficos simples e retocar fotos.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: komparator
Description-md5: 61c074cc34b757e282d18a2771e008e5
Description-gl: Comparador de directorios para KDE
Komparator is an application that searches and synchronizes two
directories. It discovers duplicate, newer or missing files and empty
folders. It works on local and network or kioslave protocol folders.
Package: kompare
Description-md5: 69bf0f67fe774e695a6dd64599c06072
Description-gl: Visor de diferenzas entre ficheiros
Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the
contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge
patch files.
This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module.
Package: kompare-dbg
Description-md5: df4aaba2ec1209fdefb1f732443ee4f4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kompare
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kompare.
Package: konfont
Description-md5: 56b2013d7b169650e9644e3ace4e8638
Description-gl: Tipos de letra xaponesas no dominio público para KON2
This package is public domain japanese fonts customized for kon2 Japanese
console package.
Package: konq-plugins
Description-md5: 6ef4213296669a674bad452501d6e65c
Description-gl: Engadidos para Konqueror, o navegador de ficheiros/web/documentos de KDE
This package contains a variety of useful plugins for Konqueror, the file
manager, web browser and document viewer for KDE. Many of these plugins
will appear in Konqueror's Tools menu.
Web navigation plugins:
- Akregator feed icon: allows one to add a feed to Akregator from Konqueror
- Auto Refresh: refresh a webpage at a given rate
- Bookmarklets: enables the use of bookmarklets, bookmarks containing
JavaScript code
- Document Relations: displays the document relations of a document
- DOM Tree Viewer: view the DOM tree of the current page
- KHTML Settings: fast way to change the JavaScript/images/cookies settings
- Microformat Icon: displays an icon in the statusbar if the page contains
a microformat
- Search Bar: launches web searches from the Konqueror's toolbar
- Translate: language translation for the current page using Babelfish
- UserAgent Changer: quick switch of the UserAgent used for the current site
- Website Validators: CSS and HTML validation tools
- Web Archiver: creates archives of websites
- Crash manager: restores your opened tabs if Konqueror crashes (disabled
by default as Konqueror has this feature builtin)
File management plugins:
- Image Gallery: an easy way to generate a HTML image gallery
- File Size View (kpart): a proportional view of directories and files
based on file size
- Transform Image (service menu): rotate and flip images
- Convert To (service menu): convert and image to another format
- Directory Filter (dolphin): filter directory views
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: konqueror
Description-md5: 380ac71ee28aebaea27c8d3f2b37b14e
Description-gl: advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer
Konqueror is the KDE web browser and advanced file manager.
Konqueror is a standards-compliant web browser, supporting HTML 4.01,
Java, JavaScript, CSS3, and Netscape plugins such as Flash.
It supports advanced file management on local UNIX filesystems, with
flexible views, network transparency, and embedded file viewing.
It is the canvas for many KDE technologies, from remote file access via
KIO to component embedding via the KParts object interface, making it one
of the most customizable applications available.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: konqueror-nsplugins
Description-md5: ebeb0d9c86a184869ae842bf43d47a43
Description-gl: Netscape plugin support for Konqueror
Konqueror is the KDE web browser and advanced file manager.
This package provides a KDE component for enabling the use of
Netscape/Mozilla/etc browser plugins (such as Adobe Flash) within
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: konquest
Description-md5: 9cb33ee92d33c48cbe195b7e25dd76c6
Description-gl: simple turn-based strategy game
Konquest is a game of galactic conquest for KDE, where rival empires vie
to conquer planets and crush all opposition. The game can be played with
up to nine empires, commanded either by the computer or by puny
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: konsole
Description-md5: b3afdb98346fdfd7bd9913f35b7b5d02
Description-gl: X terminal emulator
Konsole is a terminal emulator built on the KDE Platform. It can contain
multiple terminal sessions inside one window using detachable tabs.
Konsole supports powerful terminal features, such as customizable schemes,
saved sessions, and output monitoring.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: konsole-dbg
Description-md5: c3521d77f8a7fcef17b67c23e526b3a8
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración o emulador de terminal X de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo do emulador de terminal de X
de KDE.
Package: konsolekalendar
Description-md5: 643eb0337670cf41c108f6947eb7c02a
Description-gl: konsole personal organizer
KonsoleKalendar is a command-line interface to KDE calendars.
KonsoleKalendar complements KOrganizer by providing a console frontend to
manage your calendars.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kontact
Description-md5: c9b96a458f7f6e3c6ba731bb80d20cd7
Description-gl: integrated application for personal information management
Kontact is the integrated solution to your personal information management
needs. It combines applications like KMail, KOrganizer and KAddressBook
into a single interface to provide easy access to mail, scheduling,
address book and other PIM functionality.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: kontrolpack
Description-md5: a96011a429c8e7cc3d4ddcb2846de9e9
Description-gl: Controlador da rede
The purpose of KontrolPack is to improve interoperability between systems
by connecting remote computers, regardless of their operating system. It
can be used to:
- Handle remote shell command execution.
- Share files between remote computers.
- Manage your network: LAN (Local Area Network).
- Get an overview of the workstations on your LAN.
- Lightweight XML based message exchange between client and server.
- Handle each client with a personalized tab panel.
- Send commands simultaneously to all computers on your LAN.
- Cross-platform (GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, MS Windows).
Package: konversation-dbg
Description-md5: 3aaa117252cc4bc5d229d83319712e35
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Konversation
O Konversation é un cliente do protocolo Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Este
paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co Konversation. Serán
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: kopete
Description-md5: f29c4be5334f698cbcf8dee885f6295b
Description-gl: instant messaging and chat application
Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a
wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber.
Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: kopete-dbg
Description-md5: 6b0c1a1213facb42097ec1d94bb9a16b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo de rede de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de rede do KDE.
Package: kopete-message-indicator
Description-md5: c713ab4f5b1f9c16984dc2c6ebc81521
Description-gl: Kopete plugin for Message Indicator
Un engadido para o Kopete que permite mostrar a actividade no Indicador de
Package: korganizer
Description-md5: 55ac4d0f503a543db37ef6cb6dee7371
Description-gl: calendar and personal organizer
This package contains KOrganizer, a calendar and scheduling program.
KOrganizer aims to be a complete program for organizing appointments,
contacts, projects, etc. KOrganizer natively supports information
interchange with other calendar applications, through the industry
standard vCalendar personal data interchange file format. This eases the
move from other modern PIMs to KOrganizer.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: korganizer-mobile
Description-md5: d8a352076a5021d4adbcdf9a3950e851
Description-gl: calendar and personal organizer for mobile environments
This package provides a calendar and personal organizer applications which
has been specially designed for use on mobile devices. KOrganizer Mobile
aims making it easy and convenient to manage your plans and daily routine
on touchscreen displays with potentially small screens.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: korundum4
Description-md5: f6391aa9482af1465ff0d5c29ec9c386
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para korundum
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
korundum. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: kpart-webkit-dbg
Description-md5: 171b036e1e904761e6327e7b67981495
Description-gl: KPart WebKit - símbolos de depuración
This package contains a plug-In for alowing the Konqueror web browser and
other KDE applications to use the WebKit HTML renderer instead of the
traditional KHTML.
This package is part of Webkit KPart.
Package: kpat
Description-md5: 0dfa399c1fd2c35355e1ecce56ecd684
Description-gl: Xogo de cartas do solitario
KPatience is a collection of fourteen solitaire card games, including
Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kppp
Description-md5: 036096166c99935077722d9fb14705a1
Description-gl: modem dialer for KDE
KPPP is a modem dialer for connecting to a dial-up Internet Service
Provider. It displays statistics and accounting information to help users
keep track of connection costs.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE 4.
Package: kppp-dbg
Description-md5: 5812f2674e4ce43fd3d9410c1b70d36f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kppp
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kppp
Package: krdc
Description-md5: e82ce72c0d3257ff348f6399e7a2ce67
Description-gl: Remote Desktop Connection client
The KDE Remote Desktop Connection client can view and control a desktop
session running on another system. It can connect to Windows Terminal
Servers using RDP and many other platforms using VNC/RFB.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: krdc-dbg
Description-md5: 5a62a2da9f311981ca0dd231fef99720
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do krdc
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en krdc.
Package: krecipes
Description-md5: 461bc7246ef888642d1be8b5ff1f5039
Description-gl: xestor de receitas para KDE
O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode
axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se
pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñíbeis e ten un asistente de dietas.
Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos
(p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos.
Package: krecipes-data
Description-md5: 10f36d0d9c9494f6900e2076d1662a8f
Description-gl: xestor de receitas para KDE - ficheiros de datos
O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode
axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se
pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñíbeis e ten un asistente de dietas.
Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos
(p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos.
Este paquete fornece os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura do
Package: krecipes-dbg
Description-md5: fd3e3041d357f7c8396a6d28bbf8d422
Description-gl: Xestor de receitas para KDE - símbolos de depuración
O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode
axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se
pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñíbeis e ten un asistente de dietas.
Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos
(p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do krecipes.
Package: krecipes-doc
Description-md5: 0dd9e166946b5d18b7080883462d9ebd
Description-gl: xestor de receitas para KDE - documentación
O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode
axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se
pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñíbeis e ten un asistente de dietas.
Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos
(p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos.
Este paquete contén a documentación do krecipes.
Package: kredentials
Description-md5: 6930f67f6525d2bca925d3f0e6747290
Description-gl: Miniaplicativo para a barra de tarefas de KDE para actualizar as credencias de kereros/AFS
kredentials é un miniaplicativo para a barra de tarefas para renovar
periodicamente os tickets de kerberos e os tokens de AFS. Aínda que
destinado a KDE, agárdase que sexa totalmente compatíbel con outros
ambientes de escritorio.
Package: kremotecontrol
Description-md5: 0c3fdc8e5091e7128f010486cb5c08ee
Description-gl: interface gráfica para empregar controles remotos
KRemoteControl é unha interface para KDE para controles remotos. Permite
configurar accións para cando se preman os botóns dos controles remotos.
Todos os tipos de controles remotos recoñecidos por Soli tamén o son por
O KRemoteControl consiste nas partes seguintes:
* un módulo de control que permite crear e asignar accións.
* un módulo de kded responsábel de executar as accións.
* un miniaplicativo para a bandexa do sistema para dar unha resposta visual.
* un motor de datos para Plasma para interactuar cos controles remotos con trebellos de Plasma.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: kremotecontrol-dbg
Description-md5: a3b149c0c323bd66925276ce222c99fa
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kremotecontrol
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con kremotecontrol.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: krename
Description-md5: 96e79e62a8190877de5364c372197285
Description-gl: Potente programa para mudar nomes en lote para KDE
O KRename é un potente programa para mudar os nomes de ficheiro en lote
para KDE que pode mudar os nomes dunha lista de ficheiros baseándose nun
conxunto de expresións. Pode copiar/mover os ficheiros a outro directorio
ou simplemente mudarlles o nome ás ficheiros que se lle indique.
Package: kreversi
Description-md5: 0c024ee5ac64447ec865fb7458331a80
Description-gl: Xogo de mesa Reversi
O KReversi é un xogo de taboleiro no que dous xogadores colocan pezas nun
taboleiro para virar as pezas do contrincante. Cando ningún xogador pode
virar máis pezas, gaña o xogador que teña o maior número de pezas sobre o
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: krfb
Description-md5: 8c8d162f74b4548f90dcb0fb7f900216
Description-gl: Utilidade para compartir o escritorio
KDE Desktop Sharing é un xestor para compartir facilmente unha sesión de
escritorio con outro sistema. A sesión de escritorio pode ser vista ou
controlada de maneira remota por calquera cliente de VNC ou RFB, como o
cliente KDE Remote Desktop Connection.
O KDE Desktop Sharing pode restrinxir o acceso a só aqueles usuarios que
sexan convidados explicitamente e pide confirmación cando un usuario tenta
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: krfb-dbg
Description-md5: 6b0c1a1213facb42097ec1d94bb9a16b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do módulo de rede de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de rede do KDE.
Package: krita
Description-md5: 3405003d61859cb0d4c92290de4f2ccf
Description-gl: Programa de manipulación de imaxes baseado en píxeles para a suite Calligra
O Krita é un aplicativo de creación para imaxes de mapas de bits. Tanto se
quere crear desde a nada ou traballar sobre imaxes existentes, o Krita é
para vostede. Pode traballar con fotos ou con imaxes escaneadas ou comezar
cunha páxina en branco. O Krita admite automaticamente a maioría das
tabletas gráficas.
O Krita é diferente doutros programas de deseño gráfico porque ten motores
de pincel engadíbeis, algúns dos cales admiten recursos de pinceis como os
ficheiros de pinceis do Gimp, outros ofrecen simulación sofisticada de
pinceis reais e outros ofrecen mestura de cores e deformación de imaxes.
Alén disto, o Krita é totalmente compatíbel coas tabletas gráficas,
incluíndo funcionalidades como presión, inclinación e proporción, o que o
converten nalgo valorábel polos artistas. Existen ferramentas doadas de
utilizar para debuxar liñas, elipses e rectángulos e a ferramenta de
debuxo a man alzada conta con «asistentes de debuxo» engadíbeis que axudan
a deseñar formas que manteñan a sensación de man alzada.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: krita-data
Description-md5: 189398fd71c6d187d18ef53474382042
Description-gl: ficheiros de datos do programa de pintura Krita
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do
Krita, o programa de pintura que se inclúe coa suite Calligra.
Vexa o paquete krita para máis información.
This package is part of the Calligra Suite.
Package: krosspython
Description-md5: a43fe5a708021ce74d764ad5d8058e77
Description-gl: Módulo en python para Kross
Kross é unha infraestrutura de scripts para permitir scripts en diferentes
linguaxes en todo tipo de aplicativos de KDE.
Kross fai parte de KDELibs; este paquete contén o engadido en Python para
Package: kruler
Description-md5: a02f9b40453e33bc787a496e2436df1a
Description-gl: Regra de pantalla
O KRuler é unha ferramenta para medir o tamaño, en píxeles, de elementos
que haxa na pantalla.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: krusader
Description-md5: 109155a993f8da51d7cc94c3caf08176
Description-gl: xestor de ficheiros con paneis xemelgos (tipo Commander)
O Krusader é un xestor de ficheiros simple, fácil, potente e cun panel
xemelgo (tipo commander) semellante aos de Midnight Commander (C) ou Total
Commander (C).
Fornece todas as funcionalidades de xestión de ficheiros que se poidan
Ademais: manipulación extensiva de arquivos, recoñecementos de sistemas de
ficheiros montados, FTP, modulo de buscas avanzado,
visor/editor/sincronización de directorios, comparación do contido dos
ficheiros, mudanza de nome en lotes potente e moito máis.
Admite formatos de arquivo: ace, arj, bzip2, deb, iso, lha, rar, rpm, tar,
zip e 7-zip.
Xestiona KIOSlaves como smb:// ou fish://.
Almost completely customizable, Krusader is very user friendly, fast and
looks great on your desktop.
Package: krusader-dbg
Description-md5: a53dcea4d09c2eb81c2c47e2fca1d21b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do krusader
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co krusader. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: ksaneplugin
Description-md5: d2dcfc8c3d08f473b22771f6d90130c5
Description-gl: Engadido do KScan para escanear mediante libksane
Este é un engadido do KScan que permite escanear mediante libksane.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kscd
Description-md5: 1d8a8baf131aa19ad967cfa5c9b36aed
Description-gl: Reprodutor de CD de son
O KsCD é un reprodutor de CD de son. Emprega a base de datos CDDB para
obter automaticamente información sobre os álbums.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: kscope
Description-md5: d1a88c3d2aa20a34f16df941c9c75509
Description-gl: Ambiente de navegación e edición de código fonte
O KScope é unha interface gráfica para o Cscope. Fornece un ambiente de
navegación e edición de código fonte para proxectos grandes en C. O KScope
céntrase na edición e análise do código fonte.
O KScope foi construído arredor dun mecanismo eficiente de navegación de
código que permite que o usuario realice consultas sobre o código.
Os tipos de consultas que o KScope pode realizar inclúen:
* Obter todas as referencias a un símbolo
* Atopar a definición dun símbolo
* Atopar todas a funcións chamadas por ou que chaman por unha función
* Atopar un padrón de EGrep
* Atopar todos os ficheiros que #inclúen determinado ficheiro
Esas consultas son xestionadas por un proceso subxacente do Cscope. O
KScope simplemente serve como interface gráfica deste proceso, pasándolle
as consultas e analizando a súa saída en listas de resultados. Os
elementos desas listas poden ser seleccionados posteriormente para abrir
un editor na liña que coincida.
Funcionalidades principais:
* Varias xanelas de edición (empregando o editor preferido)
* Xestión de proxectos
* Interface gráfica para a maioría das consultas do Cscope
* Lista de etiquetas para cada editor aberto
* Xanela de árbore de chamadas
* Xestión de sesións que inclúe a gravación e restauración de consultas
* Funciona con ficheiros cscope.out construídas externamente
Package: kscreen
Description-md5: 8969ce242f9c059bba53cbbc771347df
Description-gl: Xestión de monitores en quente e pantallas para KDE
The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible
adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of
monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer.
Este paquete contén os módulos e engadidos para a xestión automática de
monitores en quente e pantallas.
Package: kscreen-dbg
Description-md5: d4dee7befc1b07e43b64e763e95a72eb
Description-gl: Xestión de monitores en quente e pantallas para KDE, información de depuración
The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible
adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of
monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: kscreensaver
Description-md5: ba7cc0bb8929451dd928994adcb26d57
Description-gl: Salvapantallas adicionais para o KScreenSaver
Este paquete contén salvapantallas para o KScreenSaver.
O KScreenSaver pode empregar a colección de salvapantallas do XScreenSaver
co paquete «kscreensaver-xsavers».
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kscreensaver-xsavers
Description-md5: 2b4e27cbb0a2179ca13cefbeb085d443
Description-gl: Compatibilidade con xscreensaver para o KScreenSaver
Este paquete permite que o KScreenSaver empregue a colección de
salvapantallas do XScreenSaver.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: kscreensaver-xsavers-webcollage
Description-md5: f006fef1b6055d2137ba031201dca5b9
Description-gl: Compatibilidade con webcollage para o KScreenSaver
Este paquete permite que o KScreenSaver empregue o salvapantallas
WebCollage, que descarga imaxes ao chou da Internet para crear un collage.
NOTA IMPORTANTE: A Internet contén todo tipo de imaxes, algunhas das cales
poderían resultar inadecuadas ou ofensivas. Recoméndase que este
salvapantallas non se empregue nun ambiente público, lugar de traballo ou
onde poida ser visto por cativos.
Lea /usr/share/doc/kscreensaver-xsavers-webcollage/README.Debian despois
de instalar este paquete.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: ksh
Description-md5: d4165f9ffe2e9ed9866fd4b9203ded9b
Description-gl: Versión real, da AT&T da consola Korn
Ksh é un intérprete de ordes de UNIX (consola) dirixido ao uso interactivo
e con scripts de consola. A súa linguaxe de ordes é un superconxunto da
linguaxe de consola sh(1).
A versión de 1993 engade moitas funcionalidades novas, relacionadas a
maioría cos scripts, á versión de 1988, que é a que habitualmente se
distribúe coas variantes comerciais de UNIX. Ten, por exemplo, rangos
léxicos, variábeis compostas, matrices asociativas, referencias con nomes
e matemática de vírgula flutuante.
Package: kshisen
Description-md5: 9c1db254f9a44c17506de6a40898a284
Description-gl: Xogo do solitario Shisen-Sho
O KShisen é un xogo do Shisen-Sho no que un xogador retira parellas
contiguas de pezas do Mahjongg para limpar o taboleiro.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kshutdown
Description-md5: fc7b6d7fd762ccfdcdbea5b09e94c55b
Description-gl: Ferramenta avanzada para apagar o computador para KDE
Ten catro ordes principais:
- Apagar (saír da sesión e deter o sistema),
- Reiniciar (saír da sesión e reiniciar o sistema),
- Trancar a pantalla (bloquear a pantalla cun salvapantallas),
- Saír da sesión (rematar a sesión e desconectar o usuario).
Conta con opcións de tempo e demora, posibilidade de liña de ordes,
asistente e sons.
Package: ksirk
Description-md5: 8141ecb02d12130fc7839a5fb2f71719
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia tipo Risk
O KsirK é un xogo de estratexia inspirado no coñecido xogo do Risk. É un
xogo para varios xogadores que se pode xogar na rede e ten intelixencia
artificial. O obxectivo do xogo é simplemente conquistar o mundo. Faise
atacando os veciños con exércitos. Ao comezo do xogo distribúense os
países entre todos os xogadores. Cada país conta cun exército representado
por un soldado de infantaría. Cada xogador dispón de varios exércitos para
distribuír entre os seus países. En cada volta, cada xogador pode atacar
os seus veciños, conquistando ao final un ou máis países. Ao final de cada
quenda, os xogadores reciben exércitos extra en función do número de
países que posúan. Gaña o xogador que conquiste o mundo.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ksnakeduel
Description-md5: 773dbab5663c4140f902dee4b9c839b9
Description-gl: Xogo de carreiras de serpes tipo Tron
O obxectivo do xogo é evitar bater contra as paredes, a propia cola e a do
opoñente e, ao mesmo tempo, tentar que o opoñente bata contra elas.
O KSnakeDuel tamén inclúe kdesnake, un modo especial do xogo no que se
pode xogar o xogo de acción de serpes clásico. Hai que dirixir unha serpe
que ten que comer. Segundo vai comendo, a serpe vai crecendo. Mais cando
un xogador bate contra a outra serpe ou contra unha parede, perde o xogo.
Isto faise, por suposto, cada vez máis difícil conforme medra a serpe.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ksnapshot
Description-md5: e12e636ab0de409bedf7a85a5377c78c
Description-gl: Ferramenta de captura da pantalla
O KSnapshot captura imaxes da pantalla. Pode capturar a pantalla enteira,
unha rexión determinada, unha xanela individual ou parte dunha xanela.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: kspaceduel
Description-md5: ae9bc9656023c22a3c82a8269d5169f3
Description-gl: Xogo tipo arcade estilo SpaceWar!
O KSpaceduel é un xogo de batallas espaciais para un ou dous xogares no
que dúas naves voan arredor dunha estrela nunha batalla para ser o único
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ksplash-theme-aperture
Description-md5: d82518e2a841ce2e5c63aab497aa26dd
Description-gl: Tema para o ksplash de Qt4/KDE moi brillante - variante de aperture
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
Este paquete inclúe o tema ksplash para Bespin - variante de aperture
Package: ksplash-theme-bespin
Description-md5: f38bee0d50e867a7aa22b953963108a7
Description-gl: Tema para o ksplash de Qt4/KDE moi brillante
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
Este paquete inclúe o tema ksplash para Bespin
Package: ksplash-theme-tibanna
Description-md5: 670966ddee475bd9b8e8e4210746f478
Description-gl: Tema para o ksplash de Qt4/KDE moi brillante - variante de tibanna
Bespin é unha decoración de xanelas para KDE4; o nome non ten nada que ver
coa mecánica cuántica, refírese simplemente á cidade das nubes (A Guerra
das Galaxias, Episodio V: O Imperio Contraataca)
Este paquete inclúe o tema ksplash para Bespin - variante de Tibanna
Package: ksplice
Description-md5: 19c845e8a387af1f88f701e6e0d0b5d6
Description-gl: Parcheo do kernel ao vivo sen necesidade de reiniciar
O Ksplice permite que os administradores de sistemas apliquen parches de
seguranza ao kernel de Linux sen ter que reiniciar. O Ksplice toma como
entrada un cambio do código fonte en formato diff unificado e o código
fonte do kernel que hai que parchear e aplica o parche ao kernel en
execución correspondente. Non hai que ter preparado de ningunha maneira o
kernel en execución con antelación.
Package: ksquares
Description-md5: cb92e2cb2b7ef2c58dd9423eb344f064
Description-gl: Xogo dos Cadrados
O KSquares é un xogo no que dous xogadores conectan alternativamente os
puntos dunha grade para completar o maior número de cadrados.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ksshaskpass
Description-md5: 078c05adc6fbf10e5b529a4ca56a3a67
Description-gl: Preguntarlle interactivamente aos usuarios unha frase de paso para ssh-add
Un versión para KDE4 do ssh-askpass con compatibilidade con KWallet.
Package: kst
Description-md5: fa9395f6a5d950a6e17f330bb110a3a2
Description-gl: Ferramenta de trazado de gráficos científicos
Kst is a fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool. It has
basic data analysis functionality, contains many powerful built-in
features and is expandable with plugins and extensions.
Package: kst-data
Description-md5: 5211a899500e658cb31fdb8c4199479e
Description-gl: Conxunto de ficheiros de datos para kst
Kst is a fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool. It has
basic data analysis functionality, contains many powerful built-in
features and is expandable with plugins and extensions.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros do kst independentes da arquitectura.
Package: kst-doc
Description-md5: 2ce8dcaa2b248edf1588dedb376bd97c
Description-gl: Conxunto de titoriais para kst
Kst is a fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool. It has
basic data analysis functionality, contains many powerful built-in
features and is expandable with plugins and extensions.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación do kst.
Package: kstars
Description-md5: 614c2bfe980a2da0eda88ce12070ec4a
Description-gl: Planetario de escritorio para KDE
O KStars é un planetario de escritorio para KDE que presenta unha
simulación gráfica precisa do ceo nocturno desde calquera lugar da Terra,
en calquera data e hora. Mostra 130.000 estrelas 13.000 obxectos do espazo
profundo, os oito planetas, o Sol e a Lúa e miles de cometas e asteroides.
Inclúe ferramentas para cálculos astronómicos e pode controlar telescopios
e cámaras.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kstars-data
Description-md5: cf256e8167ebe4e0142562c4a550f100
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para o planetario de escritorio KStars
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do KStars, o
planetario de escritorio gráfico de KDE, incluíndo os catálogos estelares
e as imaxes astronómicas.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kstars-data-extra-tycho2
Description-md5: 2c5cef8807c49e66d3a50e0b4772ee99
Description-gl: Catálogo de estrelas Tycho-2 para o KStars
Este paquete contén os datos do catálogo estelar Tycho-2 para o KStars, o
planetario de escritorio de KDE. Permite que os usuarios compartan unha
única instalación centralizada dos datos no canto de ter cada un que
descargar a súa propia copia persoal do catálogo enteiro. Tamén pode
configurar o KStars para desactivar esas descargas dos usuarios.
Package: ksudoku
Description-md5: c8082165a67fde52b6db310845e3f0c1
Description-gl: Xogo e solucinador de Sudoku
O KSudoku é un xogo e solucionador de sudokus que admite diferentes
variantes de sudoku en 2D e 3D. Ademais de xogar ao sudoku, pode imprimir
sudokus e atopar a solución de calquera sudoku.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ksysguard
Description-md5: 45f3cad5fe486395c402158a8258c378
Description-gl: Vixiante de procesos e estatísticas do sistema
System Guard allows you to monitor various statistics about your system.
In addition to monitoring the local system, it can connect to remote
systems running the System Guard Daemon, which is in the 'ksysguardd'
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: ksysguardd
Description-md5: a50ff16b1d24b1ee25745b87e5def50a
Description-gl: System Guard Daemon
System Guard Daemon can be installed on a remote system so that the KDE
System Guard can connect to and monitor it.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: ksystemlog
Description-md5: f88acd6e7dfc7bab9eaa4dae1e5dbb7d
Description-gl: Visor de rexistros do sistema
KSystemLog show all logs of your system, grouped by General (Default system log, Authentication, Kernel,, and optional Services (Apache, Cups, etc, ...). It includes many features to read nicely your log files:
* Colorize log lines depending on their severities
* Tabbed view to allow displaying several logs at the same time
* Auto display new lines logged
* Detailed information for each log lines
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: ksystemlog-dbg
Description-md5: 8b4179ed767c32e97baffaceb7188e3e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ksystemlog
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co ksystemlog. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: kteatime
Description-md5: 98a702199f60361475509c4b6548d1a0
Description-gl: Utilidade para facer un bon té
O KTeaTime é un temporizador práctico para preparar un té. Xa non terá
máis que adiviñar canto tempo precisa para que o seu té fique preparado.
Basta escoller o tipo de té que desexar, e el alerta cando o té estiver
preparado para beber.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kteatime-dbg
Description-md5: db04ad9e469a18f93f55dd22758d62a4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kteatime
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co kteatime. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: kterm
Description-md5: bfe5233e410e4ebade203833c1f9790f
Description-gl: Un emulador de terminal plurilingüe para as X
O Kterm é un emulador de terminal para X11 que pode xestionar texto en
varios idiomas. Esta versión está baseada no xterm de X11R6.1.
Package: ktikz
Description-md5: 66f1bcda52ece79db60e54d9a2d036a6
Description-gl: Editor da linguaxe de debuxo TikZ - versión para KDE
O KtikZ é un aplicativo pequeno que axuda a crear diagramas e debuxos
empregando as macros de TikZ do paquete de LaTeX «pgf». consiste nun panel
editor de texto no que se edita o código para debuxar en TikZ e un panel
de vista previa que mostra o debuxo que se crea con LaTeX. O panel de
vista previa pode ser actualizado en tempo real. Dispón de ferramentas,
opcións e estilos habituais de debuxo nos menús para axudar no proceso de
Este paquete contén a versión do programa para KDE.
TikZ is a user-friendly syntax layer for the PGF (portable graphics
format) TeX macro package. Pictures can be created within a LaTeX document
and included in the output using the most important TeX backend drivers
including pdftex and dvips.
Package: ktimer
Description-md5: 60b8177a86eb0f422ac7bc24710edccb
Description-gl: Temporizador
O KTimer é un temporizador para executar ordes pasado un tempo. O
temporizador pode ser detido ou posto nun bucle continuo.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: ktimetracker
Description-md5: 82ff65498b352023fb4e0bdb13fd5f8e
Description-gl: Ferramenta de xestión do tempo
O KTimetracker é unha ferramenta de xestión do tempo para quen precise
controlar a cantidade de tempo empregada en diversas tarefas.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: ktnef
Description-md5: 5e9caaa5192cfc8dbdde98309f0af9dc
Description-gl: Visor de anexos de correo que empreguen o formato TNEF
The TNEF File Viewer allows to handle easily mail attachments using the
TNEF format. Those attachments are usually found in mails coming from
Microsoft mail servers and embed the mail properties as well as the actual
An attachment in TNEF format is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: ktoblzcheck
Description-md5: 02a77e4ee6fbcfa5ba47158871d24c3d
Description-gl: Ferramenta para comprobar números de conta e códigos bancarios
ktoblzcheck é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para comprobar os
números de conta e os códigos bancarios (BLZ) dos bancos alemáns. Baséase
nas especificacións do «Deutsche Bundesbank», o Banco Federal Alemán.
Tamén permite a comprobación cos números internacionais de contas
bancarias (IBAN) e os códigos identificares de bancos (BIC).
Package: ktorrent
Description-md5: 3d4c8b6104536533f5abe8f7fe578027
Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent baseando na plataforma KDE
Este paquete contén KTorrent, un cliente de rede entre parceiros baseada na plataforma KDE. Obviamente, o KTorrent admite funcionalidades básicas como a descarga, o envío e a sementeira de ficheiros na rede de BitTorrent. Porén, as moitas funcionalidades adicionais e a interface gráfica tan intuitiva deberían facer que o KTorrent sexa unha escolla boa para calquera. Algunhas das funcionalidades están dispoñíbeis como engadidos, polo que debería asegurarse de ter activados os que precise.
- Compatibilidade de seguidores de HTTP e UDP, DHT sen seguimento (liña principal) e webseeds.
- Posibilidade de interfaces alternativas, incluíndo interface web e trebello de Plasma.
- Agrupamento de torrents, speed capping, diferentes capacidades de priorización das descargas ao nivel dos torrents e dos ficheiros, así como programación do largo de banda.
- Posibilidade de obtención de ficheiros de torrent de moitas fontes, incluído calquera ficheiro
local ou URL remoto, fontes de RSS (con filtrado), directorio seguido activamente, etc.
- Buscas de torrents integradas e personalizadas na Web.
- Diversas funcionalidades de seguranza, como o bloqueo de IP e o cifrado de protocolo.
- Pre-asignación do espazo do disco para reducir a fragmentación.
- Intercambio de parceiros compatíbel con uTorrent.
- Configuración automática para LAN, como extensión de Zeroconf e encamiñamento de portos mediante uPnP.
- Posibilidade de scripts mediante Kross e control inter-procesos mediante unha interface DBus.
- Posibilidade de proxy SOCKSv4 e SOCKSv5 e IPv6
- Un monte doutras funcionalidades incorporadas e engadidos.
Package: ktorrent-data
Description-md5: 5c374540ce753d753308f498c6a7a3d9
Description-gl: Datos do KTorrent e outros ficheiros independentes da arquitectura
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do
KTorrent, un cliente de redes entre parceiros de BitTorrent. A non ser que
teña instalado o paquete ktorrent, este paquete non ten ningunha
Package: ktorrent-dbg
Description-md5: 15189483f83d3f34619a44629b32c167
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do KTorrent
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do KTorrent. Cando o
KTorrent falla, na maioría dos casos este paquete faise necesario para
obter un trazado inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se
ten padecido un fallo do KTorrent sen ter este paquete instalado,
instáleo, tente reproducir o problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo
trazado inverso anexo.
Package: ktouch
Description-md5: e0dabda6f93764af247bd5a078631141
Description-gl: Titor de mecanografía para o KDE
O KTouch é unha axuda para aprender a escribir nun teclado con rapidez e
precisión. Fornece un texto de exemplo que hai que mecanografar e indica
os dedos que hai que usar para cada tecla.
Inclúese unha colección de leccións para unha variedade de idiomas e
distribucións de teclado e as estatísticas úsanse para axustar
dinamicamente o nivel de dificultade.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: ktouch-data
Description-md5: 518bdd78b79c451482b199699bb01b7a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do ktouch
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do ktouch.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: ktron
Description-md5: 1e9f68a19098d994df13d70571a52e26
Description-gl: Paquete de simulación para o ksnakeduel co novo nome
O KTron chámase agora KSnakeDuel. Este é un paquete de simulación e pódese
eliminar con seguranza.
Package: kttsd
Description-md5: d2290d92e71eba166d35bb9193923b24
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do jovie
Este é un paquete transitorio fornecido para facilitar a anovación de
kttsd a jovie.
Package: ktuberling
Description-md5: 06ec0534e1c42543256f87a2b0bd66d8
Description-gl: Xoguete de debuxo con formas
O KTuberling é un xogo de debuxo para rapaciños con varias actividades.
* Ponlle á pataca unha cara, roupa e outras cousas divertidas
* Constrúe unha vila completa con escola, zoo e cuartel de bombeiros
* Crea unha paisaxe lunar fantástica con naves espaciais e alieníxenas
O KTuberling pode ler o nome de cada obxecto en varios idiomas para axudar
a aprender vocabulario básico.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kturtle
Description-md5: c784cfa622cd2563eec31f7b10a24a19
Description-gl: Ambiente educativo de programación
O KTurtle é un ambiente de programación educativo que emprega a linguaxe
de programación TurtleScript (inspirada en Logo) para facer que a
programación sexa tan doada e accesíbel como for posíbel.
O usuario emite ordes na linguaxe TurtleScript para controlar a
«tartaruga», que debuxa sobre o lenzo, o que fai que o KTurtle sexa
axeitado para ensinar matemáticas básicas, xeometría e programación.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: ktux
Description-md5: d0104fba901937202b077f12172e5ca7
Description-gl: Salvapantallas de Tux para o KScreenSaver
Un salvapantallas feitiño de Tux nunha nave espacial para o KScreenSaver
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ktux-dbg
Description-md5: 38db0c5370b7a20a3222ebced861e36b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ktux
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co ktux. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: kubrick
Description-md5: b8c3a08868b46ba491c7f17db5d26147
Description-gl: Xogo baseado no cubo de Rubik
O Kubrick é un xogo baseado no cubo de Rubik que emprega as bibliotecas de
gráficos 3D OpenGL.
O Kubric manipula cubos, «tixolos» e «felpudos» entre 2x2x1 e 6x6x6. Conta
con varios puzzles incorporados de distinto nivel de dificultade, así como
demostracións con xogadas de solución e padróns lindos. O xogo conta con
capacidades ilimitadas de desfacer, refacer, gravar e recargar.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: kubuntu-active
Description-md5: b9f1780b7a77b2d375bf81c3eafd9443
Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Active de Kubuntu
Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión Kubuntu Active. Ao
instalar este paquete inclúese a instalación predefinida do Plasma Active
de Kubuntu.
É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do
Package: kubuntu-debug-installer
Description-md5: c7c32233946361bb3bb35d027fcd2918
Description-gl: Instalador de paquetes de depuración para Kubuntu
Este instalador permite que drkonqi, a utilidade de informe de incidencias
de trazados inversos automáticos de KDE, tente atopar e instalar os
símbolos de depuración que falten, para que así os trazados inversos
resulten máis útiles.
Package: kubuntu-debug-installer-dbg
Description-md5: b6814cb0e474d81cb7f3a57d7eb57261
Description-gl: Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración - símbolos de depuración
Este instalador permite que drkonqi, a utilidade de informe de incidencias
de trazados inversos automáticos de KDE, tente atopar e instalar os
símbolos de depuración que falten, para que así os trazados inversos
resulten máis útiles.
Este paquete contén exclusivamente os símbolos de depuración.
Package: kubuntu-desktop
Description-md5: 2bcf94cbc753d80fbd8771435889a0dc
Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Desktop/Netbook de Kubuntu
Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión do escritorio de
Kubuntu. Ao instalar este paquete inclúese a instalación predefinida do
Plasma Desktop ou Netbook de Kubuntu.
É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do
sistema de escritorio.
Package: kubuntu-firefox-installer
Description-md5: 75d0faa2033c7a038736e7669f95e1af
Description-gl: Instalador do Firefox de Mozilla para Kubuntu
Facilita a instalación doada do Firefox de Mozilla en Kubuntu mediante
unha interface gráfica de usuario e unha entrada no menú.
Package: kubuntu-full
Description-md5: 1066e0b397d00e2e126bc35bb09c838e
Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Desktop/Netbook completo de Kubuntu
Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión do DVD de Kubuntu
para un sistema moi completo. Ao instalar este paquete inclúese moito máis
que a instalación predefinida do Plasma Desktop ou Netbook de Kubuntu.
É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes.
Package: kubuntu-netbook
Description-md5: e0328331ef20bcf8e7f26695e94b3b6e
Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Netbook de Kubuntu
Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión de netbooks de
Kubuntu. Ao instalar este paquete inclúese a instalación predefinida do
Plasma Netbook de Kubuntu.
Este é un paquete transitorio fornecido para permitir anovacións e pode
ser retirado con seguranza despois da instalación. O sistema Plasma
Netbook de Kubuntu é agora fornecido como parte do escritorio de Kubuntu.
Package: kubuntu-notification-helper
Description-md5: cfe41fe07651879c49f8ca54be0c1170
Description-gl: Axudante de Notificacións do sistema Kubuntu
O Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu é un daemon que lle presenta
diversas notificacións ao usuario. Emprega o sistema de daemon de KDE como
base e presenta as notificacións empregando o sistema de notificacións de
KDE. Tamén inclúe un módulo para Configuración do Sistema para configurar
o daemon. O Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu é lixeiro e está
completamente integrado en KDE.
As funcionalidades actuais inclúen:
- Notificacións dos fallos de Apport.
- Notificacións sobre a información de actualización, de estar dispoñíbel.
- Notificacións sobre a dispoñibilidade de paquetes con licenzas restritivas.
- Notificacións sobre a necesidade de reiniciar o sistema despois dunha anovación.
- Todas as notificacións poden ser agochadas temporalmente ou permanentemente.
Package: kubuntu-notification-helper-dbg
Description-md5: f0ed7e4faa75924fc68b039ce1a6df40
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Axudante de Notificacións
de Kubuntu. Cando o Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu falla, na maioría
dos casos este paquete é necesario para obter un trazado inverso que lles
sexa útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten padecido un fallo do Asistente de
Notificacións de Kubuntu sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente
reproducir o problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso
Package: kubuntu-patched-l10n
Description-md5: 7f659aff8ac467a253ead20c35d8de7f
Description-gl: Paquete falso que non contén absolutamente nada
Este paquete é un paquete falso empregando para enviar cambios nas cadeas
dos paquetes de Kubuntu a Launchpad para seren traducidas. Instalar este
paquete non fai absolutamente nada.
Package: kubuntu-settings-active
Description-md5: b6b9e825b1d841b2a5fc9b11994a23f0
Description-gl: Configuración e imaxes de Kubuntu (Active)
Este paquete contén configuracións empregadas por Kubuntu. Tamén inclúe
imaxes e a identidade visual de Kubuntu.
A configuración aplícase aos espazos de traballo baseados en plasma-
Package: kubuntu-settings-desktop
Description-md5: c117d536547fca68e9e608d52e89c5f3
Description-gl: Configuración e imaxes de Kubuntu (Escritorio)
Este paquete contén configuracións empregadas por Kubuntu. Tamén inclúe
imaxes e a identidade visual de Kubuntu.
A configuración aplícase aos espazos de traballo baseados en plasma-
Package: kubuntu-settings-netbook
Description-md5: 18d491bac998cfdc159f6939a3ce53bf
Description-gl: Configuración e imaxes de Kubuntu (Netbook)
Este paquete contén configuracións empregadas por Kubuntu. Tamén inclúe
imaxes e a identidade visual de Kubuntu.
A configuración aplícase aos espazos de traballo baseados en plasma-
Package: kubuntu-web-shortcuts
Description-md5: 954aab3bcc5ae561984722c33cda1fd3
Description-gl: Atallos web para Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Launchpad
Os atallos principais son:
ubw: Acceso directo ao wiki de Kubuntu
ubws: Busca no wiki de Kubuntu
udsnote: Notas do Cumio de Desenvolvemento de Ubuntu (etherpad)
uhelp: Acceso directo á documentación da comunidade de Ubuntu
uhelps: Busca na documentación da comunidade de Ubuntu
upkg: Busca nos paquetes de Ubuntu
ubug: Busca por identificadores de erros e termos en Ubuntu Launchpad
usrc: Paquetes fonte de Ubuntu
uproduct: Ubuntu Launchpad Product Bug Finder
upeople: Buscador de persoas en Ubuntu Launchpad
bstorm: Ideas de tormenta de ideas de Ubuntu
upkglp: Busca de paquetes binarios en Launchpad
Vexa /usr/share/doc/kubuntu-web-shortcuts/README para unha lista completa
Package: kuiviewer
Description-md5: c553d555e774eba5b20037169089058e
Description-gl: Visor dos ficheiros da interface de usuario do Qt Designer
O KUIViewer é unha utilidade para mostrar e comprobar os ficheiros de
interface de usuario (.ui) creados co Qt Designer. As interfaces poden
mostrarse en varios estilos de trebellos diferentes para asegurarse de que
se mostran axeitadamente en calquera ambiente.
O Qt Designer en si está no paquete qt4-designer.
This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module.
Package: kup-client
Description-md5: 0a1f9c69bbd7485677824e12280a23f9
Description-gl: Ferramenta de envío a
Esta utilidade emprégase para enviar ficheiros a e outros
sistemas empregando o mesmo sistema de envíos (kup-server).
Package: kup-server
Description-md5: eafdbeb2e62271530fe77d7709bb6ef7
Description-gl: Servidor de envío a
Este é o sistema de envío empregado en, que se executa como un
servizo de SSH.
Package: kupfer
Description-md5: 6eb3d2501406a8899f12851e4c2a923c
Description-gl: fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher
Kupfer is a summoner/launcher in the style of Quicksilver or GNOME Do. It
can search and browse your files, launch desired applications and object
you need in a quicker way.
O Kupfer está escrito en Python e ten unha arquitectura flexíbel baseada
en engadidos para estender as súas funcionalidades.
Package: kuser
Description-md5: 17344042d3d1925f4e48c762b0afa901
Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración de usuarios e grupos
O KUser é un aplicativo para xestionar os usuarios e grupos dun sistema.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: kuser-dbg
Description-md5: fce5132a700915d3d40877ee42d8be01
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kuser
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con kdeadmin. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE.
Package: kuvert
Description-md5: 7384cd5a6328c537a7336c301053cc57
Description-gl: Envoltorio que cifra ou asina o correo saínte
O kuvert asina e/ou cifra automaticamente o correo saínte empregando o
padrón PGP/MIME (RFC3156), baseado na dispoñibilidade da chave do
destinatario nun chaveiro. Ao contrario doutros envoltorios semellantes, o
kuvert non almacena as frases de paso das chaves el mesmo, nunca. O kuvert
funciona como un envoltorio arredor do MTA pero pode tamén enviar correo
mediante SMTP.
Package: kvirc
Description-md5: 781975de1f5b4ac23d4c5bc7a732099b
Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxería da seguinte xeración baseado en KDE que admite módulos
Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe
de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante
arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos
de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts,
intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados.
Se o que busca é un cliente simple e sinxelo de IRC, o KVIrc probabelmente
sexa unha escolla errada porque é bastante grande. Mais se o que desexa é
un cliente moi personalizábel, non lamentará instalalo.
Package: kvirc-data
Description-md5: 700d9e96b324cea54eba7a6172043fa4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do KVIrc
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura que precisa o
KVIrc para poder ser executado, como iconas e imaxes, ficheiros de idioma
e scripts de consola. Tamén contén guías de referencia completas sobre os
scripts e as funcións do KVIrc no seu formato de axuda interno.
Package: kvirc-dbg
Description-md5: 4e4b91ec0f73867a2f4787605b203734
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do KVIrc (cliente de IRC)
Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe
de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante
arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos
de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts,
intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados.
Este paquete pretende axudar a depurar posíbeis problemas co KVIrc.
Package: kvirc-modules
Description-md5: 72d51bc496328aea5cf7f96c0499dc22
Description-gl: Módulos do KVIrc (cliente de IRC)
Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe
de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante
arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos
de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts,
intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados.
Este paquete contén todos os módulos do KVIrc.
Package: kvkbd
Description-md5: be33d01c6d493c672b20581ba2f5312b
Description-gl: Teclado virtual para KDE
Teclado virtual para KDE para usar con accesibilidade. O aplicativo contén
un trebello da bandexa do sistema, así como un trebello da doca.
Package: kvpm
Description-md5: fa24befe002588e5c7321fac023334c9
Description-gl: Interface gráfica de xestor de volumes lóxicos e particionador de discos baseada en KDE
O KVPM é unha interface gráfica de usuario para o Xestor de volumes de
Linux (LVM) e libparted. Emprega as ferramentas e programas normais de LVM
par manipular os volumes lóxicos, como mudarlles o tamaño, eliminalos ou
crealos. Tamén pode formatar volumes e montalos e desmontalos. Tamén
admite a creación, eliminación e mudanza de tamaño das particións.
Package: kvpm-dbg
Description-md5: fa3a45521a1e13e6b9c78e486c30e5d2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kvpm
O KVPM é unha interface gráfica de usuario para o Xestor de volumes de
Linux (LVM) e libparted. Emprega as ferramentas e programas normais de LVM
par manipular os volumes lóxicos, como mudarlles o tamaño, eliminalos ou
crealos. Tamén pode formatar volumes e montalos e desmontalos. Tamén
admite a creación, eliminación e mudanza de tamaño das particións.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: kvpnc
Description-md5: 42562b23c3d1c2628cff75be128d098e
Description-gl: Interface de clientes de vpn para KDE4
O KVpnc é unha interface gráfica de usuario para diversos clientes de vpn.
* Clientes de VPN compatíbeis con Cisco (vpnc)
* IPSec (freeswan, openswan, strongSwan, racoon)
* Cliente do Protocolo de Túneles Punto a Punto (PPTP) (pptp-linux)
* Daemon de Rede Privada Virtual (VPN) (openvpn)
* L2TP, Vtun e OpenSSH
Package: kvpnc-data
Description-md5: 1227b0a09ca6ff51c80bcc065f28853b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do KVpnc
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do KVpnc, unha interface para
KDE para diversos clientes de vpn. A non ser que se teña o paquete «kvpnc»
instalado, este paquete non resultará útil.
Package: kvpnc-dbg
Description-md5: 22f8ce2e7ccac33b2660a3649cda3458
Description-gl: Interface de clientes de vpn para KDE4 - símbolos de depuración
O KVpnc é unha interface gráfica de usuario para diversos clientes de vpn.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co kvpnc. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: kwalletcli
Description-md5: 481b43e5861eaccf1bfa48a20cfc9c3b
Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes do KDE Wallet
kwalletcli achega unha ferramenta de interface da liña de ordes para obter
e establecer entradas de contrasinais no KDE Wallet. Tamén se inclúen un
envoltorio para a consola arredor de pinentry, un aplicativo pinentry-
kwallet para comprobar en KDE Wallet a frase de paso solicitada antes de
preguntarlle ao usuario para usar co GnuPG Agent, que tamén é capaz de
executar sen o pinentry como infraestrutura e kwalletaskpass, que pode
almacenar frases de paso de chaves SSH no KDE Wallet para usar con OpenSSH
Agent, e está rexistrado como alternativa a ssh-askpass.
Package: kwalletmanager
Description-md5: 9ddb800fd8f7d7f40b24b46cbaeb9a76
Description-gl: secure password wallet manager
The KDE Wallet system provides a secure way to store passwords and other
secret information, allowing the user to remember only a single KDE Wallet
password instead of numerous different passwords and credentials.
KWallet Manager is a utility for viewing and editing information stored in
the KDE Wallet.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: kwalletmanager-dbg
Description-md5: 332b5f1331df6ae08b816143602a0ce4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do kwalletmanager
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do kwalletmanager. Úsase
para poder incluír trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posíbeis fallos
ou para executar o kwalletmanager en gdb ou valgrind para obter saídas que
teñan sentido.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: kwave
Description-md5: 675ecb8eac507bce13121f00626237b6
Description-gl: Editor de son para KDE
O Kwave é un editor de son deseñado para o Ambiente de Escritorio KDE.
Co Kwave pódense gravar, reproducir, importar e editar moitos tipos de
ficheiros de son, incluídos os ficheiros con varias canles.
O Kwave inclúe algúns engadidos para transformar os ficheiros de son de
varias maneiras e presenta unha vista gráfica con capacidade completa de
ampliación e desprazamento.
As súas funcionalidades inclúen:
* Capacidade de 24 bits
* Desfacer/Refacer
* Uso de CPU de varios núcleos (SMP; hyperthreading)
* Soltar e arrastrar sinxelos
* Audición previa en tempo real de algúns efectos
* Compatibilidade con ficheiros de varias pistas
* Reprodución e gravación a través de ALSA nativo (ou OSS, obsoleto)
* Reprodución a través de PulseAudio e Phonon
* Capacidade de carga e edición de ficheiros grandes (pode usar a memoria virtual)
* Lectura e reparación automática de ficheiros wav estragados
* Posibilidade de varias xanelas
* Interface extensíbel mediante engadidos
* Pantalla de benvida feitiña
* manipulación (parcial) das etiquetas
Package: kwave-dbg
Description-md5: 767f3f26f22621a9149aae5140d04ca6
Description-gl: Editor de son para KDE - símbolos de depuración
O Kwave é un editor de son deseñado para o Ambiente de Escritorio KDE.
Co Kwave pódense gravar, reproducir, importar e editar moitos tipos de
ficheiros de son, incluídos os ficheiros con varias canles.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: kwin-style-crystal
Description-md5: 6365fc40a68b6109ed18a5b26c2f3eaf
Description-gl: Decoración de xanelas semitransparente para KDE
Crystal é un tema bastante sinxelo e limpo que tamén fornece unha barra de
título pseudotransparente, botóns e bordos, así como esquinas
arredondadas. A transparencia e os botóns poden ser personalizados para
axeitarse aos seus gustos.
E, por suposto, é de vista agradábel. Os desenvolvedores din: «- Non
esquezas respirar mentres miras pasmado»
Package: kwin-style-dekorator
Description-md5: 7b541473ad47319d8e812f7ea57b2bfd
Description-gl: Motor de decoración de xanelas para KDE 4 que usa ficheiros PNG fornecidos polo usuario
Co deKorator pódense crear facilmente decoracións de xanelas para KDE 4! O
deKorator usa as imaxes que se queira como botóns, bordos, etc. Atrévase e
sexa creativa/o! Inclúese un exemplo, chamado uglyTheme, para mostrar as
súas posibilidades.
O usuario pode crear temas coa axuda dun programa de debuxo ou pódeos
descargar de
Este é un motor de decoración de xanelas, non un estilo.
Package: kwin-style-qtcurve
Description-md5: 0a7c22de50ba8f49d8a178eadbc0d73b
Description-gl: Decoración de xanelas QtCurve para KWin
Este paquete contén a decoración de xanelas QtCurve para KWin.
QtCurve is a set of widget styles for KDE and GTK+. It provides a
consistent look between KDE and GTK+ applications, which is easy on the
eyes and visually pleasing.
Pódese atopar o motor de temas correspondente en GTK+ no paquete gtk2
Package: kwin-style-skulpture
Description-md5: e3dd70b336cd2cd410c1581bc895511f
Description-gl: Decoración de xanelas para KDE
Skulpture é un estilo de decoración de xanelas e trebellos para Qt4 e KDE
4 que inclúe imaxes clásicas en tres dimensionais, xunto con outras
características non atopadas noutros estilos.
Este paquete contén a decoración de xanelas para KDE 4 e os temas de cores
de Skulpture que permiten personalizar coa Configuración do Sistema de KDE
4. O estilo de trebellos correspondente de Qt4 e KDE 4 inclúese nun
paquete separado en kde-style-skulpture.
Package: kwordquiz
Description-md5: 8de3141277665fbdc3c76e07e5c74e4b
Description-gl: Programa de aprendizaxe mediante tarxetas
O KWordQuiz é un programa de tarxetas de propósito xeral, usado
normalmente para aprender vocabulario.
O KWordQuiz pode abrir datos de vocabulario en diversos formatos, incluído
o formato kvtml empregado por programas de KDE como Parley, o formato WQL
empregado polo WordQuiz do Windows, o formato xml.gz empregado polo Pauker
e o texto en CSV.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: kwrite
Description-md5: 068af9b165cfd986cbb583c853f6f622
Description-gl: simple graphical text editor
O KWrite é un editor de texto sinxelo construído na Plataforma KDE.
Emprega o compoñente de editor do Kate, polo que admite funcionalidades
potentes, como o realzado flexíbel da sintaxe, o sangrado automático e
numerosas outras ferramentas de texto.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: kwstyle
Description-md5: 4e3108d6ffe5283d4c6bc7600c6cb06f
Description-gl: Corrector de estilo para o código fonte
O KWStyle está integrado no proceso de software para asegurarse de que o
código escrito por varios usuarios sexa consistente e poida ser
visto/imprimido como se fose escrito por unha única persoa.
O KWStyle comproba fundamentalmente código fonte en C/C++, mais pode ser
estendido facilmente a outras linguaxes. Asume que o código é
sintacticamente correcto, isto é, que compila nun compilador normal.
Package: kwwidgets-doc
Description-md5: f5c1a0840210f86be06ff8bafa1a218e
Description-gl: Cross-Platform GUI Toolkit - documentation
Like many other GUI toolkits, it provides low-level core widgets like
buttons, entries, scales, menus, combo-boxes, thumbwheels, spin-boxes,
trees, notebooks and multi-column lists to name a few. Unlike many of
those toolkits though, it also provides advanced composite widgets like
toolbars, tooltips, progress gauges, split-frames, splash-screens, 2D/3D
extents, color pickers, histograms, windows and dialogs.
More importantly, KWWidgets builds upon this set of widgets to interface
to visualization libraries like VTK and offer high-level visualization-
oriented widgets like surface material editors, simple animation
generators, transfer function editors, annotation editors, window/level
and volume property preset editors, text property editors, 2D and 3D
rendering widgets, etc.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación do KWWidgets.
Package: kwwidgets-examples
Description-md5: 8d01cf3586ea55b30f97eba58828e00b
Description-gl: Cross-Platform GUI Toolkit - examples
Like many other GUI toolkits, it provides low-level core widgets like
buttons, entries, scales, menus, combo-boxes, thumbwheels, spin-boxes,
trees, notebooks and multi-column lists to name a few. Unlike many of
those toolkits though, it also provides advanced composite widgets like
toolbars, tooltips, progress gauges, split-frames, splash-screens, 2D/3D
extents, color pickers, histograms, windows and dialogs.
More importantly, KWWidgets builds upon this set of widgets to interface
to visualization libraries like VTK and offer high-level visualization-
oriented widgets like surface material editors, simple animation
generators, transfer function editors, annotation editors, window/level
and volume property preset editors, text property editors, 2D and 3D
rendering widgets, etc.
Este paquete contén exemplos das fontes de KWWidgets.
Package: kyotocabinet-doc
Description-md5: 47bac3ade0865bd51f1aeed04f398ddf
Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - docs
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The
database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key
and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.
Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value.
Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of
data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+
Kyoto Cabinet runs very fast. For example, elapsed time to store one
million records is 0.9 seconds for hash database, and 1.1 seconds for B+
tree database. Moreover, the size of database is very small. For example,
overhead for a record is 16 bytes for hash database, and 4 bytes for B+
tree database. Furthermore, scalability of Kyoto Cabinet is great. The
database size can be up to 8EB (9.22e18 bytes).
Sponsored by the same company, Kyoto Cabinet is "[a] more powerful and
convenient library than Tokyo Cabinet [and] surpasses Tokyo Cabinet in
every aspect".
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: kyototycoon
Description-md5: a51981e2caffc1ea23ed11c1e26007a7
Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration
mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various
Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM.
Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency,
Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple
threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient
remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature
optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable
Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases
and its access library for client applications.
Between some of Kyoto Tycoon features you may find:
- The network communication protocol is HTTP, so you can write client apps
and libraries in almost all popular languages
- Both RESTful-style and RPC-style interfaces are supported
- Based on epoll/kqueue, the server supports 10K+ concurrent connections
- High availability mechanisms and extensible built-in support:
* Hot backup
* Update logging
* Asynchronous replication
* Lua support: define arbitrary operations of the database using the
lightweight scripting language
Este paquete contén o servidor e as ferramentas de proba.
Package: kyototycoon-dbg
Description-md5: 01657c8061b25e647610145b36b891e8
Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - debugging symbols
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration
mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various
Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM.
Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency,
Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple
threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient
remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature
optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable
Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases
and its access library for client applications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do servidor, as ferramentas
de proba e a biblioteca compartida.
Package: kyototycoon-doc
Description-md5: 9ac3189e99ab94c96832612b57c75780
Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - documentation
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration
mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various
Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM.
Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency,
Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple
threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient
remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature
optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable
Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases
and its access library for client applications.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: l2tp-ipsec-vpn
Description-md5: be4aefe32b4e78983cd529b6346954ac
Description-gl: Controle as súas conexións L2TP VPN IPsec
This GUI provides a system tray icon in the notification area from which a
non privileged user can establish and bring down L2TP over IPsec VPN
Tamén hai un editor de configuracións que permite configurar diversas
opcións de IPsec, L2TP and PPP.
Package: l2tp-ipsec-vpn-daemon
Description-md5: f574f31045dfdf30916f9a82025e1ddc
Description-gl: daemon for L2tpIPsecVpn GUI
This daemon is exclusively used by the L2TP over IPsec Manager GUI
application in order to execute openswan and xl2tp commands as root on
behalf of the GUI client.
Este daemon só é útil en combinación co cliente de interface gráfica
instalado co paquete l2tp-ipsec-vpn.
Package: laborejo
Description-md5: 2e64303d06412ade9c0d906e6545f0a3
Description-gl: Obradoiro de notación musical
Laborejo, «Obradoiro» en esperanto, úsase para crear música mediante
notación. É unha interface gráfica para Lilypond, un creador de MIDI e por
último unha colección de ferramentas para inspirar e axudar a compor
música. Funciona reducindo a redundancia da música e separando a
disposición e os datos.
Laborejo fornece moitas funcionalidades:
* Número ilimitado de pistas/pentagramas, voces, elementos.
* Entrada mediante teclado, rato ou MIDI. * Sistema de atallos e configuración flexíbel e rápido.
* Portátil - tan poucas dependencias como for posíbel.
* Xeración de PDF preparados para imprimir, a través do Lilypond.
* Separación da edición e a introdución de notas/datos e da disposición.
* Xeración de ficheiros MIDI.
* Reprodución a través de JACK.
* Control da interpretación desde un nivel global (p.ex.
cambiar como son as notas longas, non ligadas ou as fermatas) até
apaños detallados e técnicos como as mensaxes CC de MIDI
como elementos da partitura.
Package: labrea
Description-md5: 70fe031529db4badf35e0e2e6dd36e61
Description-gl: a "sticky" honeypot and IDS
LaBrea faise con enderezos de IP sen uso e crea servidores virtuais que
lles resultan atractivos aos vermes, crackers e outros habitantes da
O programa responde ás tentativas de conexión de maneira que a máquina que
estea no outro extremo «empantánase», ás veces moito tempo.
Package: laby
Description-md5: 47aa2b01bda051a2b82b5420cb4ac6b6
Description-gl: Aprenda a programar con formigas e arañeiras
Laby é un programiña para aprender a programar con formigas e arañeiras.
Hai que sacar unha formiga dun labirinto, evitar as arañeiras, mover
pedras, etc.
Usando Laby pódese aprender OCaml, C e Java. Pódense engadir
posteriormente outras asociacións para admitir novas linguaxes de
Package: labyrinth
Description-md5: 1232325d4aff46a0baa2d89a9af527e6
Description-gl: Ferramenta lixeira de mapas mentais
O Labyrinth é unha ferramenta lixeira de mapas mentais escrita en Python
empregando Gtk e Cairo para realizar os debuxos. Preténdese que sexa o
máis lixeira e intuitiva que for posíbel, mais que forneza unha variedade
ampla de funcionalidades potentes.
Un mapa mental é un diagrama empregado para representar palabras, ideas,
tarefas ou outras cousas ligadas e dispostas radialmente arredor dun
concepto ou idea central. Utilízase para xerar, visualizar, estruturar e
clasificar ideas e como axuda no estudo, organizacion, resolución de
problemas e toma de decisións.
Package: lacheck
Description-md5: f8b4e067ceaf1167420487365338b7eb
Description-gl: Corrector de sintaxe simple para LaTeX
O LaCheck é un corrector de sintaxe simple para LaTex baseado nun
analizador léxico dunha única pasada. Isto aclara que hai moitos problemas
de LaTeX que o programa non pode atopar, aínda que si que atopa os erros
máis simples. Os paquetes con macros complexas poden, porén, facer que
resulte completamente inútil.
Este programa incluíase co AUCTeX hai moito tempo e é de alí que se coñece
Package: ladish
Description-md5: 2408b9039699016e6e5e130126a8e89f
Description-gl: Sistema de xestión de sesións para os aplicativos de JACK
LADI Session Handler or simply ladish is a session management system for
JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many
different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them
down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. ladish doesn't
deal with any kind of audio or MIDI data itself; it just runs programs,
deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects JACK ports
together. It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers,
or post sessions on the Internet for download.
Package: ladish-dbg
Description-md5: 346eb1dacc568b70c2bee97b96f44490
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ladish
LADI Session Handler or simply ladish is a session management system for
JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many
different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them
down and then easily reload the setup at some other time.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ladish.
Package: ladr4-apps
Description-md5: ce715083ec65b9f70befbb37125c836f
Description-gl: the LADR deduction library, miscellaneous applications
LADR (Library for Automated Deduction Research) is a library for use in
constructing theorem provers. Among other useful routines it provides
facilities for applying inference rules such as resolution and
paramodulation to clauses. LADR is used by the prover9 theorem prover,
and by the mace4 countermodel generator.
Este paquete fornece diversos aplicativos de LADR.
Package: ladspa-foo-plugins
Description-md5: 307b613015287b2cb79b9a8c9cdb867a
Description-gl: Engadidos para LADSPA de Sampo Savolainen
Este é un pequeno conxunto de engadidos para LADSPA. Actualmente consta de
dous engadidos:
Foo Lookahead Limiter (stereo)
A lookahead peak limiter with an attack / release envelope.
Foo Transient Architect (stereo and mono version)
Transient sound design. This is a dynamics control independent of the
volume level. It gives separate control for transient attack and release
Package: ladspa-sdk
Description-md5: 66ff3a8386fca67afc6b6b13438548a7
Description-gl: Ferramentas de mostra para a arquitectura de engadidos linux-audio-dev
LADSPA é unha especificación de estándares libres para engadidos de
efectos de son.
Contén engadidos de mostra e os programas analyseplugin, listplugin e
applyplugin, así como ladspa.h, a especificación de LADSPA.
Please build-depend on this package if you need ladspa.h
Package: lam4-dev
Description-md5: 2aaae1e16ec82f1827f9cc46a06dfd0f
Description-gl: Development of parallel programs using LAM
LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an open source implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.
Este paquete fornece as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros
Package: lambdabot
Description-md5: 7c5b1a45fe74af0f554a8cf9fdd1d157
Description-gl: Ferramenta de desenvolvemento e bot avanzado de IRC
Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da
canle de IRC #haskell
It operates as a command-line tool, embedded in an editor, embedded in
GHCi, via Internet Relay Chat and on the Web.
Package: lame
Description-md5: 4431b658087daa9f608d08daeeaa135b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de MP3 (interface)
LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) is a research project for learning about
and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding
library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound
analysis, as well as convenience tools.
Este paquete contén a interface.
Package: lame-doc
Description-md5: eeb8fa7efd8602652d41a21b5a82e139
Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de MP3 (documentación)
LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) is a research project for learning about
and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding
library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound
analysis, as well as convenience tools.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: lammps
Description-md5: e7d428177d9d81d47bea5a96772e407c
Description-gl: Simulador de Dinámica Molecular
LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-
scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator.
LAMMPS has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and
solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or
mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as
a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale.
LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing
techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code
is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality.
Package: lammps-doc
Description-md5: 35226396384cd7223e6df6cb28df12d1
Description-gl: Simulador de Dinámica Molecular. Documentación e exemplos
LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-
scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator.
LAMMPS has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and
solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or
mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as
a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale.
LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing
techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code
is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality.
The package contains documentation and examples.
Package: landell
Description-md5: 262fa0a92737ea87984c1953198b23f9
Description-gl: Xestor de fluxo de son e vídeo
Landell is an audio and video streamer that receives streams from sources
and sends a stream using icecast. It has a graphical interface that shows
preview and allows applying dynamic effects and configuring stream.
Package: langford-dkms
Description-md5: 2e0b2e375127b974c432c4e9b41f6ac7
Description-gl: Kernel drivers for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board
This package contains the source code and build scripts for the driver
required to use the "Noctar" (formerly "Phi") IQ demodulator board from
Per Vices.
Se non sabe ben se necesita este paquete é que non o necesita.
Package: langford-utils
Description-md5: dfa3d80a77165a3f570a9d67dc83a341
Description-gl: Control programs for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board
These utilities can be used to set up low level functions in the "Noctar"
(formerly "Phi") IQ demodulator board from Per Vices.
Se non sabe ben se necesita este paquete é que non o necesita.
Package: language-pack-kde-ar
Description-md5: 6ec3fd65702a38e06a74c5841f8c4542
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua árabe
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: árabe
Package: language-pack-kde-bg
Description-md5: d9605358bd00fe7334ce6c3909d4b55c
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua búlgara
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: búlgaro
Package: language-pack-kde-bs
Description-md5: a7d28d02d41d5e071e56e02c98421903
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua bosnia
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: bosníaco
Package: language-pack-kde-ca
Description-md5: dc35057d824d2bdfbf49ccf7f6969c49
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua catalá
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: catalán
Package: language-pack-kde-cs
Description-md5: fe3f9fbed8c49320871db0a7c509ea41
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua checa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: checo
Package: language-pack-kde-da
Description-md5: 8878a9b495c3399a8bebcd43d6497f9a
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua dinamarquesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: dinamarqués
Package: language-pack-kde-de
Description-md5: f6c77eb661b516b16b736620184c611e
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua alemá
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: alemán
Package: language-pack-kde-el
Description-md5: 333a10c862114cbab53cd175ee2b4c6e
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua grega
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE en:
Package: language-pack-kde-en
Description-md5: 411a0ff020e09975587948f9b6394e9b
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua inglés británico
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: inglés británico
Package: language-pack-kde-es
Description-md5: e39c3d0dd72d04093e2a164369ecda72
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua española
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: español; castelán
Package: language-pack-kde-et
Description-md5: 2066d7fa4644d9460f2a117f2a5def35
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua estonia
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: estoniano
Package: language-pack-kde-eu
Description-md5: 3a86ac15f0634b22b0e38cf7085e9766
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua basca
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: éuscaro
Package: language-pack-kde-fa
Description-md5: debef3c010f6c0e541c74eb61cfb054d
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua farsi
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Farsi
Package: language-pack-kde-fi
Description-md5: 926fbce6135561d6461838abba387662
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua finlandesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: finlandés
Package: language-pack-kde-fr
Description-md5: 4b3cea0d2e6116ed85c2caa19af2a2c7
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua francesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: francés
Package: language-pack-kde-ga
Description-md5: 322fcf125bfda9f13b8e54cf33bab5af
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua irlandesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: irlandés
Package: language-pack-kde-gl
Description-md5: a2302e61ccf83b070483e5e4efe6f534
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua galego
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: galego
Package: language-pack-kde-he
Description-md5: bfa770d969d60986511409a3cd771eff
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua hebrea
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: hebreo
Package: language-pack-kde-hi
Description-md5: 3d8b47825c2bbd5a2b141caeec397ebe
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua hindi
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: hindi
Package: language-pack-kde-hr
Description-md5: 82f6f62978c0c30539ea1b7129c6e6b3
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua croata
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: croata
Package: language-pack-kde-hu
Description-md5: f2460cdb8517c1cde9e57a81ca8fadcf
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua húngara
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: húngaro
Package: language-pack-kde-ia
Description-md5: cc9705fa1e081464c7d8ff632447c504
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua interlingua
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Interlingua
Package: language-pack-kde-is
Description-md5: fe8a1a46a3f0538bdd574fa295886c9e
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua islandesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: islandés
Package: language-pack-kde-it
Description-md5: 664cfaf59a6a20866052802528d4e67a
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua italiana
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: italiano
Package: language-pack-kde-ja
Description-md5: 28371e06d18d18a7b398ca0847c2ad59
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua xaponesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: xaponés
Package: language-pack-kde-kk
Description-md5: bc753e1ce90e6df366e671bd7dcd78e1
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua kazaxa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: casaco
Package: language-pack-kde-km
Description-md5: 7efe1b5b21f745c28e017137e94ed3b4
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua khmer
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: khmer
Package: language-pack-kde-ko
Description-md5: 431987edf9f71d840cde4a5d96aaaa38
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua coreana
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: coreano
Package: language-pack-kde-lt
Description-md5: 56f0e111bedf1cf6fece7c85b6919286
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua lituana
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: lituano
Package: language-pack-kde-lv
Description-md5: 768fdb30f2b0ed4cc8b66f9bf48ad076
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua letona
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: letón
Package: language-pack-kde-mr
Description-md5: 937e9119b49ecf3b400fce7c9206125a
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua marathi
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: marathi
Package: language-pack-kde-nb
Description-md5: 993cbcfee03f9793844c9f3e7fc7d40d
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua norueguesa bokmål
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Noruegués bokmål
Package: language-pack-kde-nds
Description-md5: 2bc986e9092fdd79ebdc1e603146073e
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua baixo-saxona
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes utilizados por:
Package: language-pack-kde-nl
Description-md5: 2756d2d2b6d449e840bca9e7b032929c
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua holandesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Holandés
Package: language-pack-kde-nn
Description-md5: 464efb4e9159d792f327d3a035909c1a
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua norueguesa nynorsk
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Noruegués nynorsk
Package: language-pack-kde-pa
Description-md5: adcc5c5c3a42ea456138a207f8c9248d
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua punxabí
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: Punxabí
Package: language-pack-kde-pl
Description-md5: f404d255ccde6d7b31c29de703bcd6a9
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua polaca
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: polaco
Package: language-pack-kde-pt
Description-md5: a5318384a6c18f24a6e8e47ee2d2d683
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua portuguesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: portugués
Package: language-pack-kde-ro
Description-md5: 3d2aa2b08e1318b597d83aafe1908854
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua romanesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: romanés
Package: language-pack-kde-ru
Description-md5: 5302a22c15e50ae7e64940e14f03917d
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua rusa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: ruso
Package: language-pack-kde-si
Description-md5: e0f890ea83ce1c35c66bae481d8f6e64
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua sinhala
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: sinhala
Package: language-pack-kde-sk
Description-md5: 6045ce987a15435a6055b24729bc0c87
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua eslovaca
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: eslovaco
Package: language-pack-kde-sl
Description-md5: 145d56fdba28d5fff89653ab3a9789c5
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua eslovena
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: esloveno
Package: language-pack-kde-sr
Description-md5: b9202bbb866b9067bf2190a3c4cd5f6a
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua serbia
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: serbio
Package: language-pack-kde-sv
Description-md5: e53c42855b27866b5385049a4d56b60c
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua sueca
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: sueco
Package: language-pack-kde-tg
Description-md5: f8ef71e407d4cbe146c5e9cf4bf7efb6
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua taxica
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: taxico
Package: language-pack-kde-th
Description-md5: 52570b9a996cc2da1fbf306be4400efe
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua tailandesa
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: tailandés
Package: language-pack-kde-tr
Description-md5: 1126c24a03637fe2a7b59ad5f7bfebe9
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua turca
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: turco
Package: language-pack-kde-ug
Description-md5: e5f634906b150a46ecf451c48c8dd76c
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua uigur
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: uigur
Package: language-pack-kde-uk
Description-md5: 4726ca960aa6c778bd0c832e7ee76a2c
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua ucraína
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: ucraíno
Package: language-pack-kde-vi
Description-md5: 2aa5efae39227d12aab7dfe8d14169fa
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua vietnamita
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: vietnamita
Package: language-pack-kde-wa
Description-md5: 2d9f6a4fddfec34225ed7a53b0543feb
Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua balona
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: valón
Package: language-pack-kde-zh-hans
Description-md5: 6fd4b519785de0604532c9d63b5af882
Description-gl: Metapaquete de actualizacións da tradución de KDE ao idioma chinés simplificado
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: chinés simplificado
Package: language-pack-kde-zh-hant
Description-md5: fe94b62d2ea16c2d3d736e854c4db6d4
Description-gl: Metapaquete de actualizacións da tradución de KDE ao idioma chinés tradicional
Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE
utilizados por: chinés tradicional
Package: laptop-mode-tools
Description-md5: 43f109990cc61ac81c810b482d7dff84
Description-gl: Ferramentas para o aforro de enerxía baseado no estado da batería/corrente
Laptop mode is a Linux kernel feature that allows your laptop to save
considerable power, by allowing the hard drive to spin down for longer
periods of time. This package contains the userland scripts that are
needed to enable laptop mode.
It includes support for automatically enabling laptop mode when the
computer is working on batteries. It also supports various other power
management features, such as starting and stopping daemons depending on
power mode, automatically hibernating if battery levels are too low, and
adjusting terminal blanking and X11 screen blanking
laptop-mode-tools uses the Linux kernel's Laptop Mode feature and thus is
also used on Desktops and Servers to conserve power
Package: larswm
Description-md5: e671c823baf67c8b85e8b398cb83e77e
Description-gl: Lars Window Manager with tiled windows
larswm is a hack for 9wm, adding automatic window tiling, virtual desktops
and many other features designed to make it a very efficient user
environment. It uses very little CPU time and virtual memory.
Autor: Lars Bernhardsson
Package: laserboy-indep
Description-md5: 03ce4d9467210d208c9c5ee250ad0fba
Description-gl: Laser show software for soundcard operation - data files
LaserBoy can translate laser vector art into standard, 48KHz, 16 bit,
multi channel RIFF WAVE file format and play those files with independent
sample shifts between the channels for proper time alignment between the
scanners and the color modulation devices (per color). Waves made with
LaserBoy can be played from any surround sound card in any OS. LaserBoy
can open its own generated wave files and convert them back into vector
art. LaserBoy provides a full set of points optimization routines
including distance spanning, corner dwelling and the ability to minimize
total points distance by rearranging the order and direction of lit
segments within a frame. With a DC modified 8 channel sound card and some
outboard electronics, LaserBoy is currently outputting full motion, 16bit
X, Y position, 24 bit RGB color projections at 48 thousand points per
second. Creating waves of any integer sample rate is possible. 48KHz is
only a limitation of the sound cards that are currently in use.
Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do laserboy.
Package: last-align
Description-md5: 34c07e83cd3ffe3ca9aa9b81ea1ff067
Description-gl: Comparación de secuencias biolóxicas ao nivel do xenoma
O LAST é software para comparar e aliñar secuencias, habitualmente
secuencias de ADN ou de proteínas. O LAST é semellante ao BLAST mais
traballa mellor con cantidades moi grandes de datos de secuencias. Eis
dúas cousas nas que o LAST é bo:
* Comparar xenomas grandes (p.ex. de mamíferos). * Localizar moitas
etiquetas de secuencias nun xenoma.
The main technical innovation is that LAST finds initial matches based on
their multiplicity, instead of using a fixed size (e.g. BLAST uses
10-mers). This allows one to map tags to genomes without repeat-masking,
without becoming overwhelmed by repetitive hits. To find these variable-
sized matches, it uses a suffix array (inspired by Vmatch). To achieve
high sensitivity, it uses a discontiguous suffix array, analogous to
spaced seeds.
Package: lastfm
Description-md5: 6f686a044796f5e4f2205d4796b7f580
Description-gl: Reprodutor musical para a radio personalizada is the flagship product from the team that designed the
Audioscrobbler system, a music engine based on a massive collection of
Music Profiles. Each music profile belongs to one person, and describes
their taste in music. uses these music profiles to make
personalized recommendations, match you up with people who like similar
music, and generate custom radio stations for each person.
Este paquete permite reproducir fluxos de emisoras de radio personalizados
do sitio web Hai que ter unha conta (gratuíta) para poder
utilizar este paquete.
Package: lat
Description-md5: fb7077b64e2a611120173a96c1b73680
Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración de LDAP
LAT stands for LDAP Administration Tool. The tool allows you to browse
LDAP-based directories and add/edit/delete entries contained within. It
can store profiles for quick access to different servers.
Package: latd
Description-md5: e359686f95cf7048a9783c5ea0e28a1b
Description-gl: Daemon de LAT (Transporte de Área Local)
This is a server for DEC LAT. It allows users to log in to the Linux
system from a LAT terminal server and also the creation of "reverse" LAT
ports on the system that connect to other LAT services on the network.
Hai tamén unha utilidade llogin que permite que os usuarios accedan a
servizos LAT remotos e unha utilidade moprc para xestionar servidores de
terminais de maneira remota.
Package: late
Description-md5: 43c82ed1fa2bfc1520a44737243c1089
Description-gl: Xogo simple de capturar bólas
Este é un xogo simple e divertido no que hai que usar a guillotina co rato
para atrapar as bólas que rebotan.
As bólas atrápanse disparando a guillotina para partir a área de xogo en
caixiñas; cando haxa pantalla suficiente cuberta pásase ao seguinte nivel.
Package: late-data
Description-md5: cebfdabece5f726a4a1ae1845f60a844
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo late
O late é un xogo simple de capturar bólas
Este paquete contén datas de son e niveis para o xogo.
Fai falla o paquete late para usar estes ficheiros de datos
Package: latencytop
Description-md5: 7cc54bd3f215cbcc364144cfc6fde243
Description-gl: Unha ferramenta para desenvolvedores para visualizar latencias de sistema
LatencyTOP is a Linux tool for software developers (both kernel and
userspace), aimed at identifying where in the system latency is happening,
and what kind of operation/action is causing the latency to happen so that
the code can be changed to avoid the worst latency hiccups.
Package: latex-cjk-all
Description-md5: 4f68acf4244e40cea5b9be88f32bf3f1
Description-gl: Instala todos os paquetes de CJK de LaTeX
Este paquete instala todos os paquetes de CJK. Tamén se podería instalar
cada paquete por solto. Vexa o paquete latex-cjk-common para unha
descrición detallada.
Package: latex-cjk-chinese
Description-md5: 6424fac0b469c934f95668d8f6bcad8a
Description-gl: Modulo de chinés para o CJK de LaTeX
O CJK é un paquete de macros para LaTeX. este paquete dá a posibilidade de
incluír texto en chinés (tradicional e simplificado) nos documentos en
Instale hbf-jfs56 se desexa empregar tipos de letra de mapas de bits en
chinés simplificado.Install hbf-cns40-b5 se desexa tipos de letra de mapas
de bits en chinés simplificado.Install hbf-cns40-[1-7] se desexa tipos de
letra de mapas de bits CEF. Isto só é necesario caso se precisen
caracteres chineses extremadamente raros e exóticos.
Have a look at latex-cjk-common for a more detailed description.
Package: lazygal
Description-md5: 5d08c026d834afe8e4fa027cba0fa3d7
Description-gl: Xerador de galerías web estáticas
O Lazygal é outro xerador de galerías web estáticas escrito en Python.
Baséase na liña de ordes, emprega un motor reutilizábel e é vago - só
rexenera as partes que hai que rexenerar.
Admite moitas funcionalidades interesantes, como subgalerías, información
EXIF, temas e metadatos personalizados dos cartafoles. Os temas incluídos
consisten en XHTML + CSS puros.
Package: lbreakout2
Description-md5: 54c63d99ca78e370f4535c31016174d9
Description-gl: Xogo de bóla e raqueta con bos gráficos
O lbreakout2 é un xogo semellante aos clásicos breakout e xboing que conta
con moitas melloras e efectos gráficos engadidos. Contrólase unha raqueta
no fondo do campo de xogo que hai que destruír os tixolos da parte
superior batendo neles con bólas.
O lbreakout2 é unha reescrita completa do xogo «lbreakout». Quen queira
xogar co lbreakout probabelmente desexa instalar isto.
Package: lbreakout2-data
Description-md5: 0d79896cb5f9710a2a9c86f872175105
Description-gl: Xogo de bóla e raqueta con bos gráficos (FICHEIROS DE DATOS)
O lbreakout2 é un xogo semellante aos clásicos breakout e xboing que conta
con moitas melloras e efectos gráficos engadidos. Contrólase unha raqueta
no fondo do campo de xogo que hai que destruír os tixolos da parte
superior batendo neles con bólas.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do lbreakout2.
Package: lbzip2
Description-md5: fc16c4225837402464b76848e5b051f9
Description-gl: Utilidade de bzip2 rápida e con múltiplos fíos
lbzip2 is an independent, multi-threaded implementation of bzip2. It is
commonly the fastest SMP (and uniprocessor) bzip2 compressor and
O lbzip2 intégrase xeitosamente co tar de GNU.
Package: lcab
Description-md5: 0f7ec256bcaad6f9f9dc296d8b07a276
Description-gl: Cree arquivos cabinet (.cab)
O lcab é un programiña para Linux que cree un arquivo cabinet (.cab) a
partir dun conxunto de ficheiros dados.
O formato CAB representa o formato de arquivo comprimido do Windows da
Microsoft. Emprégano para comprimir e asinar dixitalmente diversos
programas de instalación da Microsoft.
Package: lcalc
Description-md5: fd4ca25641eecd55cac218c2c32d68b1
Description-gl: program for calculating with L-functions
O lcalc é un programa para calcular ceros e valores de funcións L. As
funcións L que admite inclúen a función ceta de Riemann, a función L da
función delta de Ramanujan e funcións L de curvas elípticas definidas
sobre os racionais.
Package: lcas-interface
Description-md5: 5cfa7214423fbec6915e8ec79c8ea936
Description-gl: Local Centre Authorization Service API
LCAS makes binary ('yes' or 'no') authorization decisions at the site and
resource level. In making this decision, it can use a variety of inputs:
the 'grid' name of the user (the Subject Distinguished Name), any VO
attributes the user has (like VOMS FQANs), the name of the executable the
user intends to execute. It supports basic black and white list
functionality, but also more complex VOMS-based expressions, based on the
GACL language.
Este paquete contén a interface necesaria para construír engadidos para
Package: lcd4linux
Description-md5: 6635a666719017d9626f59b1d0e09a78
Description-gl: Obtén información e móstraa nun LCD externo
Programiña que obtén información do kernel e algúns subsistema e a mostra
nunha pantalla de cristal líquido.
Consulte para a documentación.
Package: lcdf-typetools
Description-md5: 41a83a6480ce73439660eb1846352d13
Description-gl: Programas para manipular OpenType, multiple-master e Type 1
tipos de letra, incluídas
cfftot1 allows you to translate Compact Font Format (CFF) or
PostScript-flavored OpenType fonts into PostScript
Type 1 font format
otfinfo reports information about OpenType fonts, such as the
features they support and the contents of their ``size''
optical size option
otftotfm allows you to create TeX font metrics and encodings for
using PostScript-flavored OpenType fonts
t1dotlessj creates a Type 1 font with a single character --
the dotless j corresponding to the specified design
t1lint checks a Type 1 font for correctness (preliminary)
t1rawafm generates a "raw" (kernless and ligatureless) AFM file
given a font file (PFB/PFA)
t1reencode changes a PostScript Type 1 fon't embedded encoding
t1testpage creates a PostScript test page for a specified
font file (preliminary)
ttftotype42 converts TrueType or TrueType-flavored OpenType font
programs into PostScript Type 42 format
LCDF-TypeTools also includes the multiple-master font tools formerly
distributed as mminstance. These tools allow you to use multiple-master
fonts with programs that require single-master fonts (afm2tfm, ps2pk,
fontinst, etc.). Both programs work fine with fonts that contain
intermediate masters (e.g., Adobe Jenson MM and Adobe Kepler MM).
mmafm creates an AFM (Adobe font metric) file corresponding to
a single instance of a multiple-master font. It reads
(and therefore requires) the AMFM and AFM files
distributed with the font.
mmpfb creates a normal, single-master font program that looks
like an instance of a multiple-master font. It reads
the multiple-master font program in PFA or PFB format.
Package: lcdproc-dbg
Description-md5: 9a42cd5a107df8066e6fe19ebe5c5e3f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do lcproc
This is a client/server suite including drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con lcdproc. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Most people will not need this package.
Package: ldm-edubuntu-theme
Description-md5: bbeaae794e52747380ae4f32bfedab7f
Description-gl: Tema de Edubunte para o Xestor de pantallas LTSP
LDM is an ssh based X11 display manager, this package contains the
Edubuntu theme for LDM.
Package: ldm-ubuntu-themes
Description-md5: c0a80e462d32e21a02c8877a542a0547
Description-gl: Themes for the LTSP Display Manager (transitional package)
Este é un metapaquete transitorio. Pódese eliminar con seguranza despois
da anovación.
Package: ldtp-doc
Description-md5: 18b7abee0dd681d01cfe634367e3ee2e
Description-gl: Documentación dos paquetes de LDTP
Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test
automation framework and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test
GNU/Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to
poke through the applications user interface.
This package contains documentation for LDTP packages.
Package: lebiniou
Description-md5: 2c70eae0a85eb27b9fb72e8c6138bf1e
Description-gl: Mostra imaxes que evolúen co son
Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic
source you choose.
When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you
are playing.
You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the
sequences and choose your own series of pictures from the default library,
your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can
let Le Biniou's artificial intelligence run on its own.
Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new
multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way of comprehending music and
sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes.
Package: lemonldap-ng-doc
Description-md5: 29c40dce8bf0900d3545bed4c8784e8c
Description-gl: Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system documentation
Lemonldap::NG is a complete Web-SSO system that can run with reverse-
proxies or directly on application Apache servers. It can be used in
conjunction with OpenID, CAS and SAML systems as identity or service
provider. It can also be used as proxy between those federation systems.
It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for
accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection. Authorization are built
by associating a regular expression and a rule. Regular expression is
applied on the requested URL and the rule calculates if the user is
Este paquete contén documentación en HTML.
Package: lib32stdc++6-4.4-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: lib32stdc++6-4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: lib64asan0-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (símbolos de depuración para 64 bits)
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: lib64asan0-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits)
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: lib64gcc-4.7-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: lib64gcc-4.8-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: lib64gcc1-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 92eaf9fdde9b4fa45758ad443fe6f324
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: lib64gcc1-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 3bf79ce9852504418b0dfc9b851b45eb
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (versión de 64 bits)
Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines
that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special
needs for some languages.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: lib64gomp1-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 882676390c496a4f303ad530c4fe700c
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (símbolos de depuración de 64 bits)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: lib64gomp1-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (64 bits)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: lib64stdc++6-4.7-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: lib64stdc++6-4.8-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: liba52-0.7.4-dev
Description-md5: a008e9348ef0391e0dd7eac39d37af19
Description-gl: library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (development)
liba52 is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. The A/52 standard
is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and
DVD. It is also known as AC-3.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libabstract-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 371ce7963027685cb4eedf63c647e5d6
Description-gl: Documentación de libabstract-ruby
An abstract method is a dummy method which is not implemented. It can be
used as a placeholder to be overridden later to help build a framework.
This package provides generated HTML documentation for libabstract-ruby.
Package: libaccess-modifier-checker-java-doc
Description-md5: 31ad48b93f9aca6c1e896cf8f57bb516
Description-gl: Documentación de libaccess-modifier-checker-java
This maven plugin allows applications to define custom access modifiers
programmatically, to be enforced at compile time in the opt-in basis.
Obviously, there's no runtime check either --- this is strictly a
voluntary annotation.
This mechanism is useful for actually making sure that deprecated features
are not used (without actually removing such declarations, which would
break binary compatibility.)
This package provides the API documentation for libaccess-modifier-
Package: libacpi-dev
Description-md5: fbf0ef585a232c225d1c4b166e5f2899
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libacpi
libacpi is a general purpose shared library for programs gathering ACPI
data on Linux. It implements thermal zones, battery information, fan
information and AC states.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libacpi.
Package: libaddresses-dev
Description-md5: 77ec4e73f6401222a2f61deee02f233b
Description-gl: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (development files)
This backend provides complete access to address information for
applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libaddressview-dev
Description-md5: 5fdf286b3ece00e2582e9440c0e4adfe
Description-gl: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (development files)
This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which
want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libadplug-dev
Description-md5: 5e5a249b161a7cfdfd94f8ab462cfad7
Description-gl: free AdLib sound library (development)
AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player
library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays
sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster
(Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of
an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libafflib-dev
Description-md5: e7f8f9f9005ae53700c6df8cf12749f9
Description-gl: support for Advanced Forensics format (development)
libafflib is a library for reading and writing the Advanced Forensics
format (AFF), an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and
related forensic metadata.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libafrodite-0.12-2
Description-md5: 09753eeaa7f9870b829e3be8f678f0b2
Description-gl: Afrodite completion library
Afrodite is a library to parse Vala sources and provide completion of
method names and arguments, variable names, structure fields, context-
sensitive in-editor documentation.
The library is developed for gedit-valatoys-plugin but can be used stand-
alone to add advanced Vala support to other editors.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libafrodite-0.12-2-dbg
Description-md5: 4e0e5871c9a0618295cb537349eebe97
Description-gl: Afrodite completion library - debugging symbols
Afrodite is a library to parse Vala sources and provide completion of
method names and arguments, variable names, structure fields, context-
sensitive in-editor documentation.
The library is developed for gedit-valatoys-plugin but can be used stand-
alone to add advanced Vala support to other editors.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libafrodite-0.12-dev
Description-md5: a88cb49d449ec3073783453f2ead2e20
Description-gl: Afrodite completion library - development files
Afrodite is a library to parse Vala sources and provide completion of
method names and arguments, variable names, structure fields, context-
sensitive in-editor documentation.
The library is developed for gedit-valatoys-plugin but can be used stand-
alone to add advanced Vala support to other editors.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libaften-dev
Description-md5: 7ce409ebeb11e75d213a53fae4574c3e
Description-gl: audio AC3 encoder - development files
Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based
on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or
Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libahven3-dev
Description-md5: 6e54401a37b269c5decb82e27a009a12
Description-gl: Unit test library for Ada (development)
Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language.
It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit.
Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should
work with any Ada 95 compiler.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a
Description-md5: d8dffb1f0210f588b7c0277f564bdf2d
Description-gl: an English-language thesaurus (development)
Aiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus that is suitable for
integration with word processors, email composers, and other authoring
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libakonadi-calendar4
Description-md5: 513e33d29e39fdf39af6e598698d01ad
Description-gl: library providing calendar helpers for Akonadi items
This library offers helper functions for integrate the use of Akonadi
calendar items in applications.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-contact4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-dev
Description-md5: 7a5c6d60679631d3585bce30c8e84f52
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do servizo de almacenamento Akonadi PIM
Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
(PIM) storage service. It provides a common framework for applications to
store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the Akonadi PIM storage service.
Package: libakonadi-kabc4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-kcal4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-kde4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-kmime4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-notes4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-ruby
Description-md5: 3129a839f63e5df58bea46f5a4c90637
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-akonadi
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-akonadi. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libakonadi-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 3129a839f63e5df58bea46f5a4c90637
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-akonadi
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-akonadi. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libakonadi-socialutils4
Description-md5: 7383075cd1b25e28cdbe813cf9010b29
Description-gl: Akonadi resources for handling social feeds
Akonadi resource types for social media related feeds.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libakonadi-xml4
Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d
Description-gl: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
This is the client access library for using the Akonadi PIM data server.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libalberta2-dbg
Description-md5: 86a612dff597036110c5e8397aa4f6c2
Description-gl: Adaptive finite element library (debug symbols)
ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial
differential equations (PDEs).
It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as
well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and
flexibility in mind.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libaldmb1-dev
Description-md5: 2628c4027c60da4c5408a7e557ef8ba1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libaldmb1
DUMB is a tracker library with support for IT, XM, S3M and MOD files. It
targets maximum accuracy to the original formats, with low-pass resonant
filters for the IT files, accurate timing and pitching, and three
resampling quality settings (aliasing, linear interpolation and cubic
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libaldmb1.
Package: libalglib-dev
Description-md5: b4738e0f01a0b7c1868e2aa5e279816b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca alglib
ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
This package support C++. ALGLIB features include:
* Linear algebra (direct algorithms, EVD/SVD)
* Solvers (linear and nonlinear)
* Interpolation
* Optimization
* Fast Fourier transforms
* Numerical integration
* Linear and nonlinear least-squares fitting
* Ordinary differential equations
* Special functions
* Statistics (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing)
* Data analysis (classification/regression, including neural networks)
This package contains the development files (headers and documentation)
Package: libalglib3.8-dbg
Description-md5: df2b390dc5de9808f6f333ec1a377238
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca alglib
ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
This package support C++. ALGLIB features include:
* Linear algebra (direct algorithms, EVD/SVD)
* Solvers (linear and nonlinear)
* Interpolation
* Optimization
* Fast Fourier transforms
* Numerical integration
* Linear and nonlinear least-squares fitting
* Ordinary differential equations
* Special functions
* Statistics (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing)
* Data analysis (classification/regression, including neural networks)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ALGLIB.
Package: libalgorithm-diff-ruby
Description-md5: b3b184dc13828e98e15f329db8278620
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-algorithm-diff
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-algorithm-diff. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libalgorithm-diff-ruby1.8
Description-md5: b3b184dc13828e98e15f329db8278620
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-algorithm-diff
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-algorithm-diff. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liballeggl4-dev
Description-md5: 40ff51e654f3dece2795af8f06c7f198
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca allegrogl
This package contains the development headers for liballeggl.
AllegroGL is an Allegro add-on that allows you to use OpenGL alongside
Allegro -- you use OpenGL for your rendering to the screen, and Allegro
for miscellaneous tasks like gathering input, doing timers, getting cross-
platform portability, loading data, and drawing your textures. So this
library fills the same hole that things like glut do.
AllegroGL also automatically exposes most, if not all, OpenGL extensions
available to user programs. This means you no longer have to manually load
them; extension management is already done for you.
Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and
multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as
creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images,
playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying
Package: liballegro4-dev
Description-md5: 5b17ce6a77ff7eb24483c5ae33ba5961
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Allegro
This package contains the development headers for the Allegro library.
Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and
multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as
creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images,
playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying
Package: liballegro5-dev
Description-md5: 10ae8ae8e5d829419d4a1f0eda9f3bdf
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Allegro 5
This package is needed to build programs using the Allegro 5 library.
Contains header files.
Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and
other types of multimedia programming. Allegro 5 is the latest major
revision of the library, designed to take advantage of modern hardware
(e.g. hardware acceleration using 3D cards) and operating systems.
Although it is not backwards compatible with earlier versions, it still
occupies the same niche and retains a familiar style.
Package: libalog0.4.1-base-dbg
Description-md5: 2dc5058ad7b65baf09b6d4a0b7afcb1a
Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (debug)
Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
and easily extendable. Alog base provides file-based and syslog logging
facilities and log-level support.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libalog0.4.1-base-dev
Description-md5: fd2446708e3b233bd2f46d0f7b3b4e21
Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (development)
Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
and easily extendable. Alog base provides file-based and syslog logging
facilities and log-level support.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libalog0.4.1-full-dbg
Description-md5: eeea8581cc80a5cc3007ae35e4c5e45b
Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (debug)
Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
and easily extendable. Alog full offers more facilities than Alog base,
notably SMTP, PostgreSQL and XMPP/Jabber.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libalog0.4.1-full-dev
Description-md5: 72b8297e098a98d3383818af32197c50
Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (development)
Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
and easily extendable. Alog full offers more facilities than Alog base,
notably SMTP, PostgreSQL and XMPP/Jabber.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libamazonec2-ruby
Description-md5: f3d0170f44e92efdba68dfc52c897514
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amazon-ec2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amazon-ec2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libamazonec2-ruby-doc
Description-md5: f3d0170f44e92efdba68dfc52c897514
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amazon-ec2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amazon-ec2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libamazonec2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: f3d0170f44e92efdba68dfc52c897514
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amazon-ec2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amazon-ec2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libamrita-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2e2d472fb4502f5edfd35696b6bdfa0b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amrita
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amrita. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libamrita2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 24ff65cbb0d6f373886892bd83fc6d9b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amrita2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amrita2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libamrita2-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 24ff65cbb0d6f373886892bd83fc6d9b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-amrita2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-amrita2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libanalitza-dbg
Description-md5: 7eaae92de59bec39efb3b9494d0bbbf9
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do módulo de educación do KDE
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en kalgebra.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libanalitza-dev
Description-md5: 27667ec9007d8c4e466158875d455a58
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de analitza
Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expresssions.
This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libanalitza5
Description-md5: 7cf6384c66ca752eaa81b3738d5de122
Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions
This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to
parse and work with mathematical expressions.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libanalitzagui5
Description-md5: b418e2b08728a73d801ea363fe81f537
Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - GUI routines
This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to
parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the
routines related to the graphical user interface.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libanalitzaplot5
Description-md5: 20d6a4f84f52098889c2602b169c1ba2
Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - plotting bits
This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to
parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the
routines related to the graphical user interface.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libanet0.1-dbg
Description-md5: 0edeea05f028f2a2766e34ba1dd17e16
Description-gl: Ada networking library (debug)
Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library
provides a BSD socket implementation and support for IPv4/UDP packet
creation and validation. It can be used to implement custom protocols on
top of IPv4. The library also provides a binding to the Linux Packet
Filter (LPF) system.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libanet0.1-dev
Description-md5: 4f8b967913791335a2decdb550619b7a
Description-gl: Ada networking library (development)
Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library
provides a BSD socket implementation and support for IPv4/UDP packet
creation and validation. It can be used to implement custom protocols on
top of IPv4. The library also provides a binding to the Linux Packet
Filter (LPF) system.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libannotation-indexer-java-doc
Description-md5: 5f6115d425726754c78fe824c09ca33a
Description-gl: Documentación de libannotation-indexer-java
Annotation Indexer builds indices of Java code annotated with the @Indexed
annotation at compile time and supports validation of indexes to allow for
early error detection and querying of the indexed elements for specific
This package provides the API documentation for libannotation-indexer-
Package: libantlr3-gunit-java-doc
Description-md5: ae878e275e24e3c119b8495189cad9be
Description-gl: Documentación da API de gUnit
gUnit is a "Unit Test" framework for ANTLR grammars. It provides a simple
way to write and run automated tests for ANTLR grammars in a manner
similar to Java unit testing framework jUnit. The basic idea is to create
a bunch of input/output pairs for rules in a grammar and gUnit will verify
the expected output/result. The input can be a single line or multiple
lines of strings or even an external file. The output can be simply
success or failure, an abstract syntax tree (AST), a rule return value, or
some text output which could be a rule's template return value. The
current version of gUnit has 2 main functions, interpreter and jUnit
generator. The interpreter interprets your gUnit script and runs unit
tests using Java reflection to invoke methods in your parser objects. The
generator, on the other hand, translates your gUnit script to jUnit Java
code that you can compile and execute by hand.
This package provides the API documentation for gUnit for ANTLR 3
Package: libao-ruby
Description-md5: dea5c901ce0d21555bfd66ce50a239f9
Description-gl: cross-platform audio output library bindings for Ruby
Libao is a cross platform audio output library, currently supporting
output to several `live' (oss, esd, alsa, nas, arts, null) and `file' (au,
raw, wav) `devices'.
This is a dummy package for each Ruby version.
Páxina web:
Package: libao-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4c4bee3e516ac8347ae8aa7c8ee897bb
Description-gl: cross-platform audio output library bindings for Ruby 1.8
Libao is a cross platform audio output library, currently supporting
output to several `live' (oss, esd, alsa, nas, arts, null) and `file' (au,
raw, wav) `devices'.
This is the package for Ruby version 1.8.
Páxina web:
Package: libapache-admin-config-perl
Description-md5: 4d487adeb141b5874ab38fab7cd0610f
Description-gl: a Perl module to read/write Apache like configuration files
Apache::Admin::Config provides an object oriented interface to read and
write Apache configuration files without affecting comments, indentation,
or truncated lines.
You can easily extract information from Apache configuration files, or
manage htaccess files. An advantage over Apache::ConfigFile is that you
can modify configuration files on disk, and generate new ones.
The class was specifically written for a hosting provider, where it is
used to add new clients, activate features, (un)lock directories using
htaccess, etc. It can also come in handy for writing a one-shot migration
script in a few lines.
Páxina web:
Package: libapache-gallery-perl
Description-md5: cc49def116467082157e08b21b3ab2c2
Description-gl: Módulo de Apache para crear galerías de imaxes ao voo
This package contains a Perl module for Apache to create galleries.
The images just need to be copied into a directory where Apache will pick
them up and create a gallery page for you, with thumbnails and links to
the full size images.
Thumbnail size and maximum image size can be defined, among others.
Package: libapache2-mod-defensible
Description-md5: 13cd41dcd201668f67914aaa4c02ac88
Description-gl: module for Apache2 which provides DNSBL usage
mod_defensible implements usage of DNSBL servers to block access to a Web
site or to specific locations.
Este paquete fornece o módulo do servidor Apache 2.
Package: libapache2-mod-fcgid-dbg
Description-md5: 0b1a9fc2b51ad673b55139fd20ce8b55
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do mod_fcgid
This package contains mod_fcgid, a high-performance alternative to mod_cgi
or mod_cgid. It starts a sufficient number of instances of the CGI program
to handle concurrent requests. These programs remain running to handle
further incoming requests.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do mod_fcgid.
Package: libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir-dbg
Description-md5: 6774cde3a03e161d59f3e5fc261a3840
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de mod_ldap_userdir
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración de mod_ldap_userdir para
axudar a depurar, como con gdb. Non é necesario para o seu funcionamento
Package: libapache2-mod-proxy-html
Description-md5: 36c293ebb5b77f14b95215fd3ffa7760
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para apache2-bin
This is a transitional package for apache2-bin, and can be safely removed
after the installation is complete.
Package: libapache2-mod-removeip
Description-md5: 8690bb126565926aed7cb4ef738a515a
Description-gl: Module to remove IP from apache2's logs
This package provides the removeip module for the Apache 2 webserver. This
module allows for overwriting Apache's environment variable REMOTE_ADDR
with a fixed value. This is necessary to anonymize all logs written by
Apache and to prevent web applications from accessing the original IP
Please be advised that activating this module may cause unexpected side
effects to the behavior of your web applications.
Páxina web:
Package: libapache2-mod-rivet-doc
Description-md5: 19c63e85e43e6c1b205799b65cc12df6
Description-gl: Documentación de Rivet, un sistema de programación en Tcl do lado do servidor
Apache Rivet is a system for creating dynamic web content via the Tcl
programming language integrated with Apache Web Server. It is designed to
be fast, powerful and extensible, consume few system resources, be easy to
learn, and to provide the user with a platform that can also be used for
other programming tasks outside the web (GUI's, system administration
tasks, text processing, database manipulation, XML, and so on). In order
to meet these goals Tcl programming language was chosen to combine with
the Apache HTTP Server. This package contains the HTML configuration and
programming manual.
Package: libapache2-mod-ruwsgi-dbg
Description-md5: 12215be63fd6bd1eea7055883a47e944
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Apache2 mod_Ruwsgi
uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications,
implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management.
This package contains the debug symbols for Apache2 mod_Ruwsgi. Install
this package if you need to debug module or if you need a useful backtrace
of a crash.
Package: libapache2-mod-uwsgi-dbg
Description-md5: 01377a16f9da1e1a0c0a4c8a9f789387
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Apache2 mod_uwsgi
uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications,
implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management.
This package contains the debug symbols for Apache2 mod_uwsgi. Install
this package if you need to debug module or if you need a useful backtrace
of a crash.
Package: libapache2-webauth
Description-md5: bb182e87de2d816cf0fbc61c70e2ff29
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio os módulos de Apache de WebAuth
WebAuth is a cookie-based web authentication system built on top of
Kerberos. It relies on a central authentication server that handles all
user authentication for a domain and creates user authentication
credentials for any web server that needs strong authentication.
This package is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the correct
Apache module package naming scheme. It can be safely removed.
Package: libapogee-dev
Description-md5: 278973543ea6d55e01e3f28bbb28e503
Description-gl: Alta camera control library (development files)
Este paquete está orientado fundamentalmente a desenvolvedores que desexen
engadir as opcións de control de cámaras Alta a outros paquetes (p.ex.
Kstars/INDI); a biblioteca inclúe un conxunto de puntos de entrada
compatíbeis con INDI, as rutinas ApnGlueXXX.
This package includes development headers for Apogee Alta CCDs.
Package: libapogee2
Description-md5: 0584873e3c30419bd12db78137850e5e
Description-gl: Alta camera control library
Este paquete está orientado fundamentalmente a desenvolvedores que desexen
engadir as opcións de control de cámaras Alta a outros paquetes (p.ex.
Kstars/INDI); a biblioteca inclúe un conxunto de puntos de entrada
compatíbeis con INDI, as rutinas ApnGlueXXX.
Package: libapq-postgresql3.2.0-dbg
Description-md5: 8ccb318c56e635278fbd207a900b8a73
Description-gl: APQ Ada 95 Postgresql Binding Plugin (debug)
APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems. This Plugin
provides the Binding to PostgreSQL.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libapq-postgresql3.2.0-dev
Description-md5: b8ef2920bb32fb19ac2685f8aa918d0c
Description-gl: APQ Ada 95 Postgresql Binding Plugin (development)
APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems. This Plugin
provides the Binding to PostgreSQL.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libapq3.2.0-dbg
Description-md5: e71bc4ace9dd27cd359bb0ef8cc66f63
Description-gl: Pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (debug)
APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems like
PostgreSQL or MySQL. This is the core package providing the plugin loading
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libapq3.2.0-dev
Description-md5: 604f3f5d0061a9d18c27527d1ea24a90
Description-gl: Pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (development)
APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems like
PostgreSQL or MySQL. This is the core package providing the plugin loading
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libaprutil1-dbd-mysql
Description-md5: 4a0cfcb6dbbed8bd14d7c2a881633ea8
Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - MySQL Driver
APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library
that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying
platform-specific implementations.
APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que
fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades
This package contains the MySQL database driver.
Package: libaprutil1-dbd-odbc
Description-md5: 085602535c579227169d691cc9bd9db1
Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - ODBC Driver
APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library
that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying
platform-specific implementations.
APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que
fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades
This package contains the ODBC database driver.
Package: libaprutil1-dbd-pgsql
Description-md5: 3e0d8248ad62a14f055f01f5218a8c8f
Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - PostgreSQL Driver
APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library
that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying
platform-specific implementations.
APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que
fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades
This package contains the PostgreSQL database driver.
Package: libarpack2
Description-md5: 2930973bf6f522d792538129ee506be1
Description-gl: Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric,
and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The
software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified
features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage
requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is
required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional
eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working
precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.
Important Features:
* Reverse Communication Interface.
* Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric,
* Standard or Generalized Problems.
* Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or
Generalized Problems.
* Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems.
* Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition.
* Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement
numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libarpack2-dbg
Description-md5: 439145a23c358fc1e83b3f224e687e95
Description-gl: Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems (debug)
ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric,
and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The
software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified
features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage
requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is
required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional
eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working
precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libarpack e libparpack.
Package: libarray-refelem-perl
Description-md5: fe05d201d6326ea1cc5558362c211844
Description-gl: Set up array elements as aliases
Este módulo dá acceso directo ás rutinas internas de Perl que permiten
almacenar referencias a cousas en matrices e hashes.
Package: libasan0-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: libasan0-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (símbolos de depuración)
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: libasan0-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (símbolos de depuración)
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: libasan0-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f
Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria
AddressSanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detector. It finds use-
after-free and {heap,stack,global}-buffer overflow bugs in C/C++ programs.
Package: libasio-doc
Description-md5: c3468fd31ac279aebfed283969185889
Description-gl: documentation for asio C++ library for network programming
asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides
developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++
approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libass-dev
Description-md5: 1e6f14ccc11ddcfcb640621e0b784231
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libass
SubStation Alpha (SSA) is a subtitle file format that allows more advanced
subtitles than the conventional SRT and similar formats.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libass.
Package: libassa3.5-5
Description-md5: 9a1b78f42b6cf798680a6bd5126606f4
Description-gl: object-oriented C++ networking library
libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive
Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set
of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor,
Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C.
libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and
various CORBA implementations
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libassa3.5-5-dbg
Description-md5: 8cf001f34dbd9426288faf405081e5f7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libassa3.5-5
libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive
Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set
of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor,
Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C.
libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and
various CORBA implementations
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libassa3.5-5.
Package: libatinject-jsr330-api-java-doc
Description-md5: 333eaa8246c12202f3d012068dd40e41
Description-gl: Documentación de libatinject-jsr330-api-java
Documentation for AtInject that is the Java API build by the JSR-330
Expert Group: .
It's a set of API aiming to standardize an extensible dependency injection
paradigm, as those provided by Guice, Spring or Plexus projects.
Package: libatk1-ruby
Description-md5: 0a145c1436edd09a975aaacaaf6bf304
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-atk
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-atk. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libatk1-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 0a145c1436edd09a975aaacaaf6bf304
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-atk
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-atk. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libatk1-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 433510079953ad79b8b372dc567849c1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-atk-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-atk-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libatlas3gf-base
Description-md5: 1fa5b6ccfb58ddbd25dc2bb30c087c27
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para libatlas3-base
ATLAS is an approach for the automatic generation and optimization of
numerical software. Currently ATLAS supplies optimized versions for the
complete set of linear algebra kernels known as the Basic Linear Algebra
Subroutines (BLAS), and a subset of the linear algebra routines in the
LAPACK library.
Package: libav-tools
Description-md5: 0911282df0f4b0ccab197667699075b4
Description-gl: Reprodutor de multimedia, servidor, codificador e transcodificador
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
Este paquete contén o reprodutor multimedia avplay, o servidor de
retransmisión avserver, o codificador de son e vídeo avconv, e o
analizador de fluxos avprobe. Admiten a maioría dos formatos de ficheiro
existentes (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF...) e dos formatos de
codificación (MPEG, DivX, MPEG4, AC3, DV...). Alén disto, contén a
utilidade qt-faststart, que prepara os ficheiros Quicktime para facilitar
a súa retransmisión pola rede.
Package: libavbin-dev
Description-md5: 5cf0c6785ae8361449b1480bb63b21b6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavbin
AVbin is a thin wrapper around FFmpeg, providing binary compatibility for
applications and languages that need it.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavbin.
Package: libavbin0
Description-md5: 2babca41384d5bbcc1b0df6825bc121c
Description-gl: cross-platform media decoding library
AVbin is a thin wrapper around FFmpeg, providing binary compatibility for
applications and languages that need it.
FFmpeg é unha colectánea de códecs de vídeo e de son moi empregada en
proxectos como mplayer, xine, GStreamer e VLC. Está baixo desenvolvemento
constante; tanto que os seus desenvolvedores rara vez publican unha
edición e hai que linkar estaticamente as instantáneas de SVN da
biblioteca para evitar as incompatibilidades das versións.
Package: libavcodec-dev
Description-md5: dbbfe8ba88ea77a86c51d6548a08bbe4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavcodec
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the codec library from Libav. It supports most existing encoding
formats (MPEG, DivX, MPEG4, AC3, DV...).
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavcodec.
Package: libavcodec-extra-53
Description-md5: 7b88fa15fcd545bfd6b9075bf9b91b34
Description-gl: Libav codec library
Este paquete contén o reprodutor de multimedia ffplay, o servidor de
retransmisión ffserver e o codificador de vídeo Libav. Admiten a maioría
dos formatos de ficheiro (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF...) e de formatos
de codificación (MPEG, DivX, MPEG4, AC3, DV...) existentes.
This is the codec library from Libav (both encoding and decoding).
This package is an enhancement to the regular libavcodec library package.
This package contains the following additional codecs.
* OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Narrow-Band (Encoder/Decoder)
* OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Wide-Band (Decoder)
* Android VisualOn AAC (Encoder)
* Android VisualOn Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Wide-Band (Encoder)
* OpenCV filtering
* Dirac decoding support via libdirac
* MP3 encoding with liblame
* H.264 encoding via libx264
* MPEG4 Part 2 encoding via libxvidcore
Because this package links against libraries that are licensed under
Apache License 2.0, the resulting binaries are distributed under the GPL
version 3.
Package: libavdevice-dev
Description-md5: d1a143a45e429a3ceda0d58733f017aa
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavdevice
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the device handling library from Libav.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavdevice.
Package: libavfilter-dev
Description-md5: ecbb9d2a01e9cb4ef59f02b92dbfd55e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavfilter
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the video filtering library from Libav.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavfilter.
Package: libavfilter-extra-2
Description-md5: b2686f7be0d3b9195ef7fa148ec6a780
Description-gl: Libav video postprocessing library
This is the video postprocessing library from Libav.
Este paquete contén unha versión sen restricións do obxecto compartido
libavfilter, que só debería ser empregado polos paquetes de Debian-.
Package: libavformat-dev
Description-md5: a12d6dbfdd1f3cd14055f14bf26eb067
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavformat
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the demuxer library from Libav. It supports most existing file
formats (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF...).
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavformat.
Package: libavformat-extra-53
Description-md5: 147ec950605579b653b3bc620121e812
Description-gl: Libav file format library
This is the demuxer library from the Libav project. It supports most
existing file formats (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF...).
Este paquete contén unha versión sen restricións do obxecto compartido
libavformat, que só debería ser empregado polos paquetes de Debian-.
Package: libavutil-dev
Description-md5: 7c9bb8e9578ac880019a066991fefbcb
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libavutil
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the common utility library from Libav.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libavutil.
Package: libavutil-extra-51
Description-md5: 9e573cbf5ff963b51f5bdc8be20f8cbd
Description-gl: Libav utility library
This is the common utility library from the Libav project. It is required
by all other Libav libraries.
Este paquete contén unha versión sen restricións do obxecto compartido
libavutil, que só debería ser empregado polos paquetes de Debian-.
Package: libaws-dbg
Description-md5: 5dd9990d690d2ee946d995bcff4be3ae
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida do Servidor Web Ada
AWS is a complete framework to develop Web based applications. The main
part of the framework is the embedded Web server. This small yet powerful
Web server can be embedded into your application so your application will
be able to talk with a Web browser. Around this Web server a lot of
services have been developed.
Esta é a biblioteca que contén os símbolos de depuración do Servidor Web
Package: libaxis-java-doc
Description-md5: cf80abfb540610facf7fc7b5369b6e94
Description-gl: SOAP implementation in Java (documentation)
Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access
Protocol") submission to W3C.
From the draft W3C specification:
SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a
decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that
consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for
describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding
rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a
convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses.
This project is a follow-on to the Apache SOAP project.
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libbarry-dev
Description-md5: d5428e2bca8de7e3ade4adc90a86aa2f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libbarry
Barry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry
This package contains the header files required for building applications
based on libbarry.
Package: libbeecrypt-dev
Description-md5: 54961933f8ee2136aef9854867c76572
Description-gl: ficheiros de cabeceiras de beecrypt, unha biblioteca de algoritmos criptográficos
BeeCrypt is an open source general purpose cryptography library that
contains highly optimized C and assembler implementations of many well-
known algorithms including Blowfish, SHA-1, Diffie-Hellman, and ElGamal.
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libbeecrypt7
Description-md5: e4e852400b1764999829f2ec483cb5b2
Description-gl: biblioteca de código aberto en C de algoritmos criptográficos
BeeCrypt is an open source general purpose cryptography library that
contains highly optimized C and assembler implementations of many well-
known algorithms including Blowfish, SHA-1, Diffie-Hellman, and ElGamal.
Package: libbfb0-dev
Description-md5: e2ac8a2fe4d2a9602f2723c4c9b440c2
Description-gl: bfb protocol library - development files
This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens
Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25,
S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled
as BenQ Mobile.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbfio-dbg
Description-md5: 1fd49ec22fc73ce780f27caec3d3c223
Description-gl: Library to provide basic input/output abstraction (debug)
Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is
used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf
and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libffio.
Package: libbfio-dev
Description-md5: 7566ad449e9e5b1c5575864911b634fd
Description-gl: Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbfio
Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is
used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf
and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbfio1
Description-md5: 19b81aad66ce4aaea6a712eb4cb018d2
Description-gl: Library to provide basic input/output abstraction
Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is
used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf
and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libbg1
Description-md5: 49d0b3fb9ba4a13963f7466b0428bb06
Description-gl: BG Libraries Collection
This package contains a collection of libraries written by myself [Bruce
Guenter] and put in use in various packages.
The library collection is mandatory to build most of Bruce Guenter's
software packages available at
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libbg1-dev
Description-md5: 2bda450698d48816060fa35b0fb58bd5
Description-gl: BG Libraries Collection (development)
This package contains a collection of libraries written by myself [Bruce
Guenter] and put in use in various packages.
The library collection is mandatory to build most of Bruce Guenter's
software packages available at
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbiblio-isis-perl
Description-md5: e53ff141797f2a2f6e26d73c7e9eabc7
Description-gl: Perl module which reads ISIS databases
This module will read ISIS databases created by DOS CDS/ISIS, WinIsis or
Biblio::Isis is a Perl module which reads ISIS databases produced by
CDS/ISIS programs, such as MicroISIS, WinISIS and IsisMARC. ISIS was a
popular family of integrated library systems provided as freeware by
UNESCO, and this module provides methods to parse full databases and use
them in a Perl program in order to migrate them to other formats.
It can create hash values from data in ISIS database (using to_hash),
ASCII dump (using to_ascii) or just hash with field names and packed
values (like ^asomething^belse).
Unique feature of this module is ability to include_deleted records. It
will also skip zero sized fields (OpenIsis has a bug in XS bindings, so
fields which are zero sized will be filled with random junk from memory).
It also has support for identifiers (only if ISIS database is created by
IsisMarc), see to_hash.
Páxina web:
Package: libbind4
Description-md5: e979ab603e015317377079ad65d35a79
Description-gl: DNS resolver and message parsing library
libbind contains the standard resolver library that was distributed in
BIND9 prior to version 9.6. Included are functions that communicate with
domain name servers, parse DNS messages, retrieve network host entries
from /etc/hosts or via DNS, convert CIDR network addresses, perform Hesiod
information lookups, retrieve network entries from /etc/networks,
implement TSIG transaction/request security of DNS messages, perform name-
to-address and address-to-name translations, and use /etc/resolv.conf for
resolver configuration.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libbind4-dev
Description-md5: 9412374d6ca6f164412d360a66322414
Description-gl: DNS resolver and message parsing static library and headers
libbind contains the standard resolver library that was distributed in
BIND9 prior to version 9.6. Included are functions that communicate with
domain name servers, parse DNS messages, retrieve network host entries
from /etc/hosts or via DNS, convert CIDR network addresses, perform Hesiod
information lookups, retrieve network entries from /etc/networks,
implement TSIG transaction/request security of DNS messages, perform name-
to-address and address-to-name translations, and use /etc/resolv.conf for
resolver configuration.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de
Package: libbinio-dev
Description-md5: 7616273c241a8df14ef29d600f584646
Description-gl: Binary I/O stream class library (development files)
The binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to
access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in
the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of
machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special
I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbiosig1-dbg
Description-md5: ae4b4cf7bd325d94e54bdf5fd1ae1da5
Description-gl: I/O library for biomedical data - debug symbols
BioSig is a library for accessing files in several biomedical data formats
(including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG
(EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS,
SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is
available at .
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: libblas3gf
Description-md5: 8bf7be122ddac6284a83fe69649495b3
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para libblas
Several minor changes to the C interface have been incorporated. One can
maintain both versions on a system simultaneously to aid in the
Package: libbliss1d-dbg
Description-md5: 384c2bdb67909ebcfdf1d3f200c415d3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libbliss1d
Bliss is a backtracking algorithm for computing automorphism groups and
canonical forms of graphs, based on individualization and refinement. Its
data structures, subroutines, and pruning heuristics are specially
designed for fast handling of large and sparse graphs.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libliss1d
Package: libblitz-doc
Description-md5: da44fd79330829f84580526f0c653e20
Description-gl: C++ template class library for scientific computing
Blitz++ offers a high level of abstraction, but performance which rivals
Fortran. The current version supports arrays and vectors.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: libbluedevil-dev
Description-md5: d6c90f3827c931befa0ddbfd95d65f8f
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libbluedevil
This package provides all the necessary development headers for building
software that uses the libbluedevil library.
Package: libbodega-dev
Description-md5: 7905624c0f592dd7bedc4e737250843b
Description-gl: Make Play Live content store library
Library for the Make Play Live content store.
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbognor-regis-dev
Description-md5: 968046dc50287fe46744be8782f84c19
Description-gl: Media daemon and play queue manager library (development files)
bognor-regis controls playqueues in meego allowing the same information to
be shared between the media player and panel. This library provides the
API to access the bognor-regis daemon.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libboolstuff-0.1-0-dbg
Description-md5: 3a41976d1b5854f763a684edac6c0ae9
Description-gl: library for operating on boolean expression binary trees - debug
BoolStuff is a C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean
expression binary trees.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libbotan1.10-dev
Description-md5: 8e4a5d7c0ef2cbd9f45f80c47721239f
Description-gl: multiplatform crypto library (development)
Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common
cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and
X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported,
including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libbox2d0-dbg
Description-md5: d853c15c375bbbdafd3b258d2568efb0
Description-gl: Motor de física en 2D - símbolos de depuración
2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in
their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the world
seem more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is
just a system for procedural animation. Rather than paying (or begging) an
animator to move your actors around, you can let Sir Isaac Newton do the
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libbsearch-ruby
Description-md5: 8f72b061342659cdddf0e70b381723b5
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bsearch
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bsearch. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbsearch-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8f72b061342659cdddf0e70b381723b5
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bsearch
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bsearch. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbullet2.81-dbg
Description-md5: e07b3b2d0312716bf019a14b4b09b03d
Description-gl: professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- debugging symbols
Bullet professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library provides state of the art
collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Bullet
For more information about Bullet, please refer to the libbullet-dev
Package: libbunny-ruby
Description-md5: c5c8b28f71952b0f326e5b66d690d379
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bunny
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bunny. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbunny-ruby-doc
Description-md5: c5c8b28f71952b0f326e5b66d690d379
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bunny
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bunny. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbunny-ruby1.8
Description-md5: c5c8b28f71952b0f326e5b66d690d379
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bunny
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bunny. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbunny-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: c5c8b28f71952b0f326e5b66d690d379
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bunny
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-bunny. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libbuzztard0
Description-md5: 0a132c37786b6e576befe5ff098a73c9
Description-gl: Modular music composer - shared libraries
The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music
studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software
called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart
from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow
migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz-
machine reuse.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libc3p0-java-doc
Description-md5: 4210c65aafe7e44727050ce4fa4f9091
Description-gl: library for JDBC connection pooling (documentation)
c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for making traditional JDBC drivers
"enterprise-ready" by augmenting them with functionality defined by the
jdbc3 spec and the optional extensions to jdbc2.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libc6-dev-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 9367b9762a0012b825ea039bd9a1e844
Description-gl: Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos
para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal.
Package: libc6-dev-armel-cross
Description-md5: 9367b9762a0012b825ea039bd9a1e844
Description-gl: Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos
para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal.
Package: libc6-dev-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 9367b9762a0012b825ea039bd9a1e844
Description-gl: Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos
para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal.
Package: libc6-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 9367b9762a0012b825ea039bd9a1e844
Description-gl: Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos
para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal.
Package: libc6-dev-ppc64-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 299efbff8dd103d807798f8961769770
Description-gl: Embedded GNU C Library: 64bit Development Libraries for PowerPC64 (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Contén as ligazóns simbólicas e os ficheiros obxecto precisos para
compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Esta é a
versión de bits da biblioteca, dirixida aos sistemas PowerPC64.
Package: libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl
Description-md5: 46ed4ee94fbbfd5e356813cc5635ed50
Description-gl: Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs
my $h = new Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry;
$h->set(Forever => "Don't expire", 0); do {$h->set($_,"Value of $_", 1);
sleep 2;} for qw(Have a nice day); $,=' '; print $h->elements; $h->dump;
sleep 4; print $h->elements; $h->dump;
Package: libcalendar-ocaml-doc
Description-md5: f35d28f7cdd8fe7b10164d920c7bae5b
Description-gl: OCaml library providing operations over dates and times
OCaml library implementing common date/time operations with timezones and
pretty printing support.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libcalendarsupport4
Description-md5: 5d6a5c429a2ee4c748ef5ada4bc85834
Description-gl: calendar support library
This library defines calendar related model objects for KDE PIM module
applications and provides a common interface for accessing and managing
calendars provided by Akonadi resources.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libcangjie-dev
Description-md5: 5b2579a11e91a1b58bf92b467016f92d
Description-gl: Cangjie input method library (development)
This is a library that provides functions related to the Cangjie Chinese
input method.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libcaribou-dbg
Description-md5: 0b2cb4678ae2b610c1c2b794b377d8b4
Description-gl: Configurable on screen keyboard - library (debug symbols)
An input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer users.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libcaribou.
Package: libcaribou0
Description-md5: 1a867b08863f4e45fd5c44b32c69b60b
Description-gl: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode - library
An input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer users.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libcbf-dev
Description-md5: dbc073f5e0f4396849cb23fc9d64ff81
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de CBFlib
CBFLIB is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for
accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting
CIF (imgCIF) files. The CBFLIB API is loosely based on the CIFPARSE API
for mmCIF files. CBFLIB does not perform any semantic integrity checks and
simply provides functions to create, read, modify and write CBF binary
data files and imgCIF ASCII data files.
This package contains libraries and header files for program development.
Package: libcbf0
Description-md5: 937ebd00a45aaf1184ed439556e0f525
Description-gl: shared library supporting CBFlib
CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for
accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting
CIF (imgCIF) files.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libccrtp-doc
Description-md5: 6c5b0e924e1d412cb9621fda0a91430e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación da biblioteca ccRTPp de GNU
GNU ccRTP is a GNU Common C++ based high performance RTP stack. RTP is the
Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including
audio and video. It can be used for media-on-demand as well as interactive
for creating services such as Internet telephony.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación do ccRTP de GNU.
Package: libccss-doc
Description-md5: 207505d760d16816841f6d3608c81753
Description-gl: simple api for CSS Stylesheets (documentation)
Libccss offers a simple API to
* Parse CSS stylesheets.
* Query for style configurations on a user-provided document
* Draw query results onto cairo surfaces
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcdaudio-dbg
Description-md5: 990c4d101f84dfcd8587f69add2ae30a
Description-gl: library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs (debug)
This library provides functions for controlling an audio CD: starting,
stopping, ejecting, etc. It also provides an interface to the CDDB and CD
Index servers.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libcdaudio-dev
Description-md5: 1679573fd1ddf42d2d7c514523c338ca
Description-gl: library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs (development)
This library provides functions for controlling an audio CD: starting,
stopping, ejecting, etc. It also provides an interface to the CDDB and CD
Index servers.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libcdb-file-perl
Description-md5: d964394930a7029a5a3bdbdf2e43d28f
Description-gl: module to access cdb databases from Perl
CDB_File is a module which provides a Perl interface to creating and
querying cdb databases. cdb is a fast, reliable and lightweight package
for creating and reading constant databases, developed by Dan Bernstein.
Consulte para máis información sobre cdb.
Package: libcdk5
Description-md5: c104f0831dfb6045ea93ef40bc7c69a8
Description-gl: C-based curses widget library
CDK stands for "Curses Development Kit". CDK sits on top of the curses
library and provides 22 ready to use widgets for rapid application
development of text-based interfaces. CDK delivers many of the common
widget types required for a robust interface. Widgets can be combined to
create complex widgets if needed.
Páxina web:
Package: libcdk5-dev
Description-md5: 957e70c10156d983e58a7535d3c090e2
Description-gl: C-based curses widget library (development files)
CDK stands for "Curses Development Kit". CDK sits on top of the curses
library and provides 22 ready to use widgets for rapid application
development of text-based interfaces. CDK delivers many of the common
widget types required for a robust interface. Widgets can be combined to
create complex widgets if needed.
This package contains the header files and development libraries for the
CDK library.
Páxina web:
Package: libcglib3-java-doc
Description-md5: 782423f4e2f08258c01d5e58b7ffca69
Description-gl: code generation library for Java - documentation
cglib is a powerful, high performance and quality code generation library.
It is used to extend Java classes and implement interfaces at run-time.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libcgns3.1-dbg
Description-md5: 9a5bc9f6a6cfd94ef0ed3fb6350ca479
Description-gl: CFD General Notation System library
The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general, portable, and
extensible standard for the storage and retrieval of computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) analysis data. It consists of a collection of conventions,
and free and open software implementing those conventions. It is self-
descriptive, machine-independent, well-documented, and administered by an
international steering committee. It is also an American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Recommended Practice.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libchamplain-0.12-dbg
Description-md5: 5a9bc4b8f790e60d7975c37b933f5317
Description-gl: C library providing ClutterActor to display maps (debug symbols)
Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps.
It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default),
OpenArialMap and Maps for free.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libchamplain
Package: libchamplain-gtk-0.12-dbg
Description-md5: ab16324ac05b44a45c96bd210f5a62eb
Description-gl: Gtk+ widget to display maps (debug symbols)
Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display
rasterized maps and markers.
It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap (default),
OpenArialMap and Maps for free.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libchamplain-gtk.
Package: libcharls-dev
Description-md5: 6cc1704433851fe1c0588bd63fbdfaf5
Description-gl: Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard (development libraries)
CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless
and near-lossless image compression
JPEG-LS (ISO-14495-1/ITU-T.87) is a standard derived from the Hewlett
Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG LS has low complexity (meaning fast
compression) and high compression ratios, similar to JPEG 2000. JPEG-LS is
more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly
the two different techniques result in vastly different performance
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libchef-ruby
Description-md5: 1967884afef01f25750e82b8537a99b4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para chef
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
chef. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libchef-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 1967884afef01f25750e82b8537a99b4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para chef
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
chef. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libchemistry-openbabel-perl
Description-md5: 83d16fc39d10e214a3ae83b1e48f36b2
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (perl bindings)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
This package contains the Perl binding.
Package: libchipmunk0d3-dbg
Description-md5: 71cb2656aba325feca55a0408370daea
Description-gl: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library - debug
Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics
library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved
MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of
physics you find in newer 3D games.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libcitadel-dev
Description-md5: 1c819ef4c2a0dd83e7cb3d61ebe96b05
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libcitadel4
This library contains the commonly used routines for the citadel suite.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libcitadel4-dbg
Description-md5: a102a0bce1f14ac45d67177345b047c3
Description-gl: Debugging symbols for libcitadel4
This library contains the commonly used routines for the citadel suite.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libclang1-3.3-dbg
Description-md5: b5cfddabd129e4587749c7728391a8e1
Description-gl: clang library
Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the
LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC).
Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998 and 2001 standards and also
provides a partial support of C++1y.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libclang1-3.5-dbg
Description-md5: b5cfddabd129e4587749c7728391a8e1
Description-gl: clang library
Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the
LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC).
Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998 and 2001 standards and also
provides a partial support of C++1y.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libclass-data-accessor-perl
Description-md5: 8cd60cb88df24f04898b4e18b894906f
Description-gl: Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and
Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating
accessors to class properties that is overridable in subclasses as well as
in class instances.
Por exemplo:
will generate the method Suitcase() in the class Pere::Ubu.
This new method can be used to get and set a piece of class property.
$suitcase = Pere::Ubu->Suitcase;
Package: libclassworlds-java-doc
Description-md5: b543911c21f6b0f3a2ba48a20502feb3
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca de Java Classworlds
Classworlds is a framework for container developers who require complex
manipulation of Java's ClassLoaders. Java's native ClassLoader mechanims
and classes can cause many headaches and confusion for certain types of
application developers. Projects which involve dynamic loading of
components or otherwise represent a 'container' that can benefit from the
classloading control provided by classworlds.
Classworlds provides a richer set of semantics for class loading than
Java's normal mechanisms, while still being able to provide a ClassLoader
interface to integrate seamlessly with the Java environment.
This package provides the API documentation.
Package: libclaw-i18n
Description-md5: 5990da99858a71be01fa6266f0514e82
Description-gl: Internationalisation files for libclaw
This package provides internationalisation files for libclaw in the
following languages:
* Francés
Package: libclthreads-dev
Description-md5: 6768b841ca280135af4fdd1599eb942f
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libclthreads
C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API.
This package includes the development tools.
Package: libclustalo-doc
Description-md5: 4390fce0afc532871f648a27f5661262
Description-gl: Documentación da API
Contains the HTML documentation to use the Clustal Omega library.
Documentation is available in /usr/share/doc/libclustalo-dev/api.
Package: libclutter-gst-1.0-dbg
Description-md5: 9c77fb97df7a7751964a4f9c65704b23
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (debug files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libclutter-gst-dev
Description-md5: 226f3bbc8ad7bee2e20aa688dabd66d8
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (development files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libclutter-gst-doc
Description-md5: 30572bfe8177705fb4404f6968d24263
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (documentation)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0-dbg
Description-md5: a002634612964db11866fc97f36f036a
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (debug files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an
abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This
library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin
Description-md5: 0de88ea83c2cc20a03de21afea111b43
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an
abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This
library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter.
Este paquete contén as utilidades empregadas polas librarías e outros
Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-dev
Description-md5: 24fa9592ecad42c20640222f67cafb39
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (dev. files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an
abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This
library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-doc
Description-md5: 1ac46db182ec5b8215b646c0dd0e080e
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (document)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an
abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This
library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcluttergesture-0.0.2-0-dbg
Description-md5: 53b97f0fb458697fc60400198c56b851
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library Gesture framework (debug files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. Gesture library allows
clutter applications to be aware of gestures and to easily attach some
handlers to gesture events.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libcluttergesture-dev
Description-md5: db0ce4d0d97f9b6bb2ba0c22e7ca6025
Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library Gesture framework (dev. files)
Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for
creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs,
presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. Gesture library allows
clutter applications to be aware of gestures and to easily attach some
handlers to gesture events.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libclxclient-dev
Description-md5: 53795462ad3e3eee46bbe6b565b343bc
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libclxclient
X Window System C++ access library.
This package includes the development tools.
Package: libcmdparse-ruby
Description-md5: a254fac0003b8f7f97efc65f2bd0bbf0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-cmdparse
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-cmdparse. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libcmdparse2-ruby
Description-md5: a254fac0003b8f7f97efc65f2bd0bbf0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-cmdparse
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-cmdparse. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libcmdparse2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a254fac0003b8f7f97efc65f2bd0bbf0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-cmdparse
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-cmdparse. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libcobertura-java-doc
Description-md5: 7ad49eb00686e849480905646ccd4838
Description-gl: documentation for libcobertura-java
Documentación de Cobertura, que é unha biblioteca de java que calcula a
porcentaxe de código accedido polas probas. Este paquete inclúe a API de
javadoc e exemplos.
Package: libcodenarc-groovy-java-doc
Description-md5: 2ec0f39c6dceac64e5d82395140c45a3
Description-gl: Documentación de libcodenarc-groovy-java
Documentation for CodeNarc that is a static analysis tool for Groovy
source code, enabling monitoring and enforcement of many coding standards
and best practices. CodeNarc applies a set of Rules (predefined and/or
custom) that are applied to each Groovy file, and generates an HTML report
of the results, including a list of rules violated for each source file,
and a count of the number of violations per package and for the whole
CodeNarc is similar to popular static analysis tools such as PMD or
Checkstyle, but is targeted at Groovy source code instead of Java.
Package: libcollectdclient-dev
Description-md5: d44ea5f8057bb716907e3f9b870da882
Description-gl: client library for collectd's control interface (development files)
libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided
by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring
daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch
new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration
with other applications such as monitoring solutions.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libcollectdclient1
Description-md5: d7728be60ea0a78c5c3ec23914fc235c
Description-gl: client library for collectd's control interface
libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided
by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring
daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch
new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration
with other applications such as monitoring solutions.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libcolorchooser-java-doc
Description-md5: e662e48bf860480041a246f5c1d3fc7d
Description-gl: A Swing widget for selecting colors (documentation)
The Quick Color Chooser is a Swing component for that lets you choose a
color in a single mouse gesture. When clicked, it pops up a palette;
dragging the mouse over the palette, you will see the component's color
update. Release the mouse when it is the desired color.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcolorpicker-java-doc
Description-md5: f0ed1ca2aa5199008af3d004396c34ed
Description-gl: Java control to allow color selection (documentation)
A java package containing a color wheel picker for selecting a color.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcommoncpp2-dev
Description-md5: 72af63f2708242c64d4914bebcfc7c60
Description-gl: Header files and static libraries for Common C++ "2"
Common C++ is a GNU package which offers portable "abstraction" of system
services such as threads, networks, and sockets. Common C++ also offers
individual frameworks generally useful to developing portable C++
applications including a object persistence engine, math libraries,
threading, sockets, etc. Common C++ is small, and highly portable. Common
C++ will support most Unix operating systems as well as Win32, in addition
to GNU/Linux.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libcommoncpp2-doc
Description-md5: a070247f62c5fe307e514c27ac2b6ab6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de Common C++ "2"
Common C++ "2" is a GNU package which offers portable "abstraction" of
system services such as threads, networks, and sockets. Common C++ also
offers individual frameworks generally useful to developing portable C++
applications including a object persistence engine, math libraries,
threading, sockets, etc. Common C++ is small, and highly portable.
Common C++ will support most Unix operating systems as well as Win32, in
addition to GNU/Linux.
This package contains the library development documentation.
Package: libcommons-configuration-java-doc
Description-md5: 80b2191003bef92ca038f9c6dd6b0a3c
Description-gl: Documentación da API de commons-configuration
Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources:
- Properties files
- XML documents
- Windows INI files
- Property list files (.plist)
- JDBC Datasource
- System properties
- Applet parameters
- Servlet parameters
Additional sources of configuration parameters can be created by using custom configuration objects.
This package contains the API documentation for commons-configuration.
Package: libcommons-digester-java-doc
Description-md5: 1b66198debf4c1aad78af36ff00ed28d
Description-gl: Rule based XML Java object mapping tool (documentation)
Commons-Digester converts XML to a Java object by a set of mapping rules.
A rich set of predefined rules is available for your use. You can also
create your own rules.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcommons-discovery-java-doc
Description-md5: 1b7d1eb8be973ccc608a24f05de5fd25
Description-gl: locates classes that implement a given Java interface (documentation)
The Discovery Component is about discovering, or finding, implementations
for pluggable interfaces. It provides facilities instantiating classes in
general, and for lifecycle management of singleton (factory) classes.
Fundamentally, Discovery locates classes that implement a given Java
interface. The discovery pattern, though not necessarily this package, is
used in many projects including JAXP (SaxParserFactory and others) and
commons-logging (LogFactory). By extracting this pattern, other projects
can (re)use it and take advantage of improvements to the pattern as
Discovery evolves.
Discovery improves over previous implementations by establishing
facilities for working within managed environments. These allow
configuration and property overrides without appealing to the global
System properties (which are scoped across an entire JVM).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libcommons-lang3-java-doc
Description-md5: 3dc2570613926959995f1b987aab53dc
Description-gl: Documentación da extensión do paquete java.lang (para Java 5+)
The Commons Lang components contains a set of Java classes that provide
helper methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the
java.lang package in the JDK 5+.
Commons Lang 3.x use a different package (org.apache.commons.lang3) than
the previous versions (org.apache.commons.lang), allowing it to be used at
the same time as an earlier version.
Commons Lang 3.x is only compatible with JDK 1.5+
This package contains the API documentation of libcommons-lang3-java.
Package: libcommons-validator-java-doc
Description-md5: 8c0591d05b1eda73a932e2453a8d1476
Description-gl: Documentación da API de Commons Validator
The Commons Validator is a basic validation framework that lets you define
validation rules for a JavaBean in an xml file.
Validation rules can be defined in an xml file which keeps them abstracted
from JavaBean you are validating.
This package contains the API documentation for libcommons-validator-java.
Package: libcomposereditorng4
Description-md5: 62078089a298f0bff0193cc6668f3cbc
Description-gl: New Composer Editor for KDE PIM
This package contains libcomposereditorng4 which provides a new composer
editor for the kde pim suite.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java-doc
Description-md5: 7bf5362a1670558881f6cc21e0b3f089
Description-gl: Documentación de libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java
Documentation for concurrentlinkedhashmap that is a Java library that
provides a hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals,
adjustable expected concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to
bound the map by. This implementation differs from
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in that it maintains a page
replacement algorithm that is used to evict an entry when the map has
exceeded its capacity. Unlike the Java Collections Framework, this map
does not have a publicly visible constructor and instances are created
through a Builder.
This package contains the javadoc files of libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-
Package: libconfig-model-backend-augeas-perl
Description-md5: eceef469e1d6d609f97e5197a0d8d04e
Description-gl: config-model reader and writer powered by Augeas
Config::Model::Backend::Augeas provides a way to load or store
configuration data through Config::Augeas. This way, the structure and
commments of the original configuration file are preserved.
With Config::Model::Backend::Augeas, Config::Model now provides a way to
load and save data through RedHat's Augeas library.
Config::Model and Augeas are both configuration editing tool. Both parse
configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a
tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving
it back into native config files.
Both Augeas and Config::Model rely on a tree to represent configuration
On one side, Augeas is able to load and write data while respecting the
structure and comments of the original configuration file. But Augeas
purpose is not to validate the semantic content of the configuration file.
On the other side, Config::Model is able to validate the semantic content
of the configuration file, but it may discard all comments and will write
back configuration data using a canonical order. Thus the structure of the
original configuration file is not preserved.
You can now have the best of both worlds by using the Augeas library to
load and write data from Config::Model configuration tree. You can now
instruct Config::Model to use Augeas. See Config::Model::BackendMgr for
Unfortunately, you must ensure that the tree representation specified in Config::Model and Augeas lens are quite close together:
- Config::Model element names and Augeas lens names must be identical
- Both structures must be very close. Each Config::Model node must
have a corresponsing lens.
See Config::Model::Backend::Augeas documentation to use Augeas with your
configuration model.
For more details on Config::Model see:
For more details on Augeas, see:
Package: libconfuse-dev
Description-md5: 4ab3b2b53b592c7f75d631e73c49d74e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libConfuse
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use the confuse library.
Package: libconvert-base32-perl
Description-md5: c82f9281e0fc2913c50b6b957688bb45
Description-gl: module for encoding and decoding of base32 strings
Convert::Base32 provides functions to convert string from / to Base32
encoding, specified in RACE internet-draft. The Base32 encoding is
designed to encode non-ASCII characters in DNS-compatible host name parts.
Consulte para máis
Package: libcore-renderer-java-doc
Description-md5: 1d85beb725ca04f2c499acd815686b39
Description-gl: Documentación de libcore-renderer-java
Documentation for xhtmlrender that is an XML/CSS renderer, which means it
takes XML files as input, applies formatting and styling using CSS, and
generates a rendered representation of that XML as output. The output may
go to the screen (in a GUI), to an image or to a PDF file.
The main target for content is XHTML 1.0 (strict), an XML document format
that standardizes HTML. However, xhtmlrenderer accepts any well-formed XML
for rendering as long as CSS is provided that tells how to lay it out.
In the case of XHTML, default stylesheets are provided out of the box and
packaged within the library.
This package contains the javadoc files of libcore-renderer-java and the
user guide reference for xhtmlrenderer.
Package: libcr-dev
Description-md5: a9cfbcc7a765691ab93b6598fb07c54b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de BLCR
BLCR (Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart) allows programs running on Linux to
be "checkpointed" (written entirely to a file), and then later
BLCR can checkpoint both single- and multithreaded (pthreads) programs
linked with the NPTL implementation of pthreads. BLCR is also able to save
and restore groups of related processes together with the pipes that
connect them.
BLCR can checkpoint and restore (most) un-modified programs, however BLCR
aware applications can customise this process further.
This package contains headers and files needed to compile applications
that work with BLCR.
Package: libcrystalhd3
Description-md5: 9c0c3fc62fd3a469604f2bcbf869c64b
Description-gl: Crystal HD Video Decoder (shared library)
Crystal HD Solution is a product offered by Broadcom. It is used to enable
flawless playback of 1080p high definition video across a wide range of
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libcsound64-dev
Description-md5: cc7387a45cbd61400075101adc16b95a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Csound
This package contains the development files needed to build programs
linking to the Csound library.
For more information on Csound, see the csound package.
Package: libcsoundac-dev
Description-md5: 3fa3796330c262a80b5a677d32f9b4ca
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de CsoundAC
This package contains the development files needed to build programs using
the CsoundAC algorithmic composition system.
For more information on Csound and CsoundAC, see the csound and csoundac
Package: libcsv-java-doc
Description-md5: 594e25c8c73f083161f72eec8162dc6b
Description-gl: CSV IO library for Java (documentation)
Java CSV is a small fast open source java library for reading and writing
CSV and plain delimited text files. All kinds of CSV files can be handled,
text qualified, Excel formatted, etc.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libctpp2-2-dbg
Description-md5: 74c10478bd504e8bde8d676fd8675e93
Description-gl: HTML template engine for C++ - debugging symbols
CTPP is a suitable choice for projects where a programmer and an HTML
designer are different people. The goal of CTPP development was to achieve
maximum performance with minimal basic functionality that is easily
expandable. In other words, any conceivable capabilities can be added by
writing users functions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libcuba3-dbg
Description-md5: c5e4b837d6048622a892813eac002034
Description-gl: library for multidimensional numerical integration: debug symbols
The Cuba library offers a choice of four independent routines for
multidimensional numerical integration: Vegas, Suave, Divonne, and Cuhre.
They work by very different methods, first three are Monte Carlo based.
All four have a C/C++, Fortran interface and can integrate vector
integrands. Their invocation is very similar, so it is easy to substitute
one method by another for cross-checking. For further safeguarding, the
output is supplemented by a chi-square probability which quantifies the
reliability of the error estimate.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do libcuba3.
Package: libcue-dev
Description-md5: de480f55f29522c32b8d41f351161de7
Description-gl: CUE Sheet Parser Library - development files
Libcue is intended to parse a so called cue sheet from a char string or a
file pointer. For handling of the parsed data a convenient API is
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libcupt3-0-downloadmethod-curl
Description-md5: 4e889f6fdfafeeefbbd7eb5cf5abdf1b
Description-gl: Interface alternativa para dpkg -- método de descargas de libcurl
Este paquete fornece xestores de descarga mediante http(s) e ftp para a
biblioteca Cupt mediante libcurl.
See also description of libcupt3-0 package.
Package: libcurlpp-dev
Description-md5: 2358dbce6cf044c240711ad73f62939f
Description-gl: Envoltura de C++ para libcurl (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
curlpp fornece unha envoltura de C++ para a biblioteca libcurl
This package provides the include files and static libraries needed to
build programs using curlpp.
Package: libcurlpp0
Description-md5: a36146115898fff4249163e6469c6808
Description-gl: Envoltura de C++ para libcurl
curlpp fornece unha envoltura de C++ para a biblioteca libcurl
This package provides the shared libraries needed to run programs using
Package: libcv-dev
Description-md5: 6110e05bbd13e4b11b4c162760a0d3eb
Description-gl: Paquete de tradución de libcv-dev
This package provide files for translation from libcv-dev to subdivided
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision).
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libcvaux-dev
Description-md5: a49bee8146722af5a36c49e635672c6b
Description-gl: Paquete de tradución de libcvaux-dev
This package provide files for translation from libcvaux-dev to subdivided
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libcvm1
Description-md5: 74676f4514cb81d8e53b349097a98433
Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (shared libraries)
CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database
using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of
credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those
credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through
environment variables.
Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable
authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d,
and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework
places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does,
and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod
Consulte para máis información.
Package: libcvm1-dev
Description-md5: a848fb47dae66b4e714a7574cbe6a5c6
Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (development files, documentation)
CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database
using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of
credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those
credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through
environment variables.
Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable
authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d,
and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework
places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does,
and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod
Consulte para máis información.
Package: libcxgb3-1-dbg
Description-md5: b9b2f632beafc87c5094bc01ed879681
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do controlador libcxgb3
libcxgb3 is a device-specific driver for Chelsio T3-based iWARP (RDMA over
IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Chelsio iWARP hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con libcxgb3-1.
Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados
con libcxgb3.
Package: libcxgb3-dev
Description-md5: 6dff025e785cf190427a36d43042536b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libcxgb3
libcxgb3 is a device-specific driver for Chelsio T3-based iWARP (RDMA over
IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Chelsio iWARP hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
This package contains static versions of libcxgb3 that may be linked
directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging.
Package: libdap-dev
Description-md5: 444c53dd9056a47893cd494802a1e752
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas) de libdap
OPeNDAP provides software that allows you to access data over the
internet, from programs that weren't originally designed for that purpose,
as well as some that were. While OPeNDAP is the original developer of the
Data Access protocol which its software uses, many other groups have
adopted DAP and provide compatible clients, servers and software
development kits.
This package contains header files, pkgconfig files and static libraries
for DAP.
Package: libdaq0
Description-md5: 5da3c6fd4e43716890fdc58b8ecf75f9
Description-gl: Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - shared library
DAQ is a library that introduces an abstraction layer to PCAP functions
facilitation operation in a variety of hardware and software interfaces.
It was written for Snort but it may be useful to other packet processing
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libdawgdic-dev
Description-md5: a297222ddbc5f20a232a989473a5c5f8
Description-gl: C++ library for DAWG dictionaries
dawgdic is a C++ library for building and accessing dictionaries
implemented with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdb-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 45a9dbd045cf8f9fbe7472ff29817fea
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bdb
BDB is an interface to the Berkeley database library.
This is a dummy transitional package to enable the move to a new package
name. It can be safely removed from your system.
Package: libdb4.2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 45a9dbd045cf8f9fbe7472ff29817fea
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bdb
BDB is an interface to the Berkeley database library.
This is a dummy transitional package to enable the move to a new package
name. It can be safely removed from your system.
Package: libdb4.3-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 45a9dbd045cf8f9fbe7472ff29817fea
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bdb
BDB is an interface to the Berkeley database library.
This is a dummy transitional package to enable the move to a new package
name. It can be safely removed from your system.
Package: libdb4.4-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 45a9dbd045cf8f9fbe7472ff29817fea
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-bdb
BDB is an interface to the Berkeley database library.
This is a dummy transitional package to enable the move to a new package
name. It can be safely removed from your system.
Package: libdb6.0
Description-md5: 34b44646acb65bbbdb7198e21a8c3cdc
Description-gl: Berkeley v6.0 Database Libraries [runtime]
Este é o paquete de tempo de execución para os programas que empreguen a
biblioteca da base de datos Berkeley v6.0.
Package: libdb6.0++
Description-md5: a38705876e863fced111e5ebef08bdd8
Description-gl: Berkeley v6.0 Database Libraries for C++ [runtime]
Este é o paquete de tempo de execución para os programas que empreguen a
biblioteca de base de datos Berkeley v6.0. Isto só é para programas que
empreguen a interface en C++.
Package: libdb6.0-sql
Description-md5: 9226c1906836d8c07f9a521f38810da1
Description-gl: Berkeley v6.0 Database Libraries [SQL runtime]
Este é o paquete de tempo de execución para os programas que empreguen a
biblioteca de SQL da base de datos Berkeley v6.0.
Package: libdb6.0-stl
Description-md5: a4cfe9001ca6c662f8fbe73d088b24c4
Description-gl: Berkeley v6.0 Database Libraries [STL runtime]
Este é o paquete de tempo de execución para os programas que empreguen a
biblioteca de STL da base de datos Berkeley v6.0.
Package: libdbd-mysql-ruby
Description-md5: ef0a0538cd2e75b81b7c4921d9f95c59
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-mysql
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-mysql. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8
Description-md5: ef0a0538cd2e75b81b7c4921d9f95c59
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-mysql
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-mysql. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-mysql-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: ef0a0538cd2e75b81b7c4921d9f95c59
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-mysql
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-mysql. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-odbc-ruby
Description-md5: e31d4317ab1557b0b07eaf068a2fee23
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-odbc
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-odbc. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-odbc-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e31d4317ab1557b0b07eaf068a2fee23
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-odbc
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-odbc. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-pg-ruby
Description-md5: f8d5104df14a9bfa9a03a3fb8de34e6b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-pg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-pg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-pg-ruby1.8
Description-md5: f8d5104df14a9bfa9a03a3fb8de34e6b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-pg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-pg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-pg-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: f8d5104df14a9bfa9a03a3fb8de34e6b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-pg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-pg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-sqlite3-ruby
Description-md5: 8ed8e03fe485fa08a0e03f6d556ff792
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-sqlite3
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-sqlite3. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8ed8e03fe485fa08a0e03f6d556ff792
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-sqlite3
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-sqlite3. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 8ed8e03fe485fa08a0e03f6d556ff792
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbd-sqlite3
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbd-sqlite3. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbi-ruby
Description-md5: 2cef2244efbf0f066e68721c4a24cba1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbi
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbi. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbi-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2cef2244efbf0f066e68721c4a24cba1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbi
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbi. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbi-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 2cef2244efbf0f066e68721c4a24cba1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbi
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbi. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbus-ruby
Description-md5: 7fa9f5ab16c07a446474ae8e7a6012b2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbus
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbus. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbus-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 7fa9f5ab16c07a446474ae8e7a6012b2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-dbus
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-dbus. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdbusada0.2-dbg
Description-md5: 05971545948c7e28298d8d742a9eaa08
Description-gl: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system
The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus
used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdbusada0.2-dev
Description-md5: e534de497c9d30099021803caf28f768
Description-gl: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system
The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus
used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdc1394-22
Description-md5: 830f7e6fdc31ad388754cd4d03fa4fc0
Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera
libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de
programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que
desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa
Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en
This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire
stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime.
This package contains shared libraries.
Package: libdc1394-22-dbg
Description-md5: 12abf2bab5ee29f6dd1a53f3288c31f9
Description-gl: debugging symbols for the libdc1394-22 library
libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de
programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que
desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa
Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en
This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire
stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas.
Package: libdc1394-22-dev
Description-md5: e885071849c6faecea78cfd3dcf4cfd6
Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera - development
libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de
programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que
desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa
Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en
This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire
stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime.
This package contains development files.
Package: libdc1394-22-doc
Description-md5: 3ea79577d8380f30f70d60df226fd78b
Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE1394 digital camera - documentation
libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de
programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que
desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa
Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libdc1394-utils
Description-md5: 3c579cfb5e50ffdcfc9a8c977bd0d1f9
Description-gl: utilities for IEEE1394 digital cameras
libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de
programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que
desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa
Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en
This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire
stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime.
This package contains an example program.
Package: libdca-utils
Description-md5: f53fd659c33381ef4506c158999fa4b0
Description-gl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (utilities)
libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using
DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found
on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides
downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output
Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais.
Package: libdca0
Description-md5: 3cbddecdb76379cb54b631a152b6f454
Description-gl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams
libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using
DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found
on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides
downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libdcerpc-dev
Description-md5: a15db32821b81acd728e29727ef1e252
Description-gl: DCE/RPC library
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
These packages contain snapshot versions of Samba 4, the next-generation
version of Samba.
Client-side implementation of the DCE/RPC protocol. Support for the following transports is provided:
- ncacn_np
- ncacn_ip_tcp
- ncalrpc
- ncacn_sock_unix
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libdcerpc-server-dev
Description-md5: e252b8a4a8d2b6563bc4c5452deff201
Description-gl: DCE/RPC server library - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
These packages contain snapshot versions of Samba 4, the next-generation
version of Samba.
Server-side implementation of the DCE/RPC protocol.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libdcmtk2-dbg
Description-md5: 7e5c0cc43d5fbd24dd043a306b38c43f
Description-gl: OFFIS DICOM toolkit library debugging symbols
DCMTK includes a collection of libraries and applications for examining,
constructing and converting DICOM image files, handling offline media,
sending and receiving images over a network connection, as well as
demonstrative image storage and worklist servers.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libdcmtk2.
Package: libdebconf-kde-dev
Description-md5: fe6bdc3b07598081248c038c3584076b
Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para a biblioteca Debconf de KDE
Debconf KDE is a GUI library for including Debconf frontends in Qt-based
applications. Debconf is a configuration management system for Debian
packages, which is used to ask questions when they are installed. This
library is written in C++ and used by Apper and Muon to embed Debconf
This package contains the development headers for the Debconf KDE library
Package: libdebconf-kde0
Description-md5: 6d709e53d007cf6cd8cd4f6125992e4f
Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface gráfica de Debconf para KDE
Debconf KDE is a GUI library for including Debconf frontends in Qt-based
applications. Debconf is a configuration management system for Debian
packages, which is used to ask questions when they are installed. This
library is written in C++ and used by Apper and Muon to embed Debconf
This package contains the Debconf KDE library
Package: libdeprecated-ruby
Description-md5: f15533879326db5794a97fb388ab2eda
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-deprecated
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-deprecated. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdeprecated-ruby1.8
Description-md5: f15533879326db5794a97fb388ab2eda
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-deprecated
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-deprecated. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdeprecated-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: f15533879326db5794a97fb388ab2eda
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-deprecated
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-deprecated. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdesktop-agnostic-dev
Description-md5: 607c2fb7a5eaf193ac8488f1ea6ccffa
Description-gl: Símbolos de desenvolvemento de libdesktop-agnostic
This library provides an extensible configuration API, a unified virtual
file system API, and a desktop item editor (all with pluggable backends)
for GLib-based projects. It is not tied to any one desktop environment,
although there are desktop-specific modules.
This package contains the development files for the core library.
Package: libdesktop-agnostic-doc
Description-md5: 98d414165d3ef1e1307331672c4f194c
Description-gl: Documentación de libdesktop-agnostic
This library provides an extensible configuration API, a unified virtual
file system API, and a desktop item editor (all with pluggable backends)
for GLib-based projects. It is not tied to any one desktop environment,
although there are desktop-specific modules.
This package contains the documentation for the core library.
Package: libdesktop-agnostic0-dbg
Description-md5: 013ef46c89771b45c4e303d53ab904e1
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libdesktop-agnostic
This library provides an extensible configuration API, a unified virtual
file system API, and a desktop item editor (all with pluggable backends)
for GLib-based projects. It is not tied to any one desktop environment,
although there are desktop-specific modules.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca principal.
Package: libdevil-dev
Description-md5: c9fd4a7519ab820246d2102717804209
Description-gl: Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit
Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's toolkit which can
load, save and convert a wide variety of image formats. It also offers
basic manipulation and filtering capabilities.
DevIL presents a simple programming interface similar to OpenGL's, which
is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of the images
is left to the developer.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdico1
Description-md5: eaaf55d14ffda8e0d48423b9a7314451
Description-gl: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (shared library)
GNU Dico is an implementation of the DICT protocol as defined in RFC 2229.
It is fully modular: the daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server
functionality, and knows nothing about database formats. Actual searches
are performed by functions supplied in loadable modules. A single module
can serve one or more databases.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libdigest-jhash-perl
Description-md5: b7c82ef9c5fed78470b9ab3625df3620
Description-gl: Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm
The Digest::JHash module allows you to use the fast JHash hashing
algorithm developed by Bob Jenkins from within Perl programs. The
algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as
output a 32-bit "message digest" of the input in the form of an unsigned
long integer.
Consulte para máis
Package: libdigest-md5-file-perl
Description-md5: c989bb0cd34d6a235bfa91a81e3761e9
Description-gl: Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls
Digest::MD5::File adds functionality for easy calculation of MD5 checksums
of entire files, directories or URLs to the standard Digest::MD5 module.
Exemplo de uso:
use Digest::MD5::File;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $digest = file_md5_hex($file);
my $dir_hashref = dir_md5_hex($dir);
my $digest = url_md5_hex($url);
Package: libdigidoc2-dbg
Description-md5: a3237d70a2562e7c8a0d14972087e878
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libdigidoc
libDigiDoc is a library implementing a subset of the XAdES digital
signature standard on top of Estonian specific .ddoc container format. It
allows one to create, sign, verify, and modify digidoc XML containers.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdigidocpp0-dbg
Description-md5: 5a789b9e4cd909304d1a842d4909fc56
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libdigidocpp
BDoc C++ lib is library for creating and validating BDOC-1.0 documents.
Older Digidoc formats (DIGIDOC-XML) are not supported.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdirectfb-1.2-9-dbg
Description-md5: 84436d2661c53f36eb487e7010506a32
Description-gl: direct frame buffer graphics - shared libraries debug symbols
DirectFB is a graphics library which was designed with embedded systems in
mind. It offers maximum hardware accelerated performance at a minimum of
resource usage and overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas
de DirectFB.
Package: libdirectfb-bin-dbg
Description-md5: 5552e3f8370236ab3c861ea39db1a131
Description-gl: direct frame buffer graphics - binaries debug symbols
DirectFB is a graphics library which was designed with embedded systems in
mind. It offers maximum hardware accelerated performance at a minimum of
resource usage and overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos binarios de DirectFB.
Package: libdisasm-dev
Description-md5: 0f0b6d103853173da7ee76a95313e2f4
Description-gl: disassembler library for x86 code (development files)
Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It
compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32
platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the
prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdjconsole-data
Description-md5: 4cc27f1eaac668b72ccc3aa0f76aa807
Description-gl: Hercules DJ Console access library - data files
The DJ Console library is a C++ library that facilitates access to the
Hercules DJ Console MK I and MK II via libusb. It supports all non-audio
functions such as LEDs, buttons and controllers.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: libdleyna-connector-dbus-1.0-dbg
Description-md5: 8519db60b7894c200a44211db6eed1b0
Description-gl: DBus connector module for the dLeyna services (debug files)
dleyna-connector-dbus is the loadable module providing DBus connectivity
to the dLeyna services.
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality
into their applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dbg
Description-md5: 54ef6274e2e96578379581511d94cb02
Description-gl: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (debug files)
dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher
level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna-
server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task
management and an IPC abstraction API.
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality
into their applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dev
Description-md5: 9807af0385045a5238b50424f0acce03
Description-gl: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (development files)
dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher
level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna-
server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task
management and an IPC abstraction API.
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality
into their applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdlna-dev
Description-md5: 8ec139b294ca9d4f7f5d35d1f049aaf5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libdlna
The reference open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network
Alliance) standards. The primary goal is to provide DLNA support to
uShare, an embedded UPnP A/V Media Server, but will be used to build both
DLNA servers and players.
libdlna relies on FFMPEG librairies (libavformat and libavcodec) to handle
and demux A/V streams.
The libdlna-dev package contains the header files, and debug versions of
Package: libdmtx-utils
Description-md5: 49400fc0eb3dab89536a7596a578d09b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para dmtx-utils
Este é un paquete transitorio para dmtx-utils e pode ser desinstalado con
seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: libdogleg-dev
Description-md5: 1be800fdfe9996453e20c86839aed87c
Description-gl: Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices
Solves unconstrained nonlinear least squares problems using Powell's dog-
leg method. The user specifies a callback C function that returns the
value and gradients of the model function at a particular operating point.
This library takes a series of dog-leg steps to find a local minimum of
the residual surface.
This library works with sparse matrices, which makes it suitable for
efficiently solving very large problems.
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libdolfin1.2
Description-md5: 36b945ea393f2c4a8fe500c27fbbb1a7
Description-gl: Shared libraries for DOLFIN
DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the
automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE
(Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial
differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and
intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of
variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and
support for general families of finite elements.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libdolfin1.2-dbg
Description-md5: fdb9f30274e06022417260261fb0ed9f
Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas con símbolos de depuración para DOLFIN
DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the
automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE
(Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial
differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and
intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of
variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and
support for general families of finite elements.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos símbolos de depuración
Package: libdolfin1.2-dev
Description-md5: 08a78e58d5d7e1a91019b0754c56fa90
Description-gl: Shared links and header files for DOLFIN
DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the
automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE
(Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial
differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and
intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of
variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and
support for general families of finite elements.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdoxia-java-doc
Description-md5: 001791e333ad55ac025e74897e1b4bde
Description-gl: Documentación de libdoxia-java
Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users
with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic content.
Doxia can be used to generate static sites in addition to being
incorporated into dynamic content generation systems like blogs, wikis and
content management systems.
Doxia is used extensively by Maven and it powers the entire documentation
system of Maven. It gives Maven the ability to take any document that
Doxia supports and output it any format.
This package provides the API documentation for Doxia.
Package: libdpkg-ruby
Description-md5: 59bb5c89af162dacf9dd5abbad1dab4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-debian
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-debian. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdpkg-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 59bb5c89af162dacf9dd5abbad1dab4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-debian
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-debian. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdpkg-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 59bb5c89af162dacf9dd5abbad1dab4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-debian
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-debian. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libdrawtk0-dbg
Description-md5: c3da5e14c709c674f997cf292d3db55c
Description-gl: Biblioteca para debuxos 2D simples e eficientes (símbolos de depuración)
This package provides an C library to perform efficient 2D drawings. The
drawing is done by OpenGL allowing fast and nice rendering of basic
shapes, text, images and videos. It has been implemented as a thin layer
that hides the complexity of the OpenGL library.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libdrizzle-dbg
Description-md5: 34f9b35048a3deb073a19a55f1dc808d
Description-gl: library for the Drizzle and MySQL protocols, debug symbols
libdrizzle is a library implementing both the Drizzle and MySQL protocols.
It has been designed to be light on memory usage, thread safe, and provide
full access to server side methods.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdrumstick-dbg
Description-md5: 9315f3c274bc807d593692a1e4903356
Description-gl: Envoltorio en Qt4/C++ para o Secuenciador ALSA - símbolos de depuración
This library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface,
using Qt4 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software
support for MIDI technology on Linux. Complementary classes for SMF and
WRK file processing are also included.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdspam7-dbg
Description-md5: 70d67b8a5e4c41afaee99d3b99f3917b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas relacionadas con DSPAM
DSPAM is a dedicated statistical filter with minimal resources. It includes many new algorithms to fight against spam including:
* Concept Identification
* Message Inoculation
* Advanced de-obfuscation techniques
* Bayesian Noise Reduction
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas relacionadas
con DSPAM.
Package: libdumb1-dev
Description-md5: e5ac9b87f2ed6b20f5a4165e9e874123
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libdumb1
DUMB is a tracker library with support for IT, XM, S3M and MOD files. It
targets maximum accuracy to the original formats, with low-pass resonant
filters for the IT files, accurate timing and pitching, and three
resampling quality settings (aliasing, linear interpolation and cubic
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libdumb1.
Package: libdumbnet1
Description-md5: 76bb88e5df2b0c5aebe7bf74bed27710
Description-gl: A dumb, portable networking library -- shared library
libdumbnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including
* network address manipulation
* kernel arp(4) cache and route(4) table lookup and manipulation
* network firewalling (Ip filter, ipfw, ipchains, pdf, ...)
* network interface lookup and manipulation
* raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission
libdumbnet is known as libdnet in other distributions, but was renamed in
Debian in favour of the older DECnet library 'libdnet'.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libdvbpsi-dbg
Description-md5: fae39534c01c4e53b0bc1803b6462be7
Description-gl: debugging symbols for libdvbpsi
libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables
decoding and generating.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdvbpsi-dev
Description-md5: a32e096adf3e2d95245bd196cfb98e5d
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libdvbpsi8
libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables
decoding and generating.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libdvbpsi8.
Package: libdvdnav-dbg
Description-md5: 4e076a6ffbf45d2cb8f902fb340883a8
Description-gl: DVD navigation library (debug)
libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha
interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a
navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en
reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder
ser empregada por xine e mplayer.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdvdnav-dev
Description-md5: b7551787c11bf7c45f395189a08987ad
Description-gl: DVD navigation library (development)
libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha
interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a
navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en
reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder
ser empregada por xine e mplayer.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdvdnav4
Description-md5: 425e99cd0268a6168cd3663fd114674c
Description-gl: DVD navigation library
libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha
interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a
navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en
reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder
ser empregada por xine e mplayer.
Package: libdvdread-dbg
Description-md5: fd3e71b5599fd71e7a7e192955f2979b
Description-gl: library for reading DVDs (debug)
libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many
DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS
authentication and descrambling.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libdvdread-dev
Description-md5: b03b977078718f41f1e29f7c3710abc5
Description-gl: library for reading DVDs (development)
libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many
DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS
authentication and descrambling.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libdxflib-
Description-md5: eba3988091fd4acf8e83f0e8d5aef1b0
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca dxflib
dxflib is a C++ library for reading and writing DXF files. When reading
DXF files, dxflib parses the file and calls functions that you define in
your own C++ class for adding entities, layers, etc.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libdxflib.
Package: libdxflib-dev
Description-md5: 1bc6c6b19af65761ecd178b516666362
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca dxflib
dxflib is a C++ library for reading and writing DXF files. When reading
DXF files, dxflib parses the file and calls functions that you define in
your own C++ class for adding entities, layers, etc.
This package contains the development files (headers and documentation)
for libdxflib.
Package: libeclipselink-java-doc
Description-md5: 19c292c038ea1777e94e8fcaa172e8f5
Description-gl: Documentación de libeclipselink-java
Documentation for Eclipse Persistence Services Project, more commonly
known as EclipseLink, that is a Java comprehensive persistence framework
delivering a set of persistence services based around standards. This lets
you rapidly build applications that combine the best aspects of object
technology and the specific data source.
EclipseLink was started by a donation of the full source code and test
suites of Oracle's TopLink product.
EclipseLink's services currently include object-relational with JPA,
object-XML binding in MOXy (with support for JAXB), a Service Data Objects
(SDO) implementation and support for another technologies like: Database
Web Services (DWS), XML-Relational (XRM) and Non-Relational (EIS via JCA).
Package: libecm-dev
Description-md5: b813662cdabfe95a8ff6a19fe0638197
Description-gl: Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method (library)
gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for
integer factorization.
The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's
prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This
goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a
53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The
new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by
contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing
computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record
was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a
prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM.
Consulte para máis
información sobre ecmnet.
This package provides the static library.
Package: libecm0
Description-md5: ad2717fc2aae07bdf5fa41b329939669
Description-gl: Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method (library)
gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for
integer factorization.
The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's
prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This
goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a
53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The
new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by
contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing
computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record
was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a
prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM.
Consulte para máis
información sobre ecmnet.
This package provides the shared library.
Package: libecore-dbg
Description-md5: 5d9fd6b773d9f2b8a3a2fbdefcbe1efc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libecore
This is the core event abstraction layer and X abstraction layer that
makes doing selections, Xdnd, general X stuff, and event loops, timeouts
and idle handlers fast, optimized, and convenient. It's a separate library
so anyone can make use of the work put into Ecore to make this job easy
for applications
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libeditline-dev
Description-md5: 1e1565f1fe1031e0a2453c22ed5651a7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libeditline
This is a line-editing library. It can be linked into almost any program
to provide command-line editing and recall. It is call-compatible with a
subset of the FSF readline library, but it is a fraction of the size (and
offers fewer features).
This package contains the developer files: static libraries, headers,
Package: libeditorconfig0-dbg
Description-md5: 3fbecb21b49eb21ee8460db589015bb5
Description-gl: coding style indenter across editors - debugging symbols
EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles
between different editors and IDEs. The EditorConfig project consists of a
file format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor
plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined
EditorConfig files are easily readable and they work nicely with version
control systems.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración da biblioteca editorconfig-
Package: libedje-dbg
Description-md5: a46b6102be6c3c510c9ec45df3caf474
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libedje
Edje is a graphical layout and animation library for animated resizable,
compressed and scalable themes. It is the theming engine behind
Enlightenment DR 0.17.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libee-dev
Description-md5: b8877d87aca7e27e85c6fa37e7ed4fa0
Description-gl: Event expression library inspired by CEE
Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE
standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set
of standard format and read a set of different input formats.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libee0
Description-md5: 6b8e7c622d835e6d4cce9b1d9562ad40
Description-gl: Event expression library inspired by CEE
Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE
standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set
of standard format and read a set of different input formats.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libeegdev0-dbg
Description-md5: bca420fb6c5701fff17509d46ec08425
Description-gl: Biosignal acquisition device library (Debugging symbols)
eegdev is a library that provides a unified interface for accessing
various EEG (and other biosignals) acquisition systems. This interface has
been designed to be both flexible and efficient. The device specific part
is implemented by the mean of plugins which makes adding new device
backend fairly easy even if the library does not support them yet
The core library not only provides to users a unified and consistent
interfaces to the acquisition device but it also provides many
functionalities to the device backends (plugins) ranging from
configuration to data casting and scaling making writing new device
backend an easy task.
This library is particularly useful to handle the acquisition part of a
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) or any realtime multi-electrode acquisition
in neurophysiological research.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libeeze-dev
Description-md5: 3765600e320204a449297c6607ca6e0d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libeeze
Eeze is a library for manipulating devices through udev with a simple and
fast API. It interfaces directly with libudev, avoiding such middleman
daemons as udisks/upower or hal, to immediately gather device information
the instant it becomes known to the system.
This package contains headers and static libraries for Eeze.
Package: libefreet-dev
Description-md5: f92038f73ba7e6a2a5592b19068a6f29
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libefreet e libefreet-mime
An implementation of several specifications from intended for use in Enlightenment DR17 (e17) and other applications using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Currently, the following specifications are included:
- Base Directory
- Desktop Entry
- Icon Theme
- Menu
This package contains headers and static libraries for Efreet.
Package: libeina-dbg
Description-md5: de9cc08bd466e50475582be13f28f34f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libeina
Eina is a multi-platform library that provides optimized data types and a few tools. It supports the following data types:
- Array
- Hash Table
- Double-linked list
- Red-black tree
- Shared string
- Access Content types
+ Accessor: can access items of a container randomly
+ Iterator: can access items of a container sequentially
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libeina-dev
Description-md5: 32c88bfbf48634b54592c7d7ee94d5da
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libeina
Eina is a multi-platform library that provides optimized data types and a few tools. It supports the following data types:
- Array
- Hash Table
- Double-linked list
- Red-black tree
- Shared string
- Access Content types
+ Accessor: can access items of a container randomly
+ Iterator: can access items of a container sequentially
This package contains headers and static libraries for development with
Package: libeio-dbg
Description-md5: 9067e5b146f0f18a9ac08535c573d57f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libeio
This library is part of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). It
is intended to provide non-blocking IO by using thread for all operations
that may block. It should integrate all the features/functions of
Ecore_File that could block.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libeiskaltdcpp2.2-dbg
Description-md5: 62106d5e5e13e96e0e5968d6d44fffae
Description-gl: DC++ kernel from EiskaltDC++ (debug symbols)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca do kernel do
EiskaltDC++ Qt.
EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and
ADC protocols. It is compatible with other DC clients, such as the
original DC from Neomodus, DC++ and derivatives. EiskaltDC++ also
interoperates with all common DC hub software.
Package: libej-dev
Description-md5: cc7a6f0a3d83375b6db66c8864321f3e
Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos científicos
This package provides headers and links to develop software in C language
addressing an expEYES box.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator
Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing
science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and
engineering by exploration.
Package: libej0
Description-md5: ca9ac978bed0da4ec518f6c51e21e7ef
Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos científicos
This package provides a library usable to drive an expEYES box, and is
necessary to run clib-based software which addresses this box.
ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator
Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing
science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and
engineering by exploration.
Package: libelemental-dev
Description-md5: 3a8b975004531eb09d3e41ad91717afe
Description-gl: Periodic Table viewer (development files)
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
This package contains the development libraries and headers.
Package: libelemental-doc
Description-md5: dac32fe97d203a74a396a2a407c48124
Description-gl: Periodic Table viewer (API documentation)
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
This package contains the API documentation.
Package: libelemental0
Description-md5: 6c096a121ce242d690e031f3054d6f89
Description-gl: Periodic Table viewer (data and shared library)
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
This package contains the shared library and the data set.
Package: libelemental0-dbg
Description-md5: ef079f81fa074379eafdda5ef8396333
Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica dos elementos (símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida)
gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información
detallada sobre os elementos químicos.
Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores
tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un
diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións
diversas, incluídas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas,
electroquímicas e cristalográficas.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libelementary-dbg
Description-md5: 0262ac9a1d40c2a8113bda9331a4824f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libelementary
Elementary is a widget set based on the Enlightenment Foundation
Libraries, primarily aimed at creating graphical user interfaces for
mobile and embedded devices.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libelementary-dev
Description-md5: 5da66e4a405ae39109da0f1449253400
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libelementary
Elementary is a widget set based on the Enlightenment Foundation
Libraries, primarily aimed at creating graphical user interfaces for
mobile and embedded devices.
This package contains headers and static libraries for development with
Package: libelk0-dev
Description-md5: a4e9540c790fbcd5e6ef5ac76925c2af
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libelk0
Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, designed
specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for
applications written in C or C++.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libelk0.
Package: libembryo-dbg
Description-md5: efbe3f6cfe6e577c5f9618f21d28c9d4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libembryo
Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and
control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode
that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a
real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libembryo-dev
Description-md5: 17e71588527ceaf557ee25bdf4129d3d
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libembryo1
Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and
control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode
that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a
real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software.
This package contains headers and static libraries for Embryo.
Package: libembryo1
Description-md5: 22336b3a1788ab1ccfcaf1faabda971d
Description-gl: SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) bytecode interpreter
Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and
control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode
that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a
real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software. The architecture
is simple and is the same as the abstract machine (AMX) in the SMALL
language as it is based on exactly the same code. Embryo has modified the
code for the AMX extensively and has made it smaller and more portable.
It is VERY small. The total size of the virtual machine code AND header
files is less than 2500 lines of code. It includes the floating point
library support by default as well. This makes it one of the smallest
interpreters around, and thus makes is very efficient to use in code.
Consulte tamén for details on SMALL.
Package: libenet-dev
Description-md5: d58eb807f5e56adb8a00725b091853af
Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - headers
ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network
communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary
feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets.
ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library
that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression,
encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libenet-doc
Description-md5: e365c82a0b64fcf3e070ea77eba47d68
Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - documentation
ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network
communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary
feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets.
ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library
that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression,
encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libenet2a-dbg
Description-md5: 3826144d5288d3c09ac4519a251f0493
Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - debug symbols
ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network
communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary
feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets.
ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library
that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression,
encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libepc-1.0-3
Description-md5: f79f5cabee930646e4217d6b1eb28941
Description-gl: Easy Publish and Consume library - shared libraries
The Easy Publish and Consume library provides an easy method to publish
data per HTTPS announce that information via DNS-SD, find that information
and finally consume it.
You can use this library as key/value store published to the network,
using encryption, authentication and service discovery.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: liberfa-dev
Description-md5: 341993e42fba63754bc640d0052d6db9
Description-gl: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy (development files)
ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based
on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union
It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible
bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed
under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide
range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been
obtained from the SOFA board.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: liberfa1
Description-md5: 801be880791437c69626051e4b0c175e
Description-gl: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based
on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union
It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible
bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed
under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide
range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been
obtained from the SOFA board.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: liberubis-ruby
Description-md5: cfd6e04c35e4da043727de6b062d69e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-erubis
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-erubis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liberubis-ruby1.8
Description-md5: cfd6e04c35e4da043727de6b062d69e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-erubis
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-erubis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liberubis-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: cfd6e04c35e4da043727de6b062d69e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-erubis
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-erubis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liberuby-dev
Description-md5: 5181b5da64d1f24db56f2e73a0a0f9e5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de liberuby
This package includes development files for liberuby. eruby interprets a
Ruby code embedded text file. For example, eruby enables you to embed a
Ruby code to a HTML file.
Package: libethos-1.0-0
Description-md5: 5e19ab40175397b34ddea2621da4d997
Description-gl: GObject library for application plugins - shared libraries
Ethos is a library providing a standard system of reusable extensions. The
goal is to enable plugin developers to reuse the same code in different
applications and thereby make better use of their time.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libetpan-dbg
Description-md5: 34d7731067810c8ddaa65accef2d8291
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de libetpan
libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling:
network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP and SSL/TCP/IP), local
storage (mbox/MH/maildir), message / MIME parsing.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co libetpan. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: libevd-0.1-0
Description-md5: 27a44130bd5dc46ddf67aa07ab79d5c5
Description-gl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Shared libraries
EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous
applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice
API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different
types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make
EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application development.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libevd-0.1-dev
Description-md5: a577ad15374685ee2f57d023e15e4ee1
Description-gl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Development files
EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous
applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice
API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different
types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make
EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libevent-loop-ruby
Description-md5: 46c3042727d796a1df9e3c4633e16d93
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-event-loop
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-event-loop. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libevent-loop-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 46c3042727d796a1df9e3c4633e16d93
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-event-loop
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-event-loop. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libeventviews4
Description-md5: f000b4c80573ac165ab21bee1e0365be
Description-gl: event viewing library
This internal library implements a GUI framework for viewing various
calendar events in agenda, list, month view or timeline fashion.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libevtlog-dev
Description-md5: c59250fc25520b2355d9ac4770f3470d
Description-gl: Syslog event logger library development files
The EventLog library aims to be a replacement of the simple syslog() API
provided on UNIX systems. The major difference between EventLog and syslog
is that EventLog tries to add structure to messages.
EventLog provides an interface to build, format and output an event
record. The exact format and output method can be customized by the
administrator via a configuration file.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libewf-dbg
Description-md5: 2a6a9f0c35e10a7fc3434b1026b8f263
Description-gl: library with support for Expert Witness Compression Format (debug)
Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert
Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media
information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase
(EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and
FTK Imager.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libewf-dev
Description-md5: 38d2e2378a33c80692c75ce0270c68d2
Description-gl: support for Expert Witness Compression format (development)
Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert
Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media
information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase
(EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and
FTK Imager.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libexif-gtk-dev
Description-md5: bc9409c3bda163ada9a32766e0bdd482
Description-gl: Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags (development files)
Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra
tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you
to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libexo-1-0-dbg
Description-md5: 038fe3b7d740d74f96933186d8dd2f12
Description-gl: debugging informations for libexo
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libexo, unha biblioteca
adicional para Xfce.
Package: libexo-1-dev
Description-md5: 1e4b7aa7da9e4309c3911e8c71281fdd
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libexo
This package contains the headers and the static library for libexo-1-0.
Package: libextlib-ruby
Description-md5: 387d92ee7ac6753d4ce0f6081b087d89
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-extlib
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-extlib. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libextlib-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 387d92ee7ac6753d4ce0f6081b087d89
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-extlib
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-extlib. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libextlib-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 387d92ee7ac6753d4ce0f6081b087d89
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-extlib
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-extlib. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libextlib-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 387d92ee7ac6753d4ce0f6081b087d89
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-extlib
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-extlib. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libextractor-dbg
Description-md5: 1ddd53051d5ad550246b2e33fe602797
Description-gl: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (debug)
GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file
managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta-
data about files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libextractor-dev
Description-md5: e1a21ba194bb73e3905cd5fbfce88fb4
Description-gl: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (development)
GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file
managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta-
data about files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libextractor-java-dbg
Description-md5: e6dc70040732889897949e45265867ca
Description-gl: Java bindings for GNU libextractor (debug)
GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file
managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta-
data about files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das asociacións de Java.
Package: libeztrace-dev
Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc
Description-gl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files
EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces
from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution
trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE.
It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC
primitives, to be observed.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libeztrace0
Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc
Description-gl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files
EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces
from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution
trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE.
It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC
primitives, to be observed.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libfaad2
Description-md5: 96547af7d1d0385fa55498dfc5e46e57
Description-gl: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly
decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libfalcon-engine1-dbg
Description-md5: bfc5f2bc6ad25e7a835f3338c548f3ad
Description-gl: Motor do Falcon P.L. - símbolos de depuración
Falcon is a small, fast and powerful embeddable programming language.
Falcon aims to be the next generation scripting language, providing a wide
set of programming paradigms, template file processing for web development
and document based applications, radical internationalization and
application extension support.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete libfalcon-
Package: libfann-dbg
Description-md5: 873bee4c154f286bc2c41e4f8c8ad9a6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do FANN
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural
network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in
C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks.
Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported.
It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is
easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. A Python binding is
available, and bindings for PHP, C++, .NET, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Pure
Data and Mathematica can be downloaded from FANN's homepage.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libfann.
Package: libfann-doc
Description-md5: ca12f73bdd83fb9f6a1e24dd50090892
Description-gl: Documentación da API de FANN
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural
network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in
C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks.
Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported.
It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is
easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. A Python binding is
available, and bindings for PHP, C++, .NET, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Pure
Data and Mathematica can be downloaded from FANN's homepage.
This package contains the API documentation in HTML form and some
introductory material in text form. It also contains examples for the
library and the Python wrapper.
Package: libfann2
Description-md5: afa68749732f5bfcacdbd29d18c6f9ca
Description-gl: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural
network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in
C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks.
Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported.
It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is
easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. A Python binding is
available, and bindings for PHP, C++, .NET, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Pure
Data and Mathematica can be downloaded from FANN's homepage.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libfastjet-dev
Description-md5: ea2b14298d637c391994d53c5b6081d5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de FastJet
The FastJet package provides a fast implementation of several
longitudinally invariant sequential recombination jet algorithms, in
particular the longitudinally invariant kt jet algorithm, the inclusive
longitudinally invariant version of the Cambridge/Aachen jet-algorithm,
and the inclusive anti-kt algorithm.
FastJet also provides a uniform interface to external jet finders via a
plugin mechanism, and tools for calculating jet areas and performing
background (pileup/UE) subtraction.
This package provides development files of FastJet.
Package: libfeedparser-ruby
Description-md5: aadcfa84674a3e80b5cb4fce59036206
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-feedparser
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-feedparser. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libfeedparser-ruby-doc
Description-md5: aadcfa84674a3e80b5cb4fce59036206
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-feedparser
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-feedparser. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libfeedparser-ruby1.8
Description-md5: aadcfa84674a3e80b5cb4fce59036206
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-feedparser
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-feedparser. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libffmpegthumbnailer-dev
Description-md5: 9ef8cb4c6ff2307cf16b3fa32390586b
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de ffmpegthumbnailer
FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by
file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer
uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported
videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg.
This package contains the development files distributed with
Package: libffms2-dev
Description-md5: 44f41716b4c49809a59c24b888b4d800
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libffms2
A cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library, and some additional content for
things ffmpeg doesn't handle well. A more friendly API and an easy way to
say "open and decompress this, I don't care how".
This package contain headers and other files needed to compile and link
against libffms2.
Package: libfilesystem-ruby
Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libfilesystem-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libfilesystem-ruby1.9
Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libfishsound1-dbg
Description-md5: 8ca67fd7339bc96555ca83ed0cc53898
Description-gl: simple API that wraps Xiph.Org audio codecs (debugging information)
libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides
a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for
use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on
Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in
conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or
Speex files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros
do paquete libfishsound1.
Package: libfixposix0
Description-md5: 7afa76517aff6ad9069d6df3756787f7
Description-gl: Replacement for inconsistent parts of POSIX (runtime)
The purpose of libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX
whose behaviour is inconsistent across *NIX flavours.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libflexdock-java-doc
Description-md5: 8dc626725c93ffafb5921bdc38229233
Description-gl: Swing Java docking framework - demos and examples
FlexDock is a Java docking framework for use in cross-platform Swing applications. It offers features you'd expect in any desktop docking framework such as:
* Tabbed and Split Layouts
* Drag-n-Drop capability
* Floating windows
* Collapsible Containers to Save Real Estate
* Layout Persistence
* Multi-plaform (fully testing on Microsoft Windows, many WM of GNU/Linux,
Mac OS X, OpenSolaris, etc)
* No JNI
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libflexmock-ruby
Description-md5: aadcc8be35143a420b1ba4a41e4a1c6c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-flexmock
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-flexmock. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libflexmock-ruby1.8
Description-md5: aadcc8be35143a420b1ba4a41e4a1c6c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-flexmock
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-flexmock. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libflexmock-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: aadcc8be35143a420b1ba4a41e4a1c6c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-flexmock
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-flexmock. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libflickcurl0-dbg
Description-md5: 0932adb9ccffd6a03416865121042902
Description-gl: Biblioteca en C para acceder á API de Flickr - símbolos de depuración
Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the
requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request
parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the
2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo
uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups,
notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and
photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo
metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para depurar aplicativos que
empreguen libflickurl0.
Package: libflorist-dbg
Description-md5: 04d5a3738eb9b4c24de220725c213650
Description-gl: POSIX.5 Ada interface to operating system services
FLORIST is an implementation of the IEEE Standards 1003.5: 1992, IEEE STD
1003.5b: 1996, and parts of IEEE STD 1003.5c: 1998, also known as the
POSIX Ada Bindings. Using this library, you can call operating system
services from within Ada programs.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca de tempo de
execución compartida.
Package: libfltk1.3
Description-md5: 3c9ba51c98a0ee205612744cef409f54
Description-gl: Fast Light Toolkit - main shared library
Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para executar programas
ligados dinamicamente con FLTK.
The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface
toolkit originally based on libForms.
Package: libfluidsynth-dev
Description-md5: 8af6852484d8808e697210140b20a1e0
Description-gl: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (development files)
Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont2
specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to
audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered
in real-time to the sound output device.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libflute-java
Description-md5: 8fb2639cc7c8fbf985fd587191c8b1d8
Description-gl: Java CSS parser using SAC (JFree version)
Flute is a CSS2 parser written in Java that implements SAC. SAC is a
standard event-based API for CSS parsers, closely modelled on the SAX API
for XML parsers.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libfolderarchive4
Description-md5: b885f3f7fa76479091f0cba7e6bbfbd2
Description-gl: folder archive library
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libfontbox-java
Description-md5: 3cd3ec1efa6b1b5821425455ac283be8
Description-gl: Java font library
The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level
information from font files.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libfontbox-java-doc
Description-md5: c7c66289c846c279d4d14b3122e05ce2
Description-gl: Java font library (Documentation)
The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level
information from font files.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libfontchooser-java-doc
Description-md5: f9f2d97abf9c2509decef95e4ab1d58f
Description-gl: Un control de Java para permitir escoller tipos de letra (documentación)
Provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to select a font.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libfpga-dev
Description-md5: 462945090765967f42630695200fc420
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de fpgatools
fpgatools is a toolchain to program field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA).
The only supported chip at this time is the xc6slx9, a cheap but powerful
45nm-generation chip with about 2400 LUTs, block ram and multiply-
accumulate devices.
This package contains headers and libraries for developing bits file that
makes use of libfpga.
Package: libfreefem-doc
Description-md5: 9283c5ee94a1c0a0c92764bc54bb5362
Description-gl: Documentación para o desenvolvemento de FreeFEM
FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The
underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been
successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool.
Package: libfreeimage3-dbg
Description-md5: 58deb9e650554970c252053702d41a01
Description-gl: Support library for graphics image formats (debugging symbols)
FreeImage is an Open Source C/C++ library project for developers who would
like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF
and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy
to use, fast, multithreading safe, and cross-platform (works both with
Linux, 32 bit Windows and Mac OS X).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca FreeImage.
Package: libfreenect-demos
Description-md5: 10a506958333227305288b718fcc3938
Description-gl: library for accessing Kinect device -- dummy package
libfreenect is a cross-platform library that provides the necessary
interfaces to activate, initialize, and communicate data with the Kinect
hardware. Currently, the library supports access to RGB and depth video
streams, motors, accelerometer and LED and provide binding in different
languages (C++, Python...)
This library is the low level component of the OpenKinect project which is
an open community of people interested in making use of the Xbox Kinect
hardware with PCs and other devices.
Este paquete é un metapaquete para realizar a transición de libfreenect-
demos a libfreenect-bin. Este paquete pódese desinstalar após a súa
Package: libfreexl1
Description-md5: 933db35fb093e1c49a0667dc2454586f
Description-gl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls,
Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification
(.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libfreexl1-dbg
Description-md5: c48ebb8cc3239cd3bbe7c41835a179aa
Description-gl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - debug
FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls,
Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification
(.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libfso-glib-dbg
Description-md5: 601bf74ffc4acbf2a9abc7a717de58a5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libfso-glib
This package is part of the software stack and is
targeted for smartphones.
The library offers C functions for all DBus methods specified in fso-
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libfso-glib-dev
Description-md5: aef4c559407675b953fee92e5618cc5b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libfso-glib
This package is part of the software stack and is
targeted for smartphones.
The library offers C functions for all DBus methods specified in fso-
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libfsoframework-dbg
Description-md5: 21a6040c711069a2165d2dd3bf6dc95f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libfsoframework
This library contains utility functions for API
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libfsoframework-dev
Description-md5: b3c512d490367c4175dad68ebf15053b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libfsoframework
This library contains utility functions for API
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libftgl-dev
Description-md5: baa9360ca50029ce868fe5bf260bad7b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libftgl
FTGL binds OpenGL and FreeType together in order to offer and easy to use
and flexible text rendering library. It offers several rendering modes:
as polygons, outlines, bitmaps and textures.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libftgl.
Package: libfuntools-dev
Description-md5: 8cc6e961a2de57b5fdbadce52575690d
Description-gl: Minimal buy-in FITS library (development files)
Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed
at the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library
provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard
astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event
lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region
filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using
boolean operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates,
etc. Funtools also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data
searching using index files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libfuzzy2
Description-md5: bddae1cb079107f94cc9e05f9835e5fb
Description-gl: Recursive piecewise hashing tool (library)
ssdeep is a tool for recursive computing and matching of Context Triggered
Piecewise Hashing (aka Fuzzy Hashing).
Fuzzy hashing is a method for comparing similar but not identical files.
This tool can be used to compare files like regular hashing does (like
md5sum or sha1sum) but it will find similar files with little differences.
For example, it can be used to identify modified versions of known files
even if data has been inserted, modified, or deleted in the new files.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libfuzzy2-dbg
Description-md5: eb733d6cc4d3186be0b53fd0e1e03f7c
Description-gl: Recursive piecewise hashing tool (debugging symbols)
ssdeep is a tool for recursive computing and matching of Context Triggered
Piecewise Hashing (aka Fuzzy Hashing).
Fuzzy hashing is a method for comparing similar but not identical files.
This tool can be used to compare files like regular hashing does (like
md5sum or sha1sum) but it will find similar files with little differences.
For example, it can be used to identify modified versions of known files
even if data has been inserted, modified, or deleted in the new files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libfxt-dev
Description-md5: 365cd3d4fc1eb26a86c7edbe02cba123
Description-gl: Multithreaded tracing library
FxT is a library and associated tools that can be used to analyze the
performance of multithreaded programs which can potentially use a hybrid
thread scheduler (i.e. a user-level scheduler on top of a kernel-level
one). The Marcel thread library can take full profit from this library.
FxT is based on the offline analysis of traces (sequence of events
recorded at run time).
Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento.
Package: libg15-dev
Description-md5: 3f104cb19c1a54a267e08c31f3268dae
Description-gl: Library for interfacing with the Logitech G15 keyboards
libg15 provides an API for low level control of the LCD display and the
extra keys on some Logitech keyboards (G11, G15).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libg3d-dbg
Description-md5: ba589f4c429d6f23522c85d517260123
Description-gl: LibG3D debug symbols package
LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It
can also load associated data like textures.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libg3d-plugins
Description-md5: c93af61a2468a62faadb02bca3bc6dfa
Description-gl: plugins for the LibG3D library
LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It
can also load associated data like textures.
Este paquete contén engadidos para a biblioteca LibG3D para poder cargar os ficheiros. Pode tratar con:
* 3D Studio (.3ds, .prj)
* LightWave (.lw, .lwb, .lwo)
* Alias Wavefront (.obj)
* Impulse TurboSilver / Imagine (.iob)
* AutoCAD (.dxf)
* Quake II Models (.md2)
* Quake III Models (.md3)
* Neutral File Format (.nff)
* 3D Metafile (.3dmf, .3mf, .b3d)
* Caligari TrueSpace Objects (.cob)
* Quick3D Objects & Scenes (.q3o, q3s)
* Ficheiros VRML 1.0 (.wrl, .vrml)
* Obxectos de AC3D (.ac, .acc)
* Modelos de LeoCAD (.lcd)
* Modelos de coches de carreiras (.ar, .dof)
* Modelos de coches de especialistas (.glb)
* Modelos de coches de VDrift (.joe, .car)
* COLLADA (.dae)
* contedor de modelos da linguaxe de etiquetas Keyhole (.kmz)
* ASCII Scene Exporter (.ase)
* LDraw (.dat, .mpd)
Package: libga-dev
Description-md5: 068452fa5f56c21bf7baf4e52f87cbbd
Description-gl: C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components
GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The library
includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++
program using any representation and genetic operators. The documentation
includes an extensive overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as
well as examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgaiagraphics-dev
Description-md5: 8a140040eda167125687e119c94997e3
Description-gl: Gaia common graphics support - development headers
libgaiagraphics is a library supporting common-utility raster handling
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento
Package: libgaiagraphics1-dbg
Description-md5: b251c9a7db7c83148707e8ee5247b3dc
Description-gl: Gaia common graphics support - debugging symbols
libgaiagraphics is a library supporting common-utility raster handling
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgarcon-1-0-dbg
Description-md5: ad062f6e69084fede48c687690ccdba3
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de libgarcon
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración e información do garcon.
Package: libgarcon-1-0-dev
Description-md5: 94ac2517548ffe4b0f3ef5fedf69c590
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de garcon
This package contains the headers and the static library for garcon.
Package: libgaviotatb1
Description-md5: 69dd3c023c283fac5ee71342a7f4e1c3
Description-gl: Gaviota chess endgame tablebase probing library
Gaviota is a chess engine. Gaviota generates and uses its own Endgame
Tablebases (EGTBs) with its own format. It contains "distance to mate"
information, which is how many moves are needed to mate the opponent, or
to be mated. The Gaviota Tablebases can be probed from your own program
(engine or interface) using this library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgavl-doc
Description-md5: 3784b60b452869cd888936ba1b779f5b
Description-gl: low level audio and video library - documentation files
Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces,
samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized
definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying
audio samples or video images inside an application.
In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all
these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling,
alpha blending etc).
Este paquete contén a documentación sobre Gavl.
Package: libgavl1-dbg
Description-md5: 3f6353e3f4fa4f912723a5201a7d9065
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libgavl1.
Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces,
samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized
definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying
audio samples or video images inside an application.
In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all
these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling,
alpha blending etc).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libgavl1.
Package: libgcc-4.7-dev-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.7-dev-armel-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.7-dev-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.7-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.8-dev-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.8-dev-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc-4.8-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C programs which use libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp or
Package: libgcc1-arm64-cross
Description-md5: cde62b14dfad8bdbb610bc5af8262ced
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC
Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines
that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special
needs for some languages.
This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-armel-cross
Description-md5: a876eeefd1020273120403bf2493feb1
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC
Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines
that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special
needs for some languages.
This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-armhf-cross
Description-md5: ef0d6f8d0383298ffaea5e6c0dd3d90b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC
Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines
that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special
needs for some languages.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-dbg-arm64-cross
Description-md5: c506b3e95bef63c773422703c3b8b88b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: 6db13ea7abb61c02336c92d8b2b3980b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 9214cb33f07a2c272f7a644b4d2302ef
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 92eaf9fdde9b4fa45758ad443fe6f324
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcc1-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: e1bd35e39eccaed54d86a8950b109d57
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC
Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines
that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special
needs for some languages.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libgcj12-dbg
Description-md5: c7ec4e02e464ddabc040001f23ecfefe
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas fornecidas en libgcj12-dev
O paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas fornecidas en
binutils is required to show file names and line numbers in stack traces.
Package: libgconf-bridge-dev
Description-md5: 432c5aefece664982063e0ceb003216d
Description-gl: Bind GObject properties to GConf keys (development files)
libgconf-bridge is a utility library for binding GObject properties to
GConf keys. It is intended to save the application programmer from having
to implement property synchronisation manually.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Páxina web:
Package: libgconf-bridge0
Description-md5: 44f9776a283dee8a9c07fd724c004364
Description-gl: Bind GObject properties to GConf keys
libgconf-bridge is a utility library for binding GObject properties to
GConf keys. It is intended to save the application programmer from having
to implement property synchronisation manually.
Páxina web:
Package: libgcrypt20-dev
Description-md5: 4c788cf92af8be01bb478da79c42424b
Description-gl: LGPL Crypto library - development files
libgcrypt contains cryptographic functions. Many important free ciphers,
hash algorithms and public key signing algorithms have been implemented:
Arcfour, Blowfish, CAST5, DES, AES, Twofish, Serpent, rfc2268 (rc2), SEED,
Camellia, IDEA, Salsa, CRC, MD4, MD5, RIPE-MD160, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512,
Tiger, Whirlpool, DSA, DSA2, ElGamal, RSA, ECC.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de cabeceira e bibliotecas para ligazóns
Package: libgcu-dbg
Description-md5: 287a6afe6e35dbe07272cf03700f3469
Description-gl: Utilidades de química de GNOME (símbolos de depuración)
The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related
to chemistry. They will be used in future versions of both gcrystal and
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca e das
utilidades fornecidas polos paquetes gcu-bin e gcrystal. Instáleo para
obter trazados inversos significativos en caso de fallo.
Package: libgd-ruby
Description-md5: 8cfed1480b4a522f33d59e08098e8f7e
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gd
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gd. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgd-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8cfed1480b4a522f33d59e08098e8f7e
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gd
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gd. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgdal1h
Description-md5: bd1887dd27736e16667e84bf0102d226
Description-gl: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. As a
library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling
application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which
lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for
simple features vector data.
GDAL supports many popular data formats, including commonly used ones
(GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG and more) as well as the ones used in GIS and remote
sensing software packages (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI
Geomatics). Also supported many remote sensing and scientific data
distribution formats such as HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS.
OGR library supports popular vector formats like ESRI Shapefile, TIGER
data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML and more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgdamm-5.0-13
Description-md5: 7048c11da052870763ebc1716620135a
Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgda3
libgdamm is a set of C++ bindings for the libgda3 database API. libgda is
the GNU Data Access library.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgdamm5.0-doc
Description-md5: e0a7bb37a3073c3f8ef0b281fe7512bf
Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgda3 (documentation)
libgdamm is a set of C++ bindings for the libgda database API. libgda is
the GNU Data Access library.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libgdf0
Description-md5: e4ca2a8c0e46d697df49bda42e5266f7
Description-gl: IO library for the GDF (general dataformat for biosignals)
GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic
storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgdf0-dbg
Description-md5: 1ea24ed6a780a4829e51edde2fed66e0
Description-gl: IO library for the GDF -- debug symbols
GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic
storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby
Description-md5: 739580ef8d197a238927b891e6bdf433
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gdk-pixbuf2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gdk-pixbuf2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 739580ef8d197a238927b891e6bdf433
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gdk-pixbuf2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gdk-pixbuf2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: b971a3792d4d01bfd8a61ab4061081f2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gdk-pixbuf2-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-pixbuf2-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgdl-3-5
Description-md5: 84a9c34bf316b28aef89b67ed246f770
Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries
Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME
environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libgdl-3-common
Description-md5: 79ecc65612e6a1c39cebd6c827a9f3f6
Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - common files
Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME
environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns.
Package: libgdl-3-dbg
Description-md5: ea73168d8a6247741904d80604880255
Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - debug files
Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME
environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgdl-3-dev
Description-md5: ce119d74699a3b086207952e30bab8f3
Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - development files
Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME
environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgdome2-0
Description-md5: 547f42027c78f5ef55a5c37ab82d507b
Description-gl: DOM level2 library for accessing XML files
gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on
libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be
used stand-alone.
DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML
documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is
what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a
DOM interface.
libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and
"MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgdome2-cpp-smart0c2a
Description-md5: 8a4eba682e7f00dc667dbaed9ec2556c
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GDome2 DOM implementation
C++ bindings for GDome2 that is a fast, light and complete DOM level2
implementation based on libxml2.
This particular binding is one of the bindings from the GMetaDOM bindings
Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgdome2-dev
Description-md5: 469853a64cb0a0b865027d1f34f96b6d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgdome2
gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on
libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be
used stand-alone.
DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML
documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is
what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a
DOM interface.
libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and
"MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation.
This package contains the header files and static libraries for developing
with libgdome2-0.
Package: libgearman-dev
Description-md5: 02fca8c0e3465ce85c6486e7087ec973
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Gearman
Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching
function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work
in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions
between languages.
This package contains the development headers for the libgearman library.
Package: libgearman-doc
Description-md5: e5f20b82c1914462a576ec8f01b0fde0
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca Gearman
Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching
function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work
in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions
between languages.
This package contains the API docs for the libgearman library.
Package: libgenometools0-dev
Description-md5: e12d7fab418b736523350ecb61e4a34a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GenomeTools
This package contains the GenomeTools static library and necessary header
Besides basic bioinformatics data structures, the library contains
components for sequence and annotation handling, sequence compression,
index structure generation and access, efficient matching, annotation
visualization and much more.
Package: libgensec-dev
Description-md5: 8da5c8d9e2b22942c298ed6533ba0403
Description-gl: Generic Security Library
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
These packages contain snapshot versions of Samba 4, the next-generation
version of Samba.
This library provides a generalized API for several security protocols.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libgeocode-glib-dbg
Description-md5: 78cb5cdbdaa2e009a9c7de632513119c
Description-gl: debug symbols for geocode-glib library
Geocode-glib allows you to do geocoding (going from a place name, to a
longitude/latitude pair) and reverse geocoding (finding a place name from
coordinates) using the Nominatim service.
This library should be used in place of Geoclue's D-Bus API for geocoding
and reverse geocoding.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do geocode-glib.
Package: libgeomview-1.9.4
Description-md5: 647bfba6c433bcd6ff52152febbdbe10
Description-gl: geomview library runtime
O Geomview é software de xeometría interactiva que é especialmente
axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación.
OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is
built. This package provides the run-time OOGL library for geomview and
its modules.
Package: libgeomview-dev
Description-md5: c427e7ebbc656c19e6432a4304c16c22
Description-gl: geomview library development package
O Geomview é software de xeometría interactiva que é especialmente
axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación.
OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is
built. This package provides the development package for OOGL, required
to build Geomview modules.
Package: libgeos-dbg
Description-md5: 850ae59431cdd1079fe1687640a9eced
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca GEOS
GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions.
It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple
Features Specification for SQL.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca C/C++ GEOS.
Package: libgeos-doc
Description-md5: 692dee8bc3cf34b5e34d65a80c1e283c
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca do motor de xeometría GIS GEOS
GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions.
It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple
Features Specification for SQL.
This package contains the documentation for the GEOS API.
Package: libgeronimo-jpa-2.0-spec-java-doc
Description-md5: 72bbc65372be0641a16f6e277fd45162
Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-jpa-2.0-spec-java
Documentation for the Java Persistence API that is the Java API for the
management of persistence and object/relational mapping for Java EE and
Java SE environments.
The goal of this specification is to provide an object/relational mapping
facility for the Java application developer using a Java domain model to
manage a relational database.
Persistence in this context covers three areas:
- The API itself, defined in the javax.persistence package.
- The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL).
- Object/relational metadata.
The Java Persistence 2.0 specification addresses improvements in the areas
of domain modeling, object/relational mapping, EntityManager and Query
interfaces, and the Java Persistence query language. It adds an API for
criteria queries, a metamodel API, and support for validation.
This package contains only API of JSR-317 spec. Apache OpenJPA and
EclipseLink are implementations of this spec.
Package: libgeronimo-osgi-support-java-doc
Description-md5: 426b2d962bdc67091aaad42aaffc2396
Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-osgi-support-java
Documentation for Java libraries that allow the use of OSGi framework with
Geronimo existing projects. They allow lookup and registration of
- geronimo-osgi-locator.jar: Allow performing class and components lookups
with OSGi support.
- geronimo-osgi-registry.jar: Facilitate the use of Geronimo specs providers
(components typically plugged in to the JRE through META-INF/services
resources) like geronimo-validation-1.0-spec (Geronimo JSR-303 Bean
Validation Spec API).
The service created by this library will maintain a registry of factory
class that can be used by the spec bundles to locate factory classes that
reside in other bundles.
Package: libgeronimo-validation-1.0-spec-java-doc
Description-md5: f9e3772f4a65c7ec482d53774898593f
Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-validation-1.0-spec-java
Documentation for the Apache Geronimo implementation of the JSR-303 Bean
Validation Spec API.
JSR 303 defines a metadata model and API for JavaBean validation. The
default metadata source is annotations, with the ability to override and
extend the meta-data through the use of XML validation descriptors. The
API is not tied to a specific application tier or programming model.
It is specifically not tied to either the web tier or the persistence
tier, and is available for both server-side application programming, as
well as rich client Swing application developer.
This package contains only API of JSR-303 spec. Hibernate Validator is the
reference implementation of this spec.
Package: libgetfem++-dbg
Description-md5: 041aaa47f6fb8be45b87a8c32f6c6924
Description-gl: Debugging symbols for the GETFEM++ generic finite element library
GETFEM++ is a library allowing the computation of any elementary matrix
(even for mixed finite element methods) on the largest class of methods
and elements, and for arbitrary dimension.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos nos paquetes GETFEM++.
Package: libgetopt++-dev
Description-md5: f75eed35faa15ea0e4e4cc6502532798
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgetopt++
This package provides the development files for libgetopt++, a C++ library
to parse options that a program gets specified from the command line.
Install it if you want to compile a program that makes use of this
Package: libgettext-activerecord-ruby
Description-md5: ed9ce80131213d4a8771d4ee2eb665e6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-activerecord
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-activerecord. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-activerecord-ruby-common
Description-md5: ed9ce80131213d4a8771d4ee2eb665e6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-activerecord
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-activerecord. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-activerecord-ruby1.8
Description-md5: ed9ce80131213d4a8771d4ee2eb665e6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-activerecord
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-activerecord. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-activerecord-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: ed9ce80131213d4a8771d4ee2eb665e6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-activerecord
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-activerecord. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-rails-ruby
Description-md5: 63158500e2f785607dcaa0397a1b7f7f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-rails
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-rails. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-rails-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 63158500e2f785607dcaa0397a1b7f7f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-rails
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-rails. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgettext-rails-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 63158500e2f785607dcaa0397a1b7f7f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gettext-rails
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gettext-rails. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgfal2-dev
Description-md5: cfc73a8951341243e3e179a79445c78f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de gfal2
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de gfal2
Package: libgfs-dbg
Description-md5: 054bacb4de646a717c7635f2b5c1d3f3
Description-gl: Gerris Flow Solver -- libraries with debugging symbols
Gerris is a system for the solution of the partial differential equations
describing fluid flow.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libgfs.
Package: libghc-ansi-terminal-doc
Description-md5: dcefec4a575da4ac64e223c22513cb66
Description-gl: Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility; documentation
ANSI terminal support for Haskell: allows cursor movement, screen
clearing, color output showing or hiding the cursor, and changing the
title. Compatible with Windows and those Unixes with ANSI terminals, but
only GHC is supported as a compiler.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-ansi-wl-pprint-doc
Description-md5: 9fc25bff5025b20081e4eb7ebd41df0e
Description-gl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output; documentation
This is a pretty printing library based on Wadler's paper "A Prettier
Printer". It has been enhanced with support for ANSI terminal colored
output using the ansi-terminal package.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-async-doc
Description-md5: 0e9d1b284a5d486ff7e2e3c613f54a1d
Description-gl: run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results; documentation
This package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an
(Async a) is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of
type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for
their results, and cancel them.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-base16-bytestring-doc
Description-md5: 662ea2961378918ebf3e88b7e994f020
Description-gl: Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings; documentation
This package provides a Haskell library for working with base16-encoded
data quickly and efficiently, using the ByteString type.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-bindings-sane-doc
Description-md5: e107437be2d6952fad9f8e7a6e9033e4
Description-gl: FFI bindings to libsane
These are Haskell bindings to the SANE API (version 1.0)
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-boomerang-doc
Description-md5: b290ce60bc8174ecb995c56eafe221de
Description-gl: invertible parsing and printing; documentation
Specify a single unified grammar which can be used for parsing and pretty-
Boomerang is a DSL for creating parsers and pretty-printers using a single
specification. Instead of writing a parser, and then writing a separate
pretty-printer, both are created at once. This saves time, and ensures
that the parser and pretty-printer are inverses and stay in-sync with each
Boomerang is a generalized derivative of the Zwaluw library created by
Sjoerd Visscher and Martijn van Steenbergen.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-bytestring-mmap-doc
Description-md5: 0eed6673efedb5b8c911cc8e0f1d6d24
Description-gl: mmap support for strict ByteStrings; documentation
This library provides a wrapper to mmap(2), allowing files or devices to
be lazily loaded into memory as strict or lazy ByteStrings, using the
virtual memory subsystem to do on-demand loading.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-cond-doc
Description-md5: 88302c2133af1e33adbd9905d072c776
Description-gl: conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (docs)
This library provides:
* Implementations of various overloaded conditional operations
* Lifted monadic variants of those operations and common boolean operators
* A typeclass for boolean algebras.
Feel free to send ideas and suggestions for new conditional operators to
the maintainer.
Monadic looping constructs are not included as part of this package, since
the monad-loops package has a fairly complete collection of them already.
Author: Adam Curtis
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-configurator-dev
Description-md5: fa695ff157bdbcfc012ed6518f937491
Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading
A configuration management library for programs and daemons.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to
configuration files.
* A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of
the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of
strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)).
* Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties.
* An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to
be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be
shared across several applications.
This package contains the normal library files.
Package: libghc-configurator-doc
Description-md5: 231eaefc0da74eac6c4fd32eb30f5cc1
Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading; documentation
A configuration management library for programs and daemons.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to
configuration files.
* A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of
the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of
strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)).
* Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties.
* An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to
be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be
shared across several applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-configurator-prof
Description-md5: 41006f856601fca1ec29ef3d2460b143
Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading; profiling libraries
A configuration management library for programs and daemons.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to
configuration files.
* A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of
the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of
strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)).
* Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties.
* An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to
be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be
shared across several applications.
This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled.
Package: libghc-curl-dev
Description-md5: f79b992a1c1f42ea29049eb1e975486d
Description-gl: Bibliotecas de GHC para as asociacións de Haskell de libcurl
libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que
e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envío mediante HTTP POST, HTTP
PUT e FTP, envío baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies,
autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate,
Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP
e máis!
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell.
Package: libghc-curl-doc
Description-md5: 985a2be4fb3caf1d14b4c4cc20f0b8d3
Description-gl: Documentación das asociacións de Haskell de libcurl; documentación
libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que
e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envío mediante HTTP POST, HTTP
PUT e FTP, envío baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies,
autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate,
Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP
e máis!
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Package: libghc-curl-prof
Description-md5: 8ab48ea495c893d7f20382dc96c49519
Description-gl: Profiling libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings; profiling libraries
libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que
e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envío mediante HTTP POST, HTTP
PUT e FTP, envío baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies,
autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate,
Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP
e máis!
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language,
compiled for profiling. See for more information
on Haskell.
Package: libghc-date-cache-doc
Description-md5: 495c27d264265644b39e2fac5e9e17ce
Description-gl: Date cacher
Formatting time is slow. This package provides mechanisms to cache
formatted dates.
Author: Kazu Yamamoto
Upstream-Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-dav-doc
Description-md5: 09416a3fadbfd123b382697af82b5c6e
Description-gl: RFC 4918 WebDAV support; documentation
This is a library for the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV) extensions to HTTP. At present it supports a very small subset
of client functionality.
In addition, there is an executable, hdav, which can be used for command-
line operation.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-debian-doc
Description-md5: 4b546e08b204372b5d15b5f6527d23a2
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca do sistema de paquetes de Debian; documentación
This library includes modules covering almost every aspect of the Debian
packaging system, including low level data types such as version numbers
and dependency relations, on up to the types necessary for computing and
installing build dependencies, building source and binary packages, and
inserting them into a repository.
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Package: libghc-doctest-doc
Description-md5: 62008ffe44c09269d7578ae29990343f
Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples; documentation
The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled
after doctest for Python ().
Documentation is at .
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-exception-transformers-doc
Description-md5: 0929f2f56a5bee494ec41ecb307d23b8
Description-gl: type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions; documentation
This package provides type classes, a monad and a monad transformer that
support unchecked extensible exceptions as well as asynchronous
exceptions. It is compatible with the transformers package.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-fastcgi-doc
Description-md5: 54c9a8eab8de486811a5a036cf978920
Description-gl: Unha biblioteca en Haskell para escribir programas en FastCGI; documentación
This library lets you write FastCGI programs. This package reuses the cgi
package API, making it very easy to port CGI programs to FastCGI. The
FastCGI C development kit is required to build this library.
This package contains the libraries documentation.
Package: libghc-fclabels-doc
Description-md5: eb2cc095f495552b9966c8fbd78c3bb5
Description-gl: first-class accessor labels; documentation
This package provides first class labels that can act as bidirectional
record fields. The labels can be derived automatically using Template
Haskell which means you don't have to write any boilerplate yourself. The
labels are implemented as lenses and are fully composable. Labels can be
used to /get/, /set/ and /modify/ parts of a datatype in a consistent way.
See "Data.Label" for an introductory explanation.
Internally lenses are not tied to Haskell functions directly, but are
implemented as arrows. Arrows allow the lenses to be run in custom
computational contexts. This approach allows us to make partial lenses
that point to fields of multi-constructor datatypes in an elegant way.
See the "Data.Label.Maybe" module for the use of partial labels.
> -> 1.1.2 > - Added partial set/modify versions that act as
identity > when the constructor field is not available.
Author: Sebastiaan Visser, Erik Hesselink, Chris Eidhof, Sjoerd Visscher
with lots of help and feedback from others.
Upstream-Maintainer: Sebastiaan Visser
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-file-location-doc
Description-md5: 80f286011e8424510fda19207c23c861
Description-gl: common functions that show file location information; documentation
Common debugging/error/exception functions that give file location
information in the style of
main:Main main.hs:16:1 OH NO!
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-filesystem-conduit-doc
Description-md5: 738ac4dc712456e966b66243c89bdda8
Description-gl: use system filepath data types with conduits; documentation
Provides ability to traverse a folder structure efficiently, as well as
convenience wrappers for reading from and writing to files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-fingertree-doc
Description-md5: 41a9b41d7097f38e979bf5f35bd2dece
Description-gl: Generic finger-tree data structure implementation in Haskell; documentation
This Haskell library provides a general sequence representation with
arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various
collection types.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-ghc-syb-utils-doc
Description-md5: cc3d9fbd2d5b65168bad4783d4ee44b9
Description-gl: Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API; documentation
Common utilities for the Ghc Api, either based on Data/Typeable or for use
with Data.Generics over Ghc Api types.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-gnuidn-doc
Description-md5: c9c5dcf3e18a5166084be29157132ed3
Description-gl: bindings for GNU IDN; documentation
These are Haskell bindings to the GNU IDN (Internationalized Domain Names)
library for Unicode domain names.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-gnutls-doc
Description-md5: 769957b3be58d46b31db19238ace334c
Description-gl: bindings for GNU TLS; documentation
This library provides Haskell bindings for gnutls.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-gsasl-doc
Description-md5: 4eb26f4ac92b188d043c86a7dc8e65c3
Description-gl: bindings for GNU SASL; documentation
These are Haskell bindings to the GNU SASL (Simple Authentication and
Security Layer) library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-gstreamer-dev
Description-md5: c2f137de246c24bf204ed9a2ce8fc4e6
Description-gl: Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework
Este paquete fornece un envoltorio arredor da biblioteca en C de GStreamer
GStreamer é unha biblioteca para construír gráficos de compoñentes de
xestión de recursos multimedia. O aplicativo admite desde a simple
reprodución de OggVorbis, a retransmisión de son e vídeo até o
procesamento de son complexo (mesturas) e vídeo (edición non lineal). Este
paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell.
Vexa para máis información sobre Haskell.
Package: libghc-gstreamer-doc
Description-md5: 841ef9f7d7d727bb39c93e5114547791
Description-gl: Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework; documentation
Este paquete fornece un envoltorio arredor da biblioteca en C de GStreamer
GStreamer é unha biblioteca para construír gráficos de compoñentes de
xestión de recursos multimedia. O aplicativo admite desde a simple
reprodución de OggVorbis, a retransmisión de son e vídeo até o
procesamento de son complexo (mesturas) e vídeo (edición non lineal). Este
paquete fornece a documentación para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de
programación Haskell. Vexa para máis información
sobre Haskell.
Package: libghc-gstreamer-prof
Description-md5: d449e3e0ee0eaaffd3ebb6fef245c2fa
Description-gl: Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework; profiling libraries
Este paquete fornece un envoltorio arredor da biblioteca en C de
GStreamer. GStreamer é unha biblioteca para construír gráficos de
compoñentes de xestión de recursos multimedia. O aplicativo admite desde a
simple reprodución de OggVorbis, a retransmisión de son e vídeo até o
procesamento de son complexo (mesturas) e vídeo (edición non lineal). Este
paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell,
compilada para o perfilado. Vexa para máis
información sobre Haskell.
Package: libghc-haskelldb-doc
Description-md5: 7e06c8a58639e3e57933de25423b8618
Description-gl: Documentación da API de haskelldb
The API documentation of HaskellDB, a Haskell library for expressing
database queries and operations in a type safe and declarative way.
Package: libghc-hcwiid-doc
Description-md5: 94fcf1c514c13de27ca6fe8b452e1002
Description-gl: Library to interface with the wiimote; documentation
HCWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications
implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture
recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hoauth-doc
Description-md5: 8629fa527b3a5d073f35b650a210ec28
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca OAuth de Haskell
hoauth implements all PLAINTEXT, HMAC-SHA1 and RSA-SHA1 signatures as
defined in the specification 1.0.
This package provides the API documentation for hoauth.
Package: libghc-hoogle-doc
Description-md5: 9e298ed27b426ea19e3ea3c8159f3057
Description-gl: Haskell API Search; documentation
Hoogle is a Haskell API search engine, which allows you to search many
standard Haskell libraries by either function name, or by approximate type
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hopenpgp-doc
Description-md5: 486450539a8fba0bf0be4ef9181bf683
Description-gl: implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880); documentation
This is a native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880), including
message format serialization and some cryptographic operations.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hostname-doc
Description-md5: 3952389da3dbb24c23c20b675ab8e1fc
Description-gl: providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname; documentation
A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hscolour-doc
Description-md5: f60bb94d0a57637ee6c64c4f22dbafd9
Description-gl: Documentación de libghc-hscolour-dev; documentación
HsColour currently has five output formats: ANSI terminal codes, HTML 3.2
with tags, HTML 4.01 with CSS, LaTeX, and mIRC chat client codes.
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Package: libghc-hsmagick-doc
Description-md5: 0d92443e81a80f29ab989f7be6799548
Description-gl: FFI bindings for the GraphicsMagick library; documentation
FFI bindings for the GraphicsMagick library.
Author: Tim Chevalier
Upstream-Maintainer: Vincent Gerard,
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hspec-expectations-doc
Description-md5: c6508be2b0acc3f4c20dd0e7f865a5a0
Description-gl: catchy combinators for HUnit; documentation
Catchy combinators for HUnit: the three main primitives are shouldBe,
shouldSatisfy and shouldThrow. They can be used with HUnit, or any
framework that integrates with HUnit, like test-framework or Hspec.
Author: Simon Hengel
Upstream-Maintainer: Simon Hengel
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hsql-doc
Description-md5: 03d9e932089818c07a0074bc4abfcc33
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca HSQL para Haskell
HSQL provides interfaces for Haskell programmers to the PostgreSQL, MySQL,
SQLite, and UnixODBC database systems. There is a generic abstract
interface so that code can be used interchangeably with these database
systems. In this sense, it is similar to Java's JDBC, Python's DB-API, or
Perl's DBI.
This package provides documentation for HSQL.
Package: libghc-hsql-mysql-doc
Description-md5: 8f6552b9277d5fd8f8fce67c4eb0607c
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca hsql-mysql para Haskell
HSQL provides database interfaces for Haskell programmers. This package
provides documentation for MySQL driver of HSQL.
Package: libghc-hsql-odbc-doc
Description-md5: 74b9b6f516ca5fb8008828603b9b1e08
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca hsql-odbc para Haskell
HSQL provides interfaces for Haskell programmers to the PostgreSQL, MySQL,
SQLite, and UnixODBC database systems. There is a generic abstract
interface so that code can be used interchangeably with these database
systems. In this sense, it is similar to Java's JDBC, Python's DB-API, or
Perl's DBI.
This package provides documentation for ODBC driver of HSQL.
Package: libghc-hsql-postgresql-doc
Description-md5: 3012f52f4c5287f20f4adbecb75d2032
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca hsql-postgresql para Haskell
HSQL provides database interfaces for Haskell programmers. This package
provides documentation for PostgreSQL driver of HSQL.
Package: libghc-hsql-sqlite3-doc
Description-md5: 3f81f244a350a215bfb3f0d77db0fa51
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca hsql-sqlite3 para Haskell
HSQL provides interfaces for Haskell programmers to the PostgreSQL, MySQL,
SQLite, and UnixODBC database systems. There is a generic abstract
interface so that code can be used interchangeably with these database
systems. In this sense, it is similar to Java's JDBC, Python's DB-API, or
Perl's DBI.
This package provides documentation for SQLite driver of HSQL.
Package: libghc-html-conduit-doc
Description-md5: 917a85668bfdffb77b791d3e6ddcbe58
Description-gl: parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes; documentation
html-conduit uses tagstream-conduit for its parser. It automatically
balances mismatched tags, so that there shouldn't be any parse failures.
It does not handle a full HTML document rendering, such as adding missing
html and head tags.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-hxt-curl-dev
Description-md5: 8aca72abc308fecf5c5e4d5c3bede336
Description-gl: Interface de LibCurl para HXT
This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. LibCurl interface for HXT
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell.
Package: libghc-hxt-curl-doc
Description-md5: 2cf35fbccc7f0be804fb2cb2f44690af
Description-gl: Interface de LibCurl para HXT; documentación
This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. LibCurl interface for HXT
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Package: libghc-lambdabot-utils-dev
Description-md5: 9189c7b41a0ff2847b62fd85e55c81e0
Description-gl: utility libraries for Lambdabot
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell.
Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da
canle de IRC #haskell
This package contains custom libraries for various plugin functions.
AltTime.hs: alternate version of the time library MiniHTTP.hs: a mini http
server Process.hs: a wrapper over System.Process Regex.hsc: a fast packed
string regex library Serial.hs:: a serialisation API Util.hs:
miscellaneous string, and other, functions
Package: libghc-lambdabot-utils-doc
Description-md5: ae71faa99f845736577b30cad39ea6d7
Description-gl: utility libraries for Lambdabot; documentation
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da
canle de IRC #haskell
This package contains custom libraries for various plugin functions.
AltTime.hs: alternate version of the time library MiniHTTP.hs: a mini http
server Process.hs: a wrapper over System.Process Regex.hsc: a fast packed
string regex library Serial.hs:: a serialisation API Util.hs:
miscellaneous string, and other, functions
Package: libghc-lambdabot-utils-prof
Description-md5: 2c6d385e43d767936b7f8e1141a3b41e
Description-gl: utility libraries for Lambdabot; profiling libraries
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language,
compiled for profiling. See for more information
on Haskell.
Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da
canle de IRC #haskell
This package contains custom libraries for various plugin functions.
AltTime.hs: alternate version of the time library MiniHTTP.hs: a mini http
server Process.hs: a wrapper over System.Process Regex.hsc: a fast packed
string regex library Serial.hs:: a serialisation API Util.hs:
miscellaneous string, and other, functions
Package: libghc-language-haskell-extract-doc
Description-md5: 99914e794dc2a229aeb191aeba5a45da
Description-gl: automatically extract functions from the local code.; documentation
language-haskell-extract contains some useful helper functions on top of
Template Haskell. functionExtractor extracts all functions after a regexp-
> foo = "test" > boo = "testing" > bar = $(functionExtractor "oo$")
will automagically extract the functions ending with "oo" such as
> bar = [("foo",foo), ("boo",boo)]
This can be useful if you wish to extract all functions beginning with
test (for a test-framework) or all functions beginning with wc (for a web
functionExtractorMap works like functionsExtractor but applies a function
over all function-pairs. This functions is useful if the common return
type of the functions is a type class.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-lens-doc
Description-md5: 1455763aab6989c2cddb73d6e49321a2
Description-gl: Lenses, Folds and Traversals; documentation
This package comes "Batteries Included" with many useful lenses for the
types commonly used from the Haskell Platform, and with tools for
automatically generating lenses and isomorphisms for user-supplied data
The combinators in Control.Lens provide a highly generic toolbox for
composing families of getters, folds, isomorphisms, traversals, setters
and lenses and their indexed variants.
More information on the care and feeding of lenses, including a tutorial
and motivation for their types can be found on the lens wiki
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-libxml-sax-doc
Description-md5: 9fe278d7d2465204584912b4cf628b6d
Description-gl: bindings for libXML2 SAX; documentation
These are Haskell bindings to the libXML2 SAX library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-maths-dev
Description-md5: bd342b7622c4b637eaede3610b21fbd4
Description-gl: Combinatorics, group theory, (non-)commutative algebra
Unha biblioteca de código matemático das áreas de combinatoria, teoría de
grupos, álxebra conmutativa e álxebra non conmutativa. A biblioteca ten
fundamentalmente propósito educativ, mais ten implementacións eficientes
de varios algoritmos fundamentais. Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca
para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. Vexa para
máis información sobre Haskell.
Package: libghc-maths-doc
Description-md5: 0cd737aa908692f6ce71fbc4f29cea1c
Description-gl: Combinatorics, group theory, (non-)commutative algebra; documentation
Unha biblioteca de código matemático das áreas de combinatoria, teoría de
grupos, álxebra conmutativa e álxebra non conmutativa. A biblioteca ten
fundamentalmente propósito educativ, mais ten implementacións eficientes
de varios algoritmos fundamentais. Este paquete fornece a documentación
para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. Vexa para
máis información sobre Haskell.
Package: libghc-mime-types-doc
Description-md5: ee6efcb395e2d49b608dc2a4faf3d1a4
Description-gl: basic mime-type handling types and functions; documentation
Basic mime-type handling types and functions
Author: Michael Snoyman
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-monad-logger-doc
Description-md5: 65cde09734f45cf940ef459d3dc07467
Description-gl: a class of monads which can log messages; documentation
This package uses Template Haskell for determining source code locations
of messages.
Author: Michael Snoyman
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-monadcryptorandom-doc
Description-md5: 9bbe1de7730b7f7d8d068aefc3cde9d9
Description-gl: monad for using CryptoRandomGen; documentation
A monad for using CryptoRandomGen.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-monads-tf-doc
Description-md5: 3863590230bf6adafa6213604389ccef
Description-gl: monad classes, using type families; documentation
Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad
transformers, inspired by the paper /Functional Programming with
Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism/, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced
School of Functional Programming, 1995
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-murmur-hash-doc
Description-md5: 09f4f2299b58cd58e04d4c22a3ff56d5
Description-gl: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell.; documentation
Implements MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic
hashing function. See for details.
This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than a C
FFI binding.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-network-protocol-xmpp-doc
Description-md5: da014ee325de652326624c4efcbe3afb
Description-gl: XMPP (Jabber) library; documentation
This library defines an XMPP data type and functions.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-openpgp-doc
Description-md5: 8ea9682ceb1cd0f52d7943514f428a3d
Description-gl: implementation of the OpenPGP message format; documentation
This is an OpenPGP library inspired by Stpehen Paul Weber's work on
OpenPGP libraries in Ruby , PHP
, and Python
It defines types to represent OpenPGP messages as a series of packets and
then defines instances of Data.Binary for each to facilitate
For performing cryptography, see or
It is intended that you use qualified imports with this library.
> import qualified Data.OpenPGP as OpenPGP
Author: Stephen Paul Weber
Upstream-Maintainer: Stephen Paul Weber
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-persistent-postgresql-doc
Description-md5: bb41f17657d4cf616c4facc176d4aba9
Description-gl: backend for the persistent library using PostgreSQL; documentation
Based on the postgresql-simple package
Author: Felipe Lessa, Michael Snoyman
Upstream-Maintainer: Michael Snoyman
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-polyparse-doc
Description-md5: 8ddc4853e80c01c2225fe7fedacef300
Description-gl: Documentación de haskell-polyparse
A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries, including the
original HuttonMeijer set. The Poly sets have features like good error
reporting, arbitrary token type, running state, lazy parsing, and so on.
Finally, Text.Parse is a proposed replacement for the standard Read class,
for better deserialisation of Haskell values from Strings.
Package: libghc-postgresql-libpq-doc
Description-md5: 4a23442378759fcfaee27adee48590cd
Description-gl: low-level binding to libpq; documentation
This is a binding to libpq: the C application programmer's interface to
PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs
to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the
results of these queries.
Author: Grant Monroe, Leon P Smith, Joey Adams
Upstream-Maintainer: Leon P Smith
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-postgresql-simple-doc
Description-md5: 69b2c18517db3ee6140efd16c9af6499
Description-gl: mid-level PostgreSQL client library; documentation
Mid-level client library for the PostgreSQL database, aimed at ease of use
and high performance.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-psqueue-doc
Description-md5: a8f5b1c07c0222236f02a1b0a396ed78
Description-gl: Priority Search Queue; documentation
A /priority search queue/ efficiently supports the opperations of both a
search tree and a priority queue. A 'Binding' is a product of a key and a
priority. Bindings can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried in
logarithmic time, and the binding with the least priority can be retrieved
in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of bindings, sorted by
keys, in linear time.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-quickcheck-instances-doc
Description-md5: 6f865145b3d371791351404939a19181
Description-gl: common QuickCheck instances; documentation
QuickCheck instances.
The goal is to supply QuickCheck instances for types provided by the
Haskell Platform.
For information on writing a test-suite with Cabal see
Author: Antoine Latter
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-regex-base-doc
Description-md5: 1591bf25b66a346704bc67f420b03c49
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell regex-base
A library containing the interface API for the Haskell regular expressions
library packages regex-posix, regex-pcre, regex-parsec, regex-tdfs, regex-
This package contains the API documentation of the library.
Package: libghc-regex-compat-doc
Description-md5: 62e5f98515140fc0f0d654d9265a9a71
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell regex-compat
A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the
interface API of regex-base.
This package contains the API documentation of the library.
Package: libghc-regex-posix-doc
Description-md5: 8ff2a00846e5fb1a189e982a6990e407
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell regex-posix
A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the
interface API of regex-base.
This package contains the API documentation of the library.
Package: libghc-rosezipper-doc
Description-md5: 273f3fee077d1c040b6b56c0061b833b
Description-gl: Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree in Haskell
This Haskell library provides a Haskell datastructure for working with
locations in trees or forests.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-snap-core-doc
Description-md5: edde063ac241baf5ab01ae4884ad27b8
Description-gl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core); documentation
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in
Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can
visit the Snap project website at .
This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap
framework, including:
1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies,
post/query parameters, etc)
2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O
3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by
happstack's (), which allows:
o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects
o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to
handle requests and chaining handlers together
o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to
return and want to prevent further monadic processing
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-snap-server-doc
Description-md5: ababe7f626240c3f35d4441f9a9db32d
Description-gl: iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework; documentation
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in
Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can
visit the Snap project website at .
The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based
web server library written in Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@
library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell
programming interface to the HTTP protocol.
Higher-level facilities for building web applications (like user/session
management, component interfaces, data modeling, etc.) are planned but not
yet implemented, so this release will mostly be of interest for those who:
o need a fast and minimal HTTP API at roughly the same level of
abstraction as Java servlets, or
o are interested in contributing to the Snap Framework project.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-src-exts-doc
Description-md5: 98f753d44c08b04299e547774a69ca86
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca haskell-src-exts; documentación
haskell-src-exts (HSX, haskell-source with extensions) is an extension of the standard haskell-src package, and handles most common syntactic extensions to Haskell, including:
* Multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies
* Indexed type families (including associated types)
* Empty data declarations
* Implicit parameters (ghc and hugs style)
* Template Haskell
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell.
Package: libghc-stringsearch-doc
Description-md5: 3bb859f214b90200aaa198be95fd93db
Description-gl: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings; documentation
This package provides several functions to quickly search for substrings in strict or lazy ByteStrings. It also provides functions for breaking or splitting on substrings and replacing all occurrences of a substring (the first in case of overlaps) with another.
Author: Daniel Fischer, Chris Kuklewicz, Justin Bailey
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-system-fileio-doc
Description-md5: 41a897c9c6a6c4e87841723f94cdac4e
Description-gl: consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions; documentation
This is a small wrapper around the "directory", "unix", and "Win32"
packages, for use with "system-filepath". It provides a consistent API to
the various versions of these packages distributed with different versions
of GHC.
In particular, this library supports working with POSIX files that have
paths which can't be decoded in the current locale encoding.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-tagsoup-doc
Description-md5: c61326ffa7176e76f35578a3249fb3b3
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca TagSoup de Haskell
TagSoup extracts information out of unstructured HTML code, sometimes
known as tag soup. TagSoup does not require well-formed or standards-
compliant HTML, or HTML that renders correctly in any particular rendering
engine. TagSoup transforms HTML into a list of open tags with attributes,
close tags, and text, but makes no attempt to group these together into
any kind of structure.
This package contains the API documentation and example for the TagSoup
Package: libghc-tagstream-conduit-doc
Description-md5: 72843c96e2e3f5eb8c27db530c2a2c98
Description-gl: streamlined HTML tag parser; documentation
Tag-stream is a library for parsing HTMLXML to a token stream. It can
parse unstructured and malformed HTML from the web. It also provides an
Enumeratee which can parse streamline html, which means it consumes
constant memory.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-test-framework-doc
Description-md5: 76a92b0d567693ebad27eaa34090dd7a
Description-gl: Framework for running and organising tests; documentation
Allows tests such as QuickCheck properties and HUnit test cases to be
assembled into test groups, run in parallel (but reported in deterministic
order, to aid diff interpretation) and filtered and controlled by command
line options. All of this comes with colored test output, progress
reporting and test statistics output.
You should install libghc-test-framework-{hunit,quickcheck2}-* package to
use this with {HUnit,QuickCheck2}.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-test-framework-hunit-doc
Description-md5: 4fd6d4752302367e85c217f8546fcffc
Description-gl: HUnit support for the test-framework package.; documentation
Allows HUnit test cases to be used with the test-framework package.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-test-framework-quickcheck2-doc
Description-md5: 6643ed32475d1142ee39cc71354c8bb4
Description-gl: QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package.; documentation
Allows QuickCheck2 properties to be used with the test-framework package.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-test-framework-th-doc
Description-md5: 8efa2a826bff3211c02232d018a8bcb0
Description-gl: Automagically generate the {HUnit,Quickcheck}-bulk-code; documentation
test-framework-th contains two interesting functions: defaultMainGenerator
and testGroupGenerator.
defaultMainGenerator will extract all functions beginning with "case_" or
"prop_" in the module and put them in a testGroup.
testGroupGenerator is like defaultMainGenerator but without defaultMain.
It is useful if you need a function for the testgroup (e.g. if you want to
be able to call the testgroup from another module).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-test-framework-th-prime-doc
Description-md5: e4f6d274d784ea2f0b77817e5ac95497
Description-gl: TH for test frameworks; documentation
This library automatically generates a Test list for HUnit, doctest and
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-text-icu-dev
Description-md5: 9ef0683e2a1db8cdec8ec71d55519b9b
Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library
Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU)
libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode
services on a wide variety of platforms.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency
and ease of use.
Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries.
Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata.
String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for
lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of
character codes.
Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode
and over 220 character encodings.
Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized
form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary
Regular expression search and replace.
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell.
Package: libghc-text-icu-doc
Description-md5: bf2c51912020067dfe66005656356963
Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library; documentation
Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU)
libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode
services on a wide variety of platforms.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency
and ease of use.
Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries.
Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata.
String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for
lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of
character codes.
Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode
and over 220 character encodings.
Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized
form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary
Regular expression search and replace.
This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
programming language. See for more information on
Package: libghc-text-icu-prof
Description-md5: fb41209a8e0c591022a3b37a739c7717
Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library; profiling libraries
Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU)
libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode
services on a wide variety of platforms.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency
and ease of use.
Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries.
Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata.
String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for
lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of
character codes.
Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode
and over 220 character encodings.
Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized
form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary
Regular expression search and replace.
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language,
compiled for profiling. See for more information
on Haskell.
Package: libghc-unix-time-doc
Description-md5: 03ec56fed64aa34b03060b66193e1634
Description-gl: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities; documentation
Fast parser/formatter/utilities for Unix time
Author: Kazu Yamamoto
Upstream-Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-uulib-doc
Description-md5: 18c27471d375570d4d6626c4776a831d
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell uulib
The API documentation of the uulib parser and pretty print combinator
The uulib Haskell library contains fast, error repairing parser
combinators (UU.Parsing), pretty print combinators (UU.Pretty) and a set
of data structures and algorithms for working with sets and sequences
(UU.DData) for Haskell.
The library is developed at Utrecht University and is part of the Haskell
Utrecht Tools.
Package: libghc-wai-eventsource-doc
Description-md5: 797cc2692c2169e5a4695a726b2a45bb
Description-gl: WAI support for server-sent events; documentation
WAI support for server-sent events
Author: Chris Smith, Mathias Biilmann Christensen
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-xml-hamlet-doc
Description-md5: bca10e63429d0dd5c3cc0c09d157c663
Description-gl: Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content; documentation
Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-doc
Description-md5: 83d2af17390e6ec7680e50b317b6553c
Description-gl: OAuth Authentication for Yesod; documentation
OAuth authentication for Yesod.
Author: Hiromi Ishii
Upstream-Maintainer: Hiromi Ishii
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-default-doc
Description-md5: e544e438efbdf7e24646614d52d4c1cc
Description-gl: default config and main functions for your Yesod application; documentation
This is a temporary shim to make things easier for git-annex. It serves no
other purpose.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-markdown-doc
Description-md5: 83e81b865616a0a090263ccc7f234e0f
Description-gl: tools for using Markdown in a Yesod application; documentation
yesod-markdown provides a subset of Pandoc functionality useful for
Markdown processing in Yesod applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-newsfeed-doc
Description-md5: 4336b82fccd9ab3581886d85f245333c
Description-gl: helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds; documentation
Helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds (Atom and RSS).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-routes-doc
Description-md5: d803075feb59ec3869efcfcf5994103a
Description-gl: efficient routing for Yesod; documentation
Provides an efficient routing system, a parser and TH code generation.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yesod-test-doc
Description-md5: 759b19a853f6eef1ccba29e9c4daa483
Description-gl: integration testing for WAI/Yesod applications; documentation
Behavior-oriented integration testing for Yesod applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libghc-yi-doc
Description-md5: 7e06735d5e5a68fce02b6e4ed1914d1c
Description-gl: Haskell-Scriptable Editor
Yi is a text editor written in Haskell and extensible in Haskell. The
goal of the Yi project is to provide a flexible, powerful, and correct
editor for haskell hacking.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libgiftiio0
Description-md5: 6f491ee0b7909a7861cfc23304fdc57f
Description-gl: IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format
GIFTI is an XML-based file format for cortical surface data. This
reference IO implementation is developed by the Neuroimaging Informatics
Technology Initiative (NIfTI).
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgig-dev
Description-md5: d1698c2437eccb152ffd763ce8479e3f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgig
libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler
files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files.
This package contains the header files needed for development with libgig.
You will need this only if you intend to compile programs that use this
Package: libgig6
Description-md5: bf71ba5dd62a1f9dc0e7ac5020b2f2e5
Description-gl: library for loading and modifying Gigasampler and DLS files
libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler
files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgimpactutils2.81
Description-md5: af6aec5f83468e81eb9eeb13e9305f9b
Description-gl: professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- GIMPACT
Bullet professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library provides state of the art
collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida GIMPACT. GIMPACT é unha
biblioteca de software con ferramentas de procesamento xeométrico e
detección de colisións centrada en resolver os problemas máis frecuentes
do desenvolvemento de realidade virtual.
For more information about Bullet, please refer to the libbullet-dev
Package: libgirara-dbg
Description-md5: f9c0a1b97ba31a7f10644212b01855c4
Description-gl: Biblioteca para interfaces de usuario minimalistas (símbolos de depuración)
A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It
provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual
application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a
status bar which provides information to the user.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgirara-dev
Description-md5: 0094c63fb07e41c8014c0b1505ebecdd
Description-gl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (development files)
A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It
provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual
application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a
status bar which provides information to the user.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgirara-doc
Description-md5: 327b5e9a0e0be158ff05b79b3979387d
Description-gl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (documentation)
A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It
provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual
application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a
status bar which provides information to the user.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libgisi-dbg
Description-md5: da85b7902a6e411d57c606e3b323663f
Description-gl: low-level communication library for ISI modems (debug symbols)
libgisi and libgisicomm are libraries for communicating with ISI devices,
such as the modem found in some Nokia devices.
The libraries are used by the's GSM daemon for
supporting the Nokia N900.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libgit-ruby
Description-md5: 80c6b57b8c469d3b12ac9912810c243f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-git
This is a dummy transitional package to facilitate upgrades to ruby-git.
It can be safely removed.
Package: libgit-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 80c6b57b8c469d3b12ac9912810c243f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-git
This is a dummy transitional package to facilitate upgrades to ruby-git.
It can be safely removed.
Package: libgit2-dbg
Description-md5: 7550988467c1404c455445d39cd36a50
Description-gl: Biblioteca libgit2 e os símbolos de depuración
libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git distributed
version control system core methods provided as a re-entrant link-able
library with a solid API.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Most people will not need this package.
Package: libgivaro-doc
Description-md5: 12a2f14eda6bf68dce0b2b6d44f3b4e9
Description-gl: Documentación de Givaro
Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its
main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many
mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields,
Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision
integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp).
Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the
manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense,
sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive
It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the
LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which
permits parallel programming.
This package contains Documentation for Givaro.
Package: libgksu2-0
Description-md5: a71918aacc597a34ca7b0320a988fd52
Description-gl: Biblioteca que fornece as funcionalidades su e sudo
Esta biblioteca vén do programa gksu. Fornece unha API simple para
empregar su e sudo en programas que deban executar tarefas como outro
usuario. Fornece a posibilidade de autenticación en X para executar
programas nunha sesión en X.
Package: libgksu2-dev
Description-md5: ec33d8f510633be03ae1dac9b77fab62
Description-gl: Biblioteca que fornece as funcionalidades su e sudo (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
Esta biblioteca vén do programa gksu. Fornece unha API simple para
empregar su e sudo en programas que deban executar tarefas como outro
usuario. Fornece a posibilidade de autenticación en X para executar
programas nunha sesión en X.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental-dbg
Description-md5: 24f835b4e24097fb9c67cbdde6d6e9d2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos módulos experimentais de Mesa DRI
This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of
both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI
modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing.
This package does not include the OpenGL library itself, only the DRI
modules for accelerating direct rendering.
For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the libgl1-mesa-glx
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos módulos extra de DRI.
Package: libgl2ps0-dbg
Description-md5: 8ccbc830e4d6bcd43b17250f541a70c3
Description-gl: Lib providing high quality vector output for OpenGL application
GL2PS is a C library providing high quality vector output for any OpenGL
application. The main difference between GL2PS and other similar libraries
is the use of sorting algorithms capable of handling intersecting and
stretched polygons, as well as non manifold objects. GL2PS provides
advanced smooth shading and text rendering, culling of invisible
primitives, mixed vector/bitmap output, and much more...
GL2PS can currently create PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS),
Portable Document Format (PDF) and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files,
as well as LATEX files for the text fragments. GL2PS also provides
limited, experimental support for Portable LaTeX Graphics (PGF). Adding
new vector output formats should be relatively easy; you can also use the
excellent pstoedit program to transform the PostScript files generated by
GL2PS into many other vector formats such as xfig, cgm, wmf, etc.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libglazedlists-java-doc
Description-md5: 2d77dda94a3c6b2f1556031e8dce5d9e
Description-gl: java list transformation library (documentation)
Glazed Lists features:
* API Compatibility with ArrayList
* Generic TableModels
* Easy dynamic filtering & sorting
* High performance
* Designed for concurrency
* Swing or SWT
* Free and open
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libglc-dev
Description-md5: 6f78370554f4805a2602de1a4e5c1c01
Description-gl: An implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides
OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application
programming interface (API).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgldi-dev
Description-md5: bcbfecebff7805aaf2a120199983b413
Description-gl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (dev package)
Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop,
able to replace advantageously your system panel!
It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily
customized at your convenience.
It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU.
Some screenshots are available : Development
Este paquete fornece os ficheiros «include» e a biblioteca estática das
funcións do cairo-dock.
Package: libglee0d1-dbg
Description-md5: 12645f21f84a7545fa01a45a1fc17918
Description-gl: extension loading library for OpenGL - debugging
GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension
loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL
functions up to version 3.0 and 398 extensions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libglib2-ruby
Description-md5: 76bff8e556b90fbe0a3e1637169aa818
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-glib2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-glib2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libglib2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 76bff8e556b90fbe0a3e1637169aa818
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-glib2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-glib2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libglib2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 76bff8e556b90fbe0a3e1637169aa818
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-glib2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-glib2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libglib2.0-0-refdbg
Description-md5: cea4cdd8830593baa14ee430f4147a0b
Description-gl: GLib library of C routines - refdbg library
GLib é unha biblioteca que contén moitas rutinas útiles en C para cousas
como árbores, hashes, listas e cadeas. É unha biblioteca de propósito
xeral útil empregada por proxectos tales como GTK+, GIMP e GNOME.
This package contains the shared library built with --disable-Bsymbolic so
that it can be used with refdbg, a GObject refcount debugger.
Package: libglib2.0-tests
Description-md5: 08c6a283a0e7547a1f8014a0ba341a09
Description-gl: GLib library of C routines - installed tests
GLib é unha biblioteca que contén moitas rutinas útiles en C para cousas
como árbores, hashes, listas e cadeas. É unha biblioteca de propósito
xeral útil empregada por proxectos tales como GTK+, GIMP e GNOME.
This package contains test programs, designed to be run as part of a
regression testsuite.
Package: libglobalhotkeys-ruby
Description-md5: 2d637ebf52ca932bb3be3ae4d765b225
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-globalhotkeys
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-globalhotkeys. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libglobalhotkeys-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2d637ebf52ca932bb3be3ae4d765b225
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-globalhotkeys
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-globalhotkeys. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libglom-1.22-0
Description-md5: 264c692eb7dfa680549be5d9b593d478
Description-gl: Biblioteca Glom (un deseñador e interface de usuario de bases de datos ) - biblioteca
With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between
them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the
data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields.
It's as easy as it should be. The design is loosely based on FileMaker
Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data.
Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database
applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of
repetitive, unmaintainable code.
This is the library package.
Package: libglom-1.22-dev
Description-md5: 39c5d22d57987a7f0e6d8ad14fd69a23
Description-gl: Biblioteca Glom (un deseñador e interface de usuario de bases de datos ) - ficheiros de cabeceira
With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between
them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the
data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields.
It's as easy as it should be. The design is loosely based on FileMaker
Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data.
Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database
applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of
repetitive, unmaintainable code.
This package contains the library headers.
Package: libglpk36-dbg
Description-md5: 770a977b9a8633b2f93ca17f7f22ed2e
Description-gl: linear programming kit - debugging symbols
GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is intended for solving large-scale
linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other
related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized
in the form of a callable library.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca GLPK.
Package: libglyr1-dbg
Description-md5: 2afd3b2d156683603cc072e9f2b7e80b
Description-gl: Motor de busca para metadatos relacionados coa música - símbolos de depuración
Glyr is a library to retrieve music-related metadata from several online
providers (Amazon, Discogs, Musicbrainz...).
It can be used in media player programs to download cover art, lyrics,
biography and much more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgmetrics-groovy-java-doc
Description-md5: ba94d60f74001cd86037c69f719cd0a8
Description-gl: Documentación de libgmetrics-groovy-java
Documentation for GMetrics that is a library providing calculation and
reporting of size and complexity metrics for Groovy source code, by
scanning the code with an Ant Task, applying a set of metrics, and
generating an HTML or XML report of the results.
Package: libgmic1
Description-md5: 4d6263ec41facfa9c6de9e783f002c1b
Description-gl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - shared library
G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing,
providing several different user interfaces to
convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar
signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgmlib-dev
Description-md5: 95c20609641dbef806f72a50d72ccb99
Description-gl: Biblioteca gnome-mplayer (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer.
Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de
This package provides the development files.
Package: libgmlib1
Description-md5: 87dd5f55901250beae932c290611e8e1
Description-gl: Biblioteca gnome-player (biblioteca compartida)
Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer.
Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de
This package provides the shared library.
Package: libgmlib1-dbg
Description-md5: 9f8b147f180b3855d58b572282513d2b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de gnome-mplayer (símbolos de depuración)
Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer.
Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgmtk-dev
Description-md5: 39b547f4ab0e112eabe3ef17418d7573
Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (development files)
Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece,
entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer.
This package provides the development files.
Package: libgmtk1
Description-md5: 4f965dbe43a3f5618c4b7a9bf74241ca
Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (shared library)
Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece,
entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer.
This package provides the shared library.
Package: libgmtk1-data
Description-md5: 2c8409a9b3c203d2667fb0e0d80296d1
Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (common files)
Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece,
entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer.
This package is required for the shared library to display messages in
languages other than English.
Package: libgmtk1-dbg
Description-md5: c083c0b5726c382e5cd7bca9dc76d822
Description-gl: gnome-mpayer toolkit (debugging symbols)
Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece,
entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgnadecommon-dbg
Description-md5: 47b2086248c056cd272688d60b5eca70
Description-gl: GNat Ada Database Environment - common debugging symbols
GNADE is a complete database development environment for Ada programmers.
It consists of:
a. A Thin binding to the ODBC API. With this API, you can write programs
that query any ODBC-compliant database server.
b. A thin binding to SQLite3.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca común.
Package: libgnadeodbc-dbg
Description-md5: b6d6162730f0e0e9336ce40dd58dbab2
Description-gl: GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC debugging symbols
GNADE is a complete database development environment for Ada programmers.
It consists of:
a. A Thin binding to the ODBC API. With this API, you can write programs
that query any ODBC-compliant database server.
b. A thin binding to SQLite3.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da interface de ODBC.
Package: libgnadesqlite3-dbg
Description-md5: 3d18bd36d86fd7765cdd06f9a6a7d9c1
Description-gl: GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite3 debugging symbols
GNADE is a complete database development environment for Ada programmers.
It consists of:
a. A Thin binding to the ODBC API. With this API, you can write programs
that query any ODBC-compliant database server.
b. A thin binding to SQLite3.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da interface de SQLite3.
Package: libgnat-4.6-dbg
Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1
Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most
applications produced with GNAT.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnat-4.8-dbg
Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1
Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most
applications produced with GNAT.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnatprj4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b
Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale
development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files
management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package
asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is
licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be
distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnatprj4.8-dbg
Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b
Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale
development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files
management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package
asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is
licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be
distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnatvsn4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba
Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other
packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified
GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnatvsn4.8-dbg
Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba
Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols)
GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized
code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).
The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other
packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified
GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgnet-dev
Description-md5: ada847eb22c4221d50e228eb58c76fd9
Description-gl: Developer files for GNet network library
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GNet
GNet é unha biblioteca de rede sinxela. Está escrita en C, está orientada
a obxecto e está construída sobre glib. Preténdese que sexa pequena,
rápida, doada de utilizar e fácil de portar. A interface é semellante á
biblioteca de rede de Java.
* TCP 'client' sockets
* TCP 'server' sockets
* Non-blocking TCP sockets
* IP Multicast
* Internet address abstraction
Package: libgnet2.0-0
Description-md5: c2e9f5b165d6ecef63afbe5a09fd69d2
Description-gl: GNet network library
GNet é unha biblioteca de rede sinxela. Está escrita en C, está orientada
a obxecto e está construída sobre glib. Preténdese que sexa pequena,
rápida, doada de utilizar e fácil de portar. A interface é semellante á
biblioteca de rede de Java.
* TCP 'client' sockets
* TCP 'server' sockets
* Non-blocking TCP sockets
* IP Multicast
* Internet address abstraction
* IPv6
Package: libgnome-media-profiles-3.0-0
Description-md5: b782ad1e0d2f4600bd5dad99f0f0da2b
Description-gl: GNOME Media Profiles library
Biblioteca que contén código para xestionar perfís de multimedia.
Package: libgnome-media-profiles-dev
Description-md5: ef3fe2c8581a9375add5d01903cff698
Description-gl: GNOME Media Profiles library
Biblioteca que contén código para xestionar perfís de multimedia.
This package includes development files.
Package: libgnome-menu-dev
Description-md5: afd73c86a97aafa140ad96e55a77e8f7
Description-gl: GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu
Specification" from
Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files,
.directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.
This package contains the development headers.
Package: libgnome-menu2
Description-md5: c6885fb9ed6a22440597626b04ff66f5
Description-gl: GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu
Specification" from
Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files,
.directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgnome2-canvas-perl
Description-md5: c5ae0da42aa5ae384b31512365416ea7
Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME canvas library
libgnome2-canvas-perl allows a perl developer to use the GNOME Canvas
widget with Gtk2-Perl.
The GNOME Canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented
display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element
of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text.
You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets
you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated
grid of pixels.
Find out more about GNOME at
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source:
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgnome2-gconf-perl
Description-md5: 2c99c5abd2c8aa3ad54708c9148c3653
Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME GConf library
Gnome2::GConf allows a perl developer to use the GConf configuration
system to store/retrieve the configuration of an application.
The GConf system is a powerful configuration manager based on a user
daemon that handles a set of key and value pairs, and notifies any changes
of the value to every program that monitors those keys. GConf is used by
GNOME 2.x.
Find out more about GNOME at
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source:
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgnome2-perl
Description-md5: cce2263d4b5c2772bbe131899e4b0db6
Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME libraries
libgnome2-perl allows one to write programs with a GNOME user interface in
GNOME is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based
entirely on free software.
Find out more about GNOME at
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source:
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgnome2-vfs-perl
Description-md5: bee8a1ca1be94b2906e319facc99025a
Description-gl: Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
libgnome2-vfs-perl provides Perl bindings for the 2.x series of the GNOME
VFS library.
GNOME VFS is the GNOME virtual file system. It provides a modular
architecture and ships with several modules that implement support for
file systems, http, ftp and others. It provides a URI-based API, a backend
supporting asynchronous file operations, a MIME type manipulation library
and other features.
Find out more about GNOME at
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source:
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgnome2-wnck-perl
Description-md5: 2a70fb2b1a4a7c24c13c8ac3cdfde444
Description-gl: Perl interface to the Window Navigator Construction Kit
Gnome2::Wnck allows a Perl developer to use the Window Navigator
Construction Kit library (libwnck for short) to write tasklists and
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source.
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgnomeada-dbg
Description-md5: 97a6a0a04d738352cb8c08046ecdd8d1
Description-gl: Ada binding for the GNOME GUI (debugging symbols)
GtkAda is a library that allows programmers to write GTK+ applications in
the Ada programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das extensións de GNOME.
Package: libgnomescan0
Description-md5: 8c07973303d1a38d37605508e21f58d2
Description-gl: Scan library for GNOME - runtime
Gnome Scan is an infrastructure that brings scanning features to the GNOME
desktop, using the Sane library.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgnomevfs2-bin
Description-md5: 6f5cd6d9c4d37876063492bdd7fc74a9
Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (support binaries)
O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do
xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe
varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http,
ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que
permite operacións asíncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de
manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades.
This package contains some example binaries using the GNOME VFS library.
Package: libgnuplot-ruby
Description-md5: 6c80043b41bdd9b1d71f5e015a5c6b9a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gnuplot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gnuplot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgnuplot-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 6c80043b41bdd9b1d71f5e015a5c6b9a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gnuplot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gnuplot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgnuradio-osmosdr0.0.0
Description-md5: 0a1058fea52d8a5e7898e451f36ab029
Description-gl: Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project
The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source mobile
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgnustep-base1.24-dbg
Description-md5: 8a02ac44f117fd14fcc5bd93529fd15a
Description-gl: Biblioteca base de GNUstep - símbolos de depuración
This package contains the debigging symbols of the GNUstep Base Library.
This package can be used to provide symbol names to a debugger to aid
Package: libgnustep-gui0.22-dbg
Description-md5: c66ab0c7c174e5adf6db26ff7f019da7
Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface gráfica de GNUstep - símbolos de depuración
The GNUstep GUI Library is a powerful library of graphical user interface
classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are
based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a
traditional nextstep-like look and feel.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca da interface
gráfica de GNUstep.
Package: libgomp1-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-armel-cross
Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-dbg-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (símbolos de depuración)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (símbolos de depuración)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (símbolos de depuración)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (símbolos de depuración)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgomp1-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP)
GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers
in the GNU Compiler Collection.
Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-9
Description-md5: 5f76f1e224aac78609cc544df9823401
Description-gl: canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida
Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-9-common
Description-md5: 81e79d2356bd92c34959394125934bca
Description-gl: traducións do goocanvas
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
Este paquete contén as traducións
Package: libgoocanvas-ruby
Description-md5: 2e9a057c39e7d54e20deffb45b95648d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-goocanvas
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-goocanvas. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgoocanvas-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2e9a057c39e7d54e20deffb45b95648d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-goocanvas
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-goocanvas. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgoocanvas-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: f6fda9141ef95f88e4ac3d3e8e812419
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-goocanvas-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-goocanvas-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-1.0-5
Description-md5: 960a751a6997b3fd1ae2a8a8feab9f76
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - shared library
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-6
Description-md5: 960a751a6997b3fd1ae2a8a8feab9f76
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - shared library
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-dev
Description-md5: 0eb0fd243db15e9b3b642882e3837ace
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - development files
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-doc
Description-md5: 6073ed0ede844c511171d9e303150647
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - documentation and examples
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-dev
Description-md5: 0eb0fd243db15e9b3b642882e3837ace
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - development files
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgoocanvasmm-doc
Description-md5: 6073ed0ede844c511171d9e303150647
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - documentation and examples
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for
drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items
and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas
items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas
Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo.
Package: libgoogle-gson-java-doc
Description-md5: 37c4bebb1a16afb9ba9b4cf726f327e0
Description-gl: Documentación de libgoogle-gson-java
Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their
JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an
equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects
including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of.
Gson Goals
* Provide simple toJson() and fromJson() methods to convert Java objects to
JSON and vice-versa
* Allow pre-existing unmodifiable objects to be converted to and from JSON
* Extensive support of Java Generics
* Allow custom representations for objects
* Support arbitrarily complex objects (with deep inheritance hierarchies and
extensive use of generic types)
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libgpac-dbg
Description-md5: e537bfafeaa23aa9d80263eaf7f8bb7d
Description-gl: GPAC Project on Advanced Content - debugging symbols for libgpac2
GPAC stands for GPAC Project on Advanced Content (a recursive acronym). It
is an Open Source multimedia framework for research and academic purposes.
The project covers different aspects of multimedia, with a focus on
presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity).
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración de libgpac2.
Package: libgpds-dev
Description-md5: 9280e68810cda7d56ec71468bf462f71
Description-gl: library for configuration of pointing devices (development files)
Library for setting pointing devices. Currently it can configure mouse
type device (mouse, trackpoint etc.) and touchpads.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento
Package: libgpgme++2
Description-md5: 5475327e9546347943c2057167f7b015
Description-gl: c++ wrapper library for gpgme
GpgME++ is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's gpgme
(GnuPG Made Easy) library.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libgrammar4
Description-md5: fab6aa8c7109f58773bca0c2a2d2b6a9
Description-gl: grammar checking plugin library
This package contains libgrammar4 which provides grammar checking
functionality using LinkGrammar.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libgranite0
Description-md5: dc3a1e38f40d791f0c360bc835a02d0a
Description-gl: extension of GTK+ libraries
Granite is an extension of GTK+. Among other things, it provides the
commonly-used widgets such as modeswitchers, welcome screens, AppMenus,
search bars, and more found in elementary apps.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgranite0-dbg
Description-md5: 025ed9d89f07697cffad908b2c81ed71
Description-gl: Extensión de bibliotecas de GTK+ (símbolos de depuración)
Granite is an extension of GTK+. Among other things, it provides the
commonly-used widgets such as modeswitchers, welcome screens, AppMenus,
search bars, and more found in elementary apps.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgraph-writer-dsm-perl
Description-md5: 9e5f3b86a0b2c017ae4eee887bac0659
Description-gl: Perl module to draw Graph object as a DSM matrix
Graph::Writer::DSM writes Graph object as a quadractic matrix N x N, where
N is the number of vertices in the graph. It uses Gnuplot and is useful to
visualize graphs with huge number of vertices, graphs with 1k vertices for
Consulte máis sobre DSM:
Package: libgraphite-dev
Description-md5: b9e31a3ec8eee951483a93093bca80e6
Description-gl: Development files for SILGraphite
SILGraphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts"
capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such
as: contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs,
bidirectionality, stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
This library was designed and developed by the NRSI (Non-Roman Script
Initiative) within SIL International ( to act as a complement
to other smart font rendering technologies with limited practical local
extensability. Its purpose is to help meet the needs of a very large
number of "minority language" communities for local extensibility of
complex script behaviors.
The behavior of the SILGraphite rendering engine for a given writing
system is specified through extra tables added to a TrueType font. These
tables are generated by compiling a GDL (Graphite Description Language)
source file into a font using grcompiler.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgraphite3
Description-md5: 85a43706094f48ea0f6d98322c17b43d
Description-gl: SILGraphite - a "smart font" rendering engine
SILGraphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts"
capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such
as: contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs,
bidirectionality, stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
This library was designed and developed by the NRSI (Non-Roman Script
Initiative) within SIL International ( to act as a complement
to other smart font rendering technologies with limited practical local
extensability. Its purpose is to help meet the needs of a very large
number of "minority language" communities for local extensibility of
complex script behaviors.
The behavior of the SILGraphite rendering engine for a given writing
system is specified through extra tables added to a TrueType font. These
tables are generated by compiling a GDL (Graphite Description Language)
source file into a font using grcompiler.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgraphite3-dbg
Description-md5: 348c700917f031716064f222653d8bbc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do SILGraphite
SILGraphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts"
capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such
as: contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs,
bidirectionality, stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
This library was designed and developed by the NRSI (Non-Roman Script
Initiative) within SIL International ( to act as a complement
to other smart font rendering technologies with limited practical local
extensability. Its purpose is to help meet the needs of a very large
number of "minority language" communities for local extensibility of
complex script behaviors.
The behavior of the SILGraphite rendering engine for a given writing
system is specified through extra tables added to a TrueType font. These
tables are generated by compiling a GDL (Graphite Description Language)
source file into a font using grcompiler.
This package contains the debug library.
Package: libgrapple-1.0-1
Description-md5: 9e66472a4465244438c46a4d9f93147d
Description-gl: a network layer designed for games
Grapple is designed to be a simple network layer, allowing the addition of
multiplayer features to a game for as little as a dozen lines of code.
However it is also fully featured, so if you want more from your
networking, you can have it.
Basic Features
* Simple client-server networking
* Keeps all clients aware of all other clients
* Passworded servers
* Data transfer via TCP, UDP, or reliable UDP
Advanced Features
* Network messenging by either a push or a pull model, or a mixture of both
* Multiple methods of querying users
* User Groups for client bandwidth saving
* Network load reacting data transmission and retransmission
* Background pinging to monitor network states
* Server failover
* A fully functional lobby system
Páxina web:
Package: libgrapple-dev
Description-md5: 36f1ea99520863c494c325d7f31764ff
Description-gl: a network layer designed for games (development files)
Grapple is designed to be a simple network layer, allowing the addition of
multiplayer features to a game for as little as a dozen lines of code.
However it is also fully featured, so if you want more from your
networking, you can have it.
Basic Features
* Simple client-server networking
* Keeps all clients aware of all other clients
* Passworded servers
* Data transfer via TCP, UDP, or reliable UDP
Advanced Features
* Network messenging by either a push or a pull model, or a mixture of both
* Multiple methods of querying users
* User Groups for client bandwidth saving
* Network load reacting data transmission and retransmission
* Background pinging to monitor network states
* Server failover
* A fully functional lobby system
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
build programs that use grapple.
Páxina web:
Package: libgrilo-0.2-1
Description-md5: be58932fe1205b23d35dcb109c7fa845
Description-gl: Framework for discovering and browsing media - Shared libraries
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
for application developers.
More precisely, Grilo provides:
* A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
various media content providers, allowing application developers
to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
* A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
* A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
various kinds.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libgrilo-0.2-1-dbg
Description-md5: 49c0d946e9b571b53a6f2825eba36c8e
Description-gl: Infraestrutura para descubrir e explorar recursos - Símbolos de depuración
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
for application developers.
More precisely, Grilo provides:
* A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
various media content providers, allowing application developers
to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
* A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
* A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
various kinds.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Grilo.
Package: libgrilo-0.2-dev
Description-md5: a83824a309b9d008117d01c4f690bcec
Description-gl: Framework for discovering and browsing media - Development files
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
for application developers.
More precisely, Grilo provides:
* A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
various media content providers, allowing application developers
to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
* A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
* A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
various kinds.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgrilo-0.2-doc
Description-md5: f12691383fc3b13e1f27c3ef84129996
Description-gl: Framework for discovering and browsing media - Documentation
Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
for application developers.
More precisely, Grilo provides:
* A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
various media content providers, allowing application developers
to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
* A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
* A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
various kinds.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libgrits-dev
Description-md5: d563c747714345a8ac60546b909dbfa1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de grits
Grits is a "Virtual Globe" library which uses OpenGL to render an image of
the earth using satellite and terrain data from publicly accessible
servers. This is similar in concept to Google Earth and NASA World Wind,
except implemented as a library.
This package contains the header files and libraries which are needed for
developing programs that use grits.
Package: libgrok-dev
Description-md5: b97d0850d5837eb0fc62d2f4748a756f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de grok
Development files for the grok pattern matcher
Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other
files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into
structured data.
Package: libgsm0710-dbg
Description-md5: bed3e416b266bef9ce6d883f3c12ee87
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libgsm0710
This library provides a lightweight implementation of the 3GPP GSM 07.10
multiplexing protocol. In conjunction with libgsm0710mux it provides the
base for multiplexing in the software stack.
This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
/usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.
Package: libgsoap-dbg
Description-md5: 015603bac4b2a67a2a21c0c03c03a21e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas do gSOAP
The gSOAP toolkit provides a unique SOAP-to-C/C++ language binding for the
development of SOAP Web Services and clients. Debugging symbols for
Package: libgss-dbg
Description-md5: ee560998a6a1b09590da8e0f25b0bfcb
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do GSS
The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation
of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the
Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms
This package contains detached debugging information. Most people will
not need this package. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace
with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core
dumps. GDB will find this debug information automatically.
Package: libgst-ruby
Description-md5: e9dcf92d077e84583efe4a749e4aa3e1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gstreamer
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gstreamer. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgst-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e9dcf92d077e84583efe4a749e4aa3e1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gstreamer
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gstreamer. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgst-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 4ea129b2c8bc7110c2988edbdfd93f29
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gstreamer-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gstreamer-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgstbuzztard-dev
Description-md5: 33447b0cc9e87946b9f6ad68c998f3ce
Description-gl: Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer (development files)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music
studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software
called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart
from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow
migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz-
machine reuse.
This package contains development files.
Package: libgstbuzztard0
Description-md5: 224b8d10702b08a7482152ad82a74fe3
Description-gl: Buzztard - Support plugins for GStreamer (shared libraries)
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music
studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software
called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart
from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow
migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz-
machine reuse.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgstreamer-interfaces-perl
Description-md5: 8cfd2422a0734cb928ab222345dca829
Description-gl: Perl interface to the GStreamer Interfaces library
GStreamer::Interfaces provides access to some of the interfaces in the
GStreamer Interfaces library. Currently, that's GStreamer::PropertyProbe
and GStreamer::XOverlay.
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source.
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0
Description-md5: 9415f99ee2f567b4c696c16ee566cdc3
Description-gl: GStreamer shared libraries from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains shared GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The
API is not guaranteed to be stable.
Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-dev
Description-md5: 3cf8ed7e757b9244dc8826f7bf3f2b29
Description-gl: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the
"bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable.
Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0
Description-md5: 135e6af8928a435cce371d420101ce63
Description-gl: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains shared GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The
API is not guaranteed to be stable.
Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev
Description-md5: 3cf8ed7e757b9244dc8826f7bf3f2b29
Description-gl: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen
o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais
fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación,
ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso
real amplo.
This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the
"bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable.
Package: libgstreamer0.10-cil-dev
Description-md5: dd964ef5ba821047cc2fa85fd81191da
Description-gl: CLI bindings to GStreamer - development files
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains the development files required to compile CLI
applications and libraries which use GStreamer#.
Package: libgstreamer0.9-cil
Description-md5: 215119422e4fd933d6f2993a0b7f58a8
Description-gl: CLI bindings to GStreamer
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains the GStreamer# assembly to access GStreamer from CLI
Package: libgstreamermm-0.10-dev
Description-md5: e71cfb3fb4afc73283670dc585b0f089
Description-gl: C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer (development files)
GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which
operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the
multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of
applications that work with multi-media.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgtg-dev
Description-md5: c431ca1bec8438a7ed4539506a6c543a
Description-gl: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - development files
The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces
in Paje or OTF formats.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libgtg0
Description-md5: ea60e1713b3175548217f54740436f92
Description-gl: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - shared library
The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces
in Paje or OTF formats.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgtk2-gladexml-perl
Description-md5: 2705c7d10da37b9dbc1ae264e71eaf16
Description-gl: Perl interface to use user interfaces created with glade-2
libgtk2-gladexml-perl allows a Perl developer to use the gladexml part of
the libglade library.
Glade is a free user interface builder for Gtk+ and GNOME. After designing
a user interface with glade-2 the layout and configuration are saved in an
XML file. libglade is a library which knows how to build and hook up the
user interface described in the Glade XML file at application run time.
This module even allows developers to load a interface definition into a
scalar to customize them just before loading the application itself.
Find out more about GNOME at
The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference
documentation should be considered the canonical source:
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgtk2-ruby
Description-md5: 2a7c6663582978bc26459121b51ffa55
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtk2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtk2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtk2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2a7c6663582978bc26459121b51ffa55
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtk2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtk2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtk2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: a29ea9089418cb1869741d8bab772492
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtk2-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtk2-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtk2-trayicon-perl
Description-md5: 5494e23115cb8eb740b45c5fe493115c
Description-gl: Perl interface to fill the system tray
libgtk2-trayicon-perl allows a Perl developer to embed an arbitrary widget
in a System Tray like the GNOME notification area.
The system tray is an area on the dock or panel used to display
unobtrusive notifications to the user. The tray contains small icons for
each notification facility, and the icons can pop up "balloon messages."
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgtk2-traymanager-perl
Description-md5: 074def5f6264659f0e1159d42d1b15a9
Description-gl: Perl interface to fill the system tray
libgtk2-traymanager-perl allows a Perl developer to implement the server-
side of the Notification Areo (or system tray) protocol.
The system tray is an area on the dock or panel used to display
unobtrusive notifications to the user. The tray contains small icons for
each notification facility, and the icons can pop up "balloon messages."
This module is part of gtk2-perl.
To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at
Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en
sourceforge en
Package: libgtkada-dbg
Description-md5: d8f319b2b1ef1d79d75572cacbbe2040
Description-gl: Ada binding for the GTK+ GUI (debugging symbols)
GtkAda is a library that allows programmers to write GTK+ applications in
the Ada programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libgtkdataboxmm-0.9-0
Description-md5: 5e4acb7c4a9d2b00c8e8ee6ffcee1417
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - shared library
GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating
numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales,
as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g.
measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgtkdataboxmm-dev
Description-md5: 3b81d0eab8386efdc7a8bf34a37aa517
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - development files
GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating
numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales,
as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g.
measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgtkdataboxmm-doc
Description-md5: 67e4a267a197cf47bcca51e2bf60d051
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - documentation and examples
GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating
numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales,
as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g.
measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for
Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo.
Package: libgtkgl2.0-1
Description-md5: 1e88a2d6bfbd31e29eec2a0722ec37a7
Description-gl: OpenGL context support for GTK+ (shared libraries)
The gtkgl library provides GtkGLArea (a GTK+ widget containing an OpenGL
context for fast 2D and 3D graphics), GdkGLPixmap (an off-screen rendering
context) and GdkGLContext (an OpenGL extension for virtually any drawable
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgtkglada-dbg
Description-md5: 436eb23bdae40ebf75ac1889a2ffe1fa
Description-gl: Ada binding for GTK+ OpenGL extensions (debugging symbols)
GtkAda is a library that allows programmers to write GTK+ applications in
the Ada programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das extensións de OpenGL.
Package: libgtkglext1-dbg
Description-md5: 41704fd359b87e3cf9ade1075e347386
Description-gl: Extensión de OpenGL para GTK+ (símbolos de depuración)
GtkGLExt provides the GDK objects to support OpenGL rendering in GTK+, and
GtkWidget API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do libgtkglext1.
Package: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-0
Description-md5: b4e8f138af7941ee75ecc9c8c609806c
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Shared libraries)
GtkGLExtmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt. C++ programmers can use it to
write GTK+-based OpenGL applications using Gtkmm 2.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev
Description-md5: 5af9a524c255e1533967702f3cf49644
Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Development files)
GtkGLExtmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt. C++ programmers can use it to
write GTK+-based OpenGL applications using Gtkmm 2.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgtkhex-3-0
Description-md5: f81f777084af4f0e366139989583957c
Description-gl: GNOME Hex editor for files (shared library)
The GHex program can view and edit files in two ways, hex or ascii. Good
for editing saved game files.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libgtkhtml-editor-dev
Description-md5: e231fd3ca061829155ca7ee4294ecab7
Description-gl: HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget development files
GtkHTML is a lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine.
Este paquete contén as cabeceiras e os ficheiros empregados para o
Package: libgtkhtml3.14-19
Description-md5: 9cabb26478f8a12fecfd8e07ff59fc16
Description-gl: HTML rendering/editing library - runtime files
GtkHTML is a lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca e as traducións.
Package: libgtkhtml3.14-dev
Description-md5: a569918f85273db7998216472807e4ca
Description-gl: HTML rendering/editing library - development files
GtkHTML is a lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine.
Este paquete contén as cabeceiras e os ficheiros empregados para o
Package: libgtkimageview-dev
Description-md5: 42627da6acc9ae4ddede072e0e917cae
Description-gl: image viewer widget for GTK+ (development files)
GtkImageView is a GTK+ widget that provides a zoomable and panable view of
an image. It is intended to be usable in most types of image viewing
Among its features are:
- Mouse and keyboard zooming
- Scrolling and dragging
- Adjustable interpolation
- Fullscreen mode
- GIF animation support
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgtksourceview2-ruby
Description-md5: 962cab71db78670fc5f1c480aadf30a4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtksourceview2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtksourceview2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtksourceview2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 962cab71db78670fc5f1c480aadf30a4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtksourceview2
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtksourceview2. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtksourceview2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: c15512f4d163f95a9fd38f1f5dbd389f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-gtksourceview2-dbg
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-gtksourceview2-dbg. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libgtksourceview2.0-0
Description-md5: 4c67b116d67582aeade4f3dd06a36dd6
Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas do trebello de realzado da sintaxe de GTK+
GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text
widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax
highlighting and other features typical of a source editor.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas requiridas polos
aplicativos que empreguen este trebello.
Package: libgtksourceview2.0-common
Description-md5: 4fbc7f71c219cb0f7964b0307b470e0b
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do trebello de realzado da sintaxe de GTK+
GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text
widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax
highlighting and other features typical of a source editor.
This package contains the language specifications files for Ada, C, C++,
C#, CSS, ".desktop", ".diff" (patch), Fortran 95, GtkRC, Haskell, HTML,
IDL, ".ini", Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lua, MSIL, Nemerle, Pascal, Perl,
PHP, ".po" (gettext), Python, R, Ruby, sh, SQL, Tcl, Texinfo, VB.NET,
Verilog, VHDL and XML.
Package: libgtksourceview2.0-doc
Description-md5: 04ab12b5b1a7c225ffc677c10053d34d
Description-gl: Documentación do trebello de realce de sintaxe de GTK+
GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text
widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax
highlighting and other features typical of a source editor.
This package contains the GtkSourceView reference manual.
Package: libgtksourceviewmm-3.0-dbg
Description-md5: 5320d444a2adac28a9d6dfbd548a08fc
Description-gl: C++ binding of GtkSourceView - debugging symbols
GtkSourceViewMM is a C++ binding of GtkSourceView, an extension to the
text widget included in GTK+ 3.x adding syntax highlighting and other
features typical for a source file editor.
GtkSourceViewMM is crafted to integrate well into applications using the
gtkmm framework.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración de libgtksourceviewmm, necesarios só
se se pretende depurala.
Package: libgtlcore0.8
Description-md5: d14572c930b7ad6b7b12ff001e3e8732
Description-gl: Graphics Transformation Libraries
OpenGTL, Graphics (or Generics) Transformation Libraries (Languages).
Tools, languages and libraries to create generic transformation for
graphics. Those transformations could then be used by different programs
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas libgtlcore e libshiva.
Package: libgts-0.7-5
Description-md5: 6074afcc54a3906f2372b3e142a15afd
Description-gl: library to deal with 3D computational surface meshes
The GNU Triangulated Surface Library is intended to provide a simple and
efficient library to scientists dealing with 3D surfaces meshed with
interconnected triangles.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libgts-dbg
Description-md5: 52e417a27b90f690b972f9e36d406be3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libgts
The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal
with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do GTS.
Package: libgts-dev
Description-md5: 68965fbf175635c7a79e11c874191966
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgts
The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal
with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles.
This package contains the headers and development libraries needed to
build applications using GTS.
Package: libgts-doc
Description-md5: ddb9976085197c383278ceff1db08316
Description-gl: documentation for libgts
The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal
with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libguestfs0-dbg
Description-md5: 65d89e3a051d927cf7e3f826162950e6
Description-gl: guest disk image management system - debug symbols
The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libguichan-0.8.1-1-dbg
Description-md5: b3683082416ba49242065342085ba3f8
Description-gl: small, efficient C++ GUI library (debugging symbols)
Guichan is a small and efficient C++ GUI library designed for games. It
comes with a standard set of widgets and can use several different objects
for displaying graphics and grabbing user input.
Guichan has a very abstract design which allows users of Guichan to use
different objects for displaying of graphics and grabbing of user input.
Guichan comes with (for now) 3 implemented graphics objects (SDLGraphics,
OpenGLGraphics and AllegroGraphics) and 2 implemented input objects
(SDLInput and AllegroInput),
Guichan is designed in a very abstract way making it very easy to extend
Guichan for your own needs. It is even very easy to implement new graphics
objects making Guichan as portable as ansi C++ is.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do guichan.
Package: libgupnp-av-1.0-dev
Description-md5: 61bb80db906652bcbafcc4fccfc3c239
Description-gl: Audio/Visual utility library for GUPnP (development files)
An audio/visual utility library for GUPnP, providing DIDL parser/writer
and search criteria parser objects.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgupnp-av-doc
Description-md5: 7fcd7983f6411e0bde1f25a96d772f63
Description-gl: Audio/Visual utility library for GUPnP (documentation)
An audio/visual utility library for GUPnP, providing DIDL parser/writer
and search criteria parser objects.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libgupnp-dlna-2.0-dev
Description-md5: d142de441d99201979b797ecbb0580dc
Description-gl: DLNA utility library for GUPnP (development files)
A small utility library that aims to ease the DLNA-related tasks such as
media profile guessing, transcoding to a given profile, etc.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgupnp-dlna-doc
Description-md5: 004f5a72916cfb1f4f131def0df2d54a
Description-gl: DLNA utility library for GUPnP (documentation)
A small utility library that aims to ease the DLNA-related tasks such as
media profile guessing, transcoding to a given profile, etc.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libgwenhywfar60-dev
Description-md5: 4a4a5652479b6700fa9f4026264a7023
Description-gl: OS abstraction layer (development files)
Gwenhywfar allows porting of your software to different operating systems
like Linux, *BSD, Windows etc. It also provides some often needed modules
such as configuration file handling, simple XML file parsing, IPC etc.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libgxps-utils
Description-md5: cb1c065d55ad65f7d56116d9f9ea306e
Description-gl: handling and rendering XPS documents (utilities)
OpenXPS or XPS stands for XML Paper Specification. It is based on XML and
it's a new electronic paper format originally developed by Microsoft and
it serves as a PDF alternative. XPS files are usually created using
"Microsoft XPS Document Writer" in Windows environments. It is now
standardized as an open standard document format.
Quoting Wikipedia: An XPS file is in fact a Unicoded ZIP archive using the
Open Packaging Conventions, containing the files which make up the
document. These include an XML markup file for each page, text, embedded
fonts, raster images, 2D vector graphics, as well as the digital rights
management information. The contents of an XPS file can be examined simply
by opening it in an application which supports ZIP files.
A especificación do formato de documento OpenXPS admite funcionalidades
como as gradacións de cores, as transparencias, os espazos de cores CMYK,
a calibración de impresoras, os sistemas de varias tintas e esquemas de
This package contains the binary utilities: xpstopng, xpstopdf, xpstosvg,
xpstojpeg and xpstops
Package: libgyoto1-dev
Description-md5: 149d1d42130d976ca3af1656592d0610
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgyoto
Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits and ray-traced
images in General relativity.
This package provides the files necessary to compile Gyoto plugins and
codes using the libgyoto library.
Package: libha-jdbc-java
Description-md5: 4db42acc090a086441daddee091961f7
Description-gl: JDBC proxy that provides clustering capability to any JDBC driver
HA-JDBC is a JDBC proxy that provides light-weight, transparent, fault
tolerant clustering capability to any underlying JDBC driver.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Supports any database accessible via JDBC.
* High-availability/Fault Tolerance - An HA-JDBC database cluster can lose a
node without failing/corrupting open transactions.
* Live activation/deactivation allows for maintenance/upgrading of a database
node without loss of service.
* Improves performance of concurrent read-access by distributing load across
individual nodes.
* Supports full JDBC 3.0 and 4.0 feature set.
* Out-of-the-box database-independent strategies for synchronizing a failed
cluster node.
* Exposes JMX management interface to allow administration of databases and
* Ability to add/subtract database nodes to/from a cluster at runtime.
* Can be configured to auto-activate failed database nodes during scheduled
off-peak times.
Package: libhackrf0
Description-md5: e8584137c1ce5d80a6964407cb6f3b70
Description-gl: Software defined radio peripheral
HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and
transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a
High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libhaildb-dbg
Description-md5: 907ed0c87f2ed7d78a090bef48511edb
Description-gl: Library implementing InnoDB-like database - debug symbols
A relational database in shared library form. Not a SQL database, although
you can use this library as the storage backend for a SQL database.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: libharminv2
Description-md5: 71027333758d7bd94a8655e02a5e5d32
Description-gl: Library for using harminv
Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion,
given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of
finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given
bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and
phases of those sinusoids.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libhavege-dev
Description-md5: c49a598f854a87b074e2d7bc5a4f89dd
Description-gl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - development files
libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile
Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator
and it's associated tuning and testing factilities.
More information about HAVEGE is available at
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libhavege1
Description-md5: 791597097dfee31e0e57febdd3a0f02e
Description-gl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - shared library
libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile
Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator
and it's associated tuning and testing factilities.
More information about HAVEGE is available at
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libhfgcc1-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: 6db13ea7abb61c02336c92d8b2b3980b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libhfstdc++6-4.7-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libhibernate3-java-doc
Description-md5: b767d4abf51e62b88c9d5aeb1847cf78
Description-gl: Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java (documentation)
Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following
object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism,
composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in
its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an
object-oriented Criteria and Example API.
Unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not hide the power
of SQL from you and guarantees that your investment in relational
technology and knowledge is as valid as always.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libhighgui-dev
Description-md5: 639a44242be22159629da6bb55e3313d
Description-gl: Paquete de tradución de libhighgui-dev
This package provide files for translation from libhighgui-dev to
subdivided packages.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision).
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libhiredis-dbg
Description-md5: 296ac088cadb2bb43221c41fc0b872c8
Description-gl: minimalistic C client library for Redis (debug)
Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database. It is
minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol, but at
the same time it uses an high level printf-alike API in order to make it
much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and
the lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command.
Apart from supporting sending commands and receiving replies, it comes
with a reply parser that is decoupled from the I/O layer. It is a stream
parser designed for easy reusability, which can for instance be used in
higher level language bindings for efficient reply parsing.
Hiredis only supports the binary-safe Redis protocol, so you can use it
with any Redis version >= 1.2.0.
The library comes with multiple APIs. There is the synchronous API, the
asynchronous API and the reply parsing API.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do hiredis.
Package: libhpricot-ruby
Description-md5: c4927ddb9db7cb020880852134b048d4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-hpricot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-hpricot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhpricot-ruby1.8
Description-md5: c4927ddb9db7cb020880852134b048d4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-hpricot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-hpricot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhpricot-ruby1.9
Description-md5: c4927ddb9db7cb020880852134b048d4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-hpricot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-hpricot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhpricot-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: c4927ddb9db7cb020880852134b048d4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-hpricot
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-hpricot. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhsqldb-java
Description-md5: f15f39c3a5f11c926d0794a151556623
Description-gl: Java SQL database engine
HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten
un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de
árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor
de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como
en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe
ferramentas tales como un servidor web mínimo, ferramentas de consulta e
xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de
exemplos de demostración.
Sitio web:
Package: libhsqldb-java-doc
Description-md5: 37d10417f579e9c179fc42dbfb2c4f77
Description-gl: Documentación de HSQLDB
HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten
un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de
árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor
de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como
en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe
ferramentas tales como un servidor web mínimo, ferramentas de consulta e
xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de
exemplos de demostración.
This package contains the documentation of HSQLDB.
Sitio web:
Package: libhtml-htmltokenizer-ruby
Description-md5: 517b192ec3e2e7aff4365101530c5cb0
Description-gl: simple HTML tokenizer/parser for Ruby
libhtml-htmltokenizer-ruby is a port of Perl's HTML::TokeParser::Simple to
Ruby. It is a simple HTML parsing class which takes a string and parses
out tokens.
Páxina web:
Package: libhtmlentities-ruby
Description-md5: a9b2993636e550678bdfdee5bcce62f8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-htmlentities
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-htmlentities. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhtmlentities-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a9b2993636e550678bdfdee5bcce62f8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-htmlentities
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-htmlentities. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libhtmlentities-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: a1a6a4fe6198399fc63026b9c9c20dd7
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-htmlentities
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-htmlentities. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza
Package: libhtmlparser-java-doc
Description-md5: 289b8788e34f9e4801ab6ef44e222ad8
Description-gl: java library to parse html - doc
HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or
nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it
features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libhwloc-dev
Description-md5: e00890e45c44536790770fde0549dc61
Description-gl: Hierarchical view of the machine - static libs and headers
Hardware Locality (hwloc) provides a portable abstraction (across OS,
versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern
architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing
applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to
exploit it accordingly and efficiently.
libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes,
sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also
gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information.
libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with
knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support
Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento.
Package: libhyantes-dev
Description-md5: 9bd8ac2f0a61afe4624eed7c2ca02889
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libhyantes
C headers and man pages for those who want to develop C/C++ programs using
libhyantes hyantes aims to develop new methods for the cartographic
representation of human distributions (population density, population
increase, etc.) with various smoothing functions and opportunities for
time-scale animations of maps. It provides a smoothing method related to
multiscalar neighbourhood density estimation.
Package: libhybris-test
Description-md5: 1f5205701476c6ee1c9d6d7b14515a90
Description-gl: Allows to run bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems - tests
Contén os aplicativos de proba empregados para validar libhybris (precisa
das bibliotecas de Android ou do contedor).
Hybris is a solution that allows the use of bionic-based HW adaptations in
glibc systems.
Package: libhypre-2.8.0b
Description-md5: 2aafa5987d3c0f9e323b4ad7e8c80cee
Description-gl: High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - Shared Library
Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution
of large systems of linear equations.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libi2c-dev
Description-md5: a2e3bd6aa1054aba3a6c06b3a2f02cc8
Description-gl: userspace I2C programming library development files
Os dispositivos I2C están controlados normalmente por un controlador do
kernel. Ao empregar esta biblioteca resulta tamén posíbel acceder a todos
os dispositivos dun adaptador desde o espazo do usuario e sen precisar de
coñecemento do funcionamento interno do kernel Linux.
Package: libibcm-dev
Description-md5: 6d12891afcebe540d75badb0db433a22
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libibcm
libibcm provides a userspace implementation of an InfiniBand Communication
Manager (CM). The CM handles both connection establishment as well as
service ID resolution.
This package is needed to compile programs against libibcm1. It contains
the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling.
Package: libibcm1
Description-md5: be205022252dda97295a6fd715302659
Description-gl: InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM) library
libibcm provides a userspace implementation of an InfiniBand Communication
Manager (CM). The CM handles both connection establishment as well as
service ID resolution.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libibcommon-dev
Description-md5: 70f61708cd6bb140f628c1ef0b4438a3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libibcommon
libibcommon provides common utility functions for Infiniband diagnostic
and management tools.
This package is needed to compile programs against libibcommon1. It
contains the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for
Package: libibcommon1
Description-md5: 06bb6e0df5dc1da3dac804a080519719
Description-gl: InfiniBand management library
libibcommon provides common utility functions for Infiniband diagnostics
and management tools.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libibdm-dev
Description-md5: 0bcaf72869e0e5462c367affa959eca2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libibdm
This package contains header files for building applications against
libibdm, a library for building tools for diagnosing and testing
InfiniBand based networks.
Package: libibmad-dev
Description-md5: c842752a8d45001b37760fca5ee22276
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libibmad
libibmad provides low layer Infiniband functions for use by the InfiniBand
diagnostic and management programs. These include Management Datagrams
(MAD), Subnet Administration (SA), Subnet Management Packets (SMP) and
other basic functions.
This package is needed to compile programs against libibmad5. It contains
the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling.
Package: libibmad5
Description-md5: 61c66414f015c4cad74d4c04312ffb34
Description-gl: Infiniband Management Datagram (MAD) library
libibmad provides low layer InfiniBand functions for use by the Infiniband
diagnostic and management programs. These include Management Datagrams
(MAD), Subnet Administration (SA), Subnet Management Packets (SMP) and
other basic functions.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libibumad-dev
Description-md5: b5da79409af0519cb18e66495327c7b8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libibumad
libibumad provides userspace Infiniband Management Datagram (uMAD)
functions which sit on top of the uMAD modules in the kernel. These are
used by InfiniBand diagnostic and management tools.
This package is needed to compile programs against libumad1. It contains
the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling.
Package: libibumad3
Description-md5: 458e8737c23bfac029d7f82093d3fdac
Description-gl: InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library
libibumad provides userspace Infiniband Management Datagram (uMAD)
functions which sit on top of the uMAD modules in the kernel. These are
used by InfiniBand diagnostic and management tools.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libibus-qt-dev
Description-md5: 9f41b6e7505bda660c9955f27c808773
Description-gl: qt-immodule para ibus (QT4)
IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux
OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user
interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo precisos para desenvolver os
aplicativos de ibus-qt.
Package: libibus-qt1
Description-md5: 77bd948200f60f59154d300ba374f7eb
Description-gl: qt-immodule para ibus (QT4)
IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux
OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user
interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.
libibus-qt1 is the library of ibus-qt.
Package: libid3-3.8.3-dev
Description-md5: 8c2e3b98d22d66f554a13b4225a96fa6
Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
Este paquete contén as cabeceiras precisos para desenvolver aplicativos
que empreguen id3lib, a biblioteca de software para manipular etiquetas
ID3v1 e ID3v2.
Package: libid3-doc
Description-md5: 0c2a2d9e324faf5597f7667d25dfd411
Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Documentation
Este paquete contén a documentación que precisa quen programe para
desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen id3lib, biblioteca de software para
manipular ID3v1 e ID3vs2.
Package: libid3-tools
Description-md5: cee1af3de2ea24fef26a69e1351c630e
Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Utilities
Este paquete contén algunhas utilidades que van con id3lib, a biblioteca
de software para manipular etiquetas ID3v1 e ID3vs. As utilidades son:
id3cp, id3tag, id3convert, id3info.
Package: libidn2-0
Description-md5: f46cbaa536c988dcd98555da69ed2dba
Description-gl: Internationalized domain names (IDNA2008) library
Libidn2 implements the revised algorithm for internationalized domain
names called IDNA2008.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución.
Package: libidn2-0-dev
Description-md5: 35705efd9694f29d161bad16a08d1b6c
Description-gl: Internationalized domain names (IDNA2008) development files
Libidn2 implements the revised algorithm for internationalized domain
names called IDNA2008.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de cabeceira e bibliotecas para ligazóns
Package: libido-0.1-0
Description-md5: 1bed1722725acdadee08fd76cd4e7f0f
Description-gl: Shared library providing extra gtk menu items for display in
indicadores do sistema
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para que empreguen os
aplicativos de GTK+.
Package: libido-0.1-dev
Description-md5: 7bff983b55b75d242ef64a76117abf77
Description-gl: Shared library providing extra gtk menu items for display in
indicadores do sistema
Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construír aplicativos en GTK+
Package: libifp-dev
Description-md5: 2426830855527fcada1aba92d9f1f328
Description-gl: communicate with iRiver iFP audio devices (development files)
Este paquete contén ficheiros empregados para desenvolver ou compilar
programas que empreguen libifp.
libifp allows you to communicate with iRiver iFP audio devices. It
provides a high-level interface to upload and download files to and from
the device, as well as other functions like battery status and firmware
Package: libigstk4-dbg
Description-md5: 0e0457165b5fca7be5dbff35f7339e95
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libigstk4
The Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGstk: pronounced IGStick) is a high-
level component-based framework providing common functionality for image-
guided surgery applications.
This software framework consists of a set of high-level components
integrated with other low-level open source software libraries and
application programming interfaces (API) from hardware vendors.
The cornerstone of IGstk is robustness. IGstk provides the following high-
level functionality: Ability to read and display medical images including
CT and MRI in DICOM format.
An interface to common tracking hardware (e.g. AURORA from Northern
Digital Inc.). A graphical user interface and visualization capability
including a four-quadrant view (axial, sagittal, coronal, and 3D) as well
as a multi-slice axial view (from 1 by 1 to many by many such as 10 by
Registration: point based registration and a means for selecting these
points. Robust common internal software services for logging, exception-
handling and problem resolution.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libigstk4.
Package: libihelp-ruby
Description-md5: e31987d51522b23c32454c6d3361f045
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-ihelp
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-ihelp. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libihelp-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e31987d51522b23c32454c6d3361f045
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-ihelp
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-ihelp. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimage-science-ruby
Description-md5: ec00c7227a84335dc49e1b6020dc1744
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-image-science
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-image-science. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimage-science-ruby-doc
Description-md5: ec00c7227a84335dc49e1b6020dc1744
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-image-science
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-image-science. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimage-science-ruby1.8
Description-md5: ec00c7227a84335dc49e1b6020dc1744
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-image-science
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-image-science. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimage-size-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 3213ada9e5c9aade34eecd102ade1c55
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-imagesize
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-imagesize. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimage-size-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 3213ada9e5c9aade34eecd102ade1c55
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-imagesize
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-imagesize. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libimobiledevice-utils
Description-md5: 67c848cadcb0e4665fbbe126820e4bd8
Description-gl: Biblioteca para comunicar cos dispositivos iPhone e iPod Touch
libimobiledevice is a library that talks the native Apple USB protocols
that the iPhone and iPod Touch use. Unlike other projects,
libimobiledevice does not depend on using any existing libraries from
This package contains utilities and examples which use libimobiledevice.
Package: libimvirt-perl
Description-md5: 3b45e17de2c4811da2eada0e32af9e70
Description-gl: Perl module for detecting several virtualizations
This Perl module is able to determine, on which virtualization it is
In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies:
VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation
Virtual PC/Virtual Server
Xen (para and non-para virtualized)
E moito máis.
Package: libincidenceeditorsng4
Description-md5: c3c638f6ac60d971b005cc475b8e090d
Description-gl: incidence editors library
This library implements GUI components for incidence (including but not
limited to alarms, attendances, free-busy etc.) editing. These GUI
components are widely used in various KDE PIM applications.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libindi0b
Description-md5: fa79971a5e484cc77bd16c435e4f61a4
Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- library
INDI (Instrument-Neutral Device Interface) is a distributed XML-based
control protocol designed to operate astronomical instrumentation. INDI is
small, flexible, easy to parse, scalable, and stateless. It supports
common DCS functions such as remote control, data acquisition, monitoring,
and a lot more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libindicate-doc
Description-md5: 8fb71c6b446db4e6fd8704388f59d872
Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - documentation
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libindicate-gtk-dev
Description-md5: 8203d8ff39cb2641149ec82e698ec089
Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK+ bindings development files
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construír aplicativos con
Package: libindicate-gtk0.1-cil-dev
Description-md5: fd9fd58848f7a3aba67532732439a726
Description-gl: CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk2 - development files
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
This package provides the indicate-sharp assembly that allows CLI (.NET)
programs to display information consistently in the GNOME panel.
Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construír aplicativos en GTK+
Package: libindicate-gtk3
Description-md5: 295ebcda807522650a2309c0da8b6ad2
Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK+ bindings
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para que empreguen os
aplicativos de GTK+.
Package: libindicate-gtk3-3
Description-md5: 41af89e4afb0ed19436ef057e4b36f4d
Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libindicate-qt1
Description-md5: 171a559250ba608e253eff336b4673fc
Description-gl: Qt bindings for libindicate
libindicate-qt makes it possible to write libindicate-enabled applications
using Qt.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libindicate5
Description-md5: a6c21881d9e1389e39ec6f2b5c7ea09f
Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus
A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other
components of the desktop to pick up and visualize.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libindidriver0b
Description-md5: f38c856b7d5314dc94d1b8c56bec9f8e
Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- driver library
INDI (Instrument-Neutral Device Interface) is a distributed XML-based
control protocol designed to operate astronomical instrumentation. INDI is
small, flexible, easy to parse, scalable, and stateless. It supports
common DCS functions such as remote control, data acquisition, monitoring,
and a lot more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libindimain0b
Description-md5: 8c6352658b13e54d677a8dbf0ef35adc
Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- main library
INDI (Instrument-Neutral Device Interface) is a distributed XML-based
control protocol designed to operate astronomical instrumentation. INDI is
small, flexible, easy to parse, scalable, and stateless. It supports
common DCS functions such as remote control, data acquisition, monitoring,
and a lot more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libinfinity-0.5-dbg
Description-md5: 76199d871987f3ccb06360db0d597fe4
Description-gl: Edición colaborativa baseada en infinote - símbolos de depuración
libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the
text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even
though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes
applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración de libinfinity, necesarios só se se
pretende depurala.
Package: libinklevel-dev
Description-md5: 7060bef34f3b9dc6138cc9f48236dcd0
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libinklevel5
The aim of this library is to provide a way to check the ink level of a
local printer.
It supports printers attached via parallel port or usb.
Many HP, Epson and Canon printers are supported.
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libinline-ruby
Description-md5: 57f4028f994d86865e741341808f8bb3
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-inline
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-inline. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libinline-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 57f4028f994d86865e741341808f8bb3
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-inline
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-inline. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libinnodb3
Description-md5: 578b226d58e6462a497c8a4bfab3c0dd
Description-gl: Embedded InnoDB Library
Embedded InnoDB is used independently of MySQL. It is not a plugin, nor a
storage engine for MySQL. It is designed to be linked directly into
application programs, and provides highly efficient, low-level database
management services, not using SQL
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libinotify-ocaml
Description-md5: d99ff02128e3b2ab0ed774b9a117bda1
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the inotify API
This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify.
Inotify é un susbsistema do kernel Linux que avisa de cambios do sistema
de ficheiros e informa aos aplicativos deses cambios.
This package contains shared library.
Package: libinotify-ocaml-dev
Description-md5: cdfa745781cafa314adb73004a226cde
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the inotify API
This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify.
Inotify é un susbsistema do kernel Linux que avisa de cambios do sistema
de ficheiros e informa aos aplicativos deses cambios.
This package contains header and OCaml library.
Package: libinotify-ruby
Description-md5: 26129f2f1b38ad8b9a1e21a89f3cb7d6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-inotify
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-inotify. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libinotify-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 26129f2f1b38ad8b9a1e21a89f3cb7d6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-inotify
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-inotify. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libinotify-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 26129f2f1b38ad8b9a1e21a89f3cb7d6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-inotify
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-inotify. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libinstpatch-1.0-0
Description-md5: cb67bc56a835c994c24e2bbedbd6eab3
Description-gl: MIDI instrument editing library
libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for
processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types
of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for
wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on
GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted,
compressed and saved.
More information can be found on the Project Swami website
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libinstpatch-1.0-0-dbg
Description-md5: 5142b9dacbe2106a32f142d22956ab8c
Description-gl: Biblioteca de edición de instrumentos MIDI - símbolos de depuración
libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for
processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types
of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for
wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on
GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted,
compressed and saved.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libinstpatch-1.0.0.
Package: libint1
Description-md5: 743a7c2856769633e13b13722aa189e8
Description-gl: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory
The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron
repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over
Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory.
The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for
computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much
less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals,
and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer
architecture (e.g., vector processor).
LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF)
and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller-
Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles
(CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libintl-xs-perl
Description-md5: c919928c6b051653595f0ee48e6343dd
Description-gl: biblioteca de i18n compatíbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum
libintl-perl é unha biblioteca de internacionalización para Perl que
pretende ser compatíbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum como
se utiliza, por exemplo, no gettext de GNU.
This package contains the XS Implementation of Uniforum Message
Translation, which is, thanks to the use of C code and libraries, a little
bit faster than the pure Perl implementation.
Package: libipathverbs-dev
Description-md5: b428861315babd230e156e91f41d7334
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libipathverbs
libipathverbs is a device-specific driver for QLogic InfiniBand host
channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access QLogic HCA hardware directly with low latency and low
This package contains static versions of libipathverbs that may be linked
directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging.
Package: libipathverbs1-dbg
Description-md5: 632f61fe9f70c440847d2aad80f71f07
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do controlador libipathverbs
libipathverbs is a device-specific driver for QLogic InfiniBand host
channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access QLogic HCA hardware directly with low latency and low
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con
libipathverbs1. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar
problemas relacionados co libipathverbs1.
Package: libircclient-dev
Description-md5: bdfeafe7130cfdee760bc7711d766249
Description-gl: C library to create IRC clients
libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client-
server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and
compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features
* Full multi-threading support.
* Single threads handles all the IRC processing.
* Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based
applications, which use select()
* Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.
* CTCP support with optional build-in reply code.
* Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer.
* Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC.
* Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously.
* Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code,
* Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients.
* Good documentation and examples available.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libirrlicht1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 5cb9f4060e4906e939dec6a72af5ff8b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do irrlicht
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co irrlicht. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: libiscsi1
Description-md5: 064625df53bd4a3770b555b02abbc38d
Description-gl: iSCSI client shared library
Libiscsi is a clientside library to implement the iSCSI protocol that can
be used to access resource of an iSCSI Target.
The library is fully async with regards to iscsi commands and scsi tasks,
but a sync layer is also provided for ease of use for simpler
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libitext5-java-doc
Description-md5: 8b2072c087bc9c14521975506977ec80
Description-gl: Java Library to create and manipulate PDF on the fly (documentation)
iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly. The
iText classes are very useful for people who need to generate read-only,
platform independent documents containing text, lists, tables and images.
The library is especially useful in combination with Java(TM) technology-
based Servlets: The look and feel of HTML is browser dependent; with iText
and PDF you can control exactly how your servlet's output will look.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libitl-gobject0
Description-md5: 7f20b16bee412587c2f31cd14d148abb
Description-gl: GObject bindings for libitl - shared library
This library is a GObject bindings library for libitl (Islamic tools &
library project), libitl allows applications to convert between
Hijri/Gregorian dates and compute Muslim prayer times and Qibla direction
based on multiple methods of calculation.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libitpp8-dbg
Description-md5: 21cba55e30614b25d492057c06520aa1
Description-gl: C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Debug symbols
IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication
classes and functions. Its main use is in simulation of communication
systems and for performing research in the area of communications. The
kernel of the library consists of generic vector and matrix classes, and a
set of accompanying routines. Such a kernel makes IT++ similar to MATLAB
or GNU Octave .
Este paquete ten os símbolos de depuración de IT++, que pode ser útiles
para depurar os aplicativos baseados en IT++.
Package: libixp
Description-md5: 28037930579d0d6b2093d259d68cb2d0
Description-gl: transitional dummy package for libixp-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
libixp-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libjama-dev
Description-md5: 72d61ecb9e413f88c0c8edaa9bc63689
Description-gl: C++ Linear Algebra Package
JAMA/C++ was adapted for The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) from JAMA, a
Java Matrix Library, developed jointly by the Mathworks and NIST. See for more information.
TNT is a collection of interfaces and reference implementations of
numerical objects useful for scientific computing in C++. The toolkit
defines interfaces for basic data structures, such as multidimensional
arrays and sparse matrices, commonly used in numerical applications. The
goal of this package is to provide reusable software components that
address many of the portability and maintenance problems with C++ codes.
TNT provides a distinction between interfaces and implementations of TNT
components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional
arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how
certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in
algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an
interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS
kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging information.
By specifying only the interface, applications codes may utilize such
algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest flexibility in
employing optimization or portability strategies.
Páxina web:
Package: libjana-dev
Description-md5: 3f69efa30fa193741e40500d509402cd
Description-gl: interface library for time-related personal information (dev. files)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana is the interface of the framework so other software can use
this library to provide the libjana interface.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libjana-doc
Description-md5: 6538dfb10cc533d7b0f25db58cf057d6
Description-gl: interface library for time-related personal information (documentation)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana is the interface of the framework so other software can use
this library to provide the libjana interface.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libjana-ecal-dev
Description-md5: dcc6d7181140d6df180bb63a755714b3
Description-gl: implementation of libjana based on evolution-data-server (dev. files)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana-ecal is the implementation of the framework which provides
the libjana interface.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libjana-ecal-doc
Description-md5: 9cf276581ce20d53daa7f768eeb19935
Description-gl: implementation of libjana based on evolution-data-server (documentation)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana-ecal is the implementation of the framework which provides
the libjana interface.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libjana-gtk-dev
Description-md5: 61ec048cf04aa8157203d038f127de43
Description-gl: GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (development files)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana-gtk provides the GTK+ widgets to visualize the data of
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libjana-gtk-doc
Description-md5: 582832cfcec49455f3ddc59484f5b191
Description-gl: GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (documentation)
jana is a library for management time-related personal information related
data. libjana-gtk provides the GTK+ widgets to visualize the data of
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libjansson-dbg
Description-md5: f2864878315cfb7654af353ed25233cf
Description-gl: C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (debug)
Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data.
It features:
* Simple and intuitive API and data model
* Comprehensive documentation
* No dependencies on other libraries
* Full Unicode support (UTF-8)
* Extensive test suite
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do jansson.
Package: libjasper-runtime
Description-md5: 4c57bba10b4faddb8704d85df1ac0580
Description-gl: Programas para manipular ficheiros JPEG-2000
JasPer is a collection of software (i.e., a library and application
programs) for the coding and manipulation of images. This software can
handle image data in a variety of formats. One such format supported by
JasPer is the JPEG-2000 format defined in ISO/IEC 15444-1:2000.
This package contains programs for manipulating JPEG-2000 files.
Package: libjava3d-java-doc
Description-md5: 5feb8b705272dd6b6c3bb1c903c7ee25
Description-gl: Documentación da API de Java3D
The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics
applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level
constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the
structures used in rendering that geometry. With this software, you can
efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds.
This package contains the API documentation.
Package: libjavassist-java-doc
Description-md5: 307370a3643f0ab45c70ce99693faaa8
Description-gl: library for editing bytecodes in Java -- documentation
This library makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It enables Java
programs to define a new class at runtime and to modify a class file when
the JVM loads it.
Unlike other bytecode editors, Javassist provides two levels of API:
source level and bytecode level. With the source-level API, users can edit
a class file without knowledge of the specifications of the Java bytecode.
You can even specify inserted bytecode in the form of source text;
Javassist compiles it on the fly. On the other hand, the bytecode-level
API allows the users to directly edit a class file as other editors.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libjcharts-java
Description-md5: 45a3181c80fe908f8c5cbd38d5a782fd
Description-gl: java based charts library
jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of
charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers
for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libjcommon-java-doc
Description-md5: 57de8737ec927a9066115216e892da84
Description-gl: General Purpose library for Java - documentation
JCommon is a free general purpose Java class library that is used in
several projects at The Object Refinery, including JFreeChart and
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libjcsp-java-doc
Description-md5: a17a02cb6029740af123adec7efc8fc9
Description-gl: Documentación de libjcsp-java
Documentation for JCSP (Communication Sequential Processes for Java) that
is a library providing a concurrency model that is a combination of ideas
from Hoare's CSP and Milner's pi-calculus.
Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a mathematical theory for
specifying and verifying complex patterns of behaviour arising from
interactions between concurrent objects.
JSCP provides a base range of CSP primitives plus a rich set of
extensions. Also included is a package providing CSP process wrappers
giving a channel interface to all Java AWT widgets and graphics
operations. It is extensively (javadoc)umented and includes much
JCSP is an alternative concurrency model to the threads and mechanisms
built into Java. It is also compatible with it since it is implemented on
top of it.
Package: libjellydoc-java-doc
Description-md5: 0abba0fafe76ece1a31af7379c41c64f
Description-gl: Documentación de libjellydoc-java
This library provides a set of Java annotations for generating Jelly
taglib documentation using maven-jellydoc-plugin and a Jelly taglib parser
for generating taglib XSD documents for use in schema aware editors.
This package provides the API documentation for libjellydoc-java.
Package: libjemalloc-dev
Description-md5: 2a752200a67ff1d3a13d3654aa1572e0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación de jemalloc
Files used for development with jemalloc. This package contains headers
and documentation.
Jemalloc is a library providing a malloc(3) implementation for multi-
threaded processes on multi-processor systems.
Package: libjempbox-java
Description-md5: 5ea17e6984d802a9db07b0c483e16963
Description-gl: XMP Compatible Java Library
The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool for working with
XMP metadata.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libjempbox-java-doc
Description-md5: 741a9dca3786acf0cb72572ad8bab05c
Description-gl: XMP Compatible Java Library (documentation)
The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool for working with
XMP metadata.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libjenkins-commons-jelly-java-doc
Description-md5: c3ffc57aef6183747b3ddc822cf37fae
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-commons-jelly-java
Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting engine. Jelly combines the best
ideas from JSTL, Velocity, DVSL, Ant and Cocoon all together in a simple
yet powerful scripting engine.
This package provides the Jenkins fork of Commons Jelly maintained and
used by the Jenkins CI project.
This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-commons-jelly-
Package: libjenkins-commons-jexl-java-doc
Description-md5: f5dbce7daa395fb618b37da7365c44fa
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-commons-jexl-java
This library is an expression language engine for easy embedding in
applications and frameworks. It implements an extented version of the
Expression Language of the JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library, java server
related technology).
This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-commons-jexl-
Package: libjenkins-dom4j-java-doc
Description-md5: d9801c6f1d50c4d984905943126b79f0
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-dom4j-java
dom4j is a library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java
platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for
This package contains the documentation for dom4j (Hudson variant),
including the API Javadoc.
Package: libjenkins-json-java-doc
Description-md5: 01d9c3994986e7d8a0f10276dc115e89
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-json-java
JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps, collections, java
arrays and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans.
This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-json-java.
Package: libjenkins-remoting-java-doc
Description-md5: 5be3ee58d7e93f3e66e13ea4e2a98385
Description-gl: Documentación de jenkins-remoting
Allows separate JVMs to be bridged into a single semi-shared space.
This package is primarily used by Jenkins for slave node management but
has potential re-use outside of this project.
This package contains the API documentation of jenkins-remoting.
Package: libjenkins-trilead-ssh2-java-doc
Description-md5: 0a12f467e0d3935e71d371bf3f417b6a
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-trilead-ssh2-java
Trilead SSH2 for Java is a library which implements the SSH-2 protocol in
pure Java
This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-trilead-
Package: libjenkins-winstone-java-doc
Description-md5: 59c2b5da96e18b66d55df4063bbcc1a1
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-winstone-java
Winstone is a servlet container that was written out of a desire to
provide servlet functionality without the bloat that full J2EE compliance
This package contains the API documentation of libjenkins-winstone-java.
Package: libjenkins-xstream-java-doc
Description-md5: 045b9246036ec6c9420561029c89ec23
Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-xstream-java
The features of the XStream library are:
- Ease of use. A high level facade is supplied that simplifies common
use cases.
- No mappings required. Most objects can be serialized without need
for specifying mappings.
- Performance. Speed and low memory footprint are a crucial part of
the design, making it suitable for large object graphs or systems
with high message throughput.
- Clean XML. No information is duplicated that can be obtained via
reflection. This results in XML that is easier to read for humans
and more compact than native Java serialization.
- Requires no modifications to objects. Serializes internal fields,
including private and final. Supports non-public and inner classes.
Classes are not required to have default constructor.
- Full object graph support. Duplicate references encountered in the
object-model will be maintained. Supports circular references.
- Integrates with other XML APIs. By implementing an interface,
XStream can serialize directly to/from any tree structure (not just
- Customizable conversion strategies. Strategies can be registered
allowing customization of how particular types are represented as
- Error messages. When an exception occurs due to malformed XML,
detailed diagnostics are provided to help isolate and fix the
- Alternative output format. The modular design allows other output
formats. XStream ships currently with JSON support and morphing.
This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-xstream-java.
Package: libjgit-java-doc
Description-md5: 3f0119c3727f717f0970be6e2520ada2
Description-gl: Java implementation of GIT version control (documentation)
JGit is a lightweight, pure Java library implementing the Git version control system:
* Repository access routines
* Network protocols
* Core version control algorithms
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libjgoodies-forms-java-doc
Description-md5: 3f8cdf779d20b842a5df58b77e36de41
Description-gl: Documentación de libjgoodies-forms-java
The JGoodies Forms framework helps you lay out and implement elegant Swing
panels quickly and consistently. It makes simple things easy and the hard
stuff possible, the good design easy and the bad difficult.
Main Benefits:
* Powerful, flexible and precise layout
* Easy to work with and quite easy to learn
* Faster UI production
* Better UI code readability
* Leads to better style guide compliance
This package contains only documentation.
Package: libjgoodies-looks-java-doc
Description-md5: e20662e184c9d644b66379687caf5ad2
Description-gl: library with Swing look&feel implementations (documentation)
The JGoodies Looks make your Swing applications and applets look better.
The package consists of a Windows look&feel and the Plastic look&feel
family. These have been optimized for readability, precise micro-design
and usability.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libjgraph-java
Description-md5: 1495e280651707e10f9e9eefd751b240
Description-gl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java
JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source
graph component available for Java. Application areas include:
* Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even
traffic or water flow.
* Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping
applications and GIS.
* UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social
networks and data mining.
* Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships
and organisational charts.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libjgraph-java-doc
Description-md5: 8915a5c90a26892c3d64076cc7360e10
Description-gl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java (documentation)
JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source
graph component available for Java.
* Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even
traffic or water flow.
* Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping
applications and GIS.
* UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social
networks and data mining.
* Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships
and organisational charts.
Este paquete contén a documentación e os exemplos.
Package: libjgraphx-java-doc
Description-md5: b1a310beb9daa212c14ba4bfa1742e32
Description-gl: Java Swing Diagramming Library - API documentation and manual
JGraph X is based on the mxGraph architecture, a re-designed core based on
JGraph experience.
The new library API is designed to provide a much lower learning curve as
well as making the feature set easier to extend and integrate. Sharing the
model code base of mxGraph, the web diagramming library, enabling
applications written in Java to be more easily ported to mxGraph-based web
Overall, JGraph X provides more features that JGraph, with a far smaller
code size and complexity. Redesigning the codebase from scratch now means
implementing common feature extensions are easier and require less coding.
A number of new loosely coupled application-centric features have been
added, making prototyping even faster, without their usage restricting
application flexibility.
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libjibx1.1-java-doc
Description-md5: 3a43cd167e3ff3a05acf090fffc84f1f
Description-gl: Documentación de libjibx-java
This package contains documentation, javadocs and tutorial code for JiBX
version 1.1.
Package: libjibx1.2-java-doc
Description-md5: b09670f965f273a6214099c8a93814c1
Description-gl: Documentación de libjibx-java
This package contains documentation, javadocs and tutorial code for JiBX.
Package: libjifty-plugin-authentication-facebook-perl
Description-md5: 0842f04663e78da79f946c825263bd10
Description-gl: Engadido de autenticación de Facebook para Jifty
Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Facebook provides Facebook authentication
for your Jifty application. This authentication is added to your User
model. You can mix this authentication with other Jifty authentication
plugins like email/password or ldap.
Package: libjiu-java-doc
Description-md5: e124b5b2fee78de43633249f5a7fcc07
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca en java jiu para imaxes de píxeles
JIU, the Java Imaging Utilities, is a library which offers functionality
to load, analyze, process and save pixel images.
This package contains the API documentation for the library.
See the package libjiu-java for further information.
Package: libjlatexmath-java-doc
Description-md5: 4d29f1dd9a6e30e41260554625d13cb7
Description-gl: Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java
JLaTeXmath library provides a set of Java classes for displaying (complex) mathematical formulas as part of a Java application. Some use cases are:
- Displaying text with embedded formulas (in an editor pane, a JavaHelp
page, ...)
- Make a combo box which provides the user with a choice between various
- Have a slider with ticks that display their values not as decimal numbers,
but as exact values, e.g., fractions, square roots or any combination of
- Display the formula together with the graph of a function.
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libjmock2-java-doc
Description-md5: d7fc6eb4f5a635f253629d4234017d8e
Description-gl: Documentación de jmock2
Mock objects help you design and test the interactions between the objects in your programs. The jMock library:
* makes it quick and easy to define mock objects, so you don't break the
rhythm of programming.
* lets you precisely specify the interactions between your objects, reducing
the brittleness of your tests.
* works well with the autocompletion and refactoring features of your IDE
* plugs into your favourite test framework
* is easy to extend.
This is the API documentation for jmock2
Package: libjmol-java-doc
Description-md5: f873a868c9ca55631f9ca92623089ea0
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libjmol-java
Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
Features include reading a variety of file types and output from quantum
chemistry programs, and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal
modes from quantum programs. It includes with features for chemicals,
crystals, materials and biomolecules. Jmol might be useful for students,
educators, and researchers in chemistry and biochemistry.
This package comprises the javadoc documentation for the libjmol-java
Package: libjna-java-doc
Description-md5: dc632000c10a8797ee4178e5c2c6292c
Description-gl: Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI (documentation)
JNA provides Java programs easy access to native shared libraries without
writing anything but Java code - no JNI or native code is required. This
functionality is comparable to Windows' Platform/Invoke and Python's
ctypes. Access is dynamic at runtime without code generation.
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libjnr-netdb-java-doc
Description-md5: 1a5d7e5804a73c702a1f77d8200ed86a
Description-gl: Documentación de jnr-netdb
jnr-netdb is a java interface to getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3).
It tries to use the native functions if possible, falling back to parsing
/etc/services directly, and finally to an inbuilt table for use in
environments where neither native code, nor filesystem access is possible.
This package contains the API documentation of libjnr-netdb-java.
Package: libjoda-time-java-doc
Description-md5: 15002869aad84ff1ad026304cc932891
Description-gl: Java date and time API (developer documentation)
Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time
classes. The design allows for multiple calendar systems, while still
providing a simple API. The 'default' calendar is the ISO8601 standard
which is used by XML. The Gregorian, Julian, Buddhist, Coptic, Ethiopic
and Islamic systems are also included. Supporting classes include time
zone, duration, format and parsing.
Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento.
Package: libjpathwatch-java-doc
Description-md5: d243f1006b2ae6eb9dfb136bc76e3520
Description-gl: Java library that monitors directories for changes (documentation)
jpatchwatch is a Java library for monitoring directories for changes. It
uses the native OS functions to achieve this, avoiding polling.
Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc.
Package: libjpeg-turbo-progs
Description-md5: dfce6e50364eecf2b131ddecddf04830
Description-gl: Programas para manipular ficheiros JPEG
This package contains programs for manipulating JPEG files:
cjpeg/djpeg: convert to/from the JPEG file format
rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom: read/write comments in JPEG files
jpegtran: lossless transformations of JPEG files
tjbench: a simple JPEG benchmarking tool
Package: libjreen-dbg
Description-md5: d75b2486144f00200c63f87c9f976440
Description-gl: Biblioteca XMPP de Qt - símbolos de depuración
Jreen is an extensible Qt-based asynchronious Jabber library.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para depurar fallos da
biblioteca jreen
Package: libjs-bignumber
Description-md5: 22318fdcc1b8fa747c76d29dfeb53cf6
Description-gl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic (client)
- Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of
Java's BigDecimal
- 5 KB minified and gzipped
- Simple API but full-featured
- Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36
- Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of
Javascript's Number type
- Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method
- Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format
- No dependencies
- Comprehensive documentation and test set
If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half
the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the
methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration
options of this library.
This package provides bignumber support to clients (i.e. browsers).
Package: libjs-jquery-flot-docs
Description-md5: 3ef8855adf6879dd86747e7b262022e5
Description-gl: Documentación de Flot
Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery. It produces
graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side. The focus is
on simple usage (all settings are optional), attractive looks and
interactive features like zooming and mouse tracking.
Package: libjs-jquery-ui-docs
Description-md5: 9435cb1a3e48f0c075cfcb2001fa3fd4
Description-gl: Documentación de JQuery-UI
jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation,
advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the
jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive
web applications.
Package: libjs-twitter-bootstrap-docs
Description-md5: 29baea0e32fafde67ae0143ee2754248
Description-gl: HTML, CSS and JS toolkit from Twitter (documentation)
Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of
webapps and sites with modern browsers in mind.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libjsf-java-doc
Description-md5: 4ec245941c5f9f2e272752ae55722a9f
Description-gl: Documentación de libjsf-api-java
Documentation for JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0, that is a Java-based Web
application framework intended to simplify development integration of web-
based user interfaces.
JSF hides complexity to maximize developer productivity and provides a
component model, page templating, Ajax support, client device
independence, clean separation of roles, better MVC handling for webapps,
and world-class IDE integration from every available Java IDE.
JSF also provides a easy integration with popular enterprise technologies,
including Hibernate, Spring, Seam, Jasper Reports and others. JSF 2.0 is
compatible with JavaEE 5 application servers or any server implementing
Servlet 2.5.
This package contains a manual and Javadoc files for JSF 2.0 API spec.
Package: libjthread-dbg
Description-md5: 4054513f92fba386c9fd13ff3467297a
Description-gl: JThread cross-platform threading library debugging symbols
The JThread package provides some classes to make use of threads easily on
different platforms. The classes are actually rather simple wrappers
around existing thread implementations.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libjtidy-java-doc
Description-md5: 89dfefbf106bd47d101ee1936984c5e6
Description-gl: Documentación de JTidy
JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty
printer. Like its non-Java cousin, JTidy can be used as a tool for
cleaning up malformed and faulty HTML. In addition, JTidy provides a DOM
interface to the document that is being processed, which effectively makes
you able to use JTidy as a DOM parser for real-world HTML.
This package contains the API documentation of libjtidy-java.
Package: libjug-java
Description-md5: 1dccb64d576a9025feeb174ca05c8c79
Description-gl: Pure java UUID generator
JUG is a pure java UUID generator that generates UUIDs according to the
IETF UUID draft specification.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libk3b-dev
Description-md5: b663aaf627cae2c6b6207dc67ad6ae8b
Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - development files
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
This package contains development files.
Package: libk3b6
Description-md5: c402b6a06ec159e5313882f6465aa501
Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución.
Package: libk3b6-extracodecs
Description-md5: 3a841361001b55a9161baa4919cfc2f2
Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - extra decoders
O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maioría das
tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado
pode influír en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante
pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas
e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido.
This package contains runtime libraries for the MP3 and FFMPEG decoder
Package: libkabc4
Description-md5: 423931bc10c24029664e10c54350f402
Description-gl: library for handling address book data
This library provides an API for address book data. It includes features such as:
* Value based interface, addressbook entry data is implicitly shared.
* Address book entries are identified by a unique id.
* vCard backend (RFC 2425 / RFC 2426).
* Locking mechanism to support concurrent access to the address book by
multiple processes.
* Notification on change of addressbook by other process.
* Dialog for selecting address book entries, supports mouse and keyboard
selection, supports automatic name completion.
* GUI client for viewing, modifying address book data. This is aimed at
developers not end users.
* Tool for converting data, written with libkab, to libkabc format.
* Multiple backends (resources) for storing entries e.g. LDAP
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkactivities-dbg
Description-md5: dbf82923ce64b8b0f8898b80d07e9ed6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libkactivities
This library provides functionality for managing activities.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas coa biblioteca libkactivities.
Package: libkactivities-dev
Description-md5: ed722dddc138cd57eb9a63e4aa9d0d2a
Description-gl: development files for the KDE Activities libraries
This package contains the development files for developing with the
kactivities library.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkactivities-models1
Description-md5: b8e5b073c312126f7c0e5f3d4474d542
Description-gl: Activities models library
This library provides functionality for KDE activities models.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkactivities6
Description-md5: 50fd677fc2fc38864f1e95bd09cc2b20
Description-gl: Activities library
This library provides functionality for managing activities.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkalarmcal2
Description-md5: 5313ae37a136ee8d4f652f499a34f37a
Description-gl: library for handling kalarm calendar data
This library provides access to and handling of kalarm calendar data.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkate1-dbg
Description-md5: 53e51b7ef0e4f1df1d73cb45a3eedb36
Description-gl: Kate is a codec for karaoke and text encapsulation for Ogg (dbg)
Kate is meant to be used for karaoke alongside audio/video streams
(typically Vorbis and Theora), movie subtitles, song lyrics, and anything
that needs text data at arbitrary time intervals.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros
no software que empregue libkate.
Package: libkateinterfaces4
Description-md5: 602cdccfe71f455deb00b8fa851f1202
Description-gl: kate plugin interface library
This library contains the code used by kate plugins that provide a better
integration into the app like tool views
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE
Package: libkatepartinterfaces4
Description-md5: 95cbf04ac9effccf7b9de568cfe558a0
Description-gl: kate part library
This library contains the code used by the kate part. It is not meant to
be used directly, applications should use libktexteditor4 instead.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkblog4
Description-md5: c668fd0ff7a2e9f93f033bac434bb973
Description-gl: client-side support library for web application remote blogging APIs
KBlog is a library for calling functions on Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog,
MovableType and GData compatible blogs. It calls the APIs using
KXmlRpcClient and Syndication. It supports asynchronous sending and
fetching of posts and, if supported on the server, multimedia files.
Almost every modern blogging web application that provides an XML data
interface supports one of the APIs mentioned above.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkcal4
Description-md5: 4763c9230c66687ea24288e93eaf466e
Description-gl: library for handling calendar data
This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports
the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling
standard iTIP.
This library integrates with the deprecated KResource framework, and its
use is discouraged in favour of KCalCore and KCalUtils.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkcalcore4
Description-md5: 20307edb1ce8c9a2f088a1b0bc0b1b78
Description-gl: library for handling calendar data
This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports
the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling
standard iTIP.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkcalutils4
Description-md5: 236de424ec7ba64acf26835cacb3f554
Description-gl: library with utility functions for the handling of calendar data
This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications
access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkcddb-dbg
Description-md5: eef7ea70ac8a5b36846aff3147aa7e5e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libkcddb
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas coa biblioteca KCDDB.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkcddb-dev
Description-md5: 7565ff08889778a2a6494cc12cbf6406
Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (desenvolvemento)
The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for KDE applications
to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkcddb4
Description-md5: 0d8ee0e128313d9d3531e70c59020cf0
Description-gl: Biblioteca para CDDB para a plataforma KDE (tempo de execución)
The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for applications
using the KDE Platform to fetch and submit audio CD information over the
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkcompactdisc-dbg
Description-md5: 5e2e620b02fbb10b9e2c018592ee1072
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libKCompactDisc
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
the libKCompactDisc library.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkcompactdisc-dev
Description-md5: 539d0306eed14eeb7d28116aa92fbcae
Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (desenvolvemento)
The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the
KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs.
This package contains the development files for libKCompactDisc.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkcompactdisc4
Description-md5: fd3a25429cb93cb1d7ca336f3ede63da
Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (tempo de execución)
The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the
KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: libkdcraw23
Description-md5: 6388cc47ceebd62fbf174b0164753c36
Description-gl: RAW picture decoding library
Libkdcraw is a Qt interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW
picture files.
This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libkdcraw23-dbg
Description-md5: 5dd7a96ef8d09af745a7b33828f2819d
Description-gl: Biblioteca de descodificación de imaxes RAW -- símbolos de depuración
Libkdcraw is a Qt interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW
picture files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas con libkdcraw.
Package: libkde4-ruby
Description-md5: 12a8e28e79b4b8fa47d04c3fc43d4544
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-kde4
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-kde4. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkde4-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 12a8e28e79b4b8fa47d04c3fc43d4544
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-kde4
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-kde4. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkdecorations4abi1
Description-md5: db5c09a533ece92972af7c1c4ff6edfb
Description-gl: biblioteca empregada polas decoracións do xestor de xanelas de KDE 4
Este paquete contén unha biblioteca empregada polas decoracións do xestor
de xanelas de KDE 4.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libkdeedu-data
Description-md5: 42d1ce77cae62d9585b5db6e4cfe3b7a
Description-gl: data files for libkdeedu
This package contains the architecture-independent data files for
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkdeedu-dbg
Description-md5: a65f4e363586e9982f292dfbcf4a9224
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libkeduvocdocument
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos na biblioteca libkeduvocdocument.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkdeedu-dev
Description-md5: 52f2a985d47e12dda43750df778a6674
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas de educación de KDE 4
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construír
software que empregue as bibliotecas de educación de KDE 4.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkdegames-dev
Description-md5: 8706a1fad1d9280a6ce624231dc1618a
Description-gl: development files for the KDE games library
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvementos para construír
software que empregue bibliotecas do módulo de xogos de KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkdegames6
Description-md5: 5d3e89955b5eb697625abb46b23f640b
Description-gl: shared library for KDE games
This package contains a shared library used by KDE games.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkdegames6-dbg
Description-md5: d649e5b4b4922dfe1c2c8135ff699f20
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración para o módulo de xogos de KDE
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida
empregada polos xogos de KDE.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkdepim4
Description-md5: 09bd9184b30dc67a91370a903fd01622
Description-gl: KDE PIM library
This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM
module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM
applications use.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkdepimdbusinterfaces4
Description-md5: fab6b94d426b6ac785b54bf656c5b12c
Description-gl: KDE PIM D-Bus interfaces library
This internal library implements handling of D-Bus interfaces shared among
some of the KDE PIM applications.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkdepimmobileui4
Description-md5: f828a3a4b909f76085ba55881a092386
Description-gl: user interface library for KDE PIM mobile applications
This package contains a base user interface library for KDE PIM mobile
applications. It defines mobile UI design priciples in order to establish
consistent look&feel among KDE PIM mobile applications.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkdgantt2-0
Description-md5: ee69738a56f3313959d82a8f27ef77d0
Description-gl: Gantt chart library
This library implements Gantt chart drawing functionality. It allows one
to easily embed the Gantt charts into the application as long as it is
capable of drawing QWidget or QGraphicsView objects.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkeduvocdocument4
Description-md5: c9ab1266f73e2b5784389c0fd2aef2b9
Description-gl: library for reading and writing vocabulary files
This package contains a library for reading and writing vocabulary files.
It supports different file formats. KVTML (version 2) is the default. This
library is used by Parley, Kanagram, KHangMan and KWordQuiz.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkephal4abi1
Description-md5: 609a3318941cc2fcc44e267543b9f0bb
Description-gl: API for easier handling of multihead systems
This package contains libraries needed for Kephal's D-Bus API.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libkexiv2-dbg
Description-md5: af331bfbc27b86ab50ba1f8a0852650c
Description-gl: Interface tipo Qt para a biblioteca libexiv2 -- símbolos de depuración
Libkexiv2 is a Qt wrapper around the Exiv2 library, used to manipulate
pictures metadata.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas coa biblioteca libexiv2.
Package: libkface-dev
Description-md5: 4fd495c9d5d61a98f809a2bd931a4d15
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkface
Libkface is a Qt/C++ wrapper around LibFace library to perform face
recognition and detection over pictures
This package contains the development headers and files needed to create
applications that use the LibKFace library
Package: libkface2
Description-md5: 1cda0d12096a7d2bb2a2ef1a91286124
Description-gl: LibFace wrapper for Qt/C++
Libkface is a Qt/C++ wrapper around LibFace library to perform face
recognition and detection over pictures
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos
Package: libkfbapi-dev
Description-md5: bae7b2bd04e553baa4e93afd873ca472
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento
LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that
implements APIs for various Facebook services.
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the LibKFbAPI library.
Package: libkfbapi1
Description-md5: 24bc28c165c7858cdcc2fd08f06dccd4
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE
LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that
implements APIs for various Facebook services.
This package contains the LibKFbAPI library.
Package: libkfbapi1-dbg
Description-md5: 228fa75ea9a4d5b6ae5ee345e34e5fe7
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE -- símbolos de depuración
LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that
implements APIs for various Facebook services.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca LibKFbAPI.
Package: libkgapi-dev
Description-md5: c1caebd71da378d3fbe1ac3bb0d049e6
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento
LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements
APIs for various Google services.
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the LibKGAPI library.
Package: libkgapi1
Description-md5: 861f4daa47ec0b4e1571e5631e2c51cc
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE
LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements
APIs for various Google services.
This package contains the first version of the LibKGAPI library.
Package: libkgapi1-dbg
Description-md5: de78596a1735235b567e7760c1a64201
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE -- símbolos de depuración
LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements
APIs for various Google services.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca LibKGAPI.
Package: libkgapi2-2
Description-md5: 5536f38afed25821fc9c1bc230de22a3
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE
LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements
APIs for various Google services.
This package contains the second version of the LibKGAPI library.
Package: libkgapi2-2-dbg
Description-md5: de78596a1735235b567e7760c1a64201
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE -- símbolos de depuración
LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements
APIs for various Google services.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca LibKGAPI.
Package: libkgeomap-dev
Description-md5: 5528be03fbd7e9f9ad75d7ad202bc9a6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkgeomap
Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse
and arrange photos over a map.
Currently supported map engines are:
- Marble
- OpenstreetMap (via Marble)
- GoogleMap
This package contains the development headers and files needed to create
applications that use the KGeoMap library
Package: libkgeomap1
Description-md5: 67d15e306aa32cc40dc2874ef42358e9
Description-gl: World-map wrapper to browse and arrange photos over a map
Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse
and arrange photos over a map.
Currently supported map engines are:
- Marble
- OpenstreetMap (via Marble)
- GoogleMap
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos
Package: libkholidays4
Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418
Description-gl: holidays calculation library
This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special
events for a geographical region.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkibi-dbg
Description-md5: 95aa0c005e62f94f6d93fad20c98c294
Description-gl: library for byte prefixes (debugging symbols)
This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The
user can configure a preferred prefix style.
Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected:
* kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10)
* KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2)
* KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libkibi-dev
Description-md5: bb199bff69d79efc7f792e25609bf13b
Description-gl: library for byte prefixes (development files)
This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The
user can configure a preferred prefix style.
Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected:
* kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10)
* KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2)
* KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic)
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libkimap4
Description-md5: f3f27bad4be518290bfe788cf34f9836
Description-gl: library for handling IMAP data
This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP
services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most
prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkipi-dbg
Description-md5: 8b2ac0e945656e2ff3f23a0d8b93161e
Description-gl: KDE Image Plugin Interface library -- debugging symbols
Libkipi is a KDE library that provides a common interface for operations
on images such as manipulation, organization, importing from and exporting
to online services (and not only these), batch editing, etc.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas coa biblioteca kipi.
Package: libkiten-dev
Description-md5: d8768ce38ada59e2b3f6041c73f6e5d7
Description-gl: development files for the Kiten Japanese reference libraries
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the Kiten Japanese reference libraries.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkiten4abi1
Description-md5: 3c47b953709341dadf2cf1c381ce9478
Description-gl: libraries for the Kiten Japanese reference and study aid
This package contains shared libraries, language data, and resources used
by the Kiten Japanese reference and study aid. Portions of this library,
such as dictionary and character lookup widgets, may be useful for other
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libkldap4
Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff
Description-gl: library for accessing LDAP
This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol
for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkleo4
Description-md5: f553552b87741cd6bd1d2cabbd7110c3
Description-gl: certificate based crypto library
This package contains libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of
KDE using certificate-based crypto.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkmahjongglib-dev
Description-md5: cefc2ded176665344cf48857250eeb41
Description-gl: development files for the KDE kmahjongg library
This package contains development files for building software that uses
the KDE kmahjongg library.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkmahjongglib4
Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811
Description-gl: shared library for kmahjongg and kshisen
This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkmahjongglib4-dbg
Description-md5: 634c1a8a238650c40c7f89eec134b769
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca do kmahjongg de KDE
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca kmahjongg.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: libkmanagesieve4
Description-md5: 40411ce52277604b7b38a8dbbfda2543
Description-gl: Sieve script remote management library
This library implements a subset of the protocol for remotely managing
Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). Among other basic operations, it provides an
easy to use API for listing, retrieving, deleting, activating and
uploading of scripts to the remote Sieve script server.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkmbox4
Description-md5: febe5c6e80fedbf1f282062563ad4d3e
Description-gl: library for handling mbox mailboxes
This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime
C++ API.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkmflcomp-dev
Description-md5: 50e2f88916676e96e056eb4574346d75
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkmflcomp
Development libraries and headers to use libkmflcomp in an application
Package: libkmime4
Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b
Description-gl: library for handling MIME data
This library provides an API for handling MIME data. MIME (Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet Standard that extends the format
of e-mail to support text in character sets other than US-ASCII, non-text
attachments, multi-part message bodies, and header information in non-
ASCII character sets.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkohana2-modules-php
Description-md5: 5d8d21543b2b70d0cb56dc4976fb3cc8
Description-gl: lightweight PHP5 MVC framework (extension modules)
Kohana is an object-oriented PHP 5 framework for developing applications
using PHP. It uses the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern and aims
to be secure, lightweight, and easy to use.
This package contains the following modules:
* archive: creación de arquivos comprimidos (zip, tar, gzip, bzip)
* auth: autenticación e xestión de usuarios sinxelas
* flot: integración con Flot (engadido de trazado de jQuery)
* gmaps: integración con Google Maps (localización xeográfica e compatibilidade da API)
* kodocs: documentación dinámica auto-xerada
* payment: envoltorios de pasarela mercantil e de pagamento (, PayPal,
Trident, Trust Commerce, YourPay)
* smarty: integración con Smarty (engadido de modelos de PHP)
* unit_test: biblioteca de probas de unidades
Package: libkolabxml-dev
Description-md5: 9a7130a6d4160c839654528eb4e4caa9
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkolabxml
Libkolabxml is the reference implementation of the Kolab XML format. For
more information see the libkolabxml package.
This package provides development files libkolabxml.
Package: libkolabxml1
Description-md5: 01546898c4418aefac0ceaf3d5324602
Description-gl: Formato XML do Kolab (biblioteca compartida)
Libkolabxml is the reference implementation of the Kolab XML format.
The Kolab 3.0 XML format is defined in
This package provides serialization/deserialization from/to in-memory
representations for all Kolab Objects, including input validation.
Package: libkonq-common
Description-md5: 73a1a2d897e5d0a650aa7cdccc1cf175
Description-gl: core Konqueror library - support files
This package contains plugins and data files used by the core Konqueror
library (libkonq).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkonq5-dev
Description-md5: 2f226ba83e228f0b5364faf22a2db86e
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas do Konqueror
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construír
software que empregue as bibliotecas do Konqueror.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkonq5-templates
Description-md5: 11ec74e4f16a26c632d67c1e11172470
Description-gl: ficheiros de datos das bibliotecas do Konqueror
Este paquete contén ficheiros de datos empregados polas bibliotecas do
Konqueror. Estes ficheiros tamén son fornecidos polo paquete «kdesktop» de
KDE 3.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkonq5abi1
Description-md5: b05ebb1e713fd062b30c38090c834466
Description-gl: bibliotecas principais do Konqueror
Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas por varios aplicativos do KDE
4, en particular por Konqueror.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkonqsidebarplugin-dev
Description-md5: 21c80b9900b538b1372f59aa7c8a7c12
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror
Este paquete contén os cabezallos de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do
engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkonqsidebarplugin4a
Description-md5: 91f666a291b752da7f9915dc4cb4b90b
Description-gl: biblioteca do engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror
Este paquete contén a biblioteca base para os engadidos da barra lateral
de Konqueror.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: libkontactinterface4
Description-md5: 11722926b928a5beadfe22b3cf7d3a87
Description-gl: Kontact interface library
This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be
embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin).
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkopete-dev
Description-md5: e2878b0f85b4b3d64485b6a8a92de6e1
Description-gl: development files for the Kopete instant messaging and chat application
Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a
wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber.
Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento precisos para construír
engadidos para o Kopete.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: libkopete4
Description-md5: 3767122bf11e2b1b67397dba1809b6c9
Description-gl: biblioteca principal do Kopete
Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a
wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber.
Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca principal do Kopete que empregan o Kopete
e os seus engadidos.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE.
Package: libkpeople-dev
Description-md5: a3a02f1da22312453fc5e36e0bb08028
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkpeople
Library providing metacontacts infrastructure based on Nepomuk
This package contains development files.
Package: libkpgp4
Description-md5: 65c9f8b17b96b91549ac19c7bbe64a82
Description-gl: gpg based crypto library
Este paquete contén libkpgh4, unha biblioteca de gnupg para kmail e outras
partes de kdepim que emprega a criptografía baseada en gpg.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libkpimidentities4
Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9
Description-gl: library for managing user identities
This library provides an API for managing user identities.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkpimtextedit4
Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde
Description-gl: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features
KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also
provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text
in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkpimutils4
Description-md5: 30660eb3a5ff1355d85ad8ff53e390ab
Description-gl: library for dealing with email addresses
This library contains utility functions for dealing with email addresses.
This includes parsing, splitting and munging email addresses represented
as strings (e.g. in email headers); some additional functions handle non-
latin1 upper- and lower-case conversions.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkqoauth-dbg
Description-md5: 34149db719b3deb734fcf447202ce1a0
Description-gl: Library for OAuth 1.0 authentication -- debugging symbols
kQOAuth is a library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0
authentication specification RFC 5849, but has the following features:
Easy integrated solution for retrieving user authentication and access
token. No external dependency to QCA. Convenient signals that can be used
for easy OAuth authorization process handling. Access to request objects
that will wrap request signing and network access,but still gives
possibility for detailed control of the authentication process for easier
integration to existing application logic.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libkqoauth-dev
Description-md5: 5c7d033c54b860f6c9a1ac5012c35e00
Description-gl: Library for OAuth 1.0 authentication -- development files
kQOAuth is a library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0
authentication specification RFC 5849, but has the following features:
Easy integrated solution for retrieving user authentication and access
token. No external dependency to QCA. Convenient signals that can be used
for easy OAuth authorization process handling. Access to request objects
that will wrap request signing and network access,but still gives
possibility for detailed control of the authentication process for easier
integration to existing application logic.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libkqueue-dev
Description-md5: 22dd8c1f8a06dab987da1af43099fc85
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkqueue
Contains the header files, manpages, and static libraries for use in
developing applications that use the libkqueue library.
libkqueue is a portable userspace implementation of the kqueue(2) kernel
event notification mechanism found in FreeBSD and other BSD-based
operating systems. The library translates between the kevent structure and
the native kernel facilities of the host machine.
Package: libkrb5-ruby
Description-md5: b953644cb29ed7a72f5dcaa15fc4c563
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-krb5-auth
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-krb5-auth. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkrb5-ruby-doc
Description-md5: b953644cb29ed7a72f5dcaa15fc4c563
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-krb5-auth
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-krb5-auth. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkrb5-ruby1.8
Description-md5: b953644cb29ed7a72f5dcaa15fc4c563
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-krb5-auth
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-krb5-auth. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkrb5-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: b953644cb29ed7a72f5dcaa15fc4c563
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-krb5-auth
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-krb5-auth. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libkresources4
Description-md5: 3968e00e6b993ab3b4104c7823494ccf
Description-gl: KDE Resource framework library
This library provides a framework for managing resources of different
types, organized in families. The Resource framework is for example used
for addressbook resources in libkabc and for calendar resources in
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libksane-dbg
Description-md5: 6b86b8ff89353fb8e1cc96567ced7f95
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración para o módulo de gráficos de KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos na biblioteca de escaneado do KDE
Package: libkscreen-dbg
Description-md5: 6ccb96a289069ff7a8b76c888f925872
Description-gl: library for screen management - debug info
The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible
adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of
monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libkscreen1
Description-md5: 3cd8fb562d4e37428a482afe3debac1e
Description-gl: library for screen management - shared library
The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible
adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of
monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida
Package: libkscreensaver5
Description-md5: 9921c4b3db2fe98273df20776f105cba
Description-gl: Biblioteca do sistema de salvapantallas de KDE
Este paquete contén bibliotecas necesarias para kscreensaver.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libksgrd4
Description-md5: bbdef34664fce9716f718bada12f435c
Description-gl: library for ksysguard
This package contains the library needed for ksysguard, the KDE process
monitor and system statistics application, and for applications and Plasma
data engines which want to interface with ksysguardd.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libksieve4
Description-md5: 17e8ba49d83ab3a7e3c504b19b9c7bd4
Description-gl: Sieve, the mail filtering language, library
This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering
language (RFC 3028).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libksieveui4
Description-md5: e42ee6e5281674547f790e5effc1e8cf
Description-gl: Sieve, the mail filtering language, GUI library
This library implements GUI dialogs and elements which enable users to
easily create, edit and manage their mail filters on the mail servers
which support the Sieve language (RFC 3028) and the protocol for remotely
managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libksignalplotter4
Description-md5: e12b0dd8eac5e586fe23b76d6c51050c
Description-gl: KSignalPlotter widget
This library contains the KSignalPlotter widget, which is a widget that
draws a real time graph of data that updates continually.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libktnef4
Description-md5: 99ea31c674d2c29f873d909bc7a294ef
Description-gl: library for handling TNEF data
Ktnef is a library for handling data in the TNEF format (Transport Neutral
Encapsulation Format, a proprietary format of e-mail attachment used by
Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server). The API permits access
to the actual attachments, the message properties (TNEF/MAPI), and allows
one to view/extract message formatted text in Rich Text Format.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libktoblzcheck1-dev
Description-md5: 65bfd9e8398068d7ca62f44607efc887
Description-gl: library for verification of account numbers and bank codes (development files)
libktoblzcheck is a library for verification of bank account numbers and
bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the
"Deutsche Bundesbank". It also supports the verification of international
bank account numbers (IBAN) and bank identifier codes (BIC).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libktorrent-dbg
Description-md5: bec75bcf593403f2caa4db26954b0a5f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca de KTorrent
The KTorrent library is a C++ / Qt 4 / KDE Platform based implementation
of the BitTorrent protocol (mostly client side).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca KTorrent. É
necesario para obter un trazado inverso útil para cando fallan os
aplicativos que utilicen a biblioteca KTorrent.
Package: libktorrent-dev
Description-md5: 9481e30b6b764e3a36086ba832fdcf90
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca KTorrent
The KTorrent library is a C++ / Qt 4 / KDE Platform based implementation
of the BitTorrent protocol (mostly client side).
This package contains header files, CMake modules and other files needed
for developing and compiling/linking which use the KTorrent library.
Package: libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dbg
Description-md5: f3a2660f03450a177ebd315f7b52d6db
Description-gl: KDE Telepathy internal library - debug symbols
Internal library which consits of the most reused parts across KDE
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca ktp-common-
Package: libkvilib4
Description-md5: 0c38b83a31212ebcf35e05de78797704
Description-gl: KVIrc (IRC client) base library
Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe
de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante
arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos
de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts,
intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados.
This package contains the main library of KVIrc.
Package: libkvkontakte-dev
Description-md5: d2eb3ef1de1d7e66df07386631f9d64a
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkvkontakte
libkvkontakte1 is a KDE C++ library for asynchronous interaction with the social network via its open API.
This package contains the development headers and files needed to create
applications that use the kvkontakte library
Package: libkvkontakte1
Description-md5: d9a578104bf0761f087796edcba59434
Description-gl: library
libkvkontakte1 is a KDE C++ library for asynchronous interaction with the social network via its open API.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos
Package: libkwinactiveeffects1abi4
Description-md5: 1bf66d172159734bee8dc24e128889fe
Description-gl: library used by effects for the KDE window manager Active
This package contains a library used by effects for the KDE window manager
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: libkwinactiveglesutils1
Description-md5: be1c1e604b3bb7b6e267d2cf6d70c08d
Description-gl: library used by accelleration for the KDE window manager Active
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager Active. This is for the KWin version which uses OpenGLES.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: libkwinactiveglutils1abi3
Description-md5: e022aa47d31036be199e116b7c64119c
Description-gl: library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager Active
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager Active. This is for the KWin verwsion which uses OpenGL.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: libkwineffects1abi4
Description-md5: 226fe8b1fd095d6dd78c8f8fe31f2153
Description-gl: library used by effects for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by effects for the KDE window
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: libkwinglesutils1
Description-md5: 02fb36e466801cfb9ece05f4c1055cfd
Description-gl: library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager. This is for the KWin version which uses OpenGLES.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo do KDE.
Package: libkwinglutils1abi3
Description-md5: 2094a6ff1dbaf9c3d805f8b83606e87a
Description-gl: library with OpenGL utilities for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library with OpenGL utilities used by the KDE
window manager.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libkworkspace4abi2
Description-md5: 041012dfa0c56b32003d5b1e5865b1db
Description-gl: Biblioteca para o espazo de traballo kdebase
Este paquete contén bibliotecas precisas para o espazo de traballo
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libkxl0-dev
Description-md5: 79080d6d7255910cf654578630f5fc0e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkxl0
KXL (Kacchan X Windows System Library) is a library targeted at game
development that provides functions for simple image and sound output as
well as higher level functions for text drawing, timer and events handling
and image manipulation.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libkxl0.
Package: libkxml2-java-doc
Description-md5: 1cc142e83db7a0e1e6701086644dd1ca
Description-gl: small XML parser, designed for small environments - docs
kXML is a small XML pull parser, specially designed for constrained
environments such as Applets, Personal Java or MIDP devices. In contrast
to kXML 1, kXML 2 is based on the common XML pull API.
Pull based XML parsing combines some of the advantages of SAX and DOM:
- In contrast to push parsers (SAX), pull parsers such as kXML make it
possible to model the XML processing routines after the structure of
the processed XML document. Events processing is similar to an
InputStream. If a part of the stream requires special handling, the
parser can simply be delegated to a specialized method by handing over
the parser.
- While the above is also possible with an explicit DOM, DOM usually
requires that the whole document structure is present in main memory.
- In contrast to DOM based parsing, the XML events are accessible
immediately when they are available, it is not necessary to wait for
the whole tree to build up.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libkxmlrpcclient4
Description-md5: edeb79fc19342667a424ef1b21fd44f3
Description-gl: simple XML-RPC client library
This library contains simple XML-RPC client support. It is used mainly by
the egroupware module of kdepim, but is a complete client and is quite
easy to use.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libkyotocabinet16
Description-md5: 4ecfd98bdb4e15c82c1b0b272077ff49
Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - shared library
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The
database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key
and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.
Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value.
Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of
data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libkyotocabinet16-dbg
Description-md5: dbcda2ad6dbff404e9340b43e7568313
Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - debugging symbols
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The
database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key
and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length.
Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value.
Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of
data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libkyototycoon2
Description-md5: 936f9777002796fd4a05c59ca07f02df
Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - shared library
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration
mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various
Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM.
Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency,
Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple
threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient
remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature
optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable
Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases
and its access library for client applications.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: liblapack3gf
Description-md5: d62d7d38525201b632f5609a345f23fd
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para liblapack3
LAPACK version 3.X is a comprehensive FORTRAN library that does linear
algebra operations including matrix inversions, least squared solutions to
linear sets of equations, eigenvector analysis, singular value
decomposition, etc. It is a very comprehensive and reputable package that
has found extensive use in the scientific community.
Package: liblasi-dev
Description-md5: bf014463cc61f96d6640a722073a5890
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación da biblioteca LASi
LASi is a library that provides a C++ stream output interface (with
operator <<) for creating PostScript documents that can contain characters
from any of the scripts and symbol blocks supported in Unicode and by the
Pango layout engine. The library accommodates right-to-left scripts such
as Arabic and Hebrew as easily as left-to-right scripts. Indic and Indic-
derived Complex Text Layout (CTL) scripts, such as Devanagari, Thai, Lao,
and Tibetan are supported to the extent provided by Pango and by the
OpenType fonts installed on your system. All of this is provided without
need for any special configuration or layout calculation on the
programmer's part.
This package contains the development files as well as the HTML
documentation for LASi.
Package: liblastfm-dbg
Description-md5: 4861185e0d852abffdd7cfdd335abe51
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca de servizos web de
liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt4 libraries provided by for use
with their web services.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas liblastfm.
Package: liblastfm1
Description-md5: 7fa56a6c7c92e699e2a0386f04f9dfc8
Description-gl: web services library
liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt4 libraries provided by for use
with their web services.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca de servizos web base.
Package: libldm-dbg
Description-md5: 56131a94aebc53dfd8e8e0aad80464d4
Description-gl: Debug symbols for libldm
libldm is a library for managing Microsoft Windows dynamic disks, which
use Microsoft's LDM metadata. It can inspect them, and also create and
remove device-mapper block devices which can be mounted.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración
Package: libldns1-dbg
Description-md5: 3f6d5bc2be617d6da12c6314a17c0d94
Description-gl: ldns library for DNS programming (debug symbols)
The goal of ldns is to simplify DNS programming, it supports recent RFCs
like the DNSSEC documents, and allows developers to easily create software
conforming to current RFCs, and experimental software for current Internet
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: liblensfun-dev
Description-md5: b4fe2db5f17badc3f5039ae5edc6e3ea
Description-gl: Lens Correction library - Development files
Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects:
* mounts
* cameras
* lenses
It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts:
* distortion
* transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations
* vignetting
* colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish"
It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liblensfun-doc
Description-md5: dd10710bee208ac2aa4a787e650f41ee
Description-gl: Lens Correction library - Documentation
Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects:
* mounts
* cameras
* lenses
It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts:
* distortion
* transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations
* vignetting
* colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish"
It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: liblfunction-dev
Description-md5: a8f585ae8d07cafd0fdc90ebc5b85e8a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de liblfunction
liblfunction is a library for computing zeros and values of L-functions.
Supported L-functions include the Riemann zeta function, the L-function of
the Ramanujan delta function, and L-functions of elliptic curves defined
over the rationals.
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libliggghts2-dbg
Description-md5: 4fb11f90580b860ff111dfc6b039b2be
Description-gl: Open Source DEM Particle Simulation Software. Debugging symbols
LIGGGHTS stands for LAMMPS improved for general granular and granular heat
transfer simulations.
LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics simulator. It is widely used in
the field of Molecular Dynamics. Thanks to physical and algorithmic
analogies, LAMMPS is a very good platform for DEM simulations. LAMMPS
offers a GRANULAR package to perform these kind of simulations. LIGGGHTS
aims to improve those capability with the goal to apply it to industrial
applications. Development version.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: liblink-grammar4
Description-md5: be877dc07b94e3871c5754fa2c020f88
Description-gl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (libraries)
In Selator, D. and Temperly, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar"
(1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link
grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if
there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local
requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the
words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into
such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar.
link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval
or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a
grammar checker.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: liblinux-kernelsort-perl
Description-md5: 107606c2be267350ce8dc10c2b3581ad
Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para ordenar as cadeas de versión do kernel Linux
This is the CPAN Perl module Linux::KernelSort.
Linux::KernelSort is intended to sort a list of kernel versions into
ascending order. It also provides the capability to compare two kernel
versions and determine if one version is newer, older, or the same as the
other version.
Package: liblivemedia15
Description-md5: 397c42cf281fd42e67fa28db96d3711a
Description-gl: multimedia RTSP streaming library
The streaming media code is a set of C++ libraries for
multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP).
These libraries can be used to build applications to stream, receive and
process MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG video, several audio codecs, and can easily
be extended to support additional codecs. They can also be used to build
basic RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol) clients and servers.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca liveMedia, que define unha xerarquía de
clases - con raíz na clase «Medium» - para diversos tipos de medios e
códecs de retransmisión.
Package: liblocale-rails-ruby
Description-md5: d3b59d1322dd579c607f6aaa143554b2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-locale-rails
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-locale-rails. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblocale-rails-ruby1.8
Description-md5: d3b59d1322dd579c607f6aaa143554b2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-locale-rails
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-locale-rails. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblockfile-ruby
Description-md5: 02ad4742d6b1845c5ff86425044c1f5e
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-lockfile
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-lockfile. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblog4ada-dbg
Description-md5: 8ca4fd55a1e0cde31042e88958514885
Description-gl: Ada library for flexible logging (debug)
Log4Ada is a library that eases logging in applications written in Ada. It
is modelled after, and compatible with, log4j. For more information about
the logging scheme developed in this library see the log4j project :
Esta é a biblioteca que contén os símbolos de depuración do Log4Ada.
Package: liblog4cpp-doc
Description-md5: fdc7c09f1c4259d9fb29f159c57ad2a7
Description-gl: A C++ library for flexible logging (documentation)
Log for C++ is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files,
syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java
library (, staying as close to their API
as is reasonable.
Páxina web:
Package: liblog4cxx10-doc
Description-md5: 0e51541360a71df24bd983d523b5ecf2
Description-gl: Documentación de log4cxx
Log4cxx is the C++ port of log4j, a logging framework for JAVA. Log4cxx
attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be
compatible with log4j configuration and output formats.
Package: liblog4r-ruby
Description-md5: 8b2caca30e5199956e7e98e00641e3c0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-log4r
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-log4r. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblog4r-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8b2caca30e5199956e7e98e00641e3c0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-log4r
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-log4r. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblognorm-dev
Description-md5: 25626c37675bbb65d70071d04a03f6de
Description-gl: Log normalizing library
Liblognorm is a event and log normalization library that is capable of
real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a
set of standard formats.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liblognorm0
Description-md5: c52b8837ca100e78951fe6ce8446fa02
Description-gl: Log normalizing library
Liblognorm is a event and log normalization library that is capable of
real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a
set of standard formats.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libloki0.1.7-dbg
Description-md5: fdb9bc54831b9595d89b58b8ba1359e7
Description-gl: C++ library of generic design patterns (debug information)
Loki is a ("the"?) C++ library of generic programming techniques,
containing flexible implementations of common design patterns and idioms.
It is an essential library for modern C++ programming and exposes many
cool features of the language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros
do paquete libloki.
Package: libloudmouth1-0-dbg
Description-md5: f4179d9d2d8a114f0e522755461dabd9
Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira de Jabber en C (símbolos de depuración)
Loudmouth is a lightweight and easy-to-use C library for programming with
the Jabber protocol. It's designed to be easy to get started with and yet
extensible to let you do anything the Jabber protocol allows.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: liblouisutdml-data
Description-md5: b0e5d3cdd24ed881707ef5c4da54819b
Description-gl: Braille UTDML translation library - data
liblouisutdml is an extension of liblouisxml, the translator from xml
format into transcribed braille, that includes support for Unified Tactile
Document Markup Language (UTDML).
This consists essentially of subtrees containing all the braille
translations and formatting, plus some tags.
Este paquete contén os datos do tempo de execución.
Package: liblouisutdml-dev
Description-md5: f39860db0634d3065b24a95a76d9e4e7
Description-gl: Braille UTDML translation library - static libs and headers
liblouisutdml is an extension of liblouisxml, the translator from xml
format into transcribed braille, that includes support for Unified Tactile
Document Markup Language (UTDML).
This consists essentially of subtrees containing all the braille
translations and formatting, plus some tags.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento.
Package: liblouisxml-data
Description-md5: f1698552972b3e49ac6803768bc8c1d6
Description-gl: Braille XML translation library - data
Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into
properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if
desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to
a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user.
Este paquete contén os datos do tempo de execución.
Package: liblouisxml-dev
Description-md5: 505f2e6a54482766afe610fdb72d5335
Description-gl: Braille XML translation library - static libs and headers
Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into
properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if
desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to
a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento.
Package: liblrcalc1
Description-md5: 14aa2ad4875f6a3eadc4b1fa034a7c75
Description-gl: library for calculating Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a package of C programs for
computing Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, providing fast calculation
of single LR coefficients, products of Schur functions, and skew Schur
functions. Its interface uses the same notation as the SF package of John
Stembridge, to make it easier to use both packages at the same time.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: liblscp-dbg
Description-md5: 8945064e9c98c182565b0ac80afcf636
Description-gl: LinuxSampler Control Protocol library - debugging symbols
This package is for use with the LinuxSampler audio sampling engine /
library and packages. Wraps the LinuxSampler network protocol and offers a
convenient API in form of a C library.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: liblsofui4
Description-md5: e13c2348a8f7a63013fb830793238c2f
Description-gl: library for ksysguard's list of open files
This package contains a library of ksysguard that shows a graphical view
of the list of open files of running processes.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libltc-dbg
Description-md5: 23578c3947b47c662402475b265049db
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libltc
Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode
data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is
commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides
functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración de libltc.
Package: libltc-dev
Description-md5: a3718909b21507cdf04a4042ff2c7107
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libltc
Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode
data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is
commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides
functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode.
This package contains files needed for application development.
Package: libltc-doc
Description-md5: 184b0d3e2185713da2143eae47e8a22f
Description-gl: Documentación de libltc
Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode
data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is
commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides
functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode.
This package contains the API reference (as manpages) for the development
of applications.
Package: libltcsmpte-dev
Description-md5: 63e97df55abf275f12fda803fe7c9105
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libltcsmpte
Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode
data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is
commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltcsmpte
provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to SMPTE and can
perform framerate conversion tasks.
This package contains files needed for the development of JACK
Package: libltcsmpte-doc
Description-md5: 993ab5a349d248d4719eae6324371422
Description-gl: Documentación de libltcsmpte
Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode
data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is
commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltcsmpte
provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to SMPTE and can
perform framerate conversion tasks.
This package contains the API reference (as manpages) for the development
of JACK applications.
Package: liblttctl-dev
Description-md5: 77e4f37bc1543b401c89d92a450d54fc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-liblttng-ctl-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
liblttng-ctl-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblttctl0
Description-md5: 461358318de3d12caa49695522974764
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para liblttng-ctl0
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
liblttng-ctl0. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblttd-dev
Description-md5: 77e4f37bc1543b401c89d92a450d54fc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-liblttng-ctl-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
liblttng-ctl-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblttd0
Description-md5: 461358318de3d12caa49695522974764
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para liblttng-ctl0
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
liblttng-ctl0. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-0
Description-md5: bc352b5115dff05ff2aede2bb7cb6dbb
Description-gl: Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.1
Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for
extending applications. The language engine is accessible as a library,
having a C API which allows the application to exchange data with Lua
programs and also to extend Lua with C functions. Lua is also used as a
general-purpose, stand-alone language through the simple command line
interpreter provided.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución. Non é necesario
instalalo explicitamente.
Package: liblua5.1-0-dbg
Description-md5: 54e8189837a8abfaff0a371b2a10bb96
Description-gl: Debug symbols for the Lua shared library interpreter
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de liblua5.1 e lua5.1
Package: liblua5.1-0-dev
Description-md5: 883de8c555030d5626a244d06f1d320d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para a versión 5.1 da linguaxe Lua
Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for
extending applications. The language engine is accessible as a library,
having a C API which allows the application to exchange data with Lua
programs and also to extend Lua with C functions. Lua is also used as a
general-purpose, stand-alone language through the simple command line
interpreter provided.
This package contains developer resources for using the Lua library.
Install it if you are developing programs which use the Lua C API, both in
C or C++.
Package: liblua5.1-bitop-dev
Description-md5: a809bef2a2bf80f2da92e62d93eba2a8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-bitop-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-bitop-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-bitop0
Description-md5: 5418a4da56aec51f8f7f6769e52ae084
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-bitop
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-bitop. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-curl-dev
Description-md5: 84d8eb77a4f7c06310559ee5db3178d0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-curl-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-cur-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-curl0
Description-md5: a337a3c1ca789bd0ce773a288b0c5498
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-curl
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-curl. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-expat-dev
Description-md5: c99b79e8653be97e158f0a201e38ecda
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-expat-dev
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-expat-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-iconv0
Description-md5: 0e6004c99785615db12d956bdbb41036
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-iconv
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-iconv. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblua5.1-json
Description-md5: f59e966906179fa81b2ded24696059ef
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-json
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lua-json. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liblucene++-dev
Description-md5: 2665a2d7bf1e0f622e92ebcc3fe694da
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Lucene++
Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a
high-performance, full-featured text search engine.
This package contains development files
Package: liblucene2-java-doc
Description-md5: 57a0b81d07ad1ac4b635dd8416aa35d9
Description-gl: Documentación do Lucene
Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. This
package contains class API documentation for Lucene.
Package: liblucene3-java-doc
Description-md5: 7aba462e5fbf51587e67102b90c461ce
Description-gl: Documentación do Lucene
Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
This package contains class API documentation for Lucene.
Package: liblunar-1-0
Description-md5: 3752877f13fb349fcf5b1486785b177f
Description-gl: Chinese Lunar library
This library provide a struct to covert between Chinese lunar calendar and
Gregorian calendar.
It also provide a GTK+ Widget which can display Chinese lunar calendar.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: liblwipv6-dev
Description-md5: 3481b819111ba206552d606560a3225a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca LWIPv6
LWIPv6 is a user level TCP/IP stack with the following features:
Physical layer: ARP support, TUN/TAP/VDE drivers support.
Network layer: IP forwarding, fragmentation, NAT, IPv6 Stateless Address
Autoconfiguration, Router Advertising support.
Transport layer: TCP: congestion control, RTT estimation, fast recovery,
fast retransmit; UDP.
Berkeley Socket API: Protocol families PF_INET, PF_INET6, PF_PACKET,
partial PF_NETLINK support; Socket types SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW
LWIPv6 is used, for instance, by a UMView module to support user level
networking and configuration, usually together with VDE.
LWIPv6, along with UMView, is part of the View-OS project:
This package contains the files needed to compile applications that link
Package: liblz-dbg
Description-md5: ccbc7b094b6ed36ac1256c7446bdb5f9
Description-gl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and
decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed
data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: liblz-dev
Description-md5: a084d46963a96b29cebe664999d6a5f6
Description-gl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (development)
The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and
decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed
data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liblz4-0.0-dbg
Description-md5: a02761b332c08dba7b1b7fd7ad09c536
Description-gl: Fast LZ compression algorithm library - Debugging Symbols
LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm. This uses Dictionary
compression, and only supports compression and decompression unit blocks.
Infomation about compression ratio and speed (from webpage of lz4): single
thread, Core 2 Duo @3GHz, using the Open-Source Benchmark program by m^2
compiled with GCC v4.5.2, on the Silesia Corpus.
Name Ratio C.speed D.speed LZ4 (r59) 2.084 330
915 LZO 2.05 1x_1 2.038 311 480 QuickLZ 1.5 -1 2.233 257
277 Snappy 1.0.5 2.024 227 729 LZF 2.076 197
465 FastLZ 2.030 190 420 zlib 1.2.5 -1 2.728 39
195 LZ4 HC (r66) 2.712 18 1020 zlib 1.2.5 -6 3.095 14
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libm4ri-0.0.20130416-dbg
Description-md5: 650b9681221d5cc5d59a60b5ce6437ae
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libm4ri-0.0.2013041613
M4RI is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2. The
name M4RI comes from the first implemented algorithm: The "Method of the
Four Russians" inversion algorithm. This algorithm in turn is named after
the "Method of the Four Russians" multiplication algorithm which is
probably better referred to as Kronrod's method.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libm4ri-0.0.20130416.
Package: libm4rie-0.0.20130416-dbg
Description-md5: 9c20bae1b688aeb2debf63c61c9ae909
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libm4rie-0.0.20130416
M4RIE is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over small
finite fields of even characteristic. It uses the M4RI library,
implementing the same operations over the finite field F2.
The name M4RI comes from the first implemented algorithm: The "Method of
the Four Russians" inversion algorithm. This algorithm in turn is named
after the "Method of the Four Russians" multiplication algorithm which is
probably better referred to as Kronrod's method.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libm4ri-0.0.20130416.
Package: libmad0
Description-md5: 6128449b12eb51be6ddf26acb2183872
Description-gl: biblioteca de decodificación de son MPEG
MAD é un decodificador de son MPEG. Actualmente só admite o padrón MPEG 1
mais inclúe completamente as tres capas de son (Capa I, Capa II e Capa II,
esta última coñecida coloquialmente como MP3).
MAD has the following special features:
- 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
- completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC 11172-3 standard
- distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Package: libmad0-dev
Description-md5: bf2478178701150aac144fa1b8a3ff5f
Description-gl: biblioteca de desenvolvemento do decodificador de son MPEG
MAD é un decodificador de son MPEG. Actualmente só admite o padrón MPEG 1
mais inclúe completamente as tres capas de son (Capa I, Capa II e Capa II,
esta última coñecida coloquialmente como MP3).
Este é o paquete preciso para desenvolver ou compilar aplicativos que
empreguen MAD.
Package: libmailtransport4
Description-md5: 08e4da3f054729c341094dd6bb7f2f3c
Description-gl: mail transport service library
Mailtransport is a library that provides the following functionality:
* Shared mail transport settings.
* GUI elements to configure mail transport settings.
* Job classes for mail sending.
This package also contains a KDE control module which can be embedded into
your application to provide mail transport configuration.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libmapcache1
Description-md5: 4fc54d3ae76fdbcec473dad35147ef08
Description-gl: tile caching server - shared library
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to
WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable,
while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile
caching solution.
Package: libmapi-dev
Description-md5: 6053c18ac53d25ffa3ec950353518e2c
Description-gl: Development files for the MAPI client library
This library provides a client-side implementation of the MAPI protocol
that is used by Microsoft Exchange and Outlook.
Currently implemented features include sending and receiving mail and
enumerating the address book.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmapiadmin-dev
Description-md5: 355c8eb9844e1eb883fa34264f455646
Description-gl: Development files for the MAPI administration client library
Library that allows remote administration of MAPI (Exchange/Outlook)
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmapipp0
Description-md5: e8c6fa13808715d33559e511b1b5e8df
Description-gl: Library files for the C++ MAPI client library
This library provides a thin C++ wrapper around libmapi.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmapiproxy-dev
Description-md5: 993358b722af46504b6e89301ac651fa
Description-gl: Development files for the MAPI proxy library
Library that allows proxying of the MAPI (Exchange/Outlook) protocol.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmapistore-dev
Description-md5: 241f49ddbe94f391c4e46a9c6ee3718e
Description-gl: Storage library for MAPI objects - development files
Library that can store arbitrary MAPI objects.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmapserver1
Description-md5: b1a0e7b7cf78d706db342cfe372ebbfe
Description-gl: Shared library for MapServer
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which
supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting
functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library
Package: libmarble-dev
Description-md5: 17f1f15bcec39850c32fa812aa5cf0a3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do trebellos do globo de Marble
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construír
software que empregue a biblioteca de trebellos do globo de Marble.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libmarblewidget17
Description-md5: 918007df575ca5a6f70bbf814a519422
Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos do globo de Marble
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas para o biblioteca de
trebellosdo globo de Marble.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: libmarkdown2-dbg
Description-md5: d74a301da3a337e123639ee117e8e762
Description-gl: implementation of Markdown markup language in C (debug)
Discount is an implementation of John Gruber's Markdown markup language.
It implements all of the language described in the Markdown syntax
document and passes the Markdown 1.0 test suite.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do discount.
Package: libmatekbd-dev
Description-md5: 53b111136312d0a8a34cc46d0dbf40c3
Description-gl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (development files)
libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmateweather-dev
Description-md5: 044d4a59ee16ee9c8ff70692d143b78d
Description-gl: MateWeather shared library (development files)
libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online
services for numerous locations.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmatewnck-dev
Description-md5: e64b5a7d50589119fba5ed2ece6a030a
Description-gl: MATE Window Navigator Construction Kit (development files)
The MATE Window Navigator Construction Kit is a shared library providing
MATE's basic library functions. It provides a tool kit for writing pagers
and task lists.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmatewnck-doc
Description-md5: 98c375261712ac381dc7d98c82d4fca9
Description-gl: MATE Window Navigator Construction Kit (documentation files)
The MATE Window Navigator Construction Kit is a shared library providing
MATE's basic library functions. It provides a tool kit for writing pagers
and task lists.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libmath++-doc
Description-md5: addd4eb1dfe86dce94f55927121ba79d
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libmath++
This package contains automatically generated API documentation for the
libmath++ Math Type Library.
Libmath++ is a template based math library, written in C++ for symbolic
and numeric calculus applications. Currently implemented features include
conversion between string and tree representations, symbolic
differentiation, and expression simplification.
Package: libmath-calculus-newtonraphson-perl
Description-md5: 984da4bd93093cd67a805d62a30542a4
Description-gl: Algebraic Newton Raphson Implementation
The Math::Calculus::NewtonRaphson module takes an algebraic expression,
parses it and then uses the Newton Raphson method to solve it. The Newton
Raphson method relies on the fact that the expression you pass in
evaluates to zero where there is a solution. That is, to solve:-
x^2 = 5
You would need to pass in:-
x^2 - 5
It understands expressions containing any of the operators +, -, *, / and
^ (raise to power), bracketed expressions to enable correct precedence and
the functions ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh,
sech, cosech, coth, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh and atanh.
Package: libmath-geometry-voronoi-perl
Description-md5: 1670b594515c36ffe0c0b2987fe145e9
Description-gl: Perl module to compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
Math::Geometry::Voronoi computes Voronoi diagrams from a set of input
points. This module is a wrapper around a C implementation by Steve
Fortune, the inventor of the algorithm used (Fortune's algorithm), that
was further modified by Derek Bradley.
Info on Voronoi diagrams can be found here:
Package: libmathml-ruby
Description-md5: 41a41c97eda08dd779bac395556205ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mathml
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-mathml. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmathml-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 41a41c97eda08dd779bac395556205ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mathml
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-mathml. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmathml-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 41a41c97eda08dd779bac395556205ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mathml
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-mathml. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmatio2-dbg
Description-md5: a734b07ac741c1db6313924b68a022da
Description-gl: MAT File I/O Library - development files
matio is an ISO C library (with a limited Fortran 90 interface) for
reading and writing Matlab MAT files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libmatrixssl1.8
Description-md5: dc0d2c1217a6fc3feb1ec70065242d81
Description-gl: small SSL library optimized for embedded systems
MatrixSSL is an embedded SSL implementation designed for small footprint
devices and applications requiring low overhead per connection. The
library is less than 50K on disk with cipher suites. It includes SSLv3
server support, session resumption, and implementations of RSA, 3DES,
ARC4, SHA1, and MD5. The source is well documented and contains
portability layers for additional operating systems, cipher suites, and
crypto providers.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: libmatrixssl1.8-dev
Description-md5: 28a032735cc1de17484c0c43ce99ca86
Description-gl: small SSL library optimized for embedded systems (development files)
MatrixSSL is an embedded SSL implementation designed for small footprint
devices and applications requiring low overhead per connection. The
library is less than 50K on disk with cipher suites. It includes SSLv3
server support, session resumption, and implementations of RSA, 3DES,
ARC4, SHA1, and MD5. The source is well documented and contains
portability layers for additional operating systems, cipher suites, and
crypto providers.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: libmatrixssl1.8-doc
Description-md5: 8a5cfe0aed2499084ad50d2be1553d8c
Description-gl: small SSL library optimized for embedded systems (documentation)
MatrixSSL is an embedded SSL implementation designed for small footprint
devices and applications requiring low overhead per connection. The
library is less than 50K on disk with cipher suites. It includes SSLv3
server support, session resumption, and implementations of RSA, 3DES,
ARC4, SHA1, and MD5. The source is well documented and contains
portability layers for additional operating systems, cipher suites, and
crypto providers.
Consulte para máis información.
Package: libmatthew-java-doc
Description-md5: 62173d0a3391082bb69cf48b53caa95e
Description-gl: Documentación da API das bibliotecas libmatthew-java
The Javadoc API documentation for libcgi-java, libmatthew-debug-java,
libmatthew-io-java and libunixsocket-java.
Package: libmaven-antrun-extended-plugin-java-doc
Description-md5: e16c807e408e841492cff6b3042c7719
Description-gl: Documentación da integración estendida entre Maven e Ant
This extended antrun maven plugin enables users not only to run ant
scripts embedded in the POM, but also to reference maven dependencies
using Ant task classes. This enables the user to delegate more complex
tasks to Ant such as constructing file-based installation distros.
This package provides the API documentation for libmaven-antrun-extended-
Package: libmaven-hpi-plugin-java-doc
Description-md5: 4d5c0b0d87b585debba4afac9e85b5b1
Description-gl: Documentación de libmaven-hpi-plugin-java
This Maven2 plugin provides various goals for developing Jenkins plugins:
* hpi:hpi Builds the .hpi file
* hpi:hpl Generates the .hpl file
This package provides the API documentation for libmaven-hpi-plugin-java.
Package: libmaven-stapler-plugin-java-doc
Description-md5: acecbcec68708d3ea0064875cc2c581f
Description-gl: Documentación de libmaven-stapler-plugin-java-doc
Maven2 plugin for developing web applications using the Stapler HTTP
request engine.
This package provides the API documentation for libmaven-stapler-plugin-
Package: libmaven2-core-java-doc
Description-md5: 4a064c72c701f88ae7d5746c536188a6
Description-gl: Documentación da API de Maven2
Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on
the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's
build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete
state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to
attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to
deal with:
* Making the build process easy
* Providing a uniform build system
* Providing quality project information
* Providing guidelines for best practices development
* Allowing transparent migration to new features
This package contains the API documentation of Maven2.
Package: libmed-dev
Description-md5: 6247a3e8f3474ac1927444ea6172c773
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmed
MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation
and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or
computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data.
Package: libmed-doc
Description-md5: 22ea389dbc51d700f3dec52e96ca96de
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca MED-fichier
MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation
and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or
computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data.
This package provides the documentation for the MED-fichier library (in
Package: libmedc-dev
Description-md5: 9f91a0945dddc9dc6c190f9a667c2941
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmedc
MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation
and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or
computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libmedC.
Package: libmediascanner-dev
Description-md5: 18a81ccc9ea0e825bf6b53fe89b2d443
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmediascanner
This package provides the infrastructure for using the media scanner's
access library in C++ based projects.
Package: libmediawiki-dev
Description-md5: 198601e1caaabba52f576d63a9f4908b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmediawiki
libmediawiki is a KDE C++ interface for MediaWiki based web service as
This package contains the development headers and files needed to create
applications that use the mediawiki library
Package: libmediawiki1
Description-md5: 287a76c0839e89d3f27e478261e1d15d
Description-gl: KDE C++ interface for MediaWiki based web services (runtime)
libmediawiki is a KDE C++ interface for MediaWiki based web service as
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos
Package: libmedimport-dev
Description-md5: b52f0c78ed2124ddf544e253cf42161e
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmedimport0
MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation
and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or
computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libmedimport, including C++ applications.
Package: libmeep6
Description-md5: 68857ac923a4fba69b5a85cf9028de9f
Description-gl: library for using meep
Meep (or MEEP) is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation
software package developed at MIT to model electromagnetic systems.
Its features include:
* Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates.
* Dispersive (including loss/gain) and nonlinear (Kerr & Pockels) materials.
Magnetic permeability and electric/magnetic conductivities.
* PML absorbing boundaries and/or perfect conductor and/or Bloch-periodic
boundary conditions.
* Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size .
even/odd mirror symmetries and 90/180 degree rotations.
* Complete scriptability - either via a Scheme scripting front-end
(as in libctl and MPB), or callable as a C++ library.
* Field output in the HDF5 standard scientific data format, supported by
many visualization tools.
* Arbitrary material and source distributions.
* Field analyses including flux spectra, frequency extraction, and energy
integrals; completely programmable.
* Multi-parameter optimization, root-finding, integration, etcetera
(via libctl).
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libmemcache-client-ruby
Description-md5: 10b92fbee85afa4d4c5634679d93f1c9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-memcache-client
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-memcache-client. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmemcache-client-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 10b92fbee85afa4d4c5634679d93f1c9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-memcache-client
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-memcache-client. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmemcache-client-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 10b92fbee85afa4d4c5634679d93f1c9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-memcache-client
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-memcache-client. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmemcache-dev
Description-md5: f798a69d08d5201defeb2a7d326d505c
Description-gl: development headers for libmemcache C client API
memcached optimizes specific high-load serving applications that are
designed to take advantage of its versatile no-locking memory access
system. Clients are available in several different programming languages,
to suit the needs of the specific application. Traditionally this has
been used in mod_perl apps to avoid storing large chunks of data in Apache
memory, and to share this burden across several machines.
Danga Interactive developed memcached to enhance the speed of, a site which was already doing 20 million+ dynamic page
views per day for 1 million users with a bunch of webservers and a bunch
of database servers. memcached dropped the database load to almost
nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource
utilization, and faster access to the databases on a memcache miss.
This package contains the C development headers for libmemcache.
Páxina web:
Package: libmemcache0
Description-md5: 4a165633144c3c12695964205901f127
Description-gl: C client API for memcached memory object caching system
memcached optimizes specific high-load serving applications that are
designed to take advantage of its versatile no-locking memory access
system. Clients are available in several different programming languages,
to suit the needs of the specific application. Traditionally this has
been used in mod_perl apps to avoid storing large chunks of data in Apache
memory, and to share this burden across several machines.
Danga Interactive developed memcached to enhance the speed of, a site which was already doing 20 million+ dynamic page
views per day for 1 million users with a bunch of webservers and a bunch
of database servers. memcached dropped the database load to almost
nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource
utilization, and faster access to the databases on a memcache miss.
This package contains the shared libraries (C client API) for memcached.
If you are looking for a Perl client API, please see the libcache-
memcached-perl package.
Páxina web:
Package: libmemphis-doc
Description-md5: b2a7807b60eb3970c8c5bfbf5fceb908
Description-gl: A map-rendering library for OpenStreetMap (Documentation)
LibMemphis provides a GObject based API to render OpenStreetMap data on a
cairo surface. Libmemphis implements the 'Slippy Map Tilename'
specification, like Mapnik and Osmarender.
It supports zoom level 12 to 18, projected with the Mercator projection.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libmenu-cache-dev
Description-md5: 66c02c0ca123274a7491abc6fb1a7b21
Description-gl: LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu specification (devel)
Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the
manipulation for defined application menus.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmerb-core-ruby
Description-md5: c27b4c0c2f1e4f80bcf364ed03ce8a75
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-core
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-merb-core. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmerb-core-ruby1.8
Description-md5: c27b4c0c2f1e4f80bcf364ed03ce8a75
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-core
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-merb-core. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libmerb-haml-ruby
Description-md5: 866f4dc7c44ab6d2208487fa0772d8c8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-haml
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-merb-haml
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmerb-haml-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 866f4dc7c44ab6d2208487fa0772d8c8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-haml
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-merb-haml
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmerb-helpers-ruby
Description-md5: dc8c1dfe5c2429bd9f1f4b5769370e06
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-helpers
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-merb-helpers
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmerb-helpers-ruby1.8
Description-md5: dc8c1dfe5c2429bd9f1f4b5769370e06
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-helpers
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-merb-helpers
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmercator-0.3-1-dbg
Description-md5: 3a9ec21f8916085884590bff62fc6881
Description-gl: Biblioteca de terreo WorldForge - símbolos de depuración
Mercator is primarily aimed at terrain for multiplayer online games and
forms one of the WorldForge ( core libraries. It
is intended to be used as a terrain library on the client, while a subset
of features are useful on the server.
Mercator is designed in such a way that individual tiles can be generated
on-the-fly from a very small source data set. Each tile uses a fast
deterministic random number generation to ensure that identical results
are produced "anytime, anywhere". This enables transmission of terrain
across low bandwidth links as part of the standard data stream, or server
side collision detection with the same terrain that the player sees.
The use of tiles means that there is inherently a large degree of gross
control of the shape of the terrain. Finer control is implemented by
allowing geometric modifications - for example, a polygonal area might be
flattened, or a crater could be applied.
Package: libmeschach-dev
Description-md5: 0ebca0d1c27b5eb2f5823cf1eaab080f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de meschach
These are files necessary for compiling programs with the meschach linear
algebra library.
Package: libmessagelist4
Description-md5: d615ffc4b6455f2c66412c7cc0130955
Description-gl: message list library
This package contains the message list library. It provides a widget for
the e-mail message lists with extensive filtering, grouping and useful
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libmessageviewer4
Description-md5: 2adc6ecfc62d30cf438b47b99bbd9cf2
Description-gl: message viewer library
This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature-
rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libmetadata-extractor-java-doc
Description-md5: 845c70c45581e6d8e55b84049213313b
Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura de extracción de metadatos de JPEG
Java based metadata extraction library for JPEG images with support for
Exif and Iptc metadata segments, including manufacturer specific metadata
of several digital camera models.
This package provides the Javadoc API documentation.
Package: libmetaid-ruby
Description-md5: e66eed12c12811b029d689ce85624aca
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-metaid
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-metaid
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmetaid-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e66eed12c12811b029d689ce85624aca
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-metaid
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-metaid
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmgl-dev
Description-md5: daaa50e34500be129743c803bf8aaaa8
Description-gl: library for scientific graphs. (development files)
A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up
to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF
files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt.
MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of
languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmicroba-java-doc
Description-md5: 9cc99d5a647870c51068b137865d5160
Description-gl: Documentación de libmicroba-java
Microba is a set of finely crafted & feature rich JFC (Swing) components.
Keywords: jfc, swing, java, date picker, datepicker, date-picker,
calendar, gradient editor, marker, slider, palette editor
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libmicroblog4
Description-md5: 873eed18fc377ee5265b590e8d8d2a2b
Description-gl: library for using the Microblog Akonadi Resource
Microblog is a library that provides some helper functions for using the
Microblog Akonadi Resource.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libmicrohttpd-dbg
Description-md5: ac9e071fe4c3530beca35c6fed3a43a2
Description-gl: library embedding HTTP server functionality (debug)
GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. Key features that distinguish GNU Libmicrohttpd from other projects are:
* C library: fast and small
* API is simple, expressive and fully reentrant
* Implementation is HTTP 1.1 compliant
* HTTP server can listen on multiple ports
* Four different threading models (select, poll, pthread, thread pool)
* Support for IPv6
* Support for SHOUTcast
* Support for incremental processing of POST data (optional)
* Support for basic and digest authentication (optional)
* Support for SSL3 and TLS
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmicrohttpd-dev
Description-md5: 6b3cdefbc2dd69a7a37417617c2c0dbf
Description-gl: library embedding HTTP server functionality (development)
GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. Key features that distinguish GNU Libmicrohttpd from other projects are:
* C library: fast and small
* API is simple, expressive and fully reentrant
* Implementation is HTTP 1.1 compliant
* HTTP server can listen on multiple ports
* Four different threading models (select, poll, pthread, thread pool)
* Support for IPv6
* Support for SHOUTcast
* Support for incremental processing of POST data (optional)
* Support for basic and digest authentication (optional)
* Support for SSL3 and TLS
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libming-util
Description-md5: df8afd48f1d3085ac2d3e0c28aea26e7
Description-gl: Library to generate SWF (Flash) Files - Utilities
Ming is an SWF (Flash) file format output library. It is written in C,
with wrappers for C++, Perl, Python, PHP and experimental support for Ruby
and Java.
Este paquete contén algunhas utilidades, como:
swftophp - convertedor de SWF a PHP converter
makefdb - Font Definition Ripper
listfdb - List Font Definition
listjpeg - List JPEG
listswf - SWF Disassembler
listaction - Actions Script Disassembler
png2dbl - Convertedor de PNG
gif2dbl - Convertedor de GIF
gif2mask - Extractor de máscaras de GIF
raw2adpcm - Convertedor de son
Package: libmixlib-authentication-ruby
Description-md5: fc3979afee4417d2a867535d8c13f58b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-authentication
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-
authentication package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-authentication-ruby1.8
Description-md5: fc3979afee4417d2a867535d8c13f58b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-authentication
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-
authentication package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-cli-ruby
Description-md5: fd127fef2c5afd8b0563eb7a1f6df8fc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-cli
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-cli
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-cli-ruby1.8
Description-md5: fd127fef2c5afd8b0563eb7a1f6df8fc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-cli
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-cli
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-cli-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: fd127fef2c5afd8b0563eb7a1f6df8fc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-cli
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-cli
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-config-ruby
Description-md5: d8e32ca61ef412fd0c9af88cec6721e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-config
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-config
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-config-ruby1.8
Description-md5: d8e32ca61ef412fd0c9af88cec6721e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-config
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-config
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-log-ruby
Description-md5: 4a81ac0d02bafdc87e494da7d880a606
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-log
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-log
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmixlib-log-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4a81ac0d02bafdc87e494da7d880a606
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-mixlib-log
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-mixlib-log
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmjpegtools-dev
Description-md5: 36202d3a50477c3c07aa5acf4beb6788
Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (development)
The mjpeg programs are a set of tools that can do recording of videos and
playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio
and video under Linux.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmkv0
Description-md5: 4adb29ee989b427f39a2f00f97042574
Description-gl: Alternative to the official libmatroska/libebml libraries
This library is meant to be an alternative to the official libmatroska
library. It is writen (Thanks Haali) in plain C, and intended to be very
Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución.
Package: libmlpcap-ocaml-dev
Description-md5: a5eac13d299e0fdf07305ba98c02d49f
Description-gl: binding of libpcap for OCaml
MLpcap implements OCaml stubs to libpcap. It allows one to call almost all
function of libpcap from OCaml.
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmlpost-ocaml-dev
Description-md5: 509e61867830c36e51f91be45359cc66
Description-gl: OCaml interface to Metapost (library)
Mlpost is an OCaml library for scientific drawing. It relies on Metapost,
giving the possibility to include (La)TeX fragments. Mlpost users can use
the full power of OCaml to generate their diagrams, including static
typing and the possibility to use any OCaml library. Moreover, Mlpost
promotes a declarative style quite different from existing tools.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libmlt-dbg
Description-md5: 365f3f13fcce653152da943d0927f89d
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de multimedia (símbolos de depuración)
MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for
television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video
editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types of
applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an
assortment of ready to use tools, xml authoring components, and an
extendible plug-in based API.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libmlt++ e libmlt
Package: libmlx4-1-dbg
Description-md5: f1fb03c86b9ed732961383f532b6315e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do controlador libmlx4
libmlx4 is a device-specific driver for Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand host
channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con libmlx4-1 Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Package: libmlx4-dev
Description-md5: dbdc062877a96b061afb1ccd5dfc7f16
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libxmlx4
libmlx4 is a device-specific driver for Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand host
channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
This package contains static versions of libmlx4 that may be linked
directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging.
Package: libmm-dbg
Description-md5: afa9eb68cad073aed7c82f274e6de899
Description-gl: Biblioteca de memoria compartida - símbolos de depuración
OSSP mm is a two layer abstraction library which simplifies the use of
shared memory between forked (and therefore closely related) processes. It
hides all platform-dependent aspects of the process from the user and
provides a malloc(3)-style API.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca para axudar a
depurar os programas que a utilicen.
Package: libmodbus-dev
Description-md5: 319ed6ee1d4051d730fb32bd227a21ca
Description-gl: development files for the Modbus protocol library
A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which
respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an
Ethernet connection.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmodbus5
Description-md5: c6ad0aa78fc2b26d475235f37a7cbbff
Description-gl: library for the Modbus protocol
A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which
respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an
Ethernet connection.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmodemmanagerqt-dbg
Description-md5: 943430d9ce8b76883a9148d84d53f33f
Description-gl: Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API -- debugging symbols
Qt-only wrapper for ModemManager DBus API.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmodern-perl-perl
Description-md5: e297d46d95e3b0f5dafba966b4f96707
Description-gl: module for enabling all of the features of Modern Perl
Modern Perl programs use several modules to enable additional features of
Perl and of the CPAN. Instead of copying and pasting all of these 'use'
lines, instead write only one:
use Modern::Perl;
This enables the strict and warnings pragmas, as well as all of the
features available in Perl 5.10. It also enables C3 method resolution
order as documented in `perldoc mro' and loads IO::File and IO::Handle so
that you may call methods on filehandles. In the future, it may include
additional core modules and pragmas.
Consulte para
máis información, para un tratamento máis
extenso sobre Modern Perl e as súas implicacións
e para un titorial
descargábel gratuitamente sobre o Modern Perl.
Package: libmodpbase64-dbg
Description-md5: 3ce7f04d0d0a65ad3fe1f25c554c15b2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do stringencoders
This implementation is frequently 2x faster than standard implementations.
The transformations include base64, base16, base85, base2, url and
javascript escaping, as well as fast number to string and upper/lower case
Símbolos de depuración
Package: libmodpbase64-dev
Description-md5: c7e831968e9b26299fa758a9cf315a51
Description-gl: collection of high performance c-string transformations (development files)
This implementation is frequently 2x faster than standard implementations.
The transformations include base64, base16, base85, base2, url and
javascript escaping, as well as fast number to string and upper/lower case
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libmokoui2-dev
Description-md5: ac96cbd0054cdbbdd46a734005d1fe85
Description-gl: A set of UI widgets for OpenMoko development
libmokoui2 is a set of UI widgets to ease development and integration with
the OpenMoko phone environment.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmokoui2-doc
Description-md5: 44985f2511396801df36cbcedec77b2e
Description-gl: A set of UI widgets for OpenMoko development
libmokoui2 is a set of UI widgets to ease development and integration with
the OpenMoko phone environment.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libmoneta-ruby
Description-md5: e31548120345d82ae151679c72dc457b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-moneta
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-moneta
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmoneta-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e31548120345d82ae151679c72dc457b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-moneta
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-moneta
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libmongo-client0-dbg
Description-md5: e434403ce455cc8e3fd4602b218cff4c
Description-gl: Controlador de C alternativo para MongoDB (símbolos de depuración)
libmongo-client is an alternative C language driver to the MongoDB
document-oriented datastore.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Most people will not need this package.
Package: libmotif3
Description-md5: 5b9c21e37a43899566538627bd153c1a
Description-gl: Motif - shared libraries (transitional package)
Este é un metapaquete transitorio porque os paquetes novos libmrm4,
libuil4 e libxm4 son compatíbeis binariamente con libmotif3. Pode ser
desinstalado con seguranza.
Package: libmotif4
Description-md5: f07b2fe3ab8ede655c1e43c8cc54c73b
Description-gl: Motif - shared libraries (transitional package)
Este é un metapaquete transitorio porque o paquete orixinal foi dividido
nos tres paquetes independenteslibmrm4, libuil4 e libxm4 Pódese retirar
con seguranza.
Package: libmotif4-dbg
Description-md5: 6a02bf99959442c68acad3991e4634eb
Description-gl: Motif - símbolos de depuración
Motif is the industry standard GUI component toolkit for *NIX.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmp3lame-dev
Description-md5: 04600f66a31b878ae1da4e5f437a2595
Description-gl: MP3 encoding library (development)
LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) is a research project for learning about
and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding
library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound
analysis, as well as convenience tools.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmp3lame0
Description-md5: 8308779b850760c45b8aa082fad0b07e
Description-gl: MP3 encoding library
LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) is a research project for learning about
and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding
library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound
analysis, as well as convenience tools.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmp3splt-dev
Description-md5: 372360427e8b7badcc9cc88426d3fd90
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmp3splt0
Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin
and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split
large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain
original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split
points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB
(internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic
silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. You
can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in few seconds. For mp3
files, both ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags are supported. Mp3splt-project is split in
3 parts: libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk.
This package contains the files needed to build programs against
Package: libmp3splt0-mp3
Description-md5: ab2a9ba8e7fac4fa6752beedb5965672
Description-gl: MP3 plugin for mp3splt
Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin
and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split
large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain
original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split
points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB
(internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic
silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. You
can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in few seconds. For mp3
files, both ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags are supported. Mp3splt-project is split in
3 parts: libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk.
Este paquete contén o engadido de MP3.
Package: libmp4v2-2
Description-md5: 1a08104d8bd8235a1c9d172457d97841
Description-gl: library to read, create, and modify mp4 files (shared library)
The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as
defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is
derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a
multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a
very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any
type of media.
MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into
its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of
support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmpcdec-dev
Description-md5: 25ad82b8c07d97a152de2e7bbb249382
Description-gl: MusePack decoder - development files
Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha
calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a
transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posíbel ouvir diferenzas entre o
ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC.
It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has
rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in
which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code.
This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
links that developers using libreplaygain will need.
Package: libmpcdec6
Description-md5: 7c6006299630a14c4bd10aa79555250e
Description-gl: MusePack decoder - library
Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha
calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a
transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posíbel ouvir diferenzas entre o
ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC.
It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has
rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in
which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code.
Package: libmpd1
Description-md5: f68285677e81099625f7602eb71ee49e
Description-gl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon
LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to
Music Player Daemon (mpd).
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libmpd1-dbg
Description-md5: 7a92a5f548bf85da2d38497b5243483f
Description-gl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon
LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to
Music Player Daemon (mpd).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmpdclient-dev
Description-md5: 725899c60bd030f11a56ed4c5d02d981
Description-gl: client library for the Music Player Daemon (development files)
libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon
(MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD
protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the
MPD commands and parsing all responses.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libmpdclient2
Description-md5: 78173fe783f2412444a570648f780872
Description-gl: client library for the Music Player Daemon
libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon
(MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD
protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the
MPD commands and parsing all responses.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmpdclient2-dbg
Description-md5: 7f29f2f20cf6b68787c356df9f99a92b
Description-gl: Debug symbols for libmpdclient2
libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon
(MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD
protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the
MPD commands and parsing all responses.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libmpich-dev
Description-md5: 3c6557ee2e0f267fcc0f7b3491d99d3c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de MPICH
MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms
including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high-
speed networks.
This package includes the MPICH headers and static libraries, as well as
the compiler wrappers needed to build MPICH programs.
Package: libmpikmeans-dbg
Description-md5: 6419cc88de7623038e4e6584fdf96484
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do MPIKmeans
This library uses an algorithm that yields the very same solution as
standard k-means, even after each iteration. However, it uses triangle
inequalities, and is much faster.
Note: MPI here does not refer to the Message Passing Interface; rather, it
is an acronym for Max Planck Institute, where this algorithm was
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmpikmeans1
Description-md5: b2a9b8e57b2d97d5097b2af491b6c379
Description-gl: Fast Library for k-means Clustering
This library uses an algorithm that yields the very same solution as
standard k-means, even after each iteration. However, it uses triangle
inequalities, and is much faster.
Note: MPI here does not refer to the Message Passing Interface; rather, it
is an acronym for Max Planck Institute, where this algorithm was
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libmrss0
Description-md5: 388c19f32b006fa0ccf750fb76a91a9a
Description-gl: C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams
libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92,
1.0, 2.0) files or streams.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libmrss0-dbg
Description-md5: 76a4b74ec56ba8502e8b8b5128fefdd2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libmrss
libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92,
1.0, 2.0) files or streams.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libmruby-dev
Description-md5: 6bddf1a81d2ccb06577675e9dd117322
Description-gl: lightweight implementation of the Ruby language (development files)
mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying to
the ISO standard. This can be linked and embedded within your application.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmsn0.3-dbg
Description-md5: fe938c7f23f4a097eb32a02644a1a890
Description-gl: high-level C++ library for MSN Messenger [debug]
The libmsn library is a C++ library for Microsoft's MSN Messenger service.
It provides a high-level interface that allows an application to access
instant messaging features with ease.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos no paquete libmsn.
Package: libmthca-dev
Description-md5: 19a997ebb58a197f69d49f6db1889090
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libmthca
libmthca is a device-specific driver for Mellanox InfiniBand host channel
adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
This package contains static versions of libmthca that may be linked
directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging.
Package: libmthca1-dbg
Description-md5: 1cce8734e8f2ca9f32a05c19c719a84e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do controlador libmthca
libmthca is a device-specific driver for Mellanox InfiniBand host channel
adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace
processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and
low overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co libmthca1. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: libmuffin-dev
Description-md5: 92b7ea1405214436c85ba71590de4a5f
Description-gl: lightweight window and compositing manager (development files)
Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on
GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon.
It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or
customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the
window manager.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmulticobex1-dev
Description-md5: fc557dab11a648bd7bc0ae7a690c4a50
Description-gl: multi-protocol cable OBEX library - development files
This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over
serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmuonprivate2
Description-md5: c0a1b42a6c8a1d6ac2363a6d3a141aa3
Description-gl: Runtime files for the Muon package management suite
The Muon package management suite is a collection of package management
applications built on the KDE platform.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución
Package: libmuparser-dev
Description-md5: faf54a2506b453eacbe6f5a65f6f52e6
Description-gl: fast mathematical expressions parse library (development)
muParser is a high performance mathematical parser library, written in
pure C++. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and
precalculating constant parts of it.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmupdf-dev
Description-md5: 228d82c8fc849d6dd562efb21ec2a918
Description-gl: development files for the MuPDF viewer
MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos.
Package: libmupen64plus2-dbg
Description-md5: ec30e3a3760f11571b98de29c48ea90e
Description-gl: mupen64plus debug symbols package
Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are
publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an
user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor
emulation and an emulator core.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: libmuroar0-dbg
Description-md5: d69dfc7b6728f39d1bab3805cb22ee53
Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de RoarAudio minimalista (símbolos de depuración)
RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix
audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example
a soundcard).
It is completely network transparent (UNIX sockets, TCP/IP and DECnet) and
supports many common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex or FLAC.
This is a minimalist client library for RoarAudio. It exists because it
allows non-GPL applications to use the RoarAudio sound system.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libmuroar.
Package: libmusic-hub-dev
Description-md5: 226bca5ff180f085cf41ae18c2afecb3
Description-gl: Simple and lightweight music playback service - development files
Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmusic-hub-doc
Description-md5: 84775ca127a9ed7e0d1305d42573f2a3
Description-gl: Simple and lightweight music playback service - documentation
Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libmusic-hub0
Description-md5: a8c0bb62f7ec05c53df37a76471c6394
Description-gl: Simple and lightweight music playback service
Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libmusicbrainz5-dev
Description-md5: 26e3704f92ddc6e02a31ac849916b02c
Description-gl: Library to access the database (development files)
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a
comprehensive music information site.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmusicbrainz5-doc
Description-md5: 487ce9fd5db701549c4399d3eac58a74
Description-gl: Library to access the database (developer documentation)
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a
comprehensive music information site.
Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmutter-dev
Description-md5: 5460e4be955e7d46918bc325e6e265c2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do xestor de xanelas Mutter
Mutter is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything.
Mutter is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author
says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window
managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios."
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libmwaw-doc
Description-md5: 6931533e73500bac121699dbbefd7f1f
Description-gl: import library for some old mac text document -- documentation
libmwaw contains some import filters for old mac text documents (MacWrite,
ClarisWorks, ... ) based on top of libwpd.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libmygui.ogreplatform0debian0-dbg
Description-md5: ec6a7969e597a6ea845f579f8ae593f6
Description-gl: Fast, simple and flexible GUI Ogre - debugging symbols
MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++.
Features include
Layout Editor.
Multicolour text.
Per pixel cut.
Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration).
Interface localisation.
Fast RTTI for safe casts.
Tool tips.
Animated cursors and pictures.
User xml resources.
Truetype fonts and fonts from texture.
Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on).
Flexible configuration in xml config file.
Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture.
Possibility to store any data in widgets items.
Skin themes.
Wrappers for fast UI development.
Este paquete contén a interface de MyGUI para os símbolos de depuración do
motor de gráficos Ogre.
Package: libmygui.openglplatform0debian0-dbg
Description-md5: af5799126b15d501edd8339630575488
Description-gl: Fast, simple and flexible GUI OpenGL - debugging symbols
MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++.
Features include
Layout Editor.
Multicolour text.
Per pixel cut.
Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration).
Interface localisation.
Fast RTTI for safe casts.
Tool tips.
Animated cursors and pictures.
User xml resources.
Truetype fonts and fonts from texture.
Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on).
Flexible configuration in xml config file.
Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture.
Possibility to store any data in widgets items.
Skin themes.
Wrappers for fast UI development.
Este paquete contén a interface MyGUI para os símbolos de depuración de
Package: libmyguiengine3-dbg
Description-md5: f9974e9dc92e6dc624d0b6b72dcfe9de
Description-gl: Interface gráfica rápida, sinxela e flexíbel - símbolos de depuración
MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++.
Features include
Layout Editor.
Multicolour text.
Per pixel cut.
Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration).
Interface localisation.
Fast RTTI for safe casts.
Tool tips.
Animated cursors and pictures.
User xml resources.
Truetype fonts and fonts from texture.
Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on).
Flexible configuration in xml config file.
Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture.
Possibility to store any data in widgets items.
Skin themes.
Wrappers for fast UI development.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do motor de tempo de
execución MyGUI.
Package: libnabrit-dbg
Description-md5: 2746b896d6b68197ee282f3e4b6836a9
Description-gl: LV2 bridging helper library (debugging symbols)
NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API-
here to LV2 bridges.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnarray-miss-ruby
Description-md5: e033ed6a3688d162ccd15977b7ec6d31
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-narray-miss
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-narray-miss
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libnarray-miss-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e033ed6a3688d162ccd15977b7ec6d31
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-narray-miss
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-narray-miss
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libnarray-miss-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: e033ed6a3688d162ccd15977b7ec6d31
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-narray-miss
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-narray-miss
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libncap44
Description-md5: ac503e38f51d2dce652990c7a73274ae
Description-gl: network capture library
ncap is a network capture library like libpcap (on which it is based) and
tcpdump. It produces binary data in its own ncap format, which can be
stored in a dump file or transmitted over a UDP socket. Unlike libpcap, it
discards data link headers and only supports IPv4 and IPv6 packets, but it
can perform reassembly of IP datagrams.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libncbi6-dbg
Description-md5: 5d9a46839dc7f807af27c95b0a901d4a
Description-gl: Bibliotecas NCBI para aplicativos de bioloxía (símbolos de depuración)
This package is useful to provide a backtrace with symbol names in a
debugger; this facilitates interpretation of core dumps, and aids in
finding logic errors in programs using the libraries in this package (or
the libraries themselves).
Non-programmers will likely have little use for this package. See the
libncbi6 package for more information.
Package: libncursesada-doc
Description-md5: bae8a4e2ec9a400f02fbec7a16b3a517
Description-gl: Ada binding to the ncurses text interface library: documentation
NcursesAda allows programmers to use the Ncurses library within the Ada
language. This means programming panels, colors, forms in text terminals
or emulators.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libndpi1
Description-md5: 6e2821da8a7bf2aa3eeb62f5026f3a73
Description-gl: extensible deep packet inspection library - shared library
nDPI is a ntop-maintained superset of the popular OpenDPI library.
Released under the LGPL license, its goal is to extend the original
library by adding new protocols that are otherwise available only on the
paid version of OpenDPI.
nDPI has also been modified to be suitable for traffic monitoring
applications, by disabling specific features that slow down the DPI engine
while being them un-necessary for network traffic monitoring.
With nDPI, it is possible to both detect known protocols on non-standard
ports (e.g. detect http non ports other than 80), and also the opposite.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libndr-dev
Description-md5: 8fdf3e7de77481a0d40f47aabfdc0ca9
Description-gl: NDR marshalling library - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
This package contains the library for encoding and decoding data
structures using the Network Data Representation format as used by
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libndr-standard-dev
Description-md5: 27edb01ba8370c9e5955ba2ca26fe578
Description-gl: Standard NDR interfaces - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
This package contains NDR encoders/decoders for the set of standard
DCE/RPC interfaces found on Windows and Samba servers.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libnecpp-dev
Description-md5: 4605c66e1e8eeb4bb64a06bf6a115c30
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnecpp
The NEC2 (Numerical Electromagnetics Code) is software for modelling
antennas using the Method of Moments. It was developed at Lawrence
Livermore Laboratories, and remains widely used, despite the old fashioned
punched card style input required.
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use libnecpp.
Package: libnes-dev
Description-md5: 15316a2a0e60faea310b5cd85446f364
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libnes
libnes is a device-specific driver for Intel NetEffect NE020-based iWARP
(RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows
userspace processes to access Intel NetEffect iWARP hardware directly with
low latency and low overhead.
This package contains static versions of libnes that may be linked
directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging.
Package: libnes1-dbg
Description-md5: 1d7525b908c3b38d6e9e0abcb5c5a8ac
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do controlador libnes
libnes is a device-specific driver for Intel NetEffect NE020-based iWARP
(RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows
userspace processes to access Intel NetEffect iWARP hardware directly with
low latency and low overhead.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co libnes1. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: libnet-amazon-s3-perl
Description-md5: b367b1b11aea58562190b9697382daa9
Description-gl: Amazon S3 Perl API - Simple Storage Service
Net::Amazon::S3 provides a Perlish interface to Amazon S3. From the
developer blurb: "Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to
make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon S3 provides a
simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any
amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any
developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive
data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network
of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass
those benefits on to developers".
To find out more about S3, please visit:
Para empregar este módulo ha que crear unha conta nos Servizos Web de
Amazon e fornecer un «identificador de clave de acceso» e unha «clave de
acceso secreta». Se emprega este módulo terá que facer fronte aos custos
que lle indique a Amazon. Comprobe os custos. Se emprega este módulo co
seu identificador de clave de acceso e a súa clave de acceso secreta,
vostede é o responsábel deses custos.
Package: libnet-dropbox-api-perl
Description-md5: fd59235b8d517ad490cbe06de9ef7940
Description-gl: Módulo en perl que fornece unha interface API para dropbox
Net::Dropbox::API é unha interface en perl para a API de Dropbox. A API de
Dropbox está baseada en OAuth.
Package: libnet-netrc-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 5729d90431c806cab49d7731096b752b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-net-netrc
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-net-netrc
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libnet-telnet-perl
Description-md5: 6a162eea4393effd0b42e8c2b126a01e
Description-gl: Perl module to script telnetable connections
Net::Telnet permite realizar clientes como cliente a un porto de TCP facer
E/S de rede, especialmente nun porto mediante o protocolo TELNET.
Fornécense métodos de E/S simples como print, get e getline. Fornécense
funcionalidades interactivas máis sofisticadas porque ligar cun porto de
TELNET a fin de contas significa comunicar cun programa deseñado para a
interacción humana. Estas funcionalidades interactivas inclúen a
capacidade de indicar un tempo de espera e agardar a que aparezan certos
padróns no fluxo de entrada, como o indicador (prompt) dunha consola.
Package: libnet6-1.3-0-dbg
Description-md5: be1694d47f4aea751eb30bf659a30e14
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de acceso á rede para IPv4/IPv6 - símbolos de depuración
net6 is a library which eases the development of network-based
applications as it provides a TCP protocol abstraction for C++. It is
portable to both the Windows and Unix-like platforms.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración de net6, necesarios só se se pretende
depurar un aplicativo que a utilice.
Package: libnetclasses-dev
Description-md5: 0975fdf5406762df471f8edcd72eca31
Description-gl: Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep (devel)
Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in
Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any
protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP
(opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly
integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for
redesigning applications to use it.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libnetfilter-acct-dev
Description-md5: db91488ec6cc730dcfe1cc0d3343a728
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-acct1
libnetfilter_acct is a userspace library providing an interface to the
extended netfilter accounting infrastructure.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libnetfilter-acct1-dbg
Description-md5: 60d2a7df731397f5f455ee40aed8fc39
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnetfilter-acct1
libnetfilter_acct is a userspace library providing an interface to the
extended netfilter accounting infrasctructure.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnetfilter-cthelper0-dbg
Description-md5: 5dd3619e6c3872b13ca20685f0349a7a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnetfilter-cthelper0
libnetfilter_cthelper is the userspace library that provides the
programming interface to the user-space helper infrastructure available
since Linux kernel 3.6. With this library, you register, configure, enable
and disable user-space helpers.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnetfilter-cthelper0-dev
Description-md5: 6f8029927c127fdd9422f20ce5b074e8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-cthelper0
libnetfilter_cthelper is the userspace library that provides the
programming interface to the user-space helper infrastructure available
since Linux kernel 3.6. With this library, you register, configure, enable
and disable user-space helpers.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libnetfilter-cttimeout1-dbg
Description-md5: 12dcf4e5494fa8b28c422307bdf63dca
Description-gl: fine-grain connection tracking timeout infrastructure for netfilter
libnetfilter_cttimeout is the userspace library that provides the
programming interface to the fine-grain connection tracking timeout
infrastructure. With this library, you can create, update and delete
timeout policies that can be attached to traffic flows. This library is
used by conntrack-tools.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnetfilter-log-dev
Description-md5: 978d91328b5a12e4b7f2c6aec2972231
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-log1
libnetfilter_log is a userspace library providing interface to packets
that have been logged by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system
that deprecates the old syslog/dmesg based packet logging.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libnetfilter-log1-dbg
Description-md5: 98c16ea0313d704e106360daba1e29f5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnetfilter-log1
libnetfilter_log is a userspace library providing interface to packets
that have been logged by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system
that deprecates the old syslog/dmesg based packet logging.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnetfilter-queue-dev
Description-md5: 482010785b18f843898bee125996e9a2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-queue1
libnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing an API to packets that
have been queued by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that
deprecates the old ip_queue / libipq mechanism.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libnetfilter-queue1-dbg
Description-md5: 9f21c1d16a1e09478a1bd4f99a806bfa
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnetfilter-queue1
libnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing an API to packets that
have been queued by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that
deprecates the old ip_queue / libipq mechanism.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnetworkmanagerqt-dbg
Description-md5: 39baf89f309b7af0314bb00c4df91ea3
Description-gl: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API -- debugging symbols
Qt-only wrapper for NetworkManager API.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnfc-examples
Description-md5: 6181d6940d8ce3e02ccce167918f4bfa
Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) examples
libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-
level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use
high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or
PN533 controller chips.
Con libnfc fornécense algúns exemplos con propósitos de depuración ou
educativos (nfc-anticol, nfc-emulate, etc.).
Package: libnfc-pn53x-examples
Description-md5: ba90f0239b746ed2563a448e0a685a4f
Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) examples for PN53x chips only
libnfc is a library for Near Field Communication. It abstracts the low-
level details of communicating with the devices away behind an easy-to-use
high-level API. It supports most hardware based on the NXP PN531, PN532 or
PN533 controller chips.
Con PN53x-only fornécense algúns exemplos con propósitos de depuración ou
educativos (pn53x-sam, pn53x-tamashell, etc.).
Package: libnfo1
Description-md5: ab94cf5be840f761eef6ef12aad5c3c4
Description-gl: an NFO file parser/writer library
libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used
to store metadata information on many multimedia files.
O formato NFO é empregado, entre outros, polo Enna e polo Centro
multimedia XBMC. Vexa
para unha definición do formato.
Package: libnfo1-dbg
Description-md5: 0c10f60d8bf0f8e670b1f2463b55c64f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnfo1
libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used
to store metadata information on many multimedia files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libnfo1.
Package: libnglib-4.9.13
Description-md5: 749dde83fc8c0f63e018605be247d718
Description-gl: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator shared library
NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input
from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep)
from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the
handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh
optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libnglib-dev
Description-md5: 688d6219dad630c08a816fa98ae2a6fb
Description-gl: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator development files
NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input
from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep)
from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the
handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh
optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e os ficheiros de cabezallo.
Package: libnjb-dev
Description-md5: d9af44b62fe01921a674fec98a2c4342
Description-gl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library development files
libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD
JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is
presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at
Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)
are not supported.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento.
Package: libnjb5
Description-md5: 865edd41a29231bc3cd9f385ae6e95a8
Description-gl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library
libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD
JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is
presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at
Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)
are not supported.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libnl-doc
Description-md5: 674fccc375f7799839e7de0f5e5bde45
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libnl
This is a library for applications dealing with netlink sockets. The
library provides an interface for raw netlink messaging and various
netlink family specific interfaces.
This package contains the API reference documentation for libnl.
Package: libnora-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 9fe93bae2ccf9cdbb9ea94f37703e387
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-nora
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-nora package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libnova-0.14-0
Description-md5: 6fd9bae1f008c4e52f9bcdbf8dd3b90d
Description-gl: celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library
libnova é unha biblioteca de propósito xeral e dupla precisión de mecánica
celeste, astrometría e astrodinámica.
Package: libnova-dev
Description-md5: 126c47badf2d98da18365f95cc27ad82
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca astronómica libnova
libnova é unha biblioteca de propósito xeral e dupla precisión de mecánica
celeste, astrometría e astrodinámica.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libnpth0-dbg
Description-md5: 118ba1cb4b70f280efc203bc7edd24cc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libnpth0
nPth is a non-preemptive threads implementation using an API very similar
to the one known from GNU Pth. It has been designed as a replacement of
GNU Pth for non-ancient operating systems. In contrast to GNU Pth is based
on the system's standard threads implementation. Thus nPth allows the use
of libraries which are not compatible to GNU Pth.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libnpth0.
Package: libns3-3-dbg
Description-md5: 3916cfa802355f7ac46f6feea61b7d4a
Description-gl: shared libraries of ns-3 (debug extension)
ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted
primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software,
licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for
research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual
replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam”
derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and
NAM (network animator).
This package contains shared libraries.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libnsbmp0-dbg
Description-md5: 9811cec6ec221b3be98849533185f5e3
Description-gl: NetSurf BMP decoder - Debug files
libnsbmp is a decoder for the BMP image format for NetSurf applications.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración de libnsbmp0.
Package: libnsgif0-dbg
Description-md5: 4330a8fe00862a8568f1d2269dac4ba3
Description-gl: Descodificador de GIF NetSurf - Símbolos de depuración
libnsgif is a decoder for the GIF image format for NetSurf applications.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de libnsgif0.
Package: libnss-winbind
Description-md5: 223d38d764a9bb35ad3be4c8d048957d
Description-gl: Engadidos de integración dos servizos de nomes de Samba
O Samba é unha implementación do protocolo SMB/CIFS para os sistemas Unix
que fornece compatibilidade para a compartición de ficheiros e impresoras
entre plataformas con sistemas Windows da Microsoft, OS X e outros
sistemas Unix. O Samba tamén pode funcionar como controlador de dominios
estilo NT4 e pódese integrar nos dominios de NT4 e nos reinos de Active
Directory como servidor membro.
This package provides nss_winbind, a plugin that integrates with a local
winbindd server to provide user/group name lookups to the system; and
nss_wins, which provides hostname lookups via both the NBNS and NetBIOS
broadcast protocols.
Package: libntdb-dev
Description-md5: 776825cf4bee91643442cfc390b10971
Description-gl: New Trivial Database - development files
This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM.
TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate
locking and transactions.
ntdb uses a fileformat that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is
similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than
4Gb, and improves integration with talloc.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libntdb1
Description-md5: cfab295ffcc361dbad6c599dc433ab65
Description-gl: New Trivial Database - shared library
This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM.
TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate
locking and transactions.
ntdb uses a fileformat that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is
similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than
4Gb, and improves integration with talloc.
Este paquete contén o ficheiro da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libnxml0
Description-md5: 98a4e996c4c183c28a668167e60ef135
Description-gl: C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams
libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1
files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234,
4321, 2143, 2312).
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libnxml0-dbg
Description-md5: 146bf39581fc30455e66bdd007f15cd2
Description-gl: C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams
libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1
files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234,
4321, 2143, 2312).
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos símbolos de depuración
Package: liboasis-ocaml-doc
Description-md5: 0db33e744e19f74233e5ddc10f34716d
Description-gl: Architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications
OASIS generates a full configure, build and install system for your
application. It starts with a simple `_oasis` file at the toplevel of your
project and creates everything required.
It uses external tools like OCamlbuild and it can be considered as the
glue between various subsystems that do the job. It should support the
following tools:
- OCamlbuild
- OMake (todo)
- OCamlMakefile (todo),
- ocaml-autoconf (todo)
It also features a do-it-yourself command line invocation and an internal
configure/install scheme. Libraries are managed through findlib. It has
been tested on GNU Linux and Windows.
OASIS supports standard entry points and descriptions. It helps to
integrates your libraries and software with third parties tools like GODI.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libobby-0.4-1-dbg
Description-md5: ebc96678014f566f7ba267a823d9ce20
Description-gl: Synced document buffers - debugging symbols
obby is a library providing synced document buffers which multiple users
could edit simultaneously. It supports multiple documents in one session
and an integrated chat. It is portable to both Windows and Unix-like
Estes son os símbolos de depuración de obby, necesarios só se se pretende
depurar un aplicativo que a utilice.
Package: libobexftp0-dev
Description-md5: 445e4aea9a4954325a2cc4bacf4c0c59
Description-gl: object exchange file transfer library - development files
OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP.
OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of
objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards
(vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libobjc3-dbg
Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347
Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (símbolos de depuración)
Library needed for GNU ObjC applications linked against the shared
Package: libobjc4-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347
Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (símbolos de depuración)
Library needed for GNU ObjC applications linked against the shared
Package: libobjc4-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347
Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (símbolos de depuración)
Library needed for GNU ObjC applications linked against the shared
Package: libobjc4-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347
Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (símbolos de depuración)
Library needed for GNU ObjC applications linked against the shared
Package: libobjenesis-java-doc
Description-md5: c6beba7c9739f156f5e52206464afa6d
Description-gl: Documentación de Objenesis
Objenesis is a small Java library that serves one purpose: to instantiate a new object of a particular class. Java already supports this dynamic instantiation of classes using Class.newInstance(). However, this only works if the class has an appropriate constructor. There are many times when a class cannot be instantiated this way, such as when the class contains:
* Constructors that require arguments.
* Constructors that have side effects.
* Constructors that throw exceptions.
As a result, it is common to see restrictions in libraries stating that classes must require a default constructor. Objenesis aims to overcomes these restrictions by bypassing the constructor on object instantiation.
This is the API documentation for Objenesis
Package: libocas-dbg
Description-md5: f970d39c88e9ee0c944df30150288daf
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do LIBOCAS
This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for
training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale
data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of
training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving
linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libocas0
Description-md5: 04f2824e0277572b50b051dfb91c0e1b
Description-gl: OCAS solver for training linear SVM classifiers
This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for
training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale
data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of
training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving
linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: liboce-modeling6
Description-md5: b9c038d8ab25ee86a6a3340f1ec7bdd5
Description-gl: OpenCASCADE Community Edition CAE platform shared library
OpenCASCADE is a suite for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization,
data exchange and rapid application development. It is an excellent
platform for development of numerical simulation software including
CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications.
This package is based on OCE, OpenCASCADE Community Edition, which is
maintained by a community of developers, and not by OpenCASCADE SAS.
This package supplies data structures to represent 2D and 3D geometric
models, as well as topological and geometrical algorithms.
Este paquete contén as seguintes bibliotecas compartidas:
TKG2d TKG3d TKGeomBase TKBRep TKGeomAlgo TKTopAlgo TKPrim TKBO TKHLR
TKMesh TKShHealing TKXMesh TKBool TKFillet TKFeat TKOffset TKSTL
Package: libocpf-dev
Description-md5: bacc8687279d9c890c49d98025305c1c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca OCPF
Library that reads and runs files in the OCPF scripting language, a
domain-specific language for the MAPI protocol.
Currently implemented features include sending and receiving mail and
enumerating the address book.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libocsigenserver-ocaml
Description-md5: 85d30e4e1955715ce7329b6590fb7564
Description-gl: web server of the Ocsigen project (runtime libraries)
The Ocsigen project is aimed at proposing clean and safe tools for
developing and running client/server Web 2.0 applications.
Ocsigen Server is a full featured Web server. It implements most features
of the HTTP protocol, and has a very powerful extension mechanism that
make very easy to plug your own OCaml modules for generating pages. Many
extensions are available, like a reverse proxy, content compression,
access control, authentication, etc.
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución.
Package: libocsync-dev
Description-md5: a84fc87ecdda1481e6c2bbc71c895163
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de ocsync
csync is an implementation of a file synchronizer which provides the
feature of roaming home directories for Linux clients.
This is the version of csync used by OwnCloud.
This package contains the library development files.
Package: liboctave-dev
Description-md5: 43c61ae725717d2d18d9c9ccb1d7652e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da linguaxe Octave de GNU
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
This package provides the header files and the mkoctfile script used for
extending Octave via compiled code.
Package: liboctave1
Description-md5: 8d991d5327be94acd1d25956ef3b5a38
Description-gl: Shared libraries of the GNU Octave language
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
This package provides the shared libraries used by the interpreter.
Package: libodbcinstq4-1
Description-md5: b5562693ed4efdaae9a3ef937bfba68f
Description-gl: biblioteca de configuración de ODBC baseada en Qt
Este paquete contén a biblioteca libodbcinstQ, unha biblioteca empregada
por algunhas ferramentas de configuración de interfaces gráficas baseadas
en Qt para xestionar os controladores de ODBC e os DSN de ODBC.
Package: libofx4-dbg
Description-md5: 7644859bfef112ec7f6aab654ab59885
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libofx4
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración para os aplicativos de
depuración que empreguen libofx4, unha biblioteca para permitir usar o
formato Open Financial Exchange.
Open Financial Exchange is an open standard for exchanging financial
information. Using this library a program can enable support for common
financial transactions such as bill payment, accessing account
Package: liboggplay1-dbg
Description-md5: c5370cab96911722d277cf36d4143f93
Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para reproducir multimedia OGG (símbolos de depuración)
A library designed to allow drop-in playback of Xiph.Org media in an
application. liboggplay handles demuxing and decoding, generates
timestamps for raw data, maintains synchronisation across multiple
streams, and provides a lock-free buffer implementation for easy
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros
do paquete liboggplay1.
Package: liboggz2-dbg
Description-md5: f0984c7c7d18d003b00191d815b77336
Description-gl: convenience interface for Ogg stream I/O debugging symbols
Oggz provides a simple programming interface for reading and writing Ogg
files and streams.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros
no software que empregue liboggz.
Package: libohai-ruby
Description-md5: 700111c13f8b0a4b52e6c8fb753c36f0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ohai
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ohai. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libohai-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 700111c13f8b0a4b52e6c8fb753c36f0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ohai
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ohai. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: liboif-qml-doc
Description-md5: 964e9e282eca0f903939ecc9996cc713
Description-gl: QML plugin for the OIF gesture framework - documentation
The plugin provides QML elements for receiving gestures from OIF. Gesture,
touch, and device properties are provided.
Documentación da API e a especificación para o desenvolvemento con oif-
Package: liboil0.3-dbg
Description-md5: 6cf4c09f90eea73590441cfd345dd027
Description-gl: Library of Optimized Inner Loops (debug package)
Liboil is a collection of functions that often benefit from having special
implementations on various architectures or CPUs. Each function in liboil
has several implementations which may perform faster or slower on a given
CPU. Some implementations use alternate algorithms, some use hand-crafted
assembly, and some use special instructions that are only available on
certain CPUs, such as MMX, SSE, or Altivec. The fastest implementation is
automatically chosen at runtime.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca liboil. Os
usuarios deberíano instalar se desexan depurar software que utilice
Package: libokular-ruby
Description-md5: a24ba76e2b1fb2cd3528cbc9f30337ff
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-okular
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-okular
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libokular-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a24ba76e2b1fb2cd3528cbc9f30337ff
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-okular
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-okular
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libokularcore3
Description-md5: 43c22bdb4061c61963c0d307cf1a600a
Description-gl: bibliotecas para o visor de documentos Okular
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas empregadas polo visor de documentos
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: libomnievents-dbg
Description-md5: 934ac805fe3ec9d71c9a14f341cc9391
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos servizos de acontecementos de omniORB
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración do omniEvents.
For more information on omniEvents see the omnievents package.
Package: libomniorb4-1-dbg
Description-md5: cd66c74385a469dd2d816dcc8e070d38
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas centrais de omniORB
omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is
based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with
any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB.
This includes the debug versions of libomniorb4, libomnicodesets4,
libomnidynamic4 and libomnissltp4.
Package: libomxil-bellagio-doc
Description-md5: b6e692924c015e4b93a7e57089467082
Description-gl: Documentation of the Bellagio OpenMAX IL
OpenMAX Integration Layer (IL) is a standard API to access Multimedia
Components on mobile platforms. It has been defined by the Khronos group.
By means of the OpenMAX IL API, multimedia frameworks can access hardware
accelerators on platforms that provide it.
Bellagio is an opensource implementation of the OpenMAX IL API that runs
on Linux.
It is intended to show the usage of the IL API and to allow people to
start developing components.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: libomxil-bellagio0-components-base-dbg
Description-md5: bd3a4fc08d0ae514bb7542dd333605f5
Description-gl: Compoñentes de Bellagio OpenMAX IL, símbolos de depuración
Debug symbols for libomxil-bellagio.
Package: libonig-dev
Description-md5: 750de01beaec32d2e2cc26cf23530842
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libonig2
The characteristics of this library is that different character encoding
for every regular expression object can be specified.
This package provides development files and static libraries.
Package: libonig2-dbg
Description-md5: bb77d94f5786a88c08481a8869777c2b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libonig2
The characteristics of this library is that different character encoding
for every regular expression object can be specified.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: liboobs-1-5
Description-md5: 46d753586494084fa55addf746c12fa1
Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - shared library
Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface
to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication
and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate
with the system details.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: liboobs-1-5-dbg
Description-md5: 8890ab519a96eb2f282cd69a9dd13e66
Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - debug symbols
Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface
to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication
and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate
with the system details.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: liboobs-1-dev
Description-md5: 9db16df14687e70477f29ac1737c7214
Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - dev files
Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface
to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication
and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate
with the system details.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liboop-dbg
Description-md5: 93232428c735d9ff497a4d8ee711bf9b
Description-gl: Event loop management library - debug symbols
Liboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based
operating systems.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libooptools-dev
Description-md5: 767a7e243d2c8d3c8a6937c94a72f55f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de LoopTools
LoopTools is a package for evaluation of scalar and tensor one-loop
integrals based on the FF package by G.J. van Oldenborgh. It features an
easy Fortran, C++, and Mathematica interface to the scalar one-loop
functions of FF and in addition provides the 2-, 3-, and 4-point tensor
coefficient functions.
This package provides development files of LoopTools.
Package: libopen4-ruby
Description-md5: 316c2ea1d39b6980a54fa4ef2efe5371
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-open4
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-open4 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libopen4-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 316c2ea1d39b6980a54fa4ef2efe5371
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-open4
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-open4 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libopen4-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 316c2ea1d39b6980a54fa4ef2efe5371
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-open4
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-open4 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libopenbabel-dev
Description-md5: 4f0a32197b42c191862bd6c662f5887a
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (development files)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabezallo.
Package: libopenbabel-doc
Description-md5: 0fab4d74aecda6153f6001ea00c04b00
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (documentation)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libopenbabel4
Description-md5: 9b073686beba43d7febfa498b6b90bf2
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libopencore-amrnb0-dbg
Description-md5: 9f1472e19da9c1c20c724e6639a59e55
Description-gl: Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - debugging symbols
This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.073
specification for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec. The
implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google
Android project.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libopencore-amrwb0-dbg
Description-md5: 7b9ae281182d2f8730f459e6588c3ebf
Description-gl: Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - debugging symbols
This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.173
specification for the Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech
decoder. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part
of the Google Android project.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libopencsg1-dbg
Description-md5: 5e6e3f9abee97573ad103e85be161809
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libopencsg
OpenCSG is a library for CGS (Constructive Solid Geometry) that can
combine geometric primitives to more complex objects, for example the
difference between two primitives. Instead of explicitly calculating the
shape of the resulting object, it uses OpenGL's z-buffer to render the
OpenCSG implements both the Goldfeather and the SCS algorithm.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libopencsg.
Package: libopencsv-java-doc
Description-md5: cdaf2cad8bc8231ae3e2344e73d9340a
Description-gl: Documentación de opencsv
Simple library for reading and writing CSV in Java
This package contains the API documentation of libopencsv-java.
Package: libopenct1-dbg
Description-md5: 4dd87ffe52a7e9ceace2040aef5d77cd
Description-gl: middleware framework for smart card terminals (libraries)
OpenCT is an open source implementation providing card terminal drivers.
It provides a native OpenCT, CT-API and PC/SC Lite IFD interface with an
OpenCT ifdhandler resource manager.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración do OpenCT.
Package: libopencv-calib3d-dev
Description-md5: ad8a9b16ecfa57c73f16e90ff6ce4232
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-calib3d
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Camera
Calibration library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-contrib-dev
Description-md5: 591e84931e5be2581e58d7c115a43a25
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-contrib
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) crotrib
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-core-dev
Description-md5: 2786e704a09e2c351f990aca831c96c6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-core
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) core.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-dev
Description-md5: f9dc67381f1013c39fe59842c79cbddf
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de opencv
This is a metapackage providing development package necessary for
development of OpenCV (Open Computer Vision).
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-features2d-dev
Description-md5: e3bf71870e99c81bc37b8c1490df97cc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-features2d
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Feature
Detection and Descriptor Extraction library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-flann-dev
Description-md5: bcc7b40e5eeec093b459c7a1a99f79e3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-flann
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Clustering and
Search in Multi-Dimensional spaces library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-highgui-dev
Description-md5: fed157dc221d86ad28a845f32e5d9008
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-highgui
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) High-level GUI
and Media I/O library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-imgproc-dev
Description-md5: 118c08d13f64b4214429f751d86a6521
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-imgproc
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Image
Processing library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-legacy-dev
Description-md5: e3d3a4f85d0fc3954f624bdc9ed7e753
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-legacy
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) legacy
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-ml-dev
Description-md5: 7abc59049534f6831399d63ea45a0d83
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-ml
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Machine
Learning library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-objdetect-dev
Description-md5: 4b857c8d9e0fe418cc1bbc9749daff41
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-objdetect
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Object
Detection library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-ocl-dev
Description-md5: 08297371e0cf18f85d7d914f6816808f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-photo2.4
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) OpenCL support
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-photo-dev
Description-md5: add7ae44c4f1f78c101c423d1e238496
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-photo2.4
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) computational
photography library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-stitching-dev
Description-md5: 44d2edbc7928be7676930ea41cc435ac
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-stitching2.4
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) image
stitching library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-ts-dev
Description-md5: be888abb7fbc4bba16c1807edd0b33bc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-ts2.4
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) ts library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-video-dev
Description-md5: d9d241789d8351ed63d7d3215fcc645a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-video
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Video analysis
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopencv-videostab-dev
Description-md5: 3dc7257846282e45d1abf2ff634757dd
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libopencv-videostab2.4
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) video
stabilization library.
The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample
code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with
IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP
(Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance.
OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of
high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and
analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object
recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
Package: libopenid-ruby
Description-md5: 0d8da277b1111f47896e547e31f10b3b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-openid
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-openid
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libopenid-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 0d8da277b1111f47896e547e31f10b3b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-openid
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-openid
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libopenigtlink1.9-dbg
Description-md5: 533bf71303f1d84ef3ed9e3622d059c9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libopenigtlink1.9
Open IGT Link is a simple network protocol intended for trackers, robots
and other devices to send data to the main application. Some devices might
also accept commands.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libopenigtlink1.9.
Package: libopenjpa-java-doc
Description-md5: dfb0a4331659190e9c709b866dc1a4f0
Description-gl: Documentación de libopenjpa-java
Documentation for OpenJPA that is Apache's implementation of Sun's Java
Persistence 2.0 API (JSR-317 JPA 2.0) specification for the transparent
persistence of Java objects.
It is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the Java language,
which simplifies storing objects in databases.
Package: libopenmpi1.6-dbg
Description-md5: b3e7668c1dd8453a62323e210bc7a4d3
Description-gl: high performance message passing library -- debug library
Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from several
other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI) in order to build
the best MPI library available. A completely new MPI-2 compliant
implementation, Open MPI offers advantages for system and software
vendors, application developers and computer science researchers.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Open MPI.
Package: libopenraw1-dbg
Description-md5: 205c9f9c6d8b8b5edcb3a695cd8bbbf3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libopenraw e libopenrawgnome
libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation
for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that dcraw is not
suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an
easy to use API to build free software digital image processing
It also has the goal to address missing feature from dcraw like meta-data
decoding and easy thumbnail extraction.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libopenraw e
Package: libopenrpt1
Description-md5: 5e7864f904f8c6b826ef30875748bc78
Description-gl: graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering library
Graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering engine, optimized for
PostgreSQL. WYSIWYG display, GUI built with Qt. Reports can be saved as
XML, either as files or in a database.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libopenscap8-dbg
Description-md5: f86424929b4f70b6769276deae8be2f8
Description-gl: Set of libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
OpenSCAP is a set of open source libraries providing an easier path for
integration of the SCAP line of standards. SCAP is a line of standards
managed by NIST with the goal of providing a standard language for the
expression of Computer Network Defense related information.
The intended scope of this project is to implement working interface wrappers for parsing and querying SCAP content including:
* Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
* Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE)
* Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
* Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
* Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF)
* Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do OpenSCAP.
Package: libopenscenegraph99
Description-md5: a75df68b0adcf71b7736ef2a388be345
Description-gl: 3D scene graph, shared libs
A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high
performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games,
virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object
orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from
implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many
additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libopenslide-dev
Description-md5: dddfc0e4f1fb82667298d4a43ad39c85
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca OpenSlide
OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface to read whole-
slide images also known as virtual slides.
Whole-slide images, also known as virtual slides, are large, high
resolution images used in digital pathology. Reading these images using
standard image tools or libraries is a challenge because these tools are
typically designed for images that can comfortably be uncompressed into
RAM or a swap file. Whole-slide images routinely exceed RAM sizes, often
occupying tens of gigabytes when uncompressed. Additionally, whole-slide
images are typically multi-resolution, and only a small amount of image
data might be needed at a particular resolution.
This library currently supports:
-Trestle (.tif)
-Hamamatsu (.vms, .vmu)
-Aperio (.svs, .tif)
-MIRAX (.mrxs)
-Generic tiled TIFF (.tif)
This package contains development files needed to build OpenSlide
Package: libopenthreads14
Description-md5: 8d3858e711ae2275fd118fff05f23ee7
Description-gl: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, shared libs
This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented
(OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in
OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the
POSIX Threads standards.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: liboping0
Description-md5: d2f37fbfb9564fb0ca5231e5a1530efc
Description-gl: C/C++ library to generate ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs
liboping features pinging multiple hosts in parallel using IPv4 or IPv6
transparently. The interface is object oriented.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libopusfile-dbg
Description-md5: bdccedf8227e48d0eba586173656a6d1
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libopusfile
This package provides the detached debug symbols for libopusfile.
Package: liborigin-dev
Description-md5: 0ec1719f76f2ab847174a68a7b7addcc
Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin project files (development)
liborigin is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab
Origin plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive scientific
graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several new tools
that simplify common operations.
Consulte para máis informacións sobre OriginLab
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liborigin0
Description-md5: 5ebfca1b79ca0b00dc0893484737567b
Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin project files (runtime)
liborigin is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab
Origin plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive scientific
graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several new tools
that simplify common operations.
Consulte para máis informacións sobre OriginLab
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liborigin2-1
Description-md5: 4f9bf842d2dcd5c6e73ffb78bc4f5098
Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (runtime)
liborigin2 is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab
Origin 7.5 plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive
scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several
new tools that simplify common operations.
Consulte para máis información sobre OriginLab
This package contains the files necessary for running applications that
use the liborigin2 library.
Package: liborigin2-dev
Description-md5: a8874cef4caff152b4168ea9a89d50e7
Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (development)
liborigin2 is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab
Origin 7.5 plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive
scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several
new tools that simplify common operations.
Consulte para máis información sobre OriginLab
This package contains the development header files.
Package: libortp-dev
Description-md5: 4eb76d724b31bcc6d732d8f9bca56e59
Description-gl: Real-time Transport Protocol stack - development files
This library implements the RFC 1889 (RTP) with a easy to use API with
high and low level access.
The main features are:
- support for multiple profiles, AV profile (RFC 1890) being the default one;
- an optional packet scheduler for synchronizing RTP recv and send;
- implements blocking and non blocking IO for RTP sessions;
- supports multiplexing IO;
- supports part of RFC 2833 for telephone events over RTP.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: liboscpack-dev
Description-md5: 30c5fd3f95fcbb0a98aa8e8f9b36fd26
Description-gl: A C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets - dev files
Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC
packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for
Windows and POSIX which are sufficient for writing many OSC applications
and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if
it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework,
it doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC
namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and
parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other
transport methods (eg serial).
The key goals of the oscpack library are:
- to be a simple and complete implementation of OSC
- to be portable to a wide variety of platforms
- to allow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it
should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets,
and difficult to create malformed packets.)
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento
Package: libosgearth-dev
Description-md5: 6559fee53ea158b18c4eb93864feef91
Description-gl: osgEarth development files
osgEarth is a scalable terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph (OSG),
an open source, high performance, 3D graphics toolkit. Just create a
simple XML file, point it at your imagery, elevation, and vector data,
load it into your favorite OSG application, and go! osgEarth supports all
kinds of data and comes with lots of examples to help you get up and
running quickly and easily.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libosinfo-1.0-0
Description-md5: f876c13a2dc71fac563bc3ec3984a9df
Description-gl: Library for managing information about operating systems and hypervisors
libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about
operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can
support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides
APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system
on a hypervisor.
Via the GObject Introspection, the API is available in all common
programming languages.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libosinfo-1.0-0-dbg
Description-md5: 9616ef948cf2015ed19f2490806235d4
Description-gl: libosinfo debugging information
libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about
operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can
support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides
APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system
on a hypervisor.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libosip2-dev
Description-md5: 03c1dfde41a02b6a29ee3d1c13357fa5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca SIP
libosip2 header files and static libraries to assist in development of
programs wishing to use SIP.
The oSIP library is written in C, is thread safe and has no dependencies
except the standard C library.
oSIP could be used to implement an IP soft-phone as well as embedded SIP
software. oSIP is not limited to endpoint agents implementations and can
also be used to implement SIP proxies or registration services.
oSIP currently provides an API for the SIP message parser, SDP message
parser, and library to handle "SIP transactions" as defined by the SIP
standards (RFC3261).
Package: libosmgpsmap2-dbg
Description-md5: 681685d95b2c8ae7bacebdd9d8cd762f
Description-gl: GTK+ library to embed OpenStreetMap maps - debugging symbols
libosmgpsmap is a library to embed maps in applications that when given
GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a moving
map display. Downloads map data from a number of websites, including, and others.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida e
das súas asociacións de Python.
Package: libosmosdr0
Description-md5: c17e57990c6a43c4b284bf55a0b7d530
Description-gl: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (development files)
OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR
(Software Defined Radio) project.
The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector
to a USB plug.
This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and
an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libp2kmoto-dev
Description-md5: 993fc0c1b855f112581ca93d3b55aad9
Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform
Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Páxina web:
Package: libp2kmoto0
Description-md5: 02db385bd110e711de5bf4291d6ffb24
Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform
Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K
Páxina web:
Package: libpackagekit-qt2-6
Description-md5: 8dd2faba871a2edde551dfe9f219fb35
Description-gl: Library for accessing PackageKit using Qt4
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides a library to access PackageKit using Qt.
Package: libpackagekit-qt2-dev
Description-md5: e4170d85867a2c7b8d670a5cf48f15b5
Description-gl: Library for accessing PackageKit using Qt4 (development files)
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package provides the header files for PackageKit-Qt.
Package: libpacket-ruby
Description-md5: f35fca4ae1b1b107b172022181725510
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-packet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-packet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpacket-ruby1.8
Description-md5: f35fca4ae1b1b107b172022181725510
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-packet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-packet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpacket-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: f35fca4ae1b1b107b172022181725510
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-packet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-packet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpal-java-doc
Description-md5: 626f3545e35af7dabad6f4385dadb93c
Description-gl: Phylogenetic Analysis Library - documentation
The PAL project is a collaborative effort to provide a high quality Java
library for use in molecular evolution and phylogenetics. At present PAL
consists of approximately 200 public classes/interfaces in 16 packages
Please refer to the API documentation for a detailed description of all
classes and methods available, and to the release history for an overview
of the development history of PAL.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libpam-winbind
Description-md5: fba9076429d270720a91324cff071fed
Description-gl: Windows domain authentication integration plugin
O Samba é unha implementación do protocolo SMB/CIFS para os sistemas Unix
que fornece compatibilidade para a compartición de ficheiros e impresoras
entre plataformas con sistemas Windows da Microsoft, OS X e outros
sistemas Unix. O Samba tamén pode funcionar como controlador de dominios
estilo NT4 e pódese integrar nos dominios de NT4 e nos reinos de Active
Directory como servidor membro.
Este paquete fornece pam_winbind, un engadido que se integra cun servidor
local de winbindd para lle fornecer ao sistema autenticación nun dominio
de Windows.
Package: libpango1-ruby
Description-md5: a15e287f3d897bb96c3df7c902e8037d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pango
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pango package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libpango1-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a15e287f3d897bb96c3df7c902e8037d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pango
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pango package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libpango1-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 1e652aa2bd68a843f2f29a264b8f5367
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pango-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pango-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpano13-bin
Description-md5: f85e3b9bbb28f19ea0656b70963cf71e
Description-gl: panorama tools utilities
Este paquete contén as ferramentas seguintes, todas elas parte da biblioteca Ferramentas de Panorama, que se agarda que faciliten o traballo coas imaxes panorámicas:
* panoinfo - Enumera detalles sobre a biblioteca
* PTblender - Corrección da cor e o brillo dos panoramas
* PTcrop - Recortar imaxes TIFF
* PTinfo - Mostrar información sobre unha imaxe xerada por panotools
* PTmasker - Computar as máscaras de encaixe
* PTmender - Substituto do PTStitcher
* PToptimizer - Envoltura arredor das rutinas de optimización dos puntos de control
* PTroller - Fusionar varias imaxes nunha soa
* PTtiff2psd - Converter un conxunto de imaxes TIFF nun ficheiro PSD do Photoshop
* PTtiffdump - Comparar dúas imaxes TIFF
* PTuncrop - Des-recortar imaxes TIFF
Package: libpaperclips-java-doc
Description-md5: 3bc2d998f88cbf7376fc765b523af053
Description-gl: Documentación de libpaperclips-java
Simple, light weight, extensible Java printing plug-in for SWT. PaperClips
hides the complexity of laying out and rendering documents on the printer,
helping you focus on what to print instead of how to print it.
In a nutshell, PaperClips provides an assortment of document "building
blocks," which you can tweak and combine to form a custom document. The
assembled document is then sent to PaperClips for printing. PaperClips
includes support for printing text, images, borders, headers and footers,
column layouts and grid layouts, to name a few. It can also be extended
with your own printable classes.
With PaperClips you do not have to track cursors, calculate line breaking,
fool around with font metrics, or manage system resources--it's all
handled internally. And unlike report-generation tools, you are not
constrained to a predefined document structure (like report bands). Every
document is custom and the layout is up to you.
This package contains the API documentation for the actual library.
Package: libpaps-dev
Description-md5: 7cdbcedfb93e1f1acb2a762b9401db07
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpaps
Paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language
rendering of the file. The rendering is done by creating outline curves
through the pango ft2 backend.
This package contains the development files that are necessary to develop
applications using paps API.
Package: libpari-dbg
Description-md5: 2fb5ec97eb7c26efb6f5b8d95da26f27
Description-gl: PARI/GP Computer Algebra System debugging symbols
PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast
computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory,
elliptic curves...), but also contains a large number of other useful
functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices,
polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers etc., and a lot of
transcendental functions. PARI is also available as a C library to allow
for faster computations.
Originally developed by Henri Cohen and his co-workers (University
Bordeaux I, France), PARI is now under the GPL and maintained by Karim
Belabas with the help of many volunteer contributors.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de gp e libpari.
Package: libparpack2
Description-md5: bc61facdca0e5843df473acefb3f632d
Description-gl: Parallel subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric,
and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The
software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified
features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage
requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is
required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional
eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working
precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.
Important Features:
* Reverse Communication Interface.
* Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric,
* Standard or Generalized Problems.
* Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or
Generalized Problems.
* Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems.
* Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition.
* Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement
numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and
This package provides parpack: the MPI implementation of arpack.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libparpack2-dbg
Description-md5: 2767bd30e68903781bf0255715e8780a
Description-gl: Parallel subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems (debug)
ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric,
and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The
software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified
features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage
requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is
required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional
eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working
precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libparpack.
Package: libparsetree-ruby
Description-md5: 103addbd3e1561318b92b5b39af1627c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-parsetree
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-parsetree
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libparsetree-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 103addbd3e1561318b92b5b39af1627c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-parsetree
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-parsetree
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libparted0-i18n
Description-md5: 877b5444c339988ec68855c01cf352df
Description-gl: disk partition manipulator - i18n support
O Parted de GNU é un programa que permite crear, destruír, mudarlles o
tamaño, mover e copiar particións de disco duro. É útil para crear espazo
para novos sistemas operativos, reorganizar o uso do disco e copiar datos
a discos duros novos.
This package contains localization data.
Package: libpathfinder-dev
Description-md5: 551b8b6b4ec2d2a010a0d4fe3a5abc64
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de pathfinder
Pathfinder is designed to provide a mechanism for any program to perform
RFC3280-compliant path validation of X.509 certificates, even when some of
the intermediate certificates are not present on the local machine. It
will automatically download any such certificates (and their CRLs) from
the Internet as needed using the AIA and CRL distribution point extensions
of the certificate it is processing.
This package contains the development files to allow programmers to write
applications using either OpenSSL or LibNSS that use Pathfinder for their
Certificate validation.
Package: libpcapnav0
Description-md5: 741437f737cdd8c646cf232b9bb713f1
Description-gl: wrapper to libpcap
libpcap wrapper library that allows navigation to arbitrary packets in a
tcpdump trace file between reads, using timestamps or percentage offsets.
It was originally based on Vern Paxson's tcpslice tool.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpcapnav0-dev
Description-md5: d3b7ee3eccd3ae01eaf8b1700a51bac2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpcapnav
libpcap wrapper library that allows navigation to arbitrary packets in a
tcpdump trace file between reads, using timestamps or percentage offsets.
It was originally based on Vern Paxson's tcpslice tool.
This package contains the files needed to compile and link programs that
use libpcapnav.
Package: libpcl1
Description-md5: 86d303cecceec91aba62d174902510b9
Description-gl: Portable Coroutine Library (PCL)
Coroutines are a very simple cooperative multitasking environment where
the switch from one task to another is done explicitly by a function call.
Coroutines are a lot faster than processes or threads switch, since there
is no OS kernel involvement for the operation. Also coroutines require
much less OS resources than processes of threads.
For a more complete definition of the term coroutine see The Art of
Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth.
Páxina web:
Package: libpcl1-dev
Description-md5: c91c4412d1ab10818434a4be3a87289f
Description-gl: Portable Coroutine Library (PCL), development files
Coroutines are a very simple cooperative multitasking environment where
the switch from one task to another is done explicitly by a function call.
Coroutines are a lot faster than processes or threads switch, since there
is no OS kernel involvement for the operation. Also coroutines require
much less OS resources than processes of threads.
For a more complete definition of the term coroutine see The Art of
Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth.
This package contains the static library and header files used in
development, plus developer's documentation.
Páxina web:
Package: libpcscada2-dev
Description-md5: 7373678593c74fe493ca5bd4b299167c
Description-gl: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (development)
PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada
programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to
communicate with smart cards using the SCard API.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpdfbox-java
Description-md5: d93792cecbea16312212fb8c98f1a182
Description-gl: PDF library for Java
The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF
documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation
of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si.
Package: libpdfbox-java-doc
Description-md5: 533ca944496210643c2e3c5b769c0f75
Description-gl: PDF library for Java (documentation)
The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF
documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation
of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libperlmenu-perl
Description-md5: 0f95e365da98f9a7b9b9656b7742a316
Description-gl: Menu and Template (curses-based) UI for Perl
perlmenu is a Perl module that provides your application with access to
easy-to-use functions for templates, menus, forms, and the like --
everything needed to put a slick UI on a program without resorting to a
Páxina web:
Package: libpff-dbg
Description-md5: cb2d096c23378a1fa45ef4df3fc91267
Description-gl: library to access various ms outlook files formats (debug).
Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline
Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in
PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline
Storage Table) files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libpff-dev
Description-md5: e43a46ad080567639e0319e987a98dcf
Description-gl: library to access various ms outlook files formats (development).
Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline
Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in
PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline
Storage Table) files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpfm4-dev
Description-md5: 3872a46e131fdb997e3bbc1d835eaf29
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libpfm4
Libpfm4 helps convert from an event name, expressed as a string, to the
event encoding. The encoding can then be used with specific OS interfaces.
Libpfm4 also provides OS-specific interfaces to directly setup OS-specific
data structures to be passed to the kernel. The current libpfm4, for
instance, provides support for the perf_events interface which was
introduced in Linux v2.6.31.
This package provides the development files of the library.
Package: libpfqueue-dev
Description-md5: 951262b723c14a141f2f71824c1ca358
Description-gl: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (development)
pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and
exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpfs-1.2-0
Description-md5: 3f4fb3b66eeb1617b63ec44b7ac6de83
Description-gl: C++ library to read and write pfs files
PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to
integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can
be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to
write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpfs-dev
Description-md5: 857f9f662fdc40b991ad669389a628df
Description-gl: C++ library to read and write pfs files (development files)
PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to
integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can
be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to
write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libpg-java
Description-md5: 80a0bee533b0b2b12ec96fd12d3b2866
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para libpostgresql-jdbc-java
Este é un paquete transitorio para libpg-java e pode ser desinstalado con
seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: libpgf-dev
Description-md5: a941972740fd627952445e0807ed0611
Description-gl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - development files
libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF
(Progressive Graphic File) format files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento
Package: libpgf6-dbg
Description-md5: dae774cc49843fedc3648439ac55c1df
Description-gl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - debugging symbols
libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF
(Progressive Graphic File) format files.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libpgm-dbg
Description-md5: c20d43290e39204c269445c8443c3fad
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de OpenPGM
OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General
Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM
is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to
detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application
of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means
the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving
the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort
datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be
implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca e as súas utilidades.
Package: libpgsql-ruby
Description-md5: f17239e5da933ef2819d3517996afe66
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pg package. It
can safely be removed.
Package: libpgsql-ruby-doc
Description-md5: f17239e5da933ef2819d3517996afe66
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pg package. It
can safely be removed.
Package: libpgsql-ruby1.8
Description-md5: f17239e5da933ef2819d3517996afe66
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pg package. It
can safely be removed.
Package: libpgsql-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: f17239e5da933ef2819d3517996afe66
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-pg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-pg package. It
can safely be removed.
Package: libphat-dev
Description-md5: cdd7bcce5118075d72de0569349bf606
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) de libphat
phat is a collection of gtk widgets geared towards audio apps Audio
applications demand a set of special widgets of its own which phat aims to
provide. The first widget being the "fanslider", a mix between the button
and the slider metaphores, providing the user a more precise graphical
input method.
This package contains the headers used to build applications that use phat
widget collection.
Package: libphysfs1-dbg
Description-md5: af086f5e6c3934e0bb0dd165963685d5
Description-gl: filesystem abstraction library for game programmers (debug symbols)
The PhysicsFS filesystem abstraction library provides a simple C interface
to aid game programmers in utilizing game assets packaged in many
different types of archive files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete libphysfs.
Package: libpigment0.3-11
Description-md5: 3d0bf477a618f646a5a26c259fdebba1
Description-gl: User interfaces with embedded multimedia - shared library
Pigment allows building of user interfaces with embedded multimedia
components. It is designed with portability in mind and its plugin system
will select a particular underlying graphical API on each platform.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpigment0.3-dev
Description-md5: 84462343dfd4813c604124e82255fa84
Description-gl: User interfaces with embedded multimedia - development files
Pigment allows building of user interfaces with embedded multimedia
components. It is designed with portability in mind and its plugin system
will select a particular underlying graphical API on each platform.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpimactivity4
Description-md5: 7c38454c8c73805054b13d44caf8083b
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de actividades para KDE PIM
This package contains libpimactivity4 which allows KDE PIM to make use the
activities in the kde workspace.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libplasma-geolocation-interface4
Description-md5: 28c3bff2f33d9575b85a6d8c4ec9331f
Description-gl: library for the Plasma geolocation
This package contains libraries needed for the Plasma geolocation.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libplasma-ruby
Description-md5: 2aca0a318643b3ac045e0ea62791a182
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-plasma
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-plasma
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libplasma-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2aca0a318643b3ac045e0ea62791a182
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-plasma
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-plasma
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libplasmaclock4abi4
Description-md5: 2cda551e6e5fd5f4888915c657e1d96b
Description-gl: library for Plasma clocks
This package contains libraries needed for Plasma clocks.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libplasmagenericshell4
Description-md5: 5e872764408002756b1547747cc1bd82
Description-gl: shared elements for all the plasma shells
This library contains elements shared by the plasma desktop shell, the
plasma netbook shell and the plasma screensaver overlay.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libplayer2-dbg
Description-md5: d84cf37f092c62b21dd62f4ae43aafe9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libplayer2
libplayer provides a generic A/V API that relies on various multimedia
player for Linux systems. It currently supports MPlayer and xine. Its main
goal is to provide an unique API that player frontends can use to control
any kind of multimedia player underneath.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libplayer2.
Package: libplexus-classworlds-java-doc
Description-md5: ef24e38b80578009f52c34b9963ac1cb
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-classworlds
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-classworlds.
Package: libplexus-component-api-java-doc
Description-md5: cfd796f5add65b070727abd1f527e837
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-component-api
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-component-api
Package: libplexus-container-default-java-doc
Description-md5: 6e029bcb0c58c8eb2e1c35fd154028f4
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-container-default
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for libplexus-container-
Package: libplexus-containers-java-doc
Description-md5: 275092653ca0c62c38bc6579c8277a73
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-container-default
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-containers. It
replaces the old packages libplexus-containers-default-java-doc.
Package: libplexus-i18n-java-doc
Description-md5: ca5f98bd41bf9c2b71e94ae8cf6a0cc1
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-i18n
Plexus I18n is a set of Plexus-components supporting internationalization
of Plexus-based applications.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-i18n.
Package: libplexus-interactivity-api-java-doc
Description-md5: fe376688d66729a824ae2bddbcad0efe
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-interactivity-api
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-interactivity-api.
Package: libplexus-utils-java-doc
Description-md5: 6c5b58788ded573c4137e8f6d4a99fb8
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-utils
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-utils.
Package: libplexus-velocity-java-doc
Description-md5: 706626d74e1316fa8a32061404f15a8a
Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-velocity
The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and
executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused.
While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency
injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged
container that supports many more features such as:
* Component lifecycles
* Component instantiation strategies
* Nested containers
* Component configuration
* Auto-wiring
* Component dependencies, and
* Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection,
setter injection, and private field injection.
This package contains the API documentation for plexus-velocity.
Package: libploticus0-dev
Description-md5: e77316437e6b542f3fb53ae4992bcfb7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca ploticus
libploticus is not a function or mathematical plotting package like
gnuplot, nor would it be a good choice for applications where mathematical
formulas or scientific notations are to be rendered as an integral part of
the data display. libploticus is also not intended as a "marketing"
graphics package. Its goal is to display data crisply without extra
decoration and distracting "dingbats" that cloud the picture.
Package: libplotmm-dbg
Description-md5: fa35249adb810c133e1992d75d55d8a0
Description-gl: GTKmm plot widgets - debugging symbols
This package provides an extension to the gtkmm library.
It contains widgets which are primarily useful for technical and
scientifical purposes. Initially, this is a 2-D plotting widget.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libpolarssl-dev
Description-md5: 61d27dd5bf181a071356399fac3652ae
Description-gl: lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library
PolarSSL is a fork of the abandonned project XySSL. It is a lean crypto library providing SSL and TLS support in your programs. It features:
- AES, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia, XTEA
- MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
- HAVEGE random number generator
- RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding
- SSLv3 and TLSv1 client support
- X.509 certificate and CRL reading
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabezallo.
Package: libpolarssl0
Description-md5: ff32025928a9aa6a7c44504da130e98b
Description-gl: lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library
PolarSSL is a fork of the abandonned project XySSL. It is a lean crypto library providing SSL and TLS support in your programs. It features:
- AES, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia, XTEA
- MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
- HAVEGE random number generator
- RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding
- SSLv3 and TLSv1 client support
- X.509 certificate and CRL reading
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpolybori-0.8-3-dbg
Description-md5: 6fc664a9ee230493806caa7885b20dd3
Description-gl: debug symbols for libpolybori-0.8-3
The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data
types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as
for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the
Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used
as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this
C++-library a Python interface is provided. This allows parsing of complex
polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for
Groebner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful reference
implementation for Groebner basis computation.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas
do PolyBoRi.
Package: libpolybori-groebner-0.8-3-dbg
Description-md5: 56d5c51220abcefc2d99d8d1917018aa
Description-gl: debug symbols for libpolybori-groebner-0.8-3
The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data
types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as
for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the
Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used
as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this
C++-library a Python interface is provided. This allows parsing of complex
polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for
Groebner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful reference
implementation for Groebner basis computation.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida do
PolyBoRi libpolybori-groebner.
Package: libpolybori-groebner-dev
Description-md5: 133e1595fcf52a6630dfebde46994a0a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpolybori-groebner
The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data
types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as
for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the
Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used
as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this
C++-library a Python interface is provided. This allows parsing of complex
polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for
Groebner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful reference
implementation for Groebner basis computation.
This package contains the development files for libpolybori-groebner.
Package: libpolyorb-dbg
Description-md5: 6bcd75f29b5693b9af697b9edb13a8f8
Description-gl: Multiple-personality middleware for Ada (debug)
PolyORB provides a uniform solution to build distributed applications;
relying either on industrial-strength middleware standards such as CORBA,
the Distributed System Annex of Ada 95, distribution programming paradigms
such as Web Services, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), or to implement
application-specific middleware.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libpomp-dev
Description-md5: 462dac45625fb4a3c4bf1827c2a30113
Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files
OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all
necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one
to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpomp0
Description-md5: 0086375d9ce71a51b049c4eacc96e93d
Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - shared library
OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all
necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one
to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpomp2-dev
Description-md5: 05d40f81c1245cde8f9dfdaf6a3e6f33
Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files
OPARI2 is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all
necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one
to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP
This is the successor of opari (1), with a completely reworked API
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpoppler-glib-ruby
Description-md5: 2fad420803f3557ff31e4dbb2d8a5d8a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-poppler
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-poppler
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpoppler-glib-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2fad420803f3557ff31e4dbb2d8a5d8a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-poppler
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-poppler
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpoppler-glib-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 0c25d6892b6fcdb1130ed3be97fce271
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-poppler-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-poppler-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libpopplerkit-dev
Description-md5: b0eeb9a84bc1a995bae5b9f772f8269e
Description-gl: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (development files)
PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content.
It is based on the poppler library.
Its features are:
- Render PDF content.
- Extract text from a PDF document.
- Access a PDF document's outline.
- Search in PDF documents.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libportaudio-dev
Description-md5: 040df2bde13015a2b8b419ac2975c974
Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - development files
PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform
support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio
processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit
floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libportaudio-doc
Description-md5: 75f3491c545fe83bd2d291a84a8851e3
Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - documentation
PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform
support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio
processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit
floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libportaudio0
Description-md5: a71bbbd00a98fe093b85cc97ff79e9ae
Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - shared library
PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform
support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio
processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit
floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libportsmf-dev
Description-md5: 9397c31b165890b13d8080d249f55866
Description-gl: Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files)
Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for
reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.
- input and output of Standard MIDI Files
- data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory
o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks
o track structure consisting of multiple events
o events contain note and control data
o extensible attribute-value property lists
o tempo track and time signature representation
- input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files
- extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks
- conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libportsmf0
Description-md5: 3447fc91d252aad27e8609d6417968d9
Description-gl: Portable Standard Midi File Library
Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for
reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.
- input and output of Standard MIDI Files
- data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory
o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks
o track structure consisting of multiple events
o events contain note and control data
o extensible attribute-value property lists
o tempo track and time signature representation
- input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files
- extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks
- conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc.
Package: libpostgresql-jdbc-java-doc
Description-md5: ffb0b1fd3217cabe0d85344e101323e0
Description-gl: Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL (documentation)
Java classes for communication with the PostgreSQL 7.2 up to 8.4 database
backend (local or remote) using JDBC. This package contains two Java
archives (JARs), one that supports JDBC 3.0 and SSL (for JDK 1.4 and up)
and one that supports JDBC 4.0 and SSL (for JDK 1.6 and up).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libpostproc-extra-52
Description-md5: cb1314020471c45aa7130055342c1e68
Description-gl: Libav video postprocessing library
This is the video postprocessing library from the Libav project.
Este paquete contén unha versión sen restricións do obxecto compartido
libpostproc, que só debería ser empregado polos paquetes de Debian-.
Package: libpotrace-dev
Description-md5: abd121465afda9b39bd9e184a0586e97
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca potrace
potrace is a utility for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a
bitmap into a smooth, scalable image.
libpotrace-dev contains header file needed to compile programs that
utilize the potrace library.
Package: libpowerman0-dev
Description-md5: 78e6d7a42ba7b35667ffbb96bd3853c6
Description-gl: Development files for Powerman - Centralized PDU management
PowerMan is a tool for manipulating Power Distribution Units (PDUs) from a
central location. It is suitable for remote operation in data centers or
compute cluster environment.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpqxx-3.1-dbg
Description-md5: 54ba5229b2e70d3d9f80d45787569c0a
Description-gl: Biblioteca en C++ para conectarse a PostgreSQL (símbolos de depuración)
C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL
database back-end.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libpqxx. É
necesario para obter un trazado inverso útil para cando fallan os
aplicativos que utilicen a biblioteca libpqxx.
Package: libpqxx-dbg
Description-md5: 54ba5229b2e70d3d9f80d45787569c0a
Description-gl: Biblioteca en C++ para conectarse a PostgreSQL (símbolos de depuración)
C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL
database back-end.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libpqxx. É
necesario para obter un trazado inverso útil para cando fallan os
aplicativos que utilicen a biblioteca libpqxx.
Package: libprelude-perl
Description-md5: 1cfd4d601a542421ca50b51eb5b29e17
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the perl bindings for Prelude.
Package: libpreludedb-dev
Description-md5: 8d879d5c424092b3f299c355c9ec57e3
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Development files ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the development files for PreludeDB components.
Package: libpreludedb-perl
Description-md5: 1da25dce8ee3cf33f1e738fb5dc6ba7e
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the perl bindings for PreludeDB.
Package: libpreludedb0
Description-md5: 0c0f7260740def5858353c979558783c
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the PreludeDB shared library.
Package: libpresage1
Description-md5: da65d13c0bcd366f8d981d4cdf6b2091
Description-gl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library)
Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of
textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing
which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next.
The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information
thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most
probable tokens.
Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to
generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language
model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and
semantic information sources.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libpresage1-dbg
Description-md5: a08265d0317abcfaa0356fdfd65928c3
Description-gl: Plataforma de introdución de texto intelixente e preditiva (símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida)
Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of
textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing
which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next.
The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information
thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most
probable tokens.
Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to
generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language
model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and
semantic information sources.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida.
Package: libprison-dbg
Description-md5: bb2085cae0a6e29dcc7a27a5efc46cc6
Description-gl: API de códigos de barras para Qt - símbolos de depuración
prison is a barcode API currently offering a nice Qt API to produce QRCode
barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes, and can easily be made support more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para depurar fallos da
biblioteca prison
Package: libprison0
Description-md5: 8a9e710171b850ad307b78f8777a54ed
Description-gl: barcode API for Qt
prison is a barcode API currently offering a nice Qt API to produce QRCode
barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes, and can easily be made support more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos
Package: libprocesscore4abi1
Description-md5: 560bc28bbf0a4fcda51c98c83645f11e
Description-gl: library for ksysguard based process view
This package contains libraries needed for ksysguard based process view.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libprocessui4a
Description-md5: 6a7fdeffe3ab18a7e31e7e289fb5cfcf
Description-gl: library for ksysguard process user interface
This package contains libraries needed for ksysguard process user
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libprogressbar-ruby
Description-md5: 1896807f84d074c2a08c4bdcc57068af
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-progressbar
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-progressbar
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libprogressbar-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 1896807f84d074c2a08c4bdcc57068af
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-progressbar
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-progressbar
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libprotobuf-c0
Description-md5: 95fddce202cb71985aec5d4db69d95e5
Description-gl: Protocol Buffers C library
Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for
serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.
You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use
special generated source code to easily write and read your structured
data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of
languages. You can even update your data structure without breaking
deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.
This is the C implementation of protocol buffers.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libprotobuf-c0-dev
Description-md5: 26c429783bce4719404e6664c508f287
Description-gl: Protocol Buffers C static library and headers
Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for
serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.
You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use
special generated source code to easily write and read your structured
data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of
languages. You can even update your data structure without breaking
deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.
This is the C implementation of protocol buffers.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de
Package: libpugl-dbg
Description-md5: 37ab8b5b6e1646989e7a1c5cdd75a44f
Description-gl: API portátil para interfaces gráficas en OpenGL (símbolos de depuración)
Pugl is a minimal portable API for OpenGL GUIs which supports embedding
and is suitable for use in plugins, but can also be used for programs.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libpurelibc-dev
Description-md5: b16ec1b0c7fdc73db6a00a474668025f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca purelibc
purelibc is an overlay library that converts the glibc, the GNU standard C
library, into a pure library, i.e. a library that can upcall instead of
running the system calls. With purelibc a process can trace (and
virtualize) its own calls. It is used, for instance, by the UMView modules
to support the recursion of virtual environments.
purelibc, along with UMView, is part of the View-OS project:
This package contains the files needed to compile applications that link
Package: libpuzzle-dev
Description-md5: 3cf50754184ea1b780fbcc5e579f28d0
Description-gl: quick similar image finder - development files
The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images
(GIF, PNG, JPG), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored
or slightly modified.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libpyzy-dev
Description-md5: 1f705aea93b67ce8a06486468af45582
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpyzy
Algorithm library of ibus-pinyin. It is separated from ibus-pinyin to
convenient other programs.
This package contains static library and header files.
Package: libqaccessibilityclient-dev
Description-md5: 42fc9bab4171c820a38c5a51988799b4
Description-gl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier
Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen
readers for example.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libqalculate5
Description-md5: d259e364d39e86d2ec2ec0bbf8522e97
Description-gl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - library
Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility
underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary
precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-
tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida empregada por todas as
interfaces do Qalculate!.
Package: libqdjango-dbg
Description-md5: 84732fb0911d927d78aa3d8714bfcbcb
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da infraestrutura QDjango
QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt.
Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libqdjango-dev
Description-md5: 268832bf47a300255aadeb06b460e55e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da infraestrutura QDjango
QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt.
Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name.
This package contains the development headers and libraries.
Package: libqdjango-doc
Description-md5: 67a73c0aa314bdafc22e16390d437963
Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura QDjango
QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt.
Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: libqfits-dev
Description-md5: 5a6ab3ed000aacbd5051dffb20ec3ba0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libqfits
This package contains the header files and static library needed to
compile applications that use qfits.
Package: libqgpgme1
Description-md5: 5748009851caef0425f1a98c37c8afb5
Description-gl: library for GpgME++ integration with Qt
QGpgME is a library that provides GpgME++ integration with QEventLoop and
some Qt datatypes (e.g. QByteArray).
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libqmi-glib-doc
Description-md5: 3bcaba736bf4f2671c9b86184d60ff6a
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libqmi-glib
This package provides the API documentation for libqmi-glib for adding QMI
support to applications that use glib.
Package: libqof2-dbg
Description-md5: 2766f3c37fd5efa9fcbbe58325607831
Description-gl: Query Object Framework - Debug Symbols
QOF is a framework to allow the execution of SQL-type queries using
collections of in-memory objects as 'tables'.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración que poden ser útiles ao
desenvolver aplicativos que empregue QOF.
Package: libqpid-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 174bee84c53fb3a49f8a8b0154ceb8e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-qpid
Este é un paquete transitorio para libqpid-ruby1.8 e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: libqrupdate1
Description-md5: 362cd8c45e0cb27993e05f8be51c697c
Description-gl: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions
qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is
most notably used by Octave.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libqscintilla2-designer
Description-md5: fc7121805924d55a1d7e2195d99804cf
Description-gl: Qt4 Designer plugin for QScintilla 2
O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades
especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a
posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de
código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes.
This package contains a plugin to use the QScintilla 2 widget in the Qt4
UI Designer.
Package: libqt4-ruby
Description-md5: 4f7c0a0e869c86d65e15cf93491084a6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-qt4
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-qt4 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libqt4-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4f7c0a0e869c86d65e15cf93491084a6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-qt4
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-qt4 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libqt4pas-dev
Description-md5: b4effdb3be6836b16393e289f69008b0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Qt4Pas
Provides interface for Pascal applications to the Qt4 C++ libraries. This
binding does not cover the whole Qt4 framework, it just contains all
classes needed to use Qt as a widgetset.
This package contains files needed to develop Qt4 based applications with
Package: libqt5multimedia5-touch
Description-md5: 0fd4e386c6bde062c12b013340fc2cae
Description-gl: Módulo de multimedia de Qt 5
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Este paquete contén un conxunto de API para reproducir e gravar multimedia
e xestionar unha colección de contido multimedia.
Package: libqt5multimedia5-touch-plugins
Description-md5: 871e5673651571ab7438746185ff6654
Description-gl: Engadidos do módulo de multimedia de Qt 5
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Este paquete contén un conxunto de engadidos para admitir m3u, pulseaudio
e GStreamer.
Package: libqt5sql5-mysql
Description-md5: ef00502b07fd416665becb7a946fa058
Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de MySQL de Qt 5
Este paquete contén o engadido de MySQL para Qt 5.
Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á
base de datos MySQL.
Package: libqtexengine-dev
Description-md5: 84f29ff803b97339499b0d694c93c425
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca QTeXEngine
QTeXEngine enables Qt based applications to easily export graphics created
using the QPainter class to TeX. It is built on top of QPaintEngine and
uses the TikZ/Pgf graphic systems for TeX.
This package contains the development and header files for the QTeXEngine
Package: libqtgtl-dev
Description-md5: 9452d14e80b520e36401617705be4c13
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para interfaces de Qt con OpenGTL
libQtGTL é unha biblioteca que fornece trebellos e clases que serven de
interface para aplicativos baseados en Qt con OpenGTL (Linguaxe de
transformación de gráficos).
Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libQtGTL.
Package: libqtgtl0.2
Description-md5: ad2e9aaf343664758feee71d0c79b300
Description-gl: Ficheiros de bibliotecas para interfaces de Qt con OpenGTL
libQtGTL é unha biblioteca que fornece trebellos e clases que serven de
interface para aplicativos baseados en Qt con OpenGTL (Linguaxe de
transformación de gráficos).
Package: libqtmultimediakit1
Description-md5: 35d38d63ad7717045134c0a2829ac79f
Description-gl: Qt Mobility MultimediaKit module
Qt Mobility delivers a set of new APIs for mobile device functionality.
Este paquete contén un conxunto de API para reproducir e gravar multimedia
e xestionar unha colección de contido multimedia.
Package: libqtwebkit-qmlwebkitplugin
Description-md5: 1b40639a1b924fd7e156a8c37eae8dfb
Description-gl: Engadido QML de Qt para WebKit
QtWebKit provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content
from the World Wide Web into your Qt application.
Este paquete contén o engadido QML de WebKit para QtDeclarative.
Package: libquadrule-dev
Description-md5: 1d7f17af0e2073cb44b2af43781f945c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de quadrule
QUADRULE is a C library which sets up a variety of quadrature rules, used
to approximate the integral of a function over various domains.
QUADRULE returns the abscissas and weights for a variety of one
dimensional quadrature rules for approximating the integral of a function.
The best rule is generally Gauss-Legendre quadrature, but other rules
offer special features, including the ability to handle certain weight
functions, to approximate an integral on an infinite integration region,
or to estimate the approximation error.
This package provides everything needed for compiling C programs that call
quadrule functions.
Package: libquantum8
Description-md5: bb721486342296c41f1fd52ec5f320e1
Description-gl: library for the simulation of a quantum computer
libquantum is a C library for the simulation of a quantum computer. Based
on the principles of quantum mechanics, it provides an implementation of a
quantum register. Basic operations for register manipulation such as the
Hadamard gate or the Controlled-NOT gate are available through an easy-to-
use interface. Measurements can be performed on either single qubits or
the whole quantum register.
* Simulation of arbitrary quantum algorithms is possible
* High perfomance and low memory consumption
* Decoherence support for realistic quantum computation
* Interface for quantum error correction (QEC)
* Supports the density operator formalism
* Implementations of Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search
algorithm are included
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libquazip0-dbg
Description-md5: bcfcdacfae51a2c565c56a479fc9241a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libquazip
QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package
that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit.
QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API,
and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever
you would like to use on your zipped files.
QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both
reading from and writing to ZIP archives.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do IDE Qt Creator.
Package: libquazip0-dev
Description-md5: 8e7761b048745a12366dd087c8b25359
Description-gl: C++ wrapper wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files)
QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package
that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit.
QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API,
and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever
you would like to use on your zipped files.
QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both
reading from and writing to ZIP archives.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libquickfix14-dbg
Description-md5: 4802ac120b2f1e9263a6f0410818a015
Description-gl: Biblioteca do protocolo FIX - símbolos de depuración
The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol is a message standard
developed to facilitate the electronic exchange of information related to
securities transactions. It is intended for use between trading partners
wishing to automate communications.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración do quickfix.
Package: libquicktime-dev
Description-md5: d267680c6a1ab57536dc5a4e4fc20ab6
Description-gl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (development)
libquicktime is a library for reading and writing QuickTime files on UNIX
systems. Video CODECs supported by this library are OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG
Photo, PNG, RGB, YUV 4:2:2, and YUV 4:2:0 compression. Supported audio
CODECs are Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw, and any linear PCM format.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libqwt-dev
Description-md5: 5b57fa364c13f154a01f447d2da86156
Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (desenvolvemento)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Qwt para Qt.
Package: libqwt-doc
Description-md5: 5219e56c993fd6d844f2b3ec4a01abe6
Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (documentación)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
This package contains the Qwt library documentation and programming
examples for developers.
Package: libqwt5-doc
Description-md5: dcb5b084555ec4ea3f6e84e62194f260
Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (documentación)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
This package contains the Qwt library documentation and programming
examples for developers. The documentation is generated for Qt4.
Package: libqwt5-qt4
Description-md5: da43a10adda47defc4f19ddce9abf8e3
Description-gl: Qt4 widgets library for technical applications (runtime)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que
empreguen a biblioteca Qwt e Qt4.
Package: libqwt5-qt4-dev
Description-md5: 98607c0cbf2a6beaf9858391e1ab34a4
Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt4 para aplicativos técnicos (desenvolvemento)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Qwt para Qt4.
Package: libqwt6
Description-md5: eb09239ef3eea73821cc174948a2f607
Description-gl: Qt widgets library for technical applications (runtime)
The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are
primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these
widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que
empreguen a biblioteca Qwt e Qt.
Package: libqxmpp-dev
Description-md5: 8945352ac346a9f60fbb923da035a50b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca QXmpp
QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be
as easy to use as possible.
This package contains the development headers and libraries.
Package: libqxmpp-doc
Description-md5: 6d121c3fdcde483c6c25e97a22d7b3ba
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca QXmpp
QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be
as easy to use as possible.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: libqxmpp0
Description-md5: 2918ea70a02995fa5b48f49929eff7c1
Description-gl: QXmpp library for XMPP client and server applications
QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be
as easy to use as possible.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libqxmpp0-dbg
Description-md5: 631b7ac4b99b601ade8068fb11a980f9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca QXmpp
QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be
as easy to use as possible.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libqzeitgeist-dbg
Description-md5: 443f9977ffc59d02c9e18244464dc868
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libqzeitgeist
Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and notifications,
anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations, and
makes this information readily available for other applications to use. It
is also able to establish relationships between items based on similarity
and usage patterns.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración de libqtzeitgeist.
Package: libqzeitgeist-dev
Description-md5: 210258ff1409cc6f968a8e68946daf44
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libqzeitgeist
Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and notifications,
anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations, and
makes this information readily available for other applications to use. It
is also able to establish relationships between items based on similarity
and usage patterns.
This package provides the development files for libqtzeitgeist.
Package: librabbitmq-dbg
Description-md5: c76092813f0fe2bb0c116439d063bad2
Description-gl: AMQP client library written in C - Debug Files
RabbitMQ provides robust messaging for applications. It is easy to use,
fit for purpose at cloud scale and supported on all major operating
systems and developer platforms. librabbitmq is a C-language AMQP client
library for use with AMQP servers such as RabbitMQ speaking protocol
versions 0-9-1.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: librack-ruby
Description-md5: 4beb62d09e5f36398f39fa1c23159a5b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rack
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rack package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: librack-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4beb62d09e5f36398f39fa1c23159a5b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rack
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rack package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: librack-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 4beb62d09e5f36398f39fa1c23159a5b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rack
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rack package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: librampart-dev
Description-md5: 5e81696ab2d3df00c0da0a8a2fb40596
Description-gl: Apache web services security engine - Development
Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It features in
many ways to protect SOAP messages exchanged. This includes SOAP message
encryption and signature as specified in WS-Security Specification. In
addition Apache Rampart/C configurations are based on security policy
assertions as per WS-Security Policy specificatoin
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: librampart-doc
Description-md5: f5aaa8038091db0dc6880751b93a7ee6
Description-gl: Apache web services security engine - Documentation
Apache Rampart/C is the security module for Apache Axis2/C. It features in
many ways to protect SOAP messages exchanged. This includes SOAP message
encryption and signature as specified in WS-Security Specification. In
addition Apache Rampart/C configurations are based on security policy
assertions as per WS-Security Policy specificatoin
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: librasterlite1
Description-md5: 2a11846c58f15921353d356b81e14943
Description-gl: library supporting raster data sources for spatialite
librasterlite is a library supporting raster data sources within a
SpatiaLite DataBase, and any releated command-line management tool.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libratpoints-dev
Description-md5: 9f93640ce0beb1e168af73f3377adbac
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libratpoints
This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound
on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized
quadratic sieve algorithm.
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libraw-bin
Description-md5: 4c913ed132454ab0396aa40ae3b9f9f5
Description-gl: raw image decoder library (tools)
LibRaw é unha biblioteca para ler ficheiros RAW obtidos de cámaras
fotográficas dixitais (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG e outros).
This package contains some tools to manipulate RAW files.
Package: librcsb-core-wrapper-doc
Description-md5: 2056c7b023a65fb38bc4f9e3a3ccc38b
Description-gl: documentation for librcsb-core-wrapper0
The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented
application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several
classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files.
Este paquete contén documentación en HTML.
Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0
Description-md5: 76b14fd0ad75ca5a0807b9f83a3a33db
Description-gl: C++ library providing OO API to information in mmCIF format
The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented
application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several
classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0-dbg
Description-md5: 1ec64fa918fb9636fcdbfac550d33125
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de librcsb-core-wrapper0
The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented
application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several
classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files.
This package contains the detached debug symbols for the library and the
Python bindings.
Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0-dev
Description-md5: 2396ce23bde421880c11a768e84c4060
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de librcsb-core-wrapper0
The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented
application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several
classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files.
This package contains files necessary for developing applications with the
Package: librdf-storage-mysql
Description-md5: 9e7a87dd310e5dc60d6b8be80c6fead7
Description-gl: RDF library, MySQL backend
Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para
RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada
en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML,
mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para
que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus
aplicativos, así como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa
This package contains the MySQL storage backend.
Package: librdf-storage-postgresql
Description-md5: 58e18e8a427a3c6c6fe6c8734c45a383
Description-gl: RDF library, PostGreSQL backend
Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para
RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada
en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML,
mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para
que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus
aplicativos, así como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa
This package contains the PostGreSQL storage backend.
Package: librdf-storage-sqlite
Description-md5: dbcdbb49f20f64309855accc1cf62c8d
Description-gl: RDF library, SQLite backend
Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para
RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada
en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML,
mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para
que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus
aplicativos, así como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa
This package contains the SQLite storage backend.
Package: librdf-storage-virtuoso
Description-md5: 183dd4cac130dea64164e500b1ad5c86
Description-gl: RDF library, Virtuoso backend
Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para
RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada
en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML,
mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para
que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus
aplicativos, así como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa
This package contains the Virtuoso storage backend.
Package: librdkafka1-dbg
Description-md5: c237dc0d3845c1a0f8fe85152109462a
Description-gl: library implementing the Apache Kafka protocol (debugging symbols)
librdkafka is a C implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol. It
currently implements the 0.8 version of the protocol and can be used to
develop both Producers and Consumers.
More information about Apache Kafka can be found at
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: librdkit1
Description-md5: a892e2294be2512cbce38417b4463409
Description-gl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (shared libraries)
RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software
environment. Features Include:
* Chemical reaction handling and transforms
* Substructure searching with SMARTS
* Canonical SMILES
* Molecule-molecule alignment
* Large number of descriptors
* Fragmentation using RECAP rules
* 2D coordinate generation and depiction
* 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding
* UFF forcefield
* Calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes
* Pharmacophore searching
* Calculation of shape similarity
* Atom pairs and topological torsions fingerprints
* Feature maps and feature-maps vectors
* Machine-learning algorithms
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit
binary format.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libreadline-java
Description-md5: 2be92708090969b8931bd2d03a2e8ea8
Description-gl: envolturas do readline de GNU e do editline de BSD para Java
Inclúese o paquete de Java org.gnu.readline, que fornece as bibliotecas do
readline de GNU e o editline de BSD para Java. Teña en conta que NON se
trata dunha implementación en Java puro; simplemente contén as envolturas
de JNI para as bibliotecas padrón do sistema.
O editline de BSD é semellante ao readline de GNU mais publícase baixo
unha licenza máis laxa. Nalgúns casos pódese empregar como substituto
inmediato do readline de GNU cando haxa cuestións de licenza que eviten
que se poida empregar o readline de GNU.
The API documentation and examples can be found in libreadline-java-doc.
Package: libreadline-java-doc
Description-md5: a433325f3d63499fe123313269f77381
Description-gl: Documentación da API das envolturas de readline/editline para Java
Este paquete fornece a documentación da API e exemplos das envolturas do
readline de GNU e do editline de BSD para Java. As envolturas en si
pódense atopar no paquete libreadline-java.
Package: libreadosm-dev
Description-md5: 15541fd6f144da0f81a6da425b14d498
Description-gl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - headers
ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an
OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats,
.osm (XML) and .pbf.
Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are:
- to be simple and lightweight
- to be stable, robust and efficient
- to be easily and universally portable
- making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files
completely transparent from the application own perspective.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento
Package: libreadosm-doc
Description-md5: 6da3bead18ac5d6df9324fe11fedd351
Description-gl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - documentation
ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an
OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats,
.osm (XML) and .pbf.
Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are:
- to be simple and lightweight
- to be stable, robust and efficient
- to be easily and universally portable
- making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files
completely transparent from the application own perspective.
Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca.
Package: libredcloth-ruby
Description-md5: 56d4728c60179386ec85aad62c378e26
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-redcloth
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-redcloth
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libredcloth-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 56d4728c60179386ec85aad62c378e26
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-redcloth
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-redcloth
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libredcloth-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 56d4728c60179386ec85aad62c378e26
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-redcloth
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-redcloth
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libredcloth-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 56d4728c60179386ec85aad62c378e26
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-redcloth
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-redcloth
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libregistry-dev
Description-md5: 37d90934e9e6894a1a939909aeb337c3
Description-gl: Registry library - development files
The Samba registry library provides read and write access to Windows registries. At the moment the following formats are supported:
- The default Windows NT, 2000 and XP registry format (such as NTUSER.DAT
- Remote Windows and Samba registries over the DCE/RPC protocol
- Samba native registry files (basically LDB files)
The library also contains support for applying and generating registry
patch files.
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libreoffice
Description-md5: 69d7556a53642b01f6e6383cd4447bc4
Description-gl: office productivity suite (metapackage)
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice:
* libreoffice-writer: Word processor
* libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet
* libreoffice-impress: Presentation
* libreoffice-draw: Drawing
* libreoffice-base: Database
* libreoffice-math: Equation editor
You can extend the functionality of LibreOffice by installing these packages:
* hunspell-*/myspell-*: Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries
for use with LibreOffice
* libreoffice-l10n-*: UI interface translation
* libreoffice-help-*: User help
* mythes-*: Thesauri for the use with LibreOffice
* hyphen-*: Hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice
* libreoffice-gtk: Gtk UI Plugin, GNOME File Picker support,
QuickStarter for GNOMEs notification are
* libreoffice-gnome: GIO, GConf backend
* libreoffice-kde: KDE UI Plugin and KDE File Picker support
* unixodbc: ODBC database support
* cups-bsd: Allows LibreOffice to detect your CUPS printer queues
* libsane: Use your sane-supported scanner with LibreOffice
* libxrender1: Speed up display by using Xrender library
* libgl1: OpenGL support
* openclipart-libreoffice: Open Clip Art Gallery with LibreOffice index
* iceweasel | firefox | icedove | thunderbird | iceape-browser | mozilla-browser:
Mozilla profile with Certificates needed for XML Security...
* openjdk-6-jre | gcj-jre | java5-runtime:
Java Runtime Environment for use with LibreOffice
* pstoedit / imagemagick: helper tools for EPS thumbnails
* gstreamer0.10-plugins-*: GStreamer plugins for use with LibreOffices
media backend
* libpaper-utils: papersize detection support via paperconf
* bluez: Bluetooth support for Impress (slideshow remote control)
Package: libreoffice-dmaths
Description-md5: afd06bf1add802d64ea3199f44753788
Description-gl: Melloras do editor de fórmulas do LibreOffice
Dmaths é software que se integra coas suites de ofimática LibreOffice
(libre) e NeoOffice (libre) para Mac OS X e que axuda os científicos e
quen desexe editar fórmulas matemáticas e/ou científica. Tamén emprega
directamente o software preferido de debuxo e incorpora funcións gráficas
nun documento.
Package: libreoffice-emailmerge
Description-md5: 2c1f7654fa07fe7d3f460384f5d78da5
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para a fusión de correo electrónico de LibreOffice
This package used to contain the email merge module for LibreOffice. It
has been integrated in libreoffice-common now. You can safely remove this
Package: libreoffice-gtk3
Description-md5: 4e56e2ffd158c495dc1ce183adb83df3
Description-gl: suite de produtividade ofimática -- integración con GTK+
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains the Gtk plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with
Gtk+ 3.0 and Gtk/GNOMEish print dialog when running under GNOME.
Package: libreoffice-kde
Description-md5: 055bef0d629659ffd2957ff1a774c681
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- KDE integration
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains the KDE plugin for drawing OOo's widgets with KDE/Qt
and a KDEish File Picker when running under KDE. You can extend the
functionality of this by installing these packages:
* konqueror / kmail
* libreoffice-kab: KDE Addressbook support
Package: libreoffice-librelogo
Description-md5: 71fe1726b20ed521137fe79b55cd374b
Description-gl: Logo-like progamming language for LibreOffice
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
Este paquete contén Librelogo, que é unha linguaxe de programación tipo Logo baseada en pyuno con gráficos vectoriais interactivos para a educación e a maquetación
- sintaxe básica de Logo para compatibilidade para atrás cos sistemas educativos con Logo
- gráficos vectoriais interactivos no Writer do LibreOffice
- ordes nativas (facilmente traducíbeis)
- estruturas de datos de Python (lista, tuple, conxunto, dicionario) e outras funcionalidades de Python
Package: libreoffice-mysql-connector
Description-md5: a911b8b20116e62af2fea609f2117a03
Description-gl: MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
The MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension allows one to use the MariaDB or
MySQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or
Package: libreoffice-presenter-console
Description-md5: fd2158e2631b9d3d81ae059e3098a659
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para a consola do Presenter do LibreOffice
This package used to contain the LibreOffice presenter console. It has
been integrated with LibreOffice Impress 4.0. You can safely remove this
Package: libreoffice-report-builder
Description-md5: 8239ceaa4ebaf25c2b15325d48eb907c
Description-gl: LibreOffice component for building database reports
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains the report builder:
"Create with the Sun Report Builder stylish, smart-looking database reports.
The flexible report editor can define group and page headers as well as
group and page footers and even calculation fields are available to
accomplish complex database reports."
Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin
Description-md5: 4de9416ad29a7951be39b95f83055e84
Description-gl: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries
(librpt*.so) for the report builder component.
Package: libreoffice-script-provider-bsh
Description-md5: 720bef09745ce9eb4902772fb5c437d8
Description-gl: BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros
in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell
and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars,
keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects.
This package contains the script provider to support BeanShell.
Package: libreoffice-script-provider-js
Description-md5: 41b18315e9be2aaa24a28415b907118e
Description-gl: JavaScript script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros
in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell
and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars,
keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects.
This package contains the script provider to support JavaScript.
Package: libreoffice-script-provider-python
Description-md5: 019117f2dc708fc6c1179714b81e2076
Description-gl: Python script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros
in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell
and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars,
keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects.
This package contains the script provider to support Python.
Package: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql
Description-md5: 06f71158aa78dbe7201679601bd1279b
Description-gl: PostgreSQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
The PostgreSQL SDBC Driver allows one to use the PostgreSQL database from
LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC.
Package: libreoffice-style-crystal
Description-md5: becab05538bc310a7fd49d93f5ab2fec
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- Crystal symbol style
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains the "crystal" symbol style, default style for KDE 3.
Package: libreoffice-style-galaxy
Description-md5: 3b946fb4ef74a2b9038d2053e1c10e16
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- Galaxy (Default) symbol style
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
Este paquete contén o estilo de símbolos «Galaxy», feito pola Sun e que
normalmente se emprega no Windows de MS(tm) e que, cando non se emprega
GNOME ou KDE hai que activar manualmente no menú da opción do LibreOffice.
Package: libreoffice-style-hicontrast
Description-md5: 07b279fea9dc1f504ef997f9507c51d9
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- Hicontrast symbol style
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
Este paquete contén o estilo de símbolos «hicontrast», que hai que activar
manualmente no menú de opción do LibreOffice.
Package: libreoffice-style-oxygen
Description-md5: 87c07a1760d5171f3863d8dc426c52d9
Description-gl: suite de produtividade ofimática -- Estilo de símbolos Oxygen
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
Este paquete contén o estilo de símbolos «oxygen», o predeterminado de KDE
Package: libreoffice-wiki-publisher
Description-md5: a66aaa282ae4941588a4d314d1ebbf79
Description-gl: Extensión do LibreOffice para traballar con artigos de MediaWiki
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
Este paquete contén unha extensión para crear/editar/publicar artigos de
MediaWiki co LibreOffice
Package: libreoffice-writer2latex
Description-md5: 01a36593183c136a4133e917d239c25b
Description-gl: Extensión para LibreOffice para converter de Writer/Calc para LaTeX
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
Este paquete contén a extensión que fornece writer2latex para o
Package: libreoffice-writer2xhtml
Description-md5: db68508b3db03d26eca489282f55f27a
Description-gl: Extensión para LibreOffice para converter de Writer/Calc para XHTML
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
Este paquete contén a extensión que fornece writer2xhtml para o
Package: libreoffice-zemberek
Description-md5: 6609beab52ffc09d95070076e6b1fb65
Description-gl: Extensión de corrección ortográfica do turco para o LibreOffice
Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural
Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages,
especially Turkish.
Este paquete contén a extensión de corrección ortográfica do turco para o
Package: librestclient-ruby
Description-md5: 69d99381d6afc72bf7426b61536f0fa9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rest-client
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rest-client
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: librestclient-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 69d99381d6afc72bf7426b61536f0fa9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rest-client
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rest-client
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: librestlet-java-doc
Description-md5: 1b314ad98bbec45fbc085fde031ae29f
Description-gl: Documentación de librestlet-java
Restlet is a comprehensive yet lightweight RESTful web framework for Java
that lets you embrace the architecture style of the Web (REST) and benefit
from its simplicity and scalability.
This package contains the API documentation of librestlet-java.
Package: librgxg-dev
Description-md5: a8e38eeb983b5f3c0628e9911c2ed58e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación de librgxg
librgxg is a C library to generate (extended) regular expressions.
It can be useful to generate (extended) regular expressions to match for
instance a specific number range (e.g. 0 to 31 or 00 to FF) or all
addresses of a CIDR block (e.g. or 2001:db8:aaaa::/64).
This package contains the development files (i.e. includes, static
library, manual pages) that allow to build software which uses librgxg.
Package: librhash0-dbg
Description-md5: 8f54ee6960ddff053e84f0844adff09b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de librhash
LibRHash is a professional, portable, thread-safe C library for computing
magnet links and a wide variety of hash sums, such as CRC32, MD4, MD5,
SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, AICH, ED2K, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, GOST R
34.11-94, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, Whirlpool and Snefru.
This package contains debug information for the librhash shared library.
Package: librime0-dbg
Description-md5: fcaee0c3859e31a98bdeefe32a6b1f14
Description-gl: Rime Input Method Engine, the core library - debugging symbols
RIME is the acronym of Rime Input Method Engine.
RIME is a lightweight, extensible input method engine supporting various
input schematas including glyph-based input methods, romanization-based
input methods as well as those for Chinese dialects. It has the ability to
compose phrases and sentences intelligently and provide very accurate
traditional Chinese output. RIME's cross-platform core library is written
in C++, and can work consistently on different platforms with OS-specific
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do RIME.
Package: libripoff-dev
Description-md5: 321ebfbc99bd8204fdf07165fd34e586
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de ripoff
RipOff is a GTK+ based CD Ripper for Linux that sports a simple interface,
CDDB lookups, and a plugin-based encoder architecture.
This package contains the development files distributed with ripoff.
Package: librivet-dev
Description-md5: 4d67b11c39b7bb613a85c53f04313425
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Rivet
Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a
computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet
provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity
checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own
This package provides development files of Rivet.
Package: librmagick-ruby
Description-md5: 4d8bfc1aeec264a48072a4c131bb33a4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-imagemagick
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-imagemagick. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: librmagick-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 4d8bfc1aeec264a48072a4c131bb33a4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-imagemagick
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-imagemagick. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: librmagick-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4d8bfc1aeec264a48072a4c131bb33a4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-imagemagick
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-imagemagick. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libroboptim-core2-dbg
Description-md5: 77ebfc4ecafbad4480afc4201f783705
Description-gl: Biblioteca de optimización numérica - símbolos de depuración
RobOptim is a set of packages designed to make robotics non-linear
optimization problem easier to solve. It is composed of several packages
which are focusing on different kind of problem related to robotics,
especially humanoid robotics.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas.
Package: librobust-http-client-java-doc
Description-md5: d6ee4de0d3f82ff338be46086210c607
Description-gl: Documentación de librobust-http-client-java
This library provides a Java InputStream implementation around a HTTP
connection that automatically reconnects if the connection fails during
This package provides the API documentation for librobust-http-client-
Package: librome-java-doc
Description-md5: 06ae59dd11384aabf2ea657f1fe2793f
Description-gl: Documentación de librome-java
Documentación de ROME, que é un conxunto de ferramentas en Java de código
aberto para analizar, xerar e publicar fontes de RSS e Atom.
You can parse to an RSS object model, an Atom object model or an abstract
SyndFeed model that can model either family of formats.
Package: libromkan-ruby
Description-md5: 2d6ec7fdebb03e157a0af59933824578
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-romkan
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-romkan
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libromkan-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 2d6ec7fdebb03e157a0af59933824578
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-romkan
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-romkan
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libroot-math-unuran-dev
Description-md5: ee0a1fc0a1ae7e6a8a4ffbe34827a4dc
Description-gl: Random number generator library - development files
The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality
needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data efficiently.
It contains universal (also called automatic or black-box) algorithms that
can generate random numbers from large classes of continuous or discrete
distributions, and also from practically all standard distributions.
To generate random numbers the user must supply some information about the
desired distribution, especially a C-function that computes the density
and - depending on the chosen methods - some additional information (like
the borders of the domain, the mode, the derivative of the density ...).
After a user has given this information an init-program computes all
tables and constants necessary for the random variate generation. The
sample program can then generate variates from the desired distribution.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libropkg-perl
Description-md5: e874c95f6923ea0fd0679a53cd09069b
Description-gl: general purpose classes for simba
RoPkg consists from a Rsync module, a DB module and some base classes. The
Rsync module parses rsync configuration and client log files, being able
to generate new rsync configuration files without losing your comments or
separator lines. The DB module implements a singleton database pool class
which is able to connect to multiple databases at once and a database
object (an object who can be loaded/saved from/to a database).
Páxina web:
Package: librostlab-blast0
Description-md5: 0393081ba7d558876c2bb0f10e1bbcee
Description-gl: very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
This package provides a very fast library for parsing the default output
of NCBI BLAST programs into a C++ structure.
libzerg is faster, but it provides only lexing (i.e. it only returns pairs
of token identifiers and token string values). librostlab-blast uses a
parser generated with bison on top of a flex-generated lexer very similar
to that of libzerg.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: librostlab-blast0-dbg
Description-md5: 44e950f47cff1a3af095939c57407b16
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de librostlab-blast
This package provides the detached debug symbols for librostlab-blast.
Package: librostlab-doc
Description-md5: 7e50dbd605ed7f0d13ab87ed7fa79830
Description-gl: C++ library for computational biology (documentation)
This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven
by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core
of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic
material and its gene products.
The library provides the following facilities:
* current working directory resource
* exception with stack backtrace
* file lock resource
* passwd and group structures for C++
* effective uid and gid resource
* rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format
* umask resource
Este paquete contén documentación en HTML.
Package: librostlab3
Description-md5: 76dc5ccc01952c4a4563b99c6cbbc880
Description-gl: C++ library for computational biology
This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven
by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core
of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic
material and its gene products.
The library provides the following facilities:
* current working directory resource
* exception with stack backtrace
* file lock resource
* passwd and group structures for C++
* effective uid and gid resource
* rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format
* umask resource
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: librostlab3-dbg
Description-md5: 9a2075a9c53d21f3e4591cc3c813dbbc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de librostlab
The library provides the following facilities:
* current working directory resource
* exception with stack backtrace
* file lock resource
* passwd and group structures for C++
* effective uid and gid resource
* rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format
* umask resource
This package provides the detached debug symbols for librostlab.
Package: librsl-dev
Description-md5: a54f3ac8055ea4e9bee47f0f928773e0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de RSL
RSL is a library produced by the NASA TRMM Satellite Validation Office and
used to access several radar file formats. It can generated images
directly or be used to load data files for other programs.
It can read the following file formats: WSR88D/NEXRAD, Lassen, Sigmet,
McGill, UF, HDF, RAPIC, RADTEC and the native RSL file format.
This package contains the header files and static libraries which are
needed for developing programs that use grits.
Package: librsskit0-dbg
Description-md5: c81e355ededbf3015c475422360baf1c
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de RSS de GNUstep (símbolos de depuración)
RSSKit is a GNUstep library (framework) for parsing and reading various
RSS file formats.
This package contains the detached debugging symbols.
Package: librsvg2-ruby
Description-md5: 126cb13a9bcb0806fa4699e27ba19654
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rsvg2
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rsvg2 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: librsvg2-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 126cb13a9bcb0806fa4699e27ba19654
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rsvg2
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rsvg2 package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: librsvg2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 6cef469955c6c551181f95c80b448ec4
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rsvg2-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rsvg2-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: librt-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 97eee9347ad38e8b05551a1c7b623541
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rt
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rttool
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: librtai1
Description-md5: 1ec3874cdfa80b74ebc9730dac219c4f
Description-gl: Real Time Application Interface (module source)
RTAI is a realtime extension with a broad variety of services which make
realtime programmers' lifes easier. Some of them are
choose between FIFO and RR scheduling policies on a per task basis.
extended POSIX APIs and message queues, in kernel and user space
semaphores can be typed as: counting, binary and resource
a mailbox implementation
LXRT for hard real time in user space
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: librtaudio-dbg
Description-md5: 86c2e3673567ee27ef5666be1838cde6
Description-gl: Biblioteca en C++ para a entrada/saída de son en tempo real (símbolos de depuración)
RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application
Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux
(native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows
(DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies
the process of interacting with computer audio hardware.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: librtfcomp-dbg
Description-md5: 3f2cc7bb9b44acf9ea8b06d23b883c2d
Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler ficheiros RTF comprimidos (símbolos de depuración)
Can decompress and recompress compressed RTF and convert from UTF8 to RTF
for use in things like the AirSync protocols.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: librtfilter1-dbg
Description-md5: ed777342edcb4720deae74ad903fbfce
Description-gl: realtime digital filtering library (debugging symbols)
rtfilter is a library that provides a set of routines implementing
realtime digital filter for multichannel signals (i.e. filtering multiple
signals with the same filter parameters). It implements FIR, IIR filters
and downsampler for float and double data type (both for real and complex
valued signal). Additional functions are also provided to design few usual
filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev, windowed sinc, analytical filter...
One of the main differences from other libraries providing digital signal
processing is that the filter functions have been specifically designed
and optimized for multichannel signals (from few channels to several
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: librtlsdr-dev
Description-md5: 29f2fdb7d8f0b96a1c1915fd8793a197
Description-gl: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (library)
rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain
low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: librtmidi-dbg
Description-md5: 5155ea21b643d6b8ad6b0656f738a8d0
Description-gl: Biblioteca en C++ para a entrada/saída de MIDI en tempo real (símbolos de depuración)
RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application
Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native
ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and
ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of
interacting with computer audio hardware.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libruby2ruby-ruby
Description-md5: 41577b32c72f31e665c6784ab0263b28
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-ruby2ruby
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-ruby2ruby
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libruby2ruby-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 41577b32c72f31e665c6784ab0263b28
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-ruby2ruby
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-ruby2ruby
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: librxp-dev
Description-md5: b3ea4cb1f6086a2d3a24d28b66d7803e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de librxp
XML is a metalanguage to let you design your own markup language. librxp
is a library that can be used to parse and validate XML documents.
This package contains the static library and header files used in
Package: librxtx-java-dbg
Description-md5: d2a1038ecd22e32a617463c57b3570bc
Description-gl: Full Java CommAPI implementation, Debugging Symbols
RXTX is a full implementation of the Java CommAPI from Sun. It contains
native libraries providing serial and parallel communication for the Java
Development Toolkit.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de librxtx-java.
Package: libsamba-hostconfig-dev
Description-md5: 58513b649f0475862710098f417d3ab9
Description-gl: Samba host configuration library - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
These packages contain snapshot versions of Samba 4, the next-generation
version of Samba.
Library for accessing the Samba4 host-specific configuration files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsamba-util-dev
Description-md5: eb09eec6ee1200dddc5de024cb78ecb6
Description-gl: Samba utility function library - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
libsamba-util is a collection of generic data structures and functions
used within Samba.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsamdb-dev
Description-md5: 181e8dc4cdef258d885f1cde262276e6
Description-gl: SAM database - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o
Package: libsamizdat-ruby
Description-md5: b1b9986db7f568d3045bf69dd4323add
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do samizdat
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the samizdat package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libsamizdat-ruby1.8
Description-md5: b1b9986db7f568d3045bf69dd4323add
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do samizdat
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the samizdat package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libsane-extras-common
Description-md5: 5c410662a807855f9f043823cd7a9bb1
Description-gl: Biblioteca da API para escáneres - ficheiros de documentación e compatibilidade
SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application
programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any
raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video-
and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and
its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source
code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux,
OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General
Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too,
This package includes documentation for libsane-extras, such as the man
pages and other support files.
Package: libsane-extras-dev
Description-md5: 250b274b940996c68085673bc2da80dc
Description-gl: Biblioteca de desenvolvemento da API para escáneres [ficheiros de desenvolvemento]
SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application
programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any
raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video-
and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and
its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source
code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux,
OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General
Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too,
This package contains the development files relative to the extra backends
provided by libsane-extras.
Package: libsbigudrv-dev
Description-md5: b5fd7f374634fd19f5d523a19d63cb71
Description-gl: development files for SBIG universal driver
Library to control SBIG Astronomical Instruments. Supports all of SBIG’s
Parallel, Ethernet and USB based cameras and accessories.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsbjson-dev
Description-md5: 80c527e6f229ee2b5ab89ed93b8d0408
Description-gl: Objective-C JSON library (development files)
A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to
existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible
APIs are also provided for added control.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsbjson2.3
Description-md5: e893ac05eae51ee3ea62fa0080ebd353
Description-gl: Objective-C JSON library
A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to
existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible
APIs are also provided for added control.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsbsms-dev
Description-md5: da4c5f38e978e8518fc894111e1455f0
Description-gl: Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis (development files)
libsbsms is a C++ library for high quality time stretching and pitch
scaling of audio. It uses octave subband sinusoidal modeling.
The audio is fed into a FIFO, which takes the STFT of the input. Each
frame is high-pass filtered in the Fourier domain, and then written to a
frame FIFO which does quadratic interpolating peak detection and track
continuation. The tracks are resynthesized with a quadratic phase
preserving oscillator bank at an arbitrary time scale.
The subbands are fed from the low-pass filtered frames, which are
decimated by two and reconstructed in a half rate time domain. The
subbands perform the same process as the parent band, only the data is at
half the audio frequency, and at half the rate. There are typically 6
bands. The point of subbands is to allow high time resolution for high
frequencies and at the same time high frequency resolution for low
Pitch scaling is performed in a post-processing resampling step.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libscalc0
Description-md5: b6963f5a7286349835e1420c500a0f11
Description-gl: simple/symbolic calculation library
SCalc is a C++ library for manipulation of mathematical expressions. It is
possible to define functions, either using an expression or a C function.
It is able to compute derivatives analytically, and is therefore suitable
for implementing non-linear curve fitting with user-specified arbitrary
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida
Package: libscope-guard-perl
Description-md5: 0ab1354db485ee56de877e8d97c7296e
Description-gl: lexically scoped resource management
Scope::Guard is a Perl module that provides a convenient way to perform
cleanup or other forms of resource management at the end of a scope. It is
particularly useful when dealing with exceptions.
Para obter máis información, consulte
Package: libsdl-image1.2
Description-md5: b04046f8d6efcac7094eea4596dd127a
Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL
surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX,
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl-image1.2-dev
Description-md5: 88e45ebbfade6fd5cc266ca8c5364641
Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files
This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL
surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX,
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl-mixer1.2
Description-md5: 6365dd710480410f247a015e3bf6e992
Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any
number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a
single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity
MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
Description-md5: c9cb3ce99772b1ad82e3e483c57b44c2
Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files
SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any
number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a
single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity
MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl-net1.2
Description-md5: d9a5c0da6adf42bc40db5f9ca3c36408
Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be
used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl-net1.2-dev
Description-md5: a16ffa7eccf37321735f330935ce44ed
Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files
This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be
used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl-sound1.2
Description-md5: 02f3434922f761b0483d433986a93ea1
Description-gl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound
file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple
Directmedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl-sound1.2-dev
Description-md5: 757b1c478ca9ef83deab4980576bbe6c
Description-gl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files
SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound
file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple
Directmedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-0
Description-md5: 757b4624c2c48994a058634a99e0b456
Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
Description-md5: a13657785db12ed4c42ce57872ede102
Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files
Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl2-2.0-0
Description-md5: 615d29e77a181220b3a0986d7afcf705
Description-gl: Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portábel de
baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vídeo, a saída de son, o rato e o teclado.
This version of SDL is compiled with X11, caca and DirectFB graphics
drivers and OSS, ALSA, NAS and PulseAudio sound drivers.
Package: libsdl2-dbg
Description-md5: 784ef1eacd353c10222d88e70e5ce69a
Description-gl: Simple DirectMedia Layer debug files
SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portábel de
baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vídeo, a saída de son, o rato e o teclado.
This package contains the debug symbols for the SDL library.
Package: libsdl2-dev
Description-md5: 9a82f59c5790721baad7ffc5f181d3d6
Description-gl: Simple DirectMedia Layer development files
SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portábel de
baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vídeo, a saída de son, o rato e o teclado.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para compilar e vincular
programas que empreguen SDL.
Package: libsdl2-image-2.0-0
Description-md5: e5b1016aaab8f0b7659c8933fad826b0
Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries
This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL
surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX,
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl2-image-dev
Description-md5: 69d53403a68162ef7e95a3a08bcf3861
Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files
This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL
surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX,
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0
Description-md5: 34f4d1cbb2b9046174dc41bffcfcdaa0
Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries
SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any
number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a
single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD,
FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl2-mixer-dev
Description-md5: 55b455dd6a9944b2e8ba9695b8456358
Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files
SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any
number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a
single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD,
FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl2-net-2.0-0
Description-md5: 0e252144b4b100ffba0cf7c7abc24e53
Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries
This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be
used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl2-net-dev
Description-md5: dfd3cc3d913384bda90efc6a0f7e822a
Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files
This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be
used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0
Description-md5: d1d11e371518d26e6e4ae98dff649ad4
Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries
Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts
to render text in SDL applications.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsdl2-ttf-dev
Description-md5: dbc0a7ada44359d9c3ee7bc8d63ba702
Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files
Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts
to render text in SDL applications.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsdo-api-java-doc
Description-md5: 1cf53c3cd49b0854c804bceee6689437
Description-gl: Documentación de libsdo-api-java
Documentation for SDO that is a framework for data application
development, which includes an architecture and API. SDO does the
- Simplifies the J2EE data programming model
- Abstracts data in a service oriented architecture (SOA)
- Unifies data application development
- Supports and integrates XML
- Incorporates J2EE patterns and best practices
With SDO, you do not need to be familiar with a technology-specific API in
order to access and utilize data. You need to know only one API, the SDO
API, which lets you work with data from multiple data sources, including
relational databases, entity EJB components, XML pages, Web services, the
Java Connector Architecture, JavaServer Pages pages, and more.
This package contains only a Java API of SDO 2.1 spec. EclipseLink is a
implementation of this spec.
Package: libsendlater4
Description-md5: 128ee58860540051b139c1e3b4abaea9
Description-gl: send later library
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libsequel-ruby
Description-md5: 3bd3e7d40ae33108eb9d50e15905a1a6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sequel
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sequel
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsequel-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 3bd3e7d40ae33108eb9d50e15905a1a6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sequel
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sequel
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsequel-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 3bd3e7d40ae33108eb9d50e15905a1a6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sequel
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sequel
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libserialport-ruby
Description-md5: a3bbbbde3e64999063efd56eeb93fef0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-serialport
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-serialport
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libserialport-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a3bbbbde3e64999063efd56eeb93fef0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-serialport
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-serialport
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libserp-java-doc
Description-md5: c0a4397d96bdc193799f11def6182fec
Description-gl: Documentación de libserp-java
Documentation of the serp bytecode framework that has as goal to tap the
full power of bytecode modification while lowering its associated costs.
The framework provides a set of high-level APIs for manipulating all
aspects of bytecode, from large-scale structures like class member fields
to the individual instructions that comprise the code of methods.
While in order to perform any advanced manipulation, some understanding of
the class file format and especially of the JVM instruction set is
necessary, the framework makes it as easy as possible to enter the world
of bytecode development.
Package: libservlet2.4-java
Description-md5: 950d0982c0137f498961624a2689e3c1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para libservlet2.5-java
This is a transitional package to facilitate upgrading from
libservlet2.4-java to libservlet2.5-java, and can be safely removed after
the installation is complete.
Package: libsexp-processor-ruby
Description-md5: aa8cfc4ed8062eab1f3238a3c535bebf
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sexp-processor
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sexp-processor
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsexp-processor-ruby1.8
Description-md5: aa8cfc4ed8062eab1f3238a3c535bebf
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sexp-processor
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sexp-processor
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsexp-processor-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: aa8cfc4ed8062eab1f3238a3c535bebf
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sexp-processor
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sexp-processor
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsezpoz-java-doc
Description-md5: 12779bab97678feb63b29fd4c912b366
Description-gl: Documentación de SezPoz
SezPoz is a lightweight and simple-to-learn library that lets you perform
modular service lookups. It provides some of the same capabilities as
(for example) java.util.ServiceLoader, Eclipse extension points, and
NetBeans Lookup and XML layers. However, SezPoz has some special
* The service registrations are made just using type-checked Java
annotations. There are no configuration files to edit, and your
Java IDE can show you registrations since they are simply usages
of an annotation.
* You can register individual objects (values of static fields or
methods) instead of whole classes.
* You can associate static metadata with each implementation, using
regular annotation values. The caller can choose to inspect the
metadata without loading the actual implementation object
(as with Eclipse extension points).
This package provides the API documentation for libsezpoz-java.
Package: libsfgcc1-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 9214cb33f07a2c272f7a644b4d2302ef
Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (símbolos de depuración)
Debug symbols for the GCC support library.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libsfstdc++6-4.7-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libsfstdc++6-4.8-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libshine2-dbg
Description-md5: 54d686806b6c959457afddb32978dfb4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libshine2
Shine can be used to encode audio data on architectures with no floating
point processing unit (FPU) at a much better rate than encoding libraries
implemented using floating-point arithmetic.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libshine2
Package: libshout-idjc-dev
Description-md5: d797877ae989976ee4bddf756728b122
Description-gl: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions (development)
Unha biblioteca para comunicarse con e enviar datos aos servidores de son
en fluxo Icecast e Icecast 2. Xestiona a conexión cos sockets, a
temporalización da transmisión de datos e evita que lle cheguen datos
malos ao servidor.
This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libshout-idjc3
Description-md5: a3e0b1caa9ce9c1627f85d7278822e7a
Description-gl: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions
Unha biblioteca para comunicarse con e enviar datos aos servidores de son
en fluxo Icecast e Icecast 2. Xestiona a conexión cos sockets, a
temporalización da transmisión de datos e evita que lle cheguen datos
malos ao servidor.
This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions.
Package: libshp1
Description-md5: c9186cffd391164dee1d4454df3535e1
Description-gl: Library for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles
The Shapefile format is a working and interchange format promoted by ESRI
for simple vector data with attributes. It is apparently the only file
format that can be edited in ARCView 2/3, and can also be exported and
imported in Arc/Info.
Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libshr-glib-dbg
Description-md5: 149e29d33716d026cff18afa7b8028d8
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para usar con libshr-glib0
libshr-glib provides C bindings for the DBus methods specified in the shr-
specs package.
This package contains the debug symbols for the library.
Package: libshr-glib-dev
Description-md5: c2098ff983b573ad9376d3028709564c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libshr-glib
libshr-glib provides C bindings for the DBus methods specified in the shr-
specs package.
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libsidplayfp-dbg
Description-md5: 6958d94122de99593383d04574fa6209
Description-gl: library to play Commodore 64 music based on libsidplay2 (detached symbols)
libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2
born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips
and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libsidplayfp, adecuados
para depurar.
Package: libsidutils-dev
Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97
Description-gl: utility functions for SID players
This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players
(Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and
currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several
"player" applications, e.g. sidplay.
Support so far is:
* INI file reader.
* MD5 key creation.
* Song length database parser.
* Sid filter file parser.
Moi pronto:
* Playlist parser (load and save).
* STIL parser.
Package: libsidutils0
Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97
Description-gl: utility functions for SID players
This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players
(Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and
currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several
"player" applications, e.g. sidplay.
Support so far is:
* INI file reader.
* MD5 key creation.
* Song length database parser.
* Sid filter file parser.
Moi pronto:
* Playlist parser (load and save).
* STIL parser.
Package: libsieve2-dev
Description-md5: 86dab452796c8554c8d8668e54031a8e
Description-gl: a library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
This code is a standalone library based upon code which had been
distributed with the Cyrus Mail Server. Currently libSieve implements two
APIs: one that is based upon, and compatible with, the Sieve API as built
into the Cyrus Mail Server, as well as a new API which is very well suited
to be incorporated into other programs and is reasonably extensible.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsigrok1
Description-md5: 2e43895a132fca24faea76a0d1152887
Description-gl: sigrok hardware driver library - shared library
libsigrok is a shared library which provides basic hardware access drivers
for logic analyzers, as well as input/output file format support.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsikuli-script-doc
Description-md5: cfabc90b57c9665df6caa2eb3e8ba69a
Description-gl: Documentación de libsikuli-script-java
Sikuli mixes image recognition into jython scripting to automate
interactions with graphical user interfaces.
This package contains the javadoc API documentation for the java library
Package: libsimple-http-java-doc
Description-md5: e90a015a246baa04b6b89d3c4f83b31c
Description-gl: Documentación de libsimple-http-java
The goal of Simple is to bring the power of simplicity to the world of
server side Java. The primary focus of the project is to provide a truly
embeddable Java based HTTP engine capable of handling enormous loads.
Simple provides a truly asynchronous service model, request completion is
driven using an internal, transparent, monitoring system. This allows
Simple to vastly outperform most popular Java based servers in a multi-
tier environment, as it requires only a very limited number of threads to
handle very high quantities of concurrent clients.
Simple has consistently out performed both commercial and open source Java
Servlet engines and has a fully comprehensive API that is as usable for
experienced Java developers as it is for beginners.
This package provides the API documentation for libsimple-http-java.
Package: libsimple-xml-java-doc
Description-md5: 019cc03c462d8b21558a93423f9f6542
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libsimple-xml-java
Simple is a high performance XML serialization and configuration framework
for Java. Its goal is to provide an XML framework that enables rapid
development of XML configuration and communication systems. This framework
aids the development of XML systems with minimal effort and reduced
errors. It offers full object serialization and deserialization,
maintaining each reference encountered. In essence it is similar to C# XML
serialization for the Java platform, but offers additional features for
interception and manipulation.
This package provides the Javadoc API for Simple.
Package: libsipwitch1
Description-md5: f6ea3338ac2956f24fe3091c7cd51a4e
Description-gl: secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - shared libraries
GNU SIP Witch is a secure peer-to-peer VoIP server. Calls can be made
even behind NAT firewalls, and without needing a service provider. SIP
Witch can be used on the desktop to create bottom-up secure calling
networks as a free software alternative to Skype. SIP Witch can also be
used as a stand-alone SIP-based office telephone server, or to create
secure VoIP networks for an existing IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH,
or Yate.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libsipwitch1-dbg
Description-md5: 79f6a18a7d2b7529ac7b89a238d4c4c3
Description-gl: secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - debug symbols
GNU SIP Witch is a secure peer-to-peer VoIP server. Calls can be made
even behind NAT firewalls, and without needing a service provider. SIP
Witch can be used on the desktop to create bottom-up secure calling
networks as a free software alternative to Skype. SIP Witch can also be
used as a stand-alone SIP-based office telephone server, or to create
secure VoIP networks for an existing IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH,
or Yate.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libskk-dbg
Description-md5: 00afe098ddd25f402cc8c59763465e44
Description-gl: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method - debugging symbols
Library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods.
Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules
including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libskk0
Description-md5: baf365b8f8c68eba3c0f34f5aeb396f4
Description-gl: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method
Library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods.
Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules
including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libslicot-dev
Description-md5: ec83f9b5e4488bdf3452241e45ba7537
Description-gl: numerical algorithms from systems and control theory (static library)
SLICOT (Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory) is a general purpose basic
mathematical library for control theoretical computations. The library
provides tools to perform essential system analysis and synthesis tasks.
The main emphasis in SLICOT is on numerical reliability of implemented
algorithms and the numerical robustness and efficiency of routines.
Providing algorithmic flexibility and the use of rigorous implementation
and documentation standards are other SLICOT features.
SLICOT is written is Fortran 77 and builds upon the numerical linear
algebra routines from BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and LAPACK
(Linear Algebra PACKage).
Este paquete contén unha versión estática da biblioteca.
Package: libslv2-dev
Description-md5: 9e178cd58abb84ae1b15ae66a4040028
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca SLV2
SLV2 is a library geared towards music and audio applications which makes
the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible. LV2 is a simple but
extensible successor of LADSPA plugins, intended to address the
limitations of LADSPA which many applications have outgrown.
This package contains the headers used to build applications that use
Package: libsmartcardpp1-dbg
Description-md5: 19a89ca3af3dc87c5de946840cde5e71
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do smartcardpp
smartcardpp is a set of C++ classes to manage Smart Card communications
and to implement basic command primitives.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libsmf-dev
Description-md5: e6f329b6f933e4161b9819cd7f6cd14a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca smf
LibSMF is a BSD-licensed C library for handling SMF ("*.mid") files.
This package contains the development libraries, header files needed by
programs that want to compile with LibSMF
Package: libsmi2-dbg
Description-md5: e7cdbda226bcb6729dac1fc9a5b330bc
Description-gl: library to access SMI MIB information - debugging symbols
These are the files needed to compile programs using libsmi.
The purpose of libsmi is to
* give network management applications a concise programmer-friendly
interface to access MIB module information,
* separate the knowledge on SMI from the main parts of management
* allow to add new kinds of MIB repositories without the need to adapt
applications that make use of libsmi.
In this context, MIB is "Management Information Base" and SMI stands for
"Structure and identification of Management Information". See RFC1902 and
others for details.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do libsmi.
Package: libsmokekde4-dbg
Description-md5: 7254ff7d8cccebecf51bb5f670d864ac
Description-gl: KDE SMOKE libraries -- debug symbols
As bibliotecas SMOKE fan parte das asociacións empregadas por Qt e KDE.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración para as bibliotecas de SMOKE de
SMOKE provides infrastructure which is used for creating bindings for
multiple languages such as Ruby, C# and PHP.
This is part of the SMOKE KDE module.
Package: libsndobj-dev
Description-md5: 744a496c94d68da32b0221b041795ce4
Description-gl: Sound Object library (development files)
The Sound Object Library is an object-oriented audio processing library.
It provides objects for synthesis and processing of sound that can be used
to build applications for computer-generated music.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsnmp-perl
Description-md5: 5ee88a696b0fa001f969ddb758d70f1f
Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Perl5 support
O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura
para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre
axentes (servidores) e clientes.
The Net-SNMP Perl5 support files provide the Perl functions for
integration of SNMP into applications written in Perl.
Package: libsnmpkit-dev
Description-md5: 1062e6285974866cb732d9af3b219491
Description-gl: multithreaded SNMP connection library
Este paquete contén cabezallos e bibliotecas estáticas para o paquete
Package: libsocialweb-client-doc
Description-md5: d841b2ee461d140693bfaeb65a9ae189
Description-gl: client library to access socialweb server (documentation)
This library allows programmatic access to information available from the
socialweb social data server.
Este paquete contén a documentación
Package: libsocialweb-common
Description-md5: ba6d543aaf9e77ff81f6dc8982bec742
Description-gl: socialweb library to fetch data from social service (common files)
A social data server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as
blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and
pending auctions. It also provides a service to update status on supported
web services such as Facebook and Twitter. Libsocialweb can be accessed
via D-Bus, or with a custom socialweb client.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que precisan as bibliotecas.
Package: libsocialweb-doc
Description-md5: e0f504198ae13574f1630c34a49f4723
Description-gl: socialweb library to fetch data from social service (documentation)
A social data server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as
blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and
pending auctions. It also provides a service to update status on supported
web services such as Facebook and Twitter. Libsocialweb can be accessed
via D-Bus, or with a custom socialweb client.
Este paquete contén a documentación
Package: libsofa-c-dev
Description-md5: d4cbb2bd95463a0791ef206e28c60eb6
Description-gl: Algorithms for models in fundamental astronomy (development files)
This is a suite of vector/matrix routines and various utilities that
underpin the astronomy algorithms, which include routines for the
- Calendars
- Time Scales
- Earth rotation and sidereal time
- Ephemerides (medium precision)
- Geocentric/geodetic transformations
- Precession, nutation, polar motion
- Star space motion
- Star catalogue conversion
This is the ANSI C version of the library.
The International Astronomical Union's SOFA service has the task of
establishing and maintaining an accessible and authoritative set of
algorithms and procedures that implement standard models used in
fundamental astronomy.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libsofa-c0
Description-md5: a7542b804a0436f86e5ce36d76366117
Description-gl: Algorithms for models in fundamental astronomy (shared library)
This is a suite of vector/matrix routines and various utilities that
underpin the astronomy algorithms, which include routines for the
- Calendars
- Time Scales
- Earth rotation and sidereal time
- Ephemerides (medium precision)
- Geocentric/geodetic transformations
- Precession, nutation, polar motion
- Star space motion
- Star catalogue conversion
This is the ANSI C version of the library.
The International Astronomical Union's SOFA service has the task of
establishing and maintaining an accessible and authoritative set of
algorithms and procedures that implement standard models used in
fundamental astronomy.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsope-dev
Description-md5: c10883bbcc0d0514ed87f5d63e340068
Description-gl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (development files)
An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web
application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible
appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large
set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing,
LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsope1
Description-md5: 003bea550b2dd06ebf538363d970d82b
Description-gl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (shared libraries)
An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web
application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible
appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large
set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing,
LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libsope1-dbg
Description-md5: 2c57ba1282745bd72504a5b829b48e07
Description-gl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (debugging symbols)
An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web
application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible
appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large
set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing,
LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libsoprano-ruby
Description-md5: d9bcfc337cb69a7d3a5d4ddc1da500c8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-soprano
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-soprano
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsoprano-ruby1.8
Description-md5: d9bcfc337cb69a7d3a5d4ddc1da500c8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-soprano
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-soprano
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsoundtouch0-dbg
Description-md5: 640036d55d34b1642e7a9ac4b9c18ee9
Description-gl: Debugging symbols for the sound stretching library
SoundTouch is a library that can be used to change pitch and time of
soundfiles independently.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do libsoundtouch0.
Package: libsource-highlight-qt4-3
Description-md5: e11a71796d80462cd7a12686d47c4fc6
Description-gl: Syntax highlighting library for Qt (shared library)
A library for performing syntax highlighting in Qt using the GNU Source-
Highlight library
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsox-dev
Description-md5: b6b9ad06b84c9278546a5ca9c172b174
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca SoX
SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing.
This package contains the development files for the SoX library.
Package: libsoxr-dev
Description-md5: 4e469fcf562dfd88d6ed1f3567fa556d
Description-gl: High quality 1D sample-rate conversion library (development files)
The SoX Resampler library `libsoxr' performs one-dimensional sample-rate
conversion - it may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio.
It aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant (rational
or irrational) resampling ratio. Phase-response, preserved bandwidth,
aliasing, and rejection level parameters are all configurable;
alternatively, simple `preset' configurations may be selected.
A simple API is provided that allows interfacing using commonly-used
sample formats and buffering schemes.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libspandsp-dev
Description-md5: 8f151e2890c5b46357a1ba8808c77183
Description-gl: Telephony signal processing library - development headers
This is a low-level signal processing library that modulates and
demodulates signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise"
generated by a fax modem or DTMF touchpad.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de
Package: libspandsp2
Description-md5: 3e27edfd8fa7b3e06b26e54490942fe2
Description-gl: Telephony signal processing library
This is a low-level signal processing library that modulate and demodulate
signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise" generated by a fax
modem or DTMF touchpad.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libspark-java-doc
Description-md5: 1b5176f5217a8c79e1851ded5726dcd3
Description-gl: Java package to draw sparklines (documentation)
Sparklines are intense, simple, wordlike graphics. They can be used to
convey information in line graph or barchart form within a paragraph.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libspectrum-dev
Description-md5: a0267fc833f72d4d51eabf6ece02b161
Description-gl: ZX Spectrum emulator library - Development files
libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of
various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy.
So far it handles:
* Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp
and +D snapshots (read only).
* Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and
.pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only).
* Input recordings: .rzx (read/write).
* Timex cartridges: .dck (read only).
* IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libspectrum8
Description-md5: 319a45b832f6d1140b76cacd8fb7bfb3
Description-gl: ZX Spectrum emulator library - Shared libraries
libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of
various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy.
So far it handles:
* Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp
and +D snapshots (read only).
* Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and
.pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only).
* Input recordings: .rzx (read/write).
* Timex cartridges: .dck (read only).
* IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write).
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libspf2-2-dbg
Description-md5: 9ae726e5e8a17437e7b21d8b7cdf3d0a
Description-gl: Biblioteca para validar remitentes de correo con SPF (símbolos de depuración)
libspf2 implements the Sender Policy Framework, a part of the SPF/SRS
protocol pair.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libspin-java-doc
Description-md5: f5f239c498c235877131aa4b3349f773
Description-gl: transparent threading solution for non-freezing Swing applications (docs)
Swing is the standard component architecture for developing Java desktop
applications. Its exhaustive collection of widgets is the foundation for
easy development of rich graphical user interfaces (GUI).
Alas every non trivial GUI sooner or later encounters the problem of
"freeze". This annoying behaviour is experienced by users every time the
application performs extensive calculations or blocks for network or disk
Spin offers a revolutionary new approach. It offers transparent thread
handling with minimal impact on your application code.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación.
Package: libspnav0
Description-md5: 7bfbe40fbae628f97b4c03a34aeda9c7
Description-gl: Library to access 3D-input-devices (development files)
The spacenav project provides a free, compatible alternative to the
proprietary 3Dconnexion SDK for their 3D input devices (called "space
navigator", "space pilot", "space traveller", etc).
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libsqlcipher0-dbg
Description-md5: d802f5f69843fa084f6f1303590b9574
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de SQLCipher
SQLCipher is a C library that implements an encryption in the SQLite 3
database engine. Programs that link with the SQLCipher library can have
SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. It allows
one to have per-database or page-by-page encryption using AES-256 from
SQLCipher has a small footprint and great performance so it’s ideal for
protecting embedded application databases and is well suited for mobile
* as little as 5-15% overhead for encryption
* 100% of data in the database file is encrypted
* Uses good security practices (CBC mode, key derivation)
* Zero-configuration and application level cryptography
* Algorithms provided by the peer reviewed OpenSSL crypto library.
SQLCipher has broad platform support for with C/C++, Obj-C, QT,
Win32/.NET/Mono, Java, Python, Ruby, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone/iOS, Android,
Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android.
SQLCipher v2.2.1 is based on SQLite3 v3.7.17.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas.
Package: libsqlheavy0.1-0
Description-md5: af199222f821ee16ce5ac1c4d0c7061f
Description-gl: GObject wrapper for SQLite
SQLHeavy is a convenience wrapper on top of SQLite. Though its primary
purpose is to provide an easy to use Vala interface, it also provides a
very nice C interface and GObject Introspection support, and may be easier
to use from other languages than the standard SQLite interface.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libsqlheavy0.1-dbg
Description-md5: ba3900bb6d522206e75ef618a44a90b0
Description-gl: GObject wrapper for SQLite (debugging symbols)
SQLHeavy is a convenience wrapper on top of SQLite. Though its primary
purpose is to provide an easy to use Vala interface, it also provides a
very nice C interface and GObject Introspection support, and may be easier
to use from other languages than the standard SQLite interface.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libsqlite3-ruby
Description-md5: a81f0acb6ee21dd31d1789db8525c889
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sqlite3
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sqlite3
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsqlite3-ruby1.8
Description-md5: a81f0acb6ee21dd31d1789db8525c889
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sqlite3
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sqlite3
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsqlite3-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: a81f0acb6ee21dd31d1789db8525c889
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-sqlite3
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-sqlite3
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsqljet-java-doc
Description-md5: 06410bd0e10226c0e6c2e7e2304aeb23
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libsqljet-java
SQLJet is a software library that provides API that enables Java
application to read and modify SQLite databases. SQLJet does not support
SQL queries; there is an API to work with the database on a lower level.
This package contains the Javadoc generated API documentation.
Package: libsrecord0-dbg
Description-md5: 717e5f60ab1977b5adac94aa3ace34e2
Description-gl: library for manipulating EPROM load files (debugging symbols)
The srecord library is a collection of powerful C++ classes for
manipulating EPROM load files. It reads and writes numerous EPROM file
formats, and can perform many different manipulations.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das ferramentas srecord e da
Package: libsrtp0
Description-md5: b86be50185de339144d91624003e7952
Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library
SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message
authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in
RFC 3711.
LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport
Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting
cryptographic kernel.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libssh2-1-dbg
Description-md5: d608b048e0919802d9807ead49a12e60
Description-gl: SSH2 client-side library (debug package)
libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. It
supports regular terminal, SCP and SFTP sessions; port forwarding;
password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libssh2-1-dev
Description-md5: 1919dcc14bef6cdb306c10235e299308
Description-gl: SSH2 client-side library (development headers)
libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. It
supports regular terminal, SCP and SFTP sessions; port forwarding;
password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libssl0.9.8
Description-md5: 2e9416e72fb31714d9b26021a3ee7e85
Description-gl: SSL shared libraries
Bibliotecas compartidas libssl e libcrypto requiridas por programas como
apache-ssl, telnet-ssl e openssh.
It is part of the OpenSSL implementation of SSL.
Package: libstaden-read-dev
Description-md5: 15cfe00340abc3feace01b3777be2c6c
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libstaden-read
This package contains the header and development files needed to build
programs and packages using the Staden io_lib.
The io_lib from the Staden package is a library of file reading and
writing code to provide a general purpose trace file (and Experiment File)
reading interface. It has been compiled and tested on a variety of unix
systems, MacOS X and MS Windows.
Package: libstapler-java-doc
Description-md5: d7a142c89851823a7d0c3c99a2bdb7ba
Description-gl: Documentación de libstapler-java
Stapler is a library that "staples" your application objects to URLs,
making it easier to write web applications. The core idea of Stapler is to
automatically assign URLs for your objects, creating an intuitive URL
Stapler provides bindings for:
* Commons Jelly
* Groovy
* JRuby (not packaged)
* Java Server Pages
* JRebel (not packaged)
This package provides the API documentation for libstapler-java.
Package: libstarlink-pal-dev
Description-md5: 2fcebae6660cb5fb5c51bac9c69c931a
Description-gl: Positional Astronomy Library (development files)
This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA
library with code from NOVAS and ERFA.
Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a
"pal" prefix.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libstarpufft-1.1-1
Description-md5: a1e84fcd5b7aa1a04d6c8089b0a0ecef
Description-gl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines
StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore
machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation
kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or
on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels
(and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes
sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.
Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de FFT CPU+GPU híbrida.
Package: libstdc++6-4.4-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: libstdc++6-4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: libstdc++6-4.7-dbg-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 4ae02a705a17c5cc528c0a9e6c98d4c1
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.7-dbg-armel-cross
Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.7-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.7-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.8-dbg-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 4ae02a705a17c5cc528c0a9e6c98d4c1
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.8-dbg-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstdc++6-4.8-dbg-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross-
compile environment.
Package: libstemmer0d-dbg
Description-md5: 14bc9010c8dba0cbc3215c5d833835ce
Description-gl: Snowball stemming algorithms, debugging symbols
Snowball provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a
"stemmed" form of a word.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co Snowball. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: libsteptalk0
Description-md5: 55bb8932d619b5f245c90da8442fcf99
Description-gl: GNUstep Scripting Framework (library files)
StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or
applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the
Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libstfl-dev
Description-md5: 15b3e9d29849c03fd6930a7d0ac21393
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libstfl
stfl is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text
This package contains the development files required to build software
that uses libstfl.
Package: libstoragemgmt0
Description-md5: 20d2541d3f56cec425cdb999162cc359
Description-gl: library for storage array management - development library
vendor agnostic library interface to manage storage arrays. libstoragemgmt
provides a single, unified, agnostic API library interface to storage
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libstxxl-doc
Description-md5: ceda35b18e5c6736429687f3705adc72
Description-gl: Documentación de STXXL
STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage
devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows
for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++
data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this
behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound
calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe.
Documentación da biblioteca STXXL.
Package: libstxxl1-dbg
Description-md5: dedf0efea0492f2cd9c878c4760d00aa
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas do STXXL
STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage
devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows
for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++
data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this
behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound
calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe.
Símbolos de depuración do STXXL, requiridos para depurar programas que
empregan a biblioteca STXXL
Package: libsubtitleeditor-dev
Description-md5: 67aa075c0fbc5c86c2222f94c045e56d
Description-gl: subtitleeditor lib - development files
Subtitle Editor is a GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new
subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing
This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise
subtitles to voices.
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsuil-dev
Description-md5: 313278fd311f9a6667fe28cbae5b5bbd
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de suil
Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any
other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do
not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs
written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at runtime using
dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not
need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever - if Suil
supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support
that toolkit "for free". Suil currently supports GTK-2+ and Qt4
This package provides the development files for suil.
Package: libsvg-graph-ruby
Description-md5: 7f706b99b58005b8f6e2a5cf89c7c80a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-svg-graph
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-svg-graph
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsvg-graph-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 7f706b99b58005b8f6e2a5cf89c7c80a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-svg-graph
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-svg-graph
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsvg-graph-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 7f706b99b58005b8f6e2a5cf89c7c80a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-svg-graph
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-svg-graph
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsvg-graph-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 7f706b99b58005b8f6e2a5cf89c7c80a
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-svg-graph
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-svg-graph
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsvn-ruby
Description-md5: 54395b14155364598fafa6747d156b0a
Description-gl: Ruby bindings for Apache Subversion (dummy package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para instalar as asociacións da biblioteca
de Apache Subversion para Ruby 1.8. Este paquete pode ser eliminado se non
hai nada que dependa del.
Package: libsvn-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 54395b14155364598fafa6747d156b0a
Description-gl: Ruby bindings for Apache Subversion (dummy package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para instalar as asociacións da biblioteca
de Apache Subversion para Ruby 1.8. Este paquete pode ser eliminado se non
hai nada que dependa del.
Package: libsvrcore0-dbg
Description-md5: f7ca90a55141e69b5da27aa2fdcb5b90
Description-gl: Debug files for Netscape's secure PIN storage library
Svrcore is a library for handling PIN requests from Mozilla's Network
Security Service (NSS) library. It provides a standard way for servers to
allow PIN input from a file or from the terminal. There is also a PIN
handler that caches the PIN in memory after encrypting it with a key
stored on a PKCS11 device, thereby allowing a server to restart without
reentering the PIN.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libsword-dev
Description-md5: 626d1f4f7f82b6723dda2b44a0b1000e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libsword
The SWORD Project is an open source, cross-platform (Linux, Windows,
Solaris, MacOSX etc.) API/library for Bible software with a constantly
growing list of front-ends (GUI, textmode, web-based, etc.) and a library
of over 200 text modules.
This package contains the static libraries and headers for developing
applications that use the SWORD library.
Package: libswscale-dev
Description-md5: edcc124cb02dafb94c43a541fb77930a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libswscale
Libav is a complete, cross-platform solution to decode, encode, record,
convert and stream audio and video.
This is the video scaling library from Libav.
This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to
compile applications or shared objects that use libswscale.
Package: libsx-dev
Description-md5: 4be5566dd01e2c99b89cca3ebebe170a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas) de libsx
Libsx (the Simple X library) is a library of code that sits on top of and
to the side of the Athena widget set. Its purpose is to make writing X
applications *much* easier.
This package contains header files, pkgconfig files and static libraries
for libsx.
Package: libsyfi1.0
Description-md5: 615a4666cb3392e5292aa7cb992bfca8
Description-gl: Finite element method (FEM) C++ library - shared libraries
The finite element method (FEM) package SyFi is a C++ library built on top
of the symbolic math library GiNaC. The name SyFi stands for Symbolic
Finite Elements. The package provides polygonal domains, polynomial
spaces, and degrees of freedom as symbolic expressions that are easily
manipulated. This makes it easy to define finite elements and variational
forms. These elements and forms are then used to generate efficient C++
SyFi is similar to FFC in the sense that it has a compiler that generates
UFC code based on variational forms and finite elements. It is also
similar to FIAT in the sense that it implements many different finite
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libsyfi1.0-dbg
Description-md5: b593da90bf55cbf55e7e6b3b18db2694
Description-gl: Finite element method (FEM) C++ library - debugging libraries
The finite element method (FEM) package SyFi is a C++ library built on top
of the symbolic math library GiNaC. The name SyFi stands for Symbolic
Finite Elements. The package provides polygonal domains, polynomial
spaces, and degrees of freedom as symbolic expressions that are easily
manipulated. This makes it easy to define finite elements and variational
forms. These elements and forms are then used to generate efficient C++
SyFi is similar to FFC in the sense that it has a compiler that generates
UFC code based on variational forms and finite elements. It is also
similar to FIAT in the sense that it implements many different finite
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos símbolos de depuración
Package: libsyfi1.0-dev
Description-md5: d511fad040b0c6833ed78b7f915c2243
Description-gl: Finite element method (FEM) C++ library - development files
The finite element method (FEM) package SyFi is a C++ library built on top
of the symbolic math library GiNaC. The name SyFi stands for Symbolic
Finite Elements. The package provides polygonal domains, polynomial
spaces, and degrees of freedom as symbolic expressions that are easily
manipulated. This makes it easy to define finite elements and variational
forms. These elements and forms are then used to generate efficient C++
SyFi is similar to FFC in the sense that it has a compiler that generates
UFC code based on variational forms and finite elements. It is also
similar to FIAT in the sense that it implements many different finite
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libsyndication4
Description-md5: cf4722888b15a8c2104d0011981f7441
Description-gl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds
Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a
unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using
application does not need to distinguish between feed formats.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de
Desenvolvemento KDE.
Package: libsynthesis-dbg
Description-md5: bcb2c46b3ae7e8766f142d565a598f08
Description-gl: library for SyncML-DS (SyncML Data Sync) clients (debugging symbols)
The Synthesis SyncML engine supports SyncML versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2
including complex features like data filtering, suspend & resume,
vCard/vCalendar format conversion in a way completely transparent to the
user of the library.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libsystemu-ruby
Description-md5: 716111b8da5a64caef82e979d569fe98
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-systemu
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-systemu
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsystemu-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 716111b8da5a64caef82e979d569fe98
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-systemu
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-systemu
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsystemu-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 716111b8da5a64caef82e979d569fe98
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-systemu
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-systemu
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libsystemu-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 716111b8da5a64caef82e979d569fe98
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-systemu
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-systemu
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtamuanova-dev
Description-md5: cd577afd0e0c4f5248fcb61e1937e489
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca TAMU ANOVA
C library for single and two factor ANOVA.
This package contains the header and development files for the tamuanova
Package: libtango8-dbg
Description-md5: 91b4375cbda05577de6c724915f8c2e9
Description-gl: TANGO distributed control system - debug library
TANGO is an object-oriented distributed control system using CORBA. In
TANGO all objects are representations of devices, which can be on the same
computer or distributed over a network. Communication between devices uses
CORBA and can be synchronous, asynchronous or event driven.
The object model in TANGO supports methods, attributes and properties.
TANGO provides an API which hides all the details of network access and
provides object browsing, discovery, and security features. Permanent data
is stored in a MySQL database.
TANGO is being actively developed as a collaborative effort between the
ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (,
and Elettra institutes (
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de tango8.
Package: libtaskmanager4abi5
Description-md5: b62a865c6c061970d35953f06ffd283b
Description-gl: library which provides task management facilities
This package contains libraries which provide task management facilities.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libtasn1-6
Description-md5: 535058cbce5722d1c5d399c0854dd71f
Description-gl: Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are:
* on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code
file generation.
* off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
containing an array.
* DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding
* no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución.
Package: libtasn1-6-dbg
Description-md5: 67fb96d4e0d5f10a38b9e0c4455c5c29
Description-gl: Xestione estruturas ASN.1 (símbolos de depuración)
Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are:
* on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code
file generation.
* off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
containing an array.
* DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding
* no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values
This package contains symbol files for debugging.
Package: libtasn1-6-dev
Description-md5: b706df99ecc890cee403a672ad9b84df
Description-gl: Manage ASN.1 structures (development)
Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are:
* on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code
file generation.
* off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
containing an array.
* DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding
* no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values
Este paquete contén ficheiros de cabeceira e bibliotecas para ligazóns
Package: libtbb2-dbg
Description-md5: 6b3fe685850df43817ef36454d3ee55d
Description-gl: parallelism library for C++ - debugging symbols
TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance
without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level,
task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading
mechanism for performance and scalability.
(Note: if you are a user of the i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit Intel or
compatible hardware, this package only supports Pentium4-compatible and
higher processors.)
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de TBB.
Package: libtclcl1-dev
Description-md5: f6b8cc6175ccfa940dd42df08fa75d58
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de TclCL
TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat,
rtp_play, and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl.
This package contains static file and header files.
Package: libteem2-dbg
Description-md5: f68afa33998952b0fb4ce8dc91e19cc9
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libteem2
Teem is a coordinated group of libraries for representing, processing, and
visualizing scientific raster data. Teem includes command-line tools that
permit the library functions to be quickly applied to files and streams,
without having to write any code. The most important and useful libraries
in Teem are:
* Nrrd (and the unu command-line tool on top of it) supports a range of
operations for transforming N-dimensional raster data (resample, crop,
slice, project, histogram, etc.), as well as the NRRD file format for
storing arrays and their meta-information.
* Gage: fast convolution-based measurements at arbitrary point locations in
volume datasets (scalar, vector, tensor, etc.)
* Mite: a multi-threaded ray-casting volume render with transfer functions
based on any quantity Gage can measure
* Ten: for estimating, processing, and visualizing diffusion tensor fields,
including fiber tractography methods.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libteem2.
Package: libtelepathy-farstream-0.4-dev
Description-md5: 50624012ba16c4d8c9e903b72a411ee1
Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (development files)
A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the
media streaming capabilities of Farstream
Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication,
including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts
differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for
Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de
conferencias de son/vídeo.
This package contains development files for the 0.4 telepathy-farstream
library which links against GStreamer 0.10 instead of 1.0.
Package: libtelepathy-farstream-0.4-doc
Description-md5: 42ac9a334d4a8acda2e925dd0c2a53ed
Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (documentation)
A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the
media streaming capabilities of Farstream
Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication,
including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts
differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for
Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de
conferencias de son/vídeo.
This package contains HTML documentation for the 0.4 series of the
telepathy-farstream library.
Package: libtelepathy-farstream2
Description-md5: c797088ef5fdbc17ab7f70160e4f725f
Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream - 0.4 series
Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media
signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream.
Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication,
including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts
differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for
Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de
conferencias de son/vídeo.
This package contains the core telepathy-farstream library.
Package: libtelepathy-farstream2-dbg
Description-md5: bcdda91ff71093696515cb34b6f893f6
Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (debug symbols)
Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media
signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream.
Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication,
including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts
differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for
Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de
conferencias de son/vídeo.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da serie 0.4 da biblioteca
telepathy-farstream, que liga contra GStreamer 0.10 en troques de contra
Package: libtemplateparser4
Description-md5: 724d02891f85b2429bcabdc216fcfc5e
Description-gl: KMail template parser library
This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses
to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or
forwarded messages.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: libterm-ansicolor-ruby
Description-md5: e48f78b6908bdbdd9cfe41a2aaad2078
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-term-ansicolor
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-term-ansicolor
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libterm-ansicolor-ruby1.8
Description-md5: e48f78b6908bdbdd9cfe41a2aaad2078
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-term-ansicolor
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-term-ansicolor
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtest-json-perl
Description-md5: 32ace4f3a62f2dc3cec58e0babd7804f
Description-gl: module for testing JSON data
Test::JSON is a Perl test framework for verifying arbitrary data written
in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a lightweight data interchange
Vexa para máis información.
Package: libtext-format-ruby
Description-md5: 143984758c1ff37c6abcfb7d224f663b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-text-format
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-text-format
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtext-format-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 143984758c1ff37c6abcfb7d224f663b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-text-format
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-text-format
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtext-format-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 143984758c1ff37c6abcfb7d224f663b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-text-format
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-text-format
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtext-wikiformat-perl
Description-md5: ba98b5d81e8ea231e38db82a9d2caefc
Description-gl: Traduce texto con formato wiki a outros formatos
The original Wiki web site was intended to have a very simple interface to
edit and to add pages. Its formatting rules are simple and easy to use.
They are also easily translated into other, more complicated markup
languages with this module. It creates HTML by default, but can be
extended to produce valid POD, DocBook, XML, or any other format
Package: libtexttools-doc
Description-md5: 18fae2cf806eac17ad20b8516264dea5
Description-gl: Ada library for writing console applications: documentation
The Texttools packages are a GPL, ncurses-based library for the Linux
console. Texttools contain more than 600 procedures and functions to
create windows, draw scroll bars, handle the mouse and keyboard events,
play sounds, and much more. The Texttools package also provides a thick
binding to Linux kernel calls. You can create a wide variety of
application programs using Texttools alone.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libthunarx-2-dev
Description-md5: 0d4661e4e1e07c636d1d14b457e9e7f0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libthunarx
This package contains the headers and the static library for libthunarx,
the extension library used by thunar
Package: libticables2-dbg
Description-md5: 5328429b155d19f46603e67e05a7faf6
Description-gl: Texas Instruments link cables library [debugging symbols]
The libticables is a library providing support for operations on Texas
Instruments calculators link cables. All link cables are supported
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libticalcs2-11-dbg
Description-md5: c056ad79f01bf7caafbcd1f97b55cd1d
Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator communication library [debugging symbols]
The libticalcs is a library providing support for communication with Texas
Instruments calculators. It implements the TI protocol for each type of
calculator, independently of the link cable used to establish the link.
All graphing calculators from Texas Instruments are supported.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libticonv-dbg
Description-md5: dff1d29dc55030084c580b000863db4e
Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculators charsets library [debugging symbols]
The libticonv is a library providing support for operations on Texas
Instruments calculators charsets. All charsets for all calculators are
supported; the library is also able to convert from/to UTF-8/UTF-16.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libtidy-ruby
Description-md5: 8bca8212c9738c60640e3e4bdc5c1fa8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-tidy
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-tidy package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libtidy-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8bca8212c9738c60640e3e4bdc5c1fa8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-tidy
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-tidy package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libtifiles2-9-dbg
Description-md5: f0e9642415a404e838b714f8df02a96e
Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator files library [debugging symbols]
The libtifiles is a library providing support for operations on Texas
Instruments calculators files. All formats for all calculators are
supported read/write ; the library is also able to manipulate the group
files, which means it is able to group and ungroup variables into such
group files.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libtimingframework-java-doc
Description-md5: 528f1349f47c5a55ed703832bff00e02
Description-gl: A Java framework for timing and animations (documentation)
The code serves as a tutorial on how to use timers, as well as a framework
for doing more powerful things with timers.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: libtnt-dev
Description-md5: 9a3aff3c02a70e01c89860676d5952dd
Description-gl: interface for scientific computing in C++
The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) is a collection of interfaces and
reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific
computing in C++. The toolkit defines interfaces for basic data
structures, such as multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices, commonly
used in numerical applications. The goal of this package is to provide
reusable software components that address many of the portability and
maintenance problems with C++ codes.
TNT provides a distinction between interfaces and implementations of TNT
components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional
arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how
certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in
algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an
interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS
kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging information.
By specifying only the interface, applications codes may utilize such
algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest flexibility in
employing optimization or portability strategies.
Páxina web:
Package: libtokyocabinet-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 6bfaa923dc8ec531121686b3a65934ee
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-tokyocabinet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-tokyocabinet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtokyocabinet-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 6bfaa923dc8ec531121686b3a65934ee
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-tokyocabinet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-tokyocabinet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtokyocabinet-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 6bfaa923dc8ec531121686b3a65934ee
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-tokyocabinet
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-tokyocabinet
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtomcat6-java
Description-md5: 7a2563c1a7c79379004bc6464d285af0
Description-gl: Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries
Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP)
specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web
server environment for Java code to run.
Este paquete contén as clases principais de Tomcat, que poden ser usadas
por outros aplicativos de Java para incorporar Tomcat.
Package: libtonezone-dev
Description-md5: ac6918413755537822c2a45291c1e97c
Description-gl: tonezone library (development)
A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-dbg
Description-md5: 1f20bf93bd9cfa1b78cc63ad3dd388a3
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración de libtorrent-rasterbar
Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent-
rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the
other bittorrent implementations around.
The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are:
* to be cpu efficient
* to be memory efficient
* to be very easy to use
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-dev
Description-md5: 705ada813b82d11c67efa98c9c4ca92d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libtorrent-rasterbar
Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent-
rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the
other bittorrent implementations around.
The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are:
* to be cpu efficient
* to be memory efficient
* to be very easy to use
This package contains header files and static version of the library.
Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-doc
Description-md5: 73e12f09fdc69aff638cb9fc1456982b
Description-gl: Documentación de libtorrent-rasterbar
Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent-
rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the
other bittorrent implementations around.
The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are:
* to be cpu efficient
* to be memory efficient
* to be very easy to use
This package contains documentation and example files.
Package: libtorrent-ruby
Description-md5: 9e4cd156b32b12ce9d1405b38806283b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rubytorrent
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rubytorrent
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtorrent-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 9e4cd156b32b12ce9d1405b38806283b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-rubytorrent
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-rubytorrent
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libtorture-dev
Description-md5: 1643da32df4d561e2470b3c500cde8d3
Description-gl: Library for running unit tests - development files
Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba can also function as a domain
controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
These packages contain snapshot versions of Samba 4, the next-generation
version of Samba.
Library for running unittests.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libtpm-unseal-dev
Description-md5: 74e97a1a1239066889dcbd333c3c02fa
Description-gl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (development)
tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing
Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys
securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's
software state using cryptographic hashes and more.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libtpm-unseal1
Description-md5: aef77e92adc6d98676ff39e73a8f4102
Description-gl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (library)
tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing
Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys
securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's
software state using cryptographic hashes and more.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libtranslate-bin
Description-md5: a7999afba0b2d652dff1c3a3f0e2eb6c
Description-gl: command line translator
translate-translator é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para traducir
textos a linguas naturais baseado na biblioteca libtranslate.
Package: libtranslate-dev
Description-md5: db5173f8dd880b682b5289106e6773f4
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libtranslate
This package contains the files necessary for compiling programs that
depend on libtranslate.
Package: libtrilead-putty-extension-java-doc
Description-md5: 9924bfa62b93b0ed79b8dd65fff4068e
Description-gl: Documentación de libtrilead-putty-extension-java
This is a small library that allows you to programatically convert the
PuTTY key file (.ppk) to the OpenSSH format.
This package provides the API documentation for libtrilead-putty-
Package: libtrollop-ruby
Description-md5: 5928c2ff841f20eb20899ac1503ddcb1
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-trollop
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-trollop. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: libtrove-java-doc
Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e
Description-gl: high performance collections for java
GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util
Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable
replacements for their JDK equivalents.
Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for
primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the
"wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object-
based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store
primitives directly will require less space and yield significant
performance gains.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libtrove3-java-doc
Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e
Description-gl: high performance collections for java
GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util
Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable
replacements for their JDK equivalents.
Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for
primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the
"wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object-
based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store
primitives directly will require less space and yield significant
performance gains.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación.
Package: libtsk3-3-dbg
Description-md5: ddaf7dcbc39bbe6cdeb1daeafa69de12
Description-gl: library for forensics analysis (debug symbols)
The Sleuth Kit (previously known as TASK) is a collection of UNIX-based
command line file and volume system forensic analysis tools. The file
system tools allow you to examine file systems of a suspect computer in a
non-intrusive fashion. Because the tools do not rely on the operating
system to process the file systems, deleted and hidden content is shown.
The volume system (media management) tools allow you to examine the layout
of disks and other media. The Sleuth Kit supports DOS partitions, BSD
partitions (disk labels), Mac partitions, Sun slices (Volume Table of
Contents), and GPT disks. With these tools, you can identify where
partitions are located and extract them so that they can be analyzed with
file system analysis tools.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libtumbler-1-0
Description-md5: 4323f73e4ec816c00add5357207eae1b
Description-gl: library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service
Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for
various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the
thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libtuxcap4.0-dbg
Description-md5: 4688af9252bd95d369c8abc2c8c53b1e
Description-gl: Infraestrutura para desenvolver xogos en 2D - símbolos de depuración
The TuxCap Games Framework is a GNU/Linux port of the PopCap Games
Framework, used for professional 2D game development. It comes with PyCap
bindings for Python, a fast 2D physics engine, a particle engine, widgets
and many documented examples.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libtwolame0
Description-md5: ab63be2b52b7c823ea0cf962f9ead5d4
Description-gl: MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
TwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder. It is based on tooLAME
by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and
portions of LAME.
TwoLAME does NOT support MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) encoding due to patent
issues surrounding MP3.
However, as most MPEG Audio players are able to play layer 2 (MP2) files,
TwoLAME makes a very good drop-in replacement for LAME and other layer 3
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libu1db-dev
Description-md5: cd5117a260556ebefa03fd4041b10baf
Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da API de C
An API for storing structured data which can be synchronized across a
network connection, including to the Ubuntu One service.
This package includes the development files for the u1db C API.
Package: libu1db-qt5-3
Description-md5: 86873426557b1e1ac37ceaad0f59ad6b
Description-gl: Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library
Simple Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libu1db1
Description-md5: adaf819f6c53c0d3f382f2b69374abe4
Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- API de C
An API for storing structured data which can be synchronized across a
network connection, including to the Ubuntu One service.
This package includes the C implementation of the API.
Package: libubuntudownloadmanager1
Description-md5: 36d69025a222ef7d7348eb04e7f0b28c
Description-gl: Xestor de Descargas de Ubuntu - biblioteca compartida
O Xestor de Descargas de ubuntu realiza descargas desde un sitio
Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libubuntuoneauth-2.0-0
Description-md5: 66c3aa3a46b33039541fd093daf2ba1c
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes the main library.
Package: libubuntuoneauth-2.0-dev
Description-md5: f472c2e44b3149b4cc0e6fba36a22897
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - ficheiros de desenvolvemento
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes the development files for the Ubuntu One
authentication library.
Package: libuchardet0
Description-md5: d45f28c3f3c34496b9d6cff4c424fca5
Description-gl: universal charset detection library - shared library
uchardet is a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the
universal charset detection library by Mozilla.
uchardet is a encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes
in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and
attempts to determine the encoding of the text.
The original code of universalchardet is available at
Techniques used by universalchardet are described at
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libucommon6
Description-md5: 64722b65b91a51d0c92f3e4c85215b16
Description-gl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - shared libraries
GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design
patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems
using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon
disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime
overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such
as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon
introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libucommon6-dbg
Description-md5: 7aa7c0c05d4d1e16963a48fa479c5d2e
Description-gl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - debugging symbols
GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design
patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems
using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon
disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime
overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such
as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon
introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libuddi4j-java-doc
Description-md5: 004d4009067720146521db4abe56f7a5
Description-gl: Documentación de libuddi4j-java
UDDI4J is a Java class library that provides an API to interact with a
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) registry. The UDDI
Project is a comprehensive, open industry initiative enabling businesses
to (I) discover each other, and (II) define how they interact over the
internet and share information in a global registry architecture. UDDI is
the building block which will enable businesses to quickly, easily and
dynamically find and transact with one another via their preferred
This package contains the documentation for libuddi4j-java.
Package: libunicap2
Description-md5: ddd4f7e30a6520061a0a2cb197f951b2
Description-gl: unified interface to video capture devices - shared libraries
Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows
applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API.
Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining
maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for
devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even
on low-speed architectures.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libuninum-dev
Description-md5: 6754fae98acea3485658c5cd129be13f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Libuninum
Libuninum is a library for converting Unicode strings to numbers and
numbers to Unicode strings. Standard functions like strtoul, strtod, and
sprintf do this for numbers written in the usual Western number system
using the Indo-Arabic numerals, but they do not handle other number
Libuninum can handle them properly.
This package contains files needed if you wish to use the libstatgrab
library in your own programs.
Package: libunique-3.0-0
Description-md5: c9a904ea2ae3ba5f0fdfe69ab466dfaa
Description-gl: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries
Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch
a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just
quit or will send a message to the running instance.
Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a
base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages
to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libunityvoice1
Description-md5: 4986f86a063f011fc4875acdc81cb751
Description-gl: client library for Unity voice service
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libunshield-dev
Description-md5: f53a2ef1fdc7f66e30b0fc65a88111c5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libunshield
This are libraries to create applications extracting CAB files from
InstallShield installers used to be installed on Windows CE devices or
Windows desktop machines.
This package contains the development files needed to link applications
against libunshield.
Package: libupnp4-dbg
Description-md5: bcae7ad10a12f8816f41cd3531c10e58
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libupnp4
The Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp) provides developers with an
API and open source code for building control points, devices, and bridges
that are compliant with Version 1.0 of the Universal Plug and Play Device
Architecture Specification - see for specifications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con libupnp4. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Most people will not need this package.
Package: libupnp6-dbg
Description-md5: 3c4d543d5103514e5f1df756dfa2d214
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libupnp6
The Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp) provides developers with an
API and open source code for building control points, devices, and bridges
that are compliant with Version 1.0 of the Universal Plug and Play Device
Architecture Specification - see for specifications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados con libupnp6. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con
Most people will not need this package.
Package: liburiparser-dev
Description-md5: 7c19dfa07f254b32160e3463004a5798
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de uriparser
This package provides the development files for uriparser, a library to
parse Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Install it if you want to
compile a program that makes use of this library.
Package: libusb-ruby
Description-md5: 1b1d2c4dd383e74a4bc58a0e19ee64ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-usb
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-usb package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libusb-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 1b1d2c4dd383e74a4bc58a0e19ee64ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-usb
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-usb package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libusb-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 1b1d2c4dd383e74a4bc58a0e19ee64ce
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-usb
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-usb package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libusbprog-dev
Description-md5: 6be85a1fafc54531c314c61c70fe4f84
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libusbprog
A programming tool needed to replace the firmware on the USBprog hardware.
It can automatically retrieve a list of available firmwares from the
Internet, download one of them and upload it to the USBprog adapter.
USBprog is a free programming adapter. You can easily install different
firmware versions from an "online pool" over USB. The adapter can be used
for programming and debugging AVR and ARM processors, as USB-to-RS232
converter, as JTAG interface or as simple I/O interface (5 lines).
This package contains files needed to build libusbprog-based applications.
Package: libusermetrics-doc
Description-md5: 1377f090ac79457c9cbba9128516328c
Description-gl: Documentación da API de libusermetrics
This package installs the libusermetrics API documentation.
Package: libusermetricsinput1
Description-md5: 4702408584b15890ee7ae11c006607cb
Description-gl: library for exporting anonymous metrics about users
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libusermetricsoutput1
Description-md5: 3a20525e5c3b9f3a994a17104de05b0c
Description-gl: library for retrieving anonymous metrics about users
Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos
Package: libuv0.10-dbg
Description-md5: 714faa3b372c20cbd1b3237427c572ab
Description-gl: asynchronous event notification library - debugging symbols
Libuv is the asynchronous library behind Node.js. Very similar to libevent or libev, it provides the main elements for event driven systems: watching and waiting for availability in a set of sockets, and some other events like timers or asynchronous messages. However, libuv also comes with some other extras like:
* files watchers and asynchronous operations
* a portable TCP and UDP API, as well as asynchronous DNS resolution
* processes and threads management, and a portable inter-process
communications mechanism, with pipes and work queues
* a plugins mechanism for loading libraries dynamically
* interface with external libraries that also need to access the I/O.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libv8-3.14-dbg
Description-md5: 3d77b72ead304da6ac7ccbbdec0d45ad
Description-gl: V8 JavaScript engine - debugging symbols
V8 is a high performance JavaScript engine written in C++. It is used in
the web browser Chromium.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libva-dev
Description-md5: b05056c35234f58e18a1c20f8515cede
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- development files
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the development environment for libva.
Package: libva-drm1
Description-md5: d5921cff6033884644f622b92b9c0ea8
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- DRM runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the libva-drm library.
Package: libva-egl1
Description-md5: 2732557493d717e4e2317ece2dd6d566
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- EGL runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the libva-egl library.
Package: libva-glx1
Description-md5: 42dc4ca10bad014e06d32b00b19aa179
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- GLX runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the libva-glx library.
Package: libva-tpi1
Description-md5: 921a3f4597e2af226b35cd6eae743e42
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- TPI runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the libva-tpi library.
Package: libva-x11-1
Description-md5: fc57e085827316d46f6af4246a506efa
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- X11 runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the libva-x11 library.
Package: libva1
Description-md5: 20074d33b9248804eb2fa6108a8c34c8
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- runtime
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the main libva library.
Package: libval-dbg
Description-md5: 5ceea3b30c21927b74d89853d5dc0bb4
Description-gl: DNSSEC validation library (debug symbols)
The goal of the DNSSEC-Tools project is to create a set of software tools,
patches, applications, wrappers, extensions, and plugins that will help
ease the deployment of DNSSEC related technologies.
A library that provides DNSSEC resource-record validation functionality.
This library initiates queries which are then serviced by the libsres
resolver library.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: libvaladoc-data
Description-md5: cc914022ba75a87e72560988b920ff87
Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (datos)
Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in
HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi
This package contains the icons used by valadoc.
Package: libvaladoc-dev
Description-md5: b1770762aec65683dc72dacc4ea21ba8
Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in
HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi
This package contains the devel files for the valdoc library.
Package: libvaladoc2
Description-md5: c967c06f087d4373c9e4b86e6ddde741
Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (biblioteca)
Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in
HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi
This package contains the library used by valadoc.
Package: libvalhalla2-dbg
Description-md5: d006039a90ad82eda825e02ad00e2147
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libvalhalla2
libvalhalla is a scanner and parser library for audio/video files based on
SQLite and FFmpeg/libavformat.
Media files are retrieved in paths defined by the user and metadata are
saved in a database. It provides a very simple API and it can use several
parsers concurrently to speed up on a multi-core/cpu system.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libvalhalla2.
Package: libvalidatable-ruby
Description-md5: 4defe44f53a100457adfa0653fcdb535
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-validatable
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-validatable
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libvalidatable-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 4defe44f53a100457adfa0653fcdb535
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-validatable
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-validatable
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libvalidatable-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 4defe44f53a100457adfa0653fcdb535
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-validatable
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-validatable
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libvarconf-1.0-8
Description-md5: 4033ba0fde194544426055e377b9a250
Description-gl: WorldForge configuration file handling library
Varconf is a configuration system designed for the STAGE server. Varconf
can parse configuration files, command-line arguments and environment
variables. It supports callbacks and can store its configuration
information in separate Config objects or in one global configuration
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libvarconf-1.0-8-dbg
Description-md5: 93489da5ce076cf352666b97d435a041
Description-gl: WorldForge configuration file handling library - debugging libraries
Varconf is a configuration system designed for the STAGE server. Varconf
can parse configuration files, command-line arguments and environment
variables. It supports callbacks and can store its configuration
information in separate Config objects or in one global configuration
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos símbolos de depuración
Package: libvarnishapi-dev
Description-md5: 9c15761c354c732b35ffb9837d7b1ea0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Varnish
Development files for the Varnish HTTP accelerator.
Package: libvcdinfo-dev
Description-md5: e14de61878ad73f78c32ae508ca795f7
Description-gl: library to extract information from VideoCD (development files)
This package contains development files (headers and static library) for
the libvcdino library.
Esta biblioteca pódese empregar para extraer información almacenada nun
VideoCD. Un uso é nos reprodutores de multimedia, como xine e vlc (onde é,
de feito, utilizado). Aquí libvcdinfo axuda na navegación do VideoCD,
control da reprodución e en mostrar o contido dun VideoCD. Algúns
programas autónomos para esta biblioteca son vcd-info e vcdxrip (pare da
distribución VCDImager).
Package: libvcdinfo0
Description-md5: 6206462f2934783ec56d60c88b8c8a27
Description-gl: library to extract information from VideoCD
Esta biblioteca pódese empregar para extraer información almacenada nun
VideoCD. Un uso é nos reprodutores de multimedia, como xine e vlc (onde é,
de feito, utilizado). Aquí libvcdinfo axuda na navegación do VideoCD,
control da reprodución e en mostrar o contido dun VideoCD. Algúns
programas autónomos para esta biblioteca son vcd-info e vcdxrip (pare da
distribución VCDImager).
Package: libvdkxdb2-dev
Description-md5: 2384b50965b56310427ff019b292d690
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvdkxdb
VDKXdb is a set of data-aware widgets made to build lightweight database
applications using the VDK library.
Report bugs, comments and complaints to:
Package: libverbiste-0.1-0
Description-md5: ef8b0541bd47af9937f37f81e4995178
Description-gl: French and Italian conjugator - shared library
Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and
Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libverbiste-dev
Description-md5: 71f172ff99c36c1008b0630ad54e47ea
Description-gl: French and Italian conjugator - development files
Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and
Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libvirt-glib-1.0-0-dbg
Description-md5: b7294a2297b0568dd50bd593ea723616
Description-gl: libvirt glib mainloop integration
This shared library eases integration of libvirt's events into programs
using a glib mainloop.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libvirt-ocaml
Description-md5: 2d5b1dbd1f7f78d046de6e01521ff1ca
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for libvirt
This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt.
Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of
recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a
long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It
currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida
Package: libvirt-ocaml-dev
Description-md5: 2d5b1dbd1f7f78d046de6e01521ff1ca
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for libvirt
This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt.
Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of
recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a
long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It
currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida
Package: libvisa0
Description-md5: 7e05d2326b24d699efeea2be5b0e016a
Description-gl: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (runtime files)
The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment
that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libvisca-dev
Description-md5: 824e758357185ed8fa847cfde926ed98
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvisca
VISCA is a protocol used to control many pan and tilt cameras. It is
commonly found in cameras used for computer vision or robotics research,
as well as video conferencing.
libVISCA is a library for controlling a VISCA(tm) compliant camera through
the RS232 port of your PC. VISCA, on its side, is a protocol developed by
Sony so that a lot of machine vision cameras from Sony are compliant with
Typical cameras include the FCB-IX47 family of camera block for OEMs. Note
that other devices, such as VCRs, can be controlled.
This package contains development headers and examples.
Package: libvisca0
Description-md5: 62dc6bc46b3dd70a02425b59cee5b634
Description-gl: Protocol implementation of VISCA cameras control interface
VISCA is a protocol used to control many pan and tilt cameras. It is
commonly found in cameras used for computer vision or robotics research,
as well as video conferencing.
libVISCA is a library for controlling a VISCA(tm) compliant camera through
the RS232 port of your PC. VISCA, on its side, is a protocol developed by
Sony so that a lot of machine vision cameras from Sony are compliant with
Typical cameras include the FCB-IX47 family of camera block for OEMs. Note
that other devices, such as VCRs, can be controlled.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libvisp2.8-dbg
Description-md5: d6348006bc35d792ac92eec58645da54
Description-gl: visual servoing library - debugging symbols
ViSP, standing for Visual Servoing Platform, is unique. This software is a
complete cross-platform solution that allows prototyping and developing
applications in visual tracking and visual servoing.
ViSP can be useful in robotics, computer vision, augmented reality and
computer animation.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas.
Package: libvistaio-dev
Description-md5: fd9983547d06ec7cd6eb76e4536c23ba
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libvistaio
Vistaio is a library that handles loading and storing of data in a cross-
platform manner. Its virtue is that the otherwise binary files provide an
ascii header that makes it easy to get information about the contens of a
file. It supports a variety of data types like images, vector fields and
graphs. This is the development package containing the header files, and
pkg-config script, and man pages.
Package: libvlc-dev
Description-md5: 12dd7b707396cd811cd0c9fd70dd8122
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvlc
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e unha biblioteca estática requiridos
para construír aplicativos autónomos que empreguen as funcionalidades do
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: libvlc5
Description-md5: 7aeaccf15924abc072d91cc9a8630df1
Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer library
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida requirida polos aplicativos
que empregan as funcionalidades do VLC.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: libvlccore-dev
Description-md5: 0bd8297645507d52d5d220efd9b795c9
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvlccore
Este paquete contén os cabezallos e unha biblioteca estática requiridos
para construír engadidos para o VLC.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: libvlccore7
Description-md5: 193db02ba05ac9c49438f8e5dd1c7659
Description-gl: biblioteca base de VLC e os seus módulos
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida requirida polos módulos do VLC
e libvlc.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: libvlfeat-dev
Description-md5: 1ba056cfa5fcae847561d37ddbe967f7
Description-gl: Computer vision library focussing on visual features and clustering
VLFeat implements popular computer vision algorithms including SIFT, MSER,
k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and
quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with
interfaces in GNU octave for ease of use, and detailed documentation
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Package: libvorbis-ocaml
Description-md5: fbe1804184c976b93a5a749455595e08
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for vorbis library
This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to
decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as
to get informations about an Ogg Vorbis file.
Ogg Vorbis é un formato de son comprimido de propósito xera, libre de
patentes e royalties, non privativo e completamente aberto para son e
música con taxas de bits fixas e variábeis desde 16 a 128 kbps/canle.
This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries.
Package: libvorbis-ocaml-dev
Description-md5: c1106b56c7c73da0ad0f137d181ebfd7
Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the vorbis library
This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to
decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as
to get informations about an Ogg Vorbis file.
Ogg Vorbis é un formato de son comprimido de propósito xera, libre de
patentes e royalties, non privativo e completamente aberto para son e
música con taxas de bits fixas e variábeis desde 16 a 128 kbps/canle.
This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml-
vorbis in your programs.
Package: libvorbisidec-dev
Description-md5: 1680a5cad977f07783da79c6efd826e5
Description-gl: Integer-only Ogg Vorbis decoder, AKA "tremor" (Development Files)
libvorbisidec is an Ogg Vorbis audio decoder (also known as "tremor"),
implemented with no floating point arithmetic. This makes it particularly
amenable to use on systems which lack floating point hardware.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libvpb-dbg
Description-md5: 9d57b43003bf9a997019db6238291418
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libvpb e vpb-utils
This package provides the detached debug symbols for the vpb-driver
userspace library and utilities.
Package: libvte-ruby
Description-md5: 8c60283a9b2d220f3469aa00cb7d4767
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-vte
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-vte package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libvte-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 8c60283a9b2d220f3469aa00cb7d4767
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-vte
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-vte package.
It can safely be removed.
Package: libvte-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 0168e32304bd415f6e82eb1224723566
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-vte-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-vte-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libwaei-dev
Description-md5: cfb56b0f7a295120d5039d3c35bee69c
Description-gl: Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME
gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program
for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance,
supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting
recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libwcstools0
Description-md5: f66ab732e41535fa781fd8f7fdb80fec
Description-gl: Handle the WCS of a FITS image (shared library)
WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create,
display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF
image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel
position within the image to position on the sky. Auxillary programs
search star catalogs and manipulate images.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libweather-ion6
Description-md5: 2af7c72b1061d890c1adf5cd6050ad7c
Description-gl: library which provides an interface for weather information services
This package contains the library used to implement new ions (i.e.
information fetching plugins) for the Plasma weather engine.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: libwebsockets3
Description-md5: 4103dd30dcafa80197ee224619ea5b9d
Description-gl: lightweight C websockets library
Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library for both websockets clients
and servers built to use minimal CPU and memory resources and provide fast
throughput in both directions.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libwebsockets3-dbg
Description-md5: 2a65353d154a7b987369451e58365cb0
Description-gl: lightweight C websockets library - debug symbols
Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library for both websockets clients
and servers built to use minimal CPU and memory resources and provide fast
throughput in both directions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libweed-dbg
Description-md5: 929a1e60b10f04f9d434a78b4dcd5e3f
Description-gl: Biblioteca para a inclusión de engadidos no LiVES - símbolos de depuración
A library that was originally only available as part of LiVES (package
lives) but is now available separately. Allows for the inclusion of
plugins into LiVES.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libweed0.
Package: libwfmath-0.3-6-dbg
Description-md5: c79770a5ad567bc76443086ba849b911
Description-gl: WorldForge math library - debugging library
The primary focus of WFMath is geometric objects. Thus, it includes an
several shapes (boxes, balls, lines), in addition to the basic math
objects that are used to build these shapes (points, vectors, matrices).
Este paquete contén a biblioteca cos símbolos de depuración.
Package: libwfmath-0.3-dev
Description-md5: 2f52d9800fcf10c62d86c01d9af6c2b3
Description-gl: WorldForge math library - development files
The primary focus of WFMath is geometric objects. Thus, it includes an
several shapes (boxes, balls, lines), in addition to the basic math
objects that are used to build these shapes (points, vectors, matrices).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libwfut-0.2-1-dbg
Description-md5: cf77b49937723d64a189ecc01d143faf
Description-gl: WorldForge Update Tool (debugging libs)
WFUT is a content distribution system initially intended to provide media
updates for WorldForge. It can download and update game data and artwork
for WorldForge gaming clients.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libwfut.
Package: libwirble-ruby
Description-md5: 08260738dc35187ac091d6e68ddf22e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-wirble
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-wirble
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libwirble-ruby-doc
Description-md5: 08260738dc35187ac091d6e68ddf22e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-wirble
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-wirble
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libwirble-ruby1.8
Description-md5: 08260738dc35187ac091d6e68ddf22e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-wirble
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-wirble
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libwirble-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: 08260738dc35187ac091d6e68ddf22e8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-wirble
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-wirble
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libwiretap-dev
Description-md5: d73a1db8a1c3f10d102f6ec2bbe8ac1d
Description-gl: network packet capture library -- development files
Wiretap, part of the Wireshark project, is a library that allows one to
read and write several packet capture file formats.
Os formatos admitidos son:
* Libpcap
* Sniffer
* LANalyzer
* Network Monitor
* «snoop»
* «iptrace»
* Sniffer Basic (NetXRay)/Windows Sniffer Pro
* RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzers
* Lucent/Ascend access products
* HP-UX nettl
* Toshiba ISDN Router
* Utilidade de ISDN4BSD «i4btrace»
* Facilidade de rexistro de IP de Cisco Secure Intrustion Detection System
* Rexistros de pppd (ficheiros de formato pppdump)
* DBS Etherwatch (formato de texto)
* Catapult DCT2000 (ficheiros .out)
Wiretap's shortcomings are: no filter capability and no support for packet
This package contains the static library and the C header files.
Package: libwiretap3
Description-md5: 53f24fb24199bc18b3acbf46dcc09d4c
Description-gl: network packet capture library -- shared library
Wiretap, part of the Wireshark project, is a library that allows one to
read and write several packet capture file formats.
Os formatos admitidos son:
* Libpcap
* Sniffer
* LANalyzer
* Network Monitor
* «snoop»
* «iptrace»
* Sniffer Basic (NetXRay)/Windows Sniffer Pro
* RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzers
* Lucent/Ascend access products
* HP-UX nettl
* Toshiba ISDN Router
* Utilidade de ISDN4BSD «i4btrace»
* Facilidade de rexistro de IP de Cisco Secure Intrustion Detection System
* Rexistros de pppd (ficheiros de formato pppdump)
* DBS Etherwatch (formato de texto)
* Catapult DCT2000 (ficheiros .out)
Wiretap's shortcomings are: no filter capability and no support for packet
Package: libwlocate-dev
Description-md5: 6ab08c5eb7a9fefbd9d88c7e5189fec7
Description-gl: Library for doing location lookup based on free data
This library accesses the local WLAN-hardware, checks for WLAN-networks
that are available, accesses the database and returns the current
geographic position or an error code in case localisation failed
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libwlocate0
Description-md5: 6ab08c5eb7a9fefbd9d88c7e5189fec7
Description-gl: Library for doing location lookup based on free data
This library accesses the local WLAN-hardware, checks for WLAN-networks
that are available, accesses the database and returns the current
geographic position or an error code in case localisation failed
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libwpg-tools
Description-md5: e408fca4cddfb326687b89afd59ee709
Description-gl: Tools from libwpg for converting WP Graphics to Raw/SVG
Libwpg é unha colectánea de bibliotecas e ferramentas para traballar con
gráficos no formato WPG (Gráficos do WordPerfect). WPG é o formato
empregado, entre outros, polo software da Corel, como WordPerfect(tm) e
This package contains some little programs using libwps to convert Works
text document files into Raw and SVG files.
Package: libwriter2latex-java
Description-md5: 6ccc68cf7be97fbca02fc9a0f5b76740
Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- library
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
This package contains the java library.
Package: libwriter2latex-java-doc
Description-md5: 22570a951559fc83308307185ff161a5
Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- javadoc
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
This package contains the javadoc for the writer2latex library.
Package: libwt-dbg
Description-md5: 54a0195cff13b97d13c7ab9e419bb591
Description-gl: C++ library and application server for web applications [debug]
Wt (pronounced 'witty') is a C++ library and application server for
developing and deploying web applications. The API is widget-centric and
offers complete abstraction of any web-specific application details.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos nos paquetes Wt.
Package: libwulf-dev
Description-md5: 5f597f2e499d05dc64b9cbe3f7f842a0
Description-gl: development environment for wulfware
Libwulf is a library of functions that support configuring a cluster or
LAN for monitoring (using an XML-based cluster description file), managing
connections to the cluster nodes or LAN clients automatically, configuring
the connections to return minimal information for the quantities being
monitored or displayed, and then polling the hosts and extracting their
information into a struct for further processing by a user interface (UI)
program linked to the library.
This package contains header files and libraries needed to develop and
compile wulfware programs and is part of the wulfware suite.
Páxina web:
Package: libwulf2
Description-md5: f24929532d2f51a8ba0ef445e04c7da3
Description-gl: shared libraries for running wulfware programs
Wulfware is a suite of LAN or cluster monitoring tools. Packages that
require this library are wulfstat, wulflogger and xmlsysd.
Páxina web:
Package: libwv-1.2-4
Description-md5: 6f5ae85042e05ce57c1778e4366f01c3
Description-gl: Library for accessing Microsoft Word documents
wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to
Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word
95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier
formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libwv-dev
Description-md5: 11aa48280cf0ad1068373c4e1d2f0c42
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca wvWare
wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to
Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word
95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier
formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.)
This package contains the static library and header files.
Package: libwww-facebook-api-perl
Description-md5: 756c3c49552c131e05b5a0feec1ec915
Description-gl: Implementación da API de Facebook
WWW::Facebook::API is a Perl implementation of the Facebook API, working
off of the canonical Java and PHP implementations. By default it uses
JSON::Any to parse the response returned by Facebook's server. There is an
option to return the raw response in either XML or JSON.
Package: libwww-opensearch-perl
Description-md5: 04754a046b1ba3b2410a1c98176f5737
Description-gl: search OpenSearch compatible web sites
WWW::OpenSearch is a perl module to search web sites that provide an
OpenSearch description and handle responses in Atom or RSS.
Consulte para máis información sobre OpenSearch.
Package: libwxsqlite3-2.8-dev
Description-md5: d5d4c6146e35d45f80144aa6cfc1192c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de wxSQLite3
wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database
and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets
2.8 library.
This package contains the development files for wxSQLite3.
Package: libwxsvg-dbg
Description-md5: a6ad6e8d45a5682980eb8f27f33677ca
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de wxSVG
wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libwxsvg-dev
Description-md5: bf92691646fd55a30563b32ef48f4555
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de wsXVG
wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libwxsvg0
Description-md5: 7bf344732d2fe97750bdbe52fbce1dad
Description-gl: SVG library for the wxWidgets toolkit
wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libx264-dev
Description-md5: c388be3f239b40b3671f263fd2b72600
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libx264
libx264 is an advanced encoding library for creating H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC)
video streams.
This package contains the static library and headers used to build
programs that use libx264.
Package: libxapian-ruby1.8
Description-md5: b3cc7ea3b59c6fe76cd5e39afd799e47
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-xapian
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-xapian
package. It can be safely removed.
Package: libxapian-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: b3cc7ea3b59c6fe76cd5e39afd799e47
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-xapian
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-xapian
package. It can be safely removed.
Package: libxbean-java-doc
Description-md5: 994474fe84ee10a73f0bc495ee8a3b03
Description-gl: Documentación da API de XBean
The goal of XBean project is to created a plugin based server analogous to
Eclipse being a plugin based IDE. XBean will be able to discover, download
and install server plugins from an Internet based repository. In addition,
it include support for multiple IoC systems, support for running with no
IoC system, JMX without JMX code, lifecycle and class loader management,
and a rock solid Spring integration.
This package contains the API documentation for libxbean-java
Package: libxcrypt-dev
Description-md5: 381d4bba14fbf5326a3167a907a5e3c1
Description-gl: ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Crypt
libxcrypt is a replacement for libcrypt, which comes with the GNU C
Library. It supports, beside DES crypt and MD5, passwords with blowfish
This package contains the header files and static libraries, which are
necessary to develop your own software using libxcrypt.
Package: libxdffileio0-dbg
Description-md5: c0185995326f1cefd4548905cf6eca40
Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler/escribir formatos de ficheiros de datos EEG (formato de ficheiro)
xdffileio is a library that provides a unified interface for writing and
reading various biosignal file formats in realtime (i.e. streaming). It
has been designed to provide a flexible, consistent and generic interface
to all supported file formats while minimizing the overhead the function
calls: the heaviest operations (type casting, scaling and formatting) are
offloaded into a separated thread. This design makes its particularly
suitable to be directly used in a data acquisition loop (like in
electrophysiology recording or in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)).
The genericity of the interface makes trivial various operations like
transformation of a recorded file or its conversion to another file
format. xdffileio currently supports EDF, BDF, GDF1 and GDF2 file formats
and more will be added in future.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libxdg-basedir1-dbg
Description-md5: 4c86f6ed90d29e42a57a98fc1ffe9610
Description-gl: Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specifications (debugging symbols)
The XDG Base Directory Specification defines where should user files be
looked for by defining one or more base directories relative in with they
should be located.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libxdo3-dbg
Description-md5: f2d94bdc5875246a15a69fe8f279aa61
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libxdo3
libxdo lets you programatically (or manually) simulate keyboard input and
mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's
XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libxdo3
Package: libxenomai1
Description-md5: 176dfafef0d1c99798426bd47d87cab8
Description-gl: Shared libraries for Xenomai
Xenomai is a real-time development framework cooperating with the Linux
kernel in order to provide a pervasive, interface-agnostic, hard real-time
support to user-space applications, seamlessly integrated into the
GNU/Linux environment. Xenomai provides its own API and emulation layers
("skins") to make migration from other RTOS easier. Examples are: pSOS+,
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libxfce4ui-1-dbg
Description-md5: 44aeeab870ba2b7f6221c53a0cbf5904
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libxfce4ui
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración e información do libxfce4ui.
Package: libxfce4ui-1-dev
Description-md5: c97097f6567eace4648e488c4b70acb5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfce4ui
This package contains the headers and the static library for libxfce4ui.
Package: libxfce4ui-utils-dbg
Description-md5: 7768fe5fe4c2ad9660c9a89003e8277f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libxfce4ui-utils
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración e información do libxfce4ui-
Package: libxfce4util-dev
Description-md5: 6afdd5dfebf0166975ebf25e8d05f54c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfce4util6
This package contains the headers for libxfce4util6. If you intend to code
applications for the Xfce4 desktop environment, you need to install this
The libxfce4util6 Reference Manual is also included and it can be
consulted using Devhelp or a web browser.
Package: libxfcegui4-4-dbg
Description-md5: a3a29b1b9a998aafdb817344897b6015
Description-gl: debugging informations for libxfcegui4
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libxfcegui4, que fornece
as funcións máis básicas da interface gráfica usadas pola suite de
escritorio Xfce4.
Package: libxfcegui4-dev
Description-md5: 1649a83d1768128fe5b4e1e2cfec64f3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfcegui4-4
This package contains the headers and the static library for
libxfcegui4-4. If you intend to code applications which use some of these
functions (probably Xfce4-based applications), then you have to install
this package.
The libxfcegui4 Reference Manual is also included and it can be consulted
with Devhelp or a web browser.
Package: libxfconf-0-2-dbg
Description-md5: c4590fcf735d9db3c42ed4da077d4513
Description-gl: debugging informations for libxfconf
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libxfconf, que fornece
funcións básicas para a ferramenta de configuración do Xfce4.
Package: libxfconf-0-dev
Description-md5: 4eb280c2fc0b59b9fbb5d66e4b9e2a2d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfconf
This package contains the development files libxfconf which are the main
part of the Xfce4 configuration system. If you want to develop
applications that use this library, you want to install this package.
The libxfconf Reference Manual is also included and it can be consulted
with Devhelp or a web browser.
Package: libxine1-gnome
Description-md5: abfefece7eced3537d5a130e8e865391
Description-gl: GNOME-related plugins for libxine1
This package contains plugins for the xine video/media player engine,
which are commonly used in the GNOME desktop environment. In detail this
package contains the ESD output plugin and the GnomeVFS Plugin.
Se está a executar GNOME, moi probabelmente fará ben en instalar este
Package: libxine1-misc-plugins
Description-md5: f499795ace6edae17015a684e1a3ac5f
Description-gl: Input, audio output and post plugins for libxine1
Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de
video/multimedia xine empregados para a entrada, a saída de son e o post-
You most probably want to install this package. It contains various
plugins you generally would expect to find on a xine installation.
Package: libxine1-x
Description-md5: dcaf5f5a23037aadca3da5834f6749f3
Description-gl: engadidos de saída de vídeo do escritorio X para libxine1
Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de
video/multimedia xine empregados para mostrar video no escritorio X.
You most probably want to install this package if you are using a
graphical frontend like gxine, kaffeine or xine-ui. It contains xine
output plugins necessary for drawing on X11 Displays.
Package: libxine2-gnome
Description-md5: 978ba6fc5f4dbb4e842869340b461e3c
Description-gl: GNOME-related plugins for libxine2
This package contains plugins for the xine video/media player engine,
which are commonly used in the GNOME desktop environment. In detail this
package contains the ESD output plugin and the GnomeVFS Plugin.
Se está a executar GNOME, moi probabelmente fará ben en instalar este
Package: libxine2-misc-plugins
Description-md5: e92eaccc868286824d862751f464eed3
Description-gl: Input, audio output and post plugins for libxine2
Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de
video/multimedia xine empregados para a entrada, a saída de son e o post-
You most probably want to install this package. It contains various
plugins you generally would expect to find on a xine installation.
Package: libxine2-x
Description-md5: f77db000ccc8902b9a73354c36e4800b
Description-gl: engadidos de saída de vídeo do escritorio X para libxine1
Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de
video/multimedia xine empregados para mostrar video no escritorio X.
You most probably want to install this package if you are using a
graphical front end like gxine, kaffeine or xine-ui. It contains xine
output plugins necessary for drawing on X11 displays.
Package: libxine2-xvdr-dbg
Description-md5: 271894186f6af09e5c1646f0fd8baef3
Description-gl: Xine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
This plugin adds a new mrl "xvdr://" to Xine, which allows one to play
back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libxineliboutput-fbfe-dbg
Description-md5: f3f9346588633bc462d778e70b90b8f7
Description-gl: Local framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in
local frontend for framebuffer devices.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libxineliboutput-sxfe-dbg
Description-md5: 21953426ff9c78ff4c2cb41455c57037
Description-gl: Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in
local frontend for X, Xv or XvMC window systems.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libxml-libxml-debugging-perl
Description-md5: 2bc23ff4d4a4dc20f33d7f210ca2fd3a
Description-gl: get debugging information from XML::LibXML
XML::LibXML::Debugging is a Perl library which adds a couple of additional
methods to XML::LibXML::Node objects which are mostly aimed at helping
figure out what's going on with the DOM's namespaces and structure.
"toClarkML" produces a string of XML-like markup with explicit namespaces.
The following XML:
Might be represented as:
{}baz="quux" />
Another method "toDebuggingHash" returns a hashref suitable for dumping
using Data::Dumper.
Package: libxml-rss-feed-perl
Description-md5: 629d3c756a4e1b6fc27d15c5e448c467
Description-gl: Perl module for Persistent XML RSS (RDF Site Summary) Encapsulation
This module is a framework for persistent XML RSS (RDF Site Summary)
Encapsulation. This module provides a framework for watching multiple RSS
sources. The magic is in the late_breaking_news method that returns only
headlines it hasn't seen.
If you want a non-blocking way to watch multiple RSS sources with one
process use POE::Component::RSSAggregator (libpoe-component-rssaggregator)
Páxina web:
Package: libxml-simple-ruby
Description-md5: 3cfd64e6721c46be2739ddc533dca0c6
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-xml-simple
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-xml-simple
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libxmlada4.1-dbg
Description-md5: 5035c10ef31f8c2578fb1ee6b7ee46a0
Description-gl: XML/Ada, unha suite completa de XML para programadores de Ada (símbolos de depuración)
XML/Ada is a set of modules that provide a simple manipulation of XML
streams. It supports the whole XML 1.0 specifications, and can parse any
file that follows this standard (including the contents of the DTD). It
also provides support for a number of other standard associated with XML,
like SAX, DOM, and XML Schemas. In addition, it includes a module to
manipulate Unicode streams, since this is required by the XML standard.
This package contains the detached debugging symbols for the runtime
shared library.
Package: libxmlezout-dbg
Description-md5: c44f09d4d79252c6c7ab76bbe64f59e3
Description-gl: Easy-to-use library for emitting XML from Ada programs, dbg symbols
XML EZ Out is a small set of packages intended to aid the creation of XML-
formatted output from within Ada programs. It basically wraps the tags and
data provided to it with XML syntax and writes them to a user-supplied
This medium can be any sort of writable entity, such as a file, a memory
buffer, or even a communications link, such as a socket. The only
functionality required of the medium is that it supply a meaningful "Put"
(for writing a string) and "New_Line" procedure.
Esta é a biblioteca que contén os símbolos de depuración do XML EZ OUT.
Package: libxmmsclient-ruby
Description-md5: fb45f89b04f398023d7ee68cc8397b27
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-xmmsclient
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-xmmsclient
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libxmmsclient-ruby1.8
Description-md5: fb45f89b04f398023d7ee68cc8397b27
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-xmmsclient
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-xmmsclient
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: libxnee-dbg
Description-md5: 322fecb156cd5d950b42ae0eeb9b30a9
Description-gl: Gravador/Reprodutor de acontecementos de X - símbolos de depuración
GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute
user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can
imitate the job you just did.
Xnee can be used to
- automate tests
- demonstrate programs
- distribute actions
- record and replay 'macro'
- retype a file
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca.
Package: libxpa-dev
Description-md5: 7111cfaf20b948011a5b133106e31abb
Description-gl: Seamless communication between Unix programs (development files)
The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many
kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also
provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled
programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing
such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level
and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis
environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the
best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access
can be extended or modified easily at any time.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática.
Package: libxpa1
Description-md5: ced41d497e96ae2c6579ba64235bac1e
Description-gl: Seamless communication between Unix programs (shared library)
The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many
kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also
provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled
programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing
such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level
and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis
environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the
best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access
can be extended or modified easily at any time.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libxr1-dbg
Description-md5: 48ef4e4be075fb6d421c2c484bf56c08
Description-gl: SSL-capable XML-RPC implementation - debug symbols
This cross-platform XML-RPC library supports persistent HTTP/1.1
connections over SSL. It comes with an XML-RPC interface description
language compiler.
Os símbolos de depuración para localizar os erros dos aplicativos que
empregan libxr están fornecidos por este paquete.
Package: libxs2-dbg
Description-md5: bfe7716c2ff89006de7a977ea03c7eca
Description-gl: Crossroads I/O lightweight messaging layer (debugging symbols)
Crossroads I/O ("libxs") is a library for building scalable and high
performance distributed applications. It fits between classic BSD sockets,
JMS/AMQP-style message queues, and enterprise message-oriented middleware.
Crossroads I/O extends the standard socket interfaces with features
traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products,
providing an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple
messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to
multiple transport protocols, and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca libxs.
Package: libxvidcore-dev
Description-md5: a9e9bb53ef3ae6ffb6f94187bfd32d95
Description-gl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (development)
Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing
MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding
standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and
speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for
PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass
compression for storage and archival purposes.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libxvidcore4
Description-md5: 58b566ad678c3db3fe24389f5d39143d
Description-gl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (library)
Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing
MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding
standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and
speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for
PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass
compression for storage and archival purposes.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libxy-dev
Description-md5: 07f6a1b506b6ca9bbbeadb693071cce2
Description-gl: xylib development files
Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de xylib.
xylib is a C++ library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder
diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods.
Package: libyahoo2-dev
Description-md5: 6d81a6ab82c31c8379452b1a8e0d5282
Description-gl: Yahoo Messenger protocol C library (development)
libyahoo2 is a C library that handles the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol.
It communicates with clients via a callback mechanism and has the
capability to handle multiple accounts simultaneously.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libyazpp4-doc
Description-md5: 7c89b19a601414d7ac795985c672d49c
Description-gl: Documentación de YAZ++
YAZ++ is an application programming interface (API) to YAZ which supports
the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU client and server applications using
C++. Like YAZ, it supports Z39.50-2003 (version 3) as well as SRW/SRU
version 1.1 in both the client and server roles. YAZ++ includes an
implementation of the ZOOM C++ binding and a generic client/server API
based on the Observer/Observable design pattern.
This package includes the YAZ++ User's Guide and Reference.
Package: libzapojit-0.0-0
Description-md5: 738f7ac80216936afb58e29b1a5450cc
Description-gl: Library for accessing SkyDrive and Hotmail - shared libraries
libzapojit is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using
the Microsoft SkyDrive and Hotmail REST protocols.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libzbar-dev
Description-md5: 7b93f38662fcc60358afc4d1c19fa5f1
Description-gl: bar code scanner and decoder (development)
ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources
such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports
EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: libzbar0
Description-md5: 423792b9f7bd142b51893d25991d62d5
Description-gl: bar code scanner and decoder (library)
ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources
such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports
EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR
Este paquete contén a biblioteca.
Package: libzeep-dev
Description-md5: 1d6a0b5935373147c167957e1d1ebdf0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libzeep
Libzeep is a C++ library providing a validating XML parser, XML DOM tree
implementation, XPath 1.0 support and code to create SOAP/REST servers as
well as a full web application framework.
libzeep was originally designed to create SOAP servers in C++ easily. The
current incarnation provides a full validating XML parser creating a DOM
tree that can be iterated using STL container like methods. The tree can
be searched using XPath 1.0 queries.
There's also code to create SOAP and REST servers based allowing to export
C++ methods as web services. And there's a full web application framework
to create dynamic web sites in C++ and XHTML.
This specific package contains all files needed to develop new software
using libzeep.
Package: libzerg0
Description-md5: 6b8213ad68f80f10fea73b8c72357f6f
Description-gl: C library for lexically scanning the output of NCBI BLAST programs
Zerg is a C library for lexing - lexically scanning - the output of NCBI
BLAST programs.
Based on a GNU Flex-generated lexical scanner, it runs extremely fast,
being especially useful for processing large volumes of data. Benchmark
tests show that Zerg is over two orders of magnitude faster than some
widely used BLAST parsers.
If you need a parser and not only a lexer, check out librostlab-blast.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: libzerg0-dbg
Description-md5: 587cd965fd494477e581d9170d127d7a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libzerg
Zerg is a C library for lexing - lexically scanning - the output of NCBI
BLAST programs.
This package provides the detached debug symbols.
Package: libzeroc-ice35-dbg
Description-md5: f475c1e7d671bdbc72dd47cb4bfe83fc
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de Ice para C++
Ice, the Internet Communications Engine, is a middleware for the practical
programmer developed by ZeroC Inc. A high-performance Internet
communications platform, Ice includes a wealth of layered services and
Ice is built on concepts which will be familiar to CORBA programmers, and
supports a wide variety of programming languages and runtime platforms.
This package provides debugging information useful when developing Ice
applications. You will find further information in the ZeroC home page
( and in the non-free package zeroc-ice-
Package: libzinnia-dev
Description-md5: b5b990e98e1be7a710983ccde0e5065a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca zinnia
Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system
for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines.
Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the
best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain
portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to
recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly
efficient handwriting recognition models.
This package is needed to compile programs against libzinnia0, as only it
includes the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for
Package: libzinnia0
Description-md5: 022f08051be677d36fcb5ea510579f1f
Description-gl: online handwriting recognition system with machine learning
Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system
for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines.
Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the
best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain
portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to
recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly
efficient handwriting recognition models.
Este paquete contén as librarías compartidas.
Package: libzinnia0-dbg
Description-md5: 15b0a4f9d2c9c026e86d24c1e49b5d6c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca zinnia
Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system
for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines.
Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the
best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain
portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to
recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly
efficient handwriting recognition models.
This package contains the detached debugging symbols.
Package: libzita-alsa-pcmi-dev
Description-md5: eb895ab04ff3a6265a1291c0ee3d253e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-alsa-pcmi
Zita-alsa-pcmi is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA API a successor of
clalsadrv library. It provides easy access to ALSA PCM devices, taking
care of the many functions required to open, initialise and use a hw:
device in mmap mode, and providing floating point audio data.
This package contains the headers used to build applications that use
Package: libzita-convolver-dev
Description-md5: 09c182f786fea3f0fd1fc963221625d3
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-convolver
Zita convolver is a C++ library implementing a real-time convolution
matrix for up to 64 inputs and outputs. It uses multiple partition sizes
to provide both low delay and efficient CPU use.
This package contains the headers used to build applications that use
Package: libzita-resampler-dev
Description-md5: c1f09311f20bd194f17cb65b1f737e22
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-resampler
Zita resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals. It is
designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and
to provide high-quality sample rate conversion.
This package contains the headers used to build applications that use
Package: libzmq-dbg
Description-md5: ff2c43bfb382015c2165ba93b384070b
Description-gl: lightweight messaging kernel (debugging symbols)
ØMQ is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with
features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware
ØMQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues,
multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless
access to multiple transport protocols and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca ZeroMQ.
Package: libzmq3-dbg
Description-md5: ff2c43bfb382015c2165ba93b384070b
Description-gl: lightweight messaging kernel (debugging symbols)
ØMQ is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with
features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware
ØMQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues,
multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless
access to multiple transport protocols and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca ZeroMQ.
Package: libzn-poly-dev
Description-md5: 997b5d77ae66234144ff69e9edc830af
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libzn-poly
zn_poly is a C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x], where n is
any modulus that fits into an unsigned long.
This package contains the development files for the library.
Package: libzookeeper-java-doc
Description-md5: fa7efb25704b2929cc2dd670cc5d88c4
Description-gl: Documentación da API de zookeeper
ZooKeeper is a centralized, reliable, service for maintaining
configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization,
and group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form
or another by distributed applications.
Package: libzorp-dev
Description-md5: a4adfeace70491027bbb8909682e0db2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar módulos de Zorp
Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration
decisions are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
These are the files you need to compile a zorp module.
Package: libzorpll3.9-1-dbg
Description-md5: a7b6ef0602a19c07a51511482698b752
Description-gl: Zorp low-level functions - debugging version
Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained control
over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are scriptable in the
Python-based configuration language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libzorpll3.9-0.
Package: libzvbi-doc
Description-md5: 05eadcc122badb3ff4579988ff1c113f
Description-gl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - documentation files
The VBI devices capture the hidden lines on a television picture that
carry further information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in
Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación.
Package: lierolibre-dbg
Description-md5: 23b8a79c061157b7c0c6e24fe06b9235
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de lierolibre
This package contains the debugging symbols for the old-school earthworm
action game lierolibre.
Package: lighttpd-dev
Description-md5: f1fc9af82b36575ba112fed026bd55dc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de lighttpd
This package contains the development header-files for lighttpd.
Package: lilypond
Description-md5: 815a9b1cee6dda8a4c295b8c6dbc2a26
Description-gl: Programa para a formatación de textos musicais
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
O LilyPond admite moitas formas de construtos de notación musical,
incluídos os nomes dos acordes, a notación da percusión, o baixo figurado,
as notas de adorno, as tabulaturas de guitarra, a notación moderna
(notación en cúmulos e agrupamentos rítmicos), tremolos, grupos
artificiais (aniñados) en proporcións arbitrarias e máis.
A linguaxe de entrada musical baseada en texto do LilyPond pode ser
integrada en LaTeX, HTML e Texinfo sen costuras, permitindo así escribir
partituras sinxelas ou tratados de musicoloxía a partir dunha fonte única.
A forma e o contido están separadas e, co formato automático e experto do
LilyPond, os usuarios non precisan teren pericia tipográfica para producir
unha boa notación.
O LilyPond produce saída impresa en PDF, PostScript, SVG ou TeX, así como
MIDI para o pracer de escoitar. O LilyPond expórtase desde as interfaces
gráficas do RoseGarden e do NoteEdit e pode importar ABC, ETF e MIDI.
O LilyPond fai parte do Proxecto GNU.
Authors: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Package: lilypond-data
Description-md5: 15b6a8707411fca217f45f5290242bd1
Description-gl: Formatador de texto musical LilyPond (ficheiros de datos)
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura para
o LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc
Description-md5: 1355f9f9cd1b59d538be739ca852d6d7
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond no formato info (e metapaquete)
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete inclúe a documentación no formato info e recomenda a
documentación en html e pdf do software de formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html
Description-md5: ce9305bb3e0186f8d51108b36ca7315e
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML do software de formatación
musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-cs
Description-md5: 2ee692707fa6419b4ab149a3f3435a05
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en checo
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en checo do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-de
Description-md5: eefab7eba3e3147677f7db0340a6fb36
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en alemán
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
This package contains the HTML documentation in alemán for the LilyPond
music typesetting software.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-es
Description-md5: 26862c06877078c4b0485543006d5282
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en español
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en español do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-fr
Description-md5: 508d25778e5c5ea0907a9ca4b4690523
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en francés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
This package contains the HTML documentation in francés for the LilyPond
music typesetting software.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-hu
Description-md5: 035215d337f59965c7d0343cdc2563c1
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en húngaro
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en húngaro do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-it
Description-md5: 975a9c9c34436ced5945fda5dee7c154
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en italiano
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en italiano do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-ja
Description-md5: dc3df7f4ae4602afeede13618f825dda
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en xaponés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en xaponés do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-nl
Description-md5: a9c770cfc0c65cc6809d504a6f091b3b
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en holandés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
This package contains the HTML documentation in holandés for the LilyPond
music typesetting software.
Package: lilypond-doc-html-zh
Description-md5: 799a1badc745ba3b428fad6d04b9b11c
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en chinés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en chinés do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf
Description-md5: 6c5792f355319abd1e77bbf9cfa75977
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en PDF
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF do software de formatación
musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-de
Description-md5: 80192b1ae0f75cbce60c7f8dcd878282
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en alemán
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en alemán do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-es
Description-md5: 0cd221acd745c1f9b885f7c1cce99ed1
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en español
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en español do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-fr
Description-md5: 6c8999d1697143faa20ec906abe9fb48
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en francés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en francés do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-hu
Description-md5: c2952134c91516ea25a4a3b97514782b
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en húngaro
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en húngaro do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-it
Description-md5: 5b76cedb4522b85c212660a8f0cf3aa9
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en italiano
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en italiano do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-nl
Description-md5: a5c506933d9cf7e4c254655f6b9adcce
Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en PDF en holandés
O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado
automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un
ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel.
Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en holandés do software de
formatación musical LilyPond.
Package: lingot
Description-md5: 0165179d1dc2f17e5bf0e0df031d8e26
Description-gl: accurate and easy to use musical instrument tuner
O Lingot é un afinador de instrumentos musicais. É preciso, doado de
empregar e moi configurábel. Concibido orixinalmente para afinar guitarras
eléctricas, agora pode afinar calquera instrumento.
Ten a aparencia dun afinador analóxico, cunha agulla que indica o
desprazamento relativo dunha nota determinada indicando a nota e a súa
Package: links2
Description-md5: 9a74b5001abe6d9597ea0d0eb9b7e17d
Description-gl: Navegador web que se pode executar en modo texto ou en modo gráfico
Links is a graphics and text mode WWW browser, similar to Lynx. It
displays tables, frames, downloads on background, uses HTTP/1.1 keepalive
connections. In graphics mode it displays PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and XBM
pictures, runs external bindings on other types, and features anti-aliased
font, smooth image zooming, 48-bit dithering, and gamma and aspect ratio
Package: linphone-dbg
Description-md5: 7727c74d53f3a0d6b79b54993a4fe12b
Description-gl: Debugging symbols for linphone
Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It
has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and
video codecs, and provides IM features.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: linthesia
Description-md5: a1f207822959a1a1cb9089fbd6e66e30
Description-gl: Fork of Synthesia to GNU/Linux
O Synthesia é un programa que ensina a tocar o piano empregando notas que
van caendo, estilo pianola, cun ficheiro MIDI. Pódense escoller máis
You can practice using an external MIDI piano keyboard.
Package: linux-libc-dev-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 9d79b1e7a2c6d8a0875bde4a09a1cc28
Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras
empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do
sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construír módulos
de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso.
Package: linux-libc-dev-armel-cross
Description-md5: 9d79b1e7a2c6d8a0875bde4a09a1cc28
Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras
empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do
sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construír módulos
de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso.
Package: linux-libc-dev-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 9d79b1e7a2c6d8a0875bde4a09a1cc28
Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras
empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do
sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construír módulos
de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso.
Package: linux-libc-dev-powerpc-cross
Description-md5: 9d79b1e7a2c6d8a0875bde4a09a1cc28
Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling)
This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras
empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do
sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construír módulos
de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso.
Package: linux-lowlatency-headers-3.11.0-11
Description-md5: df436fc8b35e7f1fcfe4b90d6c69e97a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceiras relacionados coa versión 3.11.0 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.11.0, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
lowlatency-headers-3.11.0-11/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-lowlatency-tools-3.11.0-11
Description-md5: addb058a5727e201fa0ec2b86998c01b
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux das versións 3.11.0-11
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
3.11.0-11 on
You probabally want to install linux-tools-3.11.0-11-.
Package: linux-tools-3.11.0-11-lowlatency
Description-md5: aa5064b10bbba11837ab4bd8b3ebdb5b
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux das versións 3.11.0-11
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
3.11.0-11 on
Package: linux-user-chroot-dbg
Description-md5: 819a42bafdb0c499724236ec78720821
Description-gl: setuid helper for making bind mounts and chrooting (debug files)
This tool allows regular (non-root) users to call chroot(2), create Linux
bind mounts, and use some Linux container features. It's primarily
intended for use by build systems.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: liquidsoap
Description-md5: 94d9899fe402c70cc9efd6e28fca9a0e
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
Some of the typical uses are:
* dynamically generating playlists depending on the time or other factors
* having smooth transitions between songs
* adding jingles periodically
* applying effects on the sound like volume normalization
* reencoding the stream at various qualities
* remotely controlling the stream
Package: liquidsoap-mode
Description-md5: 2f409ad96550ec4a40fbb458fcaceb00
Description-gl: Emacs mode for editing Liquidsoap code
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides an (X)Emacs mode which makes it easier to edit
Liquidsoap source code.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-all
Description-md5: 1d892a8224cc4e6e76a09d0c4651bfeb
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Todos os engadidos
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This meta-package installs all available plugins for Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-alsa
Description-md5: 82b9d2f241699f3a1c48b5fa7dcf2c97
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para ALSA
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides ALSA support for liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ao
Description-md5: 34834baf989ba01ae78f52661accf4b2
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para AO
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides AO support for liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-camlimages
Description-md5: 299085b10fc8943a41cdd667ad28e66d
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Camlimages
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for decoding various format of images in
Liquidsoap using camlimages.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-dssi
Description-md5: caf103652a3c304c559c1deeb105d7b7
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para DSSI
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides DSSI plugins support for liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-faad
Description-md5: d58df75c4246f6f700106d2ad43a3960
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para FAAD
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for decoding AAC and M4A files in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-flac
Description-md5: f99bc5f38a7d3eecdbb1f6b90abb2c0a
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para FLAC
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for decoding and encoding native and ogg-
encapsulated FLAC data in liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-frei0r
Description-md5: 7d42df5323608d3f3a070b288495b0a9
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Frei0r
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for frei0r plugins in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gavl
Description-md5: 8b58de28ca8ae763934312e1cdd1a850
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Gavl
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for gavl video manipulation in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gd
Description-md5: 1ab6651af6352f45ec4bbca726aae35b
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para libgd
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for operators using libgd. Currently, the
only operator provided is This operators provides
video text rendering without any X-related dependency.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-graphics
Description-md5: da3827d2c0334ca24268e45ab4018516
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Graphics
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for Video visualisation operators using
OCaml graphics module in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gstreamer
Description-md5: 003d526831f4aba8b78180642f4b293e
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para GStreamer
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for operators using GStreamer.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-icecast
Description-md5: 787c4f5e08c9211caa72527a76212511
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Icecast
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for Icecast output in liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-jack
Description-md5: 591730a9f3a1f8e958c7a9eb85302c14
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para JACK
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides JACK support for liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ladspa
Description-md5: 550960566e050ee2ea2ef9445b34e923
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para LADSPA
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for LADSPA audio effects in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lame
Description-md5: b50068d868c28d1e98e926a9eb01db68
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Lame
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for MP3 encoding in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lastfm
Description-md5: ef4fb1e7685dadc576f535ef139d67f6
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Lastfm
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
Este paquete fornece compatibilidade para o envío e retransmisión de radio
Lastfm en Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lo
Description-md5: 922d90b741d64c5f5271f6976a52793c
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para LO
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for Open Sound Control (OSC) in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-mad
Description-md5: c231c21ce6cfeb879e61f14a821c80da
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Mad
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for MP3 audio data decoding in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ogg
Description-md5: 45647f8be0d5a4babb0c5393ae5b56e5
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Ogg
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for Ogg stream decoding and encoding in
Liquidsoap. This plugin is only useful when used with one of vorbis,
speex, flac, theora or schroedinger plugin.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-opus
Description-md5: 90199353e95d6942977d649af5156163
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Opus
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for ogg/opus audio decoding and encoding in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-oss
Description-md5: 68a1d985462c1616df834e52ba41af0c
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para OSS
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for OSS audio output in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-portaudio
Description-md5: 14ebea43eb4570738c64a95b05c5a172
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Portaudio
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for portaudio audio input and output in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-pulseaudio
Description-md5: e35ab12318f1ff06b9808d386e257b53
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Pulseaudio
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for pulseaudio audio input and output in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-samplerate
Description-md5: 0957de75186053ec585cc19029389fe6
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Samplerate
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for audio samplerate conversion using
libsamplerate in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-schroedinger
Description-md5: 02c82c06f9a0eb9288ca94f5870d6a92
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Schroedinger
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support ogg/dirac video decoding and encoding using
libschroedinger in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-sdl
Description-md5: 0ae4bb5a6d2703f4b7e1593e3b0200a3
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para SDL
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides SDL support for liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-shine
Description-md5: 30cf4b5accf4c2538f2b5d0ff89159ea
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Shine
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for MP3 encoding using the shine fixed-point
encoding library in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-soundtouch
Description-md5: 8ce489ec5b0948b54d01eb2341cf12b0
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Soundtouch
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for audio manipulation using libsoundtouch
in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-speex
Description-md5: 6957bbffdbf671256c052648a1885676
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Speex
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for ogg/speex audio decoding and encoding in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-taglib
Description-md5: 4c192db3e01e2b050bbc9bec86e75e46
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Taglib
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for file metadata reading using taglib in
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-theora
Description-md5: c2cb730c98d18964fc2b67c71963cabc
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Theora
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for ogg/theora video decoding and encoding
in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-voaacenc
Description-md5: a5cb0aeb7823563fb6af320449398235
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Voaacenc
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support AAC audio encoding in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-vorbis
Description-md5: 72110231754acf5d41b9df924c865eb5
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Vorbis
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for ogg/vorbis audio decoding and encoding
in Liquidsoap.
Package: liquidsoap-plugin-xmlplaylist
Description-md5: b67ea115d54c3d77d452c47b510c9b8d
Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Xmlplaylist
O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construír sistemas de fluxo de
son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos
de icecast).
It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine
and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and
easily extensible.
This package provides support for various XML playlist formats in
Package: lire-doc
Description-md5: aea8c20dcd75534d268000069038563b
Description-gl: Documentación do Lire
Lire is a full-featured and extensible set of utilities and APIs to
generate statistics and reports from logfiles.
This package contains the Lire User Manual in plain text, PDF and HTML
Package: lisaac-doc
Description-md5: cc1d8329d78829818d35278c25e7dd0f
Description-gl: Documenta de lisaac
Lisaac is a small prototype-based programming language.
This package contains the documentation in html format. Your are also
provided with a pdf smart and complete documentation.
Package: litl-doc
Description-md5: bf9c332395443a82cc1786bf5b1800c1
Description-gl: Lightweight Trace Library - documentation
LiTL is a lightweight tool for recording events during the execution of
scientific high-performance applications.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: littlewizard
Description-md5: fa44ba03826e4376aab305a0552bd9d5
Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento para nenos
Little Wizard is created especially for primary school children. It
introduces main elements of present computer languages, including:
variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element
of language is represented by an intuitive icon. Little Wizard can be
programmed without using keyboard, only mouse.
Package: live-boot-doc
Description-md5: b8d33ba76630f2342a0692dfe6d1de2f
Description-gl: Live System Boot Scripts (documentation)
live-boot contains the scripts that configure a live system during the
boot process (early userspace).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: live-boot-initramfs-tools
Description-md5: d13218b3bf848469b14186cc94edf96d
Description-gl: Live System Boot Scripts (initramfs-tools backend)
live-boot contains the scripts that configure a live system during the
boot process (early userspace).
Este paquete contén a infraestrutura initramfs-tools.
Package: live-config-doc
Description-md5: 2c964e0a8eec94ebd1da480c08567c19
Description-gl: Live System Configuration Scripts (documentation)
live-config contains the scripts that configure a live system during the
boot process (late userspace).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: live-debconfig-doc
Description-md5: 6337e825e357420bea63d38e5b792ff4
Description-gl: Live System Configuration Components (documentation)
The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based
Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves.
live-debconfig contains the components to configure a live system during
the build process.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: live-image-all
Description-md5: 0b79642fe78735156da71225d79c1d80
Description-gl: live-build configurations (metapackage)
Live images are built with live-build configuration trees.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todas as árbores de
configuración dispoñíbeis.
Package: live-manual
Description-md5: a9a548632dc6336fad5e7163c127d08f
Description-gl: Debian Live Documentation (metapackage)
live-manual contains the documentation for the Debian Live project.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os formatos de saída
Package: livemedia-utils
Description-md5: 9eba2f43815fbab3a862c6630e9b8f94
Description-gl: multimedia RTSP streaming tools
The streaming media code is a set of C++ libraries for
multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP).
These libraries can be used to build applications to stream, receive and
process MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG video, several audio codecs, and can easily
be extended to support additional codecs. They can also be used to build
basic RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol) clients and servers.
Este paquete contén os servidores de retransmisión de
(live555MediaServer e live555ProxyServer), os programas de exemplo
(openRTSP, playSIP, sapWatch, vobStreamer) e diversas ferramentas de
Package: lives-dbg
Description-md5: 8b2e1113b0f6082e8e4004911350d29e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do LiVES
LiVES is a Video Editing system allowing both novice and advanced users to
edit and create video straight away. It can also be used as a VJ tool, and
can be scripted and controlled remotely.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do LiVES
Package: ll-scope
Description-md5: d2dcb4d11ee7e34e80e70d55ee26f8a5
Description-gl: un engadido de osciloscopio DSSI
The Oscilloscope is a DSSI plugin with a GUI that displays the audio input
in an oscilloscope view. It can be useful when working with modular
synths, to view the waveforms with at different places in the synth graph.
Package: lletters
Description-md5: 82987adfaa25edf728aada5561c367f2
Description-gl: Xogo en GTK para que os cativos aprendan as letras e os números
This is based on author's daughter's (formerly) favorite game, Larry's
Learning Letters and Numbers. This is a Linux replacement, written from
scratch, with many improvements. It was built using the GTK (Gimp
ToolKit) for X. It presently works with 1.0.x and 1.1.x, but images load
faster with the newer library.
It is intended for children 2 and up, and is a fun learning game. It
helps younger children learn their letters and numbers, while older
children will improve their spelling, and vocabulary skills. It also
helps them develop important keyboard and mouse skills too.
You can have more than one image for each word, more than one word for
each letter, and you can add new images without recompiling too.
Package: llk-linux
Description-md5: 19408484b068e1bc7fcc30882293136c
Description-gl: un xogo semellante ao mahjongg escrito en GTK
Your mission in this game is to remove all blocks from the game board. A
matching pair of blocks can be removed, if they are 'free', which means
the connection between these two blocks does not cross other block and
have at most two turns.
Package: llvm-3.3
Description-md5: 9e5c5554d1a5882101129d5527e3e617
Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies
LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build
compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other
compiler-related programs.
LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as
an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler
phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal
representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code
representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to
be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle-
time" (between program runs).
The strengths of the LLVM infrastructure are its extremely simple design
(which makes it easy to understand and use), source-language independence,
powerful mid-level optimizer, automated compiler debugging support,
extensibility, and its stability and reliability. LLVM is currently being
used to host a wide variety of academic research projects and commercial
projects. LLVM includes C and C++ front-ends, a front-end for a Forth-like
language (Stacker), a young scheme front-end, and Java support is in
development. LLVM can generate code for X86, SparcV9, PowerPC or many
other architectures.
LLVM é o compoñente fundamental do compilador clang e o engadido de gcc
chamado dragonegg.
Package: llvm-3.3-dev
Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49
Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers
LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build
compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other
compiler-related programs.
LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as
an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler
phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal
representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code
representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to
be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle-
time" (between program runs).
Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras para desenvolver
aplicativos que empreguen llvm.
Package: llvm-3.5
Description-md5: 9e5c5554d1a5882101129d5527e3e617
Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies
LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build
compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other
compiler-related programs.
LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as
an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler
phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal
representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code
representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to
be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle-
time" (between program runs).
The strengths of the LLVM infrastructure are its extremely simple design
(which makes it easy to understand and use), source-language independence,
powerful mid-level optimizer, automated compiler debugging support,
extensibility, and its stability and reliability. LLVM is currently being
used to host a wide variety of academic research projects and commercial
projects. LLVM includes C and C++ front-ends, a front-end for a Forth-like
language (Stacker), a young scheme front-end, and Java support is in
development. LLVM can generate code for X86, SparcV9, PowerPC or many
other architectures.
LLVM é o compoñente fundamental do compilador clang e o engadido de gcc
chamado dragonegg.
Package: llvm-3.5-dev
Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49
Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers
LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build
compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other
compiler-related programs.
LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as
an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler
phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal
representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code
representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to
be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle-
time" (between program runs).
Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras para desenvolver
aplicativos que empreguen llvm.
Package: lmms
Description-md5: 816cb06c4ea6fb223d96de245d4d63a3
Description-gl: Estudio multimedia para Linux
LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed-
source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability
of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing
and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI-
keyboard and much more...
LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program
(pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful
synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use
graphical user-interface.
Package: logfs-tools-dbg
Description-md5: 483527579a3529d69f6af78468c0364a
Description-gl: Tools to manage logfs filesystems (debug)
LogFS is a scalable flash filesystem. It is aimed to replace JFFS2 for
most uses, but focuses more on large devices. JFFS2 works well enough on
small devices, it just gets slow and uses up too much memory on larger
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das utilidades necesarias
para crear sistemas de ficheiros logfs.
Package: loggedfs-dbg
Description-md5: cd7bf61de09a44452564dccd481d58d0
Description-gl: Fuse-filesystem daemon logging every filesystem operations
LoggedFS is a transparent fuse-filesystem which allows you to log every
operation that takes place in the backend filesystem. Logs can be written
to syslog, into a file, or to the standard output.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: logisim
Description-md5: 2a120a09165f3d56086cc57d2ad5d510
Description-gl: Ferramenta gráfica para deseñar e simular circuítos lóxicos
Logisim é unha ferramenta educativa para deseñar e simular circuítos
lóxicos dixitais. Coa sú interface sinxela de barras de ferramentas e
simulación de circuítos segundo se constrúen, é tan sinxela que facilita a
aprendizaxe dos conceptos máis básicos relacionados cos circuítos lóxicos.
Coa capacidade de construír circuítos máis grandes a partir de sub-
circuítos máis pequenos e de debuxar grupos de cabos con só arrastrar o
rato, Logisim pode ser empregado (e éo) para deseñar e simular CPU
completas como exercicio educativo.
Package: lokalize
Description-md5: fb65e1340bca6ad2b951b8e6a11b17fa
Description-gl: Sistema de tradución asistida por ordenador
Lokalize is a computer-aided translation system that focuses on
productivity and quality assurance. It has components usual for CAT tools:
translation memory, glossary, and also a unique translation merging
(synchronization) capability. It is primarily targeted at software
translation and also integrates external conversion tools for office
document translation. Lokalize is a replacement of KBabel.
This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module.
Package: lokalize-dbg
Description-md5: 7f4ead5493964af26bb7717146a41d1a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do lokalize
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en lokalize.
Package: love-dbg
Description-md5: 8646e52af16af0c778faa0355a3068b2
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento de xogos en 2D - símbolos de depuración
LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or
complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge of
system or graphics functions and without having to dedicate time towards
developing the same engine features time and time again.
Developed with cross-platform implementation in mind, it utilizes the
latest open source libraries to deliver a similar game experience,
independent of operating system. By relying on the Lua scripting language
for game-specific programming, it allows even the novice game creator to
quickly and efficiently develop an idea into a fully working game.
This package includes the debug symbols for LÖVE.
Package: love-doc
Description-md5: 6caf3b6bdc1f07aa2ff000fcd4b8b6e6
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento de xogos en 2D - documentación
LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or
complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge of
system or graphics functions and without having to dedicate time towards
developing the same engine features time and time again.
Developed with cross-platform implementation in mind, it utilizes the
latest open source libraries to deliver a similar game experience,
independent of operating system. By relying on the Lua scripting language
for game-specific programming, it allows even the novice game creator to
quickly and efficiently develop an idea into a fully working game.
This package includes the Reference Manual for LÖVE.
Package: lskat
Description-md5: 121f1f26a67aaaa68c2cb56d910379f1
Description-gl: Lieutnant Skat card game
Lieutnant Skat is a simplified variant of the Skat card game for two
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: ltsp-manager
Description-md5: 4f3e553efe380d497d699eb3a5ccfd57
Description-gl: Interface gráfica de xestión de servidores de LTSP de Ubuntu
This is the LTSP GUI management tool to set up, modify and manage an
Ubuntu LTSP server Thin Client installation. It guides you through the
Thin Client chroot installation and enables you to adjust dhcp settings on
the server. It also allows you to tweak specific settings for the Thin
Package: ltt-bin
Description-md5: 80b2142ea49aecbbff802c77b9f02c3c
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lttng-tools
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
lttng-tools. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: lua-lgi-dbg
Description-md5: e25aaf98b5bdff3a2eff7d470d4a794d
Description-gl: Lua bridge to GObject based libraries
LGI is gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding to GObject based
libraries. It allows using GObject-based libraries directly from Lua.
Notable examples are GTK+, GStreamer and Webkit.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de lua-lgi.
Package: lua5.1-doc
Description-md5: b77cd91c50d3e390c2f3bf168f592cab
Description-gl: Documentación da versión 5.1 da linguaxe Lua
Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for
extending applications. The language engine is accessible as a library,
having a C API which allows the application to exchange data with Lua
programs and also to extend Lua with C functions. Lua is also used as a
general-purpose, stand-alone language through the simple command line
interpreter provided.
This package contains the official manual covering the Lua language and C
API, examples, etc.
Package: lua50-doc
Description-md5: 601759191142b6c68b94a8a32003b9bc
Description-gl: Documentación da versión 5.0 da linguaxe de programación Lua
This is the documentation for the Lua 5.0 programming language.
This package includes the HTML versions of the manual pages and the
language manual itself.
Package: lubuntu-core
Description-md5: ae9c51f48a979c3505cd53dfc1cdb772
Description-gl: Lubuntu Desktop environment - minimal installation
This metapackage package depends on the minimal components for an
installation of Lubuntu.
Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se
recomenda que non se desinstale.
Package: luciole
Description-md5: 0f2db4c985a10fc62601fe68e76b8aa4
Description-gl: Image per Image capture tool for movie animations
Luciole é software de «stop motion» para a realización de películas
animadas. Pode realizar capturas de imaxes con dispositivos externos como
cámaras web ou cámaras DV. Luciole preténdese que sexa doado de utilizar
para funcións educativas e simplificar a montaxe de películas animadas.
Package: lunch
Description-md5: b590e43c092f607444cc4ce7b5b6ac26
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para python-lunch
Este é un paquete transitorio para python-lunch e pode ser desinstalado
con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Description-md5: a691ad219cc75a0527475e5e421386d2
Description-gl: Lector de novas para GNUstep
LuserNET is an NNTP based news reader for GNUstep. Although it's at an
early version, it's already quite usable. The following features are
* Coloring of messages based on quoting depth.
* Background read-ahead.
* Intelligent scrolling.
* Handles multiple servers.
* Completely asynchronous.
* Good MIME conformance and handling.
Package: lxappearance
Description-md5: 241e2402ebe121f057152a0afd056987
Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher
LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
Environment (LXDE).
It is a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher able to change GTK+ themes,
icon themes, and fonts used by applications. GNOME/KDE/Xfce user may use
build-in theme, this works for GTK+ based lightweight desktop Environment.
* Choose GTK+ theme
* Choose icon theme
* Install new icon theme
* Choose their favorite font
* Choose toolbar style
* See changes immediately in preview area
Package: lxappearance-dbg
Description-md5: 76a55c4d48c4c905e350497f0bc1d06b
Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (debug)
LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
Environment (LXDE).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxappearance-obconf-dbg
Description-md5: 74e4b6717575de61c969beb32d5cf9cf
Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (plugin - debug)
LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
Environment (LXDE).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do engadido de ObConf.
Package: lxde
Description-md5: e6ceb052901d748ec035d00167b83d3a
Description-gl: Metapaquete do ambiente de escritorio lixeiro para X11
LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a new project aimed to
provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast.
Este paquete é un metapaquete e depende dos compoñentes centrais e dos
compoñentes recomendados de LXDE. Inclúe lxde-core, lxappearance, lxinput,
lxsession-edit, lxshortcut, gpicview, lxterminal, lxmusic, leafpad e
If you just want to pick and choose the core components then feel free to
remove this package.
Package: lxde-core
Description-md5: 6f418920850d606711af79cbcf632667
Description-gl: Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment Core
LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a new project aimed to
provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast.
Este paquete é un metapaquete e depende dos compoñentes centrais
recomendados de LXDE. Inclúe pcmanfm, lxpanel, lxsession, openbox and
If you just want to pick and choose the core components then feel free to
remove this package.
Package: lxdm
Description-md5: b8e3da45a6f996b0d98b1dc577c5d8a1
Description-gl: GUI login manager for LXDE
lxdm is a lightweight GUI login manager which can be used as a dropped-in
replacement for GDM or KDM.
Pode, ademais de con LXDE e lxdm, funcionar con KDE e outros
Package: lxinput-dbg
Description-md5: 242f9e88635c46210f75b639e74d3bcb
Description-gl: LXDE keyboard and mouse configuration (debug)
LXInput is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxlauncher-dbg
Description-md5: afd01687fa00eac9ec4a9c8ab7c136f2
Description-gl: LXDE launcher for netbooks (debug)
LXLauncher is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
Environment (LXDE).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxmusic-dbg
Description-md5: 1bea6407d0dd810d438779f54d5016b8
Description-gl: LXDE music player (debug)
LXMusic is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxpanel-dbg
Description-md5: b16e483c91bd0f9fd4417a286e5488f4
Description-gl: LXDE panel (debug)
LXPanel is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxrandr-dbg
Description-md5: 79c70b60f85df3ef5cc44cc1a4368478
Description-gl: LXDE monitor configuration tool (debug)
LXRandR is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxshortcut-dbg
Description-md5: cad0e67051a22ba2231f6ca32fbebb7d
Description-gl: LXDE application shortcut editor (debug)
LXShortcut is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
Environment (LXDE).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxtask-dbg
Description-md5: 7f9bdf2e6583ad966f9485dac0bf6a69
Description-gl: LXDE task manager (debug)
LXTask is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lxterminal-dbg
Description-md5: fe6cefbfc5a9b4e39d10111844587d73
Description-gl: LXDE terminal emulator (debug)
LXTerminal is a VTE-based terminal emulator for the Lightweight X11
Desktop Environment (LXDE).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lynx-cur-wrapper
Description-md5: cb5bf96b1082b91fa3c57f015993ee54
Description-gl: Wrapper for lynx-cur (transitional package)
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza;
vexa o paquete lynx-cur.
Package: lyx
Description-md5: 5ab982dbd4884802e70888a34b284303
Description-gl: document processor
LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and
typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word
processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is
even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it
than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands
within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
Pódese estender a funcionalidade de LyX instalando estes paquetes:
* chktex: comprobación de erros tipográficos
* dvipost: mostrar cambios seguidos na saída do formato DVI
* gnuhtml2latex: importar documentos en HTML
* groff: formatado de táboas mellorado nas exportacións a texto simple
* librsvg2-bin, inkscape: uso do formato de imaxes SVG nos documentos de LyX
* linuxdoc-tools: exportar documentos SGML de LunuxDoc
* mythes-*: usar o Tesauro de
* noweb: importar ficheiros noweb
* rcs: control de versións integrado
* sgmltools-lite: exportar documentos SGML DocBook * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: usar o programa de composición XeTeX
* wv: importar documentos do MS Word
Package: lyx-dbg
Description-md5: 18b76bc9afd0e9be37bdd3e5c45c8b3f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do LyX
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do LyX.
Package: lzd-dbg
Description-md5: 2f150b7170174c3b1720d14b7530b2bc
Description-gl: Educational, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than
bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data
Lzd is a very simplified decompressor for lzip files with an educational
purpose. Studying its source is a good first step to understand how lzip
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lzip-dbg
Description-md5: d32e020bdca6ad1786c258ce4b15562d
Description-gl: lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than
bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lziprecover-dbg
Description-md5: d32e020bdca6ad1786c258ce4b15562d
Description-gl: lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than
bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: lzma-alone
Description-md5: 7bc86d6e93e61a9215134d34983be3c3
Description-gl: Compression and decompression in the LZMA format - legacy utility
O algoritmo de cadea de Markov Lempel-Ziv é un método de compresión
baseado no famoso algoritmo LZ77 e introduciuno por vez primeira 7-Zip
para os arquivos 7z.
Its main characteristics are a very high compression ratio, with high RAM
usage, and fast decompression, with low RAM usage. These properties make
it well suited to embedded uses, such as for ROM (firmware) compression.
This package provides only the old lzma_alone compression utility, which
has an interface more like that of zip.
Package: m17n-lib-bin
Description-md5: eccf9de613a724fce0f3f0bebdce2e6c
Description-gl: multilingual text processing library - utilities
A biblioteca m17n é unha biblioteca de procesamento de texto multilingüe
para a linguaxe C. Esta biblioteca ten as funcionalidades seguintes:
- The m17n library is an open source software.
- The m17n library for any Linux/Unix applications.
- The m17n library realizes multilingualization of many aspects of
- The m17n library represents multilingual text as an object named
M-text. M-text is a string with attributes called text properties,
and designed to substitute for string in C. Text properties carry any
information required to input, display and edit the text.
- The m17n library supports functions to handle M-texts.
m17n is an abbreviation of Multilingualization.
This package contains the utilities which use m17n-lib.
Package: m17n-lib-mimx
Description-md5: 966ec39a8710e82343da3ccae50c5f66
Description-gl: multilingual text processing library - binary modules
A biblioteca m17n é unha biblioteca de procesamento de texto multilingüe
para a linguaxe C. Esta biblioteca ten as funcionalidades seguintes:
- The m17n library is an open source software.
- The m17n library for any Linux/Unix applications.
- The m17n library realizes multilingualization of many aspects of
- The m17n library represents multilingual text as an object named
M-text. M-text is a string with attributes called text properties,
and designed to substitute for string in C. Text properties carry any
information required to input, display and edit the text.
- The m17n library supports functions to handle M-texts.
m17n is an abbreviation of Multilingualization.
This package contains the binary modules needed by: - ja-anthy.mim -
Package: macchanger
Description-md5: c8f2f2d398471af6b33e2274773dde88
Description-gl: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
* set specific MAC address of a network interface
* set the MAC randomly
* set a MAC of another vendor
* set another MAC of the same vendor
* set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card)
* display a vendor MAC list (today, 6200 items) to choose from
Package: magicor
Description-md5: 0b67713ead5e6d6669a479f3225a572f
Description-gl: xogo de quebracabezas co espírito da Tecla de Salomón
Magicor is a small puzzle game similar to the old NES classic solomon's
key. You control tux the penguin and create ice blocks to extinguish all
fires on each map.
Package: magictouch
Description-md5: 32d6f20f59da9c1f5b22139cab0d9c20
Description-gl: Xogo retro multipulsación: use os dous controis para pintar unha imaxe
Very simple but challenging game: you only have two knobs to control the
pen. turn the knobs left knob to make the pen go up and down, use the
right one to make the pen go left and right. you already figured it out:
complex figures need complex turning.
Package: mailcheck
Description-md5: 1686a353979e58dc7700d4ecd6a5ed19
Description-gl: Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail
Mailcheck is a simple, configurable tool that allows multiple mailboxes to
be checked for the existence of new mail messages. It supports both mbox
and maildir-style mailboxes for compatibility with most mail transport
agents. It also supports remote POP3 and IMAP mailboxes.
Páxina web:
Package: mailutils-dbg
Description-md5: ce51694f2851abedebcb5f08ddef6f8b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do mailutils de GNU
GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework.
It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas, aplicativos
e servidores do mailutils de GNU.
Package: mailutils-doc
Description-md5: d8c3ec1265663703858875b4e634dd62
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación do mailutils de GNU
GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework.
It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers.
This package contains the documentation for the mailutils utilities and
development API.
Package: maliit-framework-dbg
Description-md5: 07dfda039488251ec1ceff7aaa1c456b
Description-gl: Maliit Input Method Framework - Debug symbols
Maliit provides a flexible and cross-platform input method framework. It
has a plugin-based client-server architecture where applications act as
clients and communicate with the Maliit server via input context plugins.
The communication link currently uses D-Bus. Maliit is an open source
framework (LGPL 2) with open source plugins (BSD).
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: mana-dbg
Description-md5: 41a27b1e8359ba2842ea0de922768334
Description-gl: opensource 2D MMORPG platform client (debugging symbols)
The Mana client is developed as part of The Mana Project, which aims to
build a complete 2D MMORPG platform. This includes a client, server and
web component, as well as a library of free content that you can use under
the terms of the GPL.
This version of the client can connect to a specific version of the
eAthena server known as tmwAthena, a version with adaptations made as part
of The Mana World project.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do paquete mana.
Package: manaplus-data
Description-md5: 84561c2e0bad9f1d7f04d0b41a6863e9
Description-gl: Extended client for Evol Online and The Mana World (data files)
ManaPlus is an extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World, and
similar servers based on a fork of eAthena. Evol Online is a 2D fantasy-
style game which aims to create a friendly environment for interacting
with others where people can escape reality and enjoy themselves. The Mana
World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open
source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse
interactive world.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: manaplus-dbg
Description-md5: 0e0528b7b4b21be0c0c765750dc774b5
Description-gl: Extended client for Evol Online and The Mana World (debugging symbols)
ManaPlus is an extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World, and
similar servers based on a fork of eAthena. Evol Online is a 2D fantasy-
style game which aims to create a friendly environment for interacting
with others where people can escape reality and enjoy themselves. The Mana
World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open
source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse
interactive world.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do paquete manaplus.
Package: mango-lassi
Description-md5: 992e05ce114aed274031b6b75bb8c265
Description-gl: Comparta o rato e o punteiro con outros computadores
Mango-lassi lets you to share mouse and pointer with other computers using Avahi. It has features like:
* Fully peer-to-peer. All Mango Lassi instances are both client and server
at the same time. Other hosts may enter or leave a running session at any
* No need to open X11 up for the network.
* You have a 50% chance that for your setup you don't need any configuration
at all. In the case of the other 50% you might need to swap the order of
your screens manually in a simple dialog, because Mango Lassi didn't guess
correctly which screen is left and which screen is right.
* libnotify integration so that it tells you whenever a desktop joins or
leaves your session.
* Shows a nice OSD on your screen when your screen's input is currently being
redirected to another screen.
* Uses all those nifty GNOME APIs, like D-Bus-over-TCP, Avahi, libnotify,
* Supports both the X11 clipboard and the selection, supporting all content
types, and not just simple text -- i.e. you can copy and paste image data
between Gimp on your screens.
Package: manpages-ja
Description-md5: dac61230ef0107a735edfc452a4c7567
Description-gl: Japanese version of the manual pages (for users)
This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Japanese.
For more information, see JM project's web page:
Package: manpages-ja-dev
Description-md5: 7cd60f7ff8278c55f7bf328527c1222c
Description-gl: Japanese version of the manual pages (for developers)
This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Japanese. Following sections are provided:
* 2 = Linux system calls.
* 3 = Libc calls (note that a more comprehensive source of
information may be found in the libc6-doc package).
For more information, see JM project's web page:
Package: mapivi
Description-md5: e7625be429599e9ab3a62a9d250b0008
Description-gl: Photo viewer and organizer with emphasis on IPTC fields
Cross-platform (UNIX, Mac OS X, and Windows) picture manager and
organizer, Mapivi is a stand alone tool, there is no need for a web
server, online access or a database.
Deals with EXIF data (like timestamp, camera model, focal length, exposure
time, aperture, etc.), and is able to rename the pictures according to
their internal date/time, to display and modify JPEG comments and to do
lossless rotation.
The idea of using Mapivi as an picture organizer is to keep user, EXIF,
and IPTC information where it belongs -- in the pictures -- as well in a
searchable Mapivi database.
Mapivi is also able to do image processing. Mapivi serves here as a
frontend (GUI) for many proven command line tools, like the Image Magick
Páxina web: ou ou
Package: marble
Description-md5: 1f126a4752fd8384e6c2471b34c0cba7
Description-gl: globe and map widget
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: marble-data
Description-md5: aa139f189ba89ad194463f7635664726
Description-gl: data files for Marble
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do
globo de escritorio Marble.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: marble-dbg
Description-md5: d9ea2d27ef5c7c102badda895dc05ed9
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do módulo de educación do KDE
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os
problemas dos binarios incluídos no do módulo de educación do KDE 4.
Package: marble-plugins
Description-md5: 29c2e3c1bd2b6d02705b36f4945c0972
Description-gl: plugins for Marble
This package contains various plugins for the Marble desktop globe. The
Marble globe widget library may not be of much use if this package is not
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: marble-qt
Description-md5: 3723681799383a47085e649e82c35bed
Description-gl: globe and map widget (no KDE dependencies)
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: marble-touch
Description-md5: e8c4aa9575ee615ef53925557f0de2ca
Description-gl: globe and map widget for tablets
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
This versions of marble is designed for use on tablet computers.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: massxpert-dbg
Description-md5: 12556fe3ce2ae049f9cd43a5f0dda28b
Description-gl: linear polymer mass spectrometry software - debugging symbols
massXpert is a program to simulate and analyse mass spectrometric data
obtained on linear (bio-)polymers. It is the successor of GNU polyxmass.
Four modules allow:
- making brand new polymer chemistry definitions;
- using the definitions to perform easy calculations in a desktop
calculator-like manner;
- performing sophisticated polymer sequence editing and simulations;
- perform m/z list comparisons;
Chemical simulations encompass cleavage (either chemical or enzymatic),
gas-phase fragmentations, chemical modification of any monomer in the
polymer sequence, cross-linking of monomers in the sequence, arbitrary
mass searches, calculation of the isotopic pattern...
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do massxpert.
Package: mat
Description-md5: 62f520b5d132d8292eb1f03b4b2c2450
Description-gl: Grupo de ferramentas para crear metadatos anónimos
Metadata consist of information that characterizes data. Metadata are used
to provide documentation for data products. In essence, metadata answer
who, what, when, where, why, and how about every facet of the data that
are being documented.
Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data about
when a picture was taken and what camera was used. Office documents like
PDF or Office automatically adds author and company information to
documents and spreadsheets.
Maybe you don't want to disclose those information on the web.
Mat only removes metadata from your files, it does not anonymise their
content, nor can it handle watermarking, steganography, or any too custom
metadata field/system.
If you really want to be anonym, use format that does not contain any
metadata, or better: use plain-text.
Formats supported to some extent are:
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
- JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg, ...)
- Open Document (.odt, .odx, .ods, ...)
- Office Openxml (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, ...)
- Portable Document Fileformat (.pdf)
- Tape ARchive (.tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz)
- ZIP (.zip)
- MPEG Audio (.mp3, .mp2, .mp1, .mpa)
- Ogg Vorbis (.ogg)
- Free Lossless Audio Codec (.flac)
- Torrent (.torrent)
Package: matchbox-keyboard
Description-md5: edcc71ae6e4e88ffe597589c133f0b69
Description-gl: Teclado na pantalla
Matchbox-keyboard is an on-screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard,
designed for touch-screen devices running X.
Matchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-
desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and
anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources
are limited.
Package: matchbox-keyboard-im
Description-md5: b53ff3950a688875b1de1697f2e70de1
Description-gl: Teclado na pantalla
Matchbox-keyboard is an on-screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard,
designed for touch-screen devices running X.
Matchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-
desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and
anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources
are limited.
This package provides a GTK+ input module for use with Matchbox-keyboard
or other on-screen keyboards.
Package: matita
Description-md5: f4799716fefe421c4795fbe113376ebf
Description-gl: optimizador interactivo de teoremas
Matita is a graphical interactive theorem prover based on the Calculus of
(Co)Inductive Constructions.
Package: mc
Description-md5: 252a5c5aeeb7425db45357d4ab8aa55f
Description-gl: Midnight Commander - un potente xestor de ficheiros
O Midnight Commander de GNU é un xestor de ficheiros en modo texto a
pantalla completa. Emprega unha interface con dous paneis e unha
subconsola para a execución das ordes. Inclúe un editor interno con
realzado da sintexa e un visor interno que admite os ficheiros binarios.
Tamén inclúe o sistema de ficheiros virtual (VFS), que permite manipular
os ficheiros dos sistemas remotos (de, p.ex., servidores de FTP ou SSH) e
os ficheiros de dentro dos arquivos como se foren ficheiros reais.
Package: mc-data
Description-md5: a1815081eaa82c881147140e5d7479f3
Description-gl: Midnight Commander - un potente xestor de ficheiros -- ficheiros de datos
O Midnight Commander de GNU é un xestor de ficheiros en modo texto a
pantalla completa. Emprega unha interface con dous paneis e unha
subconsola para a execución das ordes. Inclúe un editor interno con
realzado da sintexa e un visor interno que admite os ficheiros binarios.
Tamén inclúe o sistema de ficheiros virtual (VFS), que permite manipular
os ficheiros dos sistemas remotos (de, p.ex., servidores de FTP ou SSH) e
os ficheiros de dentro dos arquivos como se foren ficheiros reais.
This package provides architecture independent files
Package: mc-dbg
Description-md5: 5320221d5e81a7551404cf7ff3b525cb
Description-gl: Midnight Commander - un potente xestor de ficheiros - paquete de depuración
O Midnight Commander de GNU é un xestor de ficheiros en modo texto a
pantalla completa. Emprega unha interface con dous paneis e unha
subconsola para a execución das ordes. Inclúe un editor interno con
realzado da sintexa e un visor interno que admite os ficheiros binarios.
Tamén inclúe o sistema de ficheiros virtual (VFS), que permite manipular
os ficheiros dos sistemas remotos (de, p.ex., servidores de FTP ou SSH) e
os ficheiros de dentro dos arquivos como se foren ficheiros reais.
This package contains debugging information for mc.
Package: mcollective-plugins-nettest
Description-md5: 7210abe0ae38f9068f9a2f62aabf3b49
Description-gl: Engadido mcollective para nettest
This is a simple agent that will execute a ping or remote connection test
on mcollective hosts
Package: mediaplayer-app
Description-md5: 4f41b81c469833ed48e67f6a4365e738
Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia Ubuntu
A QML Media player service used by Ubuntu shell to play video sources.
Package: mediawiki-math
Description-md5: 1f25d3dd6b7715c3ffdc627ae7f62bd8
Description-gl: math rendering plugin for MediaWiki (transitional package)
MediaWiki is a wiki engine (a program for creating a collaboratively
edited website). It is designed to handle heavy websites containing
library-like document collections, and supports user uploads of
images/sounds, multilingual content, TOC autogeneration, ISBN links, etc.
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza.
Package: mencoder
Description-md5: 4ee65084fdd4d573ed6e0fbb307134e9
Description-gl: Codificador de Películas de MPlayer
O MPlayer reproduce a maioría dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO,
ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA,
admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén
pode reproducir películas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX.
Este paquete contén mencoder, un codificador de películas sinxelo deseñado
para codificar películas reproducíbeis por MPlayer
reproducíbeis por MPlayer. Pode codificar con varios códecs, como DivX4
(unha ou dúas pasadas), libavcodec, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 son. Tamén ten
capacidade para o copiado de fluxos e para mudar o tamaño do vídeo.
Package: merb-core
Description-md5: c27b4c0c2f1e4f80bcf364ed03ce8a75
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-merb-core
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ruby-merb-core. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: meritous
Description-md5: ec71bc9ae6f910045a61ec794e30a735
Description-gl: Xogo de acción e aventuras de exploración de celas
Far below the surface of the planet is a secret. A place of limitless
power. Those that seek to control such a utopia will soon bring an end to
themselves. Seeking an end to the troubles that plague him, PSI user MERIT
journeys into the hallowed Orcus Dome in search of answers.
Meritous is a action-adventure game with simple controls but a challenge
to find a balance of power verses recovery time during real-time battles.
Set in a fractually-generated world, the player can explore thousands of
rooms in search of powerful artifacts, tools to help them, and to
eventually free the Orcus Dome from evil.
Package: metacafe-dl
Description-md5: f1abce98c14ae52225a7a25e74b37414
Description-gl: download videos from (transitional package)
Metacafe-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from featuring a simulation mode to get the video's URL and
download it with another download manager.
Este é un paquete transitorio que inclúe unha ligazón ao executábel
youtube-dl. Vexa README.Debian para máis detalles.
Package: mgetty-docs
Description-md5: 80492847bae7e22d384214d1bad1ff11
Description-gl: Paquete de documentación para mgetty
Sample files and lots of documentation for mgetty. Additional source code
for programs included that allow to set up a user interface for mgetty.
Package: mgm
Description-md5: 12dedfc916a8e2d23efa2be9511229b8
Description-gl: Un monitor da carga do sistema moi configurábel e vistoso
MGM is the Moaning Goat Meter, a system load monitor along the lines of
procmeter3 but much prettier (and with a much higher resource usage). It's
written in Perl/Tk, uses a nice antialiased Helvetica font, is
configurable with X resources, and can have a larger memory footprint than
Package: micro-proxy
Description-md5: efc8c05a4e18a2fd3bf570ba3c51d0ee
Description-gl: really small HTTP/HTTPS proxy
micro_proxy is a very small Unix-based HTTP/HTTPS proxy. It runs from
inetd, which means its performance is poor. But for low-traffic sites,
it's quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP/HTTPS
proxy, including IPv6 forwarding, in only 320 lines of code.
Páxina web:
Package: mididings-doc
Description-md5: ef1b7c67417f4bbdb1b9318fae7ceb6a
Description-gl: mididings Documentation
mididings is a MIDI router and processor based on Python, supporting ALSA
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación de mididings.
Package: midori-dbg
Description-md5: e3856f92ce647af32e6bc1fa7fc28ba3
Description-gl: fast, lightweight graphical web browser (debug symbols)
Midori is a lightweight web browser based on WebKit.
Its features include:
* Full integration with GTK+2.
* Fast rendering with WebKit.
* Tabs, windows and session management.
* Flexibly configurable Web Search.
* User scripts and user styles support.
* Straightforward bookmark management.
* Customizable and extensible interface.
* Support for extensions (written in C).
* Custom context menu actions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do midori.
Package: migemo
Description-md5: 71e585dc49d2e14d6d15f1997a7dea49
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do migemo
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
migemo. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: minbif-common
Description-md5: f6b800e58862708a5554f3a5ec3fc2d4
Description-gl: IRC-to-other-IM-networks gateway using Pidgin library (common files)
Minbif is an IRC gateway to IM networks which provides the following features:
* Minbif uses a library which abstracts all IM calls, and has several
plugins to support more than 15 IM protocols (IRC included!);
* Two modes: inetd and daemon fork;
* Only IRC commands are used to control Minbif;
* Certificates check;
* Buddies are IRC users;
* Each account has a status channel. You see in all connected
buddies, and their status on it;
* Add and remove buddies from list with /INVITE and /KICK commands;
* Blocked users are bans on the account's status channel;
* Display when a buddy is typing a message;
* Can chat with someone who is not in your buddy list;
* You can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them;
* DCC SEND an image to set your icon on IM networks;
* Display extended information about buddies with /WII command;
* Support away messages;
* Can send and receive files, which are sent or received to/from your
IRC client with DCC SEND;
* Conversation channels are supported;
* Auto\-rejoin conversation channels at connection;
* Display list of channels on an IM account with /LIST;
* irssi scripts to increase your user experience of minbif;
* CoinCoin plugin for libpurple.
Este paquete contén a documentación e engadidos comúns.
Package: minbif-dbg
Description-md5: 40e382917ca1b4cc634b26813a3cfd26
Description-gl: IRC-to-other-IM-networks gateway using Pidgin library (dbg)
Minbif is an IRC gateway to IM networks which provides the following features:
* Minbif uses a library which abstracts all IM calls, and has several
plugins to support more than 15 IM protocols (IRC included!);
* Two modes: inetd and daemon fork;
* Only IRC commands are used to control Minbif;
* Certificates check;
* Buddies are IRC users;
* Each account has a status channel. You see in all connected
buddies, and their status on it;
* Add and remove buddies from list with /INVITE and /KICK commands;
* Blocked users are bans on the account's status channel;
* Display when a buddy is typing a message;
* Can chat with someone who is not in your buddy list;
* You can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them;
* DCC SEND an image to set your icon on IM networks;
* Display extended information about buddies with /WII command;
* Support away messages;
* Can send and receive files, which are sent or received to/from your
IRC client with DCC SEND;
* Conversation channels are supported;
* Auto\-rejoin conversation channels at connection;
* Display list of channels on an IM account with /LIST;
* irssi scripts to increase your user experience of minbif;
* CoinCoin plugin for libpurple.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: minetest-dbg
Description-md5: 97a4a0caf4a2837f93a6c1aee9d1892f
Description-gl: Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox (debugging symbols)
Minetest is a minecraft-inspired game written from scratch and licensed
under the LGPL (version 2.1 or later). It supports both survival and
creative modes along with multiplayer support, dynamic lighting, and an
"infinite" map generator.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca por se algo vai mal.
Package: minirok
Description-md5: 5b20960b54959aa6ee0efc086d40ae91
Description-gl: un pequeno reprodutor de música escrito en Python e inspirado no Amarok
Minirok is a small music player written in Python for the K Desktop
Environment. As its name hints, it's modelled after Amarok, but with a
reduced set of features. In particular, it is designed to cover all the
needs and wishes of the author, leaving everything else out. The look and
feel is almost identical to Amarok's, though.
The main interface is a *tree view of the filesystem*, with a playlist
that can only be populated via drag and drop. There is no collection built
from tags, so it's targeted at people whose collection is structured in a
tree already at the filesystem level. Searches can be performed both in
the tree view and the playlist.
Other features include:
* DBus interface for controlling the player and retrieving the
currently played track, among other things
* alter the playing order in the playlist by queueing tracks;
stop after a certain track; repeat track or playlist; random mode;
undo and redo
* reading of tags when adding to the playlist can be disabled by
specifying a regular expression to extract them from the filename
* submission of played songs to
Atallos globais
Minirok is written using the PyKDE bindings and the GStreamer media
Package: minisat2
Description-md5: 8385de90ce10778a1ebab6a56629355e
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do minisat
Este é un paquete transitorio para minisat e pode ser desinstalado con
seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: minit
Description-md5: 0415294c87245125ea8e826893fac2a6
Description-gl: Small but powerful init system
minit is a replacement for init (but can also be used in parallel) that
has process monitoring capabilities and is somewhat similar to daemontools
from D. J. Bernstein.
This package is experimental and not easy to install and use.
Páxina web:
Package: miniupnpc
Description-md5: 3d9ea3e08c317f931e9646ec11c73197
Description-gl: UPnP IGD client lightweight library client
O protocolo UPnP é recoñecido pola maioría dos routers de adsl e cabo e
por Microsoft Windows 2K/XP. O obxectivo do proxecto MiniUPnP é crear unha
solución de software libre que admita a parte «Dispositivo de pasarela de
Internet» do protocolo. O protocolo de UPnP MediaServer/MediaRenderer
tamén se está a facer moi popular.
Miniupnpc pretender ser a biblioteca máis simple posíbel, coa pegada máis
pequena e sen dependencias doutras bibliotecas, como analizadores de XML
ou implementacións de HTTP. Todo o código é ANSI C puro. Compilada nun PC
x86, a biblioteca cliente de miniupn ten un código de menos de 15KB. Por
exemplo, o programa de exemplo de upnpc é duns 20KB. O daemon de miniupn é
moito máis pequeno que calquera outro daemon de IGD e por esta razón é
ideal para empregar en dispositivos con pouca memoria.
This package is an example client for the library.
Package: mistelix
Description-md5: 45cfe44fccb49fe4b68ec78abe8d6204
Description-gl: DVD authoring and slideshow creation application
Mistelix is a DVD authoring application with also Theora slideshow
creation capabilities. It allows you to create slideshows with transition
effects from a set of images, and even include videos in your
Este paquete inclúe o aplicativo principal con compatibilidade con OGG.
Precísase un engadido adicional para poder exportar as creacións a un
formato axeitado para DVD.
Package: mjpegtools-gtk
Description-md5: 588874558baa2eb5095d2ad2f58c0190
Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (GTK+ frontend)
The mjpeg programs are a set of tools that can do recording of videos and
playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio
and video under Linux.
Este paquete conten a interface GTK+
Package: mktemp
Description-md5: 8de03be14c6a847a7943ac239245721f
Description-gl: coreutils mktemp transitional package
Paquete baleiro para facilitar as anovacións; pódese desinstalar con
Package: mlterm
Description-md5: 344a7672990ee06ff67716bffa92a42a
Description-gl: Terminal multilingüe
This is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various
encodings including ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (same
as ISO-8859-11), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC-
JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR,
EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (aka GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW,
HZ, UTF-8, and GB18030.
Doublewidth characters for east Asian, combining characters for Thai,
Vietnamese, and other diacritics, BiDi (bi-directionality) for Arabic and
Hebrew as well as Arabic shaping are all supported. Though mlterm supports
Indic complex languages such as Hindi, this Debian package is not compiled
with Indic support.
Since mlterm checks the current locale and selects appropriate encoding,
you don't need to configure mlterm to display your language and encoding.
mlterm also supports unique features such as scrollbar API, multiple
windows, multiple XIM, anti-alias using FreeType and Xft, and so on.
Package: mm3d
Description-md5: 3a94b2fa98027b873e9b85d9547978ba
Description-gl: OpenGL based 3D model editor
This is an OpenGL based 3D model editor that works with triangle-based
models. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, simple
texturing, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system
for adding new model and image filters. Complete online help is included.
It is designed to be easy to use and easy to extend with plugins and
Admite os ficheiros 3D seguintes: MilkShape (ms3d), Wavefront (obj),
LightWave 3d Object (lwo), Quake 2 model (md2), Quake 3 model (md3),
Caligari trueSpace (cob) e AutoCAD (dxf).
Package: mod-gearman-doc
Description-md5: e70dfc4586e2d1322ca7c1210887dcc1
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de Mod-Gearman
Mod-Gearman is an easy way of distributing active Icinga/Nagios checks
across your network and increasing nagios scalability. Mod-Gearman can
even help to reduce the load on a single nagios host, because its much
smaller and more efficient in executing checks.
This package contains documentation and examples common to the mod-
gearman-module and mod-gearman-worker packages.
Package: model-builder
Description-md5: c69aedd3bf7d7ec556150992304030ed
Description-gl: simulador gráfico de ecuacións diferenciais ordinarias (EDO)
Model Builder is a graphical tool for designing, simulating and analyzing
Mathematical model consisting of a system of ordinary differential
Package: mono-basic-dbg
Description-md5: a3d52a9eb84d0120049ee2746e00b728
Description-gl: Visual Basic de Mono, símbolos de depuración
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos paquetes mono-vbnc e
Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
Package: mono-dbg
Description-md5: a4c0c311688136a153b32c589e8d439f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de Mono
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de diversos paquetes
libmono-* e mono-*.
Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
Package: monodoc-banshee-manual
Description-md5: fa1e46f6aa31c000a47ce0ccd4a8ca3a
Description-gl: Media Management and Playback application (developer documentation)
O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o
escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca,
crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a
música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar
ficheiros de vídeo e gravar seleccións nun CD.
This package contains the developer documentation for Banshee.
Package: monodoc-gstreamer-manual
Description-md5: 806afd1b960a9ab2c75e452c83a47946
Description-gl: CLI bindings to GStreamer - developer documentation
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains the compiled XML documentation for use with Monodoc.
Package: morris-dbg
Description-md5: 2ad5d24b39450b8bdf5e7d18288397b2
Description-gl: Nine men's morris game - debug
Morris is an implementation of the board game "Nine Men's Morris".
Sometimes simply called Mills, Morris, Merrills, or Mühle in German.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: morse-simulator-doc
Description-md5: 36963b1fd89f54bf7ddb4238203c873d
Description-gl: Multi-OpenRobot Simulation Engine - Documentation
List of morse features:
* Versatile simulator for generic mobile robots simulation
(single or multi robots),
* Realistic and dynamic environments (interaction with other agents like
humans or objects),
* Based on well known and widely adopted open source projects (Blender for 3D
rendering + UI, Bullet for physics simulation, dedicated robotic
middlewares for communications + robot hardware support),
* Seamless workflow: since the simulator rely on Blender for both modeling
and the real time 3D engine, creating and modifying a simulated scene is
* Entirely scriptable in Python,
* Adaptable to various level of simulation realism (for instance the
simulation of exteroceptive sensors like cameras or a direct access to
higher level representations of the world, like labeled artifacts),
* Currently compatible with ROS, YARP and the LAAS OpenRobots robotics
* Easy to integrate to other environments via a simple socket interface,
* Fully open source, BSD license.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: motif-clients
Description-md5: 2dac086e855819d3a282a956ed9ed00d
Description-gl: Motif Window Manager (transitional package)
Este é un metapaquete transitorio porque o paquete orixinal recibe agora o
nome de mwm. Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: mozilla-plugin-gnash
Description-md5: 3192c964c07636f66c874a73078496a0
Description-gl: dummy package for renaming to browser-plugin-gnash
This package is a transitional package for renaming to browser-plugin-
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando browser-plugin-gnash estea
Package: mp4v2-dbg
Description-md5: e7778a1105c76fb287da5d47b25ce9cf
Description-gl: library to read, create, and modify mp4 files (debug)
The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as
defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is
derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a
multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a
very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any
type of media.
MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into
its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of
support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: mpd
Description-md5: f318c4a927bba8215d5caa973656c5e7
Description-gl: Daemon do reprodutor de música
Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for
playing audio files (Ogg-Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, Wave, and AIFF), streams (Ogg-
Vorbis, MP3) and managing playlists. Gapless playback, buffered output,
and crossfading support is also included. The design focus is on
integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for
music playback over a TCP/IP network. The goals are to be easy to install
and use, to have minimal resource requirements (it has been reported to
run fine on a Pentium 75), and to remain stable and flexible.
The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same
computer mpd runs on. The separate client and server design allows users
to choose a user interface that best suites their tastes independently of
the underlying daemon (this package) which actually plays music.
Package: mpd-dbg
Description-md5: 833aa17754faffb446b308fd90dd579d
Description-gl: Music Player Daemon debugging symbols
Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for
playing audio files (Ogg-Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, Wave, and AIFF), streams (Ogg-
Vorbis, MP3) and managing playlists. Gapless playback, buffered output,
and crossfading support is also included. The design focus is on
integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for
music playback over a TCP/IP network. The goals are to be easy to install
and use, to have minimal resource requirements (it has been reported to
run fine on a Pentium 75), and to remain stable and flexible.
The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same
computer mpd runs on. The separate client and server design allows users
to choose a user interface that best suites their tastes independently of
the underlying daemon (this package) which actually plays music.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: mpich-doc
Description-md5: cc69d59303531b4452ad3a64ba48d86f
Description-gl: Documentación de MPICH
MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms
including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high-
speed networks.
This package includes the MPICH documentation.
Package: mpich2-doc
Description-md5: ee03e6d73f00ead72daeb11f7fa0daa6
Description-gl: Documentación de MPICH2
MPICH2 is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms
including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high-
speed networks.
This package includes the MPICH2 documentation.
Package: mplayer
Description-md5: e1a06607c7bcbd25d2abd6bdf83b871b
Description-gl: movie player for Unix-like systems
O MPlayer reproduce a maioría dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO,
ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA,
admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén
pode reproducir películas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX.
Outra das grandes funcionalidades do MPlayer é a grande cantidade de
controladores de saída. Funciona con with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib,
fbdev, DirectFB e tamén con SDL.
Not all of the upstream code is distributed in the source tarball. See the
README.Debian and copyright files for details.
Package: mplayer-dbg
Description-md5: 79e6bc6c64fd9f4995b48f6efcae40ae
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de MPlayer
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do MPlayer, un reprodutor de
películas para sistemas tipo Unix.
You only need these if you want to generate useful debugging backtraces.
Package: mplayer-doc
Description-md5: b674a3695d1cf8a7cc97f6679819be7d
Description-gl: Documentación do MPlayer
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML do MPlayer, un reprodutor de
películas para sistemas tipo Unix. Está dispoñíbel en varios idiomas.
Este paquete só é necesario se se desexa ler o manual do mplayer. As
páxinas de manual están incluídas no paquete normal do mplayer.
Package: mplayer-gui
Description-md5: 46371311c53e608067a7bec7b40cc6cc
Description-gl: movie player for Unix-like systems
O MPlayer reproduce a maioría dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO,
ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA,
admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén
pode reproducir películas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX.
Outra das grandes funcionalidades do MPlayer é a grande cantidade de
controladores de saída. Funciona con with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib,
fbdev, DirectFB e tamén con SDL.
Este paquete inclúe a variante da interface gráfica do mplayer.
Package: mplayer2
Description-md5: 13e8bafce22e03739c1c49f7c11cc733
Description-gl: next generation movie player for Unix-like systems
O MPlayer reproduce a maioría dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO,
ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA,
admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén
pode reproducir películas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX.
Outra das grandes funcionalidades do MPlayer é a grande cantidade de
controladores de saída. Funciona con with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib,
fbdev, DirectFB e tamén con SDL (e mais todos os seus controladores) e con
algúns controladores de baixo nivel de placas específicas (para Matrox,
3Dfx and Radeon, Mach64 e Permedia3). A maioría deles admiten o escalado
por software e por hardware, polo que permiten pasar a pantalla completa.
O MPlayer tamén pode empregar algunhas placas descodificadoras de MPEG por
hardware, como a DVB e a DXR3/Hollywood+.
Package: mplayer2-dbg
Description-md5: 9a0dda1ce5992211bca29eb1024d2c02
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de mplayer2
O MPlayer reproduce a maioría dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO,
ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA,
admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén
pode reproducir películas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do mplayer2.
Package: mplayerthumbs
Description-md5: 584f28c998e7d68ff598733efaa7664c
Description-gl: Xerador de miniaturas de vídeo que emprega mplayer
MPlayerThumbs é un xerador de miniaturas de vídeo para os xestores de
ficheiros de KDE como Dolphin e Konqueror. Permite que estes mostren
imaxes de previsualización dos ficheiros de vídeo usando MPlayer.
Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE.
Package: mppenc
Description-md5: 679725ac8c316836ca699e0fa88229ad
Description-gl: Musepack lossy audio codec encoder
Musepack is a lossy audio codec specifically optimized for transparent
compression of stereo audio at bitrates of 160-180 kbit/s.
This package contains the encoder, for decoding see libmpcdec3.
Sitio web:
Package: mrename
Description-md5: cd2114f2690b7b1645411ddb3f53758e
Description-gl: A tool for easy and automatic renaming of many files
Mass Rename is a simple pair of shell scripts which make it easier to
move, rename, or copy multiple files at once. It is intended mainly as an
automatic and simple way to rename multiple files with a customizable
prefix and a progressive number. It is also possible to modify the rename
format simply by editing one of the scripts. It is easy, complete, and
efficient, and was written only in sh code.
Páxina web:
Package: mscore
Description-md5: 4b60cd79c8a174a4b218145c5a9d26e2
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para musescore
O paquete «mscore» cambiou de nome para «musescore»
This is a dummy, transitional package which can be safely removed.
Package: mscore-common
Description-md5: c11c4dbff147e71bb46fd1c2bec18e9b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para musescore-common
O paquete «mscore-common» cambiou de nome para «musescore-common».
This is a dummy, transitional package which can be safely removed.
Package: msn-pecan-dbg
Description-md5: be981ba9042240d39d1582866eb1bf5e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do msn-pecan
msn-pecan is an alternative and improved implementation of the MSN
protocol plug-in for libpurple.
It's based on the code from 2.2.2 but slowly becoming a completely
different code. The project aims to have a much faster development
process, low barrier for contributions, and close contact with the user-
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co msn-pecan.
Package: mtink-doc
Description-md5: 955c80ecdc60ef0fcf867c3bb8aeb616
Description-gl: Status monitor tool for Epson inkjet printers - documentation
This is a printer status monitor which enables to get the remaining ink
quantity, to print test patterns, to reset printer and to clean nozzles.
Although it mainly targets Epson printers, certain HP and Canon models are
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: mtpaint
Description-md5: ce8e9f6731be72e086065d1e2f5c3518
Description-gl: Programa de debuxo para crear imaxes de píxeles e manipular fotos dixitais
mtPaint is a free, open source graphic editing program which uses the GTK+
toolkit. It is geared towards creating indexed palette images and pixel
Due to its efficient design it can run on older PC hardware (e.g. a 200MHz
CPU and 32MB of RAM). It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images and
offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools.
It is aimed to be simple and easy to use. it also can handle JPEG, GIF,
TIFF, BMP, XPM, and XBM files.
Package: mttroff
Description-md5: 34df9ac0b81c032f6c2bcaef77320267
Description-gl: TROff - Un clon multipulsación de TRON baseado en libavg
Another old arcade classic. This is a multitouch version of TRON for up to
four players. Each player commands a line of light. It's speed is fixed,
but turns left and right are possible by pressing one of two buttons. If
you run into another line, you lose.
Package: mudita24
Description-md5: abbb834d0185f6eb4cee4ef9b8cef67c
Description-gl: Ferramenta de control GUI de ALSA para tarxetas de son Envy24 (ice1712)
Mudita24 is a modification of the Linux alsa-tools' envy24control: an
application controlling the digital mixer, channel gains and other
hardware settings for sound cards based on the VIA Ice1712 chipset aka
Envy24. Unlike most ALSA mixer controls, this application displays a level
meter for each input and output channel and maintains peak level
indicators. This is based on Envy24's hardware peak metering feature.
Mudita24 provides alternate name to avoid confusion with "envy24control
0.6.0" until changes in this version propagate upstream. As balance to the
"Envy", this project needed some Mudita "In Buddhism the third of the four
divine abidings is mudita, taking joy in the good fortune of another. This
virtue is considered the antidote to envy and the opposite of
This utility is preferable to alsamixer for those with ice1712-based
cards: M-Audio Delta 1010, Delta 1010LT, Delta DiO 2496, Delta 66, Delta
44, Delta 410 and Audiophile 2496. Terratec EWS 88MT, EWS 88D, EWX 24/96,
DMX 6Fire, Phase 88. Hoontech Soundtrack DSP 24, Soundtrack DSP 24 Value,
Soundtrack DSP 24 Media 7.1. Event Electronics EZ8. Digigram VX442.
Lionstracs, Mediastaton. Terrasoniq TS 88. Roland/Edirol DA-2496.
Package: mudita24-dbg
Description-md5: b8c24246164fe12286893d82d435c400
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de mudita24
Mudita24 is a modification of the Linux alsa-tools' envy24control: an
application controlling the digital mixer, channel gains and other
hardware settings for sound cards based on the VIA Ice1712 chipset aka
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: muffin-dbg
Description-md5: 50b1221f23ca29907f2f2e6eb177b39a
Description-gl: Xestor lixeiros de xanelas e composición (símbolos de depuración)
Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on
GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon.
It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or
customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the
window manager.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: mumble-dbg
Description-md5: 15d60113aeb6eef6814ae76de3b75ed0
Description-gl: Low latency VoIP client (debugging symbols)
Mumble is a low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming. It
features noise suppression, automatic gain control and low latency audio
with support for multiple audio standards. Mumble includes an in-game
overlay compatible with most open-source and commercial 3D applications.
Mumble is just a client and uses a non-standard protocol. You will need a
dedicated server to talk to other users. Server functionality is provided
by the package "mumble-server".
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos paquetes «mumble» e
Package: mumble-django
Description-md5: 283d2023fd3d1815dfbbf03a75b237ba
Description-gl: Mumble-Server web interface
mumble-django is a Django web interface application that configures a
Murmur server. It is able to create and remove vservers, start/stop them,
and configure them.
Alén disto, os usuarios rexistrados de Django poden crear contas nos
vservers configurados e cambiar os seus nomes e contrasinais rexistrados.
This package contains a fully functional Django project that runs as a
standalone web application. Use this if you do not have a Django-driven
website that you could integrate mumble-django in.
Main Features:
* Channel viewer
* Detailed server configuration via Django's Admin interface (for the hoster)
* User registration: Users can register and manage their accounts themselves
* Granting/revoking membership in the Admin group
* existing server instances and users are recognized during installation
* Admin group members can configure basic settings like MOTD and server
password via the web interface, without getting access to settings like
maximum user count and allowed bandwidth
* Does not require access to Murmur's database
* Setting users' textures
* Munin plugin that graphs the user count on each server instance
* Reusable: via the python-django-mumble package, the Mumble app can easily
be integrated into other Django projects
* Extendable: Writing Python scripts that access mumble-django's database and
use its API to interact with Murmur is easy
Package: mummer-doc
Description-md5: bfc7401f6fcb784d7bcbf4193fe874b9
Description-gl: Documentación de MUMmer
This package contains the documentation for MUMmer, a system for rapidly
aligning entire genomes.
Package: muon
Description-md5: d0764060b8494cbe357e5b35a8a849b8
Description-gl: package manager for KDE
Muon is a graphical package manager for KDE.
As funcionalidades dignas de mención inclúen:
* Unha interface potente mais intuitiva
* Busca rápida de paquetes que emprega o índice de apt-xapian e o
algoritmo de busca de Synaptic
* Posibilidade de filtrar paquetes polo seu estado ou categoría
* Posibilidade de cambio de dispositivos
* Posibilidade de configurar paquetes mediante o sistema debconf
* Advertencia sobre/non permitir a instalación de paquetes que non sexan
de confianza, dependendo da configuración de APT
* Emprega Polkit para executar as accións privilexiadas, para unha mellora na
seguranza, comodidade e integración co escritorio
* Xestión da suspensión da enerxía durante a descarga de paquetes,
a instalación e a retirada
* Posibilidade de descargar o rexistro de cambios máis recentes dun paquete
* Capturas de pantalla dos paquetes
Package: muon-dbg
Description-md5: 83ab654a809e56129d4ea5474bb3ed33
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Muon
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Muon. Cando o Muon falla,
na maioría dos casos este paquete faise necesario para obter un trazado
inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten padecido un
fallo do Muon sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente reproducir o
problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso anexo.
Package: mupen64plus-audio-sdl-dbg
Description-md5: 1f00f48fa3f22244249866885cdd58cf
Description-gl: sdl audio output plugin for mupen64plus debug symbols package
Audio output plugin for mupen64plus which can be used with all audio
devices which are supported by Simple DirectMedia Layer. It supports
hardware volume control through oss mixer or application specific volume
through SDL.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-input-sdl-dbg
Description-md5: 6d6c3b1fe0ac71994ecbd354d5948b0c
Description-gl: sdl input device plugin for mupen64plus debug symbols package
Input device plugin for mupen64plus which can use either keyboard or all
by SDL supported input devices. All devices are autoconfigured using a
database or through manual button mappings inside the local mupen64plus
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-rsp-hle-dbg
Description-md5: 52343443c21a59cbc963d7d53ecd748a
Description-gl: high-level rsp emulation for mupen64plus debug symbols package
N64 Reality Signal Processor function level emulation for graphics plugins
supporting vertex processing by their own. It supports memory and register
initialisation, audio and display lists processing including jpeg and mp3
decoding for common microcodes.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-rsp-z64-dbg
Description-md5: 91a97f9e1f3ca8b1a6344f053c19f0f7
Description-gl: low-level rsp emulation for mupen64plus debug symbols package
N64 Reality Signal Processor instruction level emulation for graphics
plugins supporting preprocessed vertex information. It can emulate even
unknown or uncommon microcodes, but cannot benefit from faster
implementation for the host cpu.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-ui-console-dbg
Description-md5: 11ff3cf6a6157326a7e2ffdb0c1b540b
Description-gl: console frontend for mupen64plus debug symbols package
Minimal console user interface for mupen64plus. Features provided:
* Changeable emulation plugins for audio, core, input, rsp, video
* Selection of emulation core
* Graphical OSD for status output
* Setting of configuration variable per session or in configuration file
* Cheat database support
* Loading of roms
It does not provide any sort of graphical setup or functionality to
uncompress files.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-video-arachnoid-dbg
Description-md5: 08aed77bbc41e37cd9b8e2bf37c9f649
Description-gl: Arachnoid graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
High-level graphics emulation plugin for known microcodes based on OpenGL,
but works completely without vertex and pixel shaders. This makes it a
good choice for older graphics hardware.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-video-glide64-dbg
Description-md5: 0bab045307b1bb82bc239563762bd0cc
Description-gl: Glide64 graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
High-level graphics emulation plugin for known microcodes based on Glide.
This version includes a Glide-to-OpenGL wrapper which makes it independent
of Voodoo cards. It supports advanced graphics effects of the N64.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2-dbg
Description-md5: 8e739a18752c6be6abe2ac29cb591641
Description-gl: Glide64Mk2 graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
High-level graphics emulation plugin for known microcodes based on Glide.
This version includes a Glide-to-OpenGL wrapper which makes it independent
of Voodoo cards. It supports advanced graphics effects of the N64 and
loading of high resolution texture packs.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-video-rice-dbg
Description-md5: 3cfc2fcf8d9f0e2ad41a68fbc524c195
Description-gl: Rice's graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
High-level graphics emulation plugin for known microcodes based on OpenGL.
It supports advanced graphics effects of the N64 and loading of high
resolution texture packs.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: mupen64plus-video-z64-dbg
Description-md5: 3d8ed03ade181d814c76e65b0e6ad59e
Description-gl: low-level rdp emulation for mupen64plus debug symbols package
N64 Reality Drawing Processor emulation which can be used with a low-level
rsp emulation plugin like mupen64plus-rsp-z64. It can emulate even unknown
or uncommon microcodes, but cannot benefit from faster implementation for
the host cpu.
A fast processor and graphics hardware which supports vertex and fragment
shader is needed for this plugin.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: muroard-dbg
Description-md5: a1c3e2a3f92d199186da40e7f9fb754e
Description-gl: Daemon de son de RoarAudio minimalista (símbolos de depuración)
RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix
audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example
a soundcard).
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do paquete muroard.
Package: museeq-locales
Description-md5: 4e032c456d9a0a30063588977778fc26
Description-gl: Traducións do museeq
Museek+ is a file-sharing application for the Soulseek peer-to-peer
network. It's a fork of Museek which now includes nearly all features
supported by the official closed-source Soulseek client (Room Searching,
Buddy-only shares, Interests, Banlists, Ignorelists, Icon Themes,
Font/Color selecting, etc.)
Localization files.
- German (de)
- Spanish (es)
- French (fr)
- Italian (it)
- Dutch (nl)
- Polish (pl)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
- Romanian (ro)
Package: musepack-tools
Description-md5: 027e5fe69aaac4605515ccbf248a289f
Description-gl: MusePack commandline utilities
Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha
calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a
transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posíbel ouvir diferenzas entre o
ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC.
It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has
rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in
which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code.
This package contains various commandline utilities for MusePack files:
- mpcenc (encoder)
- mpcdec (decoder)
- mpccut (cut MPC files without reencoding)
- mpcgain (gain calculation)
- mpc2sv8 (conversion to MusePack SV8 from older SV)
Package: musescore
Description-md5: 540b77eb58331c62cd10643ccb05a658
Description-gl: Full featured WYSIWYG score editor
O MuseScore é un programa de notación musical libre WYSIWYG (o que se ve é o que se obtén) para Linux con licenza GPL de GNU. Características:
* WYSIWYG (o que se ve é o que se obtén), as notas escríbense nunha «partitura virtual»
* número ilimitado de pentagramas
* até catro voces por pentagrama
* inserción de notas doada e rápida con rato, teclado ou MIDI
* secuenciador integrado e sintetizador por software FluidSynth
* importa e exporta MusicXml e ficheiros MIDI estándar (SMF)
* Código independente da plataforma para Linux, Windows e Mac
Package: musescore-common
Description-md5: 29ae548545919a70f7ab0cdf8e47fa97
Description-gl: Full featured WYSIWYG score editor (common files)
O MuseScore é un programa de notación musical libre WYSIWYG (o que se ve é o que se obtén) para Linux con licenza GPL de GNU. Características:
* WYSIWYG (o que se ve é o que se obtén), as notas escríbense nunha «partitura virtual»
* número ilimitado de pentagramas
* até catro voces por pentagrama
* inserción de notas doada e rápida con rato, teclado ou MIDI
* secuenciador integrado e sintetizador por software FluidSynth
* importa e exporta MusicXml e ficheiros MIDI estándar (SMF)
* Código independente da plataforma para Linux, Windows e Mac
Package: musescore-soundfont-gm
Description-md5: 05484a1dffaf75e6f5545021c42dc159
Description-gl: Fonte de son GM pequena para MuseScore (TimGM6mb)
This is a GM SoundFont, for use with any modern MIDI synthesiser: hardware
(like the emu10k1 sound card), or software (like FluidSynth).
This package provides the larger GM sound set, without the Roland Sound
Canvas extensions.
Package: musiclibrarian
Description-md5: ba933815db0b6eb874c525d7a3a161d9
Description-gl: Unha interface gráfica simple para organizar discotecas
Music Librarian is a tool to assist you in organizing your collection of
music files. It provides an interface from which you can view the list of
files in your collection and modify the tags of one or more files.
Music Librarian handles ogg files natively, but also has support for the
legacy mp3 format. It displays music in a hierarchical organization
according to one of several rules, and allows you to undo any number of
changes to files.
Package: mutter-dbg
Description-md5: 1ada9c91fd96581a87a24febd76fa023
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas Mutter
Mutter is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything.
Mutter is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author
says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window
managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios."
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: mx44
Description-md5: 454c92d265e5b62cda590598abcd1887
Description-gl: sintetizador polifónico multicanal MIDI de tempo real por software
The Mx44 is a polyphonic multichannel midi realtime software synthesizer.
It is written in C and hand optimized for the (Intel) MMX instruction set.
It runs under Linux, using any kernel modified for realtime performance.
The core algorithm is a 4 x 4 crossmodulating matrix (phase and
amplitude) with individual envelopes for each oscillator. Oscillators have
individual frequency intonation, can emphasize any of the eight first
harmonics and even do some internal crossmodulation. Envelopes can be
switched between VCA and VCF modes (ehrm, actually wave-shaping, but it
will quack like a duck by any other name.) The sustainloop of the envelope
can be brought into oscillation in the audible spectre as well as provide
slow LFO sweeps. There is also a minor load of key and velocity related
modifications for wowie zowie realtime ecstacy emulation.
Páxina web:
Package: mygui-doc
Description-md5: 4c118d8ddf277b18de501e18e76885cf
Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca MyGUI
MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++.
Features include
Layout Editor.
Multicolour text.
Per pixel cut.
Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration).
Interface localisation.
Fast RTTI for safe casts.
Tool tips.
Animated cursors and pictures.
User xml resources.
Truetype fonts and fonts from texture.
Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on).
Flexible configuration in xml config file.
Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture.
Possibility to store any data in widgets items.
Skin themes.
Wrappers for fast UI development.
This package contains the MyGUI API reference for the MyGUIEngine library.
Package: mypaint
Description-md5: ad32506829ca6057a6e8d0d7165ea727
Description-gl: paint program for use with graphics tablets
O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensíbel á presión e a inclinación que
funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos
semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o
carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis,
que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e
pinturas non tan naturais.
This package contains the main program.
Package: mypaint-data
Description-md5: 47360304f58b5f8d65352a27de08b0c9
Description-gl: ficheiros de datos de tempo de execución do MyPaint
O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensíbel á presión e a inclinación que
funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos
semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o
carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis,
que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e
pinturas non tan naturais.
Este paquete contén as iconas e os fondos do programa MyPaint.
Package: mypaint-data-extras
Description-md5: b4905782879b5c83a5c5b4cdb6206dba
Description-gl: fondos de alta resolución para o mypaint
O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensíbel á presión e a inclinación que
funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos
semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o
carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis,
que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e
pinturas non tan naturais.
This package contains high resolution paper texture backgrounds for
painting on. Since the files are large, installation is optional.
Package: myspell-en-us
Description-md5: 1a073d936087eb8a18566a27abbe3293
Description-gl: English_american dictionary for myspell
Este é o dicionario de inglés americano para empregar co corrector
ortográfico que se emprega actualmente en LibreOffice/ e o
corrector ortográfico de mozilla.
Package: myspell-ru
Description-md5: 45eec7b88fae28449275645bc25aa880
Description-gl: Russian dictionary for MySpell
Este dicionario contén listas de palabras rusas para o corrector
ortográfico MySpell, admitido actualmente por Mozilla e OpenOffice.
The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist.
As of October 2011, this package is considered deprecated, due to the
appearance of a native Hunspell dictionary.
Package: myspell-tools
Description-md5: 9c892beb63bb5f3c00169f6fa580dc4f
Description-gl: tools for myspell
MySpell is a spell-checker as (and derived from) ispell.
Este paquete contén as ferramentas munch/unmunch do hunspell e
ispellaff2myspell para converter os ficheiros de afixos do ispell ao
formato de myspell/hunspell.
Package: mysqltuner
Description-md5: d079bed656ffe89a06c680dc18513f56
Description-gl: high-performance MySQL tuning script
High-performance MySQL tuning script written in perl that will provide you
with a snapshot of a MySQL server?s health. Based on the statistics
gathered, specific recommendations will be provided that will increase a
MySQL server's efficiency and performance. The script gives you automated
MySQL tuning that is on the level of what you would receive from a MySQL
* Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes
recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory
footprint. Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated
separately for an accurate snapshot of the server?s configuration.
* Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the
total queries. Slow query time limits are also analyzed and
recommendations are made.
* Connections: Current and historical connection counts are
* Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual
indexes found in MyISAM tables. Key cache hit rates are calculated
and variable adjustments are suggested.
* Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used
to make recommendations for the query cache configuration
* Sorting & Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins
are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run
against the server.
* Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce
temporary tables that are written to the disk.
* Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open
tables. Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make
* Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the
open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server
* Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and
makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait.
* Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new
thread to respond to a query.
* Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing
connections to MySQL properly.
* Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write
operations on your MySQL installation.
Package: mythbuntu-lirc-generator
Description-md5: ac76dc235dbf2e1e33a56b7b7eff1c61
Description-gl: Mythbuntu Lirc Configuration Generator
This package can be used to generate a lircrc configuration file for a
remote control that is used by the LIRC project. In order for this
application to work, your existing remote control must have its
configuration defined in:
This package is intended for usage on Mythbuntu systems, but can also be
useful for initially setting up an ordinary Ubuntu system's remote
Nesta altura, admite:
* MythTV
* Xine
* MPlayer
* Totem
* Elisa
* Calquera Lircrc personalizado
Package: mythbuntu-live-autostart
Description-md5: 234f75213f9b9616e8f6009e324640c4
Description-gl: Mythbuntu Live CD Installation and Configuration
This package can be used on a Mythbuntu live cd to launch a MythTV
frontend. It will communicate with a backend over UPnP and myth protocol
to set up the environment properly.
Tamén fornece personalizacións para todos os demais compoñentes empregados
para a instalación, como casper ou Ubiquity.
Actualmente admite:
* Inicio automático da interface
* Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity
* Engadidos de Ubiquity
* Engadidos de Casper
Package: mythnettv
Description-md5: 6db4b0e00e07ae71bd5add05ca7b84f9
Description-gl: Plugin to download video from RSS feeds
MythNetTv é un agregador de RSS e Atom para descargas de vídeo. Empregue
este programa para se subscribir a fontes de vídeo RSS e descargaralle
estes vídeos.
MythNetTV foi deseñado para ser empregado xunto con MythTV e coloca os
vídeos que descarga nos directorios de almacenamento, permitindo que podan
ser escollidas xunto co resto das súas gravacións na interface de MythTV.
Aínda que fose deseñado para ser usado con Mythtv, tamén se pode empregar
como aplicativo autónomo.
Package: mythnettv-gui
Description-md5: 0eda22f6566f839bc1299dd57ef6d78f
Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para MythNetTV
MythNetTv is a RSS and Atom aggregator for video downloads. The idea is
that video blogs end up as recordings in MythTV, which you then watch in
the normal manner.
MythNetTV is meant to be used in conjunction with MythTV, but can also be
used as a standalone application.
This is a GUI frontend for MythNetTV
Package: nagios-plugins-contrib
Description-md5: 5ffd8bb7083a67634e9c4b641ae9a766
Description-gl: Engadidos para os sistemas de vixilancia compatíbeis con nagios
This package provides various plugins for Nagios compatible monitoring
systems like Nagios and Icinga. It contains the following plugins:
* check_ajp (1): plugin to monitor the AJP ping response time
Should work with all application servers (Tomcat, JBoss,....)
which provide an AJPv13 connector.
* check_backuppc (1.1.0): plugin for checking on the status of
BackupPC backups
* check_bgpstate (1.0): plugin to check all BGP session on Cisco routers
* check_checksums (20130611): plugin to verify file checksums
against (local, not 100% secure) lists.
Supports md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 checksums.
* check_clamav (1.2): plugin to check for clamav signature freshness
This script is used to compare the version and signature
level of the currently running clamd daemon with the latest
available versions listed in the TXT record for
* check_cups (0.2): plugin to check queues on a remote CUPS server
This plugin is monitoring of queues on a remote CUPS server,
which means that it doesn't need to be installed on the print
server and run via NRPE.
* check_drbd (0.5.3): plugin to check DRBD device states
This plugin is for checking DRBD device states. It parses the
/proc/drbd device and analyses the output.
* check_email_delivery (0.7.1b): plugin to monitor email delivery
Some typical uses of this plugin include:
- check SMTP server
- check messages and quota on IMAP server
- check email delivery loop
- check auto-responder function
- keep an eye on email lag
- monitor automated mailboxes
- check email-to-FTP or other special email gateways
* check_graphite: Plugin to monitor graphite metrics
* check_haproxy (rev135): plugin check the HAProxy statistics url
* check_hpasm ( plugin to check the hardware health of
HP Proliant Servers
It either uses snmp or - if installed - the hpasm package locally.
The plugin checks the health of
* Processors
* Power supplies
* Memory modules
* Fans
* CPU- and board-temperatures
* Raids
and alerts you if one of these components is faulty or operates
outside its normal parameters.
* check_httpd_status (rev140): plugin checking Apache or Lighthttpd
server-status page (using mod_status)
* check_ipmi_sensor (3.1): IPMI Sensor Monitoring Plugin
Plugin to monitor the hardware status (fan speed, temperaturs,
voltages, power usage, ...) of a server using IPMI.
* check_libs (520): plugin to report the usage of no longer existing
libraries by running processes
* check_lm_sensors (3.1.1): plugin to monitor hardware sensors
and disk temperatures
* check_memcached (1.3): plugin to check memcached instances
It will give a critical message if a partiular memcached host is
inaccessible and generate a warning if the hit/miss ratio falls
below a given threshold or the number of evictions exceeds a given
Hit/miss and evictions are measured over a 30 minute interval,
using a memcached object to store the earlier statistics.
* check_memory (1.0): plugin to check for free memory
This plugin excludes the system cache and buffer, because
on some system with very stable memory usage it is perfectly
normal for system cache to fill in all available memory.
* check_mongodb (b14ad3ef17): Plugin script to monitor your MongoDB server(s)
* check_multipath (0.1.9): plugin to monitor the number of available and
failed paths of multipath devices
* check_mysql_health ( plugin to check various parameters of a
MySQL database
* check_nfsmounts: checks whether there are stale NFS mounts on the host
* check_printer: plugin to check printer supply levels using SNMP
It outputs performance data for all supplies
found, for example toner and drum.
* check_raid (3.0.5): plugin to check sw/hw RAID status
The plugin looks for any known types of RAID configurations,
and checks them all.
- Adaptec AAC RAID via aaccli or afacli or arcconf
- AIX software RAID via lsvg
- HP/Compaq Smart Array via cciss_vol_status (hpsa supported too)
- HP Smart Array Controllers and MSA Controllers via hpacucli
- HP Smart Array (MSA1500) via serial line
- Linux 3ware SATA RAID via tw_cli
- Linux Device Mapper RAID via dmraid
- Linux DPT/I2O hardware RAID controllers via /proc/scsi/dpt_i2o
- Linux GDTH hardware RAID controllers via /proc/scsi/gdth
- Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via CmdTool2
- Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via megarc
- Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via /proc/megaraid
- Linux MegaIDE hardware RAID controllers via /proc/megaide
- Linux MPT hardware RAID via mpt-status
- Linux software RAID (md) via /proc/mdstat
- LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS series via MegaCli
- LSI MegaRaid via lsraid
- Serveraid IPS via ipssend
- Solaris software RAID via metastat
- Areca SATA RAID Support via cli64/cli32
* check_rbl (1.3.1): plugin to check if a server is blacklisted
* check_smstools: plugin to check GSM Modems using smstools
check_smstools is a plugin to monitor a GSM modem
signal quality and registration status with smstools.
* check_snmp_environment (0.7): plugin to check various hardware statuses
Using snmp the plugin is able to retrieve Fan, power-supply,
voltage, temperature, card and module status and various other
information from Cisco, Nokia, Blue Coat, IronPort,
Foundry Network, Linux (using lm-sensors), Extreme Networks,
Juniper Networks, HP ProCurve, Netscreen, Citrix NetScaler
and Transmode Systems hardware.
* check_snmp_time (1.1): plugin to check the time on a server using SNMP
This plugin queries the remote systems time through SNMP and compares
it against the local time on the Nagios server. This identifies systems
with no correct time set and sends alarms if the time is off to far.
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemDate.0 used here returns 8 or 11 byte octets.
SNMP translation needs to be switched off and we need to convert the
received SNMP data into readable strings.
* check_ssl_cert (1.15.0): plugin to check the CA and validity of an
X.509 certificate
* check_v46 (2013-08-26T07:33:11Z): ipv4/ipv6 Nagios plugin wrapper
Nagios plugin wrapper for running the actual plugin for both / either of
IPv6 and/or IPv4. The worst result of the actual plugin runs will be
the wrapper return value, that is, result will be OK only if all checks
returned OK. Compatible with any plugin with standard command line options
* check_varnish (1.1): plugin to monitor varnish instances
* check_webinject (1.80): plugin for testing web services
It uses the WebInject Perl module for automated testing of
web applications and web services. It can be used to check
individual system components that have HTTP interfaces
(JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, AJAX, Servlets, HTML Forms,
XML/SOAP Web Services, REST, etc).
* check_whois (1.14): plugin to check for the expiration of a domain.
The plugin may not yet work with all registrars, since their
output formats differ or there is no expiration date in the
whois output.
* check_zone_auth (1.13): plugin to ensure that the authoritative nameservers
for a given zone remain in sync.
* check_zone_rrsig_expiration (1.10): plugin to check for expiration of
signatures in dnssec-enabled zones.
* dsa: plugins from the Debian System Administrators
nagios plugins repository.
* check_cert_expire: check for certificate expiration
using openssl on the certificate file
* check_dnssec_delegation: check for correct DNSSEC
* check_entropy: check if there is enough entropy available.
* check_packages: replacement for check_apt; needs a cronjob
to update the apt database regularily
* check_running_kernel: check if a system was rebooted after
a kernel upgrade
* check_soas: check SOA records
* check_statusfile: deliver the content of a status file
as check result
* extras (1): various scripts and extras
Not a plugin, but a collection of various useful
event/obsession handlers and similar scripts.
Some scripts and binaries need more packages installed to work, which is
implemented as recommends.
Package: natbraille-doc
Description-md5: 9cb31b47dad63d0ebe7eb7869a4ab2b4
Description-gl: Documentación de natbraille
Nat is a braille translation engine that can translate into transcribed
French braille.
This package contains the javadoc-generated documentation on the java
classes composing NatBraille.
Package: nautilus-actions
Description-md5: cd704e5189e427bc64e06cf5eb96526e
Description-gl: nautilus extension to configure programs to launch
Nautilus actions é unha extensión para o Nautilus, o xestor de ficheiros
de GNOME. Permite a configuración de programas para inicialos con
ficheiros escollidos na interface do Nautilus.
Package: nautilus-filename-repairer
Description-md5: dfd795be954bc26ee9e991fa4ea11d87
Description-gl: Nautilus extension for filename encoding repair
Esta é unha extensión do Nautilus que repara nomes de ficheiro que
empregan unha codificación errónea no Nautilus. Esta extensión fornece o
menú de contexto de calquera ficheiro cuxo nome de ficheiro empregue unha
codificación errónea de maneira que non se poida ler o nome de ficheiro no
You can find a candidate for filename in context menu or submenu. This
extension also provides a decoded name for URL encoded filename.
Package: nautilus-script-collection-svn
Description-md5: e1543072e4a23ac16bf42037c00dcceb
Description-gl: Scripts de xestión de subversion para Nautilus
A set of scripts that will execute Subversion commands on selected files.
You can right click on a subversion managed file or folder (you can also
multiple select) and then select a command from the Subversion submenu.
All scripts will give feedback using a zenity message box.
Package: nautilus-script-debug
Description-md5: a6d82d298ee3c9c8ad9d7ad90e73642b
Description-gl: Script sinxelo de depuración do Nautilus
This simply shows you the environment variables that would be passed to a
nautilus script for the currently selected files.
Package: nautilus-script-manager
Description-md5: 1a7c85837221eaf97f907a30e6c11599
Description-gl: A simple management tool for nautilus scripts
This provides a small system-wide nautilus scripts "database" that allows
each user to customize the scripts he wants to use, by simply linking them
to his private nautilus scripts directory. The manager is basically a
wrapper script for ln and rm calls.
Páxina web:
Package: nautilus-scripts-manager
Description-md5: c0069ba1d65576f0541540c656848ad5
Description-gl: simple tool for nautilus scripts management
nautilus-scripts-manager is a small and easy to use application which
allows any user to activate, deactivate or just see Nautilus scripts
installed in the system.
Os scripts de Nautilus son scripts normais que, unha vez activados, poden
ser executados directamente desde o menú do botón dereito do popular
xestor de ficheiros de GNOME.
This program can be used through its intuitive graphical interface or with
a set of command line options. In particular, it can transparently replace
the command line utility nautilus-script-manager (notice the missing "s").
Once installed, it will appear among the user settings utilities (usually
in the "Preferences" menu).
Package: ndoutils-doc
Description-md5: 1d7fe81de27313ef2e0cf55baa820745
Description-gl: Documentación de ndoutils
The NDOUtils (Nagios Data Output Utils) addon allows you to move status
and event information from Nagios to a database for later retrieval and
This is the documentation package.
Package: nec2c
Description-md5: 39e544c5b19167b01b9d990f0ce7fe41
Description-gl: Tradución do código fonte de NEC2 FORTRAN á linguaxe C
The translation was performed mostly "by hand" and a lot of modifications
to the original program were introduced in order to modernize the NEC2 and
to remove as many built-in limitations as possible. The attendant SOMNEC
program was also translated to C and incorporated in nec2c as a function
so that Sommerfeld ground solutions are a part of the program.
Package: nedit-dbg
Description-md5: 629791290374cfbfdb1767a9f7319b3b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do nedit
NEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which
combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the
thorough functionality and stability required by users who edit text eight
hours a day. It provides intensive support for development in a wide
variety of languages, text processors, and other tools, but at the same
time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs to edit text.
Users of Macintosh and MS Windows based text editors will find NEdit a
familiar and comfortable environment.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: nekobee
Description-md5: f7e02a0ec82e7e900ee46c0383bda427
Description-gl: Engadido de oscilador único DSSI
Recreate those squelchy acid sounds with nekobee, a simple single-
oscillator synth based on the Roland TB-303.
DSSI is an API for audio processing plugins, particularly useful for
software synthesis plugins with user interfaces (see
Package: nemo-dbg
Description-md5: 61c4e3a7a00ebc039701eae55aa1bd07
Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros e consola gráfica para Cinnamon (Símbolos de depuración)
Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows to
browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with
them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon
desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Este paquete de desenvolvemento contén os símbolos de depuración do nemo e
a súa biblioteca de extensión.
Package: nepomuk-core
Description-md5: 15cc4d424e81dc4c0499c35156ced3b6
Description-gl: Nepomuk Semantik Desktop core libraries - transitional package
The core Nepomuk system contains of the central services like file
indexing, file system monitoring, query, and of course storage, as well as
the corresponding client libraries.
Este é un paquete transitorio para nepomuk-core-runtime e pode ser
retirado con seguranza despois da instalación.
Package: nepomuk-core-dbg
Description-md5: bf19a0db7f2076ff0ea2bf5d0314c995
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das centrais do Escritorio Semántico Nepomuk
The core Nepomuk system contains of the central services like file
indexing, file system monitoring, query, and of course storage, as well as
the corresponding client libraries.
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
the core Nepomuk system mentioned above.
Package: nepomuk-widgets-dbg
Description-md5: 5278bde2dfa2e611e6ad7f97360b5108
Description-gl: Nepomuk Semantik Desktop widgets -- debug package
The Nepomuk system contains of the central services like file indexing,
file system monitoring, query, and of course storage, as well as the
corresponding client libraries.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da biblioteca de trebellos
de Nepomuk.
Package: netanim
Description-md5: cd0a900cc4c195504b77258a38e4ebf0
Description-gl: Animador de rede baseado en Qt4 funcionando con ns-3
NetAnim currently animates the simulation using an XML trace file
collected during simulation.
Using NetAnim is a two-step process:
- Generate the animation XML trace file during simulation
using "ns3::AnimationInterface" in the ns-3 code base
- Load the XML trace file generated in Step 1 with the
offline animator (NetAnim).
Package: netcdf-dbg
Description-md5: 4e318e4ee7062aa2dec294024fa71164
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do NetCDF
This package contains the files that make it possible to debug the NetCDF
binaries and programs that use the NetCDF libraries with a source-level
debugger like gdb.
Package: netcdf-ruby
Description-md5: fa62028879d05edb1c8b734df90256cc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-netcdf
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-netcdf
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: netcdf-ruby1.8
Description-md5: fa62028879d05edb1c8b734df90256cc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-netcdf
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-netcdf
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: netcdf-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 188a265dc0bf49ba6feca6b035313499
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-netcdf-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-netcdf-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: netcdf-ruby1.9.1
Description-md5: fa62028879d05edb1c8b734df90256cc
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-netcdf
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-netcdf
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: netcdf-ruby1.9.1-dbg
Description-md5: 188a265dc0bf49ba6feca6b035313499
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-netcdf-dbg
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the ruby-netcdf-dbg
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: netdiscover-dbg
Description-md5: 110282e904a726235df0e0731eff89f7
Description-gl: active/passive network address scanner using arp requests (debug)
Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly
developed for those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are
wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: netpanzer
Description-md5: e6eb5d2ff5965be00af5aab9a4974893
Description-gl: xogo de guerra táctica multiusuario para xogar na rede
netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play
across the Internet and over LAN systems. One on one games are possible
via direct connect or modem.
netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource
management clone. In fact, there aren't any resources at all. Each player
will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can
fight until their units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.
The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit
management. Battles progress quickly and constantly; in fact, they never
let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for
resources to be collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or
leave multiplayer games at any time.
Package: netpanzer-dbg
Description-md5: 7e2b5f02d1c13d2c0a9cb2fcc9bbe26e
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do netpanzer
netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play
across the Internet and over LAN systems. One on one games are possible
via direct connect or modem.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do netPanzer. Os símbolos de
depuración poden resultar útiles para investigar os fallos do xogo.
Pódeselle pedir que instale este paquete e reúna información de depuración
se se atopa cun fallo.
Package: netstat-nat
Description-md5: 58a0943c24d18cf51c02542835c33dcd
Description-gl: tool that display NAT connections
Netstat-nat é un programiña escrito en C. Mostra conexións NAT xestionadas
por netfilter/iptables que ven cos kernels Linux > 2.4.x. O programa le a
súa información de «/proc/net/ip_conntrack», que é o almacenamento de
conntrack temporal de netfilter.
Package: nexuiz
Description-md5: c532b4fee7434c90801ad247baa9cb0b
Description-gl: Un rápido xogo de disparos tridimensional en primeira persoa
Classic Nexuiz is a fast-paced 3D deathmatch game with high-end and
complex graphics effects. It is intended to be played over the Internet or
over a local network. Several different game types, such as classic
deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag are available. It also
supports a single-player mode and playing against the computer.
The game brings deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon
balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current
trend of realistic shooters.
This package installs the client to play the game.
This game was originally released as "Nexuiz", but is now referred to as
"Classic Nexuiz" since the Nexuiz name was re-used for a non-free game for
Package: nginx-extras-dbg
Description-md5: dfe40e4b526a7896997294d525c6e22f
Description-gl: nginx web/proxy server (extended version) - debugging symbols
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server and
as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración de nginx-extras para axudar a
depurar problemas que se atopen. Non debería ser necesario para o seu
funcionamento normal.
Package: nginx-full-dbg
Description-md5: 4fc48d7c2fc05abcfaf9ba94a20baab2
Description-gl: nginx web/proxy server (standard version) - debugging symbols
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server and
as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración de nginx-full para axudar a
depurar problemas que se atopen. Non debería ser necesario para o seu
funcionamento normal.
Package: nginx-light-dbg
Description-md5: edb5bef4d4f6057eb92dd3469c513461
Description-gl: nginx web/proxy server (basic version) - debugging symbols
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server and
as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración de nginx-light para axudar a
depurar problemas que se atopen. Non debería ser necesario para o seu
funcionamento normal.
Package: nginx-naxsi-dbg
Description-md5: 41b4fdf0b0c301cbe552d080920cce9e
Description-gl: nginx web/proxy server (version with naxsi) - debugging symbols
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server and
as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración de nginx-naxsi para axudar a
depurar problemas que se atopen. Non debería ser necesario para o seu
funcionamento normal.
Package: ngraph-gtk
Description-md5: 2d1ee8fe42a06834fcde2c5c006684fc
Description-gl: Cree gráficos científicos bidimensionais
Ngraph is the program to create scientific 2-dimensional graphs for
researchers and engineers. This program can create advanced graphs which
can't be created by spreadsheets. Graphs can be exported to postscript.
Package: nikwi
Description-md5: a0dbaab04bcdc6e6ca4df089aece175b
Description-gl: xogo de plataforma no que o obxectivo é recoller doces
You play the role of a 9 year old boy in his absolute dream: a world made
of sweets! Guide Nikwi through his dream to eat everything in each of the
30 levels, while you avoid the monsters who try to turn Nikwi's dream into
a nightmare.
Nikwi features hours of gameplay in 30 sweet-themed levels made of five
candy themes, more than 10 different monsters and obstacles -each one with
it's own unique behaviour- and new gameplay elements in every theme.
Package: nilfs-tools-dbg
Description-md5: ef62a8978810850051dde973ef17caf7
Description-gl: Continuous Snapshotting Log-structured Filesystem (debug)
NILFS is a new implementation of a log-structured filesystem. It allows
continuous snapshotting, so that users can restore files mistakenly
overwritten or destroyed even when it happens after the last backup.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: njam
Description-md5: 205a628451c89bb9068578e1fc8cbc80
Description-gl: Xogo do estilo do Pacman con capacidade multiusuario
Njam is a pacman-like game with many features, including networked
multiplayer mode. It is available on many platforms.
o Single and multiplayer mode (local or network)
o Cooperative and competetive multiplayer modes
o Customizable level skins
o Many different levels
o Integrated level editor
o Great music and sound effects
Package: node-bignumber
Description-md5: db8f7c554c023ae7775179e9c4f36faa
Description-gl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic for Node.js
- Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of
Java's BigDecimal
- 5 KB minified and gzipped
- Simple API but full-featured
- Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36
- Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of
Javascript's Number type
- Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method
- Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format
- No dependencies
- Comprehensive documentation and test set
If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half
the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the
methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration
options of this library.
This package provides bignumber support to Node.js.
Package: node-log4js
Description-md5: 30fec9f3924e78e5bfa893100ecfca59
Description-gl: Conversion of the log4js framework to work with Node.js
Logging support for Node.js based on the log4js Javascript
(browser/client) framework.
Funcionalidades admitidas:
- coloured console logging
- replacement of node's console.log functions (optional)
- file appender, with log rolling based on file size
- SMTP appender
- GELF appender
- appender
- multiprocess appender (useful when you've got worker processes)
- a logger for connect/express servers
- configurable log message layout/patterns
- different log levels for different log categories (make some parts
of your app log as DEBUG, others only ERRORS, etc.)
Package: nodejs-dbg
Description-md5: 0eee646d9ad485c3f1cc373fa0d6fd54
Description-gl: evented I/O for V8 javascript (debug)
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-
driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient,
perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across
distributed devices.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: nordugrid-arc-doc
Description-md5: 9a0bc84338aa7437e11e5885a7c4cc83
Description-gl: Documentación de ARC
The NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
Connector (ARC).
Package: notes-mobile
Description-md5: 20bfdc7dd91703f29417235dd2725d32
Description-gl: notes application for mobile environments
This package provides notes taking application which has been specially
designed for use on mobile devices. Its user interface aims to make it
easy to write and manage sticky notes via touchscreen and potentially
small size displays.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: nuvola-icon-theme
Description-md5: 7b145521607e9219b718ee5212744bf2
Description-gl: Nuvola icon theme
This package contains the Nuvola icon theme for KDE.
Nuvola follows the icon schemes, so it can be used in
other desktop environments using this specification.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: nvidia-common
Description-md5: f11494e618e154235d7240541a9fc755
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ubuntu-drivers-common
Este é un metapaquete transitorio para ubuntu-drivers-common. Pódese
eliminar con seguranza despois da anovación.
Package: octave
Description-md5: 5f06c708891ddbf651939abf93ab4c85
Description-gl: GNU Octave language for numerical computations
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
Octave can be dynamically extended with user-supplied C++ files.
Package: octave-common
Description-md5: fd867a95ea2708a233dc7380e8c8a5c9
Description-gl: architecture-independent files for octave
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
Octave can be dynamically extended with user-supplied C++ files.
This package provides the architecture-independent files (Octave scripts
and other helper files).
Package: octave-dbg
Description-md5: 29f459013f75ca38978fb3b4daae614e
Description-gl: Debug symbols for octave
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
Octave can be dynamically extended with user-supplied C++ files.
This package provides the debug symbols.
Package: octave-doc
Description-md5: 8536d794096ac4c95411be90dd46eee7
Description-gl: PDF documentation on the GNU Octave language
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
This package provides the following documentation in PDF format: the FAQ,
a reference card in a4, letter and legal formats, a document on the C++
classes used by Octave, as well as the main octave documentation which is
also included in info format in the octave-info package.
Package: octave-htmldoc
Description-md5: 61c84754d0618ddbdd11dfc973601b42
Description-gl: HTML documentation on the GNU Octave language
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
This package provides the following documentation in html format: the FAQ,
a document on the C++ classes used by Octave, as well as the main octave
documentation which is also included in info format in the main Octave
Package: octave-info
Description-md5: 2492c9995280fd5e1ca1ce550f11ce51
Description-gl: GNU Info documentation on the GNU Octave language
O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatíbel con
Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha
interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas
lineais e non lineais.
This package provides the following documentation in info format: the FAQ,
a document on the C++ classes used by Octave, as well as the main octave
documentation which is needed for the 'help -i foo' command within Octave.
Package: oggconvert
Description-md5: 0e3a8258b3052c6750b6985bc94f29bd
Description-gl: converta ficheiros multimedia a formatos libres
OggConvert is a small GNOME utility which uses GStreamer to convert
(almost) any media file to the patent-free Ogg Vorbis, Theora and Dirac
The main interesting points are:
* It is very easy to use: drag a file onto the source bar (or use
the file chooser) and hit Convert button. Of course, you can also change
the video format, quality settings and the output filename if you like.
* It uses GStreamer, so it can convert (almost) any file Totem can play.
* It can deal with audio-only files, video-only files, and files with many
audio tracks (such as DVD rips with a commentary track).
* Thanks to the magic of GStreamer, metadata (for example, title and artist
info on an MP3) is preserved.
* Adheres to the GNOME HIG as much as possible.
* Supports the Schroedinger encoder for encoding to the Dirac video format
(note that this encoder is currently experimental).
* Supports encoding to the Matroska container format.
Package: oggvideotools-dbg
Description-md5: 7800d7540b3838c3e37bb1542b2c7ddc
Description-gl: A toolbox for manipulating and creating Ogg video files (debug symbols)
Contains the following command line tools:
* oggCat - concatenates two ogg video files
* oggCut - extracts parts of an ogg file
* oggDump
* oggJoin - multiplexes ogg streams
* oggLength
* oggResize - resizes ogg files in multiple ways
* oggScroll
* oggSilence
* oggSlideshow - creates slideshows from pictures
* oggSplit - demultiplexes ogv files
* oggThumb - creates thumbnails from an ogg video file
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: ogre-1.8-doc
Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c
Description-gl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (documentation)
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented,
flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more
intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-
accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of
using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and
provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: ogre-1.9-doc
Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c
Description-gl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (documentation)
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented,
flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more
intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-
accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of
using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and
provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: ohai-doc
Description-md5: 700111c13f8b0a4b52e6c8fb753c36f0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ohai
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
ohai. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: ohcount-doc
Description-md5: f6d4f636e5057ffc49b5336a185809b6
Description-gl: Source code line counter - Documentation
Ohcount supports over 70 popular programming languages. Ohcount does more
than just count lines of code. It can also detect popular open source
licenses such as GPL within a large directory of source code. It can also
detect code that targets a particular programming API, such as Win32 or
KDE. Ohcount is the line counter which powers
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: okteta-dbg
Description-md5: 786fb94e400bb3ce17f7e5ec222276e7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do okteta
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en okteta.
Package: okteta-dev
Description-md5: 9340962f253295d93fdca1fee7f65ea0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Okteta
Okteta is a simple editor for the raw data of files. This type of program
is also called hexadecimal editor or binary editor.
This package contains the development files for Okteta.
This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module.
Package: okular
Description-md5: 08547439bf45cdee2513d41e85b1668d
Description-gl: universal document viewer
Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document
features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files.
This package provides the document viewer application, plus plugins for a wide variety of document formats such as:
* PostScript (PS)
* Portable Document Format (PDF)
* OpenDocument Text (ODT)
* TeX Device independent file format (DVI)
* XML Paper Specification (XPS)
* G3 fax
* various electronic book formats: ComicBook, FictionBook, and Plucker
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: okular-dbg
Description-md5: 4722e6208d94d49ce2c5f92790a4b668
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do okular
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
binaries included in the KDE okular document viewer
Package: okular-dev
Description-md5: d9fdff4db8a819b1e47db69dd4a8064e
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas do Okular
This package contains development files for building Okular document
format backends.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: okular-extra-backends
Description-md5: 77ee72f090a76acfec2bf14f62184843
Description-gl: additional document format support for Okular
These plugins allow Okular to view additional document formats:
* Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM)
* Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
* DjVu scanned page format
* EPub eBooks
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: onetime
Description-md5: d8aba02f405ff285dc7df6bda307ae33
Description-gl: command-line encryption using the "one-time pad" method
OneTime is an encoder/decoder that uses the one-time pad algorithm.
OneTime is a simple one-time pad encryption program that takes care of
some of the pad-management bureaucracy for you. It avoids re-using pad
data (except when decrypting the same encrypted message twice, of course)
by maintaining records of pad usage.
If you keep your ~/.onetime configuration area under version control with
Subversion or CVS, OneTime will automatically update it to get the latest
pad usage records before using a pad, and will commit new records after
using a pad. Thus, by sharing a single configuration area via version
control, you and your interlocutors can more easily avoid the sin of pad
range reuse.
Consulte para máis información sobre
OneTime ouexecute «onetime --help» para o seu uso detallado. Para máis
información sobre one-time pads en xeral, consulte
Package: oolite-doc
Description-md5: d4b0e86b2b1fc74015ec21fb686c090f
Description-gl: space sim game, inspired by Elite (documentation)
Oolite is a space sim game, inspired by Elite, powered by Objective-C and
OpenGL, and designed as a small game that is easy for users to pick up,
modify and expand upon. Almost every aspect of the game can be changed by
using simple, free graphics packages and text-editors.
The purpose of the game is to fly from planet to planet, buying and
selling goods, shooting pirates or committing acts of piracy.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: open-axiom
Description-md5: 2692315696a75b95580ad7853f4f3e58
Description-gl: Plataforma aberta de computación científica
OpenAxiom is an open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and
numerical computations. It offers an interactive environment, an
expressive programming language, a compiler, a large set of mathematical
libraries of interest to researchers and practitioners of computational
OpenAxiom is a descendent of the AXIOM computer algebra system as
described by Richard Jenks and Robert Sutor in "AXIOM: The Scientific
Computation System". That book is the base reference document for
This package contains the main program binary and all precompiled algebra
and autoloadable modules.
Package: open-vm-tools-dbg
Description-md5: 9f6f731e6bd8c2a182befca81d2509b4
Description-gl: Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (debug)
The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) project is an open source
implementation of VMware Tools. It is a suite of virtualization utilities
and drivers to improve the functionality, user experience and
administration of VMware virtual machines.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: open-vm-tools-dev
Description-md5: 4aa45696c5c5c28398c17ba27233e67d
Description-gl: Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (development)
The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) project is an open source
implementation of VMware Tools. It is a suite of virtualization utilities
and drivers to improve the functionality, user experience and
administration of VMware virtual machines.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: openarena
Description-md5: 5c88c938032f434f395e780475e66fe0
Description-gl: un rápido xogo de disparos tridimensional e en primeira persoa
OpenArena is an open-source content package for ioQuake3 licensed under
the GPL, effectively creating a free stand-alone game. Though OpenArena is
a free replacement for id Software Inc.'s Quake 3 Arena, it is NOT
compatible with the proprietary game!
OpenArena might be considered unsuitable for children.
This package installs the OpenArena client.
Package: openbabel
Description-md5: 6ce630c1a7113b6e9fbb506bdd345a0f
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox utilities (cli)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
This package includes the following utilities:
* babel: Convert between various chemical file formats
* obenergy: Calculate the energy for a molecule
* obminimize: Optimize the geometry, minimize the energy for a molecule
* obgrep: Molecular search program using SMARTS pattern
* obgen: Generate 3D coordinates for a molecule
* obprop: Print standard molecular properties
* obfit: Superimpose two molecules based on a pattern
* obrotamer: Generate conformer/rotamer coordinates
* obconformer: Generate low-energy conformers
* obchiral: Print molecular chirality information
* obrotate: Rotate dihedral angle of molecules in batch mode
* obprobe: Create electrostatic probe grid
Package: openbabel-gui
Description-md5: 5dbd1d7b9cdd1829cf84bdb7c03f9c3e
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox utilities (graphical user interface)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
This package contains the openbabel GUI based on wxWidgets.
Package: openbox-dev
Description-md5: c4c1c6dc43a98aaed1a0c4558280f752
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do xestor de xanelas openbox
Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to
manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite
of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was
written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when
that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface.
Openbox is fully functional as a stand-alone working environment, or can
be used as a drop-in replacement for the default window manager in the
GNOME or KDE desktop environments.
Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based
upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based
upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0
This package contains the development headers for building openbox stuff.
Package: opencc
Description-md5: b1583250eebf9d31eb79afc7ecb3fd71
Description-gl: simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
opencc é unha biblioteca para converter caracteres entre o chinés
tradicional e o chinés simplificado.
This package includes the conversion tool.
Package: openchangeserver-dev
Description-md5: 900c7d4d71130a226f4ed57e8b1f05cc
Description-gl: Experimental MAPI (Exchange/Outlook) server - development files
This is a plugin for Samba 4 that adds server-side support for the MAPI
protocol that is used by Microsoft Outlook and Exchange.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Package: openclipart
Description-md5: e1e8f916a59458afbeac7f52c2324c39
Description-gl: Open Clip Art Library
The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports).
Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala as versións tanto en SVG como en
PNG (convertidas a partir de SVG).
Package: openclipart-libreoffice
Description-md5: b87a847e071a5b73e68c308e327cb508
Description-gl: imaxes vectoriais para a galería de
The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports).
Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de información da Galería de
Package: openclipart2
Description-md5: 0ebd5b310dd7c576a6932e15733dd783
Description-gl: Open Clip Art Library
The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
This package contains much more clipart than the standard openclipart, but
it is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) rather than by subject
(e.g. sports).
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala as versións tanto en SVG como en
PNG (convertidas a partir de SVG).
Package: openclipart2-libreoffice
Description-md5: af62082bd591351b7050681a2f1dfcba
Description-gl: imaxes vectoriais para a galería de
The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
This package contains much more clipart than the standard openclipart, but
it is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) rather than by subject
(e.g. sports).
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de información da Galería de
Package: openclonk-dbg
Description-md5: 8253f9081035cab93ddaa8045fb883f3
Description-gl: multiplayer game of strategy, action and skill - debug symbols
OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks,
small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about
mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game
but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilites to
make own mods.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuracións. Normalmente non se
Package: opendict
Description-md5: 6ccd1bbbd605d45d4a3e4fc5cb539e89
Description-gl: computer dictionary for several dictionary formats
O OpenDict é un programa de dicionario multiplataforma. Funciona cos
dicionarios DICT, Slowo e Mova. Tamén admite dicionarios engadidos que se
poden crear con practicamente calquera fonte de datos. O OpenDict é un
cliente dos servidores de DICT.
Package: openhpi
Description-md5: 99019f34ef389d398c4ec72051d73639
Description-gl: SAF's HPI: Abstracted interface for managing computer hardware
OpenHPI is an implementation of the Service Availability Forum's Hardware
Platform Interface (HPI) specification. (See As
such, OpenHPI facilitates the development of computer manageability
applications which are not tied to a single hardware vendor's products.
HPI provides an abstracted interface for managing computer hardware,
typically for chassis and rack based servers. HPI includes resource
modeling; access to and control over sensor, control, watchdog, and
inventory data associated with resources; abstracted System Event Log
interfaces; hardware events and alerts; and a managed hotswap interface.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala todos os compoñentes de OpenHPI.
Package: openjdk-6-dbg
Description-md5: 62cbbd2d3e6bc94279f18db4f735142b
Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols)
OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets,
and components using the Java programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from
the IcedTea project.
Package: openjdk-6-demo
Description-md5: c2a5624aa60e4de3025a249886fa82d7
Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)
Contorno de execución de Java 6 OpenJDK
The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from
the IcedTea project.
Package: openmcdf
Description-md5: 626f053aaf700aac0c4c5df070e8e585
Description-gl: Explorador de almacenamento estruturado
OpenMCDF is a 100% managed CLI component that allows client applications
to manipulate COM structured storage files, also known as Microsoft
Compound Document Format files.
This file format is used under the hood by a lot of applications: the
files created by Microsoft Office until the 2007 product release are all
structured storage files. They include multiple streams of information
(document summary, user data) in a single physical container (the file).
Also the omnipresent Thumbs.db, used by Windows as thumbnails cache, is a
structured storage file.
OpenMCDF makes available to the developer an easy interface to read,
write, add and remove structured storage primitives. Structured storage
items are organized in a hierarchical tree where 'storage' nodes act like
a directory and 'stream' nodes like a file. Developers can use OpenMCDF to
view storages and streams, traverse hierarchical trees of items, explore
existing compound file and modify them or create a new compound file from
Package: openocd
Description-md5: 65aba309ca6fb38bbc223a866b9eaf94
Description-gl: Open on-chip JTAG debug solution for ARM and MIPS systems
OpenOCD is an on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan
testing tool for ARM and MIPS systems.
The debugger uses an IEEE 1149-1 compliant JTAG TAP bus master to access
on-chip debug functionality available on ARM based microcontrollers or
system-on-chip solutions. For MIPS systems the EJTAG interface is
User interaction is realized through a telnet command line interface, a
gdb (the GNU debugger) remote protocol server, and a simplified RPC
connection that can be used to interface with OpenOCD's Jim Tcl engine.
OpenOCD supports various different types of JTAG interfaces/programmers:
* Parallel port wigglers:
* Macraigor Wiggler JTAG cable (and many clones)
* Xilinx DLC5 JTAG parallel cable III (and many clones)
* Amontec JTAG Accelerator
* Gateworks GW16012 JTAG programmer
* Wiggler 2 cable (basically a wiggler with an LED)
* Wiggler with NTRST inverted
* AMT Wiggler
* Ka-Ro TRITON starterkit II JTAG cable
* Lattice parallel port JTAG cable
* ST FlashLINK programming cable
* USB FT2232 based dongles:
* Amontec JTAGkey
* Amontec JTAGkey-Tiny
* OOCD-Link
* eVerve Signalyzer
* Luminary Micro Stellaris/LM3S811 Evaluation Board A
* Olimex ARM-USB-OCD
* TinCanTools Flyswatter
* Turtelizer 2
* Hitex STR9-comStick
* Hitex STM32-PerformanceStick
* Axiom AXM-0432 Link
* Section5 ICEbear
* USB JLINK based adapters:
* Atmel SAMICE (only works with Atmel chips)
* Segger J-Link
* IAR J-Link
* USB RLINK based adapters:
* Raisonance RLink
* STM32 Primer
* USB other:
* USBprog
* Versaloon-Link
* Standalone systems:
* Zylin ZY1000
* Other:
* EP93xx based Linux machine
* AT91RM9200
OpenOCD admite a depuración sobre moitos núcleos diferentes de ARM/MIPS:
* ARM7:
* ARM7TDMI(-s)
* ARM720t
* ARM9:
* ARM920t
* ARM922t
* ARM926ej-s
* ARM966e-s
* ARM11
* ARM1136
* ARM1156
* ARM1176
* Intel XScale:
* PXA25x
* PXA26x
* PXA27x
* IXP42x
* IXP45x
* IXP46x
* Cortex-M3
* Luminary Stellaris LM3
* ST STM32
* MIPS m4k
* Marvell Feroceon CPU core (como o que se atopa na familia Orion SoC)
Flash programming/writing is supported for:
* External CFI compatible flashes:
* Intel and AMD/Spansion command set
* Internal flashes:
* LPC2000
* AT91SAM7
* STR7x
* STR9x
* LM3
* STM32x
* LPC3180 NAND flash
Description-md5: da628816224a3d119a9040f51575aae3
Description-gl: office productivity suite -- legacy 1.0 XML DTD
O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece
un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R).
This package contains the Document Type Definition (DTD) of the 1.x(!) XML file format.
Package: openscad-dbg
Description-md5: 6d7409d2c37ae283c7dbc44595cf0d40
Description-gl: Ambiente gráfico de deseño CAD baseado en ficheiros de scripts (símbolos de depuración)
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It focuses on
CAD aspects rather than artistic ones.
This package contains debugging information stripped from the binaries.
Package: openscenegraph-doc
Description-md5: 4331c0bf73a1158c62d9f2f247402d5e
Description-gl: 3D scene graph, documentation
A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high
performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games,
virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object
orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from
implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many
additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: openshot
Description-md5: ebc391f10b45222da18ff525c26bc814
Description-gl: Cree e edite vídeos e películas
O editor de vídeo OpenShot é un editor de vídeo non lineal, libre e de
código aberto. Pode crear e editar vídeos e películas empregando moitos
formatos populares de vídeo, son e imaxe. Cree vídeos para YouTube,
Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox e moitos outros formatos frecuentes!
Features include:
* Multiple tracks (layers)
* Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks
* Support for image sequences (rotoscoping)
* Key-frame animation
* Video and audio effects (chroma-key)
* Transitions (lumas and masks)
* 3D animation (titles and physics simulations)
* Chroma key (green screen & blue screen)
* Transcode (convert video encodings)
* Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported)
Package: openshot-doc
Description-md5: 047292360e8efcbf286a0eed459a5538
Description-gl: Manual de axuda do editor de vídeo OpenShot
This is the official help manual for OpenShot Video Editor, a free, open-
source, non-linear video editor. Learn how to edit videos, add watermarks,
apply effects such as chroma key, and transition between videos. Also,
learn how to become a developer, with step by step instructions.
Package: opensm-doc
Description-md5: 928ce0bfe91f06221f0dd16819818ba5
Description-gl: Documentación de opensm
Documentation for the opensm InfiniBand subnet manager.
Package: openssl-blacklist
Description-md5: 1599b7ab4ae763782dbca2a8023e0330
Description-gl: Blacklists for OpenSSL RSA keys and tools
This package contains the openssl-vulnkey tool and the common lists of
known-bad OpenSSL keys to use when examining suspect keys with openssl-
RSA-1024, RSA-2048
Package: openssl-blacklist-extra
Description-md5: 502bb206ad9a9ca54041cd212e981677
Description-gl: Non-default blacklists of OpenSSL RSA keys
This package contains the uncommon lists of known-bad OpenSSL keys to use
when examining suspect keys with openssl-vulnkey.
RSA-512, RSA-4096
Package: openssn-dbg
Description-md5: 8e6170f4444842ed0ac1bc952500f224
Description-gl: modern submarine tactical simulator (debug)
OpenSSN is a submarine simulation (subsim) which tries to emulate the
behaviour of modern submarines. The player is placed in command of a
submarine and is able to move about in a deep ocean environment.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do OpenSSN.
Package: openstreetmap-map-icons-classic
Description-md5: a84d77da78a66cd4b20765c60b52fe3a
Description-gl: Collection of map icons (classic set)
Este paquete fornece un conxunto de iconas deseñados para seren empregados
xunto con mapas. Están cubertas varias categorías concretas, como
acomodación, educación, alimentación, saúde, localización xeográfica,
lugares, relixión, compras, etc.
This package contains the classic set from the OpenStreetMap project.
Package: openstreetmap-map-icons-scalable
Description-md5: a3c0fe54caab51cd4f0b634792235ae5
Description-gl: Collection of map icons (scalable set)
Este paquete fornece un conxunto de iconas deseñados para seren empregados
xunto con mapas. Están cubertas varias categorías concretas, como
acomodación, educación, alimentación, saúde, localización xeográfica,
lugares, relixión, compras, etc.
This package contains the scalable set from the OpenStreetMap project.
Package: openstreetmap-map-icons-square
Description-md5: 03d369b0da9fda6a3d3d02b4d125505d
Description-gl: Collection of map icons (square set)
Este paquete fornece un conxunto de iconas deseñados para seren empregados
xunto con mapas. Están cubertas varias categorías concretas, como
acomodación, educación, alimentación, saúde, localización xeográfica,
lugares, relixión, compras, etc.
This package contains the square set from the OpenStreetMap project.
Package: openteacher
Description-md5: 5206632a5485a2afee3836cb7e39ec0a
Description-gl: Aprenda palabras nunha lingua estranxeira.
OpenTeacher is an application that helps you in learning a foreign
language vocabulary. Just enter some words in your native or foreign
language, and OpenTeacher will test you.
OpenTeacher has the following features:
* Smart and interval question asking
* Think answer, shuffle answer and repeat answer input modes
* Easy symbol, Greek and Cyrillic input
* Read and write Teach2000 and WRTS files, read ABBY Lingvo Tutor files
* Save and open your online WRTS lists
* Support for synonyms
* Printing your word lists
* Available in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Hungarian.
Package: openttd-dbg
Description-md5: a156b29e3c0b8999a0104fc0341b583c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do openttd
OpenTTD is a reimplementation of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon
Deluxe" with lots of new features and enhancements.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do openttd.
Package: openuniverse
Description-md5: c6a56b738f1b547f49a7023e19d129ed
Description-gl: 3D Universe Simulator
OpenUniverse (OU for short) is a fun, fast and free OpenGL space
simulator. It currently focuses on the Solar System and lets you visit all
of its planets, most major moons and a vast collection of smaller bodies
in colorful, glorious and realtime 3D. If you've ever had a chance to
visit Mercury or asteroid Geographos, here you'll find them looking
exactly the same way, following exactly the same path as when you've left
Teña en conta que o OpenUniverse xa non se mantén activamente e que se
recomenda aos usuarios empregaren o Celestia.
Package: openvpn-auth-radius-dbg
Description-md5: 924702847a71f6e2e9789e3333175c2e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do openvpn-plugin-radius
openvpn-auth-radius is a plugin for OpenVPN 2.x that implements
authentication of users against a RADIUS server.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do openvpn-auth-radius.
Package: opj2dat
Description-md5: 5cfb931a0601f104a00fd4edd203059f
Description-gl: OriginLab Origin project files to data files converter
opj2dat is a program build on the liborigin library and converts project
files from the OriginLab Origin plotting program to data files, readable
by most other plotting programs. OriginLab Origin provides extensive
scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several
new tools that simplify common operations.
Consulte para máis informacións sobre OriginLab
Package: opus-tools-dbg
Description-md5: 60729331b2bd0e4102c3582944caf82e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do opus-tools
This package provides the detached debug symbols for opus-tools.
Package: osmo-dbg
Description-md5: f9cc05445b938a5f35bc865672fd66eb
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de osmo
Osmo is a personal organizer, which includes calendar, task manager and
address book modules. It aims to be easy to use and configurable to meet
the user's preferences.
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: oss4-base
Description-md5: 0d56cd4a203c4dc1e4fd1d26c1be5b38
Description-gl: Open Sound System - base package
Open Sound System (OSS) is an attempt in unifying the digital audio
architecture for UNIX.
Este paquete contén diversas utilidades para configurar e empregar OSS
For OSS to work on a system with a given sound card, there must be an OSS
driver for that card in the kernel. For Linux, a custom oss4-modules
package can be built from the sources in the oss4-source package using the
module-assistant utility.
Package: owfs-dbg
Description-md5: 975b15031e4e67055f422f6ac2ffed65
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos paquetes de OWFS
The 1-Wire bus is a cheap low-speed bus for devices like weather sensors,
access control, etc. It can be attached to your system via serial, USB,
I2C, and other interfaces.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración para gdb dos paquetes de OWFS.
É necesario se se ven fallos en programas que empreguen 1-wire.
Package: oxygen-cursor-theme
Description-md5: 4c5002a4e592e5cc90c51c07857a8cde
Description-gl: Tema de cursores do rato Oxygen
Este paquete contén o tema de cursores Oxygen, creado orixinalmente para
KDE 4.
The cursors are available in numerous colors to match the style of any
Package: oxygen-cursor-theme-extra
Description-md5: 7bf7b82f1ad312760833c12442716fa0
Description-gl: Tema de cursores do rato Oxygen - Cores extra
Este paquete contén o tema de cursores Oxygen, creado orixinalmente para
KDE 4.
This package contains extra cursor colors: black, blue, brown, emerald,
green, grey, hot_orange, navy, red, red-argentina, purple sea_blue,
violet, viorange and yellow.
Package: oxygen-icon-theme
Description-md5: 1c9ecb27b72c298d63cfbecaaa57c213
Description-gl: Tema de iconas Oxygen
Oxygen é o tema de iconas padrón de KDE 4, mais segue os esquemas de
iconas de, polo que tamén pode ser empregado noutros
ambientes de escritorio que utilicen esta especificación.
Package: oxygen-icon-theme-complete
Description-md5: efa20623dd6453fd2f8c7c59a6c106c6
Description-gl: Oxygen icon theme - transitional package
Oxygen é o tema de iconas padrón de KDE 4, mais segue os esquemas de
iconas de, polo que tamén pode ser empregado noutros
ambientes de escritorio que utilicen esta especificación.
Este é un paquete transitorio para oxygen-icon-theme e pode ser retirado
con seguranza despois da instalación.
Package: p2kmoto
Description-md5: 8027d083380902050b53fe516829abd3
Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform
Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K
This package contains a test application for the p2kmoto library.
Páxina web:
Package: p7zip
Description-md5: 8f7261a1031bb31dfcb3cba829894130
Description-gl: 7z file archiver with high compression ratio
p7zip é a portaxe á liña de ordes de Unix de 7-Zip, un arquivador de
ficheiros que arquiva con relacións de compresión altas.
p7zip fornece:
- /usr/bin/7zr
unha versión mínima autónoma da ferramenta 7-zip que só xestiona
arquivos 7z. A compresión con 7z é 30-50% mellor que a compresión con ZIP.
- /usr/bin/p7zip
un envoltorio tipo gzip arredor de 7zr.
p7zip pode ser usado con interfaces de compresión populares (como File
Roller ou Nautilus).
p7zip-full fornece 7z e 7za, que ten compatibilidade para máis formatos de
Package: p7zip-full
Description-md5: 285f0352aa3c100a6b1af72045a98369
Description-gl: 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio
p7zip é a portaxe á liña de ordes de Unix de 7-Zip, un arquivador de
ficheiros que arquiva con relacións de compresión altas.
p7zip-full fornece utilidades para empaquetar e desempaquetar ficheiros 7z
dentro dunha consola ou empregando unha interface gráfica (como Ark, File
Roller ou Nautilus).
A instalación de p7zip permite que o File Roller empregue o altamente
eficiente formato de compresión 7z para empaquetar e desempaquetar
ficheiros e directorios. Alén disto, fornece as ordes 7z e 7za.
Lista de formatos recoñecidos:
- Empaquetado / Desempaquetado: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ e TAR
- Só desempaquetado: APM, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT,
se o paquete non libre p7zip-rar estiver instalado), RPM, SquashFS, UDF,
p7zip fornece 7zr, unha versión lixeira de 7za, e p7zip, un envoltorio
tipo gzip arredor de 7zr.
Package: packagekit-backend-smart
Description-md5: c91dacce3684f14a289e43fcf10b1f5b
Description-gl: Smart backend for PackageKit
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
This package allows using the smart package manager.
Package: packagekit-dbg
Description-md5: 8dcfb1366ea93c9734aeca8fbf676c8c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do PackageKit
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas,
infraestruturas e ferramentas da liña de ordes do PackageKit. O PackageKit
é unha capa de abstracción da xestión de paquetes que permite realizar
tarefas sinxelas de xestión de software a través dunha interface DBus.
Most people will not need this package.
Package: packagekit-gtk3-module
Description-md5: b4094b413124ff3eeddd6dcdb91ab037
Description-gl: Install fonts automatically using PackageKit
PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a
través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar
e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e
manipuladores de ficheiros.
The PackageKit GTK+ module allows any Pango application to install fonts
from configured repositories using PackageKit.
Package: padre
Description-md5: e541743eaf0457cab397347ec3680c42
Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento e refactorización de aplicativos para Perl
Padre is a Perl IDE that is simple to use for new Perl programmers but
also supports large multi-lingual and multi-technology projects.
Its primary focus is to create a peerless environment for learning Perl
and creating Perl scripts, modules and distributions, with an extensible
plugin system to support the addition of related functionality and
languages and to support advanced developers taking the editor anywhere
they want it to go.
Package: pairs
Description-md5: e5d36409e6204c0924f11be94e46c79d
Description-gl: memory and pairs game
Pairs is a game that helps you training your memory by remembering
different images, shapes, sounds and text.
- pair images
- pair similar images
- pair sounds
- pair sounds and images
Este paquete fai parte do módulo educativo do KDE.
Package: palapeli
Description-md5: 9b5055f9646035d40c1947dfd313f8dd
Description-gl: Puzzle
Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you
are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are
freely moveable.
Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: palapeli-data
Description-md5: 2811626a70f5a6f6a7203531a31dea98
Description-gl: data files for palapeli jigsaw puzzle game
Data files (puzzles) for the palapeli puzzle game.
Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you
are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are
freely moveable.
Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: pam-pkcs11-dbg
Description-md5: 948a2ecd4cd1a8fc85ce3787e73ae468
Description-gl: Fully featured PAM module for using PKCS#11 smart cards (debug)
A Pluggable Authentication Module for PKCS#11 based smart cards. Useful
for enabling smart card based user login to a system.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: paman
Description-md5: ffd140aebb0ffc3ac22929079b300600
Description-gl: Xestor de PulseAudio
PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
PulseAudio Manager (paman) is a simple GTK frontend for the PulseAudio
sound server. With paman you may browse most of PulseAudio's internals.
There is support for changing the volume of sinks and sink inputs. You're
also able to play samples from the sample cache.
Package: pandora
Description-md5: 5e041d513a337daed9f5200208d901c0
Description-gl: Engadido do GIMP para crear panoramas
Engadido do GIMP que dispón as imaxes para crear panorámicas. Pandora
emprega gradacións e sobreexposicións para fusionar as imaxes, permitindo
unha aparencia sen costuras.
Package: paprefs
Description-md5: 42f00216f7a81cc0e4548a67a7dd6802
Description-gl: Preferencias de PulseAudio
PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
PulseAudio Preferences (paprefs) is a simple GTK+ based configuration
dialog for the PulseAudio sound server.
Package: par
Description-md5: 898846039a993eafc8d035abb45999b3
Description-gl: Paragraph reformatter
Programa tipo fmt moi mellorado por Adam M. Costello.
Can be used within vi or other editor to automatically reformat text in a
variety of ways.
Perfect for use with email & usenet messages as it correctly handles
multiple levels of quoting characters.
This version includes a patch allowing multi-byte and multi-width
character encodings.
Sitio web:
Package: parcellite
Description-md5: df6ebfddce8a12472826bff39f539d99
Description-gl: lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
Parcellite is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with
a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity.
* Keeps a clipboard history.
* Various view options to display items the way you like it.
* Daemon mode; guard your clipboard contents when you close applications.
* Perform custom commands using clipboard contents.
Package: parley
Description-md5: 769f928bdf87f6769769af5f59fd623f
Description-gl: Adestrador de vocabulario
Parley is a utility to help train vocabulary when learning a foreign
language. It is intended as a replacement for flash cards.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: parley-data
Description-md5: 614ae2eaf246ab60c755f198acd7f30e
Description-gl: data files for the Parley vocabulary trainer
This package contains architecture-independent data files for the Parley
vocabulary trainer.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: parole-dev
Description-md5: 858cb60f4abee31b03b1cf9f24e32d60
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do reprodutor de multimedia Parole
Parole is a media player for the Xfce desktop environment, written using
the GStreamer framework.
Parole features playback of local media files, including video with
subtitles support, DVD/CD and live streams; it is also extensible via
This package contains development files for Parole's plugin interface.
Package: parsewiki
Description-md5: 8c4b01a90af2d5cf39416260444694c4
Description-gl: Sistema de documentación baseado en texto en ASCII
Perl script that can be used to produce HTML, XHTML, Latex or DocBook/XML
from a simple ASCII text source document, with minimum syntax rules.
The text markup is quite simple and allows us to create documents in an
easy and fast way.
The tool is not suitable for complex documents, but can be used to create
an initial version which can be further developed working on the generated
LaTeX or DocBook file.
Package: partitionmanager
Description-md5: eec7327184255bfb91a6ed486203153e
Description-gl: file, disk and partion management for KDE
Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk
devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to
easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and
restore partitions.
Partition Manager supports a large number of file systems, including
ext2/3/4, reiserfs, NTFS, FAT16/32, jfs, xfs and more. Note that to gain
support for a specific file system other than ext2/3/4, you should install
the corresponding suggested package.
O Xestor de Particións está baseado en libparted (como gparted) e emprega
as bibliotecas de KDE para súa interface de usuario.
Package: passage
Description-md5: 03e45fa5671a2415c0fb4fd09765fd55
Description-gl: Xogo sobre o paso da vida
Passage is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by Jason Rohrer.
It can be explored in approximately 5 minutes. Passage is meant to be
memento mori game. If you enjoy the game, you may want to try the
followup, "Gravitation". If you do not, please read the game creators
statement on the website and the experiences of other people linked from
the website.
Package: password-gorilla
Description-md5: 02b42779ed4ded489b8a75ef40143e3c
Description-gl: xestor de contrasinais multiplataforma
The Password Gorilla helps you manage your logins. It stores all your user
names and passwords, along with login information and other notes, in a
securely encrypted file. A single "master password" is used to protect the
file. This way, you only need to remember the single master password,
instead of the many logins that you use.
If you want to log in to a service or Web site, the Password Gorilla
copies your user name and password to the clipboard, so that you can
easily paste it into your Web browser or other application. Because the
password does not appear on the screen, Password Gorilla is safe to use in
the presence of others.
The convenience of Password Gorilla allows you to choose different, non-
intuitive passwords for each service. An integrated random password
generator can provide one-time passwords, tunable to various services'
Password Gorilla is a tcl/tk application which can run on Linux and
Windows, and the files written are supposed to be compatible between
platforms. This is important for collaboration in heterogenous
Package: passwordmaker-cli
Description-md5: b20eb4e484a126d7b7a674ea859d76f7
Description-gl: creates unique, secure passwords - CLI version
One Password to Rule Them All!
A small, lightweight, free, extension for Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Mozilla, Netscape, Flock, and Yahoo! Widgets which creates unique, secure
passwords that are very easy for you to retrieve but no one else. Nothing
is stored anywhere, anytime, so there's nothing to be hacked, lost, or
Esta é a versión para a liña de ordes.
Other versions are at
Package: patcher
Description-md5: 4de16fb67a1e0e12607732bb4344fa29
Description-gl: perl script useful for managing patches
patcher is a patch manager that keeps track of which files you change. It
then can generate patches from your changes, no need for you to handle the
diff tool manually.
The patches can be stacked in series, they define the order they have to
be applied. Patcher keeps series information as well as information of
which patches have been applied and which not.
Páxina web
Package: pauker
Description-md5: ae7859d3d079b79d9483d8644685443a
Description-gl: programa xenérico para a aprendizaxe baseada en tarxetas
Pauker is a generic flashcard program written in Java. It uses a
combination of ultra-shortterm, shortterm, and longterm memory. You can
use it to learn all the things you never want to forget, like vocabulary,
capitals, important dates, etc.
Package: pavucontrol
Description-md5: 52e2277355e90aae6d5f228d26e2435e
Description-gl: Control de volume de PulseAudio
PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK+ based volume
control tool (mixer) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to
classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of
hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. It also allows
you to redirect a playback stream to another output device without
interrupting playback.
Package: paw
Description-md5: 548b16e5e15d1e0bda22194741d22a60
Description-gl: Physics Analysis Workstation - a graphical analysis program
CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in
physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as
the biological sciences.
PAW is an interactive program providing interactive graphical presentation
and statistical and mathematical analysis tools. It is designed to work
on objects familiar to physicists such as histograms, event files
(Ntuples), vectors, etc.
O programa está ligado estaticamente contra as bibliotecas CERN nas
arquitecturas de 64 bits para que funcione axeitadamente, xa que o seu
deseño non é moi limpo en 64 bits.
Package: paw++
Description-md5: 0dc389638b29172a0205b42b75b95151
Description-gl: Physics Analysis Workstation (Lesstif-enhanced version)
CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in
physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as
the biological sciences.
This package includes Paw++, an interactive program for use in analysis
and graphical presentation. Paw++ is the same program as PAW (in the
"paw" package), but with a more user-friendly Motif-based GUI, compiled
against Lesstif in Debian.
O programa está ligado estaticamente contra as bibliotecas CERN nas
arquitecturas de 64 bits para que funcione axeitadamente, xa que o seu
deseño non é moi limpo en 64 bits.
Package: pcb-common
Description-md5: c2607b12f4e69e56937a39980091b0d7
Description-gl: printed circuit board (pcb) design program - common files
PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window
system. PCB includes a rats nest feature, design rule checking, and can
provide industry standard RS-274-X (Gerber), NC drill, and centroid data
(X-Y data) output for use in the board fabrication and assembly process.
PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer
which can tremendously reduce layout time.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns.
Package: pcb2gcode-dbg
Description-md5: 566e65e6fc261645e85284f1389097b5
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do pcb2gcode
pcp2gcode is a command-line tool for isolation routing and drilling PCBs
that provides full support for both single- and double-sided boards. It
generates G-code (RS-274 code) for engraving and drilling from Gerber and
Excellon files.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do pcb2gcode.
Package: pclcomp
Description-md5: cd5cf22e59ba6671f382962dce28cebb
Description-gl: X client - pclcomp
pclcomp is a small tool that was part of xbase-clients.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
This module can be found as the module 'app/pclcomp' at
Package: pcmanfm-dbg
Description-md5: 62e0cfdfad04b582e769e2900dd36879
Description-gl: extremely fast and lightweight file manager (debug)
PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager. It is a primary file
manager for the LXDE but can be used in any other desktop environment.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: pcscada-dbg
Description-md5: 155313b91e7a15a15f8d9c41f98a317f
Description-gl: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (debug)
PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada
programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to
communicate with smart cards using the SCard API.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: pcsxr
Description-md5: a807c86d8c63129ed19641e951f5a0da
Description-gl: Emulador da PlayStation de Sony
PCSX is an advanced PlayStation (PSX) emulator, which uses a plugin
architecture to provide full support for all components of the PSX. It has
full emulation support for gamepads, videos, sound, memory cards, and
other important PSX components, and is able to play many games without
This package contains PCSX-Reloaded, which is based on PCSX-df 1.9 which
is in turn based on the original PCSX.
Package: pcsxr-dbg
Description-md5: b1dd3213ebab244e17814979029ee693
Description-gl: Sony PlayStation emulator (debug)
PCSX is an advanced PlayStation (PSX) emulator, which uses a plugin
architecture to provide full support for all components of the PSX. It has
full emulation support for gamepads, videos, sound, memory cards, and
other important PSX components, and is able to play many games without
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: pd-mjlib
Description-md5: 89a4e26159637d14aaba1d9bd2a9a977
Description-gl: library of Pd objects for composing music
Unha biblioteca de obxectos para compór música escrita por Mark
There are currently five objects:
* pin~ - randomly delivers the input signal to either the right
or left outlet with a given probability
* metroplus - allows complex timing bangs to be delivered
* prob - generates random events with a given probability
* monorhythm - basic rhythm pattern building blocks that allows
polyrhthms to be generated quickly and easily
* about - delivers a number that is "about" the same as the input number
Package: pdebuild
Description-md5: 805d35e71715a2441432cc76bf86919c
Description-gl: Eclipse PDE Build extension for Common Debian Build System
pdebuild provides make scripts to build Eclipse features and plugins using
the Eclipse PDE Build system. These scripts extend the Common Debian Build
Páxina web
Package: pdfjam
Description-md5: fe36080edd5dc58d733abac833f80cf4
Description-gl: TeX Live: transitional dummy package
Este é un paquete transitorio para pdfjam para asegurar a anovación
adecuada a texlive-extra-utils. Pódese retirar con seguranza após ter
completado a instalación.
Package: pdfmod-dbg
Description-md5: c0ff2751ecd74e7e828185137dd6135a
Description-gl: Ferramenta sinxela para modificar documentos PDF -- símbolos de depuración
PDF Mod is a simple tool for modifying PDF documents. It can rotate,
extract, remove and reorder pages via drag and drop. Multiple documents
may be combined via drag and drop. You may also edit the title, subject,
author and keywords of a PDF document using PDF Mod.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do PDF Mod.
Package: pdi2iso
Description-md5: 5ced1f95728831bca531efcb76f2095a
Description-gl: Instant Copy image to ISO image file converter
pdi2iso is a very simple utility to convert an instant copy bin image to
the standard ISO-9660 format.
Páxina web:
Package: pdns-recursor-dbg
Description-md5: bc676a2fdd91ec7919e8fdc9e81db70d
Description-gl: debugging symbols for PowerDNS recursor
PowerDNS is a versatile nameserver which supports a large number of
different backends ranging from simple zonefiles to relational databases
and load balancing/failover algorithms. PowerDNS tries to emphasize speed
and security.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do PowerDNS para axudar a
depurar, como con gdb. Non é necesario para o seu funcionamento normal.
Package: pdns-server-dbg
Description-md5: 4270641936ea913fa26100a8ecf1a9a3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do PowerDNS
PowerDNS is a versatile nameserver which supports a large number of
different backends ranging from simple zonefiles to relational databases
and load balancing/failover algorithms. PowerDNS tries to emphasize speed
and security.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do PowerDNS para axudar a
depurar, como con gdb. Non é necesario para o seu funcionamento normal.
Package: pegsolitaire
Description-md5: 3020b27f9cb283df9f363065766d4282
Description-gl: Un xogo educativo semellante a Hi-Q
O obxectivo é saltar pezas até que só fique unha no centro no taboleiro.
Package: penguin-command
Description-md5: 9fc40bab117f2d933f36658d51a493e2
Description-gl: un clon do Missile Command
This is a clone of the classic "Missile Command" Game, but it has better
graphics and music. You have to defend cities by shooting at missiles,
flyers and smart bombs.
Package: pentium-builder
Description-md5: 27547ca07fd85ccdc7854b0c84ee46b3
Description-gl: force pentium optimized compilation
Replaces gcc, cc, and g++ with scripts that build pentium optimized code.
(Other processors can be optimized for as well.)
Por omisión, após instalar este paquete os compiladores hanse comportar
normalmente. Porén, se se configura a variábel de ambiente
DEBIAN_BUILDARCH=pentium, entrarán no modo de compilación optimizado para
Package: performous
Description-md5: f1215dccc406e8ddb584eb942c3f7637
Description-gl: xogo de karaoke que admite cancións aportadas polo usuario
A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song
and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar, Frets
on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from SingStar,
Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are autodetected.
Package: performous-dbg
Description-md5: 27aaffa1d1c6bf1c3abe988018c54711
Description-gl: xogo de karaoke que admite cancións aportadas polo usuario - depuración
A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song
and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar, Frets
on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from SingStar,
Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are autodetected.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: performous-tools
Description-md5: e0ae62395b2a5a864689d78999d470a9
Description-gl: xogo de karaoke que admite cancións aportadas polo usuario - ferramentas
A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song
and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar, Frets
on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from SingStar,
Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are autodetected.
This package includes some tools for converting original Singstar DVDs to
the format used by Performous.
Package: perlkde-dbg
Description-md5: 7cc080105314e76b3ab2fd5d6f8fbe2e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para as asociacións de Perl con KDE.
This package contains debugging symbols for the perl bindings for the KDE
This Package is part of the PerlKDE module.
Package: petri-foo-dbg
Description-md5: cae4757d1776a30bc2894c06c8d0bc99
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de petri-foo
A simple but very useful midi controlled sampler for ALSA/JACK featuring:
* 64 notes of polyphony, spread across up to 64 patches.
* fast, high quality pitch scaling, linear ADSR volume envelopes.
* low pass filter with resonance; a variety of direction-independent.
* playback modes and zoomable sample editor for loop and play points.
Petri-Foo is a fork of the Specimen Sampler project.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: petsc3.4.2-doc
Description-md5: aab577a3a2534c14961841f35222ef30
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de PETSc
PETSc is the "Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation", a
suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution
of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It
employs the MPI standard for all message-passing communication. Several
sample scientific applications, as well as various papers and talks,
demonstrate the features of the PETSc libraries.
Package: pfqueue-dbg
Description-md5: 1aa05b276a41c6e12b631e8a7dcd1fa4
Description-gl: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (debug)
pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and
exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: pfstools-dbg
Description-md5: e94c628c1c482fb714126a32c5242af8
Description-gl: command line HDR manipulation programs (debugging symbols)
PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to
integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can
be used to exchange data between applications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos binarios do pfstools da
biblioteca compartida.
Package: pgadmin3-dbg
Description-md5: 458c2fd8efe01d5edd8f758ae06f4f95
Description-gl: Ferramenta gráfica de administración para PostgreSQL (símbolos de depuración)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do pgadmin3.
pgAdmin III is a database design and management application for use with
PostgreSQL. The application can be used to manage PostgreSQL 7.3 and above
running on any platform.
Package: phasex
Description-md5: 285b22a2d0261da5e19d2495f0928d84
Description-gl: Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperiment
PHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with
a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible
oscillator/LFO sourcing.
Modulations include AM, FM, offset PM, and wave select. PHASEX comes
equipped with a 12db/octave filter with two distortion curves, a stereo
crossover delay and chorus with phaser, ADSR envelopes for amplifier and
filter, realtime audio input processing capabilities, velocity/aftertouch
sensitivity, and more.
Package: phasex-dbg
Description-md5: 1a5fa584f80088b8ae2e807a64702f26
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do PHASEX
PHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with
a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible
oscillator/LFO sourcing.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: phlipple-dbg
Description-md5: b6a7d5ae5d601b719efe9f66bff60f6c
Description-gl: reduce 3D shapes to a single square - debug
Phlipple is a unique puzzle game. The goal of every level is to reduce a
3D shape to a single square. Elimination of squares is done by flipping
edges around just like in a cardboard box. It starts off relatively easy
to teach the basics just to later on serve hours of brain tickling fun.
It's a great way to train memory as well as orientation in 3D.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: phonon-backend-vlc
Description-md5: 38a2c6ef67c4a903b62e5baca31cf4f2
Description-gl: Infraestrutura de VLC para Phonon
Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción
orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido
de son e vídeo.
Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de VLC para Phonon.
Package: phonon-backend-vlc-dbg
Description-md5: 5b84946078dc9ae89dfb21fc10a90003
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da infraestrutura de VLC para Phonon
Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción
orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido
de son e vídeo.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da infraestrutura de Phonon
de VLC.
Package: photon
Description-md5: 903f98430cd6523f520d1bb499a6ef3e
Description-gl: a static HTML gallery generator
A Python based photo album generator with a clean design that is run from
the command line. HTML output can be configured via templates.
* xera páxinas estáticas en HTML
* presentacións (con uso opcional de javascript)
* pode empregar o gimp para cambiar o tamaño das imaxes
* navegación co teclado entre as imaxes
* funciona con calquera navegador (Mozilla, Netscape Navigator 4.x, Konqueror, Opera)
* cada imaxe pode ter un comentario (con etiquetas en HTML)
* pódese ver información sobre as imaxes (se foron tiradas con cámaras dixitais)
* pódense reducir as imaxes de saída
* control sobre o número de miniaturas das páxinas
Package: php-auth-http
Description-md5: cc5039a009f9ae2905a9ae60a4dec638
Description-gl: Autenticación mediante HTTP
The PEAR::Auth_HTTP class provides methods for creating an HTTP
authentication system using PHP, that is similar to Apache's realm-based
.htaccess authentication.
Package: php-doc
Description-md5: a2fc5bcaf559c7259133756a4665f5b5
Description-gl: Documentación de PHP5
This package provides the documentation for the PHP scripting language.
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open
Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for
Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C,
Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to
allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages quickly, but
you can do much more with PHP.
This manual consists primarily of a function reference, but also contains
a language reference, explanations of some of PHP's major features, and
other supplemental information.
Package: php-net-smartirc
Description-md5: 99daa191eff56ee0b9b10e8143051a34
Description-gl: provides an OO interface to the PHP IRC functions
Net_SmartIRC is a PHP class for communication with IRC networks, which
conforms to the RFC 2812 (IRC protocol). It's an API that handles all IRC
protocol messages. This class is designed for creating IRC bots, chats and
show irc related info on webpages.
Páxina web:
Package: php-tcpdf
Description-md5: 89671baa42d4cb50a433650e5dc45008
Description-gl: Clase de PHP para xerar ficheiros PDF ao voo
TCPDF is a library to generate PDF files that does not require external
extensions. It also includes a class to extract data from existing PDF
documents and classes to generate 1D and 2D barcodes in various formats.
TCPDF has been originally derived from the Public Domain FPDF class by
Olivier Plathey (
Its main features are:
* an extensive API to control the generated content and its layout
(including using XHTML as input);
* works without external libraries;
* works with any language (UTF-8 and RTL support);
* supports TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, Type1 and CID-0 fonts;
* supports all page formats (standardized and customized);
* supports most PDF features:
- encryption and digital signatures
- compression
- bookmarks
- javascript and forms support
- PDF annotations, including links, text and file attachments
- XOBject Templates (layers and object visibility, PDF/A-1b support)
* supports barcode generation (multiple formats);
* automatic hyphenation and page break.
Package: pianobooster
Description-md5: 5c23b3d67944c7c6449bd137135f9b07
Description-gl: Aprenda a tocar o piano simplemente xogando un xogo
Piano Booster is a new way to learn the piano just by playing a game. It
takes elements of the game Guitar Hero but now it uses a real piano
keyboard and the game has been turned sideways so the notes scroll along a
musical stave. So instead of pressing buttons on a fake guitar you end up
learning to play a real musical instrument: the piano.
To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface
for the PC. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out
PianoBooster, using the PC keyboard ('x' is middle C), but a MIDI piano is
really recommended).
Package: pianobooster-dbg
Description-md5: ad3b4682fe93501be73c2f6d1f93f0e1
Description-gl: learn the piano just by playing a game - debug
Piano Booster is a new way to learn the piano just by playing a game. It
takes elements of the game Guitar Hero but now it uses a real piano
keyboard and the game has been turned sideways so the notes scroll along a
musical stave. So instead of pressing buttons on a fake guitar you end up
learning to play a real musical instrument: the piano.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: picmi
Description-md5: 6ec9e7a67931cf897558804bce00caf1
Description-gl: Number logic game
Picmi is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have to be colored
or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal
a hidden picture.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE.
Package: pidgin-bot-sentry
Description-md5: f2acb2b44f8d52d3de0bfa00eb0e59ab
Description-gl: pidgin anti spam plugin
Bot Sentry é un engadido do Pidgin (libpurple) para evitar o correo lixo
na mensaxaría instantánea. Permite ignorar as mensaxes instantáneas a non
ser que o remitente estea na lista de contactos, na lista de permitidos ou
que responda correctamente a unha pregunta que vostede teña predefinido.
Package: pidgin-extprefs
Description-md5: 8931f088b7452b2cd551a9d3afc52fed
Description-gl: extended preferences plugin for the instant messenger pidgin
The Pidgin Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that
have been commonly called for in the past from Pidgin that are either
already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin.
Páxina web:
Package: pidgin-festival
Description-md5: 39373629bf9f6c94f603d01fd62759ff
Description-gl: pidgin plugin to hear incoming messages using voice synthesis
Un engadido para pidgin que serve de interface co popular programa
festival. Permite que festival lea as mensaxes instantáneas para que se
poidan escoitar polos altofalantes.
Package: pidgin-hotkeys
Description-md5: 66cfa5798ac46af1090e86296afa7b48
Description-gl: Atallos de teclado globais configurábeis para pidgin
Global hotkeys that can be configured for toggling buddy list and reading
queued messages of pidgin.
Package: pidgin-lastfm
Description-md5: c068f2aa440d311f6fe3c63019a9d9bb
Description-gl: Engadido de para o Pidgin
This Pidgin plugin displays information from your / Audioscrobbler
profile in your user info on the various IM networks Pidgin supports. The
most important information might be the most recently scrobbled song.
Package: pidgin-microblog
Description-md5: 60fa3158b730f36eba49bfb5aa4fb401
Description-gl: Engadidos de microblogue para o Pidign
Pidgin-microblog is a collection of plugins for Pidgin or any other
libpurple based client like Adium or Finch. It implements microbloging
systems to Pidgin. Currently it supports Twitter,, and (old based servers through the conversation windows.
Package: pidgin-microblog-dbg
Description-md5: 19e8a9061e2b70d8ece81af1eb01a8e5
Description-gl: Engadidos de microblogue para o Pidgin (símbolos de depuración)
Pidgin-microblog is a collection of plugins for Pidgin or any other
libpurple based client like Adium or Finch. It implements microbloging
systems to Pidgin. Currently it supports Twitter,, and (old based servers through the conversation windows.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do pidgin-microblog.
Package: pidgin-mpris
Description-md5: 7cdc4a16e79f9aba5f81b0c2e44e661c
Description-gl: sets your available message to your currently playing track
The pidgin-mpris plugin sets the title of a currently playing track in a
user selected MPRIS-complaint media player as your away or available
Admítense os reprodutores seguintes: VLC (VideoLAN), BMPx, Audacious 1.4.
Package: pidgin-nateon
Description-md5: 300e98edf5b2c0f4a2d1a1b2cab5dfd1
Description-gl: Engadido do servizo de mensaxaría instantánea NateOn para Pidgin
This is a plugin for Pidgin which provides connections to NateOn instant
messaging service by SK Communications, Inc. (
Package: pidgin-nateon-dbg
Description-md5: ae67bf2873277475f58e6ae5647f37e7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do pidgin-nateon
This is a plugin for Pidgin which provides connections to NateOn instant
messaging service by SK Communications, Inc. (
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. A maioría das persoas non
necesitan este paquete.
Package: pidgin-otr
Description-md5: 2924fe9f1828f0444b3e1f388f99e264
Description-gl: Engadido de mensaxaría privada para Pidgin
Engadido de mensaxaría privada (OTR) para Pidgin
OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing:
- Encryption
- No one else can read your instant messages.
- Authentication
- You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is.
- Deniability
- The messages you send do _not_ have digital signatures that are
checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a
conversation to make them look like they came from you. However,
_during_ a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages
he sees are authentic and unmodified.
- Perfect forward secrecy
- If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation
is compromised.
This is a pidgin plugin which implements Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging.
Package: pidgin-plugin-pack
Description-md5: 18577dbe1fca6f6bed00a946e5d8c8f2
Description-gl: Colectánea de engadidos do Pidgin
Plugin pack is a collection of many simple-yet-useful plugins for Pidgin.
A brief description of each is below.
/exec: execute commands and optionally send their output in an IM/chat
AutoProfile: user profile and status message content generator.
Album: archives all buddy icons for all buddies in the user's buddy list.
Auto Reply: auto-replies on any protocol, also can be specific to each
. provides links to random or select quotes on and
Buddy List Options: options to hide buddy list on creation and hide menu
in it.
Colorize: colorizes outgoing message text.
Conversation Badge: shows the protocol icon in the conversation menu tray.
DeWYSIWYGification: allows user to type in HTML without it being rendered.
Dice: simulates the rolling of dice.
DiffTopic: shows changes when the topic is changed in a chatroom.
Magic 8 Ball: shows random expressions from a Magic 8 Ball toy.
Enhanced History: an enhanced version of the history plugin.
Flip: flips a coin and shows the result in the current conversation.
gRIM: annoy your buddies with a timed series of messages.
Google: writes the results of an "I'm feeling lucky" search to a
Group IM: send an IM to a group of buddies
Highlight: adds support for highlighting user specified words.
Ignore: ignore either all or just chat communication from a specific
InfoPane: use different views for the "details" information in
IRC Helper: Handles the rough edges of the IRC protocol.
IRC More: adds a couple options to the IRC protocol:
- Customized default quit/part messages.
- A CTCP version reply.
Irssi Features: implements many features of irssi:
- day change notifications
- /window, /layout, /lastlog commands
- auto-text formatting
List Handler: import and export buddy lists in various formats.
Chat User List Logging: logs the list of users in a chat when you join.
My Status Box: per-account status selectors with other features.
Napster: NAPSTER Protocol Plugin.
Nick Said: to jump to where your name or other words were said in a chat.
Old Logger: stores buddy logs in flat files (legacy format).
Plonkers: announce your ignore list to a chat room and other privacy
Purple Schedule: Schedule reminders at specific times.
Separate and Tab: adds two new window positioning methods.
Sim Fix: fixes messages received from buddies using broken SIM clients.
Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP):
allows sending to pager servers (like sendpage or qpage) via SNPP.
Message Splitter: splits sent messages into smaller ones of a specified
SSL Info: adds a menu item to display info about the SSL plugin in use.
Switch Spell: allows changing the spell-check language for each
Timelog: view Pidgin logs that fall within specific time ranges.
XChat Chats: makes Pidgin use XChat's indented view.
XMPP Priority: Adds account options that allow users to specify the priorities
used for available and away for XMPP accounts.
Package: pidgin-themes
Description-md5: d3703f38f3a2c6ac1afeabc6d2063242
Description-gl: Smiley themes collection for pidgin
This package provides few differents smiley theme for Pidgin They have
been downloaded from and from http://www It includes only free themes.
Sitio web:
Package: pike7.8-dev
Description-md5: 8ec1dc17643fa14f32f5bf832d8b0550
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Pike 7.8
This package contains files you will need to develop C extension modules
for Pike. The package depends on the recommended set of packages for the
Pike environment.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the
description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pilot
Description-md5: 8668e05d1b69959b8cdbf9c13b48d73f
Description-gl: Simple file browser from Alpine, a text-based email client
"pilot" is a simple file browser from Alpine. It is used in Alpine to let
the user select attachments. As with (Al)pine, commands are displayed at
the bottom of the screen, and context-sensitive help is provided.
Como programa autónomo, é útil como navegador de ficheiros básico, tendo a
mesma utilidade que outros programas, como o Midnigh Commander.
Package: pingus-data
Description-md5: f91ae05891fb77aaf8c6a1ce8ca5ea6a
Description-gl: Data files for pingus, a free Lemmings(TM) clone
Pingus is a free clone of the popular Lemmings game.
Your goal is to guide a horde of penguins through a world full of
obstacles and penguin traps to safety. Although penguins (unlike lemmings)
are rather smart, they sometimes lack the necessary overview and now rely
on you to save them.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: pink-pony-dbg
Description-md5: 081abdbf58f1ae9c5b31802c6c831684
Description-gl: 3D racing game with ponies - debug
Pink Pony is a Tron-like multiplayer racing game. You control little
ponies that leave a trail of flowers everywhere they step. You have to
evade these trails and force other ponies into them. The last pony
standing wins the game.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: piuparts-common
Description-md5: 90a232303c162afcfbd4b17bdf301228
Description-gl: common piuparts components
piupartslib, common library used by piuparts-master, -reports, -analyze
and -slave.
Consulte ou o paquete piuparts para aprender
máis sobre piuparts.
Package: pixbros
Description-md5: 4635c998492b24a5096498a295c0d08f
Description-gl: Xogo en dúas dimensións inspirado en Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros e Tumble Pop
PIX Bros is a platform game inspired in three different historical arcade
games: Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros and Tumble Pop. Three siblings end up
transformed into their favourite videogame heroes inside the computer. The
game allows 3 players simultaneously.
Package: pixelize
Description-md5: 08a00d712e15ff02bc578da2f6ff0fe7
Description-gl: Cree unha imaxe formada por moitas imaxes pequenas
Pixelize is a program that will use many scaled down images to try to
duplicate, as closely as possible, another image.
Pixelize works by splitting up the image you want rendered (or duplicated)
into a grid of small rectangular areas. Each area is analyzed, and
replaced with an image chosen from a large database of images. Pixelize
tries to pick images that best match each area.
Package: pixfrogger
Description-md5: 10de149e20d3d96b94ab70f5329ddb03
Description-gl: axude a ra a atravesar a rúa
PiX Frogger is a clone of the classic game Frogger, in which you must help
a frog cross the street to avoid becoming roadkill by cars and trucks. The
frog starts at the bottom of the screen and the only control the player
has is navigating the direction for the frog to hop. The game allows 4
players playing simultaneously with the keyboard.
Package: planfacile
Description-md5: 7aefed4256c224f2654b5e2605b7a0a6
Description-gl: Xere un documento a partir dun mapa mental
PlanFacile (Easy plan, in French) is a small tool to help people to write
a document on a particular subject.
Package: planner-doc
Description-md5: ad5cd5745fb9892499aaff8b1b9c705b
Description-gl: Documentación de planner
Planner is a Project Management application that supports Gantt charts,
resource allocation and integration with other GNOME applications.
This package contains the html documentation for planner.
Package: plasma-active-dev
Description-md5: 2637dc2f9280e5abaf030a4570a1a676
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Plasma Active
This package contains development files for building applications ontop of
Plasma Active platform.
This package is part of the Plasma Active platform.
Package: plasma-containments-addons
Description-md5: ab9b9172748b6af54530d583c839ee53
Description-gl: additional containment plugins for Plasma
This package contains additional Plasma containment plugins. These plugins
allow the user to layout Plasma widgets in groups.
Plasma widgets can be added to a group dropping them from the Add Widgets
Explorer or moving them over the group. If it is necessary (like in the
grid group) a drop zone will be shown (like the one in the panel).
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-dataengines-addons
Description-md5: 4dc142519181827dbc6f5ca130542a20
Description-gl: additional data engines for Plasma
This package contains additional Plasma data engines shipped in Plasma
addons module. These engines are needed by some Plasma widget shipped with
plasma-widgets-addons, but they may be useful for any other Plasma widgets
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-dataengines-workspace
Description-md5: 1d3caabc7bbc0296d24e7c1c00f22ebe
Description-gl: KDE Plasma data engines
This package contains standard Plasma data engines shipped in KDE Plasma
workspace. These engines are needed by the standard KDE base workspace
Plasma widgets, but they may be useful for any other Plasma widget too.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-desktop
Description-md5: 967d7f72a2962a76edada0a1c2727272
Description-gl: KDE Plasma workspace for desktop and laptop computers
Provides the environment for running and managing applications and
integrating interaction of applications. It is designed as generic
environment for all kinds of desktop applications, not only applications
built on the KDE Platform. It integrates best with applications following
the standards used by the KDE Platform.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-desktopthemes-artwork
Description-md5: 18b4a770d35b07c6b252b24c14929490
Description-gl: desktop themes for KDE Plasma Workspaces
This package include several desktops theme to change Plasma look and feel
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE.
Package: plasma-mediacenter-dbg
Description-md5: 46e24779c6fd5358cc7252a9f0713285
Description-gl: Centro multimedia para o escritorio KDE - símbolos de depuración
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Centro Multimedia de
Package: plasma-mobile
Description-md5: f85ca3409cd8a45e36cda35ecf27f479
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para plasma-active
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
plasma-active. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: plasma-netbook
Description-md5: 37d8f2880226976cef4ffa8cbf3167ab
Description-gl: KDE Plasma workspace for netbook computers
Provides the environment for running and managing applications and
integrating interaction of applications. It is designed as generic
environment for all kinds of applications in a netbook environment, not
only applications built on the KDE Platform. It integrates best with
applications following the standards used by the KDE Platform.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-runners-addons
Description-md5: 31a919b28e836b12b3b1b3c2e6764d0d
Description-gl: additional runners for Plasma and Krunner
This package contains additional Plasma runners that are used in krunner
(the "run command" dialog of Plasma) to reveal special search results. If
you use krunner a lot, you will probably like this package.
This package contains the following runners:
* Audio Player Control
* Calendar Events
* Contacts
* Date and Time
* Kate Sessions
* KDE TechBase
* KDE Userbase Documentation
* Konqueror Sessions
* Konsole Sessions
* Kopete Contacts
* Special Characters
* Spell Checker
* Unit Converter
* Web Browser History
* Wikipedia
* Wikitravel
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-scriptengine-javascript
Description-md5: 16b062cadc60aa2f4e57cf1d0c49d00d
Description-gl: JavaScript script engine for Plasma
This package provides the JavaScript script engine for Plasma. You have to
install it if you want to use Plasma widgets and data engines written in
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-scriptengine-python
Description-md5: 0af9eac571b99d96049d137db14f245a
Description-gl: Python script engine for Plasma
This package provides the Python script engine for Plasma. You have to
install it if you want to use Plasma widgets and data engines written in
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-scriptengine-ruby
Description-md5: cdf85a9aed9f3ec8e736c2df0cee1580
Description-gl: Ruby script engine for Plasma
This package provides the Ruby script engine for Plasma. You have to
install it if you want to use Plasma widgets and data engines written in
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-scriptengine-superkaramba
Description-md5: 70edc6f7676a891eb4ef2f37f6c79398
Description-gl: SuperKaramba theme support for the Plasma Workspaces
This package provides SuperKaramba scriptengine for Plasma. It brings
support for the SuperKaramba interactive desktop applets, called "themes",
to the Plasma desktop.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: plasma-scriptengine-webkit
Description-md5: b27e24b4d1139daba3c192e98d1ed705
Description-gl: Web and Mac OS X dashboard widget support for Plasma
This package provides the WebKit script engine for Plasma which adds
support for the webpage widgets written in HTML and JavaScript and for the
Apple Mac OS X dashboard widgets. You have to install this package if you
want to be able to load these widgets in your Plasma shell.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-scriptengines
Description-md5: 33be51b3bc7a4f19e7d3b8711f7de215
Description-gl: metapackage to install all Plasma script engines
This metapackage depends on all Plasma script engines which kde-workspace
module provides and suggests script engines from other official KDE
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-wallpapers-addons
Description-md5: af372a6317b05b659149fe72d67ac5ed
Description-gl: additional wallpaper plugins for Plasma
This package contains additional Plasma wallpaper plugins that are used in
the Plasma desktop to give marble, mandelbrot and other such wallpapers.
This package contains the following wallpaper plugins:
* Globe (Marble)
* Mandelbrot
* Pattern
* Picture of the day
* Virus
* Weather
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-widget-fastuserswitch
Description-md5: a021d72457e567becafc5556bdb37a10
Description-gl: Plasmoide para o intercambio rápido de usuarios entre sesións de KDE
A simple plasma-widget that allows users to swich to another open session
or to open a new login page.
Package: plasma-widget-folderview
Description-md5: be763ec0470c87a735d81efe7c05e849
Description-gl: plasma widget showing the content of a folder
This package contains the Folder View Plasma widget which is capable of
displaying and managing contents of any KDE supported location. It can be
used as a replacement for the traditional "desktop" folder concept in the
main Plasma shell, but it is a lot more flexible. Folder View is part of
the initial default KDE 4 desktop configuration.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE.
Package: plasma-widget-kbstate
Description-md5: b33b4104fa1abef6d7613a479fce1b7f
Description-gl: A plasma widget that shows the state of the modifier keys
Un trebello de acceso de plasma para KDE4 que lle mostra ao usuario o
estado das teclas modificadoras e activa os cambios de estado mediante o
rato para mellorar a usabilidade das ferramentas de accesibilidade do
teclado de KDE4.
Package: plasma-widget-kdeobservatory
Description-md5: 75dc5d4e7f93812fb75cbf4427e155d8
Description-gl: KDE development tracking widget for Plasma
The KDE Observatory Plasma widget is a way to track various metrics of the
KDE project as a whole, including commit counts, Krazy2 report numbers for
various KDE modules, and other statistics.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-widget-kimpanel
Description-md5: 290edd51511bf94ad6482a46a6ad43c3
Description-gl: KIMPanel widget for Plasma
This package provides the KDE Input Method Panel widget for Plasma.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-widget-lancelot
Description-md5: aa8d740002cf88fbb2bdf6ebccb65bb2
Description-gl: lancelot widget for Plasma
Lancelot is an application launcher menu (or ALI) for Plasma designed to
provide a place from which all your jobs begin. It provides quick access
to applications, places, documents, contacts and system information.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-widget-networkmanagement
Description-md5: 3f19350d404326840fccc3bc86a02a4b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para plasma-widget-networkmanagement
This is a transitional package for plasma-widget-networkmanagement. It can
safely be removed.
Package: plasma-widget-teacooker
Description-md5: 4b238575ba3c1ffd8c81c1797de1500b
Description-gl: Un trebello de plasma de Teacooker para KDE 4
Teacooker is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have to
guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply select the
type of tea you want to have, and it will alert you when the tea is ready
to drink.
Package: plasma-widget-translatoid
Description-md5: e7d0b9de6300077f0a218ae0c908cf9a
Description-gl: Trebello de tradución para KDE Plasma
This plasmoid uses Google Translate to translate text between languages.
It can be set to automatically detect the input language.
If festival or espeak are installed, they can be used to speak the
translation result.
Package: plasma-widgets-addons
Description-md5: 92b81680b919f6baebf1e2eb52632a4a
Description-gl: additional widgets for Plasma
This package contains additional Plasma widgets shipped in the Plasma
addons module. Install it if you want a variety of widgets on your Plasma
This package provides the following widgets:
* Binary Clock
* Black Board
* Bookmarks
* Bouncy Ball
* Bubblemon
* Calculator
* Character Selector
* Color Picker
* Comic Strip
* Dictionary
* Eyes
* Fifteen Puzzle
* File Watcher
* Fuzzy Clock
* Icon Tasks
* Incoming Message
* Knowledge Base
* Konqueror Profiles
* Konsole Profile
* LCD Weather Station
* Leave a Note
* Life
* Luna
* Magnifique
* Media Player
* Microblogging
* News
* Notes
* Now Playing
* Community
* Social News
* Paste
* Pastebin
* Picture Frame
* Plasmaboard
* Previewer
* Qalculate!
* Remember The Milk
* Show Widget Dashboard
* Show Desktop
* Spell Check
* System Load Viewer
* Timer
* Unit Converter
* Weather Forecast
* Web Slice
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE.
Package: plasma-widgets-workspace
Description-md5: 4161ffad00006dbc380517a452d10b9b
Description-gl: plasma widgets and containments for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains standard Plasma widgets and containments shipped in
the KDE base workspace module. They provide such basic desktop
functionality as the panel, task manager, application laucher, clock and
more. The default KDE Workspace is a combination of these visual
This package also includes the default animator used by the main KDE
Plasma Desktop shell.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: ploader
Description-md5: 98b82564228a14117fd8a2c24d158c58
Description-gl: Aplicativo para enviar imaxes a unha galería de Piwigo
Piwigo is an opensource web application to manage and share a pictures
collection. With pLoader, you can easily upload pictures to your Piwigo
gallery, and do some management tasks, without having to use the web
- easy editing of pictures properties (title, description, privacy, tags)
- ability to specify pictures upload size and orientation.
- large picture preview.
- drag-and-drop support from other applications.
- create categories
- watermarking
Description-md5: f7edc043f9c9c111defc2961dcfe0814
Description-gl: Taboleiro persoal para GNUstep
This is a free replacement of Serence's proprietary KlipFolio application.
PlopFolio supports Klips available from KlipFarm (
PlopFolio is developed using the Objective-C language and works well with
GNUstep (on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and more) and Cocoa on Mac OS X.
Package: ploticus-doc
Description-md5: 196950ed7925e99dc955527ddd5cfaca
Description-gl: Documentación e galería de exemplos de ploticus
Ploticus-doc contains the documentation for ploticus. This includes the
handbook, and an extensive gallery of example input files.
Package: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo
Description-md5: 08f9fd33f3dc501ae15329be51e9c9a4
Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme
Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even
before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot
animation while the boot process happens in the background.
Este paquete contén o tema kubuntu-logo predeterminado.
Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio
Description-md5: 46cb6fb91f552d975611b37668e232e9
Description-gl: Tema Plymouth de Ubuntu Studio
Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even
before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot
animation while the boot process happens in the background.
This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Plymouth boot splash theme
Package: plzip-dbg
Description-md5: 91ae7e3790b7a927a09f15f39f3df75e
Description-gl: parallel, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than
bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data
Plzip is a massively parallel (multi-threaded) version of lzip using the
lzip file format; the files produced by plzip are fully compatible with
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: png-definitive-guide
Description-md5: 7bc739600581dff2c9621697efc07ede
Description-gl: PNG: Guía Definitiva
A free book about the PNG image format.
Package: png2html
Description-md5: 1bac0fbdc13482ce4ca86e9083e4dbbf
Description-gl: transforms a PNG image to a web page
Png2html takes a PNG image and transforms it pixel by pixel to a web page,
encoding each pixel as an appropriately coloured letter. It is decided
which letter to encode each pixel as by using a text file supplied by the
user. An example can be found on the project's homepage.
Páxina web:
Package: podbrowser
Description-md5: 057edce8fe4095b502663157bfcbf94b
Description-gl: Navegador de documentación para Perl
PodBrowser is a documentation browser for Perl. You can view the
documentation for Perl's builtin functions, its "perldoc" pages, pragmatic
modules and the default and user-installed modules.
PodBrowser is a more feature-complete version of podviewer, which comes
with libgtk2-podviewer-perl.
Description-md5: 2ec44f3223883983cc8d83f88ab68d7f
Description-gl: Editor de comentarios Vorbis
Poe is a vorbis comment editor for GNUstep. It tries to follow the vorbis
comment header specification closely, while being convenient and flexible
to use.
Package: poedit-dbg
Description-md5: 034b7a841346824c7da04811d468f723
Description-gl: gettext catalog editor (debug)
Poedit is an editor for gettext catalogs (.po files). It aims to provide a
convenient approach to editing catalogs. It features UTF-8 support, fuzzy
and untranslated records highlighting, whitespace highlighting, references
browser, header editing and can be used to create new catalogs or update
existing catalogs from source code with a single click. It is built with
wxWidgets toolkit.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: pokerth
Description-md5: b9120a1a42426cbec7afb2f62bdb8780
Description-gl: Xogo Texas hold'em
pokerth is a free implementation of the Texas hold'em poker game which is
mostly played in casinos and has a growing popularity worldwide. Texas
hold'em is easy to learn but needs a good strategy to win and a lot of
luck. This package helps you when practicing or just playing for fun.
Package: polyorb-doc
Description-md5: c194ac74dd41e94eea0dcf711e3d9fe3
Description-gl: Multiple-personality middleware for Ada (documentation)
PolyORB provides a uniform solution to build distributed applications;
relying either on industrial-strength middleware standards such as CORBA,
the Distributed System Annex of Ada 95, distribution programming paradigms
such as Web Services, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), or to implement
application-specific middleware.
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos.
Package: posterazor
Description-md5: b23de1f1c238ad682135378628052f15
Description-gl: Divide unha imaxe en varias páxinas para reunilas nun póster
The PosteRazor splits an image to form a multi-page PDF document. When
printed, the sheets can be arranged to form a large poster of the original
Package: postfix-cluebringer-mysql
Description-md5: 5ef925ec1ed06c1acd7fe14badf50779
Description-gl: metapackage for mysql support in postfix-cluebringer
Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for
popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail
hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating
and email compliance features as possible while at the same time
maintaining the portability, stability and performance required for
mission critical email hosting of today.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que fornece compatibilidade con mysql.
Package: postfix-cluebringer-pgsql
Description-md5: 56ca6d7107d71ee72f50b82d39846493
Description-gl: metapackage for postgresql support in postfix-cluebringer
Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for
popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail
hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating
and email compliance features as possible while at the same time
maintaining the portability, stability and performance required for
mission critical email hosting of today.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que fornece compatibilidade con postgresql.
Package: postfix-cluebringer-sqlite3
Description-md5: e88985a3d34c381d9122c33c91443541
Description-gl: metapackage for sqlite3 support in postfix-cluebringer
Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for
popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail
hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating
and email compliance features as possible while at the same time
maintaining the portability, stability and performance required for
mission critical email hosting of today.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que fornece compatibilidade con sqlite3.
Package: postr
Description-md5: ba0318043f114f4df3c3e85d708444a0
Description-gl: suba fotos a Flickr
Postr is a Flickr uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be
simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr to be useful.
It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for
your photos: title, description, tags, sets, groups, privacy, licence,
It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are
browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus to drop them in
Package: powertop-1.13
Description-md5: 90c5d5a996dbde0e23a413a6aedf18a6
Description-gl: Ferramenta de Linux para averiguar que é o que usa a enerxía nun portátil
PowerTOP é unha ferramenta para Linux que atopa o(s) compoñente(s) de
software que fan que o portátil empregue máis enerxía da necesaria mentres
está ocioso. Desde a versión 2.6.21 do kernel Linux, o kernel xa non ten
unha medida de reloxo de 1000Hz. Con isto (en teoría) conseguiranse
grandes aforros de enerxía porque a CPU fica en modo de baixo consumo
durante períodos de tempo máis longos durante o tempo no que o sistema
estea ocioso.
However... there are many things that can ruin the party, both inside the
kernel and in userspace. PowerTOP combines various sources of information
from the kernel into one convenient screen so that you can see how well
your system is doing, and which components are the biggest problem.
Package: poxml-dbg
Description-md5: 5377e7bac4957617778888632690517f
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do poxml
Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar
problemas cos binarios incluídos en poxml.
Package: ppthtml
Description-md5: dd5bf577ebf2fe7aa73e222c876210c0
Description-gl: A program for converting Microsoft Power Point Files .ppt
O programa ppthtml toma un ficheiro de PowerPoint 97/95 como entrada e
convérteo a html. A saída é a normal, polo que é posíbel encamiñala a
ficheiros ou por condutos a filtros ou empregala como pasarela á Internet.
Package: prelude-lml
Description-md5: e4960fccc750e60715684177c99d72b0
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Log Agent ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and
received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events
generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to:
Apache, BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nagios,
NTsyslog, NuFW, PAM, Portsentry, Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc.
Package: prelude-manager
Description-md5: eb4ddb779e0346618e19b52d4c9d1bda
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Manager ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package provides the Prelude Manager, which is a high availability
server that accepts secured connections from distributed sensors or other
managers and saves received events to a media specified by the user
(database, log files, mail, etc).
Package: presage-dbg
Description-md5: 831e08b003ce1b8ad6e7541bbdf1cfda
Description-gl: Plataforma de introdución de texto intelixente e preditiva (símbolos de depuración das ferramentas)
Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das ferramentas presage
requiridos para xerar datos estatísticos personalizados empregados polo
motor de texto preditivo do presage para xerar predicións.
This package also contains debugging symbols for simple demonstration
programs and simulator.
Package: primus-libs-dbg
Description-md5: f2d913fa50fe52be6947c203236316d3
Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para primus - símbolos de depuración
This package contains the libraries for primus which are loaded when
running primusrun.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de primus-libs.
Package: print-manager
Description-md5: bd1e1d5fdb4a972c4df369fdba5ac34d
Description-gl: printer configutation and monitoring tools
This package provides a KDE configuration module and a Plasma widget for
installing and configuring printers, and monitor printers, print jobs and
print queues.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE.
Package: proftmb-dbg
Description-md5: 01b248b02053a1e694b088b73ed9dc87
Description-gl: símbolos de depuración do proftmb
proftmb predicts transmembrane beta-barrel (TMB) proteins in Gram-negative
This package contains the detached debug symbols.
Package: projectm-dbg
Description-md5: ba4e7f8f221dfaf55be3112ab9124821
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do projectM
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de todas as bibliotecas e
aplicativos de projectM. projectM é unha biblioteca de visualización de
música iterativa que emprega OpenGL para a aceleración por hardware. É
compatíbel coas predefinicións de Milkdrop.
Most people will not need this package.
Package: psi-plus-dbg
Description-md5: 0d6113f6963c31686b878c058dff7ea2
Description-gl: Qt-based XMPP/Jabber client (basic version) [debug symbols]
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da versión básica de Psi+.
Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for
the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by team.
Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for
transfer them to Psi upstream developers.
Full list of features you can found at: http://psi-
Package: psi-plus-plugins-dbg
Description-md5: 6db4fecd32892d98b68767cf09aabaa4
Description-gl: plugins for Psi+ [debug symbols]
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos engadidos de Psi+.
Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for
the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by team.
Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for
transfer them to Psi upstream developers.
Full list of features you can found at: http://psi-
Package: psi-plus-webkit-dbg
Description-md5: 8b134f9e1568b65a8806d02b2a722323
Description-gl: Qt-based XMPP/Jabber client (WebKit version) [debug symbols]
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración da versión de Psi+ de
Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for
the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber
client by team.
Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for
transfer them to Psi upstream developers.
Full list of features you can found at: http://psi-
Package: psi-translations
Description-md5: d438a77d7c86b4cc323045e4d619957b
Description-gl: Trducións do psi
This package contains translations for the jabber client 'psi'
Package: psignifit
Description-md5: 8ea319954d3baa9a16c7d00ad8be62fd
Description-gl: Fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions
Psignifit allows fitting of psychometric functions to datasets while
maintaining full control over a large number of parameters. Data can
either be read from text files or passed through a pipe.
Psignifit performs the calculation of confidence intervals as well as
goodness-of-fit tests.
Esta é a versión para a liña de ordes.
Package: pslib-dev
Description-md5: d97d01950d6885914a7c049f18e894ea
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de pslib
pslib is a library to create PostScript files
Package: pslib1-dbg
Description-md5: c7c504ca9db2b6ec4bd8b7010a6c29d1
Description-gl: library to create PostScript files
pslib is a library to create PostScript files. It offers many drawing
primitives, image output and very sophisticated text rendering. It can
read external Type1 fonts and embed them into the output file. It supports
pdfmarks which makes it in combination with ghostscript's pdfwriter an
alternative for libraries creating PDF.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de pslib1
Package: pssh
Description-md5: c83367f6abd1b98aee8797c5532296de
Description-gl: Parallel versions of SSH-based tools
pssh provides a number of commands for executing against a group of
computers, using SSH. It's most useful for operating on clusters of
homogenously-configured hosts.
O paquete contén:
- Parallel ssh (parallel-ssh, upstream calls it pssh), executes commands on
multiple hosts in parallel
- Parallel scp (parallel-scp, upstream calls it pscp), copies files to
multiple remote hosts in parallel
- Parallel rsync (parallel-rsync, upstream calls it prsync), efficiently
copies files to multiple hosts in parallel
- Parallel nuke (parallel-nuke, upstream calls it pnuke), kills processes on
multiple remote hosts in parallel
- Parallel slurp (parallel-slurp, upstream calls it pslurp), copies files
from multiple remote hosts to a central host in parallel
These tools are good for controlling large collections of nodes, where
faster alternatives such as gexec and pcp are not available.
Package: pstoedit
Description-md5: b0a9a8cc50482c0c6306682badd8015c
Description-gl: PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics converter
pstoedit converte ficheiros en Postscript e PDF a diversos formatos de
gráficos vectoriais editábeis, incluídos tgif, xfig, gráficos PDF, formato
gnuplot, idraw, MetaPost, GNU Metafile, PIC, Kontour e PostScript
Package: pterm
Description-md5: 0fdfa7cada5930e860db2a7f8a244dac
Description-gl: Emulador de terminal PuTTY
This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client,
PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console
sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for
title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8
encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular
selection and NetHack keypad mode.
Package: ptex-bin
Description-md5: 0ab4d07ac74acf514937db148073087b
Description-gl: TeX Live: transitional dummy package
Este é un paquete transitorio para ptex-bin para asegurar a anovación
adecuada a texlive-lang-cjk. Pódese retirar con seguranza após ter
completado a instalación.
Package: pxe
Description-md5: f51891e1895082b27aa07eee273879a1
Description-gl: free PXE daemon
PXE is a specification to boot PCs from the net. Apart from BOOTP or DHCP
for acquiring an IP address and TFTP for transferring files, it requires a
PXE daemon on the server. This package provides only this daemon. For the
other protocols, it recommends alternatives that are known to work.
Páxina web:
Package: pybik
Description-md5: 3a1a2ab97e58997b67aa72614b55d680
Description-gl: Xogo do cubo de Rubik en 3D
Pybik is an interactive, graphical, single player puzzle about the cube
invented by Ernő Rubik. Besides the cube the program can handle towers and
bricks (non cubic puzzles). Pybik also has solvers, pretty patterns and a
collection of various moves. The cube can be manipulated with the mouse or
keyboard. You can change the colors or images on the faces of the cube.
Package: pyformex-lib
Description-md5: ab3ff931b3e6dc64626b25c2ebee9d65
Description-gl: program to create 3D geometry from Python scripts.
pyFormex can be used to generate, transform and manipulate large
geometrical models of 3D structures by sequences of mathematical
operations. Unlike traditional CAD systems, pyFormex provides a powerful
(Python based) scripting language as the basic user input, making it very
well suited for automated and repeated (parametric) design procedures. It
provides a wide range of operations on meshes, like STL type triangulated
surfaces and FEA or CFD grids. Nurbs curves and surfaces are under
development. pyFormex is often used to create models from medical scan
images, or as a pre- and post-processor for Finite Element analysis
programs. But it could just as well be used to just create some nice 3D
Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de aceleración de pyFormex para a súa
arquitectura. A instalación deste paquete ha acelerar enormemente as
operacións sobre modelos en 3D grandes.
Package: pykaraoke
Description-md5: f347df16e0b5a60749e21cd597bc27b7
Description-gl: reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre
PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your
collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs.
pykaraoke-mini é unha interface para os reprodutores de karaoke pycdg e
pympg. Fornece un motor de buscas para atopar cancións, un navegador de
ficheiros e cartafoles para escoller cancións dun disco, así como unha
lista de reprodución.
* CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files
* MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files
* MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format
* Playlist - Queue up songs, sit back and enjoy
* Searchable song database - Easily find your songs from the main screen
* Search inside ZIP files - Play MP3+G/MIDI files wrapped in ZIP files
* Cross-platform - Runs on Windows and Linux
MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following:
* Timidity++
* Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches)
Package: pykaraoke-bin
Description-md5: 266206ae5e58d3da0f3aec7a13e7f466
Description-gl: reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre
PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your
collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs.
This package includes the command-line programs to play CDG files,
MIDI/KAR files and MPEG files.
pykaraoke-mini é unha interface para os reprodutores de karaoke pycdg e
pympg. É semellante ao pykaraoke, mais está deseñado para ser empregado en
dispositivos portátiles pequenos máis que en PC. En concreto, podería ser
útil en calquera dispositivo que careza de teclado e rato.
* CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files
* MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files
* MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format
MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following:
* Timidity++
* Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches)
Package: pymol
Description-md5: bfc8e8676a87c0058529a662aef95313
Description-gl: Molecular Graphics System
PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targeted at medium to large
biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready
molecular graphics images and animations.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Visualización de moléculas, traxectorias moleculares e superficies
de datos cristalográficos ou orbitais
* Construtor e escultor molecular
* Trazador de raios e xerador de películas internos
* Pódese estender completamente e crear scripts mediante unha interface de Python
Os formatos de ficheiro que pode ler o PyMOL inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL
Molfile, ChemDraw, mapas de CCP4, mapas de XPLOR e mapas cúbicos de
Package: pype
Description-md5: 2028dbb86d5c9cf57724bc2a573c4872
Description-gl: Editor para programadores de Python
PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) is a lightweight but powerful editor.
Tools for the new and seasoned user alike are included out of the box,
including syntax coloring, multiple open documents with tabs, per-document
browsable source trees, and many others.
Package: pyqt5-dev
Description-md5: f8cbcee0368d34a312a8917b96b1992d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de PyQT5
This package contains the source SIP files from which the Python bindings
for Qt5 are created. They are needed for building PyQt5 as well as
creating bindings for own Qt5 widgets written in C++.
Package: pyro-doc
Description-md5: f5ccc8b31800319b0e8e01f4827c4369
Description-gl: documentation for Pyro
Pyro (PYthon Remote Object) is an easy to use and powerful distributed
object system for Python.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do paquete pyro.
Package: pyro4-doc
Description-md5: 9d23e297022d0b876d837122fa9001c4
Description-gl: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), documentation
Pyro (PYthon Remote Object) is an easy to use and powerful distributed
object system for Python.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do paquete pyro4.
Package: pyromaths
Description-md5: 60a9b97bf000d6f4f2a69ea4567b72da
Description-gl: Xerador de follas de cálculo matemático para as escolas francesas
Pyromaths is a program which generates math worksheets in PDF format. It
not only provides the solution of the exercises, but a detailed correction
to better understand mistakes. Pyromaths is intended both for mathematics
teachers and school students.
Package: pysiogame
Description-md5: aded8f5316832607036e321a68977376
Description-gl: Paquete de actividades educativas para rapaces
pySioGame é un conxunto de actividades educativas e xogos para rapaces de
entre tres e dez anos. As actividades baséanse en grades e pódese xogar a
todas elas nunha única xanela. pySioGame inclúe actividades de
matemáticas, lectura, escrita, pintura e memoria.
Package: pysycache
Description-md5: f000eb4f03adb0123c3f3f8ae08f88b8
Description-gl: Xogo educativo para lles aprender aos cativos a usaren o rato
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
Package: pysycache-buttons-beerabbit
Description-md5: b4396b2a40cb9dbc4f705f20cf069a3a
Description-gl: Bee-rabbit images for buttons activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the bee-rabbit images for click exercices.
Package: pysycache-buttons-crapaud
Description-md5: 6630c30b67410f0bdacca4c6063c1547
Description-gl: Crapaud images for buttons activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the crapaud images for click exercices.
Package: pysycache-buttons-ice
Description-md5: bf594d2fc098d53319dae5f40562f363
Description-gl: Ice images for buttons activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the ice images for click exercices.
Package: pysycache-buttons-wolf
Description-md5: d9ed7e31586302674119ee9cc793b12d
Description-gl: Wolf images for buttons activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the wolf images for click exercices.
Package: pysycache-click-dinosaurs
Description-md5: 7a2179666de439c3aacaddc9410adb75
Description-gl: Dinosaurs images for click activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the dinosaurs images for camera exercices
Package: pysycache-click-sea
Description-md5: 96f8d8e6c1afdf2e55ddf2d1027ff5c7
Description-gl: Sea images for click activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the sea images for camera exercices
Package: pysycache-dblclick-appleandpear
Description-md5: 97bf90af225dc7a529b81642ca3f7279
Description-gl: Apple and pear images for double click activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are apple and pears images for double click exercices
Package: pysycache-dblclick-butterfly
Description-md5: 4ef289988c5909ec1c96c9cccbda3f8b
Description-gl: Butterfly images for double click activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are butterfly images for double click exercices
Package: pysycache-i18n
Description-md5: ea00bb40df41a30d5f7b0dcad7f8ea03
Description-gl: Traducións do PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are the Danish, German, Spanish, English, Dutch, Finn, French,
Italian and Portuguese translation files for PySyCache.
Package: pysycache-images
Description-md5: 112b2ad0e96978c94a9b8a5ba23a4d2c
Description-gl: Images for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are images needed by pysycache to be used.
Package: pysycache-move-animals
Description-md5: 69ba4bf0f425c62bc7669656186e6ad9
Description-gl: Animals images for mouse move activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are animals images for a mouse move exercice.
Package: pysycache-move-food
Description-md5: c608bbb9d15d52da90f21060c6c059df
Description-gl: Food images for mouse move activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are food images for a mouse move exercice.
Package: pysycache-move-plants
Description-md5: 0ffea2e91eeed57b79e6bacea1feff7e
Description-gl: Plants images for mouse move activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are plants images for a mouse move exercice.
Package: pysycache-move-sky
Description-md5: e563694b5382fc1a9759293291a812e8
Description-gl: Sky images for mouse move activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are sky images for a mouse move exercice.
Package: pysycache-move-sports
Description-md5: 6d43793830b974842487c6626244a5d7
Description-gl: Sports images for mouse move activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are sports images for a mouse move exercice.
Package: pysycache-puzzle-cartoons
Description-md5: ae20823f6fe2d45577791a03d9a6b7a1
Description-gl: Cartoons images for puzzle activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are cartoon images for a puzzle exercice
Package: pysycache-puzzle-photos
Description-md5: 2154995a35757bd2086c13cd0155d2cc
Description-gl: Photos for puzzle activities for PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are photos for a puzzle exercice
Package: pysycache-sounds
Description-md5: 08536fcf01bb5f72d43f32f6092827b9
Description-gl: A collection of sounds to be used with PySyCache
Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografías,
números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan
que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e
identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o
seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades.
These are sounds PySyCache uses.
Package: python-antlr
Description-md5: 4588203961348bb79bb1b63e3b76c076
Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
This package contains the Python version of antlr. ANTLR stands for
ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS).
Vexa o paquete antlr para obter unha descrición completa,
Package: python-apsw-doc
Description-md5: 03a6927dbc4f135d6f8dd116f09cfac0
Description-gl: documentation for python-apsw
APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides
the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the
C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks
vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and
instead works the way SQLite 3 does.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-billiard-doc
Description-md5: b0aba88f799c7680898d639f8974020c
Description-gl: Multiprocessing Pool Extensions for Python (Documentation)
This package contains extensions to the multiprocessing Pool. It extends
the multiprocessing.Pool with a billiard.pool.DynamicPool that can grow in
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-biopython-doc
Description-md5: c3b3d68ae61dc0d827b6ccf24fb07596
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca Biopython
Documentación e exemplos sobre como usar a biblioteca Biopython.
Package: python-bootstrapform-doc
Description-md5: 5320dc0557d3a847a2e0a7f5ea0b8c5b
Description-gl: generate twitter-bootstrap form output for django form - doc
Django bootstrap form generates twitter-bootstrap form output for django
form. A simple Django template tag to work with twitter bootstrap.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-compizconfig
Description-md5: 2e0435341fe055e511b71a525215c42c
Description-gl: Compizconfig bindings for python
Compiz Fusion é o resultado da reunificación do proxecto Beryl e a
comunidade do xestor de xanelas Compiz. Pretende fornecer un ambiente de
xanelas doado e divertido de utilizar que permita empregar o hardware de
gráficos para fornecer efectos impresionantes, velocidades sorprendentes e
utilidade sen rival.
This package provides python bindings for the compizconfig system.
Package: python-cookiecutter-doc
Description-md5: abb99bca8062e52b094dbf0d2420ab2c
Description-gl: create projects from project templates (documentation)
Cookiecutter is command-line utility that creates projects from project
templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package
project template.
It can also be used as a Python module. It supports local and remote
templates. The templating is done with Jinja2 and there is no limitation
on the language used by the templated projects (Python, Ruby, Javascript,
C, HTML, Postscript...).
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-deap-doc
Description-md5: 5bf04f8165d05c9dc14ffa04d6daa67c
Description-gl: Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python - documentation
DEAP is intended to be an easy to use distributed evolutionary algorithm
library in the Python language. Its two main components are modular and
can be used separately. The first module is a Distributed Task Manager
(DTM), which is intended to run on cluster of computers. The second part
is the Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (EAP) framework.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-decoratortools
Description-md5: 51283832af13b8e0613d1c2e2d929bac
Description-gl: transitional dummy package for python-peak.util.decorators
This is a dummy package for transition from python-decoratortools to
Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: python-dialog
Description-md5: 19009f545598f1a137aa75206dfaf79a
Description-gl: Python module for making simple Text/Console-mode user interfaces
This is a Python module for doing console-mode user interaction.
It wraps the dialog/Xdialog program, and provides a nice, object-oriented
programming model.
Páxina web:
Package: python-django-auth-ldap-doc
Description-md5: 4fd2db8c39843015dd5fe0c48d806f55
Description-gl: Django LDAP authentication backend (documentation)
Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service.
Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template,
but there are many rich configuration options for working with users,
groups, and permissions.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-django-celery-doc
Description-md5: 3a9e9351fd01b9f6825459a101f71158
Description-gl: Celery integration for Django (Documentation)
Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but
supports scheduling as well.
django-celery provides Celery integration for Django using the Django ORM
and cache backend for storing results, autodiscovery of task modules for
applications listed in INSTALLED_APPS, and integration of task monitoring
through the Django admin interface.
Using it in a Django project provides a way to distribute asynchronous
tasks like sending emails or batch-processing larger datasets to one or
more separate worker nodes.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-django-extdirect
Description-md5: f5e9ed7c4131b1e26a85b63d0aee5166
Description-gl: Ext.Direct serverside implementation for Django
Ext.Direct is a standard that defines an RPC mechanism that makes using
AJAX a lot easier. djExtDirect is a serverside implementation of this
standard for the Django web framework.
Para obter máis información consulte
Package: python-django-filters-doc
Description-md5: 90eca80637b4fd33c48b31ac2583c338
Description-gl: filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Documentation)
Django-filter is a generic, reusable application to alleviate some of the
more mundane bits of view code. Specifically allowing the users to filter
down a queryset based on a model’s fields and displaying the form to let
them do this.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-django-guardian-doc
Description-md5: e3036e2f8908bc5e03d1a25c9805a62c
Description-gl: per object permissions of django (documentation)
Implementation of per object permissions as authorization backend which is supported since Django 1.2. It provides features as followings;
- Object permissions for Django_
- AnonymousUser support
- High level API
- Heavely tested
- Django's admin integration
- Decorators
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: python-django-localeurl
Description-md5: 84e39b2a397809f08b40a5c93d271cb8
Description-gl: Django application allows the language be set in the URL
O aplicativo en Django localeurl permite indicar o idioma dunha páxina no
URL. Con localeurl, e sen modificar URLconfs, pódense ter URL como esta: Calquera URL sen prefixo de
idioma encamíñase a engadir o prefixo do idioma por omisión (ou,
opcionalmente, o idioma preferido na configuración do navegador do
Some reasons for using localeurl:
* Search engines will index all languages.
* Every page should have a unique URL. If you feel that different languages
means different pages, then each language should get its own unique URL.
* If you don’t set the language via the URL, setting the language for the
website should be done using a POST request (because it influences
subsequent page views, see Django ticket #3651). You might prefer a
simple link for changing the language, and localeurl allows this.
Package: python-django-mumble
Description-md5: a5cedb73ab471a104f96b5248226e8db
Description-gl: Mumble-Server config application for Django
mumble-django is a Django web interface application that configures a
Murmur server. It is able to create and remove vservers, start/stop them,
and configure them.
Alén disto, os usuarios rexistrados de Django poden crear contas nos
vservers configurados e cambiar os seus nomes e contrasinais rexistrados.
This package only contains the "mumble" Django application, without a
Django project that actually uses it. Use this if you plan to integrate
mumble-django in your own web project. In this case, you don't need to
install the mumble-django package, which has more dependencies than this
Package: python-django-ratelimit-doc
Description-md5: 75b5c44d28810b86a3abe9d45c9497bb
Description-gl: Cache-based rate-limiting for Django (documentation).
Django Ratelimit provides a decorator to rate-limit views. Limiting can be
based on IP address or a field in the request--either a GET or POST
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-django-reversion-doc
Description-md5: 47ed876f733fa71e6a914af8521bdce9
Description-gl: Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Documentation)
Reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides
comprehensive version control facilities.
* Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility!
* Recover deleted models - never lose data again!
* Admin integration for maximum usability.
* Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single
* Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's
flexible signalling framework.
* Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-django-social-auth
Description-md5: a1b340abcace52dcf7c654671958a260
Description-gl: Django social authentication made simple
Django Social Auth is an easy to setup social authentication/authorization
mechanism for Django projects.
This application provides user registration and login using social sites
credentials, some features are:
* Registration and Login using social sites using the following providers:
- Google OpenID
- Google OAuth
- Google OAuth2
- Yahoo OpenID
- OpenId like myOpenID
- Twitter OAuth
- Facebook OAuth
* Algúns colaboradores teñen engadido compatibilidade con:
- LiveJournal OpenID
- Orkut OAuth
- Linkedin OAuth
- Foursquare OAuth2
- GitHub OAuth
- Dropbox OAuth
- Flickr OAuth
- Vkontakte OAuth
- MSN Live Connect OAuth2
- Skyrock OAuth
- Yahoo OAuth
- Evernote OAuth
- OAuth
- Odnoklassniki OAuth
- Mixcloud OAuth2
- BitBucket OAuth
- Douban OAuth
- Fitbit OAuth
- Instagram OAuth2
- Twilio
- Weibo OAuth2
- Yandex OpenId
- Shopify OAuth2
- StockTwits OAuth2
- Stackoverflow OAuth2
* Basic user data population and signaling, to allows custom fields values
from providers response.
* Multiple social accounts association to single users.
* Custom User model override if needed (auth.User by default).
* Extensible pipeline to handle authentication/association mechanism.
Package: python-django-tables2-doc
Description-md5: 5068d9adb6d49a3dd673e82bcee3570c
Description-gl: Table/data-grid framework for Django (Documentation)
django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML
tables. It has native support for pagination and sorting. It does for HTML
tables what ``django.forms`` does for HTML forms.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-djangorestframework-doc
Description-md5: 4dea31ff21fc8a5257161af02b37128b
Description-gl: Web APIs for Django, made easy (documentation)
powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. Some reasons you might want to use REST framework:
* The Web browseable API is a huge useability win for your developers.
* Authentication policies including OAuth1a and OAuth2 out of the box.
* Serialization that supports both ORM and non-ORM data sources.
* Customizable all the way down - just use regular function-based views if you
don't need the more powerful features.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: python-djvu-dbg
Description-md5: 0cdc44cc5515a697369003fc3633cee7
Description-gl: Python support for the DjVu image format (debug extension)
python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an
open source implementation of DjVu. This image format is designed
primarily for scanned documents, it includes advanced techniques like
image layer separation and arithmetic coding compression.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración e as extensións construídas
para o intérprete de depuración de Python.
Package: python-farstream
Description-md5: 28f3eca8d233e833db2b98d418597d58
Description-gl: Audio/Video communications framework: Python bindings
O proxecto Farstream é un esforzo para crear unha infraestrutura para
tratar con todos os protocolos de conferencias de son/vídeo coñecidos.
Dunha parte, ofrece unha API xenérica que posibilita escribir engadidso
para diferentes protocolos de retransmisión e doutra ofrece unha API para
que os clientes empreguen eses engadidos.
This package provides Python bindings for Farstream.
Package: python-flask-autoindex-doc
Description-md5: 315659de0d2626bde93c795c8d042f3c
Description-gl: automatically generated index pages for Flask applications (documentation)
Flask-AutoIndex is a Flask extension that generates index pages for
directories automatically. The result is similar to the pages generated by
Apache's mod_autoindex.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-flask-babel-doc
Description-md5: d9cc4438593ba6eb884d0cb9d8c360cd
Description-gl: internationalization and localization support for Flask (documentation)
Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds internationalization and
localization support. It has a friendly interface to gettext translations
and supports date formatting with timezones.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-flask-openid-doc
Description-md5: 3bfa81416c75d66890e830fede4d6526
Description-gl: OpenID support for Flask applications (documentation)
Flask-OpenID is an extension to Flask to add OpenID based authentication.
It supports OpenID 2.x and has basic support for the Simple Registration
(SReg) and Attribute Exchange (AX) extensions.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-flask-silk-doc
Description-md5: dea2d94b51e21278adfc7da0baa11ddb
Description-gl: FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (documentation)
Flask-Silk is a Flask extension that provides the icons from the FamFamFam
Silk icon set for Flask applications, blueprints and other extensions. It
also allows one to serve custom icons replacing or extending those from
the FamFamFam Silk icon set.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-fltk-dbg
Description-md5: 3fcc9284c5958d95f30beb17e619c052
Description-gl: Python wrapper for the Fast Light Toolkit - Debugging symbols
pyFltk provides a Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross-
platform graphical user-interface library (
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-fltk-doc
Description-md5: ddd1aec1fc45269ac27623a0ae7ec4f9
Description-gl: Documentación de pyFltk
pyFltk provides a Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross-
platform graphical user-interface library (
This package contains pyFltk documentation.
Package: python-fuse
Description-md5: a819e099586cfcec8e9e6dd8dd6d4a5c
Description-gl: Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErland)
This is a Python interface to FUSE.
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Package: python-gammu-doc
Description-md5: 0b680830a6bd15dfcb25200f79ee80b6
Description-gl: Transitional dummy package for Gammu documentation
Paquete transitorio; pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: python-geohash-dbg
Description-md5: bb6939ef3557704b9004e229fc2eb9bf
Description-gl: fast, accurate Python geohashing library (debug extension)
python-geohash provides fast and accurate geohash encoding and decoding
functionality. Geohash is a latitude/longitude geocode system (a string
representation of two dimensional geometric coordinates). In addition to
geohash, this module also supports the quadtree, jpgrid (JIS X 0410) and
jpiarea grid codes.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de python-geohash.
Package: python-gevent-websocket
Description-md5: 5cd5e88ef6389252133f028869f1d75a
Description-gl: websocket library for the gevent networking library
gevent-websocket is a WebSocket library for the gevent networking library.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Integration on both socket level or using an abstract interface.
* RPC and PubSub framework using WAMP (WebSocket Application Messaging
* Easily extendible using a simple WebSocket protocol plugin API
Package: python-gmenu
Description-md5: 62c7a8a3442c1f0202d612c5c9413402
Description-gl: GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu
Specification" from
Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files,
.directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.
This package contains the Python binding.
Package: python-gmenu-dbg
Description-md5: d0382fe78cfc0d2acf25744a77ec75b4
Description-gl: Python bindings for the freedesktop menu specification for GNOME (debug extension)
The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu
Specification" from
This package contains the python binding for the debug interpreter.
Package: python-gnucash
Description-md5: 0159a1bd740fb6c78f4da3876f98da1f
Description-gl: Gnucash interface for Python
O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos
negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter
balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes,
fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada
en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquía de contas, contas de gastos
(categorías) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX.
This package contains the Python bindings for Gnucash which allow you to
read and manipulate Gnucash data files.
Package: python-imobiledevice
Description-md5: 18c07eca7104650f7295d89566b0486f
Description-gl: Biblioteca para comunicar cos dispositivos iPhone e iPod Touch
libimobiledevice is a library that talks the native Apple USB protocols
that the iPhone and iPod Touch use. Unlike other projects,
libimobiledevice does not depend on using any existing libraries from
This package contains the Python bindings
Package: python-kazoo-doc
Description-md5: 4676f158e1c657ab31bad39008dcba14
Description-gl: API de Apache Zookeeper para clientes de Python.- documentación da API
Kazoo features:
* Support for gevent 0.13 and gevent 1.0b
* Unified asynchronous API for use with greenlets or threads
* Lock, Party, Election, and Partitioner recipe implementations (more
implementations are in development)
* Data and Children Watchers
* Integrated testing helpers for Zookeeper clusters
* Simplified Zookeeper connection state tracking
* Pure-Python based implementation of the wire protocol, avoiding all the
memory leaks, lacking features, and debugging madness of the C library
Kazoo is heavily inspired by Netflix Curator simplifications and helpers.
This package contains the API documentation.
Package: python-kde4
Description-md5: 74fde6d98a9a7111f802c1957523de23
Description-gl: Python bindings for the KDE Development Platform
This package contains PyKDE, the Python bindings for the KDE libraries,
that allow you to write KDE programs using Python instead of C++. It
contains at least the following modules under the PyKDE namespace:
* dnssd
* kdecore
* kdeui
* khtml
* kio
* knewstuff
* kparts
* kterminal
* ktexteditor
* kutils
* nepomuk
* plasma
* solid
E algunhas tecnoloxías relacionadas con KDE como:
* akonadi
* phonon
* soprano
This package provides modules for all supported Python versions.
Package: python-kde4-dbg
Description-md5: 550d23f6ccfe7b08a81e23c412f0d1ce
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das asociacións con PyKDE
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
Python bindings for the KDE Development Platform. Install this package if
you are experiencing crashes of the PyKDE application and wish to report a
problem to the developers.
Package: python-libdiscid-doc
Description-md5: 89e3c28d4c94827603992827d34f6e83
Description-gl: libdiscid binding for Python (documentation)
libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It
reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be
used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding
to work with libdiscid from Python.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-liblarch-gtk
Description-md5: 1bd22972585684550a1a9d6124d40dac
Description-gl: transitional dummy package for python-liblarch
This is a dummy package to ease transition to the new package python-
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza.
Package: python-llfuse
Description-md5: ad8f4536fb4f17872d38c8f9f09224f4
Description-gl: Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API
Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API.
Bindings for the high level API are provided by the python-fuse package.
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Package: python-llfuse-dbg
Description-md5: d246241e65bf52ff2ba6f2b9c5cdec78
Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE (símbolos de depuración)
Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API.
Bindings for the high level API are provided by the python-fuse package.
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración, así mo a extensión
construída para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2.
Package: python-llfuse-doc
Description-md5: bf45e9cac570c98e8ce402f4c2d89582
Description-gl: Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API (documentation)
Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. This
package provides the documentation for both the Python 2 and Python 3
extension (packages python-llfuse and python3-llfuse).
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Package: python-lucene-dbg
Description-md5: 3a5f2209623f79202b5c7fb07930cb0e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de python-lucene
PyLucene is a Python extension for accessing Java Lucene. Its goal is to
allow you to use Lucene's text indexing and searching capabilities from
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de python-lucene.
Package: python-lunch
Description-md5: 18c9034be53ca2ba7821798188531232
Description-gl: iniciador de procesos distribuído
Lunch is a simple distributed process launcher and manager for GNU/Linux.
With Lunch, one can launch software processes on several different
computers and make sure they keep running. This software was created to
suit the needs of new media artists for live performances and interactive
installations. It respawns the software that crash and provides a mean to
manage dependencies between running processes.
This package provides the lunch library for Python. as well as the
command-line lunch utility which can be invoked with a GTK+ user
Package: python-mhash-dbg
Description-md5: 091f92cd45de21c74181369126fc170e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das asociacións con Python para libmhash
python-mhash is a comprehensive Python interface to the mhash library,
which provides a uniform interface to access several hashing algorithms
such as MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA160, and many others.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de python-mhash.
Package: python-mockldap-doc
Description-md5: e9ad9934fd2c83512632fac3d483b07b
Description-gl: simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Documentation)
This project provides a mock replacement for python-ldap. It’s useful for
any project that would like to write unit tests against LDAP code without
relying on a running LDAP server.
The goal of mockldap is to provide a mock instance of LDAPObject in
response to any call to ldap.initialize. In the general case, you would
register return values for all LDAPObject calls that you expect the code
under test to make. Your assertions would then verify that the tested code
behaved correctly given this set of return values from the LDAP APIs.
As a convenience, the mock LDAPObject isn’t just a dumb mock object. The
typical way to use mockldap is to provide some static directory content
and then let LDAPObject generate real return values. This will only work
for simple LDAP operations–this obviously isn’t a complete Python LDAP
server implementation–but those simple operations tend to cover a lot of
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-mongoengine-doc
Description-md5: 8ab143b7be6974dc592ea4ed8959449d
Description-gl: Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB (documentation)
MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document
databases) for working with MongoDB from Python. It uses a simple
declarative API, similar to the Django ORM.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: python-mpi4py-dbg
Description-md5: 26f65f8f40501ebebee1b5797a97c426
Description-gl: bindings of the MPI standard -- debug symbols
MPI for Python (mpi4py) provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface
(MPI) standard for the Python programming language, allowing any Python
program to exploit multiple processors.
mpi4py is constructed on top of the MPI-1/MPI-2 specification and provides
an object oriented interface which closely follows MPI-2 C++ bindings. It
supports point-to-point (sends, receives) and collective (broadcasts,
scatters, gathers) communications of any picklable Python object as well
as optimized communications of Python object exposing the single-segment
buffer interface (NumPy arrays, builtin bytes/string/array objects).
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-ncrypt
Description-md5: 4af3ca2d8914d555dcbfa477f590d37e
Description-gl: python wrapper for OpenSSL
* hash algorithms (md5, sha1, sha256, sha512 etc.)
* symmetric encryption algorithms (aes256, aes128, 3des, blowfish etc.)
* public key crypto with RSA
* diffie-hellman key exchange
* create/manipulate X.509 certificates
* SSL/TLS network protocol
* MIT License
Páxina web:
Package: python-netsnmp
Description-md5: 5c78ea4471c165a17eb0e76db000842a
Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Python support
O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura
para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre
axentes (servidores) e clientes.
The Net-SNMP Python support files provide the Python functions for
integration of SNMP into applications written in Python.
Package: python-nipy-lib-dbg
Description-md5: d9ac5c000d2dd50afcdb1b9fd5b8eae2
Description-gl: Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data
NiPy is a Python-based framework for the analysis of structural and
functional neuroimaging data.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración das construcións das
bibliotecas dependentes da arquitectura.
Package: python-ns3-dbg
Description-md5: af25b1673a974b76d0619213cb02ad7c
Description-gl: Python binding of ns3 (debug extension)
ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted
primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software,
licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for
research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual
replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam”
derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and
NAM (network animator).
This package contains Python binding of ns3.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-nss
Description-md5: 2eaa49c01a6b8e542510c2c47c1df7d6
Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para os Servizos de seguranza de rede (NSS)
This package provides Python bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
and the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR).
NSS is a set of libraries supporting security-enabled client and server
applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3, TLS,
PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and
other security standards. Specific NSS implementations have been FIPS-140
Package: python-nwsclient
Description-md5: d61ff087c5381e3d0a31487e4d402d6c
Description-gl: NetWorkSpaces client for distributed Python applications
This Debian package provides the NetWorkSpaces client which makes it easy
to use computing clusters from within Python.
Consulte para un artigo
recente sobre NetWorkSpaces.
The python-nwsserver package provides the corresponding server.
Package: python-nwsserver
Description-md5: 0ef46b504fe04dbfa15773bd11b405ce
Description-gl: NetWorkSpaces server for distributed applications
This Debian package provides the NetWorkSpaces Server which makes it easy
to use computing clusters from within the Python and GNU R languages and
scripting environments.
Consulte para un artigo
recente sobre NetWorkSpaces.
Package: python-oerplib-doc
Description-md5: 9e28b4e3edcbb669a721fcc5e58da020
Description-gl: Python client library to OpenERP server (documentation)
OERPLib is a client library to OpenERP server. It aims to provide an easy
way to remotely pilot and manage an OpenERP server.
It support both protocols XML-RPC and NET-RPC to communicate with OpenERP,
and provides convenients methods to manage data records (browse operation
implemented). Other functionalities such as downloading reports, workflow
queries and databases management are provided.
Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML.
Package: python-openbabel
Description-md5: 57cf6f15a20d7f43a2bf1b500de1a380
Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (python bindings)
Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of
chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data
from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,
or related areas. Features include:
* Hydrogen addition and deletion
* Support for Molecular Mechanics
* Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax
* Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity)
* Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF,
CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC.
This package contains the Python binding.
Package: python-osd
Description-md5: a6354508c7afcd1580cc2948277b56ad
Description-gl: Transitional dummy package
This is a dummy package to ease transition from previous versions of
Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza.
Package: python-parted
Description-md5: bfe26e39d535bb5af2945ec7bb123ac6
Description-gl: Interface en Python para libparted
pyparted é un conxunto de módulos en Python que lles fornecen aos
programadores en Python unha interface para libparted
(, a biblioteca de parted para GNU para
particionar os discos e manipular os sistemas de ficheiros.
This package contains Python extension itself.
Package: python-parted-dbg
Description-md5: 8c601a165ff78c9c6383f8d33d1d47b6
Description-gl: Interface en Python para libparted - Símbolos de depuración
pyparted é un conxunto de módulos en Python que lles fornecen aos
programadores en Python unha interface para libparted
(, a biblioteca de parted para GNU para
particionar os discos e manipular os sistemas de ficheiros.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-pebl-dbg
Description-md5: 5a710814f527a280847df7fbc3816eab
Description-gl: Python Environment for Bayesian Learning - debug
Pebl is a Python library and command line application for learning the
structure of a Bayesian network given prior knowledge and observations.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-pebl-doc
Description-md5: 48756d5d414fd053023dd3ba89a27bdd
Description-gl: Python Environment for Bayesian Learning - documentation
Pebl is a Python library and command line application for learning the
structure of a Bayesian network given prior knowledge and observations.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-prelude
Description-md5: b3a6ab1ec4a22e212f5a1c8a439c4d96
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the Python bindings for Prelude.
Package: python-preludedb
Description-md5: 75240c7012447384e0b158d7dbd860aa
Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ]
Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. Divídese en dúas partes principais:
- Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de
sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas,
engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións,
así como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude,
e xera informes lexíbeis polos usuarios.
This package contains the Python bindings for PreludeDB.
Package: python-presage-dbg
Description-md5: c8dfac6523b748e8e81ae956ec62092c
Description-gl: Plataforma de introdución de texto intelixente e preditiva (símbolos de depuración)
Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do módulo de extensión de
Python para libpresage.
Package: python-pychart-doc
Description-md5: 4e8a872710e7572e0b63d1da4c275f6d
Description-gl: Documentación de PyChart
PyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated
Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts. It currently supports line plots, bar
plots, range-fill plots, and pie charts. Because it is based on Python,
you can make full use of Python's scripting power.
This package contains PyChart documentations and example files.
Package: python-pyevolve-doc
Description-md5: bdc07f7789c5e7b2fc6822fd5bb80efb
Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura do algoritmo xenético Pyevolve
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework
written in pure Python. It provides an easy-to-use API, implementing the
most common features of GA, including various selectors and scaling
schemes. It is also easily extendable, allowing users to create new
representations and genetic operators. Various methods of interactive and
non-interactive visualization are supported.
This package contains the documentation for Pyevolve in HTML form, and
some examples.
Package: python-pyfann-dbg
Description-md5: d35176f8d0878560bffee1495a358af7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do envoltorio de Python de FANN
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural
network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in
C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks.
Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported.
It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is
easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. A Python binding is
available, and bindings for PHP, C++, .NET, Delphi, Octave, Ruby, Pure
Data and Mathematica can be downloaded from FANN's homepage.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do envoltorio de Python de
Package: python-pyip
Description-md5: d2cd0c8f6fd1b0bbac3df20c3b52c023
Description-gl: Python modules for raw ip packet assembling/disassembling
pyip is a Python package offering modules to assemble/disassemble raw ip
packets, including ip, udp, and icmp. The package comes with an
implementation of ping and traceroute, using the raw ip modules.
Páxina web:
Package: python-pykaraoke
Description-md5: 692652af1dfb86300db5b7c6f340ceaf
Description-gl: reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre
PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your
collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs.
This package includes the Python modules needed to play CDG files,
MIDI/KAR files and MPEG files.
This package also includes the arch-dependent modules that gives a major
performance boost to the CDG player.
* CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files
* MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files
* MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format
MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following:
* Timidity++
* Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches)
Package: python-pyodbc-dbg
Description-md5: 8ed5d240b9c4121e9403f35e8e93cd89
Description-gl: Módulo en Python para o acceso a bases de datos ODBC - Símbolos de depuración
A Python DB API 2 module for ODBC. No 3rd party libraries are required. Only native Python datatypes are used, such as decimal and datetime. It implements the Python Database API Specification v2.0. For example:
import pyodbc
Next, create a connection by passing an ODBC connection string to the connect method. This step causes ODBC to load the database driver (the SQL Server driver in this example) and connect to the database.
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=northwind')
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: python-pyside.qtopengl
Description-md5: 1732c7efeb93bd7c3b7ab764deea55ce
Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python bindings
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
This package provides Python bindings for the QtOpenGL module.
OpenGL é unha API estándar para mostrar gráficos en 3D. OpenGL trata só co
renderizado en 3D e fornece pouco ou nada de axuda cos problemas de
programación das interfaces gráficas.
Package: python-pysnmp4
Description-md5: 71e6a8165a912c0f8c12819bc1aa494b
Description-gl: Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 2 module)
This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its
general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages
from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also
provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking.
PySNMP está escrito completamente en Python e é autónomo no sentido de que
non depende de ningunha ferramenta de terceiras partes (non é unha
This package provides Python 2 module.
Package: python-pysnmp4-doc
Description-md5: d51d19f60cc12488a30bdf72c339658f
Description-gl: Python SNMP library for agents and managers (unstable branch)
This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its
general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages
from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also
provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking.
PySNMP está escrito completamente en Python e é autónomo no sentido de que
non depende de ningunha ferramenta de terceiras partes (non é unha
This package contains the documentation for PySNMP.
Package: python-pysqlite2-doc
Description-md5: d986b6cf4e836674e3f0ee0803705bb7
Description-gl: Documentación de python-pysqlite2
pysqlite is a DB-API 2.0-compliant database interface for SQLite.
SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a
relatively small C library. It is a public domain project created by D.
Richard Hipp. Unlike the usual client-server paradigm, the SQLite engine
is not a standalone process with which the program communicates, but is
linked in and thus becomes an integral part of the program. The library
implements most of SQL-92 standard, including transactions, triggers and
most of complex queries.
This package only contains the documentation.
Package: python-qscintilla2
Description-md5: 004fccb5b9e621e94dff59db37e73926
Description-gl: Python bindings for QScintilla 2
O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades
especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a
posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de
código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes.
This package contains Python bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in PyQt4
Package: python-qwt3d-doc
Description-md5: 089451c8b73f122e3258a05b3f337a12
Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca Python-qwt3d
PyQwt3D is a set of Python bindings for the QwtPlot3D C++ class library
which extends the Qt framework with widgets to visualize 3-dimensional
data. This package contains documentation and examples for both Qt3 and
Qt4. The examples show how easy it is to make a 3D plot and how to save a
3D plot to an image or an (E)PS/PDF file.
Package: python-relational
Description-md5: 64f37e390dcd19015a0a3cd647b71d81
Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (módulo autónomo)
Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting
with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic.
This package provides a standalone Python module that can be used for
executing relational queries.
Package: python-scipy-dbg
Description-md5: 4bdc468f8b3bbd8ecf9e0ced226e89ca
Description-gl: Ferramentas científicas para Python - símbolos de depuración
SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package),
gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together
as a single package.
SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It
currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential
equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms,
parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast
execution, and others.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración do python-scipy.
Package: python-sesame
Description-md5: 6c1884d90df1bae54d1ad1243bfb7798
Description-gl: Python wrapper for Sesame's REST HTTP API
Sesame is an open source RDF Schema-based storage and querying facility.
Now you can easily do the following from your Python script:
* Log in
* Log out
* Request a list of available repositories
* Evaluate a SeRQL-select, RQL or RDQL query
* Evaluate a SeRQL-construct query
* Extract RDF from a repository
* Uploading data to a repository
* Add data from the web to a repository
* Clear a repository
* Remove statements
Páxina web:
Package: python-setproctitle-dbg
Description-md5: f3cd76eb2a08880a56ddc45599eb4138
Description-gl: A setproctitle implementation for Python
The library allows a process to change its title (as displayed by system
tools such as ps and top).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do setproctitle.
Package: python-skimage-doc
Description-md5: 119280a63d83417b278f69b80575bfdc
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de scikits-image
This package contains documentation and example scripts for python-
Package: python-software-properties
Description-md5: 2404b69e069f73169a1d424cb63f1d53
Description-gl: xestione os repositorios desde os que instalar os programas
Este programa fornece unha abstracción dos repositorios de apt empregados.
Permítelle xestionar de xeito doado a súa distribución e as orixes dos
programas de provedores independentes.
Package: python-templayer
Description-md5: ce543787e3d0c62c08060ef7e542e89a
Description-gl: layered template library for Python
Na actualidade, o Templayer admite só a xeración de HTML, mais o seu
deseño sinxelo é facilmente ampliábel para admitir outros formatos de
O Templayer foi creado para ofrecer unha alternativa ás maneiras máis
comúns de xerar HTML dinámico: incorporando código dentro do HTML (PHP,
etc.) ou incorporando HTML dentro do código (CGI tradicional). Ningún
destes métodos permite unha separación clara da forma, ou distribución,
dunha páxina e a función da xeración da páxina. En troques de mesturar
HTML e Python, dúas linguaxes ricas e extremadamente expresivas, podemos
engadir unha pequena cantidade de sintaxe a cada unha e manter as dúas
separadas e coherentes.
Package: python-transmissionrpc-doc
Description-md5: a5dacb1e417820e2cf59340a201f762a
Description-gl: Transmission RPC client module for Python (documentation)
transmissionrpc is a Python module implementing the JSON-RPC client
protocol for the Bittorrent client Transmission. All Transmission features
implemented up to version 1.93.
Also, package includes Python script, with CLI and interactive
interfaces, which demonstrates transmissionrpc module usage.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: python-tweepy
Description-md5: 8a46723a508b6243b2eec1df611a3238
Description-gl: Twitter library for Python
Tweepy é unha biblioteca de Twitter e para Python que se pode usar en aplicativos de escritorio e da web. Ten as características seguintes: - Compatibilidade con OAuth
- Cobre a API completa de Twitter
- Compatibilidade coa API de retransmisión
- Sistema de caché (memoria, ficheiro)
- É de uso fácil
Package: python-tweepy-doc
Description-md5: c9451ac612064386af977e56fc5847ec
Description-gl: Documentación do módulo python-tweepy
Documentation for Tweepy that is a Twitter and library for Python that can be used in desktop and web applications. It has the following features:
- OAuth support
- Covers the entire Twitter API
- Streaming API support
- Cache system (memory, file)
- Easy to use
This package contains tutorials, examples and the Tweepy API.
Package: python-twitter-doc
Description-md5: 9b792c949c4f2c773817355990a04900
Description-gl: Twitter API wrapper for Python: documentation files
This library provides a pure Python interface for the Twitter API.
Twitter provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM,
and SMS. Twitter exposes a web services API (
and this library is intended to make it even easier for Python programmers
to use.
Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación.
Package: python-u1db
Description-md5: 5501d46ca32087d3dc9b7c0fa8d7be9a
Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- API de Python
An API for storing structured data which can be synchronized across a
network connection, including to the Ubuntu One service.
This package includes the Python implementation of the API.
Package: python-unshare
Description-md5: a92b2cfaba8602e54d47293560d68f86
Description-gl: Python bindings for the Linux unshare() syscall
This simple extension provides bindings to the Linux unshare() syscall,
added in kernel version 2.6.16.
Empregando unshare() pódense explotar funcionalidades novas e interesantes
do kernel Linux, como por exemplo:
* Creating a new network name space (CLONE_NEWNET)
* Creating a new file system mount name space (CLONE_NEWNS)
* Reverting other features shared from clone()
This library provides an equivalent of the util-linux command-line program
Package: python-wxglade
Description-md5: 673710c188c2a8dbf9ee80191c5a5ac4
Description-gl: Ferramenta escrita en Python que serve para deseñar interfaces gráficas de usuario de wxWidgets
wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit
wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the
moment it can generate Python, C++ and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources)
Package: python3-cups
Description-md5: 3de14c500eb894fa25a057fb2c5e9652
Description-gl: Python3 bindings for CUPS
Un módulo para empregar a API de CUPS 1.2 en programas en Python.
Package: python3-distro-info
Description-md5: 0792778c111d953817469a438613f2f3
Description-gl: information about distributions' releases (Python 3 module)
Información sobre todas as edicións de Debian e Ubuntu.
This package contains a Python 3 module for parsing the data in distro-
info-data. There is also a command line interface in the distro-info
Package: python3-llfuse
Description-md5: 02d722fcffd764bdf03e4e6fde3150e4
Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for the low-level FUSE API
Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. This
package provides the extension for the Python 3 interpreter. The
documentation is contained in the python-llfuse-doc package.
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Package: python3-llfuse-dbg
Description-md5: 5ab70a2c35c2464b19d7ba92983880f9
Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE (símbolos de depuración)
Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API.
FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface
sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de
ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método
seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias
implementación de sistemas de ficheiros.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración, así mo a extensión
construída para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3.
Package: python3-mpi4py-dbg
Description-md5: 26f65f8f40501ebebee1b5797a97c426
Description-gl: bindings of the MPI standard -- debug symbols
MPI for Python (mpi4py) provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface
(MPI) standard for the Python programming language, allowing any Python
program to exploit multiple processors.
mpi4py is constructed on top of the MPI-1/MPI-2 specification and provides
an object oriented interface which closely follows MPI-2 C++ bindings. It
supports point-to-point (sends, receives) and collective (broadcasts,
scatters, gathers) communications of any picklable Python object as well
as optimized communications of Python object exposing the single-segment
buffer interface (NumPy arrays, builtin bytes/string/array objects).
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: python3-paste
Description-md5: fa71556ec57e7359b1902a0876ffecf2
Description-gl: tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack with Python 3
Python Paste trae consistencia ao desenvolvemento web con Python e á
instalación de aplicativos web fornecendo ferramentas tanto para os
desenvolvedores como para os administradores de sistemas.
Paste for Administrators:
* Easily install, run, and configure multiple Paste-enabled web
applications at once, and integrate them into your website how
you want (SCGI, FCGI, AJP, WSGI)
* Manage and install web applications system-wide for easy maintenance
Paste for Web Developers:
* Increase your web application's audience
* Provide starter templates and custom commands for using your web framework
* Keep your development and deployment straightened out, and your automated
testing streamlined
* Attention payed to the full development cycle -- starting projects,
converting old projects, updating and deploying projects -- using a set of
complementary packages and tools
This is the Python3 version of the package.
Package: python3-pykde4
Description-md5: c5a34e81e70699f6aa18dc30f18360ac
Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for the KDE Development Platform
This package contains PyKDE, the Python 3 bindings for the KDE libraries,
that allow you to write KDE programs using Python 3 instead of C++. It
contains at least the following modules under the PyKDE namespace:
* dnssd
* kdecore
* kdeui
* khtml
* kio
* knewstuff
* kparts
* kterminal
* ktexteditor
* kutils
* nepomuk
* plasma
* solid
E algunhas tecnoloxías relacionadas con KDE como:
* akonadi
* phonon
* soprano
This package provides modules for all supported Python 3 versions.
Package: python3-pykde4-dbg
Description-md5: 62992a99c43cb6d4a6e9fd2fe1628aea
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración das asociacións con PyKDE para Python 3
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
Python 3 bindings for the KDE Development Platform. Install this package
if you are experiencing crashes of the PyKDE application and wish to
report a problem to the developers.
Package: python3-pyqt4.qsci
Description-md5: b89285be62bafc1cd9d4942d98b5b046
Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2
O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades
especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a
posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de
código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes.
This package contains Python 3 bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in
PyQt4 applications.
Package: python3-pyqt5-dbg
Description-md5: 705de7d30b2e90a6f681fbf8d448f0dd
Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (debug extensions)
PyQt5 expón a API de Qt5 para Python 3.
This package contains the extensions built for the Python 3 debug
Package: python3-pyside.qtopengl
Description-md5: 9f02e0051990d2dc1972f3cd10ad9b9f
Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python3 bindings
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtOpenGL module.
OpenGL é unha API estándar para mostrar gráficos en 3D. OpenGL trata só co
renderizado en 3D e fornece pouco ou nada de axuda cos problemas de
programación das interfaces gráficas.
Package: python3-pysnmp4
Description-md5: b767f5f04a7b5774553030167f901f2b
Description-gl: Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module)
This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its
general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages
from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also
provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking.
PySNMP está escrito completamente en Python e é autónomo no sentido de que
non depende de ningunha ferramenta de terceiras partes (non é unha
This package provides Python 3 module.
Package: python3-scipy-dbg
Description-md5: 42042a4ee2002a1ed6f15a693c074dc1
Description-gl: Ferramentas científicas para Python 3 - símbolos de depuración
SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package),
gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together
as a single package.
SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It
currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential
equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms,
parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast
execution, and others.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración do python3-scipy.
Package: python3-smbc
Description-md5: 50036deb50bac3ee4c603ea25ffd8675
Description-gl: Python3 bindings for Samba clients (libsmbclient)
Un módulo para empregar a API de cliente de Samba en programas en Python.
Package: qalculate
Description-md5: 7e5e3a8e7e830953965c85c22000d93a
Description-gl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - transitional
Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility
underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary
precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-
tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional
Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza
após ter instalado qalculate-gtk.
Package: qapt-batch
Description-md5: 9633f74129c52826e6eb15f1560f193b
Description-gl: Xestor de paquetes en lote para KDE
QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around
APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs.
QApt Batch is a simple GUI for doing batch package management operations.
It can install and remove packages, as well as update the package cache
via a command line interface. It also has an attach function invokable via
the command line. QApt Batch is a drop-in replacement for the "install-
package" batch package management tool.
Package: qapt-dbg
Description-md5: d591cf45c811418e40b0f1ae623565a6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de QApt
QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around
APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do QApt. Cando o QApt falla,
na maioría dos casos este paquete faise necesario para obter un trazado
inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten padecido un
fallo do QApt sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente reproducir o
problema e envíe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso anexo.
Package: qasconfig
Description-md5: e61f1bf21391fe793c4c6a9585d657d9
Description-gl: Navegador de configuración de ALSA
QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound
system ALSA.
The applications included are:
- QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree
- QasHctl - mixer for ALSA's High level Control Interface
- QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer
ALSA's configuration resides in a tree structure which gets built from the
contents of the files /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc. QasConfig is a
simple browser for this configuration tree and can help to analyze and
debug an ALSA setup.
Package: qbittorrent
Description-md5: eda9d802cb538c23f46dfba93459c129
Description-gl: bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt4 GUI
Cliente de BitTorrent escrito en C++ e baseado en libtorrent-rasterbar
cunha interface do usuario en Qt4. qBittorrent é un cliente cheo de
funcionalidades pero lixeiro e moi semellante ao uTorrent.: As súas
funcionalidades principais son:
* Polished uTorrent-like user interface
* Well integrated and extensible search engine
* Remote control through a Web user interface
* Vuze-compatible protocol encryption
* uTorrent-compatible Peer eXchange (PeX)
* DHT (trackerless) support
* UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding
* IPv6 compliant
* RSS support with advanced download filters
* Advanced control over torrent content and trackers
* IP Filtering (eMule / Peer Guardian filters)
* Torrents queueing and prioritizing
* Good localization (~25 languages supported)
* Unicode support
Package: qbittorrent-dbg
Description-md5: de24222f1898e2379b2382a1b992a93e
Description-gl: debug symbols for qbittorrent and qbittorrent-nox
Cliente de BitTorrent escrito en C++ e baseado en libtorrent-rasterbar
cunha interface do usuario en Qt4. qBittorrent é un cliente cheo de
funcionalidades pero lixeiro e moi semellante ao uTorrent.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de qbittorrent e
Package: qbrew
Description-md5: f6821411e2d755d2cbb298227c8a7d38
Description-gl: Calculadora de receitas para cervexeiro doméstico
QBrew is a recipe calculator for homebrewed beers. It uses Qt for creating
its graphical user interface and provides facilities for creating own beer
recipes. It even has a manual describing how to brew your first beer
Package: qbzr
Description-md5: c89b29271fec987a9808a0db42ebcb54
Description-gl: Graphical interface for Bazaar using the Qt toolkit
QBzr is a cross-platform GUI frontend for Bazaar, based on the Qt toolkit.
It provides GUI frontend for many core bzr commands and several universal
dialogs and helper commands. Equivalents for core bzr commands has the
same names as CLI commands but with prefix "q".
Basic q-commands:
* qadd - GUI for adding files or directories.
* qannotate - Show the origin of each line in a file.
* qbind - Convert the current branch into a checkout of the supplied branch.
* qbranch - Create a new copy of a branch.
* qcat - View the contents of a file as of a given revision.
* qcommit - GUI for committing revisions.
* qconflicts - Show conflicts.
* qdiff - Show differences in working tree in a GUI window.
* qexport - Export current or past revision to a directory or archive.
* qinfo - Shows information about the current location.
* qinit - Initializes a new branch or shared repository.
* qlog - Show log of a repository, branch, file, or directory in a Qt window.
* qmerge - Perform a three-way merge.
* qplugins - Display information about installed plugins.
* qpull - Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch.
* qpush - Update a mirror of this branch.
* qrevert - Revert changes files.
* qsend - Mail or create a merge-directive for submitting changes.
* qswitch - Set the branch of a checkout and update.
* qtag - Edit tags.
* qunbind - Convert the current checkout into a regular branch.
* quncommit - Move the tip of a branch to an earlier revision.
* qupdate - Update working tree with latest changes in the branch.
* qversion - Show version/system information.
Hybrid dialogs:
* qgetnew - Creates a new working tree (either a checkout or full branch).
* qgetupdates - Fetches external changes into the working tree.
Ordes adicionais:
* qbrowse - Show inventory or working tree.
* qconfig - Configure Bazaar and QBzr.
* qviewer - Simple file viewer.
* bug-url - print full URL to a specific bug, or open it in your browser.
Package: qdbm-doc
Description-md5: e629a03377a5c222476c82a9b51586c5
Description-gl: QDBM Database Documentation
Documentación de todas as API e utilidades fornecidas por QDBM.
Package: qdigidoc-dbg
Description-md5: 6fabf739d9f26ce4f1ef8b0238083706
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de qdigidoc
QDigiDoc is an application for digitally signing and encrypting documents
in BDoc, DDoc, and CDoc container formats. These file formats are
widespread in Estonia where they are used for storing legally binding
digital signatures.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete qdigidoc.
Package: qemu
Description-md5: 976dc9e06bc50e9bc7637e1a34042953
Description-gl: fast processor emulator
QEMU is a fast processor emulator: currently the package supports ARM,
CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC and
x86-64 emulation. By using dynamic translation it achieves reasonable
speed while being easy to port on new host CPUs. QEMU has two operating
* User mode emulation: QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for
one CPU on another CPU.
* Full system emulation: QEMU emulates a full system, including a
processor and various peripherals. It enables easier testing and
debugging of system code. It can also be used to provide virtual
hosting of several virtual machines on a single server.
As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy
to use.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os paquetes
relacionados con qemu.
Package: qesteidutil-dbg
Description-md5: 1e3b5e2b69d784a04984dab3b708a8fe
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de qesteidutil
QEsteidUtil is a user-friendly application for managing Estonian ID Cards.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete qesteidutil.
Package: qgis
Description-md5: 544e5b33e6ac954603af7e3357f035e2
Description-gl: Geographic Information System (GIS)
Un sistema de información xeográfica (GIS) xestiona, analiza e mostra
bases de datos de información xeográfica. Quantum GIS (QGIS) admite ver e
editar ficheiros de formas, ten almacenamento de datos espaciais con
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, proxección «ao voo», composición de mapas e moitas
outras funcións mediante unha interface de engadidos. O QGIS tamén admite
a presentación de diversos formatos raster con referencias xeográficas e
modelos de elevación dixital (DEM), incluídos GeoTIFF, Arc/Info ASCII Grid
Package: qiime-doc
Description-md5: dc039fca5c4ff121fcb7f82f58419028
Description-gl: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (tutorial)
QIIME (canonically pronounced ‘Chime’) is a pipeline for performing microbial community analysis that integrates many third party tools which have become standard in the field. A standard QIIME analysis begins with sequence data from one or more sequencing platforms, including
* Sanger,
* Roche/454, and
* Illumina GAIIx.
With all the underlying tools installed, of which not all are yet available in Debian (or any other Linux distribution), QIIME can perform
* library de-multiplexing and quality filtering;
* denoising with PyroNoise;
* OTU and representative set picking with uclust, cdhit, mothur, BLAST,
or other tools;
* taxonomy assignment with BLAST or the RDP classifier;
* sequence alignment with PyNAST, muscle, infernal, or other tools;
* phylogeny reconstruction with FastTree, raxml, clearcut, or other tools;
* alpha diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
using over 20 metrics including Phylogenetic Diversity, chao1, and
observed species;
* beta diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
using over 25 metrics including weighted and unweighted UniFrac,
Euclidean distance, and Bray-Curtis;
* summarization and visualization of taxonomic composition of samples
using pie charts and histograms
and many other features.
QIIME includes parallelization capabilities for many of the
computationally intensive steps. By default, these are configured to
utilize a mutli-core environment, and are easily configured to run in a
cluster environment. QIIME is built in Python using the open-source
PyCogent toolkit. It makes extensive use of unit tests, and is highly
modular to facilitate custom analyses.
Este paquete contén a documentación e un titorial.
Package: qimo-games
Description-md5: 334b7e72e21637761483458a54fa6661
Description-gl: Collection of games used in Qimo
Metapaquete para instalar os xogos incluídos en Qimo. Inclúe Childsplay,
gCompris, Tux Paint, Tux Math, Tux Type e Laby.
Package: qmf-dbg
Description-md5: 744a98976215bd105c3485240318d3dc
Description-gl: Qt Messaging Framework (QMF) - debugging symbols
The Qt Messaging Framework, QMF, consists of a C++ library and daemon
server process that can be used to build email clients, and more generally
software that interacts with email and mail servers.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas Qt Messaging
Framework (QMF).
Package: qmidiarp-dbg
Description-md5: f3a1287e18b959f0b17668850ca73f1e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do QMidiArp
QMidiArp is an advanced MIDI arpeggiator, programmable step sequencer and
LFO for the ALSA sequencer. It can hold any number of arpeggiator,
sequencer, or LFO modules running in parallel.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: qmidinet-dbg
Description-md5: 987c494f008ada24c4f008fb0151e35c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración QmidiNet
QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives
MIDI data (ALSA Sequencer) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: qmmp
Description-md5: c6e97ff987590a9472b526f5786b2f44
Description-gl: feature-rich audio player with support of many formats
Qmmp is feature-rich audio player with support of many formats. It is
written in Qt.
Formatos de son admitidos:
- Ogg Vorbis;
- MPEG1 layer 1/2/3;
- AAC;
- CUE sheet;
- WavePack.
- Musepack;
- son de CD;
- formatos admitidos por FFmpeg;
- midi;
- formatos chiptune (AY, GBS, GYM, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, SAP, SPC, VGM,
Audio output through:
- OSS;
- PulseAudio;
DSP effects:
- BS2B effect;
- sample rate converter;
- LADSPA effects;
- extra stereo;
- crossfade.
- winamp and XMMS skins support;
- plugins support;
- scrobbler;
- spectre analyzer;
- rediscretization;
- video playback via mplayer;
- MPRIS (1.0 and 2.0) support;
- lyrics (using;
- removable device detection;
- global hotkeys;
- projectm visualization;
- mms support;
- multiple playlists;
- cover art support;
- ReplayGain support;
- streaming Ogg Vorbis or MP3 via IceCast/ShoutCast.
- audio converter;
- stream browser;
- audio formats conveter;
- external programs execution on track change.
Package: qsf
Description-md5: a8b060daed6486ed01e8244cb0babd80
Description-gl: small and fast Bayesian spam filter
Quick Spam Filter (QSF) is an Open Source email classification filter,
designed to be small, fast, and accurate, which works to classify incoming
email as either spam or non-spam.
QSF's targets are speed, accuracy and simplicity:
* It is small and is written in C so it starts up quickly, unlike filters
written in Perl.
* It understands MIME and HTML, so it can intelligently deal with modern
spam, unlike older Bayesian filters such as ifile.
* It runs as an inline filter rather than as a daemon, so it is simple to
* It is written to do only one job - decide whether an email is spam or not
using the content of the message alone - so it is less complex than filters
such as SpamAssassin. Less complexity means bugs and security problems are
less likely.
* As well as words and word pairs, QSF also spots special patterns in email
such as runs of gibberish, HTML comments embedded in text, and other common
spam giveaways, and its flexible tokeniser allows more patterns to be added
as spammers change their tactics.
Páxina web:
Package: qtcreator-dbg
Description-md5: 629e09dcc2d3e8b586610af7dda13220
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do IDE Qt Creator
Qt Creator is a new, lightweight, cross-platform integrated development
environment (IDE) designed to make development with the Qt application
framework even faster and easier.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do IDE Qt Creator.
Package: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu
Description-md5: 112c1c57f9fca5031ddbf10305b90e88
Description-gl: Engadido de Ubuntu para o IDE de Qt Creator
Qt Creator is a new, lightweight, cross-platform integrated development
environment (IDE) designed to make development with the Qt application
framework even faster and easier.
This package contains the Ubuntu plugin for Qt Creator, providing deeper
integration for developing applications for Ubuntu using the Ubuntu UI
Toolkit. It also introduces an Ubuntu themed welcome screen.
Package: qtcurve-l10n
Description-md5: 4059467628c17c25109952ff3f41153d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de tradución de QtCurve
This package contains translation files for QtCurve.
QtCurve is a set of widget styles for KDE and GTK+. It provides a
consistent look between KDE and GTK+ applications, which is easy on the
eyes and visually pleasing.
Package: qtdeclarative5-particles-plugin
Description-md5: b16e592eb8bb06f1b7e02a650d1c393c
Description-gl: Engadido de QML de partículas de Qt 5
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick.
Package: qtdeclarative5-ubuntuone1.0
Description-md5: df3db61f1caacef3025272c9c6f3b2d2
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - engadido de Qt declarative
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes a Qt declarative plug-in for using the library.
Package: qtm
Description-md5: e22c13c3056de66cb1e11f7f7a18dcd3
Description-gl: Web-log interface program
QTM é una aplicativo para o escritorio para interactuar con blogues e
outros sistemas de xestión de contido. Actualmente é compatíbel con
Wordpress, Movable Type, Drupal e Textpattern (mais non con Blogger).
Package: qtmobility-dbg
Description-md5: 43c530c395d3832df861e4bfbe3f23fb
Description-gl: API para funcionalidade de dispositivos móbiles - símbolos de depuración
Qt Mobility delivers a set of new APIs for mobile device functionality.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de Mobility
de Qt .
Package: qtmultimedia5-touch-dbg
Description-md5: 46c447a30dea0066bc7bcf8e926d7234
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración da biblioteca de multimedia de Qt 5
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de
Multimedia de Qt 5.
Package: qtpfsgui
Description-md5: 8fefc7637c422f7e5a43eee46afbb939
Description-gl: luminance-hdr transitional package
Paquete baleiro para facilitar as anovacións; pódese desinstalar con
Package: qtquick1-5-dbg
Description-md5: 8cc9444d1e31eab7e64d99fa9287bc87
Description-gl: Qt Quick 1 library debugging symbols
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas Quick 1 de
Qt 5.
Package: qtsystems5-dbg
Description-md5: 1f7c3618bbdf78ad50328be4390865d7
Description-gl: Qt Systems library debugging symbols
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de Systems
de Qt 5.
WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git
snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change
in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given.
Package: qttranslations5-l10n
Description-md5: a96d68060141293142683da7e81731e2
Description-gl: Traducións de Qt 5
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
This package provides translation files for Qt itself and some base apps,
such as Qt Linguist, Qt Assistant and Qt Designer.
Package: quassel-dbg
Description-md5: d8eab96d2a43947b3cd1640f4bae2cd7
Description-gl: distributed, KDE/Qt-based IRC client - debugging symbols
These are the debugging symbols of Quassel. A modern, cross-platform,
distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can
attach to and detach from this central core. It's much like the popular
combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but
Este paquete só fornece os símbolos de depuración do Quassel.
Package: queuegraph
Description-md5: c892d9d348e19714a2f028eda9f55241
Description-gl: a RRDtool frontend for Postfix queue-statistics
Queuegraph is a simple mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Postfix that
produces daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of Postfix's active,
deferred, incoming and bounce queues.
Páxina web:
Package: quickly-widgets
Description-md5: 2a3933354f39fc22de7f62c0bf10fcda
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para python-quickly.widgets
Este é un paquete transitorio para python-quickly.widgets e pode ser
desinstalado con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación.
Package: quicktime-utils
Description-md5: cbd5af54db23762e0fd8ed5e16b2dfd6
Description-gl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities)
libquicktime is a library for reading and writing QuickTime files on UNIX
systems. Video CODECs supported by this library are OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG
Photo, PNG, RGB, YUV 4:2:2, and YUV 4:2:0 compression. Supported audio
CODECs are Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw, and any linear PCM format.
Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais.
Package: quiterss-dbg
Description-md5: d34281b5a2858955f8a60d9f7184e6d4
Description-gl: RSS/Atom news feeds reader -- debugging symbols
QuiteRSS is "fast and comfortable to user" cross-platform RSS/Atom news
feeds reader written on Qt/C++.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración
Package: quvi
Description-md5: 360686599c2119328e285ecb177c49a9
Description-gl: command line program to extract video download links
libquvi é unha biblioteca para analizar as ligazóns de descarga de vídeo
do flash da Adobe. Admite Youtube e outros sitios web de vídeo
semellantes. Fornece acceso á funcionalidade e os datos a través dunha API
e non activa ou require o uso da tecnoloxía flash.
This package contains a command line program to extract and download video
files using libquvi.
Package: qweborf
Description-md5: c71dcbc8bd1b935db76955ce3ed1695b
Description-gl: Comparta ficheiros usando o protocolo HTTP
Qweborf provides an easy to use graphical interface to share local files
using the HTTP protocol. It can enable writing on the server, webdav,
authentication and sending directories as tar.gz.
Package: r-base
Description-md5: 5787ca79ed716232c4cc2087ed9b425b
Description-gl: GNU R statistical computation and graphics system
R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a
language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to
certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script
The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages:
Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting
language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation
and semantics are derived from Scheme.
The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching
and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the
user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user
to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for
efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution
contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and
underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of
functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating
various kinds of data presentations.
Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from
CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages,
named 'r-cran-'.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que facilita a transición desde a
configuración do paquete pre-1.5.0 ao paquete maior r-base. Unha vez
instalado pode ser desinstalado e apt-get anova automaticamente os seus
compoñentes durante anovacións futuras. Fornecer este paquete permite que
despois os usuarios instalen só r-base-core se así o queren.
Package: r-base-core-dbg
Description-md5: 2a8ee24de77200ad1b54f3254591a4c9
Description-gl: GNU R debug symbols for statistical comp. language and environment
R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a
language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to
certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script
The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages:
Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting
language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation
and semantics are derived from Scheme.
The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching
and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the
user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user
to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for
efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution
contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and
underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of
functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating
various kinds of data presentations.
Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from
CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages,
named 'r-cran-'.
Este Este paquete contén táboas cos símbolos de depuración dos binarios e
das bibliotecas dinámicas do paquete r-base-core.
Package: r-cran-epibasix
Description-md5: db7f05c5563722ad733edbecfd95746a
Description-gl: GNU R Elementary Epidemiological Functions
Elementary Epidemiological Functions for a Graduate Epidemiology /
Biostatistics Course.
Este paquete contén ferramentas elementais para a análise de problemas
epidemiolóxicos frecuentes, desde a estimación do tamaño da mostra até a
análise de táboas de continxencia 2x2 e medidas básicas de concordancia
(kappa, sensibilidade/especificidade). Tamén se escribiron enunciados de
impresión e resumo axeitados para facilitar a interpretación sempre que
for posíbel. Este paquete é unha obra en curso, polo que se apreciaría
recibir comentarios ou suxestións. O código fonte conta con numerosos
comentarios para facilitar a súa modificación. Os destinatarios inclúen os
doutorandos dos distintos cursos de epi/bioestatística.
Epibasix was developed in Canada.
Package: r-cran-nws
Description-md5: c50c086764bdb6fb32bd3fa77dfd16c6
Description-gl: GNU R package for distributed programming via NetWorkSpaces
This Debian package provides support for NetWorkSpaces (NWS), a
distributed computing toolkit which makes it easy to use computing
clusters from within the Python and GNU R languages and scripting
Consulte para un artigo
recente sobre NetWorkSpaces (aínda que centrado no seu uso con Python).
Package: r-cran-rggobi
Description-md5: e3e7aac1d115d4061eff9123343b46d4
Description-gl: GNU R package for the GGobi data visualization system
This Debian package contains the R package for access to the ggobi data
visualization system for high-dimensional data from within GNU R.
Consulte para rggobi, e for GNU R.
Package: r-cran-rms
Description-md5: 9fe79ccc22f1a3025abc6da6b5e51bde
Description-gl: GNU R regression modeling strategies by Frank Harrell
Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics,
prediction, and typesetting by storing enhanced model design attributes in
the fit. rms is a collection of 229 functions that assist with and
streamline modeling. It also contains functions for binary and ordinal
logistic regression models and the Buckley-James multiple regression model
for right-censored responses, and implements penalized maximum likelihood
estimation for logistic and ordinary linear models. rms works with almost
any regression model, but it was especially written to work with binary or
ordinal logistic regression, Cox regression, accelerated failure time
models, ordinary linear models, the Buckley-James model, generalized least
squares for serially or spatially correlated observations, generalized
linear models, and quantile regression.
See Frank Harrell (2001), Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer Series
in Statistics, as well as
Package: r-cran-teachingdemos
Description-md5: 3a97e798f04e2c3c80527148eb671d97
Description-gl: GNU R Demonstrations for teaching and learning
Este paquete é un conxunto de funcións de demostración que se poden
empregar nunha aula para demostrar conceptos estatísticos, ou por un mesmo
para comprender mellor os conceptos da programación.
Package: radiance-doc
Description-md5: 540e48952423cdbc2fbe49a91b9c97d6
Description-gl: Lighting Simulation and Rendering System - Documentation
Radiance is intended to aid lighting designers and architects by
predicting the light levels and appearance of a space prior to
Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos de radiance.
Package: raincat
Description-md5: c245c9feae30c3e0652a1c07c3bb6180
Description-gl: Quebracabezas en 2D dun gato un pouco crecho
Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings
series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each
level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
Package: raincat-data
Description-md5: 685685929fd4d8733303195d83685df7
Description-gl: 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - data files
Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings
series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each
level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: raincat-dbg
Description-md5: 67109b1e65fd6d1fa8c782feb68f9f3f
Description-gl: 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - debug
Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings
series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each
level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: rasmol-doc
Description-md5: bdc2d0c2e8e1d2656f02f05dedf22bfe
Description-gl: Documentación de rasmol
Extra documentation for Rasmol, a program to visualize biological
macromolecules. Included are the Rasmol manual in various formats, a
command reference card and a copy of the openrasmol website,
Package: rasterlite-dbg
Description-md5: db837d6d256f56ab1018e3b3aa7bba3b
Description-gl: library supporting raster data sources for spatialite - debugging symbols
librasterlite is a library supporting raster data sources within a
SpatiaLite DataBase, and any releated command-line management tool.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de librasterlite e
Package: rawstudio
Description-md5: 2d8caa57a3f44f307f55ebab5bbab7c3
Description-gl: Convertedor de imaxes RAW...
To get the best quality out of your digital camera, it is often
recommended that you record your pictures in RAW format. This format is
mostly specific to a camera and cannot be read by most image editing
Rawstudio will convert your RAW files into JPEG, PNG or TIF images. It has
a graphical user interface, so you can simply open a RAW file and
experiment with the controls to see how they effect the image.
The normal workflow would be that you first convert your RAW files and
then use an image editing application to further work on your images.
Rawstudio itself is a highly specialized application for processing RAW
images, not a fully featured image editing application.
Package: rawtherapee-data
Description-md5: 817186c046a43f15305ad676c5e8e334
Description-gl: raw image converter and digital photo processor (data files)
RawTherapee is an advanced program for developing raw photos and for
processing non-raw photos. It is non-destructive, makes use of OpenMP,
supports all the cameras supported by dcraw and carries out its
calculations in a high precision 32bit floating point engine. RawTherapee
supports JPEG, PNG, and TIFF as output format for processed photos.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: ray-doc
Description-md5: 4f2593c1495e0c56f2c06234cb296576
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación
Ray is a parallel software that computes de novo genome assemblies with
next-generation sequencing data. Ray is written in C++ and can run in
parallel on numerous interconnected computers using the message-passing
interface (MPI) standard. This sub-package includes documentation files.
Package: rdkit-doc
Description-md5: 093e81202b470fad4fa72b6a42a78813
Description-gl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (documentation)
RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software
environment. Features Include:
* Chemical reaction handling and transforms
* Substructure searching with SMARTS
* Canonical SMILES
* Molecule-molecule alignment
* Large number of descriptors
* Fragmentation using RECAP rules
* 2D coordinate generation and depiction
* 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding
* UFF forcefield
* Calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes
* Pharmacophore searching
* Calculation of shape similarity
* Atom pairs and topological torsions fingerprints
* Feature maps and feature-maps vectors
* Machine-learning algorithms
* Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation
File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit
binary format.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: recoll
Description-md5: c493c35ab0ec3b1513ea5bc2a65be1cd
Description-gl: Personal full text search package with a Qt GUI
Este paquete é un paquete de busca de texto completo persoal baseado unha
infraestrutura moi forte (Xapian), para a que fornece unha interface doada
de utilizar e chea de funcionalidades.
* Qt-based GUI
* Supports the following document types (and their compressed versions)
- Natively: text, html, OpenOffice files, maildir and mailbox (Mozilla and
IceDove mail) with attachments, pidgin log files
- With external helpers: pdf (pdftotext), postscript (ghostscript), msword
(antiword), excel, ppt (catdoc), rtf (unrtf)
* Powerful query facilities, with boolean searches, phrases, filter on file
types and directory tree
* Support for multiple charsets, Internal processing and storage uses Unicode
* Stemming performed at query time (can switch stemming language after
* Easy installation. No database daemon, web server or exotic language
* An indexer which runs either as a thread inside the GUI or as an external,
cron'able program
Package: redet-doc
Description-md5: a0b3bdade3d0ceed7ea4b71a7d20534a
Description-gl: regular expression development and execution tool (documentation)
Documentación da ferramenta Redet (desenvolvemento e execución de
expresións regulares).
Package: rednotebook
Description-md5: 2c5d0287f219b69997a0d03208fa8583
Description-gl: diario con calendario, modelos e busca de palabras chave
RedNotebook is a graphical diary and journal to keep track of notes and
thoughts throughout the day. It includes a calendar navigation,
customisable templates for each day, and a keyword search and cloud.
Package: ree
Description-md5: de40181878bd34b4718cbc50c8261389
Description-gl: Extract ROM extensions
ROM extension extractor (ree) is a tool which extracts ROM extensions from
the firmware of a PC computer. It can also extract font data from video
card ROMs.
Páxina web:
Package: rekonq-dbg
Description-md5: d54591f3e5bb4e156f58c25982294590
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do rekonq
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co rekonq. Son
empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co
Package: relational
Description-md5: 93f4c26999e5f549dc3c70e5e1e88924
Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (interface gráfica de usuario)
Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting
with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic.
This package provides a graphical user interface that can be used to
execute relational queries.
Package: relational-cli
Description-md5: fee13806478885574b9337aa5c052968
Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (interface para a liña de ordes)
Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting
with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic.
This package provides a command line interface that can be used to execute
relational queries.
Package: remuco-clementine
Description-md5: 2e883ff96aa9d1b659d9b06ac445363d
Description-gl: duplex remote control for media players - Clementine adapter
Remuco is a duplex remote control system for media players and mobile
devices equipped with Bluetooth or WiFi. It allows you to control your
favourite media player by switching to the next, previous, or any other
media within your current playlist, as well as browse your media library,
activate your other playlists, rate your media, adjust volume, and more.
On the mobile device, it displays information about the current media,
including cover art.
Este reprodutor contén o adaptador Remuco para o Clementine. O Clementine
é un reprodutor de música multiplataforma que se centra nunha interface
rápida e doada de utilizar para buscar e reproducir música.
Package: remuco-mplayer
Description-md5: 36cfe063cbec62336caa4156020c4122
Description-gl: duplex remote control for media players - MPlayer adapter
Remuco is a duplex remote control system for media players and mobile
devices equipped with Bluetooth or WiFi. It allows you to control your
favourite media player by switching to the next, previous, or any other
media within your current playlist, as well as browse your media library,
activate your other playlists, rate your media, adjust volume, and more.
On the mobile device, it displays information about the current media,
including cover art.
Este paquete contén o adaptador Remuco para MPlayer. O MPlayer é un
reprodutor de películas para os sistemas tipo Unix.
Package: remuco-vlc
Description-md5: 2f8f17bd56aad3bfaf57193db1186b1e
Description-gl: duplex remote control for media players - VLC adapter
Remuco is a duplex remote control system for media players and mobile
devices equipped with Bluetooth or WiFi. It allows you to control your
favourite media player by switching to the next, previous, or any other
media within your current playlist, as well as browse your media library,
activate your other playlists, rate your media, adjust volume, and more.
On the mobile device, it displays information about the current media,
including cover art.
Este paquete contén o adaptador Remuco para o VLC. O VLC é un reprodutor e
creador de fluxos de multimedia.
Package: rest-bench-dbg
Description-md5: 8de66bc6df7ab136d45e4370bf22abd1
Description-gl: RESTful bencher that can be used to benchmark radosgw performance
Simple tool to benchmark radosgw (or S3) (based on 'rados-bench' command).
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de rest-bench.
Package: retext
Description-md5: 37b08b8d51524d665413d19af6179942
Description-gl: Editor de texto sinxelo para Markdown e reStructuredText
ReText is a simple editor for Markdown and reStructuredText markup
ReText supports tabs, live text preview and syntax highlighting. Supported
export formats: HTML, ODT, PDF. It is also possible to write custom export
It is written in Python using Qt libraries.
Package: retext-wpgen
Description-md5: d3fdbccbd95a9ebfdebee77b30ad6572
Description-gl: Dummy transitional package
Este é un paquete transitorio e pódese desinstalar con seguranza. A
ferramenta wpgen fornécea agora o paquete «retex».
Package: ri-li
Description-md5: ee115ca83862cf87615d4ac242f93817
Description-gl: a toy train simulation game
Ri-Li is a game in which you drive a toy wood engine across many levels
and collect all the coaches to win.
Características completas:
- 14 linguas: árabe, bretón, chinés, inglés, esperanto, francés,
alemán, italiano, xaponés, portugués, ruso, eslovaco,
español, sueco.
- Motor de madeira animado colorido.
- 40 niveis nesta primeira versión
-3 e músicas lindas e moitos efectos de son.
Package: roaraudio-dbg
Description-md5: 6fa1a6de6577274f63095099b3bce7d4
Description-gl: RoarAudio sound server for audio mixing (debugging symbols)
RoarAudio is a server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio
from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a
soundcard). It is completely network transparent (UNIX sockets, TCP/IP,
DECnet) and supports many common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex or FLAC.
This packet consists of the following libraries: libroar: The RoarAudio
main library. It contains code for talking to roard, virtual IO functions
useful not only for audio applications, memory management functions like
buffers, lists, stacks.
libroardsp: Digital Signal Processing library. It contains code to work
with PCM signals including simple filters, converters and code to work
with some (realtime) codecs.
libroareio: This is the RoarAudio Extended IO library. It contains code
for talking to extended IO. Currently it contains code to talk to
soundcards without roard. This is not meant to be used by other
applications directly.
libroarlight: Light Control support library. It contains code to support
the usage of the light control subsystem.
libroarmidi: MIDI subsystem support library. It contains code to support
the usage of the MIDI subsystem.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do RoarAudio.
Package: roarplaylistd-dbg
Description-md5: 17b420ccf1513acb5dba68de278b2859
Description-gl: RoarAudio PlayList Daemon (RPLD) (debugging symbols)
RoarAudio PlayList Daemon is a audio player backend daemon handling
playlists. It stores playlists and plays files using RoarAudio as audio
The daemon can be controled using a simple protocol. It can listen on
UNIX, TCP and DECnet sockets.
File formats and codecs not supported by RoarAudio can be handled by using
a helper program.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do paquete roarplaylistd.
Package: robocode
Description-md5: 924054877293881c2e48c6112bf5ff72
Description-gl: Xogo de batallas de tanques programado con Java
Robocode is a Java programming game where the goal is to develop a robot
battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running
in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best,
destroy the rest!
Package: robojournal-doc
Description-md5: 00f361a7958bbcb3871022740cf00e18
Description-gl: cross-platform journal/diary tool - documentation
RoboJournal is a cross-platform journal/diary tool written in Qt/C++. It
works in conjunction with MySQL to allow the user to create journal
databases locally or on a remote server. RoboJournal emphasizes
streamlined, practical design plus ease-of-use.
RoboJournal runs on Windows and Linux.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación
Package: rocs
Description-md5: 4630339f2ebf0d533f4893ee0b27c1bd
Description-gl: graph theory IDE
Rocs aims to be a Graph Theory IDE for helping professors to show the
results of a graph algorithm and also helping students to do the
Rocs has a scripting module, done in Qt Script, that interacts with the
drawn graph and every change in the graph with the script is reflected on
the drawn one.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: rofs
Description-md5: 4fac3facb5561703a6a75cc062cd2a5f
Description-gl: Read-Only Filesystem for FUSE
rofs is a read-only filesystem that allows you to create a read-only
mountpoint of a read-write directory on your system.
Páxina web:
Package: root-system
Description-md5: ac9830fce31f26081d05c9a76fdc52fb
Description-gl: metapackage to install all ROOT packages
The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality
needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data efficiently.
With the data defined as a set of objects, specialized storage methods can
give direct access to the separate attributes of the selected objects,
without having to touch the bulk of the data. Included are histogramming
methods in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions, curve fitting, function evaluation,
minimization, graphics and visualization classes to allow the easy
creation of an analysis system that can query and process the data
interactively or in batch mode.
The command language, the scripting (or macro) language, and the
programming language are all C++, thanks to the built-in CINT C++
interpreter. This interpreter removes the time consuming compile/link
cycle, allowing for fast prototyping of the macros, and providing a good
environment to learn C++. If more performance is needed, the interactively
developed macros can be compiled using a C++ compiler.
The system has been designed in such a way that it can query its databases
in parallel on MPP machines or on clusters of workstations or high-end
PCs. ROOT is an open system that can be dynamically extended by linking
external libraries. This makes ROOT a premier platform on which to build
data acquisition, simulation and data analysis systems.
Este paquete é un metapaquete para asegurar a instalación de todos os
paquetes ROOT nun sistema.
Package: rosegarden
Description-md5: 5c65f29c7ed569642ec74021c668bc22
Description-gl: music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer
O Rosegarden é un aplicativo en Qt que fornece un secuenciador mixto de
son/MIDI (para reprodución e gravación), un editor multi-pista, edición
musical utilizando tanto pianola como partitura, entrada e saída de
ficheiros MIDI, exportación a ficheiros lilypond e Csound, etc.
Package: rosegarden-dbg
Description-md5: bf678702aa7e0959e112c751250d6c70
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Rosegarden
O Rosegarden é un aplicativo en Qt que fornece un secuenciador mixto de
son/MIDI (para reprodución e gravación), un editor multi-pista, edición
musical utilizando tanto pianola como partitura, entrada e saída de
ficheiros MIDI, exportación a ficheiros lilypond e Csound, etc.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: routeplanner
Description-md5: 580ca73138b5ee2c5ec1618f4ea3228a
Description-gl: A highway trip planner
This is a highway trip planning program, similar to programs like Rand
McNally's "TripMaker." It allows you to plan road trips between two or
more locations, using various interchangeable map files (or databases).
Currently, the program includes two databases covering North America; one
is fairly simplistic, and one is quite detailed. You can also create new
databases with the editor in the routeplanner-gnome package.
For retrocomputing nuts, this program traces its lineage back to a 1980s
program called "RoadRoute" written by Jim Butterfield for the Amiga.
AFAIK all of the code has been rewritten, but the Basic-USA database
included here is Jim's original dataset.
The package includes two console-based interfaces; for the GNOME interface
and the editor, you should install routeplanner-gnome as well.
Páxina web:
Package: routeplanner-gnome
Description-md5: 5ab5cb0d015e3616527ce51468c1f346
Description-gl: A highway trip planner (GNOME interface)
This is a highway trip planning program, similar to programs like Rand
McNally's "TripMaker." It allows you to plan road trips between two or
more locations, using various interchangeable map files (or databases).
Currently, the program includes two databases covering North America; one
is fairly simplistic, and one is quite detailed. You can also create new
databases with the included editor.
For retrocomputing nuts, this program traces its lineage back to a 1980s
program called "RoadRoute" written by Jim Butterfield for the Amiga.
AFAIK all of the code has been rewritten, but the Basic-USA database
included here is Jim's original dataset.
This package includes the GNOME interface and the database editor (which
also requires GNOME).
Páxina web:
Package: rpl
Description-md5: 9303c525f752fa416e26ae491d68a6f1
Description-gl: intelligent recursive search/replace utility
rpl is a text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new
strings in multiple text files. It can work recursively over directories
and supports limiting the search to specific file suffixes.
Páxina web:
Package: rrdcollect-dbg
Description-md5: 1aea791f716f4cc9ef3a5047d6cd205e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do rrdcollect
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do RRDcollect, o daemon que
obtén datos de determinadas fontes en base de datos RRD.
Package: rtai-doc
Description-md5: b3b2ef54e8641cee5cd2a708433dcd9d
Description-gl: Real Time Application Interface (documentation)
RTAI is a realtime extension with a broad variety of services which make
realtime programmers' lifes easier. Some of them are
choose between FIFO and RR scheduling policies on a per task basis.
extended POSIX APIs and message queues, in kernel and user space
semaphores can be typed as: counting, binary and resource
a mailbox implementation
LXRT for hard real time in user space
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: rubrica
Description-md5: 2ccf275501b6288de39c4a0d5ba8d881
Description-gl: An addressbook for the GNOME desktop
Rubrica stores personal data (first name, last name, etc.) web urls and
email addresses, telephone numbers (home, etc.), job data (company name,
company address, assignment in company), notes (contact is married, etc.).
Autor: Nicola Fragale Páxina web:
Package: ruby-albino
Description-md5: c3758ce1d00ea53f3cb1ec782af80595
Description-gl: Ruby wrapper for pygmentize
Albino is a ruby wrapper for python-pygmentize.
O Pygments pretende ser un realzador sintáctico xenérico para un uso xeral
en todo tipo de software, como nos sistemas de foros, wikis ou outros
aplicativos que precisen mostrar un código fonte xeitoso.
Package: ruby-atk-dbg
Description-md5: e924d7ccb8627623b6152833bee2754d
Description-gl: ATK bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
ATK is a toolkit providing accessibility interfaces for applications or
other toolkits. By implementing these interfaces, those other toolkits or
applications can be used with tools such as screen readers, magnifiers,
and other alternative input devices. This package contains libraries for
using ATK with the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-feedparser
Description-md5: e2606090a5da9cfaf6cdcd77ef8a6e48
Description-gl: Ruby library to parse ATOM/RSS feeds
Ruby-feedparser é unha biblioteca que permite que os desenvolvedores de
Ruby analicen fontes RSS e ATOM.
Package: ruby-gdk-pixbuf2-dbg
Description-md5: 89e39a9c6fe0bfb342e3280518b8feaa
Description-gl: Gdk-Pixbuf 2 bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
Gdk-Pixbuf is a library for loading and rendering images. This package
contains libraries for using Gdk-Pixbuf with the Ruby programming
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-gelf
Description-md5: 49f46cebcb8da945ae6585a238ff994d
Description-gl: Ruby GELF library - Graylog2 Extended Log Format library for Ruby
Library to send Graylog2 Extended Log Format (GELF) messages to an
Graylog2 logging server. Supports plain-text, GELF messages and
Consulte para máis información sobre o Graylog2.
Package: ruby-gio2-dbg
Description-md5: ce080c62f55272e8962b06b590369125
Description-gl: GIO bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
GIO is a I/O stack for GLIB/GTK+ applications. This package provides GIO
bindings to be used in Ruby programs.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-glib2-dbg
Description-md5: 71b46cff2566d90ba74be4d8212e06c1
Description-gl: Glib 2 bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
Glib is a useful general-purpose C library, notably used by GTK+ and
GNOME. This package contains libraries for using Glib with the Ruby
programming language. It is most likely useful in conjunction with Ruby
bindings for other libraries such as GTK+.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-goocanvas-dbg
Description-md5: d2d5d38461e3a483ae2cf774f5b4a8f5
Description-gl: GooCanvas bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library. This
package contains libraries for using the GtkSourceView2 text widget with
syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source code editor in
the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-gstreamer-dbg
Description-md5: 35b3a8059a2560405abb112e1b0657c7
Description-gl: GStreamer bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
GStreamer is a media processing framework with support for a wide variety
of data sources, sinks, and formats through the use of dynamically loaded
plugins. This package contains libraries for using GStreamer with the Ruby
programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-gtk2-dbg
Description-md5: cc8339954d69f5e363dfb4b1aa54d228
Description-gl: GTK+ bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
GTK+ is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. This package
contains libraries for using GTK+ with the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-gtksourceview2-dbg
Description-md5: 64a543e103ae73e8be94a6be8ef91aab
Description-gl: GtkSourceView2 bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
GTKSourceView2 is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ text
widget. This package contains libraries for using the GtkSourceView2 text
widget with syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source
code editor in the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-kde4-dbg
Description-md5: e30e2ff25116006e6b678e8e8661f17e
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración para as asociacións de ruby para KDE
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
the KDE Ruby bindings.
This is part of the Korundum module.
Package: ruby-pango-dbg
Description-md5: e1fce271a2282712dd581017f9a45392
Description-gl: Pango bindings for the Ruby language (debug symbols)
Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
internationalization. This package contains libraries for using Pango with
the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-poppler-dbg
Description-md5: 54badc3965b6caec978df0dd406994cd
Description-gl: Ruby bindinds for the libpoppler-glib library (debugging symbols)
Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on xpdf PDF viewer. This package
contains ruby bindings for Poppler.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-rsvg2-dbg
Description-md5: 89059731cbe68c4555d7f9fc7c1908a5
Description-gl: RSVG renderer bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
RSVG is a renderer for Scalable Vector Graphics image files. This package
contains libraries for using RSVG with the Ruby programming language.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: ruby-vegas
Description-md5: 98fa306d8b2b17e3d1d2971c5e44a3a5
Description-gl: Cree versións executábeis de aplicativos Sinatra/Rack
Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of
Sinatra/Rack apps. It includes a class Vegas::Runner that wraps
Rack/Sinatra applications and provides a simple command line interface and
launching mechanism.
Package: ruby-vte-dbg
Description-md5: 3ae5d26b79773577c364e4c20b39a230
Description-gl: VTE widget bindings for the Ruby language (debugging symbols)
VTE is a Ruby binding for the VTE terminal emulator widget for GTK+.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: rubygems-doc
Description-md5: 485647b792017da28f42567f05c993d7
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para rubygems
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
rubygems. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: rubygems1.8
Description-md5: 485647b792017da28f42567f05c993d7
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para rubygems
Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete
rubygems. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza.
Package: rxvt-unicode-ml
Description-md5: 8ed3168c7ff809b9956354205adb805c
Description-gl: multi-lingual terminal emulator -- transitional package
Este é un paquete transitorio que depende de rxvt-unicode. Anteriormente
algunhas funcionalidades estaban desactivadas no paquete normal porque
usaban máis memoria mesmo cando non se usaban e xa non se dá esta
situación. Todas as funcionalidades que antes só se activaban neste
paquete están dispoñíbeis agora en rxvt-unicode.
Package: s3d-dbg
Description-md5: 5890bf9ae5f935a21b2b6b19709e14bb
Description-gl: 3d network display server (debug files)
s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración.
Package: s3d-doc
Description-md5: 54b66bd159f86c4179217ea2a6e5440f
Description-gl: Documentación de s3d
s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop
This package provides documentation for s3d.
Package: s3ql-dbg
Description-md5: fe894f3cfa6d836661acc90f3319151b
Description-gl: Full-featured file system for online data storage (debugging symbols)
S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online. It supports online
storage services like Amazon S3 as well as arbitrary FTP or SFTP servers.
It effectively provides you with a hard disk of infinite capacity that can
be accessed from any computer with internet access.
S3QL has been designed mainly for backup and archival purposes and many of
its features are especially geared towards this. However, since S3QL is
providing a standard UNIX file system, it can in principle be used for any
other application as well.
S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and
feature-richness. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable
and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error handling have
been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes with extensive
automated test cases for all its components.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración, así mo a extensión
construída para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2.
Package: sagasu
Description-md5: fcc02456ff85131adee7c487822be0fc
Description-gl: Ferramenta GNOME para encontrar cadeas nun conxunto de ficheiros
The user specifies the search directory and the set of files to be
searched. Double-clicking on a search result launches a user command that
can for example load the file in an editor at the appropriate line. The
search can optionally ignore CVS directories.
Package: sanduhr
Description-md5: 6dd345c9ea2cfc6a8e206484db2aca66
Description-gl: An alarm clock designed as an hourglass
Sanduhr is an alarm clock for the X Window System which uses (and
requires) the GNOME desktop environment. It has an extensive manual and a
complete CORBA interface.
Páxina web:
Package: sane
Description-md5: 2f448d14f906e21875602c8f002bcd5d
Description-gl: scanner graphical frontends
Este paquete inclúe:
o xscanimage, unha interface gráfica para escáneres con compatibilidade co GIMP 2.0
o scanadf, unha interface para a liña de ordes para escáneres con Alimentador automático de documentos
o xcam, para adquirir imaxes continuamente desde cámaras.
An alternative to xscanimage called xsane is packaged separately.
The scanner frontends use SANE. SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy"
and is an application programming interface (API) that provides
standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner,
hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The
SANE standard is free and its discussion and development are open to
everybody. The current source code is written to support several operating
systems, including GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is
available under the GNU General Public License (commercial applications
and backends are welcome, too, however).
Package: saods9-doc
Description-md5: 9033303dc0f6d2f7e4e5a685c01be4e0
Description-gl: Image display tool for astronomy (help files/documentation)
SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization
application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame
buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It
provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly
configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.
Este paquete contén a documentación e páxinas de axuda.
Package: savi
Description-md5: e4d4620f7bb2a625397199aabecb3a25
Description-gl: Visualización de constelacións de satélites
SaVi permite simular órbitas de satélites e a súa cobertura en dúas e tres
dimensións. SaVi é especialmente útil para simular constelacións de
satélites como Iridium e Globalstar.
SaVi can use Geomview, an optional but useful package, for 3D rendering.
Package: sawfish-dbg
Description-md5: 7452c170b116630a6734c4d3a44bb9c1
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do sawfish
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas
sawfish. Non é necesario para o funcionamento normal do paquete.
Install it if you need to debug problems in sawfish. You will also almost
certainly need sawfish-lisp-source in that case.
Package: sblim-wbemcli-dbg
Description-md5: aa62e594d08b365723e02a09a230327d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do sblim-wbemcli
The WBEM Command Line Interface is a standalone, convenient systems
management utility for CIMOM access. Invocation and output syntax are
problem-oriented and easy to process by shell and Perl scripts, making
wbemcli well suited for administrators writing their own management
scripts and for WBEM developers wanting to test their providers.
WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management) is a successor of SNMP and the
basis of SMI-S (Storage Management Initiative - a standard interface to
storage devices). CIM (Common Information Model, the data model of WBEM)
has a much wider scope, thus more ambitious projects like OpenPegasus
exist, but this simple utility from the SBLIM project is enough to query
disk and RAID states of SMI-S compatible storage products from their CIM
Object Manager, for example.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do sblim-wbemcli.
Package: sbnc-dbg
Description-md5: 6e102075b4f9f746a136653791492e7a
Description-gl: Proxy de IRC para varios usuarios (símbolos de depuración)
shroudBNC (short: sbnc) is an modular IRC proxy for multiple users. Its
main features are SSL support for both IRC and client connections, client
certificates with passwordless authentication, IPv6 support, asynchronous
dns resolving, built-in flood protection and module support. shroudBNC
comes with many useful Tcl scripts, but you are able to write your own,
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de sbnc, sbnc-tcl e sbnc-
Package: scantailor
Description-md5: 785c6d1ca877f140bfdb152cbed2f767
Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva de postprocesamento de imaxes dixitalizadas
Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It
performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing
borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages ready to be
printed or assembled into a PDF or DJVU file. Scanning, optical character
recognition, and assembling multi-page documents are out of scope of this
Package: scheme2c-doc
Description-md5: 488c26dc4781ffde93d45ccca5ba046e
Description-gl: Documentación do sistema Scheme->C
The documentation that accompanies the Scheme->C system includes a
programmer's guide, tutorial, and a copy of the R4RS specification.
Package: schroot-dbg
Description-md5: e923048b9226a863a4db19dba9b7b955
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de schroot, dchroot e dchroot-dsa
sbuild provides facilities to manage and access chroots, as part of
schroot allows users to execute commands or interactive shells in
different chroots. Any number of named chroots may be created, and access
permissions given to each, including root access for normal users, on a
per-user or per-group basis. Additionally, schroot can switch to a
different user in the chroot, using PAM for authentication and
authorisation. All operations are logged for security.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos paquetes schroot,
dchroot and dchroot-dsa.
Package: scidavis
Description-md5: 4ccf0b672da47937ca5f8a055dbaf1bd
Description-gl: aplicativo para a análise e visualización de datos científicos
SciDAVis is a free interactive application aimed at data analysis and
publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an
intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features
such as scriptability and extensibility.
SciDAVis is similar in its field of application to proprietary Windows
applications like Origin and SigmaPlot as well as free applications like
QtiPlot, Labplot and Gnuplot.
What sets SciDAVis apart from the above is its emphasis on providing a
friendly and open environment for new and experienced users alike.
Package: science-astronomy
Description-md5: c1de0522b86b92ad272429ef6d2dd2f1
Description-gl: Debian Science Astronomy packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa
astronomia. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::astronomy e,
dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-astronomy.
Package: science-chemistry
Description-md5: 9277c2851998d90846d1e6ab4e1a86b0
Description-gl: Debian Science Chemistry packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados co
química. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::chemistry e, dependendo
dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-chemistry.
Package: science-electronics
Description-md5: 9430b39704b7c17be3969625fdf554a8
Description-gl: Debian Science Electronics packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa
electrónica. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::electronics e,
dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-electronics.
Package: science-geography
Description-md5: fba06c418ed266efef128294178e8b31
Description-gl: Debian Science Geography packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa
xeografía. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::geography e,
dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-geography.
Package: science-highenergy-physics
Description-md5: 9a47d6425e6fd35b16a2f15f23f61d89
Description-gl: Debian Science High Energy Physics packages
This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to High
Energy Physics, which is a branch of physics that studies the elementary
subatomic constituents of matter and radiation, and their interactions.
The field is also called Particle Physics.
Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus
intereses, os paquetes physics e education-physics.
Package: science-mathematics
Description-md5: 9fee3b99223e690652e284417cf1ffe0
Description-gl: Debian Science Mathematics packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados
coas matemáticas. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::mathematics e,
dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-mathematics.
Package: science-nanoscale-physics
Description-md5: c0a5287377999ec2a37a6e0db43105a4
Description-gl: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics packages
This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Nanoscale
Physics, which corresponds to the study of physical systems typically
ranging from 1 to 100 nm in size. The properties of such systems usually
depend on the number of atoms they are made of, while this number is still
relatively large for an accurate description.
The nanoscale is the meeting point of classical and quantum physics.
Previous research efforts were considering either smaller systems, for
which everybody could develop their own methods and software
independently, or much bigger systems, for which it was clearly impossible
to provide a fine-grained description. Addressing the issues raised by the
nanoscale requires however cooperative and coordinated efforts in a
multidisciplinary context. This metapackage is part of such an endeavor.
Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus
intereses, os paquetes physics e education-physics.
Package: science-nanoscale-physics-dev
Description-md5: 3a5eb018325a4dc712eb23d108bf8a45
Description-gl: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics development packages
This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
helpful for the development of applications for Nanoscale Physics.
Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus
intereses, os paquetes nanoscale-physics, physics e education-physics.
Package: science-physics
Description-md5: 673b149dddb600171f4a9edd22d38210
Description-gl: Debian Science Physics packages
Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa
física. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos
seus intereses, o metapaquete education-physics.
Package: scilab
Description-md5: 36b280660db0e407caf724c273ac9413
Description-gl: Paquete de software científico para o cálculo numérico
Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains
hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures
(including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and
comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing,
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid
dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled
and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics
needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems
(automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
Package: scilab-full-bin-dbg
Description-md5: f646118f9b4300a5ac7a76f1b820c08d
Description-gl: Paquete de software científico (símbolos de depuración do scilab)
Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains
hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures
(including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and
comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing,
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración específicos da arquitectura.
Package: scilab-minimal-bin-dbg
Description-md5: 15a13813ebc3924decc3059f432bb045
Description-gl: Paquete de software científico (símbolos de depuración do scilab-cli)
Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains
hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures
(including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and
comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing,
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid
dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled
and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics
needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems
(automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración específicos da arquitectura.
Package: scim-dev
Description-md5: d2c1f13303b65ddee6ba9df222b092b1
Description-gl: development files for SCIM platform
SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform.
Este paquete é un metapaquete para fornecer as bibliotecas de
desenvolvemento e a documentación da plataforma SCIM.
For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim
Package: scons-doc
Description-md5: d89bb50de4b02edebd0b085a312f45c7
Description-gl: Documentación do SCons, un substituto do Make
SCons is a make replacement providing a range of enhanced features such as
automated dependency generation and built in compilation cache support.
SCons rule sets are Python scripts so as well as the features it provides
itself SCons allows you to use the full power of Python to control
This package provides the SCons User's guide.
Package: scorched3d
Description-md5: 6dcd210eaa13f271d3ae444175db563d
Description-gl: Xogo tridimensional de artillería similar a Scorched Earth
Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
"The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features a 3D
island environment and LAN and internet play.
Package: screenlets
Description-md5: 400f613905b7f6a4fa2e0af52b05bb9b
Description-gl: Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME
Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in Python) that can
be described as "the virtual representation of things lying/standing
around on your desk". Sticky notes, clocks, rulers, ... the possibilities
are endless.
The goal of the Screenlets base-classes is to simplify the creation of
fully themable mini-apps that each solve basic desktop-work-related needs
and generally improve the usability and eye-candy of the modern composited
* Aplicativos reais, non «trebellos» de HTML
* Doado de utilizar, doado de desenvolver
* Acepta totalmente a composición
* funciona con calquera escritorio de X con composición (compiz, xfce4,...)
* funciona tamén en escritorios sen composición
* Inclúe a capacidade de aplicar temas (SVG, PNG ou mesturados)
* Escalabilidade total cando usa SVG
* Arrastrar e soltar incorporado
* Almacenamento automático das opcións (empregando ini ou GConf)
* Controlábel mediante o servizo D-Bus personalizábel
* Pódese empregar conxuntamente co widget-plugin de compiz para crear
unha funcionalidade tipo Panel como o do OS X
* Emprega Cairo e GTK2 para debuxar e xestionar as xanelas
Package: scribus
Description-md5: dac2459e62b66ab9dc5aedcf93ca23cd
Description-gl: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - stable branch
O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de
producir saída de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript, primariamente -
aínda que non exclusivamente - para Linux.
O Scribus pódese utilizar para moitas tarefas, desde o deseño de folletos
a xornais, revistas, boletíns e posters a documentación técnica. Conta con
funcionalidades de deseño de páxinas sofisticadas, como colocación
precisa, rotación do texto e as imaxes na páxina, kerning manual, curvas
de Bézier, polígonos, colocación precisa dos obxectos, capas con cores
personalizadas RGB e CMYK. O formato de documento do Scribus está baseado
en XML. Ao contrario dos formatos de ficheiro binarios privativos, é
posíbel recuperar até os documentos danados cun simple editor de texto.
Scribus admite características de edición profesional, como cores CMYK e
un sistema de xestión da cor que permite realizar probas sobre as imaxes
para imprimir en cor en alta calidade, opcións de creación de PDF
flexíbeis, importación e exportación de PostScript encapsulado e creación
de catro separacións de cores, importación de EPS/PS e SVG como gráficos
vectoriais nativos, texto Unicode, incluíndo escritas de dereita a
esquerda, como o árabe e o hebreo mediante freetype. Os formatos gráficos
que se poden colocar no Scribus como imaxes inclúen PDF, Post Script
encapsulado (eps), TIPP, JPEG, PNG e XPixMap(xpm) e calquera tipo de mapa
de bits admitido por QT4.
A impresión e a creación de PDF e SVG fanse mediante bibliotecas de
controladores personalizadas e engadidos, o que lle proporciona
funcionalidades inventivas: a capacidade de incluír efectos de
presentación coa saída a PDF, formularios en PDF completamente
interactivos e con scripts, saída a ficheiros de gráficos vectoriais SVG.
Os controladores de impresión internos admiten completamente as
características de postscript dos niveis 2 e 3 de PDF 1.4, incluídas a
transparencia e a incrustación de tipos de letra.
When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas,
is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently
used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames.
Package: scribus-doc
Description-md5: fa445290a28661778947f11935a34f74
Description-gl: non-free documentation for Scribus
Esta é a documentación orixinal da rede de
reformatada para o navegador de axuda.
Package: scribus-ng
Description-md5: a6f0dd5d5c91a50ae9ff1babd9c5d920
Description-gl: Transitional dummy package for the 1.4.0 Scribus release
Esta é a póla en desenvolvemento d Scribus - o programa de maquetación de
código aberto. Este paquete está pensado para seguir o ritmo rápido de
desenvolvemento do Scribus para pór as funcionalidades novas a disposición
de quen as precise. Non empregue este paquete se a estabilidade é o seu
requisito principal ou se pretende volver ao paquete «scribus» estábel
1.3.3.x nalgún momento, xa que os formatos de ficheiro son incompatíbeis.
Este paquete é só para quen precise das funcionalidades máis avanzadas e
poida enfrontarse a crebas e perdas de datos e enviar informes de erro.
O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de
producir saída de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript, primariamente -
aínda que non exclusivamente - para Linux.
O Scribus pódese utilizar para moitas tarefas, desde o deseño de folletos
a xornais, revistas, boletíns e posters a documentación técnica. Conta con
funcionalidades de deseño de páxinas sofisticadas, como colocación
precisa, rotación do texto e as imaxes na páxina, kerning manual, curvas
de Bézier, polígonos, colocación precisa dos obxectos, capas con cores
personalizadas RGB e CMYK. O formato de documento do Scribus está baseado
en XML. Ao contrario dos formatos de ficheiro binarios privativos, é
posíbel recuperar até os documentos danados cun simple editor de texto.
Scribus admite características de edición profesional, como cores CMYK e
un sistema de xestión da cor que permite realizar probas sobre as imaxes
para imprimir en cor en alta calidade, opcións de creación de PDF
flexíbeis, importación e exportación de PostScript encapsulado e creación
de catro separacións de cores, importación de EPS/PS e SVG como gráficos
vectoriais nativos, texto Unicode, incluíndo escritas de dereita a
esquerda, como o árabe e o hebreo mediante freetype. Os formatos gráficos
que se poden colocar no Scribus como imaxes inclúen PDF, Post Script
encapsulado (eps), TIPP, JPEG, PNG e XPixMap(xpm) e calquera tipo de mapa
de bits admitido por QT4.
A impresión e a creación de PDF e SVG fanse mediante bibliotecas de
controladores personalizadas e engadidos, o que lle proporciona
funcionalidades inventivas: a capacidade de incluír efectos de
presentación coa saída a PDF, formularios en PDF completamente
interactivos e con scripts, saída a ficheiros de gráficos vectoriais SVG.
Os controladores de impresión internos admiten completamente as
características de postscript dos niveis 2 e 3 de PDF 1.4, incluídas a
transparencia e a incrustación de tipos de letra.
When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas,
is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently
used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames.
Package: scribus-template
Description-md5: e88a419c7c6bbfc970a7a1159c736342
Description-gl: modelos adicionais para o scribus
Estes modelos distribúense adicionalmente aos tres modelos de exemplo
presentes no paquete principal de scribus. Algúns deles foron preparados
por membros do equipo principal de desenvolvemento do Scribus e algúns
foron aportacións dos membros da comunidade.
Sitio web:
Package: scrollkeeper
Description-md5: 340995a1931b2e725bf2616676702f67
Description-gl: Paquete transitivo de Scrollkeeper
Este paquete baleiro está deseñado para facilitar as actualizacións de
sistemas que teñan o Scrollkeeper instalado. Instalará o seu substituto,
denominado Rarian, no seu canto.
Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco.
Package: sdate
Description-md5: ffdf4f0384fd4a15eb161b474b28d6ae
Description-gl: never ending September date
sdate wraps the libc localtime() and gmtime() functions to output the
eternal september 1993 date.
sdate works like fakeroot (on which its code is based) by setting
LD_PRELOAD to a wrapper library.
Package: sdlbasic-dbg
Description-md5: 0fa9712cd2fd3acb946fc00fc339c28e
Description-gl: BASIC interpreter for game development - debug symbols
sdlBasic is a small, efficient and multiplatform BASIC interpreter for
creating games using the power of SDL library. It was inspired by the old
and glorious AMOS.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de sdlBasic.
Package: searchandrescue-common
Description-md5: 4ced87b93ca74ec2586ebe683ca41989
Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns e documentación de searchandrescue
Tired of scores indicating things destroyed or lives snuffed? Try
something different -- fly a helicopter around and rescue people in
distress. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to rescue you?
Este paquete contén a documentación e os ficheiros independentes da
arquitectura (comúns).
Package: semantik
Description-md5: 7eae983f6a4c4ed448dd07cb2a0b434e
Description-gl: ferramenta para crear mapas mentais para KDE
Semantik is a mindmapping-like tool to help students to produce
complicated documents very quickly and efficiently: presentations,
dissertations, thesis, reports. While targeted mostly at students,
Semantik can also help teachers, decision maker, engineers and
Package: sensors-applet
Description-md5: 1980c33a23c0b1aa06ab8720339fd894
Description-gl: Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel
GNOME Sensors Applet is an applet for the GNOME panel that displays
readings from hardware sensors, including temperatures, fan speeds and
voltage readings.
Pode reunir datos procedentes de diversas fontes:
* Zonas térmicas de ACPI a través dos módulos de ACPI do kernel Linux
* Módulos de i2c do kernel Linux
* Sensores lm (libsensors)
* Módulo i8k do kernel Linux (para os portátiles Dell Inspiron)
* Módulo ibm-acpi do kernel Linux
* Módulos therm_adt746x e therm_windtunnel para Power PC do kernel Linux
* Módulo Windfarm de iMac G5 do kernel Linux
* Daemon hddtemp para ler temperaturas de discos duros que conten con S.M.A.R.T.
* Módulo Omnibook do kernel Linux
* Placas gráficas de NVIDIA (fornecidas con nvidia-settings)
* Módulo sonypi do kernel Linux (para os portátiles Sony Vaio)
Alarms can be set for each sensor to notify the user once a certain high
or low value has been reached, and can be configured to execute a given
command at given repeated intervals.
Package: serd-dbg
Description-md5: ff8dbf2f3999b666140768b80021403d
Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira de sintaxe RDF - símbolos de depuración
Serd is a lightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and
writing Turtle and NTriples.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de serd.
Package: sgf2dg
Description-md5: c41d9f924b693b1255f433a0b966655c
Description-gl: Creates TeX files from Go game records
O Go é un xogo de taboleiro do lonxano oriente e TeX é un programa de
formatación de texto. sgf2dg converte os rexistros do xogo Go no formato
smart-go (SGF) en ficheiros de TeX. Pódense producir copias preparadas
para imprimir para libros e revistas ou simplemente xerar impresións
atractivas das partidas do Go que xogue na Internet.
sgf2dg includes the Metafont sources for a new set of Go fonts, and a
script, sgf2dg (formerly sgf2tex), which translates files in sgf-format
into TeX.
Package: sgml-base-doc
Description-md5: b5c6491c66dbf62f81c12c7540aade6a
Description-gl: Documentación de sgml-base
This package contains the documentation for sgml-base, providing the SGML
infrastructure directories and catalog file support, in HTML, PDF and
plain text format.
Package: sgml-spell-checker
Description-md5: 2ac8c4622104472e9bb2e86d303c9bf0
Description-gl: spell checker for SGML documents
This package includes a couple of tools that you can use to automatically
spell-check your SGML documents. One of the advantages of this tool over
some other SGML-aware spell checkers is that it scans your documents in
the form in which the SGML parser actually sees it, which means it is not
line-based, system entities are resolved, marked sections are treated
appropriately, etc.
Also, this tool can be made aware of particular DTDs, in the sense that it
knows not to spell-check the content of elements that do not represent
human-language text, such as in DocBook. An exclusion
list for the DocBook DTD is included, others can be added trivially.
Páxina web:
Package: shiboken-dbg
Description-md5: 66bb5f354e83d06efa2b3d677ad6db47
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do shiboken e da súa biblioteca
Shiboken is a bindings generator for C++ libraries that outputs CPython
source code. It collects information from library headers, and then merges
modifications and handwritten code defined in the typesystem description.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de shiboken e libshiboken.
Package: shishi-dbg
Description-md5: 0c33ad20c7c7a80f58fa7bf7a437b7ec
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Shishi
Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication
This package contains detached debugging information. Most people will
not need this package. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace
with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core
dumps. GDB will find this debug information automatically.
Package: shishi-doc
Description-md5: 55510abea3e97ecd29d470df89570020
Description-gl: Documentación de Shishi
Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication
This package contain the user, reference and developers manual in HTML,
PDF and Info formats, and API reference as man pages, GTK-DOC and Devhelp.
Package: showq
Description-md5: 159c2aaca9ee6dd484e90a428f606df0
Description-gl: Reprodutor de son MIDI controlábel
Application that can play audio cues and trigger MIDI events primarily
developed for theatre productions.
* 8 channels per_cue routing.
* Playback through ALSA or JACK.
* Load/Save cue list.
* Hot key for any cue.
* Application controllable by MIDI.
Package: showq-dbg
Description-md5: 0aa2d2334d6bb7d22856834b3d3b9bf7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do showq
Application that can play audio cues and trigger MIDI events primarily
developed for theatre productions.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: signon-plugin-ubuntuone
Description-md5: 0fa3f3c6a7fd25b3c947dffbbac370e1
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - engadido de acceso
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes an authentication plug-in for the signon daemon.
Package: silan
Description-md5: 6ba4523bd0304549000ef582f006b1f6
Description-gl: commandline tool to detect silence in audio-files
Silan is a standalone application to analyze audio files for silence and
print ranges of detected signals.
It supports a variety of audio-formats and codecs by making use of
libsndfile and ffmpeg/libav for reading audio-data.
O limiar dos sinais e o tempo de agarda pódense configurar libremente. A
saída pode ser formatada con mostras ou segundos como unidade ou impresa
como ficheiro de etiqueta do audacity.
Package: similarity-tester
Description-md5: 49b228f8bc259ef8e040080eca2d1c2a
Description-gl: Find lexical similarities between files
Atopar similaridades léxicas entextos en C, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, Lisp,
Miranda e linguas naturais. Pódese empregar para detectar fragmentos de
código potencialmente duplicados en proxectos grandes de software e para
detectar plaxios en proxectos de software e baseados en texto, educativos
ou non.
Package: simon-data
Description-md5: 5e3105ba97c15d1e7ffe19ca151c1dab
Description-gl: open-source speech recognition program - data files
Simon is an open-source speech recognition program and replaces the mouse
and keyboard. It is in development for physically disabled people and
seniors to give them the possibility to chat, to write e-mails, to surf
the internet, to do internet-banking and much more. It is designed to be
very flexible and allows customization for any application where speech
recognition is needed.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: simplyhtml-doc
Description-md5: 70339323c6a03011657ec8c315eae2f6
Description-gl: Documentación da API de simplyhtml
The javadoc for SimplyHTML, a Java word processor based on HTML and CSS.
You need this package if you want to include simplyhtml in your (Java)
Package: simutrans
Description-md5: 8d66155bcabd9bfd04ff85ccb2634987
Description-gl: Simulador de transporte
Simutrans is a free transportation simulator: The player operates a
transportation company and has to transport goods and passengers between
factories and different cities.
Package: simutrans-data
Description-md5: 00fd9cfaf129060943b68e89e7bf49f9
Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (datos base)
Simutrans is a free transportation simulator: The player operates a
transportation company and has to transport goods and passengers between
factories and different cities.
This package contains the base data.
Package: simutrans-pak128.britain
Description-md5: 93ca3f5f0a84ac05b8127b344331998b
Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de datos)
Simutrans is a free transportation simulator: The player operates a
transportation company and has to transport goods and passengers between
factories and different cities.
This package contains the pak128.Britain data set which includes British
vehicles and buildings.
Package: simutrans-pak64
Description-md5: ce7fd9f3062b8980e6e064e9e7b574f5
Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de datos)
Simutrans is a free transportation simulator: The player operates a
transportation company and has to transport goods and passengers between
factories and different cities.
This package contains the PAK64 data set.
Package: sineshaper
Description-md5: a48cf5b266168fb3aa3ae6f081be8f14
Description-gl: Engadido de sintetizador monofónico con dous osciladores e xeradores de onda
A monophonic synth plugin that sends the sound from two sine oscillators
through two sine waveshapers in series. You can control the vibrato,
tremolo, portamento, the tuning of both oscillators, the oscillator mix,
and the shape amount (total and split over both shapers). There is also an
ADSR envelope generator that can control the total shape amount and the
amplification (with controllable sensitivity for both), an LFO for the
total shape amount, and a feedback delay. The shape amount and
amplification is velocity sensitive, and the "Mod Wheel" MIDI controller
is bound to the total shape amount.
This is a development version, so things will probably change - don't use
this plugin in a patch or song and expect later versions to work in the
same way.
Package: skalibs-dev
Description-md5: 572c8a28e45811a04c58de4c283da096
Description-gl: Public domain general-purpose libraries
skalibs is a set of general-purpose, low-level C libraries, all in the
public domain. It can replace or hide the standard C library to some
extent, and is designed to allow building of small, static binaries.
Consulte para máis
Package: skalibs-doc
Description-md5: 1df071cefe65ae42681addf8ae776130
Description-gl: Public domain general-purpose libraries (documentation)
skalibs is a set of general-purpose, low-level C libraries, all in the
public domain. It can replace or hide the standard C library to some
extent, and is designed to allow building of small, static binaries.
This package contains the documentation for the libraries.
Consulte para máis
Package: skanlite-dbg
Description-md5: 818881c628c3f3359cba4bb03adec910
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Skanlite
Skanlite is a small and simple scanner application for KDE 4 which allows
easy scanning of images with an attached scanner. Through the KSane
backend, it can access a wide variety of different scanner models.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: slimevolley
Description-md5: 3d6f5eb06ab669e6ae7c002a24492443
Description-gl: simulación irreal de volea en 2D
Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit
of some Java games of the same name. Two teams, 1-3 players each, try to
be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the
floor on the other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game.
Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one for
changing its skin.
Package: sludge-doc
Description-md5: 6723c9d3b37acb41fdeea91cf2a99f9a
Description-gl: Documentación do SLUDGE
SLUDGE is an open source adventure game engine. It combines a scripting
language with IDE tools.
This package contains the documentation, including an example project.
Package: slv2-doc
Description-md5: fdf25247c88473d0443f7b59b7f64b11
Description-gl: Documentación de SLV2
Man pages documenting the SLV2 API. SLV2 is a library geared towards music
and audio applications which makes the use of LV2 plugins as simple as
possible. LV2 is a standard for plugins and matching host applications,
mainly targeted at audio processing and generation.
This package contains the API documentation for libslv2.
Package: sm
Description-md5: 91fe8f689d157fbba591713d7e201f4d
Description-gl: Mostra un texto corto en toda a pantalla
Screen Message will display a given multi-line message as large as
possible, fullscreen and black on white. You can specify the text either
when launching sm, or edit it while the program is running.
It is useful to send messages across a room, e.g. during an university
lecture. For fast startup, it is recommended to bind it to a key in your
Desktop Environment.
Package: sma
Description-md5: 76ba18e18aecad8f99f7369db8c3a35a
Description-gl: Sendmail log analyser
SMA is a program that analyses Sendmail log entries.
- Support for all recent Sendmail versions
- Flexible output formatting - HTML, ASCII and a custom log
- Regular expression filtering of messages
- Multiple hosts in the same report
Package: smartdoc-doc
Description-md5: 1424879acbe1e905ac633d43a4df450f
Description-gl: Documentación de smartdoc
It can convert SmartDoc format document to HTML4.0, HTML3.2, LaTeX2e,
JavaHelp and plain text. By using the same document, possible to open by
WWW, high quality printing by LaTeX, authoring online document for
JavaHelp and plain text for delivery via email.
Paquete de documentación.
Package: smartdoc-src
Description-md5: d974dc52bbcb082039c1efab3bcc58a9
Description-gl: java sources for smartdoc
It can convert SmartDoc format document to HTML4.0, HTML3.2, LaTeX2e,
JavaHelp and plain text. By using the same document, possible to open by
WWW, high quality printing by LaTeX, authoring online document for
JavaHelp and plain text for delivery via email.
Paquete de orixe.
Package: smplayer
Description-md5: b34cce5ac7701f70f91076ee4fc983d3
Description-gl: Interface completa para o MPlayer e o MPlayer2
Interface gráfica do MPlayer feita en Qt con funcionalidades básicas como
reproducir vídeos, DVD e VCD até outras máis avanzadas, como poder
empregar os filtros do MPlayer e máis. Unha das características máis
interesantes do SMPlayer: lembra a configuración de todos os ficheiros que
se reproducen. Así que comezamos a ver unha película e hai que parar...
non se preocupe: cando abra esa película de novo retómase no mesmo punto
en que se deixou e coa mesma configuración: pista de son, subtítulos,
Package: smplayer-themes
Description-md5: b0d44c8c24e97b47940503c74254de0b
Description-gl: Interface completa para o MPlayer - temas das iconas
Interface do MPlayer feita en Qt con funcionalidades básicas como
reproducir vídeos, DVD e VCD até outras máis avanzadas, como poder
empregar os filtros do MPlayer e máis. Unha das características máis
interesantes do SMPlayer: lembra a configuración de todos os ficheiros que
se reproducen. Así que comezamos a ver unha película e hai que parar...
non se preocupe: cando abra esa película de novo retómase no mesmo punto
en que se deixou e coa mesma configuración: pista de son, subtítulos,
This package contains additional icon themes.
Package: smplayer-translations
Description-md5: 786c3b108a0e8d299f1335a4ae1b6896
Description-gl: Interface completa para o MPlayer e o MPlayer 2 - ficheiros de tradución
Interface gráfica do MPlayer feita en Qt con funcionalidades básicas como
reproducir vídeos, DVD e VCD até outras máis avanzadas, como poder
empregar os filtros do MPlayer e máis. Unha das características máis
interesantes do SMPlayer: lembra a configuración de todos os ficheiros que
se reproducen. Así que comezamos a ver unha película e hai que parar...
non se preocupe: cando abra esa película de novo retómase no mesmo punto
en que se deixou e coa mesma configuración: pista de son, subtítulos,
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución.
Package: socklog
Description-md5: d530f10d1647e8bfab9023375dc93ee5
Description-gl: system and kernel logging services (programs)
socklog cooperates with the runit package to create a small and secure
replacement for syslogd. socklog supports system logging through Unix
domain sockets (/dev/log), UDP sockets (, as well as TCP
socket, with the help of runit's runsvdir, runsv, and svlogd. socklog
provides a different network logging concept, and also does log event
notification. svlogd has built in log file rotation based on file size,
so there is no need for any cron jobs to rotate the logs. socklog is
small, secure, and reliable.
Consulte para máis información.
This package contains the socklog programs.
Package: socklog-run
Description-md5: cc2e4012a9736dc81e5ad65f9eaceaf2
Description-gl: system and kernel logging services
socklog cooperates with the runit package to create a small and secure
replacement for syslogd. socklog supports system logging through Unix
domain sockets (/dev/log), UDP sockets (, as well as TCP
socket, with the help of runit's runsvdir, runsv, and svlogd. socklog
provides a different network logging concept, and also does log event
notification. svlogd has built in log file rotation based on file size,
so there is no need for any cron jobs to rotate the logs. socklog is
small, secure, and reliable.
Consulte para máis información.
This package sets up the socklog-unix and socklog-klog services to provide
a system log service and kernel log service respectively.
Package: software-properties-kde
Description-md5: 802131db1bfc5c65f1ddb3c667741fd3
Description-gl: manage the repositories that you install software from (kde)
Este programa fornece unha abstracción dos repositorios de apt empregados.
Permítelle xestionar de xeito doado a súa distribución e as orixes dos
programas de provedores independentes.
This package contains a Qt/KDE based graphical interface.
Package: sogo-dbg
Description-md5: c6570821cca77393ec995c27d22da316
Description-gl: Scalable groupware server - debugging symbols
SOGo is a groupware server built around (OGo) and the
SOPE application server with focus on scalability.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do SOGo
Package: solfege
Description-md5: 13eb3158e7d9ca2fd1dd389ef6110a85
Description-gl: Software de educación auditiva musical
O Solfege de GNU é un programa de adestramento auditivo para X Window
escrito en Python e que emprega as bibliotecas de GTK+ 2.0. Pódense
practicar intervalos harmónicos e melódicos, acordes, escalas e ritmos e
pódense engadir exercicios novos empregando un formato de ficheiro de
texto simple.
A educación auditiva musical é un tema importante, con moitas conexións
coa teoría musical e a práctica da música, polo que nin se me ocorre crear
«un curso informático de educación auditiva musical completo». O que si,
agardo que a alguén lle resulte útil este software.
Package: solfege-doc
Description-md5: a41965d19a7a1c2f3acc726ad8c943d9
Description-gl: documentación do Sofege de GNU
Manual do usuario do Solfege de GNU. Tanto o manual en inglés como todas
as traducións.
Package: solfege-oss
Description-md5: 72d6c8fba4980bcff0e0d0b59b21cd79
Description-gl: Módulo de OSS para o Solfege de GNU
Este paquete contén o módulo en Python que o Solfege de GNU precisa para
acceder ao dispositivo secuenciador de OSS.
Package: songwrite
Description-md5: 2549b441feea385d3c599aeda6f1b0af
Description-gl: reprodutor e editor de tablaturas de guitarra
Songwrite is a guitar tablature (fingering notation) editor and player,
quite similar to TablEdit. In addition to tablatures, it also supports
staff, lyrics and drums.
Printing support and playback are available through external programs.
Songwrite was formerly know as GTablature.
Package: sonic-visualiser-dbg
Description-md5: f044f664f4d2f75aed5486b029d163ba
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do sonic-visualiser
The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when
want to study a musical recording rather than simply listen to it.
Sonic Visualiser could be of particular interest to musicologists,
archivists, signal-processing researchers and anyone else looking for a
friendly way to take a look at what lies inside the audio file.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do sonic-visualiser.
Package: sord-dbg
Description-md5: 35caf2089e6db0cab304bea3cc719ccf
Description-gl: Biblioteca para almacenar datos RDF na memoria (símbolos de depuración)
Sord is a lightweight C library for storing Resource Description Framework
(RDF) data in memory.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do sord.
Package: soundstretch-dbg
Description-md5: 18edb999febcbb47e86c0702da887a7d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do programa soundstretch
This program can strech and pitch-shift .wav-files independently. This is
especially useful for musicians, who want to listen to a song played
slowly, without having the pitch altered.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do soundstretch.
Package: sozi
Description-md5: 871705e32af0067cb973abd2c347139f
Description-gl: Extensión para o Inkscape para crear presentacións animadas
Unlike in most presentation applications, a Sozi document is not organized
as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your
presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists
in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that allow to focus on
the elements you want to show.
A Sozi presentation is an SVG document in which a sequence of “frames” is
defined. A frame is a rectangular region of the document associated with
presentation and animation information (e.g. title, ordering, transition
O editor de presentacións é unha extensión do editor de gráficos
vectoriais Inkscape. Significa que é posíbel crear unha presentación
enteira, cos gráficos e a animación, nun único ambiente.
Os documentos producidos por Inkscape e Sozi poden ser mostrados e
animados polos navegadores web que admitan o formato SVG e a linguaxe
Javascript. O usuario pode controlar a presentación empregando o rato e o
Package: spacezero
Description-md5: a8d418ad92a404c636eaa17451c376a0
Description-gl: Xogo en rede de estratexia multixogador de combate espacial en 2D en tempo real
SpaceZero is a Real Time Strategy 2D space combat, multiplayer (two
players by now) net game.
The objective is to conquer the space, defeating all enemies.
At starting point you have only one ship and one planet, but you have gold
to buy more ships to conquer more planets.
All the ships can be controlled by the computer (automatic mode) or by the
player (manual mode). You can easily change among your ships controlling
all of them independently.
Package: sparkleshare
Description-md5: 0f55c782a211bb376383ca7b386633a6
Description-gl: distributed collaboration and sharing tool
SparkleShare is a collaboration and sharing tool that is designed to keep
things simple and to stay out of your way. It allows you to instantly sync
with any Git repository you have access to.
SparkleShare pódese utilizar como alternativa básica dos servizos web tipo
Dropbox ou Ubuntu One.
Though SparkleShare is not made to be a graphical frontend for git or a
backup tool, it may be useful for other kinds of purposes as well, like
backing up small files or monitoring your favourite project.
Package: sparsehash
Description-md5: f541000779325eb2adbed1713311737b
Description-gl: memory-efficient C++ hash_map implementation (transition package)
The Google SparseHash project contains several C++ template hash-map
implementations in use at Google, with different performance
characteristics, including an implementation that optimizes for space and
one that optimizes for speed.
Este é un metapaquete transitorio que simplemente depende da
libsparsehash-dev nova. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza.
Package: spatialite-gui-dbg
Description-md5: b733fb677e96173101b38b60cbee1f0c
Description-gl: user-friendly graphical user interface for spatialite - debugging symbols
spatialite-gui is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for spatialite.
SpatiaLite is a SQLite extension that enables support of spatial
(geometry) data in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications, with both
WKT and WKB formats.
Spatialite also includes Virtualshape and Virtualtext to enable accessing
shapefiles and csv/text files as virtual tables.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración.
Package: speech-tools-doc
Description-md5: a9d9c769e52ca94aa83565890921c7c4
Description-gl: Documentation for the Edinburgh Speech Tools
This package contains the pre-built HTML and Postscript versions of the
documentation for the Edinburgh Speech Tools.
A documentación contén tamén exemplos e titoriais sobre como empregar a
biblioteca Speech Tools cos seus programas.
Package: speedcrunch
Description-md5: e4752180c11ce5bf3bfbb0a88d08a8c5
Description-gl: Calculadora de alta precisión
SpeedCrunch is a high precision and high speed calculator.
It's optimized for keyboard use and has advanced features: use of
functions, use of variables, result history, and syntax highlighting. It
also shows the result as you type.
SpeedCrunch has a very simple interface, so you can start to use it very
Package: spek
Description-md5: 8cfef49bc5bafec8c8e872d06787ec14
Description-gl: acoustic spectrum analyser
Spek helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. It
supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats.
* Ultra-fast signal processing, uses multiple threads to further
speed up the analysis
* Shows the codec name and the audio signal parameters
* Can save the spectrogram as an image file
* Drag-and-drop support; associates with common audio file formats
* Auto-fitting time, frequency and spectral density rulers
* Adjustable spectral density range
Package: spim
Description-md5: a6c54db6224f26d25e74ec04a57d2b52
Description-gl: MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator
Emula un procesador MIPS R2000/R3000 en software. É útil para estudantes
que estean a aprender assembly para MIPS R2000/R3000.
SPIM S20 is a software simulator that runs assembly language programs for
the MIPS R2000/R3000 RISC computers. SPIM can read and immediately run
files containing assembly language statements. SPIM is a self-contained
system for running these programs and contains a debugger and interface to
the operating system.
Package: spring-dbg
Description-md5: 715f9fe7206d9bd676a5140d707d4c96
Description-gl: modern full-3D RTS game engine (debugging symbols)
Spring is a modern full-3D RTS (Real Time Strategy) game engine originally
created to bring the gameplay experience of Total Annihilation into 3D.
Games are played using one of a number of mods.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos binarios do spring.
Package: spring-mods-kernelpanic
Description-md5: 21fb68f3970a4f4fb8fc9b498db2afe5
Description-gl: O xogo Kernel Panic para o motor Spring, un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) sen economía.
Kernel Panic is a game about computers. Systems, Hackers, and Networks
wage war in a matrix of DOOM! The only constraints are time and space;
unlike other real time strategy games, no resource economy exists in
Kernel Panic.
All units are free in this game, every factory built will be spamming
units at all times. You can build more factories, but only on pre-defined
areas (geothermal vents). All that remains is pure strategy and tactics.
Kernel Panic makes for a frantically fast-paced, action-oriented game,
with a very unique graphical style.
Package: springlobby-dbg
Description-md5: 79d3f7cc6cdd7aa476ce962cf1ff15bc
Description-gl: single/multiplayer lobby for the Spring RTS engine (debugging symbols)
This package provides a single-player and multiplayer lobby for Spring.
Other features include a P2P system for downloading maps and mods and a
built-in IRC-like chat client.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do binario do springlobby.
Package: spyder
Description-md5: 852906407f9b274d3a89fd5533bd8b90
Description-gl: python IDE for scientists
O Spyder (coñecido anteriormente como Pydee) é un ambiente de
desenvolvemento libre e de código aberto en Python que fornece
funcionalidades semellantes ás do MATLAB nun software sinxelo e lixeiro
Package: sqlheavy-utils
Description-md5: 131d5e78c53c5c05f5168e6090af23ad
Description-gl: GObject wrapper for SQLite (binaries)
SQLHeavy is a convenience wrapper on top of SQLite. Though its primary
purpose is to provide an easy to use Vala interface, it also provides a
very nice C interface and GObject Introspection support, and may be easier
to use from other languages than the standard SQLite interface.
Este paquete contén os binarios.
Package: sqlitebrowser
Description-md5: 4c95f94ef68715256356f5c1413d7045
Description-gl: Editor con interface gráfica de usuario para bases de datos SQLite
SQLite Database Browser is a visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. Its interface is based on QT, and is meant to be used for users and developers that want to create databases, edit and search data using a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, without the need to learn complicated SQL commands. Controls and wizards are available for users to:
- Create and compact database files
- Create, define, modify and delete tables
- Create, define and delete indexes
- Browse, edit, add and delete records
- Search records
- Import and export records as text
- Import and export tables from/to CSV files
- Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files
- Issue SQL queries and inspect the results
- Examine a log of all SQL commands issued by the application
SQLite Database Browser is not a visual shell for the sqlite command line
tool. It does not require familiarity with SQL commands.
Package: squeak-plugins-scratch-dbg
Description-md5: 83fb1f36bad2540ba1c4aa1a74fa007d
Description-gl: Squeak plugins for the Scratch programming environment - debug
Scratch is an easy, interactive, collaborative programming environment
designed for creation of interactive stories, animations, games, music,
and art -- and sharing these on the web.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos engadidos.
Package: squirrelmail-locales
Description-md5: f7f68cec5b1f20db8756ae867b05aa80
Description-gl: Traducións do paquete de correo web SquirrelMail
This package contains translations for the SquirrelMail webmail client,
needed when you want your users to be able to select an interface language
other than English.
Package: ssh-contact
Description-md5: 8401197a5caf087ece3430e8bbda57aa
Description-gl: establish SSH connections to your IM contacts using Telepathy (metapackage)
SSH-Contact is a client/service tool that makes easy to connect your
telepathy IM contacts via SSH. No need to care about dynamic IP, NAT, port
forwarding or firewalls anymore; if you can chat with a friend, you can
also SSH him.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende tanto de both ssh-contact-client
como de ssh-contact-service.
Package: ssh-krb5
Description-md5: 97f2344812bdc3899f4e9dd9a1b4f5fe
Description-gl: secure shell client and server (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio que depende do cliente e servidor de OpenSSH
normal de Debian, que agora admite GSSAPI de maneira nativa. Engade as
opcións necesarias para GSSAPI ao ficheiro de configuración do servidor.
Pódese desinstalar após completar a instalación se nada depende del.
Package: sssd
Description-md5: fbc7eaa314ae2423fee9d2943b3f4223
Description-gl: System Security Services Daemon -- metapackage
Provides a set of daemons to manage access to remote directories and
authentication mechanisms. It provides an NSS and PAM interface toward the
system and a pluggable backend system to connect to multiple different
account sources. It is also the basis to provide client auditing and
policy services for projects like FreeIPA.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala o daemon e as infraestruturas de
autenticación existentes.
Package: ssss
Description-md5: 0743721b83a038803581171e2e55c7ec
Description-gl: Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation
Implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme. The program suite does
both: the generation of shares for a known secret, and the reconstruction
of a secret using user-provided shares.
Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme allows a secret to be split in to shares.
These shares can then be distributed to different people. When the time
comes to retrieve the secret then a preset number of the shares need to be
combined. The number of shares created, and the number needed to retrieve
the secret are set at splitting time. The number of shares required to re-
create the secret can be chosen to be less that the number of shares
created, so any large enough subset of the shares can retrieve the secret.
This scheme allows a secret to be shared, either to reduce the chances
that the secret is lost, or to increase the number of parties that must
cooperate to reveal the secret.
Páxina web:
Package: stardict-xmlittre
Description-md5: 61f491e082f6b90c45091225230ff5f4
Description-gl: French Littré dictionary for stardict
This package contains a XML version of the French language dictionary
written by Émile Littré and published in 1863, suitable for the stardict
dictionary software.
Despite its age, this dictionary now fallen in the public domain is still
a widely used reference source for French language and litterature. It
features 78,423 entries and 239,009 quotes from 3,910 authors.
Páxina web:
Package: stella
Description-md5: 5e4bb21deefc8d745452855b62f326cd
Description-gl: Atari 2600 Emulator for SDL & the X Window System
Stella é un emulador portátil da antiga consola de video-xogos Atari 2600.
Con ela pódense xogar a maioría dos xogos para Atari 2600.
Stella's features include:
* emulation of Atari 2600 joysticks, keyboards, paddles and driving
controllers using the host system's input peripherals;
* emulation of trackballs, joysticks, booster grips, driving
controllers and the Amiga Mouse using the host system's mouse;
* support for real Atari 2600 controllers using the Stelladaptor,
2600-daptor or 2600-daptor II;
* support for real Atari 7800 controllers using the 2600-daptor II;
* support for the speech portion of a real AtariVox device;
* support for Supercharger single-load and multi-load games;
* emulation of CRT TV features, including texturing, colour bleed,
RF noise and phosphor burn-off (requires OpenGL).
Inclúense un depurador amplo, co desensamblador Distella.
Teña en conta que esta non é a ferramenta de modelado, simulación e
análise STELLA de isee systems.
Package: stellarium
Description-md5: ee62de66fb5b3319c81294a9100bca29
Description-gl: real-time photo-realistic sky generator
O Stellarium mostra ceos en 3D con realismo fotográfico e en tempo real.
Co Stellarium, realmente vese o que se podería ver cos ollos, con
binoculares ou cun pequeno telescopio.
Algunhas características: - catálogo de estrelas predeterminado con máis de 600 000 estrelas,
- información sobre as estrelas máis brillantes (tipo espectral, distancia, etc.),
- extensións do catálogo de estrelas descargábeis, até 210 millóns de estrelas,
- todos os obxectos do Novo Catálogo Xeral (NGC),
- imaxes de case todos os obxectos de Messier e a Vía Láctea,
- posicións en tempo real dos planetas e o seus satélites,
- trece culturas diferentes coas súas constelacións,
- ilustracións artísticas das 88 constelacións occidentais,
- atmosfera, amencer e solpor moi realistas,
- sete paisaxes panorámicas (pódense crear ou descargar máis do sitio web),
- pódense crear scripts con ECMAScript,
- admite engadidos: O Stellarium ven con oito engadidos por omisión, incluídos:
- engadido de satélites artificiais (actualizado desde unha base de datos de TLD da Rede),
- engadido de simulación de oculares (mostra como se verían os obxectos a través dun ocular determinado),
- engadido de edición do Sistema Solar (importa os datos dos cometas e os asteroides de MPC),
- engadido de control de telescopios (compatíbel con Meade LX2000 e Celestron NexStar).
O Stellarium non se debería empregar para un cálculo moi exacto das
efemérides, como a predición de eclipses. Porén, é o programa ideal para
preparar unha noite de observación co ollo nu, con binoculares ou cun
pequeno telescopio.
Package: stellarium-data
Description-md5: abb0e128a19de6802f33b1e1384d5593
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Stellarium
O Stellarium mostra ceos en 3D con realismo fotográfico e en tempo real.
Co Stellarium, realmente vese o que se podería ver cos ollos, con
binoculares ou cun pequeno telescopio.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos comúns requiridos polo
Stellarium. Inclúen texturas, catálogos de estrelas e traducións.
Package: step
Description-md5: 41b9209e3ba293cc51da9daac61a2e20
Description-gl: interactive physical simulator for KDE
With Step you can not only learn but feel how physics works. You place
some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, then
click "Simulate" and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according
to the laws of physics. You can change every property of bodies/forces in
your experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will change
evolution of the experiment.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE.
Package: stjerm
Description-md5: 70addc8399c86aad501b602df84662c6
Description-gl: Emulador de terminal lixeiro
Stjerm is a quake-like terminal emulator. Its window is shown and hidden
with a key shortcut and can contain multiple tabs. Stjerm is very
minimalistic and works well with Compiz window manager.
Package: stormbaancoureur
Description-md5: 6b3aa2e5393e1f839712b78d71b8ea59
Description-gl: Simulación dunha carreira de obstáculos para automóbiles
Your objective is to drive your car along an obstacle course. Success
depends on total control of the car. If you want to master it, try to have
the laws of physics work with you, not against you.
The game was formerly known as Sturmbahnfahrer.
Package: stretchplayer-dbg
Description-md5: d4674ef5ddc6c74b6ea1683a3e051ffa
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do StretchPlayer
StretchPlayer will play back an audio file and allow you to time stretch
(without affecting pitch) and/or pitch shift (without affecting the time)
the audio, even while you are listening to it.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do stretchplayer.
Package: strongswan-dbg
Description-md5: 5d057fe4463200e145eb5d198733ae72
Description-gl: Biblioteca e binarios strongSwan - símbolos de depuración
StrongSwan is an IPsec-based VPN solution for the Linux kernel. It uses
the native IPsec stack and runs on any recent 2.6 kernel (no patching
required). It supports both IKEv1 and the newer IKEv2 protocols.
This package provides the symbols needed for debugging of strongswan.
Package: structure-synth
Description-md5: f886a9a848f51cd534dd38abfd2b2b10
Description-gl: aplicativo para crear estruturas tridimensionais
Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a
design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex
structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple
tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third-
party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible
template based export system.
Structure Synth has been developed by Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen. It
was inspired by the CFDG syntax by Chris Coyne, and the Context Free Art
GUI by Mark Lentczner and John Horigan.
Package: structure-synth-dbg
Description-md5: 9d6f1ac63146b719139e6d18b7698ac1
Description-gl: aplicativo para crear estruturas tridimensionais
Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a
design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex
structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple
tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third-
party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible
template based export system.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: stymulator
Description-md5: f982ddd8628eac06396356c144436fb4
Description-gl: Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format
STYMulator is an Open Source (GPL License) player which plays music files
in the YM chiptune format. In particular the YM files are Yamaha YM2149
soundchip music datas (registers) dumped from the ATARI 16-bit computers.
The YM chiptune 'standard' has been introduced in the middle of 90's by
Arnaud Carré aka Leonard/OXG. His sensational ST-Sound player has been
released for Windows only. Ten years after the first ST-Sound creation he
released ST-Sound library under GPL license.
STYMulator has a very simple terminal GUI. It has been written in pure
ANSI C code with ncurses library. Sounds are generated through ALSA.
Este paquete contén tanto ymplayer (reprodutor paseado en curses) como
ym2wav, un convertedor de YM a Wave para a consola.
Páxina web:
Package: subtitlecomposer
Description-md5: 14d4cb0ab22fc367b6cb2f5caef37b3e
Description-gl: Subtitles editor for KDE
Un editor de subtítulos para KDE baseado en texto que admite operacións
básicas (edición de texto, tempo e estilo), visualización en tempo real e
corrección ortográfica. Outras funcionalidades atractivas son demorar
todos os subtítulo do ficheiro de subtítulos actual, comprobar os erros ou
crear traducións.
Pódense empregar diferentes infraestruturas (GStreamer, MPlayer, Phonon or
xine) para reproducir a vista previa do vídeo en tempo real que axuda a
sincronizar os subtítulos.
Package: subtitleeditor
Description-md5: d7caacfd869f7a5f15e079d796123aee
Description-gl: Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation
Subtitle Editor is a GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new
subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing
This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise
subtitles to voices.
This package has these features
o Interface para varios documentos.
o Capacidade de internacionalización.
o Reprodutor de vídeo integrado na xanela principal (baseado en GStreamer).
o Pode reproducir unha vista previa cun reprodutor de vídeo externo (empregando o MPlayer ou outro).
o Editor de estilos.
o Movemento de subtítulos.
o Mudanza do tamaño.
o Dividir e fusionar subtítulos.
o Editar o texto e axustar o tempo (inicio, final).
o Xerar Waveform a partir do vídeo.
Formatos compatíbeis:
o Sub Station Alpha.
o Advanced Sub Station Alpha.
o SubRip.
o MicroDVD.
o MPL2.
o MPsub (MPlayer subtitle).
o SubViewer 2.0.
o Texto simple.
o DVD de Adobe Encore.
Package: sudo-ldap
Description-md5: 3eb434e5d9cece945618eca8df3cf9a0
Description-gl: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users
Sudo é un programa deseñado para permitir que os administradores de
sistemas lles dean privilexios limitados de superusuario aos usuarios e
para rexistrar a actividade do superusuario. A filosofía básica é dar tan
poucos problemas como for posíbel mais, aínda así, permitir que se poida
realizar o traballo.
This version is built with LDAP support, which allows an equivalent of the
sudoers database to be distributed via LDAP. Authentication is still
performed via pam.
Package: suil-dbg
Description-md5: 89554f47e5e163f659b31d83b65ef90b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do suil
Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any
other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do
not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs
written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at runtime using
dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not
need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever - if Suil
supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support
that toolkit "for free". Suil currently supports GTK-2+ and Qt4.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do suil.
Package: summain
Description-md5: 51e33ab44bd5bfdce510b06b6f3a15fb
Description-gl: Cree manifestos de ficheiros con sumas de comprobación
Summain generates file manifests, which contain metadata about the files,
and a checksum of their content for regular files. The manifest can be
generated for a directory tree at different points in time and compared
(with diff) to see if something has changed.
Package: supercollider-dev
Description-md5: 12313ee58fb018f25a0b088bf31045c1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de SuperCollider
SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time
audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted
object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of
the art, realtime sound synthesis server.
This package contains the development files and headers.
Package: supertux-stable
Description-md5: 630b292e52e7ce0c9a566058ebd0abfd
Description-gl: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style
like the original SuperMario games.
Sitio web:
Package: supertuxkart-dbg
Description-md5: 1fd65650ef6fd5bddb32be234a6b1252
Description-gl: 3D kart racing game (debug)
SuperTuxKart is a free 3D kart racing game, with a focus on having fun
over realism. You can play with up to 4 friends on one PC, racing against
each other or just trying to beat the computer; single-player mode is also
See the great lighthouse or drive through the sand and visit the pyramids.
Race underground or in space, watching the stars pass by. Or rest under
the palm trees on the beach, watching the other karts overtake you. But
don't eat the bananas! Watch for bowling balls, plungers, bubble gum and
cakes thrown by your opponents.
You can do a single race against other karts, compete in one of several
Grand Prix, try to beat the high score in time trials on your own, play
battle mode against your friends, and more!
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do xogo supertuxkart.
Package: svgpart
Description-md5: 4a1993b3ae42f82ae7ffee908eef752f
Description-gl: KDE SVG KPart
SvgPart is a small KDE KPart component to display SVG images in Gwenview
and in any other KDE application which uses the KPart system.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE.
Package: swami-dbg
Description-md5: 13a78688fb1a3f8096e582358b1078be
Description-gl: Editor de instrumentos MIDI - símbolos de depuración
Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for
editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A
programming API is also provided for integration with other applications.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: sweeper
Description-md5: 9f36680cf633d3045f0c9d6da8e49f6a
Description-gl: history and temporary file cleaner
Sweeper can quickly remove temporary information, such as web page
cookies, browser history, or the list of recently-opened documents. It
helps provide additional privacy on a system shared between multiple
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC.
Package: sweethome3d
Description-md5: be1e68bf788e0d7930c88f7227149830
Description-gl: Aplicativo de deseño de interiores en 2D con vista previa en 3D
Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para
escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e
con vista previa en 3D.
Package: sweethome3d-furniture
Description-md5: 1d5594241e1c0102ce97b93075bc84b6
Description-gl: Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional furniture)
Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para
escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e
con vista previa en 3D.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas de mobiliario adicionais creadas polos
colaboradores do SweetHome3D.
Package: sweethome3d-furniture-editor
Description-md5: 0900db4796d2a942fc8c3e5b839df256
Description-gl: Editor da biblioteca de mobiliario do Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para
escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e
con vista previa en 3D.
This package contains furniture library editor for creating your own
Package: sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree
Description-md5: 814758ed0cef927dbcdf4d6d50a00167
Description-gl: Interior 2D design application with 3D preview (additional non-free furniture)
Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para
escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e
con vista previa en 3D.
Este paquete contén bibliotecas de mobiliario adicionais creadas polos
colaboradores do SweetHome3D e publicados baixo licenzas que non seguen a
Package: sweethome3d-textures-editor
Description-md5: 166857f74158cb2e4694d3e466446a0c
Description-gl: Editor da biblioteca de texturas do Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para
escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e
con vista previa en 3D.
This package contains textures library editor for creating your own
textures libraries.
Package: swfdec-gnome
Description-md5: 72363c5a2aef33c5bc02683a067d7b34
Description-gl: dummy package for transition to Gnash
This package is a transitional package for upgrading to Gnash.
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando Gnash estea instalado.
Package: swfdec-mozilla
Description-md5: 3fd8cacf962e60069de1193b2be604d1
Description-gl: dummy package for transition to browser-plugin-gnash
This package is a transitional package for upgrading to browser-plugin-
Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando browser-plugin-gnash estea
Package: swift-im-dbg
Description-md5: 037a1d2a55ebf74c4fa46477699488e4
Description-gl: Cliente/biblioteca de XMPP (símbolos de depuración)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para depurar os aplicativos
Swift e Swiften.
Package: sword-text-arasvd
Description-md5: 5ad3ad6baa3c6210021583fd945551a4
Description-gl: SWORD module of the Smith & Van Dyke 1865 Arabic Bible
This is the Smith & Van Dyke 1865 Arabic Version of the Holy Bible.
This package contains data that requires a viewer to be seen properly,
such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword.
Páxina web:
Package: sword-text-gerlut1545
Description-md5: 87d4f169f077e321c13831441a15792e
Description-gl: SWORD module of Martin Luther's 1545 German Bible
This is Martin Luther's German 1545 Version of the Holy Bible.
This package contains data that requires a viewer to be seen properly,
such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword.
Páxina web:
Package: sword-text-wlc
Description-md5: e6c902b88c030049c2b939f81af15e28
Description-gl: Westminster Leningrad Codex Version with Strong Numbers for SWORD
This is the Westminster Leningrad Codex Version of the Holy Bible. The WLC
source is maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute, Philadelphia, PA
( The Sword module is maintained by Martin Gruner
(mg dot pub at gmx dot net).
This package contains data that require a viewer to be seen properly, such
as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword.
Páxina web:
Package: sylpheed-dbg
Description-md5: 43bf1f6eaee3f7b4fa5724896413fdd7
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do sylpheed, un cliente de correo electrónico en GTK+
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración para depurar sylpheed con gdb
ou calquera depurador compatíbel.
It is also required if you intend to provide detailed backtraces for
helping the maintainer and/or upstream to fix some bug.
Package: sylpheed-i18n
Description-md5: 702b96faeeda49c0d054a0628706fffe
Description-gl: Locale data for Sylpheed (i18n support)
Este paquete fornece un recurso para interfaces non en inglés do cliente de correo Sylpheed. Os «locale» admitidos nesta altura son:
be (bielorruso) bg (búlgaro) cs (checo)
da (dinamarqués) de (alemán) el (grego)
es (español) et (estoniano) fr (francés)
gl (galego) hr (croata) hu (húngaro)
it (italiano) ja (xaponés) ko (coreano)
lt (lituano) nl (holandés) pl (polaco)
pt_BR (portugués do Brasil) ro (romanés) ru (ruso)
sk (eslovaco) sl (esloveno) sr (serbio)
sv (sueco) tr (turco) uk (ucraíno)
vi (vietnamita) zh_CN (chinés) zh_TW.Big5 (taiwanés)
Package: synapse
Description-md5: 5c5b4abbfea92011cb23dfbc68f6c4f9
Description-gl: semantic file launcher
O Synapse é un iniciador gráfico que permite iniciar aplicativos, así como
atopar e acceder rapidamente a documentos e ficheiros (mediante o uso do
motor Zeitgeist).
Package: synapse-dbg
Description-md5: d04a68eab56ce8a51b9bb9de76cf3ac1
Description-gl: semantic file launcher - debug package
O Synapse é un iniciador gráfico que permite iniciar aplicativos, así como
atopar e acceder rapidamente a documentos e ficheiros (mediante o uso do
motor Zeitgeist).
This package contains the debug symbols.
Package: synaptic
Description-md5: d4fb8e90c9684f1113e56123c017d85f
Description-gl: Graphical package manager
O Synaptic é unha ferramenta gráfica para a xestión de paquetes de
software baseada en GTK+ e APT. Synaptic permite instalar, anovar e
retirar paquetes de software de maneira amábel.
Alén destas funcións básicas, fornece as funcionalidades seguintes:
* Buscar e filtrar a lista de paquetes dispoñíbeis
* Realizar anovacións intelixentes do sistema
* Arranxar as dependencias estragadas dos paquetes
* Editar a lista de repositorios empregados (sources.list)
* Descargar o rexistro de cambio máis recente dun paquete
* Configurar os paquetes mediante o sistema debconf
* Examinar toda a documentación dispoñíbel relacionada cun paquete (require dwww)
Package: syncevolution-dbg
Description-md5: 59fab645d192aff4535bc657b5cd42ca
Description-gl: Sync personal information data using SyncML and CalDAV/CardDAV (debugging)
SyncEvolution synchronizes contact, calendar and task items via SyncML and
CalDAV/CardDAV with other servers or devices. It uses the Evolution Data
Server to sync PIM data in Evolution, but a plain file storage is also
supported. Data exchange can happen via HTTP(S) and Bluetooth. Full, one-
way and incremental synchronization of items are supported. SyncEvolution
can act as a SyncML/DAV client and SyncML server.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración
Package: synfig-dbg
Description-md5: 70caa98e35d3fa5aa6200ec7c2d85bf4
Description-gl: synfig debugging symbols
synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be
capable of producing feature-film quality animation.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libsynfig0 e synfig.
Package: synfigstudio-dbg
Description-md5: b67880e0f5a626a98bb55a049d1e8347
Description-gl: synfig GUI debugging symbols
synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be
capable of producing feature-film quality animation.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de libsynfigapp0 e
Package: synopsis-doc
Description-md5: 5901a2641d2f6cb638e52674969981e4
Description-gl: Documentación de synopsis
Synopsis is a multi-language source code introspection tool that provides
a variety of representations for the parsed code to enable further
processing such as documentation extraction, reverse engineering, and
source-to-source translation.
Synopsis provides a framework of C++ and Python APIs to access these
representations and allows Processor objects to be defined and composed
into processing pipelines, making this framework very flexible and
This package contains the Synopsis Developer's Guide and the Synopsis
Package: syslog-ng
Description-md5: 2498a80b4edf9c00bf85d5db8c845d60
Description-gl: Enhanced system logging daemon (metapackage)
syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and
output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL
and NoSQL alike) and more.
Key features:
* receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages
* work with any kind of unstructured data
* receive and send JSON formatted messages
* classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(),
db-parser(), etc.)
* normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system
* hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like
AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB).
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende do resto de syslog-ng, incluídos
todos os engadidos dispoñíbeis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza se só hai
que instalar partes de syslog-ng.
Package: system-image-cli
Description-md5: aa1ac7ae7cbe7aa00c3b64a9a9c3407a
Description-gl: Cliente para a liña de ordes do actualizador de imaxes do sistema Ubuntu
This is the command line client for the Ubuntu system image updater.
Package: system-image-common
Description-md5: 149ef7a3304ea2fd345497399d8ef5fe
Description-gl: Actualizador de imaxes do sistema de Ubuntu
This is the common bits for the Ubuntu system image updater.
Package: system-image-dbus
Description-md5: aa1ac7ae7cbe7aa00c3b64a9a9c3407a
Description-gl: Cliente para a liña de ordes do actualizador de imaxes do sistema Ubuntu
This is the command line client for the Ubuntu system image updater.
Package: system-image-dev
Description-md5: 8cc56a512028a4cfaf800c2442b0bdb8
Description-gl: Desenvolvemento do actualizador de imaxes do sistema Ubuntu
This is the development bits for the Ubuntu system image updater. Install
this package if you want to run the tests.
Package: system-tools-backends-dev
Description-md5: 0fca9fbc776eea86118bf381cfd1a2f1
Description-gl: System Tools to manage computer configuration -- development files
The System Tools Backends are a set of cross-platform scripts for Linux
and other Unix systems. The backends provide a standard XML interface for
modifying the configuration regardless of the distribution that's being
These backends are used in GNOME System Tools.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento.
Description-md5: f5bd0ed6c3ce8768584c6e2ac322cf62
Description-gl: Aplicativo de preferencias de GNUstep
System Preferences is an application which allows to manage the settings
of many aspects of the GNUstep environment and its applications. System
Preferences are made of Modules, each one a bundle representing a single
control panel, and is thus extensible and modular.
Package: systemsettings
Description-md5: 56d8c3c8ec30e2a5e58f35af147cc382
Description-gl: Configuración do sistema
System Settings is an improved user interface for configuring the desktop
and other aspects of the system.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
Package: systemtap-common
Description-md5: c5d2c140f32e968c63c24e4c6a3b1c4b
Description-gl: instrumentation system for Linux (common component)
SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information
about the running Linux system.
To be able to write new SystemTap probes, install systemtap package.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns
Package: tablix2
Description-md5: d3035888a30e5ad478e8c7a611fd2357
Description-gl: Kernel for solving general timetabling problems
O Tablix é un kernel potente de software libre para resolver problemas
xerais de horarios. Emprega un algoritmo xenético paralelo groso en
combinación con outras técnicas para construír horarios razoábeis a partir
de descricións de problemas en XML. O Tablix pódese escoller nun único
computador ou nunha máquina virtual paralela heteroxénea empregando PVM3.
Package: tack-dbg
Description-md5: 573addacff2a735dd2704a7bfbf67d26
Description-gl: terminfo action checker (debug)
The 'tack' program is a diagnostic tool that is designed to create and
verify the correctness of terminfo's. This program can be used to create
new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard ncurses
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: tamil-gtk2im
Description-md5: f55ff1e321d8f872934887302ca42b88
Description-gl: Tamil input method for GTK-2
Este paquete fornece métodos de entrada para o idioma tamil para os
aplicativos escritos coa biblioteca da Interface gráfica de usuario GTK+.
Package: tangerine-dbg
Description-md5: 4c37f61c4960968affc0227119308509
Description-gl: music server using DAAP (debug symbols)
Tangerine is a simple music sharing server that uses DAAP to share your
music over the local network.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Tangerine.
Package: tango-accesscontrol-dbg
Description-md5: eed0f668bb6c3fe58f8f0eb1096f6818
Description-gl: TANGO distributed control system - accesscontrol debug
TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows
communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer
or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to
the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de tango-accesscontrol.
Package: tango-db-dbg
Description-md5: 2ecfe0d2dc5c2606b12bb21fea6937f6
Description-gl: TANGO distributed control system - database debug
TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows
communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer
or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to
the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de tango-db.
Package: tango-icon-theme-extras
Description-md5: 3b595eecbcdec2cc33e6cb2aca90b5f3
Description-gl: Tango Icon theme Extras
Tango is a project to create a new cross-desktop and cross-platform icon
theme, using a standard style guide, and the new Icon Naming
Sitio web:
Package: tango-starter-dbg
Description-md5: 5b64f6c7120f9555a84534b5d4bcfb0a
Description-gl: TANGO distributed control system - starter debug
TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows
communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer
or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to
the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de tango-starter.
Package: tango-test-dbg
Description-md5: 286e41132f28c89073233d4c46d9c8a8
Description-gl: TANGO distributed control system - test debug
TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system. It allows
communication between TANGO device processes running on the same computer
or distributed over the network. These processes can provide services to
the control system all over the network, such as hardware control or data
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de tango-test.
Package: tasks-mobile
Description-md5: 56366a31071e702e4fd59edc54901de3
Description-gl: task management application for mobile environments
This package provides a task management application which user interface
has been designed for use on the mobile devices.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE.
Package: td2planet
Description-md5: 085493f1e25b166d88562c4ef5ebde38
Description-gl: Ruby-based server-side blog aggregator
Este paquete é un agregador de blogues do lado do servidor (chamado
frecuentemente «planeta») que é moi axeitado para agregar blogues baseados
en tDiary. Vexa /usr/share/doc/td2planet/README.
Package: teg
Description-md5: 5ee191c86c2cd8e014efaf4642967d5f
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas
Tenes Empanadas Graciela is a clone of Plan Tactico y Estrategico de la
Guerra, based on Risk.
Teg is a multiplayer game (it can be played across the internet) and it
comes with a server, a GNOME client and a robot. It has support for IPv6,
Package: telepathy-sofiasip
Description-md5: ade3bffb226f3081e6eb901713bc3dee
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para telepathy-rakia
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the telepathy-rakia
package. It can safely be removed.
Package: tellico-doc
Description-md5: dea523edf18d0521376f8f918f295172
Description-gl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc [doc]
Tellico is a collection manager for KDE. It includes default collections
for books, bibliographies, comic books, videos, music, coins, stamps,
trading cards, and wines.
Tellico capabilities include:
* creation of user-defined custom collections with unlimited fields,
* automatically formatted names,
* sorting and filtering by any field or property,
* ISBN validation,
* full customization for printing or display through XSLT files,
* import and export of CSV, RIS, BibTeX and BibTeXML files,
* import data from Amazon, IMDb, CDDB or any US-MARC compliant z39.50 server.
Tellico files are stored in XML format, avoiding the need for a database
server, and allowing other software applications to use the data.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: terminator
Description-md5: d70de009f48ea4b4f00e62329adb4f61
Description-gl: multiple GNOME terminals in one window
O Terminator é un pequeno proxecto para producir unha maneira eficiente de
encher unha zona grande de espazo da pantalla con terminais.
The user can have multiple terminals in one window and use key bindings to
switch between them. See the manpage for details.
Package: tesseract-ocr-afr
Description-md5: 8bc56aaba5d34a78036bb080388e767f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o africaans
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ara
Description-md5: 8c914f3edaf8f5b8ab08b8d37b224f87
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o árabe
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-aze
Description-md5: a6dc551539912154a99208773b0222b5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o acerbaixano
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-bel
Description-md5: e9688bd350bb983486b4e8866792b921
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o bielorruso
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ben
Description-md5: 841f2aa9f8dd4720bbf71e2133612e7f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o bengalí
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-bul
Description-md5: ababd737789aefc6b7d72f5356b53144
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o búlgaro
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-cat
Description-md5: 2588da93cf50f2617f874258b53e2c45
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o catalán
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ces
Description-md5: c8c0a1e3832c0d0a5ba27217d57fd054
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o checo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-chi-sim
Description-md5: b35fe03189491ea7513fd3e273ba066d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o chinés simplificado
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-chi-tra
Description-md5: 5c97d21292fa9549c054e95608faba2a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o chinés tradicional
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-chr
Description-md5: 29a06fd4c8127c5668e11ce28d92ce96
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o cherokee
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-dan
Description-md5: f302deae06be7d447cc3c1951c5a30fc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o dinamarqués
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-deu
Description-md5: bd27254f5a52abf1ae17759c651c1072
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o alemán
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-deu-frak
Description-md5: 7333f814d157177b6132f7e03a5dd482
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o alemán Fraktur
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ell
Description-md5: ad2837b0e26aa566c2769438ee222359
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o grego
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-eng
Description-md5: c74d246ca37d68d7216a056bb578a8f0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o inglés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-enm
Description-md5: e166d65432b3a2e27ecf2221796a19bb
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o inglés medieval
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-epo
Description-md5: fe8ce6c54fd5d5311090a25f953f439b
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o esperanto
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-equ
Description-md5: 0afbdbfacceacf62c288b80f7e57eec4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para ecuacións
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images of mathematics.
Package: tesseract-ocr-est
Description-md5: 610708da7119dca367774cb64ccddbf5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o estoniano
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-eus
Description-md5: 0c71c7aa6546f87017c3096bee388e29
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o éuscaro
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-fin
Description-md5: 517eedff75127121deca6a438b2eae33
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o finlandés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-fra
Description-md5: 582603f591b8be8d4ff54e17c6b53e60
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o francés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-frm
Description-md5: 60dc46bc61fa3df0f2d48464429f5586
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o francés medieval
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-glg
Description-md5: 727930ba7a75d954866c37840cf37a87
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o galego
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-grc
Description-md5: 4040b20f1c306f7eb5d06c6b5e4708fd
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o grego antigo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-heb
Description-md5: 26f770688bd539ddef7cd6f79c83b82a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o hebreo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-hin
Description-md5: 5854d303c03aa3900f415cb0e4dba617
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o hindi
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-hrv
Description-md5: 5c2d3fd1304f6277df2fef55d1cab947
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o croata
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-hun
Description-md5: 18944a9ad773135ee3e75900bb5edddb
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o húngaro
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ind
Description-md5: d7680f5b7bb8a67573c3b4864eeca83d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o indonesio
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-isl
Description-md5: e90e348b68807e4dc9b4b12849c2d24a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o islandés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ita
Description-md5: 7a4ba8a1514ac9d13e17c87b2dc078e5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o italiano
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ita-old
Description-md5: 3775de297859d147dbfa944c7a6767c5
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o italiano antigo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-jpn
Description-md5: a2c3780821e7c745cf63783394512bf2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o xaponés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-kan
Description-md5: ba54cfeeeeb5a61d0ce74f893b817fe6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o kannada
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-kor
Description-md5: b7e0c6ce7bcaa12cc3fd3372fe8401c7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o coreano
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-lav
Description-md5: 24bb62e1be7b736d6275ccc0c8ad62f2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o letón
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-lit
Description-md5: 6497b426314d81de39ec14c3930724ae
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o lituano
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-mal
Description-md5: 068840e4861dd160c0c48f67fd18a9f4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o malayalam
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-mkd
Description-md5: 68e492140100450a79a7ae3572bfd37f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o macedonio
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-mlt
Description-md5: a9029b0609181f3d2772d96d600a8281
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o maltés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-msa
Description-md5: abeadaff6c9676d689a1a86258aa362a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o malaio
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-nld
Description-md5: b3f594c2b2ccea1d4ec6c92e57e210e7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o holandés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-nor
Description-md5: c4e51ed7fc6219fd75e1d309c18c9476
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o noruegués
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-pol
Description-md5: 61d38c391986d3e7ad0b7c5fb10ec85c
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o polaco
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-por
Description-md5: 1c8bd75a016c8e7f46c11529a85ffb51
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o portugués
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ron
Description-md5: 71e176000ab7e10a07f48ab17f830cb2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o romeno
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-rus
Description-md5: e390c708c8af62ad44d37e7ad2b02f3f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o ruso
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-slk
Description-md5: 931141de251085fc0db6533411d1be56
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o eslovaco
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-slk-frak
Description-md5: 097c9149389aac51586260a6d32c2b40
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o eslovaco Fractur
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-slv
Description-md5: 90b16f378d5efd6ab0200908fbbe9600
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o esloveno
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-spa
Description-md5: f4dd734f361e21b66ab3406df783d7f2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o español
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-spa-old
Description-md5: 316433888f2d674aa6d1b02b377499a6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o español antigo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-sqi
Description-md5: 9410d9239fbcedaaf22416fc2a6435f2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o albanés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-srp
Description-md5: 6151bf5f8cd56419946d82cbfcd624c6
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o serbio
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-swa
Description-md5: 3d4d6260824f92d395d1223969a0e410
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o swahili
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-swe
Description-md5: 7f9eac3f1e8b4a254fdc4b1c327e31a7
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o sueco
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-tam
Description-md5: 39a0ffbbd9708202e6f714363b2091b4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tamil
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-tel
Description-md5: 9e7a13c067d01d9755dbdf8378384a5f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o telugo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-tgl
Description-md5: 2f7e29bb53f8556d6c57e0b70a0bc423
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tagalo
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-tha
Description-md5: 0d23ae892ac5b5251eb6ce452393e1ff
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tailandés
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-tur
Description-md5: 8c0ba133157024ca50f08987df8b6a74
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o turco
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-ukr
Description-md5: e54c83720696492bd1ebecf2aa0062d8
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o ucraíno
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: tesseract-ocr-vie
Description-md5: 43e6e859b2d060fb37b346eb70e988a0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o vietnamita
A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985
and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It
was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data
needed for processing images in a particular language.
Package: testdisk-dbg
Description-md5: 7285d381080d5fdde81d07b97e26c212
Description-gl: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool
TestDisk checks the partition and boot sectors of your disks. It is very
useful in recovering lost partitions.
PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost pictures
from digital camera memory or even Hard Disks. It has been extended to
search also for non audio/video headers.
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración.
Package: testdrive-cli
Description-md5: 4c7a1180139f891de9d9037b9870a550
Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (command line)
Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a
virtual machine on your local hardware.
It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient
memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive
will use KVM to host your virtual machines.
De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox.
This package contains the command line Front-end for TestDrive.
Package: testdrive-common
Description-md5: 9f3a3e7c27b19bc8a68cc32bc7b7e3e0
Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (common files)
Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a
virtual machine on your local hardware.
It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient
memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive
will use KVM to host your virtual machines.
De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox.
This package contains the common files used by the different Testdrive
Package: testdrive-gtk
Description-md5: 2e950a7f338738eeaf1b268f40d75e05
Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (GTK Front-end)
Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a
virtual machine on your local hardware.
It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient
memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive
will use KVM to host your virtual machines.
De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox.
This package contains the PyGTK Front-end for TestDrive.
Package: tetraproc
Description-md5: 4fd943664a882e458bca0d794bce5c54
Description-gl: Procesador tetraédrico de micrófono para a gravación de son Ambisonic
TetraProc converts the A-format signals from a tetrahedral Ambisonic
microphone into B-format signals ready for recording. Main features:
* A-B conversion using a classic scalar matrix and minimum phase
filters, or
* A-B conversion using a 4 by 4 convolution matrix using measured
or computed impulse responses, or a combination of both.
* Individual microphone calibration facilities.
* 24 dB/oct higpass filters.
* Metering, monitoring and test facilities.
* Virtual stereo mic for stereo monitoring or recording.
* Unlimited number of stored configurations.
* Jack client with graphical user interface.
Package: tetzle
Description-md5: 9fde502f6606a471732c4289ec6d5585
Description-gl: Puzzle
Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of
sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently
in progress games.
Package: texlive-lang-portuguese
Description-md5: 99db1ce2706688a763cc19805bd357be
Description-gl: TeX Live: Portugués
Support for Portuguese.
This package includes the following CTAN packages:
babel-portuges --
beamer-tut-pt -- An introduction to the Beamer class, in Portuguese.
cursolatex -- A LaTeX tutorial.
feupphdteses -- Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto.
hyphen-portuguese -- Portuguese hyphenation patterns.
latexcheat-ptbr -- A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Brazilian Portuguese.
lshort-portuguese -- Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese.
ordinalpt -- Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese.
xypic-tut-pt -- A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese.
Package: texlive-lang-spanish
Description-md5: 3622f1ba593342ab9bce96e6edea68fe
Description-gl: TeX Live: Castelán
Support for Spanish.
This package includes the following CTAN packages:
babel-catalan --
babel-galician --
babel-spanish -- Babel support for Spanish.
es-tex-faq -- CervanTeX (Spanish TeX Group) FAQ
hyphen-catalan -- Catalan hyphenation patterns.
hyphen-galician -- Galician hyphenation patterns.
hyphen-spanish -- Spanish hyphenation patterns.
l2tabu-spanish -- Spanish translation of "Obsolete packages and commands".
latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish --
latexcheat-esmx -- A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Spanish.
lshort-spanish -- Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation.
spanish-mx -- Typeset Spanish as in Mexico.
Package: texlive-latex3
Description-md5: c70780ebf692ca10edcd09ac5ddbcfd5
Description-gl: TeX Live: transitional dummy package
Este é un paquete transitorio para texlive-latex3 para asegurar a
anovación adecuada a texlive-latex-recommended Pódese retirar con
seguranza após ter completado a instalación.
Package: texmacs-extra-fonts
Description-md5: a43a2af905116f1514c0b9580905217c
Description-gl: extra fonts for the mathematical text editor TeXmacs
This package contains a reasonably complete set of Type 1 fonts for basic
use of the mathematical text editor TeXmacs. Type 1 fonts may yield better
printing results and are preferred by publishers.
TeXmacs also uses Type 1 fonts from the TeTeX distribution, but without a
more complete set of Type 1 fonts, TeXmacs falls back to the Metafont
system and needs to autogenerate fonts from a LaTeX distribution on
demand, which takes a lot of time during editing.
This package brings the pregenerated Type 1 fonts that are part of the
distribution of TeXmacs for Microsoft Windows and can't be found in other
Debian packages.
Sitio web:
Package: texpower
Description-md5: b863056b4a7b5e56fe8fa0584f982b26
Description-gl: TeX Live: transitional dummy package
Este é un paquete transitorio para texpower para asegurar a anovación
adecuada a texlive-latex-extra. Pódese retirar con seguranza após ter
completado a instalación
Package: texstudio-dbg
Description-md5: a96ad3fd0ed8702dfc8256da57c60ec9
Description-gl: Latex Editor (debug)
TeXstudio is a program based on Texmaker, which integrates many tools
needed to develop documents with LaTeX in just one application. Using its
editor you can write your documents with the help of interactive spell
checking, syntax highlighting, code completion and more...
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: thailatex
Description-md5: 79e38970f8e90332c01b963ed2ef0c6e
Description-gl: TeX Live: transitional dummy package
Este é un paquete transitorio para thailatex para asegurar a anovación
adecuada a texlive-lang-other. Pódese retirar con seguranza após ter
completado a instalación.
Package: thin1.8
Description-md5: 798a94962677ef3762dbe9e970c50ef8
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para thin
This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the thin package. It
can safely be removed.
Package: thunar-dbg
Description-md5: fef45cab23deff77a77ee49d504dc866
Description-gl: debugging informations for thunar
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de thunar e libthunarx, o
xestor de ficheiros e bibliotecas de xestión de ficheiros do Ambiente de
Escritorio Xfce.
Package: thunderbird-mozsymbols
Description-md5: ac1a6a5ccd00092e19efbf6f6f9538a0
Description-gl: Email, RSS and newsgroup client - Breakpad symbols
O Thunderbird é un cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas
con todas as funcionalidades que fai que o correo electrónico sexa máis
seguro, rápido e doado que nunca antes. Admite diferentes contas de correo
(POP, IMAP, Gmail), ten un asistente para a configuración das contas de
correo simple, un caderno de enderezos con un clic, interface con lapelas,
un filtro de correo lixo que aprende integrado, capacidades de busca e
índices avanzado e ofrece unha organización doada do correo con etiquetas
e cartafoles virtuais. Tamén conta cunha extensibilidade sen rival.
This package contains the Firefox symbols in a format expected by
Mozilla's Breakpad. Eventually this package should go away and the symbol
upload be implemented in soyuz (or other builders that build this package)
Package: thunderbird-testsuite
Description-md5: 743f5679caf063b6d5ed211311011154
Description-gl: Email, RSS and newsgroup client - testsuite
O Thunderbird é un cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas
con todas as funcionalidades que fai que o correo electrónico sexa máis
seguro, rápido e doado que nunca antes. Admite diferentes contas de correo
(POP, IMAP, Gmail), ten un asistente para a configuración das contas de
correo simple, un caderno de enderezos con un clic, interface con lapelas,
un filtro de correo lixo que aprende integrado, capacidades de busca e
índices avanzado e ofrece unha organización doada do correo con etiquetas
e cartafoles virtuais. Tamén conta cunha extensibilidade sen rival.
This package contains the Thunderbird testsuite
Package: tickr
Description-md5: 1d60fd79d3e1e74ad7fe09a3106360fa
Description-gl: Barra de novas altamente personalizábel que usa GTK
Tickr is a GTK-based RSS/Atom Reader that displays feeds as a smooth
scrolling line on your Desktop, as known from TV stations. Open feed links
in your favourite Browser. Graphics are highly customizable.
Package: timidity
Description-md5: 88603973f702806f3ef904664ecf1612
Description-gl: Software de renderización de son (secuenciador MIDI e reprodutor MOD)
TiMidity++ is a very high quality software-only MIDI sequencer and MOD
player. It uses sound fonts (GUS-compatible or SF2-compatible) to render
MIDI files, which are not included in this package.
* Plays MIDI files without any external MIDI instruments at all
* Understands SMF, RCP/R36/G18/G36, MFI, RMI (MIDI)
* Autodetects and supports GM/GS/XG MIDI
* Understands MOD, XM, S3M, IT, 699, AMF, DSM, FAR, GDM,
* Does MOD to MIDI conversion (including playback)
* Outputs audio into various audio file formats: WAV, au, AIFF,
Ogg (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex)
* Supports NAS, eSound, JACK, ALSA and OSS drivers
* Uses Gravis Ultrasound compatible patch files and SoundFont2 patch
files as the voice data for MIDI instruments
* Supports playing from archives (zip, lzh, tar...) and playing remote
data from the network
* Timidity++ can be used as an ALSA sequencer device
Package: tkdesk
Description-md5: e64d3f26a5d024d64b5cd704cb4f8907
Description-gl: Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager
TkDesk is a graphical file manager for Unix (esp. Linux) and the X Window
Comparado con outros xestores de ficheiros dispoñíbeis, ofrece o conxunto
de operacións con ficheiros e servizos máis completo e, ademais, dálle ao
usuario a capacidade de configurar practicamente calquera aspecto do
TkDesk dunha maneira potente.
TkDesk has been influenced by various other systems and file managers,
such as NeXT, for laying out the file browser windows, Apple Finder, for
the idea of file annotations and, shock horror, Windows 95, for some other
Package: tkgate
Description-md5: c89caee91b1a68bb735791552d0d9187
Description-gl: Simulador de circuítos dixitais controlado por eventos e escrito en Tcl/Tk
TkGate is a event driven digital circuit simulator with a Tcl/Tk-based
graphical editor. TkGate supports a wide range of primitive circuit
elements as well as user-defined modules for hierarchical design. The
distribution comes with a number of tutorial and example circuits which
can be loaded through the "Help" menu. The example circuits include a
simple CPU, programmed to run the Animals game.
Package: tkgate-data
Description-md5: 97e2b59e347346dc03fe8ebccebd0725
Description-gl: Simulador de circuítos dixitais controlado por eventos e escrito en Tcl/Tk
TkGate is a event driven digital circuit simulator with a Tcl/Tk-based
graphical editor.
This package contains the architecture independent data files.
Package: tkgate-doc
Description-md5: a0fcf44dcf0367ecc5d63774ec44bbe7
Description-gl: Simulador de circuítos dixitais controlado por eventos e escrito en Tcl/Tk
TkGate is a event driven digital circuit simulator with a Tcl/Tk-based
graphical editor.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: tkmib
Description-md5: 3e99f331a5c32c38e42f396a8c41e207
Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) MIB browser
O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura
para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre
axentes (servidores) e clientes.
The Net-SNMP MIB (Management Information Base) Browser provides a
graphical frontend for the Net-SNMP tools. It can be used to browse the
MIB tree and interactively send requests to SNMP agents.
Package: todiscgui
Description-md5: 53ed18e28f45e04a80e640f15b51cd57
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do tovidgui
tovid can convert your video files to the correct format, generate
navigation menus, and create and burn the disc image.
This is a transitional package to tovidgui. In previous versions of tovid,
there were two GUIs; now there is only one.
Package: tokyotyrant-dbg
Description-md5: 7bcce2e2d98dd79219fa6b24083e8fad
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Tokyo Tyrant
Tokyo Tyrant is a network interface to the DBM Tokyo Cabinet. You might
bother in the case where multiple processes share the same database or
where remote processes access the database. Thus, Tokyo Tyrant is provided
for concurrent and remote connections to Tokyo Cabinet.
Estes son os símbolos de depuración do Tokyo Tyrant.
Package: tomahawk-dbg
Description-md5: 1e9573f1c3be2dc0d4a7dbae15199ec8
Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia social - símbolos de depuración
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración para usar para depurar
problemas co paquete tomahawk.
Package: tor-dbg
Description-md5: e8a546d3317d374b2fe6f8a245b9e653
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Tor
This package provides the debugging symbols for Tor, The Onion Router.
Those symbols allow your debugger to assign names to your backtraces,
which makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps.
Package: tora-dbg
Description-md5: 5ea2338c735787827960b2fa15727b86
Description-gl: graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators - debugging symbols
Tora features a schema browser, SQL worksheet, PL/SQL editor & debugger,
storage manager, rollback segment monitor, instance manager, and SQL
output viewer. Via qt4 it can access PostgreSQL and MySQL directly. Any
other database systems can be accessed via ODBC.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do tora.
Package: torchat
Description-md5: f33ec778704bb196044a23854395fb45
Description-gl: mensaxaría instantánea descentralizada baseada na rede Tor
TorChat is a peer to peer instant messenger with a completely
decentralized design, built on top of Tor's location hidden services,
providing strong anonymity while being very easy to use
Top most relevant feature TorChat claims, above from text messaging and
file sending, rest on the difficulty someone would experiment trying to
find out where you are communicating from
In the condition someone might be observing you and sniff your internet traffic connection, the person will find highly difficult to find out:
- Where your contacts are located
- To whom you are sending or receiving from
- What you send or receive, as everything is end-to-end encrypted
Package: tortoisehg-nautilus
Description-md5: b9f549998795e501d5d1c3254a8ff145
Description-gl: Graphical tool for working with Mercurial (Nautilus extension)
TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed
revision control system Mercurial. GUI support is provided for over a
dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore
filter, view change log, merge, recover/rollback, edit configuration,
synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the
interactive commit tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple
files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful and easier
to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).
Este paquete contén a extensión do Nautilus para TortoiseHg.
Package: totem-plugins-extra
Description-md5: 0de9f03bb118d166df22558c2940793b
Description-gl: Extra plugins for the Totem media player
Totem is a simple yet featureful media player for GNOME which can read a
large number of file formats.
This package contains a set of extra plugins for Totem, which allow to:
* Discover and browse media using the Grilo DLNA plugin
* Annotate the screen with the Gromit tool
Os engadidos adicionais han de estar escritos en C, Python ou Vala
Package: touchegg-dbg
Description-md5: 8e0757de6246fbd7743eb345e8d745d2
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Touchégg
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
Touchégg. Install this package if you are experiencing crashes of the
Touchégg application and wish to report a problem to the developers.
Package: tpconfig
Description-md5: f62469d2316c4d5fb6b1a1295c967738
Description-gl: touchpad device configuration utility
Este paquete fornece un programa que pode mostrar ou modificar a
configuración de diversos dispositivos de superficies táctiles, incluídos
o TouchPad de Synaptics e o Glidepad/Stickpointer de ALPS.
Package: tpm-tools-dbg
Description-md5: f59fb030b34287d92f51594f46eee87e
Description-gl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (debug)
tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing
Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys
securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's
software state using cryptographic hashes and more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: traceroute
Description-md5: 8a3a47eccb961a38576ee994d96f3d2c
Description-gl: Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
The traceroute utility displays the route used by IP packets on their way
to a specified network (or Internet) host. Traceroute displays the IP
number and host name (if possible) of the machines along the route taken
by the packets. Traceroute is used as a network debugging tool. If you're
having network connectivity problems, traceroute will show you where the
trouble is coming from along the route.
Instale traceroute se precisa unha ferramenta de diagnóstico de problemas
de conectividade de redes
Package: trackballs-dbg
Description-md5: f58caaec3dec0bcdb9ee794c410abe1c
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Trackballs
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración empregados para depurar o
xogo Trackballs contido no paquete trackballs. Os símbolos de depuración
empréganse para o trazado da execución e o análise dos envorcados.
Package: tracker-dbg
Description-md5: 01679ab94845bc7c7689c75ef78671ec
Description-gl: Base de datos de metadatos, creador de índices e ferramenta de buscas - símbolos de depuración
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración útiles para depurar o
tracker e as súas utilidades.
Tracker is an advanced framework for first class objects with associated
metadata and tags. It provides a one stop solution for all metadata, tags,
shared object databases, search tools and indexing.
Package: transcend
Description-md5: f9f932fb86684427bd353e1de1670a30
Description-gl: Xogo de disparos abstracto en 2D, estilo retro
Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The
graphics are geometrical, and the pace is sometimes frenzied.
Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic
graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from one complex shape to
another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with
subtle randomizations makes each play through a Transcend level visually
different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously
assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging a unique piece of
music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed
either as a game or as a multimedia sculpture.
Package: translate
Description-md5: ab7f4897c2d26dad06e13b9cd8b9585a
Description-gl: Traduce palabras do inglés ao alemán ou viceversa
It looks up a word in a file with language-to-language translations (field
separator should be \" :: \") and maintains local dictionaries. So it
should be easy to add more languages, if you have such a dictionary.
Package: trigger-rally-data
Description-md5: f9dc2026d5b883fdc60e8209442cccf6
Description-gl: free 3D rally racing car game - data files
Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family! You
race a sequence of 6 courses, with increasing levels of difficulty.
Trigger is highly customisable, and it's easy to add new levels and
System Requirements:
* 400 MHz CPU
* 64 MB Ram
* good OpenGL hardware accellerated video card (NVidia Geforce or better)
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos.
Package: triplane
Description-md5: 75723b551a63a2acf828a71a9c7cc851
Description-gl: Xogo de combate aéreo de desprazamento lateral
Triplane Classic is a side-scrolling dogfighting game featuring solo
missions and multiplayer mode with up to four players. It is a port of the
original Triplane Turmoil game for DOS and aims to match the original game
exactly so that high scores remain comparable to the original.
Package: triplea
Description-md5: ba6974aae907deae5b420d9427d4a7bb
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas
TripleA is a turn based strategy game. TripleA comes with multiple games
and over 100 more games can be downloaded from the user community.
Supports single player vs AI, hot-seat, Play by Email, and a hosted online
Package: trophy-dbg
Description-md5: 0b95ae5e9ff07b51aaa337186747e2e2
Description-gl: debug files for trophy
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do xogo trophy.
It can be used to debug trophy using GDB if the game crashes due to
programming errors.
Package: trueprint
Description-md5: cad04bb253aaf01807d245c51a895d84
Description-gl: pretty printing of source code
This program generates a pretty output of source codes in many programming
languages. The result could be printed or writed to a Postscript file.
The following programming languages are supported:
* C
* C++
* Java
* Pascal
* Perl
* Pike
* Sh (Shell)
* Verilog
Páxina web:
Package: tryton-modules-all
Description-md5: 2fbc8d10b27eda9a2edc3c3676b3ba32
Description-gl: Tryton Application Platform (modules metapackage)
Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform written in
Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine. It is the core base of a
complete business solution.
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os módulos de Tryton
Package: ttf-lyx
Description-md5: c09176df0ff7b74f61d8d97a4d6c4c9f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package only exists to facilitate the renaming of ttf-lyx to fonts-
lyx. You may safely remove this package once no other package depends on
Package: ttf-sil-yi
Description-md5: 0bb888404f39800d89e587a6928b7457
Description-gl: transitional dummy package
This package is meant to help transitioning from the fonts-sil-yi to
fonts-sil-nuosusil after the SIL Yi font was renamed.
Pode ser retirado con seguranza após a instalación do paquete fonts-sil-
Package: ttyload
Description-md5: 49ec7e7c37a023910ffc8c86b2c9bdee
Description-gl: console based color-coded graphs of CPU load average
Display fairly standard, but hard-coded, ANSI ASCII escape sequences for
screen manipulation and colorization for different graphs: 1 minute, 5
minute, 15 minute load averages.
Package: ttylog-dbg
Description-md5: c5f5160fb7bdcd77966a9df94f56dc14
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do ttylog
Print everything to stdout that comes from a serial device. You can
specify the device and the baud rate.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do ttylog.
Package: tunapie
Description-md5: 8e3058a81cbe22ea2e68cc5781a68936
Description-gl: Enumera fontes de son e video de Shoutcast e Icecast
A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio
streams. It gives information about streams including bitrate, IP and
current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an
appropriate media player, defined in preferences. Tunapie also allows
streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start
and stop at specified times.
Package: tupi-dbg
Description-md5: f1d855fc9911153baaf99d7f2035ebc4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do tupi (ferramenta de deseño e autoría de animacións en 2D)
Tupi: 2D Magic is a design and authoring tool for digital artists
interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface experience focused on
8-100 years old kids. It's source code is based on the KTooN project.
Some of its main features are: basic illustration tools (shapes, fill,
text), gradient tools, onion skin, brushes editor, pencil with smoothness
support, basic object library (for svg files and raster images) and many
Using its modules of Animation and Reproduction you can export 2D projects
to several formats as OGG, MPEG, AVI, MOV and SWF. Additionally, the
option of exporting Image arrays as output is available.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuracións necesarios para depurar o
Package: turses-doc
Description-md5: 1fe007591aae121ff408b97913504cc3
Description-gl: Documentación do cliente para consola de Twitter Turses
turses is a Twitter client with a sexy curses interface written in Python.
It's based on Tyrs by Nicolas Paris. The goal of the project is to build a
full-featured, lightweight, and extremely configurable Twitter client.
This package contains the turses documentation in various formats: HTML,
Info and plain text.
Package: tuxguitar
Description-md5: 005c914346bfc7295da2915cce8056b8
Description-gl: Multitrack guitar tablature editor and player (gp3 to gp5)
O TuxGuitar é un reprodutor e editor de tablaturas de guitarra. Pode abrir
ficheiros GP3, GP4 e GP5 e exporta en MIDI e PDF.
Package: tuxguitar-alsa
Description-md5: adddf5121617ec31d1ae52655055ceff
Description-gl: engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando ALSA
Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está
recoñecido por ALSA. Requírese un expansor de MIDI (hardware ou software).
Package: tuxguitar-fluidsynth
Description-md5: c4acbf41ddf894c73de855faf82d9a66
Description-gl: engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando fluidsynth
Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está
configurado para ter fluidsynth como expansor de MIDI.
Package: tuxguitar-jsa
Description-md5: a482bc10254e0e171cfe780645b480f5
Description-gl: engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando a API Java Sound
Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se ten dúbidas; tamén se
poden empregar outros sons.
Package: tuxguitar-oss
Description-md5: e66a5e2ab6263909dfd811037f8f7de6
Description-gl: engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando OSS
Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está
recoñecido por OSS. Requírese un expansor de MIDI (hardware ou software).
Package: tuxmath
Description-md5: 159f06317d778ade2cf689f3cf200ed8
Description-gl: math game for kids with Tux
«Tux, do Comando Matemáticas» («TuxMath» para abreviar) é un xogo
educativo tipo arcade protagonizado por Tux, a mascota de Linux! Baseado
no xogo clásico de arcade «Comando Mísil», Tux debe defender as súas
cidades. Neste caso, porén, teno que facer resolvendo problemas de
Package: tuxmath-data
Description-md5: 28575c9c1316e98a10f7be2339e59dad
Description-gl: math game for kids with Tux -- data files
«Tux, do Comando Matemáticas» («TuxMath» para abreviar) é un xogo
educativo tipo arcade protagonizado por Tux, a mascota de Linux! Baseado
no xogo clásico de arcade «Comando Mísil», Tux debe defender as súas
cidades. Neste caso, porén, teno que facer resolvendo problemas de
This package provides arch-independent data files.
Package: tuxpaint
Description-md5: 9551159bdce4761f97abd92804ab2175
Description-gl: A paint program for young children
Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It
is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and
easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know
what's going on, and keeps them entertained.
O Tux Paint é extensíbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos».
Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e
pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un
son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a
escolla a forma.
There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The
current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is
restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the
keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of
Package: tuxpaint-data
Description-md5: f4e09153eb3d5a0a07af0102266f4b8e
Description-gl: Data files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children
Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It
is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and
easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know
what's going on, and keeps them entertained.
O Tux Paint é extensíbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos».
Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e
pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un
son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a
escolla a forma.
There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The
current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is
restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the
keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of
This package contains sounds, images, fonts and other data for Tux Paint.
Package: tuxpaint-dev
Description-md5: 222523bbe11050888fb9dcbc4a65c695
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do Tux Paint
This package contains development files for writing "Magic" plugins for
Tux Paint.
Package: tuxpaint-plugins-default
Description-md5: 83cf7dadd53d046b4a2f5c4e3d917328
Description-gl: Magic tool plugins for Tux Paint
Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It
is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and
easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know
what's going on, and keeps them entertained.
O Tux Paint é extensíbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos».
Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e
pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un
son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a
escolla a forma.
There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The
current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is
restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the
keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of
This package contains the default "Magic" plugins for Tux Paint.
Package: tuxpaint-stamps-default
Description-md5: f5e169abc43cf6bffd80485010cbe5b7
Description-gl: Stamp files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children
Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children. It
is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be fun and
easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let the user know
what's going on, and keeps them entertained.
O Tux Paint é extensíbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos».
Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e
pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un
son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a
escolla a forma.
There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies. The
current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when it is
restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames or use the
keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from a collection of
This package contains sounds, images and other data for Tux Paint.
Package: tuxtype
Description-md5: 88e74d797488f65de7dea1a20782cfd6
Description-gl: Xogo educativo de mecanografía protagonizado por Tux
O TuxTyping é un xogo educativo de mecanografía protagonizado por Tux, o
pingüín de Linux. O xogador guía a Tux para que coma peixes que caen da
parte superior da pantalla. Cada peixe leva unha letra escrita nel. Cando
o xogador preme a tecla correspondente, Tux colócase para comer ese peixe.
O xogo pretende aprenderlles aos cativos a escribir, aínda que conta con
niveis de dificultade superiores que mesmo supoñen un reto para os
mecanógrafos avezados.
Package: tuxtype-data
Description-md5: 04b78274755f8c2f4bfa6d127960d3b0
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Xogo educativo de mecanografía protagonizado por Tux
This package contains graphics, sound, themes and wordlist files for
O TuxTyping é un xogo educativo de mecanografía protagonizado por Tux, o
pingüín de Linux.
Package: txt2pdbdoc
Description-md5: 48e01d83b3af40c5bb0e7644c7069629
Description-gl: convert plain text files to Palm DOC (for PalmOS) and back
This utility converts plain text files (or HTML files) to the de facto
PalmOS standard DOC format for use in document readers (such as "C Spot
Run") and editors (such as "ZDOC"). DOC files are compressed by default,
and txt2pdbdoc can also convert DOC files back to plain text.
Páxina web:
Package: typo3
Description-md5: d64defd5ccf729fd6899e3bc0ef8ee7f
Description-gl: web content management system (meta)
TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise
purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and
extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made
interfaces, functions and modules.
The most important key features of TYPO3 are:
* Simple creation of multi language websites with fallback to a default
* Handling of multi domain websites within a single page tree
* Multi user backend editing with complete GUI customisation using an
advanced ACL system
* An integrated workflow management system based on an multi step architecture
with editor and supervisor privileges
* Unlimited redefinition of the rendering process using the build-in
TypoScript configuration interface or the plugin API
* Thousands of plugins are available in the online TYPO3 extension repository
Este paquete é un metapaquete e depende de todos os paquetes de TYPO3
requiridos para construír unha instalación de TYPO3 que se execute
Package: u1db-tools
Description-md5: cf65c9f06bd902de415239676c59b110
Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- Ferramentas de desenvolvemento
An API for storing structured data which can be synchronized across a
network connection, including to the Ubuntu One service.
This package includes developer tools for working with u1db.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu
Description-md5: 41ab9626feda9ac247c07f1c1bb3ae05
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Edubuntu
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Edubuntu.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu
Description-md5: 6cf95b6a231fe40b88afa5beaa30676e
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Kubuntu
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Kubuntu.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu
Description-md5: 1bd4f6d667559ea752c142e5055e157e
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Lubuntu
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Lubuntu.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-gnome
Description-md5: 5edfe16050d3b7d1320a3ae2447692fb
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Ubuntu GNOME
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Ubuntu GNOME.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio
Description-md5: 78f43f953b327b222ca6e8b0b7486fea
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Ubuntu Studio
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Ubuntu Studio.
Package: ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu
Description-md5: d6dad0ead0d2a1145858994cf16fe612
Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Xubuntu
A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
introduction to Xubuntu.
Package: ubumirror
Description-md5: a0036de72b7cf69cb11aa7eb0faa2667
Description-gl: Scripts de espellos de Ubuntu
This package contains scripts for mirroring various parts of the Ubuntu
This includes archives packages, ISO files for releases, daily builds for
ISO files from cdimage and DVD images.
Package: ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn
Description-md5: a2d1c368d44702c197350f3b4f3b8e23
Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada de Ubuntu para o chinés/China
This package contains customized default settings for the Chinese Ubuntu
Package: ubuntu-download-manager
Description-md5: 7ec669b4bd787c1031fb3b273d2d2ac9
Description-gl: Xestor de Descargas de Ubuntu - daemon
O Xestor de Descargas de ubuntu realiza descargas desde un sitio
This package includes the daemon.
Package: ubuntu-edu-preschool
Description-md5: ba1174ff923906479fd65cbc64637a73
Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para preescolar
Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para cativos de
preescolar que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de
Package: ubuntu-edu-primary
Description-md5: 2717aa5fc34a02ae583105d0f023b0f1
Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para primaria
Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación primaria
que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu
Package: ubuntu-edu-secondary
Description-md5: 3d7141f4896451c29f569aff02f7dd51
Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para secundaria
Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación
secundaria que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de
Package: ubuntu-edu-tertiary
Description-md5: c2f5cd4b625685b7a5e507174e3b31b1
Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para a educación superior
Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación superior
que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu
Package: ubuntu-gnome-desktop
Description-md5: d0d250f64cbb960f43fb9dd21ac16572
Description-gl: The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage
Ubuntu GNOME é un sabor de Ubuntu que ofrece unha experiencia GNOME
practicamente pura. Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes principais
de Ubuntu GNOME.
Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se
recomenda que non se desinstale.
Package: ubuntu-keyboard
Description-md5: 24b86e19b8342d09ddedc27544205dd1
Description-gl: Teclado na pantalla de Ubuntu
Teclado de Ubuntu baseado en Maliit-Keyboard
Maliit provides a flexible and cross-platform input method framework. It
has a plugin-based client-server architecture where applications act as
clients and communicate with the Maliit server via input context plugins.
The communication link currently uses D-Bus. Maliit is an open source
framework (LGPL 2) with open source plugins (BSD).
Ubuntu-Keyboard on-screen keyboard is a Maliit plugin.
Package: ubuntu-keyboard-data
Description-md5: 40ca1a29768ca6d6fd898ffee9928f07
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do teclado na pantalla de ubuntu
Data files for the Ubuntu virtual keyboard
Package: ubuntu-keyboard-tests
Description-md5: b2e969fde7f14b36749d09f2fae793b2
Description-gl: Probas do teclado na pantalla de Ubuntu
Tests for the Ubuntu virtual keyboard
Package: ubuntu-mobile-icons
Description-md5: d169f7d5bf731e4bbecf87763b363fdb
Description-gl: Tema de iconas de Ubuntu Mobile
Iconas de Ubuntu Mobile empregadas para aplicativos e consola de teléfonos
e tabletas.
Package: ubuntu-online-tour
Description-md5: f71fcd466bd00e63d40972e0017fc88c
Description-gl: Experimente Ubuntu no seu navegador web
Ubuntu Tour é unha demostración da interface de usuario Unity de Ubuntu de
de varias funcionalidades de Ubuntu que se executa nun navegador web
Firefox. Tamén se poden empregar outros navegadores modernos que admitan
HTML5/CSS3 para ver a visita.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide
Description-md5: e068ad6953d0f5ba85233ab3fec614fb
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Metapaquete
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This is a metapackage, depending only on ubuntu-packaging-guide-html.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-common
Description-md5: ca586f2cefd56f86362ac195d3e068c3
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - ficheiros comúns
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains some common files that are needed by HTML versions
of the guide.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub
Description-md5: a52b9156e84a71a3f811252a12c8e0c6
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en EPUB
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the EPUB version of the guide.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-de
Description-md5: 943dbad9e0b88221840accd6fccf1ff7
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en EPUB - Versión en alemán
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the EPUB version of the guide.
This is the German version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-es
Description-md5: 0b6dfdd692312931df0665f4d5058e41
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en EPUB - Versión en español
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the EPUB version of the guide.
This is the Spanish version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-pt-br
Description-md5: c06a3c4d032516cf61772ff27e737e30
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en EPUB - Versión en portugués do Brasil
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the EPUB version of the guide.
This is the Brazilian Portuguese version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-ru
Description-md5: 6cc9b848c9235e50fed46993fa06c6dd
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en EPUB - Versión en ruso
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the EPUB version of the guide.
This is the Russian version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html
Description-md5: aead54fe3b939ff64b94c8fb1b2ad858
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en HTML
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the HTML version of the guide.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-de
Description-md5: d6b4e67c8baf44ce0d4811b482db8b2e
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en HTML - Versión en alemán
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the HTML version of the guide.
This is the German version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-es
Description-md5: 9feb11096c32fcb98159c8ee281b9013
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en HTML - Versión en español
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the HTML version of the guide.
This is the Spanish version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-pt-br
Description-md5: e8a5860bc60253065de24aad412f4ef7
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en HTML- Versión en portugués do Brasil
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the HTML version of the guide.
This is the Brazilian Portuguese version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-ru
Description-md5: d1dca18b99227d7f7e0e281ef250cd63
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en HTML - Versión en ruso
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the HTML version of the guide.
This is the Russian version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf
Description-md5: 83defabd310e3bbbe0a4b055b2b6f127
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en PDF
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the PDF version of the guide.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-de
Description-md5: e16839da5a74f61a99d7166282317000
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en PDF - Versión en alemán
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the PDF version of the guide.
This is the German version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-es
Description-md5: 18a82e41fc56d9d19e3d963d801671ed
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en PDF - Versión en español
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the PDF version of the guide.
This is the Spanish version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-pt-br
Description-md5: 70923106ff33957a9bbb9605deeb0665
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en PDF - Versión en portugués do Brasil
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the PDF version of the guide.
This is the Brazilian Portuguese version.
Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-ru
Description-md5: e3f111ebc37c932b8b978c58576dc6b0
Description-gl: Guía para empaquetar Ubuntu - Guía en PDF - Versión en ruso
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is a set of articles that should help you to
get involved with packaging and development of Ubuntu. It's not meant to
replace other great documentation like the Debian New Maintainer's Guide
or the Debian policy, but serve as a starting point with easy and simple
to understand articles.
This package contains the PDF version of the guide.
This is the Russian version.
Package: ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt
Description-md5: 1a5354b00256cd2e8841649e89979f00
Description-gl: Xestione as anovacións das edicións
This is the Qt frontend of the Ubuntu Release Upgrader
Package: ubuntu-sdk
Description-md5: c8c60bdc5002ffa80d53ba1ce3dfbd4a
Description-gl: SDK de Ubuntu
This package depends on all the packages of the Ubuntu SDK:
- Runtime libraries
- Development headers
- Qt Creator
- Demos and examples
Package: ubuntu-sdk-libs
Description-md5: 96f1162f6e57d19f96d659b9908e8a7b
Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución do SDK de Ubuntu
This package depends on all the packages of the Ubuntu SDK:
- Runtime libraries
Package: ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev
Description-md5: 8bbdfe082cdb4394bfa9b6231aa3e086
Description-gl: SDK de Ubuntu
This package depends on all the packages of the Ubuntu SDK:
- Development headers
Package: ubuntu-touch
Description-md5: a3d2bde244db1d4276926a028b7c047a
Description-gl: Sistema Ubuntu Touch
This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu touch system
It is safe to remove this package if some of the touch system packages are
not desired.
Package: ubuntu-touch-session
Description-md5: 5aa44140ec30ca65d388f3066cb8a6f2
Description-gl: Xestor de sesións de Ubuntu para dispositivos Ubuntu Touch
The ubuntu-touch-session tool aims to setup a very simple session manager
for the ubuntu-touch mobile shell.
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic
Description-md5: f9d2a102a5cd4c16455c3583f813fcc4
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 9.10
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 9.10
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-lucid
Description-md5: 4d34539b72e4e27f7a0270460169a743
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 10.04
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 10.04
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-maverick
Description-md5: 86b5385e0e586c2f377dd698662dfba5
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 10.10
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 10.10
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-natty
Description-md5: 0493db83568002e88302deed52f89766
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 11.04
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 11.04
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-oneiric
Description-md5: 1c8c34f0aefb3d8072cd72a0823e0ed5
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 11.10
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 11.10
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-precise
Description-md5: 9773af9320b7758013321f0e9292fac6
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 12.04
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 12.10
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-quantal
Description-md5: f9099c429ebc3049cb49900f4942bd38
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 12.10
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 12.10
Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-raring
Description-md5: d3850ace3d9c8322955c4378ae66c63a
Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu 13.04
Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 13.04
Package: ubuntukylin-theme
Description-md5: 1f96cf00f7e14e206767b8023323da2a
Description-gl: Tema para UbuntuKylin
This package contains the default theme for UbuntuKylin, which is to be a
flavor of Ubuntu.
Package: ubuntuone-credentials
Description-md5: a3fdb1b1eef04aad625f66043538d5f1
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - aplicativos de utilidade
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes extra utility applications used by the library.
Package: ubuntuone-credentials-common
Description-md5: 25c90b914c3bb8889e473e2db9c836b8
Description-gl: Biblioteca de autenticación en Ubuntu One - datos comúns
A library for native applications to log into the Ubuntu One services, to
synchronize data, purchase music and software, or access data stored
remotely on the Ubuntu One servers.
This package includes common data files for the Ubuntu One authentication
library and utilities.
Package: ubuntuone-file-storage-api
Description-md5: 6a499cf5ee6da4c0c27942605f011934
Description-gl: API de almacenamento de ficheiros de Ubuntu One
A set of sync and async wrappers to the RESTful api's described in:
Package: ubuntustudio-audio
Description-md5: 55deeda8035ca1e623e17d2021829c47
Description-gl: Paquete de xeración de son de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications for audio production.
Package: ubuntustudio-audio-plugins
Description-md5: 7981892e2dd1d4f20802fbecadf03741
Description-gl: Paquete de engadidos de son de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of LADSPA, LV2, and DSSI plugins.
Package: ubuntustudio-controls
Description-md5: 32e39f3ee1311e8ebfe20424735bc23c
Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio Controls é un pequeno aplicativo que cambia a configuración de son e vídeo.
Ubuntu Studio Controls é un pequeno aplicativo que fornece acceso aos
usuarios a configuracións habitualmente editadas a man nun sistema de
produción de son e vídeo.
Package: ubuntustudio-desktop
Description-md5: d9ff3b71bc774f6713a75be90e087b75
Description-gl: Paquete Ubuntu Studio Desktop
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications that comprises the Ubuntu Studio Desktop
Package: ubuntustudio-font-meta
Description-md5: 848df8284ecb3e2ec4a7929e140d9161
Description-gl: Paquete de tipos de letra de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of fonts to help with graphic design
Package: ubuntustudio-generation
Description-md5: ac4bde1288c14899334edd41497601fb
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
This transitional package provides an upgrade path for updating from a
release prior to the audio seed restructuring from multiple audio seeds
into one.
Package: ubuntustudio-graphics
Description-md5: b534d30046fb25ec5b18046ce75055b4
Description-gl: Paquete de gráficos de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications aimed at 2D/3D creation and editing.
Package: ubuntustudio-icon-theme
Description-md5: be4086638ecee8024af2268d71252fdf
Description-gl: Tema de iconas de Ubuntu Studio
This package adds the Ubuntu Studio icon theme. This package adds the few
missing icons ubuntustudio needs that no other theme provides. These
include, The distribution icon and a few icons for packages that come with
a desktop file but no icon.
Package: ubuntustudio-look
Description-md5: 42f35f4b1f2ca4c6fca5a02d810f2bdc
Description-gl: Aparencia de Ubuntu Studio
The Ubuntu Studio theme metapackage.
This package depends upon the constituent parts of the Ubuntu Studio
theme, whilst also providing the theme descriptor to the GNOME desktop,
and the distributor logo.
Package: ubuntustudio-photography
Description-md5: 70ef27f25a6189da86c2a6f7e37d59cc
Description-gl: Paquete Fotografía de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications forming a photograph touchup and editing
Package: ubuntustudio-publishing
Description-md5: ab46031b8bf1e48fbaa5f32b65b8a444
Description-gl: Paquete de publicación de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications aimed at publishing.
Package: ubuntustudio-recording
Description-md5: ac4bde1288c14899334edd41497601fb
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
This transitional package provides an upgrade path for updating from a
release prior to the audio seed restructuring from multiple audio seeds
into one.
Package: ubuntustudio-screensaver
Description-md5: 37bec7b4dd787a4d8bf18ebbba300da1
Description-gl: Salvapantallas de Ubuntu Studio
This package contains the Ubuntu Studio screensaver.
Package: ubuntustudio-sounds
Description-md5: 6b64d2c37d546d7daef967fbcb2ae83c
Description-gl: Tema de son de GNOME de Ubuntu Studio
Sounds to spruce up the Ubuntu Studio GNOME environment.
Package: ubuntustudio-video
Description-md5: 5c8232a1ef33a1ddaba4e6a3e00d9831
Description-gl: Paquete de vídeo de Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o
entusiasta ou profesional de son, vídeo e gráficos de Linux.
A collection of applications aimed at video creation and editing.
Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers
Description-md5: e1b8ad061472d34ed278c207c9232890
Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio - Fondos de escritorio
The Ubuntu Studio theme.
This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers. These are desktop
backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought
to be of interest to artists.
Package: ucspi-proxy
Description-md5: 2fbf097e997366581e04db6e4f7e5af6
Description-gl: Connection proxy for UCSPI tools
This package contains a proxy program that passes data back and forth
between two connections set up by a UCSPI server and a UCSPI client.
Consulte para máis información sobre
UCSPI. Consulte para informacións
Package: ucspi-unix
Description-md5: aa21205dd12bf319d77f221de2066e1a
Description-gl: UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools
unixclient and unixserver are command-line tools for building UNIX domain
client-server applications. unixclient connects to a UNIX domain socket
and runs a program of your choice. unixserver creates a UNIX domain
socket, waits for incoming connections and, for each connection, runs a
program of your choice.
unixclient and unixserver conform to UCSPI, the UNIX Client-Server Program
Interface, using UNIX domain sockets. UCSPI tools are available for
several different networks.
Consulte para máis información sobre
UCSPI. Consulte para informacións
Package: udj-desktop-client
Description-md5: 53613ecf29a8887e86df9f04e69cabd4
Description-gl: Reprodutor de música social
UDJ allows you and your friends to collaboratively select which music is
playing, in real time. Guests are able to view your playlist from their
smartphones. They can also search your music library from their phones and
add songs to the playlist. If they see a song added by someone else that
they like, they can choose to vote it up. The song will then move up in
the queue and be played sooner. Alternatively, if they see a song they
don't like they can vote it down and it will move down in the queue.
Package: uim-dbg
Description-md5: e039a8ec4e09150f84f16c980ac5a582
Description-gl: Método de Entrada Universal - símbolos de depuración
Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and
can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy,
Canna, PRIME, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for
Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are
implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración. Fornécese fundamentalmente
para ter un trazado inverso para un depurador, o que facilita algo a
interpretación dos envorcados do núcleo.
Package: umbrello-dbg
Description-md5: 592c59c1b2636738de4f48d3995a7509
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Umbrello
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
binaries included in Umbrello.
Package: umit
Description-md5: 797a3accd778f3ece3583c749041c969
Description-gl: network tool and graphical frontend for nmap
Scan the hosts in your network discovering open ports and the services and
operating systems that they are running.
Co umit vostede ten a potencia fornecida por nmap a través da súa
interface normal para a liña de ordes e moito máis nunha interface gráfica
moi fácil de usar e portátil.
Package: unagi-dbg
Description-md5: 9e7fa4ca0ea0133e59d1b3a7f9d11d5f
Description-gl: Modular X compositing manager - debugging symbols
Unagi is a modular compositing manager which aims to be efficient,
lightweight and responsive. It is currently written in C programming
language and based on XCB library client library. Any existing window
manager (such as Awesome) can be used as long as it implements properly
EWMH and ICCCM specifications (or at least needed), which is generally the
case nowadays.
It also aims to provide a functional and stable software to improve window
manager usability from an end-user point of view (for instance windows
translucency, application-switcher using live thumbnails instead of plain
icons, Exposé...), therefore it does not intend at all to provide useless
eye-candy effects.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do unagi.
Package: unetbootin-translations
Description-md5: 6c228a965d517457efb40c2d2e719e42
Description-gl: Traducións do instalador de distribucións unetbootin
UNetbootin is an installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or
USB drive.
This package contains translation files for unetbootin.
Package: units-filter
Description-md5: ba84e63239655cb8e51f888634d9fe7a
Description-gl: Parser for expressions concerning physical values
Units-filter is a basic standalone filter written in C language, flex and
bison. It inputs strings like "1.5e3 nN.m.s^-1" (it could be the time
growth ratio of a torque) and outputs the value in standard SI unit,
followed by the physical dimension of this value.
example :~/src$ echo 1.5e3 nN.m.s^-1 | units-filter
1.5e-06 2 1 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 -3 que significa : 1.5e-06
(unidades do SI) m .kg.s
This parser can be embedded in educational test systems, in order to
analyze a student's answer to a problem of physics or chemistry.
Package: unity-mail
Description-md5: fb635cda07ea37502b3e7612890bfc68
Description-gl: Notificacións de correo e contador para Unity
Unity Mail is an application that integrates your mail into the Unity
It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows number of unread
messages in the Unity Launcher and shows subjects in the Messaging Menu.
The Unity Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to
your mail folders (configured for GMail by default). It also allows you to
quickly compose a new message.
Unity Mail starts automatically, all you have to do is to enter your
accounts settings in a configuration dialog.
Package: unity-webapps-amazoncloudreader
Description-md5: a6446476abda4cd278bd892ed76dfadf
Description-gl: App web de Unity para AmazonCloudReader
AmazonCloudReader Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-bbcnews
Description-md5: d900fac4171b464a7d2dcbf953be0838
Description-gl: App web de Unity para BBCNews
BBCNews Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-cnn-news
Description-md5: b0301e124cb6609c3bd1e3c743889cb1
Description-gl: App web de Unity para CNN News
CNN News Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-deezer
Description-md5: fe2914d815aa60b8cf1e4b21414c47db
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Deezer
Deezer Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-deviantart
Description-md5: a70e25ee3f0fa05a265be4bf27c6b9a9
Description-gl: App web de Unity para DevianArt
DeviantArt Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-facebookmessenger
Description-md5: 66d3c993bbfeb4a8814749d4dc71b778
Description-gl: App web de Unity para FacebookMessenger
FacebookMessenger Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-googlecalendar
Description-md5: 0d5f6a3c39ba17e708a3750b51d76c9a
Description-gl: App web de Unity para GoogleCalendar
GoogleCalendar Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-googledocs
Description-md5: 1c8ac22a317fde452fd96ca059534c2c
Description-gl: App web de Unity para GoogleDocs
GoogleDocs Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-googlenews
Description-md5: 681b621281327a952f7a007df92c83a8
Description-gl: App web de Unity para GoogleNews
GoogleNews Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-googleplus
Description-md5: 4b7d380e6f4e6e558aa79b20e982e78a
Description-gl: App web de Unity para GooglePlus
GooglePlus Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-googleplusgames
Description-md5: 387b821e3bd900a5056e18c2b2c73bff
Description-gl: App web de Unity para GooglePlusGames
GooglePlusGames Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-grooveshark
Description-md5: 5c56cf0ef00423d849297ce988ad5c36
Description-gl: App web de Unity para grooveshark
grooveshark Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-hulu-player
Description-md5: df79c5b211baf6ad28a088160bed395a
Description-gl: App web de Unity para hulu-player
hulu-player Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-lastfm-radio
Description-md5: 18e6ac151f9f2e3a8dfd8bc9f8f7a921
Description-gl: App web de Unity para lastfm-radio
lastfm-radio Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-launchpad
Description-md5: 929d66edddc034f2724d4f702ea53b2c
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Launchpad
Launchpad Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-librefm
Description-md5: 06c9cfbdea5a085ae6a9f46d1dffcd5b
Description-gl: App web de Unity para LibreFm
LibreFm Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-linkedin
Description-md5: 6864803fbfd515ed50fc3b71dfdc8148
Description-gl: App web de Unity para LinkedIn
LinkedIn Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-livemail
Description-md5: 6107c0b29a1f2dbf9c9088c1c1c0f819
Description-gl: App web de Unity para LiveMail
LiveMail Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-mail-ru
Description-md5: aa248e967f4dbb4f465166e9653ef285
Description-gl: App web de Unity para mail-ru
mail-ru Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-newsblur
Description-md5: 766ca08c666e7fd7f4d3eeca57d739bc
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Newsblur
Newsblur Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-pandora
Description-md5: 400c87b09043074695c507ea541be7fd
Description-gl: App web de Unity para pandora
pandora Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-pandora-com
Description-md5: 67f16c35ae8066611356888920def080
Description-gl: App web de Unity para pandora-com
pandora-com Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-qq-mail
Description-md5: b2cdfe6d66532b0adf7eb5c909f62cfe
Description-gl: App web de Unity para qq-mail
qq-mail Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-reddit
Description-md5: 792c44cc798a703e229164f58c27ffed
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Reddit
Reddit Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-tumblr
Description-md5: f396686c09743f48c73ab6a47aad2d66
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Tumblr
Tumblr Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-twitter
Description-md5: 15d2b8c4f2cc2c9dc06407ec9067dd25
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Twittter
Twitter Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-vkcom
Description-md5: d896d570e35b46f93d325422d3a66ee9
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Vkcom
Vkcom Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-wordpress
Description-md5: a9dcf3c607ba9d37cc5f668e3bc64363
Description-gl: App web de Unity para wordpress
wordpress Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-wordpress-com
Description-md5: d9256db08d2df0dc30840e8857dc639f
Description-gl: App web de Unity para wordpress-com
wordpress-com Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yahoomail
Description-md5: 19a2c27234b0f46758eea0b66eacf79c
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Yahoomail
YahooMail Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yahoonews
Description-md5: ef89cd7d7dd6831eb6c1d95cd44de398
Description-gl: App web de Unity para YahooNews
YahooNews Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yandex-music
Description-md5: 2e6e9290380888e5cdfa9794fbf0a58e
Description-gl: App web de Unity para yandex-music
yandex-music Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yandexmail
Description-md5: 3efa9fe634bb820dfb0c9a3010e56d9d
Description-gl: App web de Unity para Yandex Mail
Yandex Mail Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yandexmusic
Description-md5: 2fc591d98d32c031cd09eea6b9d254d8
Description-gl: App web de Unity para yandexmusic
yandexmusic Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-yandexnews
Description-md5: 371968dbd5d40cf8931a76c4efcf2638
Description-gl: App web de Unity para YandexNews
YandexNews Webapp for Unity
Package: unity-webapps-youtube
Description-md5: 43d7926e7b64fc76b8479a2f13e73fa5
Description-gl: App web de Unity para YouTube
YouTube Webapp for Unity
Package: unoconv
Description-md5: a8f9b42f1b1a5a861d73f018c81d22ff
Description-gl: convertedor entre os formatos de documento do LibreOffice
Este paquete fornece unha utilidade para a liña de ordes que pode
converter desde calquera formato de documento que poida importar o
LibreOffice para calquera formato de documento ao que poida exportar.
Emprega os bindings de UNO de LibreOffice para unha conversión non
interactiva dos documentos.
Supported document formats include Open Document format, MS Word, MS
Office Open/MS OOXML, PDF, HTML, XHTML, RTF, DocBook, and more.
Package: usb-creator-kde
Description-md5: cc3fb792d79d0b5fa10c1afdb5909782
Description-gl: create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for KDE)
O Creador de Discos de Arranque converte unha memoria USB ou unha tarxeta
SD nun volume desde o que é posíbel arrancar e executar Ubuntu. Tamén é
posíbel almacenar ficheiros e configuracións no espazo que sobre.
The program also works for Debian, or any other Debian-based OS for which
you have a CD or .iso image.
This package contains the KDE client frontend.
Package: uwsgi-dbg
Description-md5: 2562a97100731f3ae3815a97cacf19f4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do servidor uWSGI e dos seus engadidos
uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications,
implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management.
This package contains the debug symbols for uWSGI core binary and plugins.
Install this package if you need to debug such a program or if you need a
useful backtrace of a crash.
Package: vainfo
Description-md5: b61d85563f1aa759cd44c2c73277bd4f
Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- info program
API de aceleración de vídeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e
especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por
hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vídeo nos sistemas
operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a
descodificación de vídeo, a codificación de vídeo, a fusión e presentación
de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel
para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU;
porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware específico da Intel, dado
que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para
a descodificación de vídeo acelerada por hardware.
This package provides the vainfo program.
Package: vala-gen-project-dbg
Description-md5: ee7ebd62aafcb4dce7680ec39d6bff53
Description-gl: Xerador de proxectos en Vala - símbolos de depuración
Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming
language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional
runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to
applications and libraries written in C.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de vala-gen-project.
Package: valadoc
Description-md5: 8a6549afda982e1d45dda89bddbfa8db
Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala
Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in
HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi
Package: vamp-plugin-sdk
Description-md5: d51069005dc52979e43aae38615d8f82
Description-gl: audio analysis and feature extraction plugins (SDK)
Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract
descriptive information from audio data - typically referred to as audio
analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins.
Just like an audio effects plugin (such as a VST), a Vamp plugin is a
binary module that can be loaded up by a host application and fed audio
data. However, unlike an effects plugin, a Vamp plugin outputs not
processed audio but some sort of symbolic information. Typical things that
a Vamp plugin might calculate include the locations of moments such as
note onset times, visual representations of the audio such as histograms,
or curve data such as power or fundamental frequency.
Os hóspedes que empregan os engadidos de Vamp inclúen Audacity e Sonic
This package contains C and C++ header files for developing Vamp plugins
and hosts as well as source code of example plugins and a simple host.
Package: varnish-dbg
Description-md5: 4e1b9c00071f8870a6c16c96d8abd149
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do varnish
This package contains the detached debugging symbols for varnish.
Varnish Cache is a state of the art web accelerator written with
performance and flexibility in mind.
Package: vdr-dbg
Description-md5: 6df4cdda3d275b7c4366299360dc9a65
Description-gl: Debug symbols for the VDR Video Disc Recorder
Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux
and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as
output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware
accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do vdr.
Package: vdr-plugin-dvbhddevice-dbg
Description-md5: fad2427d2db1f9ac82fa41a484b639f6
Description-gl: Plugin that adds support for full featured HD-DVB cards to VDR
Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux
and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as
output the stream to TV.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de dvbhddevice-plugin.
Package: vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice-dbg
Description-md5: 7213ffab5670b5bc73b2b33b7b89f3d0
Description-gl: Plugin that adds support for full featured SD-DVB cards to VDR
Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux
and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as
output the stream to TV.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de dvbsddevice-plugin.
Package: vdr-plugin-mp3
Description-md5: a8fe744348e8049784d633cdb35ff977
Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución de MP3 para VDR
This plugin for VDR allows one to play back mp3's, ogg-files and audio-
Package: vdr-plugin-mplayer
Description-md5: cf98359c3cf2d9f45a7873fa97a0c90b
Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución do MPlayer para VDR
Este engadido para VDR permite reproducir calquera formato de vídeo
admitido por MPlayer.
Package: vdr-plugin-streamdev-client
Description-md5: 4a0efbc6478ddc0b7947bdecc653ab46
Description-gl: VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - client part
Este engadido para VDR permite que o software retransmita vídeos pola
rede. Pódense interconectar varios vdrs así ou ver eses fluxos con
aplicativos clientes como Video Lan Client ou MPlayer. Esta é a parte do
Package: vdr-plugin-streamdev-server
Description-md5: 9d5c50ffb42e8f7b4b2f8404eb91d9be
Description-gl: VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - server part
Este engadido para VDR permite que o software retransmita vídeos pola
rede. Pódense interconectar varios vdrs así ou ver eses fluxos con
aplicativos clientes como Video Lan Client ou MPlayer. Esta é a parte do
Package: vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-dbg
Description-md5: 25cea5952c122ce1b06c3ac1efc390f8
Description-gl: VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several
libxine based local and remote frontends can use.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: vera
Description-md5: 954c48a29e453dee2acab38fdf9602c2
Description-gl: Dictionary of computer related acronyms -- info format
The free edition of V.E.R.A. - Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms - is a
comprehensive dictionary of computer related acronyms with more than 11800
entries. This package contains the dictionary formatted as a single info
Teña en conta que esta versión normalmente é anterior á que se executa na
páxina de V.E.R.A.
Package: veromix
Description-md5: 1a29b9597510e359dce530f1fe40cdc0
Description-gl: Mesturador para o servidor de son PulseAudio (GTK+)
Veromix is a mixer for the PulseAudio sound server.
* control volume of each playback stream
* control volume of devices (hardware)
* control volume of input devices (microphone)
* move playback streams between different devices (drag icon of playback
stream and drop it on target device)
* mute/unmute (click icon)
* volume meter (on mouse over)
* PopUp-Applet (icon-representation if inside panel)
* can life in system tray or notification area
* kill playback streams
* set default output device
* Middle-click on panel icon mutes default output
* Mouse-wheel over panel icon increases/decreases volume of default output
* supports global hotkeys
* set volume above 100%
This package contains the GTK+ frontend for GNOME and others.
Package: veromix-common
Description-md5: 75a934bce1bcc58fb21ddefadc602ae2
Description-gl: Mixer for the PulseAudio sound server (common)
Veromix is a mixer for the PulseAudio sound server.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns.
Package: veusz-helpers-dbg
Description-md5: 0cc35cf8b25107cd587acb2581355c94
Description-gl: Architecture-specific helper module for Veusz (debug extension)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Veusz específicos da
arquitectura compilado para poder usar o paquete de depuración de Python
ou para usar o Python estándar con símbolos de depuración.
Package: vflib3-dev
Description-md5: 2848aa5fe68cc81d9509612d370a7eaf
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de VFlib3
VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information
processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of
characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner.
VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK,
GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and
more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2 and
T1lib respectively. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too.
This package contains the header file and static library for developing
with VFlib3.
Package: vflib3-doc
Description-md5: 561f8ce84bbd4a61dbccc20cc19cc079
Description-gl: Documentación de VFlib3
VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information
processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of
characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner.
VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK,
GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and
more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2 and
T1lib respectively. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too.
This package contains the VFlib3 documentation in various formats.
Package: videolan-doc
Description-md5: 404c57332a1423a6e036e8182cb9798a
Description-gl: Documentación da solución de retransmisión de VideoLAN
Este paquete contén documentación útil para a solución de fluxos VideoLAN:
co COMO de reprodución do VLC (unha guía completa para empregar o VLC como
reprodutor de multimedia), o COMO dos fluxos do VLC (unha guía sobre como
empregar o VLC como solución para fluxos), a guía do usuario de VLS e as
Preguntas Frecuentes do VideoLAN.
Package: videoporama
Description-md5: 5cddb00a880ca1f1ed0e1a77be331d31
Description-gl: Faga e exporte pases de diapositivas
Videoporama is a software designed to make image slideshow and export to
video file.
The following options are available:
* With or without transitions between images.
* Image geometries: 4:3 or 16:9.
* Display time is set image by image.
* Transition type is defined image by image.
* Add a sound to slideshow (wav, ogg ou mp3).
* Output in PAL (720x576), NTSC (720x480), SECAM (720x576), Web (384x288),
HD 720 (1280x720) or HD 1080 (1920x1080).
* Output file format : Raw dv (.dv), AVI (codec dv),
MPEG (VCD, SVCD et DVD), FLV (Flash video format) and
H264 (MPEG4 part 10 AVC).
* Add a background image (For images which are in portrait) or add a
background color. (Notice : The image should have the same geometry than
the other images.
Package: vim-syntax-gtk
Description-md5: eac6f76a330abb4c5fd9fe42ac45e953
Description-gl: Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim
Unha colección de ficheiros de sintaxe de extensión de C para Xlib, Glib,
GObject, GDK, GdkPixBuf, GTK+, ATK, Pango, Cairo, libgimp, libgnome,
libgnomecanvas, libgnomeui, libglade, gtkglext, VTE, linc, GConf, ORBit,
Evince, GIO libsoup, libunique, GStreamer, GObject-Introspection e Json-
Package: visualvm
Description-md5: a7eebccbff6602e49964e71b25c6d1c6
Description-gl: Ferramenta integral de resolución de problemas de Java
VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and
lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and
development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and
performance analysis for the Java SE platform.
VisualVM is designed for
- Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps,
browse heap dumps.
- System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications
across the entire network.
- Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the
necessary information.
Package: vkeybd
Description-md5: 0d2d394ff06dcef1fd62dcb0f7ece48a
Description-gl: Teclado MIDI virtual
This program allows you to use the Linux AWE32 driver, OSS MIDI sequencer,
or ALSA MIDI sequencer and provides "virtual" keyboard (the musical type),
which can be "played" using the keyboard or mouse under X11.
Package: vlc
Description-md5: ade490894197577c48a5c98707cbcbcf
Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
O VLC tamén se pode empregar como servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo
que le e retransmíteo pola rede a outros clientes ou o serve a través de
O VLC permite transcodificar «ao voo» os formatos de son e de vídeo, tanto
para a súa teledifusión como para a súa transformación a formatos de
película. A capacidade para a maioría dos métodos de saída fornécea este
paquete, mais pódenselle engadir funcionalidades instalando engadidos de
son adicionais (vlc-plugin-pulse, vlc-plugin-sdl) ou engadidos de vídeo
Package: vlc-data
Description-md5: bccba58fb9840799ef3e1fbe272530f0
Description-gl: Datos comúns para o VLC
Localizacións, ficheiros da interface HTTP, scripts en Lua para o
reprodutor de multimedia VLC
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-dbg
Description-md5: 2e42d21fd273f39c55c7ffc9183c44b4
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do vlc
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do vlc.
Package: vlc-nox
Description-md5: 37fd0f9e7a6c27828878f9c0225c4ad0
Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (without X support)
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
O VLC tamén se pode empregar como servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo
que le e retransmíteo pola rede a outros clientes ou o serve a través de
O VLC permite transcodificar «ao voo» os formatos de son e de vídeo, tanto
para a súa teledifusión como para a súa transformación a formatos de
película. A capacidade para a maioría dos métodos de saída fornécea este
paquete, mais pódenselle engadir funcionalidades instalando engadidos de
son adicionais (vlc-plugin-pulse, vlc-plugin-sdl, vlc-plugin-jack) ou
engadidos de vídeo (vlc-plugin-sdl).
Este paquete contén unha versión do VLC que non require X e que é, polo
tanto, axeitada para servidores sen cabeza.
Package: vlc-plugin-fluidsynth
Description-md5: d020b798220b991c5ab1439d49afe36c
Description-gl: Engadido de FluidSynth para o VLC
This plugin adds support for playing MIDI file via the FluidSynth software
synthesizer to the VLC media player.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-jack
Description-md5: fa64893fd1af0d8b72b24b65e12bfe96
Description-gl: Engadidos de son Jack para o VLC
Estes engadidos permiten empregar JACK co reprodutor de multimedia VLC.
Para activar o módulo de saída de son, empregue a bandeira «--aout jack»
ou escolla o engadido de saída de son «jack» no menú de preferencias. Para
a entrada de jack empregue «vlc jack://channels=...:ports=...»
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-notify
Description-md5: d67616280b4d81707276896d99ca97b6
Description-gl: Engadido de LibNotify para VLC
This plugin adds support for libnotify track change notification to the
VLC media player.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-pulse
Description-md5: 7bf6d88753dd5faf8be6485c523db6f8
Description-gl: Engadido de PulseAudio para o VLC
Este engadido permite empregar PulseAudio co reprodutor de multimedia VLC.
Para activar o módulo de saída de son, empregue a bandeira «--aout pulse»
ou escolla o engadido de saída de son «pulse» no menú de preferencias.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-sdl
Description-md5: e31cd936999e7a774e7bbf12dbc180bd
Description-gl: Engadido de saída de vídeo e son SDL para o VLC
Este engadido permite empregar a biblioteca Simple DirectMedia Layer co
reprodutor de multimedia VLC. Para activalo, empregue as bandeiras «--vout
sdl» ou «--aout sdl» ou escolla o engadido de saída de vídeo ou de son
«sdl» no menú de preferencias.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-svg
Description-md5: d93a812bb488ea5282e82e2442f61c05
Description-gl: Engadido de SVG para o VLC
This plugin allows you to render SVG graphics on top of the video. It is a
text renderer, and must be activated through the '--text-renderer svg'
option. When sent non-SVG data, it will convert it to SVG using a template
that can be specified by the svg-template-file option.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vlc-plugin-zvbi
Description-md5: 26b7e796b876a1bbc3368fd63e28ae0e
Description-gl: Engadido de teletexto VBI para o VLC
This plugin adds support for VBI teletext to the VLC media player.
O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros
MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3,
Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da
Package: vmpk
Description-md5: 598c1ef3c5d1e40960482ab6f235272f
Description-gl: Teclado virtual para piano MIDI
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It
doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI
synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can
use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You
can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes
from another instrument or MIDI file player.
Package: vo-aacenc-dbg
Description-md5: 15f9abcc4a7c0c30c98e2ebf09285aac
Description-gl: Biblioteca do codificador de AAC VisualOn (símbolos de depuración)
This library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio
Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation
by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: vo-amrwbenc-dbg
Description-md5: a4c11aa0f22ccee7e3a978625a21b5e1
Description-gl: Biblioteca do codificador de AMR-WB VisualOn (símbolos de depuración)
This library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate
Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec
implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the
Google Android project.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Description-md5: 3278a95e6b48870044684472b47849de
Description-gl: Audio mixer for GNUstep
VolumeControl is a GNUstep program for adjusting the audio mixer on
systems that use the OSS API. It allows the sound level, left/right
speakers, muting for master, PCM, bass, and treble levels to be
Páxina web:
Package: vorbisgain
Description-md5: bca6b88d93ad356d94059229d26baef1
Description-gl: add Replay Gain volume tags to Ogg Vorbis files
vorbisgain calculates a percieved volume of an Ogg Vorbis file using the
Replay Gain algorithm. It then stores a per-track and per-album volume
adjustment in the file's tags, to let songs play back with a uniform
volume. The process is non-destructive and does not change the audio data
at all.
Moitos reprodutores de son de Debian permiten xa ler estas etiquetes,
incluído XMMS, Quod Libet, amaroK, Muine e Rhythmbox.
Package: vym
Description-md5: 861431496bc6e92eded57e3eedb854e4
Description-gl: ferramenta para crear mapas mentais
O Vym é un programa de mapas mentais. É útil para organizar os pensamentos
e para estruturar o traballo. Ademais disto, ten unha morea de atallos
Un mapa mental é un diagrama radial de cores e centrado na imaxe que
representa conexións semánticas ou doutro tipo entre porcións de material
aprendido. Por exemplo, pode ilustrar graficamente a estrutura do resumo
dunha tese, un proxecto ou as institucións de goberno dun estado. Os mapas
mentais teñen moitas aplicacións en situacións persoais, familiares,
educativas e de negocios. As posibilidades inclúen tomar apuntamentos,
tempestades de ideas, resumos, repasos e a clarificación xeral de
Package: vzctl
Description-md5: ab06a7914d75d2eb3d6b53d756a30466
Description-gl: server virtualization solution - control tools
OpenVZ is an Operating System-level server virtualization solution, built
on Linux. OpenVZ creates isolated, secure virtual private servers on a
single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring
that applications do not conflict. Each VPS performs and executes exactly
like a stand-alone server; VPSs can be rebooted independently and have
root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications,
system libraries and configuration files.
This package contain the control tool to manipulate the virtual servers.
OBSERVE! Precísase un kernel Linux parcheado con compatibilidade con
Package: warmux-dbg
Description-md5: 290a087082f54bbc4e11a65e3738987d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do xogo WarMUX
WarMUX is a free game in the genre of "turn-based artillery games" like
Scorched Earth or Worms. Several players can play together, either locally
or over the network. It is also possible to compete against computer-
driven teams. The teams are styled after the mascots of various free
software projects.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co warmux e
Package: wcslib-doc
Description-md5: f54112d675d3354ec1f209292d1a33d6
Description-gl: Documentación da API de wcslib
WCSLIB is a C library, supplied with a full set of Fortran wrappers, that
implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) standard in FITS (Flexible
Image Transport System).
This package contains the API documentation for WCSLIB.
Package: webcit-dbg
Description-md5: 09b77a6c21235e8cfdc65cdf3c0272dc
Description-gl: Interface baseada na web para o Citadel - símbolos de depuración
WebCit is a web-based, AJAX-enabled frontend to the Citadel groupware
system. It is an attractive web middleware layer that allows user-friendly
access. By combining WebCit and Citadel, you can have a versatile online
environment with many users concurrently accessing the same system using
the user interface of their choice (text, web, or downloaded client
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do WebCit.
Package: webissues-dbg
Description-md5: c6e5b96ee4b436a35af1f66dda74cc24
Description-gl: network system supporting team collaboration (dbg symbols)
Webissues is a system supporting team collaboration accross the Internet.
It can be used for storing bugs and other information with customizable
attributes, comments and file attachements.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do webissues.
Package: webkit-image-qt
Description-md5: 65d7b4ae6eb1818f1d102c28e7a58e51
Description-gl: generate images from webpages - Qt version
webkit-image is a small tool that lets you generate images from web page
Este paquete contén a versión en QT
Package: webmagick
Description-md5: 8c16df78467f1fc2368e5063bb33f761
Description-gl: Cree miniaturas para galerías para sitios web
WebMagick provides a means of easily putting image collections on the Web.
It recurses through directory trees, building HTML pages and imagemap (GIF
or JPEG) files to allow the user to navigate through collections of
thumbnail images (somewhat similar to 'xv') and select the images to view
with a mouse click.
Package: weechat-dbg
Description-md5: dbceebcb7e014d81754a4f59fee3ab49
Description-gl: Cliente de conversas rápido, lixeiro e extensíbel - símbolos de depuración
WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a fast and light chat
client for many operating systems. Everything can be done with a keyboard.
Este paquete contén símbolos de depuración para gdb dos paquetes de
Package: weka
Description-md5: f7b0cb5ee78d372ccf23e04524660343
Description-gl: Algoritmos de aprendizaxe automática para tarefas de minaría de datos
Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can
either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code.
Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes.
Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model
tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression,
instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included
are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual
learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be
used for pre-processing datasets.
This package contains the binaries and examples.
Package: weka-doc
Description-md5: 9ab6f7813a78c4243cc6fc92beb9f51a
Description-gl: Algoritmos de aprendizaxe automática para tarefas de minaría de datos
Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can
either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code.
Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes.
Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model
tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression,
instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included
are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual
learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be
used for pre-processing datasets.
Este paquete contén a documentación.
Package: wesnoth
Description-md5: 2a71a7a2a2874f7f0bf25835fd6bebf3
Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage)
Este metapaquete chama polo conxunto complete da última versión estábel,
moi útil se se desexa ter sempre instaladas todas as campañas oficiais. Se
só se desexa xogar na rede con outros xogadores ou se só se desexa xogar
algunhas pantallas, abonda con instalar o paquete wesnoth-1.10-core e os
paquetes das campañas que se queira.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10
Description-md5: 8e7c9769f8d63e57b36c74ba08bb60a8
Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch 1.10)
Este paquete depende do conxunto completo de paquetes construídos a partir
do paquete fonte wesnoth excepto o servidor (que pode atoparse no paquete
wesnoth-1.10-server), moi útil se se queren ter sempre instaladas todas as
campañas oficiais. Se só se desexa xogar na rede con outros xogadores ou
se só se desexan xogar algunhas pantallas, abonda con instalar o paquete
wesnoth-1.10-core e os paquetes das campañas que se queira.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-aoi
Description-md5: 8e4ab45067ae43a64c217b4a2e34d858
Description-gl: "An Orcish Incursion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "An Orcish Incursion" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Defend the forests of the elves against the first orcs to reach the Great
Continent, learning valuable tactics as you do so." (Novice level, 7
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-core
Description-md5: 897f59b435997dd6db20e1d5b680590d
Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game (branch 1.10)
This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play
multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install
them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns
installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.10 package which
depends on all of them.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-data
Description-md5: 2360af2e7ffc12cee4b8d2473820bd54
Description-gl: ficheiros de datos do Wesnoth (galla 1.10)
This package contains the sound files and graphics for Wesnoth. It is
required for being able to play wesnoth or create maps with the editor.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-dbg
Description-md5: 6b084e93916383336203b32834b261a9
Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de fantasía baseado en quendas (símbolos de depuración da galla 1.10)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración dos binarios do wesnoth.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-did
Description-md5: 60de7221104704807659dd418365a16d
Description-gl: "Descent Into Darkness" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Descent Into Darkness" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Learn the dark arts of necromancy in order to save your people from an
orcish incursion." (Intermediate level, 12 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-dm
Description-md5: e7c03d065234562761c43d6d4db8831e
Description-gl: "Delfador's Memoirs" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Delfador's Memoirs" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Wesnoth seems to be slipping inexorably into chaos, as marauding orcs
pour south across the Great River, and mysterious and deadly creatures
roam the night. Who is the shadowy Iliah-Malal? Can you defeat him before
he destroys all life in Wesnoth?" (Intermediate level, 19 scenarios)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-dw
Description-md5: 165a1d2c38965cd3c57f7b6d815f1145
Description-gl: "Dead Water" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Dead Water" campaign for Wesnoth: "You are Kai
Krellis, son and heir of the last merman king but only a child. A
necromancer is turning your subjects into undead slaves! Lead your people
on a mission to convince a powerful mer-sorceress to help you repel the
invasion. The oceans near the Northern Lands are perilous, so you will
need cunning and bravery to survive. But first you need to gain the
respect of your troops!" (Intermediate level, 10 scenarios)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-ei
Description-md5: 5b24accc8408e4d5b7c121eaa161c77d
Description-gl: "The Eastern Invasion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "The Eastern Invasion" campaign for Wesnoth:
"There are rumors of undead attacks on the eastern border of Wesnoth. You,
an officer in the Royal Army, have been sent to the eastern front to
protect the villagers and find out what is happening." (Intermediate
level, 16 scenarios.)"
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-httt
Description-md5: abff98ca03d3a5d21d708dc3f94089e8
Description-gl: "Heir to the Throne" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Heir to the Throne" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate
heir." (Novice level, 23 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-l
Description-md5: bc573be9a39dbcc29c34cf2bf8155a5a
Description-gl: "Liberty" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Liberty" campaign for Wesnoth: "As the shadow
of civil war lengthens across Wesnoth, a band of hardy marchlanders
revolts against the tyranny of Queen Asheviere. To win their way to
freedom, they must defeat not just the trained blades of Wesnothian troops
but darker foes including orcs and undead." (Intermediate level, 8
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-low
Description-md5: 5ecde2427a100e4b7f70ef216403232a
Description-gl: "Legend of Wesmere" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Legend of Wesmere" campaign for Wesnoth: "The
tale of Kalenz, the High Lord who rallied his people after the second
orcish invasion of the Great Continent and became the most renowned hero
in the recorded history of the Elves." (Intermediate level, 18 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-music
Description-md5: 097105fe28ff826f1dfe1fa6f2045060
Description-gl: ficheiros de música do Wesnoth (galla 1.10)
This package contains the music files for Wesnoth. It is not required but
gives nice background music and encouraged.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-nr
Description-md5: c4d4211247e35f10a5cf34311a69a0e7
Description-gl: "Northern Rebirth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Northern Rebirth" campaign for Wesnoth: "For
the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as
downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable
lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords.
Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great
events that might restore the Northlands to the glory they had once
known." (Expert level, 13 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-server
Description-md5: 75319a3ae78a939f141ab66a64ebd492
Description-gl: multiplayer network server for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the multiplayer network server for Wesnoth. You
need it if you want to host multiplayer games on your computer and don't
want to use the official servers.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-sof
Description-md5: 8f79e1611d9e7b3ae7d708d3b6682973
Description-gl: "The Sceptre of Fire" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "The Sceptre of Fire" campaign for Wesnoth:
"The land of Wesnoth's banner bold
Comes not from its own land;
It comes from Dwarfdom, grim and old
Made by a runesmith's hand.
So now I tell from whence it came -
The Fire-sceptre great -
And of the makers of the same,
Their tale I now relate..."
(Expert level, 9 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-sotbe
Description-md5: 1636574c561c3313040fbbb058db475e
Description-gl: "Son of the Black-Eye" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Son of the Black-Eye" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Your father Karun Black-Eye was the greatest orcish leader that ever
lived. Now, as his son, it's up to you to thwart the selfish designs of
the humans who have broken the old agreements with the orcs and are bent
upon taking your lands. Unite the warring orcish tribes, bring together
the Orcish Council and call up the Great Horde to send the human-worms and
their wose-born allies to the land of the dead!" (Expert level, 18
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-thot
Description-md5: 28bb3dfda724d1fd978f44de3222520f
Description-gl: "The Hammer of Thursagan" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "The Hammer of Thursagan" campaign for Wesnoth:
"In the first years of the Northern Alliance, an expedition from Knalga
seeks out their kin at Kal Kartha and to learn the fate of the legendary
Hammer of Thursagan. The perils of their journey through the wild Northern
Lands, though great, pale beside the evil they will face at its end."
(Intermediate level, 11 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-tools
Description-md5: c282bf5d9781b4ead7e080fc136ed356
Description-gl: tools for campaign developers for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains various tools for Wesnoth that are especially useful
for campaign developers, including but not limited to scripts supporting
the generation and checking of WML (Wesnoth Markup Language). You can
find them in the directory /usr/share/games/wesnoth/1.10/data/tools after
installation of the package.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-trow
Description-md5: b598091532ab891528d667d5979ebb8e
Description-gl: "The Rise of Wesnoth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "The Rise of Wesnoth" campaign for Wesnoth:
"Lead Prince Haldric through the destruction of the Green Isle and across
the Ocean to establish the very kingdom of Wesnoth itself. The
confrontation with Lich-Lord Jevyan awaits..." (Intermediate level, 24
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-tsg
Description-md5: 9695d6259001dc839648d0cc393e400c
Description-gl: "The South Guard" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "The South Guard" campaign for Wesnoth: "A young
Knight, Deoran, is dispatched to take command of the South Guard... Note:
This campaign is designed as an introduction to Wesnoth. The 'Civilian'
difficulty level is aimed at first-time players." (Novice level, 9
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-ttb
Description-md5: 42938b8d2b9213fce35bc20f0dc5cb3f
Description-gl: "A Tale of Two Brothers" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "A Tale of Two Brothers" campaign for Wesnoth:
"An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its
inhabitants. The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, but
not all goes as planned. Can you help?" (Novice level, 4 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-1.10-utbs
Description-md5: b5290d43609fa4a88d5454cca287c51f
Description-gl: "Under the Burning Suns" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.10)
This package contains the "Under the Burning Suns" campaign for Wesnoth:
"In the distant future a small band of elves struggles to survive amidst
the ruins of fallen empires. Lead your people out of the desert on an epic
journey to find a new home." (Expert level, 10 scenarios.)
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-core
Description-md5: 49034f8e7b5044fce1f03bd566a97f33
Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game (metapackage)
This metapackage pulls in the core wesnoth package which allows you to
play using the latest stable version.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wesnoth-music
Description-md5: 708dd00f3fd6bc8016e6d16439e8132f
Description-gl: ficheiros de música do Wesnoth (metapaquete)
This metapackage pulls in the music package for use with the latest stable
version of wesnoth.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen
vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes
tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e
pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
Package: wfo
Description-md5: b0f41a11f0b295dd17b812ba39ddf829
Description-gl: Offline editing tool for Wiki pages and blogs
wfo is a offline frontend for wikis and blogs. You can checkout a wiki
page to a local file, edit the file, and commit to the page.
Páxina web:
Package: whichwayisup
Description-md5: 6dba026922525eb8c9672f63e2ed068a
Description-gl: Un xogo de plataforma en 2D cun leve xiro rotacional
Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a
slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared salaryman named Guy
find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.
Package: widelands-dbg
Description-md5: 7a7974a308676170cabc5e640b89b142
Description-gl: fantasy real-time strategy game (debug cruft)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración asociados co widelands.
If you don't want to debug widelands (nor report bugs against it), you
don't need it.
Package: wims
Description-md5: 0d669d4703fcf31fdf92745b0aaaf7b6
Description-gl: Servidor para contido educativo: cursos, exercicios e exames
The WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server is an educational platform
originally developed for mathematics but now also supporting subjects such
as physics, chemistry, biology, and languages.
WIMS features a rich set of resources and exercises either for
autodidactical use or for training classes, including:
* exercises with automatic feedback and correction, allowing the
learners to work at their own pace;
* interactive exercises with randomly assigned data, allowing the
learners to work on the same type of exercise but with different
data and as often as they wish;
* exercises with an automatic scoring system, which enhances learner
* user-friendly graphics and calculation tools;
* courses and documents with hyperlinks to the exercise pool;
examples in the courses can be made random, so the student can get
more than one instance of an illustration for tricky concepts;
* support for exams with pre-published contents. As each individual
exam will have randomly chosen data, training is possible but
writing each response in advance is not.
This package contains the WIMS FastCGI server, serving Open Exercise
Format (OEF) documents. OEF is a very high-level language which allows
authors to focus on pedagogical issues.
Package: wims-help
Description-md5: 93fcc7464c8112663f95529bfa0bc452
Description-gl: help files for wims
Wims' modules implement every user interface beyond its main page, this
package features the help modules.
WIMS is an acronym for WWW Interactive Mathematics Server. Nowadays WIMS
serves much more than mathematic contents (physics, chemistry, biology,
A plataforma educativa WIMS inclúe un rico conxunto de recursos e
exercicios, tanto con acceso libre como para o estudo personalizado.
Package: wims-modules
Description-md5: 723e95137419b5489fb54838a385106c
Description-gl: minimal set of modules used by WIMS
WIMS uses modules to implement every user interface beyond its main page,
including administrative tasks, help, mathematic tools, libraries, and a
few interactive exercises.
To get the thousands of exercises which give WIMS its power, consider
installing the recommended package wims-extra-all (or other packages which
provide wims-extra).
Pódense descargar outros materiais educativos desde fóra do sistema Debian
mediante actualizacións automatizadas. Vexa
Package: wine1.4
Description-md5: 06ea04f761f0f961a93a88bc585f4ba8
Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade do Windows da Microsoft (emulador binario e biblioteca)
Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
Applications are run at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine
does not require Microsoft Windows, however it can use native system dll
files in place of its own if they are available.
This package includes a program loader for running unmodified Windows
executables as well as the Wine project's free version of the Windows API
for running programs ported from Windows.
Package: wine1.4-dbg
Description-md5: ee638a9537e810b6d370f13dc1c2e06f
Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade do Windows da Microsoft (ficheiros de depuración)
Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
Applications are run at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine
does not require Microsoft Windows, however it can use native system dll
files in place of its own if they are available.
Este paquete inclúe símbolos de depuración útiles para informar de fallos
Package: wine1.4-dev
Description-md5: 66409c7415601b2f8f59aaa22f86c8fe
Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade do Windows da Microsoft (ficheiros de desenvolvemento)
Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
Applications are run at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine
does not require Microsoft Windows, however it can use native system dll
files in place of its own if they are available.
This package consists of the development files needed to compile programs
using wine's free version of the Microsoft Windows API.
Package: winefish
Description-md5: 0c545214eec1a9e30aec3c9e8f9c296d
Description-gl: Editor de LaTeX baseado en Bluefish
Winefish is a GTK+ based LaTeX editor, which was forked from Bluefish. The
main features are autotext, auto-completion, function references, syntax
highlighting, customizable external tools and UTF-8 support.
Package: winff-dbg
Description-md5: d7e71b63b6d597fcec2f79e87e4214c3
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de winff
WinFF is a graphical user interface for FFmpeg or avconv. It will convert
almost any video file that FFmpeg or avconv will convert. WinFF does
multiple files in multiple formats at one time. You can, for example,
convert mpeg's, flv's, and mov's into avi's (or DVD/VCD format or MPEG or
3gp etc.) all at once.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do winff
Package: winpdb
Description-md5: b47a72765e1f5f9823174c2f377cee74
Description-gl: Depurador de Python independente da plataforma
Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications,
namespace modification and embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it
uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to the debuggee (which is
running on the same machine, usually).
Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based frontend to rpdb2, which is also
included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen
sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available.
Winpdb is up to 20 times faster than pdb.
Package: wmaker-dbg
Description-md5: 76976f4f06ad0ceb8382bd8713e590b6
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración dos paquetes do WindowMaker
Written by Alfredo Kojima almost from scratch, resembles the NeXTStep look
very closely, and it is now an official GNU project. Window Maker is not
overloaded with features, and it is easier to configure than most other
window managers. Its final goal is to produce a window manager that
doesn't require editing of configuration files. Window Maker is fast and
doesn't require tons of memory to run.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Window Maker e das súas
bibliotecas principais (libWINGs, libWutils, libwraster).
Package: wmwave
Description-md5: 144f566f99fbc5eb1fbd1c0b798b8ab8
Description-gl: Monitor status of an 802.11 wireless ethernet link
wmwave is dockapp for Window Maker to display statistical information
about a current wireless ethernet connection. While made for Window
Maker, it works with other window managers.
Páxina web:
Package: wondershaper
Description-md5: dbc6d7b0b724ba96552dba80e6891e7a
Description-gl: Easy to use traffic shaping script
An easy to use traffic shaping script that provides these improvements:
* Low latency for interactive traffic (and pings) at all times
* Allow websurfing at reasonable speeds while uploading / downloading
* Make sure uploads don't hurt downloads
* Make sure downloads don't hurt uploads
It does this by:
* Limiting upload speed slightly, to eliminate queues
* Limiting download speed, while allowing bursts, to eliminate queues
* Interactive traffic skips the queue
* ACKs and tiny packets skip the queue
Configuring the wondershaper requires you to accurately and precisely
determine your consistent upload and download speeds.
The wondershaper is the simplest, easiest to use, entry level, traffic
shaping script provided by Debian.
Após instalar este paquete, lea con detalle as instrucións detalladas:
Package: wpagui
Description-md5: ff6f6b78c6e933f8b6abafcd0fce9276
Description-gl: interface gráfica de usuario para wpa_supplicant
wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to
connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan
results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and
a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
Package: wpp
Description-md5: c168c617ffe66c569d5b496d14db2a4f
Description-gl: The Web Preprocessor - a Perl script to preprocess HTML files
WPP is a small Perl script that allows preprocessing of HTML files. You
can define variables, which are abbreviations for longer constructs, and
include common HTML fragments. It's useful for giving a uniform layout to
different HTML pages. It can be used in cgi-bin programs for automatic
generation of pages. With less HTML code inside them you can make more
flexible and readable scripts.
WPP provides four separate facilities that you can use as you see fit:
inclusion of text/HTML fragments, variable expansion, conditional
generation, macro expansion.
Páxina web:
Package: wraplinux-dbg
Description-md5: 6a5a38aae266a70f12cf99d2d9e3028e
Description-gl: Utility to wrap a Linux kernel and initrd into an ELF or NBI file (debug)
wraplinux is a tool to wrap an x86 Linux kernel and one or more initrd
files into asingle file in ELF or NBI format, as required by some booting
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: writer2latex
Description-md5: 3682c8af6837fbfc499c94462e002f3a
Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
Package: writer2latex-manual
Description-md5: 0d547334a0e57eeafe65cb19a86c37b9
Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- manual
Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber:
1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografía
de alta calidade.
2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no
formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX).
3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con
4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts
a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede.
This package contains the manual.
Package: wulf2html
Description-md5: b29eb5dd3f189c5f9b6fe24f8e5493f2
Description-gl: filter for generating HTML logs from wulflogger data
This package is part of the wulfware suite and contains a perl filter that
runs behind wulflogger and transforms wulflogger output into a formatted
html page that can then be viewed from any browser. wulf2html can be
started from invoke-rc.d as a service on a webserver or host that mounts
webspace after editing /etc/warewulf/wulfhosts to reflect the cluster or
LAN to be monitored. This is still a bit experimental.
Páxina web:
Package: wulflogger
Description-md5: 8d04befe7f8c2cdd4074f90d5747c647
Description-gl: extract cluster node data from remote xmlsysd daemons
This package is part of the wulfware suite. It contains a very simple raw-
tty (stdout) UI that is suitable for extracting cluster/lan statistics
from any of several useful clusters of data. This data can be piped into a
file or other applications for post-processing, removing the burden from a
programmer of writing an automated UI for managing the connections
themselves. Alternatively, it can be used as a template for further UIs.
Páxina web:
Package: wulfstat
Description-md5: 56116195413a904bbc5c8375cecce33c
Description-gl: curses based wulfware for monitoring cluster nodes
Wulfstat is a program designed to run on a tty interface and provide
detailed monitoring information on a collection of networked cluster nodes
or workstations. It gathers the information from xmlsysd, a daemon that
runs on the nodes or workstations, collects information from /proc files
or systems calls, and returns it in an xml-based format via a tcp socket
connection. This package is part of the wulfware suite.
Páxina web:
Package: wxsqlite3-2.8-dbg
Description-md5: f445d9d535408b7385ac9ca7f6296c8d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de wxSQLite3 2.8
wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database
and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets
2.8 library.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do wxSQLite3.
Package: wxsqlite3-doc
Description-md5: 4e84e48fda6e15b094e025a4a7c1ce89
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de wxSQLite3
wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database
and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets
2.8 library.
This package contains the documentation files for wxSQLite3, which is also
available at .
Package: x11proto-dri3-dev
Description-md5: fc735f01903e7f10e258bf4a1cf5b3c2
Description-gl: X11 DRI3 extension wire protocol
This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
the DRI3 extension, providing mechanisms to translate between direct
rendered buffers and X pixmaps. In conjunction with the Present
extension, they provide a complete direct rendering solution for OpenGL or
other APIs.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the dri3proto proto module.
Package: x11proto-present-dev
Description-md5: cbe8266cb1085cf81630b0c9ba611fc9
Description-gl: X11 Present extension wire protocol
This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
the Present extension, which provides a way for applications to update
their window contents from a pixmap in a well defined fashion,
synchronizing with the display refresh and potentially using a more
efficient mechanism than copying the contents of the source pixmap.
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This package is built from the presentproto proto module.
Package: xabacus
Description-md5: 082cc483048c5ab0c2b318780d963939
Description-gl: Simulación da antiga calculadora (versión X simple)
This program is an implementation of the original abacus, it provides the
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Roman and Russian version and can be modified
to allow others.
This version was compiled without the Motif GUI widget library and thus
shows limited user interface functionality. See xmabacus for the extended
Package: xarchiver-dbg
Description-md5: 6ea7523faa075069d58b8b83f2c0908d
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do xarchiver
Xarchiver is a lightweight desktop independent GTK+ frontend for
manipulating 7z, arj, bzip2, gzip, rar, tar, zip, rpm and deb files. It
allows you to create archives and add, extract, and delete files from
them. Password protected archives in the arj, 7z, rar and zip formats are
This package contains detached debugging symbols.
Package: xavante-doc
Description-md5: c8785a270b36a9bfbfc9e146666d796d
Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación do servidor web Xavante
This package contains the documentation for the Xavante web server as well
as some examples of configuration files.
Package: xawtv-dbg
Description-md5: 0ef5a6645ff095cf3b7ee76ee1b29f69
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do visor de televisión xawtv
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
binaries included in XawTV.
XawTV is an X11 application which displays television channels. It
supports video4linux devices and the Xvideo extension.
Package: xball
Description-md5: 44d3465de86f5e438e0c34b1cccbac61
Description-gl: Simulate bouncing balls in a window
Un xogo educativo simple que simula bólas que rebotan nunha xanela.
Pódense axustar a gravidade, a elasticidade e a capacidade de colidir.
Young children enjoy watching the balls bounce around the screen and are
fascinated by the program. This is an ideal program for teaching
rudimentary mouse skills to very young children.
Package: xbill
Description-md5: d77da6f3f0e2e729cfea53f9c58bcf4d
Description-gl: Záfese deses virus do Wingdows!
Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? You're a sysadmin, and
someone's trying to destroy your computers. The little people running
around the screen are trying to infect your computers with Wingdows [TM],
a virus cleverly designed to resemble a popular operating system. Your
objective is to click the mouse on them, ending their potential threat. If
one of the people reaches a computer, it will attempt to replace your
operating system with the virus it carries. It will then attempt to run
off the screen with your vital software.
Package: xbrlapi
Description-md5: 53f480ad337051c6a36a0d285d13603c
Description-gl: Access software for a blind person using a braille display - xbrlapi
BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de
Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guía ao
dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a
revisión da pantalla.
This package provides xbrlapi, a brltty X11 helper which handles proper
keyboard simulation and window selection.
Package: xcfa-dbg
Description-md5: 3acd17905024df603ff7711d92364300
Description-gl: X Convert File Audio - debugging symbols
XCFA is a tool to extract the contens of Audio-CDs and convert musical
audio files conversion to FLAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, MPC, MP3, WavPack and many
other formats.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do XCFA.
Package: xcftools
Description-md5: 15b23f24e4b6797375e99f4cabe9dd06
Description-gl: command-line tools for extracting data for XCF files
Este é un conxunto de ferramentas rápidas para a liña de ordes para
extraer información do formato de ficheiro nativo do Gimp XCF. As
ferramentas están deseñadas para permitir un uso eficiente dos ficheiros
XCF con capas como fontes dun sistema de construción que emprega «make» e
outras ferramentas semellantes para xestionar o procesamento automático de
imaxes. Estas ferramentas funcionan con independencia do motor do Gimp e
non requiren sequera que o Gimp estea instalado.
"xcf2pnm" converts XCF files to ppm, pgm or pbm format, flattening layers
if necessary. If the image contains transparency, an alpha map can be
written to a separate file, or a background color can be specified on the
command line.
"xcf2png" converts XCF files to PNG format, flattening layers if
necessary. Transparency information can be kept in the image, or a
background color can be specified on the command line.
"xcfinfo" lists information about layers in an XCF file.
"xcfview" is a wrapper script that flattens an XCF image and displays it
using an external PNG/PPM viewer. To use this script, you must make sure
also to install an appropriate external viewer, as well as the mime-
support package which provides the mailcap database.
The tools can either flatten an XCF file as given, or extract specific
layers named on the command line.
Package: xdemineur
Description-md5: 9847ff3d2e16ee40e16367be4ac0a4ba
Description-gl: Outro buscaminas máis para X
The object of this game is to find the location of the mines hidden in the
minefield and to mark their location by placing a warning flag.
There are many minesweeper clones. This one is the most similar to the
Windows one in terms of look and feel.
Package: xdmx
Description-md5: d52dd645b5fa9daf3052065e2345991f
Description-gl: distributed multihead X server
Xdmx is a proxy X server that uses one or more other X servers as its
display device(s). It provides multi-head X functionality for displays
that might be located on different machines. Xdmx functions as a front-end
X server that acts as a proxy to a set of back-end X servers. All of the
visible rendering is passed to the back-end X servers. Clients connect to
the Xdmx front-end, and everything appears as it would in a regular multi-
head configuration. If Xinerama is enabled (e.g., with +xinerama on the
command line), the clients see a single large screen.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xserver module.
Package: xdmx-tools
Description-md5: d19e4657677c5d6dc4d36c168f58a7f4
Description-gl: Distributed Multihead X tools
This package provides a collection of tools used for administration of the
Xdmx server; see the xdmx package for more information.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xserver module.
Package: xdot
Description-md5: ab7f0359988469ef950fd744982c4daa
Description-gl: visor interactivo para ficheiros Graphviz dot
xdot is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot
language. It uses internally the graphviz's xdot output format as an
intermediate format, and PyGTK and Cairo for rendering. xdot can be used
either as a standalone application from command line, or as a library
embedded in your Python application.
* Since it doesn't use bitmaps it is fast and has a small memory footprint.
* Arbitrary zoom.
* Keyboard/mouse navigation.
* Supports events on the nodes with URLs.
* Animated jumping between nodes.
* Highlights node/edge under mouse.
Package: xfce4
Description-md5: 53123f9cf40a71f1a87679634af17db3
Description-gl: Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for unix-like operating systems.
It aims to be fast and lightweight, while still being visually appealing
and easy to use. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes
applications fast, while conserving system resources.
Este paquete é un metapaquete; depende dos paquetes centrais do ambiente
de escritorio Xfce4 e recomenda algúns paquetes extra de Xfce4. Se
pretende usar Xfce4 e desexa a experiencia completa, instalar este paquete
e os paquetes que recomenda é un bon punto para comezar. Se só desexa
escoller os compoñentes centrais, pode desinstalar este paquete se o
Package: xfce4-dbg
Description-md5: dccf80aff33231832fa38369486fbbad
Description-gl: Metapaquete para os símbolos de depuración de Xfce
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for unix-like operating systems.
This package depends on all debugging package for the core Xfce packages.
Package: xfce4-panel-dbg
Description-md5: 1f1a25deb344d4e4c2f98607d32e7627
Description-gl: debugging informations for xfce4-panel
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de xfce4-panel, o panel
fornecido polo proxecto de escritorio Xfce4.
Package: xfce4-session-dbg
Description-md5: a6a9fb09b27928a9876a1e6744cab64b
Description-gl: Xfce4 Session Manager (debug symbols)
Este paquete inclúe símbolos de depuración do xestor de sesións Xfce.
Package: xfce4-terminal
Description-md5: 7cab61d0980df9ecceb1fdaa3b5242c6
Description-gl: Emulador de terminal de Xfce
This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use
terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce
desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a
lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
Package: xfce4-terminal-dbg
Description-md5: 2a36438cd0d9e2c27c57a4a8e8d685e1
Description-gl: Emulador de terminal do Xfce - símbolos de depuración
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do Terminal, que é un
emulador de terminal lixeiro e fácil de usar para X11.
Package: xfce4-timer-plugin
Description-md5: 01be0b0a5ca1280c7c37d9bc37c1adf8
Description-gl: engadido de contador para o panel de Xfce 4.4
With this plugin you can add timers (alarm or countdown) to your Xfce
panel. You can display a warning window and/or run a custom command when
alarm rings, repeat alarms etc. The timer progress is shown as a progress
bar in the Xfce panel, lasting time displayed on tooltip.
Package: xfdesktop4-dbg
Description-md5: 9de553da1ae1d694b221b21764ce8240
Description-gl: debugging informations for xfdesktop4
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de xfdesktop4, o xestor de
escritorio do Ambiente de Escritorio Xfce.
Package: xfig
Description-md5: 72a499f367708ee063873347d6a7192f
Description-gl: Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
XFig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate
objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be
saved, printed on postscript printers, or converted to a variety of other
formats (e.g. to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents or web pages) using
the transfig program.
Este paquete contén o programa xfig en si.
You should think about installing the transfig package to export the
graphics to several common formats. You should also think about
installing xfig-doc, which contains the documentation and xfig-libs, which
contains several clip art libraries.
Package: xflr5
Description-md5: 6814ed6f584f111166433e7be27c698d
Description-gl: Ferramenta de análise para superficies de sustentación
XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings and planes operating at low
Reynolds Numbers. It includes:
1. XFoil's Direct and Inverse analysis capabilities
2. Wing design analysis based on the Lifiting Line Theory and the Vortex
Lattice Method
Package: xfwm4-dbg
Description-md5: 34e6c229558ee3dd60aeeb8111e4e214
Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas do proxecto Xfce (símbolos de depuración)
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de xfwm4, o xestor de
xanelas de Xfce. Instáleo se necesita depurar problemas de xfwm4.
Package: xfwm4-themes
Description-md5: 23e258efddaa6f85a42909851f669854
Description-gl: Theme files for xfwm4
Este paquete contén varios ficheiros de temas para xfwm4, o xestor de
xanelas do proxecto Xfce4. Se non está satisfeito co seu tema
predeterminado, instalar este paquete podería ser unha boa idea.
Package: xineliboutput-fbfe-dbg
Description-md5: 11d277e48a1774214f1b0905a7a59a4f
Description-gl: Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: xineliboutput-sxfe-dbg
Description-md5: 2573edf8525ee8a5431111c61fadbf68
Description-gl: Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: xjed
Description-md5: decddfcf84e7558cb63bdec96e12749e
Description-gl: editor for programmers (x11 version)
Jed is a small, fast (faster startup than xterm with bash), and powerful
text editor.
Completamente personalizábel, con modos de emulación preparados para
Emacs, CUA (semellante a KDE/Gnome/OpenOffice), Borland-IDE, Brief e EDT.
Extensíbel na linguaxe de scripts S-Lang (cunha sintaxe semellante á de
Editing functions: folding support; rectangular cut/paste; regular
expression search/replace; incremental searches; search/replace across
multiple files; multiple windows; multiple buffers; ...
Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for Basic, C,
C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, NROFF, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript,
Python, SH. Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC-
TeX style editing and BibTeX)
Tools: directory editor (dired); info (browse GNU info files); mail;
rmail; ispell; shell mode; ...
The native X11 version provides improved mouse support, key configuration
and X selection interaction. If no display is available, xjed falls back
to text mode, thus there is no need to install both jed and xjed packages.
Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package.
Package: xmabacus
Description-md5: 60f577a2c22618d559cb90dfb51d00bf
Description-gl: Simulación da antiga calculadora (versión Motif)
This program is an implementation of the original abacus, it provides the
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Roman and Russian version and can be modified
to allow others.
This is the Motif version which shows additional functionality. It was
compiled with lesstif2. Motif is a GUI widget library for the X Window
Package: xmlbeans
Description-md5: 94577c9b377068084fbb2feee6146b37
Description-gl: Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types - tools
XMLBeans is a technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types.
XMLBeans provides several ways to get at the XML, including:
* Through XML schema that has been compiled to generate Java types that
represent schema types. In this way, you can access instances of the
schema through JavaBeans-style accessors after the fashion of "getFoo"
and "setFoo". The XMLBeans API also allows you to reflect into the XML
schema itself through an XML Schema Object model.
* A cursor model through which you can traverse the full XML infoset.
* Support for XML DOM.
Este paquete fornece varias ferramentas para a liña de ordes:
* dumpxsb: XSB File Dumper
* inst2xsd: Instance to Schema Tool
* scomp: Schema Compiler
* sdownload: Schema Downloader
* sfactor: Schema Factoring Tool
* svalidate: Streaming Instance Validator
* xsdvalidate: Instance Validator
* xpretty: XML Pretty Printer
* xsd2inst: Schema to Instance Tool
* xsdtree: Schema Type Hierarchy Printer
* xstc: Invoke XSTC
Package: xmlcopyeditor-dbg
Description-md5: bc2849b96324568c84a17158667bf4e8
Description-gl: fast, free, validating XML editor - debug
XML Copy Editor is an XML editor focusing on editing document markup
languages like DITA, DocBook, WordprocessingML. It features DTD/XML
Schema/RELAX NG validation, XSLT, XPath, pretty-printing, syntax
highlighting, folding, tag completion/locking, and a spelling/style check.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: xmlsysd
Description-md5: b8f093f1a1f9f0d9f65db03ccf2981ca
Description-gl: wulfware daemon to extract data from cluster nodes
xmlsysd is a daemon that runs on the nodes or workstations, collects
information from /proc files or systems calls, and returns it in an xml-
based format via a tcp socket connection. This package is part of the
wulfware suite.
When installing, be sure to read /usr/share/xmlsysd/README.Debian
Páxina web:
Package: xmms2
Description-md5: 28fbd79137c1063d256d9ca8eadabad9
Description-gl: Client/server based media player system
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server
model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both
textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug-
ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your
Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de diversos paquetes de XMMS2. A
instalación deste paquete fornece un cliente para a liña de ordes e activa
a reprodución de ficheiros Ogg Vorbis e MP3 por XMMS2 a partir de fontes
locais e remotas.
Package: xmms2-plugin-ices
Description-md5: 2c04e5688a93523758c1adcfede19fb5
Description-gl: XMMS2 - Ogg streaming output
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server
model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both
textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug-
ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your
Este paquete contén un engadido de saída para a retransmisión de
Package: xmms2-plugin-karaoke
Description-md5: 120a8a1cb47bd9d0e48537895425000e
Description-gl: XMMS2 - engadido para karaoke
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server
model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both
textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug-
ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your
This package contains the voice removal effect plug-in for XMMS2.
Package: xmotd
Description-md5: aac2f1cbc3b5f534a5ea54b208d6aaa2
Description-gl: un navegador da mensaxe do día para X
Xmotd is a message-of-the-day browser for X11 (with additional sysvnews-
like support for dumb terminals). It displays a customizable message box
which displays each message-of-the-day until the user has read them all,
and then creates a stamp-file.
Package: xnest
Description-md5: 48a07c59b44bacd1e2bed508f80542b4
Description-gl: Nested X server
Xnest is a nested X server that simply relays all its requests to another
X server, where it runs as a client. This means that it appears as
another window in your current X session. Xnest relies upon its parent X
server for font services.
Use of the Xephyr X server instead of Xnest is recommended.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xserver module.
Package: xneur-dbg
Description-md5: 7b7d283ea151864789f7fc74ebdc2a90
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do XNeur
Este paquete inclúe os símbolos de depuración de XNeur.
Package: xoscope
Description-md5: 92ee0b189173a554cf19438d147f8c4c
Description-gl: Osciloscopio dixital
Xoscope is a oscilloscope using input from a sound card or EsounD and/or a
ProbeScope/osziFOX and will soon support Bitscope hardware. Includes 8
signal displays, variable time scale, math, memory, measurements, and file
Package: xosview
Description-md5: b8c7213c55875d6888d0885de572acdc
Description-gl: Monitor do sistema baseado en X
Xosview is a monitor which displays the status of several system based
parameters. These include CPU usage, load average, memory usage, swap
space usage, network usage, Wireless LAN meter, interrupts and serial port
status. Appearance is fully configurable via command line or X resources.
Package: xpmutils
Description-md5: 61d53cfee2f0ca9cb15f095dc4e300ec
Description-gl: X11 pixmap utilities
This package provides two tools, cxpm and sxpm.
cxpm is a tool to check the integrity of an XPM file.
sxpm is a tool to view XPM files, and takes a number of options.
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Este módulo pódese atopar en
Package: xscorch
Description-md5: 7af70b168257997d12133007d7497d08
Description-gl: Clon de Scorched Earth
Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, "Scorched Earth". The basic
goal is to annihilate enemy tanks using overpowered guns :). Basically,
you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your
turret and firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they
destroy yours.
Package: xscreensaver-gl
Description-md5: c2d4de3abca8bcc226b81dfa65b6b83d
Description-gl: GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for X11, containing more
than 200 screen savers.
This package contains a small selection of 3D (OpenGL) screen saver
modules from the xscreensaver collection. This package is used by both
xscreensaver and gnome-screensaver.
Este é o conxunto de salvapantallas incluídos por omisión: antspotlight,
glblur, glcells, glmatrix, glschool, glslideshow, gltext, and hypertorus.
Pódense atopar máis salvapantallas no paquete xscreensaver-gl-extra.
More display modes can be found in the xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-
data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages.
Package: xsddiagram
Description-md5: 7be77fb250abfc4221c2dd72b27648f2
Description-gl: Visor de diagramas (XSD) de definición de esquemas XML
XSD Diagram is a XML Schema Definition (XSD) diagram viewer
- Display the elements, the groups and the attributes
- Show the text/HTML documentation of element and attribute when available
- Print the diagram
- Export the diagram to SVG, PNG, JPG and EMF (EMF only with Windows)
- Zoom the diagram with the mouse wheel while holding the control key
- XML validation based on the loaded XSD file
- Registration in the Windows Explorer contextual menu (for Windows only)
- Drag'n drop a xsd file or url on the main window header
- Command line image generation
Package: xserver-xephyr
Description-md5: 516dc4b8b7e15f13bc99547d4869e159
Description-gl: nested X server
Xephyr is an X server that can be run inside another X server, much like
Xnest. It is based on the kdrive X server, and as a result it supports
newer extensions than Xnest, including render and composite.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xserver module.
Package: xserver-xfbdev
Description-md5: 952ef27a58e5dee1c023edecc5e03fb8
Description-gl: Linux framebuffer device tiny X server
xserver-xfbdev is a Linux framebuffer device tiny X server based on the
kdrive X server.
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This package is built from the xserver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-acecad
Description-md5: 305c5dedfec3834404cf745236f3f6b3
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- AceCad input driver
This package provides the driver for AceCad Flair input devices.
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This package is built from the xf86-input-acecad driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-aiptek
Description-md5: 15707f32c2902448728092dea49556a9
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- Aiptek input driver
This package provides the driver for Aiptek HyperPen USB graphics tablets.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xf86-input-aiptek driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-elographics
Description-md5: b9d6f218b37f3a3791b6ef8cf992be52
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ELOGraphics input driver
This package provides the driver for ELO Graphics touchscreens.
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This package is built from the xf86-input-elographics driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick
Description-md5: 46c1a7824699f25d846bd16af51c1cff
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver
This package provides the driver for joysticks.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xf86-input-joystick driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick-dev
Description-md5: f78556dd31ebdf971e9dc48d1682380f
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver (development headers)
This package provides the development headers for the joystick input
driver found in xserver-xorg-input-joystick. Non-developers likely have
little use for this package.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xf86-input-joystick driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-kbd
Description-md5: ff627827d2e5ea383fd7d1fdbc11d852
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver
This package provides the driver for keyboard input devices.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xf86-input-keyboard driver module.
Package: xserver-xorg-input-mutouch
Description-md5: 6b27ec6eeffd6a8c31ffba673e801f59
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- muTouch input driver
This package provides the driver for Microtouch input devices with
firmware version 2.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en
This package is built from the xf86-input-mutouch driver module.
Package: xtrabackup
Description-md5: afe9d5932368994d2cfb4466d355df57
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para percona-xtrabackup
In 2.0.0, the XtraBackup package name was rebranded to percona-xtrabackup.
This package is an empty dummy package that depends on percona-xtrabackup,
and replaces older versions of xtrabackup (2.0.0). It is not intended to
be installed manually.
Package: xubuntu-desktop
Description-md5: 25eeb522d88fba23a532953cbbf1638e
Description-gl: Xubuntu desktop system
This package depends on all of the packages in the Xubuntu desktop system
É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do
sistema de escritorio.
Package: xul-ext-calendar-timezones
Description-md5: aa51586667f70f4444de07214c475b6d
Description-gl: Calendar Extension for Thunderbird (transitional package)
Este é un paquete transitorio para asegurarse de que as anovacións
funcionen correctamente. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza
Package: xxxterm
Description-md5: 55aea3bbc8555e020afb8920e9acb21e
Description-gl: Navegador web minimalista
XXXTerm is a minimalists web browser. It strives to be vi-like for heavy
keyboard users while maintaining traditional web browser behavior.
Major features include:
* Tabbed browsing
* Cookie support
* Cookie white list
* JavaScript white list
* JavaScript runtime toggle
* History
* Download manager
* vim keybindings
* Text based config file
* Search engine entry box
* Search on page
* Basic MIME support
* Favorites
* Print, including to pdf
* Mouse-less browsing
Package: xzgv
Description-md5: 115ac4d91316aecf2f7478f10ce7e34d
Description-gl: Picture viewer for X with a thumbnail-based selector
xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most
file formats are supported, and the thumbnails used are compatible with
xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)', to
effectively bypass the file selector.
xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window
for both the file selector and viewer, it (unlike xv) allows both
scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it
(unlike xv and some others) doesn't ever mangle the picture's aspect
It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the
keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer for you. But it doesn't
skimp on the mousey stuff, either.
Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based
"zgv", and has similar features.
Páxina web:
Package: yabause
Description-md5: 32992cd5f14e3af38060fbe14a981ddc
Description-gl: beautiful and under-rated Saturn emulator
Yabause is a Sega Saturn emulator. It has the following features:
* booting games from CD-ROM and ISO files
* booting games with either an emulated or original BIOS
* screenshot support
* savegame backups
* cheat system
* fullscreen playing
* multiple debugging options
* joystick support
* region select
Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala as versións Qt ou Gtk do
Package: yacas-doc
Description-md5: 080cea0c8a6d031c4cf91ca638e8b080
Description-gl: Documentación de Yacas
Yet Another Computer Algebra System is a small and highly flexible
computer algebra language.
The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small
library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the
language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation
algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. This package
contains the html documentation for yacas.
Package: yafaray-blender2.5-exporter
Description-md5: a5e506eca2a458ec21ad0fe1a65714c4
Description-gl: transitional dummy package for yafaray-exporter
This is a transitional package to migrate to yafaray-exporter.
Pódese retirar con seguranza.
Package: yapet
Description-md5: 1667392a25684f36cc6c3594758eeb8a
Description-gl: Outra ferramenta máis de cifrado de contrasinais
Yapet is a curses based password encryption tool using the Blowfish
encryption algorithm to store password records encrypted on disk. Its
primary aim is to provide a safe way to store passwords in a file on disk
while having a small footprint.
Package: yarssr
Description-md5: 62f888721360014a174634731d5f47c8
Description-gl: Lector de RSS para a área de notificación
Yet Another RSS Reader is an RSS aggregator and reader that displays its
results in the GNOME or KDE system tray (notification area). To view the
contents of the feed just click the menu-item and it will launch in your
favorite browser.
Package: yate-dev
Description-md5: fe0716c2de5366bf60c66aa083c9bac2
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de YATE
YATE is a telephony engine aimed at creating a telephony server that
performs well enough to deal with PBX requirements and also flexible
enough for complex Gateway and IVR solutions.
This package contains development libraries for YATE.
Package: yate-doc
Description-md5: ddbece056da4eb718e69505729dce741
Description-gl: Documentación de YATE
YATE is a telephony engine aimed at creating a telephony server that
performs well enough to deal with PBX requirements and also flexible
enough for complex Gateway and IVR solutions.
This package provides documentation for YATE.
Package: yauap-dbg
Description-md5: e9a33bfced02d809c7256c24fa1669cd
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Yauap
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración para os binarios incluídos no
paquete «yauap». Debería instalar este paquete para obter trazados
inversos máis útil se pretende informar dun fallo do Yauap.
Package: yaws-doc
Description-md5: 08e17bd5890e142adb6331205dc3584f
Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos do servidor web Yaws
Yaws is a high performance HTTP 1.1 webserver written in Erlang. It is a
multithreaded webserver where one Erlang light weight process is used to
handle each client.
This package includes Yaws documentation and examples.
Package: yics
Description-md5: bbac952c0f8897ac01133ed5ccb60154
Description-gl: Yahoo! Chess client for use with FICS interfaces
This program connects to any of the free Yahoo! Chess lobbies and pretends
to be a FICS server, allowing many of the free FICS interfaces to be used
on Yahoo! Chess. YICS can be thought of as a protocol translator or
adapter: the binary Yahoo! Games protocol goes in one end and the FICS
server protocol comes out the other, and vice-versa.
YICS was tested the most with xboard, and works quite well with it. If
you prefer, you can use YICS without any graphical interface just as you
can telnet to FICS.
Sitio web:
Package: yorick-dbg
Description-md5: 5ceb5897d27393faaa531721068fc899
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Yorick
Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
* scientific simulations or calculations
* postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
* interactive scientific graphics
* reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do código executábel do
Package: yorick-dev
Description-md5: 47b2cc996f40b628ba977b2a1c16c7d1
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da linguaxe interpretada Yorick
Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
* scientific simulations or calculations
* postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
* interactive scientific graphics
* reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
The yorick-dev package contains the files needed to compile (or package)
plug-ins or custom `yorick' executables.
Package: yorick-spydr
Description-md5: 162d635f3e07825ab4faf2dded7cf3de
Description-gl: Representación de imaxes FITS e análise simple
Spydr (pronounced like spider) basically is an FITS image viewer. It can
work as a stand-alone application but is best integrated in a Yorick-based
data-analysis work-flow (Yorick is an interpreted language specialized in
numerical computations and scientific graphics). It includes tools to
zoom, produce cuts, histograms, Gaussian/Moffat fits, PSF fits (inc. FWHM
and Strehl). Can work on single images, sequences of images or data cubes.
Package: yoshimi
Description-md5: 498e88dcb06141ca04f69ee3a6941841
Description-gl: Sintetizador de software baseado en ZynAddSubFX
Yoshimi is a software synthesizer for GNU/Linux, based on ZynAddSubFX
Yoshimi delivers the same synthesizer capabilities along with very good
Jack and Alsa midi/audio functionality on Linux.
Package: yoshimi-dbg
Description-md5: 8cbbc2fa1341cb69736abd765131cb31
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do Yoshimi
Yoshimi is a software synthesizer for GNU/Linux, based on ZynAddSubFX
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración do yoshimi.
Package: yum
Description-md5: 9698b7fd0494b9324e3ff2069c3f8afe
Description-gl: Advanced front-end for rpm
Yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is an automatic updater and package
installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies
and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it
easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update
each one using rpm.
As funcionalidades inclúen:
* Multiple Repositories
* Simple config file
* Correct dependency calculation
* Fast operation
* rpm-consistent behavior
* comps.xml group support, including multiple repository groups
* Simple interface
Package: z88-doc
Description-md5: 02a105eb2a2b48aadb535f04663211aa
Description-gl: Finite Element Analysis Program - documentation
Z88 features 20 finite element types covering plane stress, plate bending,
axial symmetric structures and spacial structures up to 20-node
Serendipity hexahedrons. Z88 comes with a user-friendly interface, a
powerful mesh generator, a DXF-converter, two plot programs and, of
course, two powerful solvers. Import of COSMOS files from Pro/ENGINEER and
Pro/MECHANICA is supported.
Este paquete contén a documentación
Package: z88dk
Description-md5: 048fe9e6528871fb34b2ce3c65fa55f4
Description-gl: Z80 processor assembler and SmallC+ cross compiler
z88dk is a SmallC+ and Z80 assemler cross compiler supplied with an
assembler/linker and a set of libraries implementing the C standard
library for a number of different z80 based machines. The name z88dk
originates from the time when the project was founded and supported only
the Cambridge z88 portable.
Máquinas recoñecidas: Cambridge Computers z88, Sinclair ZX Spectrum,
Sinclair ZX81, CP/M based machines, Amstrad NC100, VZ200/300, Sharp MZ
series, TI calculators (TI82, TI83, TI83+, TI85, TI86), ABC80, Jupiter
Ace, Xircom REX 6000, Peters Sprinter, Sam Coupe, MSX1, Spectravideo,
Mattel Aquarius, Peters Sprinter e C128 (no modo z80).
* Small C+ based compiler with structs, floats and other ANSI extensions
* Module assembler/linker which only includes required library routines
* Peephole optimizer with rulesets that reduce the size of generated code
by ~30% and improve speed
* Easily retargetted C library including stdio routines
* Retargettable VT100 terminal
* Support for over a 25 z80 based machines (see below for details)
Package: zapping-dbg
Description-md5: 6525a41d37d3401b73686c83ab8a0755
Description-gl: detached debugging symbols for zapping
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de zapping, que é un visor
de televisión para o ambiente GNOME.
It is based on plugins. This will make it easy to add functionality to the
program, without making it hard to maintain, such as saving video as
AVI/MPEG, viewing mirrored TV (scanning from right to left) or whatever
you can imagine (and program).
Package: zaz-dbg
Description-md5: 1c0d01681c63c6779238364356404cf5
Description-gl: arcade action puzzle game - debug
Zaz is an arcade action puzzle game where the goal is to get rid of all
incoming balls by rearranging their order.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: zenmap
Description-md5: 4e4e4c6aeaa4441484054473e97b7168
Description-gl: The Network Mapper Front End
Zenmap é unha interface para Nmap. Pretende ser útil para os usuarios
avanzados e facer que Nmap sexa doado para os principiantes.
Orixinariamente foi un derivado de Umit, unha interface gráfica para Nmap
creada como parte do Verán do Código de Google.
Package: zita-resampler-dbg
Description-md5: c2c5a5669f7a496fe8ad5e57ef0d651b
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de libzita-resampler
Zita resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals. It is
designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and
to provide high-quality sample rate conversion.
Este paquete fornece os símbolos de depuración.
Package: znc-dbg
Description-md5: 48f0ac40a29af5ebb9e8c9ef6844f643
Description-gl: advanced modular IRC bouncer (debugging symbols)
znc is an IRC proxy. It runs as a daemon and connects to IRC server, then
allows you to connect from a workstation and work as the user that is
logged in to the IRC server. After you disconnect, it maintains the
connection to the server. It acts like any normal IRC server, so you can
use any IRC client to connect to it.
Some of its features include support for multiple users, multiple clients,
and multiple IRC servers; playback buffers to catch up with what happened
while you were detached, SSL encryption, DCC proxying, and a plugin
interface with many plugins supporting other features.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración do paquete znc e dos seus
Package: zsh-beta
Description-md5: 93b1e231343d94696d26e9541e4cf2f3
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para zsh
The purpose of this package is solely the transition from the zsh-beta
package to the zsh package. It can be safely removed if no more user has
zsh-beta as login shell.
Package: zsh-static
Description-md5: 23f1b767f357b2c1b99e434a26490622
Description-gl: shell with lots of features (static link)
Zsh é un intérprete de ordes Unix (consola) utilizábel como consola de
entrada interactivo e como procesador de ordes de script de consola. Entre
as consolas normais, zsh parécese máis a ksh mais inclúe moitas melloras.
Zsh ten edición da liña de ordes, corrección ortográfica incorporada,
completado programábel de ordes, funcións de consola (con autocarga), un
mecanismo de historial e un feixe doutras posibilidades.
This is the statically-compiled version of the shell.
Package: zssh
Description-md5: 3430d5d91c6cb8fb41c5a0a643e7310c
Description-gl: interactive file transfers over ssh
zssh (Zmodem SSH) is a program for interactively transferring files to a
remote machine while using the secure shell (ssh). It is intended to
be a convenient alternative to scp, allowing to transfer files without
having to open another session and re-authenticate oneself.
Files are transferred through the zmodem protocol, using the rz and sz
Páxina web:
Package: zutils-dbg
Description-md5: bddc62a5b7bc5bf64cfd26017212993d
Description-gl: utilities for dealing with compressed files transparently (debug)
Zutils is a collection of utilities for dealing with any combination of
compressed and non-compressed files transparently. Currently the supported
compressors are gzip, bzip2, lzip, and xz.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: zynaddsubfx-dbg
Description-md5: 3e5c779ddeaf8606f25a8af553a2045a
Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración de zynaddsubfx
A real-time software synthesizer for Linux and Windows with many features,
including polyphony, multi-timbral and microtonal capabilities. It
includes randomness of some parameters, which makes warm sounds, like
analogue synthesizers. It has system/insertion effects too, and much more.
Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración.
Package: libvisca-dev
Description-md5: 12a2c5c95125a90404a7dabf8db19b8f
Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvisca
VISCA is a protocol used to control many pan and tilt cameras. It is
commonly found in cameras used for computer vision or robotics research,
as well as video conferencing.
libVISCA is a library for controlling a VISCA(tm) compliant camera through
the RS232 port of your PC. VISCA, on its side, is a protocol developed by
Sony so that a lot of machine vision cameras from Sony are compliant with
Typical cameras include the FCB-IX47 family of camera block for OEMs. Note
that other devices, such as VCRs, can be controlled.
This package contains development headers and examples.
Package: libvisca0
Description-md5: 58ce8d7ecfc43bc99746122fd7237641
Description-gl: Protocol implementation of VISCA cameras control interface
VISCA is a protocol used to control many pan and tilt cameras. It is
commonly found in cameras used for computer vision or robotics research,
as well as video conferencing.
libVISCA is a library for controlling a VISCA(tm) compliant camera through
the RS232 port of your PC. VISCA, on its side, is a protocol developed by
Sony so that a lot of machine vision cameras from Sony are compliant with
Typical cameras include the FCB-IX47 family of camera block for OEMs. Note
that other devices, such as VCRs, can be controlled.
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida.
Package: gstreamer1.0-hybris
Description-md5: dce353d48442f957a9a1c6e9ce5b041e
Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from hybris
GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos
de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que
empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son
en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra
operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en
engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou
capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos.
This package contains the GStreamer plugin for hybris, which provides a
way to do hardware decode using both hybris and libstagefright from
Package: libsfstdc++6-4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: linux-ac100
Description-md5: 409e0b57e6092351f3b15827bf53cd97
Description-gl: Kernel Linux completo para a arquitectura ac100.
This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel
available for ARM ac100 systems.
Package: linux-exynos5-tools-3.11.0-203
Description-md5: 11acb47012fceae13f87a4c85eb05100
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.11.0-203
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
3.11.0-203 on ARM (hard float).
Package: linux-exynos5-tools-common
Description-md5: 5e947646628710d552f512bf911d233f
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.11.0
This package provides the architecture independent parts for kernel
version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
Package: linux-goldfish-headers-3.4.0-1
Description-md5: bb2476bf2a0637f95cab2f2acc0f5c29
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.4.0 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
goldfish-headers-3.4.0-1/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-goldfish-tools-3.4.0-1
Description-md5: 89ca3bcfa52975cdf09e61f010633bbf
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-1
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version 3.4.0-1 on
You probabally want to install linux-tools-3.4.0-1-.
Package: linux-grouper
Description-md5: a12fc36110d843735454bd30ba4e0c67
Description-gl: Kernel linux complete para o Nexus7 (grouper).
This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel
available for Nexus7 (grouper).
Package: linux-grouper-headers-3.1.10-6
Description-md5: ad8f586c1f442fdf5a71ff38126b80bc
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.1.10 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.1.10, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
grouper-headers-3.1.10-6/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-grouper-tools
Description-md5: ea15db5fd6e3e3cff13446d5e28af7c8
Description-gl: Ferramentas versionadas do kernel de Linux
Este paquete vai depender sempre das ferramentas versionadas do kernel de
Linux máis recente dispoñíbel. Ten aplicados os parches de Ubuntu.
Package: linux-grouper-tools-3.1.10-6
Description-md5: 7c397b07d063019e5b295f65abfcf687
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.1.10-6
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
3.1.10-6 on
Package: linux-grouper-tools-common
Description-md5: 1458d02d250fd303df4d9a39c2ec2e26
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.1.10
This package provides the architecture independent parts for kernel
version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
Package: linux-headers-3.0.0-3-maguro
Description-md5: fe1f08ba0ed921435581ed57e282a902
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.0.0 no Galaxy Nexus
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.0.0 on Galaxy
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-maguro-headers-3.0.0-3/debian.README.gz for details.
Package: linux-headers-3.1.10-6
Description-md5: d402b058ac336b2ca20f6449ae995210
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.1.10 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.1.10, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
ac100-headers-3.1.10-6/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-headers-3.1.10-6-ac100
Description-md5: 2a81e104f00a01e0600847df005a3065
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.1.10 nos sistemas baseados no AC100 de Toshiba
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.1.10 on Toshiba
AC100-based systems.
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-ac100-headers-3.1.10-6/debian.README.gz for details.
Package: linux-headers-3.1.10-6-grouper
Description-md5: 8b79f6a5a23aa4bc7f5bf61688221161
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.1.10 no Nexus 7
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.1.10 on Nexus 7.
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-grouper-headers-3.1.10-6/debian.README.gz for
Package: linux-headers-3.11.0-203-exynos5
Description-md5: 1fc42346f47bcfe5a9864ab418d506f2
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.11.0 en ARM (flutuante dura) SMP de bits
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.11.0 on ARM (hard
float) SMP.
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-headers-3.11.0-203/debian.README.gz for details.
Package: linux-headers-3.4.0-3-mako
Description-md5: a92e02a8b94b1396f2a0491d39cf5168
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.4.0 no Nexus 4
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0 on Nexus 4.
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-mako-headers-3.4.0-3/debian.README.gz for details.
Package: linux-headers-3.4.0-4-manta
Description-md5: 8831c0c01021c53108e1a50d1d8cffc1
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.4.0 no Nexus 10
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0 on Nexus 10.
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-manta-headers-3.4.0-4/debian.README.gz for details.
Package: linux-headers-3.4.0-5-chromebook
Description-md5: 84f70ee6182ddd5d61a8a3e3e5427d62
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a versión 3.4.0 no Chromebook de Samsung
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0 on Samsung
This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read
/usr/share/doc/linux-chromebook-headers-3.4.0-5/debian.README.gz for
Package: linux-headers-ac100
Description-md5: 549d064151eb44268f9cb0082a613731
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para a arquitectura ac100.
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
ARM ac100 systems.
Package: linux-headers-chromebook
Description-md5: a227a3e97163168e5eb9f91b7cc18802
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para o Chromebook ARM de Samsung.
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
Samsung ARM Chromebook.
Package: linux-headers-grouper
Description-md5: bb5ebd8d340e371b7a1a9c1a3ee03bf7
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para o Nexus7 (grouper).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
Nexus7 (grouper).
Package: linux-headers-maguro
Description-md5: e997bff60900645d34a2fb79e9f26da2
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para o Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
Package: linux-headers-mako
Description-md5: e97066148d0aaceb9b2562fc437dee0e
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para o Nexus4 (mako).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
Nexus4 (mako).
Package: linux-headers-manta
Description-md5: f1cd50042a71d05493f8410b6a1d9340
Description-gl: Cabeceiras do kernel Linux para o Nexus10 (manta).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel headers available for
Nexus10 (manta).
Package: linux-headers-nexus4
Description-md5: 3e5eb8304cefc9e99525a2f3b8fe29b0
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-headers-mako
Package: linux-headers-nexus7
Description-md5: ada0c8ecfa1b0da1ea20086c0cc98d9f
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-headers-grouper
Package: linux-image-3.0.0-3-maguro
Description-md5: 57cb069da5fb9f582733b0f58f75da26
Description-gl: Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on Galaxy Nexus
Este paquete contén a imaxe do kernel Linux para a versión 3.0.0 no Galaxy
Also includes the corresponding file, the modules built by the
packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an
unbootable state after an update.
Supports Galaxy Nexus processors.
Galaxy Nexus phone
You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install
the linux-maguro meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work
correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed.
Package: linux-image-3.11.0-203-exynos5
Description-md5: 7789493b3d78df022f5551ecfa10afb5
Description-gl: Imaxe do kernel Linux para a versión 3.11.0 en ARM (flutuante dura) SMP de bits
Este paquete contén a imaxe do kernel Linux para a versión 3.11.0 en ARM
(flutuante dura).
Also includes the corresponding file, the modules built by the
packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an
unbootable state after an update.
Supports Generic processors.
Geared toward desktop and server systems.
You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install
the linux-exynos5 meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work
correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed.
Package: linux-image-grouper
Description-md5: 7383180be8ed8ae6b7da27e1261eaff8
Description-gl: Imaxe do kernel Linux para o Nexus7 (grouper).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel image available for
Nexus7 (grouper).
Package: linux-image-maguro
Description-md5: 4daedc22a3ac2ebaee6033accd923fd9
Description-gl: Imaxe do kernel Linux para o Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel image available for
Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
Package: linux-image-mako
Description-md5: 66df06acc650f377366028cb0ce48d69
Description-gl: Imaxe do kernel Linux para o Nexus4 (mako).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel image available for
Nexus4 (mako).
Package: linux-image-manta
Description-md5: b755fa2ad4d734378d3adcb5ea173d58
Description-gl: Imaxe do kernel Linux para o Nexus10 (manta).
This package will always depend on the latest kernel image available for
Nexus10 (manta).
Package: linux-image-nexus4
Description-md5: e60a488c84292cbc72933e8fe7b9279b
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-image-mako
Package: linux-image-nexus7
Description-md5: 6c01ec041c359665008d7d33aebde5a9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-image-grouper
Package: linux-maguro
Description-md5: 794659baea0536578aa6b22a2522f0b8
Description-gl: Kernel linux complete para o Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel
available for Galaxy Nexus (maguro).
Package: linux-maguro-headers-3.0.0-3
Description-md5: c79adca96021d9835c2a764df3cf62eb
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.0.0 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.0.0, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
maguro-headers-3.0.0-3/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-maguro-tools
Description-md5: ea15db5fd6e3e3cff13446d5e28af7c8
Description-gl: Ferramentas versionadas do kernel de Linux
Este paquete vai depender sempre das ferramentas versionadas do kernel de
Linux máis recente dispoñíbel. Ten aplicados os parches de Ubuntu.
Package: linux-maguro-tools-3.0.0-3
Description-md5: 75b97ef2017ce2022425b83ca4e412a7
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.0.0-3
This package provides the kernel ABI dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version 3.0.0-3 on
Package: linux-maguro-tools-common
Description-md5: ccda10b82793d7a50c7042b3364a8b3e
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.0.0
This package provides the kernel ABI independent parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version PGKVER.
Package: linux-mako
Description-md5: 5cae76df31814fc5a577ec3333a113c1
Description-gl: Kernel linux complete para o Nexus4 (mako).
This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel
available for Nexus4 (mako).
Package: linux-mako-headers-3.4.0-3
Description-md5: aed51dc89694c744b68edd34c85d38f4
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.4.0 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
mako-headers-3.4.0-3/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-mako-tools
Description-md5: ea15db5fd6e3e3cff13446d5e28af7c8
Description-gl: Ferramentas versionadas do kernel de Linux
Este paquete vai depender sempre das ferramentas versionadas do kernel de
Linux máis recente dispoñíbel. Ten aplicados os parches de Ubuntu.
Package: linux-mako-tools-3.4.0-3
Description-md5: 7cfd6933208ab5cfe56494d6d3f1f01c
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-3
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version 3.4.0-3 on
Package: linux-mako-tools-common
Description-md5: 3a2b361364a6586b94acefd00438203b
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0
This package provides the architecture independent parts for kernel
version locked tools (such as perf) for version PGKVER.
Package: linux-manta
Description-md5: 0e2780d781c6b4a2a5773f6fe1c84154
Description-gl: Kernel linux complete para o Nexus10 (manta).
This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel
available for Nexus10 (manta).
Package: linux-manta-headers-3.4.0-4
Description-md5: 502f62118b3f93bceb7b07eed3681a60
Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceira relacionados coa versión 3.4.0 do kernel Linux
This package provides kernel header files for version 3.4.0, for sites
that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-
manta-headers-3.4.0-4/debian.README.gz for details
Package: linux-manta-tools-3.4.0-4
Description-md5: 6cfc843b5cdb1430252ffa36e488eee4
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-4
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version 3.4.0-4 on
Package: linux-manta-tools-common
Description-md5: 3a2b361364a6586b94acefd00438203b
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0
This package provides the architecture independent parts for kernel
version locked tools (such as perf) for version PGKVER.
Package: linux-nexus4
Description-md5: 573e73160ac450c0cb393a60691f33be
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-mako
Package: linux-nexus7
Description-md5: 2e6c59958bc1ee9aa2b339e8219ab957
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-grouper
Package: linux-tools-3.11.0-203-exynos5
Description-md5: 11acb47012fceae13f87a4c85eb05100
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.11.0-203
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version
3.11.0-203 on ARM (hard float).
Package: linux-tools-3.4.0-1-goldfish
Description-md5: 5e42a222abfb01c90746c3866b1cc5ba
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-1
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 3.4.0-1
Package: linux-tools-3.4.0-5-chromebook
Description-md5: c9ff981ec38686e4702698cf6aeb6709
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-5
This package provides the architecture dependent parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 3.4.0-5
on ARM (hard float).
Package: linux-tools-exynos5
Description-md5: ea15db5fd6e3e3cff13446d5e28af7c8
Description-gl: Ferramentas versionadas do kernel de Linux
Este paquete vai depender sempre das ferramentas versionadas do kernel de
Linux máis recente dispoñíbel. Ten aplicados os parches de Ubuntu.
Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc
Description-md5: f14d35a2c3674ad3854965410ce756e1
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (transitional package)
This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices including
Samsung Exynos5.
The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging
area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-exynos
Description-md5: 779a73c6dc65a716f659922d2b8929e3
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver for Exynos DRM
This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices including
Samsung Exynos5.
The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging
area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
This package contains the armsoc driver for the Exynos DRM driver.
Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-exynos-dbg
Description-md5: 6310ffe286c244eac33ead8fd52e95e9
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (debug symbols)
This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices including
Samsung Exynos5.
The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging
area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
This package contains debugging symbols for xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-
Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-pl111
Description-md5: 52074bd2945ed1e8bec62127dbac5573
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver for pl111 DRM
This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices including
Samsung Exynos5.
The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging
area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
This package contains the armsoc driver for the pl111 DRM driver.
Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-pl111-dbg
Description-md5: 7853cbf1416ffab3bb14413999f31b10
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (debug symbols)
This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices including
Samsung Exynos5.
The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging
area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
This package contains debugging symbols for xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-
Package: xserver-xorg-video-msm-dbg
Description-md5: 1da5b26e969df5c69034087c34eb5383
Description-gl: MSM/QSD X Window Enablement Project (debug symbols)
X driver for MSM/QSD arm chipsets found in portables/cell phones, such as
the HTC Dream and the Nexus One.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración para este controlador de X de
Package: cobalt-panel-utils
Description-md5: 2250898944ea1c76e4e8d66b16594148
Description-gl: System utilities for Sun Cobalt's LCD and LEDs
System utilities which allow the user to write or create programs which
write to LCD and LEDs on the Sun Cobalts Server Series.
Also includes a utility to read the buttons on the front panel.
Páxina web: (Jeff Walter)
Package: lib64stdc++6-4.4-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: lib64stdc++6-4.6-dbg
Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407
Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos
símbolos de depuración.
Package: libxflaim-dev
Description-md5: 395a10237314d98bb3346541353bf80d
Description-gl: An extensible, flexible, adaptable, embeddable XML database engine
XFLAIM is an embeddable cross-platform XML database engine that provides a
rich, powerful, easy-to-use feature set. It has proven to be highly
scalable, reliable, and robust. It is available on a wide variety of 32
bit and 64 bit platforms.
Páxina web:
Package: libxflaim3.2
Description-md5: 395a10237314d98bb3346541353bf80d
Description-gl: An extensible, flexible, adaptable, embeddable XML database engine
XFLAIM is an embeddable cross-platform XML database engine that provides a
rich, powerful, easy-to-use feature set. It has proven to be highly
scalable, reliable, and robust. It is available on a wide variety of 32
bit and 64 bit platforms.
Páxina web:
Package: linux-goldfish-tools-3.4.0-1
Description-md5: 18b451d4de4490fc3d0a42a62fef6786
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-1
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf) for version 3.4.0-1 on 32 bit x86. You
probabally want to install linux-tools-3.4.0-1-.
Package: linux-headers-lowlatency-pae
Description-md5: 6af73404b873a966ac6255b05036407d
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-headers-lowlatency
Package: linux-image-lowlatency-pae
Description-md5: 6843cc37a69c40820f7d377dff479023
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-image-lowlatency
Package: linux-lowlatency-pae
Description-md5: 0aa935414a87ff9b660c4f39bab85ed9
Description-gl: Paquete transitorio
This package will always depend on linux-lowlatency
Package: linux-tools-3.4.0-1-goldfish
Description-md5: 1a00ae6ebc275fde6d71f713d75f60f8
Description-gl: Ferramentas específicas do kernel Linux da versión 3.4.0-1
This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version
locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 3.4.0-1
on 32 bit x86.
Package: xserver-xorg-video-geode
Description-md5: 2b88e8d1b564147b91d4acd3ebc9f71e
Description-gl: X.Org X server -- Geode GX2/LX display driver
This package provides the 'geode' driver for the Geode family of chipsets,
including NSC GX2 (Red Cloud), AMD GX and AMD LX series chips.
On operating systems supporting Video For Linux v2 (V4L2), this package
also provides the 'ztv' driver for the Video Input Port (VIP) of the LX.
Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en:
Este paquete está construído a partir do controlador xf86-video-geode de
Package: xserver-xorg-video-geode-dbg
Description-md5: 7d8dd728789c4c6b7100c1b19038c48e
Description-gl: Geode GX2/LX display driver (debugging symbols)
This driver supports the Geode family of chipsets, including NSC GX2 (Red
Cloud), AMD GX and AMD LX series chips.
Este paquete fornece símbolos de depuración para este controlador de