Package: acct Description-md5: b24f45ef7d67937aa65ecb8e36a7e5a1 Description-zh_TW: 處理和登錄記錄的 GNU 計帳工具 GNU 記帳工具是提供一系列有關用戶連接次數和程式執行統計的報告和概述資料的工具。 . “登錄記錄”提供了基於連接次數的系統資源使用概況,而“處理記錄”提供了基於系統已經執行的命令總結。 . 'last' 指令由 sysvinit 套件提供,並未含括在這裡頭。 Package: acl Description-md5: 75eddab5ddd2597445b43aa18f0db77a Description-zh_TW: 存取控制清單(ACL)工具 這個套件包含了處理存取控制清單(ACL)所需要的 getfacl 和 setfacl 工具。 Package: acpi-support Description-md5: 3da3f1fdfeedd4b9182ff4fd508042a7 Description-zh_TW: 用以處理 ACPI 事件的腳本 該套件包含了數個對應 ACPI 事件的腳本,只有包含那些支援特定跨平台安全等級的事件腳本 . 其可以:  *偵測AC電源的拔插、合上螢幕和一些特殊按鍵(在華碩、IBM、聯想、Panasonic、Sony和Toshiba筆電)  *待命、休眠、喚醒電腦  *設定螢幕亮度(在特定機種) Package: acpid Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe Description-zh_TW: 進階設定及電源介面事件常駐程式 較新的電腦支援進階設定與電源管理介面 (ACPI),系統可以通過這個介面進行智慧的電源管理、查詢電池狀態和設定資訊。 . ACPID 是具有完整彈性及高度擴展性的ACPI事件遞送程序,其會監聽網路聯結介面(或是較不建議的/proc/acpi/event),當事件發生時, 會執行數個程式去處理該事件,執行的程式會從一系列的設定檔來決定,而設定檔可被套件程式或是管理者設定 Package: adduser Description-md5: 7965b5cd83972a254552a570bcd32c93 Description-zh_TW: 增加或移除使用者及群組 這個套件包含了建立或刪除使用者的 adduser 和 deluser 指令。 . - adduser 創建新的用戶和群組,或者將已有的用戶添加到已有的群組; - deluser 刪除用戶和群組,或者從指定的群組刪除用戶。 . 用 adduser 指令建立用戶比手動添加更爲簡單。其會選擇適當的 UID 和 GID 值、創建用戶主目錄(home directory)、複製基本的用戶設定文件、並能自動引導用戶設置初始密碼和姓名等。 . deluser 指令可以備份或刪除用戶的主目錄、郵件或其擁有的所有文件。 . 用戶自定義腳本可在這些指令完成後運行 . 開發團隊郵遞論壇: devel/ Package: adium-theme-ubuntu Description-md5: 314da14682c298664cc6118ca7defcf7 Description-zh_TW: Ubuntu 的 Adium 訊息樣式 Adium message style for Ubuntu, to be used in an instant messenger that supports Adium message styles, such as Empathy. Package: aide Description-md5: 5cf26f0af8c95254f9ec7920c1214cbe Description-zh_TW: 進階的入侵偵測環境 - 靜態連結版本 AIDE 是進階的入侵偵測環境,可以用來偵測檔案是否被修改。其使用設定檔中的常規表示式來建立資料庫。一旦建立起此資料庫後,它將可被用來檢案檔案的完整 性。他擁有多種資訊摘要演算法(md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval...等等),可以用來查驗檔案的完整性。更多其他種類的演算法可以輕易的被加入。檔案常用的屬性也可被用來驗證檔案是否一致。 . 該套件包含了數個給「正常」系統使用的靜態連結執行檔 Package: aide-common Description-md5: 7a8490e442a29581e6cca1b191be3f62 Description-zh_TW: 進階的入侵偵測環境 - 公用檔案 AIDE 是進階的入侵偵測環境,可以用來偵測檔案是否被修改。其使用設定檔中的常規表示式來建立資料庫。一旦建立起此資料庫後,它將可被用來檢案檔案的完整 性。他擁有多種資訊摘要演算法(md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval...等等),可以用來查驗檔案的完整性。更多其他種類的演算法可以輕易的被加入。檔案常用的屬性也可被用來驗證檔案是否一致。 . 本套件包含執行檔所需的基本檔案及設定檔案。 . You will almost certainly want to tweak the configuration file in /etc/aide/aide.conf or drop your own config snippets into /etc/aide/aide.conf.d. Package: alien Description-md5: 250884c1c7113f08b8c335ac3cf22206 Description-zh_TW: 轉換、安裝 rpm 及其他套件 Alien 讓您將 LSB、Red Hat、Stampede 及 Slackware 套件轉換為 Debian 套件,然後可以 dpkg 安裝。 . 也可用來製作其他格式的套件。 . This is a tool only suitable for binary packages. Package: alsa-base Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca Description-zh_TW: ALSA 驅動程式設定檔 本套件包含多種 ALSA 驅動程式設定檔 . 為了讓 ALSA 可以使用系統指定的音效卡,系統核心必需有該音效卡的 ALSA 軀動程式。在 linux-image 套件裡的 Linux 2.6 以模組檔的形式包含了所有目前受 ALSA 支援的音效卡軀動程式,一個客製化的 alsa 模組可經由 m-a 工具(包含於 module- assistant 套件)來從 alsa-source 的源始碼中建立。詳細的情況可以去閱讀 README.Debian 檔案來知道更多有關載入及創建模組的事。 . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: alsa-utils Description-md5: ccb773c61c75de01309f6f6a8ee3621c Description-zh_TW: Utilities for configuring and using ALSA Included tools: - amixer: command line mixer - alsamixer: curses mixer - amidi: read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports - aplay, arecord: command line playback and recording - aplaymidi, arecordmidi: command line MIDI playback and recording - aconnect, aseqnet, aseqdump: command line MIDI sequencer control . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: amavisd-new Description-md5: d95fd9c270e69763b2674a7c7629b731 Description-zh_TW: 用來聯繫 MTA 和掃毒/內容過濾程式的介面 AMaVisd-new 是電子郵件傳送代理程式和零到數個掃毒程式及防垃圾信程式(選擇性的)的介面腳本 . 其支援所有著名的防毒程式(多於20個),同時也有與直接與 ClamAV、OpenAntiVirus、Trophie、AVG、f-prot 及 Sophos AV 溝通的功能 . AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode (ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail milter through the amavisd-new-milter package. Package: anacron Description-md5: cd9f07726e1ee3bc93fcfdb799520070 Description-zh_TW: 不以時間為基礎,類似 cron 的工作排程器 Anacron (like "anac(h)ronistic") is a periodic command scheduler. It executes commands at intervals specified in days. Unlike cron, it does not assume that the system is running continuously. It can therefore be used to control the execution of daily, weekly, and monthly jobs (or anything with a period of n days), on systems that don't run 24 hours a day. When installed and configured properly, Anacron will make sure that the commands are run at the specified intervals as closely as machine uptime permits. . This package is pre-configured to execute the daily jobs of the Debian system. You should install this program if your system isn't powered on 24 hours a day to make sure the maintenance jobs of other Debian packages are executed each day. Package: ant Description-md5: 5ceb3b9317ae6734ab188db300acaade Description-zh_TW: 類似 make 且基於 Java 的編譯工具 無系統相依的(非基於 shell)且使用像 Makefiles 的 XML 檔案的編譯工具,該套件包含了數個腳本及核心任務套件庫 Package: ant-optional Description-md5: ccdbce1086b391c7aabff03d95a69d02 Description-zh_TW: 類似 make 且基於 Java 的編譯工具 - 選擇性的套件庫 無系統相依的(非基於 shell)且使用像 Makefiles 的 XML 檔案的編譯工具,該套件包含了數個自選的函式庫 Package: anthy Description-md5: 7ddaacfe3551af98af20a59f6fd95f97 Description-zh_TW: 日文輸入法 - 後端程式、字典及工具 Anthy is a Japanese input method working on X11 and Emacs. It converts hiragana text to mixed kana and kanji. It is implemented as a library and stores private information securely in ~/.anthy/. Thus, Anthy is simple and secure (information is protected from spoofing and snooping). Package: antlr-doc Description-md5: 2c7eadb8bcc6ff951791285f19c40007 Description-zh_TW: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc This package contains the documentation and examples for antlr. ANTLR stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). It is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers]. . 完整說明見 antlr 套件 Package: apache2 Description-md5: d24f049cd70ccfc178dd8974e4b1ed01 Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器元套件 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The result has long been the number one web server on the Internet. . It features support for HTTPS, virtual hosting, CGI, SSI, IPv6, easy scripting and database integration, request/response filtering, many flexible authentication schemes, and more. Package: apache2-doc Description-md5: 268d5339b3063f1f4a1f8ba078480a2a Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器說明文件 This package provides the documentation for Apache 2. For more details see the apache2 package description. Package: apache2-mpm-event Description-md5: a80d3fe69689b28f8aea325690e6e8f5 Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器 - 事件導向模型 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web server binary, compiled with a different processing model. . The event MPM is designed to allow more requests to be served simultaneously by passing off some processing work to supporting threads, freeing up the main threads to work on new requests. It is especially suitable for sites that see extensive KeepAlive traffic. . This MPM is experimental and less tested than the worker and prefork MPMs. Package: apache2-mpm-prefork Description-md5: b1e3963f43f27f985efabc714e30a17e Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器 - 傳統的非線程式(non-threaded)模型 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web server binary, compiled with a different processing model. . The prefork MPM provides a non-threaded implementation using a variable number of processes where each process handles only one connection at the same time. It is not as fast as threaded models, but is considered to be more stable. It is appropriate for sites that need to maintain compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries, and is the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other. Package: apache2-mpm-worker Description-md5: 5c9df5383d0a2631ae15ced2ca0389d7 Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器 - 高速線程式(threaded)模型 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web server binary, compiled with a different processing model. . The worker MPM provides the default threaded implementation. It is recommended especially for high-traffic sites because it is faster and has a smaller memory footprint than the traditional prefork MPM. Package: apache2-prefork-dev Description-md5: 131f1c35d98f8bc3fbed9f8a41149dd8 Description-zh_TW: Apache 開發標頭 - 非線程式(non-threaded) MPM This package provides the development headers and apxs2 binary for apache2 -mpm-prefork; see the apache2 package description for more details. . This should only be used when you absolutely *must* support a non-threaded environment (for PHP, for example). Package: apache2-threaded-dev Description-md5: dcab973a966982dea149a93e2310d0a1 Description-zh_TW: Apache 開發標頭 - 線程式(threaded) MPM This package provides the development headers and apxs2 binary for threaded versions of apache2; see the apache2 package description for more details. Package: apache2-utils Description-md5: 65b11c04f19387d5e961a795a115c791 Description-zh_TW: 網頁伺服器的工具程式 Provides some add-on programs useful for any webserver. These include: - ab (Apache benchmark tool) - logresolve (Resolve IP addresses to hostname in logfiles) - htpasswd (Manipulate basic authentication files) - htdigest (Manipulate digest authentication files) - dbmmanage (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using perl) - htdbm (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using APR) - rotatelogs (Periodically stop writing to a logfile and open a new one) - split-logfile (Split a single log including multiple vhosts) - checkgid (Checks whether the caller can setgid to the specified group) - check_forensic (Extract mod_log_forensic output from Apache log files) - httxt2dbm (Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap) Package: apache2.2-bin Description-md5: a99a5e28b18db91922ca15fab5acb2b3 Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器共通二元檔 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The result has long been the number one web server on the Internet. . This package contains all binaries but no configuration or support scripts. To get a stand-alone server, you need to install one of the apache2-mpm-* packages, such as worker or prefork. Other packages like gnome-user-share may bring their own Apache configuration, though. Package: apache2.2-common Description-md5: 214ca4adfc4cb3d8083d736c7fe47647 Description-zh_TW: Apache HTTP 伺服器共通檔 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The result has long been the number one web server on the Internet. . This package contains the configuration and support scripts. However, it does *not* include the server itself; for this you need to install one of the apache2-mpm-* packages, such as worker or prefork. Package: app-install-data Description-md5: f60778a916e4cfc34f4e6d08cae5fa94 Description-zh_TW: Ubuntu 應用程式 (資料檔) This package contains the Ubuntu specific application data and icons for software-center (and similar tools). Package: apparmor-docs Description-md5: ca238fbee0c75e966c57c3649cd3bc9a Description-zh_TW: AppArmor 的說明文件 Thie provides some technical documentation for the AppArmor Mandatory Access Control system. Currently this is only a single PDF covering basic operation, written some time ago. Package: apparmor-utils Description-md5: 22a5090997862bae53e19125fba08de9 Description-zh_TW: 控制 AppArmor 的工具 This provides the utilities to operate on AppArmor profiles, as well as the Perl modules needed for AppArmor audit log parsing. Profiles can be created, updated, enforced, set to complain mode, and disabled. Package: apport Description-md5: c04626471654f9246cf5e28b560d262e Description-zh_TW: 為除錯自動製作當機報告 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook provided by the Ubuntu kernel. . This package also provides a command line frontend for browsing and handling the crash reports. For desktops, you should consider installing the GTK+ or Qt user interface (apport-gtk or apport-kde). Package: apport-gtk Description-md5: 2f45e17d5bf22355d7921dba196ae6dd Description-zh_TW: apport 當機報告系統的 GTK+ 前端程式 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook provided by the Ubuntu kernel. . This package provides a GTK+ frontend for browsing and handling the crash reports. Package: apport-retrace Description-md5: 7608c287131a28c4611767ba61f02050 Description-zh_TW: 重新處理 apport 當機報告的工具 apport-retrace recombines an Apport crash report (either a file or a Launchpad bug) and debug symbol packages (.ddebs) into fully symbolic stack traces. This can optionally use a sandbox for installing debug symbol packages and doing the processing, so that entire process of retracing crashes can happen with normal user privileges without changing the system. . You need to install gdb-multiarch if you want to be able to retrace crash reports which happened on a different architecture than the one you run apport-retrace on. Package: apt-listchanges Description-md5: ff242d11e25a826706c61be7ebf92ad4 Description-zh_TW: 套件變更歷史通知工具 The tool apt-listchanges can compare a new version of a package with the one currently installed and show what has been changed, by extracting the relevant entries from the Debian changelog and NEWS files. . It can be run on several .deb archives at a time to get a list of all changes that would be caused by installing or upgrading a group of packages. When configured as an APT plugin it will do this automatically during upgrades. Package: aptdaemon Description-md5: 5ed476246aefb12d0c1b0deb4818778b Description-zh_TW: transaction based package management service Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g. refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing software packages. . 目前有以下主要功能: . - Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows one to write clients in several languages - Runs only if required (D-Bus activation) - Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all desktop user to query for updates without entering a password - Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM - Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system) - Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call . This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to run the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a command line client for aptdaemon. The API is not stable yet. Package: aptitude Description-md5: 6077c8b6794c43d6b34dfc9169fe4ee5 Description-zh_TW: 基於終端機的套件管理員 aptitude is a package manager with a number of useful features, including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a flexible manner, dselect- like persistence of user actions, the ability to retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a command-line mode similar to that of apt-get. . aptitude 也擁有處理千禧年問題的措施,以及不肥大、自然清理、與順從的特色。 Package: aptitude-dbg Description-md5: 1113502e17f6968feafa2dabfeba01a0 Description-zh_TW: aptitude 套件管理員的除錯符號 aptitude is a package manager with a number of useful features, including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a flexible manner, dselect- like persistence of user actions, the ability to retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a command-line mode similar to that of apt-get. . This package contains the debugging symbols for aptitude. You only need these if you want to generate debugging backtraces of aptitude; if you do, you probably also want the debug package for the cwidget library. Package: aptitude-doc-en Description-md5: 2d2da927067ef4b395df37dd2ad5ed3f Description-zh_TW: aptitude (基於終端機的套件管理員)的英文手冊 aptitude is a package manager with a number of useful features, including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a flexible manner, dselect- like persistence of user actions, the ability to retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a command-line mode similar to that of apt-get. . This package contains the English version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: apturl Description-md5: 0ff87045fbbd2d7c44b70b7ac3d409e1 Description-zh_TW: 以 apt 協定安裝套件 - GTK+ 前端介面 AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . 此套件包含 GTK+ 前端介面。 Package: apturl-common Description-md5: 1a9a3582fbd6f80810cf5bf2bc1a5249 Description-zh_TW: 以 apt 協定安裝套件 - 共通資料 AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . This package contains the common data shared between the frontends. Package: aspell Description-md5: 21dcab5448cba7f61ba8df4ace46f1af Description-zh_TW: GNU Aspell 拼字檢查程式 GNU Aspell is a spell-checker which can be used either as a standalone application or embedded in other programs. Its main feature is that it does a much better job of suggesting possible spellings than just about any other spell-checker available for the English language, including Ispell and Microsoft Word. It also has many other technical enhancements over Ispell such as using shared memory for dictionaries and intelligently handling personal dictionaries when more than one Aspell process is open at once. . Aspell 是用來代替 Ispell。 Package: aspell-doc Description-md5: 33c68b861d6f2e2ef1b189909b98b741 Description-zh_TW: GNU Aspell 拼字檢查程式的說明文件 This package contains the documentation for GNU Aspell in various formats. The aspell package comes with minimal man pages. Install this package if you need further information on the development process and workings of Aspell. Package: aspell-en Description-md5: 33430e0431f04d392965162affa799eb Description-zh_TW: GNU Aspell 英文字典 This package contains all the required files to add support for English language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . 包含美式、英式及加拿大拼法。 Package: at Description-md5: 97e204a9f4ad8c681dbd54ec7c505251 Description-zh_TW: 延遲工作執行與批次處理工具 'At' 與 'batch' 用於從標準輸入讀取介殼命令,並將之儲存為排程在 未來執行的工作。 . Use at to run the job at a specified time batch to run the job when system load levels permit Package: augeas-dbg Description-md5: 04bb4e8b4c50b75a43a23eeb7fc23ad2 Description-zh_TW: libaugeas0 的除錯符號 Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . This package provides debugging symbols for augeas, both the core library and the tools, to assist in diagnosing critical bugs. It is not required for normal operation. Package: augeas-tools Description-md5: 3910bb8edac0a7a2eb4c78437f67490b Description-zh_TW: Augeas 指令列工具 Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . This package provides command line tools based on libaugeas0: - augtool, a tool to manage configuration files. - augparse, a testing and debugging tool for augeas lenses. Package: automoc Description-md5: 089a1b306f5bbbf5910999a44b5b53b9 Description-zh_TW: 用於 Qt 4 套件的自動 moc This package contains the automoc4 binary which is used to run moc on the right binaries in a Qt 4 or KDE 4 application. . Moc is the meta object compiler which is a much used tool when using the Qt toolkit. Package: avahi-daemon Description-md5: 13d651a25febc553220e03e75c6f4c7b Description-zh_TW: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD 服務常式 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to. . This package contains the Avahi Daemon which represents your machine on the network and allows other applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS- SD records. Package: avahi-dbg Description-md5: be77e76d0e7f31e403a87133b185f545 Description-zh_TW: Avahi - 除錯符號 This package contains detached debugging symbols for the binary packages produced by the avahi source. . Most people will not need this package. Package: avahi-utils Description-md5: 58895f03e39692a5213ffb4d5bbc3564 Description-zh_TW: Avahi 瀏覽、發佈和探索工具 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to. . This package contains several utilities that allow you to interact with the Avahi daemon, including publish, browsing and discovering services. Package: awstats Description-md5: 13563117d747b5d1acdce35986df9f8a Description-zh_TW: 強大且多功能的網頁伺服器日誌分析程式 Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a powerful web server logfile analyzer written in perl that shows you all your web statistics including visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords used to find your site, robots, broken links and more. Gives more detailed information and better graphical charts than webalizer, and is easier to use. Works with several web server log format as a CGI and/or from command line. Supports more than 30 languages. Package: b43-fwcutter Description-md5: 57dfe30ea83181cf6914c4780bc152e5 Description-zh_TW: 抽取 Broadcom 43xx 靭體的工具 fwcutter is a tool which can extract firmware from various source files. It's written for BCM43xx driver files. It grabs firmware for BCM43xx from website and install it. Package: backuppc Description-md5: 9cf963981a203dec6d92fb3ac952296c Description-zh_TW: 高效能、企業級的個人電腦備份系統 BackupPC is disk based and not tape based. This particularity allows features not found in any other backup solution: * Clever pooling scheme minimizes disk storage and disk I/O. Identical files across multiple backups of the same or different PC are stored only once resulting in substantial savings in disk storage and disk writes. Also known as "data deduplication". * Optional compression provides additional reductions in storage. CPU impact of compression is low since only new files (those not already in the pool) need to be compressed. * A powerful http/cgi user interface allows administrators to view log files, configuration, current status and allows users to initiate and cancel backups and browse and restore files from backups very quickly. * No client-side software is needed. On WinXX the smb protocol is used. On Linux or Unix clients, rsync or tar (over ssh/rsh/nfs) can be used * Flexible restore options. Single files can be downloaded from any backup directly from the CGI interface. Zip or Tar archives for selected files or directories can also be downloaded from the CGI interface. * BackupPC supports mobile environments where laptops are only intermittently connected to the network and have dynamic IP addresses (DHCP). * Flexible configuration parameters allow multiple backups to be performed in parallel. * and more to discover in the manual... Package: bacula-console Description-md5: 9c44424f651ece05595790d16593b74e Description-zh_TW: network backup service - text console Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . The management console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the Bacula Director. . 本套件提供主控台的文字介面。 Package: bacula-director-common Description-md5: 694c22816210678ee08fdd75235da51c Description-zh_TW: network backup service - Director common files Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . The Bacula Director service supervises all the backup, restore, verify, and archive operations. It can run as a daemon or as a foreground service which administrators can use to schedule backups and recover files. . 本套件提供 Bacula Director 服務常式的共通檔案。 Package: base-files Description-md5: 6d16337f57b84c4747f56438355b2395 Description-zh_TW: Debian 基礎系統雜項檔案 This package contains the basic filesystem hierarchy of a Debian system, and several important miscellaneous files, such as /etc/debian_version, /etc/host.conf, /etc/issue, /etc/motd, /etc/profile, and others, and the text of several common licenses in use on Debian systems. Package: base-passwd Description-md5: aad0cc52ee72b2469af5552851e49f03 Description-zh_TW: Debian 基礎系統的主要密碼檔及群組檔 這些是典型的使用者資料主檔案 (/etc/passwd 及 /etc/group), 裡面有 Debian 預設的使用者和群組帳號。另外提供 update-passwd 這個工具,讓系統資料庫可以和這些主檔案同步。 Package: bash-doc Description-md5: 87bcd31a74f29447890330d831edb1f7 Description-zh_TW: The GNU Bourne Again SHell 的說明文件及範例 Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Bash also incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh). . 本套件包含可分發的說明文件、所有範例及主變更記錄。 Package: bc Description-md5: e93da3de3f5e23c0a0c6aad67b646d6f Description-zh_TW: GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language GNU bc 是互動式的代數運算語言。其支援了 POSIX 1003.2 標準的任意精確度運算,以及數項擴充,如:多字元的變數名稱、else 敘述、以及完整的布林運算。使用 GNU bc 並不需要另外安裝 GNU dc 這個程式。首頁: Package: bcc Description-md5: 268215b21e3311cc4ec3976927b43fee Description-zh_TW: 16位元 x86 C 編譯器 This is a C-compiler for 8086 cpus which is important for the development of boot loaders or BIOS related 8086 code. . It is possible to run 8086 code under i386 Linux using an emulator, `elksemu', also included in this package. Package: bdf2psf Description-md5: 5eb98031ca1e36678eeeefee0d31085b Description-zh_TW: 由 BDF 來源字型製作主控台字型的字型轉換程式 This package provides a command-line converter that can be used in scripts to build console fonts from BDF sources automatically. The converter comes with a collection of font encodings that cover many of the world's languages. The output font can use a different character encoding from the input. When the source font does not define a glyph for a particular symbol in the encoding table, that glyph position in the console font is not wasted but used for another symbol. . When deciding about the position in the font for a particular glyph, the converter takes into account that in text video modes the video adapter copies the eighth column of the glyph matrix of symbols positioned in the pseudographic area to the ninth column. In order to create fonts for text video modes, the width of the glyph matrix of the source BDF font should be seven, eight, or nine pixels; otherwise the converter creates fonts suitable for framebuffer only. Package: bf-utf-source Description-md5: 46d781daf22873a77c81a4a053eebce1 Description-zh_TW: 需要用來組建 Debian 安裝程式的字型來源 This package contains bdf fonts needed to build the international version of boot-floppies and Debian-Installer (replacement for boot-floppies). . If you aren't building Debian boot & install floppies or CDs, you probably don't need this package. Package: bin86 Description-md5: ab9b02e844161c194a3566d31fb8a4ab Description-zh_TW: 16位元 x86 組譯器(assembler)及載入程式(loader) This is the as86 and ld86 distribution written by Bruce Evans. It's a complete 8086 assembler and loader which can make 32-bit code for the 386+ processors. Package: bind9 Description-md5: 4d39ed3fc4e2e72497683d779dfdcd38 Description-zh_TW: 網際網路網域名稱伺服器 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain name server. BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium, This package provides the server and related configuration files. Package: bind9-doc Description-md5: 329b8ef5cf9ad3d51ce47e6d8d13d75e Description-zh_TW: BIND 的說明文件 This package provides various documents that are useful for maintaining a working BIND installation. Package: bind9-host Description-md5: acdae162c721f5d2986f557bdefa1e70 Description-zh_TW: BIND 9.X 內建的 'host' 版本 This package provides the 'host' program in the form that is bundled with the BIND 9.X sources. Package: bind9utils Description-md5: 5f6f5621a6edd04ef33a0fe5d2d5bff8 Description-zh_TW: BIND 的工具 This package provides various utilities that are useful for maintaining a working BIND installation. Package: binfmt-support Description-md5: 29e82a31bb4248987c1cee43d589e134 Description-zh_TW: 額外二元檔格式的支援 The binfmt_misc kernel module, contained in versions 2.1.43 and later of the Linux kernel, allows system administrators to register interpreters for various binary formats based on a magic number or their file extension, and cause the appropriate interpreter to be invoked whenever a matching file is executed. Think of it as a more flexible version of the #! executable interpreter mechanism. . This package provides an 'update-binfmts' script with which package maintainers can register interpreters to be used with this module without having to worry about writing their own init.d scripts, and which sysadmins can use for a slightly higher-level interface to this module. Package: binutils Description-md5: fde49b4cfeaad346a6e094f973da28d7 Description-zh_TW: GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities 本套件裡的程式可用於組譯、連結、處理可執行檔與 object 檔案。 它們可和編譯器及各種函式庫一起使用,來建置程式(build programs)。 Package: binutils-doc Description-md5: 61fd9f95707b9eb9ad8fe9b13a862636 Description-zh_TW: GNU 組譯器、連結程式,與執行檔工具的說明文件 本套件包含 info 格式的 GNU 組譯器、連結程式及二元檔公用程式說明文件 Package: bison Description-md5: 3b8154d16aa228f689bcd81364e7088c Description-zh_TW: YACC-compatible parser generator Bison 是能用來分析語法將給 LALR(1) 的無脈絡文法描述轉成一個 C 語言的語意分析產生器。一旦你對 Bison 嫻熟,即可以其來發展一套具廣泛用途的語言分析器,從簡單的桌面計算機到複雜的程式語言分析。 . Bison 向上相容到 Yacc:一個妥善寫好的 Yacc 語法在 Bison上執行時 不用做額外改變。任何熟悉 Yacc 的人使用 Bison 應該只會遇到一點麻煩。bison-doc 套件包含此程式的說明文件。 Package: bison-doc Description-md5: 13fe90eab8084a7e8639929bf1218e17 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the Bison parser generator 本套件包含 Bison 的 PDF 及 Info 說明文件。 Package: bittornado Description-md5: 369c0fcd3b015c34e46b68ad36098715 Description-zh_TW: bittorrent 用戶端 (及 tracker),帶有主控台及 curses 介面 BitTornado 是根據由 BitTorrent 公司釋出之 BitTorrent 用戶端製作而成的 bittorrent 用戶端。本用戶端有主控台及 curses 模式、大量功能,而且也是最古早的 bittorrent 用戶端之一。 . 功能包括: * 限制上載/下載速率 * 批次下載 (一次下載多個檔案) 時設定優先次序 * 提供與 peer 連線的詳情 * 支援 PE/MSE 加密 (使用推薦的 python-crypto) * 執行 script 的主控台模式 * 互動式執行的 curses 模式 * 分發檔案的 tracker . 本套件包含主控台及 curses 介面,以及 bittorrent tracker。要圖像用戶介面的話請安裝 bittornado-gui 套件。有關何謂 bittorrent 的說明請見 bittorrent 套件。 Package: bluez Description-md5: ef25d6a9f4a57e78f32faa7b58ef4e59 Description-zh_TW: 藍芽工具及服務程式 本套件包含使用藍芽裝置的工具及系統服務程式。 . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-alsa Description-md5: 930bafabe25000357ec6aaca35e4d911 Description-zh_TW: Bluetooth ALSA support 本套件包含配合 ALSA 的驅動程式。 . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-cups Description-md5: 4e5f0a66844f2292ecbf023e856b77d4 Description-zh_TW: 用於 CUPS 的藍芽印表機驅動程式 本套件包含讓 CUPS 列印至以藍芽連接的印表機的驅動程式。 . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-dbg Description-md5: e8e0a3eaa44ef0a0697e2a30ce6147e9 Description-zh_TW: Bluetooth tools and daemons (with debugging symbols) 本套件包含使用藍芽裝置的工具及系統服務程式。 . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). . This package contains the debugging symbols. Package: bluez-gstreamer Description-md5: 175293486171f8d3d5bfe3c0c38d356a Description-zh_TW: 藍芽 GStreamer 支援 本套件包含配合 GStreamer 應用程式的外掛程式。 . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: brasero Description-md5: f8b587a21ec167a346c66c4d208477cf Description-zh_TW: 為 GNOME 設計的 CD/DVD 燒錄應用程式 Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media: audio, video or data. It features among other things: * On-the-fly burning * Multisession support * On-the-fly conversion of music playlists in all formats supported by GStreamer . 此套件包含主要函式庫、燒錄外掛程式與 nautilus 擴充套件。 . The following packages, if installed, will provide Brasero with added functionality: * cdrdao to burn combined data/audio CDs and for byte-to-byte copy * GStreamer backends to support more audio formats * vcdimager to create VCDs or SVCDs * libdvdcss2 to copy encrypted DVDs Package: brasero-cdrkit Description-md5: 6740e2977dec0fdd390ee0124accc5fd Description-zh_TW: cdrkit extensions for the Brasero burning application Brasero 是燒錄、複製及抹除 CD 及 DVD 的簡易程式。 . This package contains extensions for Brasero, based on the genisoimage, wodim, readom and dvdauthor programs. They are only needed for the following operations in Brasero: * Audio CD burning with CD-Text information * Video DVD creation Package: brasero-common Description-md5: 4606bf022bac975b6e53bb64c48943d3 Description-zh_TW: Brasero CD 燒錄程式及函式庫的共通檔案 Brasero 是燒錄、複製及抹除 CD 及 DVD 的簡易程式。 . 本套件包含共通檔案及翻譯。 Package: bridge-utils Description-md5: bc06a038a6315377cf0871ca4de79aac Description-zh_TW: 設定 Linux 乙太網橋接器的工具 This package contains utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge in Linux. The Linux Ethernet bridge can be used for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully transparent: hosts connected to one Ethernet device see hosts connected to the other Ethernet devices directly. Package: brltty Description-md5: 470055ca8408f7c44fcdaf2bd9d0b2ab Description-zh_TW: 為盲人而設的凸字(braille)顯示存取軟體 BRLTTY is a daemon which provides access to the console (text mode) for a blind person using a braille display. It drives the braille display and provides complete screen review functionality. The following display models are supported: * Alva/Optelec (ABT3xx, Delphi, Satellite, Braille System 40, BC 640/680) * Baum * BrailComm * BrailleLite * BrailleNote * EcoBraille * EuroBraille (AzerBraille, Clio, Esys, Iris, NoteBraille, Scriba) * Freedom Scientific (Focus and PacMate) * Handy Tech * HIMS (Braille Sense, SyncBraille) * HumanWare (Brailliant) * Iris * LogText 32 * MDV * Metec (BD-40) * NinePoint (Cebra) * Papenmeier * Pegasus * Seika * Tieman (Voyager, CombiBraille, MiniBraille, MultiBraille, BraillePen/EasyLink) * Tivomatic (Albatross) * TSI (Navigator, PowerBraille) * VideoBraille * VisioBraille . BRLTTY also provides a client/server based infrastructure for applications wishing to utilize a Braille display. The daemon process listens for incoming TCP/IP connections on a certain port. A shared object library for clients is provided in the package libbrlapi0.5. A static library, header files and documentation is provided in package libbrlapi-dev. Bindings to other programming languages can be found in libbrlapi-java (Java) and python3-brlapi (Python). Package: bsd-mailx Description-md5: 214a19e5c01128b397d840a379862101 Description-zh_TW: 簡易的郵件用戶端 user agent mailx 是個傳統的指令列模式郵件 user agent。即使您自己不會直接用,其他的應用程式可能用得著。 Package: bsdmainutils Description-md5: 156725110b9d8b7a144a6b1a40ed5446 Description-zh_TW: 更多來自 FreeBSD 的工具集 這個套件包含很多大部份人預期會在 BSD 形態的作業系統上使用的小程式。 . It provides banner (as printerbanner), calendar, col, colcrt, colrm, column, from (as bsd-from), hexdump (or hd), look, lorder, ncal (or cal), ul, and write (as bsd-write). . 這個套件原本包含 whois 跟 vacation, 但現在已於他們個別的套件中散佈。 tsort 原本也在這個套件中, 現在則在 "coreutils" 這個套件中。 Package: bsdutils Description-md5: 1bf4bce740174530b7953a9832a5268e Description-zh_TW: 來自 4.4BSD-Lite 的基本工具 本套件包含 Debian 系統所需的最少 BSD 工具集,包括:logger, renice, script, scriptreplay 以及 wall. 餘下的標準 BSD 工具程式由 bsdmainutils 提供 Package: bsh Description-md5: 7344effde5b85638644be4f2f28d5c66 Description-zh_TW: Java scripting 環境 (BeanShell) 第 2 版 BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable, Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions, in addition to obvious scripting commands and syntax. BeanShell supports scripted objects as simple method closures like those in Perl and JavaScript(tm). . You can use BeanShell interactively for Java experimentation and debugging or as a simple scripting engine for you applications. In short: BeanShell is a dynamically interpreted Java, plus some useful stuff. Package: bsh-doc Description-md5: 185310e44d4c9d8cbde45a7662aad306 Description-zh_TW: bsh 的說明文件 BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable, Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions, in addition to obvious scripting commands and syntax. BeanShell supports scripted objects as simple method closures like those in Perl and JavaScript(tm). . You can use BeanShell interactively for Java experimentation and debugging or as a simple scripting engine for you applications. In short: BeanShell is a dynamically interpreted Java, plus some useful stuff. . The documentation includes the javadoc API for bsh version 2 as well as the faq and manual in html-format. Package: bsh-gcj Description-md5: 12192d825be1197819e620cc469bac8f Description-zh_TW: Java scripting 環境 (BeanShell) 第 2 版 (native code) BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable, Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions, in addition to obvious scripting commands and syntax. BeanShell supports scripted objects as simple method closures like those in Perl and JavaScript(tm). . You can use BeanShell interactively for Java experimentation and debugging or as a simple scripting engine for you applications. In short: BeanShell is a dynamically interpreted Java, plus some useful stuff. . This package contains the natively compiled code for use by gij. Package: bzip2 Description-md5: 26e9d96b611ed3cf741ba7007fd4f233 Description-zh_TW: high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities bzip2 是可以自由取得、沒有專利限制的高品質資料壓縮程式。 和現有的最好方法比起來,檔案通常只變大 10% 到 15%, 同時壓縮速度大約是兩倍快,而解壓縮速度是六倍快。 . bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considerably better than that achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM family of statistical compressors. . bzip2 的壓縮檔案格式(.bz2)和它前身的 bzip (.bz) 不相容。 Package: bzip2-doc Description-md5: 0a6a95149555ae52f2f3730b1a531c1b Description-zh_TW: high-quality block-sorting file compressor - documentation bzip2 是可以自由取得、沒有專利限制的高品質資料壓縮程式。 和現有的最好方法比起來,檔案通常只變大 10% 到 15%, 同時壓縮速度大約是兩倍快,而解壓縮速度是六倍快。 . 本套件包含 bzip2 用戶手冊。 Package: bzr Description-md5: 1d3423894d16a186e692fc8818fe3072 Description-zh_TW: 易用的分散式版本控制系統 Bazaar is a distributed version control system designed to be easy to use and intuitive, able to adapt to many workflows, reliable, and easily extendable. . Publishing of branches can be done over plain HTTP, that is, no special software is needed on the server to host Bazaar branches. Branches can be pushed to the server via sftp (which most SSH installations come with), FTP, or over a custom and faster protocol if bzr is installed in the remote end. . Merging in Bazaar is easy, as the implementation is able to avoid many spurious conflicts, deals well with repeated merges between branches, and is able to handle modifications to renamed files correctly. . Bazaar is written in Python, and has a flexible plugin interface which can be used to extend its functionality. Many plugins exist, providing useful commands (bzrtools), graphical interfaces (bzr-gtk), or native interaction with Subversion branches (bzr-svn). . Install python-paramiko if you are going to push branches to remote hosts with sftp, and python-pycurl if you'd like for SSL certificates always to be verified. Package: bzr-doc Description-md5: 6948801c3d791b1c318acb50a89989c6 Description-zh_TW: 易用的分散式版本控制系統 (說明文件) Bazaar is a distributed version control system designed to be easy to use and intuitive, able to adapt to many workflows, reliable, and easily extendable. . Publishing of branches can be done over plain HTTP, that is, no special software is needed on the server to host Bazaar branches. Branches can be pushed to the server via sftp (which most SSH installations come with), FTP, or over a custom and faster protocol if bzr is installed in the remote end. . Merging in Bazaar is easy, as the implementation is able to avoid many spurious conflicts, deals well with repeated merges between branches, and is able to handle modifications to renamed files correctly. . Bazaar is written in Python, and has a flexible plugin interface which can be used to extend its functionality. Many plugins exist, providing useful commands (bzrtools), graphical interfaces (bzr-gtk), or native interaction with Subversion branches (bzr-svn). . Install python-paramiko if you are going to push branches to remote hosts with sftp, and python-pycurl if you'd like for SSL certificates always to be verified. . This package provides the documentation. Package: ca-certificates Description-md5: 085a1b1af3f2d16012dfc750cd9aedc8 Description-zh_TW: 常用 CA 憑證 This package includes PEM files of CA certificates to allow SSL-based applications to check for the authenticity of SSL connections. . It includes, among others, certificate authorities used by the Debian infrastructure and those shipped with Mozilla's browsers. . Please note that Debian can neither confirm nor deny whether the certificate authorities whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance. Full responsibility to assess them belongs to the local system administrator. Package: ca-certificates-java Description-md5: 304cd3554728e5d076f8ecbb3b5057d8 Description-zh_TW: 常用 CA 憑證 (JKS keystore) This package uses the hooks of the ca-certificates package to update the cacerts JKS keystore used for many java runtimes. Package: cdbs Description-md5: 600297a26a1bc2bcf29442cdb6deb9f8 Description-zh_TW: Debian 套件的通用組建系統 This package contains the Common Debian Build System, an abstract build system based on Makefile inheritance which is completely extensible and overridable. In other words, CDBS provides a sane set of default rules upon which packages can build; any or all rules may be overridden as needed. Package: cdrkit-doc Description-md5: de4ca130903a6946310802d51064b32e Description-zh_TW: cdrkit 套件套裝軟體的說明文件 This is the documentation for the cdrkit package suite, namely wodim, genisoimage and icedax. Package: checksecurity Description-md5: 26c46b0bdb352b8c55ce0f21193e0c60 Description-zh_TW: 基本系統安全測試 Checksecurity does some very basic system security checks, such as looking for changes in which programs have setuid permissions, and that remote filesystems are not allowed to have runnable setuid programs. . Note that these are not to be considered in any way complete, and you should not rely on checksecurity to actually provide any useful information concerning the security or vulnerability of your system. . The lockfile-progs package is only a "Suggests" because of the poor way that dselect handles "Recommends", but I do strongly suggest that you install it; it prevents /etc/cron.daily/standard from running multiple times if something gets jammed. . Checksecurity 原為 cron 套件的一部份。 Package: clamav Description-md5: 25816a2f56a0c214a484e117fd9fe0b1 Description-zh_TW: Unix 的防毒工具 - 指令列介面 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . 本套件包含指令列介面,功能包括: - 內置支援多種壓縮格式,包括 Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, OLE2, Cabinet, CHM, BinHex, SIS 等等; - 內置支援幾乎所有郵件檔案格式; - 內置支援 ELF 執行檔及以 UPX, FSG, Petite, NsPack, wwpack32, MEW, Upack 壓縮以及 以 SUE, Y0da Cryptor 等等進行代碼混淆(obfuscated)的 Windows 執行檔 (PE); - 內置支援常用的檔案格式,包括 Microsoft Office 和 Mac Office 檔案, HTML, RTF 及 PDF. . 要進行掃描,病毒資料庫是必需的。獲得的方法有兩個: - clamav-freshclam: 以網際網路更新;這是最好的方法。 - clamav-data: 如不能連接網際網路則使用這方法。此套件安裝過後就不會自動更新。可以 clamav-getfiles 套件提供的工具在可連接網際網路的電腦製作自訂的套件。 Package: clamav-base Description-md5: 36333c8001fa330971bb9bf732bd846d Description-zh_TW: Unix 的防毒工具 - 基礎套件 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . 本套件主要用來管理 clamav 系統帳。如不同時安裝 clamav 套件的話則無多大用處。其也可為 clamav-daemon 和 clamav- milter 套件處理設定。 Package: clamav-daemon Description-md5: 67066a5cf6ee89fc8ce3ae691827a9ad Description-zh_TW: Unix 的防毒程式 - 掃描服務程式 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . 本套件包含服務程式及其指令列介面,功能包括: - 快速、多線程(multi-threaded)的服務程式; - 可以很容易的和 MTA 整合; - 支援按需(on-access)掃描; - 遠端掃描; - 可以另一服務程式監控. Package: clamav-dbg Description-md5: 33a33cc71dce345b4a0ce175ebeca8c7 Description-zh_TW: ClamAV 的除錯符號 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . This package contains the stripped debugging symbols for the ClamAV suite. Package: clamav-docs Description-md5: e2412f6e57d4fb282e22d549e939cb72 Description-zh_TW: Unix 的防毒程式 - 說明文件 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . 本套件包含 ClamAV 套裝軟體的說明文件。 Package: clamav-freshclam Description-md5: 824a85afc618e1467a907719e4edd7bb Description-zh_TW: Unix 的防毒程式 - 病毒資料庫更新工具 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . 本套件包含 freshclam 程式,以及為病毒資料庫更新進行自動化的 script。其需要網際網路連線,但亦可以其他方法執行以解決連線問題。 Package: clvm Description-md5: 46f93b5b21bc2e311bd9e9e51949e9a1 Description-zh_TW: lvm2 的叢集 LVM 服務程式 This package provides the clustering interface for lvm2, when used with Red Hat's "cman" or corosync based (eg Pacemaker) cluster infrastructure. It allows logical volumes to be created on shared storage devices (eg Fibre Channel, or iSCSI). Package: cmake-data Description-md5: a70b3cf96f911b61c8fa1e1b3f34f44f Description-zh_TW: CMake 資料檔案 (模組、模版及說明文件) This package provides CMake architecture independent data files (modules, templates, documentation etc.). Unless you have cmake installed, you probably do not need this package. Package: cpio Description-md5: 5f492bf139a41f29fd2d6fcadf43606e Description-zh_TW: GNU cpio -- 管理檔案資料庫的工具 GNU cpio 是個用於製造、展開檔案資料庫、以及複製數個檔案到其他地方 的工具,可處理多種 cpio 格式,好比讀寫 tar 檔案。 Package: cpp Description-md5: aa450f6a454bdd6b0d8d9862a9240255 Description-zh_TW: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) GNU C 前置處理器是 GNU C 編譯器自動使用的巨集處理器, 在實際的編譯之前轉換程式。 . 這個套件從 gcc 裡分出來,對只需要前置處理器、不需要編譯器的人有益。 . 這是個提供預設 GNU C 前置處理器的相依性套件。 Package: cpp-4.4 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-zh_TW: GNU C preprocessor GNU C 編譯器自動使用的巨集處理器,在實際的編譯之前轉換程式。 . 這個套件從 gcc 裡分出來,對只需要前置處理器、不需要編譯器的人有益。 Package: cpp-4.4-doc Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf Description-zh_TW: GNU C 前置處理器 (cpp) 的說明文件 info 格式的 GNU C 前置處理器 說明文件 Package: cpp-4.7 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-zh_TW: GNU C preprocessor GNU C 編譯器自動使用的巨集處理器,在實際的編譯之前轉換程式。 . 這個套件從 gcc 裡分出來,對只需要前置處理器、不需要編譯器的人有益。 Package: cpp-4.7-doc Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf Description-zh_TW: GNU C 前置處理器 (cpp) 的說明文件 info 格式的 GNU C 前置處理器 說明文件 Package: cpp-doc Description-md5: bedc30e6ac711bb807bb5f49569e8b35 Description-zh_TW: GNU C 前置處理器 (cpp) 的說明文件 info 格式的 GNU C 前置處理器 說明文件 (依存套件)。 Package: cron Description-md5: 7384e614068d48b9ac2335cb05added3 Description-zh_TW: 進程排程服務程式 The cron daemon is a background process that runs particular programs at particular times (for example, every minute, day, week, or month), as specified in a crontab. By default, users may also create crontabs of their own so that processes are run on their behalf. . Output from the commands is usually mailed to the system administrator (or to the user in question); you should probably install a mail system as well so that you can receive these messages. . This cron package does not provide any system maintenance tasks. Basic periodic maintenance tasks are provided by other packages, such as checksecurity. Package: cups Description-md5: 7cf9b10ad02d144fb419f77e49b87556 Description-zh_TW: 通用 UNIX 列印系統 - 伺服器 The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like. It supports the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), and has its own filtering driver model for handling various document types. . This package provides the parts of CUPS which are needed for using printer drivers. Package: cups-bsd Description-md5: 8ca999eda442e2096dafa2745e4db8de Description-zh_TW: 通用 UNIX 列印系統 - BSD 指令 通用 UNIX 列印系統 (或 CUPS) 是用來代替 lpr, lpd 等的列印系統。其支援網際網路列印協定 (IPP),並有其自己用來處理各式各樣文件類型的過濾驅動程式模型。 . 本套件提供用來操作 CUPS 的 BSD 指令。分開提供是為了讓 CUPS (盡可能)與不同的列印系統共存。 Package: cups-client Description-md5: 49064ce8151bc5cfbb65936322a4e2ce Description-zh_TW: 通用 UNIX 列印系統 - 用戶端程式 (SysV) The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like. It supports the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), and has its own filtering driver model for handling various document types. . 本套件提供 System V 風格的列印用戶端程式。 Package: cups-common Description-md5: ae28e55960aa62a85c88769b70d73eaa Description-zh_TW: 通用 UNIX 列印系統 - 共通檔案 The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like. It supports the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), and has its own filtering driver model for handling various document types. . 本套件提供 CUPS 伺服器及用戶端套件的共通檔案。 Package: cups-dbg Description-md5: 45781fd5891c0e6a36e3f989431c7203 Description-zh_TW: 通用 UNIX 列印系統 - 除錯符號 The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like. It supports the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), and has its own filtering driver model for handling various document types. . 本套件提供 CUPS 的除錯符號。 Package: cyrus-sasl2-doc Description-md5: d7d08ebfc592e9842e2cf44e2e6633b0 Description-zh_TW: Cyrus SASL - documentation This is the Cyrus SASL API implementation, version 2.1. See package libsasl2-2 and RFC 2222 for more information. . 本套件包含提供給系統管理員的說明文件。 Package: dbus Description-md5: 8317e43242716ec7f7692a3ac5895e1c Description-zh_TW: simple interprocess messaging system (daemon and utilities) D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. Conceptually, it fits somewhere in between raw sockets and CORBA in terms of complexity. . D-Bus supports broadcast messages, asynchronous messages (thus decreasing latency), authentication, and more. It is designed to be low-overhead; messages are sent using a binary protocol, not using XML. D-Bus also supports a method call mapping for its messages, but it is not required; this makes using the system quite simple. . It comes with several bindings, including GLib, Python, Qt and Java. . 本套件包含 D-Bus 服務程式及相關工具。 . The client-side library can be found in the libdbus-1-3 package, as it is no longer contained in this package. Package: dc Description-md5: 9ccc44accac462996303bda9c8dbd45e Description-zh_TW: GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator GNU dc 是具無限制精密算數支援的反序運算計算機,同時也允許使用者定義並呼叫巨集。 . 反序運算的計算機,指的是其會將運算式存在堆疊。當輸入數字時,程式會將其存入堆疊。各種數學的運算則會從堆疊取出資料,再將運算結果存回堆疊。 Package: dctrl-tools Description-md5: 2be4fae2cb5697a030eba7e7ef050401 Description-zh_TW: 處理 Debian 套件資訊的指令列工具 Debian package information is generally stored in files having a special file format, dubbed the Debian control file format (the dctrl format), a special case of the record jar file format. These tools operate on any files conforming in a general sense to that format and are therefore widely applicable whenever those formats are in play. . 包括: . grep-dctrl - Grep dctrl-format files grep-available - Grep the DPKG available database grep-status - Grep the DPKG status database grep-aptavail - Grep the APT available database grep-debtags - Grep the Debtags package database . sort-dctrl - Sort dctrl-format files . tbl-dctrl - Tabulate dctrl-format files . sync-available - Sync the dpkg available database with the apt database Package: debconf Description-md5: 85b82bf406dfc9a635114f44ab7fb66d Description-zh_TW: Debian 設定管理系統 Debconf 是 debian 套件的設定管理系統。 套件安裝時可透過 Debconf 詢問問題。 Package: debconf-doc Description-md5: da116c01af307835ff58f0c7931292af Description-zh_TW: debconf 說明文件 This package contains lots of additional documentation for Debconf, including the debconf user's guide, documentation about using different backend databases via the /etc/debconf.conf file, and a developer's guide to debconf. Package: debconf-i18n Description-md5: 3f303f9083a6c63ddcfd70b4738cca54 Description-zh_TW: 完整的 debconf 國際化支援 這個套件提供完整的 debconf 國際化支援,包括所有可用語言的翻譯、 支援翻譯好的 debconf 模版檔案、並支援適當的多位元組字元顯示。 Package: debconf-utils Description-md5: 6ee047164ccc84b6b919790585947b39 Description-zh_TW: debconf 工具 本套件包含提供給 debconf 開發者的一些小工具。 Package: debian-installer Description-md5: 4971db8ed5ee1de169a33701c5a72c9c Description-zh_TW: Debian 安裝程式 本套件目前只包含 Debian 安裝程式的一部份說明文件。歡迎就要包含哪些文件提供意見。 Package: debiandoc-sgml Description-md5: 0da31969986c39eaecea1ef07f8b2c10 Description-zh_TW: DebianDoc SGML DTD 及格式化工具 This is an SGML-based documentation formatting package used for the Debian manuals. It reads markup files and produces HTML, LaTeX, DVI (via LaTeX), PostScript (via LaTeX/DVI), PDF (via LaTeX), Texinfo, Info (via Texinfo), DebianDoc SGML, DocBook XML, plain text (with overstrikes a la troff as well as without) files. . The LaTeX based output needs the texlive, texlive-latex-extra and texlive- lang-all packages. In addition to this, Chinese and Japanese need latex- cjk-all and corresponding font packages. . The Texinfo based output needs the texinfo package. Package: debianutils Description-md5: ccafef5bb90a2453aecca96cbb772d23 Description-zh_TW: 專為 Debian 而設的雜項工具 This package provides a number of small utilities which are used primarily by the installation scripts of Debian packages, although you may use them directly. . The specific utilities included are: add-shell installkernel ischroot remove-shell run-parts savelog tempfile which Package: debootstrap Description-md5: 883a8efb3ed16248b0d2091d9c0b60c9 Description-zh_TW: 基本 Debian 系統的 Bootstrap debootstrap is used to create a Debian base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of dpkg or apt. It does this by downloading .deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory which can eventually be chrooted into. Package: desktop-file-utils Description-md5: b235afbde001f33936d80b8419f367f5 Description-zh_TW: 用於 .desktop 檔案的工具 Some utilities to make dealing with .desktop files easier: * update-desktop-database -- update the desktop-MIME mapping * desktop-file-validate -- validate a desktop file * desktop-file-install -- install a desktop file, munging en route. Package: devhelp-common Description-md5: 516ddf515c96f5c42cd65b6141da8c77 Description-zh_TW: Common files for devhelp and its library Devhelp's primary goal is to be an API documentation browser for GNOME. It is able to scan for .devhelp files generated automatically for packages that use gtk-doc-tools to generate documentation for libraries and programs. . Devhelp provides Bonobo functionality, which is used to allow command-line searches, emacs integration and embedding in applications like the Anjuta IDE. . 本套件主要提供國際化檔案。 Package: dialog Description-md5: bcacb3d599cbbb23a47a1141ae12a28b Description-zh_TW: 由介殼腳本顯示友善的對話方塊 This application provides a method of displaying several different types of dialog boxes from shell scripts. This allows a developer of a script to interact with the user in a much friendlier manner. . The following types of boxes are at your disposal: yes/no Typical query style box with "Yes" and "No" answer buttons menu A scrolling list of menu choices with single entry selection input Query style box with text entry field message Similar to the yes/no box, but with only an "Ok" button text A scrollable text box that works like a simple file viewer info A message display that allows asynchronous script execution checklist Similar to the menu box, but allowing multiple selections radiolist Checklist style box allowing single selections gauge Typical "progress report" style box tail Allows viewing the end of files (tail) that auto updates background tail Similar to tail but runs in the background. editbox Allows editing an existing file Package: dict Description-md5: 74d1a239ff1066a180ba971c6b64178b Description-zh_TW: 字典用戶端 This package provides a client application to query a dictd server. The client-server protocol is TCP-based; the server may then be local or accessed through the network. . The DICT Development Group maintains several public servers which can be accessed from any machine connected to the Internet. The default configuration is to query one of these servers first. This may be changed in the configuration file /etc/dictd/dict.conf. . Queries may be customized by numerous command line options, including specifying the database(s) to be queried and the search strategy to be used. . This package also provides dictl, which allows using UTF-8 encoded dictionaries with terminals that do not support UTF-8. Package: dict-foldoc Description-md5: 0101618028c7357f4f09a878b5f39054 Description-zh_TW: FOLDOC 字典資料庫 This package contains the FOLDOC, the Free On Line Dictionary of Computing, supplemented by a number of Debian-specific definitions, formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package. . This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package. Package: dict-moby-thesaurus Description-md5: a55792325c78ce9d5b51442d580243a2 Description-zh_TW: 最大、最完備的同義字字典 Moby Thesaurus is the largest and most comprehensive thesaurus data source in English available for commercial use. This second edition has been thoroughly revised adding more than 5,000 root words (to total more than 30,000) with an additional _million_ synonyms and related terms (to total more than 2.5 _million_ synonyms and related terms). . This is formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package. Package: dictd Description-md5: 5442ec960cfda460694f725c1e289641 Description-zh_TW: 字典伺服器 This package provides a TCP-based server that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. . Many dictionary databases have been packaged for use with dictd. They are described in the /usr/share/doc/dictd/README.Debian.gz file. . Either dict-gcide or dict-wn is essential for a useful English language dictionary server. It is strongly recommended that both be installed. If you are interested in computer terminology, it is recommended to install at least dict-jargon, dict-foldoc, or dict-vera. . The client program, dict, is packaged separately and is needed on all machines that will use the server. Package: dictzip Description-md5: 8b6985a0311f25c9b6975297145471f8 Description-zh_TW: 字典資料庫的壓縮工具 This package provides a utility to compress dictionary databases with the LZ77 algorithm in a manner which is completely compatible with gzip(1), but using an extension that allows for random access to chunks of about 57kB without the overhead of decompressing the entire file. . This package also includes dictunzip, to decompress dictzipped files, and dictzcat, for viewing dictzipped files. Package: diffutils Description-md5: 5cf0bc18e36aa2957e62b309d6aa34f9 Description-zh_TW: 檔案比較工具 diffutils 套件提供 diff, diff3, sdiff, 和 cmp 程式。 . diff 顯示兩個檔案間的不同,或兩個目錄裡相對應的檔案。 cmp 顯示兩個檔案間不同地方的位置與行數。 cmp 也可以一個對一個地顯示兩個檔案裡不同的字元。 diff3 顯示三個檔案間的不同。 sdiff 用互動的方式合併兩個檔案。 . diff 產生的相異列表可用來將文字檔(例如程式碼)的更新發佈給其他人。 當相異列表比完整的檔案小時,這個方法特別有用。 patch 這個程式可以利用 diff 的輸出內容,將檔案更新或修補。 Package: diveintopython-zh Description-md5: 4df8e54927ccaa5ad4d65927a0695a7e Description-zh_TW: free Python book for experienced programmers (zh translation) Dive Into Python is a free Python tutorial, written by Mark Pilgrim. . 為簡體中文使用者而設的翻譯版本 . Homepage: Package: djvulibre-dbg Description-md5: 491e47717200675c2416d353ba9f4f8f Description-zh_TW: DjVu 圖像格式的除錯符號 DjVu runtime debug symbols. Package: dkms Description-md5: b7b6bb6a6b083b2245e0648e7752a459 Description-zh_TW: 動態內核模組支援框架 DKMS is a framework designed to allow individual kernel modules to be upgraded without changing the whole kernel. It is also very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. Package: dmake Description-md5: 53afd6772e20ccbe97a7b282a278dd06 Description-zh_TW: 用來組建 的 make 工具 Dmake is a make utility similar to GNU make or the Workshop dmake. . This utility has an irregular syntax but is available for Linux, Solaris, and Win32 and other platforms. This version of dmake is a modified version of the original public domain dmake, and is used to build . Dmake features: * support for portable makefiles * portable across many platforms * significantly enhanced macro facilities * sophisticated inference algorithm supporting transitive closure over the inference graph * support for traversing the file system both during making of targets and during inference * %-meta rules for specifying rules to be used for inferring prerequisites * conditional macros * local rule macro variables * proper support for libraries * parallel making of targets on architectures that support it * attributed targets * text diversions * group recipes * supports MKS extended argument passing convention * directory caching * highly configurable Package: dmraid Description-md5: 3e36d6b2b8560a6acc827d35c09fed48 Description-zh_TW: 「裝置對映」軟體 RAID 支援工具 dmraid discovers, activates, deactivates and displays properties of software RAID sets (eg, ATARAID) and contained DOS partitions. . dmraid uses the Linux device-mapper to create devices with respective mappings for the ATARAID sets discovered. . The following formats are supported: Highpoint HPT37X/HPT45X Intel Software RAID LSI Logic MegaRAID NVidia NForce RAID (nvraid) Promise FastTrack Silicon Image(tm) Medley(tm) VIA Software RAID . Please read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/dmraid BEFORE attempting any use of this software. Improper use can cause data loss! Package: dmsetup Description-md5: 808f3b8b96c64d5f095bd9a6d6d9c928 Description-zh_TW: Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library Linux 核心裝置對應是 LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) 團隊 實作的最精簡 kernel-space 驅動程式,用來處理 volume management, 並同時能在 user-space 得知底層的裝置規畫。這不只在 LVM 很實用, 對於 EVMS、軟體磁碟陣列、還有其它能建立 "虛擬" 區塊裝置的驅動程式, 也都很有用。 . 本套件包含修改裝置對映的工具。 Package: dnsutils Description-md5: 9fac1cb37cd005e52aa0e22df64994e1 Description-zh_TW: BIND 提供的用戶端 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain name server. BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium, This package delivers various client programs related to DNS that are derived from the BIND source tree. . - dig - query the DNS in various ways - nslookup - the older way to do it - nsupdate - perform dynamic updates (See RFC2136) Package: doc-base Description-md5: 795a15f13949941d9a1bf4330905c8bb Description-zh_TW: 管理線上說明文件的工具 This package contains utilities to manage documentation installed on a Debian system. It generates a database of document metadata, which other packages such as dwww, dhelp, doc-central, and rarian-compat can use to provide a catalog of available documentation. . 更多資訊見包含在此套件的 Debian doc-base 手冊。 Package: docbook Description-md5: ead20f911a71259289f56248053bcdf9 Description-zh_TW: standard SGML representation system for technical documents DocBook is an SGML document type definition (DTD) that is well-suited to books, articles, or reference documentation about technical matters, systems, or software (although it is by no means limited to these applications). It has emerged as an open and standard DTD in the software industry, and is used as the documentation system of choice for many free software projects. . This package contains the SGML DTD for DocBook, which describes the formal structure for documents following this format. If you wish to author DocBook documents using XML rather than SGML, use the 'docbook-xml' package. You will need other packages in order to edit (psgml), validate (opensp) or format (docbook-xsl, docbook-dsssl) DocBook documents. . 本套件包含 2.4.1, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 和 4.5 版本的 DocBook SGML DTD。 Package: docbook-to-man Description-md5: 355b2afd3a17f2847b875415a346ff1e Description-zh_TW: converter from DocBook SGML into roff man macros docbook-to-man is a batch converter that transforms UNIX-style manpages from the DocBook SGML format into nroff/troff man macros. . 此並非 Fred Dalrymple 的原始版本,而是由 David Bolen 修改過的版本。 Package: docbook-xml Description-md5: 283ee39bcb227d4b875ce6f857e41f58 Description-zh_TW: 軟體和系統的標準 XML 說明文件 DocBook is an XML document type definition (DTD). That is, it contains the "DocBook" document structure. This is used by authors or editors writing documents in the DocBook XML format. DocBook was designed for books, articles, or reference documentation about technical matters or software. It has emerged as an open, standard DTD in the software industry, and is the documentation system of choice for many free software projects. . This package contains the XML DTD for DocBook, which describes the formal structure for documents following this format. If you wish to author DocBook documents using SGML rather than XML, use the 'docbook' package. You will need other packages in order to edit (psgml), validate (opensp, libxml2-utils) or format (docbook-xsl, docbook-dsssl) DocBook documents. . This package ships with the latest DocBook 4.5 XML DTD, as well as a selected set of legacy DTDs for use with older documents, including 4.0, 4.1.2, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. Package: docbook-xsl Description-md5: 4798e7d834fe4007ed35a5da76675e12 Description-zh_TW: 用於將 DocBook XML 輸出成各種格式的樣式表 These are modular XSL stylesheets for processing documents composed with the DocBook XML DTD and its derivatives ("Simplified" DocBook XML, JRefEntry DTD, etc.). . The stylesheets provide XSLT transformations for (X)HTML, WordML, HTML Help, JavaHelp, Man page (nroff), Website, Eclipse Platform Help file and XSL Formatting Object (XSL-FO) output. The latter can be further processed to a number of print formats using FOP or TeX-based tools. . The stylesheets are modular in the sense that you can extend and, to some extent, customize them. The documentation is included in a separate package. Package: docbook2x Description-md5: 0460a03df0bea65e00317c6f10f31272 Description-zh_TW: 可以將 DocBook/XML 文件轉換成 man pages 和 TeXinfo The main tools are: * docbook2x-man: converts a DocBook/XML refentry into a manual page, with table support * docbook2x-texi: converts a DocBook/XML refentry into an info page, most usable for Emacs users Package: docbook5-xml Description-md5: 01c2468021dec31e79a7135346319d9e Description-zh_TW: 軟體和系統的標準 XML 說明文件 DocBook 5 is a general purpose XML schema. That is, it contains the "DocBook" document structure. This is used by authors or editors writing documents in the DocBook XML format. DocBook was designed for books, articles, or reference documentation about technical matters or software (though it is by no means limited to these applications). It has emerged as an open standard in the software industry, and is the documentation system of choice for many free software projects. . DocBook 5.0 is a complete rewrite of the well-known DocBook 4 XML schema/DTD, introducing a quite large number of backwards-incompatible changes. But the basic idea behind DocBook is still the same, and almost all element names are unchanged. . This package contains the XML RelaxNG schema (with some additional Schematron assertions), W3C XML Schema (XSD) as well as the Document Type Definition (DTD) for DocBook, which all describe the formal structure for documents following this format. . You will need other packages in order to edit, validate (libxml2-utils) or format (docbook-xsl-ns) DocBook 5 documents. Package: dosfstools Description-md5: 59ecb63784c340e5c3a99b863dcd299e Description-zh_TW: 製作並檢查 MS-DOS FAT 檔案系統的工具 The dosfstools package includes the mkdosfs (aka mkfs.dos and mkfs.vfat) and dosfsck (aka fsck.msdos and fsck.vfat) utilities, which respectively make and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems on hard drives or on floppies. . This version uses the enhanced boot sector/superblock format of DOS 3.3+ as well as provides a default dummy boot sector code. Package: dosfstools-dbg Description-md5: 59ccecf7c56b61492ba3f4e05ee07d9b Description-zh_TW: 製作並檢查 MS-DOS FAT 檔案系統 (除錯) The dosfstools package includes the mkdosfs (aka mkfs.dos and mkfs.vfat) and dosfsck (aka fsck.msdos and fsck.vfat) utilities, which respectively make and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems on hard drives or on floppies. . This package contains the debugging symbols. Package: dovecot-dbg Description-md5: a57fd9c821324ecb7f5c264cefd52218 Description-zh_TW: Dovecot 的除錯符號 Dovecot is a mail server whose major goals are security and extreme reliability. It tries very hard to handle all error conditions and verify that all data is valid, making it nearly impossible to crash. It should also be pretty fast, extensible, and portable. . 本套件包含 Dovecot 的除錯符號。 Package: dovecot-imapd Description-md5: e01d90a9c68d1d22b13fb39de2cc43f9 Description-zh_TW: secure IMAP server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes Dovecot is a mail server whose major goals are security and extreme reliability. It tries very hard to handle all error conditions and verify that all data is valid, making it nearly impossible to crash. It should also be pretty fast, extensible, and portable. . 本套件包含 dovecot IMAP 伺服器。 Package: dovecot-pop3d Description-md5: f6bf830d9c10c0e2d625a40e750bfcfb Description-zh_TW: secure POP3 server that supports mbox, maildir, dbox and mdbox mailboxes Dovecot is a mail server whose major goals are security and extreme reliability. It tries very hard to handle all error conditions and verify that all data is valid, making it nearly impossible to crash. It should also be pretty fast, extensible, and portable. . 本套件包含 dovecot POP3 伺服器。 Package: doxygen-doc Description-md5: 95a07d9f5965b3499af7270363210b77 Description-zh_TW: doxygen 的說明文件 Doxygen is a documentation system for C, C++, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL and to some extent PHP, C#, and D. It can generate an on-line class browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in LaTeX) from a set of documented source files. There is also support for generating man pages and for converting the generated output into Postscript, hyperlinked PDF or compressed HTML. The documentation is extracted directly from the sources. . 本套件包含 doxygen 的說明文件。 Package: dpkg Description-md5: 2f156c6a30cc39895ad3487111e8c190 Description-zh_TW: Debian 套件管理系統 此套件提供用於安裝與移除 Debian 軟體套件的低階基礎工具。 . 如果你需要開發 Debian 套件用的工具,請安裝 dpkg-dev 這個套件。 Package: dpkg-dev Description-md5: 2eaf4b4a1cef9584869950f3a52106fc Description-zh_TW: Debian 套件開發工具 This package provides the development tools (including dpkg-source) required to unpack, build and upload Debian source packages. . Most Debian source packages will require additional tools to build; for example, most packages need make and the C compiler gcc. Package: dput Description-md5: be606ab8f417df2f8c89a0ea937e9a78 Description-zh_TW: Debian 套件上載工具 dput allows you to put one or more Debian packages into the archive. This package also includes a dcut utility which can be used to generate and / or upload a commands file for the Debian FTP archive upload queue. . dput includes some tests to verify that the package is policy-compliant. It offers the possibility to run lintian before the upload. It can also run dinstall in dry-run-mode, when having used an appropriate upload method. This is very useful to see if the upload will pass dinstall sanity checks in the next run. . It is intended mainly for Debian maintainers only, although it can also be useful for people maintaining local apt repositories. Package: dselect Description-md5: 269b383010cda7ddc3f6381398082aec Description-zh_TW: Debian 套件管理前端程式 dselect 是用來管理 Debian 軟體套件的安裝與移除的高端介面。 . Many users find dselect intimidating and new users may prefer to use apt- based user interfaces. Package: dupload Description-md5: 86dd8dc6b2c98cc369b781a29edbde0c Description-zh_TW: 用來上載 Debian 套件的工具 dupload will automagically upload Debian packages to a remote host with a Debian upload queue. The default host is configurable, along with the upload method and a lot of other things. All uploads are logged. . It's intended only for Debian package maintainers. Package: dvd+rw-tools Description-md5: 63f942222e20cd33a7d6646892c22266 Description-zh_TW: DVD+-RW/R 工具 The dvd+rw-tools suite makes it possible to burn DVD images created by dvdauthor or genisoimage to DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, and DVD-RW disks, replacing cdrecord-proDVD in many cases. . This package contains dvd+rw-mediainfo (to give details about DVD disks), and some programs to control the write speed and obtain information from DVD-RAM. . Additionally, it depends on the growisofs package to provide the main front-end for burning DVD-like media. Package: dvd+rw-tools-dbg Description-md5: ec18b175ab72dbb4b0c37e97b17de5bb Description-zh_TW: DVD+-RW/R 工具 (除錯) dvd+rw-tools 可以將以 dvdauthor 或 genisoimage 製作出來的 DVD 映像檔燒錄至 DVD+R、DVD+RW、DVD-R 及 DVD-RW 碟,在大部份情況可以取代 cdrecord-proDVD . This package contains the debugging symbols for the programs in the growisofs and dvd+rw-tools packages. Package: dvipng Description-md5: 5a07c90ad09a037b4cdf0fc0a7aa18bb Description-zh_TW: 將 DVI 檔轉換為 PNG 圖 dvipng makes PNG graphics from DVI files as obtained from TeX and its relatives. It is intended to produce anti-aliased screen-resolution images as fast as is possible. This makes dvipng suitable for generating large amounts of images on-the-fly. . dvipng does not read the postamble, so it can be started before TeX finishes. It can read options interactively through stdin, and all options are usable. One can even change the input file through this interface. . dvipng supports PK, VF, PostScript Type1, and TrueType fonts, color specials and simple PostScript inclusion specials. Package: e2fslibs Description-md5: ba4f61a3e0b238831f03143cbdce696e Description-zh_TW: ext2/ext3/ext4 檔案系統函式庫 The ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems are successors of the original ext ("extended") file system. They are the main file system types used for hard disks on Debian and other Linux systems. . This package provides the ext2fs and e2p libraries, for userspace software that directly accesses extended file systems. Programs that use libext2fs include e2fsck, mke2fs, and tune2fs. Programs that use libe2p include dumpe2fs, chattr, and lsattr. Package: e2fslibs-dbg Description-md5: 3ae73487772accd1aaa7b4e391b84e21 Description-zh_TW: e2fslibs 的除錯資訊 This package includes the debug information useful for debugging the ext2fs and e2p libraries, contained in the e2fslibs package. The debug information is used for execution tracing and core dump analysis. Package: e2fslibs-dev Description-md5: 6c413fbf2fbe007c87112b744560fc94 Description-zh_TW: ext2/ext3/ext4 檔案系統函式庫 - 標頭及靜態函式庫 The ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems are successors of the original ext ("extended") file system. They are the main file system types used for hard disks on Debian and other Linux systems. . 本套件包含 ext2fs 和 e2p 函式庫的開發環境。 Package: e2fsprogs Description-md5: 881261e27e1b159f3ebde5eb1b41e135 Description-zh_TW: ext2/ext3/ext4 檔案系統工具 The ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems are successors of the original ext ("extended") file system. They are the main file system types used for hard disks on Debian and other Linux systems. . This package contains programs for creating, checking, and maintaining ext2/3/4-based file systems. Package: e2fsprogs-dbg Description-md5: f0f860f2f03441dce76ec09fc4fdde9c Description-zh_TW: e2fsprogs 的除錯資訊 This package includes the debug information useful for debugging e2fsprogs and its libraries, contained in the e2fsprogs and e2fsck-static packages. The debug information is used for execution tracing and core dump analysis. Package: ecj Description-md5: e6284592785e30058ea1bd0ff42945b3 Description-zh_TW: Eclipse Java 編譯器的獨立版本 This package provides a standalone version of the Eclipse JDT compiler which is distributed as part of Eclipse. It passes the JCK (Java Compatibility Kit) and is compatible with Java 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7. Package: ecj-gcj Description-md5: 87a3c61abece4f35d693d02aceff0ca5 Description-zh_TW: Eclipse Java 編譯器的獨立版本 (原生版本) This package provides a standalone version of the Eclipse JDT compiler which is distributed as part of Eclipse. It passes the JCK (Java Compatibility Kit) and is compatible with Java 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7. . This package contains a native version of ecj built using gcj. Package: ecryptfs-utils Description-md5: 86edf09a53857e8032a0fe1204a813d9 Description-zh_TW: ecryptfs 加密式檔案系統 (工具) eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. . It provides advanced key management and policy features. eCryptfs stores cryptographic metadata in the header of each file written, so that encrypted files can be copied between hosts; the file will be decryptable with the proper key, and there is no need to keep track of any additional information aside from what is already in the encrypted file itself. Think of eCryptfs as a sort of "gnupgfs". . eCryptfs 是 Linux 的原生檔案系統。Linux 內核自 2.6.19 版開始,eCryptfs 的內核模組部件就已經是 Linux 內核一部份。 . 本套件包含 userland 工具。 Package: ed Description-md5: 10ab4f4d0d094d088419c432af89cf48 Description-zh_TW: classic UNIX line editor ed 是一個以單行為主的文字編輯器。它可以用來建立、顯示、修改、並 對文字檔做其它處理。 . red 是一個被限制的 ed:它只能編輯當前目錄下的檔案,且無法執行 shell 指令。 Package: eject Description-md5: 9a5f66fd7e4bca3deeb3357f3e927ab3 Description-zh_TW: 可為 Linux 退出 CD,並操作 CD-Changer This little program will eject CD-ROMs (assuming your drive supports the CDROMEJECT ioctl). It also allows setting the autoeject feature. . On supported ATAPI/IDE multi-disc CD-ROM changers, it allows changing the active disc. . You can also use eject to properly disconnect external mass-storage devices like digital cameras or portable music players. Package: emacs-goodies-el Description-md5: ecf648ccbfa7121d2a087f7d0fdab229 Description-zh_TW: Emacs 的雜項附加程式 This package contains: align-string - align string components over several lines; all - edit all lines matching a given regexp; apache-mode - major mode for editing Apache configuration files; ascii - ASCII code display for character under point; auto-fill-inhibit - finer grained control over auto-fill-mode; bar-cursor - change your cursor to a bar instead of a block; bm - visible bookmarks in buffers; boxquote - quote texts in nice boxes; browse-huge-tar - browse tar files without reading them into memory; browse-kill-ring - browse, search, modify the kill ring; clipper - save strings of data for further use; coffee - now Emacs can even brew coffee; color-theme - changes the colors used within Emacs; csv-mode - major mode for comma-separated value files; ctypes - enhanced Font lock support for custom defined types; dedicated - make a window dedicated to a single buffer; df - display in the mode line space left on devices; dict - wrapper around the 'dict' command. (Depends on bash and dict) diminish - shorten or erase modeline presence of minor modes; dir-locals - provides directory-wide local variables; edit-env - display, edit, delete and add environment variables; egocentric - highlight your name inside emacs buffers; eproject - assign files to projects, programatically ff-paths - $PATH-like searching in C-x C-f; filladapt - enhances Emacs's built-in adaptive fill; floatbg - slowly modify background color; framepop - display temporary buffers in a dedicated frame; graphviz-dot-mode.el - mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att). highlight-beyond-fill-column - highlight lines that are too long; highlight-completion - highlight completions in the minibuffer; highlight-current-line - highlight line where the cursor is; home-end - alternative Home and End commands; htmlize - HTML-ize font-lock buffers; initsplit - split customizations into different files; joc-toggle-buffer - fast switching between two buffers; joc-toggle-case - a set of functions to toggle the case of characters; keydef - a simpler way to define key mappings; keywiz - Emacs key sequence quiz; lcomp - list-completion hacks; maplev - major mode for Maple; map-lines - map a command over lines matching a regexp; markdown-mode - major mode for editing Markdown files; marker-visit - navigate through a buffer's marks in order; matlab - major mode for MatLab dot-m files; minibuf-electric - electric minibuffer behavior from XEmacs; minibuffer-complete-cycle - cycle through the *Completions* buffer; miniedit - enhanced editing for minibuffer fields; mutt-alias - lookup and insert the expansion of mutt mail aliases; muttrc-mode - major mode for editing Mutt config files; obfusurl - obfuscate an URL; pack-windows - resize all windows to display as much info as possible; perldoc - show help for Perl functions and modules. (Depends on perl-doc); pod-mode - major mode for editing POD files; pp-c-l - display Control-l characters in a pretty way; projects - create project-based meaningful buffer names; prot-buf - protect buffers from accidental killing; protocols - perform lookups in /etc/protocols; quack - enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code; rfcview - view IETF RFCs with readability-improved formatting; services - perform lookups in /etc/services; session - saves settings between Emacs invocations and visits to a file; setnu - setnu-mode, a vi-style line number mode; shell-command - enables tab-completion for shell-command; show-wspace - highlight whitespaces of various kinds; silly-mail - generate bozotic mail headers; slang-mode.el - a major-mode for editing S-Lang scripts; sys-apropos - interface for the *nix apropos command; tabbar - Display a tab bar in the header line; tail - "tail -f" a file or a command from within Emacs; tc - cite text with proper filling; thinks - quote texts in cartoon-like think bubbles; tlc - major mode for editing Target Language Compiler scripts; tld - explain top-level domain names; todoo - major mode for editing TODO files; toggle-option - easily toggle frequently toggled options; twiddle - mode line hacks to keep you awake; under - underline a region with ^ characters; upstart-mode - mode for editing upstart files; xrdb-mode - mode for editing X resource database files. . See /usr/share/doc/emacs-goodies-el/README.Debian.gz for a short description of all files, or the Info node `emacs-goodies-el' for details. Package: emacs23 Description-md5: ee0232d77159703583785286c421c9da Description-zh_TW: GNU Emacs 編輯器 (使用 GTK+ 使用者介面) GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs with a GTK+ user interface. Package: emacs23-el Description-md5: 293759cc44e4faeb7e4ad6e292cf8c63 Description-zh_TW: GNU Emacs LISP (.el) 檔案 GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the elisp sources for the convenience of users, saving space in the main package for small systems. Package: emacs23-nox Description-md5: e89fc328cc11b369769318818ef1e1a6 Description-zh_TW: GNU Emacs 編輯器 (無 X 視窗支援) GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs compiled without support for X. Package: emacs24-el Description-md5: 293759cc44e4faeb7e4ad6e292cf8c63 Description-zh_TW: GNU Emacs LISP (.el) 檔案 GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the elisp sources for the convenience of users, saving space in the main package for small systems. Package: empathy Description-md5: 294936d00d993826e7b0c88eee373c57 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 多協定聊天及通訊用戶端 Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers and inter-application communication over many different protocols, including: AIM, MSN, Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook, Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise, ICQ and QQ. . This package contains the Empathy IM application and account manager. Package: empathy-common Description-md5: a1380b6555f81f2d89e5a7f1efb5c2a0 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 多協定聊天及通訊用戶端 (共用檔案) Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers and inter-application communication over many different protocols, including: AIM, MSN, Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook, Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise, ICQ and QQ. . This package contains the architecture independent files for Empathy IM application. Package: empathy-dbg Description-md5: 6f8f8a390708bf813d27a6878a688d52 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 多協定聊天及通訊用戶端 (除錯符號) Instant messaging program supporting text, voice, video, file transfers and inter-application communication over many different protocols, including: AIM, MSN, Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Facebook, Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise, ICQ and QQ. . This package contains debug symbols for the Empathy IM application and account manager. Package: eog Description-md5: a17b1b698fda7b280b8e85d7b08c5d27 Description-zh_TW: Eye of GNOME 圖片檢視程式 eog or the Eye of GNOME is a simple graphics viewer for the GNOME desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. Package: eog-dbg Description-md5: 2bd18fd76c12144cf92a1f8244b4214a Description-zh_TW: Eye of GNOME 圖片檢視程式 - 除錯符號 eog or the Eye of GNOME is a simple graphics viewer for the GNOME desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. . 本套件包含 eog 的除錯符號 Package: eog-dev Description-md5: a1e8edcec2412e3deacc23f403c2195f Description-zh_TW: Eye of GNOME 的開發檔案 eog or the Eye of GNOME is a graphics viewer for the GNOME desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. . This package contains header files and development information, which is needed to build plugins for the Eye of GNOME. Package: eperl Description-md5: 8c031cf4d8b7bf7f078c7b2aac563af3 Description-zh_TW: 內嵌式 Perl 5 語言 ePerl interprets an ASCII file bristled with Perl 5 program statements by evaluating the Perl 5 code while passing through the plain ASCII data. It can operate in various ways: As a stand-alone Unix filter or integrated Perl 5 module for general file generation tasks and as a powerful Webserver scripting language for dynamic HTML page programming. Package: evolution Description-md5: cfafd27ead8392a897eb797ec9866714 Description-zh_TW: 附帶郵件和個人資訊功能的群組軟體套件 Evolution is a groupware suite which integrates mail, calendar, address book, to-do list and memo tools. . Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars . Evolution is a graphical application that is part of GNOME, and is distributed by Novell, Inc. . See for more information. . The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin Package: evolution-indicator Description-md5: 6944713b1e0d80d83d83552513d6ab38 Description-zh_TW: Evolution 的 GNOME 面板指示小程式 indicator-applet is an applet to display information from various applications consistently in the GNOME panel. . This package provides a plugin for Evolution that uses libindicate and libnotify to provide additional information about Evolution's state. Package: example-content Description-md5: c3d0a7db62e70da762d52dfac33a7bd0 Description-zh_TW: Ubuntu 範例內容 For each desktop application in the default install where it is practical, there is at least one piece of example content. This is valuable for testing, experimentation and demonstration of Ubuntu (especially the live CD). These examples should be small but meaningful, and easily discoverable. Package: exim4 Description-md5: 458592f74d76e446735736c1d55ce615 Description-zh_TW: 令 Exim MTA (v4) 更易安裝的元套件 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. exim4 is the metapackage depending on the essential components for a basic exim4 installation. . The Debian exim4 packages have their own web page, There is also a Debian-specific FAQ list. Information about the way the Debian packages are configured can be found in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, which additionally contains information about the way the Debian binary packages are built. The very extensive upstream documentation is shipped in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. To repeat the debconf-driven configuration process in a standard setup, invoke dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. There is a Debian-centered mailing list, pkg- Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. You can find the subscription web page on /pkg-exim4-users Package: exim4-base Description-md5: ab23a802a5e7dee33641329abf2b6565 Description-zh_TW: 各個 Exim MTA (v4) 套件都需要的基本支援檔案 Exim (v4) 是郵件傳輸代理程式。exim4-base 提供所有 exim4 套件所需的支援檔案。你會需要額外含有執行程式的套件,這些套件為: . exim4-daemon-light exim4-daemon-heavy . 如果你在本機上從原始碼套件編譯 exim4,你也可以透過組建 exim4-daemon-custom 量身訂做擁有自己特色的套件。 . The Debian exim4 packages have their own web page, There is also a Debian-specific FAQ list. Information about the way the Debian packages are configured can be found in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, which additionally contains information about the way the Debian binary packages are built. The very extensive upstream documentation is shipped in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. To repeat the debconf-driven configuration process in a standard setup, invoke dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. There is a Debian-centered mailing list, pkg- Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. You can find the subscription web page on /pkg-exim4-users Package: exim4-config Description-md5: 32395c972fcf7f5014c06bce8ee1c59a Description-zh_TW: Exim MTA (v4) 的設定 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. exim4-config provides the configuration for the exim4 daemon packages. The configuration framework has been split off the main package to allow sites to replace the configuration scheme with their own without having to change the actual exim4 packages. . Sites with special configuration needs (having a lot of identically configured machines for example) can use this to distribute their own custom configuration via the packaging system, using the magic available with dpkg's conffile handling, without having to do local changes on all of these machines. . The Debian exim4 packages have their own web page, There is also a Debian-specific FAQ list. Information about the way the Debian packages are configured can be found in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, which additionally contains information about the way the Debian binary packages are built. The very extensive upstream documentation is shipped in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. To repeat the debconf-driven configuration process in a standard setup, invoke dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. There is a Debian-centered mailing list, pkg- Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. You can find the subscription web page on /pkg-exim4-users Package: exim4-daemon-light Description-md5: 3f5190a801cb3e11718c951f768c4d54 Description-zh_TW: 輕巧版 Exim MTA (v4) 服務常式 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. This package contains the exim4 daemon with only basic features enabled. It works well with the standard setups that are provided by Debian and includes support for TLS encryption and the dlopen patch to allow dynamic loading of a local_scan function. . The Debian exim4 packages have their own web page, There is also a Debian-specific FAQ list. Information about the way the Debian packages are configured can be found in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, which additionally contains information about the way the Debian binary packages are built. The very extensive upstream documentation is shipped in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. To repeat the debconf-driven configuration process in a standard setup, invoke dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. There is a Debian-centered mailing list, pkg- Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. You can find the subscription web page on /pkg-exim4-users Package: exim4-doc-html Description-md5: 73ca59c47a017d63ed6c9d76704b5a85 Description-zh_TW: Exim MTA (v4) 說明文件 (html 格式) Contains specification and filtering documentation in HTML format. . The Debian exim4 packages have their own web page, http://pkg- There is also a FAQ list. Local information about the way the Debian packages can be configured is can be found in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz. This file has also information about the way the Debian binary packages are built. There is a Debian- centered mailing list, Please ask Debian-specific questions there, and only write to the upstream exim-users mailing list if you are sure that your question is not Debian-specific. You can find the subscription web page on . exim is a drop-in replacement for sendmail/mailq/rsmtp. Package: eximon4 Description-md5: 9d049018af5088cbceaa2af23692d02a Description-zh_TW: Exim MTA (v4) 的監察程式 (X11 介面) Eximon is a helper program for the Exim MTA (v4). It allows administrators to view the mail queue and logs, and perform a variety of actions on queued messages, such as freezing, bouncing and thawing messages. Package: file Description-md5: 24356148df43e324f7cd0edfa5faa2fc Description-zh_TW: 用 "magic" 數字判定檔案種類 file 可檢測每個傳入的引數並辨別其種類。共有三種檢測依序使用,包括:檔案系統測試、magic 數字測式、語系測試。會顯示第一個檢測到的檔案類型。 Package: findutils Description-md5: ad1a783819241ffdf3ff5f37a676af59 Description-zh_TW: 尋找檔案的工具 -- find 和 xargs GNU findutils provides utilities to find files meeting specified criteria and perform various actions on the files which are found. This package contains 'find' and 'xargs'; however, 'locate' has been split off into a separate package. Package: flac Description-md5: f1560839832c89e0262853df6c9f7e62 Description-zh_TW: Free Lossless Audio Codec - 指令列工具 FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. Grossly oversimplified, FLAC is similar to MP3, but lossless. The FLAC project consists of: . * The stream format * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file decoder * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode .flac files * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the works) . This package contains the command-line tools flac (used for encoding and decoding FLACs) and metaflac (used for manipulating FLAC metadata.) Package: fltk1.1-doc Description-md5: cb89fb265884e1336ad2c05695a67c80 Description-zh_TW: Fast Light Toolkit - 說明文件 This package provides documentation for FLTK, including a chapter on its user interface designer (fluid). . The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit originally based on libForms. Package: fontconfig Description-md5: 4c47f79299a983151349c73c189cb29a Description-zh_TW: 通用字型設定函式庫 - 支援執行檔 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate fonts within the system and select them according to requirements specified by applications. . Fontconfig is not a rasterization library, nor does it impose a particular rasterization library on the application. The X-specific library 'Xft' uses fontconfig along with freetype to specify and rasterize fonts. . This package contains a program to maintain the fontconfig cache (fc- cache), a sample program to list installed fonts (fc-list), a program to test the matching rules (fc-match) and a program to dump the binary cache files in string form (fc-cat). It no longer makes fonts managed by defoma available to fontconfig applications. Package: fontconfig-config Description-md5: 2e2f2fdd3e4ff822be010c67693043db Description-zh_TW: 通用字型設定函式庫 - 設定 Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate fonts within the system and select them according to requirements specified by applications. . This package contains the configuration files and scripts for fontconfig. Package: fontforge Description-md5: 250c7e0cdfdcb9f2cd8e0a7d2de3d4b2 Description-zh_TW: 字型編輯器 FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files. Package: fontforge-dbg Description-md5: 994a4bc983b816b0ec7b6998b7b18a0b Description-zh_TW: debugging symbols for fontforge FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package contains the debugging symbols for fontforge. Package: fontforge-nox Description-md5: 219220aaf625312684b5384c36e55f9e Description-zh_TW: font editor - non-X version FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files. . This package contains a version of FontForge compiled with support for scripting but no GUI, and not require the graphics library. Package: fonts-arphic-bkai00mp Description-md5: 2c86c5ce059f2f8128585cd1f936d475 Description-zh_TW: 由文鼎科技製作的文鼎PL中楷 (Big5 碼) TrueType 字型 文鼎PL中楷 (Big5 碼) 是一套由文鼎科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的高品質中文 TrueType 字型 (bkai00mp.ttf),惟使用者利用時必須遵守文鼎公眾授權書 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . 你也許會需要安裝 "tfm-arphic-bkai00mp" 套件以利使用 Omega 或 CJK for LaTeX (cjk-latex) 進行排版。 Package: fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp Description-md5: e9eeb0f4dbf145c6170d7a6755498447 Description-zh_TW: 由文鼎科技製作的文鼎PL細上海宋 (Big5 碼) TrueType 字型 文鼎PL細上海宋 (Big5 碼) 是一套由文鼎科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的高品質中文 TrueType 字型 (bsmi00lp.ttf),惟使用者利用時必須遵守文鼎公眾授權書 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . 你也許會需要安裝 "tfm-arphic-bsmi00lp" 套件以利使用 Omega 或 CJK for LaTeX (cjk-latex) 進行排版。 Package: fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp Description-md5: 7834b9a188ca896951c9248c9743298b Description-zh_TW: 由文鼎科技製作的文鼎PL簡報宋 (GB 碼) TrueType 字型 文鼎PL簡報宋 (GB 碼) 是一套由文鼎科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的高品質中文 TrueType 字型 (gbsn00lp.ttf),惟使用者利用時必須遵守文鼎公眾授權書 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . 你也許會需要安裝 "tfm-arphic-gbsn00lp" 套件以利使用 Omega 或 CJK for LaTeX (cjk-latex) 進行排版。 Package: fonts-arphic-gkai00mp Description-md5: 8124f8d2f6c8691b8ec3077c18be43f0 Description-zh_TW: 由文鼎科技製作的文鼎PL簡中楷 (GB 碼) TrueType 字型 文鼎PL簡中楷 (GB 碼) 是一套由文鼎科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的高品質中文 TrueType 字型 (gkai00mp.ttf),惟使用者利用時必須遵守文鼎公眾授權書 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . 你也許會需要安裝 "tfm-arphic-gkai00mp" 套件以利使用 Omega 或 CJK for LaTeX (cjk-latex) 進行排版。 Package: fonts-arphic-ukai Description-md5: 9ee77285c529022b183ae872b6c54f2f Description-zh_TW: 「文鼎 PL UKai」 (AR PL UKai) 中文萬國碼 TrueType 楷體字型 「文鼎 PL UKai」 (AR PL UKai) 是高品質中文萬國碼 TrueType 字型 (ukai.ttf),是由文鼎 科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的「文鼎PL中楷」 (Big5 碼) 以及「文鼎PL簡中楷」 (GB 碼) 的衍生版 本,惟使用者利用時必須遵守「文鼎公眾授權書」 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . It has been extended from the original "AR PL KaitiM Big5" and "AR PL KaitiM GB" fonts with additional glyphs now covering ISO8859-1,2,3,4,9,10,13,14,15, BIG5, GB2312-80 and HKSCS-2004. It also includes Bopomofo Extensions for Hakka and Minnan according to the Unicode 5.0 standard and MBE variants of those glyphs. . Support for CNS 11643, GBK, GB 18030, Japanese and Korean is under heavy development. Users who need more Han glyphs than provided by GB2312 and Big5 or who need support for Chinese minority languages may want to install this font package. . This font is an alternative to the fonts-arphic-bkai00mp and fonts-arphic- gkai00mp font packages. . Original author: Arphic Technology Co., Ltd. URL: Modified by Arne Goetje URL: Package: fonts-arphic-uming Description-md5: 89ebf2540943e6e6d5fb35dfcf8b85b7 Description-zh_TW: 「文鼎 PL UMing」 (AR PL UMing) 中文萬國碼 TrueType 明體字型 「文鼎 PL UMing」 (AR PL UMing) 是高品質中文萬國碼 TrueType 字型 (uming.ttc),是由文 鼎科技慷慨提供給自由軟體社群的「文鼎PL上海宋」 (Big5 碼) 以及「文鼎PL簡報宋」 (GB 碼) 的衍生 版本,惟使用者利用時必須遵守「文鼎公眾授權書」 (Arphic Public License) 的規定。 . It has been extended from the original "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" and "AR PL SungtiL GB" fonts with additional glyphs now covering ISO8859-1,2,3,4,9,10,13,14,15, BIG5, GB2312-80 and HKSCS-2004. It also includes Bopomofo Extensions for Hakka and Minnan according to the Unicode 5.0 standard and their MBE variants. . Support for CNS 11643, GBK, GB 18030, Japanese and Korean is under heavy development. Users who need more Han glyphs than provided by GB2312 and Big5 or who need support for Chinese minority languages may want to install this font package. . This font also includes Firefly's bitmap characters for better rendering in small fontsizes (Big5 and GB2312 only). . This font is an alternative to the fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp and fonts-arphic- gbsn00lp font packages. . Original author: Arphic Technology Co., Ltd. URL: Modified by Arne Goetje ( URL: Package: foomatic-db-compressed-ppds Description-md5: fb3b03f43036d62b4dc6ed630144d256 Description-zh_TW: OpenPrinting printer support - Compressed PPDs derived from the database Foomatic 是印表系統,設計原則是在 Debian 與其他作業系統中能簡單地設定一般印表機。它提供印表貯列 (比如 CUPS 或 lpr) 與你的實際印表機之間的介面,告訴你的電腦該如何處理檔案、傳送給印表機。 . This package contains all PPD files which can be generated from the Foomatic database as one small compressed archive. This reduces the disk space consumption compared to the Foomatic XML database vastly and in addition makes listing of all available PPDs and extracting the needed PPD much faster than using the Foomatic XML database. Package: foomatic-db-engine Description-md5: 06dc0af0df2ebffe0b2cf09bedf80c7f Description-zh_TW: OpenPrinting 印表機支援 - 程式 Foomatic 是印表系統,設計原則是在 Debian 與其他作業系統中能簡單地設定一般印表機。它提供印表貯列 (比如 CUPS 或 lpr) 與你的實際印表機之間的介面,告訴你的電腦該如何處理檔案、傳送給印表機。 . This package contains the architecture-dependent programs needed to set up and maintain the foomatic system. You will also need one or more database packages. The foomatic-db package includes drivers for most common printers using Ghostscript as the print processor, as well as some common glue code used in other filter systems. Package: foomatic-filters Description-md5: efd71d9a23140772a4ce729460e7553a Description-zh_TW: OpenPrinting 印表機支援 - filters Foomatic is a printer database designed to make it easier to set up common printers for use with UNIX-like operating systems. It provides the "glue" between a print spooler (like CUPS or lpr) and the printer, by processing files sent to the printer. . This package consists of filters used by the printer spoolers to convert the incoming PostScript data into the printer's native format using a printer-specific, but spooler-independent PPD file. . For use with CUPS, you will need both the cups and cups-client packages installed on your system. Package: freeradius-common Description-md5: 1c7945f97894906b5aaee9b087c2f56c Description-zh_TW: FreeRADIUS 共用檔案 This package contains common files used by several of the other packages from the FreeRADIUS project. Package: freeradius-dbg Description-md5: 105d232caa700371774afccdc8cf3bd3 Description-zh_TW: FreeRADIUS 套件的除錯符號 FreeRADIUS is a modular, high performance and feature-rich RADIUS server. This package contains the detached debugging symbols for the Debian FreeRADIUS packages. Package: freeradius-utils Description-md5: 60c2c453c2c27871c03c6323f1d4cf90 Description-zh_TW: FreeRADIUS 用戶端工具 This package contains various client programs and utilities from the FreeRADIUS Server project, including: - radclient - radeapclient - radlast - radsniff - radsqlrelay - radtest - radwho - radzap - rlm_dbm_cat - rlm_dbm_parser - rlm_ippool_tool - smbencrypt Package: freetds-dev Description-md5: 66f74ed837454f3b258fb8264488f827 Description-zh_TW: MS SQL 和 Sybase 用戶端函式庫 (靜態函式庫及標頭) FreeTDS is an implementation of the Tabular DataStream protocol, used for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase servers over TCP/IP. . This package includes the static libraries and header files for TDS, which you will need to develop applications that connect to MS SQL servers. You will also need this package if you are installing the Perl DBD::Sybase module on your system using CPAN. Package: g++ Description-md5: 4d44b18774ae5123b7c3f70d940cf655 Description-zh_TW: GNU C++ compiler 這是 GNU 的 C++ 編譯器,一個針對可移植性作了相當程度最佳化的 C++ 編譯器。 . 這是提供預設的 GNU C++ 編譯器的相依套件。 Package: g++-4.4 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-zh_TW: GNU C++ compiler 這是 GNU 的 C++ 編譯器,一個針對可移植性作了相當程度最佳化的 C++ 編譯器。 Package: g++-4.7 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-zh_TW: GNU C++ compiler 這是 GNU 的 C++ 編譯器,一個針對可移植性作了相當程度最佳化的 C++ 編譯器。 Package: g++-4.7-multilib Description-md5: 0a4963e8755de4e48202cd72696d3556 Description-zh_TW: GNU C++ compiler (multilib files) 這是 GNU 的 C++ 編譯器,一個針對可移植性作了相當程度最佳化的 C++ 編譯器。 . On architectures with multilib support, the package contains files and dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-multilib Description-md5: 9df28aeef12fea2f44664b1d4c3bac30 Description-zh_TW: GNU C++ compiler (multilib files) 這是 GNU 的 C++ 編譯器,一個針對可移植性作了相當程度最佳化的 C++ 編譯器。 . On architectures with multilib support, the package contains dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc Description-md5: c7efd71c7c651a9ac8b2adf36b137790 Description-zh_TW: GNU C compiler 這是 GNU C 語言編譯器,一個輕量化的 C 語言最佳化編譯器。 . 這是個相依性套件,用以提供預設的 GNU C 語言編譯器。 Package: gcc-4.4 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-zh_TW: GNU C compiler 這是 GNU C 語言編譯器,一個輕量化的 C 語言最佳化編譯器。 Package: gcc-4.4-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_TW: GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package) 這個套件包含了 GNU 編譯器組合(GCC)裡所有語言與函式庫的通用檔案。 Package: gcc-4.7 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-zh_TW: GNU C compiler 這是 GNU C 語言編譯器,一個輕量化的 C 語言最佳化編譯器。 Package: gcc-4.7-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_TW: GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package) 這個套件包含了 GNU 編譯器組合(GCC)裡所有語言與函式庫的通用檔案。 Package: gcc-4.7-multilib Description-md5: f1f416f51fd3f11d562e86a79da6216a Description-zh_TW: GNU C compiler (multilib files) 這是 GNU C 語言編譯器,一個輕量化的 C 語言最佳化編譯器。 . On architectures with multilib support, the package contains files and dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-multilib Description-md5: a92261e9624fa45dc5948edfd86a1054 Description-zh_TW: GNU C compiler (multilib files) 這是 GNU C 語言編譯器,一個輕量化的 C 語言最佳化編譯器。 . On architectures with multilib support, the package contains dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gconf2 Description-md5: c44e6944a0e1021dcd2391ea71d64fb4 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 設定資料庫系統 (支援工具) GConf is a configuration database system for storing application preferences. It supports default or mandatory settings set by the administrator, and changes to the database are instantly applied to all running applications. It is written for the GNOME desktop but doesn't require it. . This package contains the command line tools: gconftool and gconf-merge- tree. Package: gconf2-common Description-md5: 7942b10b6a0626fe9c4f3821d2fc5d2e Description-zh_TW: GNOME 設定資料庫系統 (共用檔案) GConf is a configuration database system for storing application preferences. It supports default or mandatory settings set by the administrator, and changes to the database are instantly applied to all running applications. It is written for the GNOME desktop but doesn't require it. . This package contains the default configuration and localization files. Package: gdb Description-md5: 8132571fab028a898d029eecd88e571e Description-zh_TW: GNU 除錯器 GDB is a source-level debugger, capable of breaking programs at any specific line, displaying variable values, and determining where errors occurred. Currently, gdb supports C, C++, D, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, OpenCL C, Pascal, assembly, Modula-2, and Ada. A must-have for any serious programmer. Package: gdb-doc Description-md5: 43091bf04b45c942f19804a19e09d5f3 Description-zh_TW: GNU 除錯器說明文件 GDB is a source-level debugger, capable of breaking programs at any specific line, displaying variable values, and determining where errors occurred. Currently, it works for C, C++, Fortran, Modula 2 and Java programs. A must-have for any serious programmer. . 本套件包含 GDB 和 GDB 的內部使用手冊 Package: gedit Description-md5: 5091aaf6659e6bf7ca9b32695a59f9cd Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面環境指定的文件編輯器 gedit is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. gedit is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . gedit fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . gedit is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. Package: gedit-common Description-md5: 193111e3506c371cfc98afccfffed3c0 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面環境指定的文件編輯器 (支援檔案) gedit is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. . 本套件包含 gedit 的「與架構無關」的支援檔案 Package: gedit-dev Description-md5: 3432b77a961b8bf02ccb1564908edf94 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面環境的正式文件編輯器 (開發檔案) gedit is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. gedit is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . gedit fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . gedit is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . This package is required to build plugins for gedit. Package: genisoimage Description-md5: f771a046498c00cf831887fc4da45a69 Description-zh_TW: 製作 ISO-9660 CD-ROM 檔案系統映像檔 genisoimage is a pre-mastering program for creating ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images, which can then be written to CD or DVD media using the wodim program. genisoimage includes support for making bootable "El Torito" CDs, as well as CDs with support for the Macintosh HFS filesystem. . The package also includes extra tools useful for working with ISO images: * mkzftree - create ISO-9660 image with compressed contents * dirsplit - easily separate large directory contents into disks of predefined size * geteltorito - extract an El Torito boot image from a CD image . Please install cdrkit-doc if you want most of the documentation and README files. Package: gettext Description-md5: 0db85b3962766eeef57d5324263a308e Description-zh_TW: GNU 國際化工具 Interesting for authors or maintainers of other packages or programs which they want to see internationalized. Package: gettext-base Description-md5: 6c8ed1da584066e0871910b60d931f43 Description-zh_TW: 基礎系統的 GNU 國際化工具 這個套件包含了 gettext 與 ngettext 程式,允許其它套件使用 shell 指令稿提供的國際化訊息。 Package: gettext-doc Description-md5: 966c7204112700e6dcb867375471b50b Description-zh_TW: GNU gettext 說明文件 This package contains the HTML documentation for GNU gettext, as well as simple "hello world" examples in several programming languages. Package: gfortran-4.4-doc Description-md5: 3ba181bab9182333a149c120027698c9 Description-zh_TW: GNU Fortran 編譯器 (gfortran) 說明文件 Documentation for the GNU Fortran 95 compiler in info format. Package: gfortran-4.7-doc Description-md5: 17a01a9ada93e104865a01e6615e2401 Description-zh_TW: GNU Fortran 編譯器 (gfortran) 說明文件 Documentation for the GNU Fortran compiler in info format. Package: gfortran-doc Description-md5: 6855bbffb1ede02166da131963e7fd83 Description-zh_TW: GNU Fortran 編譯器 (gfortran) 說明文件 Documentation for the GNU Fortran compiler in info format (dependency package). Package: gimp Description-md5: ad6dd18a09fb86ea4529ac53f33168b9 Description-zh_TW: GNU 的影像處理軟體 GIMP is an advanced picture editor. You can use it to edit, enhance, and retouch photos and scans, create drawings, and make your own images. It has a large collection of professional-level editing tools and filters, similar to the ones you might find in Photoshop. Numerous fine-control settings and features like layers, paths, masks, and scripting give you total control over your images. . Many image file formats are supported, including JPEG, Photoshop (.psd), and Paint Shop Pro (.psp) files. It can also be used to scan and print photos. . To open files remotely (like over HTTP), install the gvfs-backends package. . To use a MIDI device (like a musical keyboard) as an input controller in GIMP, install libasound2 and read the how-to at /usr/share/doc/gimp/README.MIDI Package: gimp-data Description-md5: f70d84aecd044d27d27535082275ce75 Description-zh_TW: GIMP 的資料檔 This package contains architecture-independent supporting data files for use with GIMP. Package: gimp-dbg Description-md5: 2f9db4a750267fb9aae49799596bcd26 Description-zh_TW: GIMP 除錯符號 This package includes the debugging symbols useful for debugging GIMP and its libraries, contained in the gimp and libgimp2.0 packages. The debugging symbols are used for execution tracing and core dump analysis. Package: gimp-help-common Description-md5: c622b6265a4154156ac063b049290303 Description-zh_TW: GIMP 說明文件資料檔 This package contains necessary files common to all GIMP help packages, such as graphics and screenshots. Package: gimp-help-de Description-md5: c2f5a03af9efa144296c9c42f7c63d19 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (German) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in German. Package: gimp-help-en Description-md5: 44a9ca52b03dfcc2c9c4595709a17943 Description-zh_TW: GIMP 說明文件 (英文) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in English. Package: gimp-help-es Description-md5: 8de727556a253519c345cb654483a3da Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Spanish) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Spanish. Package: gimp-help-fr Description-md5: d56fa51bce3855e6068629e20ce6278b Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (French) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in French. Package: gimp-help-it Description-md5: 0cc37908ae6e1669de9a5a8f41a62095 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Italian) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Italian. Package: gimp-help-ko Description-md5: e91196af2a2dea242371d6453abb7ff0 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Korean) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Korean. Package: gimp-help-nl Description-md5: 21a6a448fddd7bf5a39aa142a86a4b19 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Dutch) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Dutch. Package: gimp-help-nn Description-md5: 77bfe274a90f6b7f8c1326bcd0b85342 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Norwegian) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Norwegian. Package: gimp-help-pl Description-md5: 274b548dd6c2359aeda00e0162bdf78e Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Polish) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Polish. Package: gimp-help-ru Description-md5: e7ac773da975d41de40cfe41fc7fd0e8 Description-zh_TW: Documentation for the GIMP (Russian) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Russian. Package: gimp-help-sv Description-md5: 8f04b34bd98f7e7f37a59c0a5f429049 Description-zh_TW: GIMP 說明文件 (瑞典文) 本套件內含 GIMP 的說明文件檔案,設計來用於 GIMP 內部的線上說明瀏覽器, 或在外部的網頁瀏覽器閱讀。 . 本套件包含 GIMP 說明文件瑞典文翻譯本。 Package: gkbd-capplet Description-md5: 92c48b524e722191ce19dd5017839c09 Description-zh_TW: libgnomekbd 的 GNOME 面板小程式 libgnomekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications. . This package contains a configuration applet to select enabled libgnomekbd plugins. Package: gksu Description-md5: e06e156dadb6ab2b80bcfa4204e8f7ef Description-zh_TW: su 的圖像介面 gksu is a Gtk+ frontend to /bin/su. It supports login shells and preserving environment when acting as a su frontend. It is useful to menu items or other graphical programs that need to ask a user's password to run another program as another user. Package: gnome-accessibility-themes Description-md5: 9a3883fd96857ae09e00959fd97705f3 Description-zh_TW: Accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop 本套件包含一些為視障者而設的 GNOME 桌面環境無障礙佈景主題 Package: gnome-bluetooth Description-md5: 8a12c9e4bfc6922e61abb655aec6a01b Description-zh_TW: GNOME 藍牙工具 This package contains tools for managing and manipulating Bluetooth devices using the GNOME desktop. . bluetooth-applet provides an agent to ask for PIN and managing pairing with devices, together with bluetooth-properties. . bluetooth-sendto is also included for sending files to Bluetooth devices via OBEX. Package: gnome-control-center Description-md5: 841ec7130e7cda8d105ccf44ab60b8fa Description-zh_TW: 設定 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains configuration applets for the GNOME desktop, allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other GNOME parameters. . It also contains a front end to these applets, which can also be accessed with the GNOME panel or the Nautilus file manager. Package: gnome-control-center-data Description-md5: 8bfe062731867305191b949e29fc5afa Description-zh_TW: GNOME 的設定小程式 - 資料檔案 This package contains data files (icons, pixmaps, locales files) needed by the configuration applets in the gnome-control-center package. Package: gnome-control-center-dev Description-md5: ea55aa04a24ea847c61e4865c135347b Description-zh_TW: 設定 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains the file required to get the keydirs location Package: gnome-desktop3-data Description-md5: 5ce5840cc354bd74e7e4932be3851519 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面應用程式的共用檔案 This package includes some files that are shared between several GNOME apps (internationalization files). Package: gnome-disk-utility Description-md5: 8bbfe121f73fcddf9e0a9c15f0e8afd8 Description-zh_TW: 管理、設定磁碟機和媒體 GNOME Disks is a tool to manage disk drives and media: . * Format and partition drives. * Mount and unmount partitions. * Query S.M.A.R.T. attributes. . It utilizes udisks. Package: gnome-icon-theme-full Description-md5: 56f11bd9f2379f1c6d0184e53417015a Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面圖示佈景主題 This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop. The icons are used in the panel menu, and in nautilus and other applications, to represent the different applications, files, directories, and devices. Package: gnome-mime-data Description-md5: 9b063ee1e2d34952bbfe193cf3ca0429 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 的基礎 MIME 資料及應用程式資料庫 This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME. It is meant to be accessed through the MIME functions in GnomeVFS. Package: gnome-power-manager Description-md5: 1ece6a08127f01c856017ac9675775b5 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面的電力管理工具 GNOME Power Manager is a session daemon for the GNOME desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user. . GNOME power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the GNOME desktop. Package: gnome-screensaver Description-md5: 4dad587fa91113f99b8fc502d8ecfc68 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 螢幕保護與鎖定程式 gnome-screensaver 是螢幕保護與鎖定的程式,其目的是作為一個簡單、完整又安全、並且與 GNOME 桌面環境能完全整合的程式。 . 此外,其還提供以下功能: . * the ability to lock down configuration settings * translation into other languages * user switching Package: gnome-user-guide Description-md5: 3ee74fea06ef39daa7352728b1424f4c Description-zh_TW: GNOME 使用者手冊 Documentation for using the GNOME desktop environment and its components. It covers usage and setup of the core GNOME programs. Package: gnu-efi Description-md5: 426d4a05670bc3d994639e6e49d7b5b0 Description-zh_TW: 開發 EFI 應用程式的函式庫 GNU toolchain for building applications that can run in the environment presented by Intel's EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface). EFI is a firmware specification for the "BIOS" on ia64(IPF), IA-32(x86) and x86_64 systems. Package: gnupg Description-md5: 8bbdb812806fb623e26b7b93f549c74b Description-zh_TW: GNU 隱私守衛 - PGP 的免費替代品 GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC 4880. . GnuPG 1.4 is the standalone, non-modularized series. In contrast to the version 2 series, shipped with the gnupg2 package, it comes with no support for S/MIME and some other tools useful for desktop environments, but also with less dependencies. . The gnupg package is built without libcurl. So it does not support HKPS keyservers. Install the gnupg-curl package if you want to use the keyserver helper tools built with libcurl and supporting HKPS. . GnuPG 沒有使用有專利的演算法,故無法相容於用了 IDEA 的 PGP2 (IDEA 在某些國家有專利) Package: gnupg-agent Description-md5: dcf7e2d3c3f22b87f14eec4c0034623c Description-zh_TW: GNU 隱私守衛 - 密碼專員 GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC2440. . This package contains the agent program gpg-agent which keeps a temporary secure storage of your passphrases. Package: gnupg-doc Description-md5: 5a7ad3c5aa6a169f89c0dd2ba615307b Description-zh_TW: GNU 隱私守衛說明文件 Additional documentation for GnuPG in HTML and (where possible) PostScript and plain text format. Includes: . o The GNU Privacy Handbook o Replacing PGP 2.x with GnuPG o GnuPG mini-HOWTO . The GNU Privacy Handbook is provided in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian. The Replacing PGP 2.x with GnuPG document is provided in English and Spanish. The mini-HOWTO is provided in English, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Vietnamese. Package: gnupg2 Description-md5: bc5f056bcf1325a9dbf2ba884ea744db Description-zh_TW: GNU 隱私守衛說明文件 - PGP 的免費替代品 (新的 2.x 版) GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC2440. . GnuPG 2.x 是模組化的新版 GnuPG,支援 OpenPGP 和 S/MIME . GnuPG does not use any patented algorithms so it cannot be compatible with PGP2 because it uses IDEA (which is patented worldwide). Package: gparted Description-md5: 1caa85feb72cd19af74db3487848870c Description-zh_TW: GNOME 桌面環境的磁碟分割管理程式 Gparted 會以 libparted 函式庫來偵測、管理儲存設備及其分割表,同時也提供了一些用於檔案系統的好用工具 (這是 libparted 所沒有提供的) Package: gpgv Description-md5: 19709c7fc27595437225fd34d295b347 Description-zh_TW: GNU 隱私守衛 - 數位簽章驗證工具 GnuPG 是用來做安全通信與安全資料儲存用的 GNU 工具。 . gpgv 是 gnupg 的簡化版本,只能用來檢查數位簽章。其比完整版的 gnupg 來的小,並且使用不同的方式 (較簡單的方式) 去檢查用來做出數位簽章的公開鑰匙是否可信。 Package: graphviz-doc Description-md5: f78e17da4b5250c519aa60f99d9c7a3c Description-zh_TW: graphviz 的額外說明文件 Graphviz is a set of graph drawing tools. See the description of the graphviz package for a full description. . This package installs HTML and PDF documentation for Graphviz, as well as examples. Package: grep Description-md5: f9188c5583d41955f3b3fe60b9d445f1 Description-zh_TW: GNU grep、egrep,及 fgrep grep 是在檔案搜尋文字的工具,其可以用在指令列或指令稿。即使您不想使用,系統裡的其他套件還是可能會用到。 . GNU 家族的 grep 工具可能是「grep 最快速的西部神槍手」了。 GNU grep 建構於快速的 lazy-state 匹配決定 (速度大約是普通 Unix egrep 的兩倍),並混合了 Boyer-Moore-Gosper 演算法。使用常規表示式搜尋固定字串時,可以排除不可能的文字,不需要檢查每個字元,結果通常比 Unix grep 或 egrep 快很多倍 (不過如果常規表示式有包含 backreferencing,就會比較慢)。 Package: groff Description-md5: 5681f2bf07cb28498906138881f8473d Description-zh_TW: GNU troff text-formatting system This package contains optional components of the GNU troff text-formatting system. The core package, groff-base, contains the traditional tools like troff, nroff, tbl, eqn, and pic. This package contains additional devices and drivers for output to DVI, HTML (when recommended packages are installed - see below), PDF, HP LaserJet printers, and Canon CAPSL LBP-4 and LBP-8 printers. . The X75, X75-12, X100, and X100-12 devices, which allow groff output to be conveniently viewed on an X display using the standard X11 fonts, are now included here. They were previously in a separate package, groff-x11. . Besides these, the groff package contains man pages describing the language and its macro sets, info documentation, and a number of supplementary programs: . - gxditview, which is used to display the output of the X* devices, and can also be used to view PostScript output from groff; - grn, a preprocessor for pictures in the 'gremlin' format; - tfmtodit, which creates font files for use with 'groff -Tdvi'; - hpftodit, which creates font files for use with 'groff -Tlj4'; - afmtodit, which creates font files for use with 'groff -Tps'; - refer, which preprocesses bibliographic references for use with groff; - indxbib, which creates inverted indices for bibliographic databases used by 'refer'; - lkbib and lookbib, which search bibliographic databases; - addftinfo, which adds metric information to troff font files for use with groff; - pfbtops, which translates a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII for use with groff; - mmroff, a simple groff preprocessor which expands references in mm; - pic2graph, which converts PIC diagrams into cropped image files; - eqn2graph, which converts EQN equations into cropped image files; - pdfmom, which runs 'groff -mom' to produce PDFs. . 支援所有標準巨集套件 . Some facilities only work if certain recommended packages are installed: . - ghostscript, netpbm, psutils: required for HTML output; - imagemagick: required for the pic2graph and eqn2graph programs; - libpaper1: paper size detection in dvi, lbp, lj4, and ps devices (falls back to a4 if not installed); - perl: required for PDF output. Package: groff-base Description-md5: 106eb90e9251712205de3a823876b349 Description-zh_TW: GNU troff 文字格式化系統 (基礎系統元件) 本套件包含 troff, nroff, tbl, eqn, 與 pic 等傳統 UN*X 文字格式化工具。 這些對 man-db 套件來說,是顯示線上手冊不可或缺的工具。 . groff-base 是經過簡化的套件,包含以 ASCII、Latin-1、與 UTF-8 等編碼、 加上 PostScript 裝置 (groff 預設) 閱讀手冊的必要元件。使用者如希望完整安裝 groff,包括標準的裝置、字型、巨集、與文件,應該要安裝 groff 套件。 Package: grub Description-md5: b4c258376515bf0b4c56cbfd21b52dc5 Description-zh_TW: GRUB「大一統」開機載入程式 (舊版) GRUB is a GPLed bootloader intended to unify bootloading across x86 operating systems. In addition to loading the Linux kernel, it implements the Multiboot standard, which allows for flexible loading of multiple boot images (needed for modular kernels such as the GNU Hurd). Package: grub-pc Description-md5: 7cb7fdca20b02381c6123a250be96bab Description-zh_TW: GRUB「大一統」開機載入程式 (第2版) (PC/BIOS 版本) GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new features: . - Scripting in grub.cfg using BASH-like syntax. - Support for modern partition maps such as GPT. - Modular generation of grub.cfg via update-grub. Packages providing GRUB add-ons can plug in their own script rules and trigger updates by invoking update-grub. - VESA-based graphical mode with background image support and complete 24-bit color set. - Support for extended charsets. Users can write UTF-8 text to their menu entries. . This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with traditional PC/BIOS architecture. Package: gsfonts Description-md5: c77fd616d53a8b059361ca26ef255651 Description-zh_TW: Ghostscript 解讀器的字型 These are free look-alike fonts of the Adobe PostScript fonts. Recommended for all flavors of Ghostscript (gs-gpl, gs-afpl and gs-esp). Package: gsfonts-x11 Description-md5: c9e30693eb83345b91b7d2f3ddc42a3b Description-zh_TW: 令 Ghostscript 字型可用於 X11 This package makes the 35 Postscript fonts from the gsfonts package available to your X server under their "urw" names and via fonts.alias with the official "adobe" names, too. . This package does not contain any fonts itself but allows to reuse the ghostscript fonts as X11 screen fonts. Package: gstreamer-tools Description-md5: 4bf8ad824e4b1bcee731f8903efd36d0 Description-zh_TW: 用於 GStreamer 的工具 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains unversioned command-line tools for GStreamer that work with different major/minor versions of GStreamer. Package: gstreamer0.10-alsa Description-md5: 339f038172c486f3cef220df0c0e5ac4 Description-zh_TW: ALSA 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for the ALSA library. ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: gstreamer0.10-gnonlin Description-md5: 8533a187190a0a45f35c77cb9db605f1 Description-zh_TW: GStreamer 的非線性編輯模組 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . Gnonlin is a set of GStreamer elements to ease the creation of non-linear multimedia editors. It works together with the GStreamer multimedia framework to give developers a powerful and flexible set of tools for quickly assembling applications which needs to handle non-linear multimedia editing. . This package contains the GStreamer plugins for Gnonlin. Package: gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dbg Description-md5: 871d73a3adc09fcca7f02863193d23ac Description-zh_TW: GStreamer 的非線性編輯模組 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . Gnonlin is a set of GStreamer elements to ease the creation of non-linear multimedia editors. It works together with the GStreamer multimedia framework to give developers a powerful and flexible set of tools for quickly assembling applications which needs to handle non-linear multimedia editing. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio Description-md5: b4aa98329fafbb54ea588de42c256d78 Description-zh_TW: PulseAudio 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio, a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems. Package: gstreamer0.10-tools Description-md5: 909df9df4ba32a53040e4e54751c1cfa Description-zh_TW: 用於 GStreamer 的工具 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains versioned command-line tools for GStreamer. Package: gstreamer0.10-x Description-md5: f30e1dbce14d6ece228c6b4e6dfdfdbd Description-zh_TW: 用於 X11 和 Pango 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugins for X11 video output, both for standard Xlib support and for the Xv extension, as well as the plugin for Pango-based text rendering and overlay. Package: gstreamer1.0-alsa Description-md5: 339f038172c486f3cef220df0c0e5ac4 Description-zh_TW: ALSA 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for the ALSA library. ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio Description-md5: b4aa98329fafbb54ea588de42c256d78 Description-zh_TW: PulseAudio 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio, a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems. Package: gstreamer1.0-tools Description-md5: 909df9df4ba32a53040e4e54751c1cfa Description-zh_TW: 用於 GStreamer 的工具 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains versioned command-line tools for GStreamer. Package: gstreamer1.0-x Description-md5: f30e1dbce14d6ece228c6b4e6dfdfdbd Description-zh_TW: 用於 X11 和 Pango 的 GStreamer 外掛程式 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . This package contains the GStreamer plugins for X11 video output, both for standard Xlib support and for the Xv extension, as well as the plugin for Pango-based text rendering and overlay. Package: gtk2-engines Description-md5: 431d7b89dfc9dd3fc4ebcf14cfd7ba82 Description-zh_TW: GTK+ 2.x 的佈景主題引擎 This package contains the "engines" that hide behind the themes for GTK+ and GNOME applications. They redefine the way GTK+ widgets are drawn. The package includes the following engines: * Clearlooks, the default GNOME theme, based on Bluecurve; * Crux, formerly known as the Eazel engine; * High contrast, which is used by some accessibility themes; * Industrial, the famous engine from Novell (formerly Ximian); * LighthouseBlue, another engine based on Bluecurve; * Metal, which gives a metallic look; * Mist, a flat and high performance engine; * Redmond95, which provides a look similar to that of Windows; * ThinIce. . A few sample themes using these engines are also included. Package: gucharmap Description-md5: e99485eac2609af50962be9c053d886a Description-zh_TW: Unicode 字元選取器及字型瀏覽器 This program allows you to browse through all the available Unicode characters and categories for the installed fonts, and to examine their detailed properties. It is an easy way to find the character you might only know by its Unicode name or code point. Package: gutenprint-locales Description-md5: f67db937fb075a8b53b8e5766040a9b2 Description-zh_TW: Gutenprint 的地域資料檔 This package contains the i18n files of Gutenprint, used by libgutenprint2, printer-driver-gutenprint and escputil. It is also used by the Print plugin for the GIMP, gimp-gutenprint. . They are needed when you want the programs in Gutenprint to print their messages in other languages than US English. . Gutenprint is the print facility for the GIMP, and in addition a suite of drivers that may be used with common UNIX spooling systems using GhostScript or CUPS. These drivers provide printing quality for UNIX/Linux on a par with proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in many cases, and can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. Gutenprint was formerly known as Gimp-Print. Package: gzip Description-md5: 100720c9e2c6508f1a1f3731537b38e5 Description-zh_TW: GNU 壓縮工具 This package provides the standard GNU file compression utilities, which are also the default compression tools for Debian. They typically operate on files with names ending in '.gz', but can also decompress files ending in '.Z' created with 'compress'. Package: hevea Description-md5: e1197361f1bc1c60fd1b1c57178d04b2 Description-zh_TW: 能將 LaTeX 轉換為 HTML、info 或文字 Its remarkable features are - It produces good output. Special symbols (like mathematical symbols) are translated into HTML entities which should be rendered by any graphical browser. Picture files are only generated on demand, for instance when translating graphics. - It is highly configurable through (La)TeX macros. Though aimed at LaTeX input it understands a fair subset of TeX' macro language. - It runs fast. . This version of HeVeA is patched to generate by default picture files in the PNG format instead of the GIF format. Package: hfsplus Description-md5: 7e515c0e4f0451b5ec9743b7fc5e7b9a Description-zh_TW: 存取 HFS+ 格式卷冊的工具 HFS+ is a modernized version of Apple Computers HFS Filesystem. Nowadays, it is widely used with more recent versions of MacOS. hfsplus consists of a library and a set of tools that allow access to HFS+ volumes. . This package contains the tools themselves. Package: hfsutils Description-md5: bc1cfdae0eb986fc7820c770cf54995a Description-zh_TW: 讀寫 Macintosh 卷冊的工具 HFS 是 Macintosh 的原生檔案格式 . This package contains several command-line utilities for reading and writing Macintosh HFS-formatted media such as floppy disks, CD-ROMs, and hard disks. Package: hostname Description-md5: a5a22acc3c69a7f40f07f1a8dfc93af1 Description-zh_TW: 設定/陳列出主機名稱或網域名稱的工具 This package provides commands which can be used to display the system's DNS name, and to display or set its hostname or NIS domain name. Package: hplip Description-md5: 2c0bf2568da19b1e4a1da75410d4aa8a Description-zh_TW: HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP) The HP Linux Printing and Imaging System provides full support for printing on most HP SFP (single function peripheral) inkjets and many LaserJets, and for scanning, sending faxes and for photo-card access on most HP MFP (multi-function peripheral) printers. . HPLIP is composed of: * System services to handle communications with the printers * HP CUPS backend driver (hp:) with bi-directional communication with HP printers (provides printer status feedback to CUPS and enhanced HPIJS functionality such as 4-side full-bleed printing support) * HP CUPS backend driver for sending faxes (hpfax:) * hpcups CUPS Raster driver to turn rasterized input from the CUPS filter chain into the printer's native format (PCL, LIDIL, ...). (hpcups is shipped in a separate package) * HPIJS Ghostscript IJS driver to rasterize output from PostScript(tm) files or from any other input format supported by Ghostscript, and also for PostScript(tm) to fax conversion support (HPIJS is shipped in a separate package) * Command line utilities to perform printer maintenance, such as ink-level monitoring or pen cleaning and calibration * GUI and command line utility to download data from the photo card interfaces in MFP devices * GUI and command line utilities to interface with the fax functions * A GUI toolbox to access all these functions in a friendly way * HPAIO SANE backend (hpaio) for flatbed and Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) scanning using MFP devices . 支援 USB、JetDirect (網路) 和並列埠裝置 Package: hplip-data Description-md5: fff306588096500393b2918a3741076c Description-zh_TW: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - 資料檔案 This package contains data files and PPDs for the HP Linux Printing and Imaging System. Package: hplip-dbg Description-md5: f40a4bbbac3bb9935c72dabd1680002b Description-zh_TW: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - 除錯資訊 This package contains debugging symbolic information for all the binaries and libraries in the hplip and hpijs packages. . It is useful for generating backtraces using debuggers like gdb and to get better information from tools like ltrace. Package: hplip-doc Description-md5: 2ff3f20ad47bc83fe950ed640ee5990c Description-zh_TW: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - 說明文件 This package contains the full documentation for the HP Linux Printing and Imaging System for off-line reading. It includes the documentation for the HPIJS IJS driver as well. Package: hspell Description-md5: e857f190ff37945e27152a7e8a1ccdef Description-zh_TW: 希伯來文拼字檢查及語法分析器 Hspell 按照希伯來語文學院訂定的規則, 檢查無母音寫法(nikkud-less writing)(Ktiv Male)。 它內建所有需要用到的字典檔。 Package: hunspell-ar Description-md5: 93f6185c2690f32654b636259724d0bf Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的阿拉伯文字典 This package contains all the required files to add support for Arabic language to the hunspell spell checker. . This is the ayaspell-dic dictionary packaged for Debian. Package: hunspell-da Description-md5: 5a8c985009284b57be78cdc2f636af8a Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的丹麥文字典 This is the Danish dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-de-at Description-md5: 21dbb27e1a8c96ac29937a738480f386 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的奧地利式德文字典 This is the German (Austria) dictionary (de-AT-1996) for use with the hunspell spellchecker which is currently used within OpenOffice.org2 and as an ispell clone. Package: hunspell-de-ch Description-md5: f5edb11368cd12014803d27fd484dfc3 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的瑞士式德文字典 This is the German (Switzerland, Liechtenstein) dictionary (de-CH-1996) for use with the hunspell spellchecker which is currently used within OpenOffice.org2 and as an ispell clone. Package: hunspell-de-de Description-md5: 55d7da2ec74619bc1b79858a0ee72905 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的德文字典 This is the German (Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg) dictionary (de-DE-1996) for use with the hunspell spellchecker which is currently used within OpenOffice.org2 and as an ispell clone. Package: hunspell-en-ca Description-md5: bf68da2bd6cf4e84d7793b2eaa15efc7 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的加拿大式英文字典 This is the English_canadian dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-en-us Description-md5: 9f2626c060235fd5c6d1fd50ba24e576 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的美式英文字典 This is the English_american dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-fr Description-md5: 7d60fd62adc16cb850758ae4727a6cc1 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的法文字典 This is the French dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-hu Description-md5: 8e74ec5f6be4b535670181b99998df49 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的匈牙利文字典 This is the Hungarian dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-ne Description-md5: 571921f9ddb4141e43e9bfe8b2e04f62 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的尼泊爾文字典 This is the Nepali dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-ro Description-md5: 10607c959078651c46285f922caeda7c Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的羅馬尼亞文字典 This is the Romanian dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-sr Description-md5: f5d57030825603e08dd13f5c2c349e39 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的西里爾式塞爾維亞文字典 This is the Serbian dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hunspell-tools Description-md5: faef56263ef510ba98b31e7b12846321 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的工具 Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. It is based on MySpell and features an Ispell-like terminal interface using Curses library, an Ispell pipe interface and an UNO module. . Main features: - Unicode support (first 65535 Unicode character) - morphological analysis (in custom item and arrangement style) - Max. 65535 affix classes and twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compoundings (for example, Hungarian and German) - Support language specific algorithms (for example, handling Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handling conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. . This package contains a the munch/unmunch tools of hunspell and ispellaff2myspell for converting ispell affix files for myspell/hunspell format. Package: hunspell-uz Description-md5: 90697b4c1ee13d3b9009d6e0ac988ba4 Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的烏茲別克文字典 This package contains all the required files to add support for Uzbek language to the Hunspell spell checker Package: hunspell-vi Description-md5: 1b093cf1df281717e230d01b4d824e4e Description-zh_TW: hunspell 的越南文字典 This is the Vietnamese dictionary for use with the hunspell spellchecker Package: hwdata Description-md5: 6e7179178cc057e540de50958531ced6 Description-zh_TW: 硬體辨識 / 設定資料 This package contains various hardware identification and configuration data, such as the pci.ids database, or the XFree86/xorg Cards database. It's needed for the kudzu hardware detection. Package: iasl Description-md5: 546a042e9b2ef09e246447746367fea1 Description-zh_TW: Intel ASL 編譯器/解譯器 iASL 能將 ASL (ACPI 原始語言) 編譯為 AML (ACPI 機器語言)。此 AML 適合用作系統韌體內的 DSDT。其亦能為了除錯反組合 AML 語言。 Package: ibus-anthy Description-md5: 505c94c7454cb60018e66638b33fc6c0 Description-zh_TW: iBus 的 anthy 引擎 IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily. . IBus-Anthy is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-hangul Description-md5: 4e243516689250cc0c28c7b8c9ef79a6 Description-zh_TW: iBus 的韓國諺文引擎 IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily. . IBus-Hangul is an input method (IM) for Korean language, based on IBus. Package: ibus-m17n Description-md5: 708da2b84aa9b56aa3d1fd82f0066c89 Description-zh_TW: iBus 的 m17n 引擎 IBus-m17n is a IM Engine for multiple languages, based on IBus. . IBus-m17n enables IBus to input many non-latin characters from the keyboard using libm17n library. Package: ibus-table Description-md5: e031a824eef34ac558f88d83af479d09 Description-zh_TW: iBus 的表格引擎 IBus-Table is the IM Engine framework for table-based input methods, such as WuBi, ErBi, CangJie and so on. . This package provide the table engine framework and one input method: * Compose: input special character by compose letter and diacritical mark . More input method based on ibus-table can be installed from ibus-table- cangjie, ibus-table-wubi, ... Package: ibus-table-extraphrase Description-md5: 01d06f393cb71e1e2c8434088db312c3 Description-zh_TW: 用於 iBus 表格引擎的額外片語 IBus-Table is the IM Engine framework for table-based input methods, such as WuBi, ErBi, Cangjie and so on. . This package provide extra phrase for table engine of ibus. Package: icedtea-7-plugin Description-md5: 73779ff36047046383e1c1bd3e13a884 Description-zh_TW: 建基於 OpenJDK 和 IcedTea,用來執行 Java 小程式的網頁瀏覽器外掛程式 IcedTeaPlugin is a web browser plugin to execute Java applets, supporting LiveConnect/JavaScript. It is targeted for xulrunner-1.9 and compatible browsers that support the NPAPI. Package: ifupdown Description-md5: 442edbd184a6e1febc9b203604eb38f4 Description-zh_TW: 高階網路設定介面工具 本套件提供 ifup 與 ifdown 工具,可基於 /etc/network/interfaces 的設定 組態、反組態網路介面。 Package: info Description-md5: 98475bbce3804b8961f7886328b1baea Description-zh_TW: 獨立 GNU Info 文件瀏覽器 Info 是個易於剖析表示線上文件的檔案格式。本程式允許你檢視 Info 文件, 例如放置在 /usr/share/info 的檔案。 . 在 Debian 中,許多軟體的線上文件都以 Info 檔案而成,你很有可能會想安裝它。 Package: iputils-ping Description-md5: d70a0a65fee86f2e5c78f759703e9922 Description-zh_TW: 測試網路主機到達率的工具 Ping 命令送出 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST 封包到特定主機,以得知該主機是否能透過 網路到達。 . 本套件同時包含支援 IPv6 網路連線的工具 'ping6'。 Package: isc-dhcp-client Description-md5: 7d48c04c85ad9235ca7273ba8da51bbc Description-zh_TW: ISC DHCP client This is the client from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. For more information visit . 動態主機設定協定(DHCP)是與BOOTP相似的協定(事實上, dhcpd含括了大部份bootd的功能)。它可以配給客戶端機 器一個IP位址(我們稱之為"租約")並自動調整相應的網路設 定。如果你的主機使用DHCP做自動化的網路設定(尤其當 你的主機位於大型網路中、或者你使用的是筆記型電腦, 又或者你使用cable modem等產品撥接上網時),請務必 安裝一種DHCP的客戶端程式。 . Extra documentation can be found in the package isc-dhcp-common. Package: isc-dhcp-client-dbg Description-md5: 65f8c2f2d81ecd053c5bca54e46ec524 Description-zh_TW: ISC DHCP client (debugging symbols) This is the client from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. For more information visit . This package contains the debugging symbols for isc-dhcp-client . 動態主機設定協定(DHCP)是與BOOTP相似的協定(事實上, dhcpd含括了大部份bootd的功能)。它可以配給客戶端機 器一個IP位址(我們稱之為"租約")並自動調整相應的網路設 定。如果你的主機使用DHCP做自動化的網路設定(尤其當 你的主機位於大型網路中、或者你使用的是筆記型電腦, 又或者你使用cable modem等產品撥接上網時),請務必 安裝一種DHCP的客戶端程式。 . Extra documentation can be found in the package isc-dhcp-common. Package: isc-dhcp-dev Description-md5: 629de35b97db45a08414abd22d153d05 Description-zh_TW: 存取並修改 DHCP 伺服器和用戶端狀態的 API OMAPI 是存取並修改 DHCP 伺服器和用戶端狀態的 API。 Package: isc-dhcp-server Description-md5: 4f5d533c02fa72751acbaefe5e28258d Description-zh_TW: ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment This is the server from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. For more information, visit . Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol like BOOTP (actually dhcpd includes much of the functionality of bootpd). It gives client machines "leases" for IP addresses and can automatically set their network configuration. . 本伺服器可處理多於一個乙太網介面。 Package: isc-dhcp-server-dbg Description-md5: b66d42f652cf79ebf5bf05f89e2126b7 Description-zh_TW: ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment (debug) This is the server from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. For more information, visit . This package contains the debugging symbols for isc-dhcp-server . Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol like BOOTP (actually dhcpd includes much of the functionality of bootpd). It gives client machines "leases" for IP addresses and can automatically set their network configuration. . 本伺服器可處理多於一個乙太網介面。 Package: ispell Description-md5: 577e95b1fdc6375f1bcda985b53bef21 Description-zh_TW: 國際的 Ispell (互動式拼字檢查器) Ispell corrects spelling in plain text, LaTeX, sgml/html/xml, and nroff files. [x]Emacs and jed have nice interfaces to ispell, and ispell works from many other tools and from the command line as well. . No ispell dictionaries are included in this package; you must install at least one of them ("iamerican" is recommended by default for no good reason); install the "ispell-dictionary" package(s) for the language(s) you and your users will want to spell-check. . It's a good idea to install "word list" package(s) for the same language(s), because they'll be used by ispell's (L)ookup command. Package: konwert Description-md5: 926256ae6d5bc4067982801086f63ea3 Description-zh_TW: 用於檔案或终端機輸入輸出的字集轉換工具 `konwert' is yet another charset converter. Some particular features are: * one-to-many conversions * context-dependent conversions * approximations of some unavailable characters * (as a result) ability to transcript e.g. Russian Cyrillic into Polish phonetic equivalent . ‘filterm’ 可以當作過濾器使用於终端機輸入輸出上,以進行即時的字集轉換,以及 製做客製的輸入法。 Package: language-selector-gnome Description-md5: 788d18b75f9a70e3ac7605d12641951d Description-zh_TW: Language selector for Ubuntu This package let you change and install language packs in Ubuntu. . 此套件包含 GTK+ 前端介面。 Package: lib32asound2 Description-md5: 1cb93bc064527a1e2b28db6e2f809126 Description-zh_TW: shared library for ALSA applications (32 bit) This package contains the ALSA library (32 bit) and its standard plugins. . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: lib32asound2-dev Description-md5: f496de93bd613c23d5e753b61c6cfedc Description-zh_TW: shared library for ALSA applications -- development files (32 bit) This package contains files required for developing software that makes use of lib32asound2, the ALSA library (32 bit). . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: lib32gcc1 Description-md5: a31c67d540f86442c895f2663cb4d5c9 Description-zh_TW: GCC support library (32 bit Version) 共用版本的支援函式庫(內部副程式函式庫),GCC 用以解決特定機器的 不足、或某些語言的特殊需求。 Package: lib32readline-gplv2-dev Description-md5: 668df0fb60b54c6018797f8b7e97a1eb Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (32-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib32readline5 Description-md5: 4803b78bfa952422311277cc70d77bea Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (32-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib32readline6 Description-md5: 4803b78bfa952422311277cc70d77bea Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (32-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib32readline6-dev Description-md5: 668df0fb60b54c6018797f8b7e97a1eb Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (32-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib32stdc++6 Description-md5: 2124b81bef171d19a7c047c58ae7058f Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 本套件包含用GNU編譯器編譯的C++程式執行時所需要的額外函式庫。 Package: lib32stdc++6-4.7-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libacl1 Description-md5: 65c1428a85567ba04597e882b0aecfe2 Description-zh_TW: 讀寫控制清單(ACL)的共用函式庫 這個套件內含 動態函式庫, 內有 POSIX 1003.1e draft standard 17 定義的函式, 用來處理讀寫控制清單(access control list)。 Package: libasound2 Description-md5: f80c24ce80b76f9116fc6c7d1a8aa34b Description-zh_TW: shared library for ALSA applications This package contains the ALSA library and its standard plugins, as well as the required configuration files. . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: libasound2-dbg Description-md5: 232fcf589d65c42d570a335193dc6cfd Description-zh_TW: debugging symbols for libasound2 This package contains the debugging symbols for the ALSA library. . Most people will not need this package. . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: libasound2-dev Description-md5: 6049c8294e480247b4c02744f09d51fe Description-zh_TW: shared library for ALSA applications -- development files This package contains files required for developing software that makes use of libasound2, the ALSA library. . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: libasound2-doc Description-md5: 73dfd0644e1f116cf7c39ae3f4f19a1f Description-zh_TW: documentation for user-space ALSA application programming This package contains the HTML documentation for the ALSA library, which describes the development API for user-space applications that want to use ALSA. . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: libasound2-plugins Description-md5: c0d2cf058a71ca3009a28dc5e2fd2801 Description-zh_TW: ALSA library additional plugins This package contains plugins for the ALSA library that are not included in the main libasound2 package. . The following plugins are included, among other: - jack: play or capture via JACK - oss: run native ALSA apps on OSS drivers - pulse: play or capture via Pulse Audio - samplerate and speexrate: rate converters - upmix and vdownmix: convert from/to 2 and 4/6 channel streams . ALSA 意思是 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (進階的 Linux 音效架構) Package: libattr1 Description-md5: 828e462109496dfbca870108ebcb31fc Description-zh_TW: 延伸屬性共用函式庫 使用延伸屬性的程式需要本套件內含的執行環境(runtime environment)。 Package: libbison-dev Description-md5: 9e58100d40bcef7ed1b8baab2a762770 Description-zh_TW: YACC-compatible parser generator - development library Bison 是能用來分析語法將給 LALR(1) 的無脈絡文法描述轉成一個 C 語言的語意分析產生器。一旦你對 Bison 嫻熟,即可以其來發展一套具廣泛用途的語言分析器,從簡單的桌面計算機到複雜的程式語言分析。 . This package provides the liby.a file including functions needed by yacc parsers. Package: libblkid1 Description-md5: 9f5b2c2cfc1959cf76c0457903a778b8 Description-zh_TW: 區塊裝置編號函式庫 blkid 這個函式庫允許 fsck、mount 之類的系統程式,透過檔案系統的 UUID 與標籤,迅速簡便地找到區塊裝置。這樣讓系統管理員不用指定寫死的 檔案系統裝置名稱,而可以改用虛擬的邏輯命名系統。 Package: libbz2-1.0 Description-md5: e921dd6ddb4bb508e6f1b62169b85d70 Description-zh_TW: 高品質的區塊排序檔案壓縮函式庫 - 執行時期 這個套件包含給 bzip2 壓縮程式使用的 libbzip2。 . bzip2 是可以自由取得、沒有專利限制的高品質資料壓縮程式。 和現有的最好方法比起來,檔案通常只變大 10% 到 15%, 同時壓縮速度大約是兩倍快,而解壓縮速度是六倍快。 . bzip2 使用 Burrows-Wheeler 區塊排序文字壓縮演算法, 以及 Huffman 編碼來壓縮檔案。壓縮品質一般認為比以 LZ77/LZ78 為基礎的較舊壓縮程式好,而且效能接近統計壓縮程式的 PPM 家族。 . bzip2 的壓縮檔案格式(.bz2)和它前身的 bzip (.bz) 不相容。 Package: libbz2-dev Description-md5: d144fb5e23e545a63e204740e6628ad3 Description-zh_TW: high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - development Static libraries and include files for the bzip2 compressor library. . bzip2 是可以自由取得、沒有專利限制的高品質資料壓縮程式。 和現有的最好方法比起來,檔案通常只變大 10% 到 15%, 同時壓縮速度大約是兩倍快,而解壓縮速度是六倍快。 . bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considerably better than that achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM family of statistical compressors. . bzip2 的壓縮檔案格式(.bz2)和它前身的 bzip (.bz) 不相容。 Package: libc6 Description-md5: 5089b4da6684d7432ab618fb5b79cec5 Description-zh_TW: Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries 內含系統裡幾乎所有程式都需要使用的標準函式庫。如同其它許多套件, 這個套件包含了共用版本的標準 C 函式庫,還有標準數學函式庫。 Package: libcomerr2 Description-md5: 5611f795c9947cfb9a2980a01506a1b9 Description-zh_TW: 通用錯誤敘述函式庫 libcomerr 嘗試提供一種通用的錯誤處理機制, 用來管理常見形式的錯誤程式碼,避免常用機制中存在的問題。 Package: libdevmapper-dev Description-md5: cd4f4f9d4fde600f0d1e37da66d54c85 Description-zh_TW: Linux Kernel Device Mapper header files Linux 核心裝置對應是 LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) 團隊 實作的最精簡 kernel-space 驅動程式,用來處理 volume management, 並同時能在 user-space 得知底層的裝置規畫。這不只在 LVM 很實用, 對於 EVMS、軟體磁碟陣列、還有其它能建立 "虛擬" 區塊裝置的驅動程式, 也都很有用。 . This package contains the (user-space) header files for accessing the device-mapper; it allow usage of the device-mapper through a clean, consistent interface (as opposed to through kernel ioctls). Package: libdevmapper-event1.02.1 Description-md5: 13d66a8a0057f6e6c6d6c2b25188a38d Description-zh_TW: Linux Kernel Device Mapper event support library Linux 核心裝置對應是 LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) 團隊 實作的最精簡 kernel-space 驅動程式,用來處理 volume management, 並同時能在 user-space 得知底層的裝置規畫。這不只在 LVM 很實用, 對於 EVMS、軟體磁碟陣列、還有其它能建立 "虛擬" 區塊裝置的驅動程式, 也都很有用。 . This package contains the userspace library to help with event monitoring for devmapper devices, in conjunction with the dmevent daemon. Package: libdevmapper1.02.1 Description-md5: f57d8a0a3606e56cb6cc150cb7a19e50 Description-zh_TW: Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library Linux 核心裝置對應是 LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) 團隊 實作的最精簡 kernel-space 驅動程式,用來處理 volume management, 並同時能在 user-space 得知底層的裝置規畫。這不只在 LVM 很實用, 對於 EVMS、軟體磁碟陣列、還有其它能建立 "虛擬" 區塊裝置的驅動程式, 也都很有用。 . 這個套件包函了 user-space 的共用函式庫,用來讀寫裝置對應。 相對於透過核心的 ioctl,這個函式庫提供簡捷而一致的介面來使用 裝置對應。 Package: libexpat1 Description-md5: 969a775adb36dbfb73b9d7ef67f13bd6 Description-zh_TW: 解析 XML 的 C 語言函式庫 - 執行時期函式庫 This package contains the runtime, shared library of expat, the C library for parsing XML. Expat is a stream-oriented parser in which an application registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags). Package: libfontforge-dev Description-md5: 9a5c812671af7c58235e812a87f2d571 Description-zh_TW: 字型編輯器 - 執行時函式庫(開發用檔案) FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package contains the runtime library's development files. Package: libfontforge1 Description-md5: 4458ad30f3dfc98340b1d416ab2c8d24 Description-zh_TW: 字型編輯器 - 執行時函式庫 FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package contains the runtime library. Package: libgcc1 Description-md5: bbd60d723e97d8e06c04228ee4c76f10 Description-zh_TW: GCC 支援函式庫 共用版本的支援函式庫(內部副程式函式庫),GCC 用以解決特定機器的 不足、或某些語言的特殊需求。 Package: libgdbm3 Description-md5: 900375b4641d82391c1c951c3b8647f6 Description-zh_TW: GNU dbm 資料庫常式 (執行期版本) GNU dbm ('gdbm') 是個用於可擴展性雜湊與相似於標準 UNIX 'dbm' 函數的函式庫。 . 'gdbm' 的基本用途在於儲存鍵值與資料對至一檔案,如此便可提供持久版本的「字典」 抽象資料型態,也就是 Perl 程式設計師所說的 'hash'。 Package: libgdraw4 Description-md5: 5183d393beee991eb82e9672ad02a523 Description-zh_TW: 字型編輯器 - 執行時圖形與小工具函式庫 FontForge 字型鑄造廠不只是一套字型編輯器而已,它還是字型格式轉換器,能轉換 PostScript (ASCII & binary Type 1、某些 Type 3s,、某些 Type 0s) 、TrueType,以及 OpenType (Type2) 、CID-keyed、SVG、CFF 與多種主流字型。 . This package contains the graphics and widget runtime library. Package: libgimp2.0 Description-md5: 87c9f62281987fda19082f1b5cc2c95c Description-zh_TW: GNU 影像處理程式的函式庫 This package includes the libgimp libraries, which are necessary to run GIMP and third-party GIMP plugins. Package: libgimp2.0-dev Description-md5: c7c7d24560c6f749d332154868167ed5 Description-zh_TW: Headers and other files for compiling plugins for GIMP 此套件包含GNU 影像處理程式的標頭檔,並附上 libgimp 的靜態版本。它也包含 gimptool-2.0 公用程式。 . Install this package if you wish to compile your own plugins, or if you wish to develop packages that use libgimp. Package: libgnome-control-center-dev Description-md5: d94b8cc23eade4594fdcf9cbed49b9fd Description-zh_TW: 設定 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains the files needed to build Control Center panels Package: libgnome-control-center1 Description-md5: d35b85c0b8b73f7bf4cf19c7aa215660 Description-zh_TW: 設定 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains the library used by Control Center panels Package: libgnutls26 Description-md5: 07e0914117156d2b3fcf0d63e9ef8ac2 Description-zh_TW: GNU TLS library - runtime library GnuTLS is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocols. . GnuTLS features support for: - TLS extensions: server name indication, max record size, opaque PRF input, etc. - authentication using the SRP protocol. - authentication using both X.509 certificates and OpenPGP keys. - TLS Pre-Shared-Keys (PSK) extension. - Inner Application (TLS/IA) extension. - X.509 and OpenPGP certificate handling. - X.509 Proxy Certificates (RFC 3820). - all the strong encryption algorithms (including SHA-256/384/512 and Camellia (RFC 4132)). . 本套件包含該執行期函式庫。 Package: libgpg-error-dev Description-md5: e9d7dd73a021cc106c5f4c856319e138 Description-zh_TW: library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components (development) 這是一套包含所有 GnuPG 元件常見錯誤代號與訊息的函式庫,包括 GPG, GPGSM, GPGME, GPG-Agent, libgcrypt, pinentry, SmartCard Daemon 與未來其他可能加入 的元件。 . This package contains the headers and other files needed to compile against this library. Package: libgpg-error0 Description-md5: 69f556e12b915238b7c815f26da80be5 Description-zh_TW: GnuPG 元件常見錯誤代號與訊息函式庫 這是一套包含所有 GnuPG 元件常見錯誤代號與訊息的函式庫,包括 GPG, GPGSM, GPGME, GPG-Agent, libgcrypt, pinentry, SmartCard Daemon 與未來其他可能加入 的元件。 Package: libldap-2.4-2 Description-md5: 198db781f85a21d6d3c302c304d6e0fb Description-zh_TW: OpenLDAP 函式庫 這個套件包含了 OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 伺服器及用 戶端所使用的執行時期函式庫。 Package: liblocale-gettext-perl Description-md5: 01f5f87916c645596908203fd620ddfb Description-zh_TW: module using libc functions for internationalization in Perl gettext 這個模組允許 perl 存取 gettext() 函數家族,從為國際化軟體 建立的資料庫中取得訊息字串。 . 這個模組提供有 gettext()、dgettext()、dcgettext()、textdomain()、 bindtextdomain()、bind_textdomain_codeset()、ngettext()、 dcngettext(),以及 dngettext()。 Package: liblwres90 Description-md5: 73843c094de7b4dfcc9ed1e36cc6d546 Description-zh_TW: BIND 使用的輕量化網址解析函式庫 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain name server. BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium, This package delivers the liblwres shared library used by BIND's daemons and clients. Package: liblzo2-2 Description-md5: 6acbb2b98752f4160eba6ec78c11bb54 Description-zh_TW: 資料壓縮函式庫 LZO 是個具有可攜性、無失真資料壓縮函式庫。 提供相當快的壓縮與非常快的解壓縮功能,而且解壓縮時不需使用記憶體空間。 另外還有較慢的壓縮級別來完成更具競爭力的壓縮比例,並保持在解壓縮時的 高速水準。 Package: libmount1 Description-md5: 8f605597a2fb2fd7bffd09db537dd040 Description-zh_TW: 區塊裝置編號函式庫 The device mounting library, used by mount and mount helpers. Package: libnewt0.52 Description-md5: cfc4271054d35387b5e0576f9d7af19a Description-zh_TW: 不是 Erik 的視窗工具組 - 使用 S-Lang 的文字模式視窗處理 Newt 是建構自 S-Lang 函式庫的文字模式視窗工具組。它讓彩色文字模式的 應用軟體可以輕易使用堆疊式視窗、按紐、複選框、單選紐、清單列表、 輸入欄、標籤、還有顯示文字。支援捲動軸,也可以使用巢狀表單提供額外 功能。這個套件包含了共用函式庫,供建構自 newt 的程式使用。 Package: libnss-db Description-md5: 86085c093ffb06245b4f694a84b2427a Description-zh_TW: 使用 Berkeley Databases 提供 naming service 的 NSS 模組 nss_db 是一組 C 語言函式庫擴充套件,允許使用 Berkeley Databases 作為aliases、ethers、groups、hosts、networks、protocol、users、 RPCs、services、shadow passwords 的主要來源 (可取代名稱服務檔案或 NIS、也可另外附加使用)。 如果你的名稱服務檔案(flat name service files)太大、查詢太慢, 請安裝 nss_db。 Package: libpam-modules Description-md5: 234b9429528430ead853cc8bbe97ffb4 Description-zh_TW: 給PAM用的驗證模組 This package completes the set of modules for PAM. It includes the module as well as some specialty modules. Package: libpam-runtime Description-md5: bc15ddbf92ee7965a8588141c54bb5a1 Description-zh_TW: PAM函式庫執行時會用到的檔案 內含Debian系統驗證時需要的設定檔和目錄。幾乎所有的安裝都會用到。 裝就是了。 Package: libpam0g Description-md5: af00a40029e1e1d2ad04c042c3b18095 Description-zh_TW: 嵌入式認證模組函式庫 Contains the shared library for Linux-PAM, a library that enables the local system administrator to choose how applications authenticate users. In other words, without rewriting or recompiling a PAM-aware application, it is possible to switch between the authentication mechanism(s) it uses. One may entirely upgrade the local authentication system without touching the applications themselves. Package: libpcre3 Description-md5: ab0ea99159dc866cd24051e8eda806df Description-zh_TW: Perl5 相容正規表示法函式庫 - 執行期檔案 這是支援近似於 Perl 5 語意的正規表示法函式庫。 . 本套件包含該執行期函式庫。 Package: libpcre3-dbg Description-md5: 90e6eddc5cb44959d66e3c4762ddd9ab Description-zh_TW: Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - debug symbols 這是支援近似於 Perl 5 語意的正規表示法函式庫。 . This package contains the debug symbols, Package: libpcre3-dev Description-md5: 3841aaec6be821ceb04646f8f92bb95c Description-zh_TW: Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files 這是支援近似於 Perl 5 語意的正規表示法函式庫。 . This package contains the development files, including headers, static libraries, and documentation. Package: libpopt-dev Description-md5: ace33b20a6121b7b5a6c26940bbab356 Description-zh_TW: lib for parsing cmdline parameters - development files Popt 是個相當受 getopt() 與 getopt_long() 函數影響的函式庫,但它允許更多 強大的引數擴張機能。它可以分析任意 argv[] 風格的陣列、以及自動根據命令列 的參數來設定變數,同時也允許透過組態檔案將命令列參數別名,並包含使用類似 介殼的規則來分析 argv[] 陣列中任意字串。 . This package contains the popt static library and header file. Package: libpopt0 Description-md5: 1bc14780a06cc6b9a0c726cd091c6d96 Description-zh_TW: 分析命令列參數的函式庫 Popt 是個相當受 getopt() 與 getopt_long() 函數影響的函式庫,但它允許更多 強大的引數擴張機能。它可以分析任意 argv[] 風格的陣列、以及自動根據命令列 的參數來設定變數,同時也允許透過組態檔案將命令列參數別名,並包含使用類似 介殼的規則來分析 argv[] 陣列中任意字串。 . 本套件包含執行期函式庫與地區資料。 Package: libreadline-dev Description-md5: 3502d626cf8e22133354357eb1e0631f Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 . This package is a dependency package depending on libreadline6-dev. Package: libreadline-gplv2-dev Description-md5: 786f654ffd88ea529a702d7fd1429e0e Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 . This package contains as well the readline documentation in info format. Package: libreadline5 Description-md5: 02109af5819248ca867891090079f329 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline 與 history 函式庫,執行時期函式庫 GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libreadline5-dbg Description-md5: f10032a711167543f997c2cb1de91ac4 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, debugging libraries GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libreadline6 Description-md5: 02109af5819248ca867891090079f329 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline 與 history 函式庫,執行時期函式庫 GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libreadline6-dbg Description-md5: f10032a711167543f997c2cb1de91ac4 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, debugging libraries GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libreadline6-dev Description-md5: 729d7fc5adc58ece21627d452b1c63fd Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 . This package contains development files and the readline documentation in info format. Package: libsepol1 Description-md5: d569fae7efa3328b3d40879b104d9a63 Description-zh_TW: SELinux library for manipulating binary security policies Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . libsepol 提供一組處理 SELinux 執行檔原則的 API。 它用在 checkpolicy (原則編譯器) 及類似的工具中。 自定原則切換設定等等,透過 load_policy 執行特定執行原則轉換的程式 也會用到。 Package: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a Description-md5: 0f629177a6b7e6200b446de8a0a45992 Description-zh_TW: 具型別安全性 (type-safety) 的 C++ 訊息系統架構 (Signal Framework) - 執行環境 這個函式庫實作了完整的回傳系統 (callback system) 用於 widget 函式庫,抽象介 面,以及一般化程式設計。它提供了一些用能用來連結抽象回傳系統至類別方法、函 式、函式物件、及包含可調適類別用於連接不同的回傳。 . 這些檔案是 libsigc++ 的執行環境,只有在你想使用依賴這個函式庫的程式時,才需 要安裝。 Package: libsigc++-2.0-dev Description-md5: 2fc5e630cb35c41ccaccff38822cd939 Description-zh_TW: type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - development files 這個函式庫實作了完整的回傳系統 (callback system) 用於 widget 函式庫,抽象介 面,以及一般化程式設計。它提供了一些用能用來連結抽象回傳系統至類別方法、函 式、函式物件、及包含可調適類別用於連接不同的回傳。 . These are the development files for libsigc++, needed only if you wish to write software which uses it. Package: libsigc++-2.0-doc Description-md5: 66182e93dcf0771a483485fd7d8542bc Description-zh_TW: type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - reference documentation 這個函式庫實作了完整的回傳系統 (callback system) 用於 widget 函式庫,抽象介 面,以及一般化程式設計。它提供了一些用能用來連結抽象回傳系統至類別方法、函 式、函式物件、及包含可調適類別用於連接不同的回傳。 . This package contains the reference documentation for libsigc++, needed only if you wish to write software which uses it. Package: libslang2 Description-md5: 63cf6009be68fe5fb7a6729e8527359d Description-zh_TW: S-Lang programming library - runtime version S 語言是一套 C 程式設計師使用的函式庫,包含一些幫助快速開發精密、友善、 跨平台應用程式的常式。 . 本套件僅收錄共用函式庫* 與版權資訊。只有使用此函式庫的程式 (例如 jed 與 slrn) 需要安裝本套件。如果你計劃使用 S 語言開發,你會需要安裝 之於本套件的 -dev 開發套件。 Package: libslang2-dev Description-md5: 9978b57decbe8c7b64fa0e4fd3c9cf8b Description-zh_TW: S-Lang programming library, development version S 語言是一套 C 程式設計師使用的函式庫,包含一些幫助快速開發精密、友善、 跨平台應用程式的常式。 . The S-Lang library includes the following: * Low level tty input routines for reading single characters at a time. * Keymap routines for defining keys and manipulating multiple keymaps. * A high-level key processing interface (SLkp) for handling function and arrow keys. * High level screen management routines for manipulating both monochrome and color terminals. These routines are very efficient. (SLsmg) * Low level terminal-independent routines for manipulating the display of a terminal. (SLtt) * Routines for reading single line input with line editing and recall capabilities. (SLrline) * Searching functions: both ordinary searches and regular expression searches. (SLsearch) * An embedded stack-based language interpreter with a C-like syntax. Package: libss2 Description-md5: d3d9f89af5755a413e24d2dc0cb7df81 Description-zh_TW: 命令行介面的語法解析函式庫 libss provides a simple command-line interface parser which will accept input from the user, parse the command into an argv argument vector, and then dispatch it to a handler function. . 這個函式庫最初是受到 Multics 子系統函式庫的啟發。 Package: libssl-dev Description-md5: 3f77df7ec43dcb3f3b73c312168c730e Description-zh_TW: SSL development libraries, header files and documentation libssl and libcrypto development libraries, header files and manpages. . 這是 OpenSSL 實作 SSL 技術的一部分。 Package: libssl-doc Description-md5: 59333bc869a0fa9208d500d5cabc20fd Description-zh_TW: SSL development documentation documentation libssl and libcrypto manpages and demo files. . 這是 OpenSSL 實作 SSL 技術的一部分。 Package: libssl1.0.0 Description-md5: 2e9416e72fb31714d9b26021a3ee7e85 Description-zh_TW: SSL 共享函式庫 apache-ssl、telnet-ssl、與 openssh 等程式需要的 libssl 與 libcrypto 分享函式庫。 . 這是 OpenSSL 實作 SSL 技術的一部分。 Package: libstdc++6 Description-md5: 724ab84919e0e220afb960e36463914d Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 本套件包含用GNU編譯器編譯的C++程式執行時所需要的額外函式庫。 . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libstdc++6-4.4-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libstdc++6-4.7-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libtasn1-3 Description-md5: 535058cbce5722d1c5d399c0854dd71f Description-zh_TW: 管理 ASN.1 結構 (執行階段) Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are: * on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code file generation. * off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation containing an array. * DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding * no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values . 這個套件包含執行階段用函式庫。 Package: libtext-charwidth-perl Description-md5: 155ed3cc0b2affad276a4e9bc4bfcabc Description-zh_TW: 取得終端機上的字元顯示寬度 這個模組使用 libc 的 wcwidth() 和 wcswidth(),允許 perl 軟體 取得終端機上字元及字串的顯示寬度。 . 這個模組提供有 mbwidth()、mbswidth()、mblen()。 Package: libtext-iconv-perl Description-md5: 5fbfac193b3adb16387cc839187b5622 Description-zh_TW: 用Perl轉換字元組(編碼) The iconv() family of functions from XPG4 defines an API for converting between character sets (e.g. UTF-8 to Latin1, EBCDIC to ASCII). They are provided by libc6. . 本套件讓Perl可以用Text::Iconv套件呼叫上述API,以轉換字元編碼。 Package: libtext-wrapi18n-perl Description-md5: 7cfec94f97ab774b331a41f9dbcb99e1 Description-zh_TW: Text::Wrap 的國際化代換 這個模組是 Text::Wrap 的替代品,支援多位元組字元(例如 UTF-8、EUC-JP、 GB2312)、全寬字元(例如東亞文字字元)、複合字元(例如聲調符號與泰文), 還有字詞之間不使用空白的語言(例如中文和日文)。 . 這個模組提供 wrap()。 Package: libtextwrap-dev Description-md5: c51099bbc17a2a3b0334e07f4cd5e364 Description-zh_TW: text-wrapping library with i18n - development files Text-wrapping(或 line-folding)函式庫是用來在終端機顯示字串。 這個版本支援國際化,也就是能自動偵測編碼語系、多位元組編碼 (例如 UTF-8、EUC-JP,還有其它的)、 全型字元(每個字元佔用兩個 column,例如中日韓表意文字)、 複合字元(每一字元只佔零個 column,例如泰文和表音符號)、 還有單字間不使用空白分隔的語言(例如中文和日文)。 . This package contains files needed for development using this library. Package: libtextwrap1 Description-md5: 89e2d4016bf3c5a25b2992b7772fafc9 Description-zh_TW: 國際化的 text-wrapping 函式庫 - 執行時期 Text-wrapping(或 line-folding)函式庫是用來在終端機顯示字串。 這個版本支援國際化,也就是能自動偵測編碼語系、多位元組編碼 (例如 UTF-8、EUC-JP,還有其它的)、 全型字元(每個字元佔用兩個 column,例如中日韓表意文字)、 複合字元(每一字元只佔零個 column,例如泰文和表音符號)、 還有單字間不使用空白分隔的語言(例如中文和日文)。 Package: libusb-0.1-4 Description-md5: df65c70347ceff88b808787853da75d0 Description-zh_TW: 使用者空間 USB 程式設計函式庫 用於開發 USB 應用程式而不需要理解 Linux 核心內部知識的函式庫。 Package: libusb-1.0-0 Description-md5: df65c70347ceff88b808787853da75d0 Description-zh_TW: 使用者空間 USB 程式設計函式庫 用於開發 USB 應用程式而不需要理解 Linux 核心內部知識的函式庫。 Package: libusb-1.0-0-dev Description-md5: 81ea89c5f13755e20b5bd0e8c61db27b Description-zh_TW: userspace USB programming library development files 用於開發 USB 應用程式而不需要理解 Linux 核心內部知識的函式庫。 Package: libusb-dev Description-md5: 81ea89c5f13755e20b5bd0e8c61db27b Description-zh_TW: userspace USB programming library development files 用於開發 USB 應用程式而不需要理解 Linux 核心內部知識的函式庫。 Package: libwrap0 Description-md5: 398b420d625f5f15bad603d35ce5acb9 Description-zh_TW: Wietse Venema 的 TCP 包裝函式庫 Wietse Venema 的網路紀錄器,亦稱為 TCPD 或 LOG_TCP。 . 這個程式會將連入的telnet、ftp、rsh、rlogin、finger… 等連線的客戶端主機名稱紀錄下來。 . Security options are: - access control per host, domain and/or service; - detection of host name spoofing or host address spoofing; - booby traps to implement an early-warning system. Package: libwrap0-dev Description-md5: f53a3d19bcd15b4fdd53b720ab2cb8b8 Description-zh_TW: Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library, development files Wietse Venema 的網路紀錄器,亦稱為 TCPD 或 LOG_TCP。 . 這個程式會將連入的telnet、ftp、rsh、rlogin、finger… 等連線的客戶端主機名稱紀錄下來。 . Security options are: - access control per host, domain and/or service; - detection of host name spoofing or host address spoofing; - booby traps to implement an early-warning system. Package: libx32gcc1 Description-md5: 23c4abc6ef9d972b6f047316897bf30d Description-zh_TW: GCC support library (x32) 共用版本的支援函式庫(內部副程式函式庫),GCC 用以解決特定機器的 不足、或某些語言的特殊需求。 Package: libx32readline6 Description-md5: a24bad6e943ee70c4af3f3d151862999 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (x32) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libx32readline6-dev Description-md5: f6c0478c47e41ba607cdd59b43b7e16e Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (x32) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: libx32stdc++6 Description-md5: f336833aedca4cda1d9923ce79172164 Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32) 本套件包含用GNU編譯器編譯的C++程式執行時所需要的額外函式庫。 . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libx32stdc++6-4.7-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: login Description-md5: a9c42fe48288d1e8b7d3d34463d0f485 Description-zh_TW: 系統登入工具 這些必備的工具是用來登入及使用你的系統。login 這個程式啟動你的 shell 並授權准予執行指令。newgrp 這個程式用來改變你的有效群組帳號 (在工作群組之類的情況下很有用)。su 這個程式允許你改變你的有效使用者 帳號(能夠以其他使用者身份執行指令,非常實用)。 Package: logrotate Description-md5: bb73169bb75b2b8a2fda1453d214416d Description-zh_TW: 紀錄循環工具 Logrotate 工具設計用於簡化大量系統紀錄檔案的管理工作,允許自動分頁壓縮、 移除與寄發紀錄檔,也可設定在每天、每週、每個月、或紀錄檔到達一定的檔案大小 時進行處理。通常 logrotate 為每天的例行性命令工作。 Package: lsof Description-md5: 260a171702acdb4e7341e348f1538be4 Description-zh_TW: Utility to list open files Lsof 是 Unix 特有的診斷工具,全稱為「LiSt Open Files」,做的事情也 如其名所稱。它可以列出任何由正在系統執行的進程,所開啟中的檔案資訊。 Package: m4 Description-md5: c53f50cd9103ee8dc56a20d11403d2e5 Description-zh_TW: 一個巨集處理語言 GNU `m4' 是傳統 UNIX 巨集處理器的實作。它幾乎都和 SVR4 相容, 不過它有一些延伸功能(例如,可處理給巨集超過九個以上的 positional parameters)。`m4' 也有內建的函數,可以用來 include 檔案、 執行 shell 指令、做些運算之類的。Autoconf 需要 GNU `m4' 來產生 `configure' 指令稿,不過執行 configure 時並不需要。 Package: mail-stack-delivery Description-md5: 66dc59ce6cc06ae2193237ef1f865a88 Description-zh_TW: mail server delivery agent stack provided by Ubuntu server team Ubuntu's mail stack provides fully operational delivery with safe defaults and additional options. Out of the box it supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP services with SASL authentication and Maildir as default storage engine. . 本套件包含 dovecot 的設定檔案。 . This package modifies postfix's configuration to integrate with dovecot Package: makedev Description-md5: 0d90ffc36746b1d25c5b125ef2221357 Description-zh_TW: 在 /dev 裡建立裝置檔案 MAKEDEV 這個執行檔是用來建立裝置檔案,通常在 /dev 裡。 . 裝置檔案是讓應用軟體可以與硬體溝通的特殊檔案。 . This package is not necessary for most modern Linux systems, where the udev subsystem provides a more dynamic mechanism for device file management. Package: man-db Description-md5: 1784ddc55da0897a54ad44c7e0a7f547 Description-zh_TW: 檢視線上手冊的工具 本套件提供基本的線上文件檢閱命令 'man'、搜尋手冊資料庫指令 'whatis' 與 'apropos'、決定手冊搜尋路徑的 'manpath' 工具、以及手冊維護工具 'mandb'、 'catman'、與 'zsoelim'。man-db 使用 groff 套裝程式來編排與顯示手冊。 Package: manpages Description-md5: 3cdba21ee451777db03e5edc1ef4caa3 Description-zh_TW: GNU/Linux 系統使用手冊 This package contains GNU/Linux manual pages for these sections: 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). . 第 1、6、與第 8 章節為個別應用程式的使用手冊,本套件僅提供這些章節的簡介。 . 使用手冊同時也描述了幾個系統檔案的語法。 Package: manpages-dev Description-md5: cf1c6c793e29912851c104f462460d36 Description-zh_TW: 給開發者參考使用的 GNU/Linux 說明手冊 These man pages describe the Linux programming interface, including these two sections: 2 = Linux system calls. 3 = Library calls (note that a more comprehensive source of information may be found in the glibc-doc package). Package: mawk Description-md5: e02f3de1fa8a56e3f324f082c0c2e41f Description-zh_TW: 一種樣式掃描與文字處理程式語言 Mawk 是 AWK 程式語言的解譯器。AWK 語言對處理資料檔案和 文字擷取處理非常實用,也很適合製作演算法的雛型與實驗。 Mawk 是個新版的 awk, 實作了 1988 年 Addison-Wesley 出版的「AWK 程式語言」中, Aho、Kernighan、Weinberger 三人定義的 AWK 語言。 (這本書後來都被稱作 AWK 之書,the AWK book。) Mawk 完全實現 POSIX 1003.2 (draft 11.3) 定義的 AWK 語言, 其中少數特點並沒有在 AWK 之書中敘述。另外 mawk 還提供少量的擴充功能。 . Mawk 比 gawk 小多了,也快多了。不過它有一些編譯時期的限制, 例如 NF = 32767,還有 sprintf buffer = 1020。 Package: mime-support Description-md5: 6a960d88790635886bd17b629c708b8c Description-zh_TW: 'mime.types' 與 'mailcap' 等 MIME 檔案,以及支援程式 由於這些檔案,所有與 MIME 相容的程式都可以使用, 所以它們被移到自己的套件, 讓其它套件可以依賴使用。 . 其它套件可以用這裡提供的 "update-mime" 程式,登記它們自己為 viewers/editors/composers/etc。 . 此外,"see"、"edit"、"compose"、"print" 等指令可以根據 mime.types 及 mailcap 檔案的條目來決定使用的程式,分別可以顯示、 改變、 建立、及列印任何檔案。 Package: mount Description-md5: 46eb8e09a600d5eb98b6b40428349102 Description-zh_TW: 裝載工具及巧妙地處理檔案系統 這個套件提供 mount(8), umount(8), swapon(8), swapoff(8), 和 losetup(8)等指令. Package: mtools Description-md5: b3b35cc7d4e80f29d3aa9d91bdf899da Description-zh_TW: 處理 MSDOS 檔案的工具 Mtools 是一整套工具,讓 Unix 不用掛載就可以讀寫 MS-DOS 碟片。 它支援 Win'95 格式的長檔名、OS/2 的 Xdf 碟片、ZIP/JAZ 碟片、 還有 2m 的軟碟(在高密度 3 1/2 軟碟上儲存高達 1992kB 資料)。 . 這個套件也包含退片指令,還有處理 Zip 碟片的寫入和密碼保護管理。 Package: mtr-tiny Description-md5: 60a83ae2ec5f39fba9d1aecb545c9060 Description-zh_TW: ncurses 介面的全螢幕 traceroute (路由追蹤) 工具 mtr 結合 traceroute (路由追蹤) 與 ping 程式功能, 成為單一的網路診斷工具。 . 當 mtr 啟動時,它會檢查「執行 mtr 的主機」與「使用者指定的目標主機」 之間的網路連線。當它判定兩機器間每次網路跳躍(network hop)的位址後, 會送出一連串的 ICMP ECHO 要求給每台主機,以決定每台機器間的連線品質。 當它進行此項工作時,會顯示每台機器運行中的統計資料。 . mtr-tiny 編譯時取消了對 X 的支援,可節省磁碟空間。 Package: mutt Description-md5: a2a425952f4b623e21ee73d317640a85 Description-zh_TW: 以文字模式為基礎、支援 MIME、GPG、PGP、與多執行緒的郵件閱讀器 Mutt 是一套以文字模式為基礎的精密郵件傳輸代理程式。主要的特色有: . * MIME support (including RFC1522 encoding/decoding of 8-bit message headers and UTF-8 support). * PGP/MIME support (RFC 2015). * Advanced IMAP client supporting SSL encryption and SASL authentication. * POP3 support. * ESMTP support. * Message threading (both strict and non-strict). * Keybindings are configurable, default keybindings are much like ELM; Mush and PINE-like ones are provided as examples. * Handles MMDF, MH and Maildir in addition to regular mbox format. * Messages may be (indefinitely) postponed. * Colour support. * Highly configurable through easy but powerful rc file. Package: myspell-el-gr Description-md5: 3e60ad7a0abf018faf01b83d726435ea Description-zh_TW: myspell 使用的希臘語 (el_GR) 字典 This is the Greek (el_GR) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-lt Description-md5: 346973dc2246f468f7fa08afec8f19c1 Description-zh_TW: myspell 使用的立陶宛語 (LT) 字典 這個套件包含了 myspell 拼字校正程式所使用的立陶宛語字典檔。 及 mozilla 目前使用 myspell 為其內建的拼字校正程式。 Package: myspell-pl Description-md5: 7071c132c3552c83f99ff7c2dab98f11 Description-zh_TW: Polish dictionary for myspell 這個套件包含了 myspell 拼字校正程式所使用的波蘭語字典檔。 及 mozilla 目前使用 myspell 為其內建的拼字校正程式。 Package: myspell-uk Description-md5: 055184e8f2d270d0d114ef6eaa8eae5d Description-zh_TW: myspell 使用的烏克蘭語字典 這個套件包含了 myspell 拼字校正程式所使用的烏克蘭語字典檔。 及 mozilla 目前使用 myspell 為其內建的拼字校正程式。 Package: net-tools Description-md5: 003fb6a11fdb767fff574478588a3ca8 Description-zh_TW: NET-3 連線作業工具組 本套件包含控制 Linux 核心網路子系統的重要工具。包括 arp, ifconfig, netstat, rarp, nameif 與 route 等工具。此外,本套件還收錄特定網路設備相關的工具, 比如 plipconfig, slattach, mii-tool 等,以及高階 IP 設定工具 iptunnel 與 ipmaddr。 . 上游套件 'hostname' 與相關工具原屬於本套件。 自從出現特別的 "hostname*.deb" 後,這些工具便不是由本套件進行部署了。 Package: netbase Description-md5: 90e64df001afc51592384425bd1cc431 Description-zh_TW: 基本 TCP/IP 連線作業系統 本套件提供基於 TCP/IP 連線作業的基礎架構。 Package: nfs-common Description-md5: c2f5fd5a7d525f1cc35fbb49cc8628fd Description-zh_TW: 客戶端與伺服端共用的 NFS 支援檔案 Use this package on any machine that uses NFS, either as client or server. Programs included: lockd, statd, showmount, nfsstat, gssd, idmapd and mount.nfs. Package: nvidia-settings-experimental-304 Description-md5: c96f6882a9e1a80c82bef7983a0919b4 Description-zh_TW: 設定 NVIDIA 圖形驅動程式的工具 The nvidia-settings utility is a tool for configuring the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver. It operates by communicating with the NVIDIA X driver, querying and updating state as appropriate. This communication is done with the NV-CONTROL X extension. . Values such as brightness and gamma, XVideo attributes, temperature, and OpenGL settings can be queried and configured via nvidia-settings. Package: openssh-client Description-md5: 8cde3280ebad71c16b3e8c661dae6c6d Description-zh_TW: secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines 這是 OpenSSH 的可攜版,是 Secure Shell 協定(由 IETF secsh 工作群組定義) 的開放實作。 . Ssh (Secure Shell) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. It can be used to provide applications with a secure communication channel. . 這個套件提供 ssh、scp、sftp 等客戶端程式,ssh-agent 與 ssh-add 程式方便進行 公鑰認證, 還有 ssh-keygen 、ssh-keyscan、ssh-copy-id、ssh-argv0 等工具。 . 任何未經特別許可就使用的加密通訊,在某些國家可能是違法的。 . ssh replaces the insecure rsh, rcp and rlogin programs, which are obsolete for most purposes. Package: openssh-server Description-md5: 842cc998cae371b9d8106c1696373919 Description-zh_TW: secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines 這是 OpenSSH 的可攜版,是 Secure Shell 協定(由 IETF secsh 工作群組定義) 的開放實作。 . Ssh (Secure Shell) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. It can be used to provide applications with a secure communication channel. . This package provides the sshd server. . 任何未經特別許可就使用的加密通訊,在某些國家可能是違法的。 . sshd replaces the insecure rshd program, which is obsolete for most purposes. Package: openssl Description-md5: 977022bc5545601176b69704acc5df9b Description-zh_TW: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools This package contains the openssl binary and related tools. . 這是 OpenSSL 實作 SSL 技術的一部分。 . You need it to perform certain cryptographic actions like: - Creation of RSA, DH and DSA key parameters; - Creation of X.509 certificates, CSRs and CRLs; - Calculation of message digests; - Encryption and decryption with ciphers; - SSL/TLS client and server tests; - Handling of S/MIME signed or encrypted mail. Package: passwd Description-md5: 5bbd70e421ed3367a8299e53bd7afed4 Description-zh_TW: 更動、管理密碼及群組資料 這個套件包括有 passwd、chsh、chfn 及其它程式,用以維護密碼及 群組資料。 . 支援 shadow 密碼保護。請參閱 /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian。 Package: patch Description-md5: d56076980d5ce0f54f9dd685e6ca0ce7 Description-zh_TW: 在原始檔案套用 diff 檔 Patch 在原始檔案套用修補檔,產生修正後的版本。 修補檔是 diff 程式產生的,內含四種格式其中一種的 相異點列表。patch 可以讀取每一種格式。 Package: pciutils Description-md5: 4f7355c69571e79c2e4a6b4c231912e6 Description-zh_TW: Linux PCI 工具組 本套件包含了數個工具,讓你可以審視及設定 PCI bus 上的裝置。 Package: perl Description-md5: 72b5a936c16f145661f38ca7be7856d3 Description-zh_TW: Larry Wall 的實用萃取與報告語言(PERL) 一個直譯式指令稿語言,一些人認為它是 "Unix 的瑞士軍用萬能電鋸" . Perl 針對任意文字檔的掃描、還有系統管理作了最佳化。它有內建的 延伸常規表示式匹配取代、改善 setuid 指令稿安全性的資料流機制、 另外還能透過模組擴充,可產生 C 函式庫介面。 Package: perl-modules Description-md5: c6e30002bf62266bdbe810bfbeaf9586 Description-zh_TW: 核心 Perl 模組 不依賴特定硬體架構的 Perl 模組。這些模組是 Perl 的一部份, 如果安裝 `perl' 套件就必定需要。 . Note that this package only exists to save archive space and should be considered an internal implementation detail of the `perl' package. Other packages should not depend on `perl-modules' directly, they should use `perl' (which depends on `perl-modules') instead. Package: pitivi Description-md5: 23faa5d2e5b4845d687103b38e1a43fd Description-zh_TW: 使用 GStreamer 的非線性音訊/視訊編輯器 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . PiTiVi allows users to easily edit audio/video projects based on the GStreamer framework. PiTIVi provides several ways of creating and modifying a timeline. Ranging from a simple synopsis view (a-la iMovie) to the full-blown editing view (aka Complex View) which puts you in complete control of your editing. Package: printer-driver-gutenprint Description-md5: 5f4c29079db880e202fde946549381ae Description-zh_TW: CUPS 的印表機驅動程式 本套件包含基於 Gutenprint 的 CUPS 驅動程式。 . CUPS 驅動程式包含在 Gutenprint 支援印表機進行相片質素列印所需的全部檔案。更多有關「通用 UNIX 列印系統」 ("CUPS"),這個基於 IPP 的 UNIX/Linux 列印系統,的資訊見: . . Gutenprint is the print facility for the GIMP, and in addition a suite of drivers that may be used with common UNIX spooling systems using GhostScript or CUPS. These drivers provide printing quality for UNIX/Linux on a par with proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in many cases, and can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. Gutenprint was formerly known as Gimp-Print. Package: printer-driver-hpijs Description-md5: 834ddd3c67a566646f58f154d88d82ce Description-zh_TW: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs) This package contains an IJS printer driver for Ghostscript, which adds support for most inkjet printers and some LaserJet printers manufactured by HP. It is also required for HPLIP fax support. . The Debian package of hpijs includes the so-called rss patch, to use pure black ink instead of composite black in printers that don't do color map conversion in firmware. . HPIJS can take advantage of Ghostscript IJS KRGB support when available, to enhance black printing on printers that do color map conversion in firmware and are thus not affected by the old rss patch. . Users of the CUPS printing system are advised to also install the hplip package, and use the hp CUPS backend to send data to the printer. HPLIP supports USB, networked and parallel-port devices, and enables extended HPIJS functionality such as border-less printing. Selecting any hpijs ppd in CUPS will use hpijs automatically. . HPIJS 是設計來用於 foomatic 系統 (見 foomatic-filters 套件) Package: procmail Description-md5: 5fe1752f436b234d8c33cb0e7484299f Description-zh_TW: 多功能電子郵件處理器 本程式可用於建立郵件伺服器、通信論壇、整理寄進來的信件到不同的資料夾或 檔案 (在按優先順序處理郵件或訂閱一或數個通信論壇時尤其方便)、前置處理 郵件、當郵件到達時啟動任何程式 (例如根據不同的信件,在你的工作站上產生 不同的通報聲音)、或選擇性自動轉寄郵件給其他人。 Package: procps Description-md5: 943f3288c1aaa379fca73a3ff1a35278 Description-zh_TW: /proc 檔案系統工具 This package provides command line and full screen utilities for browsing procfs, a "pseudo" file system dynamically generated by the kernel to provide information about the status of entries in its process table (such as whether the process is running, stopped, or a "zombie"). . It contains free, kill, pkill, pgrep, pmap, ps, pwdx, skill, slabtop, snice, sysctl, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w, and watch. Package: python-pkg-resources Description-md5: 455aab7092c23bbca0a002df43ba97e4 Description-zh_TW: 以 pkg_resources 探索套件和存取資源 The pkg_resources module provides an API for Python libraries to access their resource files, and for extensible applications and frameworks to automatically discover plugins. It also provides runtime support for using C extensions that are inside zipfile-format eggs, support for merging packages that have separately-distributed modules or subpackages, and APIs for managing Python's current "working set" of active packages. Package: python3-pkg-resources Description-md5: 455aab7092c23bbca0a002df43ba97e4 Description-zh_TW: 以 pkg_resources 探索套件和存取資源 The pkg_resources module provides an API for Python libraries to access their resource files, and for extensible applications and frameworks to automatically discover plugins. It also provides runtime support for using C extensions that are inside zipfile-format eggs, support for merging packages that have separately-distributed modules or subpackages, and APIs for managing Python's current "working set" of active packages. Package: python3-software-properties Description-md5: 2404b69e069f73169a1d424cb63f1d53 Description-zh_TW: 管理您要從哪些套件庫安裝軟體 This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories. It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources. Package: readline-common Description-md5: c8e28b105311ffa41fe6e8f86c041f82 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, common files GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: reiserfsprogs Description-md5: 2e1145bff0ae4baf3abf769bcd287358 Description-zh_TW: ReiserFS 檔案系統工具組 這個套件包含了數個工具,可以建立、檢查 ReiserFS 檔案系統,並且可以用來調整 大小和進行 debug。 Package: rhythmbox Description-md5: 263e21c49721f582dd2ee234ff4fedb7 Description-zh_TW: GNOME 的音樂播放及管理程式 Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 Package: rhythmbox-data Description-md5: 42958a23b3c14ae41a3238d088043e3e Description-zh_TW: data files for rhythmbox Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains pictures, localization files and other data needed by rhythmbox. Package: rhythmbox-dbg Description-md5: 87449e19f7d68646c43a7a4928c93ea8 Description-zh_TW: debugging symbols for rhythmbox Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains the debugging symbols for rhythmbox. Package: rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder Description-md5: 2cf45d2d5fa6dfedb6016b170eb884a9 Description-zh_TW: burning plugin for rhythmbox music player Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains the brasero based CD/DVD burning plugin. Package: rhythmbox-plugin-magnatune Description-md5: 2ad125e6d8aa99c319445f880abc5307 Description-zh_TW: Magnatune plugin for rhythmbox music player Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains the Magnatune music store plugin. Package: rhythmbox-plugin-zeitgeist Description-md5: f41e70b13663f39808bfb029033e0aaa Description-zh_TW: zeitgeist plugin for rhythmbox music player Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains the zeitgeist logging plugin. Package: rhythmbox-plugins Description-md5: 1578eff573491ee3010556b2dc6019a1 Description-zh_TW: plugins for rhythmbox music player Rhythmbox 是個非常易用的音樂播放管理程式,支援相當多的音樂格式 (包括 mp3 和 ogg)。 介面設計受到 Apple 的 iTunes 啟發,目前的版本也支援網路電台、iPod 整合、一般的 可攜性音樂播放裝置、音樂 CD 燒錄、音樂 CD 播放、音樂分享,以及 Podcasts。 . This package contains the following plugins: - Cover art search - - Context Panel - DAAP Music Sharing - FM Radio - IM Status - Internet Radio - Song Lyrics - Notification - Python Console - LIRC - Send tracks - Replay Gain - MediaServer2 D-Bus interface - MPRIS D-Bus interface Package: sed Description-md5: 67b5a614216e15a54b09cad62d5d5afc Description-zh_TW: GNU sed 串流編輯器 sed 讀取特定檔案(如果沒指定檔案則讀取標準輸入),根據指令清單進行 編輯、更改,然後將結果寫到標準輸出。 Package: sharutils Description-md5: a3a4ed873198b8a52375099d19def9a1 Description-zh_TW: shar、unshar、uuencode、uudecode `shar' 顧名思義就是將許多檔案用殼子包起來,以備透過電子郵件服務傳送之用。 `unshar' 則幫助將接收到的資料去殼。其他相關的工具程式也能用於幫助其他工作。 . `uuencode' 使用忽略或損毀位元組中第八個位元 (高序位) 的方法使檔案經由 傳輸頻道傳送。`uudecode' 則是做相反的轉換工作。 Package: spamassassin Description-md5: dc09f4668ebbf8e10ef779ed26e5716c Description-zh_TW: 以 perl 為基礎使用文本分析的垃圾郵件過濾器 SpamAssassin (垃圾郵件刺客) 是一個非常強悍而且可完全自由設定的垃圾郵件過濾 器,它包含了許多特性,如:white-listing (白名單)、RBL testing (即時黑名單測 試)、Bayesian analysis (貝氏分析)、檔頭與郵件內容分析。雖然它被設計成透過使 用者的 .procmail 或 .forward 檔案呼叫,但也可以直接整合進郵件傳送代理 (MTA)。 . 包含在這個套件裡的是背景伺服版的 spamassassin (spamd),可以使用它的客戶端 (spamc) 透過 TCP 來使用,這麼做的好處是可用來降低每個郵件訊息需載入 perl 模 組的額外時間。為了這個優點,您必須安裝 spamc 套件。 Package: ss-dev Description-md5: 9f7a224dc59f72d5dc2ab6204013b575 Description-zh_TW: command-line interface parsing library - headers and static libraries 這個套件包含的工具可以解析指令表格、產生簡單的命令行介面 語法解析器(parser)。還有編譯及使用時所需的檔案和靜態聯結函式庫。 . 這個函式庫最初是受到 Multics 子系統函式庫的啟發。 . This package contains the development environment for the ss library. Package: strace Description-md5: 1b3bd3036843450c0ee018b1f88d7282 Description-zh_TW: 系統呼叫追蹤器 strace 是個系統呼叫追蹤器,換言之就是用於追蹤並列出由其他程序產生的 系統呼叫的除錯工具。使用時不需要將被追蹤的程式重新編譯,所以你依然可 用於二進位程式檔,即使你沒有程式的原始碼。 . 系統呼叫與信號是發生在使用者與核心介面的事件。在範圍內做更進一步的檢查 對程式錯誤的分離、理智檢驗、以及嘗試記錄競爭情形,是相當有用的。 Package: sudo Description-md5: acd82d558698567df941afe9b1ac35df Description-zh_TW: 針對特定使用者提供受限制的超級使用者權限 Sudo 是一個允許系統管理員開放給使用者受限的 root 權限,並紀錄 root 的動作的程式。 基本的哲學是:在盡量開放最少的權限之下,仍然讓使用者能完成他們的工作。 . This version is built with minimal shared library dependencies, use the sudo-ldap package instead if you need LDAP support for sudoers. Package: sysv-rc Description-md5: 195f2d617082a23f37cee0f50784eef9 Description-zh_TW: 與 System-V 相似的運作模式(runlevel)改變機制 This package provides support for the System-V like system for booting, changing runlevels, and shutting down, configured through symbolic links in /etc/rc?.d/. Package: tasksel Description-md5: 60dd85155b58c0e35083e848351ae922 Description-zh_TW: 在 Debian 系統上選擇安裝各種套件組合的工具 本套件提供 'tasksel' 簡單的介面,以便使用者為他們的系統安裝執行特定的工作。 Package: tasksel-data Description-md5: f50423a30414db0072803e0bf842ea21 Description-zh_TW: 安裝 Debian 系統時使用的官方任務選項(tasks) 這個套件包含了 Debian 系統能選擇的標準任務選項(tasks)資料。 Package: tcpd Description-md5: d52fad3ffb22dc8056c1ddced83af179 Description-zh_TW: Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities Wietse Venema 的網路紀錄器,亦稱為 TCPD 或 LOG_TCP。 . 這個程式會將連入的telnet、ftp、rsh、rlogin、finger… 等連線的客戶端主機名稱紀錄下來。 . Security options are: - access control per host, domain and/or service; - detection of host name spoofing or host address spoofing; - booby traps to implement an early-warning system. Package: telnet Description-md5: 13e2fd93c4633bde812f94ff8e412f05 Description-zh_TW: telnet 客戶端 telnet 指令使用 TELNET 協定與其它主機進行互動式溝通。 Package: texinfo Description-md5: 1c7c77fec8377bb6e9c62acc5e9736a6 Description-zh_TW: 線上資訊與列印輸出文件系統 Texinfo 是個僅使用單一來源檔案,就能產生線上資訊與列印輸出的文件系統。 . 你可以使用 Texinfo 建立具有一般特色的書籍文件,包括章節、區段、交互參照、 與索引。從相同的 Texinfo 來源檔案,你也可以建立一個具有檢點、目錄、交叉 參照、與索引的選項式線上 Info 檔案。 Package: time Description-md5: 3482b423b592147357279e93ec9d47e4 Description-zh_TW: GNU time program for measuring CPU resource usage The 'time' command runs another program, then displays information about the resources used by that program, collected by the system while the program was running. You can select which information is reported and the format in which it is shown, or have 'time' save the information in a file instead of display it on the screen. . The resources that 'time' can report on fall into the general categories of time, memory, I/O, and IPC calls. . GNU 版本的 `time' 可以任何方式、藉著使用 printf 特色格式化輸出,並加入各種 資源的測量資訊。 Package: transmission-gtk Description-md5: 52423a3999c0f65dec056093ec8c8539 Description-zh_TW: 輕量級 BitTorrent 客戶端 (GTK 介面) Transmission is a set of lightweight BitTorrent clients (in GUI, CLI and daemon form). All its incarnations feature a very simple, intuitive interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end. . This package contains the GTK stand-alone client. Package: tzdata Description-md5: a77a3cc9a67658dd7cfdc6547391b8f8 Description-zh_TW: 有關時區與日光節約時間的資料 這套件包含全球各地代表性地點的資料。這資料將會定期的更新, 以反應各地在時區界線、世界協調時(UTC)與日光節約規則所帶來 的改變。 Package: tzdata-java Description-md5: 811cf395ae4cc676283711d9bc20443f Description-zh_TW: time zone and daylight-saving time data for use by java runtimes 這套件包含全球各地代表性地點的資料。這資料將會定期的更新, 以反應各地在時區界線、世界協調時(UTC)與日光節約規則所帶來 的改變。 . This package contains the data for use by Java runtimes. Package: util-linux Description-md5: ed29c47368a140794fd6df09a19c1372 Description-zh_TW: 雜項系統工具 這個套件包含一些重要工具,其中大部份是用來維護你的系統。 這個套件裡一些較為重要的工具可以讓你分割你的硬碟、 查閱系統核心訊息、並建立新的檔案系統。 Package: vim Description-md5: 59e8b8f7757db8b53566d5d119872de8 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - 加強版 vi 編輯器 Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . 此套件所包含的版本僅提供相對一般的功能。此套件不提供圖形使用者介面(GUI) 版本的 Vim。如需更多(或更少)的功能,請參見其他 vim-* 套件。 Package: vim-common Description-md5: dc8579ec9ee0dc36b43d271645170c36 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - Common files Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains files shared by all non GUI-enabled vim variants (vim and vim-tiny currently) available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: manpages, common executables like xxd, and configuration files. Package: vim-dbg Description-md5: 0ede2a692dbe73f7b27a8750a774149c Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (debugging symbols) Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains gdb debugging symbols for the vim packages. Package: vim-doc Description-md5: 7ab878e2d7c8234499efd3d1f686daa2 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - HTML documentation Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains the HTML version of the online documentation. Package: vim-gnome Description-md5: cd4a76134bce59404c52749b68c94208 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains a version of vim compiled with a GNOME2 GUI and support for scripting with Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl. Package: vim-gui-common Description-md5: fb37e200739779358616f93cf24cfb10 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - Common GUI files Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, desktop environments settings, and menu entries. Package: vim-runtime Description-md5: 9955e4852adeb20e00e9b3a0614f19f7 Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - Runtime files Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . This package contains vimtutor and the architecture independent runtime files, used, if available, by all vim variants available in Debian. Example of such runtime files are: online documentation, rules for language-specific syntax highlighting and indentation, color schemes, and standard plugins. Package: vim-tiny Description-md5: eb95c193faecdde6a747ca9801ca82df Description-zh_TW: Vi IMproved - 加強版的 vi 編輯器 - 精簡版 Vim 是個幾乎與 UNIX Vi 相容的編輯器。 . 加入了許多新功能:多層次的動作復原、語法標記(syntax highlighting)、 命令列歷史記錄、線上說明、自動完成檔名、區塊命令、摺疊、Unicode支援等等。 . 這個套件包含了最精簡的Vim版本,以無圖形介面,以及小部份的功能選項編譯完 成,目的是為了要讓套件的大小儘可能的小。這個套件並不依賴vim- runtime套件, 但是如果你安裝 vim-runtime 套件的話,將可以得到額外的好處 (線上文件,插 件,...)。 Package: w3m Description-md5: e87701c222276aabaaad92868f1fd4b6 Description-zh_TW: 具出色的表格與框架支援的 WWW 可瀏覽閱讀器 w3m 是一套具 IPv6 支援的全球資訊網文字瀏覽器。 它具有相當傑出的表格與框架支援,亦可用於獨立執行的檔案閱讀器。 . * You can follow links and/or view images in HTML. * Internet message preview mode, you can browse HTML mail. * You can follow links in plain text if it includes URL forms. * With w3m-img, you can view inline images. Package: wamerican Description-md5: ea52704df710a9095c3201e3426ac6ff Description-zh_TW: /usr/share/dict 的美式英文字典語彙 這個套件提供 /usr/share/dict/american-english 這個檔案, 內含美式拼法的英文單字列表。這份列表可讓拼字檢查程式、 以及 look(1) 之類的程式使用。 . 另外還有 -small、-large、-huge 等大小不同版本的單字列表, 同時也有 wbritish*(英式英文) 及 wcanadian*(加拿大英文) 等套件。 Package: wamerican-huge Description-md5: 7b9e8c1686b63ee9ccfc218dd6bd1eb9 Description-zh_TW: /usr/share/dict 的美式英文字典語彙 This package provides the file /usr/share/dict/american-english-huge containing a list of English words with American spellings. This list can be used by spelling checkers, and by programs such as look(1). . This is an even larger list than the one installed by wamerican-large; nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small and standard versions of this word list, and there are wbritish* and wcanadian* packages as well. Package: wamerican-insane Description-md5: 2ef4d887ab1e548ed5cacf2a749a8479 Description-zh_TW: /usr/share/dict 的美式英文字典語彙 This package provides the file /usr/share/dict/american-english-insane containing a list of English words with American spellings. This list can be used by spelling checkers, and by programs such as look(1). . This is an even larger list than the one installed by wamerican-huge, and possibly contains invalid words (as well as words that are very uncommon). Nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small and standard versions of this word list, and there are wbritish* and wcanadian* packages as well. Package: wamerican-large Description-md5: 41b875a0e51934c13cde74f932a1a742 Description-zh_TW: /usr/share/dict 的美式英文字典語彙 This package provides the file /usr/share/dict/american-english-large containing a list of English words with American spellings. This list can be used by spelling checkers, and by programs such as look(1). . This is a larger list than the one installed by wamerican; nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -small and -huge version of this word list, and there are wbritish* and wcanadian* packages as well. Package: wamerican-small Description-md5: 1c81151a87971c46e958626cff3c1389 Description-zh_TW: /usr/share/dict 的美式英文字典語彙 This package provides the file /usr/share/dict/american-english-small containing a list of English words with American spellings. This list can be used by spelling checkers, and by programs such as look(1). . This is a smaller list than the one installed by wamerican; nothing prevents you installing both (and others) at the same time. . There are also -large and -huge version of this word list, and there are wbritish* and wcanadian* packages as well. Package: wget Description-md5: 63a4a740bcd9e8e94bf661e4f1806e02 Description-zh_TW: 從網路擷取檔案的工具 Wget is a network utility to retrieve files from the web using HTTP(S) and FTP, the two most widely used internet protocols. It works non- interactively, so it will work in the background, after having logged off. The program supports recursive retrieval of web-authoring pages as well as FTP sites -- you can use Wget to make mirrors of archives and home pages or to travel the web like a WWW robot. . Wget works particularly well with slow or unstable connections by continuing to retrieve a document until the document is fully downloaded. Re-getting files from where it left off works on servers (both HTTP and FTP) that support it. Both HTTP and FTP retrievals can be time stamped, so Wget can see if the remote file has changed since the last retrieval and automatically retrieve the new version if it has. . Wget 支援代理伺服器;使用這個功能可減輕網路負擔、增加擷取速度、並 提供在防火牆的環境內存取。 Package: whiptail Description-md5: 845a08009ef9f0ef4ecc0aedd3a36ffa Description-zh_TW: 由介殼腳本顯示友善的對話方塊 Whiptail 是一個使用 newt 而非 ncurses 的對話方塊替代方案。提供由介殼腳本 顯示多種不同類型對話方塊的方法。允許開發人員撰寫與使用者以更親切的方式來 互動的腳本。 Package: zlib1g Description-md5: 567f396aeeb2b2b63295099aed237057 Description-zh_TW: 壓縮函式庫 - 跑程式時用(runtime) zlib是在gzip和PKZIP中用到的演算法函式庫。本套件包括共享函式庫。 通常裝gzip或zip及相關套件時就會要妳裝了,很常用的。 Package: zsh-doc Description-md5: 9b5459fce7bedf54d5694a22e68389c7 Description-zh_TW: zsh 文件 - info/HTML 格式 Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features. . 此文檔包含在 GNU 資訊和 HTML 格式的文檔。 Package: libsfgcc1 Description-md5: 43ea4db117a79058f36e527188657f5b Description-zh_TW: GCC support library (soft float ABI) 共用版本的支援函式庫(內部副程式函式庫),GCC 用以解決特定機器的 不足、或某些語言的特殊需求。 Package: libsfstdc++6 Description-md5: 6e0045ee59c603d55d11c46ef5091159 Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (soft float ABI) 本套件包含用GNU編譯器編譯的C++程式執行時所需要的額外函式庫。 . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libsfstdc++6-4.7-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: lib64gcc1 Description-md5: 3fa6e907907011d66479852df2d160b2 Description-zh_TW: GCC support library (64bit) 共用版本的支援函式庫(內部副程式函式庫),GCC 用以解決特定機器的 不足、或某些語言的特殊需求。 Package: lib64readline-gplv2-dev Description-md5: 8cc45075e945d3b096b1308cf10078b5 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (64-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib64readline5 Description-md5: 00a13288424388ae43765b5040434241 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (64-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib64readline6 Description-md5: 00a13288424388ae43765b5040434241 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (64-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib64readline6-dev Description-md5: 8cc45075e945d3b096b1308cf10078b5 Description-zh_TW: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (64-bit) GNU readline 函式庫協助「需要提供命令行介面的不同程式」一致的 使用者介面。 . GNU history 函式庫提供一致的使用者介面,用以取回之前鍵入的輸入行。 Package: lib64stdc++6 Description-md5: 0b7bd88ae533336258d0ca3201397c0f Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (64bit) 本套件包含用GNU編譯器編譯的C++程式執行時所需要的額外函式庫。 . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: lib64stdc++6-4.7-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_TW: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3是從前一版g++-2.95的libstdc++-v2重寫而來。第一版的libstdc++-v3 是在g++-3.0中。 如果程式是用GNU編譯器編的,那它執行時就會需要這個套件。 Package: libc6-xen Description-md5: 9c83bb34c66439f4c333b8ab96e84d18 Description-zh_TW: Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries [Xen version] 內含系統裡幾乎所有程式都需要使用的標準函式庫。如同其它許多套件, 這個套件包含了共用版本的標準 C 函式庫,還有標準數學函式庫。 . This set of libraries is optimized for the Xen hypervisor, and will be selected instead when running under Xen. Package: binutils-spu Description-md5: 4e89b57caad5a98c31bb85ee97a40e16 Description-zh_TW: GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities targeted for spu-elf 本套件裡的程式可用於組譯、連結、處理可執行檔與 object 檔案。 它們可和編譯器及各種函式庫一起使用,來建置程式(build programs)。 . This package is needed to build programs for Cell Broadband Engine SPU processors. Package: mac-fdisk Description-md5: ba4a482929cda1dd943579bf6755d172 Description-zh_TW: Apple 磁碟分割區管理工具 為 Linux/m68k 改寫、MkLinux 專案的 fdisk 工具組。 Mac-fdisk 允許建立與編輯磁碟的分割表,僅支援用於 Macintosh 與 PowerMac 的 Apple 分割格式。而 pmac-fdisk 工具則支援用於 PowerPC 機器的 PC 分割格式磁碟。 Mac-fdisk 是一套具有相似於 PC fdisk 功能表的互動式工具,支援的選項因其處理的 分割格式與 PC fdisk 相異,而多有不同。 Package: powerpc-utils Description-md5: 8ad0c251369268a52c03aa654f88d167 Description-zh_TW: Linux/PowerPC 的各種工具 PowerPC 硬體上的 Linux 工具。 . mousemode - tell an ADB mouse to use a given device handler ID. nvsetenv - change/view Open Firmware environment variables. nvsetvol - set Open Firmware stored volume setting. clock - Hardware clock program for Power Macs. trackpad - modify PowerBook trackpad behavior (tap/drag mode). fblevel - control LCD/TFT display backlight brightness. fnset - set PowerBook keyboard function keys mode. lsprop - list OF device tree in human readable format autoboot - set autoboot (server mode) flag on CUDA PowerMacs bootsched - set automatic power up time on CUDA PowerMacs Package: yaboot Description-md5: 93593fecef5b00913400e5a6256696d6 Description-zh_TW: 又是另一個開機載入器 本套件包含一個用於 NewWorld 雜誌推薦的 Power Macintosh 電腦、與 IBM CHRP 電腦的開機載入器 'yaboot'。 . 它支援從多種不同的檔案系統載入核心,包括 ext2, ext3, xfs, 與 reiserfs, 而且也支援分離式 ramdisks 與雙重開機。