Package: a2mp3
Description-md5: 34bf9bfd666661d758f44878e99f4c46
Description-gl: programa para optimizar a súa música para un reprodutor de mp3
Este programiña pode decodificar varios formatos de audio nun mp3
optimizado adecuado para o seu reprodutor de mp3
Na actualidade recoñécense ogg e mp3 como formatos fonte.
Package: abs-guide
Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349
Description-gl: A Guía Avanzada dos Guións en Bash
Exploración profunda da arte dos guións de consola.
Este tutorial non asume nengún coñecemento previo de guións ou
programación, mais progresa rapidadamente cara un nivel
intermedio/avanzado de instrución... todo o tempo ollando para pequenos
fragmentos de sabedoría e tradición UNIX(R). Serve como libro de texto,
manual para estudo independente e como referencia e fonte de coñecemento
sobre as técnicas de escrita de guións de consola. Os exercicios e os
exemplos, con moitos comentarios, convidan a participación activa do
lector baixo a premisa de que o único xeito de aprender realmente sobre os
guións consiste en escribir guións.
Este libro é adecuado para ser utilizado na aula como introdución xeral
aos conceptos de programación.
Package: abuse-sfx
Description-md5: e09aa33ec5dfc9faf784cb20187575b2
Description-gl: efectos de son para Abuse
Este paquete contén efectos de son para o xogo Abuse. Os efectos de son
non son precisos para xogar a Abuse, mais contribúen para o ambiente do
xogo e danlle a vantaxe de poder ouvir a desagradábel creatura que se
agocha na esquina.
Package: acidrip
Description-md5: 7b51b0886d8128be34a9ec91ac750f53
Description-gl: ferramenta de extracción e codificación de DVDs que utiliza mplayer e mencoder
AcidRip is a Gtk::Perl application for ripping and encoding DVD's. It
neatly wraps MPlayer and MEncoder, which I think is pretty handy, seeing
as MPlayer is by far the best bit of video playing kit around for Linux.
As well as creating a simple Graphical Interface for those scared of
getting down and dirty with MEncoders command line interface, It also
automates the process in a number of ways:
Sitio web:
Package: agrep
Description-md5: 9be24e944ed9e33e495381c8828a2a36
Description-gl: ferramenta de busca de texto con soporte para patróns aproximados
agrep é unha versión do grep norrmal coas melloras seguintes:
* the ability to search for approximate patterns
* it is record oriented rather than just line oriented
* multiple patterns with AND OR logic queries
Este paquete contén a última versión libre de grep de glimpse (4.x).
Package: album
Description-md5: 9b6218fda3d13b37d56464a057a44ea5
Description-gl: Xerador de álbums de fotos en HTML que permite utilizar temas
Album é un guión en perl que pode crear álbums de fotos en HTML para os
seus directorios de imaxes. Permite empregar temas que determinen a
aparencia visual dos álbums. Album crea miniaturas se se precisa e
versións de "tamaño medio" das imaxes para velas na web e evitar así
descargas grandes das imaxes orixinais. Pode tamén personalizar os seus
álbums de fotos doutras moitas maneiras.
Este programa non require un servidor web para funcionar. Unha vez xerado
o HTML, pódese pór no directorio "www".
Captura de pantalla:
Package: alien-arena
Description-md5: 47823b2859eb6b755a4964a82d53d164
Description-gl: Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit
graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water,
hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA
pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.
Este paquete instala o cliente SDL de Alien Arena.
Package: alien-arena-data
Description-md5: e036c4aba9e5fee7ef1e4d2b9286f22a
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos de xogo de Alien Arena
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit
graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water,
hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA
pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.
This package installs the data, botinfo, and arena files needed to run
Alien Arena.
Package: alien-arena-server
Description-md5: f4a775dfc909f96d9fd86524249092dc
Description-gl: Servidor dedicado para Alien Arena
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit
graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water,
hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA
pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.
Este paquete instala o servidor dedicado para Alien Arena
Package: alsa-firmware-loaders
Description-md5: 631dd818c28b45f8af844a1ba49ddcd6
Description-gl: Cargadores de software de ALSA para hardware específico
Colectánea de cargadores de software para hardware específico
cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program
hdsploader - firmware loader for the RME Hammerfall DSP cards
mixartloader - firmware loader for Digigram's miXart board sound drivers
pcxhrloader - firmware loader for Digigram pcxhr compatible soundcards
sscape_ctl - SoundScape control utility and firmware loader
usx2yloader - firmware loader for Tascam USX2Y USB soundcards
vxloader - firmware loader for Digigram VX soundcards
Package: amiwm
Description-md5: dbc26246fea66e38d2fa982621ffcb8b
Description-gl: O xestor de xanelas semellante a Amiga
Este é amiwm, un xestor de xanelas X que tenta que a súa estación de
traballo se pareza a un Amiga. "Por que?", pregunta. Porque así o quixo o
autor. Eilo!
Package: amoeba
Description-md5: 47f949a6551cdfd29aa3814c613d56bb
Description-gl: fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess
Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess,
showing realtime graphics effects in perfect sync with music. It features
a full customizable demo engine, several visual effects, lots of graphics
and a pumping soundtrack.
Amoeba won first prize in the demo competition at Underscore 02, a
demoscene party held in Gothenburg, Sweden (
Teña en conta que este é só o motor de demostración -- para ollar a
demostración mesma precisará tamén do paquete amoeba-data.
Package: amoeba-data
Description-md5: 034c9cfac5217a9a6eb4db71c1f05423
Description-gl: Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess (data)
Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess,
showing effects using your 3D card in perfect sync with Ogg Vorbis music.
It features a full XML-scripted GPLed demo engine, several object
manipulations, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack.
Amoeba won first price in the demo competition at Underscore 02, a
sceneparty held in Joenkoeping, Sweden (
Este paquete contén os datos precisos para a demostración -- para ver a
demostración tamén precisará do paquete amoeba, que contén o motor da
Package: angband
Description-md5: 8c28c3165375c3a7c07f87a7bf48217e
Description-gl: A single-player, text-based, dungeon simulation game.
Angband is a single-player, text-based, dungeon simulation derived from
the game Moria, which was in turn based on Rogue. It is often described as
a "roguelike" game because the look and feel of the game is still quite
similar to Rogue.
Angband features many enhancements over Moria: unique foes, artifacts,
monster pits and vaults to name a few. Many of these new creatures and
objects are drawn from the writings of J.R.R Tolkien, although some of the
monsters come straight from classical mythology, Dungeons & Dragons,
Rolemaster, or the minds of the original Angband coders.
The ultimate goal of the game is to develop a character strong enough to
defeat Morgoth, who resides on dungeon level 100. Upon doing so, you will
receive the exalted status of "winner" and your character may retire.
Angband é unha referencia á "prisión de ferro" de Morgoth
Morgoth was 'the Dark Enemy of Middle-Earth' during its First Age. He was
banished by the Valar (offspring of Eru, "god" of J.R.R. Tolkien's world)
at the end of the First Age and thus never appears in The Lord of the
Rings, set during the Third Age. Sauron, who does figure into those tales,
was the most powerful of his servants. Read Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion'
for more on the legends of Middle-Earth.
Package: atari800
Description-md5: 5c0b7449606cb360320f43641ea18b9e
Description-gl: Emulador de Atari para X/curses/SDL
Este é un emulador de Atari que pode empregar X, curses normais ou SDL.
Pode emular os sistemas Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE, e 5200.
As ROMs do Sistema Operativo Atari non están disponíbeis con este paquete
debido ao seu copyright. Terá que facer copias delas desde un computador
Atari vello ou consultar README.Debian para ver outras maneiras de
Package: atmel-firmware
Description-md5: 9ebc545ff4fb8aff2093d26a803a820a
Description-gl: Firmware para os chips de rede sen fíos Atmel at76c50x
The drivers for these chips in the Linux 2.6.x kernel do not include the
firmware; this firmware needs to be loaded by the host on most cards using
these chips. This package provides the firmware images which should be
automatically loaded as needed by the hotplug system. It also provides a
small loader utility which can be used to accomplish the same thing when
hotplug is not in use.
Package: autodir
Description-md5: 0b6913d4b30fa8f1270054260e535bdb
Description-gl: Crea os directorios home e group automaticamente para as contas LDAP/NIS/SQL/local.
A modular and thread-enabled tool to create and/or mounting and managing
automagically and transparently user/group home directories, on demand.
Pode funcionar con calquera infraestrutura de autenticación (por exemplo,
ficheiros de sistema, NIS, LDAP ou SQL) e non require PAM, que é algo
requirido polos servizos sen sesión como os dos servidores de smtp.
Automounter versión 4 (autofs4) ten que estar habilitado ao compilar o
kernel. Os kernels empaquetados por Debian téñeno habilitado como módulo.
Package: avidemux
Description-md5: e7e5d19d08ac3181ccb244d7a40fd2fd
Description-gl: a free video editor - GTK version
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
Este paquete contén a versión clásica con interface GTK+.
Package: avidemux-cli
Description-md5: 5a2d5b246e3b07aae2cc7050db40b607
Description-gl: editor de vídeo libre - versión da liña de comandos
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
Este paquete contén a versión da liña de comandos.
Package: avidemux-common
Description-md5: 695f7fc668b852bd3727fad9a0817aa2
Description-gl: editor de vídeo libre
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de internacionalización precisos para
traducir as cadeas de avidemux a outras linguas.
Package: avidemux-plugins-cli
Description-md5: e407c57da6a4d3a74b2fd8be636cb1dc
Description-gl: a free video editor - CLI plugins
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
This package includes plugins to extend the functionality of Avidemux CLI.
Package: avidemux-plugins-common
Description-md5: deb182dd1abeabda1b9456afcf1115f0
Description-gl: a free video editor - common files for plugins
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
This package includes common files for plugins to extend the functionality
of Avidemux and should not be installed directly.
Package: avidemux-plugins-gtk
Description-md5: f24e9fba8da41a9028c3e62bb2e3f3fe
Description-gl: a free video editor - GTK plugins
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
This package includes plugins to extend the functionality of Avidemux.
Package: avidemux-plugins-qt
Description-md5: 62902fd199fb9605bc40bbab652709b9
Description-gl: a free video editor - Qt plugins
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
This package includes plugins to extend the functionality of Avidemux Qt.
Package: avidemux-qt
Description-md5: 7aab8f3cac6ba500009d8bb04868570e
Description-gl: a free video editor - QT version
Avidemux é un editor de vídeo libre deseñado para tarefas de recorte,
filtraxe e codificación sinxelas. Acepta moitos tipos de ficheiros,
incluídos AVI, ficheiros MPEG compatíbeis con DVD, MP4 e ASP usando varios
codecs. Pódense automatizar as tarefas empregando proxectos, cola de
espera e potentes capacidades de guións.
This package contains the QT4 version.
Package: avifile-divx-plugin
Description-md5: d32f05f7848846a3dfbfa844cc71a16f
Description-gl: Engadido de des/cifrado de vídeo Divx4linux para libavifile
Extensión para codificar vídeo DivX4. AVISO:
Esta extensión require a instalación separada da libraría
libdivxdecore e libdivxencore, que non é parte deste paquete
nen mesmo de Debian. Vexa a documentación para máis detalles
acerca de como obter esta libraría.
En xeral non lle fará falta esta extensión.
Package: avifile-win32-plugin
Description-md5: b3d4798f7de0c9e2e5cead522e957ba8
Description-gl: Engadido de audio/video Win32 para libavifile
Este paquete fornece un engadido para que a biblioteca avifile comprima e
descomprima os fluxos de audio/video coa axuda das bibliotecas DLL
(códecs) Win32 (i386). A súa colocación por omisión é /usr/lib/win32.
Os codecs Win32 NON fan parte deste paquete e hainos que baixar
por separado! Vexa a documentación ou páxinas www para máis detalles.
Package: avifile-xvid-plugin
Description-md5: d1c1d51ea5279d68547d3804315bd5a0
Description-gl: Engadido de codificación de vídeo XviD para libavifile
Engadido para codificar vídeo DivX4. AVISO:
Este engadido require a instalación por separado da biblioteca libxvidcore 1.0
que non fai parte deste paquete nen do mesmo Debian oficial.
Vexa a documentación para máis detalles.
En xeral non se precisa este engadido.
Package: axe
Description-md5: 841b7ce455d757eeee82c56dc6d29bc5
Description-gl: Editor para X
aXe é un editor de texto para X simple de utilizar que representa unha mellora notoria sobre o xedit. Tamén está construído arredor do Widget de Texto Athena, inclúe, entre outras cousas,
o varias xanelas, búfers
o menús configurábeis, interface de botóns configurábeis opcional
o posibilidade de definir macros de teclado
o selección de ficheiros mediante un navegador
o emparellado de parénteses, procura por expresións regulares
o operacións de desfacer restrinxidas ou ilimitadas
o posibilidade de mudar de tipo de letra
o axuda en liña (hipertexto) tanto breve como completa
Package: cbedic
Description-md5: 56a857f9100ac90cb66b2b50caddba94
Description-gl: Dicionario búlgaro/inglés en modo texto
CBE Dictionary é un dicionario electrónico búlgaro-inglés e inglés-búlgaro
para a liña de comandos. Tamén pode funcionar en modo interactivo.
The dictionary databases are not included in this package. You have to
download bedic-data-4.0.tar.gz from
Install the files bg_en.dat and en_bg.dat in /usr/local/share/bedic.
Package: celestia-common-nonfree
Description-md5: 81a1b05f0c28026e5415782fca13a155
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos non libres para Celestia, unha simulación espacial visual en tempo real
Celestia é un programa libre de astronomía en 3D. Baseado no Catálogo
Hipparcos, permite que os usuarios mostren obxectos que van desde os
satélites artificiais a galaxias enteiras en tres dimensións empregando
OpenGL. Ao contrario da maioría do software de planetarios, os usuario ten
a liberdade de viaxar polo Universe.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos de Celestia que non teñen unha
licenza compatíbel con DFSG ou que é pouco clara.
Package: chaplin
Description-md5: 4b291946f818007dc5a07f07b10f6fbb
Description-gl: Extractor de capítulos de DVD
Esta ferramenta examina un disco ou imaxe DVD e extrae a duración exacta
de cada capítulo dun título dado. A continuación parte a lista total de
capítulos nun número de subconxuntos que o usuario pode seleccionar. Cada
subconxunto debería ter aproximadamente a mesma duración.
Package: ckermit
Description-md5: 221c08bc682379fe4555055f93a9f907
Description-gl: un paquete de comunicacións en serie e en rede
C-Kermit é un paquete de software de comunicación en serie e en rede que
ofrece un enfoque consistente, independente do medio e válido para
distintas plataformas ao establecemento das conexións, as sesións de
terminal, a transferencia de ficheiros, a tradución dos conxuntos de
caracteres e a automatización das tarefas de comunicación.
Package: cl-umlisp
Description-md5: 7ff176bb71f59c99461bfe19d34e14a0
Description-gl: Interface en Common Lips para o Sistema de Linguaxe Médica Unificada
O Sistema de Linguaxe Médica Unificado é unha base de datos de
terminoloxía médica de moitos gigabytes. Esta é unha interface para
programas en Common Lips que emprega o motor de bases de datos SQL e meta-
clases de Common Lips para un acceso e formatado eficientes.
Package: cl-umlisp-orf
Description-md5: c44971cf3a195f09d840aa43bab1c8a5
Description-gl: Interface en Common Lisp do Sistema de Linguaxe Médica Unificado, ORF
O Sistema de Linguaxe Médica Unificado é unha base de datos de
terminoloxía médica de moitos gigabytes. Esta é unha interface para
programas en Common Lips que emprega o motor de bases de datos SQL e meta-
clases de Common Lips para un acceso e formatado eficientes. Este paquete
recoñece os ficheiros en Formato de Publicación Orixinal (ORF, Original
Release Format).
Package: cltl
Description-md5: 981097f297a723afe41afec3b96d5a27
Description-gl: Common Lisp a Linguaxe, segunda edición, libro (Pre-ANSI)
This package installs the HTML version of Guy L. Steele book Common Lisp
the Language, second edition. This book describes a snapshot of the Common
Lisp language during the period that the ANSI Common Lisp standard was
created. Thus, this book describe a NON-STANDARD version of Common Lisp
which is similar to, but is *NOT*, ANSI Common Lisp.
Como referencia sobre o Common Lisp de ANSI, use o paquete Debian
"hyperspec". Este libro inclúese en Debian porque, ainda que difire do
estándar ANSI, ten máis detalles que o "hyperspec" acerca do deseño e uso
de Lisp.
Este paquete non contén os ficheiros en HTML reais, senón que descarrega o
arquivo HTML da Internet e instálao a continuación.
Package: conserver-client
Description-md5: b9cc2e709d8b33dfd2ec4626d89d6cb5
Description-gl: conectar a un servidor de consola
Conserver é unha aplicación que permite que varios usuarios vexan unha
consola serie ao mesmo tempo. Pode rexistrar os datos, o que permite que
os usuarios tomen o acceso de escrita dunha consola (un de cada vez) e
dispón de varios timbres que acentúan a funcionalidade básica. A idea é
que conserver rexistrará todo o seu tráfico en serie para que poida volver
e examinar cando fallou algo, mirar os cambios (se se fixeron na consola)
ou ligar os rexistros da consola ao sistema de vixilancia (simplemente
vixiar os ficheiros de rexistro que crea). Coas capacidades para varios
usuarios, vostede pode traballar en equipo con outros, titorar, ensinar,
etc. Tamén fai todo o de clinte-servidor, de maneira que, se vostede
dispón dunha conexión de rede, poderá interactuar con calquera do equipo
desde a casa ou desde onde sexa.
Esta é a parte cliente do sistema conserver.
Package: conserver-server
Description-md5: e3162cc0887da73106fabc4b43ea815f
Description-gl: conectar varios usurios a unha consola en serie con rexistro
Conserver é unha aplicación que permite que varios usuarios vexan unha
consola serie ao mesmo tempo. Pode rexistrar os datos, o que permite que
os usuarios tomen o acceso de escrita dunha consola (un de cada vez) e
dispón de varios timbres que acentúan a funcionalidade básica. A idea é
que conserver rexistrará todo o seu tráfico en serie para que poida volver
e examinar cando fallou algo, mirar os cambios (se se fixeron na consola)
ou ligar os rexistros da consola ao sistema de vixilancia (simplemente
vixiar os ficheiros de rexistro que crea). Coas capacidades para varios
usuarios, vostede pode traballar en equipo con outros, titorar, ensinar,
etc. Tamén fai todo o de clinte-servidor, de maneira que, se vostede
dispón dunha conexión de rede, poderá interactuar con calquera do equipo
desde a casa ou desde onde sexa.
Esta é a parte servidor do sistema conserver.
Package: context-nonfree
Description-md5: 310bf479c0b4cec06f1a7d79420bb2f5
Description-gl: Elementos non libres da distribución ConTeXt
A distribución ConTeXt contén algunhas fotnes tipográficas que non se
consideran libres desde a perspectiva de Debian e que se inclúen aquí.
Package: crossvc
Description-md5: 71c1f8046f604bc3b8a5cd0de94de409
Description-gl: interface gráfica de CVS
CrossVC mellora a facilidade de uso de CVS (Sistema de Versións
Concorrentes) ao fornecer unha interface gráfica sinxela e intuitiva para
With the GUI and mouse, you can quickly and easily review the CVS status
of files or groups of files or of entire directory trees. You can also
quickly initiate common CVS commands without the need for typing long
command lines with many option flags.
Package: dahb-html
Description-md5: 7fb1f013bfc54a05abf657ab6000e563
Description-gl: Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch
Libro sobre Debian en alemán.
Este libro describe a instalación da distribución de Linux Debian e a
continuación guía na instalación de máis paquetes e a súa configuración
até un sistema completo e razoabelmente construído.
Package: darksnow
Description-md5: 2141573fbbeacbd9c89de6914798e19b
Description-gl: interface gráfica de usuaria sinxela para darkice
DarkSnow is a graphical interface written in GTK+2 for the darkice live
Package: devede
Description-md5: 0dfcb39897aba20751bef5c23ad113fe
Description-gl: simple application to create Video DVDs
DeVeDe é un programa para crear DVDs de vídeo. adecuados para reprodutores
de DVD, a partir de calquer cantidade de ficheiros de vídeo, en calquera
dos formatos recoñecidos por Mplayer.
It allows user to create subtitles and even menus.
Package: dgen
Description-md5: 20fefa819f9825cdf1e7c02d1ddb9173
Description-gl: Emulador do Genesis/MegaDrive de Sega
DGen/SDL is an emulator for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive game console. It
can be used to play many games, none of which are included in this
package. It supports save states, full screen mode, interlace mode, Game
Genie, joystick, compressed ROM images, and more.
Package: distributed-net
Description-md5: 9545784f9afb64749d366694bd0672ca
Description-gl: doar ciclos sen usar da CPU - cliente para
Doe os seus ciclos de CPU extra para unha causa que paga a pena!
. started in 1997 as a project whose purpose was to win a
series of contests sponsored by RSA Data Security Inc., to crack their RC5
encryption by brute-force methods. These contests were meant to show
governments of nations such as the United States, who limit exports or use
of cryptography, that the standards allowed are too weak for general use.
Since this time, has changed their focus from solely
cracking RSA's RC5 and DES projects to working on more diverse distributed
computing problems.
The ongoing projects are RC5-72 and Optimal Golomb Rulers (25-mark), the
latter of which has practical applications in science. There are also a
number of other projects which are either periodic or upcoming. You may
choose which project you wish to participate in.
By installing this package, unused CPU cycles on your computer will be
used to work on cracking the code. There should be no noticeable slowdown
of your system, since the client runs niced, and only uses CPU time when
your computer would otherwise be idle.
Para máis información, vexa
Package: doc-linux-nonfree-html
Description-md5: 85ca9d640f6bbfd96c0d896e2073f488
Description-gl: COMOs de Linux en formato HTML (non libres)
O paquete doc-linux-nonfree-html fornece a porción non libre dos COMOs de
Linux actuais en formato HTML. Como alternativa, disponse de versións en
ASCII no paquete doc-linux-nonfree-text.
O número da versión reflicte o mes no que se creou doc-linux-nonfree.html.
Todos os ficheiros están disponíbeis en (con versións
en ASCII, DVI, HTML, postscript e SGML).
Os documentos deste paquete non cumpren as Directrices de Software Libre
de Debian por varias razóns. Na maioría débese a restricións
significativas sobre a modificación ou a redistribución comercial,
nengunha das cales se pode permitir nos paquetes da distribución
principal. Vexa /usr/share/doc/doc-linux-nonfree-html/copyright para os
detalles completox.
Package: doc-linux-nonfree-text
Description-md5: 553aeb6a0337babb0d79723842c0e374
Description-gl: COMOs de Linux en formato ASCII (non libres)
O paquete doc-linux-nonfree-text fornece a porción non libre dos COMOs de
Linux actuais en formato ASCII. Como alternativa, disponse de versións en
HTML no paquete doc-linux-nonfree-html.
O número da versión reflicte o mes no que se creou doc-linux-nonfree.text.
Todos os ficheiros están disponíbeis en (con versións
en ASCII, DVI, HTML, postscript e SGML).
Os documentos deste paquete non cumpren as Directrices de Software Libre
de Debian por varias razóns. Na maioría débese a restricións
significativas sobre a modificación ou a redistribución comercial,
nengunha das cales se pode permitir nos paquetes da distribución
principal. Vexa /usr/share/doc/doc-linux-nonfree-html/copyright para os
detalles completox.
Package: doc-rfc
Description-md5: 725e868f4f3a384c34df65c4943cb044
Description-gl: Pseudo-Paquete de Migración
This package pulls in some of the new doc-rfc-xxx packages (those that
most closely correspond to the old doc-rfc package)
It is otherwise useless and can be removed.
Package: doc-rfc-0001-0999
Description-md5: 4dfa6df6886c04642d5ff7644cc4555d
Description-gl: Outras RFCs.
RFCs que non están en ningún dos outros paquetes
Package: doc-rfc-1000-1999
Description-md5: 4dfa6df6886c04642d5ff7644cc4555d
Description-gl: Outras RFCs.
RFCs que non están en ningún dos outros paquetes
Package: doc-rfc-2000-2999
Description-md5: 4dfa6df6886c04642d5ff7644cc4555d
Description-gl: Outras RFCs.
RFCs que non están en ningún dos outros paquetes
Package: doc-rfc-3000-3999
Description-md5: 4dfa6df6886c04642d5ff7644cc4555d
Description-gl: Outras RFCs.
RFCs que non están en ningún dos outros paquetes
Package: doc-rfc-experimental
Description-md5: a7c3ae94530ab6a07bdc78998c830e16
Description-gl: RFCs experimentais
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Experimental
Package: doc-rfc-fyi-bcp
Description-md5: 28fd9942f37a29b3bd3059456ff36a60
Description-gl: RFC FYI e BCP
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Subserie Para a súa información (FYI) * Subserie Mellor práctica
actual (BCP)
Package: doc-rfc-misc
Description-md5: 6ae78c8cf29f15e4b2e8edbd9d19a872
Description-gl: RFCs diversas
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Históricos * borradores que están actualmente na fila de publicación
do Editor de RFC
Package: doc-rfc-old-std
Description-md5: 5d1f87e0bd01bc94f69e659ad824efea
Description-gl: RFC padrón antigas
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Padróns obsoletos
* Borradores de padróns obsoletos
* Padróns propostos obsoletos
Package: doc-rfc-std
Description-md5: a3263c6a253108e3e8231e681c315abd
Description-gl: RFC padrón
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Padrón * Borrador de Padrón
Package: doc-rfc-std-proposed
Description-md5: 4192a9f05bdab75a2a18d41b38c32980
Description-gl: RFC Padrón Propostas
Inclúense as categorías seguintes:
* Stándar Proposto
Package: dosemu
Description-md5: 6640a84a45aee5bf7d9f8479edf25ce6
Description-gl: O Emulador de DOS de Linux
DOSEMU é unha aplicación Emuladora de PC que permite que Linux execute un sistema operativo DOS nunha máquina virtual x86. Isto permítelle executar moitas aplicacións para DOS.
- Cor de texto e emulación completa do teclado (mediante atallos) mediante terminal.
- Soporte integrado de X, inclúe a fonte de conxunto de caracteres IBM.
- Capacidade gráfica na consola coa maioría das tarxetas de vídeo compatíbeis.
- Soporte DPMI para que poida executar DOOM.
- Soporte para CDROM.
- Soporte integrado para IPX e pktdrvr.
Package: dvd-slideshow
Description-md5: 5b65c8ce2bd234b8ef8f0a61c19cb34f
Description-gl: ferramentas para crear presentacións de imaxes en dvd con menús
This is the main script. It generates a DVD-compatible MPEG2 video file
with audio from a text file input listing of pictures and effects.
Creates a simple DVD menu with buttons that link to MPEG2 files generated
with dvd-slideshow or ones that you have created yourself.
Instead of a GUI to create slideshows, I already have almost everything
set up from my web page that uses the Gallery program. I figured it
wouldn't be that hard to just get a listing of all the images in a given
album (sub-albums not supported!) and to generate an appropriate input
file to dvd-slideshow.
Does the same thing as gallery2slideshow, but works on a jigl gallery
Package: dvdrip-doc
Description-md5: bea1cc4266ee18fcfb2eeb922bc255e5
Description-gl: Documentación de dvd::rip
dvd::rip é un programa de copia de DVD con todas as funcións escrito en
Perl. Fornece unha interface gráfica en Gtk+ doada de usar e chea de
funcións para controlar practicamente todos os aspectos do proceso de
extracción e transcodificación. Emprega a tan coñecida navalla suíza do
procesamento de vídeo transcode e moitas outras ferramentas de Código
This package contains user documentation in HTML format.
Package: dvdrtools
Description-md5: 7449c261193930ea885827e1771c3929
Description-gl: programa para escribir DVDs
Este paquete permítelle crear tanto CDs como DVDs utilizando gravadoras.
Permite escribir discos de datos, audio mesturado, multi-sesión, CD-R(W)
and DVD-R(W) na maioría das gravadoras de CD e DVD.
Package: eagle
Description-md5: a07a133e2911703c2d0fce35133cb315
Description-gl: Ferramenta de deseño de circuítos impresos
Eagle includes a layout editor, schematic editor, and an autorouter. The
following limitations apply to the EAGLE Light Edition: The usable board
area is limited to 100 x 80 mm (4 x 3.2 inches). Only two signal layers
can be used (Top and Bottom). The schematic editor can only create one
Package: eagle-data
Description-md5: 6f6960f19cd2c71411497cb4bb7a8105
Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos de Eagle
Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de datos de Eagle
Eagle includes a layout editor, schematic editor, and an autorouter. The
following limitations apply to the EAGLE Light Edition: The usable board
area is limited to 100 x 80 mm (4 x 3.2 inches). Only two signal layers
can be used (Top and Bottom). The schematic editor can only create one
Package: easyspice
Description-md5: e3bf95b7d200e92a4729519ae2d78807
Description-gl: Interface gráfica para o simulador Spice
Easyspice é unha interface gráfica para o simulador de circuítos
eléctricos Spice. Por omisión conéctase co paquete geda e ngspice mais
tamén se pode empregar como interface para outros programas simuladores de
Package: ebook-dev-alp
Description-md5: 66528f58aed47826b9d2954e3852d251
Description-gl: [EBOOK-DEV] Programación Avanzada en Linux
Se vostede axuda co desenvolvemento do sistema GNU/Linux, este libro vaino
axudar a_
Develop GNU/Linux software that works the way users expect it to. Write more sophisticated programs with features such as
multiprocessing, multi-threading, interprocess communication, and
interaction with hardware devices.
Improve your programs by making them run faster, more reliably, and
more securely.
Understand the peculiarities of a GNU/Linux system, including its
limitations, special capabilities, and conventions.
Advanced Linux Programming is published under the Open Publication
License, Version 1, no options exercised. (Due to an oversight in final
production, the copyright notice on the book is incorrect.) The full text
may be downloaded from this site. Code samples in the book are covered by
the GNU General Public License and are also available.
Package: exult-studio
Description-md5: b96426a2aeff3b728a587ea2ed27257f
Description-gl: tools for editing and viewing exult games
expack - Command line tool for creating and extracting Flex (.flx)
files. Flex files are used by Ultima 7 to store most
of its data.
splitshp - Command line tool to take a multi-frame shp file and
split it into its individual frames.
shp2pcx - Command line tool to convert shp files to pcx format;
the shp files can be extracted using expack.
ucxt - Tool to translate usecode back into `human readable',
roughly assembly like code. The output can be presented
in a variety of different format, including one which
will, later, have a suitable compiler back into usecode.
ucc - A usecode compiler.
exult_studio - An editor for games using the Exult engine.
These are all works in progress.
A GIMP plugin is provided, so that if you have the GIMP installed you can
edit and create game graphics with it.
Package: faac
Description-md5: b6b241b1f4697489dd37b2313d4e7250
Description-gl: an AAC audio encoder
FAAC currently supports MPEG-4 LTP, MAIN and LOW COMPLEXITY object types
and MAIN and LOW MPEG-2 object types. It also supports multichannel and
gapless encoding.
Páxina web:
Package: festlex-oald
Description-md5: ce5877e81c377e82a4e6185ed2605182
Description-gl: Festival lexicon from Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary
Un léxico para festival derivado do dicionario Oxford Advanced Learners'
Este é un dicionario de pronuncia que lle axuda a festivar a pronunciar
texto en inglés con acento británico.
Package: gfaim
Description-md5: de68bfc4138daa548b56a361621cb948
Description-gl: Unha pequena utilidade que permite atopar rapidamente moitas receitas
Gfaim é unha pequena utilidade escrita usando GTK+ que permite atopar
moitas receitas doadamente escribindo o nome do ingrediente que se queira.
A base de datos contén máis de 10.000 receitas. Teña en conta que as
receitas están escritas en francés.
Este paquete contén os binarios de gfaim
Package: gfaim-data
Description-md5: 6fa7b84091b0a35267bf9a607c4f5606
Description-gl: Utilidade que permite atopar un monte de receitas escritas en francés
Gfaim é unha pequena utilidade escrita usando GTK+ que permite atopar
moitas receitas doadamente escribindo o nome do ingrediente que se queira.
A base de datos contén máis de 10.000 receitas. Teña en conta que as
receitas están escritas en francés.
Este paquete contén a base de datos de paquetes de gfaim
Package: gnuboy-sdl
Description-md5: d0afd5157478841c7d01808a8cbd6f99
Description-gl: Binarios SDL de gnuboy - Emulador de Game Boy
Gnuboy is a portable Game Boy emulator. It basically allows you to play
most games designed for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color on your PC or
Este paquete inclúe os binarios para SDL.
Package: gnuboy-svga
Description-md5: 174253a2e855d2f988441ce10a2d88f6
Description-gl: Binarios SVGALIB de gnuboy - Emulador de Game Boy
Gnuboy is a portable Game Boy emulator. It basically allows you to play
most games designed for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color on your PC or
Este paquete inclúe os binarios para SVGALIB.
Package: gnuboy-x
Description-md5: 7dc3af652e412edd9627cb088cd2b13d
Description-gl: Binarios X de gnuboy - Emulador de Game Boy
Gnuboy is a portable Game Boy emulator. It basically allows you to play
most games designed for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color on your PC or
Este paquete inclúe os binarios para X.
Package: gogo
Description-md5: 99ad2cfd90e0f64ceeeb81a36a1389fe
Description-gl: codificador de mp3
This package contain three binaries and a wrapper.
gogo.i486 para a CPU i486
gogo.i686 para Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II/Pentium III
gogo.k6 para AMD K6 /K6-II/K6-III/Duron/Athlon
gogo the wrapper call the right binary by looking in /proc/cpuinfo
Package: googleearth-package
Description-md5: f195db7cd8b76c4684edd3827f562653
Description-gl: utilidade para construir automaticamente un paquete Debian de Google Earth
Google Earth is a 3D planet viewer that lets you interactively navigate
satellite imagery, maps, terrain, and so forth.
Google Earth is available for GNU/Linux from their web site, but is non-
free software and is undistributable. It also does not integrate well into
a Debian system.
This utility makes it possible to build your own personal Debian package
of Google Earth. The packaging itself is Free Software, but the Google
Earth program is governed by the copyright holder (Google), so you may be
limited as to what you can do with the resulting package (i.e. no
redistribution, etc). This package will simply help you create the package
--it is your responsibility to use the resulting package responsibly.
Google Earth's homepage is located at .
Package: grokking-the-gimp
Description-md5: 6d82a33d562ac15ecb2a4f215a9acde0
Description-gl: Libro con tutoriais para o GIMP de Carey Bunks (HTML)
This is the HTML version of "Grokking the GIMP", an excellent introduction
to the GIMP and to image processing in general. It covers the basic GIMP
tools, layers, selections, masks, color spaces, color manipulations, photo
touch-up and enhancement, compositing, shadows, punch-outs, bevels, and
how to use the GIMP to create online content (animated GIFs, clickable
image maps etc).
"Grokking the GIMP" lese ben e inclúe un monte de imaxes de exemplo.
Recoméndase utilizar un navegador que trate os PNGs sen problemas para ler
este libro; sábese que as versións máis recentes de Mozilla (ou Galeon)
Package: gs-aladdin
Description-md5: a787c850f6ecf46c22b3e6d769cb859c
Description-gl: Paquete transicional
This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the previous
gs-aladdin package (the package is replaced by ghostscript). It may safely
be removed after installation.
Package: gsfonts-other
Description-md5: 0f1ed5e95626a4f2a7a5b131300d7c9b
Description-gl: Fontes adicionais para o intérprete de ghostscript
Este paquete contén unha colectánea de fontes tipográficas, incluído
cirílico, kana e fontes derivadas das fontes libres Hershey, con melloras
(como o engadido de caracteres acentuados) de Thomas Wolff.
Package: gtkpod-aac
Description-md5: 96b4455d1c9e66e12adb46f3a83c3a5a
Description-gl: Transitional package for the gtkpod iPod manager
gtkpod é unha interface gráfica independente da plataforma para o iPod de
Apple que utiliza GTK2. Permite enviarlle cancións e listas de temas ao
iPod. Permite a edición de etiquetas ID3, varios conxuntos de caracteres
para as etiquetas ID3, detecta cancións duplicadas, permite a modificación
da base de datos fora de liña con sincronización posterior e máis.
This is a transitional package. To actually get support for AAC files in
gtkpod, install the libmp4v2-0 package from multiverse, or one of: faac,
ubuntu-restricted-extras, or xubuntu-restricted-extras.
Package: gwp
Description-md5: 480884709cc6510c5e5367dd78531b29
Description-gl: a VGA Planets strategy game client for GNOME
GNOME War Pad is a VGA Planets client written in C for the GNOME desktop
environment. Its design is very 'starchart centric', giving a global view
of the game at all times.
VGA Planets is a space conquest, play-by-email, strategy game that can be
played by 11 players simultaneously, it's been played by strategy fanatics
since the FidoNet times until now.
Páxina web:
Package: hevea-doc
Description-md5: b83859940e782488515bf98b94c58c01
Description-gl: Documentación de HeVeA
HeVeA é un potente e eficiente tradutor de LaTeX a HTML (e outros
Este paquete contén o tutorial e o manual de referencia en formato HTML.
Package: horae
Description-md5: 05d8479ad180769d9adf3591fc732120
Description-gl: Procesamento e análise gráfico interactivo de datos EXAFS
ATHENA is an interactive graphical utility for processing EXAFS data. It
handles most of the common data handling chores of interest, including
deglitching, aligning, merging, background removal, and Fourier
ARTEMIS is an interactive graphical utility for fitting EXAFS data using
theoretical standards from FEFF and sophisticated data modelling along
with flexible data visualization and statistical analysis.
HEPHAESTUS is a souped up periodic table for the x-ray absorption
spectroscopist. It provides a number of utilities involving tables of
absorption coefficients and other chemical data.
Package: hwb
Description-md5: b32022fe7c9fc32c725a441c82e8f5b1
Description-gl: O libro do hardware
Contains misc technical information about computers and other electronic
devices. You'll find the pinout to most common (and uncommon) connectors
available, as well as info about how to build cables.
Package: icc-profiles
Description-md5: 5f710a58e8db5fa7e29f8c457f01f748
Description-gl: Perfís de cor ICC para empregar con Scribus, Gimp, Cine Paint e
outro software que utilice perfís de cores.
Package: ifeffit-doc
Description-md5: 23588aa725d1361238e782379bbed9bc
Description-gl: Exemplos e documentación de IFEFFIT
This package contains all the available documentation for IFEFFIT and its
component programs. Example files for EXAFS data analysis are also
provided as tutorials.
Package: imgtex
Description-md5: 582f844919f596e62587f4c67805318d
Description-gl: provides yet another math-on-the-web solution
imgTeX uses dvipng and FastCGI to embed LaTeX equations within HTML code.
It runs very fast and renders high quality math equations.
Páxina web de imgTeX
Package: ivtv-utils
Description-md5: b20f643fae1ea98421cfb465d610132b
Description-gl: utilidades para utilizar co controlador de kernel de ivtv
The IVTV project develops a kernel driver for Linux and a driver for X11
for hardware based on Conexant's CX23415/CX23416 codec chip such as the
Hauppauge PVR 150/250/350/500 models and other supported hardware.
Package: jabref
Description-md5: 8df3eb2549f944ad6444684e7de3f51f
Description-gl: interface gráfica para xestionar bases de datos BibTeX
JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing bibtex (.bib)
databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical
groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an
intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry
information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard
Bibtex fields. JabRef can autogenerate bibtex keys for your entries.
JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can
customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application
to convert from any import format to any export format.
Package: java-package
Description-md5: 2147ac977c27e781cafd480357523e99
Description-gl: utilidade paa construir paquetes Debian relacionados con Java(TM) 2
This package provides the capability to create a Debian package from a
Java(TM) 2 distribution by just running make-jpkg .
This program currently works with the following Java(TM) 2 Runtime
Environments and Development Kits:
* Sun Microsystems(TM) 1.4, 5 e 6 Standard Edition
* IBM(TM) 1.3, 1.4, 5 e 6 Standard Edition
* Blackdown Java-Linux 1.3 e 1.4 Standard Edition
Package: kubuntu-restricted-extras
Description-md5: 352dbb536035fc8e7398a76eff8b6eb1
Description-gl: Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu
Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes usados frecuentemente no repositorio
multiverse de Kubuntu.
Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and
decoding, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME
(to create compressed audio files).
Please note that this does not install libdvdcss2, and will not let you
play encrypted DVDs. For more information, see
Please also note that packages from multiverse are restricted by copyright
or legal issues in some countries. See for more information.
Package: kxmame
Description-md5: 439583dc7d4dd8138cb01c45ba75c253
Description-gl: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator
Based on (and fully compatible with) gxmame plus some additional features:
1. Customizable game icon size.
2. Auto-rescale screenshots (version 1.1 and above).
3. Customizable toolbar.
4. Fast, responsive compared to gxmame.
Páxina web:
Package: lgc-pg
Description-md5: c69cda38956fa9abe25a960758e63b43
Description-gl: LGeneral Converter for Panzer General
LGeneral is a game similar to well known to most of PC users strategic
game - Panzer General. It is a turned-based strategy written by Michael
Este paquete fornece unha utilidade de conversión que convrite os datos do
formato de ficheiro orixinal Panzer General ao LGeneral para que se poida
xogar ao xogo.
Package: lha
Description-md5: 86fdbb162aabf9c8e1e9adc914c4835a
Description-gl: arquivador lzh
O famoso arquivador lzh, coñecido no DOS. Ao mesturar DOS e Unix pode que
faga falta (especialmente para conversións fido <--> rfc).
Package: libcgal-dev
Description-md5: 85f67fd7a5ef98871d8640936d9762e0
Description-gl: C++ library for computational geometry (development files)
CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) makes the most important
of the solutions and methods developed in computational geometry available
to users in industry and academia in a C++ library. The goal is to provide
easy access to useful, reliable geometric algorithms.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e as librarías estáticas.
Package: libfaac-dev
Description-md5: 4b2ca4c28dec28bc32e80ea7c9ea3751
Description-gl: codificador de audio AAC - ficheiros de desenvolvemento
FAAC currently supports MPEG-4 LTP, MAIN and LOW COMPLEXITY object types
and MAIN and LOW MPEG-2 object types. It also supports multichannel and
gapless encoding.
Páxina web:
Package: libfaac0
Description-md5: a58d1daad7eabcd0b98d35635a35d6eb
Description-gl: codificador de audio AAC - ficheiros das librarías
FAAC currently supports MPEG-4 LTP, MAIN and LOW COMPLEXITY object types
and MAIN and LOW MPEG-2 object types. It also supports multichannel and
gapless encoding.
Páxina web:
Package: libforms-doc
Description-md5: 2d31b9908f0fcc2b4d5add43805bddf9
Description-gl: Documentación da libraría da interface gráfica XForms
This package contains PDF and HTML documentation for the XForms library.
Package: libgpcl-dev
Description-md5: 9b9adbf9d99bbb405866cf2c017b79ea
Description-gl: general polygon clipper library -- development package
A flexible and highly robust polygon set operations library for use with C
applications, as referenced in the FAQ and the
UIUC Computational Geometry Pages.
This package contains the include files and static library for the GPC
library. Also included some example polygons and HTML documentation.
Páxina web:
Package: libgpcl0
Description-md5: 08b8444c440cc0a971a782d1f2c0e737
Description-gl: general polygon clipper library
A flexible and highly robust polygon set operations library for use with C
applications, as referenced in the FAQ and the
UIUC Computational Geometry Pages.
* Difference, intersection, exclusive-or and union clip operations are
* Polygons may be comprised of multiple disjoint contours.
* Contour vertices may be given in any order - clockwise or
* Contours may be convex, concave or self-intersecting.
* Contours may be nested (i.e. polygons may have holes).
* Output may take the form of either polygon contours or tristrips.
* Hole and external contours are differentiated in the result.
* Coincident edges and degenerate regions are handled correctly.
Páxina web:
Package: libmotif-dev
Description-md5: b67510730f8a9ccc4aaff83f2c1adcd2
Description-gl: Open Motif - ficheiros de desenvolvemento
Todo o necesario para construir aplicacións de Motif con Open Motif.
Inclúense os ficheiros de cabezallos, as librarías estáticas, as páxinas
de manual da API de Motif e uil (compilador de linguaxe de interface do
Package: libmotif3
Description-md5: bfa9fe6024b03766c52e634f26e25427
Description-gl: Open Motif - librarías compartidas
Este paquete inclúe todos os ficheiros que precisa para executar
aplicacións de Motif ligadas contra Open Motif, que son na súa maioría as
librarías compartidas.
Package: libmp4v2-0
Description-md5: 24c043669e0cb534af210c0ac3043f63
Description-gl: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly
decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC
Este paquete contén a libraría MP4 (tamén coñecida como AAC).
Package: libmp4v2-dev
Description-md5: ade8510f4c51f143b715b7dc63668346
Description-gl: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - development files
FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly
decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de MP4 (tamén coñecida
como AAC).
Package: libmpeg4ip-0
Description-md5: c8af211412cecfb1ba465bca38ad0d0f
Description-gl: end-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
The mpeg4ip player supports the following :
File formats: avi, mp4, limited .mov, .mpg (transport and program streams),
.wav, raw aac, raw mp3, raw mp4v, raw .h264
Video codecs: mpeg-4 (xvid, xvid-1.0, ISO reference), mpeg1/2 (libmpeg3,
mpeg2dec), H.261, YUV (i420 raw) Through ffmpeg: h.263, Sorenson, some
MJPEG, simple H.264
Audio Codecs: aac (faad, faad2 with separate download), mp3, celp, ac3
(with separate download), raw PCM Through ffmpeg: AMR NB, AMR WB, G.711
alaw and ulaw
Streaming capability: RTSP, SDP, RTP (rfc 1890 for raw audio, 2250 for
mpeg1/2 audio and video, 3016 for mpeg4 video, 3119 for mp3, 3640 for
aac/celp audio, 3267 for AMR octet-aligned only), mpeg2 transport streams
(mpeg2 video, mp3 and ac3 audio), both multicast and streaming.
Este paquete contén a libraría MP4 (tamén coñecida como AAC).
Package: libmpeg4ip-dev
Description-md5: a19ff94644726f0bb8470f9c27d7a7c3
Description-gl: end-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
The mpeg4ip player supports the following :
File formats: avi, mp4, limited .mov, .mpg (transport and program streams),
.wav, raw aac, raw mp3, raw mp4v, raw .h264
Video codecs: mpeg-4 (xvid, xvid-1.0, ISO reference), mpeg1/2 (libmpeg3,
mpeg2dec), H.261, YUV (i420 raw) Through ffmpeg: h.263, Sorenson, some
MJPEG, simple H.264
Audio Codecs: aac (faad, faad2 with separate download), mp3, celp, ac3
(with separate download), raw PCM Through ffmpeg: AMR NB, AMR WB, G.711
alaw and ulaw
Streaming capability: RTSP, SDP, RTP (rfc 1890 for raw audio, 2250 for
mpeg1/2 audio and video, 3016 for mpeg4 video, 3119 for mp3, 3640 for
aac/celp audio, 3267 for AMR octet-aligned only), mpeg2 transport streams
(mpeg2 video, mp3 and ac3 audio), both multicast and streaming.
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de MP4 (tamén coñecida
como AAC).
Package: sisu-markup-samples
Description-md5: 396cef0e50806f0e5193c53d5565edf6
Description-gl: document markup examples for sisu, publish and search framework
The document samples provided include:
* "The Wealth of Networks", Jochai Benkler,
* "Free Culture", Lawrence Lessig,
* "Free For All", Peter Wayner,
* "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Eric S. Raymond
and a couple of additional texts.
The documents were shared by their authors under Creative Commons
licenses, that permit their distribution, though not within the main
Debian archive by Debian policy.
* "Free As In Freedom", on RMS by Sam Williams, is available as a markup
sample within the package sisu
SiSU is a lightweight markup based, command line oriented, document
structuring, publishing and search framework for document collections.
With minimal preparation of a plain-text, (UTF-8) file, using its native
markup syntax in your text editor of choice, SiSU can generate various
document formats (most of which share a common object numbering system for
locating content), including plain text, HTML, XHTML, XML, OpenDocument
text (ODF:ODT), LaTeX, PDF files, and populate an SQL database with
objects (roughly paragraph-sized chunks) so searches may be performed and
matches returned with that degree of granularity: your search criteria is
met by these documents and at these locations within each document. Object
numbering is particularly suitable for "published" works (finalized texts
as opposed to works that are frequently changed or updated) for which it
provides a fixed means of reference of content. Document outputs also
share semantic meta-data provided.
SiSU also provides concordance files, document content certificates and
manifests of generated output.
fornécense páxinas man e axuda interactiva
Dependencies for additional features are taken care of in sisu related
The dummy package sisu-complete together with sisu-markup-samples installs
the whole of SiSU.
Package: sl-modem-source
Description-md5: a58074862ac671ccf741dfee54f7b6e0
Description-gl: SmartLink software modem driver - module building source
Este paquete contén o código fonte dos controladores de baixo nivel dos
módems de software producidos por Smart Link Ltd. Recoñece os modelos PCI
e USB.
Ademais deste paquete, precisará do paquete sl-modem-daemon, responsábel
da parte da aplicación do controlador.
Module packages can be built for the custom kernel package either by hand
or using DKMS.
Package: smplayer-translations
Description-md5: 5f8558160525daeb7b090420aec13d37
Description-gl: complete front-end for MPlayer - translation files
Qt Mplayer front-end, with basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and
VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more.
One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the
settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have
to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at
the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track,
subtitles, volume...
Este paquete contén os ficheiros coas traducións.
Package: stardict-english-czech
Description-md5: f19a68b3b6d3f22e0cc37f53c335d769
Description-gl: Stardict package for English-Czech dictionary
Este é un paquete do dicionario de inglés-checo GNU/FDL para Stardict.
Tamén contén un dicionario xerado automaticamente na dirección contraria.
Package: stella
Description-md5: 695fce68682cf163f3b6a658a566b7a7
Description-gl: Emulador de Atari 2600 para SDL e X windows
Stella é un emulador portábel da antiga consola de video-xogos Atari 2600
escrito en C++. Pódense xogar nel a maioría dos xogos para Atari 2600.
Package: submux-dvd
Description-md5: 234ed762b4c122ec0ff75402be08e431
Description-gl: subtitle multiplexer, muxes subtitles into .vob
Based on original 'submux' for CVD and SVCD by unknown author, changed for
DVD muxing and coding support (use only DVD!). This accepts xste .sub
Package: subtitleripper
Description-md5: 2d085bd85288bd4af0b17d01f4af1cfb
Description-gl: Extractor de subtítulos de DVDs para Linux
Se quer converter subtítulos de DVDs a formato de texto (p.ex., formato
subrip) ou formato VobSub, este programa pode resultar útil. Porén, só é
unha pequena ferramenta no proceso de produción de ficheiros srt. Este
software depende moito de transcode para a entrada e fai, polo tanto,
parte do paquete transcode (vexa o directorio de contribucións de
Package: svtools
Description-md5: e34e026031ed36bc644cbb0093104aab
Description-gl: Utilidades para daemontools e multilog
This package provides some useful utilities to maintain supervised
services and to handle multilog log files.
Package: t1-xfree86-nonfree
Description-md5: 4f2b352f8ee76693689626a9dfc9480e
Description-gl: non-free Postscript Type 1 fonts from XFree86
Collection of Postscript Type 1 fonts originally part of the XFree86
distribution, but which are licensed under terms incompatible with the
Debian Free Software Guidelines, and thus cannot be distributed as part of
As fontes son:
- IBM Courier
- B&H Luxi Mono
- B&H Luxi Sans
- B&H Luxi Serif
Outras fontes tipográficas non libres están nos paquetes separados ttf-
xfree86-nonfree e ttf-xfree86-nonfree-syriac.
Package: teamspeak-server
Description-md5: 423da770081264179186133fe756191b
Description-gl: VoIP chat for online gaming (server)
TeamSpeak is a quality, scalable application which enables people to speak
with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and
server software. The server acts as a host to multiple client connections,
capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users. This
results in an Internet based teleconferencing solution that works in a
variety of applications such as team mates speaking with one another while
playing their favorite online game, small businesses cutting costs on long
distance charges, or for personal communication with friends and family.
Este paquete contén o demo do servidor.
Package: tiemu
Description-md5: 815e8d17809590f11de858b80273e04a
Description-gl: emulador das calculadores de Texas Instruments
TIemu emula as calculadoras TI-92/92+/89 de Texas Instruments.
Baseáse en XTiger, o emulador de TI orixinal para Linux, que utiliza o
núcleo da emulación de 68k de UAE (The Ultimate Amiga Emulator).
You need to either dump the ROM of your calculator (you can do so with
TiLP), or get a ROM from Texas Instrument (see the software section
concerning your calculator, then download the archive and extract the
file) to use this emulator. There are *no* TI ROMs provided in this
package, as they are copyrighted by Texas Instruments, Inc.
However, a free (as in speech) ROM is now provided with TiEmu, namely
PedRom. Try it out!
Package: torque-dev
Description-md5: 8482d77bb6cf336b88168fd8544a6582
Description-gl: header files for libtorque2
The TORQUE server dispatches jobs across physically separated machines. It
may also be beneficiall for single machines to organise the sequential
execution of multiple jobs.
Este paquete inclúe ficheiros de cabezallo e librarías estáticas precisas
para desenvolver programas que empreguen torque.
Package: tovid
Description-md5: 5d029d5c5bc751043da01b52ad16d2d0
Description-gl: ferramentas para crear DVDs, VCDs e SVCDs de vídeo
tovid pode converter os ficheiros de vídeo para o formato correcto, xerar
menús de navegación e crear e gravar a imaxe do disco.
Este paquete inclúe os guións seguintes:
* tovid
* todisc
* tovid-batch
* tovid-interactive
* tovid-stats
* idvid
Package: tovidgui
Description-md5: c6c590b9c4ea7302deaa4ea1c61d495a
Description-gl: ferramentas para crear DVDs, VCDs e SVCDs de vídeo - interface gráfica de tovid
tovid pode converter os ficheiros de vídeo para o formato correcto, xerar
menús de navegación e crear e gravar a imaxe do disco.
Este paquete inclúe a interface gráfica da utilidade tovid, escrita
utilizando wxWidgets.
Package: transcode-doc
Description-md5: 2a9afbb7f4fa7e2c700e3607d28cd98a
Description-gl: Documentación de transcode
Transcode is yet another Linux text-console utility to encode raw
video/audio streams extracted from, for example, DVD or Digital Video
sources to DivX;-) or OpenDivX AVI files.
It's modular concept is intended to provide flexibility and easy user
extensibility to include other video/audio codecs or filetypes.
Decode/encode your favorite DVDs or vacation Digital Videos to single CD
video files on a platform that supports shared libraries and threads with
transcode's import helpers tcextract and tcdecode.
This package contains the documentation for Transcode.
Package: tremulous-data
Description-md5: 54595f3f575c1357dbabfa23f245ca42
Description-gl: Tremulous datas
Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos (.pk3), ou sexa, mapas, imaxes,
sons e máis.
Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based First
Person Shooter (FPS) game with elements of a Real Time Strategy (RTS)
game. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players
on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like a Real
Time Strategy game. These structures provide many functions, the most
important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are
spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game
after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some
degree), healing functions and much more...
Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a
human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These
credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the
"Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human
foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained
the more powerful the classes available.
The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team.
This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also
removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.
Package: tremulous-doc
Description-md5: 65584803d35ed022228d9e9287c5ef40
Description-gl: documentación de Tremulous
Este paquete contén o manual en PDF do cliente e do servidor de Tremulous
Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based First
Person Shooter (FPS) game with elements of a Real Time Strategy (RTS)
game. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players
on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like a Real
Time Strategy game. These structures provide many functions, the most
important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are
spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game
after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some
degree), healing functions and much more...
Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a
human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These
credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the
"Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human
foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained
the more powerful the classes available.
The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team.
This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also
removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.
Package: tremulous-server
Description-md5: 87aeaca077634e7b5fe89ca40613a218
Description-gl: servidor de Tremulous
Este paquete fornece o servidor dedicado para Tremulous
Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based First
Person Shooter (FPS) game with elements of a Real Time Strategy (RTS)
game. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players
on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like a Real
Time Strategy game. These structures provide many functions, the most
important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are
spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game
after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some
degree), healing functions and much more...
Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a
human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These
credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the
"Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human
foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained
the more powerful the classes available.
The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team.
This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also
removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.
Package: trn
Description-md5: e4ce6da4992e53e921b2a02837414e95
Description-gl: Threaded USENET news reader, based on rn
trn is the most widely-used newsreader on USENET - even to the point of
being a de-facto standard. It has a powerful full screen text mode user
interface, where most actions are available at the press of a single key.
It is highly configurable.
Esta versión de trn le noticias dun servidor de noticias mediante NNTP (O
Protocolo de Transferencia de Noticias de Rede). Cómpre ter disponíbel un
servidor de noticias - os sitios grandes normalmente fornecen o servidor
para todo o sitio.
Se se instala un servidor de noticias no sistema (que conteña simplemente
grupos de noticias locais ou cunha fonte de noticias de USENET parcial ou
complet) pódese configurar trn para acceder a el.
Package: trn4
Description-md5: b72db6371e3d55e51cb38f1997a8fe1f
Description-gl: Threaded USENET news reader, based on rn (4.0 beta test)
trn is a threaded news reader with a long history, descended from Larry
Wall's rn (part of the second generation of newsreaders). It has a
powerful full screen text mode user interface, where most actions are
available at the press of a single key. It is highly configurable.
Esta versión de trn le noticias dun servidor de noticias mediante NNTP (O
Protocolo de Transferencia de Noticias de Rede). Cómpre ter disponíbel un
servidor de noticias - os sitios grandes normalmente fornecen o servidor
para todo o sitio.
Se se instala un servidor de noticias no sistema (que conteña simplemente
grupos de noticias locais ou cunha fonte de noticias de USENET parcial ou
complet) pódese configurar trn para acceder a el.
This is a separate package from trn because trn 4.0 has enough substantial
changes in its default behaviour (for instance, the group selector is new
in 4.0) that some users prefer to stay with an older version of trn.
Package: ttf-larabie-deco
Description-md5: 5419ca91fb7a465cbf0de90cc24ca6bf
Description-gl: Fontes decorativas de
Decorative freeware TrueType fonts from Ray Larabie. This package contains
the "decorative" ones of his fonts, which are great for headlines and
other decorations.
Package: ttf-larabie-uncommon
Description-md5: ab31dce5a406ff21517b985242f4fd34
Description-gl: fontes decorativas especiais de
Less common freeware TrueType fonts from Ray Larabie. This package
contains fonts which are beautiful for special decorations and headlines.
Package: ttf-xfree86-nonfree
Description-md5: e2fef8baf637b7f27dbe3abc060c6b84
Description-gl: non-free TrueType fonts from XFree86
Collection of TrueType fonts originally part of the XFree86 distribution,
but which are licensed under terms incompatible with the Debian Free
Software Guidelines, and thus cannot be distributed as part of Debian.
As fontes son:
- B&H Luxi Mono
- B&H Luxi Sans
- B&H Luxi Serif
Vexa /usr/share/doc/ttf-xfree86-nonfree/README.Debian para instrucións
sobre como rexistrar estas fontes con XFree86.
Hai outras fontes non libres nos paquetes separados t1-xfree86-nonfree e
Package: ttf-xfree86-nonfree-syriac
Description-md5: 6b1694718d10ef453b9dd92363d00f11
Description-gl: non-free syriac OpenType fonts from XFree86
Meltho mollection of syriac OpenType fonts originally part of the XFree86
distribution, but which are licensed under terms incompatible with the
Debian Free Software Guidelines, and thus cannot be distributed as part of
As fontes son:
- Beth Mardutho East Syriac Adiabene
- Beth Mardutho East Syriac Ctesiphon
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Antioch
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Edessa
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Midyat
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Nisibin
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Nisibin Outline
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Quenneshrin
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo Talada
- Beth Mardutho Estrangelo TurAbdin
- Beth Mardutho Serto Batnan
- Beth Mardutho Serto Jerusalem
- Beth Mardutho Serto Jerusalem Outline
- Beth Mardutho Serto Kharput
- Beth Mardutho Serto Malankara
- Beth Mardutho Serto Mardin
- Beth Mardutho Serto Urhoy
Vexa /usr/share/doc/ttf-xfree86-nonfree-syriac/README.Debian para
instrucións sobre como rexistrar estas fontes con XFree86.
Hai outras fontes non libres nos paquetes separados ttf-xfree86-nonfree e
Package: tth
Description-md5: 136798a0e5acbcbdd780334e404f420f
Description-gl: convertedor de TeX/LaTeX para HTML
LaTeX is popular for specifying complex printed documents. TtH translates
Plain TeX or LaTeX documents into HTML. It quickly produces web documents
that are compact, editable and fast viewing. TtH translates most
equations instead of converting them into images. This HTML preserves
much format when imported by MS Word but not as much as latex2rtf.
TtH precisa teTeX para xerar ficheiros auxiliares para referencias
cruzadas e índices. As ecuacións e gráficos complexos requiren ps e netpbm
para convertir a saída PostScript a partir de teTeX a imaxes.
Package: ubuntu-restricted-extras
Description-md5: 3b7fe3edbedf89c802212395a894b78d
Description-gl: Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu
Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes de uso común do repositorio
multiverse de Ubuntu.
Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and
decoding, support for various other audio formats (GStreamer plugins),
Microsoft fonts, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, LAME (to create
compressed audio files), and DVD playback.
Please note that this does not install libdvdcss2, and will not let you
play encrypted DVDs. For more information, see
Please also note that packages from multiverse are restricted by copyright
or legal issues in some countries. See for more information.
Package: unace-nonfree
Description-md5: 30b9d02b7bc208f0fb36520bacada9a4
Description-gl: extrarir, comprobar e ver arquivos .ace (versión non libre)
A utilidade unace emprégase para extrair, comprobar e ver o contido de
arquivos creados co arquivador ACE.
Unlike the unace package which can only extract ACE 1.0 archives, the
unace-nonfree package allows to unpack all current ACE archives.
Package: unrar
Description-md5: 363f696bb115028ffafb265ccc9f32fb
Description-gl: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Unrar pode extrair ficheiros de arquivos .rar. Se quer crear arquivos
.rar, instale o paquete rar.
Package: uqm
Description-md5: 92850de3b6d3bf1ba70856541228b32b
Description-gl: Os Amos de Ur-Quan - Xogo de aventuras inter-galácticas
Volves á Terra cunha nave construída con tecnoloxía descoberta dunha
antiga raza chamada os Precursores para atopáreste escravizado. Reúne
aliados dunha ampla variedade de razas, enfróntate en combate espacial con
varios inimigo e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan!
Os Amos de Ur-Quan deriva do xogo clásico Star Control II. Inclúe o xogo
de aventuras descrito antes e unha Super Melée de ritmo rápido.
Vexa README.Debian unha vez instalado este paquete para información acerca
de como obter os paquetes uqm-music e uqm-voice.
Package: uqm-content
Description-md5: d7f7f708308d54e508318be3eb7c3bcf
Description-gl: Os Amos de Ur-Quan - Ficheiros dos datos do xogo
Volves á Terra cunha nave construída con tecnoloxía descoberta dunha
antiga raza chamada os Precursores para atopáreste escravizado. Reúne
aliados dunha ampla variedade de razas, enfróntate en combate espacial con
varios inimigo e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan!
Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros de datos do xogo de Amos de Ur-Quan
Package: uqm-music
Description-md5: e30a0c3c7725aff364033433f48e819a
Description-gl: The Ur-Quan Masters - Game music files
Volves á Terra cunha nave construída con tecnoloxía descoberta dunha
antiga raza chamada os Precursores para atopáreste escravizado. Reúne
aliados dunha ampla variedade de razas, enfróntate en combate espacial con
varios inimigo e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan!
This package contains higher quality game music files for The Ur-Quan
Masters, in ogg vorbis format. If you don't install this package, the game
will use lower-quality mod music files.
Package: uqm-russian
Description-md5: 267ce4366adc55d3942d0f2c8c1c723a
Description-gl: Engadido ruso para o xogo "Os Amos de Ur-Quan"
Volves á Terra cunha nave construída con tecnoloxía descoberta dunha
antiga raza chamada os Precursores para atopáreste escravizado. Reúne
aliados dunha ampla variedade de razas, enfróntate en combate espacial con
varios inimigo e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan!
Os Amos de Ur-Quan deriva do xogo clásico Star Control II. Inclúe o xogo
de aventuras descrito antes e unha Super Melée de ritmo rápido.
Este paquete fornece menús en ruso e diálogos para o xogo.
Package: uqm-voice
Description-md5: 97d3042297f40db281c3216b6096a25e
Description-gl: The Ur-Quan Masters - Voice files
Volves á Terra cunha nave construída con tecnoloxía descoberta dunha
antiga raza chamada os Precursores para atopáreste escravizado. Reúne
aliados dunha ampla variedade de razas, enfróntate en combate espacial con
varios inimigo e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan!
This package contains all the voice recordings used in the game. Note that
it is over 100Mb! You can play the game without these files if the package
is too big.
Package: video-dvdrip-doc
Description-md5: 49e9adab64be06d0e700217d28f89fdf
Description-gl: Documentation for dvd::rip - dummy package
Este paquete é simplemente un paquete baleiro para instalar o verdadeiro
paquete dvdrip-doc que reflicte o nome verdadeiro desta ferramenta.
Package: videotrans
Description-md5: e1f89ca2dddfd4e1fb8361b8e9ee4150
Description-gl: utilidades de creación de DVD
Colectánea de utilidades e guións deseñados para axudar na creación de DVDs:
* movie-to-dvd - converter video a MPEG2 + MP2 ou AC3
* movie-title - combinar secuencia de video e título nun menú
* movie-make-title - crear vídeo de fondo para o menú do DVD
* movie-make-title-simple - crear imaxe de fondo e audio para o menú do DVD
* - procurar información acerca de series de televisión desde
* - converter EPG a .info para títulos de películas
* movie-compare-dvd - verificar se se gravou correctamente o DVD
Package: vnc-java
Description-md5: 6f1af57027ca77988433f035134473fa
Description-gl: VNC java applet and command line program
VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote
display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment
not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the
Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.
This is the vnc java applet files that the vnc-server can distribute to
the client.
Inclúe tamén os parches de TightVNC de
Package: w3-recs
Description-md5: 2483f4ce57b5acf1d36d8189dc298150
Description-gl: Recomendacións do Consorcio da Rede Mundial (W3C)
Este paquete inclúe as Recomendacións producidas polo organismo de
estandarización Consorcio da Rede Mundial (W3C) en formato HTML.
As Recomendacións incluídas son:
* Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One
* Associating Style Sheets with XML documents
* Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
* Canonical XML Version 1.0
* Canonical XML Version 1.1
* Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1) Level 1 Specification
* Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification
* Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals
* Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies 1.0
* Decryption Transform for XML Signature
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification
* Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Validation Specification
* Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0
* Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)
* Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)
* Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0
* Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1
* GRDDL Test Cases
* Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)
* HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
* HTML 4.0 Specification
* HTML 4.01 Specification
* Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0
* Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 1.01 Specification
* Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 (Second Edition)
* Mobile SVG Profiles: SVG Tiny and SVG Basic
* Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)
* Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition)
* OWL Web Ontology Language Guide
* OWL Web Ontology Language Overview
* OWL Web Ontology Language Reference
* OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax
* OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases
* OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements
* PICS 1.1 Label Distribution -- Label Syntax and Communication Protocols
* PICS 1.1 Rating Services and Rating Systems -- and Their Machine Readable Descriptions
* PICS Signed Labels (DSig) 1.0 Specification
* PICSRules 1.1 Specification
* Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition)
* QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
* RDF Primer
* RDF Semantics
* RDF Test Cases
* RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema
* RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)
* Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification
* Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax
* Resource Representation SOAP Header Block
* Ruby Annotation
* SMIL Animation
* SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
* SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer (Second Edition)
* SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition)
* SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition)
* SOAP Version 1.2 Specification Assertions and Test Collection (Second Edition)
* SPARQL Protocol for RDF
* SPARQL Query Language for RDF
* SPARQL Query Results XML Format
* Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
* Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification
* Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema
* Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition (SISR) Version 1.0
* Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Version 1.0
* Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0
* Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.0) - [Second Edition]
* Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL 2.1)
* Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification
* The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification
* User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
* Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 2.1
* Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0
* Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
* Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core
* Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Metadata
* Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding
* Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer
* Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language
* Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts
* Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment
* Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework
* WebCGM 1.0 Second Release
* WebCGM 2.0
* XForms 1.0 (Third Edition)
* XHTML-Print
* XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)
* XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML
* XHTML™ Basic
* XML Base
* XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
* XML Events
* XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition)
* XML Information Set (Second Edition)
* XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0)
* XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0) Bindings
* XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0
* XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0
* XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0
* XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition
* XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition
* XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition
* XML Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition)
* XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX)
* XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0
* XML-binary Optimized Packaging
* XPointer Framework
* XPointer element() Scheme
* XPointer xmlns() Scheme
* XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM)
* XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics
* XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators
* XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language
* XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0
* XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.0
* XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization
* xml:id Version 1.0
Package: warsow
Description-md5: e69b9049c0e05ab2abd59fb5c1e5118e
Description-gl: fast paced 3D first person shooter
Warsow is a fast paced first person shooter consisting of cel-shaded
cartoon-like graphics with dark, flashy and dirty textures. Warsow is
based on the E-novel "Chasseur de bots" ("Bots hunter" in English) by
Fabrice Demurger. Warsow's codebase is built upon Qfusion, an advanced
modification of the Quake II engine.
Este paquete instala o cliente para xogar a Warsow.
Package: wdq2wav
Description-md5: bb5df72836bb6620b3380cb6182d33a7
Description-gl: Converte un canal de WinDAQ nun ficheiro de son .wav
This program extracts a channel from a WinDAQ file and produces a .wav
file that can be played. This is helpful when recording a chatter channel
for a WinDAQ session with multiple A/D channels.