Package: doc-linux-nonfree-html Description-md5: 85ca9d640f6bbfd96c0d896e2073f488 Description-zh_TW: Linux HOWTOs in HTML format (non-free) The doc-linux-nonfree-html package provides the non-free portion of the current Linux HOWTOs in HTML format. Alternatively, ASCII versions are provided in the doc-linux-nonfree-text package. . The version number reflects the month in which doc-linux-nonfree-html was created. . 所有檔案 (包括 ASCII、DVI、HTML、postscript、與 SGML 版本) 可在此取得: . The documents in this package fail to meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines for various reasons. For the most part this is due to significant restrictions on modification or on commercial redistribution, neither of which can be allowed for packages in the main distribution. See /usr/share/doc/doc-linux-nonfree-html/copyright for full details. Package: doc-linux-nonfree-text Description-md5: 553aeb6a0337babb0d79723842c0e374 Description-zh_TW: Linux HOWTOs in ASCII format (non-free) The doc-linux-nonfree-text package provides the non-free portion of the current Linux HOWTOs in ASCII format. Alternatively, HTML versions are provided in the doc-linux-nonfree-html package. . The version number reflects the month in which doc-linux-nonfree-text was created. . 所有檔案 (包括 ASCII、DVI、HTML、postscript、與 SGML 版本) 可在此取得: . The documents in this package fail to meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines for various reasons. For the most part this is due to significant restrictions on modification or on commercial redistribution, neither of which can be allowed for packages in the main distribution. See /usr/share/doc/doc-linux-nonfree-text/copyright for full details.