Package: libservlet2.3-java
Description-md5: 5265ced3859d1bce925a5edc5ab50511
Description-zh_HK: Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Java classes and documentation
 For more information about Java servlets please take a look at the Tomcat home page at
 The official Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications can be found at and

Package: scribus
Description-md5: 22ce3aa1ca7ed75f0279e0dfc022adb1
Description-zh_HK: Open Source Desktop Page Layout
 Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript, primarily, though not exclusively for Linux.
 Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. It has sophisticated page layout features like precision placing and rotating of text and/or images on a page, manual kerning of type, bezier curves polygons, precision placement of objects, layering with RGB and CMYK custom colors. The Scribus document file format is XML-based. Unlike proprietary binary file formats, even damaged documents, can be recovered with a simple text editor.
 Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT3.
 Printing, PDF and SVG creation are done via custom driver libraries and plug-ins, giving Scribus inventive features: the abilities to include presentation effects with PDF output, fully scriptable interactive PDF forms, SVG vector file output. The internal printer drivers fully support Level 2 and Level 3/PDF 1.4 postscript features including transparency and font embedding.
 When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas, is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames.

Package: scribus-doc
Description-md5: 0c95e767e8a8d99ee8cf5203fd562568
Description-zh_HK: english-language documentation for the internal help browser
 This is the original on-line documentation from reformatted for the Help Browser.

Package: texlive-doc-de
Description-md5: 83dfd909ce7a5d6b721b8cbd5fb16ce2
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: German documentation
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: FAQ-ge -- The FAQ-ge package. kopka -- The kopka package. l2picfaq -- The l2picfaq package. l2tabu -- Obsolete packages and commands. latex-tipps-und-tricks -- The latex-tipps-und-tricks package. lshort-german -- German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung. texlive-ge -- The texlive-ge package. voss-de -- German documentation on various LaTeX related packages by Herbert Voss.

Package: texlive-doc-pt
Description-md5: 843287fb90a35dafd2a3d25ab0d14f99
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: Portuguese documentation
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: beamer-tut-pt -- The beamer-tut-pt package. cursolatex -- The cursolatex package. lshort-portuguese -- Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese. xypic-tut-pt -- The xypic-tut-pt package.

Package: texlive-doc-vi
Description-md5: 7db45a01afd20bbd7808ac0fe607f903
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: Vietnamese documentation
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: amsldoc-vn -- amslatex documentation in Vietnamese lshort-vietnamese -- Vietnamese translation of Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX ntheorem-vn -- The ntheorem-vn package.

Package: texlive-doc-zh
Description-md5: 1ee80bed3f8796a021e2e4e127ffa207
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: Chinese documentation
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: texlive-zh-cn -- The TeX Live Chinese documentation.

Package: texlive-lang-portuguese
Description-md5: 6a3d326994b79fea726cef2fff11db50
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: Portuguese
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: ordinalpt -- The ordinalpt package. hyphen-portuguese -- Portuguese

Package: texlive-pictures
Description-md5: 772142202e9f26f7b8f98d5705896e7c
Description-zh_HK: TeX Live: Packages for drawings graphics
 This package includes the following CTAN packages: bardiag -- LateX package for drawing bar diagrams curve -- A LaTeX2e class for making curriculum vitae. curve2e -- The curve2e package. curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents. dottex -- The dottex package. dratex -- General drawing macros entirely in TeX. eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools. gnuplottex -- The gnuplottex package. miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement. pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts. petri-nets -- TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs. pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands. pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX. pictex2 -- Adds relative coords and rules for dots in plots. pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics. randbild -- The randbild package. swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript. xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros.

Package: update-motd
Description-md5: 8ef4bde7934c0d035cb52086dabace4f
Description-zh_HK: Modular framework to dynamically generate the message of the day
 This package installs a cronjob that executes on a configurable, regular interval, running each script in /etc/update-motd.d, in lexical order.
 When the cronjob runs, the output of all scripts in /etc/update-motd.d will be concatenated and written to /etc/motd.
 Other packages, or users should symlink scripts into /etc/update-motd.d, pre-pending a 2-digit number to help with ordering.