Package: aspell-ca Description-md5: ac1a5e69d940eb04be1942837e419d62 Description-ca: Diccionari català per aspell Aquest paquet conté tots els fitxers necessaris per afegir suport per l'idioma català pel corrector ortogràfic GNU Aspell. . Va ser recollit per en Joan Moratinos utilitzant dades de diverses fonts. Package: c2html Description-md5: 8e8d1733a59c092ea045db011d5ffba7 Description-ca: Resaltat de codi font C per la seva presentació WWW El c2html pot resaltar el vostre codi font per la seva presentació al WWW. Es pot utilitzar com a guió CGI i es capaç de detectar si el navegador suporta dades comprimides per estalviar ample de banda. Homepage: Package: dacco-cat-users Description-md5: 850aba45990f0f8c1ab61e19cada631b Description-ca: Diccionari Català-Anglès i Anglès-Català The acronym DACCO stands for 'Diccionari Anglès-Català de Codi Obert', or 'Open Source English Catalan Dictionary'. In fact, the project hosts two dictionaries: an English Catalan dictionary and a Catalan English dictionary. . Aquest paquet conté tres versions html, i una per utilitzar amb el servidor dictd. . Aquesta versió és per catalanoparlants. Llegiu el README.Debian per obtenir més informació. Package: dacco-common Description-md5: 1de3377d56f1608468bec56b85ee1174 Description-ca: Diccionari Català-Anglès i Anglès-Català The acronym DACCO stands for 'Diccionari Anglès-Català de Codi Obert', or 'Open Source English Catalan Dictionary'. In fact, the project hosts two dictionaries: an English Catalan dictionary and a Catalan English dictionary. . This package contains the xml files used for other projects, as Qdacco. Package: dacco-eng-users Description-md5: 9f709c0cef0f05f56578296c6cb490dc Description-ca: Diccionari Català-Anglès i Anglès-Català The acronym DACCO stands for 'Diccionari Anglès-Català de Codi Obert', or 'Open Source English Catalan Dictionary'. In fact, the project hosts two dictionaries: an English Catalan dictionary and a Catalan English dictionary. . It contains three different html versions. . This version is for English speakers. Read README.Debian for more information. Package: emacs-snapshot Description-md5: 906df684c212eabe267e6b5c2e8c2032 Description-ca: The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot) GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Package: emacs-snapshot-bin-common Description-md5: ff21aad0fc94af68e10a56312bc1416d Description-ca: Els fitxers depenents d'arquitectura compartits de l'editor GNU Emacs GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains the architecture dependent infrastructure that's shared by emacs-snapshot and emacs-snapshot-nox. Package: emacs-snapshot-nox Description-md5: e89fc328cc11b369769318818ef1e1a6 Description-ca: L'editor GNU Emacs (sense suport per X) GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Aquest paquet conté una versió d'Emacs compilada sense suport per X. Package: emacs21 Description-md5: cf35594e7c22d8f037be7d83aa832990 Description-ca: L'editor GNU Emacs GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Package: emacs21-bin-common Description-md5: d2504d0b319fc047abd0864c9af2eafd Description-ca: Els fitxers depenents d'arquitectura compartits de l'editor GNU Emacs GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Aquest paquet conté la infraestructura depenent d'arquitectura que comparteixen emacs21 i emacs21-nox. Package: emacs21-common Description-md5: 9b7e9dfc3a7d1332f7f39f3c5b073249 Description-ca: La infraestructura indepenent d'arquitectura compartida de l'editor GNU Emacs GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Aquest paquet conté la infraestructura indepenent d'arquitectura que comparteixen emacs21 i emacs21-nox. Package: emacs21-nox Description-md5: e89fc328cc11b369769318818ef1e1a6 Description-ca: L'editor GNU Emacs (sense suport per X) GNU Emacs és l'editor de textos extensible i auto-documentat. Aquest paquet conté una versió d'Emacs compilada sense suport per X. Package: ettercap-gtk Description-md5: bc840999fece6a46e3b14e0aef6561cc Description-ca: Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN . This package includes gtk enabled version of ettercap. It also includes ncurses support. . Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. . Data injection in an established connection and filtering (substitute or drop a packet) on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection synchronized. . Many sniffing modes were implemented to give you a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It's possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). . It has the ability to check whether you are in a switched LAN or not, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to let you know the geometry of the LAN. Package: f2c Description-md5: 73bea837fc91c012f7ccc07d313402e3 Description-ca: A FORTRAN 77 to C/C++ translator f2c tradueix FORTRAN 77 (amb algunes extensions) a C, de manera que pot ser compilat i executat en un sistema sense compilador Fortran. Els fitxers C han de ser enllaçats a les llibreries apropiades. . Aquest és un traductor de FORTRAN a C que està activament mantingut i amb el frontal fort77 proporciona una forma ideal per compilar rutines FORTRAN com caixes negres (per exemple per invocar-les des de C). No hi ha disponibles facilitats per depuració, i els missatges d'error no estan tan ben desenvolupades com a g77. Package: gnat Description-md5: 211443c503bb1c0d3af8bba9db2d0f82 Description-ca: El compilador Ada de GNU Aquest és un paquet de dependència que proporciona el compilador Ada de GNU predeterminat. Per norma, tots els paquets que contenen fonts Ada han d'utilitzar aquest paquet en la seva línia de Build-Depends. Package: gnat-4.1 Description-md5: 8747f38fbfcc2308f62b7fdfc434e4f3 Description-ca: El compilador Ada de GNU This is the GNU Ada compiler, which compiles Ada on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code. Package: gnat-4.3 Description-md5: 8747f38fbfcc2308f62b7fdfc434e4f3 Description-ca: El compilador Ada de GNU This is the GNU Ada compiler, which compiles Ada on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code. Package: gnuserv Description-md5: c937cb5819e8985c9397d90964df61e2 Description-ca: Permet que us afegiu a un Emacs que ja està executat El gnuserv permet que us connecteu a un Emacs que ja s'esta executant. Açò permet que alguns programes externs utilitzen les capacitats d'edició de l'Emacs. És paregut al emacserver/server.el del GNU Emacs, però amb moltes més característiques. . Si utilitzeu el XEmacs, aleshores no necessiteu aquest paquet, ja inclou el gnuserv i el gnuclient. Si voleu utilitzar gnuserv amb el GNU Emacs i el XEmacs, tan sols podreu utilitzar l'alternativa /usr/bin/gnuclient amb una de les variants d'emacs; haureu d'utilitzar el gnuclient.xemacs o el gnuclient.emacs per les altres variants. Package: gpc Description-md5: b167e5423e26eba125f98f9dc1400bdf Description-ca: El compilador de Pascal de GNU Aquest és el compilador de Pascal de GNU, que compila Pascal en les plataformes suportades pel compilador gcc. Utilitza el rerefons de gcc per generar codi optimitzat. . La versió actual 2.2 (candidat de publicació 2) implementaPascal Estàndard (ISO 7185, nivell 1), un gran subconjunt de Pascal Extès (ISO 10206), i Pascal de Borland. Moltes unitats de Pascal de Borland estan suportades. . Aquest és un paquet de dependència, que proporciona el compilador Pascal de GNU predeterminat. Package: gpc-4.1 Description-md5: 1d83d8c364574ce1bdd38ac0e8fe889c Description-ca: El compilador de Pascal de GNU Aquest és el compilador de Pascal de GNU, que compila Pascal en les plataformes suportades pel compilador gcc. Utilitza el rerefons de gcc per generar codi optimitzat. . WARNING: the integration of gpc into gcc-4.x is still in an experimental stage. For production use, please use gpc or gpc-2.1-3.4. Package: icatalan Description-md5: 5315763f04d3913721dd006d2a490e55 Description-ca: Diccionari català per ispell Aquest és el diccionari català per ispell, tal com va ser recollit per en Joan Moratinos utilitzant dades de diferents fonts. Package: late Description-md5: 9bea903c135090257e44c983f2409487 Description-ca: A simple game of capturing balls . This is a simple and fun game, which involves using your mouse based guillotine to trap bouncing balls. . Trapping balls is achieved by firing your guillotine to split the playing area into little boxes, once enough of the screen has been covered you progress to the next level. Package: libcmph-bin Description-md5: 104345baadb6b799f0b49ca50bc70ad9 Description-ca: C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library command line utilities . This package contains the cmph command line utility to generate and query minimal perfect hash functions. Package: libdbus-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 07dbcb7a2ce339f6a0047d5467913002 Description-ca: OCaml bindings for the D-Bus API This library provides OCaml bindings for using D-Bus. . D-Bus is a projects that permits program to communicate with each other, using a simple IPC protocol . . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: libf2c2-dev Description-md5: c1cf2ab2688c831415d86a230f3bb987 Description-ca: Biblioteques de desenvolupament per utilitzar amb f2c Aquestes són les biblioteques estàtiques i fitxers d'encapçalament per una implementació de les funcions intrínseques i E/S de fortran. . Es necessiten per enllaçar aplicacions construïdes a partir de la sortida C del traductor de FORTRAN a C f2c. Package: libhugs-fgl-bundled Description-md5: 4a27a3eacf11e4fe728a9081f393c2fa Description-ca: Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-network-bundled Description-md5: 43134e28c0e0465b183a0da5d811500d Description-ca: Networking-related facilities . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-time-bundled Description-md5: c2c66a3a7eceb13b81144e86153220d8 Description-ca: time library . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libinotify-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4c4555bed626cd48174ac79ded480d8d Description-ca: OCaml bindings for the inotify API This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify. . Inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem, that notice changes to the filesystem, and report those changes to applications. . . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: libxml-dumper-perl Description-md5: bcab3900223ffa6ebcfeaa5e8e3be421 Description-ca: Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML XML::Dumper dumps Perl data to a structured XML format. . XML::Dumper can also read XML data that was previously dumped by the module and convert it back to Perl. . . This might be useful for dumping Perl objects to files using an XML format that can be reloaded or accessed by other programs. Maybe even other languages. Package: lprof Description-md5: dbab4b458d7e80bd964f9cfabe220463 Description-ca: Hardware Color Profiler . LPROF is a color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners, and monitors. These profiles provide color consistency across devices. They can be used in color profile-aware software such as The Gimp and Scribus. For an example of creating a profile that can be used with Scribus see Package: moto4lin Description-md5: 0a551cd855db250c0063d06c6899f789 Description-ca: gestor d'arxius i editor SIM pels telèfons Motorola (tipus C380/C650) Aquesta aplicació permet pujar/baixar arxius des de telèfons Motorola P2k, pujar/baixar registres SIM, fer còpies de seguretat de la SIM, i editar la SIM utlitzant un senzill editor hexadecimal. Package: scribus-ng Description-md5: 242c3c2a3a478cc219ef363023f8ec09 Description-ca: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - developmental branch . This is the developmental branch of Scribus - the open source desktop page layout program. This package is intended for tracking fast-paced development of scribus to make new features available to those who need them. . Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript, primarily, though not exclusively for Linux. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. It has sophisticated page layout features like precision placing and rotating of text and/or images on a page, manual kerning of type, bezier curves polygons, precision placement of objects, layering with RGB and CMYK custom colors. The Scribus document file format is XML-based. Unlike proprietary binary file formats, even damaged documents, can be recovered with a simple text editor. . Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT3. . Printing, PDF and SVG creation are done via custom driver libraries and plug-ins, giving Scribus inventive features: the abilities to include presentation effects with PDF output, fully scriptable interactive PDF forms, SVG vector file output. The internal printer drivers fully support Level 2 and Level 3/PDF 1.4 postscript features including transparency and font embedding. . When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas, is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames. . Homepage: Package: scribus-ng-doc Description-md5: dcac75fc0d603978ec9283e712cd5ed1 Description-ca: non-free documentation for the developmental Scribus version . This is the original on-line documentation from reformatted for the Help Browser. . Homepage: Package: scribus-template Description-md5: e88a419c7c6bbfc970a7a1159c736342 Description-ca: additional scribus templates . These templates are distributed in addition to the three example templates present in the main scribus package. Some of them were prepared by members of the core Scribus development team and some were contributions by the community members. . Homepage: Package: skytools Description-md5: 8bc8d02e21bd9928b50e7916c3501e5c Description-ca: Skype database tools - Python parts . londiste - replication pgqadm - generic event queue walmgr - failover server scripts Package: texlive-latex3 Description-md5: 4f9839cfc9f9de888a22dff60b7fae8f Description-ca: TeX Live: LaTeX3 packages . This package includes the following CTAN packages: galley -- The galley package. template -- The template package. xinitials -- The xinitials package. xor -- The xor package. xparse -- The xparse package. xtab -- Break tables across pages. xtcapts -- Defining language-dependent text macros. xtheorem -- The xtheorem package. Package: wesnoth Description-md5: 49d0ce5fd46dd58fff3791246fbcb469 Description-ca: joc d'estratègia per torns amb una ambientació fantàstica Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign. . Please note that this package recommends only three of the official campaigns, those that are considered to be an introduction to the game. They are just recommended but not depended on - quite some people enjoy the multiplayer mode for which they aren't needed. If you want to have all the official campaigns installed you are encouraged to install wesnoth-all.