AddDescription "Install CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso AddDescription "Install CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (jigdo download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.jigdo AddDescription "Install CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.list AddDescription "Install CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (jigdo template)" ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.template AddDescription "Install CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.iso AddDescription "Install CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (jigdo download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.jigdo AddDescription "Install CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.list AddDescription "Install CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (jigdo template)" ubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.template AddDescription "Install CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.iso AddDescription "Install CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (jigdo download)" ubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.jigdo AddDescription "Install CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.list AddDescription "Install CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (jigdo template)" ubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.template AddDescription "Live CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso AddDescription "Live CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-live-i386.list AddDescription "Live CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-live-i386.manifest AddDescription "Live CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-live-powerpc.iso AddDescription "Live CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-live-powerpc.list AddDescription "Live CD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-live-powerpc.manifest AddDescription "Live CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-live-amd64.iso AddDescription "Live CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-live-amd64.list AddDescription "Live CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-live-amd64.manifest AddDescription "Install/live DVD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.iso AddDescription "Install/live DVD for PC (Intel x86) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.list AddDescription "Install/live DVD for PC (Intel x86) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.manifest AddDescription "Install/live DVD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-powerpc.iso AddDescription "Install/live DVD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-powerpc.list AddDescription "Install/live DVD for Mac (PowerPC) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-powerpc.manifest AddDescription "Install/live DVD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-amd64.iso AddDescription "Install/live DVD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (file listing)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-amd64.list AddDescription "Install/live DVD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (contents of live filesystem)" ubuntu-5.10-dvd-amd64.manifest HeaderName HEADER.html ReadmeName FOOTER.html IndexIgnore .htaccess HEADER.html FOOTER.html IndexOptions NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=* SuppressHTMLPreamble FancyIndexing