PortSystem 1.0
name             rman
version          3.2
revision         1
categories       textproc
license          Artistic-1
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      Man page format converter
long_description \
    PolyglotMan takes formatted man pages from most of the popular \
    flavours of UN*X and transforms them into any number of source \
    formats. It can produce ASCII-only, section headers-only, \
    TkMan, \[tn\]roff, Ensemble, SGML, HTML, LaTeX, RTF, Perl 5 POD.
homepage         http://polyglotman.sourceforge.net/
platforms        darwin
master_sites     sourceforge:polyglotman
checksums        rmd160  5ec8830466ec478e4470fbda8635d06b8cf967b7 \
                 sha256  68a130696b251966db10a4774e2bc8083a0147b83f64c11e9bb4cd654da32d5f
use_configure    no

variant universal {}

build.args-append \
    CC=${configure.cc} \
    CFLAGS="${configure.cflags} [get_canonical_archflags cc]"

destroot.args-append \
    BINDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/bin \

livecheck.distname  ${name}