# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup golang 1.0 go.setup github.com/pdfcpu/pdfcpu 0.9.1 v # Delete this on next update to use golang PortGroup's default ('archive') github.tarball_from tarball set git-commit 1d4a5a6 # This line is for displaying commit in CLI only categories textproc maintainers {i0ntempest @i0ntempest} openmaintainer license Apache-2 description PDF processor written in Go long_description ${name} is a PDF processing library written in Go supporting encryption.\ It provides both an API and a CLI. Supported are all versions up to PDF 1.7 (ISO-32000).\ Support for PDF 2.0 is basic and ongoing work. checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ rmd160 d96e063195056b9afb1c53072fea1254c59af94c \ sha256 e5905d2166b6c7aa76d2eb34810a487156e12ce6d957f8421f0b5ee32191ffbf \ size 267641364 go.vendors gopkg.in/yaml.v2 \ lock v2.4.0 \ rmd160 66e9feb7944b3804efa63155ed9b618717b8955c \ sha256 72812077e7f20278003de6ab0d85053d89131d64c443f39115a022114fd032b6 \ size 73231 \ gopkg.in/check.v1 \ lock 20d25e280405 \ rmd160 412aa0d109919182ff84259e9b5bbc9f24d78117 \ sha256 233f8faf427ce6701ac3427f85c28bc6b6ae7cdc97a303a52873c69999223325 \ size 30360 \ golang.org/x/text \ lock v0.19.0 \ rmd160 af0cec09324b1d808d0611d619778231686d31e6 \ sha256 d79cf17861409d200e3399f2af049446ee18b20b21fce9433f789582100ddc42 \ size 8972460 \ golang.org/x/image \ lock v0.21.0 \ rmd160 99253422b877b4610d654421a3f4bc1c6b71a177 \ sha256 57fe22fa2222bdb1e29338393adb69ae5e5e80bcd61809d43802ef7b303c5bc9 \ size 5104167 \ github.com/rivo/uniseg \ lock v0.4.7 \ rmd160 a9056dc9a2a80aa9c46d0ff9e54f9e2e5a498c41 \ sha256 abc6a2f17b64b34b8a0c56eb9d0b53886ebbe0c88d467755c09c7fa696a16677 \ size 458166 \ github.com/pkg/errors \ lock v0.9.1 \ rmd160 dc065c655f8a24c6519b58f9d1202eb266ecda40 \ sha256 208d21a7da574026f68a8c9818fa7c6ede1b514ef9e72dc733b496ddcb7792a6 \ size 13422 \ github.com/mattn/go-runewidth \ lock v0.0.16 \ rmd160 297825c4365b5f723ae485e726259ebb620ecd66 \ sha256 6c9e81a6b46220612b97ebc35e8d29d1907fd225a9ce3e40b7cebd64cc58d09c \ size 18496 \ github.com/hhrutter/tiff \ lock v1.0.1 \ rmd160 1087ae97b0fa121e3197a2c97de26e65701dad94 \ sha256 3bd28fd08e79e2dcfd3f0c18f95e9346fc5b552994ab55f4ec93a0f7c8024b04 \ size 2635220 \ github.com/hhrutter/lzw \ lock v1.0.0 \ rmd160 2916d27037fff1db7bcc18d2804af56bc9043195 \ sha256 868d5c4b864c5f47c709d4489e61ddfd1c163849670048adb17e14ee2960dd29 \ size 54055 # Notes for updating this port: # Remember to update git commit hash set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"] build.args-append -ldflags=\"-X main.version=${version} -X main.commit=${git-commit} \ -X github.com/pdfcpu/pdfcpu/pkg/pdfcpu.VersionStr=${version} -X main.date=${time}\" \ -o ./${name} ./cmd/${name} destroot { xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ }