# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup compilers 1.0 PortGroup mpiutil 1.0 #=============================================================================== # # *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** # # When making logic changes to this port, PLEASE review port 'openmpi' to see # if the same changes should be applied. While the subports and variants aren't # exactly the same between the two - and things like configure arguments # certainly differ, as they're different code bases - much of the core logic # is very similar. (And often identical.) # # Please help us avoid divergent MPI ports, which cause serious migraines. # #=============================================================================== # make sure to keep in sync with mpi-doc name mpich version 4.3.0 revision 0 license BSD categories science parallel net maintainers {eborisch @eborisch} \ {mascguy @mascguy} description Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library long_description MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable\ implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) \ standard (MPI-1, MPI-2 and MPI-3). The goals of MPICH are:\ (1) to provide an MPI implementation that efficiently\ supports different computation and communication platforms\ including commodity clusters (desktop systems,\ shared-memory systems, multicore architectures), high-speed\ networks (10 Gigabit Ethernet, InfiniBand, Myrinet,\ Quadrics) and proprietary high-end computing systems (Blue\ Gene, Cray) and (2) to enable cutting-edge research in MPI\ through an easy-to-extend modular framework for other\ derived implementations. homepage https://www.mpich.org/ master_sites ${homepage}static/downloads/${version} checksums rmd160 bbe67d97908feca27392f118b554f1993d8765f8 \ sha256 5e04132984ad83cab9cc53f76072d2b5ef5a6d24b0a9ff9047a8ff96121bcc63 \ size 37472513 # Disable livecheck for all subports; only enabled for main port, at end of portfile livecheck.type none #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Target Compiler Logic #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # As MPICH creates compiler wrappers, there are lots of # variants for what compiler the user would like to wrap. # Please update the mpi portgroup whenever clist is changed. # Subport names and corresponding configure.compiler value set clist [dict create] set clist_unsupported [list] set clist_obsolete [list] # Compilers supported across-the-board dict set clist gcc7 {macports-gcc-7} dict set clist gcc10 {macports-gcc-10} dict set clist gcc11 {macports-gcc-11} dict set clist gcc12 {macports-gcc-12} dict set clist gcc13 {macports-gcc-13} dict set clist gcc14 {macports-gcc-14} dict set clist clang11 {macports-clang-11} dict set clist clang12 {macports-clang-12} dict set clist clang13 {macports-clang-13} dict set clist clang14 {macports-clang-14} dict set clist clang15 {macports-clang-15} dict set clist clang16 {macports-clang-16} dict set clist clang17 {macports-clang-17} dict set clist clang18 {macports-clang-18} dict set clist clang19 {macports-clang-19} dict set clist clang20 {macports-clang-20} # Only enable default (gcc), and Xcode clang, for MacOS 10.7 and later if { ${os.major} >= 11 } { dict set clist default {} dict set clist clang {clang} } else { lappend clist_unsupported \ default clang } # Clang 9 and 10 not supported on ARM if { ${os.arch} eq "arm" } { lappend clist_unsupported \ clang90 clang10 } else { dict set clist clang90 {macports-clang-9.0} dict set clist clang10 {macports-clang-10} } # GCC 9 only supported for macOS 10.6 through 10.10 if { ${os.major} >= 10 && ${os.major} <= 14 } { dict set clist gcc9 {macports-gcc-9} } else { lappend clist_unsupported \ gcc9 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subport Creation/Validation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set cname \ [lindex [split ${subport} -] end] mpiutil_add_subports \ ${name} ${subport} \ ${clist} ${clist_unsupported} ${clist_obsolete} set subport_enabled \ [mpiutil_validate_subport \ ${name} ${subport} ${cname} \ ${clist} ${clist_unsupported} ${clist_obsolete} \ ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General Subport Logic #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: simplify via regex capture group, for clang version if {[string match {*-clang1[3-9]} ${subport}] || [string match {*-clang2[0-9]} ${subport}]} { platforms {darwin >= 11} } if {${subport_enabled}} { PortGroup select 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 if {${cname} eq "default"} { set cname "mp" } # Add various dependencies: build, lib, and run mpiutil_add_depends \ ${subport} ${cname} # Determine whether buildbot binaries should be used, and disable if necessary mpiutil_set_binary_eligibility \ ${subport} ${cname} depends_build-append port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append port:libxml2 if {${cname} eq "mp"} { if {${os.major} == 10} { # Make every attempt to avoid MacPorts compilers on 10.6 configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++ } } # ch4 is hanging in finalize https://github.com/pmodels/mpich/issues/6584 # always use ch3 for now. configure.args --disable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-fortran \ --disable-silent-rules \ --enable-base-cache \ --enable-cache \ --enable-cxx \ --enable-fast=O2 \ --enable-shared \ --enable-versioning \ --enable-timer-type=mach_absolute_time \ --with-pm=hydra \ --with-thread-package=posix \ --with-hwloc-prefix=${prefix} \ --disable-collalgo-tests \ --with-device=ch4:ofi:tcp # Hopefully avoid double-rpath issues. compilers.add_gcc_rpath_support no if {${os.major} < 12} { # MPICH requires OpenCL version 1.2, which was not introduced until OS X Mountain Lion configure.args-append \ --enable-opencl=no # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70418 (change in scandir prototype) patchfiles-append patch-scandir-lion.diff } patchfiles-append \ patch-no_qmkshrobj.diff \ patch-mpich-darwin-powerpc.diff post-patch { reinplace \ "s/commons_use_dylibs_works=yes/commons_use_dylibs_works=no/" \ configure } platform darwin powerpc { # libfabric calls for atomicops, on PPC at least configure.ldflags-append \ -latomic } # We're making compiler wrappers here... don't default to -O2 for wrappers. # Actual library code is compiled with -O2 via --enable-fast=O2 configure arg configure.optflags-delete -O2 -Os configure.cppflags-delete -I${prefix}/include configure.ldflags-delete -L${prefix}/lib select.group mpi select.file ${filespath}/portselect/${name}-${cname} # Prevent "ccache" and "distcc" from being baked into the wrapper scripts. configure.ccache no configure.distcc no if {${cname} ne "mp"} { set compiler [dict get ${clist} ${cname}] configure.compiler [lindex ${compiler} 0] unset compiler long_description-append \ "\n\nTHIS SUBPORT WRAPS ${cname}'s C/C++" } else { long_description-append \ "\n\nTHIS SUBPORT WRAPS MACPORTS' DEFAULT COMPILER FOR C/C++" } configure.args-append \ --libdir=${prefix}/lib/${name}-${cname} \ --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name}-${cname} \ --program-suffix=-${name}-${cname} \ --includedir=${prefix}/include/${name}-${cname} # avoid dependency on port:bash configure.env-append \ BASH_SHELL=/bin/bash # setting xFLAGS resulting in mpicc, etc. always using these flags # setting MPICHLIB_xFLAGS only uses them for building the library foreach env_var {CFLAGS CPPFLAGS CXXFLAGS FFLAGS FCFLAGS} { configure.args-append \ MPICHLIB_${env_var}=\"\$${env_var}\" \ ${env_var}="" } # remove LDFLAGS mpicc, etc. and pkgconfig files post-build { foreach arch [get_canonical_archs] { if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { set dir ${worksrcpath}-${arch} } else { set dir ${worksrcpath} } foreach f [glob \ ${dir}/src/env/*.bash \ ${dir}/src/env/*.sh \ ${dir}/src/packaging/pkgconfig/*.pc] { reinplace \ "s| ${configure.ldflags}||g" \ ${f} reinplace \ "s| -arch ${arch}||g" \ ${f} } } } post-destroot { # This version doesn't supply doc/manpages if {[file isdirectory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man]} { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man } if {[file isdirectory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc]} { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fortran Support #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- set fortran_enabled no if { [string first gcc $cname] == 0 } { set fortran_enabled yes long_description-append "AND FORTRAN COMPILERS" variant fortran description {Stub : fortran always enabled for gcc-based version} {} default_variants-append +fortran if {${cname} eq "gcc10" || ${cname} eq "gcc11" || ${cname} eq "gcc12" || ${cname} eq "gcc13"} { # see https://lists.mpich.org/pipermail/discuss/2020-January/005862.html # see https://github.com/pmodels/mpich/issues/4300 # see https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91556 configure.fflags-append -fallow-argument-mismatch configure.fcflags-append -fallow-argument-mismatch } # GCC C++ always uses libstdc++ # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/59185 configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++ } else { long_description-append "(AND THE FORTRAN COMPILER SELECTED BY THE VARIANT, IF ANY)" compilers.allow_arguments_mismatch yes compilers.choose fc f77 f90 compilers.setup default_fortran if {[fortran_variant_isset]} { set fortran_enabled yes # Ask the portgroup for the correct dependency - the Fortran # variants gccX and g95 match the name of the ports but # gccdevel does not. depends_lib-append [fortran_variant_depends] if {[variant_isset g95]} { configure.args-append lt_cv_ld_force_load=no } } } if {${fortran_enabled}} { configure.args-replace --disable-fortran \ --enable-fortran # avoid # Python 3 is required to generate F90 bindings but not found! set python_branch 3.11 set python_version [string map {. {}} ${python_branch}] depends_build-append port:python${python_version} depends_skip_archcheck-append port:python${python_version} configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python${python_branch} select.file ${filespath}/portselect/${name}-${cname}-fortran } unset fortran_enabled #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Universal Build Support #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {![info exists universal_possible]} { set universal_possible [expr {${os.universal_supported} && [llength ${configure.universal_archs}] >= 2}] } # Fortran headers do not understand preprocessors commands like __LP64__ # Fortran mod files can not be merged for different architectures # create a architecture specific folder for the non-build_arch architecture if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { patchfiles-append patch-universal_fortran.diff post-patch { if {${build_arch} eq "ppc" || ${build_arch} eq "ppc64"} { set arch32 "ppc" set arch64 "ppc64" } else { set arch32 "i386" set arch64 "x86_64" } reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_32_BIT_ARCH__|${arch32}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/env/mpifort.bash.in reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_64_BIT_ARCH__|${arch64}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/env/mpifort.bash.in reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_BUILD_ARCH__|${build_arch}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/env/mpifort.bash.in } merger-post-destroot { foreach arch ${configure.universal_archs} { set incdir ${destroot}-${arch}${prefix}/include/${name}-${cname} if {${arch} ne ${build_arch}} { set archinc ${incdir}/${arch} xinstall -d -m 0755 ${archinc} foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory ${incdir} *.mod mpif.h] { move ${f} ${archinc} } } } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variants #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- variant threads description {Build with full thread support} { configure.args-append --enable-threads=multiple } variant gforker description {Use gforker process manager instead of the default hydra} { configure.args-replace --with-pm=hydra \ --with-pm=gforker } variant native description {Build for local machine} { configure.args-replace --enable-fast=O2 \ --enable-fast=all # Note these need to be above the following foreach if {${build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { configure.cflags-append -mtune=native configure.cxxflags-append -mtune=native } else { configure.cflags-append -march=native configure.cxxflags-append -march=native } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpiutil_add_notes \ ${name} ${subport} ${cname} ${select.file} } elseif {${subport} eq ${name}} { PortGroup stub 1.0 depends_lib-append port:${name}-default livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {href=.([0-9.p]+)/} livecheck.url ${homepage}/static/downloads/ }