PortSystem		1.0
PortGroup		ruby 1.0

ruby.setup		aspectr 0.3.5 basic_install.rb {README aspects examples} \
revision		2
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		Simple aspect-oriented programming in Ruby
long_description	Aspect-oriented programming concepts to Ruby. \
					Essentially it allows you to wrap code around existing \
					methods in your classes. This can be a good thing (and \
					even affect how you design your code) since it \
					separates different concerns into different parts of \
					the code. It is somewhat similar to Aspect
categories-append	devel
license			GPL-2
distname		${ruby.module}-[strsed ${version} {g/[.]/-/}]
checksums		md5 c640a1a82802ddb107c3ee1245a22705
platforms		any
supported_archs	noarch

post-patch {
	reinplace "s|sitedir|vendorlibdir|g" ${worksrcpath}/install.rb