# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 name p5-cgi perl5.branches 5.28 5.30 5.32 5.34 perl5.setup CGI 4.67 ../../authors/id/L/LE/LEEJO revision 0 license Artistic-2 maintainers nomaintainer description CGI - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses long_description {*}${description} platforms {darwin any} supported_archs noarch checksums rmd160 78b29311055d54fe20ab42c059f91aec4e1f8ebf \ sha256 f4a6896eb94a3ecaa1c1ba02f7e0d2bed0be4c5ad3378d80196ec25662ac4111 \ size 207827 if {${perl5.major} != ""} { depends_build-append \ port:p${perl5.major}-test-nowarnings \ port:p${perl5.major}-test-simple \ port:p${perl5.major}-test-warn depends_lib-append \ port:p${perl5.major}-html-parser \ port:p${perl5.major}-uri # https://github.com/leejo/CGI.pm/issues/264 if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 18} { depends_extract port:libarchive extract.post_args | ${prefix}/bin/bsdtar -xf - } } notes { CGI is considered to be a legacy module and is in maintenance mode for critical issues only. } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEEJO livecheck.regex "CGI-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)"