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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup ocaml     1.1

name                ocaml-astring
version             0.8.5
revision            0
categories          ocaml devel
maintainers         {pguyot @pguyot} openmaintainer
license             ISC

description         Alternative String module for OCaml
long_description    Astring exposes an alternative String module for OCaml. \
                    This module tries to balance minimality and expressiveness \
                    for basic, index-free, string processing and provides types \
                    and functions for substrings, string sets and string maps. \
                    Remaining compatible with the OCaml String module is a \
                    non-goal. The String module exposed by Astring has \
                    exception safe functions, removes deprecated and rarely \
                    used functions, alters some signatures and names, adds a \
                    few missing functions and fully exploits OCaml's newfound \
                    string immutability.

homepage            https://erratique.ch/software/astring
master_sites        ${homepage}/releases/

distname            astring-${version}
use_bzip2           yes
extract.suffix      .tbz

checksums           rmd160  1761aa721abf8ccae48fc3d178f046657d8634a1 \
                    sha256  865692630c07c3ab87c66cdfc2734c0fdfc9c34a57f8e89ffec7c7d15e7a70fa \
                    size    37499

ocaml.build_type    topkg

livecheck.name      astring