# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup golang 1.0 go.setup github.com/lanrat/certgraph 20220513 revision 0 description \ An open source intelligence tool to crawl the graph of certificate \ Alternate Names long_description \ CertGraph crawls SSL certificates creating a directed graph where each \ domain is a node and the certificate alternative names for that domain\'s \ certificate are the edges to other domain nodes. New domains are printed \ as they are found. In Detailed mode upon completion the Graph's adjacency \ list is printed. \n\ Crawling defaults to collecting certificate by connecting over TCP, \ however there are multiple drivers that can search Certificate \ Transparency logs. \n\ This tool was designed to be used for host name enumeration via SSL \ certificates, but it can also show you a \"chain\" of trust between \ domains and the certificates that re-used between them. categories net security installs_libs no license GPL-2 maintainers {gmail.com:herby.gillot @herbygillot} \ openmaintainer destroot { xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ } checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ rmd160 ae159562723fe707a992e3bd0c5f2a878ece9ee7 \ sha256 739c7a7d29de354814a8799d6c5ce4ba2236aee16ab7be980203bc7780769b47 \ size 39109 go.vendors golang.org/x/text \ lock v0.3.7 \ rmd160 52777fe8a68660aab6e4588322a5949b0ba42e58 \ sha256 48971ba6a3123c4fd81b2bdec9fda3cef5815fad76f2407c8a888032462c542d \ size 8356115 \ golang.org/x/sync \ lock 036812b2e83c \ rmd160 f42be6eb3565d2ed3d1066ea1a7f69437c8bb1e6 \ sha256 6f1daceb16cd75bdbf35da6c50aa352d1995d68ccd0049851d27686f451fad92 \ size 18756 \ golang.org/x/net \ lock 2871e0cb64e4 \ rmd160 b0ca718c4ad52ea0d357f63842977fa62a407742 \ sha256 ab2d7170f99614779cc9e16c8b0f217c66570fc5a1ab9fdb4a0f0cc147a423f1 \ size 1229632 \ github.com/weppos/publicsuffix-go \ lock v0.15.0 \ rmd160 97fcca60d21acf072a33f32a40f25e377a28f3e6 \ sha256 805310d5cba65744c549afb5616791f1dff844142eecc581118ba61d21fe4bce \ size 62703 \ github.com/lib/pq \ lock v1.10.5 \ rmd160 4752298d4213564b073d74b25601c2598f7a9b51 \ sha256 758344045f26275ebc9a4f05f475d7b2443e0a6eed72b1e4cdbde1b5774fe275 \ size 108336