# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup app 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68033 legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 16 if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 14} { PortGroup qt4 1.0 } else { PortGroup qt5 1.0 # qt5.min_version ?? # Project does not indicate qt5.depends_component qttools } name avidemux version 2.8.1 revision 7 categories multimedia platforms macosx license GPL-2 maintainers nomaintainer homepage https://avidemux.sourceforge.net description video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks long_description Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, \ filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, \ including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using \ a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, \ job queue and powerful scripting capabilities. master_sites sourceforge:project/avidemux/avidemux/${version} distname ${name}_${version} checksums rmd160 c4c3591c880eb54f52f3cbcec601363839c8f295 \ sha256 77d9bdca8683ce57c192b69d207cfab7cf92a7759ce0f63fa37b5c8e42ad3da2 \ size 26126065 patchfiles patch-admPlugins_VapourSynth.cmake.diff \ patch-cpuchecks.diff # https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/pull/500 patchfiles-append 0001-ADM_imageSave.cpp-add-missing-header.patch \ 0002-ADM_coreUtils.h-fix-symbols-export.patch \ 0003-Fix-missing-ADM_swap64.patch # remove VERSION file from ffmpeg source, that conflicts with newer compilers # that have a header. The VERSION file has been removed in ffmpeg 6.0 # which will be used in the next release of avidemux patchfiles-append patch-avidemux-remove-VERSION.diff # fix c++11-narrowing error using upstream patch # https://github.com/mean00/avidemux2/commit/65878cb39f3d9a2e51cb248cdab9724824f80558 patchfiles-append 65878cb39f3d9a2e51cb248cdab9724824f80558.patch depends_build-append port:bash \ port:gmake \ path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig \ port:yasm depends_lib-append port:fontconfig \ port:freetype \ port:fribidi \ path:lib/pkgconfig/libass.pc:libass \ port:libmad \ port:zlib default_variants +aac +gettext +lame +opus +sqlite +twolame +vorbis +vpx +x264 +x265 +xvid # only build with one job (otherwise it fails in avidemux_core) use_parallel_build no # ffmpeg requires a C11 compiler, assume avidemux does too compiler.c_standard 2011 compiler.cxx_standard 2011 cmake.set_cxx_standard yes configure.cxxflags-append -D__ASSERT_MACROS_DEFINE_VERSIONS_WITHOUT_UNDERSCORES=1 configure.args-append -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${configure.cc} \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${configure.cflags}" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${configure.cxx} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${configure.cxxflags}" \ -DFAKEROOT=${destroot} \ -DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=${worksrcpath} # some default settings configure.args-append -DGTK=OFF \ -DUSE_EXTERNAL_LIBASS=ON \ -DUSE_EXTERNAL_LIBMAD=ON # disable most options, enable them in variants configure.args-append -DAFTEN=OFF \ -DARTS=OFF \ -DASAN=OFF \ -DDCAENC=OFF -DLIBDCA=OFF \ -DESD=OFF \ -DFAAC=OFF -DFAAD=OFF \ -DFONTCONFIG=ON -DFREETYPE2=ON \ -DFRIDIBI=ON \ -DGETTEXT=OFF \ -DJACK=OFF \ -DLAME=OFF \ -DLIBVORBIS=OFF -DVORBIS=OFF \ -DOPENCORE_AMRNB=OFF -DOPENCORE_AMRWB=OFF \ -DOPUS=OFF -DOPUS_ENCODER=OFF \ -DTWOLAME=OFF \ -DVAPOURSYNTH=OFF \ -DVPXDEC=OFF -DVPXENC=OFF\ -DX264=OFF \ -DX265=OFF \ -DXVID=OFF if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 14} { configure.args-append -DENABLE_QT4=ON } else { configure.args-append -DENABLE_QT5=ON configure.env-append QT5_DIR=${qt_dir} QTDIR=${qt_dir} } if {${configure.build_arch} in [list ppc ppc64]} { configure.args-append -DADM_CPU_ALTIVEC=ON } # make bundled copy of ffmpeg build verbosely # configure.env-append V=1 # build { configure { # mimic bootStrap.bash Process() behaviour proc process {work src module build extra} { # make build dir file mkdir ${work}/${build} # configure configure.post_args ${extra} ${src}/${module} configure.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec configure # build build.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec build # install to destroot destroot.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec destroot } # build avidemux core process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_core build_core "" # build avidemux GTK UI #process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/gtk build_gtk "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-framework,Cocoa" # build avidemux QT UI process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/qt4 build_qt4 "" # build avidemux cli UI process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/cli build_cli "" # build plugins process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_plugins build_pluginsCommon "-DPLUGIN_UI=ALL" } # build and destroot is handled above build {} destroot {} variant aac description {Support for faac/faad audio codecs} { depends_lib-append port:faac depends_lib-append port:faad2 configure.args-replace -DFAAC=OFF -DFAAC=ON configure.args-replace -DFAAD=OFF -DFAAD=ON } variant dts description {Support for DTS (libdca) audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:libdca configure.args-replace -DDCAENC=OFF -DDCAENC=ON configure.args-replace -DLIBDCA=OFF -DLIBDCA=ON } variant esound description {Support for ESD audio device} { depends_lib-append port:esound configure.args-replace -DESD=OFF -DESD=ON } variant gettext description {Support for gettext} { depends_lib-append port:gettext configure.args-replace -DGETTEXT=OFF -DGETTEXT=ON } variant jack description {Support for Jack audio device} { # Do not make a default until this bug is fixed: # https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2/issues/950 depends_lib-append port:jack configure.args-replace -DJACK=OFF -DJACK=ON } variant lame description {Support for LAME audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:lame configure.args-replace -DLAME=OFF -DLAME=ON } variant opus description {Support for Opus audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:libopus configure.args-replace -DOPUS=OFF -DOPUS=ON configure.args-replace -DOPUS_ENCODER=OFF -DOPUS_ENCODER=ON } variant sqlite description {Support for SQLite3} { depends_lib-append port:sqlite3 } variant twolame description {Support for TwoLAME audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:twolame configure.args-replace -DTWOLAME=OFF -DTWOLAME=ON } variant vorbis description {Support for Vorbis audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:libvorbis configure.args-replace -DVORBIS=OFF -DVORBIS=ON configure.args-replace -DLIBVORBIS=OFF -DLIBVORBIS=ON } variant vpx description {Support for VP8 video codec} { depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/vpx.pc:libvpx configure.args-replace -DVPXDEC=OFF -DVPXDEC=ON configure.args-replace -DVPXENC=OFF -DVPXENC=ON } variant x264 description {Support for x264 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:x264 configure.args-replace -DX264=OFF -DX264=ON } variant x265 description {Support for x265 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:x265 configure.args-replace -DX265=OFF -DX265=ON } variant xvid description {Support for XviD MPEG-4 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:XviD configure.args-replace -DXVID=OFF -DXVID=ON } # .app stuff app.name Avidemux app.executable Avidemux2.8 app.use_launch_script yes app.icon cmake/osx/avidemux.icns livecheck.url http://www.fosshub.com/Avidemux.html livecheck.regex "${name}_(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"