# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 name nanogui revision 1 categories graphics license BSD maintainers @jasonliu-- openmaintainer if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { conflicts nanogui-wjakob github.setup mitsuba-renderer nanogui 21e5cbc880b2e26b28b2a35085a9e6706da1e2a8 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball version 20200404-[string range ${github.version} 0 7] checksums rmd160 192baaa0a7f0ac862b2d09021daa98733e342932 \ sha256 f105aa23476f99c2db1b28bccf4751498584e366a30e5e5078d6963a8bab6c93 \ size 2911997 description minimalistic C++/Python GUI library for OpenGL, \ GLES2/3, Metal, and WebAssembly/WebGL long_description NanoGUI is a minimalistic cross-platform widget \ library for OpenGL 3+, GLES 2/3, and Metal. It \ supports automatic layout generation, stateful C++ \ lambdas callbacks, a variety of useful widget \ types, and Retina-capable rendering on Apple \ devices. \ \ (Note: This port is for the \"new\" NanoGUI, which \ still sees active development and improvement. \ This newer version of NanoGUI has been re-written \ for the Mitsuba renderer. If you still need to use \ the \"old\" NanoGUI, please take a look at the \ 'nanogui-wjakob' port.) compiler.cxx_standard 2017 configure.cxxflags-append -std=c++17 } subport nanogui-wjakob { conflicts nanogui github.setup wjakob nanogui e9ec8a1a9861cf578d9c6e85a6420080aa715c03 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball version 20190922-[string range ${github.version} 0 7] checksums rmd160 ab08f55be3e6e78d353d05a4a9d7d6d4c5855c9f \ sha256 1d8201643ae809e0d861f5c33110f622902c0c50a700136ecfc49156c5ad2f23 \ size 2769126 description minimalistic C++/Python GUI library for OpenGL 3+ long_description NanoGUI is a minimalistic cross-platform widget \ library for OpenGL 3.x and higher. It supports \ automatic layout generation, stateful C++ lambdas \ callbacks, a variety of useful widget types, and \ Retina-capable rendering on Apple devices. \ \ (Note: This port is for the \"old\" NanoGUI, which \ has been placed into maintenance-only mode by its \ author. However, most software projects that \ depend on NanoGUI as a library, are still using \ this version, instead of the newer version that \ has been re-written for the Mitsuba renderer. So \ even though this port is \"old\", it should not be \ considered to be deprecated or obselete.) compiler.cxx_standard 2011 configure.cxxflags-append -std=c++11 } # macOS 10.6 and earlier do not have OpenGL 3 (gl3.h) if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 10} { known_fail yes pre-fetch { ui_error "${subport} requires OpenGL 3 (available in Mac OS X 10.7 and later)." return -code error "incompatible Mac OS X version" } } depends_lib-append port:glfw \ port:nanovg if {$subport eq "nanogui-wjakob"} { depends_lib-append path:share/pkgconfig/eigen3.pc:eigen3 } post-patch { # By default, NanoGUI's code assumes that the source codes of its # dependencies have been copied into NanoGUI's source tree. The # following replacements allow NanoGUI to compile against MacPorts # packages. set regexes [list \ "/NOT IS_DIRECTORY.*glfw/,/endif/s/^/#/g" \ "s|\(NANOGUI_PYBIND11_DIR.*\)tools|\\1share/cmake/pybind11|" \ "s|\(NANOGUI_EXTRA_DEFS -DNANOGUI_USE_METAL\)|\\1 -DTARGET_OS_OSX|" \ "s|\".*CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.*glfw/include|\"${prefix}/include/GLFW|" \ "s|\".*CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.*nanovg/src|\"${prefix}/include/nanovg|" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg\)/\(src\)/\(.*\.c\)|${prefix}/\\2/\\1/\\3|g" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg\)/src/\(.*\.h\)|${prefix}/include/\\1/\\2|g" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg\)/\(src\)|${prefix}/include/\\1|g" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg_metal\)/\(src\)/\(.*\.m\)|${prefix}/\\2/\\1/\\3|g" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg_metal\)/src/\(.*\.h\)|${prefix}/include/\\1/\\2|g" \ "s|ext/\(nanovg_metal\)/\(src\)|${prefix}/include/\\1|g" \ "s|\(COPY resources.*DESTINATION \).*|\\1 share/nanogui/examples)|" \ ] if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { lappend regexes \ "s|\(example\[0-9\].*nanogui\)|\\1 \${NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS}|g" } elseif {$subport eq "nanogui-wjakob"} { lappend regexes \ "/add_subdirectory/s/^/#/" \ "s|\".*CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.*tools|\"${prefix}/share/cmake/pybind11|" \ "s|ext/glfw/include|${prefix}/include/GLFW|g" } foreach re $regexes { reinplace -q -E $re ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } # Add MacPorts paths reinplace "/^if.*CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME.*MATCHES.*BSD/i\\ if (APPLE)\\ \\ include_directories(${prefix}/include)\\ \\ link_directories(${prefix}/lib)\\ endif()\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt # Make it so that CMake will be able to link to GL libraries, # even though we are running on "APPLE" and not "Linux". reinplace "/elseif.*CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES.*Linux.*OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME.*BSD/a\\ endif()\\ if (APPLE)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { reinplace "/NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS GL)/s/^/#/" \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } reinplace "/Xrandr Xinerama/s/^/#/" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt reinplace -E "s|NOT \(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES.*OpenBSD\)|\\1|" \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt # Make it so that CMake can find MacPorts' glfw if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { reinplace "/include_directories.*glfw/a\\ else()\\ \\ include_directories(${prefix}/include/GLFW)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt reinplace "/TARGET_OBJECTS:glfw_objects/a\\ else()\\ \\ list(APPEND NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS glfw)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } elseif {$subport eq "nanogui-wjakob"} { set glfw_replacements [list \ "/set_target_properties.*glfw /s/^/#/g" \ "/set_target_properties.*glfw_objects /s/^/#/g" \ "/TARGET_OBJECTS:glfw_objects/d" \ ] foreach re $glfw_replacements { reinplace -E $re ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } reinplace "/iokit_library IOKit/a\\ \\ list(APPEND NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS glfw)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } # For some reason, NanoGUI's source code compiles the examples, # but then never actually installs them anywhere and simply # leaves them in the build directory. reinplace "/COPY resources/a\\ \\ install(DIRECTORY src/ DESTINATION share/nanogui/examples\\ \\ FILES_MATCHING PATTERN \"example*\")\\ \\ install(TARGETS example1 example2 example3 example4 example_icons\\ \\ RUNTIME DESTINATION share/nanogui/examples)\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt reinplace "s|file.COPY resources|install(DIRECTORY resources|" \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { # Fix typo in reference to GLES3 header file reinplace "s|GLES3/gl2ext|GLES3/gl3ext|" \ ${worksrcpath}/include/nanogui/opengl.h if {${os.major} < 16} { # Reference: # https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/issues/1218#issuecomment-372105189 reinplace "s|std::uncaught_exceptions() > 0|std::uncaught_exception()|" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/widget.cpp } } elseif {$subport eq "nanogui-wjakob"} { reinplace -E {s/(NVG_BUILD)/\1;NVG_STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION/} \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt # Add missing file nanovg/stb_image.h reinplace "/Merge GLAD/i\\ \\ ${prefix}/include/nanovg/stb_image.h\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } } configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BUILD_PYTHON=OFF if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BUILD_GLFW=OFF } elseif {$subport eq "nanogui-wjakob"} { configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/eigen3 } # BEGIN variants that are only applicable to the "new" NanoGUI if {$subport eq "nanogui"} { variant opengl conflicts gles2 gles3 metal \ description {Build NanoGUI using OpenGL backend} \ { configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BACKEND="OpenGL" } variant gles2 conflicts opengl gles3 metal \ description {Build NanoGUI using GLES 2 backend} \ { depends_lib-append lib:libGLESv2:mesa configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BACKEND="GLES 2" } variant gles3 conflicts opengl gles2 metal \ description {Build NanoGUI using GLES 3 backend} \ { depends_lib-append lib:libGLESv3:mesa configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BACKEND="GLES 3" } # NanoGUI's Metal-related code requires at least Metal 2, which is # only available starting in macOS 10.13 High Sierra and above. if {${os.major} >= 17} { variant metal conflicts opengl gles2 gles3 \ description {Build NanoGUI using Metal backend} \ { depends_lib-append port:metalnanovg configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_BACKEND="Metal" use_xcode yes } default_variants +metal } else { default_variants +opengl } } # END variants that are only applicable to the "new" NanoGUI ### The following code was adapted from the portfiles ### of ports such as openvdb and openimageio set pythons_suffixes {34 35 36 37 38} set pythons_ports {} foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { lappend pythons_ports python${s} } foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { set p python${s} set v [string index ${s} 0].[string index ${s} 1] set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}] set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}] variant ${p} conflicts {*}${c} \ description "Build the Python ${v} plugin" {} if {[variant_isset ${p}]} { # Note: We basically need to import the value of ${v}, otherwise # all foreach iterations will end up with the same value of # ${v}! This appears to be related to how Tcl does scoping. set selected_v ${v} depends_lib-append port:${p} \ port:pybind11 configure.args-replace -DNANOGUI_BUILD_PYTHON=OFF \ -DNANOGUI_BUILD_PYTHON=ON configure.args-append -DNANOGUI_PYBIND11_DIR=${prefix} post-patch { reinplace "/find_package.PythonLibsNew/i\\ \\ set(PythonLibsNew_FIND_VERSION ${selected_v})\\ " \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } } }