# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 PortGroup qt5 1.0 name qgis3 categories gis maintainers {yahoo.com:n_larsson @nilason} {vince @Veence} openmaintainer description QGIS 3 is a user-friendly GIS based on Qt 5 long_description QGIS is a full-featured, user-friendly, free-and-open-source \ (FOSS) geographical information system (GIS) that runs on \ Unix platforms, Windows, and MacOS. license GPL-2+ homepage https://www.qgis.org/ set name-ltr qgis3-ltr subport ${name-ltr} {} if {${subport} eq ${name}} { # Latest version github.setup qgis QGIS 3_40_3 final- github.tarball_from archive revision 0 set app_name QGIS3 checksums rmd160 63458d5e7cffca50e3ff71f31ad85f05e551a3f0 \ sha256 5590ab80f78f3311a5d7d72f5543538203151040dd098c695e773f56c8832338 \ size 210945106 set grass_utils_file grass_utils.py } else { # LTR version github.setup qgis QGIS 3_34_15 final- github.tarball_from archive revision 0 set app_name QGIS3-LTR description {*}${description} (LTR) checksums rmd160 658a73d8056582383f9941f57bb9f49b3e0c52eb \ sha256 d16a05ebd7acfba25fe330552ec3d66227f892525f3159cc5388e121adbeae27 \ size 198080196 set grass_utils_file Grass7Utils.py patchfiles-append patch-configure_PROJ94.diff post-patch { # Fix configure with PROJ 9.4, use CMake default FindSQLite3 # works together with patch-configure_PROJ94.diff file delete ${worksrcpath}/cmake/FindSqlite3.cmake } } version [string map {_ .} ${github.version}] # Enable use of 'macports-libcxx' for macOS 10.14 and earlier, as port uses # libcxx features normally only available on 10.15 and later. legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy \ 18 legacysupport.use_mp_libcxx \ yes compiler.cxx_standard \ 2017 # Fix build error related to header 'optional', added in Xcode 10: # src/core/annotations/qgsannotationlayerrenderer.cpp:23:10: fatal error: 'optional' file not found # #include # ^~~~~~~~~~ #compiler.blacklist-append \ # {clang < 1001} # builds fail for 10.14/10.15, due to missing symbols # See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68181 compiler.blacklist-append \ {clang < 1200} depends_build-append \ port:bison \ port:flex \ port:ld64 depends_lib-append port:draco \ port:exiv2 \ port:expat \ port:gdal \ port:gdal-pdf \ port:geos \ port:gsl \ port:libiconv \ port:libtasn1 \ port:libzip \ port:pdal \ port:proj \ port:protobuf3-cpp \ port:qca-qt5 \ port:qca-qt5-ossl \ port:qjson-qt5 \ port:qtkeychain-qt5 \ port:qwt-qt5 \ port:spatialindex \ port:spatialite \ port:sqlite3 \ path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl qt5.depends_component \ qtscript \ qtscxml \ qtwebkit \ qtxmlpatterns \ sqlite-plugin patchfiles-append patch-app_info_plist_in.diff \ patch-CMakelists_txt.diff \ patch-MacBundleMacros.cmake.diff \ patch-SIPMacros.cmake.diff post-patch { reinplace -E "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mac/app.info.plist.in # Handle QGIS Fix #11399 which doesn’t seem to work anymore reinplace -E "s|#ifdef Q_OS_MAC$|#if 0|" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/app/layout/qgslayoutdesignerdialog.cpp reinplace -E "s|@APP_NAME@|${app_name}|" \ ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt } cmake.install_prefix ${applications_dir} pre-configure { # If GDAL is built with +hdf5 variant, QGIS needs to know the path to "mpi.h" if {[active_variants gdal hdf5]} { # Figure out HDF5's mpi include directory set mpl_include_dir "" if {![catch {set result [active_variants hdf5 openmpi]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/openmpi-mp" } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants hdf5 mpich]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/mpich-mp" } } if {$mpl_include_dir ne ""} { configure.cxxflags-append ${mpl_include_dir} } } } configure.args-append \ -DAPPLE_APPKIT_LIBRARY=${configure.sdkroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework \ -DAPPLE_APPLICATIONSERVICES_LIBRARY=${configure.sdkroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework \ -DAPPLE_COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY=${configure.sdkroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework \ -DAPPLE_IOKIT_LIBRARY=${configure.sdkroot}/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework \ -DBUILD_WITH_QT6=OFF \ -DEXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include \ -DEXPAT_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libexpat.dylib \ -DGDAL_CONFIG=${prefix}/bin/gdal-config \ -DGEOS_CONFIG=${prefix}/bin/geos-config \ -DLIBZIP_CONF_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig \ -DPROJ_ROOT=${prefix}/lib/proj9 \ -DQCA_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/include/QtCrypto \ -DQCA_LIBRARY=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/lib/libqca-qt5.dylib \ -DQGIS_MACAPP_BUNDLE=0 \ -DQSCINTILLA_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/include \ -DQSCINTILLA_LIBRARY=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/lib/libqscintilla2_qt5.dylib \ -DQT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/bin/lrelease \ -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/lib/qwt.framework/Versions/Current/Headers \ -DQWT_LIBRARY=${prefix}/libexec/qt5/lib/qwt.framework/Versions/Current/qwt \ -DSPATIALINDEX_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libspatialindex.dylib \ -DUSE_OPENCL=ON \ -DWITH_3D=ON \ -DWITH_BINDINGS=FALSE \ -DWITH_DRACO=ON \ -DWITH_GRASS7=OFF \ -DWITH_GRASS8=OFF \ -DWITH_GSL=ON \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR=ON \ -DWITH_PDAL=ON \ -DWITH_QSPATIALITE=OFF \ -DWITH_QWTPOLAR=ON \ -DWITH_SERVER=OFF configure.cppflags-append \ -I${prefix}/lib/proj9/include configure.ldflags-append \ "-Wl,-rpath,${prefix}/libexec/qt5/lib" \ -L${prefix}/lib/proj9/lib # GRASS variants variant grass7 conflicts grass description "Build GRASS 7 plugin" { depends_lib-append port:grass7 global grass_version set grass_version 78 global grass_gis_base pre-configure { configure.args-replace -DWITH_GRASS7=OFF -DWITH_GRASS7=ON configure.args-append -DGRASS_PREFIX7=${grass_gis_base} } post-patch { reinplace "s|command = None|command = '${prefix}/bin/grass${grass_version}'|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/python/plugins/grassprovider/${grass_utils_file} } } variant grass conflicts grass7 description "Build GRASS (latest) plugin" { depends_lib-append port:grass global grass_gis_base pre-configure { set grass_gis_base [exec ${prefix}/bin/grass --config path] configure.args-replace -DWITH_GRASS8=OFF -DWITH_GRASS8=ON configure.args-append -DGRASS_PREFIX8=${grass_gis_base} } post-patch { reinplace "s|command = None|command = '${prefix}/bin/grass'|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/python/plugins/grassprovider/${grass_utils_file} } } # PostgreSQL variants set pg_suffixes {16 15 14 13 12} set pg_variants {} foreach suffix ${pg_suffixes} { lappend pg_variants postgresql${suffix} } foreach suffix ${pg_suffixes} { set vrt postgresql${suffix} set pgversion [string index ${suffix} 0][string index ${suffix} 1] set index [lsearch -exact ${pg_variants} ${vrt}] set conf [lreplace ${pg_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant ${vrt} description "Use PostgreSQL ${pgversion}" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_lib-append port:${vrt} configure.args-append -DPostgreSQL_ROOT=${prefix}/lib/${vrt} \ -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/${vrt} configure.env-append PostgreSQL_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=15,16 " } set pgdefault "if {" foreach suffix ${pg_suffixes} { set pgdefault "${pgdefault}!\[variant_isset postgresql${suffix}\] && " } set pgdefault [string range ${pgdefault} 0 end-4] set pgdefault "${pgdefault}} { default_variants +postgresql16 }" eval ${pgdefault} # Python variants set python_suffixes {39 310 311 312} set python_variants {} set plugin_variants {} foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { lappend python_variants python${pyver} lappend plugin_variants plugin_support${pyver} } foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set vrt python${pyver} set pyversion [string index ${pyver} 0].[string range ${pyver} 1 end] set index [lsearch -exact ${python_variants} ${vrt}] set conf [lreplace ${python_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant ${vrt} description "Use Python ${pyversion} bindings" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_lib-append port:python${pyver} \ port:py${pyver}-pyqt5 \ port:py${pyver}-pyqt5-scintilla \ port:py${pyver}-gdal \ port:py${pyver}-six \ port:py${pyver}-protobuf3 depends_build-append port:py${pyver}-pyqt-builder \ path:${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/bin/sip-build:py${pyver}-sip depends_run-append port:py${pyver}-psycopg2 \ port:py${pyver}-requests \ port:py${pyver}-owslib \ port:py${pyver}-yaml \ port:py${pyver}-jinja2 \ port:py${pyver}-pygments configure.env-append PATH=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/bin:$env(PATH) build.env-append PATH=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/bin:$env(PATH) destroot.env-append PATH=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/bin:$env(PATH) configure.args-append -DPython_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion} configure.args-append -DWITH_BINDINGS=ON configure.args-append -DQSCI_SIP_DIR=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${pyversion}/lib/python${pyversion}/site-packages/PyQt5/bindings if {\"${subport}\" eq \"${name-ltr}\"} { configure.args-append -DPYUIC_PROGRAM=${prefix}/bin/pyuic5-${pyversion} configure.args-append -DPYRCC_PROGRAM=${prefix}/bin/pyrcc5-${pyversion} } post-patch { # Complies with py-gdal layout set gdal_py_prefix \"${worksrcpath}/python/plugins/processing/algs/gdal\" foreach file {\"AssignProjection\" \ \"fillnodata\" \ \"gdal2tiles\" \ \"gdal2xyz\" \ \"gdalcalc\" \ \"merge\" \ \"pansharp\" \ \"pct2rgb\" \ \"polygonize\" \ \"proximity\" \ \"retile\" \ \"rgb2pct\" \ \"sieve\" } { reinplace -E \"s|else '.py'|else '.py-${pyversion}'|\" \${gdal_py_prefix}/\${file}.py } } " set vrt2 plugin_support${pyver} set index2 [lsearch -exact ${plugin_variants} ${vrt2}] set conf2 [lreplace ${plugin_variants} ${index2} ${index2}] variant ${vrt2} description "Add common Python ${pyversion} modules for QGIS plugins" conflicts {*}${conf2} " depends_run-append port:py${pyver}-affine \ port:py${pyver}-cycler \ port:py${pyver}-dateutil \ port:py${pyver}-fiona \ port:py${pyver}-geojson \ port:py${pyver}-h5py \ port:py${pyver}-llvmlite \ port:py${pyver}-markupsafe \ port:py${pyver}-matplotlib \ port:py${pyver}-numpy \ port:py${pyver}-opencv4 \ port:py${pyver}-pandas \ port:py${pyver}-patsy \ port:py${pyver}-Pillow \ port:py${pyver}-plotly \ port:py${pyver}-pyproj \ port:py${pyver}-pysal \ port:py${pyver}-rasterio \ port:py${pyver}-rsgislib \ port:py${pyver}-rtree \ port:py${pyver}-scikit-learn \ port:py${pyver}-scipy \ port:py${pyver}-seaborn \ port:py${pyver}-shapely \ port:py${pyver}-sip \ port:py${pyver}-statsmodels \ port:py${pyver}-termcolor " } # Python default set python_default "if {" foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set python_default "${python_default}!\[variant_isset python${pyver}\] && " } set python_default [string range ${python_default} 0 end-4] set python_default "${python_default}} { default_variants +python312}" eval ${python_default} # Python support default set python_default "if {" foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set python_default "${python_default}!\[variant_isset plugin_support${pyver}\] && " } set python_default [string range ${python_default} 0 end-4] set python_default "${python_default}} { default_variants +plugin_support312}" eval ${python_default} pre-configure { # Assert +pythonXY and +plugin_supportXY variants are in sync set supp_py_list [list] set pyth_py_list [list] foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { if {[variant_isset plugin_support${pyver}]} {lappend supp_py_list ${pyver}} if {[variant_isset python${pyver}]} {lappend pyth_py_list ${pyver}} } if { [expr ([llength $supp_py_list] > 0) && ([llength $pyth_py_list] > 0)] && [lindex $supp_py_list 0] != [lindex $pyth_py_list 0] } { set pyv [lindex $pyth_py_list 0] ui_error "${subport} +pythonXY and +plugin_supportXY variants must be in sync" return -code error "Try running `port install ${subport} +python${pyv} +plugin_support${pyv}`" } } variant server description "Builds with the server (FCGI) option" { depends_lib-append port:fcgi pre-configure { return -code error "The +server option is currently broken (doesn’t link properly)" } configure.args-replace -DWITH_SERVER=OFF -DWITH_SERVER=ON } post-configure { # Workaround a bug in cmake??? touch ${cmake.build_dir}/src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/build.make touch ${cmake.build_dir}/src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core_autogen.dir/build.make } post-destroot { # qgis_bench app doesn’t link properly. Who uses this anyway???? delete ${destroot}${applications_dir}/${app_name}.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/qgis_bench.app } if {${subport} eq ${name-ltr}} { livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://version.qgis.org/version-ltr.txt livecheck.version ${version} livecheck.regex #QGIS Version \[0-9\]{5}|Visit https://download.qgis.org to get your copy of version (\[0-9.\]+)| } notes-append \ "Some QGIS plugins may fail with error message noting missing PyQt5.QtWebKit\ module, this could be solved by manually installing the module with e.g.\ `sudo port install py312-pyqt5 +webkit` (just make sure you use the same Python\ version for py-pyqt5 as for the QGIS Python bindings)."