# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 name gdal version 3.10.2 revision 1 checksums rmd160 35e3e3a75959d0ab949f4e68dcb39b947508046d \ sha256 67b4e08acd1cc4b6bd67b97d580be5a8118b586ad6a426b09d5853898deeada5 \ size 9206880 categories gis license MIT BSD maintainers {yahoo.com:n_larsson @nilason} {vince @Veence} openmaintainer description GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library long_description GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector \ geospatial data formats that is released under an MIT \ style Open Source License by the Open Source Geospatial \ Foundation. As a library, it presents a single raster \ abstract data model and single vector abstract data model \ to the calling application for all supported formats. It \ also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities \ for data translation and processing homepage https://www.gdal.org/ master_sites https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/${version} use_xz yes # error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 900} # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70193 compiler.cxx_standard 2017 cmake.set_cxx_standard yes # Enable use of 'macports-libcxx' for macOS 10.12 and earlier, as port uses # libc++ features normally only available on 10.13 and later. # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70228#comment:7 legacysupport.use_mp_libcxx \ yes legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy \ 16 # See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56908 compiler.thread_local_storage yes configure.optflags -DGDAL_COMPILATION # Supported PROJ versions set proj_versions {6 7 8 9} # Supported PostgreSQL versions set pg_suffixes {12 13 14 15 16} depends_build-append \ port:bash-completion \ path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig depends_lib-append \ port:blosc \ port:brunsli \ port:charls \ port:curl \ port:expat \ port:giflib \ path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ port:lerc \ port:libaec \ port:libdeflate \ port:libpng \ port:libxml2 \ port:lz4 \ path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \ port:pcre2 \ port:proj \ port:qhull \ port:spatialite \ port:sqlite3 \ port:webp \ port:zlib \ port:zstd # By default, disable all drivers configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_BUILD_OPTIONAL_DRIVERS=OFF \ -DOGR_BUILD_OPTIONAL_DRIVERS=OFF \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_PLUGINS=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_EXTERNAL_LIBS=ON # Enable all built-in raster drivers configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_AAIGRID=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ADRG=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_AIGRID=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_AIRSAR=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_BLX=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_BMP=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_BSB=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_CALS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_CEOS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_COASP=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_COSAR=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_CTG=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_DIMAP=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_DTED=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ELAS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ERS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ENVISAT=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ESRIC=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_FIT=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_GFF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_GIF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_GRIB=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_GSG=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_GXF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HF2=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_IDRISI=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ILWIS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_IRIS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_JAXAPALSAR=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_JDEM=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_JPEG=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_KMLSUPEROVERLAY=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_L1B=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_LEVELLER=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_MAP=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_MRF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_MSGN=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_NGSGEOID=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_NITF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_NORTHWOOD=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_OZI=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PCIDSK=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PCRASTER=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PDS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PNG=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PRF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_R=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_RAW=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_RMF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_RS2=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SAFE=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SAGA=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SAR_CEOS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SDTS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SENTINEL2=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SGI=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SIGDEM=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_SRTMHGT=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_STACIT=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_STACTA=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_TERRAGEN=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_TGA=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_TIL=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_TSX=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_USGSDEM=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_XPM=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_XYZ=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ZARR=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ZMAP=ON # Same with built-in vector drivers configure.args-append \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_AVC=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_CAD=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_CSV=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_DGN=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_DXF=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_EDIGEO=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_FLATGEOBUF=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_JSONFG=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GEOCONCEPT=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GMT=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_MAPML=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_MVT=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_NTF=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_OPENFILEGDB=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PG=OFF \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PGDUMP=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_S57=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_SDTS=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_SELAFIN=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_SQLITE=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_SXF=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_TIGER=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_VDV=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_WASP=ON # These drivers require curl configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_DAAS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_EEDA=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_OGCAPI=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PLMOSAIC=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_WCS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_WMS=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_WMTS=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_AMIGOCLOUD=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_CARTO=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_CSW=OFF \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ELASTIC=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_NGW=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PLSCENES=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_WFS=ON # These drivers require sqlite3 configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_MBTILES=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_RASTERLITE=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GPKG=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_OSM=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PMTILES=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_VFK=ON # These drivers require expat configure.args-append \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GEORSS=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GML=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GPSBABEL=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GPX=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_JML=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_LVBAG=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ODS=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_SVG=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_XLSX=ON # These drivers require libxml2 configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBXML2=ON # These drivers require OpenEXR configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_EXR=OFF # These drivers require Apache Arrow configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_USE_ARROW=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_PARQUET=OFF \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ARROW=OFF \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PARQUET=OFF # Miscellaneous drivers configure.args-append \ -DBUILD_CSHARP_BINDINGS=OFF \ -DBUILD_JAVA_BINDINGS=OFF \ -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF5=OFF \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_KEA=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_ARCHIVE=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_ARMADILLO=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_CFITSIO=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_CRYPTOPP=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_CURL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_DEFLATE=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_ECW=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_EXPAT=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GEOS=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GEOTIFF_INTERNAL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_GIF=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_HDF4=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_HEIF=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_ICONV=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_IDB=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_JXL=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_JXL_THREADS=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_KEA=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBAEC=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBLZMA=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_MRSID=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_NETCDF=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_ODBC=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_OGDI=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENEXR=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_OPENJPEG=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_PCRE2=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PDFIUM=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_PNG=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_POSTGRESQL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PROJ=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_QHULL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_RASTERLITE2=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_SPATIALITE=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_SQLITE3=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_TIFF_INTERNAL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_TILEDB=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_WEBP=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_XERCESC=OFF \ -DGDAL_USE_ZSTD=ON configure.args-append \ -DLIBAEC_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/lib/libaec/include \ -DLIBAEC_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libaec/lib/libaec.dylib \ -DPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/lib/proj9/include \ -DPROJ_LIBRARY_RELEASE=${prefix}/lib/proj9/lib/libproj.dylib # Always choose internal libjson code (#44098) configure.args-append -DGDAL_USE_JSONC_INTERNAL=ON if {${build_arch} in [list i386 ppc]} { # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67468 configure.args-append \ -DBUILD_WITHOUT_64BIT_OFFSET=ON } pre-configure { # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56517 if {[string match *clang* ${configure.cxx}] && ${configure.cxx_stdlib} ne ""} { configure.ldflags-append -stdlib=${configure.cxx_stdlib} } global worksrcpath_dirs if {![variant_exists universal] || ![variant_isset universal]} { set worksrcpath_dirs ${worksrcpath} } else { foreach arch ${universal_archs_to_use} { lappend worksrcpath_dirs ${worksrcpath}-${arch} } } # If HDF5 is built with a mpi variant, we need to know the path to "mpi.h". # Figure out HDF5's mpi include directory: set mpl_include_dir "" if {![catch {set result [active_variants hdf5 openmpi]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/openmpi-mp" } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants hdf5 mpich]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/mpich-mp" } } if {$mpl_include_dir ne ""} { configure.cxxflags-append ${mpl_include_dir} } } if {$subport eq $name} { # Register plugins configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_REGISTER_DRIVER_HDF4_FOR_LATER_PLUGIN=ON \ -DGDAL_DRIVER_HDF4_PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_MESSAGE="Install the HDF4 driver with 'sudo port install gdal-hdf4'." \ -DGDAL_REGISTER_DRIVER_HDF5_FOR_LATER_PLUGIN=ON \ -DGDAL_DRIVER_HDF5_PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_MESSAGE="Install the HDF5 driver with 'sudo port install gdal-hdf5'." \ -DGDAL_REGISTER_DRIVER_KEA_FOR_LATER_PLUGIN=ON \ -DGDAL_DRIVER_KEA_PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_MESSAGE="Install the KEA driver with 'sudo port install gdal-kea'." \ -DGDAL_REGISTER_DRIVER_PDF_FOR_LATER_PLUGIN=ON \ -DGDAL_DRIVER_PDF_PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_MESSAGE="Install the PDF driver with 'sudo port install gdal-pdf'." \ -DGDAL_USE_POPPLER=ON \ -DOGR_REGISTER_DRIVER_LIBKML_FOR_LATER_PLUGIN=ON \ -DOGR_DRIVER_LIBKML_PLUGIN_INSTALLATION_MESSAGE="Install the LIBKML driver with 'sudo port install gdal-libkml'." \ -DGDAL_USE_LIBKML=OFF depends_build-append \ path:lib/pkgconfig/poppler.pc:poppler \ port:hdf5 \ port:kealib \ port:libkml # Set target to none build.target variant arrow description {Enable (Geo)Arrow IPC File Format / Stream and (Geo)Parquet support} { depends_lib-append port:apache-arrow configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_ARROW=OFF -DGDAL_USE_ARROW=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_PARQUET=OFF -DGDAL_USE_PARQUET=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ARROW=OFF -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ARROW=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PARQUET=OFF -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PARQUET=ON configure.args-append -DARROW_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=OFF if {[string match *gcc* ${configure.compiler}]} { configure.ldflags-append \ -latomic } } variant cfitsio description {Enable FITS support} { depends_lib-append port:cfitsio configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_CFITSIO=OFF -DGDAL_USE_CFITSIO=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_FITS=ON } variant cryptopp description {Enable Crypto++ support} { depends_lib-append port:libcryptopp configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_CRYPTOPP=OFF -DGDAL_USE_CRYPTOPP=ON } variant ecw description {Enable ECW file format} { configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_ECW=OFF -DGDAL_USE_ECW=ON configure.args-append -DECW_ROOT=${prefix}/lib/ECW \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_ECW=ON pre-configure { if {(![file exists ${prefix}/lib/ECW]) && \ (![file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only])} { ui_error " **** * The Intergraph ECW SDK version is needed to * compile gdal with the ecw variant. It must be installed separately. * Please download the macOS version of the SDK * 'ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK v5.5 (MacOSX)' from * https://download.hexagongeospatial.com/downloads/ecw/erdas-ecw-jp2-sdk-v5-5-update-3-macos * Choose to install it in ${prefix}/lib/ECW. * Then try to install GDAL again. ****" return -code error "ECW SDK 5.5 not installed." } if {(![file exists ${prefix}/lib/ECW]) && \ ([file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only])} { ui_error " **** * Please create symbolic links from the installation directory to * ${prefix}/lib/ECW, by executing at the prompt: * sudo ln -s \${ECW_install_dir}/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.5.1/Desktop_Read-Only \ ${prefix}/lib/ECW * Or reinstall the ECW SDK in ${prefix}/lib/ECW directly. * Then try again. ****" return -code error "Symlinks missing." } } } variant hdf4 description {Enable HDF4 file format} { pre-fetch { ui_error "The '+hdf4' variant has been removed and replaced by the 'gdal-hdf4' subport." return -code error "unsupported variant" } } variant hdf5 description {Enable HDF5 file format} { pre-fetch { ui_error "The '+hdf5' variant has been removed and replaced by the 'gdal-hdf5' subport." return -code error "unsupported variant" } } variant heif description {Enable HEIF support} { depends_lib-append port:libheif configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_HEIF=OFF -DGDAL_USE_HEIF=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HEIF=ON } variant jpegxl description {Enable JPEG XL support} { depends_lib-append port:libjxl configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_JXL=OFF -DGDAL_USE_JXL=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_JXL_THREADS=OFF -DGDAL_USE_JXL_THREADS=ON } variant kea description {Enable KEA support} { pre-fetch { ui_error "The '+kea' variant has been removed and replaced by the 'gdal-kea' subport." return -code error "unsupported variant" } } variant libarchive description {Enable libarchive support} { depends_lib-append port:libarchive configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_ARCHIVE=OFF -DGDAL_USE_ARCHIVE=ON } variant lto description {Enable Link Time Optimization} { configure.args-append -DENABLE_IPO=ON } variant lzma description {Enable LZMA (7Z) compression support} { depends_lib-append port:lzma configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_LIBLZMA=OFF -DGDAL_USE_LIBLZMA=ON } variant mrsid description {Enable MrSID file format} { depends_lib-append port:geoexpress-sdk configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_MRSID=OFF -DGDAL_USE_MRSID=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_JP2MRSID=OFF -DGDAL_USE_JP2MRSID=ON } variant mysql57 conflicts mysql8 description {Enable MySQL 5.7 support} { depends_lib-append port:mysql57 configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=OFF -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=ON configure.args-append -DMYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/mysql57/mysql \ -DMYSQL_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/mysql57/mysql/libmysqlclient.dylib } variant mysql8 conflicts mysql57 description {Enable MySQL 8 support} { depends_lib-append port:mysql8 configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=OFF -DGDAL_USE_MYSQL=ON configure.args-append -DMYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/mysql8/mysql \ -DMYSQL_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/mysql8/mysql/libmysqlclient.dylib } variant native description {Optimize for speed} { if {${os.arch} eq "arm"} { configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -mcpu=apple-m1 -DGDAL_COMPILATION } elseif {${os.arch} eq "powerpc"} { # https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/18587#issuecomment-1540025830 configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -mtune=native -mcpu=native -DGDAL_COMPILATION } else { configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -march=native -DGDAL_COMPILATION } } variant netcdf description {Enable NetCDF file format} { pre-configure { # If NetCDF is built with a mpi variant, we need to know the path to "mpi.h". # Figure out NetCDF's mpi include directory: set mpl_include_dir "" if {![catch {set result [active_variants netcdf openmpi]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/openmpi-mp" } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants netcdf mpich]}]} { if {$result} { set mpl_include_dir "-I${prefix}/include/mpich-mp" } } if {$mpl_include_dir ne ""} { configure.cxxflags-append ${mpl_include_dir} } } depends_lib-append port:netcdf configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_NETCDF=OFF -DGDAL_USE_NETCDF=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_NETCDF=ON } variant odbc description {Enable ODBC support} { depends_lib-append port:unixODBC configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_ODBC=OFF -DGDAL_USE_ODBC=ON # These drivers depend on odbc configure.args-append -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ODBC=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PGEO=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_MSSQLSPATIAL=ON } variant opencl description {Enable OpenCL} { configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=OFF -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=ON } variant openexr description {Enable OpenEXR image file format} { depends_lib-append port:openexr configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_OPENEXR=OFF -DGDAL_USE_OPENEXR=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_EXR=OFF -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_EXR=ON } variant openjpeg description {Enable OpenJPEG JPEG-2000 format support} { depends_lib-append port:openjpeg configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_OPENJPEG=OFF -DGDAL_USE_OPENJPEG=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_JP2OPENJPEG=ON } variant rasterlite2 description {Enable RasterLite2 coverages support} { depends_lib-append port:librasterlite2 configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_RASTERLITE2=OFF -DGDAL_USE_RASTERLITE2=ON } variant tiledb description {Enable TileDB support} { depends_lib-append port:tiledb configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_TILEDB=OFF -DGDAL_USE_TILEDB=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_TILEDB=ON } # PostgreSQL variants set pg_variants {} set pg_default_variant "if {" foreach v ${pg_suffixes} { lappend pg_variants postgresql${v} set pg_default_variant "${pg_default_variant}!\[variant_isset postgresql${v}] && " } set pg_default_variant [string range ${pg_default_variant} 0 end-4] set pg_default_variant "${pg_default_variant}} {default_variants +postgresql${v}}" eval $pg_default_variant foreach v ${pg_suffixes} { set p postgresql${v} set i [lsearch -exact ${pg_variants} ${p}] set c [lreplace ${pg_variants} ${i} ${i}] variant ${p} description "Enable PostgreSQL ${v} support" conflicts {*}${c} " depends_lib-append port:${p} configure.args-replace -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PG=OFF -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PG=ON configure.args-append -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/${p} \ -DPostgreSQL_LIBRARY_DIR=${prefix}/lib/${p} \ -DPostgreSQL_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=${v} " } variant xerces description {Enable Xerces XML support for GML file format} { depends_lib-append path:include/xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp:xercesc3 configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_XERCESC=OFF -DGDAL_USE_XERCESC=ON # These drivers need xerces-c configure.args-append -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_NAS=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_ILI=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GMLAS=ON } set jpeg2k 0 foreach jpeg2kVariant {openjpeg ecw} { if {[variant_isset ${jpeg2kVariant}]} { incr jpeg2k 1 } } if {${jpeg2k} > 1} { notes-append "Multiple drivers are able to open JPEG-2000 datasets. See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ConfigOptions#GDAL_SKIP." } post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} HOWTO-RELEASE VERSION \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} if {[variant_isset ecw]} { foreach f [list \ bin/gdal_contour \ bin/gdal_create \ bin/gdal_grid \ bin/gdal_rasterize \ bin/gdal_translate \ bin/gdal_viewshed \ bin/gdaladdo \ bin/gdalbuildvrt \ bin/gdaldem \ bin/gdalenhance \ bin/gdalinfo \ bin/gdallocationinfo \ bin/gdalmanage \ bin/gdalmdiminfo \ bin/gdalmdimtranslate \ bin/gdalsrsinfo \ bin/gdaltindex \ bin/gdaltransform \ bin/gdalwarp \ bin/gnmanalyse \ lib/libgdal.dylib] \ { if {${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} { system "install_name_tool -change \ /Users/jenkins/hudson/workspace/RL_5.1.1_ECWJP2SDK_OSX/Master/libNCSEcw.dylib ${prefix}/lib/ECW/redistributable/libc++/libNCSEcw.dylib \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${f}" } else { system "install_name_tool -change \ /Users/jenkins/hudson/workspace/RL_5.1.1_ECWJP2SDK_OSX/Master/libNCSEcw.dylib ${prefix}/lib/ECW/redistributable/libstdc++/libNCSEcw.dylib \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${f}" } } } } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://download.osgeo.org/gdal/CURRENT livecheck.regex ${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)\\.tar } proc set_gdal_variants {} { global prefix global proj_versions global pg_suffixes global os.arch set pg "" set pg_v "" foreach v ${pg_suffixes} { if {![catch {set result [active_variants gdal postgresql${v}]}]} { if {$result} { set pg postgresql${v} set pg_v ${v} } } } if {$pg ne ""} { depends_build-append port:${pg} configure.args-replace -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PG=OFF -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_PG=ON configure.args-append -DPostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/${pg} \ -DPostgreSQL_LIBRARY_DIR=${prefix}/lib/${pg} \ -DPostgreSQL_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=${pg_v} } set proj_v "" foreach v ${proj_versions} { if {![catch {set result [active_variants gdal proj${v}]}]} { if {$result} { set proj_v ${v} } } if {$proj_v ne ""} { configure.args-append -DGDAL_USE_PROJ=ON \ -DPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_v}/include \ -DPROJ_LIBRARY_RELEASE=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_v}/lib/libproj.dylib } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants gdal lto]}]} { if {$result} { configure.args-append -DENABLE_IPO=ON } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants gdal native]}]} { if {${os.arch} eq "arm"} { configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -mcpu=apple-m1 -DGDAL_COMPILATION } elseif {${os.arch} eq "powerpc"} { # https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/18587#issuecomment-1540025830 configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -mtune=native -mcpu=native -DGDAL_COMPILATION } else { configure.optflags -O3 -pipe -march=native -DGDAL_COMPILATION } } if {![catch {set result [active_variants gdal opencl]}]} { if {$result} { configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=OFF -DGDAL_USE_OPENCL=ON } } } subport gdal-hdf4 { description GDAL - HDF4 driver long_description {*}${description}. depends_lib port:gdal \ port:hdf4 pre-configure { set_gdal_variants } configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_HDF4=OFF -DGDAL_USE_HDF4=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF4=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF4_PLUGIN=ON post-destroot { system -W ${destroot} "find . ! -name 'gdal_HDF4.dylib' \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -exec rm -f {} +" } livecheck.type none } subport gdal-hdf5 { description GDAL - HDF5 driver long_description {*}${description}. depends_lib-append port:gdal \ port:hdf5 pre-configure { set_gdal_variants } configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=OFF -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF5=OFF -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF5=ON \ configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_HDF5_PLUGIN=ON post-destroot { system -W ${destroot} "find . ! -name 'gdal_HDF5.dylib' \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -exec rm -f {} +" } livecheck.type none } subport gdal-kea { description GDAL - KEA driver long_description {*}${description}. depends_lib-append port:gdal \ port:hdf5 \ port:kealib pre-configure { set_gdal_variants } configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_KEA=OFF -DGDAL_USE_KEA=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_KEA=OFF -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_KEA=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=OFF -DGDAL_USE_HDF5=ON configure.args-append -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_KEA_PLUGIN=ON post-destroot { system -W ${destroot} "find . ! -name 'gdal_KEA.dylib' \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -exec rm -f {} +" } livecheck.type none } subport gdal-libkml { description GDAL - LIBKML driver long_description {*}${description}. depends_lib port:libkml \ port:gdal pre-configure { set boost_includedir [exec ${prefix}/bin/pkg-config --variable=boost_includedir libkml] configure.cxxflags-append -I${boost_includedir} set_gdal_variants } configure.args-replace -DGDAL_USE_LIBKML=OFF -DGDAL_USE_LIBKML=ON configure.args-append \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_LIBKML=ON \ -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_LIBKML_PLUGIN=ON post-destroot { system -W ${destroot} "find . ! -name 'ogr_LIBKML.dylib' \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -exec rm -f {} +" } livecheck.type none } subport gdal-pdf { description GDAL - PDF driver long_description {*}${description}. depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/poppler.pc:poppler \ port:gdal pre-configure { set_gdal_variants } configure.args-append \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PDF=ON \ -DGDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_PDF_PLUGIN=ON \ -DGDAL_USE_POPPLER=ON post-destroot { system -W ${destroot} "find . ! -name 'gdal_PDF.dylib' \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -exec rm -f {} +" } livecheck.type none }