# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup golang 1.0 go.setup github.com/argoproj/argo-cd 2.12.3 v go.offline_build no name argocd revision 0 homepage https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd description Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes long_description \ Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. \ Argo CD follows the GitOps pattern of using Git repositories as the \ source of truth for defining the desired application state. This port \ installs the Argo CD CLI. categories devel sysutils installs_libs no license Apache-2 maintainers {gmail.com:herby.gillot @herbygillot} \ openmaintainer checksums rmd160 86c077d5a1c92eefa6dadb0f4bc04b9b6bb6644a \ sha256 aa2d150a7b722993d9e8d4fbc6f5e11376156bea934431cb96c3bd6a35648dfb \ size 20991524 build.cmd make build.pre_args-append GOPATH=${gopath} build.args-append cli-local use_parallel_build no post-patch { reinplace {s|build -v -i|build -v|g} ${worksrcpath}/Makefile } destroot { xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/dist/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ } github.livecheck.regex {([0-9.]+)}