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PortSystem              1.0

name                    polygraph
version                 4.3.2
revision                4
categories              benchmarks www
platforms               darwin
maintainers             nomaintainer

description             Web Polygraph is a performance testing tool for caching proxies and other Web intermediaries.

long_description        Web Polygraph is a freely available performance testing tool for caching proxies, \
                        origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, content filters, and other Web intermediaries. \
                        Polygraph's features include: \
                        - high-performance HTTP clients and servers \
                        - realistic HTTP, FTP and SSL traffic generation \
                        - HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy support, with chaining \
                        - HTTP Basic, NTLM, and Negotiate proxy authentication \
                        - LDAP-friendly generation of user credentials \
                        - flexible content simulation \
                        - ready-to-use standard workloads for benchmarking \
                        - powerful domain-specific configuration language \
                        - portable open-source implementation \
                        - friendly commercial support

homepage                http://www.web-polygraph.org/
master_sites            ${homepage}downloads/srcs/

checksums               sha1    965af2502bfb68fe2a9f078fec9db2540de6cc76 \
                        rmd160  7f1c40274d9aeac18caefc919416f57a473b7c5d

depends_lib             port:ncurses \

distfiles               ${name}-${version}-src.tgz

patchfiles              patch-src-xstd-Select.h.diff

livecheck.type          regex
livecheck.url           ${homepage}downloads/srcs/
livecheck.regex         ${name}-(\[0-9\\.\]+)-src.tgz