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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           R 1.0

# Unfortunately, r-forge is unreliable in having the tarball.
# Use CRAN for now.
R.setup             cran r-project mvtnorm 1.3-2
revision            0
categories-append   math
maintainers         {@barracuda156 gmail.com:vital.had} openmaintainer
license             GPL-2
description         Multivariate Normal and t distributions
long_description    {*}${description}
homepage            http://mvtnorm.R-forge.R-project.org
checksums           rmd160  d1e024c5d591ed0a3a932faf2c3cae487f92e7d6 \
                    sha256  6a3b46a2dd60aaa0ac285fe9a585cc54c4c21dd95e15fa5b82f9884de0a1b2b2 \
                    size    837148

compilers.setup     require_fortran

depends_test-append port:R-numDeriv \

test.run            yes