# -*- tcl -*- # uevent.test: Tests for the UEVENT utilities. # # Copyright (c) 2008 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # UEVENT: @(#) $Id: uevent.test,v 1.2 2012/03/30 22:47:15 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { use log/logger.tcl logger } testing { useLocal uevent.tcl uevent } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Serialize the tag/event/command database. proc uestate {} { set res {} foreach tag [lsort -dict [uevent::list]] { set buf {} foreach event [lsort -dict [uevent::list $tag]] { lappend buf $event [uevent::list $tag $event] } lappend res $tag $buf } return $res } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test uevent-1.0 {bind error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::bind} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::bind} {tag event command} 0] test uevent-1.1 {bind error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::bind foo} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::bind} {tag event command} 1] test uevent-1.2 {bind error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::bind foo bar} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::bind} {tag event command} 2] test uevent-1.3 {bind error, wrong#args, too many} { catch {::uevent::bind foo bar barf more} msg set msg } [tcltest::tooManyArgs {::uevent::bind} {tag event command}] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test uevent-2.0 {bind} { set res {} lappend res [uestate] set t [::uevent::bind tag event command] lappend res [uestate] uevent::unbind $t set res } {{} {tag {event command}}} test uevent-2.1 {bind, multiple times of the same combination} { set res {} lappend res [uestate] set ta [::uevent::bind tag event command] lappend res [uestate] set tb [::uevent::bind tag event command] lappend res [uestate] uevent::unbind $ta lappend res [uestate] lappend res [expr {$ta eq $tb}] set res } {{} {tag {event command}} {tag {event command}} {} 1} test uevent-2.2 {bind, same tag/event, different commands} { set res {} lappend res [uestate] set ta [::uevent::bind tag event command1] lappend res [uestate] set tb [::uevent::bind tag event command2] lappend res [uestate] uevent::unbind $ta uevent::unbind $tb lappend res [uestate] lappend res [expr {$ta eq $tb}] set res } {{} {tag {event command1}} {tag {event {command1 command2}}} {} 0} test uevent-2.3 {bind, same tag/command, different events} { set res {} lappend res [uestate] set ta [::uevent::bind tag event1 command] lappend res [uestate] set tb [::uevent::bind tag event2 command] lappend res [uestate] uevent::unbind $ta uevent::unbind $tb lappend res [uestate] lappend res [expr {$ta eq $tb}] set res } {{} {tag {event1 command}} {tag {event1 command event2 command}} {} 0} test uevent-2.4 {bind, same event/command, different tags} { set res {} lappend res [uestate] set ta [::uevent::bind tag1 event command] lappend res [uestate] set tb [::uevent::bind tag2 event command] lappend res [uestate] uevent::unbind $ta uevent::unbind $tb lappend res [uestate] lappend res [expr {$ta eq $tb}] set res } {{} {tag1 {event command}} {tag1 {event command} tag2 {event command}} {} 0} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test uevent-3.0 {unbind error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::unbind} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::unbind} {token} 0] test uevent-3.1 {unbind error, wrong#args, too many} { catch {::uevent::unbind foo bar} msg set msg } [tcltest::tooManyArgs {::uevent::unbind} {token}] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test uevent-4.0 {unbind} { set ta [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command1] set tb [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command2] set tc [::uevent::bind tag1 event2 command1] set td [::uevent::bind tag2 event1 command1] ::uevent::unbind $ta set res [uestate] ::uevent::unbind $tb ::uevent::unbind $tc ::uevent::unbind $td set res } {tag1 {event1 command2 event2 command1} tag2 {event1 command1}} test uevent-4.1 {unbind} { set ta [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command1] set tb [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command2] set tc [::uevent::bind tag1 event2 command1] set td [::uevent::bind tag2 event1 command1] ::uevent::unbind $tb set res [uestate] ::uevent::unbind $ta ::uevent::unbind $tc ::uevent::unbind $td set res } {tag1 {event1 command1 event2 command1} tag2 {event1 command1}} test uevent-4.2 {unbind} { set ta [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command1] set tb [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command2] set tc [::uevent::bind tag1 event2 command1] set td [::uevent::bind tag2 event1 command1] ::uevent::unbind $tc set res [uestate] ::uevent::unbind $tb ::uevent::unbind $ta ::uevent::unbind $td set res } {tag1 {event1 {command1 command2}} tag2 {event1 command1}} test uevent-4.3 {unbind} { set ta [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command1] set tb [::uevent::bind tag1 event1 command2] set tc [::uevent::bind tag1 event2 command1] set td [::uevent::bind tag2 event1 command1] ::uevent::unbind $td set res [uestate] ::uevent::unbind $tb ::uevent::unbind $tc ::uevent::unbind $ta set res } {tag1 {event1 {command1 command2} event2 command1}} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test uevent-5.0 {generate error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::generate} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::generate} {tag event ?details?} 0] test uevent-5.1 {generate error, wrong#args, not enough} { catch {::uevent::generate foo} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {::uevent::generate} {tag event ?details?} 1] test uevent-5.2 {generate error, wrong#args, too many} { catch {::uevent::generate foo bar barf more} msg set msg } [tcltest::tooManyArgs {::uevent::generate} {tag event ?details?}] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc EVENT {t e d} { global res lappend res $t $e $d return } proc EVENT2 {t e d} { global res lappend res 2/$t $e $d return } test uevent-6.0 {generate, single command} { set t [::uevent::bind tag event EVENT] set res {} uevent::generate tag event ClientData vwait ::res ; # Allow event to fire. uevent::unbind $t set res } {tag event ClientData} test uevent-6.1 {generate, single command, multiple issues} { set t [::uevent::bind tag event EVENT] set res {} uevent::generate tag event ClientData1 uevent::generate tag event ClientData2 uevent::generate tag event ClientData3 vwait ::res ; # Allow events to fire. uevent::unbind $t set res } {tag event ClientData1 tag event ClientData2 tag event ClientData3} test uevent-6.2 {generate, multiple commands} { # Note: While we do not document the order of firing multiple # commands on one tag/event this test does capture the current # order and will trigger should we change it in the future, making # us aware of the incompatibility. set ta [::uevent::bind tag event EVENT] set tb [::uevent::bind tag event EVENT2] set res {} uevent::generate tag event ClientData vwait ::res ; # Allow events to fire. uevent::unbind $ta uevent::unbind $tb set res } {tag event ClientData 2/tag event ClientData} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc WATCHT {a t} { global res lappend res $a $t return } test uevent-7.0 {watch tag add, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::tag::add } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::tag::add pattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-7.1 {watch tag add, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::tag::add pattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-7.2 {watch tag add, wrong#args, too many} { catch { ::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG CMD foo } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::tag::add pattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-7.3 {watch tag remove, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::tag::remove } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::tag::remove token"} test uevent-7.4 {watch tag remove, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::tag::remove TOKEN foo } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::tag::remove token"} test uevent-8.0 {watch tags, bind after watch, exact} { set res {} set tw [::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG WATCHT] set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::watch::tag::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG unbound TAG} test uevent-8.1 {watch tags, watch after bind, exact} { set res {} set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set tw [::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG WATCHT] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::watch::tag::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG unbound TAG} test uevent-8.2 {watch tags, bind after watch, glob} { set res {} set tw [::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG* WATCHT] set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::watch::tag::remove $tw set res } {bound TAGX bound TAG unbound TAGX unbound TAG} test uevent-8.3 {watch tags, watch after bind, glob} { set res {} set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set tw [::uevent::watch::tag::add TAG* WATCHT] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::watch::tag::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG bound TAGX unbound TAGX unbound TAG} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc WATCHE {a t e} { global res lappend res $a $t $e return } proc SORTE {} { global res set tmp {} foreach {a t e} $res { lappend tmp [list $a $t $e] } set res {} foreach item [lsort -dict $tmp] { foreach {a t e} $item break lappend res $a $t $e } return $res } test uevent-9.0 {watch event add, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::add } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::add tpattern epattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-9.1 {watch event add, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::add TAG } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::add tpattern epattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-9.2 {watch event add, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::add TAG EVENT } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::add tpattern epattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-9.3 {watch event add, wrong#args, too many} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::add TAG EVENT CMD foo } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::add tpattern epattern cmdprefix"} test uevent-9.4 {watch event remove, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::remove } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::remove token"} test uevent-9.5 {watch event remove, wrong#args, not enough} { catch { ::uevent::watch::event::remove TOKEN foo } msg set msg } {wrong # args: should be "::uevent::watch::event::remove token"} test uevent-10.0 {watch events, bind after watch, exact} { set res {} set tw [::uevent::watch::event::add TAG E WATCHE] set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set t3 [::uevent::bind TAGX EX FOO] set t4 [::uevent::bind TAG EX FOO] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::unbind $t3 ::uevent::unbind $t4 ::uevent::watch::event::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG E unbound TAG E} test uevent-10.1 {watch events, watch after bind, exact} { set res {} set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set t3 [::uevent::bind TAGX EX FOO] set t4 [::uevent::bind TAG EX FOO] set tw [::uevent::watch::event::add TAG E WATCHE] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::unbind $t3 ::uevent::unbind $t4 ::uevent::watch::event::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG E unbound TAG E} test uevent-10.2 {watch events, bind after watch, glob} { set res {} set tw [::uevent::watch::event::add TAG* E* WATCHE] set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set t3 [::uevent::bind TAGX EX FOO] set t4 [::uevent::bind TAG EX FOO] ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::unbind $t3 ::uevent::unbind $t4 ::uevent::watch::event::remove $tw set res } {bound TAGX E bound TAG E bound TAGX EX bound TAG EX unbound TAGX E unbound TAG E unbound TAGX EX unbound TAG EX} test uevent-10.3 {watch events, watch after bind, glob} { set res {} set t1 [::uevent::bind TAGX E FOO] set t2 [::uevent::bind TAG E FOO] set t3 [::uevent::bind TAGX EX FOO] set t4 [::uevent::bind TAG EX FOO] set tw [::uevent::watch::event::add TAG* E* WATCHE] SORTE ;# ensure a canonical order ::uevent::unbind $t1 ::uevent::unbind $t2 ::uevent::unbind $t3 ::uevent::unbind $t4 ::uevent::watch::event::remove $tw set res } {bound TAG E bound TAG EX bound TAGX E bound TAGX EX unbound TAGX E unbound TAG E unbound TAGX EX unbound TAG EX} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rename EVENT {} rename EVENT2 {} rename WATCHT {} rename WATCHE {} catch {unset res} testsuiteCleanup