########################################################################## # TEPAM - Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager ########################################################################## # # proc_call_arg_valid.test # This file is part of the enhanced procedure and argument manager's regression # test. It validates the declaration and call of the procedure sub commands. # # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Andreas Drollinger # # Id: proc_call_arg_valid.test ########################################################################## # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ########################################################################## source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 catch {namespace delete ::tepam} testing { useLocal tepam.tcl tepam } # Tests is an extension of the test command. It adds the option -variations that allows \ # specifying a list values. For each of these values the test command is executed, replacing all '%1' # of the original test command string by the altered value. proc tests {name description args} { set VariationList(0) {""}; # Default variation list 0, in case no variations are required for {set NbrVariationLists 0} {1} {incr NbrVariationLists} { set VariationListPos [lsearch -exact $args -variations] if {$VariationListPos<0} break set VariationList($NbrVariationLists) [lindex $args [expr $VariationListPos+1]] set args [lreplace $args $VariationListPos [expr $VariationListPos+1]] } for {set TestNbr 0} {$TestNbr<[llength $VariationList(0)]} {incr TestNbr} { set TestExec "test \"$name\.$TestNbr\" \"$description.$TestNbr\"" foreach Arg $args { set NewArg $Arg for {set vl 0} {$vl<$NbrVariationLists} {incr vl} { regsub -all "%[expr $vl+1]" $NewArg [lindex $VariationList($vl) $TestNbr] NewArg } append TestExec " \{$NewArg\}" } uplevel 1 $TestExec } } ######## Validation through choice lists ######## tepam::procedure Value_Is_Pair { -args { {-int -type integer -optional -choices {2 4 6 8 10}} {-double -type double -optional -choices {2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0}} {-m_int -type integer -optional -multiple -choices {2 4 6 8 10}} {-m_double -type double -optional -multiple -choices {2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0}} } } { } # Choice list based argument check # Simple parameters tests tepam-argval.choic1.int1 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {2 4 8 10} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -int %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.choic1.int2 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {0 1 3 9 11} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -int %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'int' has to be one of the following elements:*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.choic1.double1 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {2.0 4.0 8.0 10.0} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -double %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.choic1.double2 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {0 0.5 1 3 9 9.5 11} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -double %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'double' has to be one of the following elements:*" -output "" -match glob # Multiple parameters tests tepam-argval.choic2.int1 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {2 4 8 10} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -m_int %1 -m_int %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.choic2.int2 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {0 1 3 9 11} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -m_int %1 -m_int %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'm_int' has to be one of the following elements:*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.choic2.double1 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {2.0 4.0 8.0 10.0} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -m_double %1 -m_double %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.choic2.double2 "tepam, Choice list based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {0 0.5 1 3 9 9.5 11} \ -body {Value_Is_Pair -m_double %1 -m_double %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'm_double' has to be one of the following elements:*" -output "" -match glob ######## Validation through ranges ######## tepam::procedure Value_Is_Medium { -args { {-int -type integer -optional -range {4 6}} {-double -type double -optional -range {4 6}} {-m_int -type integer -optional -multiple -range {4 6}} {-m_double -type double -optional -multiple -range {4 6}} } } { } # Range based argument check # Simple parameters tests tepam-argval.range1.int1 "tepam, Range based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {4 5 6} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -int %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.range1.int2 "tepam, Range based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {1 0 7 8} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -int %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'int' has to be between*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.range1.double1 "tepam, Range based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {4 5 6} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -double %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.range1.double2 "tepam, Range based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {1 1.9 6.1 7 8} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -double %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'double' has to be between*" -output "" -match glob # Multiple parameters tests tepam-argval.range2.int1 "tepam, Range based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {4 5 6} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -m_int %1 -m_int %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.range2.int2 "tepam, Range based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {1 0 7 8} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -m_int %1 -m_int %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'm_int' has to be between*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.range2.double1 "tepam, Range based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {4 5 6} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -m_double %1 -m_double %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.range2.double2 "tepam, Range based argument check - multiple parameters" \ -variations {1 1.9 6.1 7 8} \ -body {Value_Is_Medium -m_double %1 -m_double %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument 'm_double' has to be between*" -output "" -match glob ######## User specified argument validation, validation command ######## proc StringLength_Is_3 {Value} { return [expr [string length $Value]==3] } tepam::procedure AllTypeProcedure { -args { {-string_size_3 -type string -optional -validatecommand "StringLength_Is_3 %P"} {-integer_size_3 -type integer -optional -validatecommand "StringLength_Is_3 %P"} {-nonvalid -optional -validatecommand "expr 0"} {-valid -optional -validatecommand "expr 1"} {-m_string_size_3 -type string -optional -multiple -validatecommand "StringLength_Is_3 %P"} {-m_integer_size_3 -type integer -optional -multiple -validatecommand "StringLength_Is_3 %P"} {-m_nonvalid -optional -multiple -validatecommand "expr 0"} {-m_valid -optional -multiple -validatecommand "expr 1"} } } { } # Validation command based argument check # Simple parameters tests tepam-argval.user1.1 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {ab abcd} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -string_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user1.2 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -string_size_3 %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.user1.3 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {12 1234} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -integer_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user1.4 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -integer_size_3 %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.user1.5 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {1a3} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -integer_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*requires type 'integer'*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user1.6 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -nonvalid %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user1.7 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -valid %1} \ -result "" -output "" # Multiple parameters" tests tepam-argval.user2.1 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {ab abcd} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_string_size_3 %1 -m_string_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user2.2 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_string_size_3 %1 -m_string_size_3 %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.user2.3 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {12 1234} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_integer_size_3 %1 -m_integer_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user2.4 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_integer_size_3 %1 -m_integer_size_3 %1} \ -result "" -output "" tests tepam-argval.user2.5 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {1a3} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_integer_size_3 %1 -m_integer_size_3 %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*requires type 'integer'*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user2.6 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_nonvalid %1 -m_nonvalid %1} \ -returnCodes error -result "*Argument * is invalid.*" -output "" -match glob tests tepam-argval.user2.7 "tepam, User command based argument check - simple parameters" \ -variations {abc 123} \ -body {AllTypeProcedure -m_valid %1 -m_valid %1} \ -result "" -output "" ######## That's all ######## ::tcltest::cleanupTests return ########################################################################## # Id: proc_call_arg_valid.test # Modifications: # # Revision 1.2 2013/10/14 droll # * Adapted the expected error message to the changes made inside tepam.tcl # # Revision 1.1 2010/02/11 21:50:55 droll # * TEPAM module checkin ##########################################################################