########################################################################## # TEPAM - Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager ########################################################################## # # bug_fixes.test: # This file is part of the enhanced procedure and argument manager's regression # test. It validates the fix of various bugs # # Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Drollinger # # Id: bug_fixes.test ########################################################################## # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ########################################################################## source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 catch {namespace delete ::tepam} testing { useLocal tepam.tcl tepam } set tepam::named_arguments_first 0 ######## Bug 3608951 of tepam 0.4.0: Order of the arguments in the generated help text ######## tepam::procedure Procedure_named_arg_first1 { -named_arguments_first 1 -args {-Named1 -Named2 Unnamed1 Unnamed2} } {} tepam::procedure Procedure_named_arg_first2 { -named_arguments_first 1 -args {Unnamed1 Unnamed2 -Named1 -Named2} } {} tepam::procedure Procedure_unnamed_arg_first1 { -named_arguments_first 0 -args {-Named1 -Named2 Unnamed1 Unnamed2} } {} tepam::procedure Procedure_unnamed_arg_first2 { -named_arguments_first 0 -args {Unnamed1 Unnamed2 -Named1 -Named2} } {} test tepam-bug_fixes.help_text.nun1 "Bug fixes, NUN" \ -body "Procedure_named_arg_first1 -help" \ -match glob \ -result "" -output "*Procedure_named_arg_first1*-Named1 *-Named2 ***" test tepam-bug_fixes.help_text.nun2 "Bug fixes, NUN" \ -body "Procedure_named_arg_first2 -help" \ -match glob \ -result "" -output "*Procedure_named_arg_first2*-Named1 *-Named2 ***" test tepam-bug_fixes.help_text.unn1 "Bug fixes, unn" \ -body "Procedure_unnamed_arg_first1 -help" \ -match glob \ -result "" -output "*Procedure_unnamed_arg_first1***-Named1 *-Named2 *" test tepam-bug_fixes.help_text.unn2 "Bug fixes, unn" \ -body "Procedure_unnamed_arg_first2 -help" \ -match glob \ -result "" -output "*Procedure_unnamed_arg_first2***-Named1 *-Named2 *" ######## Bug 3608952 of tepam 0.4.0: Help text is incorrect if procedure is part of non-default namespace ###### # This bug is verified by the updated test 'proc_namespaces.test'. ######## Bug 3613644 of tepam 0.4.0: Incorrect namespace formatting results in no vars defined ###### namespace eval myns { tepam::procedure myproc { -args { {-myvar -default myvalue} } } { return $myvar } } test tepam-bug_fixes.bug3613644.1 "Bug fixes, bug 3613644 (1)" \ -body {puts "first try: [::myns::myproc]"} \ -result "" -output "first try: myvalue\n" test tepam-bug_fixes.bug3613644.2 "Bug fixes, bug 3613644 (2)" \ -body {puts "second try: [myns::myproc]"} \ -result "" -output "second try: myvalue\n" ######## Bug a0e091b25d of tepam 0.5.0: Misformatted description in auto-generated help text ###### namespace eval ::bug { tepam::procedure {tproc subproc1} { -description "desc1." } {} tepam::procedure {tproc subproc2} { -description "desc2." } {} tepam::procedure {tproc subproc3} { -description "desc 3." } {} tepam::procedure {tproc subproc4} { -description "desc 4." } {} tepam::procedure {tproc subproc5} { -description "desc 5." } {} } tcltest::test tepam-bug_fixes.bug3613644.1 "Bug fixes, bug 3613644 (1)" \ -body {::bug::tproc -help} \ -result "" -output [join { {NAME} { bug::tproc} {SYNOPSIS} { bug::tproc subproc1} { bug::tproc subproc2} { bug::tproc subproc3} { bug::tproc subproc4} { bug::tproc subproc5} {DESCRIPTION} { bug::tproc subproc1} { desc1.} { bug::tproc subproc2} { desc2.} { bug::tproc subproc3} { desc 3.} { bug::tproc subproc4} { desc 4.} { bug::tproc subproc5} { desc 5.} {} {} } "\n"] ######## That's all ######## ::tcltest::cleanupTests return ########################################################################## # Id: bug_fixes.test # Modifications: # # Revision 2016/03/04 droll # * Added test for reported bug a0e091b25d (Misformatted description in auto-generated help text) # # Revision 2013/10/14 droll # * Added test for reported bug 3613644 # # Revision 2013/03/25 droll # * New test file, added tests to verify bug 3608951 ##########################################################################