# -*- tcl -*- ########################################################################## # TEPAM - Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager ########################################################################## # # adbox_all.test: # This file is part of the enhanced procedure and argument manager's regression # test. It verifies the argument_dialogbox in conjunction with all its different # data entry widgets. # # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Andreas Drollinger # # Id: adbox_all.test ########################################################################## # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ########################################################################## source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testsNeed Tk 8.5 catch {namespace delete ::tepam} testing { useLocal tepam.tcl tepam } tepam::GuiEnvironmentInit ######## Check all major functionalities of the argument dialogbox in conjunction with all widgets ######## # Evaluate the default font name. Use the 'font actual' command to evaluate the real font # names (Tk8.5 uses pseudo font names like 'TkDefaultFont'). set DefaultFontOrig [[label .lfont] cget -font] set DefaultFont [list [font actual $DefaultFontOrig -family] \ [expr [font actual $DefaultFontOrig -size]<6 ? 6 : [font actual $DefaultFontOrig -size]]] foreach {ShortType WidgetType OkCode OkValue DefaultValue SetValue Attributes} { ent entry ok "" "Test Phrase" "This is a test" "" txt text ok "" "Test Phrase" "This is a test" "" col color error "*Required type is *" "red" "blue" "" dir directory ok "" "test_dir" "other_dir" "" file file error "*Required type is *" "test_file" "other_file" "" lbx1 listbox ok "1" "2" "3" "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6}" lbx2 listbox ok "1" {2 4} {3 5} "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6} -multiple_selection 1" lbx1 combobox ok "" "2" "3" "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6}" dlbx disjointlistbox ok "" {2 4} {2 5} "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6}" cbx checkbox ok "" {2 4} {2 5} "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6}" rbx radiobox ok "1" {2 4} {2 5} "-choices {1 2 3 4 5 6}" cbtn checkbutton ok "0" 1 1 "" fnt font ok $DefaultFont {Courier 7} {Arial 6} "" } { append Attributes " -variable Result" # Check the 'Cancel' functionality: set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,status) cancel set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,script) "" catch {unset Result} test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.cr1 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - create 1" \ -body "tepam::argument_dialogbox -$WidgetType \{$Attributes\} " \ -result "cancel" \ -match exact test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.re1 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - result 1" \ -body {info exists Result} \ -result 0 \ -match exact # Check the 'OK' functionality without providing a default value: set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,status) ok set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,script) "" catch {unset Result} if {$OkCode=="ok"} { test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.cr2 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - create 2" \ -body "tepam::argument_dialogbox -$WidgetType \{$Attributes\}" \ -result "ok" \ -match exact test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.re2 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - result 2" \ -body {set Result} \ -result [subst $OkValue] \ -match exact } else { test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.cr2 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - create 2" \ -body { tepam::argument_dialogbox -$WidgetType {-variable Result} } \ -returnCodes $OkCode \ -result [subst $OkValue] \ -match glob } # Check the 'OK' functionality, provide a default value: set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,status) ok set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,script) "" catch {unset Result} test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.cr3 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - create 3" \ -body "tepam::argument_dialogbox -$WidgetType \{$Attributes -default \"$DefaultValue\"\}" \ -result "ok" \ -match exact test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.re3 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - result 3" \ -body {set Result} \ -result [subst $DefaultValue] \ -match exact # Check the 'OK' functionality, provide a default value and change change then this value: set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,status) ok set tepam::argument_dialogbox(test,script) "ad_form($WidgetType) \$WChild(0).f set \"$SetValue\"" catch {unset Result} test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.cr4 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - create 4" \ -body "tepam::argument_dialogbox -$WidgetType \{$Attributes -default \"$DefaultValue\"\}" \ -result "ok" \ -match exact test tepam-adbox.all.$ShortType.re4 "argument_dialogbox with $WidgetType widget - result 4" \ -body {set Result} \ -result [subst $SetValue] \ -match exact } ######## That's all ######## destroy .lfont; # Remove again the label widget to evaluate the default font ::tcltest::cleanupTests return ########################################################################## # Id: adbox_all.test # Modifications: # # Revision 1.3 2012/05/07 20:26:02 droll # * TEPAM version 0.4.0 # * Add the new text procedure argument type and the text multi line data # entry widget. # # Revision 1.2 2011/11/09 05:43:30 andreas_kupries # # * adbox_all.test: [Bug 3422990]: Fixed these test files to # * adbox_widgets.test: properly register their need for Tk # * proc_interactive.test: and not execute without it. # # Revision 1.1 2010/02/11 21:50:55 droll # * TEPAM module checkin ##########################################################################