# -*- tcl -*- # md5.test: tests for the md5 commands # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Tool Corp. # All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal md5x.tcl md5 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[::md5::LoadAccelerator critcl]} { puts "> critcl based" } if {[::md5::LoadAccelerator cryptkit]} { puts "> cryptkit based" } if {[::md5::LoadAccelerator trf]} { puts "> Trf based" } puts "> pure Tcl" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle multiple implementation testing # array set preserve [array get ::md5::accel] proc implementations {} { variable ::md5::accel foreach {a v} [array get accel] {if {$v} {lappend r $a}} lappend r tcl; set r } proc select_implementation {impl} { variable ::md5::accel foreach e [array names accel] { set accel($e) 0 } if {[string compare "tcl" $impl] != 0} { set accel($impl) 1 } } proc reset_implementation {} { variable ::md5::accel array set accel [array get ::preserve] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test md5-v2-1.0 {md5} { catch {::md5::md5} result set result } {wrong # args: should be "md5 ?-hex? -filename file | string"} # [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "md5" "?-hex? -filename file | string" 0] test md5-v2-1.1 {md5} { catch {::md5::hmac} result set result } {wrong # args: should be "hmac ?-hex? -key key -filename file | string"} # [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "hmac" "?-hex? -key key -filename file | string" 0] test md5-v2-1.2 {md5} { catch {::md5::hmac key} result set result } {wrong # args: should be "hmac ?-hex? -key key -filename file | string"} # [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "hmac" "?-hex? -key key -filename file | string" 1] set tests { 1 "" "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E" 2 "a" "0CC175B9C0F1B6A831C399E269772661" 3 "abc" "900150983CD24FB0D6963F7D28E17F72" 4 "message digest" "F96B697D7CB7938D525A2F31AAF161D0" 5 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "C3FCD3D76192E4007DFB496CCA67E13B" 6 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" "D174AB98D277D9F5A5611C2C9F419D9F" 7 "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" "57EDF4A22BE3C955AC49DA2E2107B67A" 8 "a\$apr1\$a" "020C3DD6931F7E94ECC99A1F4E4C53E2" } foreach impl [implementations] { select_implementation $impl foreach {n msg expected} $tests { test md5-v2-$impl-2.$n "md5 ($impl impl)" { list [catch {::md5::md5 -hex -- $msg} msg] $msg } [list 0 $expected] } reset_implementation } set vectors { 1 "" "" "74E6F7298A9C2D168935F58C001BAD88" 2 "\x01" "" "DFA55EFBE6ED07FA2E056E57E949930A" 3 "foo" "hello" "EF2AC8901530DB30AA56929ADFE5E13B" 4 "bar" "world" "DFC05594B019ED51535922A1295446E8" 5 "key" "text" "D0CA6177C61C975FD2F8C07D8C6528C6" 6 "md5" "hmac" "D189F362DAF86A5C8E14BA4ABA91B260" 7 "hmac" "md5" "480343CF0F2D5931EC4923E81059FB84" 8 "md5" "md5" "92C5FB986E345F21F181047AB939EC77" 9 "hmac" "hmac" "08ABBE58A55219789E3EEDE153808A56" 10 "01234567abcdefgh01234567abcdefgh01234567abcdefgh01234567abcdefgh==" "hello world" "CF0237466F9B3C773858A1892B474C9E" 11 "-" "a" "E3BA60E98ED812A68AEB04A8FF57AC8E" 12 "a" "-" "A9DD01C469578DCD4220600667DF6FFB" } foreach impl [implementations] { select_implementation $impl foreach {n key text expected} $vectors { test md5-v2-$impl-3.$n "hmac ($impl impl)" { list [catch {::md5::hmac -hex -key $key -- $text} msg] $msg } [list 0 $expected] } reset_implementation } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RFC 2202 has a set of test vectors for HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1. # This is those test vectors... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set vectors \ [list \ 1 [string repeat \x0b 16] "Hi There" \ 9294727A3638BB1C13F48EF8158BFC9D \ 2 "Jefe" "what do ya want for nothing?" \ 750C783E6AB0B503EAA86E310A5DB738 \ 3 [string repeat \xaa 16] [string repeat \xdd 50] \ 56BE34521D144C88DBB8C733F0E8B3F6 \ 4 \ [binary format H* 0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213141516171819]\ [string repeat \xcd 50] \ 697EAF0ACA3A3AEA3A75164746FFAA79 \ 5 [string repeat \x0c 16] "Test With Truncation" \ 56461EF2342EDC00F9BAB995690EFD4C \ 6 [string repeat \xaa 80] \ "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First" \ 6B1AB7FE4BD7BF8F0B62E6CE61B9D0CD \ 7 [string repeat \xaa 80] \ "Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key and Larger Than One Block-Size Data" \ 6F630FAD67CDA0EE1FB1F562DB3AA53E \ ] foreach impl [implementations] { select_implementation $impl foreach {n key msg hash} $vectors { test md5-v2-$impl-4.$n "RFC2202 test vectors for HMAC-MD5 ($impl)" { ::md5::hmac -hex -key $key -- $msg } $hash } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test md5-v2-6.1 {Check hashing data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::md5 -hex -hello} msg] $msg } {0 110CD19610AD6247F30263C882670CC1} test md5-v2-6.2 {Check hashing data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::md5 -hex -- -hello} msg] $msg } {0 110CD19610AD6247F30263C882670CC1} test md5-v2-6.3 {Check hashing data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::md5 -hex --} msg] $msg } {0 CFAB1BA8C67C7C838DB98D666F02A132} test md5-v2-6.4 {Check hashing data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::md5 -hex -- --} msg] $msg } {0 CFAB1BA8C67C7C838DB98D666F02A132} test md5-v2-7.1 {Check hmac data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::hmac -hex -key "" -hello} msg] $msg } {0 6C39C49DA482D110B72B72F24E082E0F} test md5-v2-7.2 {Check hmac data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::hmac -hex -key "" -- -hello} msg] $msg } {0 6C39C49DA482D110B72B72F24E082E0F} test md5-v2-7.3 {Check hmac data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::hmac -hex -key "" --} msg] $msg } {0 8EB61D377088779210AD82659AECD631} test md5-v2-7.4 {Check hmac data that begins with hyphen} { list [catch {::md5::hmac -hex -key "" -- --} msg] $msg } {0 8EB61D377088779210AD82659AECD631} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach impl [implementations] { select_implementation $impl set text "\uFFFE\u0000\u0001\u0002" set hash "D1D965486BA8BCF34D3F5A1E00C7CBF1" test md5-5.0 "md5 unicode hash \"$text\"" -body { ::md5::md5 -hex [encoding convertto utf-8 $text] } -result $hash ; # {} unset text hash reset_implementation } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: