# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for 1-d optimisation functions in math library -*- tcl -*- # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcllib # procedures. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # $Id: optimize.test,v 1.17 2011/01/18 07:49:53 arjenmarkus Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 by Arjen Markus # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 by Kevin B. Kenny # All rights reserved. # # Note: # By evaluating the tests in a different namespace than global, # we assure that the namespace issue (Bug #...) is checked. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.1 support { useLocal math.tcl math } testing { useLocal optimize.tcl math::optimize } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval optimizetest { namespace import ::math::optimize::* if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 9]} { set old_precision $::tcl_precision } set ::tcl_precision 0 # # Simple test functions # proc const_func { x } { return 1.0 } proc ffunc { x } { expr {$x*(1.0-$x*$x)} } proc minfunc { x } { expr {-$x*(1.0-$x*$x)} } proc absfunc { x } { expr {abs($x*(1.0-$x*$x))} } proc within_range { result min max } { #puts "Within range? $result $min $max" #puts "[expr {2.0*abs($result-$min)/abs($max+$min)}]" if { $result >= $min && $result <= $max } { set ok 1 } else { set ok 0 } return $ok } # # Test the minimum procedure # # Note about the uneven and even functions: # the initial interval is chosen symmetrical, so that the # three function values are equal. # test optimize-1.1 "Minimum of constant function" { set result [minimum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::const_func] within_range $result -1.0 1.0 } 1 test optimize-1.2 "Minimum of odd function, case 1" { set result [minimum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::ffunc] set xmin [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 test optimize-1.3 "Minimum of odd function, asymmetric interval" { set result [minimum -0.8 1.2 ::optimizetest::ffunc] set xmin [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 test optimize-1.4 "Minimum of odd function, case 2" { set result [minimum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::minfunc] set xmin [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 test optimize-1.5 "Minimum of even function" { set result [minimum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::absfunc] set xmin -0.0001 set xmax 0.0001 within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 # # Test the maximum procedure # # Note about the uneven and even functions: # the initial interval is chosen symmetrical, so that the # three function values are equal. # test optimize-2.1 "Maximum of constant function" { set result [maximum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::const_func] within_range $result -1.0 1.0 } 1 test optimize-2.2 "Maximum of odd function, case 1" { set result [maximum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::ffunc] set xmin [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 test optimize-2.3 "Maximum of odd function, case 2" { set result [maximum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::minfunc] set xmin [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] within_range $result $xmin $xmax } 1 # # Either of the two maxima will do # test optimize-2.4 "Maximum of even function" { set result [maximum -1.0 1.0 ::optimizetest::absfunc] set xmin [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {-sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] set ok [within_range $result $xmin $xmax] set xmin [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)-0.0001}] set xmax [expr {sqrt(1.0/3.0)+0.0001}] incr ok [within_range $result $xmin $xmax] } 1 # Custom match procedure for approximate results proc withinEpsilon { shouldBe is } { expr { [string is double $is] && abs( $is - $shouldBe ) < 1.e-07 * abs($shouldBe) } } ::tcltest::customMatch withinEpsilon [namespace code withinEpsilon] test linmin-1.1 {find minimum of a parabola - constrained} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ($x + 3.) * ($x - 1.) } } } \ -body { foreach {x y} [min_bound_1d f 10. -10.] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result -1. \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-1.2 {find minimum of cosine} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { cos($x) } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_bound_1d f 0. 6.28318] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 3.1415926535897932 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-1.3 {find minimum of a bell-shaped function} \ -setup { proc f x { set t [expr { $x - 3. }] return [expr { -exp ( -$t * $t / 2 ) }] } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_bound_1d f 0 30.] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 3. \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-1.4 {function where parabolic extrapolation never works} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { -1. / ( 0.01 + abs( $x - 5.) ) } } } \ -body { foreach {x y} [min_bound_1d f 0 20.] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 5. \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-2.1 {wrong \# args} \ -body { min_bound_1d f } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs min_bound_1d {f x1 x2 args} 1] test linmin-2.2 {wrong \# args} \ -body { min_bound_1d f 0 1 -bad } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result "wrong # args, should be \"min_bound_1d f x1 x2 ?-option value?...\"" test linmin-2.3 {bad arg} \ -body { min_bound_1d f 0 1 -bad option } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result "unknown option \"-bad\", should be -abserror,\ -fguess, -guess, -initial,\ -maxiter, -relerror, or -trace" test linmin-2.4 {iteration limit} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { -1. / ( 0.01 + abs( $x - 5.) ) } } } \ -body { min_bound_1d f 20. 0 -maxiter 10 } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result "min_bound_1d failed to converge after \\d* steps" \ -match regexp test linmin-3.1 {minimise cos(x), unbounded} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { cos($x) } } } -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 3. 3.01] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 3.1415926535897932 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.2 {minimise cos(x), unbounded, too eager} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { cos($x) } } } -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 0.1 0.15] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result [expr { 3. * 3.1415926535897932 }] \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.3 {near underflow in parabolic extrapolation} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ( 1.12712e-22 * $x * $x * $x - 1e-15 ) * $x + 1e-15 } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 1. 0.] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 130.41372 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.4 {near underflow in parabolic extrapolation} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ( ( 1e-30 * $x * $x - 1.12712e-22 ) * $x * $x * $x - 1e-15 ) * $x + 1e-15 } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 1. 0. -relerror 1e-08] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 8668.4248 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.5 {parabolic interpolation finds a minimum - case 1} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ( ( ( 1e-5 * $x - 2.69672 ) * $x + 10.0902 ) * $x - 8.39345 ) * $x + 1. } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 1. 0. -relerror 1e-08] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 0.527450252 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.6 {parabolic interpolation finds a minimum - case 2} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ( ( 0.125669 * $x * $x - 0.982687 ) * $x - 0.142982 ) * $x + 1 } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 1. 0. -relerror 1e-08] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 2.0127451 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-3.7 {parabolic interpolation is useless} \ -setup { proc f x { expr { ( ( ( 1e-5 * $x - 6.79171 ) * $x + 24.8107 ) * $x - 19.019 ) * $x + 1. } } } \ -body { foreach { x y } [min_unbound_1d f 1 0 -relerror 1e-8] break set x } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 509375.81 \ -match withinEpsilon test linmin-4.1 {wrong \# args} \ -body { min_unbound_1d f } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs min_unbound_1d {f x1 x2 args} 1] test linmin-4.2 {wrong \# args} \ -body { min_unbound_1d f 0 1 -bad } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result "wrong # args, should be \"min_unbound_1d f x1 x2 ?-option value?...\"" test linmin-4.3 {bad arg} \ -body { min_unbound_1d f 0 1 -bad option } \ -returnCodes 1 \ -result "unknown option \"-bad\", should be -trace" # # Test the solveLinearProgram procedure # set ::symm_constraints { { 1.0 2.0 1.0 } { 2.0 1.0 1.0 } } test linprog-1.0 "Symmetric constraints, case 1" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram {1.0 1.0} $::symm_constraints] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] 0.333300 0.333360] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] 0.333300 0.333360] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test linprog-1.1 "Symmetric constraints, case 2" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram {1.0 0.0} $::symm_constraints] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] 0.49900 0.50100] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] -0.00100 0.00100] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test linprog-1.2 "Symmetric constraints, case 3" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram {0.0 1.0} $::symm_constraints] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] 0.499900 0.500100] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] -0.000100 0.000100] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test linprog-1.3 "Symmetric constraints, case 4" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram {3.0 4.0} $::symm_constraints] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] 0.333300 0.333360] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] 0.333300 0.333360] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test linprog-2.1 "Unbounded program 1" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram {3.0 4.0} {{1.0 -2.0 1.0} {-2.0 1.0 1.0}} ] } \ -result "unbounded" test linprog-2.2 "Unbounded program 2" \ -body { set result [::math::optimize::solveLinearProgram {2.0 1.0} {{3.0 0.0 6.0} {1.0 0.0 2.0}}] } \ -result "unbounded" test linprog-2.3 "Infeasible program" \ -body { set result [::math::optimize::solveLinearProgram {2.0 1.0} {{3.0 1.0 6.0} {1.0 -1.0 2.0} {0.0 1.0 -3.0}}] } \ -result "infeasible" test linprog-2.4 "Degenerate program" \ -body { # Solution: {1.0 3.0} set result [::math::optimize::solveLinearProgram {2.0 1.0} {{3.0 1.0 6.0} {1.0 -1.0 2.0} {0.0 1.0 3.0}}] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] 0.99999 1.00001] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] 2.99999 3.00001] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test linprog-3.1 "Simple 3D program" \ -body { set result [solveLinearProgram \ {1.0 1.0 1.0} \ {{1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0} {1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0} {2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0}}] set ok 1 if { ! [within_range [lindex $result 0] 0.249900 0.250100] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 1] 0.249900 0.250100] || ! [within_range [lindex $result 2] 0.249900 0.250100] } { set ok 0 } set ok } \ -result 1 test nelderMead-1.1 "Nelder-Mead - wrong \# args" \ -body { ::math::optimize::nelderMead f {0.0 0.0} -bogus } \ -returnCodes error \ -match glob \ -result "wrong \# args*" test nelderMead-1.2 "Nelder-Mead - bad param" \ -body { ::math::optimize::nelderMead f {0.0 0.0} -bogus 1 } \ -returnCodes error \ -match glob \ -result {unknown option "-bogus"*} test nelderMead-1.3 "Nelder-Mead - bad size of scale" \ -body { ::math::optimize::nelderMead f {0.0 0.0} -scale {0 0 0} } \ -returnCodes error \ -result {-scale vector must be of same size as starting x vector} # Easy case - minimize in a paraboloid test nelderMead-2.1 "Nelder-Mead - easy" \ -setup { proc f {x y} { expr {($x-3.)*($x-3.) + ($y-2.)*($y-2.) + 1.} } } \ -body { array set dd [::math::optimize::nelderMead f {1. 1.}] foreach {x y} $dd(x) break expr { abs($x-3.) < 0.001 && abs($y-2.) < 0.001 } } \ -cleanup { rename f {}; unset dd } \ -result 1 test nelderMead-2.2 "Nelder-Mead - easy" \ -setup { proc f {x y} { expr {($x-3.)*($x-3.) + ($y-2.)*($y-2.) + 1.} } } \ -body { array set dd [::math::optimize::nelderMead f {0. 0.}] foreach {x y} $dd(x) break expr { abs($x-3.) < 0.001 && abs($y-2.) < 0.001 } } \ -cleanup { rename f {}; unset dd } \ -result 1 # Slalom down a sinuous valley - exercises most of the code test nelderMead-2.3 "Nelder-Mead - sinuous valley" \ -setup { set pi 3.1415926535897932 proc f {x y} { set xx [expr { $x - 3.1415926535897932 / 2. }] set v1 [expr { 0.3 * exp( -$xx*$xx / 2. ) }] set d [expr { 10. * $y - sin(9. * $x) }] set v2 [expr { exp(-10.*$d*$d)}] set rv [expr { -$v1 - $v2 }] return $rv } } \ -body { array set dd [::math::optimize::nelderMead f {1. 0.} -scale {0.1 0.01}] foreach {x y} $dd(x) break expr { abs($x-$pi/2) < 0.001 && abs($y-0.1) < 0.001 } } \ -cleanup {rename f {}; unset dd} \ -result 1 # Exercise the difficult case where the simplex has to contract about the # low point because all else has failed. test nelderMead-2.4 "Nelder-Mead - simplex contracts about the minimum" \ -setup { proc g {a b} { set x1 [expr {0.1 - $a + $b}] set x2 [expr {$a + $b - 1.}] set x3 [expr {3.-8.*$a+8.*$a*$a-8.*$b+8.*$b*$b}] set x4 [expr {$a/10. + $b/10. + $x1*$x1/3. + $x2*$x2 - $x2 * exp(1-$x3*$x3)}] return $x4 } } \ -body { array set dd [::math::optimize::nelderMead g {0. 0.} \ -scale {1. 1.} -ftol 1e-10] foreach {x y} $dd(x) break expr { abs($x-0.774561) < 0.00005 && abs($y-0.755644) < 0.00005 } } \ -cleanup { rename g {}; unset dd } \ -result 1 # Make sure the method deals gracefully with a "valley" # (Ticket UUID: 3193459) test nelderMead-2.5 "Nelder-Mead - indeterminate minimum (valley)" \ -setup { proc h {a b} { return [expr {abs($a-$b)}] } } \ -body { array set dd [::math::optimize::nelderMead h {1. 1.}] foreach {x y} $dd(x) break expr { abs($x-1.) < 0.00005 && abs($y-1.) < 0.00005 } } \ -cleanup { rename h {}; unset dd } \ -result 1 testsuiteCleanup # Restore precision if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 9]} { set ::tcl_precision $old_precision } # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: } ;# End of optimizetest namespace