# calculus.test -- # Test cases for the Calculus package # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcllib # procedures. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Arjen Markus. # Copyright (c) 2004 by Kevin B. Kenny # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: calculus.test,v 1.18 2011/01/18 07:49:53 arjenmarkus Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.1 support { useLocal math.tcl math useLocal interpolate.tcl math::interpolate } testing { useLocal calculus.tcl math::calculus } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require log log::lvSuppress notice # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::math::calculus::test { # From here on we are in a namespace. namespace import ::tcltest::test namespace import ::math::calculus::* if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 9]} { set prec $::tcl_precision } set ::tcl_precision 0 proc matchNumbers {expected actual} { set match 1 foreach a $actual e $expected { if {abs($a-$e) > 0.1e-4} { set match 0 break } } return $match } # customMatch does not do namespaced command resolution, provide the FQN. customMatch numbers ::math::calculus::test::matchNumbers # # Simple test functions - exact result predictable! # proc const_func { x } { return 1 } proc linear_func { x } { return $x } proc downward_linear { x } { return [expr {100.0-$x}] } # # Test the Integral proc # test "Integral-1.0" "Integral of constant function" { integral 0 100 100 const_func } 100.0 test "Integral-1.1" "Integral of linear function" { integral 0 100 100 linear_func } 5000.0 test "Integral-1.2" "Integral of downward linear function" { integral 0 100 100 downward_linear } 5000.0 test "Integral-1.3" "Integral of expression" { integralExpr 0 100 100 {100.0-$x} } 5000.0 proc const_func2d { x y } { return 1 } proc linear_func2d { x y } { return $x } test "Integral2D-1.0" "Integral of constant 2D function" { integral2D { 0 100 10 } { 0 50 1 } const_func2d } 5000.0 test "Integral2D-1.1" "Integral of constant 2D function (different step)" { integral2D { 0 100 1 } { 0 50 1 } const_func2d } 5000.0 test "Integral2D-1.2" "Integral of linear 2D function" { integral2D { 0 100 10 } { 0 50 1 } linear_func2d } 250000.0 proc const_func3d { x y z } { return 1 } proc linear_func3d { x y z } { return $x } test "Integral3D-1.0" "Integral of constant 2D function" { integral3D { 0 100 10 } { 0 50 1 } { 0 50 1 } const_func3d } 250000.0 test "Integral3D-1.1" "Integral of constant 2D function (different step)" { integral3D { 0 100 1 } { 0 50 1 } { 0 50 1 } const_func3d } 250000.0 test "Integral3D-1.2" "Integral of linear 2D function" { integral3D { 0 100 10 } { 0 50 1 } { 0 50 1 } linear_func3d } 12500000.0 proc f2d_1 {x y} { return 1 } proc f2d_x {x y} { return $x } proc f2d_y {x y} { return $y } proc f2d_x2 {x y} { return [expr {$x*$x}] } proc f2d_y2 {x y} { return [expr {$y*$y}] } test "Integral2D-2.0" "Integrals of 2D functions - accurate" -match numbers -body { set result {} foreach f {f2d_1 f2d_x f2d_y f2d_x2 f2d_y2} { lappend result [::math::calculus::integral2D_accurate {-1 1 1} {-1 1 1} $f] } return $result } -result {4.0 0.0 0.0 1.333333333 1.333333333} proc f3d_1 {x y z} { return 1 } proc f3d_x {x y z} { return $x } proc f3d_y {x y z} { return $y } proc f3d_z {x y z} { return $z } proc f3d_x2 {x y z} { return [expr {$x*$x}] } proc f3d_y2 {x y z} { return [expr {$y*$y}] } proc f3d_z2 {x y z} { return [expr {$z*$z}] } test "Integral2D-2.0" "Integrals of 2D functions - accurate" -match numbers -body { set result {} foreach f {f3d_1 f3d_x f3d_y f3d_z f3d_x2 f3d_y2 f3d_z2} { lappend result [::math::calculus::integral3D_accurate {-1 1 1} {-1 1 1} {-1 1 1} $f] } return $result } -result {8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.666666667 2.666666667 2.666666667} # # Test cases: yet to be brought into the tcltest form! # # xvec should one long! proc const_func { t xvec } { return 1.0 } # xvec should be two long! proc dampened_oscillator { t xvec } { set x [lindex $xvec 0] set x1 [lindex $xvec 1] return [list $x1 [expr {-$x1-$x}]] } foreach method {eulerStep heunStep rungeKuttaStep} { log::log notice "Method: $method" set xvec 0.0 set t 0.0 set tstep 1.0 for { set i 0 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } { set result [$method $t $tstep $xvec const_func] log::log notice "Result ($t): $result" set t [expr {$t+$tstep}] set xvec $result } set xvec { 1.0 0.0 } set t 0.0 set tstep 0.1 for { set i 0 } { $i < 20 } { incr i } { set result [$method $t $tstep $xvec dampened_oscillator] log::log notice "Result ($t): $result" set t [expr {$t+$tstep}] set xvec $result } } # # Boundary value problems: # proc coeffs { x } { return {1.0 0.0 0.0} } proc forces { x } { return 0.0 } log::log notice [boundaryValueSecondOrder coeffs forces {0.0 1.0} {100.0 0.0} 10] log::log notice [boundaryValueSecondOrder coeffs forces {0.0 0.0} {100.0 1.0} 10] # # Determining the root of an equation # use simple functions # proc func { x } { expr {$x*$x-1.0} } proc deriv { x } { expr {2.0*$x} } test "NewtonRaphson-1.0" "Result should be 1" { set result [newtonRaphson func deriv 2.0] if { abs($result-1.0) < 0.0001 } { set answer 1 } } 1 test "NewtonRaphson-1.1" "Result should be -1" { set result [newtonRaphson func deriv -0.5] if { abs($result+1.0) < 0.0001 } { set answer 1 } } 1 proc func2 { x } { expr {$x*exp($x)-1.0} } proc deriv2 { x } { expr {exp($x)+$x*exp($x)} } test "NewtonRaphson-2.1" "Result should be nearly 0.56714" { set result [newtonRaphson func2 deriv2 2.0] if { abs($result-0.56714) < 0.0001 } { set answer 1 } } 1 test "NewtonRaphson-2.2" "Result should be nearly 0.56714" { set result [newtonRaphson func2 deriv2 -0.5] if { abs($result-0.56714) < 0.0001 } { set answer 1 } } 1 proc checkout { expr integrator a b target } { set problems {} proc g x [list expr $expr] set cmd $integrator lappend cmd g $a $b foreach { s error } [eval $cmd] break set diff [expr { abs( $s - $target ) }] if { $diff > 1.0e-6 * $target && $diff > 1.0e-10 } { append problems \n "error underestimated!" \ \n "f =" $expr ", a=" $a ", b=" $b \ \n "machinery = " $integrator "," \ \n "estimated " $error " actual " $diff } return $problems } test romberg-1.1 {simple integral} { checkout { pow( $x, 16 ) } romberg -1. 1. [expr { 2. / 17. }] } {} test romberg-1.2 {simple integral} { checkout { exp( -$x * $x / 2. ) / sqrt( 2. * 3.1415926535897932 ) } \ romberg -1. 1. 0.68268949213708590 } {} test romberg-1.3 {simple integral} { checkout { sin($x) } romberg 0 3.1415926535897932 2.0 } {} test romberg-1.4 { Singularity where limit exists } { checkout { sin($x)/$x } romberg 0 3.1415926535897932 1.8519370519824662 } {} test romberg-1.5 { Parameter error } { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -degree} result set result } "wrong \# args, should be \"romberg f x1 x2 ?-option value?...\"" test romberg-1.6 { Parameter error } { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -bad flag} result set result } "unknown option \"-bad\", should be -abserror, -degree, -relerror, or\ -maxiter" test romberg-1.7 { Max iterations exceeded } \ -setup { proc f x { expr { pow($x,4) } } } \ -body { foreach { value error } [romberg f -1. 1. -degree 1 -maxiter 3 ] break expr { abs($value - 0.4) < $error } } \ -cleanup { rename f {} } \ -result 1 test romberg-1.8 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -degree bad} result set result } {expected an integer but found "bad"} test romberg-1.9 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -degree 0} result set result } {-degree must be positive} test romberg-1.10 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -maxiter bad} result set result } {expected an integer but found "bad"} test romberg-1.11 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -maxiter 0} result set result } {-maxiter must be positive} test romberg-1.12 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -abserror bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-1.13 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -abserror 0.} result set result } {-abserror must be positive} test romberg-1.14 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -relerror bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-1.15 {Bad param} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 1 -relerror 0.} result set result } {-relerror must be positive} test romberg-1.16 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-1.17 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-2.1 {Integral over half-infinite interval} { checkout { exp( -$x * $x / 2. ) / sqrt( 2. * 3.1415926535897932 ) } \ romberg_infinity -30. -1. 0.15865525393145705 } {} test romberg-2.2 {Integral over half-infinite interval} { checkout { exp( -$x * $x / 2. ) / sqrt( 2. * 3.1415926535897932 ) } \ romberg_infinity 1. 30. 0.15865525393145705 } {} test romberg-2.3 {Integral over half-infinite interval} { checkout { exp( $x ) } romberg_infinity -1.e38 -1. [expr { exp(-1.) }] } {} test romberg-2.4 {Parameter error} { catch {romberg_infinity irrelevant -1.e38 2.} result set result } {limits of integration have opposite sign} test romberg-2.5 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_infinity irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-2.6 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_infinity irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-3.1 {Square root singularity at the upper bound} { checkout { sqrt( 1.0 / ( 1.0 - $x ) ) } romberg_sqrtSingUpper 0. 1. 2. } {} test romberg-3.2 \ {Square root singularity in the derivative at the upper bound} { checkout { 4. * sqrt( 1.0 - $x * $x ) } romberg_sqrtSingUpper 0. 1. \ 3.1415926535897932 } {} test romberg-3.3 {Square root singularity at the lower bound} { checkout { 1.0 / sqrt($x) } romberg_sqrtSingLower 0. 4. 4. } {} test romberg-3.4 \ {Square root singularity in the derivative at the lower bound} { checkout { 4. * sqrt( 1.0 - $x * $x ) } romberg_sqrtSingLower -1. 0. \ 3.1415926535897932 } {} test romberg-3.5 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-3.6 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-3.7 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-3.8 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-3.9 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-3.10 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-4.1 {Power law singularity at the lower bound} { checkout { 1.0 / sqrt($x) } [list romberg_powerLawLower 0.5] 0. 4. 4. } {} test romberg-4.2 \ {Power law signularity in the derivative at the lower bound.} { checkout { sqrt( sqrt( $x ) ) } \ [list romberg_powerLawLower 0.75] 0. 1. 0.8 } {} test romberg-4.3 {Power law singularity at the upper bound} { checkout { 1.0 / sqrt(4.0 - $x) } \ [list romberg_powerLawUpper 0.5] 0. 4. 4. } {} test romberg-4.4 \ {Power law singularity in the derivative at the upper bound} { checkout { sqrt( sqrt( -$x ) ) } \ [list romberg_powerLawUpper 0.75] -1. 0. 0.8 } {} test romberg-4.5 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper 0.5 irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.6 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper 0.5 irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.7 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper 0.5 irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-4.8 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_powerLawLower 0.5 irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.9 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_powerLawLower 0.5 irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.10 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_powerLawLower 0.5 irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-4.11 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper bad irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.12 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper 0. irrelevant 1. 0.} result set result } {gamma must lie in the interval (0,1)} test romberg-4.13 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawUpper 1. irrelevant 1. 0.} result set result } {gamma must lie in the interval (0,1)} test romberg-4.14 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawLower bad irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-4.15 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawLower 0. irrelevant 1. 0.} result set result } {gamma must lie in the interval (0,1)} test romberg-4.16 {Bad gamma} { catch {romberg_powerLawLower 1. irrelevant 1. 0.} result set result } {gamma must lie in the interval (0,1)} test romberg-5.1 {Function that decays exponentially} { checkout { exp( -$x * $x / 2. ) / sqrt( 2. * 3.1415926535897932 ) } \ romberg_expUpper 1. 100. 0.15865525393145705 } {} test romberg-5.2 {Function that grows exponentially} { checkout { exp( -$x * $x / 2. ) / sqrt( 2. * 3.1415926535897932 ) } \ romberg_expLower -100. -1. 0.15865525393145705 } {} test romberg-5.3 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-5.4 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-5.5 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingUpper irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-5.6 {Bad limit } { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant bad 1} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-5.7 {Bad limit} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant 0 bad} result set result } {expected a floating-point number but found "bad"} test romberg-5.8 {Bad limits} { catch {romberg_sqrtSingLower irrelevant 1 0} result set result } {limits of integration out of order} test romberg-6.1 {Fancy integration} \ -setup { proc v {f u} { set x [expr { sin($u) }] set cmd $f; lappend cmd $x; set y [eval $cmd] return [expr { $y * cos($u) }] } proc romberg_sine { f a b args } { set f [lreplace $f 0 0 \ [uplevel 1 [list namespace which [lindex $f 0]]]] set f [list v $f] return [eval [linsert $args 0 \ romberg $f \ [expr { asin($a) }] [expr { asin($b) }]]] } } \ -body { checkout { exp($x) / sqrt( 1. - $x * $x ) } romberg_sine -1. 1. \ 3.97746326 } \ -cleanup { rename v {} rename romberg_sine {} } \ -result {} proc matchNumbers {expected actual} { set match 1 foreach a $actual e $expected { if {abs($a-$e) > 0.1e-6} { set match 0 break } } return $match } # customMatch does not do namespaced command resolution, provide the FQN. customMatch numbers ::math::calculus::test::matchNumbers proc ::f1 {x} {expr {1.0-$x}} proc ::f2 {x} {expr {1.0-$x*$x}} proc ::f3 {x} {expr {cos($x)}} test "regula-1.0" "Zero of linear function" \ -match numbers -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f1 0.0 5.0] } -result 1.0 test "regula-1.1" "Zero of quadratic function" \ -match numbers -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f2 0.0 5.0] } -result 0.99909822 test "regula-1.2" "Zero of quadratic function (more accurate)" \ -match numbers -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f2 0.0 5.0 1.0e-6] } -result 0.99999305 test "regula-1.3" "Zero of cosine" \ -match numbers -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f3 0.0 3.0] } -result 1.5707963 test "regula-2.1" "Negative relative error" \ -match glob -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f1 0.0 3.0 -1.0e-4] } -result "Relative *" -returnCodes error test "regula-2.2" "Invalid interval" \ -match glob -body { set x1 [::math::calculus::regula_falsi ::f3 0.0 5.0] } -result "Interval must be *" -returnCodes error # Function with one ordinary root and one double root proc ::w {x} { expr { ($x + 3.0) * ($x - 2.0) ** 2 } } # Function with no real root proc ::h {x} { expr {$x**2 + 0.1} } test "root-finding-1.0" "Third degree function - bisection" -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_bisection ::w -4.0 0.25] } -result -3.0 # Converges to the double root! # These two tests show that secant may not be the most reliable method test "root-finding-1.1" "Third degree function - secant" -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_secant ::w -4.0 0.25] } -result 1.9999937262995833 test "root-finding-1.1b" "Third degree function - secant (different interval)" -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_secant ::w -4.0 -0.25] } -result 2.000041303828004 test "root-finding-1.2" "Third degree function - Brent" -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_brent ::w -4.0 0.25] } -result -3.0 test "root-finding-1.3" "Third degree function - Chandrupatla" -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_chandrupatla ::w -4.0 0.25] } -result -3.0 test "root-finding-2.0" "Invalid interval - bisection" -match glob -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_bisection ::h -0.5 2.6] } -result "The given interval does not *" -returnCodes error test "root-finding-2.1" "Invalid interval - secant" -match glob -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_secant ::h -0.5 2.6] } -result "The given interval does not *" -returnCodes error test "root-finding-2.2" "Invalid interval - Brent" -match glob -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_brent ::h -0.5 2.6] } -result "The given interval does not *" -returnCodes error test "root-finding-2.3" "Invalid interval - Chandrupatla" -match glob -body { set x [::math::calculus::root_chandrupatla ::h -0.5 2.6] } -result "The given interval does not *" -returnCodes error test "solveTriDiagonal-1.0" "Solve tridiagonal system" \ -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::solveTriDiagonal {3 3} {1 1 1} {2 2} {1 0 0}] } -result [list [expr {5.0/11.0}] [expr {3.0/11.0}] [expr {-9.0/11.0}]] proc fcos {x} { expr {cos($x)} } test "integrateQk15-1.0" "Integration according to Gauss-Kronrod quadrature" \ -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::qk15 0.0 10.0 fcos] } -result -0.5440211108893682 test "integrateQk15-1.1" "Integration according to Gauss-Kronrod quadrature (10 steps)" \ -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::qk15 0.0 10.0 fcos 10] } -result -0.5440211108893697 test "integrateQk15-1.2" "Integration according to Gauss-Kronrod quadrature (with details)" \ -match numbers -body { set x [::math::calculus::qk15_detailed 0.0 10.0 fcos 10] } -result {-0.5440211108893697 6.577401743379832e-20 6.543992515206541 1.533698345844891} # End of test cases testsuiteCleanup if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 9]} { set ::tcl_precision $prec } testsuiteCleanup } namespace delete ::math::calculus::test # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: