# -*- tcl -*- # interp.test: tests for the interp alias and creation utilities # # Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { use snit/snit.tcl snit } testing { useLocal interp.tcl interp } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test interp-1.0 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::createEmpty a b} msg set msg } {wrong#args: Expected ?path?} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test interp-2.0 {auto naming, empty} { set i [interp::createEmpty] catch {$i eval {set x}} msg interp delete $i set msg } {invalid command name "set"} test interp-2.1 {explicit naming, empty} { set i [interp::createEmpty A] catch {$i eval {set x}} msg interp delete $i list $i $msg } {A {invalid command name "set"}} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test interp-3.0 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitLink} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs interp::snitLink {path methods} 0] test interp-3.1 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitLink a} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs interp::snitLink {path methods} 1] test interp-3.2 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitLink a b c} msg set msg } [tcltest::tooManyArgs interp::snitLink {path methods}] test interp-3.3 {create, test redirection} { res! snit::type foo { variable i constructor {} { set i [interp::createEmpty] interp::snitLink $i Duck } method Duck {} { res+ Ducking } method ho {} {$i eval Duck} } set i [foo %AUTO%] $i ho $i destroy foo destroy res? } Ducking # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test interp-4.0 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitDictLink} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs interp::snitDictLink {path methoddict} 0] test interp-4.1 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitDictLink a} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs interp::snitDictLink {path methoddict} 1] test interp-4.2 {wrong#args} { catch {interp::snitDictLink a b c} msg set msg } [tcltest::tooManyArgs interp::snitDictLink {path methoddict}] test interp-4.3 {create, test redirection} { res! snit::type foo { variable i constructor {} { set i [interp::createEmpty] interp::snitDictLink $i { Wail {The wailer} Quack {The duck} } } method The {what} { res+ $what } method ho {sound} {$i eval $sound} } set i [foo %AUTO%] $i ho Quack $i ho Wail $i destroy foo destroy res? } {duck wailer} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup return