# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for module 'inifile' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal ini.tcl inifile } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- set inifile [localPath ini.tcl] set testini [asset test.ini] set sampini [asset sample.ini] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- test inifile-1.1 {ini::open} { set res [ini::open $testini r] ini::close $res set res } {ini0} test inifile-1.2 {ini::sections} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::sections $hdl] ini::close $hdl set res } {emptysection section1 \{test section2} test inifile-1.3 {ini::keys} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::keys $hdl section1] ini::close $hdl set res } {testkey key} test inifile-1.4 {ini::keys} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::keys $hdl \{test] ini::close $hdl set res } {\}key} test inifile-1.5 {ini::get} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::get $hdl section1] ini::close $hdl set res } {testkey hi key value} test inifile-1.6 {ini::get} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::get $hdl \{test] ini::close $hdl set res } {\}key {$blah}} test inifile-1.7 {ini::value} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::value $hdl section1 key] ini::close $hdl set res } {value} test inifile-1.8 {ini::value} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::value $hdl \{test \}key] ini::close $hdl set res } {$blah} test inifile-1.9 {ini::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl section1] ini::close $hdl set res } {1} test inifile-1.10 {ini::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl section] ini::close $hdl set res } {0} test inifile-1.11 {ini::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl section1 testkey] ini::close $hdl set res } {1} test inifile-1.12 {ini:::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl section1 blah] ini::close $hdl set res } {0} test inifile-1.13 {ini:::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl \{test] ini::close $hdl set res } {1} test inifile-1.14 {ini:::exists} { set hdl [ini::open $testini r] set res [ini::exists $hdl \{test \}key] ini::close $hdl set res } {1} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for bug #1281136 -- set N 0 foreach name {nexthandle commentchar} { test inifile-2.$N {bug 1281136 - collision with global variable names} { set script {list [catch { array set ::%var {} source %file } err] $err} regsub {%file} $script $inifile script regsub {%var} $script $name script interp create slave0 set r [slave0 eval $script] interp delete slave0 set r } {0 {}} incr N } foreach name {data comments sections} { test inifile-2.$N {bug 1281136 - collision with global variable names} { set script {list [catch { ::set ::%var 0 source %file set res [ini::open %testini r] ini::close $res } err] $err} foreach {s v} [list %file $inifile %var $name %testini $testini] { regsub $s $script $v script } interp create slave0 set r [slave0 eval $script] interp delete slave0 set r } {0 {}} incr N } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- test inifile-3.0 {bug 3612465, leading & trailing spaces} { set fh [ini::open $sampini] set res [ini::sections $fh] ini::close $fh unset fh set res } General test inifile-3.1 {bug 3612465, leading & trailing spaces} { set fh [ini::open $sampini] #set res [llength [ini::sections $fh]] set res [lsort -dict [ini::keys $fh General]] ini::close $fh unset fh set res } {key key2} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- test inifile-4.0 {bug c4b8162da5 - ini::open} { set res [ini::open $testini -encoding unicode r] ini::close $res set res } {ini16} # Test various error conditions. test inifile-4.1 {bug c4b8162da5 - ini::open - invalid encoding} { catch { ini::open $testini -encoding foo r } res set res } {unknown encoding "foo"} test inifile-4.2 {bug c4b8162da5 - ini::open - invalid option} { catch { ini::open $testini -bogus foo r } res set res } {Invalid option -bogus, expected -encoding} test inifile-4.3 {bug c4b8162da5 - ini::open - invalid mode} { catch { ini::open $testini x } res set res } {x is not a valid access mode} test inifile-4.4 {bug c4b8162da5 - ini::open - invalid mode} { catch { set res [ini::open $testini w-] } res set res } {w- is not a valid access mode} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- test inifile-5.0 {ini::revert, wrong # args} { catch { ini::revert } res set res } {wrong # args: should be "ini::revert fh"} test inifile-5.1 {ini::revert, wrong # args} { catch { ini::revert FH X } res set res } {wrong # args: should be "ini::revert fh"} test inifile-5.2 {ini::revert, bad token} { catch { ini::revert FH } res set res } {FH is not an open INI file} test inifile-5.4 {ini::revert} { set res [ini::open $testini r] ini::revert $res ini::close $res } {} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean up unset res testsuiteCleanup return