# hook.test -*- tcl -*- # # This file contains the test suite for hook.tcl. # # Copyright (C) 2010 by Will Duquette # Copyright (c) 2019 by Andreas Kupries # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL # WARRANTIES. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.1 support { } testing { useLocal hook.tcl hook } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper procs variable info array set info { callList {} traceList {} errorList {} } proc cleanup {} { variable info array set info { callList {} traceList {} errorList {} } foreach subject [hook bind] { hook forget $subject } hook configure -errorcommand {} -tracecommand {} # Ensure that auto-generated observers are repeatable. set ::hook::observerCounter 0 } proc TestBinding {subject hook observer args} { variable info lappend info(callList) [list $subject $hook $observer $args] return } proc GetCalls {} { variable info return $info(callList) } proc TraceCommand {subject hook args observers} { variable info lappend info(traceList) [list $subject $hook $args $observers] } proc GetTrace {} { variable info return $info(traceList) } proc TestBind {subject hook observer} { hook bind $subject $hook $observer \ [list TestBinding $subject $hook $observer] } proc ErrorCommand {call result opts} { variable info set opts [dict remove $opts -errorinfo -errorline] lappend info(errorList) [list $call $result $opts] } proc GetError {} { variable info return $info(errorList) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # cget test cget-1.1 {unknown option name} -body { hook cget -nonesuch } -returnCodes { error } -result {unknown option "-nonesuch"} test cget-1.2 {retrieve option value} -body { hook cget -errorcommand } -result {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # configure test configure-1.1 {unknown option name} -body { hook configure -nonesuch } -returnCodes { error } -result {unknown option "-nonesuch"} test configure-1.2 {missing option value} -body { hook configure -errorcommand } -returnCodes { error } -result {value for "-errorcommand" missing} test configure-2.1 {set values} -body { hook configure -errorcommand foo -tracecommand bar list [hook cget -errorcommand] [hook cget -tracecommand] } -cleanup { hook configure -errorcommand {} -tracecommand {} } -result {foo bar} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # bind test bind-1.1 {too many arguments} -body { hook bind a b c d e } -returnCodes { error } -result "wrong # args: should be \"hook bind ?subject? ?hook? ?observer? ?binding?\"" test bind-2.1 {bindings can be made} -body { hook bind S1

O1 {B1 arg1 arg2} hook bind S1

O1 } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {B1 arg1 arg2} test bind-2.2 {bindings can be deleted} -body { hook bind S1

O1 {B1 arg1 arg2} hook bind S1

O1 {} hook bind S1

O1 } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {} test bind-3.1 {bound observers can be queried} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S1

O2 B2 hook bind S2

O2 B3 set a [hook bind S1

] set b [hook bind S2

] set c [hook bind S2

] list $a $b $c } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{O1 O2} O2 {}} test bind-3.2 {bound hooks can be queried} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S1

O2 B2 hook bind S2

O2 B3 set a [hook bind S1] set b [hook bind S2] set c [hook bind S3] list $a $b $c } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{


{}} test bind-3.3 {bound subjects can be queried} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S1

O2 B2 hook bind S2

O2 B3 hook bind } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {S1 S2} test bind-3.4 {deleted bindings can no longer be queried} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S1

O2 B2 hook bind S2

O2 B3 hook bind S1

O2 {} set a [hook bind S1

] set b [hook bind S2

] set c [hook bind S2

] list $a $b $c } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {O1 O2 {}} test bind-3.5 {deleted bindings can be 'deleted' again} -setup { hook bind S1

O2 B2 ;# setup hook bind S1

O2 {} ;# delete } -body { hook bind S1

O2 {} } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {} test bind-3.6 {A never-existent bindings can be 'deleted'} -body { hook bind S1

O2 {} } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {} test bind-4.1 {auto-generated observer is returned} -body { hook bind S1

"" {B1 arg1 arg2} } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {::hook::ob1} test bind-4.2 {auto-generated observer is a real observer} -body { set ob [hook bind S1

"" {B1 arg1 arg2}] hook bind S1

$ob } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {B1 arg1 arg2} test bind-4.3 {successive calls get distinct observers} -body { set a [hook bind S1

"" {B1 arg1 arg2}] set b [hook bind S1

"" {B2 arg1 arg2}] list $a $b } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {::hook::ob1 ::hook::ob2} test bind-5.1 {binding deleted during hook call is not called} -body { # If a subject/hook is called, and if a binding deletes some # other binding to that same subject/hook, and if the second binding # has not yet been called, it should not be called. hook bind S1

O1 {hook bind S1

O2 ""} TestBind S1

O2 TestBind S1

O3 hook call S1

# Should see O3 but not O2. GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O3 {}}} test bind-5.2 {binding revised during hook call is called} -body { # If a subject/hook is called, and if a binding changes some # other observer's binding to that same subject/hook, and if the # other observer's binding has not yet been called, it is the # changed binding that will be called. hook bind S1

O1 {TestBind S1

O2} hook bind S1

O2 {error "Rebind Failed"} hook call S1

# Should see O2 in result, instead of getting "Rebind Failed" error. GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O2 {}}} test bind-5.3 {binding added during hook call is not called} -body { # If a subject/hook is called, and a binding adds a new binding # for a new observer for this same subject/hook, the new binding # will not be called this time around. hook bind S1

O1 {TestBind S1

O3} TestBind S1

O2 hook call S1

# Should see O2 in result, but not O3 GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O2 {}}} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # forget test forget-1.1 {can forget safely when not yet initialized} -body { hook forget NONESUCH } -result {} test forget-1.2 {can forget unbound entity safely} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook forget NONESUCH hook bind S1

O1 } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {B1} test forget-1.3 {can forget subject} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S2

O2 B2 hook bind S3

O3 B3 hook forget S2 hook bind } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {S1 S3} test forget-1.4 {can forget subject} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook bind S2

O2 B2 hook bind S3

O3 B3 hook forget O2 hook bind S2

} -cleanup { cleanup } -result {} test forget-2.1 {observer forgotten during hook call is not called} -body { # If an observer has a binding to a particular subject/hook, and if # in a call to that subject/hook the observer is forgotten, and # if that observer's binding has not yet been called, it should not # be called. hook bind S1

O1 {hook forget O2} TestBind S1

O2 TestBind S1

O3 hook call S1

# Should get O3 but not O2 GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O3 {}}} test forget-2.2 {subject forgotten during hook call, no more calls} -body { # If a subject/hook is called, and some binding forgets the subject, # no uncalled bindings for that subject/hook should be called. TestBind S1

O1 hook bind S1

O2 {hook forget S1} TestBind S1

O3 hook call S1

# Should get O1 but not O3 GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O1 {}}} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # call test call-1.1 {can call safely before anything is bound} -body { hook call S1

} -result {} test call-1.2 {can call safely when hook isn't bound} -body { hook bind S1

O1 B1 hook call S2

} -cleanup { cleanup } -result {} test call-1.3 {bindings are executed} -body { TestBind S1

O1 hook call S1

GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O1 {}}} test call-1.4 {multiple bindings are executed} -body { TestBind S1

O1 TestBind S1

O2 hook call S1

GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O1 {}} {S1

O2 {}}} test call-1.5 {only relevant bindings are executed} -body { TestBind S1

O1 TestBind S2

O2 hook call S1

GetCalls } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

O1 {}}} test call-2.1 {errors propagate normally} -body { hook bind S1

O1 {error "Simulated Error"} hook call S1

} -returnCodes { error } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {Simulated Error} test call-2.2 {other exceptions propagate normally} -body { hook bind S1

O1 {return -code break "Simulated Break"} hook call S1

} -returnCodes { break } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {Simulated Break} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # -errorcommand test errorerror-1.1 {error with -errorcommand {}} -body { hook bind S1

O1 {error "simulated error"} hook call S1

} -returnCodes { error } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {simulated error} test errorcommand-1.2 {error with -errorcommand set} -body { hook configure -errorcommand ErrorCommand hook bind S1

O1 {error "simulated error"} hook call S1

GetError } -cleanup { cleanup } -result [tcltest::byConstraint { tcl9plus {{{S1

{} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {returnImm {simulated error} {}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}} tcl8.6.10plus {{{S1

{} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}} tcl8.6not10 {{{S1

{} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}} tcl8.5only {{{S1

{} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE}}} }] test errorcommand-1.3 {handled errors don't break sequence of calls} -body { hook configure -errorcommand ErrorCommand TestBind S1

O1 hook bind S1

O2 {error "simulated error"} TestBind S1

O3 hook call S1

list [GetCalls] [GetError] } -cleanup { cleanup } -result [tcltest::byConstraint { tcl9plus {{{S1

O1 {}} {S1

O3 {}}} {{{S1

{} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {returnImm {simulated error} {}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}}} tcl8.6.10plus {{{S1

O1 {}} {S1

O3 {}}} {{{S1

{} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}}} tcl8.6not10 {{{S1

O1 {}} {S1

O3 {}}} {{{S1

{} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {call S1

}} -errorcode NONE}}}} tcl8.5only {{{S1

O1 {}} {S1

O3 {}}} {{{S1

{} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE}}}} }] test errorcommand-1.4 {-errorcommand handles other exceptions} -body { hook configure -errorcommand ErrorCommand hook bind S1

O1 {return -code break "simulated break"} hook call S1

GetError } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{{S1

{} O1} {simulated break} {-code 3 -level 1}}} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # -tracecommand test tracecommand-1.1 {-tracecommand is called} -body { TestBind S1

O1 TestBind S1

O2 TestBind S2

O2 hook configure -tracecommand TraceCommand hook call S1

hook call S2

hook call S3

GetTrace } -cleanup { cleanup } -result {{S1

{} {O1 O2}} {S2

{} O2} {S3

{} {}}} #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean up and finish ::tcltest::cleanupTests return