# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for the find function. # # Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors. # No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions. # Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Tool Corp. # Copyright (c) 2005-2013 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: fileutil.test,v 1.56 2009/10/06 20:07:18 andreas_kupries Exp $ # TODO: Bug [8b317b4a63]: Create test cases for this bug. This # requires the use of a custom VFS as the native filesystem does not # contain the bug we are guarding ourselves against. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join [file dirname [file dirname [ file join [pwd] [info script]]]] devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 ;# See fumagic.testsupport testsNeedTcltest 1.0 support { useTcllibFile fumagic/fumagic.testsupport ;# 8.5+ (dict, apply) use cmdline/cmdline.tcl cmdline } testing { useLocal fileutil.tcl fileutil } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc gt_setup {} { global tcl_platform gt gtfa gtfb set gt [makeDirectory grepTest] set gtfa [makeFile "zoop" [file join $gt {file [1]}]] set gtfb {} if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} return set gtfb [makeFile "zoo\nbart" [file join $gt {file* 2}]] return } proc gt_cleanup {} { removeDirectory grepTest rename gt_setup {} rename gt_cleanup {} unset ::gt ::gtfa ::gtfb return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- gt_setup test grep-1.1 {normal grep} {macOrUnix} { lsort [fileutil::grep "zoo" [glob [file join $gt *]]] } [list "$gtfa:1:zoop" "$gtfb:1:zoo"] test grep-1.2 {more restrictive grep} { lsort [fileutil::grep "zoo." [glob [file join $gt *]]] } [list "$gtfa:1:zoop"] test grep-1.3 {more restrictive grep} {macOrUnix} { lsort [fileutil::grep "bar" [glob [file join $gt *]]] } [list "$gtfb:2:bart"] gt_cleanup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test foreachline-1.0 {foreachLine} { set path [makeFile "foo\nbar\nbaz\n" {cat [1]}] set res "" ::fileutil::foreachLine line $path { append res /$line } removeFile {cat [1]} set res } {/foo/bar/baz} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc t_setup {} { global tt set tt [makeDirectory touchTest] makeFile "blah" [file join touchTest {file [1]}] } proc t_cleanup {} { removeDirectory touchTest rename t_setup {} rename t_cleanup {} unset ::tt catch { unset ::a1 } catch { unset ::m1} catch { unset ::a2} catch { unset ::m2} catch { unset ::f} catch { unset ::r} return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_setup test touch-1.1 {create file} { set f [file join $tt here] fileutil::touch $f file exists $f } 1 test touch-1.2 {'-c' prevents file creation} { set f [file join $tt nothere] fileutil::touch -c $f file exists $f } 0 test touch-1.3 {'-c' has no effect on existing files} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch -c $f file exists $f } 1 test touch-1.4 {test relative times} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] after 1001 fileutil::touch $f set a2 [file atime $f] set m2 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == $m1}] [expr {$a2 == $m2}] [expr {$a1 < $a2}] [expr {$m1 < $m2}] } {1 1 1 1} test touch-1.5 {test relative times using -a} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] after 1001 fileutil::touch -a $f set a2 [file atime $f] set m2 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == $m1}] [expr {$a2 == $m2}] [expr {$a1 < $a2}] [expr {$m1 < $m2}] } {1 0 1 0} test touch-1.6 {test relative times using -m} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] after 1001 fileutil::touch -m $f set a2 [file atime $f] set m2 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == $m1}] [expr {$a2 == $m2}] [expr {$a1 < $a2}] [expr {$m1 < $m2}] } {1 0 0 1} test touch-1.7 {test relative times using -a and -m} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] after 1001 fileutil::touch -a -m $f set a2 [file atime $f] set m2 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == $m1}] [expr {$a2 == $m2}] [expr {$a1 < $a2}] [expr {$m1 < $m2}] } {1 1 1 1} test touch-1.8 {test -t} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -t 42 $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == 42}] [expr {$m1 == 42}] } {1 1} test touch-1.9 {test -t with -a} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -t 42 -a $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == 42}] [expr {$m1 == 42}] } [list 1 0] test touch-1.10 {test -t with -m} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -t 42 -m $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == 42}] [expr {$m1 == 42}] } [list 0 1] test touch-1.11 {test -t with -a and -m} { set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -t 42 -a -m $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == 42}] [expr {$m1 == 42}] } {1 1} test touch-1.12 {test -r} { set r [info script] set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -r $r $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == [file atime $r]}] [expr {$m1 == [file mtime $r]}] } {1 1} test touch-1.13 {test -r with -a} { set r [info script] set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -r $r -a $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == [file atime $r]}] [expr {$m1 == [file mtime $r]}] } {1 0} test touch-1.14 {test -r with -m} { set r [info script] set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -r $r -m $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == [file atime $r]}] [expr {$m1 == [file mtime $r]}] } {0 1} test touch-1.15 {test -r with -a and -m} { set r [info script] set f [file join $tt {file [1]}] fileutil::touch $f after 1001 fileutil::touch -r $r -m -a $f set a1 [file atime $f] set m1 [file mtime $f] list [expr {$a1 == [file atime $r]}] [expr {$m1 == [file mtime $r]}] } {1 1} t_cleanup # ---------------------------------------------------------------- proc i_setup {} { global tcl_platform makeDirectory installDst makeDirectory installSrc makeDirectory [file join installSrc subdir] makeFile "blah" [file join installSrc {file [1]}] # Make a second subdirectory to install, unix-only if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" } return makeDirectory [file join installSrc subdir2] makeFile "blah" [file join installSrc subdir subfile1] makeFile "blah" [file join installSrc subdir subfile2] makeFile "blah" [file join installSrc subdir subfile3] foreach fl {1 2 3} { set fn [file join installSrc subdir2 subfile$fl] makeFile "blah" $fn # Give it some "bad" permissions. file attributes $fn -permissions 0o600 } return } proc i_cleanup {} { removeDirectory installDst removeDirectory installSrc rename i_setup {} rename i_cleanup {} return } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- i_setup test install-1.1 {install a file} { fileutil::install [file join installSrc {file [1]}] installDst file exists [file join installDst {file [1]}] } {1} makeDirectory installDst test install-2.1 {install a directory} { list [catch { fileutil::install [file join installSrc subdir] installDst set result [lsort [glob -tails -directory [file join installDst subdir] [file join . / *]]] file delete -force installDst set result } err] $err } {0 {subfile1 subfile2 subfile3}} makeDirectory installDst test install-2.2 {install a directory} { list [catch { fileutil::install [file join installSrc subdir] installDst set result [lsort [glob -directory [file join installDst subdir] [file join . / *]]] file delete -force installDst set result } err] $err } {0 {installDst/subdir/subfile1 installDst/subdir/subfile2 installDst/subdir/subfile3}} makeDirectory installDst test install-3.1 {install a directory, set permissions} unix { set res {} fileutil::install -m go+rw [file join installSrc subdir2] installDst foreach fl [glob [file join installDst subdir2 *]] { append res [file attributes $fl -permissions] } if {$res in {006660066600666 0o6660o6660o666}} { return success } else { return [list {bad result} $es] } } success i_cleanup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tmp_setup {} { global xpath res # Set up an exclusive directory to search. This cannot be unset, # hence the location of these tests after the regular # tempdir/tempfile tests. removeDirectory x set xpath [makeDirectory x] set res {} removeDirectory x return } proc tmp_cleanup {} { rename tmp_setup {} rename tmp_cleanup {} removeDirectory x unset ::xpath unset ::res return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp_setup test tempdir-1.1 {return the correct directorary for temporary files} {unix} { set ::env(TMPDIR) [pwd] ;# Most high-priority source, and existing directory! set res [::fileutil::tempdir] unset ::env(TMPDIR) set res } [pwd] test tempdir-1.2 {return the correct directorary for temporary files} {unix} { catch {unset ::env(TMPDIR)} catch {unset ::env(TEMPDIR)} catch {unset ::env(TMP)} catch {unset ::env(TEMP)} ::fileutil::tempdir } {/tmp} test tempfile-1.1 {generate temporary file name and file} { set filename [::fileutil::tempfile] set res [file exists $filename] file delete $filename unset filename set res } {1} test tempfile-1.2 {generate writable temporary file name} { set filename [::fileutil::tempfile] set res [file writable $filename] file delete $filename unset filename set res } {1} test tempfile-1.3 {generate 100 unique temporary filenames} { set filenames [list] for {set i 0} {$i<100} {incr i} { lappend filenames [::fileutil::tempfile] } foreach f $filenames { file delete $f } set i } {100} test tempdir-1.3 {tempdir, user-specified, bad} { catch {::fileutil::tempdir x y} msg set msg } {wrong#args: should be "::fileutil::tempdir ?path?"} test tempdir-1.4 {tempdir, user-specified, bad} { ::fileutil::tempdir [makeDirectory x] removeDirectory x catch {::fileutil::tempdir} msg removeDirectory x lindex [split $msg \n] 0 ; # First line only. } {Unable to determine a proper directory for temporary files} test tempdir-1.5 {tempdir, user-specified, ok} { ::fileutil::tempdir [makeDirectory x] set res [::fileutil::tempdir] removeDirectory x set res } $xpath test tempfile-1.4 {temp file in user specified directory} { ::fileutil::tempdir [makeDirectory x] set filename [::fileutil::tempfile TEST] file delete $filename ::fileutil::tempdirReset removeDirectory x string match $xpath/TEST* $filename } 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test maketempdir-1.1 {generate temporary directory} { set filename [::fileutil::maketempdir] set res [file exists $filename] file delete $filename unset filename set res } {1} test maketempdir-1.2 {generate writable temporary directory} { set filename [::fileutil::maketempdir] set res [file writable $filename] file delete $filename unset filename set res } {1} test maketempdir-1.3 {generate 100 unique temporary directories} { set filenames [list] for {set i 0} {$i<100} {incr i} { lappend filenames [::fileutil::maketempdir] } foreach f $filenames { file delete $f } set i } {100} test maketempdir-1.4 {temp directory in user specified directory} { set filename [::fileutil::maketempdir -dir $xpath -prefix TEST] file delete $filename string match $xpath/TEST* $filename } 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp_cleanup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup return