## ## This is the file `docstrip_util.test', ## generated with the SAK utility ## (sak docstrip/regen). ## ## The original source files were: ## ## tcldocstrip.dtx (with options: `utiltest tcllibtest') ## ## In other words: ## ************************************** ## * This Source is not the True Source * ## ************************************** ## the true source is the file from which this one was generated. ## source [file join\ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]]\ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2 testing {useLocal docstrip.tcl docstrip} testing {useLocal docstrip_util.tcl docstrip::util} variable docstrip_sources_dir [localPath {}] tcltest::testConstraint docstripSourcesAvailable [expr {[ file exists [file join $docstrip_sources_dir docstrip.tcl] ] && [ file exists [file join $docstrip_sources_dir tcldocstrip.dtx] ]}] tcltest::test docstrip::util::thefile-1.1 {thefile without args}\ -setup { set Fname [tcltest::makeFile [ join { {% Just a minor test file.} {puts A} {%<*bar>} {puts B} {%<*foo>} {puts [info exists baz]} } \n ] test.txt] } -body { docstrip::util::thefile $Fname } -cleanup { tcltest::removeFile $Fname } -result [join { {% Just a minor test file.} {puts A} {%<*bar>} {puts B} {%<*foo>} {puts [info exists baz]} } \n] tcltest::test docstrip::util::thefile-1.2 {thefile with wrong no. args}\ -setup { set Fname [tcltest::makeFile [ join { {% Just a minor test file (contents irrelevant).} {puts A} {%<*bar>} {puts B} {%<*foo>} {puts [info exists baz]} } \n ] test.txt] } -body { docstrip::util::thefile $Fname -translation binary -buffering } -cleanup { tcltest::removeFile $Fname } -returnCodes error tcltest::test docstrip::util::thefile-1.3 {thefile with args} -setup { set Fname [tcltest::makeFile "Dummy content to overwrite" test.xxx] set F [open $Fname w] fconfigure $F -translation binary puts -nonewline $F [encoding convertto utf-8 \u00E5\u00E4\u00F6] close $F } -body { docstrip::util::thefile $Fname -encoding utf-8 } -cleanup { tcltest::removeFile $Fname } -result \u00E5\u00E4\u00F6 testsuiteCleanup ## ## ## End of file `docstrip_util.test'.