## This is the file `docstrip.test',
## generated with the SAK utility
## (sak docstrip/regen).
## The original source files were:
## tcldocstrip.dtx (with options: `test tcllibtest')
## In other words:
## **************************************
## * This Source is not the True Source *
## **************************************
## the true source is the file from which this one was generated.
source [file join\
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]]\
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2
testing {useLocal docstrip.tcl docstrip}
variable docstrip_sources_dir [localPath {}]
tcltest::testConstraint docstripSourcesAvailable [expr {[
file exists [file join $docstrip_sources_dir docstrip.tcl]
] && [
file exists [file join $docstrip_sources_dir tcldocstrip.dtx]
tcltest::test docstrip-1.1 {code/comment line distinction} -body {
docstrip::extract [join {
{% comment}
{% more comment !"#$%&/(}
{some command}
{ % blah $blah "Not a comment."}
{% abc; this is comment}
{# def; this is code}
{% jkl}
} \n] {}
} -result [
join {
{some command}
{ % blah $blah "Not a comment."}
{# def; this is code}
{ghi} ""
} \n
tcltest::test docstrip-1.2 {blocks and nesting} -body {
set text [join {
} \n]
set res [docstrip::extract $text foo]
append res [docstrip::extract $text {foo bar}]
append res [docstrip::extract $text bar]
} -result [
join {
{end} ""
} \n
tcltest::test docstrip-1.3 {plusminus guards and metacomments} -body {
set text [join {
{% foo}
{%% some metacomment}
{%%another metacomment}
} \n]
set res [docstrip::extract $text foo -metaprefix {# }]
append res [docstrip::extract $text bar -metaprefix {#}]
} -result [
join {
{ foo}
{# some metacomment}
{# another metacomment}
{# some metacomment}
{end} ""
} \n
tcltest::test docstrip-1.4 {verbatim mode} -body {
set text [join {
{some stupid()}
{ #computer}
{ using*strange@programming}
} \n]
set res [docstrip::extract $text myblock -metaprefix {# }]
append res [docstrip::extract $text {}]
} -result [
join {
{some stupid()}
{ #computer}
{% These three lines are copied verbatim (including percents}
{%% even if -metaprefix is something different than %%).}
{ using*strange@programming}
{end} ""
} \n
tcltest::test docstrip-1.5 {annotation} -body {
set text [join {
{some stupid()}
{% #computer}
{ using*strange@programming}
} \n]
docstrip::extract $text {myblock foo} -metaprefix {# } -annotate 3
} -result [
join {
{begin} {. "" ""} 1 {}
{some stupid()} {. "" ""} 3 myblock
{ #computer} {+ % {}} 4 myblock
{% These three lines are copied verbatim (including percents}
{V "" ""} 6 myblock
{%% even if -metaprefix is something different than %%).}
{V "" ""} 7 myblock
{%} {V "" ""} 8 myblock
{ using*strange@programming} {. "" ""} 10 myblock
{# end} {M %% {# }} 12 {}
} \n
tcltest::test docstrip-2.1 {have docstrip extract itself} -constraints {
} -body {
# First read in the ready-stripped file, but gobble the preamble and
# postamble, as those are a bit messy to reproduce.
set F [open [file join $docstrip_sources_dir docstrip.tcl] r]
regsub -all -- {(^|\n)#[^\n]*} [read $F] {} stripped
close $F
# Then read the master source and strip it manually.
set F [open [file join $docstrip_sources_dir tcldocstrip.dtx] r]
set source [read $F]
close $F
set stripped2 [docstrip::extract $source pkg -metaprefix ##]
# Finally compare the two.
if {[string trim $stripped \n] ne [string trim $stripped2 \n]} then {
error "$stripped\n ne \n$stripped2"
tcltest::test docstrip-2.2 {soucefrom} -setup {
set dtxname [tcltest::makeFile [join {
{% Just a minor test file.}
{puts A}
{puts B}
{puts [info exists baz]}
{set baz 1}
{puts $baz}
{puts [file tail [info script]]}
{puts C}
"%% Tricky comment; guess what comes next\\"
{incr baz}
{puts "baz=$baz"}
} \n] te27st01.dtx]
} -body {
set baz 0
puts [info script]
docstrip::sourcefrom $dtxname {foo bar}
puts [info script]
docstrip::sourcefrom $dtxname {}
docstrip::sourcefrom $dtxname {bar}
puts $baz
} -cleanup {
tcltest::removeFile $dtxname
} -output [join [list\
[info script]\
{A} {B} {1} {1} {te27st01.dtx} {baz=2}\
[info script]\
{A} {2} {te27st01.dtx} {C} {baz=2}\
{A} {B}\
{2} ""
] \n]
## End of file `docstrip.test'.