# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for the comm module. # # Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors. # No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Tool Corp. # All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join [file dirname [file dirname [ file join [pwd] [info script]]]] devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 tcltest::testConstraint hastls [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}] support { # Using snit1 here, whatever the version of Tcl use snit/snit.tcl snit } testing { useLocal comm.tcl comm } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # First order of things is to spawn a separate tclsh into the background # and have it execute comm too, with some general code to respond to our # requests source [asset comm.slaveboot] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-1.0 {set remote variable} { ::comm::comm send [slave] {set foo b} } {b} test comm-1.1 {set remote variable, async} { ::comm::comm send -async [slave] {set fox a} } {} test comm-1.2 {get remote variables} { ::comm::comm send [slave] {list $foo $fox} } {b a} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set hack [interp create] test comm-2.0 {-interp configuration} { ::comm::comm configure -interp $hack } {} test comm-2.1 {-interp configuration} { ::comm::comm configure -interp } $hack test comm-2.2 {-interp configuration} { res! res+ [::comm::comm configure -interp $hack] [::comm::comm configure -interp] res+ [::comm::comm configure -interp {}] [::comm::comm configure -interp] res? } [list [list {} $hack] {{} {}}] test comm-2.3 {-interp configuration} { catch {::comm::comm configure -interp bad} msg set msg } {Non-interpreter to configuration option: -interp} test comm-2.4 {-interp configuration, destruction} { res! res+ [interp exists $hack] res+ [info commands FOO] comm::comm new FOO -interp $hack FOO destroy res+ [interp exists $hack] res+ [info commands FOO] res? } {1 {{}} 0 {{}}} set hack [interp create] set beta [interp create] test comm-2.5 {-interp configuration, destruction} { res! res+ [interp exists $hack] res+ [interp exists $beta] res+ [info commands FOO] comm::comm new FOO -interp $hack FOO configure -interp $beta FOO destroy res+ [interp exists $hack] res+ [interp exists $beta] res+ [info commands FOO] res? } {1 1 {{}} 1 0 {{}}} test comm-2.6 {-interp use for received scripts} { set FOO [::comm::comm send [slave] { set hack [interp create] interp eval $hack {set fox 0} comm::comm new FOO -interp $hack -listen 1 FOO self }] ; # {} comm::comm send $FOO {set fox 1} set res [comm::comm send [slave] { interp eval $hack {set fox} }] ; # {} comm::comm send [slave] {FOO destroy} set res } 1 test comm-2.7 {-interp use for received scripts} { set FOO [::comm::comm send [slave] { set hack [interp create] interp eval $hack {set fox 0} comm::comm new FOO -interp $hack -listen 1 FOO self }] ; # {} comm::comm send $FOO set fox 2 set res [comm::comm send [slave] { interp eval $hack {set fox} }] ; # {} comm::comm send [slave] {FOO destroy} set res } 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-3.0 {-events configuration} { ::comm::comm configure -events eval } {} test comm-3.1 {-events configuration} { ::comm::comm configure -events } eval test comm-3.2 {-events configuration} { res! res+ [::comm::comm configure -events eval] [::comm::comm configure -events] res+ [::comm::comm configure -events {}] [::comm::comm configure -events] res? } {{{} eval} {{} {}}} test comm-3.3 {-events configuration} { catch {::comm::comm configure -events bad} msg set msg } {Non-event to configuration option: -events} test comm-3.4 {-interp use for -events scripts, eval} { set FOO [::comm::comm send [slave] { set hack [interp create] interp eval $hack {set fox 0 ; set wolf 0} comm::comm new FOO -interp $hack -listen 1 -events eval FOO hook eval {set wolf 2} FOO self }] ; # {} comm::comm send $FOO {set fox 1} set res [comm::comm send [slave] { interp eval $hack {set wolf} }] ; # {} comm::comm send [slave] {FOO destroy} set res } 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-4.0 {async generation of result on remote side} { ::comm::comm send [slave] { proc future {} { set f [comm::comm return_async] after 3000 [list $f return "delayed $f"] return ignored } } ::comm::comm send [slave] {future} } {delayed ::comm::future1} test comm-4.1 {async reception of a result via callback} { set res {} proc foo {args} { array set tmp $args unset tmp(-id) unset tmp(-serial) global res ; lappend res [dictsort [array get tmp]] } ::comm::comm send -command foo [slave] {list $foo $fox} vwait res rename foo {} set res } {{-chan ::comm::comm -code 0 -errorcode {} -errorinfo {} -result {b a}}} test comm-4.2 {async generation/reception of results in parallel} { # Setup long running operations with async result generation. ::comm::comm send [slave] { proc future {n x} { set f [comm::comm return_async] after $n [list $f return "delayed $x"] return ignored } } # Setup async receiver callback. proc receive {args} { global res tick tock array set tmp $args unset tmp(-id) unset tmp(-serial) unset tmp(-chan) unset tmp(-code) unset tmp(-errorcode) unset tmp(-errorinfo) lappend res [dictsort [array get tmp]] incr tock -1 if {!$tock} {set tick .} return } # Execute two requests, the second of which is returns before the first. # The main point is that the server does process it due to first doing # an async return. set tick . set tock 2 set res {} ::comm::comm send -command receive [slave] {future 5000 A} ::comm::comm send -command receive [slave] {future 2500 B} vwait tick rename receive {} set res # B returned before A, A was sent before B } {{-result {delayed B}} {-result {delayed A}}} test comm-4.3 {bug 2972571, handling of \\ by Word0} { ::comm::comm send [slave] { proc foo {args} { return nothing } } ::comm::comm send [slave] {foo \\} } {nothing} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-5.0 {-port already in use} { # First start a server on port 12345 set port 12345 catch {set shdl [socket -server foo $port]} catch {::comm::comm new bar -port $port -listen 1 -local 0} msg catch {close $shdl} unset -nocomplain shdl port set msg } {couldn't open socket: address already in use} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-6.0 {secured communication via tls package} hastls { # Setup secured channel in main process. tls::init \ -keyfile [tcllibPath devtools/receiver.key] \ -certfile [tcllibPath devtools/receiver.crt] \ -cafile [tcllibPath devtools/ca.crt] \ -ssl2 0 \ -ssl3 0 \ -tls1 1 \ -require 1 comm::comm new BAR -socketcmd tls::socket -listen 1 # Setup secured channel in slave process ::comm::comm send [slave] { package require tls set fox dog } ::comm::comm send [slave] \ [list \ tls::init \ -keyfile [tcllibPath devtools/transmitter.key] \ -certfile [tcllibPath devtools/transmitter.crt] \ -cafile [tcllibPath devtools/ca.crt] \ -ssl2 0 \ -ssl3 0 \ -tls1 1 \ -require 1] set FOO [::comm::comm send [slave] { comm::comm new FOO -socketcmd tls::socket -listen 1 FOO self }] ; # {} # Run command interaction over the secured channel set res [BAR send $FOO {set fox}] # Cleanup, remove secured endpoints comm::comm send [slave] {FOO destroy} BAR destroy # Return result of the secured command set res } dog # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ test comm-cb9a7f0bfc {Ticket cb9a7f0bfc, hook eval code handling} -setup { ::comm::comm hook eval { return $buffer } } -body { ::comm::comm send [::comm::comm self] pid } -result pid # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ slavestop testsuiteCleanup return