#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # calendar.test -- # # Tests for [calendar::CommonCalendar] and # [calendar::GregorianCalendar] # # RCS: @(#) $Id: gregorian.test,v 1.6 2006/10/09 21:41:40 andreas_kupries Exp $ # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal calendar.tcl calendar } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TEST CASES # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unix epoch array set gregChange { ERA CE YEAR 1752 MONTH 9 DAY_OF_MONTH 14 } array set gregUnixEpoch { ERA CE YEAR 1970 MONTH 1 DAY_OF_MONTH 1 } set gregChangeJ [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay gregChange] set unixEpoch [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay gregUnixEpoch] if 0 { puts "Gregorian calendar was adopted in England on Julian Day $gregChangeJ" puts "Posix epoch is Julian day $unixEpoch" } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Procedure that tests EYMDToJulianDay, EYDToJulianDay, JulianDayToEYD, # and JulianDayToEYMD proc testCal { month day year } { global unixEpoch # Convert the requested date to seconds from the Posix epoch set seconds [clock scan $month/$day/$year -gmt true] # Convert to days from the Posix epoch set days [ expr { $seconds / 86400 }] # Test EYMDToJulianDay set dateIn(ERA) CE set dateIn(YEAR) $year set dateIn(MONTH) $month set dateIn(DAY_OF_MONTH) $day set dateIn(DAY_OF_YEAR) \ [string trimleft [clock format $seconds -gmt true -format %j] 0] set jcdOut [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay dateIn] if { $jcdOut - $unixEpoch != $days } { error "date $month/$day/$year julian day is $jcdout\ should be [expr $days + $unixEpoch]" } # Test JulianDayToEYMD and its internal call to JulianDayToEYD calendar::GregorianCalendar::JulianDayToEYMD $jcdOut dateOut foreach f {ERA YEAR DAY_OF_YEAR MONTH DAY_OF_MONTH} { if { [string compare $dateIn($f) $dateOut($f)] } { error "date $month/$day/$year field $f\ is $dateOut($f) should be $dateIn($f)" } } # Test EYDToJulianDay (possible because JulianDayToEYMD leaves # DAY_OF_YEAR set jcdOut2 [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYDToJulianDay dateOut] if { $jcdOut2 - $unixEpoch != $days } { error "date $month/$day/$year julian day is $jcdout2\ should be [expr $days + $unixEpoch]" } } # Procedure that tests EFYWDToJulianDay and JulianDayToEFYWD. Inputs are # fiscal year, week, day, calendar year, month, and day of month. Conversion # in both directions is tested. proc testISO { fy w d cy m dm } { set date(ERA) CE set date(FISCAL_YEAR) $fy set date(WEEK_OF_YEAR) $w set date(DAY_OF_WEEK) $d set dayNo [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EFYWDToJulianDay date] calendar::GregorianCalendar::JulianDayToEYMD $dayNo date2 if { $date2(YEAR) != $cy || $date2(MONTH) != $m || $date2(DAY_OF_MONTH) != $dm } { error "[info level 0]: bad date should be $cy-$m-$dm:\ year $date2(YEAR) month $date2(MONTH) day $date2(DAY_OF_MONTH)" } set date3(ERA) CE set date3(YEAR) $cy set date3(MONTH) $m set date3(DAY_OF_MONTH) $dm set dayNo [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay date3] calendar::GregorianCalendar::JulianDayToEFYWD $dayNo date4 if { $date4(FISCAL_YEAR) != $fy || $date4(WEEK_OF_YEAR) != $w || $date4(DAY_OF_WEEK) != $d } { error "[info level 0]: bad date should be $fy-W$w-$d: year $date4(FISCAL_YEAR) week $date4(WEEK_OF_YEAR) day $date4(DAY_OF_WEEK)" } } # Procedure that tests day-of-week-in-month for a given year-month-day. # Assumes that days of month are presented in order. proc testWeekInMonth { y m d } { global count lastYM if { ![info exists lastYM] || [string compare $lastYM [list $y $m]] } { set lastYM [list $y $m] for { set dw 0 } { $dw < 7 } { incr dw } { set count($dw) 0 } } set date(ERA) CE set date(YEAR) $y set date(MONTH) $m set date(DAY_OF_MONTH) $d set jd [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay date] calendar::GregorianCalendar::JulianDayToEYMWD $jd date2 set s [clock scan "$m/$d/$y" -gmt true] set dw [clock format $s -format "%w" -gmt true] if { $dw != $date2(DAY_OF_WEEK) } { error "JulianDayToEYMWD computed wrong day\ $date2(DAY_OF_WEEK) for $y-$m-$d should be $dw" } incr count($dw) if { $count($dw) != $date2(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH) } { error "JulianDateToEYMD computed wrong week\ $date2(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH) for $y-$m-$d\ should be $count($dw)" } foreach field {ERA YEAR MONTH DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH DAY_OF_WEEK} { set date3($field) $date2($field) } set jd2 [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMWDToJulianDay date3] unset date2 date3 if { $jd2 != $jd } { error "EYMDToJulianDate computed wrong day $jd2\ for $y-$m-$d should be $jd" } return } # Procedure that tests day-of-week-from-end-ofmonth for a given year-month-day. # Assumes that days of month are presented in reverse order. proc testWeekFromEndOfMonth { y m d } { global count lastYM if { ![info exists lastYM] || [string compare $lastYM [list $y $m]] } { set lastYM [list $y $m] for { set dw 0 } { $dw < 7 } { incr dw } { set count($dw) 0 } } set date(ERA) CE set date(YEAR) $y set date(MONTH) $m set date(DAY_OF_MONTH) $d set jd [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMDToJulianDay date] set s [clock scan "$m/$d/$y" -gmt true] set dw [clock format $s -format "%w" -gmt true] incr count($dw) -1 foreach field {ERA YEAR MONTH} { set date2($field) $date($field) } set date2(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH) $count($dw) set date2(DAY_OF_WEEK) $dw set jd2 [calendar::GregorianCalendar::EYMWDToJulianDay date2] if { $jd2 != $jd } { error "EYMWDToJulianDate computed wrong day $jd2\ for $y-$m-$d (week $count($dw), day $dw) should be $jd" } return } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- test calendar-1.1 {Julian Day converting to/from Gregorian year-month-day} { set n 0 for { set year 1902 } { $year < 2038 } { incr year } { # Test the first and last day of each month. Test 28 February # always, 29 February of leap years. testCal 1 1 $year testCal 1 31 $year testCal 2 28 $year if { $year % 4 == 0} { testCal 2 29 $year incr n } testCal 3 1 $year testCal 3 31 $year testCal 4 1 $year testCal 4 30 $year testCal 5 1 $year testCal 5 31 $year testCal 6 1 $year testCal 6 30 $year testCal 7 1 $year testCal 7 31 $year testCal 8 1 $year testCal 8 31 $year testCal 9 1 $year testCal 9 30 $year testCal 10 1 $year testCal 10 31 $year testCal 11 1 $year testCal 11 30 $year testCal 12 1 $year testCal 12 31 $year incr n 24 } set n } 3298 test calendar-2.1 {ISO date conversions} { # Test the first and last week of a 52- and 53-week year beginning on each # possible day of week testISO 2000 52 1 2000 12 25 testISO 2000 52 7 2000 12 31 testISO 2001 1 1 2001 1 1 testISO 2001 1 7 2001 1 7 testISO 2001 2 1 2001 1 8 testISO 2001 52 1 2001 12 24 testISO 2001 52 7 2001 12 30 testISO 2002 1 1 2001 12 31 testISO 2002 1 2 2002 1 1 testISO 2002 1 7 2002 1 6 testISO 2002 2 1 2002 1 7 testISO 2002 52 1 2002 12 23 testISO 2002 52 7 2002 12 29 testISO 2003 1 1 2002 12 30 testISO 2003 1 2 2002 12 31 testISO 2003 1 3 2003 1 1 testISO 2003 1 7 2003 1 5 testISO 2003 2 1 2003 1 6 testISO 2003 52 1 2003 12 22 testISO 2003 52 7 2003 12 28 testISO 2004 1 1 2003 12 29 testISO 2004 1 3 2003 12 31 testISO 2004 1 4 2004 1 1 testISO 2004 1 7 2004 1 4 testISO 2004 2 1 2004 1 5 testISO 2004 52 1 2004 12 20 testISO 2004 52 7 2004 12 26 testISO 2004 53 1 2004 12 27 testISO 2004 53 5 2004 12 31 testISO 2004 53 6 2005 1 1 testISO 2004 53 7 2005 1 2 testISO 2005 1 1 2005 1 3 testISO 2005 1 7 2005 1 9 testISO 2005 2 1 2005 1 10 testISO 2005 52 1 2005 12 26 testISO 2005 52 6 2005 12 31 testISO 2005 52 7 2006 1 1 testISO 2006 1 1 2006 1 2 testISO 2006 1 7 2006 1 8 testISO 2006 2 1 2006 1 9 testISO 2009 52 1 2009 12 21 testISO 2009 52 7 2009 12 27 testISO 2009 53 1 2009 12 28 testISO 2009 53 4 2009 12 31 testISO 2009 53 5 2010 1 1 testISO 2009 53 7 2010 1 3 testISO 2010 1 1 2010 1 4 testISO 2010 1 7 2010 1 10 testISO 2010 2 1 2010 1 11 } {} test calendar-3.1 {Day-of-week-in-month} { # Test each day of month for one month of each possible length # starting on each day of the week. foreach { y m l } { 2001 1 31 2001 11 30 2001 2 28 2001 3 31 2001 4 30 2001 5 31 2001 6 30 2001 7 31 2001 8 31 2001 9 30 2002 2 28 2002 3 31 2002 4 30 2003 2 28 2003 3 31 2003 4 30 2004 2 29 2004 9 30 2005 2 28 2006 2 28 2008 2 29 2009 2 28 2010 2 28 2012 2 29 2016 2 29 2020 2 29 2024 2 29 2028 2 29 } { for { set d 1 } { $d <= $l } { incr d } { testWeekInMonth $y $m $d } } concat } {} test calendar-3.2 {Day-of-week from end of month} { # Test each day of month for one month of each possible length # starting on each day of the week. foreach { y m l } { 2001 1 31 2001 11 30 2001 2 28 2001 3 31 2001 4 30 2001 5 31 2001 6 30 2001 7 31 2001 8 31 2001 9 30 2002 2 28 2002 3 31 2002 4 30 2003 2 28 2003 3 31 2003 4 30 2004 2 29 2004 9 30 2005 2 28 2006 2 28 2008 2 29 2009 2 28 2010 2 28 2012 2 29 2016 2 29 2020 2 29 2024 2 29 2028 2 29 } { for { set d $l } { $d >= 1 } { incr d -1 } { testWeekFromEndOfMonth $y $m $d } } concat } {} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup # Local Variables: # mode:tcl # End: