########################################################################## # TEPAM - Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager ########################################################################## # # doc_gen.test: # This file is part of the TEPAM Doc Gen's regression test. It validates # the generate and patch commands # # Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Drollinger # # Id: doc_gen.test ########################################################################## # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ########################################################################## source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 catch {namespace delete ::tepam::doc_gen} catch {namespace delete ::tepam} testing { useLocal tepam.tcl tepam useLocal tepam_doc_gen.tcl tepam::doc_gen } set Dir test_doc_dir makeDirectory $Dir ######## Declare the test procedures ######## tepam::procedure {display message} { -return - -short_description "Displays a simple message box" -description "This procedure allows displaying a configurable message box. It supports the following message types: * Info * Warning * Error Font, foreground and background colors are free selectable. Optionally, all messages can be logged in a log file." -args { {-mtype -default Warning -choices {Info Warning Error} -description "M. type"} {-font -type font -default {Arial 10 italic} -description "Message font"} {-level -type integer -optional -range {1 10} -description "Message level"} {-fg -type color -default black -description "Message color"} {-bg -type color -optional -description "Background color"} {-no_border -type none -description "Use a splash window style (no border)"} {-log_file -type file -optional -description "Optional message log file"} {text -type string -multiple -description "Multiple text lines to display"} } -example { display message "The document hasn't yet been saved!" display message -fg red -bg black "Please save first the document" } } { puts "display message:" foreach var {mtype font level fg bg no_border log_file text} { if {[info exists $var]} { puts " $var=[set $var]" } } } tepam::procedure {display status} { -return - -short_description "Displays the program status" -args { {-font -type font -default {Arial 10 italic} -description "Message font"} {-log_file -type file -optional -description "Optional message log file"} {text -type string -multiple -description "Multiple text lines to display"} } -example { display status "The program is in a critical state!" } } { puts "display status:" foreach var {font log_file text} { if {[info exists $var]} { puts " $var=[set $var]" } } } ######## Generate: Generate all formats ######## # Generate all documentation, do not check the validity of the generated doc at this location foreach Format {TXT POD HTML DT} { if {$Format=="DT"} { set DocStructureRegexp(display_message) {.*\[section "Arguments"\].*\[section "Example"\].*} set DocStructureRegexp(display) {.*\[section "Example"\].*} } else { set DocStructureRegexp(display_message) {.*Name.*Synopsis.*Description.*Arguments.*Example.*} set DocStructureRegexp(display) {.*Name.*Synopsis.*Description.*Example.*} if {$Format=="TXT" || $Format=="POD"} { set DocStructureRegexp(display_message) [string toupper $DocStructureRegexp(display_message)] set DocStructureRegexp(display) [string toupper $DocStructureRegexp(display)] } } test tepam::doc_gen.nhf.all.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure with sub-procedures, no h/f, $Format" \ -body {set Doc(nhf,display,$Format) [tepam::doc_gen::generate -format $Format display]} \ -result $DocStructureRegexp(display) \ -output "" -match regexp test tepam::doc_gen.nhf.single.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure without sub-procedures, no h/f, $Format" \ -body {set Doc(nhf,display_message,$Format) [tepam::doc_gen::generate -format $Format {display message}]} \ -result $DocStructureRegexp(display_message) \ -output "" -match regexp test tepam::doc_gen.hf.all.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure with sub-procedures, with h/f, $Format" \ -body {set Doc(hf,display,$Format) [tepam::doc_gen::generate -format $Format -header_footer display]} \ -result $DocStructureRegexp(display) \ -output "" -match regexp test tepam::doc_gen.hf.single.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure without sub-procedures, with h/f, $Format" \ -body {set Doc(hf,display_message,$Format) [tepam::doc_gen::generate -format $Format -header_footer {display message}]} \ -result $DocStructureRegexp(display_message) \ -output "" -match regexp test tepam::doc_gen.file.all.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure with sub-procedures, safed in file, $Format" \ -body {tepam::doc_gen::generate -dest_file $Dir/display__hf.$Format -format $Format -header_footer display} \ -result "$Dir/display__hf.$Format" -output "" test tepam::doc_gen.file.single.$Format "tepam::doc_gen::generate, procedure without sub-procedures, safed in file, $Format" \ -body {tepam::doc_gen::generate -dest_file $Dir/display_message__hf.$Format -format $Format -header_footer {display message}} \ -result "$Dir/display_message__hf.$Format" -output "" } ######## Check the documentation content ######## ######## That's all ######## ::tcltest::cleanupTests return ########################################################################## # Id: doc_gen.test # Modifications: # # Revision 1.1 2013/10/14 droll # * Initial checkin ##########################################################################