# -*- tcl -*-
# These tests are in the public domain
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

source [file join \
	[file dirname [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]] \
	devtools testutilities.tcl]

testsNeedTcl     8.5 ; # Virt channel support!
testsNeedTcltest 1.0

# Check if we have TclOO available.
tcltest::testConstraint tcloo [expr {![catch {package require TclOO}]}]

support {
    if {[tcltest::testConstraint tcloo]} {
	use virtchannel_base/memchan.tcl tcl::chan::memchan
    useLocalFile tests/support.tcl
testing {
    useLocal tar.tcl tar

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

test tar-stream {stream} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
    string length [read $chan1]
} -cleanup {
} -result 128000

test tar-pad {pad} -body {
    tar::pad 230 
} -result {282}

test tar-skip {skip} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
    tar::skip $chan1 10
    lappend res [read $chan1 10]
    tar::skip $chan1 72313
    lappend res [read $chan1 10]
} -cleanup {
} -result {{6 7 8 9 10} {07 13908 1}}

test tar-seekorskip-backwards {seekorskip} -constraints tcl8.6plus -setup setup1 -body {
    # The zlib push stuff is Tcl 8.6+. Properly restrict the test.
    zlib push gzip $chan1
    catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 -10 start} cres
    lappend res $cres
    catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 10 start} cres
    lappend res $cres
    catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 -10 end} cres
    lappend res $cres
    catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 10 end} cres
    lappend res $cres
    lappend res [read $chan1 10]
} -cleanup cleanup1 -match glob \
    -result [list \
		 {WHENCE=start not supported*} \
		 {WHENCE=start not supported*} \
		 {WHENCE=end not supported*} \
		 {WHENCE=end not supported*} \
		 {1 2 3 4 5 } \

test tar-header {header} -body {
    set file1 [dict get $filesys Dir1 File1]
    dict set file1 path /Dir1/File1
    set header [header_posix $file1]
    set parsed [string trim [tar::readHeader $header]]
    set golden "name /Dir1/File1 mode 755 uid 13103 gid 18103 size 100 mtime 5706756101 cksum 3676 type 0 linkname {} magic ustar\0 version 00 uname {} gname {} devmajor 0 devminor 0 prefix {}"
    set len [string length $parsed]
    foreach {key value} $golden {
	if {[set value1 [dict get $parsed $key]] ne $value } {
	    lappend res [list $key $value $value1]
} -result {}

test tar-add {add} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
    tar::create $chan1 [list $tmpdir/one/a $tmpdir/one/two/a $tmpdir/one/three/a] -chan
    seek $chan1 0
    lappend res {*}[tar::contents $chan1 -chan]
    seek $chan1 0
    lappend res [string trim [tar::get $chan1 $tmpdir/one/two/a -chan]]
} -cleanup {
} -result {tartest/one/a tartest/one/two/a tartest/one/three/a hello2}

test tar-bug-2840180 {Ticket 2840180} -setup {
} -body {
    tar::create $chan1 [list $tmpdir/[large-path]/a] -chan
    seek $chan1 0

    # What the package sees.
    lappend res {*}[tar::contents $chan1 -chan]
    close $chan1

    # What a regular tar package sees.
    lappend res [exec 2> $tmpfile.err tar tvf $tmpfile]
    join $res \n
} -cleanup {
} -match glob -result [join [list \
				 tartest/[large-path]/a \
				 "* tartest/[large-path]/a" \
				] \n]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

test tar-tkt-9f4c0e3e95-1.0 {Ticket 9f4c0e3e95, A} -setup {
    set tarfile [setup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95]
} -body {
    string trim [tar::get $tarfile 02]
} -cleanup {
    unset tarfile
} -result {zero-two}

test tar-tkt-9f4c0e3e95-1.1 {Ticket 9f4c0e3e95, B, } -setup {
    set tarfile [setup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95]
} -body {
    tar::get $tarfile 0b10
} -cleanup {
    unset tarfile
} -returnCodes error -result {Tar "tartest/t.tar": File "0b10" not found}

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------