# sasl.test - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts # # Tests for the Tcllib SASL package # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RCS: @(#) $Id: sasl.test,v 1.10 2008/01/29 00:51:39 patthoyts Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal sasl.tcl SASL } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SASLCallback {clientblob context command args} { upvar #0 $context ctx switch -exact -- $command { login { return "" } username { return "tester" } password { return "secret" } realm { return "tcllib.sourceforge.net" } hostname { return [info host] } default { return -code error "oops: client needs to write $command" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test SASL-1.0 {Check mechanisms preference sorting} { list [catch { set M $::SASL::mechanisms set ::SASL::mechanisms {} SASL::register TEST-1 10 client server SASL::register TEST-3 100 client SASL::register TEST-2 50 client set r [SASL::mechanisms] set ::SASL::mechanisms $M set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list TEST-3 TEST-2 TEST-1]] test SASL-1.1 {Check mechanisms type parameter} { list [catch { set M $::SASL::mechanisms set ::SASL::mechanisms {} SASL::register TEST-1 10 client server SASL::register TEST-3 100 client SASL::register TEST-2 50 client set r [list [SASL::mechanisms client] [SASL::mechanisms server]] set ::SASL::mechanisms $M set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list [list TEST-3 TEST-2 TEST-1] [list TEST-1]]] test SASL-1.2 {Check mechanisms preference minimum} { list [catch { set M $::SASL::mechanisms set ::SASL::mechanisms {} SASL::register TEST-1 10 client server SASL::register TEST-3 100 client SASL::register TEST-2 50 client set r [list [SASL::mechanisms client 50] [SASL::mechanisms client 80]] set ::SASL::mechanisms $M set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list [list TEST-3 TEST-2] [list TEST-3]]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test SASL-PLAIN-1.0 {} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism PLAIN \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "" set r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx set r } res] $res } [list 0 "\x00tester\x00secret"] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test SASL-LOGIN-2.0 {Check basic LOGIN operation} { list [catch { set r {} set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism LOGIN \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "VXNlcm5hbWU6" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "UGFzc3dvcmQ6" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list tester secret]] test SASL-LOGIN-2.1 {Check initial NULL challenge is ignored.} { list [catch { set r {} set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism LOGIN \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "VXNlcm5hbWU6" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "UGFzc3dvcmQ6" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list {} tester secret]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test SASL-CRAMMD5-3.0 {} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism CRAM-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "<1234.987654321@tcllib.sourceforge.net>" set r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list tester c7e3043702b782d70716bd1e21d6e2f7]] test SASL-CRAMMD5-3.1 {} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism CRAM-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "" set r1 [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "" set r2 [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx list $r1 $r2 } res] $res } {0 {{} {}}} test SASL-CRAMMD5-3.2 {} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism CRAM-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "<1234.987654321@tcllib.sourceforge.net>" set r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "" set r2 [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx list $r $r2 } res] $res } [list 1 "unexpected state: CRAM-MD5 has only 1 step"] test SASL-CRAMMD5-3.3 {} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism CRAM-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "<1234.987654321@tcllib.sourceforge.net>" set r1 [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "" set r2 [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx list $r1 $r2 } res] $res } [list 1 "unexpected state: CRAM-MD5 has only 1 step"] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test SASL-DIGESTMD5-4.0 {Basic check of DIGEST-MD5 operation} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism DIGEST-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "nonce=\"0123456789\",realm=\"tcllib.sourceforge.net\"" set r [split [SASL::response $ctx] ,] SASL::cleanup $ctx foreach thing $r { set x [split $thing =] set R([lindex $x 0]) [lindex [lindex $x 1] 0] } set A1 [SASL::md5_bin "tester:tcllib.sourceforge.net:secret"] set A2 "AUTHENTICATE:smtp/tcllib.sourceforge.net" set A3 [SASL::md5_hex "$A1:$R(nonce):$R(cnonce)"] set A4 [SASL::md5_hex $A2] set r [SASL::md5_hex "$A3:0123456789:$R(nc):$R(cnonce):auth:$A4"] string compare $r $R(response) } res] $res } [list 0 0] test SASL-DIGESTMD5-4.1 {Check initial empty challenge is accepted.} { list [catch { set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism DIGEST-MD5 \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "" SASL::step $ctx "nonce=\"0123456789\",realm=\"tcllib.sourceforge.net\"" set r [split [SASL::response $ctx] ,] SASL::cleanup $ctx foreach thing $r { set x [split $thing =] set R([lindex $x 0]) [lindex [lindex $x 1] 0] } set A1 [SASL::md5_bin "tester:tcllib.sourceforge.net:secret"] set A2 "AUTHENTICATE:smtp/tcllib.sourceforge.net" set A3 [SASL::md5_hex "$A1:$R(nonce):$R(cnonce)"] set A4 [SASL::md5_hex $A2] set r [SASL::md5_hex "$A3:0123456789:$R(nc):$R(cnonce):auth:$A4"] string compare $r $R(response) } res] $res } [list 0 0] test SASL-DIGESTMD5-4.2 "bug #1412021: ensure service used correctly" { list [catch { set service xmpp set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism DIGEST-MD5 -service $service \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "nonce=\"0123456789\",realm=\"tcllib.sourceforge.net\"" set r [split [SASL::response $ctx] ,] SASL::cleanup $ctx foreach thing $r { set x [split $thing =] set R([lindex $x 0]) [lindex [lindex $x 1] 0] } set A1 [SASL::md5_bin "tester:tcllib.sourceforge.net:secret"] set A2 "AUTHENTICATE:$service/tcllib.sourceforge.net" set A3 [SASL::md5_hex "$A1:$R(nonce):$R(cnonce)"] set A4 [SASL::md5_hex $A2] set r [SASL::md5_hex "$A3:0123456789:$R(nc):$R(cnonce):auth:$A4"] string compare $r $R(response) } res] $res } [list 0 0] test SASL-DIGESTMD5-4.3 "check for support of charset parameter" { list [catch { set service xmpp set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism DIGEST-MD5 -service $service \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "nonce=\"0123456789\",realm=\"tcllib.sourceforge.net\",charset=utf-8" array set p [SASL::DigestParameters [SASL::response $ctx]] SASL::cleanup $ctx info exists p(charset) } res] $res } [list 0 1] unset p ;# TODO convert to tcltest 2 test SASL-DIGESTMD5-4.4 "check parsing of spaces in params" { list [catch { set service xmpp set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism DIGEST-MD5 -service $service \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "nonce=\"0123456789\", realm=\"tcllib.sourceforge.net\", charset=utf-8" set r {} foreach {k v} [SASL::DigestParameters [SASL::response $ctx]] { lappend r $k } SASL::cleanup $ctx lsort $r } res] $res } [list 0 {charset cnonce digest-uri nc nonce qop realm response username}] test SASL-OTP-5.0 {Check basic OTP (otp-md5) operation} { list [catch { set r {} set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism OTP \ -callback [list SASLCallback 0]] SASL::step $ctx "" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::step $ctx "otp-md5 5 test5 ext" lappend r [SASL::response $ctx] SASL::cleanup $ctx set r } res] $res } [list 0 [list "\x00tester" "word:RIG ACRE TALL CALL OAR NEIL"]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: