# -*- tcl -*- # report.test: tests for the report structure. # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2022 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 support { use textutil/wcswidth.tcl textutil::wcswidth use struct/matrix.tcl struct::matrix } testing { useLocal report.tcl report } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace import ::report::report # styles ............................................................. test report-1.0 {styles introspection} { ::report::styles } {plain} test report-1.1 {styles introspection} { set result [list] lappend result [::report::styles] ::report::defstyle foo {a b} {bla} lappend result [::report::styles] ::report::rmstyle foo lappend result [::report::styles] set result } {plain {plain foo} plain} test report-2.0 {style definition errors} { catch {::report::defstyle} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::defstyle" "styleName arguments body" 0] test report-2.1 {style definition error} { catch {::report::defstyle foo} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::defstyle" "styleName arguments body" 1] test report-2.2 {style definition errors} { catch {::report::defstyle foo {}} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::defstyle" "styleName arguments body" 2] test report-2.3 {style definition errors} { catch {::report::defstyle foo {} {} bla} result set result } {wrong # args: should be "::report::defstyle styleName arguments body"} test report-2.4 {style definition errors} { catch {::report::defstyle plain {} {}} result set result } {Cannot create style "plain", already exists} test report-2.5 {style definition error} { catch {::report::defstyle foo {{a default} b} {}} result set result } {Found argument without default after arguments having defaults} test report-2.6 {style definition error} { catch {::report::defstyle foo {a {a b c}} {}} result set result } {Illegal length of value "a b c"} test report-2.7 {style definition error} { catch {::report::defstyle foo {a {}} {}} result set result } {Illegal length of value ""} test report-3.0 {style deletion errors} { catch {::report::rmstyle} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::rmstyle" "styleName" 0] test report-3.1 {style deletion errors} { catch {::report::rmstyle plain} result set result } {cannot delete builtin style "plain"} test report-3.2 {style deletion errors} { catch {::report::rmstyle foo} result set result } {cannot delete unknown style "foo"} test report-4.0 {style introspection error} { catch {::report::stylearguments} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::stylearguments" "styleName" 0] test report-4.1 {style introspection error} { catch {::report::stylearguments foo} result set result } {style "foo" is not known} test report-4.2 {style introspection error} { catch {::report::stylebody} result set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::stylebody" "styleName" 0] test report-4.3 {style introspection error} { catch {::report::stylebody foo} result set result } {style "foo" is not known} test report-4.4 {style introspection} { ::report::defstyle foo {a b} {bar} set result [list] lappend result [::report::stylearguments foo] lappend result [::report::stylebody foo] ::report::rmstyle foo set result } {{a b} bar} test report-4.5 {style introspection} { ::report::defstyle foo {a args} {bar} set result [list] lappend result [::report::stylearguments foo] lappend result [::report::stylebody foo] ::report::rmstyle foo set result } {{a args} bar} test report-4.6 {style introspection} { set result [list] lappend result [::report::stylearguments plain] lappend result [::report::stylebody plain] set result } {{} {}} # Define now two generally useful styles. # They are used in the following tests. # --------------------------------------- ::report::defstyle simpletable {} { data set [split "[string repeat "| " [columns]]|"] top set [split "[string repeat "+ - " [columns]]+"] bottom set [top get] top enable bottom enable } ::report::defstyle captionedtable {{n 1}} { simpletable topdata set [data get] topcapsep set [top get] topcapsep enable tcaption $n } ::report::defstyle bcaptionedtable {{n 1}} { simpletable topdata set [data get] topcapsep set [top get] topcapsep enable tcaption $n botdata set [data get] botcapsep set [bottom get] botcapsep enable bcaption $n } ::report::defstyle bdcaptionedtable {{n 1}} { simpletable topdata set [data get] topcapsep set [top get] topdatasep set [top get] topcapsep enable topdatasep enable tcaption $n botdata set [data get] botcapsep set [bottom get] botdatasep set [top get] botcapsep enable botdatasep enable bcaption $n } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- test report-5.0 {style application errors} { catch {report myreport 3 style} result set result } {wrong # args: report name columns ?"style" styleName ?arg...??} test report-5.1 {style application errors} { catch {report myreport 3 blarg foo ...} result set result } {wrong # args: report name columns ?"style" styleName ?arg...??} test report-5.2 {style application errors} { catch {report myreport 3 style foo} result set result } {style "foo" is not known} test report-5.3 {style application errors} { ::report::defstyle foo {a b} {} catch {report myreport 3 style foo} result ::report::rmstyle foo set result } {no value given for parameter "a" to style "foo"} # [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "foo" "a b" 0] test report-5.4 {style application errors} { ::report::defstyle foo {a b} {} catch {report myreport 5 style foo a b c d e} result ::report::rmstyle foo set result } {called style "foo" with too many arguments} test report-5.5 {style application} { report myreport 3 style simpletable set result [list] lappend result [myreport data get] lappend result [myreport top get] lappend result [myreport bottom get] lappend result [myreport topcapsep get] lappend result [myreport top enabled] lappend result [myreport bottom enabled] lappend result [myreport topcapsep enabled] myreport destroy set result } {{| | | |} {+ - + - + - +} {+ - + - + - +} {{} {} {} {} {} {} {}} 1 1 0} test report-5.6 {style application} { set result [list] ::report::defstyle foo {a b args} { # Hack to transfer information out of the safe interp to the # test environment. botcapsep set [list $a $b $args] } report mr 1 style foo A B ; lappend result [mr botcapsep get] mr destroy report mr 1 style foo A B C ; lappend result [mr botcapsep get] mr destroy report mr 1 style foo A B C D E ; lappend result [mr botcapsep get] mr destroy ::report::rmstyle foo set result } {{A B {}} {A B C} {A B {C D E}}} # reports ............................................................. test report-6.0 {report errors} { catch {report myreport} msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "report" "name columns args" 1] test report-6.1 {report errors} { catch {report myreport -5} msg set msg } {columns: expected integer greater than zero, got "-5"} test report-6.2 {report errors} { catch {report myreport 0} msg set msg } {columns: expected integer greater than zero, got "0"} test report-6.3 {report errors} { catch {report myreport foo} msg set msg } {columns: expected integer greater than zero, got "foo"} test report-6.4 {report errors} { catch {report set 4} msg set msg } "command \"set\" already exists, unable to create report" test report-6.5 {report errors} { report myreport 3 catch {report myreport 3} msg myreport destroy set msg } "command \"myreport\" already exists, unable to create report" test report-6.6 {report errors} { catch {report myreport 3 foo} msg set msg } {wrong # args: report name columns ?"style" styleName ?arg...??} # report methods ...................................................... test report-7.0 {report method errors} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport} msg myreport destroy set msg } "wrong # args: should be \"myreport option ?arg arg ...?\"" test report-7.1 {report errors} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport foo} msg myreport destroy set msg } "bad option \"foo\": must be bcaption, botcapsep, botdata, botdatasep, bottom, columns, data, datasep, justify, pad, printmatrix, printmatrix2channel, size, sizes, tcaption, top, topcapsep, topdata, or topdatasep" foreach {n m} { 8 tcaption 9 bcaption } { test report-$n.0 {captions} { report myreport 3 set result [myreport $m] myreport $m 5 lappend result [myreport $m] myreport $m 0 lappend result [myreport $m] myreport $m 0 lappend result [myreport $m] myreport destroy set result } {0 5 0 0} test report-$n.1 {captions} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $m -1] result myreport destroy set result } {size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got "-1"} test report-$n.2 {captions} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $m foo] result myreport destroy set result } {size: expected integer greater than or equal to zero, got "foo"} } test report-10.0 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size} result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_size" "name column ?size?" 1] test report-10.1 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size -1} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "-1" out of range} test report-10.2 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size foo} result myreport destroy set result } {column: syntax error in index "foo"} test report-10.3 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size 4} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "4" out of range} test report-10.4 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size end-5} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "end-5" out of range} test report-10.5 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size 0 foo} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "foo"} test report-10.6 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size 0 0} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "0"} test report-10.7 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport size 0 -4} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "-4"} test report-10.8 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 set result [myreport size 0] myreport size 0 5 lappend result [myreport size 0] myreport destroy set result } {dyn 5} test report-10.9 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 set result [myreport size 0] myreport size 0 5 lappend result [myreport size 0] myreport size 0 dyn lappend result [myreport size 0] myreport destroy set result } {dyn 5 dyn} test report-11.0 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport sizes 1} result myreport destroy set result } {Wrong # number of column sizes} test report-11.1 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport sizes {1 2 3 4}} result myreport destroy set result } {Wrong # number of column sizes} test report-11.2 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport sizes {2 0 dyn}} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "0"} test report-11.3 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport sizes {2 foo dyn}} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "foo"} test report-11.4 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport sizes {2 -5 dyn}} result myreport destroy set result } {expected integer greater than zero, got "-5"} test report-11.5 {column sizes} { report myreport 3 set result [list [myreport sizes]] myreport sizes {2 dyn 5} lappend result [myreport sizes] myreport destroy set result } {{dyn dyn dyn} {2 dyn 5}} test report-12.0 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad} result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_pad" "name column ?where? ?string?" 1] test report-12.1 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad -1} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "-1" out of range} test report-12.2 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad foo} result myreport destroy set result } {column: syntax error in index "foo"} test report-12.3 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad 4} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "4" out of range} test report-12.4 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad end-5} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "end-5" out of range} test report-12.5 {padding} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport pad 0 foo} result myreport destroy set result } {where: expected left, right, or both, got "foo"} test report-12.6 {padding} { report myreport 3 set result [list [myreport pad 0]] myreport pad 0 left myreport pad 0 right = lappend result [myreport pad 0] myreport pad 0 both _ lappend result [myreport pad 0] myreport destroy set result } {{{} {}} {{ } =} {_ _}} test report-13.0 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify} result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_justify" "name column ?jvalue?" 1] test report-13.1 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify -1} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "-1" out of range} test report-13.2 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify foo} result myreport destroy set result } {column: syntax error in index "foo"} test report-13.3 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify 4} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "4" out of range} test report-13.4 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify end-5} result myreport destroy set result } {column: index "end-5" out of range} test report-13.5 {justification} { report myreport 3 catch {myreport justify 0 bla} result myreport destroy set result } {justification: expected, left, right, or center, got "bla"} test report-13.6 {justification} { report myreport 3 set result [myreport justify 0] myreport justify 0 right lappend result [myreport justify 0] myreport justify 0 center lappend result [myreport justify 0] myreport destroy set result } {left right center} test report-14.0 {columns} { report myreport 3 set result [myreport columns] myreport destroy set result } 3 foreach {n template} { 15 top 16 topdatasep 17 topcapsep 18 datasep 19 botcapsep 20 botdatasep 21 bottom } { test report-$n.0 {separator templates} { report myreport 1 catch [list myreport $template] result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_tAction" "name template cmd args" 2] test report-$n.1 {separator templates} { report myreport 1 set result [myreport $template enabled] myreport destroy set result } 0 test report-$n.2 {separator templates} { report myreport 1 myreport $template enable set result [myreport $template enabled] myreport $template disable lappend result [myreport $template enabled] myreport destroy set result } {1 0} test report-$n.3 {separator templates} { report myreport 3 set result [list [myreport $template get]] myreport $template set {+ = + = + = +} lappend result [myreport $template get] myreport destroy set result } {{{} {} {} {} {} {} {}} {+ = + = + = +}} test report-$n.4 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template set {}] result myreport destroy set result } {template to short for number of columns in report} test report-$n.5 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template set {+ - + - + - + - +}] result myreport destroy set result } {template to long for number of columns in report} test report-$n.6 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template set] result myreport destroy set result } [list Wrong # args: myreport $template set template] test report-$n.7 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template get foo] result myreport destroy set result } [list Wrong # args: myreport $template get] test report-$n.8 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template bla] result myreport destroy set result } {Unknown template command "bla"} test report-$n.9 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 myreport top set {+ - + - + - +} catch {myreport top enable} result myreport destroy set result } {inconsistent verticals in report} } foreach {n template} { 22 topdata 23 data 24 botdata } { test report-$n.0 {data templates} { report myreport 1 catch [list myreport $template] result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_tAction" "name template cmd args" 2] test report-$n.1 {data templates} { report myreport 1 catch [list myreport $template enabled] result myreport destroy set result } "Cannot query state of data template \"$template\"" test report-$n.2 {data templates} { report myreport 1 catch [list myreport $template enable] result myreport destroy set result } "Cannot enable data template \"$template\"" test report-$n.3 {data templates} { report myreport 1 catch [list myreport $template disable] result myreport destroy set result } "Cannot disable data template \"$template\"" test report-$n.4 {data templates} { report myreport 3 set result [list [myreport $template get]] myreport $template set {+ + + +} lappend result [myreport $template get] myreport destroy set result } {{{} {} {} {}} {+ + + +}} test report-$n.5 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template set {}] result myreport destroy set result } {template to short for number of columns in report} test report-$n.6 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport data set {+ + + + +}] result myreport destroy set result } {template to long for number of columns in report} test report-$n.7 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template set] result myreport destroy set result } [list Wrong # args: myreport $template set template] test report-$n.8 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template get foo] result myreport destroy set result } [list Wrong # args: myreport $template get] test report-$n.9 {templates} { report myreport 3 catch [list myreport $template bla] result myreport destroy set result } {Unknown template command "bla"} } foreach {n template cap} { 25 topdata tcaption 26 botdata bcaption } { test report-$n.0 {consistency checking} { report myreport 3 myreport $template set {-+ + + +-} catch [list myreport $cap 1] result myreport destroy set result } {inconsistent verticals in report} } # report execution, i.e. the actual formatting of a matrix ............ test report-27.0 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 catch {myreport printmatrix} result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_printmatrix" "name matrix" 1] test report-27.1 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 3 catch {myreport printmatrix mymatrix} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy set result } {report/matrix mismatch in number of columns} test report-27.2 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 8 catch {myreport printmatrix mymatrix} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy set result } {report/matrix mismatch in number of columns} test report-27.3 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 myreport tcaption 3 myreport bcaption 4 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add rows 6 catch {myreport printmatrix mymatrix} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy set result } {matrix too small, top and bottom captions overlap} test report-27.4 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 ; # style plain set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {000VERSIONS: 2:8.4a31:8.4a31:8.4a3% 001CATCH return ok 7 13 53.85 002CATCH return error 68 91 74.73 003CATCH no catch used 7 14 50.00 004IF if true numeric 12 33 36.36 005IF elseif true numeric15 47 31.91 } test report-27.5 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 style simpletable set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {+---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used |7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif true numeric|15 |47 |31.91 | +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ } test report-27.6 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 style captionedtable 1 set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {+---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used |7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif true numeric|15 |47 |31.91 | +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ } test report-27.7 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 ; # plain myreport top set {-+ -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ +-} myreport topdata set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport topcapsep set {=+ *= + *= + *= + *= + *= +=} myreport data set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport bottom set {-+ - + - + - + - + - +-} myreport top enable myreport topcapsep enable myreport bottom enable myreport tcaption 1 myreport sizes {5 dyn 7 7 5} myreport pad 0 right myreport pad 1 both myreport pad 2 both myreport pad 3 both myreport pad 4 both myreport justify 0 center myreport justify 1 right myreport justify 2 right myreport justify 3 right myreport justify 3 right set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {-+-/-/-/+-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-+- | 000 | VERSIONS: | 2:8.4a3 | 1:8.4a3 | .4a3% | =+*=*=*=+*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*+= | 001 | CATCH return ok | 7 | 13 | 53.85 | | 002 | CATCH return error | 68 | 91 | 74.73 | | 003 | CATCH no catch used | 7 | 14 | 50.00 | | 004 | IF if true numeric | 12 | 33 | 36.36 | | 005 | IF elseif true numeric | 15 | 47 | 31.91 | -+------+------------------------+---------+---------+-------+- } test report-27.7.1 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 ; # plain myreport top set {-+ -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ +-} myreport topdata set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport topcapsep set {=+ *= + *= + *= + *= + *= +=} myreport data set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport bottom set {-+ - + - + - + - + - +-} myreport top enable myreport topcapsep enable myreport bottom enable myreport tcaption 1 myreport sizes {2 5 7 7 5} myreport pad 0 right myreport pad 1 both myreport pad 2 both myreport pad 3 both myreport pad 4 both myreport justify 0 center myreport justify 1 right myreport justify 2 right myreport justify 3 right myreport justify 3 right set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {-+-/-+-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-+- |00 | VERSI | 2:8.4a3 | 1:8.4a3 | .4a3% | =+*=*+*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*+= |00 | CATCH | 7 | 13 | 53.85 | |00 | CATCH | 68 | 91 | 74.73 | |00 | CATCH | 7 | 14 | 50.00 | |00 | IF if | 12 | 33 | 36.36 | |00 | IF el | 15 | 47 | 31.91 | -+---+-------+---------+---------+-------+- } test report-27.8 {formatting, rowheight > 1} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} report myreport 5 style captionedtable 1 set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {+---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used|7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif |15 |47 |31.91 | | |true numeric | | | | +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ } test report-27.9 {formatting, double-wide, colored} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 橡 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row [list 005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 \033\[1m47\033\[0m 31.91] report myreport 5 ; # style plain set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } "000VERSIONS: 2:8.4a31:8.4a31:8.4a3% 001CATCH return ok 7 13 53.85 002CATCH return error 橡 91 74.73 003CATCH no catch used 7 14 50.00 004IF if true numeric 12 33 36.36 005IF elseif true numeric15 \033\[1m47\033\[0m 31.91 " # And now all of above again, for printing into a channel. test report-28.0 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 catch {myreport printmatrix2channel} result myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_printmatrix2channel" "name matrix chan" 1] test report-28.1 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 ::struct::matrix mymatrix catch {myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy set result } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "::report::_printmatrix2channel" "name matrix chan" 2] test report-28.2 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 3 set f [open [makeFile {} dummy] w] catch {myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy close $f removeFile dummy set result } {report/matrix mismatch in number of columns} test report-28.3 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 8 set f [open [makeFile {} dummy] w] catch {myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy close $f removeFile dummy set result } {report/matrix mismatch in number of columns} test report-28.4 {formatting errors} { report myreport 5 myreport tcaption 3 myreport bcaption 4 ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add rows 6 set f [open [makeFile {} dummy] w] catch {myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f} result mymatrix destroy myreport destroy close $f removeFile dummy set result } {matrix too small, top and bottom captions overlap} test report-28.5 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep1] w] report myreport 5 ; # style plain myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep1] removeFile rep1 set res } {000VERSIONS: 2:8.4a31:8.4a31:8.4a3% 001CATCH return ok 7 13 53.85 002CATCH return error 68 91 74.73 003CATCH no catch used 7 14 50.00 004IF if true numeric 12 33 36.36 005IF elseif true numeric15 47 31.91} test report-28.6 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep2] w] report myreport 5 style simpletable myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep2] removeFile rep2 set res } {+---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used |7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif true numeric|15 |47 |31.91 | +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+} test report-28.7 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep3] w] report myreport 5 style captionedtable 1 myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep3] removeFile rep3 set res } {+---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used |7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif true numeric|15 |47 |31.91 | +---+----------------------+-------+-------+--------+} test report-28.8 {formatting} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep4] w] report myreport 5 ; # plain myreport top set {-+ -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ + -/ +-} myreport topdata set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport topcapsep set {=+ *= + *= + *= + *= + *= +=} myreport data set {{ |} | | | | {| }} myreport bottom set {-+ - + - + - + - + - +-} myreport top enable myreport topcapsep enable myreport bottom enable myreport tcaption 1 myreport sizes {5 dyn 7 7 5} myreport pad 0 right myreport pad 1 both myreport pad 2 both myreport pad 3 both myreport pad 4 both myreport justify 0 center myreport justify 1 right myreport justify 2 right myreport justify 3 right myreport justify 3 right myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep4] removeFile rep4 set res } {-+-/-/-/+-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-/-+-/-/-/-+- | 000 | VERSIONS: | 2:8.4a3 | 1:8.4a3 | .4a3% | =+*=*=*=+*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*=*+*=*=*=*+= | 001 | CATCH return ok | 7 | 13 | 53.85 | | 002 | CATCH return error | 68 | 91 | 74.73 | | 003 | CATCH no catch used | 7 | 14 | 50.00 | | 004 | IF if true numeric | 12 | 33 | 36.36 | | 005 | IF elseif true numeric | 15 | 47 | 31.91 | -+------+------------------------+---------+---------+-------+-} test report-28.9 {formatting, rowheight > 1} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep5] w] report myreport 5 style captionedtable 1 myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep5] removeFile rep5 set res } {+---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used|7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif |15 |47 |31.91 | | |true numeric | | | | +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+} test report-28.10 {formatting, rowheight > 1} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} set f [open [makeFile {} rep5] w] report myreport 5 style captionedtable 2 myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep5] removeFile rep5 set res } {+---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used|7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif |15 |47 |31.91 | | |true numeric | | | | +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+} test report-28.11 {formatting, rowheight > 1} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} set f [open [makeFile {} rep5] w] report myreport 5 style bdcaptionedtable 2 myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep5] removeFile rep5 set res } {+---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used|7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif |15 |47 |31.91 | | |true numeric | | | | +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+} test report-28.12 {formatting, rowheight > 1} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 68 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row {005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 47 31.91} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} report myreport 5 style bdcaptionedtable 2 set result [myreport printmatrix mymatrix] myreport destroy mymatrix destroy set result } {+---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |001|CATCH return ok |7 |13 |53.85 | |002|CATCH return error |68 |91 |74.73 | |003|CATCH no catch used|7 |14 |50.00 | |004|IF if true numeric |12 |33 |36.36 | |005|IF elseif |15 |47 |31.91 | | |true numeric | | | | +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ |000|VERSIONS: |2:8.4a3|1:8.4a3|1:8.4a3%| +---+-------------------+-------+-------+--------+ } test report-28.13 {formatting, double-wide, colored} { ::struct::matrix mymatrix mymatrix add columns 5 mymatrix add row {000 VERSIONS: 2:8.4a3 1:8.4a3 1:8.4a3%} mymatrix add row {001 {CATCH return ok} 7 13 53.85} mymatrix add row {002 {CATCH return error} 橡 91 74.73} mymatrix add row {003 {CATCH no catch used} 7 14 50.00} mymatrix add row {004 {IF if true numeric} 12 33 36.36} mymatrix add row [list 005 {IF elseif true numeric} 15 \033\[1m47\033\[0m 31.91] set f [open [makeFile {} rep1] w] report myreport 5 ; # style plain myreport printmatrix2channel mymatrix $f myreport destroy mymatrix destroy close $f set res [viewFile rep1] removeFile rep1 set res } "000VERSIONS: 2:8.4a31:8.4a31:8.4a3% 001CATCH return ok 7 13 53.85 002CATCH return error 橡 91 74.73 003CATCH no catch used 7 14 50.00 004IF if true numeric 12 33 36.36 005IF elseif true numeric15 \033\[1m47\033\[0m 31.91" testsuiteCleanup