# -*- tcl -*- # pt_pgen.test: Testing the parser generator, and the generated parsers. # Mainly for testing generated parsers for good and bad inputs. # # Copyright (c) 2014,2024 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join [ file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]] ] devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2 # Check if we have critcl and/or TclOO available. tcltest::testConstraint hcritcl [expr {![catch {package require critcl} m]}] tcltest::testConstraint htcloo [expr {![catch {package require TclOO}]}] # Note: Use constraint names which do not match implementation names for various packages. support { useAccel [useTcllibC] struct/stack.tcl struct::stack ; # User: pt::rde TestAccelInit struct::stack ; # (tcl) useAccel [useTcllibC] struct/sets.tcl struct::set TestAccelInit struct::set if {![package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.6 9]} { # Pull in try emulation for 8.5. Tcl 8.6 / 9 has it builtin. use try/try.tcl try } use snit/snit.tcl snit use fileutil/fileutil.tcl fileutil ;# tests/common use textutil/adjust.tcl textutil::adjust useLocal pt_util.tcl pt::util useLocal pt_astree.tcl pt::ast useLocal pt_pexpression.tcl pt::pe useLocal pt_pexpr_op.tcl pt::pe::op useLocal pt_pegrammar.tcl pt::peg useLocal pt_peg_container.tcl pt::peg::container useAccel [useTcllibC] pt/pt_rdengine.tcl pt::rde ; # User: pt::parse::peg TestAccelInit pt::rde ; # and: pt:peg::interp if {[tcltest::testConstraint tcloo]} { useLocal pt_rdengine_oo.tcl pt::rde::oo } useLocal pt_peg_interp.tcl pt::peg::interp useAccel [useTcllibC] pt/pt_parse_peg.tcl pt::parse::peg ; # User: pt::peg::from::peg TestAccelInit pt::parse::peg useLocal pt_peg_from_json.tcl pt::peg::from::json ; # Frontends: json, and PEG text form useLocal pt_peg_from_peg.tcl pt::peg::from::peg ; # useLocal pt_peg_to_container.tcl pt::peg::to::container ; # Backends: json, peg, container code, useLocal pt_peg_to_json.tcl pt::peg::to::json ; # param assembler, useLocal pt_peg_to_peg.tcl pt::peg::to::peg ; # useLocal pt_peg_to_param.tcl pt::peg::to::param ; # PARAM assembly, raw useLocal pt_peg_to_tclparam.tcl pt::peg::to::tclparam ; # PARAM assembly, embedded into Tcl useLocal pt_peg_to_cparam.tcl pt::peg::to::cparam ; # PARAM assembly, embedded into C useLocal pt_tclparam_config_snit.tcl pt::tclparam::configuration::snit ; # PARAM/Tcl, snit::type useLocal pt_tclparam_config_tcloo.tcl pt::tclparam::configuration::tcloo ; # PARAM/Tcl, TclOO class useLocal pt_cparam_config_critcl.tcl pt::cparam::configuration::critcl ; # PARAM/C, in critcl # Get the parser used by the converter, either the grammar # interpreter, or snit-based and spcialized to PEG. #useLocal pt_peg_container_peg.tcl pt::peg::container::peg #useLocal pt_peg_interp.tcl pt::peg::interp source [localPath tests/common] } testing { useLocal pt_pgen.tcl pt::pgen ;# Generator } set mytestdir data # Table of test cases ... # Id PEG InText Error detail Readable char set chars {} lappend chars 0 \{ \{ [list t \{] \{ lappend chars 1 \[ \[ [list t \[] \[ lappend chars 2 \" \" [list t \"] \" lappend chars 3 \\033 \033 [list t \33] lappend chars 4 \\n \n [list t \n] lappend chars 5 \\r \r [list t \r] lappend chars 6 \\t \t [list t \t] # \b, \f, \v - Extend PEG grammar to recognize. Also \e = \33 lappend chars 7 \\010 \b [list t \b] lappend chars 8 \\014 \f [list t \f] lappend chars 9 \\013 \v [list t \v] lappend chars 10 \\007 \a [list t \a] lappend chars 11 { } { } [list t { }] lappend chars 12 \\\\ \\ [list t \\] \\ # math symbol, circled asterix lappend chars 13 \\u229b \u229b [list t \u229b] \u229b # test all control characters ... (and DEL) # more characters: above ascii = unicode BMP. # Grammar for all test cases below, with the actual character mapped # in (replacing @). set gtemplate "PEG a_pe_grammar ('@') END;" set etemplate "Parse error at position 0 (Line 0, column 0).\n... X ...\n ^\nExpected one of\n* The character '@'\n" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Use critcl cache directories separated by Tcl version for the ## compile&run parsers generated by our test cases. if {[tcltest::testConstraint hcritcl]} { set old [critcl::cache] set cache [localPath .critcl-cache-pt-pgen-[info patchlevel]] file mkdir $cache critcl::cache $cache } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # While some of the C pieces are usually not required at runtime (like # C stack when RDE is also C), we are calling on the parser generator # here, which still may use a different implementation. So, no # shurtcuts, and full 16x expansion (2^4). TestAccelDo struct::set setimpl { TestAccelDo pt::parse::peg parseimpl { TestAccelDo pt::rde rdeimpl { TestAccelDo struct::stack stackimpl { source [localPath tests/pt_pgen.tests] } } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[tcltest::testConstraint hcritcl]} { critcl::cache $old file delete -force $cache } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestAccelExit struct::stack TestAccelExit pt::rde TestAccelExit pt::parse::peg TestAccelExit struct::set testsuiteCleanup return