source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 # Constraints depending on package availability tcltest::testConstraint have_tls [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}] tcltest::testConstraint have_twapi [expr {![catch {package require twapi}]}] puts "- have_tls = [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}]" puts "- have_twapi = [expr {![catch {package require twapi}]}]" # uri and base64 testing { useLocal autoproxy.tcl autoproxy } package require tcl::chan::memchan package require http # a custom memchan that simulates the connection to the proxy # the channel records the tls options and the http request info # these options are later checked in the test suites oo::class create proxy-simu { superclass ::tcl::chan::memchan::implementation variable options response constructor {args} { array set options { -tls-command {} -http-request {} -error {} -connect-used 0 } set response "hi there" next } method read {c n} { if {[regexp -nocase ^connect $options(-http-request)]} { set response "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\nProxy-Agent: tcllib test proxy\r\n\r\n" set options(-connect-used) 1 set options(-http-request) "" } set ans $response set response "" return $ans } method write {c newbytes} { foreach line [split $newbytes \n] { if {[regexp -nocase {^(get|post|connect).*http/} $line]} { set options(-http-request) [string trim $line] } if {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z_-]+):\s+(.*)} $line -> hdr val]} { set options(-http-$hdr) [string trim $val] } } set txt [array get options] set response "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: [string length $txt]\r\n\r\n$txt" return [string length $newbytes] } method configure {ch opt value} { set options($opt) $value } method cget {ch opt} { return $options($opt) } method cgetall {ch} { array get options } } proc optiondict {arglist} { set ans {} foreach opt $arglist val [lrange $arglist 1 end] { if {[string index $opt 0] eq "-"} { lappend ans $opt $val } } return $ans } tcltest::customMatch keyMatch keyMatch proc keyMatch {in out} { foreach {k v} $in { if {![dict exists $out {*}$k]} { puts "missing key '$k'" return false } elseif {![regexp $v [dict get $out {*}$k]]} { puts "bad value for key '$k'\n have >[dict get $out {*}$k]<\n must match $v" return false } } return true } proc extract-options {dict keys} { set ans {} foreach k $keys {} } if {![catch {package require tls}]} { rename socket socket.orig proc socket {args} { set ans [::chan create {read write} [proxy-simu new $args]] fconfigure $ans -socket-command $args return $ans } rename tls::socket tls::socket.orig proc tls::socket args { set ans [::socket {*}$args] fconfigure $ans -tls-command [list tls::socket {*}$args] foreach {opt val} [optiondict $args] { fconfigure $ans -tls$opt $val } return $ans } rename tls::import tls::import.orig proc tls::import {ch args} { fconfigure $ch -tls-command [list tls::import {*}$args] foreach {opt val} [optiondict $args] { fconfigure $ch -tls$opt $val } } rename tls::handshake tls::handshake.orig proc tls::handshake {s} {} rename tls::status tls::status.orig proc tls::status {args} {} } # Clear the autoproxy package state for each test proc packageReset {} { array set ::autoproxy::options { authProc "" basic "" no_proxy "" proxy_host "" proxy_port "" tls_package tls } package require http http::config -proxyhost "" -proxyport "" } test autoproxy-tls-1.1.0 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) without proxy" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl https://direct-connection.tcllib.test/bla] http::data $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -match keyMatch -result { -tls-command ^tls::socket -tls-servername direct-connection.tcllib.test -http-Host direct-connection.tcllib.test -http-request {^GET /bla HTTP/1.1} -connect-used 0 -socket-command direct-connection.tcllib.test } test autoproxy-tls-1.1.1 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) with proxy" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset autoproxy::configure -proxy_host proxy.tcllib.test -proxy_port 4319 } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl https://proxied-connection.tcllib.test/bla] http::data $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -match keyMatch -result { -tls-command ^tls::import -tls-servername proxied-connection.tcllib.test -http-Host proxied-connection.tcllib.test -http-request {^GET /bla HTTP/1.1} -connect-used 1 -socket-command {proxy.tcllib.test 4319} } test autoproxy-tls-1.1.1 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) with proxy and http proxy config" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset autoproxy::configure -proxy_host proxy.tcllib.test -proxy_port 4319 } -body { # this test targets bug # # if we add a regular http proxy it messes up the GET HTTP header (even though the # pure HTTP proxy is not actually used). http::config -proxyhost oxymoron.tcllib.test -proxyport 1943 http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl https://proxied-connection.tcllib.test/bla] http::data $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -match keyMatch -result { -tls-command ^tls::import -tls-servername proxied-connection.tcllib.test -http-Host proxied-connection.tcllib.test -http-request {^GET /bla HTTP/1.1} -connect-used 1 -socket-command {proxy.tcllib.test 4319} } test autoproxy-tls-1.1.3 "autoproxy::socket (no tls) with proxy" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset http::config -proxyhost proxy.tcllib.test -proxyport 4319 } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl http://proxied-connection.tcllib.test/bla] http::data $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -match keyMatch -result { -tls-command ^$ -http-Host proxied-connection.tcllib.test -http-request {^GET http://proxied-connection.tcllib.test/bla HTTP/1.1} -connect-used 0 -socket-command {proxy.tcllib.test 4319} } testsuiteCleanup # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: