# -*- tcl -*- # Tests for the find function. # # Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors. # No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2007-2015 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: traverse.test,v 1.3 2012/08/29 20:42:19 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.1 support { use control/control.tcl control use snit/snit.tcl snit useLocalFile find.setup } testing { useLocal traverse.tcl fileutil::traverse } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filters commands to record which callbacks were run. proc rec {x} { lappend ::rec $x return 1 } proc recx {args} { lappend ::rec $args return 1 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.0.0 {Traverse result, circular links, unix} -setup { f_setupcircle set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints unix -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.0.1 {Traverse result, circular links, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupcircle set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints win -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}]] test traverse-1.0.2 {Traverse result, unix} -setup { f_setup set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints unix -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.0.3 {Traverse result, windows} -setup { f_setup set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints win -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] # Find has to skip '{file 3}', in the sense that the path should be in # the output, but it cannot be expanded further, being a broken # link. Two tests, one for all versions of Tcl (8.2+), but only unix, # and one for windows, restricted to Tcl 8.4+. test traverse-1.0.4 {Traverse result, broken links, unix} -setup { f_setupbroken set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints unix -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.0.5 {Traverse result, broken links, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupbroken set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints win -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}]] test traverse-1.0.6 {Traverse result, circular links to base, unix} -setup { f_setupcircle2 set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}]] } -constraints unix -body { lsort [$t files] } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.1.0 {Traverse filter execution, circular links, unix} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -filter ::rec] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.1.1 {Traverse filter execution, circular links, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -filter ::rec] } -constraints tcl8.4plus -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}]] test traverse-1.1.2 {Traverse filter execution, unix} -setup { f_setup set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -filter ::rec] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.1.3 {Traverse filter execution, windows} -setup { f_setup set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -filter ::rec] } -constraints win -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.2.0 {Traverse prefilter execution, unix} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -prefilter ::rec] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec # Note: The link 'file 3' is _not_ run through the pre-filter, # because it is filtered out as already seen before it comes to # the pre-filter stage. } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] test traverse-1.2.1 {Traverse prefilter execution, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -prefilter ::rec] } -constraints win -body { $t files lsort $rec # Note: The link 'file 3' is _not_ run through the pre-filter, # because it is filtered out as already seen before it comes to # the pre-filter stage. } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] test traverse-1.2.2 {Traverse prefilter execution, all platforms} -setup { f_setup set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath {find 1}] -prefilter ::rec] } -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.3.0 {Traverse error execution, unix, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupnostat set rec {} set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath find3] -errorcmd ::recx] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy unset rec f_cleanupnostat } -result {} # traverse 1.3.x - error callback, all platforms - Not possible. We have # no win32 setup code for non-readable/non-accessible directories. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.4.0 {Traverse result, circular links, unix} -setup { f_setupcircle3 set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath z]] } -constraints unix -body { join [lsort [$t files]] \n } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup3 } -result [join [pathmap \ z z/a z/a/c z/a/c/g z/a/c/h z/a/c/h/e z/a/c/h/f \ z/a/c/i z/a/d z/b z/b/e z/b/e/g z/b/e/g/c z/b/e/g/d \ z/b/e/h z/b/e/i z/b/f] \n] test traverse-1.4.1 {Traverse result, circular links, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setupcircle3 set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath z]] } -constraints win -body { join [lsort [$t files]] \n } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup3 } -result [join [pathmap \ z z/a z/a/c z/a/c/g z/a/c/h z/a/c/h/e z/a/c/h/f \ z/a/c/i z/a/d z/b z/b/e z/b/e/g z/b/e/g/c z/b/e/g/d \ z/b/e/h z/b/e/i z/b/f] \n] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-1.5 {Traverse, relative base path, callback API} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set base [tempPath {find 1}] set bdir [file dirname $base] set base [file tail $base] set here [pwd] cd $bdir set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% $base -filter ::rec] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy cd $here unset rec bdir base here f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/file [1]}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file 3}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2/file* 2}]] test traverse-1.6 {Traverse, relative base path, callback API} -setup { f_setupcircle set rec {} set base [tempPath {find 1}] set bdir [file dirname $base] set base [file tail $base] set here [pwd] cd $bdir set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% $base -prefilter ::rec] } -constraints unix -body { $t files lsort $rec } -cleanup { $t destroy cd $here unset rec bdir base here f_cleanup } -result [list \ [tempPath {find 1}] \ [tempPath {find 1/find 2}]] # TODO: checking -error callback with ingoing relative basepath. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test traverse-2.0 {Traverse pathological circularity, unix} -setup { f_setup_crossindex set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath s]] } -constraints unix -body { join [lsort -dict [$t files]] \n } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup_crossindex } -result [join [pathmap \ s \ s/c \ s/c/t \ s/c/t/t0 \ s/c/t/t0/b \ s/c/t/t0/s \ s/c/t/t1 \ s/c/t/t1/b \ s/c/t/t1/s \ s/c/t/t2 \ s/c/t/t2/b \ s/c/t/t2/s \ s/d \ s/d/t0 \ s/d/t0/b \ s/d/t0/s \ s/d/t0/s/t0 \ s/d/t0/s/t1 \ s/d/t0/s/t1/b \ s/d/t0/s/t1/s \ s/d/t0/s/t2 \ s/d/t0/s/t2/b \ s/d/t0/s/t2/s \ s/d/t1 \ s/d/t1/b \ s/d/t1/s \ s/d/t1/s/t0 \ s/d/t1/s/t0/b \ s/d/t1/s/t0/s \ s/d/t1/s/t1 \ s/d/t1/s/t2 \ s/d/t1/s/t2/b \ s/d/t1/s/t2/s \ s/d/t2 \ s/d/t2/b \ s/d/t2/s \ s/d/t2/s/t0 \ s/d/t2/s/t0/b \ s/d/t2/s/t0/s \ s/d/t2/s/t1 \ s/d/t2/s/t1/b \ s/d/t2/s/t1/s \ s/d/t2/s/t2 \ ] \n] test traverse-2.1 {Traverse pathological circularity, windows, 8.4+} -setup { f_setup_crossindex set t [fileutil::traverse %AUTO% [tempPath s]] } -constraints win -body { join [lsort -dict [$t files]] \n } -cleanup { $t destroy f_cleanup_crossindex } -result [join [pathmap \ s \ s/c \ s/c/t \ s/c/t/t0 \ s/c/t/t0/b \ s/c/t/t0/s \ s/c/t/t1 \ s/c/t/t1/b \ s/c/t/t1/s \ s/c/t/t2 \ s/c/t/t2/b \ s/c/t/t2/s \ s/d \ s/d/t0 \ s/d/t0/b \ s/d/t0/s \ s/d/t0/s/t0 \ s/d/t0/s/t1 \ s/d/t0/s/t1/b \ s/d/t0/s/t1/s \ s/d/t0/s/t2 \ s/d/t0/s/t2/b \ s/d/t0/s/t2/s \ s/d/t1 \ s/d/t1/b \ s/d/t1/s \ s/d/t1/s/t0 \ s/d/t1/s/t0/b \ s/d/t1/s/t0/s \ s/d/t1/s/t1 \ s/d/t1/s/t2 \ s/d/t1/s/t2/b \ s/d/t1/s/t2/s \ s/d/t2 \ s/d/t2/b \ s/d/t2/s \ s/d/t2/s/t0 \ s/d/t2/s/t0/b \ s/d/t2/s/t0/s \ s/d/t2/s/t1 \ s/d/t2/s/t1/b \ s/d/t2/s/t1/s \ s/d/t2/s/t2 \ ] \n] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f_cleanall testsuiteCleanup return