# -*- tcl -*- # toc.test: tests for the doctools::toc package. # # Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2 support { use fileutil/fileutil.tcl fileutil ;# tests/common use struct/list.tcl struct::list use snit/snit.tcl snit use log/logger.tcl logger use pluginmgr/pluginmgr.tcl pluginmgr use struct/map.tcl struct::map useLocal structure.tcl doctools::toc::structure use doctools2base/nroff_manmacros.tcl doctools::nroff::man_macros source [tcllibPath doctools2base/tests/common] } testing { useLocalKeep export.tcl doctools::toc::export } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup_plugins # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test doctools-toc-export-1.0 {export object, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E export object } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::doctools::toc::export::Snit_hmethodexport_object type selfns win self obj ?format?"} test doctools-toc-export-1.1 {export object, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E export object O F XXX } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::doctools::toc::export::Snit_hmethodexport_object type selfns win self obj ?format?"} test doctools-toc-export-2.0 {export serial, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E export serial } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::doctools::toc::export::Snit_hmethodexport_serial type selfns win self serial ?format?"} test doctools-toc-export-2.1 {export serial, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E export serial S F XXX } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::doctools::toc::export::Snit_hmethodexport_serial type selfns win self serial ?format?"} test doctools-toc-export-5.0 {config names, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config names X } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::struct::map::I::Snit_methodnames type selfns win self"} test doctools-toc-export-6.0 {config get, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config get X } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::struct::map::I::Snit_methodget type selfns win self"} test doctools-toc-export-7.0 {config set, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config set } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::struct::map::I::Snit_methodset type selfns win self name ?value?"} test doctools-toc-export-7.1 {config set, wrong#args} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config set N V X } -cleanup { E destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::struct::map::I::Snit_methodset type selfns win self name ?value?"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test doctools-toc-export-12.0 {config set, define single var} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config set N V E config get } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {N V} test doctools-toc-export-12.1 {config set, define multiple vars} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config set N V E config set A B dictsort [E config get] } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {A B N V} test doctools-toc-export-12.2 {config set, as query} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V } -body { E config set N } -cleanup { E destroy } -result V test doctools-toc-export-13.0 {config unset, all} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V } -body { E config unset E config get } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {} test doctools-toc-export-13.1 {config unset, by exact name} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V E config set A B } -body { E config unset N E config get } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {A B} test doctools-toc-export-13.2 {config unset, by glob pattern} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V E config set N' V' E config set A B } -body { E config unset N* E config get } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {A B} test doctools-toc-export-14.0 {config names, empty} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config names } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {} test doctools-toc-export-14.1 {config names, with variables} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V E config set A B } -body { lsort -dict [E config names] } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {A N} test doctools-toc-export-15.0 {config get, empty} -setup { doctools::toc::export E } -body { E config get } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {} test doctools-toc-export-15.1 {config get, with variables} -setup { doctools::toc::export E E config set N V E config set A B } -body { dictsort [E config get] } -cleanup { E destroy } -result {A B N V} # toc_export tests, numbering starts at 20 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [localPath tests/export] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup return