# -*- tcl -*- # (c) 2002-2024 Andreas Kupries # # [expand] definitions to convert a tcl based manpage definition into # Wiki markup. # ################################################################ dt_source _common.tcl ; # Shared code proc fmt_postprocess {wiki} { # Strip empty lines out of the generated wiki source # and trim leading blanks, except in code samples. # set lines [list] set codeblock 0 foreach line [split $wiki \n] { if {![string compare $line "======"]} { set codeblock [expr {!$codeblock}] lappend lines $line continue } if {$codeblock} { lappend lines $line } else { if {[string match " |*" $line]} { # Verbatim / example lappend lines [string trimright $line] } elseif {[string match ". *" $line]} { # Verbatim / regular lappend lines [string range [string trimright $line] 1 end] } elseif {[regexp {^ \* .*} $line]} { # Itemized lists. lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]] } elseif {[string match " 1. *" $line]} { # Enumerated lists lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]] } elseif {[regexp "^ .*: " $line]} { # Definition list lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} $line] } elseif {[string match " *" $line]} { # Unwanted indentation lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trim $line]] } else { # Everything else lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]] } } } set wiki [join $lines \n] regsub {^[ ]+} $wiki {} wiki return [string trim $wiki]\n } ################################################################ ## Backend for *roff markup c_pass 1 fmt_manpage_begin {title section version} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_manpage_begin {title section version} { set module [dt_module] set shortdesc [c_get_module] set description [c_get_title] set hdr "" append hdr "'''$title $version'''" if {[string length $module]} { append hdr " '''$module'''" } if {[string length $shortdesc]} { append hdr " ''$shortdesc''" } append hdr \n append hdr \n append hdr "$description" append hdr \n return $hdr } c_pass 1 fmt_moddesc {desc} {c_set_module $desc} c_pass 2 fmt_moddesc {desc} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_titledesc {desc} {c_set_title $desc} c_pass 2 fmt_titledesc {desc} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_copyright {desc} {c_set_copyright $desc} c_pass 2 fmt_copyright {desc} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_manpage_end {} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_manpage_end {} { # Complete the generation with a copyright # section, if such information is available. set wiki "" set sa [c_xref_seealso] set kw [c_xref_keywords] set ca [c_xref_category] set ct [c_get_copyright] if {[llength $sa] > 0} { append wiki [fmt_section {SEE ALSO}] \n append wiki [join [lsort $sa] ", "] \n } if {[llength $kw] > 0} { append wiki [fmt_section KEYWORDS] \n append wiki [join [lsort $kw] ", "] \n } if {$ca ne ""} { append wiki [fmt_section CATEGORY] \n append wiki $ca \n } if {$ct != {}} { append wiki [fmt_section COPYRIGHT] append wiki ". " [join [split $ct \n] "\n. "] \n } return $wiki } proc fmt_section {name {id {}}} {return "\n\n**$name**\n\n"} proc fmt_subsection {name {id {}}} {return "\n\n***$name***\n\n"} # TODO: Modify behaviour depending on context (normal vs list) proc fmt_para {} {return \n} proc fmt_nl {} {return \n} c_pass 2 fmt_require {pkg vs} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_require {pkg vs} { foreach version $vs {append pkg " " $version} # @mdgen NODEP: ''' c_hold synopsis "package require '''$pkg'''\n" } c_pass 2 fmt_usage {cmd args} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_usage {cmd args} {c_hold synopsis " * $cmd [join $args " "]\n"} c_pass 2 fmt_call {cmd args} {return "[fmt_lst_item "$cmd [join $args " "]"]"} c_pass 1 fmt_call {cmd args} {c_hold synopsis " * $cmd [join $args " "]\n"} c_pass 1 fmt_description {id} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_description {id} { set result "" if {[set syn [c_held synopsis]] != {}} { append result [fmt_section SYNOPSIS] \n append result $syn \n\n } append result [fmt_section DESCRIPTION] return $result } ################################################################ global arglist set ::arglist 0 proc fmt_list_begin {what {hint {}}} { switch -exact -- $what { "arguments" { set ::arglist 1 return "\n\n+++" } default { return {} } } } proc fmt_list_end {} { if {$::arglist} { set ::arglist 0 return "\n+++\n\n" } return {} } proc fmt_bullet {} {return "\n\n * "} proc fmt_enum {} {return "\n\n 1. "} proc fmt_lst_item {text} {return "\n\n $text: "} proc fmt_cmd_def {command} {return "\n\n [fmt_cmd $command]: "} proc fmt_arg_def {type name {mode {}}} { set text "\n" append text [fmt_arg $name] append text " $type" if {$mode != {}} {append text " ($mode)"} return "${text} " } proc fmt_opt_def {name {arg {}}} { # if {[string match -* $name]} {set name \\-$name} set name [fmt_option $name] if {$arg != {}} {append name " $arg"} return "\n\n ${name}: " } proc fmt_tkoption_def {name dbname dbclass} { set text "\n\n" append text " Command-Line Switch:\t'''$name'''\n" append text " Database Name:\t'''$dbname'''\n" append text " Database Class:\t'''$dbclass'''\n" append text " * " return $text } ################################################################ global textmode set textmode "" # NOTE: The example_begin/end combo allows for the example # text to contain markup. The currently used verbatim # environment will cause show the wiki markup of the example, # instead of formatting per that markup. # # TODO: Strip internal markup from the example text, wiki cannot # handle such at all. proc fmt_example_begin {} { global mode_save textmode lappend mode_save $textmode set textmode example return "\n======\n" } proc fmt_example_end {} { global mode_save textmode set textmode [lindex $mode_save end] set mode_save [lrange $mode_save 0 end-1] return "\n======\n" } proc fmt_example {code} { set code [string map [list \\\\\n \\\n] $code] return "\n======\n$code\n======\n" } proc emph {text} {return ''$text''} proc strong {text} {return '''$text'''} proc fmt_arg {text} {return ''$text''} proc fmt_cmd {text} {return '''$text'''} proc fmt_emph {text} {return ''$text''} proc fmt_opt {text} {return ?$text?} proc fmt_comment {text} {return {}} proc fmt_sectref {text {label {}}} { if {![string length $label]} {set label $text} strong $text } proc fmt_syscmd {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_method {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_option {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_widget {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_fun {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_type {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_package {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_class {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_var {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_file {text} {return "\"[emph $text]\""} proc fmt_namespace {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_uri {text {label {}}} { if {$label == {}} { # No label is an inlined emphasized link. return $text } else { # Label in the text, link for it is hidden in an annotation. return "$text%|%$label%|%" } } proc fmt_image {text {label {}}} { # text = symbolic name of the image. # Alt: png, jpg, gif, which are then used during HTML # conversion. But unclear what the link is, to use for this. So, # keeping as text for the moment. set img [dt_imgdata $text {txt}] if {$img eq {}} { if {$label eq {}} { return "IMAGE: $text" } else { return "IMAGE: $text $label" } } return \n======\n$img\n======\n } proc fmt_term {text} {emph $text} proc fmt_const {text} {strong $text} proc fmt_mdash {} { return " --- " } proc fmt_ndash {} { return " -- " } ################################################################ # wiki specific commands proc fmt_plain_text {text} { # For the wiki we have to force certain text into a single line. # We also have to make sure that the text is on the same line as # the initiator (i.e. list bullet). global textmode if {"$textmode" == "example"} { set text [string map [list \\\\\n \\\n] $text] return "$text" } regsub -all "\[ \t\n\]+" $text { } text return $text } ################################################################