# -*- tcl -*- # # [expand] definitions to convert a tcl based manpage definition # into TMML. # # Copyright (C) 2001 Joe English . # Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Kupries # Freely redistributable. # # See also # # BUGS: # + Text must be preceded by [para] or one of the # list item macros, or else the output will be invalid. # ###################################################################### dt_source _common.tcl dt_source _xml.tcl ###################################################################### # Conversion specification. # # Two-pass processing. The first pass collects text for the # SYNOPSIS, SEE ALSO, and KEYWORDS sections, and the second pass # produces output. # c_holdBuffers synopsis see_also keywords variable block {section dd li desc} ;# block context elements proc fmt_nl {} { emptyElement br } proc fmt_arg {text} { wrap $text m } proc fmt_cmd {text} { wrap $text cmd } proc fmt_emph {text} { wrap $text emph } proc fmt_opt {text} { wrap $text o } c_pass 1 fmt_example_begin {} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_example_end {} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_example {code} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_example_begin {} { global inexample ; set inexample 1 sequence [xmlContext $::block] [start example] } c_pass 2 fmt_example_end {} { global inexample ; set inexample 0 end example } c_pass 2 fmt_example {code} { set code [string map [list \\\\\n \\\n] $code] sequence [xmlContext $::block] [wrap $code example] } global inexample set inexample 0 proc fmt_plain_text {text} { global inexample if {$inexample} { set text [string map [list \\\\\n \\\n] $text] } return $text } proc fmt_comment {text} {xmlComment $text} proc fmt_sectref {text {id {}}} { global SectionNames if {$id == {}} { set id [c_sectionId $text] } if {[info exists SectionNames($id)]} { return "[startTag ref refid $id]$text[endTag ref]" } else { return [wrap $text emph] } } proc fmt_syscmd {text} {wrap $text syscmd} proc fmt_method {text} {wrap $text method} proc fmt_option {text} {wrap $text option} proc fmt_widget {text} {wrap $text widget} proc fmt_fun {text} {wrap $text fun} proc fmt_type {text} {wrap $text type} proc fmt_package {text} {wrap $text package} proc fmt_class {text} {wrap $text class} proc fmt_var {text} {wrap $text variable} proc fmt_file {text} {wrap $text file} proc fmt_namespace {text} {wrap $text term} proc fmt_uri {text {label {}}} { # TMML ignores the label wrap $text url } proc fmt_term {text} {wrap $text term} proc fmt_const {text} {wrap $text l} proc fmt_mdash {} { return "[markup &]mdash;" } proc fmt_ndash {} { return "[markup &]ndash;" } c_pass 1 fmt_manpage_begin {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_manpage_begin {title section version} { set headInfo [list] foreach copyrightLine [split [c_get_copyright] "\n"] { lappend headInfo [emptyElement info key copyright value $copyrightLine] } # ... other metadata here if needed ... sequence \ [xmlComment [c_provenance]] \ [start manpage \ id [dt_fileid] \ cat cmd \ title $title \ version $version \ package [dt_module]] \ [wrapLines? [join $headInfo \n] head] \ [start namesection] \ [wrap $title name] \ [wrap [c_get_title] desc] \ [end namesection] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_moddesc {desc} {c_set_module $desc} c_pass 1 fmt_titledesc {desc} {c_set_title $desc} c_pass 1 fmt_copyright {desc} {c_set_copyright $desc} c_pass 2 fmt_moddesc {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_titledesc {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_copyright {desc} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_description {id} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_description {id} { sequence \ [xmlContext manpage] \ [wrapLines? [c_held synopsis] syntax synopsis] \ [start section id $id] \ [wrap "DESCRIPTION" title] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_section {name {id {}}} {c_newSection $name 1 end $id} c_pass 2 fmt_section {name {id {}}} { if {$id == {}} { set id [c_sectionId $name] } sequence \ [xmlContext manpage] \ [start section id $id] \ [wrap [string toupper $name] title] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_subsection {name {id {}}} {c_newSection $name 2 end $id} c_pass 2 fmt_subsection {name {id {}}} { if {$id == {}} { set id [c_sectionId $name] } sequence \ [xmlContext section] \ [start subsection id $id] \ [wrap [string toupper $name] title] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_para {} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_para {} { sequence [xmlContext section] [start p] } foreach {type gi} { itemized ul enumerated ol definitions dl arguments arglist commands commandlist options optlist tkoptions optionlist } { set listTypes($type) $gi lappend listGIs $gi } c_pass 1 fmt_list_begin {what {hint {}}} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_list_end {} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_list_begin {what {hint {}}} { variable listTypes sequence \ [xmlContext $::block] \ [start $listTypes($what)] \ ; } c_pass 2 fmt_list_end {} { variable listGIs sequence \ [xmlContext $listGIs] \ [end] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_bullet {} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_enum {} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_bullet {} { sequence [xmlContext {ul ol}] [start li] } c_pass 2 fmt_enum {} { sequence [xmlContext {ul ol}] [start li] } c_pass 1 fmt_lst_item {text} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_lst_item {text} { sequence \ [xmlContext dl] \ [start dle] \ [wrap $text dt] \ [start dd] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_arg_def {type name {mode {}}} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_arg_def {type name {mode {}}} { sequence \ [xmlContext arglist] \ [start argdef] \ [wrap $type argtype] \ [wrap $name name] \ [wrap? $mode argmode] \ [start desc] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_cmd_def {command} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_cmd_def {command} { sequence \ [xmlContext commandlist] \ [start commanddef] \ [wrap $command command] \ [start desc] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_opt_def {name {arg {}}} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_opt_def {name {arg {}}} { sequence \ [xmlContext optlist] \ [start optdef] \ [wrap $name optname] \ [wrap? $arg optarg] \ [start desc] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_tkoption_def {name dbname dbclass} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_tkoption_def {name dbname dbclass} { sequence \ [xmlContext optionlist] \ [start optiondef] \ [wrap $name name] \ [wrap $dbname dbname] \ [wrap $dbclass dbclass] \ [start desc] \ ; } c_pass 1 fmt_usage {cmd args} { c_hold synopsis [formatCall $cmd $args] } c_pass 2 fmt_usage {cmd args} NOP c_pass 1 fmt_call {cmd args} { c_hold synopsis [formatCall $cmd $args] } c_pass 2 fmt_call {cmd args} { sequence \ [xmlContext dl] \ [start dle] \ [wrap [formatCall $cmd $args] dt] \ [start dd] \ ; } proc formatCall {cmd arglist} { return "$cmd [join $arglist { }]" ;# OR: wrap "..." command } c_pass 1 fmt_require {pkg vs} { c_hold synopsis [formatRequire $pkg $vs] } c_pass 2 fmt_require {pkg vs} NOP proc formatRequire {pkg vs} { set result "package require [wrap $pkg package]" foreach version $vs {append result " $version"} return $result } # Note: TMML apparently has no support for category data inside of the document. c_pass 1 fmt_see_also {args} { holdWrapped see_also $args ref } c_pass 1 fmt_keywords {args} { holdWrapped keywords $args keyword } c_pass 1 fmt_category {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_see_also {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_keywords {args} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_category {args} NOP # holdWrapped -- # Common factor of [see_also] and [keywords]. # proc holdWrapped {buffer arglist gi} { foreach arg $arglist { c_hold $buffer [wrap $arg $gi] } return } c_pass 1 fmt_manpage_end {} NOP c_pass 2 fmt_manpage_end {} { sequence \ [xmlContext manpage] \ [wrapLines? [c_held see_also] seealso] \ [wrapLines? [c_held keywords] keywords] \ [end manpage] \ ; } #*EOF*