# -*- tcl -*- # # -- Extraction of meta information from a manpage (package # description), and associating it with package names. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Andreas Kupries # ################################################################ # Take the null format as a base and extend it a bit. dt_source fmt.null global data array set data {} proc fmt_numpasses {} {return 1} proc fmt_postprocess {text} { global data # Title in required packages => This is the sole package. # Otherwise dump everything required. if {[lsearch -exact $data(require) $data(title)] >= 0} { return [list $data(title) $data(shortdesc) $data(desc)] } else { set res {} foreach p $data(require) { lappend res [list $p $data(shortdesc) $data(desc)] } return [join $res \n] } } proc fmt_plain_text {text} {return ""} proc fmt_setup {n} {return} proc fmt_manpage_begin {title section version} { global data set data(title) $title set data(require) {} set data(desc) "" set data(shortdesc) "" return } proc fmt_moddesc {desc} {global data ; set data(shortdesc) $desc} proc fmt_titledesc {desc} {global data ; set data(desc) $desc} proc fmt_require {p vs} {global data ; lappend data(require) $p ; return} ################################################################