[emph "BEWARE"] The commands in this package expect binary data as their input. When a [option -file] is provided then this is ensured by the commands themselves, as they open the referenced file in binary mode. When literal data, or a [option -channel] are provided instead, then the command's [emph {caller is responsible}] for ensuring this fact. The necessary conversion command is [cmd {encoding convertto utf-8 $string}]. [para] [emph "ATTENTION"], there is a [emph "Tcl 9 COMPATIBILITY ISSUE"] here. [para] [emph {Tcl 8.x silently mishandles}] non-binary input by cutting it internally to size. I.e. by only using the low byte of a higher unicode point. No error is thrown, the [emph {result is simply wrong}]. [para] [emph {Tcl 9 throws an error}] instead, i.e. [example {expected byte sequence but character was ...}]