Welcome to the tcllib, the Tcl Standard Library. ================================================ Introduction ------------ This README is intended to be a guide to the tools available to a Developer working on Tcllib to help him with his tasks, i.e. making the tasks easier to perform. It is our hope that this will improve the quality of even non-released revisions of Tcllib, and make the work of the release manager easier as well. Audience -------- The intended audience are, first and foremost, developers beginning to work on Tcllib. To an experienced developer this document will be less of a guide and more of a reference. Anybody else interested in working on Tcllib is invited as well. Directory hierarchy and file basics ------------------------------------ The main directories under the tcllib top directory are modules/ examples/ and apps/ Each directory FOO under modules/ represents one package, sometimes more. In the case of the latter the packages are usually related in some way. Examples are the base64, math, and struct modules, with loose (base64) to strong (math) relations between the packages. Examples associated with a module FOO, if there are any, are placed into the directory examples/FOO Any type of distributable application can be found under apps/, together with their documentation, if any. Note that the apps/ directory is currently not split into sub-directories. Regarding the files in Tcllib, the most common types found are .tcl Tcl code for a package. .man Documentation for a package, in doctools format. .test Test suite for a package, or part of. Based on tcltest. .bench Performance benchmarks for a package, or part of. Based on modules/bench .pcx Syntax rules for TclDevKit's tclchecker. Using these rules allows tclchecker to check the use of commands of a Tcllib package X without having to scan the implementation of X, i.e. its .tcl files. Adding a new module ------------------- Assuming that FOO is the name of the new module, and T is the toplevel directory of the Tcllib sources (1) Create the directory T/modules/FOO and put all the files of the module into it. Note: * The file 'pkgIndex.tcl' is required. * Implementation files should have the extension '.tcl', naturally. * If available, documentation should be in doctools format, and the files should have the extension '.man' for SAK to recognize them. * If available the testsuite(s) should use 'tcltest' and the general format as used by the other modules in Tcllib (declaration of minimally needed Tcl, tcltest, supporting packages, etc.). The file(s) should have the extension '.test' for SAK to recognize them. Note that an empty testsuite, or a testsuite which does not perform any tests is less than useful and will not be accepted. * If available the benchmark(s) should use 'bench' and the general format as used by the other modules in Tcllib. The file(s) should have the extension '.bench' for SAK to recognize them. * Other files can be named and placed as the module sees fit. (2) If the new module has an example application A which is polished enough for general use, put this application into the file "T/apps/A.tcl", and its documentation into the file "T/apps/A.man". While documentation for the application is optional, it is preferred. For examples which are not full-fledged applications, a skeleton, or not really polished for use, etc., create the directory T/examples/FOO/ and put them there. A key difference is what happens to them on installation, and what the target audience is. The examples are for developers using packages in Tcllib, whereas the applications are also for users of Tcllib which do not have an interest in developing for and with it. As such, they are installed as regular commands, accessible through the PATH, and example files are not installed. (3) To make Tcllib's installer aware of FOO, edit the file T/support/installation/modules.tcl Add a line 'Module FOO $impaction $docaction $exaction'. The various actions describe to the installer how to install the implementation files, the documentation, and the examples. Add a line 'Application A' for any application A which was added to T/apps for FOO. The following actions are available: Implementation _tcl - Copy all .tcl files in T/modules/FOO into the installation. _tcr - See above, does it for .tcl files in subdirectories as well. _tci - _tcl + Copying of a tclIndex - special to modules 'math', 'control'. _msg - _tcl + Copying of subdir 'msgs' - special to modules 'dns', 'log'. _doc - _tcl + Copying of subdir 'mpformats' - special to module 'doctools'. _tex - _tcl + Copying of .tex files - special to module 'textutil'. The _null action, see below, is available in principle too, but a module without implementation does not make sense. Documentation _null - Module has no documentation, do nothing. _man - Process the .man files in T/modules/FOO and install the results (nroff and/or HTML) in the proper location, as given to the installer. Examples _null - Module has no examples, do nothing _exa - Copy the directory T/examples/FOO (recursively) to the install location for examples. Testing modules --------------- To run the testsuite of a module FOO in tcllib use the 'test run' argument of sak.tcl, like so: % pwd /the/tcllib/toplevel/directory % ./sak.tcl test run FOO or % ./sak.tcl test run modules/FOO To run the testsuites of all modules either invoke 'test run' without a module name, or use 'make test'. The latter assumes that configure was run for Tcllib before, i.e.: % ./sak.tcl test run or % ./sak.tcl test run % make test In all of the above cases the result will be a combination of progress display and testsuite log, showing for each module the tests that pass or failed and how many of each in a summary at the end. To get a detailed log, it is necessary to invoke 'test run' with additional options. First example: % ./sak.tcl test run -l LOG FOO This shows the same short log on the terminal, and writes a detailed log to the file LOG.log, and excerpts to other files (LOG.summary, LOG.failures, etc.). Second example: % ./sak.tcl test run -v FOO % make test > LOG This writes the detailed log to stdout, or to the file LOG, instead of the short log. In all cases, the detailed log contains a list of all test cases executed, which failed, and how they failed (expected versus actual results). Note: The commands % make test and % make test > LOG are able to generate different output (short vs long log) because the Makefile target contains code which detects that stdout has been redirected to a file and acts accordingly. Non-developers should reports problems in Tcllib's bug tracker. Information about its location and the relevant category can be found in the section 'BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK' of the manpage of the module and/or package. Module documentation -------------------- The main format used for the documentation of packages in Tcllib is 'doctools', the support packages of which are part of Tcllib, see the module 'doctools'. To convert this documentation to HTML or nroff manpages, or some other format use the 'doc' argument of sak.tcl, like so: % pwd /the/tcllib/toplevel/directory % ./sak.tcl doc html FOO or % ./sak.tcl doc html modules/FOO The result of the conversion can be found in the newly-created 'doc' directory in the current working directory. The set of formats the documentation can be converted into can be queried via % ./sak.tcl help doc To convert the documentation of all modules either invoke 'test run' without a module name, or use 'make html-doc', etc.. The latter assumes that configure was run for Tcllib before, i.e.: % ./sak.tcl doc html % make html-doc Note the special format 'validate'. Using this format does not convert the documentation to anything (and the sub-directory 'doc' will not be created), it just checks that the documentation is syntactically correct. I.e. % ./sak.tcldoc validate modules/FOO % ./sak.tcldoc validate Validating modules ------------------ Running the testsuite of a module, or checking the syntax of its documentation (see the previous sections) are two forms of validation. The 'validate' command of sak.tcl provides a few more. The online documentation of this command is available via % ./sak.tcl help validate The validated parts are man pages, testsuites, version information, and syntax. The latter only if various static syntax checkers are available on the PATH, like TclDevKit's tclchecker. Note that testsuite validation is not the execution of the testsuites, only if a package has a testsuite or not. It is strongly recommended to validate a module before committing any type of change made to it. It is recommended to validate all modules before committing any type of change made to one of them. We have package inter-dependencies between packages in Tcllib, thus changing one package may break others, and just validating the changed package will not catch such problems. Writing Tests ------------- While a previous section talked about running the testsuite for a module and the packages therein this has no meaning if the module in question has no testsuites at all. This section gives a very basic overview on methodologies for writing tests and testsuites. First there are "drudgery" tests. Written to check absolutely basic assumptions which should never fail. Example: For a command FOO taking two arguments, three tests calling it with zero, one, and three arguments. The basic checks that the command fails if it has not enough arguments, or too many. After that come the tests checking things based on our knowledge of the command, about its properties and assumptions. Some examples based on the graph operations added during Google's Summer of Code 2009. ** The BellmanFord command in struct::graph::ops takes a _startnode_ as argument, and this node should be a node of the graph. equals one test case checking the behavior when the specified node is not a node a graph. This often gives rise to code in the implementation which explicitly checks the assumption and throws a nice error. Instead of letting the algorithm fails later in some weird non-deterministic way. Such checks cannot be done always. The graph argument for example is just a command in itself, and while we expect it to exhibit a certain interface, i.e. set of sub-commands aka methods, we cannot check that it has them, except by actually trying to use them. That is done by the algorithm anyway, so an explicit check is just overhead we can get by without. ** IIRC one of the distinguishing characteristic of either BellmanFord and/or Johnson is that they are able to handle negative weights. Whereas Dijkstra requires positive weights. This induces (at least) three testcases ... Graph with all positive weights, all negative, and a mix of positive and negative weights. Thinking further does the algorithm handle the weight '0' as well ? Another test case, or several, if we mix zero with positive and negative weights. ** The two algorithms we are currently thinking about are about distances between nodes, and distance can be 'Inf'inity, i.e. nodes may not be connected. This means that good test cases are (1) Strongly connected graph (2) Connected graph (3) Disconnected graph. At the extremes of (1) and (3) we have the fully connected graphs and graphs without edges, only nodes, i.e. completely disconnected. ** IIRC both of the algorithms take weighted arcs, and fill in a default if arcs are left unweighted in the input graph. This also induces three test cases: (1) Graph will all arcs with explicit weights. (2) Graph without weights at all. (3) Graph with mixture of weighted and unweighted graphs. What was described above via examples is called 'black-box' testing. Test cases are designed and written based on our knowledge of the properties of the algorithm and its inputs, without referencing a particular implementation. Going further, a complement to 'black-box' testing is 'white-box'. For this we know the implementation of the algorithm, we look at it and design our tests cases so that they force the code through all possible paths in the implementation. Wherever a decision is made we have a test cases forcing a specific direction of the decision, for all possible directions. In practice I often hope that the black-box tests I have made are enough to cover all the paths, obviating the need for white-box tests. So, if you, dear reader, now believe that writing tests for an algorithm takes at least as much time as coding the algorithm, and often more time, then you are completely right. It does. Much more time. See for example also http://sqlite.org/testing.html, a writeup on how the Sqlite database engine is tested. An interesting connection is to documentation. In one direction, the properties you are checking with black-box testing are properties which should be documented in the algorithm man page. And conversely, if you have documentation of properties of an algorithm then this is a good reference to base black-box tests on. In practice test cases and documentation often get written together, cross-influencing each other. And the actual writing of test cases is a mix of black and white box, possibly influencing the implementation while writing the tests. Like writing test for 'startnode not in input graph' serving as reminder to put in a check for this into the code.