#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # -*- tcl -*- package require Tcl 8.5 9 # activate commands below for execution from within the pt directory set self [file normalize [info script]] set selfdir [file dirname $self] lappend auto_path $selfdir [file dirname $selfdir] # When debugging package loading trouble, show the search paths #puts [join $auto_path \n] # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### package require pt::pgen 1.0.3 package require pt::util package require fileutil package require try namespace eval ::pt::app { namespace export generate help namespace ensemble create } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### proc main {} { global argv argv0 errorInfo if {![llength $argv]} { lappend argv help } if {[catch { set status [::pt::app {*}$argv] } msg]} { set elines [split $errorInfo \n] if {[llength $elines] == 3} { if {[string match *unknown* $msg]} { #puts stderr "$argv0 $msg" ::pt::app help exit 1 } elseif {[string match {*wrong # args*} $msg]} { #puts $msg # Extracting the command name from the error message, # because there a prefix will have been expanded to # the actual command. OTOH would be a # possible prefix, without a properly matching topic. puts stderr Usage: ::pt::app help [lindex $msg 5 1] exit 1 } } set prefix {INTERNAL ERROR :: } puts ${prefix}[join $elines \n$prefix] exit 1 } exit $status } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### proc ::pt::app::helpHelp {} { return { @ help ?TOPIC? Provides general help, or specific to the given topic. } } proc ::pt::app::help {{topic {}}} { global argv0 if {[llength [info level 0]] == 1} { puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 command ...\n\nKnown commands:\n" foreach topic [Topics] { ::pt::app help $topic } } elseif {$topic ni [Topics]} { puts stderr "$argv0: Unknown help topic '$topic'" puts stderr "\tUse one of [linsert [join [Topics] {, }] end-1 or]" puts stderr "" } else { puts stderr \t[join [split [string map [list @ $argv0] [string trim [::pt::app::${topic}Help]]] \n] \n\t] puts stderr "" } return 0 } proc ::pt::app::Topics {} { namespace eval ::TEMP { namespace import ::pt::app::* } set commands [info commands ::TEMP::*] namespace delete ::TEMP set res {} foreach c $commands { lappend res [regsub ^::TEMP:: $c {}] } proc ::pt::app::Topics {} [list return $res] return $res } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### proc ::pt::app::generateHelp {} { return { @ generate PFORMAT ?-option value...? PFILE GFORMAT GFILE Generate data in format PFORMAT and write it to PFILE. Read the grammar to be processed from GFILE (assuming the format GFORMAT). Use any options to configure the generator. The are dependent on PFORMAT. Available GFORMATs are: json, peg, serial Available PFORMATs are: c, container, critcl, json, nx, oo, oo-sa, param, peg, snit, snit-sa, tea The -sa formats inline the required runtime package into the result. } } proc ::pt::app::generate {args} { # args = parserformat ?...? parserfile grammarformat grammarfile if {[llength $args] < 4} { # Just enough that the help code can extract the method name return -code error "wrong # args, should be \"@ generate ...\"" } set args [lassign $args parserformat] lassign [lrange $args end-2 end] \ parserfile grammarformat grammarfile set args [Template [lrange $args 0 end-3]] lappend args -file $grammarfile puts "Reading $grammarformat $grammarfile ..." set grammar [fileutil::cat $grammarfile] puts "Generating a $parserformat parser ..." try { set parser [::pt::pgen $grammarformat $grammar $parserformat {*}$args] } trap {PT RDE SYNTAX} {e o} { puts [pt::util error2readable $e $grammar] return 1 } puts "Saving to $parserfile ..." fileutil::writeFile $parserfile $parser puts OK return 0 } # Lift template specifications from file paths to the file's contents. proc ::pt::app::Template {optiondict} { set res {} foreach {option value} $optiondict { if {$option eq "-template"} { set value [fileutil::cat $value] } lappend res $option $value } return $res } # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### main exit